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Assalamualaikum wr wb.

allow me to introduce myself, my name is Naylah Mahdiyyah Mulia Baharuddin

from class X SCIENCE 7.

The Krasue

it likely originates from folklore. In Thailand, the Krasue is believed to be a cursed individual (usually
a female) who engaged in various sins and fraudulent conducts during her previous life. After she
dies, her sins cause her to be reborn as a phuti (Thai: ภูติ) that has to live off wasted, uncooked or
rotten food.

Centuries ago, the Angkor Empire had lost a battle to the Siamese army. As part of the agreement, the
Khmer princess Tarawatee was to be wed to a powerful Siamese nobleman. But, like in most tales such
as these she was in love with another. A young soldier who fought in the war.

One night, the nobleman caught the princess and the soldier. Enraged, he sentenced the princess to
death by burning whilst the soilder was to be decapitated.

“You traitor! I wish to see you no more. May you immerse in the flaming hot glaze of the fire”

Princess Tarawatee refuses to accept the consequences of her sinful actions, to see another man
whilst already being in a marriage. Afraid for her life, the princess retorts to witchcraft. When
everything goes wrong and good is no longer on your side and the angles have turned their back on you,
you turn to the devil for help. Princess Tarawatee went to a sorceress and asked her for magic to help
her survive the flames. The sorceress gave her a potion to drink, that would protect her body from

“Here, child. Drink this before you are to be set on fire. It shall protect you from it”

Before being tied to the stake, the princess did as the witch told. She downed the enchanted elixir in one
gulp. Confident in the witch’s potion, she did not put up a fight. However, the potion needed much more
time to take full effect. The princess screamed in pain and terror as the fire engulfs her body. She felt
intense agony as she watched her body reduces to nothing more than a head with pendulous intestines.

Princess Tarawatee was now doomed to spend eternity as The Krasue (The floating head). She is under a
curse that makes her have an endless hunger- one that can only be satisfied by raw flesh. She flies
around after dark, on the hunt for her next meal to satisfy her gluttony. She may attack a cattle or
chickens in the night, drinking their blood and eating their internal organs. But her favorite meal, you
ask, is the placenta. And so she goes on an adventure to find the homes of pregnant women in labor,
hoping to suck the live within the womb with her long tongue. You can protect yourself from the Krasue
by placing thorny branches or spiked fences around your home. The Krasue will be too scared to pass,
afraid she might get stuck. But, she’ll find another way. Beware the hunger of the Krasue
Yet her words fall death on their ears

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