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Further Than Fillory 2nd Edition

By Catherine Gilbert

Art by Waxanie, Dee Campbell, Catherine Gilbert,, Annah Kennedy, Dave Macleod and JLS
Edition and corrections: Lexi and Seth Day

A special thank you to the players in the podcast, Further Than Fillory: the podcast who
have been play testing the first edition and helped me with the building of the second. You
guys have been an anchor and deeply inspiring. I can't wait to start the second season
with this edition!

Of course thank you lev Grossman for

creating a world that, to many of us,
feel like home,

This second version could not have

happened without the contributions of
theses amazing fillorians:
Aaron H, Ally Dunlap, Anastasia Okuonghae,
Andrea Abraham, Caitlin Kagawa, Cameron
Makkle Miller, Christ Striker, Christin Cassano,
David Brown, Dee Campbell, Dorothy Lee, Dutch,
Elaina Dunbar, Elliot Waugh, Eloathane, Emily
Garcia, Eric Harlacher, Erica Freeman, Espen
Borgen, Hannah Paige, Heike Austermann, Ian
McFarlin, Inanna Gabriel, Isabelle Gilbert, Jake
Samuels, Jeff Harden, John Doyle, Kelly
Batchelor, Kenn Hogentogler, Kiera Exley,
Kristoffer Kjos-Kendall, Lea Hamelin-Couture,
Lucas Elliott, Luis Sanchez, Marc-Anothny
Taylor, Marijke Lange, Nymphaea, Paulsilver, Per
Stalby, Rachel Dickinson, Rob Enzlin, Samantha
Watterson, Skylar Mathews, Tanya Hawkins,
Timothy, Tuva Skjaevik, Wynter Dorr, Zax

And a royal thank you to:

Carol Day-Nelson, Cassandra Lee, Jake, Kate
Allen, Ken Nihart, Regan Walden, Ronen, Travis
Case DeJong

Introduction 1
The Magicians 1
Tabletop Roleplaying Game 1
Chapter 1 3
Part I—Determining the Ability Score 3
Part II: Determining Hit Points 4
Part III: Race 4
Races of Earth 6
Humans 6
Vampires 8
Werewolves 10
Librarians 12
Races of Fillory 14
Fillorians 14
Fairies 16
Talking Animals 18
Tradesmen 20
Races Achievable Only During the Game Play 22
Niffin 22
How to Play a Niffin 23
Particularity of play this race 25
Gods and Goddess 27
How to Play a God or Goddess 28
Particularity of Playing This Race 30
Part IV: Magical Aptitude (MA) 32
Magician 32
Hedge Witch 33
Muggle (Or Non-Magical Character) 35
With Magical Training 36
Born With Magic 37
Part V: Specializations 38
Choosing a Specialization 38
Disciplines 39
Choosing a Specialization 46
Part VI: Flaws 51
Part VII- Equipment 53
Money 53
Weapons and Armour 54

Chapter 2 56
Part I—Important mechanics 56
Dice Rolling and Their Meanings 56
Modifiers 57
Advantage and Disadvantage 58
Saving Throws 58
Ability Check 58
Passive Check 59
Abilities 59
Resting 61
Inspiration Points 61
Part II—Combat 62
Initiative 62
What’s In a Turn 62
Surprise Attack 63
Fleeing 63
Taking Damage 63
Part III—Spells 65
Spells and Incantations 65
Magical Points 66
Verbal and Non-Verbal Spells 66
Area of Effect 67
Cooperative Spells 67
Over-Spelling Yourself 68
Part IV—Level 69
Part V- Push 74
Part VI-Welters 77
How To Play the Game 77
Chapter 3 79
Part I—Magic 79
Human Magic 79
God Magic 80
Dragon Magic 81
Fairy Magic 82
Magic Cast by Creatures 83
Part II — Other Types of Magic 83
The Seven Golden Keys 83
Part III—Earth 86
Brakebills 87
Hedge Witches 91
Lovelady 93
Ibiza 93
Magician Camp 93
The Plover House 93

Part III.I 94
Fillory and Further: the Books and the Truth 94
The Books 94
The Truth 95
Part IV—Fillory 97
Ember and Umber 97
The Wellspring 98
The Beast 99
The Watcherwoman 100
Castle Whitespire 103
The Monarchy 104
Fillorian Mourning Ritual 107
Fillorian Songs and Games 107
The Drowned Garden 109
The Secret Sea 109
Castle Blackspire 109
Loria 110
Fillorians United (FU) 111
Creatures 111
Fairies 111
Talking Animals 114
Questing Beasts 115
The Bunny System 116
The Southern Nomad 116
Part V — The Neitherlands 119
The Library 120
The Order of The Library 122
Part VI — The Underworld 124
The Room of “Secrets Taken to the Grave” 125
Elysium 125
Tartarus 126
Part VII — The Mirror Realm 126
Part VIII — Realm of The Gods 128
The Four Librarians That Became Gods 128
The Binder 128
The Twin Monsters 129
Part IX- Incorporeal places 132
Astral Plane 132
The Happy Place and the Remembrance 132

Cantrips 134
Spells 137
Appendix 1: Character Sheet 142
Appendix 2: D100 Niffin Outcome 145
Appendix 3: Circumstance Ideas for Welters 148
Appendix 4: The Tale of the Seven Keys 149
Appendix 5: The Binder Story 153
Appendix 6: Spells 155
References 186

The Magicians
The Magicians is a book trilogy written by Lev Grossman (2009) and adapted to television by

SYFY in 2015. It follows Quentin Coldwater, a depressive genius who is accepted into a magical

school in New York. There, he meets many friends and learns to be a magician. His childhood

friend, Julia Wicker, was not accepted and yet remembers that magic is real. Through her

storyline, we see the illegal way to learn and create magic.

Through a series of unfortunate events, Julia, Quentin and his friends discover a way to go to

the world presented in his favourite fantasy book: Fillory. There, they learn that magic isn’t a

solution for everything and has a cost.1

Tabletop Roleplaying Game

Mostly known under the name of Dungeons & Dragons (DnD), which stood as one of the first

tabletop role-playing games, DnD is now both used as a noun and as a brand. Tabletop role-

playing games started in the mid 1960s and have evolved through the years to be the

worldwide phenomenon we know now. The fifth edition of DnD now being used evolved as

new media emerged and is now mixed with podcasts or with Twitch, both allowing spectators

to listen to the player’s adventures.

Of course, there is more than one type of tabletop roleplaying system (RPG) and they have

different ways of being played, creating adventures and even impacting the characters. Bigger

names include Pathfinder, Shadowrun, Vampire: The Masquerade and World of Darkness.

1 All content is based on season four, as when I wrote this book, season five was in production and had not yet been aired.

Much like a radio drama, the game is based on relating a story through talking. From the Game

Master (GM) who describes the damp and dark forest to the players who decided to investigate

the light in the middle of a pond, it is by talking that the story goes forward. Imagination,

willingness to take risks and fun are the main ingredients to have a true RPG experience.

The mechanic of being a GM or a player is unique to each system. In this book, you will learn

the Fillorian system. Created by Catherine Gilbert in 2018, it is based mostly on the fifth edition

of Dungeons and Dragons, GURPS and on the Broomstix and Kauldronz system created for

Harry Potter RPG.

Needed to play

★ Character sheet (template at the end)

★ Pencils and eraser

★ Deck of 54 cards

★ Set of dice (1d4,1d6,1d8,1d10,1d20,1d100)

Chapter 1
Building Your Character
When building your character the first question you have to ask yourself is what kind of

character you want to play. There is more to it than race. In this chapter, we will create the

player’s characters. This will serve as a base and will evolve through the game as levels will be

gained and therefore, stronger powers are acquired.

PartI—Determining the Ability Score

There are six major ability scores which cover all the other skills a character can have: Strength,

Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. They will be fully explained in the

How to Play chapter. Those abilities are important, as they show an overview of what the

character values, like intelligence over strength, for example.

To know your ability’ score, roll 1d10 four times. Take the highest score and write it next to your

first ability. Repeat for all of them. For example, if a player rolls to know their Dexterity and

rolls 3, 4, 1, and 5, their dexterity score will be 5.

The rest of this chapter may add a positive or a negative bonus. It is important to write them

next to the ability score and to always add them up when you roll for an ability.

Example: A character has a 5 in dexterity and one of the character traits they chose gave them

a bonus of +1 in dexterity. It will be noted as 5 (+1) on their character sheet and counted as 6

when used.

Part II: Determining Hit Points
In some games, the principle of Hit Points (HP) can be complicated, but in this case, it has been

stripped to its bare minimum. Basically, hit points are the life of a character and their capacity

for survival.

To determine your HP, roll your hit dice (1d8) three and keep the best score. Then, add their

Strength modifier. This is your maximum HP for level one. It will improve as the character gains

levels. A battle will make you lose your temporary hit points. For more information, see Part II—

Combat in Chapter 2: How to Play.

As a reminder, in each new level, a character gains new Hit Points (HP) and adds one hit dice to

their total. As explained earlier, a character gets one hit dice per level. If a player is level six,

they have six hit dice.

When it is time to calculate your new maximum HP roll one hit dice .This total will be added to

the amount already existing. For example, if the new roll earns a player 5 HP and they

previously had 10 HP, they now possess 15 HP.

Only during a level up can a player change the cantrips and spells they know. If they exceed the

number allowed, they must unlearn a spell in order to add the new one.

Part III: Race

The first steps into joining the game is to create the character you will play during the

campaign. In the second edition, the type of character you can play has been expanded.

Instead of being limited to magicians or hedge witches, it will try to lean on the diversity of

creatures present in the lore of The Magicians. This is why there will now be the concept of

race, magical status, and class.2

2 Largely based on 5th Edition

First, you have to ask yourself if your character comes from Earth or from Fillory, as this will

impact the race you will play.

Each world gives you three type of race that are playable. Once you choose your race, then you

can choose their magical status (p.6), their magical aptitude, (p.33), their specialization, (p.38)

and their flaws (p.51):

Other Playable Races that are not mentioned 3

Elves Pixies Nyads Meenads

Nymph Leprechaun Centors

3 Those are other races present in the lore, the DM is more than welcome to create their own template for those
classes. They were not added to have the same amount of choices between Fillory and Earth.

Races of Earth
Humans are the main race from this world,

yet one of the most vulnerable to magic.

Not every human is aware of its existence

or that other races cohabit with them.

Their history of intolerance, hatred and

fear had driven the other races to near


Their lifespan is one of the shortest of all

the races but that does not prevent them

from being bold, brave, and putting their

lives on the line.

Their world is big and has centuries of

history that include disharmony, wars, and

division. They have many countries that

separate their political and religious

beliefs, creating a lot of war between them

but also making them stronger when they

stand together. This division, with time,

created different and diverse countries.

4 See Fairy lore for more detail

Attribute Modifiers

Quirk: One of the few races that can easily travel

Stats: +2 Wisdom, +1 Bluff, +1 Acrobatics,
between worlds without any affect on their magic
-1 Insight
or health.

Features: Part of one of the rare worlds that

Advantage: Main race in many worlds and one of actually teach and study magic and truly
the main carriers of magic between worlds. understands it. Their knowledge of magic is more
intricate than many other species.

Disadvantage: Age of death is low compared to

Magical Points: 5
other races, vulnerable to magic and its whim

Little is known about vampires in the lore of The Magicians except for their existence through a

brief encounter one of the main

characters has with one of them.5

However, we learn some important

information about what makes this race

distinct from the human race.

Vampires are magical creatures unto

themselves; they do not take their

magic from the gods6 since, in the third

season, the vampire revealed that he

still had magical abilities despite magic

being gone from the worlds.

We also know that they feed on blood

and are willing to bargain with

information and services in order to

get some. Sucking the blood out of a

person does not turn them into a

vampire. The victim requires the bite

from another vampire in order to get

fully transformed. 7

If we follow the lore of GURPS,8

vampires are creatures of the night and

their resistance to the sun may vary

5 Magicians S03E01: Alice bargain with a Vampire

6 See Magic Lore page 81
7 In S03E01, Alice get her blood sucked from a vampire but later (s03e05) pays one to turn herself into one.
8 GURPS (2018) p.111

from a GM to another, though it is known as a weakness of theirs. The legends say that holy

symbols may intimidate, burn or repel them.

A vampire can eat human food without any problems, but this does not satisfy their hunger.

Only blood, preferably still warm and fresh, would truly satisfy them. One can survive a week

without feeding, though the more they waits, the more feral they gets. After a week, instinct

would make the creature a merciless killer who do not recognize enemy from ally. If nothing is

done, they would eventually die of thirst.

Attribute Modifiers

Quirk: Since mirrors aren’t made of silver

Stats: +2 Stealth, +1 Charisma, +1
anymore, a vampire can see itself. However, if it
comes across an ancient one, its reflection isn’t
-1 Animal handling

Advantage: Does not breathe, high tolerance

Features bite makes the new vampire sterile,
to pain, night vision, temperature tolerance
animal blood can provide a meal, though there
is a debate within the community about
Access to the spell “Vampiric Touch” without
drinking solely from humans.
taking a “known spell” spot

Disadvantage: Need to drink blood regularly.

Each day without blood give an additional -1 to
rolls (on day two it would be -2, day three -3
etc.) On the 7th day, the vampire loses their Magical Points: 6
mind and only an animal instinct makes them
act with the goal to be fed. If they’re not fed
by the 8th day, they die.

In the lore of The Magicians, a werewolf is not a curse but a sexually transmitted virus a human

can catch. Known as L positive, they do not seem to change, though some newly-infected

people might turn a milder form within the first moon9 ; they mostly become hairy, have a deep

desire to mark their territory with urine and

crave meat.

However, every 30 years, a process

happens worldwide called The Quickening,

which turns every carrier of the virus into a

true werewolf. During that state, they must

either kill someone or sexually transmit the

virus; otherwise, their minds would collapse

and they would die. During the weeks

preceding this event, they will dream vividly

of dismemberment and their libido


For the purpose of the game, a GM can

choose to make the player change every

full moon and control its effect on them.

(i.e: mild lycanthropy vs. becoming a whole

beast). During their different states, they

are not able to control themselves,

recognize those they know (both friends

and enemies) and will not remember

anything once the transformation episode


9 In S02E09, Josh is showing some mild lycanthropy symptoms after sleeping with a werewolf

Attribute Modifiers

Quirk: Every 30 years, the werewolf goes through

Stats: +2 Intimidation, +1 Dexterity, +1
The Quickening and must either kill someone or
Acrobaticss, -1 Medicine
sleep with someone and transmit the L+ virus.

Features Once with L+ the human become sterile.

Advantage: When in werewolf form, add +4
Mirroring the HIV virus, most people warn their
strength, +3 agility, +4 HP, -3 intelligence
partner of their condition but some decide not to

Disadvantage: vulnerable to silver (+5 harm when

struck by it), full moon might not fully transform
them but they become more aggressive and Magical Points: 6

Members of the Order of the Library10, the librarians are workers bound to a one million year

contract (S02E08) that is still extendable beyond their death. The Library of Knowledge

(S01E10) is so vast that it has a branch in the Underworld as well as in the world of living.

Usually, the library tend to recruits

magicians after their years in

Brakebills, as well as hedge witches.

They are especially interested in

travellers, as they can go between

worlds and the library touches many

of them. In some cases, librarians

have been recruited in exchange for

access to a particular book or a favour

granted (S02E08). This is the less

common way to become a librarian.

Being a librarian gives access to the

entirety of the worlds’ knowledge, as

well as a collection of books that

describes everyone’s life (S02E08).

There are many positions within the

system and most employees enjoy

their time there, even creating book

clubs and forming friendships.

As for the canon of the show, no other

species than human magicians or

10 More on The Library and its Order in p.121

hedge witches have been depicted as librarians. It is up to the GM if they want to extend that


Attribute Modifiers

Quirk: A librarian might have read their own book

and know how they died. It is recommended not to
as it is a prediction spell that writes the book while
Stats: +2 Library Use, +1 Intelligence, +1 History,
you are alive and will only be revised when your
-1 Street Smarts
death is permanent. They would be able to read
anybody in the party’s future. Beware; knowing the
future CAN change it.

Advantage: Easy access to knowledge (have a

library card), access to magic , access to different
Features Their fashion is inspired by the 50s-60’s
worlds, quick reader.. If you have more than five
office workers.
years of work in the library, you learned how to
read a 400+ page book in 30 seconds

Disadvantage: Rule follower, if caught out of their

work duty will be sent back in the library with
Magical Points: 5
restriction (fugitive) or if struck a deal with the
library, may be called into work at any moment

Races of Fillory
Humans living in Fillory have a way of living that mirror a more rural or medieval way of living;

they work on farms, in outdoor markets, have no electricity, no cars, etc. They are depicted as

the typical medieval peasants a

magical land is expected to have in

fantasy books.

For a long time they thought they were

the main race in the land but learned

only a few years ago that they are

outnumbered by Talking Animals. 11

N e v e r t h e l e s s , t h e y a re p re s e n t

throughout Fillory.

The main difference between Fillorians

and humans is that Fillorians are born

in a land where magic is a natural

presence. They understand the

unspoken laws of magic and rely on it

as if it was a natural thing to do. 12 They

are used to animals talking, mythical

creature existing, gods being real, and

boats having emotions.

No Fillorians can use magic or become

11 For more informations, seek The First Fillorian Election in p.106

12 In S02E02, Fen learns about fertilizer cause they never needed it

a magic user13. In fact, the only one who can are Children of Earth: the humans that come to

their land and are able to rule their lands 14

Attribute Modifiers

Stats: +2 Athletics, +1 Street Smarts, +1 Quirk: When Children of Earth talk, sometimes
Nature, they talk about things that have no specific
-1 Library Use sense or meaning for the Fillorians.

Features There are Fillorians who are able to

Advantage: Knowledge of Fillory and the basic
enchant and create special equipment with the
magical laws of the land, tenacious and able to
help of magic. For more information, see
work with their hands,

Disadvantage: Some might be illiterate,

depending on the status of Fillory and its
magic, they might be the first affected by Magical Points: 0
starvation and other illness.

13 The only Fillorian we saw having magic power in the show is Illario, a Fillorian who uses a wand in order to make Whitespire
disappear in s02e06. For the purpose of the gameplay, and since he was the only human from Fillory displaying magic in all of the
lore of the show and the books, we will assume that the wand he was using was the magical object and not Illario himself.
14 More information about Fillory in p.98

The history of the fairies in The Magicians is long and quite sad.15; almost chased to extinction

by magicians on Earth, they fled to a world between worlds that is an exact replica of Fillory. In

exchange for safe passage in a new

world, some fairies had to struck a deal

with the McAlister family, which lead to

some fairies having to stay behind and

become enslaved by them.

After several decades, the fairies who

stayed on Earth are presumed dead

and the Fairy Queen tries to make her

fading species grow bigger. When

everything fails in their new world, they

invade Fillory and manage to get

enough land to grow their babies

16Meanwhile, the Queen learns that the

fairies on Earth are still alive, their

bodies used to create a dust that

humans are able to ingest and get

temporary access to their magic.

Meanwhile, those fairies have no idea

they can do magic at all, since they all

have a necklace that will kill them if

they use it. The Fairy Queen will kill the

McAlisters, save her people, and bring

them back with her in Fillory.

15 More informations in p. 112

16 Ibid.

After many debates and political turmoil, the fairies give back Fillory to the High King in

exchange for protection for their people. They are allowed a part of the land, are protected by

the crown and now try to grow their society back. In an ultimate sacrifice, the Fairy Queen

strikes a deal that would assure her people full protection and the inability for magicians to

harm them in exchange for her life and magical source.

Attribute Modifiers

Quirk: Fillory and any dry land isn’t good for their
Stats:+2 Intimidation, +1 Intelligence, +1 Nature, skin and they must moisturize, take baths, and
-1 Charisma shower daily in order for their skin not to become

Advantage: Since they are made of illusion magic,

fairies can touch illusionary objects as if they were Features fairies are pale with dark wide irises and
solid, ability to go to lands between physical in long hair pinned backward; their clothing is flowy
magical worlds, can travel between worlds, and and white.
barely need sleep

Disadvantage: Distrusting of humans with magic, if

they are rescued Earth fairy there will be missing
limb(s) due to humans using them to grind it to
Magical Points: 6
dust, loyal to their race, due to their paler skin do
not like being in plain sunlight for no reason.

Talking Animals
“If animals can speak with each other, they can also tell stories,

have laws, an organized society and rulers”17

The talking animals are a major part of Fillory’s population18 and yet rather underrepresented

when it comes to the policy and laws

of the lands. This has created

dissatisfaction for them for many years

until they had the opportunity to vote

for their next leader on the throne and

elected someone that was close to

them and ready to listen 19

Much like humans, animals have their

own language and might require a

translator to be understood. Some

have learned the language of humans

and are able to talk to them without


Some animals do not talk and do not

have human-like intelligence. In order

to differentiate them from the Talking

animals, hunters have created traps

which are enchanted with a riddle; if an

animal can find the solution, the trap

will let it go, since it shows sign of


17 GURPS (2018) p.47

18 In Fillory there are one million talking animal and only 500 000 humans (s03e12)
19 see the First Fillorian Election in p.106

Attribute Modifiers

Stats: +2 Nature, +1 Strength, +1 Animal Quirk: There is a possibility to date Fillorians,

Handling,-1 Stealth though it is a societal taboo.

Advantage: : Close to nature; knowledgeable

Features Talking animals who are usually prey are
about plants and other animals and able to read
not afraid of talking animals who would hunt them.
signs of warning the nature might give you, when
With their intelligence, they are able to
they go into a fit of rage (also called Berserk) they
communicate and not require a primitive way of
become stronger but wilder. Add +5 strength, +3
interacting with each other.
Constitution, -5 intelligence

Disadvantage: In their Berserk mode, the animal

goes into a more primal state where they do not
understand others talking to them, do not Magical Points: 3
recognize allies from enemies, and will attack
whoever is near them


Much as Librarians are humans, a

Tradesman is a Fillorian. More precisely,

he or she is a Fillorian who can include

magic within their work. Despite not

being able to be magic users themselves,

some Fillorians are able to include it in

their trade, creating magical objects for

anyone to use.

Some of those objects might have

restrictions, 20while others can be used by

anybody. Potions, enchantments for

weapons, and cursed objects are a few

examples of the types of creations they

can do.

There are a lot of merchants that tend to

sell fake magical objects or make

themselves look like a tradesman while

not having any of the skills. True

tradesman are rare in the land and are

known by name. If lucky, one can become

an apprentice and learn the skills to open

a shop, but it tends to be a secret skill

kept within families.

20 in S02E09, Fen’s father’s blade has an enchantment that HAD to be read by a magician

Attribute Modifiers

Quirk: Most tradesmen are known by Whitespire

Stats: +2 Street Smarts, +1 Strength, +1
since Kings and Queens often need their help
Intelligence, -1 Library Use
during their reign.

Advantage: : Knowledge of Fillory and the basic

Features: Creating a magical object can take from
magical laws of the land, tenacious and able to
two days up to a decade. (See The Leo Blade for
work with their hands, all of them know how to
more details)

Disadvantage: :Many people are jealous of their

skill and might want to harm them to take their
knowledge: can’t cast a spell but knows how to Magical Points: 2
create one,

Races Achievable Only During the Game Play

When a human becomes a Niffin, it is usually by accident and due to an excess of magical

energy. It is a painful process in which magic burns away the physical body and the shade (soul)

of the caster. A Niffin is not a powerful version of the same human. They become a creature

made of magic and without any morality or conscience. They become magic itself.

Niffins understand magic on a deeper level and all the different ways it is connected to the

universe, as well as the laws of magic. For example, a Niffin would only need a few seconds to

perform a spell that would take hours for a magician to prepare (s02e06). But being linked to

magic has a cost. If Niffins are trapped in a world where there is no magic, they will slowly die

as they are removed from their essence.

A Niffin has a mind of their own and can’t be controlled. It is theorized that they are

bloodthirsty creatures, but someone who has been a Niffin before describes it as feeling free to

do whatever they wanted and explore their own magic (s03e02). Their lack of shade might be

the reason why some of their actions are seen as evil from a human perspective. The principle

of morals is not a concept they uphold.

With time, magicians have found a way to trap Niffins so they cannot inflict harm. To do so, a

wooden box that has been enchanted with a month-long incantation must be held in front of

the creature while casting Seni Bağlıyorum or Seni Bağlamak, both meaning, “I bind you” in

Turkish. (s01e03). The Niffin is then eternally bound to the box, though it has been reported

that some powerful Niffins were able to free themselves. Altho we have no canonical

knowledge of how it was done (s02e09).

Many have tried to bring back a Niffin to its human form and every time, the process failed. For

a long time, it was thought impossible, but in the second season of the show, Quentin found

the missing key. He discovered that Niffins lose their shade when they are consumed by magic,

a fact that was previously unknown by scholars (s02e11).

The incantation to bring a Niffin back to its original form requires a large source of magic, the

shade of the Niffin, and a cage placed over a sigil to trap the Niffin. When the Niffin and the

shade are in the same space, the magician must cast a spell and use the magical source to have

enough power to merge the creature with its shade. If they succeed, the Niffin becomes human


When it returns to its human state, the ex-Niffin’s body will slowly lose all the knowledge of

magic they had, their brain being too small for all the information. Casting magic spells again

will take them weeks, as they didn’t return to their old body but to a new one that doesn’t have

the muscle memory of spell casting.

Known Niffins

Charlie Quinn Alice Quinn (restored to human) Friar Joseph

How to Play a Niffin

To become a Niffin, there are requirements and rules that can be found in Chapter 2: How to

Play. If the player meets the criteria, there will be several changes made to their character sheet

and to their way of playing. It is important that the GM and the player are aware of said


Character Sheet

To accommodate the abilities and knowledge of the new form, the player needs to dismiss their

current sheet and get the Niffin character sheet.

First, the player must remove any modifier they had during their human life. They can keep any

magical objects (and their modifiers) if they were wearing them at the time of death. This

applies to items such as jewelry, cloaks and markings. Weapons, books and potions are lost.

When the sheet is clear, the player will add the following modifiers:

-5 Charisma +3 Strength +1 Sleight of Hand

+5 Hit Points -3 Street Smarts -1 Library Use
+1 Religion +3 History +17 Magical Points

When levelling up, they will follow the same table as the one they had prior to their

transformation. For example, if the player was a hedge witch before, they has to follow the

hedge witch levelling table.

The next step is also mandatory. The player will receive more modifiers by rolling 1d20. To do

so, they must choose the good outcome they would like (maximum 3) and the roll must at least

match the associated cost. If the cost is 10, the player must roll at least 10 to claim the good

outcome. If the player fails, they must take the bad outcome. (The GM is allowed to add more

to this table)


+1 Strength, +2 Magic points 4 -3 Charisma, -5 Hit points
+6 History, +3 Charisma 9 -6 History, -3 Charisma
+10 Magic Point 10 -10 Hit Point
+5 Intelligence 10 The player forgets one of the spells they learned
+5 Religion 10 -4 Intelligence, -1 Street Smarts
+5 Wisdom 10 Disadvantage at every roll
The player knows all the spells but is unable to name them or
Ability to know a spell without
15 to teach them to others. They are stuck with knowledge they
researching it
can’t share.
Ability to know if someone is lying
12 -3 Bluff, -3 Insight
without an insight check.

Learn five more spells than
12 The player loses the additional Magic Points
Once a day the player can ask a
11 Once a day, a god (the GM) can get hinder one of your actions.
god (the GM) a yes/no question.
Critical hit (20): The player can select two good outcomes and will only need to roll for the third outcome
Critical miss (1): The player must choose a bad outcome and the GM can worsen it.

Particularity of play this race

Niffin Magic

As Niffins are made of raw magic, their spell casting and ability to control it is much more

unpredictable. To showcase this, the player will use an adaptation of Wild Magic from

Dungeons and Dragons 3rd, 3.5th and 5th edition.

A Niffin has access to every spell possible in the book, but before casting, the player must roll a

d6. If the number is three or below, the spell fails, creates a magical reaction, and has a

different income than the intended spell. If the number is four and up, the spell does not have a

reaction and the player can roll the d20 as usual .

Controlled Chaos

Once every battle, the Niffin can ask to used control chaos to get advantage toward their

Magical Reaction roll. This will give the player the chance to re-roll. When used, only a long rest

will give them back this feature.

The amount of time a Niffin can control chaos during battle can be made higher by the GM, in

or out of playtime. When a Magical Reaction happens, the player rolls a d100 and looks at the

chart to see the outcome. The table is situated at page 169.


Every Niffin has an amount of luck they get during the transformation to this race. The GM

might give more throughout the campaign, but it is not mandatory. If the player had inspiration

points before, they turn into Luck when becoming a Niffin.

With this Luck point, the Niffin can make a roll that didn’t go well succeed. It can’t be used

towards the Magical Reaction to make a failed spell work, but the player can use it towards their

other abilities, give the luck to another player for their move to work or as an instant

resurrection for bringing back a dead character. Once the point is spent, it is not renewable and

gone for the entire game.

Gods and Goddess
Gods are immensely powerful magical entities that are worshipped by one or several worlds.

They are able to create and undo worlds, as well as give or take away magical power. They are

the most powerful entities known in The Magicians Universe.

There seems to be a hierarchy between the gods that includes the old gods and newer gods.

We are not sure who the old gods are, but they seem to be those who created the universe and

its laws, magic included. They are intangible (04e12) and nearly impossible to kill. As they were

experimenting with their capacity of creation, the old gods have created two indestructible and

magically powerful siblings. They have feared them for decades but these creatures are now

contained in a portal between realities 21 We are not sure of the exact reason, but the old gods

have left the Material Universe and reside in a place of their own.

Newer gods are seen as the "children" of the old gods. This explains why old gods have more

power than the new ones. God magic is like a seed and has to be nourished. Any creatures or

humans can receive it, but for the power to grow, the holders must show that the way they will

use their power is selfless and good. This is how Julia Wicker became a goddess named Our

Lady of the Trees (s03e13). They have to ability to create worlds and their inhabitants,

becoming most of the time the god of that said world (i.e Ember and Umber creating Fillory

and becoming gods of that place). They are able to have an active part in the daily life of the

inhabitants of their world, thought most of them choose not to. Some will show when a special

ritual or sacrifice is made. Rare are those who talk to any intelligent creatures. Some of them

see the way their world change as a source of entertainment.

Modern gods can take many shapes and forms. From what we saw in the fourth season, they

either can take on a unique physical form or take over the body of a human but killing them in

the process (i.e. Richard). Most of them have unique and distinct shapes, making it easy for their

worshippers to reproduce in temples or prayers.

21 see The Twin Monster in p.129

If modern gods see living creatures like toys to be played with, it is said that they are for Old

gods like cells in their bodies.

Known Gods

Aengus Ember Hades Iris Prometheus Reynard the Fox

Bacchus Esna Heka Julia Wicker Persephone Umber

(Our Lady of the Trees)

How to Play a God or Goddess

There are only a few ways to become a god or goddess.

The first one is to be born as one, but for the purpose of the game and to make sure everyone

starts on equal ground, this option is not possible from the beginning. Of course, the DM can

always allow it.

The second way is through the gift of another god, much like Julia, who is given the seed, the

potential, to become a goddess if she nurtured the magic it gives her (s03E05 up to s04e13).

The third way is via a ritual. As we learn in season four, four Librarians turned themselves into

gods by killing one of them and putting her power into stones. Those stones were magically

inserted into their chests and they developed their god power and status from it. (S04E05 and


Character Sheet

To accommodate the abilities and knowledge of the new form, the player needs to take the

gods character sheet and dismiss the one they are presently using.

First, the player must remove any modifier they had during their human life. They can keep any

magical object (and their modifiers) if it was being worn at the time of deification. This applies

to items such as jewelry, cloaks and markings. Weapons, books and potions are lost.

When the sheet is clear, the player will add those modifiers:

-5 Street Smarts +3 Hit Points +1 History

+5 Religion -3 Library Use -1 Acrobaticss
+1 Animal Handling +3 Medicine +22 Magical Points

The next step is also mandatory. The player will receive more modifiers by rolling 1d20. To do

so, they must choose the good outcome desired (maximum 3) and the roll must at least match

the associated cost. If the cost is 10, the player must roll at least 10 to claim the good outcome.

If the roll fails, they must take the bad outcome.


+1 Religion, +1 Medicine, +1 Nature 4 -4 Strength, -1 Charisma

The player has an empathic ability

9 -2 Wisdom, -6 Charisma
toward people they talk with

+10 Magic Points 10 -10 Hit Point

The player forgets everyone they were in contact with when

+5 Intelligence 10 mortal

+5 Religion 10 The player is unable to reach and talk to other gods

+5 Wisdom 10 Disadvantage at every roll

The player knows all the spells but is unable to name them or to
Ability to know a spell without 15 teach them to others. They is stuck with knowledge they can’t
researching it share.

Ability to know if someone is lying

12 -3 Bluff, -3 Insight
without an insight check.

Learn 5 more spells than allowed 12 The player loses 10 Spell Points

Once a day the player can ask an Once a day, a god (the GM) can overrule one of the player’s
old god (the GM) a yes/no question. actions.

The player can heal every damage

For a specific time every day (up to the GM) the God is unable to
on a character with 1d20 roll of 8 15
use their power and become as vulnerable as a mortal
and more

Critical hit: The player can select two good outcomes, they will only need to roll for their third
Critical miss: The player must choose the bad outcome and the GM can worsen it.

Particularity of Playing This Race
The Naming

In order to be named a god of something, the player can either be told by any gods and

goddess above them in the hierarchical system, or be named by a population of a world that

will start worshiping them. This will provide the player advantage on each roll that has to do

with something they is known from. For example, as Julia is named Our Lady of the Trees,

(s03e12) she would have an advantage on each nature-related roll.

A player who is an “undecided” god, or does not have a name yet has to roll with disadvantage

every single time.


In order to make the race playable and entertaining for others to play with, the gods have an

extra vulnerability from the others; they must have an “offering” weakness.

★ Food offering: once a week, food must be offered to the gods either as a gif or as a

meal dedicated to them. If they do not get any for one week, they will lose 10 HP per

day until death.

★ Sacrifice offering: once a week, a sacrifice must be made in the name of the god. The
player decides if it is animal, human, blood or others. If none is made that week, the god

loses half of their HP and all their modifiers are halved.

★ Gold offering once a month: the god must be gifted with gold from objects or coins. If

none of it is made that month, them and their party loose all their possessions.

★ Nature offering: once a week the god requires to be gifted something from nature, from

flower to apple seed to hay. If they does not receive it, they becomes unable to cast

magic higher than half their level 22. Animals in the forest become more aggressive

towards them as well.

★ Technology offering: once a month, the god has to be gifted something new and
technological. An old iPod nano would not work since there is something newer than

this for them. If they does not get a proper offering, the deity falls into a coma that only

an offering can awake.

★ Music offering: once a week, a song must be sung in honour of the god. If nobody
praises them by music, they are unable to cast any magic and their HP is cut in half. The

only way for the god to return to their fully healed state is for a follower to create a new

song for them and to sing it in front of a minimum of ten people.

★ A player can create his own offering with the okay of the GM

22 So if the god is level 10, they can only cast level five and fewer spells

Part IV: Magical Aptitude (MA)

Can be used by Human, Vampire, Librarian, and Werewolf

Magicians are academically trained practitioners of magic on Earth. Through the course of an

entrance exam, those showing great potential and enough connection with magical energy are

selected to study and learn how to manipulate it. And through their years in school, they learn

their discipline and specialization, which we will explore in the next steps of character creation.

Only remarkably smart individuals can practise magic. Every student is a prodigy or has been

top of their class. Even the less-capable Brakebills student is ten times smarter than any non-

magical human.

Brakebills’s students are seen as “real” magic handlers and generally look down on hedge

witches or other humans that practise without proper education.

Relation to Magic

There are three types of magicians. Those who had no idea magic was a thing and discovered

the whole world, those who had knowledge of magic from a family member, and those who

were raised by a magical family. Much like J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, with mudbloods,

half-bloods, and pure bloods. Though it doesn’t have the same implication as in Harry Potter, it

can impact the way of playing and interacting with others. Someone raised in a magical family

might not be surprised to interact with a pixie or to pass an entrance exam to enter Brakebills,

but someone who had no idea magic was real, might be surprised, excited, or even reluctant to

anything they discover.


Hedge Witch
Can be used by Human, Vampire, Librarian and Werewolf

A hedge witch is a not an academically trained practitioner of

magic. There are several reasons not to have been accepted

into Brakebills, but for them, the main reason is their low

magical strength. They do have magic, but not enough to be

able to cast harder or stronger spells.

How to Become a Hedge Witch

Technically, on Earth, any non-academically trained magical

person is seen as a hedge witch. However, there is an

underground system that helps them navigate and learn

magic as well. For an easier comprehension, the game

assumes that someone using that class is a member of the

underground system and its laws.

There are many ways to become a hedge witch. In most

cases, they are individuals who failed the Brakebills entrance

exam. However, the memory-erasing spell cast on them did

not work properly and they remember the existence of magic

on Earth. It often leads them to try to learn spells on their own and to find them on the black


In other cases, hedge witches spent time at Brakebills and got expelled. As the knowledge of

practical and theoretical magic is too deep in their minds, their memories are not wiped but

taken away and hidden in a unique box. Instead of having false memories of the time spent in

the magical world, these people are left with a hole in their lives. It pushes many to dig deeper

to figure out why, making them wish for their lost knowledge to be returned.

Finally, it is also possible hedges were raised in a magical family but were not invited to

Brakebills or refused to take the entrance exam. Most hedges know some magic from years of

living with magicians or older hedge witches but never received a proper training.

Safe House

The existence of an underground hedge witch organization is what differentiates the group

from someone who has learned magic from their relatives and without the support of a proper

academic system. For more information, see Part III—Earth in Chapter 3: World Building.

Stars and Levels

To know a character’s strength and what type of spells a hedge witch can cast, the organization

created a system of multiple five-pointed star tattoos. Upon gaining their first level, hedge

witches receive a star with a lock in the middle. It grants them access to any safe house. The

first spell that grants them another level is called First Flash (see the Appendix 1: Spells &

Cantrips for its effect). The more complicated a learned spell is, the higher in rank the witch

gets. In the books, one star equals a level, but in the TV adaptation, they earn stars by bulk of

five, 10, 50, or 100. Therefore, if someone has two stars, one with 50 in its centre and another

one with five, the person is a level 55 hedge witch. The maximum level is 250, but rare are

those who reach it. The TV show seem to have the stars to be few and mostly on the forearm,

while the book talks of having tattoos on every inch of the skin, since it is rare a hedge witch

climbs more than five stars at a time. This is up to the player or GM to decide.

If a hedge witch is banned by a safe house’s leader, red crosses appear over their stars, a clear

sign for other safe houses that this person is not welcome. For this to happen, someone has to

deeply betray or gravely endanger other members of the organization.


Muggle (Or Non-Magical Character)
Can be used by Human, Vampire, Librarian, Werewolf, Fillorian, Talking Animal, and Tradesmen

In the TV show and the books, people without magical powers are called “muggles”23and it is a

clear reference to Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling. It is a simpler and faster way to get the concept

of non-magical people across, since the word is now part of pop culture. From now on, this

book will use the term ‘muggle’ to refer to non-magical humans. It is up to the GM to use the

term or not, but for obvious copyright reasons, we wanted to explain its origins.

It is important to understand that, by using this class, there is no way a character can do magic.

A muggle does not have any magical energy and cannot bend magic to its will. There is no

“suddenly you cast a magic spell by simply trying the hand movement and incantation,” move.

If humans on Earth are not aware of the presence of magic in their world, people and creatures

living in Fillory are fully aware that their land is running on magic 24 and without training, many

of them might be aware of the basic laws of magic of their lands.

Since they start with a disadvantage of not having magic, any characters who are muggles start

with a weapon. For more information, see page 52 describing weapons.



23 people who are believed to have magical power but do not have any are called Squibs, though it is considered a
slur (S04E02)
24 More information on The Wellspring in p.99

With Magical Training
Can be used by Fairies and Tradesmen

It has been hinted in the third season of The Magicians that Fillory has magical academies which Loria

seems to desire to have access to or even create its own.25 Since this part is not explained in the book or

tv show, it is mostly expanding on the canon that we know.

Those magical academies help individuals to understand the basics of magic and how to manipulate it.

Most of the classes are taught by magical creatures and scholars. Not every Tradesman goes to the

academies, since the selection is rather rigorous and only take ten students per year maximum. More

often than not, this capacity is not even reached. This is why most of the tradesmans’ magic is rustic and

their magical manipulation is not consistent.

The Tradesmen who have magical training usually have a member of their family accepted when they

become of age (around 20 in human years,) so they can continue the quality of work in their shops. If the

family has more than one child, the elders must choose who will have a proper training and who will

learn from home. Usually, those families are the ones that deal directly with Whitespire and provide what

the monarchs require. Even if they are merchants, they are seen as the best of Fillory and may have

expensive prices for their goods. 26

At first, these academies were used by magical creatures who desired to expand their powers and

humans that were Tradesmen who needed to put magic into their work. When the Fairies became

citizens of Fillory, those from Earth never learned any magic and were welcome to study there so they

could discover the capacity of their power. This may have

caused some worry in the Fillorian population; since the BASIC STATS
Fairy Queen had overthrown their leaders, having more
fairies with magic might cause it to happen again. However, +2 MAGICAL POINT
Whitespire fairies and others of their kind try to reassure -1 ANIMAL HANDLING
that they are now existing in Fillory with peaceful intentions.

25 S03E10
26 As Fen’s grandfather created the enchanted blade for a king (s02e09) and was the one who made the deal have
her marry the high king, (s01e13) we can assume that Fen’s family was one of those that was magically trained.

Born With Magic
Can be used by Fairies, (talking animals are allowed at GM’s discretion)

Many creatures in Fillory are born with magic within themselves. Some, like the fairies, are

made of magic. They do not require any training to learn how to manipulate magic around

them or to cast spells.

Fairies that invaded Fillory under the Fairy Queen’s order and took over the land are well aware

of their magical power. Contrary to those who have been saved from Earth, those Fillorian

fairies are highly capable of doing magic and their capacity is not directly linked to the

Wellspring of magic.27

Even when magic was gone from all the worlds, those born with magic were still able to cast

spells, travel between worlds and create illusions. Their magic is from within themselves and

not something added onto them to given by the Gods.

They are rare and highly esteemed by other worlds. While Fillory is rather peaceful towards

them, other worlds like Earth understand their potential and have been known to hunt them.

Many became extinct and those who managed to survive did so by hiding or finding asylum in

another world (S03E10). If captured, those born with magic can be killed and their body turned

into dust. As they are made of magic, the dust is consumed and gives the user magical power

for a few hours. This dust is researched in many worlds, sold for an exorbitant amount, and has

caused many ethical dilemmas throughout the years.

BASIC STATS This constant chase and the near extinction of this kind

+1 STREET SMARTS of magical being has made them highly suspicious, and
+3 MAGICAL POINT some are even hostile to strangers.

27 More information on Magic at p.80

Part V: Specializations

Most of the characters created will have magical powers and will have to choose a discipline.

Even if a hedge witch does not have a proper discipline in the book and tv canon, it is assumed

that everyone with magical power has one. However they do not have a system that

acknowledges their specialty. A fairy is obligated to be in the Illusion magic sector, but their

exact discipline is up to the player.

A Tradesman can choose to take a discipline in which the character will be good at

manipulating for their craft or can decide to take one of the classes offered for non-magical


Muggles, as they do not have magical power, will not choose a discipline but a class, following

the class system of Dungeons and Dragons.

Choosing a Specialization
(for a Magical Character)
As your character evolves in the world and encounters dangers and foes, they will gain levels

and power. (For more information see Part IV—Level of Chapter 2: How to Play.) When a

character reaches level three, they will be allowed to specialize in a certain type of magic from

their chosen discipline. Each specialization has its own bonuses and advantages and cannot be


Each specialization has exclusive spells. When deciding which spells to take, one of these

unique spells does not count into the “known spells” allowed and counts as a bonus. If the

player wants to use more than one specialization specific spell, the second and third spells

count as “known spells”. For example if a person was playing a character with the Crystal

Healing specialization and currently had two spells available, they would be able to choose two

spells from the list, as well as an additional “bonus” spell from their specialization. In this case

that would be either Detect Poison and Disease, or Heal. However if they wanted both of the

spells from their specialization, only the first would count as a bonus.

Find below a list of all specializations the books and TV show mentions. Since there are many

more possibilities, players can create their own and decide the bonus it grants. It is mandatory

that the GM approves any new specialization.

When creating a character, the player has to think of the discipline the character’s magic is

linked to. The Brakebills’s system is divided into six umbrella terms that cover more specific

magic. They are: Physical, Natural, Illusion, Knowledge, Healing, and Psychic. While some find

their discipline rapidly due to an obvious specialization, others might have a kind of magic that

fits under many categories. When the player chooses their discipline, it is important they keeps

the specialization they want for their character in mind.

Physical magic is a type of unrefined magic that manipulates the properties of matter and

energy, allowing a magician to play with the laws of physics and even modify the structure of an


The physical students, known as the Physical Kids, live in a Victorian-era house called The

Cottage28. The first floor holds the kitchen and a large living room where some objects are

magically glued to the walls and ceiling due to past memorable parties. The students’

bedrooms are on the second floor.



28 Note to GM: In the books, there are fewer than a dozen students who possess that discipline. The TV show seems to
disregard that aspect, having a fuller house. It is up to you to decide which approach you prefer.

Natural magic practitioners are known to be in sync with

Earth and its magical energy. This discipline explores the

many ways magic can affect the environment, from growing

plants to meteorology. As the Brakebills’ discipline

presentation pamphlet says, once you get into the Natural

discipline, don’t be surprised if people ask you to grow

them some weed.

The Natural students live near the Physical Kids’ cottage, in

a large tree house that is bigger on the inside than it

appears from the outside.



Knowledge is the magical ability held by scholars of magic. The practitioners of Knowledge

magic have a deep understanding of magic itself and many are great spell creators.

Understanding the magical energy and how to create your own magic is hard work, which leads

to a lot of studying and many failed attempts.

The Knowledge students are housed in the attic over the school library and have a privileged

access to it when it is closed. The main area consists mostly of study rooms and large



Illusion is the art of mastering the five senses and being able

to play with them. A good illusion practitioner distorts all of

them to make the illusion as realistic as possible.

The Illusion students live in an invisible castle that is bound to

the ground by an invisible spiralling staircase. It had to be

bound because students loved to make the castle disappear

when teachers were looking for someone.



Contrary to the Muggle approach, magical healing rarely has to do with casts, surgery or

prescribing simple medicine. Students of healing magic, called healers, can cure and fix most

injuries via different types of spells, potions, incantations, crystals etc.29 They must master a

large range of magic types. After all, if magic can help, it can also harm, and they must know

how to counter-curse many afflictions.

There is little known about the healer’s housing, but it is most likely near or over the clinic,

allowing students to rapidly access patients, have practical classes and do most of their



29 Note to GM: The TV show seems to hint that healers get their knowledge from the school infirmary, where they treat
students and staff members. It is more of a practical approach to magic than a theoretical one, which differs from
other disciplines. Since it is not explored in the books, it is up to you to have students at the clinic.

Psychic magic is related to the mind and the soul. It takes a great mental strength to practice it

and beginners need to concentrate and meditate long hours. By mastering it, they can

communicate telepathically, tell when one lies and in rare case, read minds. Many noted that as

someone gets immersed in psychic magic, their obsession with death or seeing the future


The psychics are housed in a simple building on the campus. Inside, everything is made for the

students’ minds to open and for them to get focused. They have special coves to meditate and

a room designed to amplify their psychic powers. The house has a calming atmosphere and

there is always incense or herbs burning.



Name Description Bonus Bonus Spells

+1 Nature, - Control and Create
Aquamency Water manipulation Advantage on water Water
spells - Water Breathing

+1 Nature
- Control and Create Ice
Cryomancy Ice manipulation Advantage on ice
- Ice Storm

Moving through air +1 Acrobatics, +1

Flight despite gravity Athletics
- Fly

+1 Medicine
Fixing small to
Mending medium objects
Advantage minor - Mending
healing spells

- Daylight
Phosphoromanc Light manipulation +1 Nature, +1 Stealth - Pass without trace
y - Sun Flare

Creating portals +1 Perception, +1

Portal Creation linking two places Street Smarts
- Portal Spell

+1 Nature - Control and Create Fire

Pyromancy Fire manipulation Advantage on fire - Control and Create
spells Lightning

Moving objects with +1 Acrobatics, +1

Telekinesis the mind Bluff - Telekinesis

+1 Nature,
Rock and soil - Earthquake
Geomancy manipulation
Advantage Natural
- Move Earth

+1 Nature, +1
Plant study for
Herbalism medicinal and mental Ability to create - Locate Plants

+1 Nature
- Plant Growth
Plant manipulation Plant manipulation Advantage on spells
- Speak with Plants
requiring plants

Weather - Control Weather

Weather Control manipulation and +1 Nature, +1 Stealth - Ice Storm
microclimate creation - Sunburst

Ability to control or +1 Nature, +1 Animal - Beast Sense

Zoomancy imitate animals Handling - Locate Animal

Blending into your +1 Street Smarts, +1 - Alter Self
Camouflage immediate environment Stealth - Mislead

Usually reading the - Nystul Magic Aura
minds of lower-
Mind Reading intelligence creatures or
+1 Bluff, +1 Insight - Mind Reading
- Phantasmal Force
people without wards

Become invisible to the +1 Stealth, +1

Invisibility naked eye Investigation - Pass without Trace

Capacity of projecting
- Mirage
Projection objects and places in a +1 Bluff, +1 Library use - Weird

Manipulating the five

+1 Street Smarts, +1 -Prestidigitation
Sensory manipulation senses of another
person Bluff -Sensory Manipulation

+1 Medicine, +1 - Blood Magic
Hemocology Study of blood (magic) Intimidation - Word as Bond with Blood

- Manipulate Time
+1 Concentration, +1
Horomancy* Study of time Athletics
- Time Port
- Time Stop

+2 inspiration points, - Bad Luck Bear

Luck Study of luck advantage on every roll - Luck

- Elemental Weapon
+1 Library use
Metamagic Study of magic Advantage on any
Ability to create own spell
academic spell with GM approval

Study of the magical - Blight

practice involving +1 Medicine, +1 Street
Necromancy communication and/or Smarts
- Feign Death
- Necromantic Resurection
use of the dead

Study of the
+1 Insight, +1 - Augury
Probability* probability of an
Perception - Probabilty

Spell Study of the use of +1 Intelligence, +1 - Suspend Spell

Manipulation spell Dexterity - Displace Spell

- Heal
Using crystal - Detect Poison and
+1 Religion, +1 Disease
Crystal magic properties to
diagnose or heal
Advantage on rolls when
use with crystal

Study of the magical

+1 Medicine, +1 - Detect Curse
Curse breaker curse and ways to
Street Smarts - Remove Curse
counter them

Capacity to heal +1 Medicine

Minor and Major major injuries that are Advantage when
- Merle Mass Cure Wound
Injury life threatening casting healing spells
- Restoration

Mastering the art of +1 Medicine, +1
potion creation for Inspiration Point,
Potion Magic many healing Ability to make
solutions potion

+1 Medicine, +1
Care of Magical Focus on healing Animal Handling - Heal
Creatures methods for animals Advantage on animal - Restoration

- Astral Projection
Projecting one’s mind +1 Concentration, +1
Astral Projection outside of their body Investigation
- Dream Projection
- Planar Visit

- Dream Sending
Ability to manipulate - Dream Viewing
Dream manipulation someone’s dreams +1 Bluff, +1 Religion
- Nightmare

- Clairvoyance
Ability to see or +1 Insight, +1
Divination predict the future Perception
- Send Spirit
- Summon Spirit

Able to feel and - Calm Emotion

+1 Intelligence, +1
Empath manipulate emotions
- Implant Emotion
from others - Sense Emotion

Ability to appear and

Interdimensional - Banishment
disappear from any +1 Stealth, +1
- Blink
Travel* given place in any Athletics - Teleport

Manipulating, adding or
- Manipulate Memory
Memory magic removing one’s +1 History, +1 Bluff - Retrogression

Controlling a creature
with lower +1 Animal Handling, - Command
Mind Control intelligence or +1 Intimidation - Suggestion
without wards

+1 charisma, +1 - Lend Skill

Telepathy Mind communication Street Smarts - Telepathy

*Though it is classified as a specific discipline, it is its own form of magic and is only classified for housing purposes.

Choosing a Specialization
(for a Non-Magical Character)
As explained before, some characters will have no access to magical power. In order to balance

their stats, and since they do not have a discipline, they are allowed to choose a class. Theses

are inspired by Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition, GURPSS, and online discussion about

tabletop rpg classes.30

Scholars are known in both worlds to be highly educated, resourceful and with a specific field

of interest where their knowledge grows constantly. They value knowledge and its power,

though some might use it for less than savoury reasons.


Adventurers are known to always be where the action is, and they are generally seen as

“generic heroes”31 but do not mind breaking or bending the rules when needed. Some might

see them as a group of lawful people or total chaos agents, but in fact, most adventurers deal

in shades of grey; heroes that only do good (or bad) are for books and are rare in real life.

In Fillory, they are known to rarely stay in one place, walking the land, doing quests and

exploring new places. They are the heroes people sing songs about in taverns, and their

exploits speak for the kind of adventurer they are. On Earth, they are those who explore the

world, seek adventure and rarely stay in one place their entire lives. Many of them have either

books about their exploits, youtube channels, blogs or even media coverage.


30 “r/Rpg - Fantasy Class List.” Reddit,

31“Adventurer.” LRGG Wikia,

Fighters are known to be where the action is! When a

conflict arises, they do not mind using their battle skills

against their opponent. If some are quick to be in a

fight, others might use their skill as a last resort. A

fighter will most likely be the one to take most of the

hits while in combat and is willing to shield a weaker ally

if need be.

On Earth, they might be on the police force, work as

detectives, or even with federal crime investigation

services. They could also be professional sportsmen or

part of a criminal gang. In Fillory, we would see fighters

as mercenaries, guards from Whitespire or folk heroes.



Do not look upon an artist, for they are those who paint the world the way we see it! From

their melody to their craftsmanship, artists are versatile and can learn new skills quicker than


In both worlds, musicians are known and appreciated by most of the population; however, on

Earth, this career can lead you to glory or poverty. In Fillory, most artists goes from village to

village, selling their skills and honing and improving their crafts. For most Fillorians, the artistic

path is never a way to become rich.


The commoner is also known as the everyday person; the one who wakes up in the morning,

lives their life, and goes back home in the evening to be with their family or loved ones. There

are many heroes in the world, but for them, adventures and fights are for other people.

Commoners enjoy the simpler life that sometimes might look boring, but in the long run, they

are known to survive longer, since they rarely chase danger and danger rarely finds them.


Name Description Bonus


Scientist or determined to know everything

Researcher +1 Intelligence, +1 Library Use
about a subject

Teach a specific subject to others; may have

Teacher +1 Wisdom, +1 History
published papers or books about it

Inventor and researcher of creating magic-like

Artificer +1 Sleight of Hand,+1 Bluff
objects without the magical element.

Learn and teach the ways of the gods of their

Religious Study +2 Religion

Heal with basic poultice and home remedies

Healer +1 Nature, +1 Medicine
that work most of the time


Does not have a house and went on their own

Wanderer +1 Street Smarts, +1 Nature
to explore the world(s)

Living outside of society, they live in the woods

Ranger and protect it or anything weak that could be +2 Nature

Prone to fits of rage and becoming reckless

Berserker +2 Strength
during battle.

Quester Walks the world with a specific goal in mind +1 Nature, +1 Medicine

Has no attachment to where they were born

Nomad and consistently travels to where their best +1 Perception, +1 Street Smarts
chance of survival is going to be


Actively works in law enforcement in their +1 Intimidation, +1 Street

Law Enforcement
world Smarts

Hired to fight or kill for a specific person, does

Mercenaries +1 Strength, +1 Street Smarts
not have allegiance to any seat of power

Local heroes of a town, people know them for
Folk Heroes +1 Charisma, +1 Wisdom
their exploits

Work on the sea, defy the laws of the land, but

Pirates not all of them are as bad as pirate lore paints +1 Nature, +1 Strength
them to be

Hired by a person of power to gather

Spy +1 Investigation, +1 Bluff
information on a specific enemy


Musician Make music with a specific instrument +1 Sleight of Hand, +1 Dexterity

Trickster that makes a living off the naivety of

Con Artist +2 Bluff

Travel around their world to show their talents,

Travelling Artist +1 Street Smarts, +1 Athletics
make a living and create art

Some walk around their world to make sure no

Imagery Artist land is forgotten, while others stay indoors and +1 Sleight of Hand,+1 Library
(ie: map maker, painter,
update the maps from the tale of adventurers Use
they read

Word Artist Use their words to create art in the mind of

(ie: story teller, writer, +1 Charisma, +1 Wisdom


Farmer Those who plow the earth to grow food +1 Nature, +1 Strength

Owners of a business in a town who sells goods

Merchant +1 Bluff, +1 Intimidation
in exchange for money

Known as a lead figure in the religion of their

Priest +2 Religion

Own a business where they specifically sell

Bakers +1 Sleight of Hand, +1 Dexterity
baked goods such as bread, pies and cakes.

Able to heal bigger wounds, heal the sick and

Doctor +2 Medicine
find diseases based on present symptoms

Part VI: Flaws
In order flesh out around your character and make the game more interesting, your character

must have one to two flaw that they will carry during their adventures. Below is a list of

suggested flaws; however, a player can create its own flaw with the permission of the GM.

Name Description Name Description

addicted to a compulsive You have trouble achieving

Addict a c t i v i t y. E x a m p l e s : Insomniac a full and restful sleep.
gambling, drugs, sex.

Allergy to a specific thing

Allergy (example: type of food, Klutz Clumsy
metal, medication etc.)

character tends to over Obey the law, even when

Arrogance estimate both their power Lawful the law is wrong
and intellect

If it’s not in a book, it is not Compulsively and

Bookworm true. Internet is too volatile Liar purposefully tells false
to contain truth truths more often than not

Can’t Unable to recall a name but Magical Known to steal magical

Remember r e m e m b e r s n i c k n a m e s Shoplifter items and resell them on
Names given to characters the black market

Unable to accept a fact or Due to lack of experience

theory that some might character tends to find
Close argue is true (example: the Naive themselves in precarious
Minded multiverse, Gods existing, situations which often need
Magic being real) the assurance of someone
else to get out of.

Culture Knows nothing or very little Opposition to war or

Blank about the popular culture Pacifist violence as a means of
resolving disputes.

Knows way too much about

Culture pop culture and can get If there’s a plan, it is either
caught up in the latest rant Plan Destroyer
Nerd about a show, book or ignored or forgotten

Dragon Will do anything to see and Need to always have a

Seeker interact with a dragon. Plan Seeker plan, bad at coming up with
something on the spot

Affected by dyslexia, a Only concerned with
learning disorder marked increasing power and
Dyslexic by impairment of the ability Power Hungry
knowledge, no matter what
to recognise and stands in their way
comprehend written words.

Believes that action is the

Fear of Fear of flying either by best way to advance in life;
Flight magic or plane Reckless thinks little and rushes into

Character is reluctant to English is a second

spend or lend money and language and it is harder to
Greedy yet, they are the first to Second express ideas or speak in
s h o w u p w h e n t h e re ’s Language idioms (contrary to your
money in play mother tongue)

Emotionally detached and

Hard to find it hard to trust anyone, Secret Keeps someones secret at
Trust ever/it takes a long time to Keeper any cost
open up

Come from a high ranking

High family and does not think of Secret Unable to keep a secret at
Ranking others as equal but as Teller all
Family beneath them.

Always underestimated by
Would rather use war and people and rarely taken
Hostile violence than words when Todd seriously, even when a
resolving an issue situation is important

Unable to read (must be

l o g i c a l w i t h c h a r a c t e r, very knowledgeable but
Illiterate Brakebills students can’t Wise Drunk drinks often and can be
have this flaw) unreliable

Unable to make a choice

Indecisive when asked to. Zoophobia Fear of a specific animal

Part VII- Equipment
Much like any tabletop role playing game, characters will gather equipment, spell components

and trinkets throughout the game as they face foes, go to shops or at the GM’s discretion.

Starting Equipment

Depending on the choices players make during the creation of their characters, they

will start with different type of equipment at the beginning of the game. Those can be

modified at the GM’s discretion.

Race Money Equipment

Human 3d4 + 20$ A Cellphone, an empty notebook, a metro pass

Vampire 2d4+40$ A cellphone, a pair of sun glasses, a backpack

Werewolf 2d4+40$ A cellphone, a backpack, 2 portions of beef jerky

A library card, an empty notebook, another set of clothes

Librarian 1d4+100$ (standard with The Library Requirement)

Fillorian 3d4 + 10G A map of Fillory, a rope, a shoulder bag

Fairy 1d4 +20G A bottle of moisturizer, 5 candles, a map of Fillory

Talking Animal 2d4 +80G Whetstone to sharpen claws, English dictionary, 3 candles

A hammer, bottle of ink with quill and paper , a shoulder

Tradesman 4d4 +150G bag

To simplify the exchange rate, $1 (Earth Money) equals 1G (Fillorian Gold). It is at the

GM’s discretion to decide if both worlds accept the other’s money or if players need to

exchange it (and to whom and where).

Weapons and Armour
Other than spells, and as some do not carry magic, the use of weapons and armour is

important during battle. As most of them are handmade, the craftsmen who produce them are

as important as the items themselves. A well-made blade can save a life, while a poorly-made

one will give you problems, no matter the price you paid for it.

This game will use the frame of Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition (p.143-149) and simplify it.


Propriety Description

Provide a specific advantage but has a cost at every turn (i.e lost
of hp, disadvantage on roll, unable to use for two turns, etc.)

Provide a bonus of +2 to a specific ability score, usually announced

in the title. (The Wisdom Sword would give +2 Wisdom)

Finesse Precise and controlled weapon. Provide an advantage at every roll

Character under 4’9” have a disadvantage when in combat.

Provides a rather large amount of hit points.

Small and easy to handle, gives +1 at Sleight of hand and +1 Street


Provides a fair amount of damage. Because it takes time to

Loading recharge the weapon, the owner is allowed one action, any
modifier, to increase the number, which is instantly nullified

Reach Adds five feet to your long-distance targets

Can be used in a melee attack or be thrown and turned into a

ranged weapon: add 10 ft of range in your distance target

Required to be held with two hands which gives -1 dexterity but

provides a rather large amount of damage.

Can be use as one handed (normal damage, +1 dexterity) or as a

two-handed (large amount of damage, -1 Dexterity

The amount and types of weapons are only limited to the players’ imagination! In more than

one action movie, a mundane thing becomes the weapon that will save the day. There are two

types of weapons and they are both needed in battle. The melee weapon is used during close

combat, while the range weapon is better at long-distance targets (more or less five feet or

more away).

The price of the weapon and the bonus damage is up to the GM.

The more enchanted a weapon, the better.


There are many types of armour and protection and their rules may vary between the different

types of tabletop roleplaying games.


Often made of leather: protect the basic

+1 Hit Points - 1 Acrobatics
Light vital points but supports the flexibility
+1 Strength -1 Charisma
and dexterity of the wearer.
Often made of metal or other sturdy
material. Despite helping the character +3 Hit Points -1 Stealth
to take more damage, it is still very +1 Street Smarts -1 Strength

Often made of metal and will cover the

entire body. While it lacks the same +5 Hit Points -1 Stealth
dexterity of light armor, it will help the +1 Intimidation -1 Street Smarts
character handle more damage.

The GM is encouraged to use the table above to create different types of armour with their

own stats or added magical proprieties (and the bonus it might imply).

Chapter 2
How to Play

Part I—Important mechanics

Dice Rolling and Their Meanings

There are two major ways to roll in the mechanics of the game. One is in combat, the other is

while doing action.

In combat will be fully explained in Part III of the book where mechanics are explained, but as a

quick introduction, when two players are playing against one another, they must roll 1d20 and

add their modifier. The one with the higher roll is the winner. In case of a tie, the person who

instigated the combat wins. For example, if a player rolls an eight and has 2 modifier, they get

a 10. If the second player rolls a 12 and their modifier is -1, they now have 11. The second

player win.

While doing an action is mostly using your ability check and other skills. In order to simplify the

system, for this game, a player rolls 1d20, adds the modifiers, and checks the results.

The action does not succeed and even has a
Failure 1 or below* consequence or bad outcome

The action mostly fails but something positive

Partial Failure 2-5
might happen

Bumbling Success 6-10 The action mostly works but part of it may fail

Success 11-19 The action works

The action succeeds and even has a good

Brilliant Success 20 or more* repercussion or good outcome

*If a player falls on 1 or 20 with the roll of dice, their modifiers do not apply. We called theses

rolls ‘’natural’’ (natural 1, natural 20) and they have the strongest effect on a good or bad

outcome happening. It is up to the GM to decide the result of these dice rolls.

There are six main abilities in the game: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence and

Charisma. In the character table, they are referred to as Skills. When required, they are also

modifiers to a dice roll.

Strength: Physical power

Dexterity: Agility

Intelligence: Memory, reasoning and cunning

Wisdom: Perception and insight

Charisma: Personality

We suggest that monsters encountered have their own modifiers depending on their type. Of

course, the stronger they are, the more powerful they should be. Modifiers can also be

negative. For example, if a monster is particularly stupid, they can have a modifier of -3 in


Advantage and Disadvantage

Sometimes, an object or an action in a quest, including its consequence, can give a character

an advantage or a disadvantage. These can be literal game changers that the GM can grant.

Bear in mind that monsters and enemies can also have them.

An advantage allows players to roll their dice twice and to choose the highest number rolled. If

the first roll is a five and the second is a 10, the player disregards the 5 and plays with the last


A disadvantage is the opposite. The player rolls twice and keeps the lowest number. In the

earlier example, the player disregard the 10 and keep the 5.

Saving Throws
A saving throw is the attempt to resist a spell, a trap, a poison or anything thrown at the player.

The player rolls 1d20 and adds the modifier required. For example, if a monster casts a spell

toward the player who wants to dodge it, they will have to add the Acrobatics modifiers and

see if the score is high enough for they to succeed.

Ability Check
When performing an action, a player might be asked by the GM to roll 1d20 for one of their

abilities to see if the action worked. For example, if a player wants to sneakily enter the

Brakebills library after hours, the GM could ask them to roll a sneak check. The player has a

modifier of +1 in sneak and rolls a six. Therefore, their score is seven, which corresponds to a

partial failure. The GM could then grant them access to the library, but with a consequence

such as having a teacher catch them.

Passive Check
A passive check can be made when the quest requires the same skill to be tested repeatedly.

Instead of rolling every time, the GM can ask everyone to perform that action, and base their

decision on the results. The passive score equals: skill score + modifier +10.

For example, this part of the game asks for a lot of perception check in order to find a hidden

door. The GM asks for the player’s passive check. As they have +3 in perception and we add

10, the passive check’s result is 13. Therefore, we can assume that the perception actions for

this quest are always going to be a bumbling success. If the player wants to challenge this and

have a complete success, they can roll. However, if the results are lower than what the passive

check gave, the player must stick to their new results. Therefore, if the player rolls and sadly

gets a two, if we add the +3, they will get a partial failure for this specific search. In conclusion,

contesting a passive check can be at your own risk, but you could pay big.

★ Acrobatics: Movements that require body dexterity such as reflexes, avoiding damages

when falling, finding balance, etc.

★ Animal Handling: Whenever there is an animal involved in the action, this ability helps you

to either tame it, mount it or to try to determine what its next action will be.

★ Athletics: Movements that require body strength such as jumping, swimming, climbing, etc.

★ Bluff: Lying, pretending to be someone else, pretending to be hurt, etc.

★ Insight: Helps to find the true intentions of a person in front of you, by reading body

language, speaking habits or telling if they are lying. Good to counter- bluffing.

★ Intimidation: When a character tries to influence another person with threats, physical

violence, by using superior magic power or hierarchical rank.

★ Investigation: When a character looks around for clues or tries to deduce a solution from

what they are seeing. On a good roll, players can either find a specific object, recall an

important detail or events that furthers their research.

★ Library Use: Useful when a character tries to recall a fact, a spell, or a historical event. Can

also help when players try to find a new spell in a book, a bookstore or library.

★ Medicine: Grants knowledge of diseases. Helps with diagnosing and stabilizing another


★ Nature: These characters know a lot about plants, trees, rocks, etc. They can, for example,

tell if certain plants are edible or if the ground is in good condition to cast a natural spell.

★ Perception: Gives characters awareness of their surroundings with visual clues, odours or

sounds that might have been overlooked at first.

★ Religion: The character knows a lot about deities and their magic, cults, holy symbols, etc.

★ Sleight of hand: Comes in handy whenever this character tries to use hand tricks, like

pickpocketing someone. Also important for magicians for spell casting, as their hand

movements are complex, and a bad sleight of hand could make the spell fail.

★ Stealth: Useful when the character needs to hide or to sneak.

★ Street Smarts: This character knows a lot about the underground system, its people, and

unusual means of communication.

During their adventures, characters will have to take some down time or well-earned rest. This

is important not only for the logical aspect of storytelling but also for the characters to get

their hit points back. For each level gained, use an additional hit dice.

Short Rest
A short rest lasts between one and two hours. Usually, it is a rest before a fight, when players

are eating or taking a short nap. A player uses half of their hit dice to roll the number of hit

points they get back. If the player is level one, they get no hit dice for a short rest and if the

player is level 10, they can roll five hit dice.

Long Rest
A long rest lasts between three to six hours. Usually it is a long discussion, the planning of a

fight, a ride toward a place or a long nap. The player rolls all their hit dice, so if the player is

level five, they roll five hit dice.

Rest Longer Than Six Hours

If the resting time is at least six hours, the character’s hit points are fully restored.

Inspiration Points
Inspiration is a mechanic the GM may use during the whole campaign and aim to reward the

player. It can be given at the GM’s discretion and can be awarded for many different reasons;

quick thinking, good use of an object, in-game bonding moment, bringing something exciting

into the game, etc. When used, the inspiration points give the players advantage on the roll

they are making. Once used, they disappear and will not be regenerated. Only the GM can

award new ones.

Part II—Combat
As your quest advances, you might have to fight against people, beasts, or other horrors your

GM can come up with. To avoid confusion, there is a system to make the combat less chaotic

and easier to understand. It is largely based on the

5th edition of Dungeons and Dragons.

When attacking, the basic calculation for any spell is

1d20. The score has to be higher than your

opponent’s score, otherwise, the spell will not reach

its target and will fail.

If the attack is physical and not magical, the

calculation is 1d20 + Strength.

Using the same system as Dungeons & Dragons 5th

edition, to know the order of attack, each player and creature/opponent rolls a d20. The

highest score will start and then everyone else’s turn will follow, from highest to lowest number.

When everyone has played their turn, repeat the same order until the battle is over.

Creatures/opponents may be counted as one roll and attack at the same time, or as several roll

attacks at different times. It depends on the type of foe and if many attacks would slow the

pace of the game. It is up to the GM to decide what is best for the game.

What’s In a Turn
Each player’s turn in battle consists of two main components: an action, an attack or a


An action could be walking toward the creature, hiding behind a column to create a surprise

attack. or gathering the ingredients needed to invoke something. Talking is a free action.

An attack can be physical (with fists) or magical (with spells). Spells have a point system and

some might take more points than others to be cast. See Part III—Spells for more information.

Surprise Attack
If a character surprises an opponent, they gets to perform a round of attack before rolling

initiative, as the opponent is unaware of a presence and its intentions. However, if the party is

surprised by an opponent, the opponent gets to attack before initiative is rolled.

At a player’s turn, they can decide to flee instead of attacking. It still counts as an action.

Fleeing is used either to retreat to one’s party that was far away or get away from the scene.

The opponent gets to perform one last round of attacks as the player runs away.

Taking Damage
If the player is hit either by physical or magical power, they

will lose hit points. Most of the spells will tell what kind of

die to roll and how many, but if nothing is specified, roll a

1d8 to calculate damages.

For example, the opponent casts a spell and hits the

player. For that spell, the opponent has to roll 2d8. You

then add the results of each roll to know how much has to

be subtracted from the player’s hit points.

Temporary Hit Points
When taking damage, the section Temporary Hit Points of the players’ character sheet takes

importance, as it allows the player to write when they lose points and to know their health

status until fully healed.

Losing All Hit Points

In battle, it is possible for a player to end up with zero Hit points. This happens when the

damages taken are higher than the Hit points available. Do not fear, as it does not mean that

the character is dead … yet.

Zero means unconscious. The player has passed out and can’t move or play for the rest of the

turn. To save themselves from death, a player must roll 1d20. If players get at least 10, they are

safe from death, unconscious, but alive. If they get nine or less, it’s a failure. A player can roll

three times before being claimed by death.

Rolling one is a critical miss and counts as two

failed attempts.

Rolling a 20 is critical hit and counts as an

instant win. The character recuperates one hit

point and wakes up.

If the damages taken are so high that the HP doesn’t only go below zero but reaches half of

the character’s hit points, they die instantly. For example, the character’s maximum hit points is

20 and the damage taken is 30, which brings their score to -10. Since 10 is half of 20, the

character dies without any chance of resurrection.

Part III—Spells

The world of The Magicians revolves heavily around people and creatures with magical powers.

Magic is an element in all the different worlds, just as earth, air, fire or water. For this reason,

spell casting is an important part of the game mechanics.

Spells and Incantations32

Obviously, any spell a player casts must be known by the character. Out of character (OOC) a

player might know the spell, but if it is not listed in the known spells of the character sheet, it is

impossible for a character to cast it. If a player learns a spell through gameplay via books or

other players, they will be able to cast it, with disadvantage. Any failed attempt gives them 1d8

of damage. Only when the player levels up and puts

it as an official learned spell can the disadvantage

and harm will be removed. Of course, this rule can

change at the DM’s discretion.

Through the game mechanic (searching in the

library, seeking an older magician’s help, etc.) and the

GM’s guidance, the character should be able to find a

way to acquire the needed knowledge.

Some spells and most incantations need certain types

of ingredients or number of magicians to cast it. If

those requirements are not met, the spell will fail.

Much like a recipe, if you do not add flour when

making a cake, the result will be disastrous.

32 A list of all the spells and cantrips is provided from p.134 up to 165

If the suggested level is higher than the maximum level achievable by anyone other than a

good or niffin (anything over 30), the player who wants to cast the spell must find an item that

grants them the power needed. Those objects always come with a price. They are rare and well


Magical Points
Magic is not an unlimited resource magicians can tap into whenever they want. It has

limitations and if the character exceeds them, the consequences are catastrophic (see Over-

Spelling Yourself or: How to Become a Niffin). To represent these limitations, a point system will

be used for magicians and hedge witches.

In the spell section of the index, you will notice that each spell has points. Those are the

amount of magical points needed to cast it. The magical points are restored after a long rest or

if the GM gives something in-game to speed up the process (i.e.: a potion).

Cantrips do not require the use of a points and can be used at any moment.

Verbal and Non-Verbal Spells

At the beginning of their training, magicians learn to cast spells by saying the necessary words

out loud. As explained in World Building, they will learn how to nonverbally cast during their

harsh training in Brakebills South. If the character is a first year, they will not be able to cast

non-verbal spells until then. If the character is gagged or silenced by another spell, they will

therefore not be able to cast.

If the game is played in any other timeline, the mechanics of the game require that you need

to be at least level five to be able to do non-verbal spells without any problem. This translates

as follows:

Levels one to four: disadvantage on any non-verbal spell

Level five and more: no disadvantage

Area of Effect
Some spells have an area of effect, meaning they target a general area and not one specific

point. It is usually specified in the spell description. The centre of the spell will be more

effective than the extremity of the circle. To know the damages caused, roll 1d8 or what the

spell recommends.

For example: the player casts a spell that causes 20 points of damages and has an area of

effect of 10 feet (three metres). Any creature or character within that range will receive


Cooperative Spells
As you will see in the list of spells, there are some spells that require to be cast by more than

one magician at the same time. Sometimes, but not always, it requires a specific number of

casters. Usually, this is due to the high energy demand of the spell.

If one of the casters rolls a failure, the cooperative spell automatically fails. Otherwise, use the

highest score rolled by one of the casters.

In combat, for the spell to be a success, the result must be higher than the opponent’s. In the

event of a draw, the spell attacking player wins.

The spell points have to be divided between the caster; however, the distribution can be

unequal. In a 10 point spell, one character could use one point while the second one uses five

and the last one uses three. The total will be 10. This is to symbolize that some characters are

more powerful and use more magic than others.

Over-Spelling Yourself
or How to Become a Niffin

Your magical strength is the amount of magical power you have within you. As explained

before, humans have a limited amount of magic they can use without harming themselves.

However, they can cast despite not having the level or the magical points.

First, the player announces their intention to the GM. This can’t be done in secret. Then, the

player rolls d20, minus the number of magical points missing, to be able to cast the spell. The

result will determine what happens to the character.

The action do not succeed and may even

Failure 1 or below*
have a consequence or bad outcome

The action mostly fails but something good

Partial Failure 2-5
might happen

Bumbling Success 6-10 The action mostly works but part of it fails

Success 11-19 The action works

The action succeeds and even has a good

Brilliant Success 20 or more*
repercussion or good outcome.

For example, a player wants to cast a spell that has 10 magical points, but the player only has

six. They then must subtract 4 from the roll. If the 1d20 was a 13, we do 13 – 4 = 9, which is a

bumbling success; the spell succeeds, but the player takes 3d8 damage.

If the player turns into a Niffin, it is important to read the Niffin section in Character Creation –

Race, to learn how to play this type of creature.

Part IV—Level
Level Gain Spells Known

1 HP, +1 Strength +2 Ability Score 2

2 HP 3
3 HP, +1 Magical Point, +1 Ability Score

4 HP 7

5 HP, +1 Strength, +1 Magical Point 9

6 HP 10
7 HP, +1 Skill, +1 Ability Score 11

8 HP
9 HP, +1 Magical Point, +2 Skill

10 HP 14

11 HP, +1 Inspiration, +1 Ability Score 15

12 HP 16

13 HP, +1 Ability Score, + 1 for 3 Skill

14 HP

15 HP, +1 Magic Point , +1 Ability Score 5 18

16 HP, +1 Magical Point, +2 Skill 19

17 HP 19

18 HP, +1 Ability Score, +1 Magical Point 20

19 HP 21

20 HP, +1 Magical Point, +1 Skill, +1 Ability Score 22


Cantrips Spells
Level Gain known Known

1 HP, +1 Magical Point, +2 Skill 1

2 HP 2
3 HP, +1 Dexterity +1 Ability Score

4 HP 3

5 HP, +1 Strength, + 1 Magical Point 7

6 HP 8
7 HP, + 1 Skill, +1 Ability Score 10

8 HP
9 HP, +1 Inspiration, +2 Skill

10 HP 13

11 HP, +1 Magical Point, +1 Ability Score 15

12 HP 16

13 HP, +1 Strength, +1 Skill

14 HP

15 HP, +1 Ability Score, +1 Magical Point 5 18

16 HP 19

17 HP, +1 Magical Point, +1 Ability Score 19

18 HP 20

19 HP, +1 Magical Point, +1 Ability Score 21

20 HP 22

Level Gain

1 HP, +1 Inspiration
2 HP
3 HP, +1 Skill, +1 Ability Score

4 HP +1 Nature or Street Smarts

5 HP, + 2 Strength
6 HP

7 HP, + 1 Bonus Attack per fight

8 HP + 1 Inspiration
9 HP, +1 Ability Score, +2 Skill

10 HP
11 HP, +1 Strength, +1 Ability Score
12 HP
13 HP, +3 Inspiration, + 1 for 3 Ability Score

14 HP +1 Strength
15 HP, +1 Skill, +1 Bonus Attack per Fight
16 HP

17 HP, +1Skill +1 Ability Score

18 HP
19 HP, +1 Skill, +1 Ability Score, +1 Bonus Attack per Fight

20 HP

Level Gain known Spells Known

1 HP, +1 Ability Score, +2 Skill 1

2 HP 2
3 HP, +1 Strength, +1 Ability Score

4 HP 5

5 HP, +1 Strength, + 1 Magical Point 7

6 HP 9
7 HP, +1 Skill, +1 Ability Score 11

8 HP
9 HP, +1 Dexterity, +1 Skill

10 HP 14

11 HP, +2 Ability Score 15

12 HP 16

13 HP, +1 Magical Point, + 1 for 3 Skill

14 HP

15 HP, +1 Inspiration, +1 Strength 18

16 HP
17 HP, +1 Magical Point, +1 Ability Score

18 HP 20

19 HP, +1 Magical Point, +1 Ability Score 21

20 HP 22

Level Gain Spells Known

1 HP, +1 Strength, +2 Skill 2

2 HP 3
3 HP, +1 Strength, +1 Ability Score

4 HP 7

5 HP, +1 Magical Point, + 1 Wisdom 9

6 HP 10

HP, +1 Inspiration Point, +1 Ability 4

7 11

8 HP
9 HP, +1 Ability Score, +2 Skill

10 HP 14

11 HP, +1 Bonus Attack 15

12 HP 16

13 HP, +1 Magical Point, + 1 for 3 Skill

14 HP

15 HP, +1 Magical Point, +1 Ability Score 5 18

16 HP 19

17 HP, +1 Skill +1 Ability Score 19

18 HP 20

19 HP, +3 Magical Points 21

20 HP 22

Part V- Push
‘’Okay, the rules of Push are simple. It's like the game War.
Two players. Each draws a card. High card wins the hand. When the deck is gone, the game's
But the real art of the game is knowing how to cheat. See, a shuffled deck of cards is not a
fixed thing. It's a cloud of possibilities and you can change the odds if you know how. Put
the right card into your hand, or the wrong card into your opponent’s ... The more
probability spells that you throw around, the more improbable things can get. ... Breaking a
tie is complicated. Get the hats. You throw cards into a hat, and whichever you sink, you
score like a poker hand. Straight flush.’’

The Magicians S04E03

As the above excerpt from the fourth season shows, Push is a game of mastering the

probabilities, spells, and surprising your adversary. There are even more rules in the book

version of Push, but as the game already needs to be simplified for a tabletop purposes, they

will be ignored. Know that the GM is more than welcome to incorporate those wild cards and

other odds-altering rules, but it is at their own discretion.


1. Shuffle a normal deck of cards (54)

2. The player casts a spell on either the deck of cards, their opponent's hands, or their

own cards (see below to know how to cast).

3. The players draw one card and show it on the table.

4. The higher number of the two wins the round.

★ 1-10 are worth their number

★ Jack is worth 11

★ Queen is worth 12

★ King is worth 13

★ Ace is worth 14

★ Joker is worth 0

5. If the players draw the same cards, and to replace the odds of throwing cards in a hats,

here is how it must be played;

★ The players will roll 1d6 five times.

★ Even numbers will grant the players a card.

★ Odd number will make them unable to draw one.

★ At the end of the five rolls, the players will have between zero to five cards. They

add the total of the cards they have. The highest number wins.

6. The Game is over when the full deck is played.

Casting Spells

To cast a spell, the player must roll 1d20 + Sleight of Hand. To determine if it works or not,

follow the chart below:

If cast on the if cast on the

Result if cast on own hand
deck opponent's hand

1-5 Failure You automatically lose the turn

Partial You keep the same nothing changes in the player's hand, the card stays the
failure card you have drawn same

You can draw two the opponent draws two

You can draw three cards
11-19 Success cards and choose cards and chooses the
and choose one
one lowest between the two

20+ You automatically win the turn

Part VI-Welters
‘’ Welters is a game of circumstances. Simply put; we beat that squad of flower power ass
clowns by casting to capture those squares…the squares won’t make that easy. Each
one represents a different location and a different set of circumstances, so you can’t
just cast. You actually have to know how to cast for those complications that adjust
in a dozen ways. If you get any one of them wrong, the whole thing goes to ash. ‘’
The Magicians S01E05

Welters is a game mostly played at Brakebills and other

schools of magic. It was created centuries ago as a

solution to prevent students using their magic to harm

each other. The game is meant to find the better and

stronger magicians and showcase unique abilities and

tactics. It has become so popular within magic schools that

an international tournament is held each year.

On a square of five tiles by seven, with a black tile at the

centre, two teams of five people face each other. Each tile

has a specific set of circumstances for a spell to be cast.

The black tile is the hardest to gain. When a spell has been successfully cast, the casting team

wins it. The goal of the game is to conquer as many tiles as possible.

How To Play the Game

Some modifications had to be brought to the game for it to be tabletop RPG compatible.

Therefore, before the game, the GM will have prepared a unique board of 4x5” and have

prepared their own circumstances, keeping the two hardest to accomplish for the two black

squares. You will find an empty template at the end of the book. GMs are more than welcome

to make their own version of the game.

1.Each team has a maximum of five people. If a team has only three players, the

opposing team must have the same amount as well.

2.Each tile has a number from one to 20. This allows everyone to know on which tile

the ball has landed.

3.The player rolls 1d20, the number will equal one of the tiles on the floor.

4.The GM will announce the circumstance, but if the tile has already been claimed,

the player loses their turn.

5.To claim the tile, the player casts a spell that matches the circumstance.33 If they

succeed, the square becomes taken, no one else can use it, and the team gets a

point. If the player fails, they lose their turn and get no point.

★ Magical points count! Casting a cantrip might be a safer bet, but you

are less likely to have a major success

6.The game ends when the whole board is claimed.

Dice roll Result

The spell goes against you and you get the amount of damage it
1 inflicts. If it is not a battle-specific spell, roll 1d10 of damage, unable to
heal until the game is over.

2-5 Failure The spell barely worked or didn’t at all. The player can’t claim the tile.

5-11 Neutral The spell worked, the player can claim the tile.

11-19 Success The spell worked, the player can claim the tile and reroll

The spell was really successful and roll 1d10 to know the number of
Critical tiles they have taken out, counting the one they were aiming at (so
Hit nine others). Those tiles have to be connected and near where the
spell was cast.

33 See Appendix III, p.172 for circumstance and spells ideas.

Chapter 3
World Building

This portion is mainly for the GM, who will create the different adventures and encounters of

the players. Of course, if a player isn’t familiar with one aspect of the world, this chapter is

meant as a guide for these circumstances. It is recommended to have read Lev Grossman’s

trilogy and to have watched the TV adaptation.

Part I—Magic
Human Magic
To cast a spell, humans either have to perform an invocation using a specific ritual or to cast

with precise hand movements. Humans are granted magic by the gods and its energy is bright

white and blue. We see an example of its embodiment in The Wellspring in Fillory. If humans

lose their access to magical energy, they become powerless.

The level of connection to magical energy isn’t equal for all humans. Some have a strong

connection, while some have to concentrate and focus rather intensely in order to find it, and

others don’t have any connection at all. This may be one of the reasons why humans have a

limit on the magic they can channel. If they use too much of it at once, their body will be

consumed by magic and they will turn into a niffin, a creature made of pure magic. For more

information, see Niffin under Chapter one Part III—Races Achievable only During Gameplay.

God Magic
Gods are higher powers who created the different worlds magicians and other creatures live in.

The old gods are the same as in Ancient Greece. The new gods seem to currently be in charge

of the worlds and are a newer addition to the pantheon.

Transmitted by the parents, god magic can also be removed from the holder by an older deity.

This explains why old gods have more power than the new ones. God magic is like a seed and

has to be nourished. Any type of creature or human can receive it, but for the power to grow,

the holder must show that the way they will use the power is selfless and good. This is how

Julia Wicker became a goddess named Our Lady of the Trees in the third season of the

television adaption.

There has been a hint that god magic is also linked to other mythical magical events, such as

The Wind of Fate whom, if blown near you, can give you a glimpse of a potential future you

could have.

Known new gods Known old gods

★ Aegnus (Dead) ★ Calliope

★ Bacchus (Dead) ★ Enyalius

★ Ember (Dead) ★ Hades

★ Iris (Dead) ★ Heka

★ Umber (Dead) ★ Persephone (Dead)

★ Julia /Our Lady of the Trees ★ Prometheus (Dead)

★ Reynard

Dragon Magic
Known to live both on land and underwater, there are several types of dragons. They resemble

what mainstream media portraits of dragons: giant fire-breathing lizards. They are known to

hoard precious magical items and to have the ability to speak human languages.

As actual magical creatures, dragons are able to create portals between worlds, but they also

serve as a portal themselves. For example, if a human is eaten by a dragon, the person would

be sent to the underworld through a


Because some dragons are so sought by

magicians and other creatures, that they

rely on assistants to take appointments,

do errands, and dismiss unimportant

requests (s04e08).

Poppy Klein is known to be the top

expert Dragonologist on Earth and is

now author of a best- seller dragon

encyclopedic-erotica, The Dragon

Riders of Porn.

In order to have a baby, female dragons

lay eggs that the male dragon will spray

sperm over, much like most fish species.

Dragon’s Egg Magic

Baby dragons and dragon eggs possess strong pheromones that, when touched by a human,

enchant the person to become as protective and parental as it was their own child. It makes

those affected go into a ‘’pheromonal craziness ‘’ state that clouds their judgment and the only

thing they can think of is to take care of the baby.

This can have a strong effect and the aftermath was coined as an ‘’egg hangover,’’ where the

person enchanted has a deep need to touch normal eggs and eat any egg-based meal.

Known Dragons:

★ Bookwyrm: Neitherland’s library dragon who feeds on books that need to be sent to the

★ The Ganges River Dragon

★ The Hudson River Dragon

★ The East River Dragon

★ The New York Sewer Dragon

★ The Thames River Dragon

★ The Abyss Dragon

★ The Venice Chanel Dragon

Fairy Magic
Just like dragons, fairies are magic and obey different laws than humans. They wield a darker

kind of magic that forms dark smoke around

the object that is being created or around

the hand of the spell caster.

It has been discovered by humans that fairy

dust (ground remains of fairies) transfer its

power to the people who inhale it. This lead

to the near extinction of the fairy race and

became taboo for magicians, though old

families like the McAllisters are not shy about

using it when there is a shortage of magic to gain more power while they can (S03E10).

Magic Cast by Creatures

In the TV show, it is mentioned that magic used by creatures is different from magic used by

humans. Indeed, when their access to magical energy is cut out, both creatures on Earth and in

Fillory are still able to cast magic. It has been theorized that it is because they are made of

magic and it is therefore part of them, not dependent on an outside force like it is for humans.

In an episode of the third season, we learn that a Traveller’s magic follows the same rule.

Despite being unable to cast a magic spell, a magician traveller can move from one place to

another without problems. This power is a part of them, theoretically in their DNA, and not a

power given by a god.

Part II— Other Types of Magic

The Seven Golden Keys

Like in Greek mythology, the god Prometheus loved humans and knew that other gods would

try to strip away the magic he had granted them. This is why he created seven golden keys,

using his own magical powers to give humans another way of accessing magical energy. He

then hid them on Earth and in Fillory. The person seeking them would then have to pass a

series of tasks to prove themselves worthy. Many have tried and many have failed. We know of

only two cases of someone reuniting the seven keys.

On the TV show, the first quest is completed by finding a nameless and authorless white book a

the New Jersey library. The book appears empty at first, but eventually the first chapter forms,

explaining the first task of the quest. The second chapter appears only when the first key is

retrieved. In the book, the tale is told by the first person

who accessed all keys: a daughter who became a knight

and fought her way through quests and hardships in order

to save her father.34

In the books, the creator of the keys is different and the

quests aren’t the same, but the keys exist for the same

reason: a way to access magic when the old gods strip

humans of their magical powers.

The Seven Keys

★ Illusion: Creates an illusion of what one fears most. Changes from person to


★ Truth: Reveals hidden things such as a secret or someone that was hidden in the

room by magic.

★ Time: Brings one back in time to Fillory, before the Chatwin reign, to a small

cottage where a puzzle must be solved. There, one will find 784 tiles of 15

different35 colours and must find a way to show the beauty of all life. 36

★ Abyss: Reveals one’s darkest thoughts by embodying a version of the key holder
that only they can see. It will then point out every single bad thing and self-

criticism the holder has thought of themsleves. Most of the time, it leads an

individual to suicide or close to madness.

★ Unity: Brings back all the quest participants together, as inevitably one of them
will feel left behind.

★ Word/Land/Fairy (Unknown name): Creates a copy of a world.

★ Vision: Grants visions of the future.

34 For the complete story seek Appendix 4: The Tale of the Seven Keys, p.173
35: 17,366,606,286,739,300,000,000,000,000,000 possible patterns
36: The answer being a life lived, full of happiness, love and family bound. Only at the end of your life you can reflect on how
beautiful your life really was (s03e5).

Tattoo Magic
In the universe of The Magicians, tattoos are more than decorative. They are able to contain a

lot of power, show ranks, and even stop magic itself. From context clues, it seems to be mostly

practiced by Hedge Witches, though those who are classically trained are also known to use it

on rare occasions.

Hedge witches’ tattoos are known to be less precise, which means the same shape might

encounter different effects or counteract with a traditional spell, creating a magical outburst

that kills the tattoo holder . This was discovered accidentally, when the Library did a spell

tracking money the hedge witches were using that were killing those with less precise tattoos.

Known Tattoos:

● Cacodaemon Barrier: heavily intricate and personalized with the first letter of the name

of the host: it opens a portal that allows a Cacodaemon (fire demon) to be put inside

your skin and can be released when set free by the host with a specific set of words

chosen by the person during the time of binding. The process is painful and once the

demon is released, they do not return to the host

● Hedge Witches Level System: As explained in the character creation chapter, the Hedge

Witches use a system of stars and numbers to show what level they are, how strong they

could be and how knowledgeable they are with magic.

● Reed’s Mark: Symbol that stops any kind of magic to be casted, voluntary or not.

● Kady’s tattoo: Gives Kady Orloff-Diaz a 20/20 vision in the dark (01x06)

● Anchor: Keep traveler’s body bound to one place, making them unable to travel

between places, whether voluntary or involuntary. This does not stop them from astral

projecting, however.

The Dewey System
‘’... As in Melvil Dewey, the most famous librarian of all time. He has his own decimal system ... In
the new world order, there's just enough magic in the air to keep the boring masses fat and
happy, but you got an itch to do something bigger, you have to file a request with the Library.
They decide if you're trustworthy, and they give you a cute little battery in the shape of a
coin.They put the faces of famous librarians on there, but Dewey's the only one people can
remember. Well, and Laura Bush, but Bushes just never stuck. ‘’
Marina Andrieski, S04E03

Deweys are rare and hard to get. The background is exhaustive and seems to be largely given

to people that already held power. It seemed nearly impossible for a commoner to have access

to it. There is also a credit-card-like system used by the Library where the holder can get as

many Deweys as they want, no questions asked. It is heavily implied that only people that are

looking to keep the system in place or with a large amount of power have access to them, and

only a few of them exist in the world. The cards are almost impossible to counterfeit and the

moment one is reported stolen, the card ceases to give unlimited access to magic.

It seems that the Dewey system did not survive the collapse of The Order of The Library (see

page 121) at the end of season four, though this part is purely speculative.

Part III—Earth
“If magicians on opposite sides of the world develop varietals of the same spells without
ever crossing paths, imagine what we could accomplish by working with each other.”
- Meliss Weigert
Dean of Brakebills, 1915–1928

The Magicians plays a lot with the concepts of alternate worlds, multiverses, and alternate


This is why this chapter is divided by worlds and not places. The main world is Earth, where

most magicians and Hedge Witches come from. The book mentions the existence of many

magical schools all over the planet, though this is never explored further.

Known Creatures and Mystics Living on Earth

★ Baba Yaga ★ Pixies

★ Dragons ★ Cacodaemon

★ Lamprey ★ Reynard The Fox (Without his magical

★ Leprechauns

★ Niffins

Established in 1763, Brakebills College for Magical Pedagogy, or Brakebills University in the TV

show adaptation, is the first magical institution to have been built in North America. Located

somewhere in the vicinity of Brooklyn (New York), it houses many students who, in the course of

three to five years,37 will learn the craft of being a magician.

Each new class has exactly 20 students.

Due to many circumstances, such as a

failing, dropping out, expulsion or dying,

the number lowers considerably through

the years. On average, less than a dozen

will complete the full academic path.

While the students and the school are

American, the professors come from all

37: In the books, it takes five years to complete the program, while it takes three years in the TV adaptation.

over the world. Brakebills takes pride in having some of the most brilliant and renowned

magicians teaching the newest generation.


It is through a selective admission process that the students are chosen to enroll. Anyone who

fails the entrance exam will have their memories wiped, only to forget a few hours of their day.

The test is divided into two parts. First, the applicant will have to fill an enchanted booklet that

has the appearance of a written exam, but changes depending on the answers given. This helps

determine the applicant’s true potential. At the end, a large percentage of the students will be

cut from the process. The second part of the test is a practical test, which takes place in front of

a board of examiners, mostly professors or members of the school board, as well as the dean.

After the candidate shows their abilities, they will be asked to leave and those who are selected

will meet with the dean. He will then explain the schools’ curriculum, the potential dangers, and

make the applicant sign a contract. It is only when the contract is signed that the applicant is

considered a student. Accepted students then move into a temporary dorm until their discipline

is assigned.

It has been hinted in the book that if the number of students accepted doesn’t reach 20,

another round of admissions will be performed.


There are six major disciplines studied at Brakebills: Physical, Natural, Illusion, Knowledge,

Healing and Psychic. Through a series of tests proctored by different professors, the students

are assigned to one of them and can move to their permanent house. (See Part V—Chosing a

Specialization in Chapter 1: Building Your Character.) Disciplines are a type of magic a student

will have a natural gift for. From it emerges each student’s specialization. There are as many

specializations as there are students.

At the beginning of the year, most classes are shared

between the disciplines, but as students are assigned a

specialization, their class schedule will change and adapt to

what they need to improve upon. Some disciplines may still

share classes.

Alumni Week

During this week, previous students of Brakebills come back

to offer mentorship and networking opportunities to

students. The more an alumnus is well known in the magical

world, the more students will try to impress them.

In Mendings, Major and Minor (s01e5), the dean organized a Welters tournament during this

week opposing the different specializations to showcase his students’ talent. It doesn’t seem to

be a yearly event, since it was a surprise.

The Trials

The trials are an invention of the TV show that still share a goal with some of the books’ events:

send the student to Brakebills South.

In the book, the third-year students are divided into two groups and one disappears until the

middle of the year, when it is time for the other group to disappear. Nobody in the higher years

is allowed to explain where the students are going. They will only discover it when, in the

middle of the night, they are awoken by a staff member, brought to a tower and turned into

geese. The students then fly as a flock towards the Antarctic, to Brakebills South.

In the show, the trials are the first year’s midterm exam. All students will perform a series of

complicated task to weed out the first years. Organized by the second-year students, the tasks

involve knowledge but also explores the task taker’s personality and ability to think outside of

the box; a good magician might have to break the rules for a spell to be perfect. The last task is

a ritual during which the students are paired and paint each other before binding their hands

and having to unbind themselves by telling one of the deepest secrets they carry, most of the

time displaying their vulnerability and their fear. When the ritual is complete, and the spell

succeeds, the student transforms into a goose that will fly towards Brakebills South.

Brakebills South

Hidden somewhere in Antarctica, Brakebills South is the second campus of Brakebills. There,

time seems to be as frozen as the ice outside. There are no clocks, and the sun never fully goes

down, hinting that it must be summer. On campus, everything is white: the view, the walls, the

bedding and the uniforms. Everything is designed to be monotonous and to avoid any kind of

distraction. To make sure no one is interrupted and to avoid meaningless conversation, a

silencing spell is cast upon the students for the first few weeks. The spell disappears by itself

most of the time without students noticing, as they have learned by then that silence is

sometimes necessary.

Brakebills South is designed to be one of the hardest moments in the students’ curriculum.

There, they work day and night to learn how to perform unspoken spells. Being able to cast

without saying a word and only thinking about them requires mental strength and deep

concentration. The students are isolated in their rooms, focusing on the spell they are required

to cast.

To return home, the book offers two options: a portal or a test. The test consists in crossing

Antarctica in the snow and the cold without clothes or accessories and only using magic. This is

meant to prove strength. While it is not mandatory, professors look highly upon those who try it.

In the show, at the end of their stay, students are sent back to Brakebills through a portal where

warmth awaits them. Contrary to the book’s half a semester stay in Brakebills South, in the

show, the student’s stay is shorter; around a few weeks.

The Final Exams

Seen only in the books, the final exam takes place during the last year at Brakebills. Students

are required to come up with their own test and to try to solve it with magical means. For

example, Quentin decides to try to fly to the moon, which requires him to cast a flying spell, to

account for oxygen deprivation and for loss of density in space. Failing the final exam does not

automatically mean failing classes, as the theoretical approach is as important as the

application. In Quentin’s case, he failed to reach the moon, yet graduated at the end of the


Hedge Witches

Safe Houses
Safe houses are an underground system for hedge witches to find security, share secrets,

practice magic and be with other people who know about the existence of magic. There are

several in a city and each is run by a high-level hedge witch. Those leaders answer to the top

hedge witch, who leads their own safe house.

Safe houses are usually found in an abandoned warehouse, secret rooms behind stores, or in a

highly-protected apartment; these places are meant to be secret and hard to find. Only an

initiate to the system should be able to know how to find them so no mere muggle waltzes in.

Magicians are aware of their existence and can also find them.

To enter, the hedge witch must be invited or have earned their first tattoo, as it shows any gate

keeper they is part of the organization. For more information on tattoos, see Hedge Witch in

Chapter 1: Building Your Character.

Each house has its own binder of accumulated knowledge. It contains spells and rituals that

were earned through trades, theft, or exchange from other safe houses or magicians. Some

houses have more knowledge than others, making them more reputable.

Free Trader Beowolf (FTB)

FTB is an online chat resource for over-educated and depressed people, or at least, that is what

the website is pretending to be. A hedge witch who stumbles upon it will find a chatroom with

many other hedge witches from around the world. There, they share spells, life stories, and

support each other. It is a small but friendly group that is only active online. To protect their

identity, every user has a nickname and goes by it. No one uses their real name.

House in Murs

Situated in Murs, in the southern part of France, this house hosted level-250 hedge witches.

There, the small group exchanged spells and toyed with higher types of magic. Tragically, this

leads them to their death and their story is now a cautionary

tale of the limit to finding true magic.

In the show, this group has been replaced by a group from FTF

going into one of their members’ apartment in Brooklyn.

Black Market

The hedge witches have an underground black market where

many magical items that are more or less legal can be found.

There is almost everything someone needs, for the right price.

The owners of stands usually accept money, deweys, or an

even trade. There are no questions asked about why you need

the object or how the seller got their hands on it.

Much like the ‘’Dread Pirate Roberts’’ in The Princess Bride, Lovelady is a title that is given to

only one person at a time and can only be given by the predecessor of the title. This name has

great power within the underground magical community and is known to have many contacts

all over the world.

Usually, someone meets Lovelady through one of the contacts they already have. Before even

presenting himself, he will ask for a show of magic in order to assess a magician’s potential.

Usually, the spell asked is called First Flash.

The name of the current Lovelady as of season four is Pete, a hedge witch who used to be the

second in command of the number-one safe house in New York. However, he now has the

Reed’s Mark, which makes him unable to cast any magic, though his connexion to the magic

world and his influence is still strong.

Ibiza is a Spanish island known for its white sand, clear water, and parties for which magicians
receive an invitation titled “Magical festival-cum-orgy” (s01e06).

Magician Camp
Held by Genji, a world renown magician, it is hinted in the TV show that only promising and

powerful magicians are invited. It is like a boot camp with alcohol.

The Plover House

Situated in Cornwall, England, the mansion-like estate is now a tourist attraction for any Fillory

and Further fan. The house is said to be haunted by the ghosts of Plover’s darker past and some

employees have seen apparitions. Management denies any of these claims.

Christopher Plover

The fans know that despite the fact that his death certificate says he died of a heart attack,

Plover’s body was never found. Theories suggest he might still be alive, having found a way to

Fillory and exploring the land he once wrote about (See below for full detail on what really


Part III.I
Fillory and Further: the Books and the Truth

The Books
Fillory and Further is a series of five books written by Christopher Plover during World War II. It

tells the story of the Chatwin kids: Rupert, Martin, and Jane (Fiona and Helen only appearing in

The Magicians books) and how they found a way to a magical land through a portal in a

grandfather clock. There, they became kings and queens

of Fillory and fought against many foes. In the books, the

Chatwins were living with Plover and his wife when

London was being attacked during the air raids of WWII,

but in the TV show, they are neighbours.

There are five books in total, as Plover never finished the

sixth book, leaving a lot of questions unanswered. Over

the years, fan theories would grow about what further

adventures might have been like and if Martin, who had

disappeared in The Secret Sea, would ever come back

and reveal what happened to him during all those years.

Titles of the Books:

1. The World in the Walls

2. The Girl Who Told Time

3. The Flying Forest

4. The Secret Sea

5. The Wandering Dune

Later, Jane Chatwin wrote the sixth book, The Magicians, in which she explained her side of

the story and what truly happened to her and Martin. The story is eventually lost to time and

many consider it only a fan theory. In the TV show, Quentin will start writing the seventh book,

Title To be Determined, relaying his first attempt at killing the Beast with his friends (s01e13).

We do not know if he ever finished the book.

The Truth
Rare are those who know the real story of the Chatwins and Plover, but it is no fairy tale. The

grandfather clock Martin found and that leads to Fillory is really at the Plover estate, but the

older man manipulated the children into telling their adventures, which he simply transcribed

and published. Plover claims the idea of Fillory comes from the children’s imagination and that

he simply developed the idea and made the children heroes of their own stories so they would

feel a sense of happiness in the world. It helped hide the fact that he was just a con artist.

As his books gained in popularity, Plover became harsher with the kids, asking them to go to

Fillory to bring him new adventures but failing to understand that that the doors to the other

world don’t follow the children’s will, but Fillory’s. It’s during that same period that Plover

developed an unhealthy relationship with Martin, using his power over him to emotionally and

physically abuse the child.

This eventually led Martin to fear Plover and create a deep need in him to stay safe in Fillory.

Unfortunately, the Gods, sensing a growing darkness in Martin, banished him from their world.

It would then take years for Martin to go back to Fillory, using trickery and powerful magic

before disappearing. Years later, he would reappear stronger and more powerful under a name

feared by all in Fillory: The Beast. Martin would then go back to the writer’s house and kidnap

Plover, who would then never be seen for decades. For more information, see The Beast in Part


Plover was put in the dungeon of the Invisible Castle in Fillory and was kept alive by having his

forehead carved with enchantments that made him unable to age or die. He was tortured by

Martin for years until The Beast had a new target to torment: a group of kids sent by Jane.

These young magicians would try 40 times to destroy him (See The Beast for more information).

The group would end up saving Plover when they come to save a traveler girl that Martin had

captured as a lure for the students.

Plover would then be sent to the Library to work under their order for eternity. This doesn’t last,

as he manages to escape with Alice Quinn, who sent him to a world where the air itself is

poison. Only the carving on his head made him survive this hostile environment and he would

end up leaving with two women: Zelda Schift and Kady Orloff-Diaz, who had come to the world

to find a book the Library had tried to hide.

It happened that the same group that saved him from the Beast also saved him from the Poison

World. For a brief period he had access to Fillory to see the Drowned Garden he’d written in his

book, but the group’s clear distaste for him made him take a step back and return to Earth. As

of the end of season four, we have no idea where the author is.

In the TV show, Plover’s sister will eventually start killing the children to make sure Plover has a

quiet place to write and create. Their death is such a strong act of hate that the events got

stuck in a loop, making the ghosts relive the events over and over. Sighting of the murdered

kids and rumours amongst the employees of the tour contributed to the rumours of the house

being haunted.

Part IV—Fillory
Fillory is the name of the magical world in Christopher Plover’s book Fillory and Further and is

also a real place. Created by the Gods Ember and Umber, the world has one main land

separated in two distinct realms: Fillory and Loria. The continent is surrounded by many islands,

and the world’s air contains 0.02% opium. There are several types of creatures living there:

humans, dryads, nymphs, dwarves, and sentient trees. Humans occupy places of power and rule

over everything else.

Ember and Umber

The deities looking over Fillory are named Ember and Umber. In the book, they have the

appearance of a ram, but in the TV show, it is closer to a Satyr. As brothers, they are the

embodiment of chaos (Ember) and order (Umber). They created Fillory and the rules of the

land. It is because of them that only children of Earth can be crowned. For more information on

this, please see The Monarchy below.

Both deities rarely interfere in mortals’ everyday problems, but they do try to help when a

group of magicians comes seeking assistance, as they see it as a form of entertainment and

because Ember easily gets bored. The show explores their demises at the end of the second

season. Upon discovering that his brother wasn’t dead but had fled to Earth, Ember kills Umber

in a rage. He then decides that this action was the last straw and triedsto completely get rid of

Fillory. This will lead to Quentin killing Ember with a sword. The death of Ember and Umber

angered the old gods and they decided to remove magic from Fillory and Earth, thus proving

that there are consequences when a mortal kills a god.

Ember’s Security Message

‘’Well, this glorious emanation can only be triggered by world war, pandemic, arrival of hostile
or uninvited gods onto Fillorian soil, revolt of dwarves, or mass rising of the dead’’
Ember (04x01)

The security message placed by the god Ember is still in place despite his death and will

appear only to the crowned High King in a dream. It can’t provide answers to what is the actual

threat is or how to face it but warns the High King about a problem they might not be aware of


The Wellspring
Hidden in a half-rotten wooden shack in the middle of a forest, the Wellspring is a direct link to

the source of all magic in the universe. This type of magic is not only used by humans but also

by the worlds it is linked to. As Fillory is a magical land, growing a garden is done using magic

instead of fertilizer. There are many accesses to the source of all magic, but in Fillory, it is

through the Wellspring.

A circular golden door decorated with alchemical symbols keeps the access to the Wellspring,

and the key to open it is a magic marble that has to be inserted in the middle of the door. This

marble is highly magical and only a master magician or someone with godlike powers can

touch it without being severely burned.

When the Beast started drinking from the stream, his magical capacity increased drastically, but

at a great cost, as every ounce of magic taken away from the well wasn’t restored, causing

Fillory’s magic to slowly disappear.

The Beast
After finding a way to get back into Fillory, Martin Chatwin decided to stay there forever to

avoid Plover’s mistreatment. To ensure he would not get kicked out by the gods, he realized he

needed to be more powerful than them. Martin eventually learned about the magical

properties of the Wellspring and began drinking directly from it, granting him god-like power.

With time, he also learned about darker forms of magic and encountered creatures who would

lead him to decide to part with his shade. Once shadeless, he lost most of his humanity, as he

was not burdened by emotions or moral implications, and his magical power grew. Eventually,

he would grow a sixth finger on his dominant hand, improving his casting abilities.

In time, the people of Fillory would start fearing him. and only the Watcherwoman seemed to

have the ability to scare him. But as Martin kept drinking from the Wellspring, Fillory lost more

of its magic and soon, the land that once thrived on magical power began to die and fade, only

to become a shadow of its former self.

Eventually, Ember and Umber will tried to confront him but Martin, now named The Beast,

overpowered them with dark magic. He then struck a deal with Umber, who agreed to be

forever banished to Earth. Through manipulation and illusion, the Beast and Umber make

Ember believe his brother was killed by The Beast so he would not try to find him. Seeing the

death of his brother convinced Ember of The Beast’s superiority. The Beast then exiled Ember

to one of his temples and forbade him to leave.

It will take the Watcherwoman’s magic and 39 attempts from the same group of magicians for

the Beast to be defeated. It is finally done when one of them, Alice Quinn, becomes a niffin to

kill him. In the end, a being made of magic was the key to defeat The Beast.

Despite the magicians’ victory, The Beast leaves Fillory in a poor state, his path of destruction

still visible through the land’s many problems, such as a lack of farming magic and magical


The Watcherwoman
In Fillory and Further, the Watcherwoman is a mystical figure that manipulates time and grows

a forest of clock-embedded trees. She wears a dark cloak, her face is never shown. She is

feared by many creatures and Fillorians. Martin, Rupert, and Jane flee when they sense her

presence, despite her never directly attacking them.

Wishing to face and overpower her, Jane starts to learn magic and develop her powers. She

would soon have to put her newfound abilities on hold, however, as rumours spread through

the land that Martin was still alive and working with evil forces.

On her journey to stop Martin, she is sent by a questing creature to meet with the dwarves

near the mountain. There, they will teach her time magic (horomancy) and give her a pocket

watch that gives her the ability to travel

through time. However, for it to work, she

has to solve an impossible puzzle that will

give her one of the seven golden keys.

Luckily, when she reaches the puzzle, an old

man had just found the answer and agrees

to give her the key so she can continue her


The power of altering time forces Jane to

hide her face so her past or future self

wouldn’t see her. By wearing a dark cloak,

she became the Watcherwoman, ironically

becoming the thing she was preparing to


38:The old man being Quentin, who was trapped in the past in a quest to get magic back. He finds the key after living a full and
long life in Fillory. This whole story is explored in Life in the Day (s03e5).

Using her power of horomancy, Jane will create different sets of events, hoping that one will

end in the death of the Beast. As the time loops happen, a pattern starts to emerge and she

deems Quentin Coldwater to be the key to defeating the Beast. Each time his death happens

in a timeline, she will reset it, hoping that he will survive a new set of changes she had made.

Martin will track her down and in the 39th time loop to prevent her from succeeding; he will

possess a Brakebill alumnus named Mike and strangle her to death, making this timeline the

last she could ever try to defeat him. Luckily for her, it is during this time loop that The Beast is

killed, not by Quentin Coldwater but by Alice Quinn.

In the books, Jane’s death is quite different. After the Beast is killed, the pocket watch breaks

as the time she played with catches up to her. As a result, she ages faster and ends her days

living in a small house near the dwarves’ mountain and tending to a garden.

Known Timelines Created By the Watcher Woman

★ 11- This timeline is compared to 1984 by George Orwell, as it is heavily implied that the
muggle government is aware of magic and is regulating it to a point of almost making it
criminal. (We see a hedge witch being arrested for having her tattoos) Death of the
main characters unknown.
★ 23- In this timeline, many people are killed in a terrible way by the Beast, but Alice
Quinn survives. After being contacted by Quentin from timeline 40 with the Tesla
Flexion, she finds hope in getting back Quentin from her own timeline and goes to the
underworld to bring him back. However, what she doesn’t know is that he doesn’t have
his shade, which makes him cruel and without morals. Quentin wanted Fillory for himself
so he easily killed the Beast, then the god Ember (which causes the gods to punish
humanity by removing magic in every world as a consequence). Quentin becomes afraid
of the potential of magic and admits to Alice that the only person who truly loved Fillory
like he did was the Beast. So he takes up his clothing, his way of terrorising people39

39 Such as using moths to cover his faces, growing a sixth finger etc.

and decides to kill every magician on Earth and every magical creature in Fillory40 . Only
a small pocket of people still survive in a post-apocalyptic way.

✴ Beast!Quentin is defeated when Marina and Josh from timeline 23 are

summoning Julia from timeline 40 (and Josh, by accident) since they know the
new Beast wants to talk to her. Julia talks to Beast!Quentin, who warns her that
he possesses a key that gave him a vision41 of Julia opening a lock at The End of
The World and by letting magic coming back, she was letting ‘’something
worse’’ out 42. Julia defeats Beast!Quentin by giving him her shade, which makes
him human again and realizes with disgust the atrocities he had committed on
the world. He will kill himself after discovering he had just killed Alice Quinn in
cold blood, telling Julia to take her shade back before he passes away.

★ 40- The final timeline where Jane dies, so nothing could be rebooted. The Beast dies
when Alice Quinn sacrifices herself and becomes a Niffin. The main change Jane made
was not to admit Julia Wicker to Brakebills, leading her to be a hedge witch instead of
one of Brakebills’ most brilliant students.

40 We see him eating the White Lady, a Questing Creature and one of the most magical things in Fillory
41 See The Seven Key on page 173
42 See The Twin Monster on page 129

Castle Whitespire

Castle Whitespire is the main residence of Fillory’s monarchy. Built like a fortress, it has high

towers at every corne, protective walls, and a large wooden door. Inside, there are many people

working day and night to make the castle run, from cooks to guards and servants. The throne

room is large, and it is where the kings and queens spend most of their time working with the

council. The room has four thrones, one for each true ruler of Fillory.

The armoury isn’t for swords and armour, but for magical knowledge. As there was a large gap

of time between the reign of the Chatwins and the Waugh era, it has been ransacked of its

most valuable books. Through the revival of the castle, the armoury is slowly being filled again

so the monarchs and future monarchs can use it. When the Fairies took over the kingdom, any

knowledge on how to defeat them has been purged.

In the books, Castle Whitespire is perched on a moving clock designed by dwarves. It

constantly rotates the castle ever so slightly. After its destruction, the rulers discussed the idea

of not rebuilding the mechanism, but the decision was never known.

Known rooms:

★ Throne Room ★ Kitchen

★ Map Room ★ Armoury

★ Kings and Queens’ ★ Dungeon

bedroom ★ Anti-Fairy Hallway (the stones used to build it being fairy

★ Meeting Room repellent).

The Monarchy
“By decree of Ember and Umber, the magical
world of Fillory, its native people and its
talking animals are ruled by Children of
Earth. Obviously.”
- Official Godly Decree
The kingdom of Fillory is governed by four Children of Earth: two males and two females. Of

those four, one is named High King and one is named High Queen.43 They both have more

weight in decision-making, but ultimately, it is the High King who has the final word when a

decision is not unanimous.

The book gives no explanation on the coronation, but in the TV show, to be crowned, the

Children of Earth have to cross the Rainbow Bridge—a wooden bridge covered by thousands of

flowers blooming in a rainbow pattern—and on the other side, a knight waits for them to

challenge the future High King to a trivia contest. The purpose of the challenge is to prove that

the future kings and queens are not Fillorian, as only a Child of Earth would know the answers.

It consists mostly of trivia on TV shows, actors, and other pop culture knowledge. When the test

43: In the TV Show, there is a blade that can only harm High King and High Queens, making it easier to know who would be
ruling within the four members.

is passed, the High King is crowned and will then choose his High Queen and two people to

help him with his tasks.

Before the Hanson reign, no Fillorian had ever sat on the throne to rule. It is only when Margo

Hanson gave temporary power to Lady Fen, before leaving on a quest to get magic back, that

Lady Fen became the first Fillorian to sit on a throne while a Child of Earth was still in charge.

The Elections

In the TV show, after a failed coup from a council member and

weaker power due to the fairies enslaving the kings and

queens, the first Fillorian election was held (s03e12). During

the campaign, members of the council and the High King ran

against each other and promised favours to the Fillorians, just

like Earth’s politicians. However, to everyone’s surprise, the

talking animals (who have a population of around a million

contrary to 500 000 Fillorians) cast their vote for a third party,

electing the High Queen to take the position of High King.

This will change the political views of Fillory for the future. For

more information, please see this chapter’s section on Talking

Animals under Creatures.

The Coup
Newly-elected High King Margo left the kingdom rather quickly in order to bring back magic to

her land and other worlds. However, despite her success and Fillory having access to magic, it

took her several months to return44 . After receiving her crown back from Acting King Fen, High

King Margo quickly focuses on her Birthright Box (see below) and solving a problem with the

Talking Animals, who become unable to speak due to a foreign plant that had started to grow

and revert them back to their animalistic traits. She shows herself to be a dominant and violent

High King who threatens Codswall’s leader to give them the beets that would help the talking

animals; otherwise, she would kill their sacred animal (s04x07). When the new leader of Loria,

Queen Ru, (see Loria civil war for more details) comes to the castle, she schemes with a

reluctant Fen to overthrow Margo and put the Fillorian back to the throne. During a royal ball,

Margo learns that she must be overthrown and banished to be accepted by the Foremost from

a desert tribe. Fen obeys her wishes and use Ru’s soldiers to take over the Fillorian crown and

become High King, marking Margo in red iron. This is a sign to others that she is forever

banished from Fillory (s04x09).

The Dark Knight Ascension

At the end of season four, nothing is truly known about the Dark Knight, only that he overthrew

High King Fen and Josh because ‘’The Gods had cursed them both’’ (s04x13).

The High Council

The role of the High Council is to help the kings and queens with decision-making issues. They
bring the Fillorian point of view to the table, and when there is no one to sit in the thrones, they

44She had been under a spell, making her forget who she was and her position as High King. It took someone to break the spell for
her to come back to her old self. (s04x01, s04x02)

rule over Fillory until a new ruler comes.

Birthright Box
Guarded by Lord Fresh, a questing creature, this box has been prophesied to belong to High

King Margo. It is said that the prophecy talked about her reign, her memory wipe, and her

return to Fillory, where the box would be helpful. This is why, when she is still under the

influence of the memory spell, Lord Fresh seeks Margo out and tells her to come back once she

is herself. She does this almost as soon as she comes back as High King.

Inside the box there is a non-talking sand lizard that will help her in her quest in the desert and

serve her as emotional and psychological guide during her journey.

**Licking it is highly hallucinatory.**

Fillorian Mourning Ritual

In s04e04, we learn some of the Fillorian mourning traditions. At this moment, it isn’t clear if

those we have seen are the only ones or if there was more that simply were not shown:

1. The Bare-Breasted Laments : it is to assume that the widow cries while showing their

2. The Last Lay: the widow lays in her marital bed, buried in the garments of her deceased

3. Construction of The Altar of Remembrance

4. Singing of The Bleats of Despair, usually sung by talking sheep.

Fillorian Songs and Games

We know little of how Fillorian kids spend their time playing and what kind of songs the land

has, but in s04e11, Fen and Tick sing a song about thirteen kings and one of the lines goes like

this: ‘’Thirsty Roderick, Thirteenth of his line, always liked to have a good time.’’

There is also a game of Bearskip, which is a whimsical version of Hopscotch, only there is a

specific pattern on the floor and some tiles have bears. It seems you need to avoid them.

‘’He hides his drinks from his many daughters

Builds a cistern to hoard the waters

Underneath the castle fair

If you jump, you'll skip the bear!"

There are many rules and few of them made sense to Earthers, as is obvious in this excerpt

where Fen tries to teach Josh Hoberman how to play:

Fen: Just jump forward three squares.

Josh: Okay.

Tick: Not the dragon! Watch the sloth!

Fen: Now duck.

Josh: Duck?

Tick: There's a bear on your right.

Josh: Seriously? That one got my leg. Okay! ‘’Oh, no. Don't get me bear! ‘’

Tick: Cause you successfully "skipped the bear," you get to throw the sweetberry.

Josh: And I throw it at the last whatever?

Fen: The hibernation square.

Josh: … I say what again? Oh. Oh! Right. “Honey or die!”

Josh wins (s04e11)

Whitespire does have a hallway with the Bearskip pattern that, when played correctly, reveals a

hidden chamber that leads to the Drowned Garden, as well as The Secret Sea.

The Drowned Garden
The Drowned Garden is tucked away in a secret chamber before The Secret Sea, and its flowers

react to a visitor’s emotions. If someone is sad, a flower will bloom. If someone is happy,

nothing will bloom. There is one plant that will cure the curse placed on The Secret Sea;

however, it only blooms when someone truly loves Fillory.

In the book, the garden is found in the Far Side of Fillory (A new version of Fillory in process of

being created,) and is described like this by Julia: “The plants aren't just plants, they're

thoughts and feelings. A new thought happens and a new plant springs up. A feeling fades

away and the plant dies. Some of the more common one are always in bloom - fear, anger,

happiness, love, envy ‘’ (The Magician’s Land p.389). Julia, now a demi-goddess and Queen of

the Dryads, is charged to take care of the garden.

The Secret Sea

‘’The Secret Sea was built by the 13th king of Fillory to consolidate power for himself. Martin

wanted to make sure that no one ever tried to do the same thing again, so he drained the Secret
Sea, using the last few drops to set a trap for anyone who might one day try to refill it. A
curse.’’ (s04e12)

The curse Martin placed on The Secret Sea is that whomever drinks it will turn into a Fillorian Fish, a

type of fish that needs constant eye contact or else it dies. The only way to cure the curse is with a

flower from the Drowned Garden.

Castle Blackspire

Contrary to Earth, Fillory is flat, which gives the world edges leading to nowhere. To maintain

balance, Umber created another darker version of the land where castle Blackspire exists. It is

an almost perfect replica of castle Whitespire but was built with black stones named Living

Stone. They are made out of blood, making anyone able to travel. It is also the back door to the

magical essence for which the god Prometheus created seven keys. For centuries, it also served

as a jail for a monster that even gods fear. 45 This monster managed to escape when a group of

magicians went to the fountain, and it now roams the world.

At the border of the city-state of Fillory is another kingdom named Loria. It is a land of harsh

tundra with much colder temperatures. There, people don’t practise magic. A race of warriors,

the Lorians have been in a century-long feud with Fillory to gain access to its magic and nicer


When the Beast was a threat, the two kingdoms were on a truce, but as soon as the threat

passed, the king of Loria tried to gain power. He sought an alliance with High King Eliot but the

High Queen harshly refused, putting both kingdoms at war. It is through parlay that both kings

avoided bloodshed and made history by agreeing to equally share the magic of the wellspring.

However, as magic disappeared, the kingdom of Loria took advantage of its physical strength

to gain more land, breaking the deal made with Fillory. The King of Loria retracted his army only

after High King Waugh promised him a magical school would be built after magic returned.

The Civil War

After High King Margo is put on the throne, King Idri is left without any alliance and weaker

than ever before. This is when his sister, Ru, declares war against him, which leads Loria into a

civil war.

When asked for allegiance by both sides, Acting High King Fen tries to emulate what Margo

would do and chose Idri’s side.

45: For more information, go see The Monster at page 129

This does ultimately not matter, as the civil war ends with the separation of the city-state (Loria

North and Loria South) but with Queen Ru as a main ruler. We do not know what happened to

Idri since then.

Afterward, Ru traveled to Whitespire, she helped to overthrow High King Margo and put Fen

back on the throne as the true High King of Fillory instead of the acting king. We can assume

that, since then, relations between Loria and Fillory are the best they have ever been.

Known places in Loria

★ The Castle

★ The Cock Barrens: a desert-like place where a forest with phallic-shaped rocks are found.

Fillorians United (FU)

Fillorians United is a group of radical activists who demand to have a Fillorian on the throne.

Known also as the FU Fighters, they aren’t above murder and claim to have killed more than

one non-Fillorian who had access to the throne. It isn’t mentioned how big the movement is or

how old it is.


Fairies are creatures feared by many others. Around the Earth year 1600, they were living on

Earth but were hunted to near extinction when humans discovered that inhaling fairy powder (a

fairy ground to dust) would grant temporary fairy magic.

To save her people, the Fairy Queen made a deal with the McAllisters, a powerful magical

family. The family would send the queen and her people to another world if some of them

would become their servants. The volunteers were then bound for life to an anti-magic collar

that would strip them of the ability to use magic, as any magical act would automatically kill the

caster. Over the 400 years of captivity, only one of the volunteers survived: a fairy named Dust

who lost all hope as he saw his kind suffer and die one by one.

Respecting their side of the deal, the McAllisters sent the Fairy Queen and her people to Fillory

and there, too, they were hunted and tortured. In Fillory, they

acquired a golden key that created a world identical to Fillory

and that made them invisible to Fillorians. From then on, if a

Fillorian wanted to talk to a fairy and strike a deal, the fairy

would seem to appear out of nowhere while, in fact, they were

simply in a parallel world.

In time, the Fairy Queen died and allowed her child to ascend

to the throne, as she knew her people’s history and harboured

a deep hatred for humans. The fairies’ habit of collecting limbs

from humans during bargains or after killing them would come

as revenge for the queen’s ancestors, as she is “simply doing to

them what they did to us for many years” (s03e3).

Meanwhile, the fairies on Earth were still treated like slaves.

From serving dinner to cleaning the house, they performed

many kinds of labour. This new generation of fairies was also

led to believe they were unable to practise magic. The fairy

presence in the McAllister family became one of their biggest

and darkest secrets.46 It is only when Fen, a Fillorian who could

see the fairies, spied a fairy following Irene McAllister and

launched an investigation that would reveal the truth. After

being convinced there were still fairies on Earth, the Fairy

46 An older member of the McAllister family killed one of his grandchildren for disagreeing with fairy slavery and wanting to
reveal the truth. The victim was strangled in his bedroom in Brakebills (s03e4).

Queen went to see for herself what had happened to her people that had been left behind.

Having believed them dead for centuries, the Fairy Queen freed the enslaved fairies and broke

the deal her mother had made with the McAllisters. It occurred during a family reunion of the

McAllisters and as soon as the enslaved fairies were freed, they turned against the family and

killed everyone but Irene McAllister. This bloody murder is known as “the red dinner”.

The Fairy Queen promised there would be consequences for her breaking the deal, but what

they are is still unknown.

Contract With the Fairies

Asking help from the fairies can be risky. Although “all pirates made a deal with a fairy one day”

(s03e3) most people would advise against it, even as a last resort. Once a deal has been made,

it is impossible to change one’s mind or to bargain another solution. If someone wants to make

a deal with a fairy, an ambassador will come to negotiate the terms of the contract. If insulted or

vaguely dismissed, the ambassador will take his latest offer as the only solution available, and it

will be impossible to change the contract.

When the terms are set, the fairy will deliver what is requested from them and get what they ask

in exchange. The person who made the deal will, from then on, be able to see the fairies. If the

person who made the deal has someone else pay the price, the person affected by the deal will

also be able to see the fairies. The only other way to see a fairy without making a deal with

them is by holding the Truth key.

The only person able to break a contract is the Fairy Queen. It has been done only once, and

the consequences are still unknown.

Known Fairies:

★ Dust
★ Sky
★ Fairy Queen (deceased)

Talking Animals

Fillory has many animals and contrary to Earth, some of those have human-like intelligence, can

talk, and often express their opinions. While some of them can speak the same language as

humans, others will require the services of an interpreter.

Sentient animals led to a dilemma for hunters: which animals can be killed and which animals

are too smart to be hunted? To answer that question, they started using magical snares that

would test the intelligence of the captured animal. If the prey could answer the riddle or the

question, the snare would free it. Otherwise, it would be acceptable for the hunter to kill it.

Talking Animals and the Election

The first Fillorian election brought many unspoken problems of the kingdom to light, one being

the question of romantic relationships between humans

and talking animals.

No one in Fillory really knew how big the talking animals

population was compared to the human population. With

the election, we learned that while being the ruling race,

humans only have a population of 50,000 people, while

there are over a million talking animals. It was their massive

involvement in the election that resulted in the surprise

election of the High Queen of Fillory, as she showed no

judgment towards interspecies relationships. For the first

time in their history, the talking animals understood that

there is power in numbers.

Questing Beasts
The questing beasts are rather different in the TV and in the books. In the books, there are

twelve unique beasts that grant specific powers to those who capture them. One of them is the

Questing Beast, as it is a hard journey to capture it. In the TV show, there are seven beasts, all

of which are questing beasts. All grant different types of magic or wishes to the person who

captures them.

TV Show Beasts Book Beasts

1. The White Lady: A white doe that 1. The Questing Beast/Winter’s Doe: A white
grants three wishes to Whoeverr doe that grants three wishes to whoever
captures her. captures it.

2. Otter: An otter able to provide an 2. Seeing Hare: A hare that can predict the
object that brings you to Fillory (i.e. future of whoever captures it.
the button).
3. Great Bird of Peace: A large, flightless,
3. Rabbit: A messenger rabbit who has cassowary-like bird that can stop fights
the ability to announce pregnancies with its presence.
4. Unseen Monitor: A large lizard that can, if
4. The Great Cock: The White Lady’s they wish, turn a person invisible for a
brother. He can sense magical items year.
across the worlds.
5. Utter Newt: N/A
5. Sir Effingham: Pig in a victorian attire:
6. Kind Wolf: N/A
he bestows quests.
7. Parallel Beetle: N/A
6. Napster: Able to see the future, this
cat-like creature goes into dreams to
influence leaders or anyone that has a
historical importance to Fillory. She
can only be caught in dreams.

7. Lord Fresh: Half man, half frog (also

called manphibian) he oversees all of
Fillory’s fresh water and is the guardian
of the birthright box of High King

The Bunny System
It doesn’t seem to be common knowledge, but bunnies can

carry messages between worlds. Their magic allows them to

travel from one place to another and deliver a short message,

no more than four words, to a specific person. They can’t,

however, travel through time. Bunnies are intelligent and have

to agree to deliver the message, contrary to carrier pigeons.

The Southern Nomad

The Southern Nomads are a tribe of men and women who

survive via trade to farmers (s04e09) and from their own gathering and hunting. They mostly live

in the desert in the south of Fillory.

They call their leader the Foremost, who is a sworn enemy of Fillory and its monarchy. 47 As the

desert is known to have demons, the Foremost possess two special axes that expel demons

from any possessions but also control them to specific target (s04e10).

The Sand Demons

It is easy to see sand demons, as they travel within the sand dunes while showing their blood-

red silhouette. They were known by the Southern Nomads as demons that were targeting men

who were near females expressing strong emotions only and, for a long time, only the Foremost

could save them with his axes. It was said that a lengthy possession was able to cause paralysis

and even death.

47They agree to talk with Margo only after seeing that she was marked as banished from Fillory forever. Prior to that, they were
hostile and ready to kill her. (S04e10)

As Margo was having her own meltdown in the desert in s04e10, she learned the true story of

the Foremost and how he and others in power used them to control their people and make

them submissive. Indeed, the demons are spirits that roam the land and protect women.

However, those who expressed strong distress were found by the spirits who were possessing

the men that were causing the trouble. They are, in fact, not demons but protectors, and they

will leave the men only if the distressed woman tells them they can leave.

The Axes A.K.A Sorrow and Sorrow

It is Josh who discovers that both axes from the Foremost have expelled demons from any

person who is possessed. When Margo tries to borrow them, he explains that the axes are

enchanted to him.

Black Sand
In order to get her own axes, the Foremost tells Margo that for every hundred grains of white

sand, there is a black one. She must fill a bag with the black grains only and then she will be

able to make her own axes with them. Her warns her that she can’t use magic and to be sure

she is not too emotional, as the demons may attack her.

So Margo tirelessly works on filling the bag with black grains and, with the help of a

hallucination (see Lizard!Eliot below) she ends up having a massive breakdown where she

recognizes her flaws but also her strengths. This will summon the spirits, who will explain the

real reason for their presence and help her fill her bag with black sand.

The morning after, when she brings it to the Foremost, he laughs in her face, saying that all of it

was a lie and those were simple magical weapons he acquired; the sand had nothing to do with

it. She was told to do it so she would break down and never be seen again (as the Foremost

assumed the demon would kill her).

This sends Margo into a fit of rage, and she frees all the spirits the Foremost had imprisoned,

knocking him down and using his axes to control the spirits and possess all the men in the

camp. She also tells the women how their leader had used his knowledge to make them docile

and how to get rid of the demons without the axes. She then leaves the desert and go back to

Earth with the axes that she kept after making sure the women in the tribe would be safe.

In the third book, the Foremost asked Janet to perform the same excruciating task so she

would prove her strength of mind and her place amongst the tribe. She will fill the bag with

black sand by herself and without the help of the spirits. She will create the axes after she

learned the Foremost lied to her and said he sent her on the quest to break her spirit, and that

he would never accept a woman into his tribe. Out of anger, she cut his spear in half and

formed axe heads made of ice before destroying the camp. Those axes will stay with her and

represent her emotional growth from her desert experience.

Notes on Lizard!Eliot

Margo’s Birthright Box contained a lizard from the southern desert of Fillory that was destined

to be her spiritual guide during her journey through the desert and with the nomads. As she

licked the skin of the animal, the help from the lizard becomes represented by a hallucination of

Eliot, who guides her and gives her courage by singing. Talking together while she performs

the black sand task will lead her to important introspection of herself and cause an emotional

meltdown that will bring the desert spirits to help her in her task. Lizard!Eliot will also guide her

out of the desert, knowing she has grown from the experience.

Many Questing Beasts have hinted that Margo being banished and getting the axes would

change Fillory forever 48. The lizard guide’s invaluable help is another example of Fillory’s

involvement in making a quest successful.

48Lord Fresh says that this will be important for her destiny, Napster warns Fen that she must banish Margo for the good of Fillory,
and another Questing Beast went into Queen Ru’s dream and told her to help Fen overthrow Margo for the good of Loria.

Other Places in Fillory49

★ The Sentient Forest

★ The Brass City

★ The Flying Forest: makes any traveller so high they lose their way

★ The Clock Barrens

★ The Chatwin's Torrent: has healing properties

★ The Outer Islands

★ The Retreat: a hospital-like facility run by centaurs

★ ‘’A wild Fillorian clock tree has sprouted up, leaving a village stuck in time’’ (s04e09)

★ The Fizzy River

★ The Upside Down Desert

★ Far Side (from the 3d book)

Part V— The Neitherlands

Known as “a place between places,” the Neitherlands is a world existing nowhere in particular

and is only there to allow transition between worlds. Time goes slower there, as an hour there

equals one week on Earth. Although all the worlds have their own time and different pace, the

Neitherlands is the only one we have specific numbers for.

In the books, the Neitherlands is a deserted city with one large fountain of black inky water in

its center. Each world is represented by a unique-looking building. In the show, the buildings

are replaced by fountains with normal water. They are decorated by a statue representing the

49 Those are the best known. For more ideas, see the map of Fillory in the annex.

world they lead to.

The Library
The Library of the Neitherlands is where all the knowledge of the universe is stored.

Travellers created this place as a way to track the knowledge of all the different worlds. The

librarians in charge eventually created the Order of the Librarians, mostly composed of people

seeking refuge in the Library and repaying their protection by working and of travellers who

can access the different worlds and get back books that are late or should be stored away.

Usually, employees are bound by a contract and have to work for one million years, including

after they die. When a librarian dies, they are transferred to the Underworld’s branch of the


Zelda Schiff is the head of the order and is really strict about who can access the library’s


A section of the Library contains bookshelves holding the stories of all people inhabiting a

certain world. In the book series, those are stored in different buildings. There is usually a

single book per person, and it contains all information on someone, from their birth to their

death. There have been rare cases of a person’s story being so big that two books are needed.

Books can be re-shelved to other parts of the Library when the person plays with time magic or

if another life-changing catastrophe affects more than one world.

The person writing all the life story books is named Cassandra. She is an old woman with long

white hair who has the power to see the past, the present, and the future. This is the power

that allows her to write the books. She doesn’t seem mentally stable and not much else is

known about her.

50:In the TV show, her desire for control will lead Zelda to create a syphon, bringing all magic to the Library and forcing the
other worlds’ residents to ask her permission if they want to access magic (s03e13).


★ Eating and drinking are allowed in certain areas only.

★ Damaging or burning a book will grant you a lifetime ban.

★ A late fee will be charged for all books returned late.

★ No one is allowed in the poison room.

★ If a librarian dies, a corpse eater will come and eat their body. It will then lead their soul
to the Underworld’s section of the Library.

Known Librarians:

★ Agnus ★ Kathy
★ Bacchus ★ Penny Adiyodi (dead)
★ Bruce ★ Phyllis (dead)
★ Cyrus ★ Shanya
★ Derek (Leader of the Underworld Branch of ★ Sheila Cozener
The Library)
★ Everett (Former leader of The Agnus)
★ Sylvia (dead)
★ Bacchus
★ Zelda Schift

Known branches:

★ The Neitherland’s fountain access

★ The Underworld

★ Modesto College Library

★ The poison room: a room filled with a toxin that gives a rapid and painful type of cancer.
The room contains the most dangerous books of the Library. It is a portal to another
world accessible via the fountain.

The Order of The Library
The Librarians formed the Order of the Library of the Neitherlands, a group that guards and

protects the “flame of knowledge’’ in the Library. There is no deep background and historical

context to it, but it is understood that The Order oversees the work of the library, decides what

to do with certain books and/or certain knowledge that is deemed dangerous, as well as tries

to protect any kind of knowledge from all of the different worlds.

Everett, the leader, had tasked his second in command, Zelda, to get the Library in control of

magic. Once the Library gets the flow of the wellspring

under its control, they are the one who assigns the level

of magic allowed per world. They create the Dewey

system in order to give more magic for certain spells

(see p 186).

Everett will become power hungry and start to

accumulate magic for himself in The Secret Sea. He will

falsify documents about the level of magic given, only

giving half of what is written so the other half can be

stored. He will create a war against the hedge witches

(see below) to make sure they do not use magic so he

can get more, etc. In the end, he will get all of that

magic and try to turn himself into a god, only to be

stopped by Quentin and being killed in the Mirror Realm (s04e13).

While Everett is gathering his power, the Library will be attacked by the Twin Monsters (see p.

129) who will kill a large portion of the librarians as well as destroy the facility. Once everything

is over, Zelda Schift refuses the position of leader of the Order, as she is scared to turn like

Everett. She then asks for Alice Quinn to be the leader, as she is outside of the organization

that Zelda deems corrupted. As of now, we do not know if Alice accepted the position.

The War on Hedge Witches
As magic becomes regulated by the Order of The Library, hedge witches can only do magic

with the bare minimum that is allowed on Earth at the moment. The way for them to get a

Dewey is to get it through the Black Market or by gambling for them. Many of them can’t even

do magic, as the ambient magic is too low for their capacity to control it.

Some hedge witches start to drop dead without reason, which creates fear in them and adds to

the frustration of it all. When Kady Orloff-Diaz and Lovelady warn them that the Library has

trackers on Deweys and those counteract with their tattoos, which is the cause of death of so

many of them, many hedge witches become angry and want revenge. Kady manages to calm

most of them, trying to prove to them that magicians and hedge witches can work together to

defeat the Library.

In the end, it will be with the help of hedge witches all over the world casting the same spell at

the same time (alongside magicians) that Alice and Quentin will be able to create an

incorporeal bond to lock away the Twin Monsters.

We do not know what became of the community of hedge witches now that magic is back to

normal, but it has been strongly hinted that Kady took over the role of leader that Marina

Andrieski formerly had.

The Modesto Branch Incident

As anger and frustration is created after learning that The Library is the cause of so many

deaths, some hedge witches will try to seek revenge, despite Kady’s warning. A group will

decide to target a branch of the Library that is hidden in the library of the college of Modesto,

and bomb it. Not only does this destroy the branch, but it will kill several librarians who were

working that day.

The Order of the Library will declare this as a terrorist attack and will give them a reason to

restrain their ambient magic and to continue the tracking that kills them ‘’by accident.’’

The Serpent and the Blood Worm

Another answer from the attack in modesto will come from Everett, the leader of the Order of

The Library, who will create a fake terrorist organization named the Serpent, a fake hedge witch

vigilante group who target magicians and infect them with a Blood Worm. This worm painfully

kills anyone infected who tries to cast magic. Their effects are described as ‘’boiling you alive.’’

The Order of the Library will then tell hedge witches and anyone who has been infected that

they can get Reed’s mark, a tattoo that makes them unable to do magic. Everett sells it as a

temporary solution until they find a real one, then they will remove the mark without cost. Of

course, all of it is a lie and is designed to simply diminish the number of magic users.

The Serpent is created as a way to make hedge witches and magicians fight against one

another instead of fighting the library, create fear, and as a way to infect people without the

Library being seen as villainous.

Lovelady will become infected with the Bloodworm and get the mark to save his life but as of

now, we do not know if they found a solution and if the mark was ever removed.

Part VI— The Underworld

The Underworld is the place where the humans’ souls go when their body dies. Upon arrival,

any soul enters a room resembling the lobby of a hotel. There, they will be registered into the

system and sent to one of the three possible fields. As being processed can take a while, there

are smaller ecosystems designed to make people comfortable, such as bowling alleys, ping-

pong tables, and other distractions.

After processing, it is up to the soul to decide when to move on to their field, but we don’t

have a lot of information on the definition of “moving on.” It is also unclear how someone goes

“beyond” but rumours mention a metro system that is described “like this giant, long, pig-type

creature that you, like, climb into, and then it takes you wherever you need to go next” (Sylvia,


Rules of the Underworld

★ Any person without its shade is banned from the underworld.51

★ If someone caused the death of someone else, this person is not allowed to be near the
victim, even if they are from the same family.

In the book, only Fillorian souls can go to the underworld.

The Room of “Secrets Taken to the Grave”

The room of “secrets taken to the grave” is a room in the Underworld’s Library that even the

librarians aren’t allowed to enter. It is a secret research project involving the Order of the Library

and Hades. People selected to go there to “unload their conscience” come back from it hurting

and crying but holding a ticket to the metro system, allowing them to move on. There was a

rumor of hooded figures with glowing red eyes that extract deep dark secrets from a person,

but in reality, it is a position that only a few librarians have. As of season four, Penny Adiyodi (of

timeline 40) is now one of the agents that help unburden the person who died and help them

‘’move on.’’ (s04e13)

Elysium is a sumptuous manor-like estate where Persephone used to stay when she was directly

in contact with the Underworld.52 There, she gathered all the shades that got ripped from their

owners and allows them to play together and perform small miracles in the different worlds,

51:We ignore where someone in that position might go, but it seems to be a place where people really don’t want to go. A
soul without a shade will have a large hole from their chest to their stomach. The longer they stay in the Underworld, the
bigger the hole gets.
52 For reasons unknown, the old gods are thought to have disappeared from all of the worlds, but they do appear once in a

like allowing a starving child to find money for a meal. A large portrait of Persephone is in one

of the corridors and in the estate, she is known as Our Lady Underground.

Though it is not directly mentioned in the TV show or in the books, when Marina Andrieski of

timeline 40 dies, she later mentions a horrible dark place she is terrified to return to. Since

Greek mythology seems to apply to the Underworld, we assume she refers to Tartarus, the

worst place for a soul to be sent. In Greek mythology, it is where creatures and demons roam

and where horrible punishments are given to the souls of those who committed terrible deeds.

This is, of course, mostly conjecture, as there is no information about this place.

Part VII— The Mirror Realm

‘’It’s the Mirror Realm. We don’t know what’s impossible.’’
Zelda Schift (s04e07)

Little is known about the Mirror Realm, except that it is dangerous and unpredictable. The only

person who has a better understanding of the place is Alice Quinn, as she explored the realm

when she was a Niffin. When she was restored to her human state, her brain was not able to

remember all the knowledge she had, so before she forgot, Alice wrote everything she

remembered about it in a notebook.

The Mirror Realm replicates a place but not completely. For example, if there is photography or

a painting, visitors would see the back of it; everything seems without colour and saturated


Doing magic in the mirror world is extremely dangerous, as it seems the dimension doesn’t

have the same rules or doesn’t react the same way as other dimensions. When a spell is cast,

magic ‘’bounces around and destroys everything in its path. It’s pretty gruesome’’ (s04e08).

This place is feared and rare are those who adventure in it. It is why some people have hidden

things they desire to be gone forever, such as The Binder (p.128). Contrary to the poison room,

this place is not used by the Library.

The Seam
What seems to be the reason why the Mirror Realm exists is due to what it is called the Seam.

This is the place where the universe and the antiverse53 touch. If it is not fully joined, some

magic comes out and ‘’creates a pocket universe where everything’s all backward and

lifeless.’’ (S04E13) The Seam is represented by a large mirror inside the mirror world. Instead of

reflection, we can see what seems to be raw energy or magic moving. Even as a Niffin, Alice

Quinn was scared of going there, and it is one of the most dangerous places in the universe


Mirror Bridge
It is possible, yet dangerous and extremely complicated, to travel from one mirror to another by

using the blood of a traveller who creates a bridge between the two mirrors in the mirror world.

If the blood dries, is erased, or one of the mirrors shatter, those who were on the bridge are

stuck in the mirror world. If one of the mirrors is shattered, it might result in the mirror realm

shattering the person stuck on the bridge in as many fragments, splitting the person's

personality. Alice Quinn called those replica Shards; they are extremely dangerous and many

might harm you (s04e08).

53Antiverse is an abstract concept in science that implies a parallel universe where one would be an exact replica of ours but
everything is backwards and has its own laws. It has not been proven or even truly researched by scientists and is merely a theory.

Part VIII— Realm of The Gods
We barely know anything about the Realm of The Gods, only that it exists and that is where

they do not have a tangible form but are made of thoughts. Attacking them in their own Realm

would be the way to destroy them (s04e13).

There is a key to their realm that had been found on Earth a long time ago. This key is in the

form of a scroll and meant to be the final test for mortals to access to the gods, but it had been

taken away by the Library until the Twin Monsters (see below) got it back from the poison room.

They ended up losing it again and Quentin and Josh used it to find a solution to defeat the

Twins (s04e13).

The Four Librarians That Became Gods

In the fourth season, we learn that long ago, some librarians who tried to become gods

succeeded, but not without blood and murder. The whole story is told by a librarian who had

been cursed and turned into a book named the Binder. Appendix 5, on p.177 will offer a

transcript of his tale and a summary will be provided here.

The Binder
The Binder was a Librarian who was researching the magical energy that emanated from gods.

He had theorized that when a god is killed, its energy is lost, but could be contained into

objects. Objects that, if in possession of magicians powerful enough, could make them gods

themselves. He shared this knowledge with other librarians who successfully applied the theory.

He was then cursed and transformed into a book so he could never speak the truth of those

new gods and their weaknesses.

It is by using the Binder’s theory that the Librarians Iris, Agenus, Bacchus, and Heka trapped

and killed one of the Twin Monsters. Her energy then transferred in four egg-shaped rocks that

were magically placed inside of their chests. This gave them god powers and ascended them to

the gods we know now.54 They hid the Binder, now turned into a book, inside the Mirror Realm,

as it was a place even powerful beings knew not to visit.

However, the second Twin Monster, who had been imprisoned for years, managed to escape

and found each of the stones, killing the Librarian-gods in the process. The Binder was found by

Alice Quinn while she was in the Mirror Realm. Alice gave the book to Julia Wicker, who was

seeking answers about gods.

The Twin Monsters

or the Errors of the Gods
“Why are you the God and I the monster?”
The Monster to Bacchus, s04e03

A long time ago, the gods decided to experiment and wanted to create an immortal, unkillable

being made out of pure magic. This resulted in the Twins, one male and one female, who were

powerful and untamable. Afraid of their creation and unable to kill them, the gods gave the

female twin to a group of librarians who were testing the limits of magic and were trying to be

gods. (see above). The male felt lost and scared without his sister and was starting to forget

who he was or what he was. They imprisoned him in a castle built on Living Stone that made it

impossible for him to leave (s04e05). This castle was designed by Calypso and was at the End

of the World of Fillory, or more accurately, underneath it.

The Monster stayed there for centuries, guarded by a knight named Ora. There were other

monsters and creatures the gods had imprisoned, but the Monster overpowered them all and

killed them. He even ate some of them. Remaining the only prisoner, lonely and still childish, he

started a relationship with Ora, who would entertain him. In turn, he would not be any danger

to her.

54 By removing the rocks from their chest, their immortality and god powers disappear and they become mere mortals.

Everything changed when a group of magicians came into the castle to have access to a

fountain Prometheus had placed there, giving mortals access to magic if they had the seven

golden keys (see Tale of the Seven Keys, p. 173). Ora had made a deal with a magician,

Quentin Coldwater, so he would take her place and she would be free of guarding the place. In

exchange, she would open the door for them. He agreed and as they were presenting Quentin

to the monster, one of his friends decided to shoot the mortal body the Monster was

possessing (a mortal named Charlton), unaware the monster was unkillable (s03e13).

Those magicians opened the door back to magic, but the Library captured them and wiped

their memories for them to forget who they were and what they did. The Monster took the

opportunity to possess the body of Eliot Waugh, the person who

had tried to kill him. He managed to escape into the real world and

far away from his prison, being free for the first time in centuries.

Eventually, The Monster remembered that Ora had presented to

him a new guardian and playmate, so he went and sought out

Quentin, who was memory wiped and now went under the name of

Brian. The Monster managed to find him and together they worked

at killing and avenging everyone who had wronged The Monster.

Ultimately, Quentin got his memory back and lead The Monster to

his friends, who reluctantly helped him find the Librarians-turned-

gods. The Monster didn’t remember his sister but knew they had

something he needed. So one by one, he killed them and got back

the four stones that contained his sister. It was Julia who found the

answer that the rocks were body parts, and it started a series of

confusing memories for The Monster, who was still struggling with

who and what he was. Then, with the help of Penny!23, they dug

into his memories and remembered the ritual the Librarians had

performed with his sister, which terrified the magicians but delighted The Monster.

The magicians had been helping The Monster in the hopes of getting Eliot (who was still alive)

back in his body, but they understood that the stakes had changed. When Margo arrived from a

quest in Fillory with axes that were removing demons possessing the body of a person, they

knew they didn’t need to help The Monster anymore, and they worked on a plan to get rid of

him. (s04e11)

However, The Monster didn’t need them, either. He had the four rocks and remembered his

sister, who he wanted back. He began a ritual to regenerate her and took the body of a mortal

female to do so, but her body was too weak and rejected the presence of the female monster.

So The Monster captured Julia, who had been struggling with being immortal yet not a

goddess. Her body, unable to die, was able to host his sister and they were finally reunited after

centuries apart (s04e12).

The Twins planned to get revenge on the gods who had created them, then abandon them to

misery. The sister was the head and the planner of the two and knew there was a key to their

realms in the Library. They went there and killed everyone in their path until they found the

poison room and the scroll they needed. That is when Quentin, Alice, and Penny!23 arrived and

used Margo’s axe to remove her from Julia’s body and bottle her under an incorporeal bond55


Meanwhile, The Monster had fled and was now roaming the woods, realizing that he did not

want to end up like his sister and starting to see the beauty of simply living and not seeking

revenge. But Margo, Quentin, and Penny!23 attacked him and, with Margo’s axe, got him out of

Eliot’s body and bottled under an incorporeal bond as well.

Quentin and his friends sent the bottle into the Seam (see p.127) where there is no possibility

for The Monsters to escape or return (s04e13).

55A spell that puts a magic seal over a place or an object. A lot of magic is needed to cast it; Quentin and Alice had to get god-
power magic to perform it and it took all the magicians and hedge witches of Earth to create one for The Monster

Part IX- Incorporeal places
Astral Plane
An astral plane is a plane over the world currently lived where a traveller can project their mind

and soul while their body stays on Earth. They can travel anywhere in their world and, if strong

and powerful enough, other worlds as well.

There, nobody can see them or hear them. It is extremely hard to move an object and takes a

strong magical will and concentration to simply move a penny (s03e04) .

Hyman Cooper

Hyman Cooper was a traveller and student at Brakebills during the 1920’s. He used his gift to

attend classes and was known to use it to watch the women in the bathroom. This gave him the

nickname of The Pervert Ghost of Brakebills. As a prank, someone took his body and hid it,

making him unable to return back to it. Since then, he has been stuck in the astral plane and

has been following the lives of Brakebills students, whom he views as characters of a book or

TV show. His comments on shipping characters or what relationships or quests work or don’t is

an echo to what the fans are saying on the internet and a nod from the author that they know

the discourse surrounding the show.

The Happy Place and the Remembrance

The Happy Place is where Eliot Waugh and Charlton happen to be stuck while The Monster is

taking over their bodies. There, they live their best memories and can revisit happy moments of

their lives over and over, blissfully forgetting their need to escape.

The moment they leave this happy part of their mind and explore other memories, creatures

come and try to attack and kill them. Charlton explains that those creatures are in fact the other

prisoners in Blackspire that The Monster ate. If they manage to kill them, they will truly die and

become unable to come back to their bodies, even if The Monster is gone.

The Happy Place is the only place where The Monsters can’t go, presumably so they do not

have to fight and can stay ignorant of their fate by creating a place they do not want to leave.

There is a door hidden in the Remembrance that holds the visitor’s most repressed memory.

This door will grant him or her access back to their body for a few seconds. For Charlton it was

his childhood bedroom and for Eliot, it was the day he refused Quentin’s suggestion they start a

romantic relationship after they returned from the mosaic universe.56

56 See The Time Key in p.83 for more information

Acid Splash Chkhartishvili’s Enveloping Warmth
Range: 60 feet Range: Self
Language: Russian
You hurl a bubble of acid. Choose one creature within
range (60ft) or choose two creatures within range that Generates warmth within the body to ensure survival
are within five feet of each other. A target must in extremely cold environment:, only lasts an hour.
succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 acid

Coldwater’s mending
Range: 15 feet
Anasazi’s Vision Spell Material:Any object, but if it is bigger than one foot, the
Range: 30 feet
repair will be visible.

Reveals something invisible. It is similar to the Mann

Repairs a single break or tear in an object you touch.
reveal but less powerful.
As long as the object is no bigger than one foot (30
cm), no traces of damages will be left. Cannot
restore magic to an object.
Atsuko’s Spectral Refraction
Increases the length and size of any light-inducing Fen's Dream Stopper
spell. Range: Self
Material: You must be asleep

Bujold’s Sorcerous Nail Extraction Make a dreamer aware of being in a dream and able
Material: Nails
to stop it. The person must put their finger in the
middle of their palm to make it happen
Counter-spell to Legrand’s Hammer Charm. Instead
of hammering a nail through a surface this spell
extracts it.
Fire Bolt

Chill Touch
Range: 90 feet An object hit by this spell bursts into flames. Doesn’t
affect objects that are being worn. Damage roll:1d10
You create a ghostly, skeletal hand in the space of a
creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against
the creature to assail it with the chill of the grave. On a hit,
the target takes 1d8. The hand clings to the target and
causes damage every turn until dismissed.
First Flash Light
Range: 120 feet Range: 50 feet
Material: An object no bigger than 10 feet (three
A level one hedge witch spell that causes a quick metres)
burst of light to appear between the caster’s fingers.
Any object no larger than 10 feet can be
enchanted to light a 20-foot radius . The caster
Force Push can choose the light’s colour. The light stay for
Range: 10 feet
one hour

Basic battle magic that blasts your opponent in rage

(10 ft) up 30 feet away. The target must roll a Mage Hand
dexterity saving throw, on hit it take 1d10 damage. Range: 30 feet

A spectral, floating hand appears at a point you

Kady's Emoji Wall choose within range. The hand vanishes if it is
Range: Touch
ever more than 30 feet away from you or if you
cast this spell again
Spell that puts an emoji of your choice on a surface
that you touch up to 24h. It is visible only to those
you want to. Message
Range: 120 feet
Material: A short piece of copper wire
Range: Touch The target (and only the target) hears the
Material: The object used to tie the knot message and can reply in a whisper that only
you can hear. You can cast this spell through
The spell caster make sure the next knot they will tie solid objects if you are familiar with the target
is nearly impossible to undo. If an opponent tries to
get out of it, they must roll a dexterity saving throw
Musical Spell
Range: 120 feet

Legrand’s Hammer Charm Cause all people in a range of 120FT to

Range: 3 feet spontaneously sing, dance or play music. The
Material: Nails spell won’t work if the caster doesn’t know the
lyrics to the song being cast.
Ensures a nail is hammered into a surface in a single
smooth strike.

Range: 5 feet

Each creature in range besides you must

successfully roll a Constitution save or take
thunder damage. Thunder can be heard up to
100 feet away. 136
Poison Spray
Range: 3 feet True Strike
Range: 120 feet
You extend your hand toward a creature you can see
within range (10ft) and project a puff of noxious gas Your magic grants you a brief insight into the
from your palm. The creature must succeed on a target’s defences. On your next turn, you gain
dexterity saving throw or take 1d12 poison damage. advantage on your first attack roll against the
target, provided that this spell hasn’t ended
Polaski’s Mending
Range: 10 feet
Ugarte’s Prismatic Spray
Minor healing spell (+5 HP)
A spell that creates a trail of rainbow light in
the air from the caster’s fingers.
Revelation Charm
Range: 100 feet
Vicious Mockery
Range: 30 feet
Detects the presence of magic if it is in big quantity,
faints spells or trace of magic can't be seen or found. You unleash a string of insults laced with subtle
enchantments at a creature you can see within
range. If the target can hear you (though it
Shocking Grasp
Range: 50 feet need not understand you), it must succeed on
a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d4 psychic
Lightning springs from your hand to deliver a shock damage and have disadvantage on the next
to a creature you try to touch. On a hit, the target attack roll it makes before the end of its next
takes 1d8 lightning damage, and it can’t take turn.

Sumerian Shield Charm Water to Wine

Range: 10 feet Range: 5 feet
Spoken Language: Sumerian

Turn up to 1L of water into passable wine.

Simple but powerful shield charm, which can be used
to protect its caster from projectiles such as glass,
debris and from low-level spells. This charm can be Weizenheim’s Third
strengthened greatly through the use of cooperative Range: 20 feet
Small weather suspension spell that has an
influence on the water in the air. (IE: Emily and

Spells Quentin smoke figures in s02x04.)

As battle magic is not taught in Brakebills anymore, there are few relevant canonical spells for

use in combat. In the first edition, the book tried to be pure and only have the spells from the

book or the show. It quickly became clear that it needed enhancement, so many new spells

have been introduced in the second edition. If a GM decides to allow only book or show spells,

they will be highlighted in grey. Any spell level written with a C denotes that it must be a

cooperative spell and the total of all the level must equal the number.

Healing Word
All Indian Night-Vision Charm Specializations
Lucifier’s Cleaning Charm Sanctuary Care of Magical Creatures
Level 1
Modus Hex Spare the Dying ✴Heal
Accuracy Spell
Poll Spell Relieve Addiction ✴Restoration (lvl 3 & 5)
Armor of Agathys
Detect Magic Level 7 Level 3 Curse Breaker
Dixon’s Charm Mann’s Reveal Aura of Vitality ✴ Detect Curse (lvl 1)
Harper’s Fire Shaping ✴ Remove Curse (lvl 3)
Cure Disease
Magic Armor Level 8
Purify Water Alonso’s Reverse Crystal Magic
Level 4
Teukoisky’s Locator Spell Thermogenesis ✴Detect Poison or Disease (lvl 1)
Aura of Life
✴Heal (lvl 6)
Aura of Purity
Level 2 Level 9
Dark Vision Koyosegi’s Ward Major & Minor Injuries
Level 5
Find Traps ✴Merle's Mass Cure Wound (lvl 9)
Power Word Heal
Lesser Cavaleri ✴Restoration (lvl 3 & 5)
Level 10+
Locate Object Sex Magical Beacon (c) Level 7
Magic Missile Word as Bond (c) Persian Fainting Charm
The Magician’s Land (c) Hedgewitches
Level 3 Level 1
Level 9
Counterspell Alarm
Mayakovsky’s Mind Control Healing Death Ward
ATM Insight
Romanian Flying Level 1
Level 10 + Une Chaleur Temporaire
Enchantment Stop Bleeding
Awaken (c)
Sleep Level 3
Level 2 Voltaric Transfer (c)
Woven Strength Hex
Level 4 Aid
Confusion Delay Poison

Level 4 Level 10 + Level 2
Modus Hex Voltaric Transfer (c) Blurr
Locate Person Necromantic Résurrection Darkness
Scarlotti's Web (c) Digital Underground
Level 5 Incorporate Bond Fergus’ Spectral Armory
Dempsey’s Silent Thermogenesis Osseus Coferum Zone of Truth
Miller’s Flare McNaughton’s Unstealable Charm
Vampire Touch Telsa Flexion (c) Level 3
Ars Deicidium Cholmodeley’s Spell
Level 6 Contact the Other Side (c) Mirror Image
Emotion Bottles The Rhinemann Ultra
Fergus’ A Whole Lot of Other Wish Level 5
Really Useful Combat Spell Bigby’s Hand
Level 7 Hemocology Level 6
Decay ✴Blood Magic (lvl 7) Dispel Illusion
Symbols ✴Word as Bond with Blood (lvl 20)
Level 7
Level 10 + Hormonally Coptic Illusion Spell
Paralysis Spell ✴Manipulate Time (lvl 8)
Scarlotti's Web (c) ✴Time Stop (lvl 9) Level 8
Incorporate Bond Programed Illusion
The Quarterback Luck
McNaughton’s Unstealable Charm ✴Bad Luck Bear Spell (lvl 5) Level 9
The Fish Hook (c) ✴Luck (lvl 3)
True Seeing

Knowledge ✴Elemental Weapon (lvl 3)
Level 10 +
Level 1 Scrlotti's Web
Antimagic Field Necromancy Telsa Flexion
Comprehend Language ✴Blight (lvl 11)
Identify ✴Feign Death (lvl 3) Specializations
Turkish Binding Spell ✴Necromantic Résurrection (lvl 6) Camouflage
✴Alter Self ( lvl 3)
Level 2 Spell Manipulation ✴Mislead (lvl 6)
Zone of Truth ✴Displace Spell (lvl 3) ✴Invisibility (lvl 2 & 5)
✴Suspend Spell (lvl 5)
Mind Reading
Level 3
✴Nystul Magic Aura (lvl 2)
Illusion ✴Mind Reading (lvl 2)
Level 1 ✴Phantasmal Force (lvl 3)
Level 4
Antimagic Field
Locate Person
Burning Hands Projection
Minor Illusion ✴Mirage (lvl 7)
Phantom Flame ✴Weird (lvl 4)
Sensory Manipulation Specializations Level 7
✴Prestidigitation (lvl 1) Aquamancy Persian Fainting Charm
✴Sensory Manipulation ( lvl 2 & 8) ✴Control and Create Water (lvl 2)
✴Water Breathing (lvl 3) Level 8
Physical Antipathy/Sympathy
Cryomancy Golem
Level 1
✴Control and Create Ice (lvl 2) Hivemind
Feather Fall
✴Ice Storm (lvl 4)
Turkish Binding Spell
Level 9
Level 2 Julia's Memory Box
✴Fly (lvl 2 & 5)
Digital Underground True Seeing
Mage Lock Mending
Level 10 +
✴Mending (lvl 2 & 5)
Level 3 Voltaric Transfer
Czechoslovakian Unlocking Charm Phosphoromancny Matarese Summoning Spell
Golem Spell ✴Daylight (lvl 3) Telsa Flexion
Levitate ✴Pass without Trace (lvl 2)
✴Sun Flare (lvl 4) Specializations
Level 4 Astral Projection
Wall of… Portal Creation ✴Astral Projection (lvl 3)
✴Portal Spell (lvl 9) ✴Dream Projection (lvl 3)
Level 5 ✴Planar Visit (lvl 2)
Miller’s Flare Pyromancy
✴Control and Create Fire (lvl 2) Dream Manipulation
✴Control and Create Lightning (lvl 2) ✴Dream Sending (lvl 4)
Level 6
✴Dream Viewing (lvl 1)
Alice Quinn Ward-and-Shield
Telekinesis ✴Nightmare (lvl 6)
Fergus’ a Whole Lot of Other Really
✴ Telekinesis (lvl 5)
Useful Combat Spell Empath
Otto Irresistible Dance ✴Calm Emotion (lvl 2)

Level 7
Psychic ✴Implant Emotion (lvl 8)
✴Sense Emotion (lvl 1)
Reverse Gravity Level 1
Charm Person
Interdimensional Travel
Level 8 Hide Thoughts
✴Banishment (lvl 4)
Golem Spell Turkish Binding Spell ✴Blink (lvl 3)
✴Teleport (lvl 7)
Level 9 Level 2
Imprisonment Fergus Spectral Armory Memory Magic
✴Manipulate Memory (lvl 9)
Level 10 + Level 3 ✴Retrogression (lvl 7)
Incorporate Bond Golem
Mind Control
Voltaric Trasfer
✴Command (lvl 4)
Woven Strength
✴Suggestion (lvl 2 & 6)
McNaughton’s Unstealable Charm 140
Telepathy Specializations
✴Lend Skill (lvl 3) Geomancy
✴Telepathy (lvl 8) ✴Earthquake (lvl 8)
✴Move Earth (lvl 5)
Level 1
✴Locate Plante (lvl 2)
Burning Hand
Thorn of Whip
Plant Manipulation
✴Plant Growth (lvl 3)
Level 2
✴Speak with Plants (lvl 3)
Gust of Wind
Shatter Weather Control
✴Control Weather (lvl 2)
Level 3 ✴Ice Storm (lvl 4)
Daylight ✴Sunburst (lvl 8)
Stinking Cloud
Level 4 ✴Beast Sense (lvl 2)
Stoneskin ✴Locate Plant (lvl 2)
Wall of…

Level 5
Commune with Nature
Insect Plague
Miller’s Flare

Appendix 1: Character

Appendix 2: D100 Niffin Outcome 57

Roll on this table every round for one

1 51 Next phrase spoken by caster becomes true
minute out of game

Caster and target switch positions after Spectral shield, +2 AC, no magic missile for one
2 52
spell minute
3 Can see invisible creatures 53 Caster gains 3’monkey tail for one hour

A flaming horse appears (Not Nightmare,

4 54 Cannot get drunk for 5d6 days
real horse)

A large screaming bird appears within

5 55 All unlocked doors/windows in 60’ fly open
five feet for one minute

6 Caster explodes with plant growth 56 Hair falls out, grows back within 24 hours
Cast fireball at 3rd level centered on
7 57 Caster’s face blackened by small explosion

Weapons in 60’ radius turn into food for For one minute, flammable touch ( does not
8 58
one minute worn or carried)

Geyser lifts caster 50’ in air until start of next

9 Cat magic missile as 5th-level spell 59 turn

Caster breathes 30’ fire cone next time

10 they speak 60 Regain lowest-level expended spell slot

Change height by 1d10 for 24h; Even: A confused bear appears within 60’ for one
11 grow Odd: shrink 61 minute

Target is cocooned in crystal until

12 someone breaks it 62 For one minute, can only shout when speaking

Grass instantly sprouts to 3’ tall within 20’, one

13 Cast confusion centered on self 63 minute

14 Cast thunder wave centered on self 64 Cast fog cloud centered on self

Regain 5 HP every round for one minute Caster can only breathe underwater for next
15 in game 65 minute

Target is transported to Ethereal Plane Up to 3 creatures of choice in 30’:4d10 lightning

16 for one minute 66 damage

Grow long beard made of feathers until

17 sneeze 67 Caster falls Unconscious until start of next turn

Swarm of rats carry caster 30’ in random Frightened by nearest creature until end of next
18 direction 68 turn

57 From Reddit post ‘’A True 1d100 Wild Magic Surge’’ with minor changes and corrections for the purpose of the book

If target dies in next minute, its ghost haunts
19 Cast grease centered on self 69 caster

Creatures within 30’ are stuck in place Everyone in 30’: invisible for one minute or until
20 vs Strength DC 15 70 attac/cast

For 1 minute, spell targets have All within 60’ saves vs Wisdom 15 or drops
21 disadvantage on saves 71 whatever they hold

A mature oak sprouts in an unoccupied

22 space in 60’ 72 Resistance to all damage for next minute

Caster’s skin turns vibrant blue till

23 remove curse 73 Everything within 20’ pulled 10’ toward caster

Caster can only speak to animals for 24 Random creature within 60’ is poisoned for 24
24 hours 74 hours

Third eye grows; advantage on

25 Perception for one minute 75 Caster smells like lavender for 1d6 days

Glow brightly for one minute. Blind others within

26 Caster move speed halved, one minute 76 5’
Spells cost additional bonus round cast
27 time 77 Casters clothes become wet and cold

Roll 1d20, if success: change in any animal they

28 Lost of a turn 78 wan, if fail: Sheep form.

Teleport up to 60 feet away to If spell would kill target, target’s explode in a

29 unoccupied space 79 cartoonish way

Caster’s hands become covered in sticky Illusory butterflies or flowers flutter in 5’ radius
30 goop 80 one min.
Transported to Astral Plane until end of
31 next turn 81 Caster trapped in a giant glass ball

Cabbages sprout abundantly within a 30’

32 radius 82 Take one additional action immediately

Max damage of next damaging spell cast Caster’s fists become huge, deal 1d8 Bludgeoning
33 in next minute 83 damage, one min.

Caster can mimic target’s voice Others in 30’: 1d10 necrotic dmg. Gain HP equal
34 perfectly for 24 hrs 84 to loss
Age changes 1d10 years. Odd: Younger,
35 Even: Older for the length of the combat 85 Loud voice ridicules caster for one min
or 24 hours if not in combat

Caster grows antlers, sheds them in 24

36 hours 86 Cast “mirror image” spell

200 bees appear at 10ft from you;

37 scared 87 Caster’s arms become tentacles for one minute

Caster and target flung 10’ in opposite

38 directions 88 Cast fly on random creature within 60’

39 Regain 2d10 HP 89 Large floating eye follows caster for one hour

Gravity reverses in 30’ radius till start of Become invisible/silent for one minute or until
40 next turn 90 attacked or dispelled

Become potted plant until start of next Caster’s Intelligence and Strength swap for one
41 turn 91 hour

The caster must talk in rhyme for the next 24

42 Caster distracted by cloud of gnats for 92 hours or take 1d8 damage every time it fails to
next minute do so
For next minute, teleport up to 20’ as Caster sees everyone as a decaying corpse for
43 bonus action 93 24h

Spell ricochets off target to random

44 creature in 30’ 94 Caster speaks only latin for the next hour.

45 Cast levitate on self 95 All light sources within 60’ radius extinguished

Caster’s money cycles: CP -> SP -> GP -> You and all in 30’: vulnerable to piercing damage
46 CP 96 one min.
Unicorn appears within 5’ for next Caster becomes frightened of a color for one
47 minute 97 hour

The caster have a song (up to the GM) Surrounded by faint, ethereal music for one
48 stuck in its head for 7 days 98 minute

49 Cannot speak, emit pink bubbles instead 99 Caster suffers a head cold for 24 hours

Smoke fumes from caster’s ears for one 100

50 minute Gain 8 luck

Appendix 3: Circumstance Ideas
for Welters
★ Cast a specific type of spell (i.e. psychic, elemental, etc.)

★Disadvantage on roll

★The GM (or another player) chooses which spell to cast

★To succeed, roll at least 22 (with modifiers)

★Cast a spell that is outside of your discipline

★ Roll using the stats of the player on your left

★Roll a natural 10

★Roll using a d6 (with modifiers)

★The spell takes a long time to cast, skip a turn then roll to see if you can claim the

★Select a spell at random

★You can only count your roll if they are on odd number

★Another player rolls for you

★You can cast a spell that doesn't have a specific letter in the title

Appendix 4: The Tale of the Seven Keys

Chapter 1: Read from the book, s03e02

Long ago, in a far-off kingdom, lived the daughter of a brave knight. The knight had always

wanted a son to whom he might pass on his skills. So, while father and daughter loved one

another, she often felt herself a disappointment to him.

One day, a witch kidnapped the knight. The daughter pleaded with her to return him. The witch

said no, but he could be rescued if the girl could complete a quest.

“There are seven keys,” said the witch. “Find them, and you can open your father’s prison the

Castle at the End of the World.”

The witch told the daughter the first key was to be found on an island beyond her kingdom, so

she sailed past the Outer Islands. And while the voyage was treacherous, her destination was

more so, for nothing was as it seemed on After Island.

Chapter 2: Quentin Coldwater and Julia Wicker, s03e04

The knight’s daughter, she found [the key] in a sentient cave that just kept asking her riddles

and wouldn’t let her in until it deemed her worthy. Rupert Chatwin found the same cave in the

first Fillory book, The World in the Walls, while being chased by a belligerent cassowary. He

finds this mountain of treasure, but only takes one item; a golden key, to bring to his friend that

he met during the war. The key is then, brought on Earth.

Chapter 3: Quentin Coldwater and Eliot Waugh, s03e05

Quentin: The Daughter’s training to become a knight, right? And it is sort of fascinating how it

plays with the classic trope of the hero’s journey.

Eliot: Where do we get the key?

Quentin: Right here, the mosaic, the puzzle. You use the tiles to create a design that reflects the

beauty of all life, and when you do, there’s a-a mystery prize: a so-called key to greater magic.

Eliot: (SIGHS) Don’t you love it when the metaphors turn out to be literal? Let’s go.

Quentin: El, it’s in Fillory.

Chapter 4: Poppy Kline, s03e06

Mid-voyage we wound up on this random island, just, like, covered in treasures. Places like this

are so rare. There are only two species of dragon that even build treasure nests. Anyway, this

was in one of them with a bunch of cool stuff. But the thing [about the key] that got me was I

could feel something coming off it … The key does have a power. It takes the darkest parts of

you and makes a kind of well, you met it. It’s kind of, like, a depression monster? Looks like you,

talks like you. But don’t worry, it can’t actually hurt you unless it gets in your head and convinces

you to hurt yourself.

Chapter 5: Summary by the author, s03e09

This chapter of the book unfolds a musical partition that, when played, sends the quest takers

into a pocket universe where one of theirs has been trapped. As the quest takers are a group,

one would inevitably feel left out. A demon called a Traumesser captures that person and gives

them a world filled with their desires and fantasies. That person will stay there until the other

notice and, through unity, bring him back to reality. When the quest takers join together against

the pocket world, the Traumesser gives them the Unity key and leads them to the exit so the

group can continue on their journey.

Chapter 6: Quentin Coldwater, s03e10

The book says that the Sixth Key is in the Throne Room at Whitespire. [..] So in this chapter, the

daughter, she finally becomes the knight that she set out to be and right after she’s knighted,

her shield catches a moonbeam and it reflects it back. The book says the moonlight has to hit

three keystones to reveal the key.

Note from the author: The moonlight will reveal the realm of the fairies atop Fillory that was

built with the help of the seventh key. It is possible to see the realm by smoking a certain kind

of drug that makes you see alternate dimensions.

Chapter 7: Summary by the author, s03e11

The book says that only the sixth key is one that gives a vision of the future. In season 3 of The

Magicians, it is retrieved after the seventh key, but it is considered the sixth.

Chapter 8: Read from the book, s03e12

The Knight remained imprisoned at the Castle at the End of the World. Not even a warrior as

great as he could break the bonds placed on him by the Witch. He could not escape. But his

daughter, now every bit the knight her father was, and more so, never gave up.

She fought monsters, real and imagined, without as well as within. She had won all seven keys,

and now she set sail for the Castle at the End of the World.

She faced the door of the castle. In the door, there were seven keyholes. The door swallowed

the keys whole and slowly opened. Up ahead, she saw her father, bound by seven chains.

“Father,” she cried, “I’m here to save you.”

She placed the keys into the locks, and when she turned the seventh…

Note from the author: The chapter is left unfinished but, from what we can infer, she saves her

father and takes his place in the castle. What happens at the end of the episode, after turning

the seventh key, a fountain starts pouring liquid magical energy, bringing back magic to Earth

and Fillory. It also most likely freed the father.

Appendix 5: The Binder Story
(transcript of S04e11)

‘’And the Binder stood before them, and as they stared, eyes full of wonder, the Binder thought to

himself "Took you long enough”. The Binder knew Julia had many questions. She'd been searching

in vain for how to reacquire her divinity. He knew the answer.’’

‘’Hey, what's with all the third-person, past-tense bullshit? ‘’

‘’The Binder had no idea what she was talking about. The Binder explained he had answers, but it

would require they learn how he came to be. The Binder's story began in a place known simply as a

Library. The Library. He was studying the limits of power. His specialty was the magic inherent in

Gods. The Binder had a theory. When a being of great power, such as a god, is killed their energy is

lost, but he believed it could be preserved by binding it to an object. That object, in turn, could be

bound to a Magician of sufficient training and preparation, effectively turning the Magician into a

god. ‘’

‘’Yeah, but every time a mortal tries to kill a god, all magic gets shut off.’’ ...

‘’It was a problem that perplexed The Binder and his fellow Librarians, but, as it turned out, the Old

gods themselves provided a solution. Two siblings. Mistakes. Born with the power of many gods.

They were created with one unique quality that made them essential to this experiment. They could

not die. So no matter what you did to them it wouldn't trigger the Old gods to take away magic.

Without fear of the Old gods' retribution, The Librarians were safe to move forward with their

experiment. One of the Monsters was captured: the older, more dominant one. The female.’’


‘’ The one left behind would be confused, afraid, like a child. Without his sister, he'd have trouble

even remembering them. ‘’

‘’What did you do to the sister?’’

‘’She was split into four parts. Each part bound in a stone. Each stone bound in a Librarian. Bacchus.

Iris. Heka. Aengus. … When they were finished, The Binder came to regret what he had done. But

the New Gods he had built were afraid of him. He alone held the secret that could make them

human again. And so They cursed him.’’

‘’They turned you into a book’’

‘’In that form, he became something they could control. Hide from the rest of The Order, from

history. It was only by chance that a young Librarian read his book and was convinced to hide The

Binder in the mirror world, where he hoped no one would find him again. Until word reached The

Binder of Julia Wicker, and her quest ...

Appendix 6: Spells
Accuracy Spell Alice Quinn Ward-and-Shield
All - Level 1 - 1 MP Physical - Level 6 - 3 MP
Duration: Instantaneous Range: Self
Duration: Instantaneous

Used to improve accuracy of a projectile. Invented by Alice Quinn, it protects the caster’s
hands from the intense heat released by molten
Healing- Level 2 - 1 MP
Range: 30 feet Alonso’s Reverse Thermogenesis
Duration: 3 Rounds All- Level 8 - 4 MP
Material: A tiny strip of white cloth Range: Touch
Duration: 3 Hours

Your party deals +5 damage for three rounds.

Freezes corpses through the reversion of the
heating process used by all warm-blooded animals:
Hedgewitch - Level 1 - 1 MP
Range: 30 feet Alter Self
Duration: Instantaneous Psychic- Level 3 - 2 MP
Material: A tiny strip of white cloth Range: Self
Duration: 1 Hour
You set an alarm against unwanted intrusion.
Choose a door, a window, or an area within You transform your appearance. You decide
range (30 ft) that is no larger than a 20-foot what you look like, including your height,
cube. Until the spell ends, an alarm alerts you weight, facial features, sound of your voice,
whenever a creature of any size touches or hair length, coloration, and distinguishing
enters the warded area. When you cast the spell, characteristics, if any. You can make yourself
you can designate creatures that won't set off appear as a member of another race, though
the alarm. You also choose whether the alarm is none of your statistics change. Lasts up to one
mental or audible. A mental alarm alerts you with hour or until you loose concentration.
a ping in your mind if you are within 1 mile of the
warded area. This ping awakens you if you are
sleeping. An audible alarm produces the sound of
a hand bell for 10 seconds within 60 feet. Last a
maximum of 8 hours.

Antimagic Field Ars Deicidium
Illusion & Knowledge - Level 1 - 1 MP Knowledge- Level 30 - 18 MP
Range: 10 feet radius Range: Touch
Duration: 1 Hour Duration: Instantaneous
Material: A metallic object to enchant. (Heavily suggested)a
magical artifact that grants superior magical power
A 10-foot-radius invisible sphere of antimagic
surrounds you. This area is divorced from the
Allows the user of the spell to turn metal objects into
magical energy that suffuses the multiverse.
“God-Killing weapons”. The magical power needed
Within the sphere, spells can't be cast,
to work the spell is tremendous and no ordinary
summoned creatures disappear, and even
amount would suffice. Damage 5d10
magic items become mundane. Until the spell
ends, the sphere moves with you, centred on
Astral Projection
Specialization: Astral Projection- Level 3 - 3 MP
Antipathy/Sympathy Range: Touch
Psychic- Level 8 - 4 MP Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 50 feet Material: Every person extra you want to bring in the astral plane
Duration: 1 Hour cost you 1000G or $. There are some magical tattoos that will avoid
Material: Either a lump of salt soaked in vinegar for the the cost, they have to be precise and put on knuckles.
antimapthy effect, or a drop of honey for the sympathy
effect The material body you leave behind is unconscious and
in a state of suspended animation; it doesn't need food
Repel or attract respectively a low intelligence or air and doesn't age. Your astral body resembles
creature if they are within 50 feet. your mortal form in almost every way, replicating your
game statistics and possessions. An astral body can
travel between worlds and planes. The astral body
Armor of Agathys must go back to the physical form when it ends;
All- Level 1 - 1 MP otherwise, you instantly die. You can bring with you up
Range: Self to 8 people. For each person traveling with you, you
Duration: 1 Hour

A protective magical force surrounds you for

Hedgewitch- Level 1 - 1 MP
one hour, manifesting as a spectral frost that
Range: Touch
covers you and your gear. You gain five
Duration: Instantaneous
temporary hit points for the duration. If a
Material: An ATM
creature hits you with a melee attack while you
have these hit points, the creature takes five
Gives you $1,000 from an ATM, after 3 times, the
cold damage.
ATM is empty. Only known by hedge witches.

Augury Aura of Vitality
Specialization: Probability- Level 5 - 4 MP Healing- Level 3 - 2 MP
Duration: Instantaneous Range: 30 feet radius
Material: Specially-marked sticks, bones, or similar tokens Duration: 10 minutes

By casting gem-inlaid sticks, rolling dragon bones, Healing energy radiates from you in an aura
laying out ornate cards, or employing some other with a 30-foot radius. Until the spell ends, the
divining tool, you receive an omen from an aura moves with you, centered on you. You can
otherworldly entity about the results of a specific use a bonus action to cause one creature in
course of action that you plan to take within the next the aura (including you) to regain 2d6 hit
30 minutes. The GM chooses from the following points
possible omens:
Weal, for good results
Woe, for bad results Awaken
Weal and woe, for both good and bad results Healing- Level 10 (c) - 6 MP
Nothing, for results that aren’t especially good or Duration: 30 Days
bad Material: Take 8 hour to cast, can be cast by one
person or many

Aura of Life You touch any size beast or plant. The target
Healing- Level 4 - 2 MP must have either no Intelligence score or an
Range: 30 feet radius
Intelligence of 3 or less. The target gains an
Duration: 10 minutes
Intelligence of 10. The target also gains the
ability to speak one language you know. If
Life-preserving energy radiates from you in an the target is a plant, it gains the ability to
aura with a 30-foot radius. Until the spell ends, move its limbs, roots, vines, creepers, and so
the aura moves with you, centered on you. forth, and it gains senses similar to a human’s.
Each person who had a HP of 0 now has 1 HP. Your GM chooses statistics appropriate for
the awakened plant, such as the statistics for
Aura of Purity the awakened shrub or the awakened tree.
Healing- Level 4 - 2 MP The awakened beast or plant is charmed by
Range: 30 feet radius you for 30 days or until you or your
Duration: 10 minute Hour companions do anything harmful to it. When
the charmed condition ends, the awakened
Purifying energy radiates from you in an aura creature chooses whether to remain friendly
with a 30-foot radius. Each non-hostile creature to you, based on how you treated it while it
in the aura (including you) can’t become was charmed.
diseased, has resistance to poison damage,
and has advantage on saving throws against
effects that cause any of the following
conditions: blinded, charmed, defended,
frightened, paralyzed, poisoned, and stunned.

Bad Luck Bear Bigby's Hand
Specialization: Luck- Level 5 - 5 MP Illusion- Level 5 - 3 MP
Duration: Until bad luck item is destroyed Range: 120 feet
Material: Two objects to be enchanted Duration: 1 minute

The spell caster enchants one object that gives You create a large hand of shimmering,
luck and one that will receive bad luck. One translucent force in an unoccupied space
person is assigned to each object. When the that you can see within a range of 120ft.
person who has the lucky object experiences The hand lasts for the spell's duration, and
luck, the person who has the unlucky object it moves at your command, mimicking the
will experience bad luck up to the discretion of movements of your own hand.
the GM. The greater the luck experienced by
the holder of the lucky item, the greater bad
luck experienced by the holder of the unlucky Blight
item. Specialization: Necromancy- Level 6 - 4 MP
Range: 30 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Specialization: Interdimentional Travel -
Necromantic energy washes over a creature of
Level 5 - 5 MP
your choice that you can see within range,
Range: 60 feet
draining moisture and vitality from it. The
Duration: 1 minute
target must make a saving throw. The target
takes 8d8 necrotic damage on a failed save, or
You attempt to send one creature that you can
half as much damage on a successful one.
see within range (60ft) to another plane of
existence. The target must succeed on a
Charisma saving throw or be banished. The Blink
Banishment is up to 1 minute before the Specialization: Interdimentional Travel -
creature returns. Level 3 - 2 MP
Duration: 1 minute
Beast Sense
Specialization: Zoomancy- Level 2 - 1MP Roll a d20 at the end of each of your turns for
Range: Touch
the duration of the spell. On a roll of 11 or
Duration: 1 Hour
higher, you vanish from your current plane of
existence and appear in the Ethereal Plane.
The caster can see/hear/feel through the There you can't touch anything, move
senses of a willing beast. anything, and no one can hear you. Any attack
toward you has no effect.

Calm Emotions
Blood Magic Specialization: Empath- Level 2 - 1 MP
Specialization: Hemocology- Level 7 - 4 MP Range: 60 feet
Range: Self Duration: 20 minutes
Duration: 1 Hour Material: Either a lump of salt soaked in vinager for the
Material: Minimum of one ml of blood, max of one L. antimapthy effect, or a drop of honey for the sympathy
Wooden bowl. Latin speaking incantation effect

By inflicting a ceremonial wound on oneself You attempt to suppress strong emotions in a

and uttering an incantation, any spell cast group of people. Each humanoid in a 20-foot-
during one hour has advantage and any attack radius sphere centred on a point you choose
hit is doubled. When performed, the caster within range must make a Charisma saving
takes a hit of 1d10 and is the last in the throw; a creature can choose to fail this saving
initiative while in combat. If the spell fails, the throw if it wishes. If a creature fails its saving
spell caster hit points goes down to 1. throw, choose one of the following two effects:
suppress any effect causing a target to be
charmed or frightened, or makes a hostile
Blurr target indifferent toward a creature. Works for
Illusion- Level 2 - 1 MP 20 minutes. Spell effects end if caster is
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute
Cholmondeley’s Stealth
Illusion- Level 3 - 2 MP
Your body becomes blurred, shifting and Range: Self
wavering to all who can see you. For the Duration: 3 Turns
duration, any creature has disadvantage on
attack rolls against you. Offers the caster amazing stealth, rendering
them difficult to detect. Stealth +3 for three
Burning Hands turns
Natural- Level 1 - 1 MP
Range: 15 feet radius
Duration: Instantaneous
Psychic- Level 3- 2 MP
Range: 1 mile
As you hold your hands with thumbs touching Duration: 1 minutes
and fingers spread, a thin sheet of flame Material: An object worth at least 1000G or $
shoots forth from your outstretched fingertips.
Anyone in a 15-foot radius must make a You create an invisible sensor within range
Dexterity saving throw. They take 3d6 fire (one mile,1.6 km) The sensor remains in place
damage on a failed save, or half as much for the duration, and it can’t be attacked or
damage on a successful one. The fire ignites otherwise interacted with. When you cast the
any flammable objects in the area that aren't spell, you choose seeing or hearing. You can
being worn or carried. use the chosen sense through the sensor as if
you were in its space. As your action, you can
switch between seeing and hearing.

Color Spray Comprehend Languages
Hedgewitch- Level 1 - 1 MP Knowledge- Level 1 - 1 MP
Range: 15 feet cone Range: Self
Duration: 1 Round Duration: 1 Hour
Material: An object worth at least 1000G or $
For the duration, you understand the literal
A dazzling array of flashing, colored light springs
meaning of any spoken language that you hear.
from your hand. Roll 6d10; the total is how many
You also understand any written language that
hit points of creatures this spell can effect.
you see, but you must be touching the surface
Creatures in a 15-foot cone originating from you
on which the words are written. It takes about 1
are affected in ascending order of their current hit
minute to read one page of text. This spell
points (ignoring unconscious creatures and
doesn’t decode secret messages in a text or a
creatures that can’t see). Starting with the
glyph, such as an arcane sigil, that isn’t part of a
creature that has the lowest current hit points,
written language.
each creature affected by this spell is blinded
until the spell ends. Subtract each creature’s hit
points from the total before moving on to the
creature with the next lowest hit points. Contact the Other Side
Knowledge- Level 40 (c) - 24 MP
Duration: 15 minute
Command Material: Candles, bones, sand, cardamom
Specialization: Mind Control- Level 4 - 2 MP
Range: 60 feet Said to allow the casters to contact someone
Duration: 1 Round who had passed away. There is no proof of it
working but casting it does open a door between
You speak a one-word command to a creature worlds. Requires four casters and must be cast at
you can see within range. The target must midnight.
succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or follow the
command on its next turn. The spell has no effect
Control Weather
if the target is undead, if it doesn’t understand
Specialization: Weather Control - Level 8 - 4
your language, or if your command is directly
harmful to it. Range: 5 miles
Duration: 10 minutes

Commune with Nature Material: Burning incense and bits of earth and wood mixed
in water
Natural- Level 5 - 3 MP
Range: 3 miles
You take control of the weather within five miles
Duration: Instantaneous
of you for the duration. You must be outdoors to
cast this spell. Moving to a place where you don’t
You briefly become one with nature and gain have a clear path to the sky ends the spell early.
knowledge of the surrounding territory. In the When you cast the spell, you change the current
outdoors, the spell gives you knowledge of the weather conditions, which are determined by the
land within three miles of you. GM based on the climate and season. You can
change precipitation, temperature, and wind. It
takes 1d4 × 10 minutes for the new conditions to
take effect. Once they do so, you can change the
conditions again.
Coptic Illusion Spell Create and Control Lightning
Illusion- Level 7 - 4 MP Specialization: Pyromancy- Level 2 - 1 MP
Duration: While skin is wet Range: 150 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Allows the caster to take the appearance of
whoever the other person longs to see the You can create and control lightning for a range up
most, or presumably, anyone they wish. Only to 60ft. They can take the form of a bolt, a cone, a
works on wet skin. ball, or a shield. If you create a shield, add +1 MP.

All- Level 3 - 2MP Create and Control Water
Range: 60 feet Specialization: Aquamancy- Level 2 - 1 MP
Range: 150 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous

You attempt to interrupt a creature in the

process of casting a spell. If the creature is You can create and control water for a range up to
casting a spell of 3rd level or lower, its spell 60ft. They can take the form of a bolt, a cone, a
fails and has no effect. If it is casting a spell of ball, or a shield. If you create a shield, add +1 MP.
4th level or higher, make an ability check
strength. The target spell’s strength is counted
as 10 + the spell’s level. On a success, the
creature’s spell fails and has no effect. Cure Disease
Healing- Level 3 - 2 MP
Range: Touch
Create and Control Fire Duration: Instantaneous
Specialization: Pyromancy- Level 2 - 1 MP
Range: 150 feet
You are able to cure minor diseases and restore 3
Duration: Instantaneous
HP. You are not able to cure incurable disease such
as cancer and allergies. If the disease is contagious,
You can create and control fire for a range up you must roll 1d20, if the roll fails you will get the
to 60ft. They can take the form of a bolt, a
cone, a ball, or a shield. If you create a shield,
add +1 MP.
Czechoslovakian Unlocking Charm
Create and Control Ice Physical- Level 3 - 2 MP
Range: 10 feet
Specialization: Cryromancy- Level 2 - 1 MP
Range: 150 feet Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous Language: Czech

You can create and control ice for a range up Unlocks non-magical locks.
to 60ft. They can take the form of a bolt, a
cone, a ball, or a shield. If you create a shield,
add +1 MP.
Illusion- Level 2- 1 MP Decay
Range: 60 feet Hedgewitch- Level 7 - 5 MP
Duration: 10 minutes Range: 20 feet
Material: Bat fur and a drop of pitch or piece of coal Duration: 5 Turns

Magical darkness spreads from a point you Remove 2 HP for five turns or until the creature
choose within range to fill a 15-foot-radius or person hits 1 HP.
sphere for the duration. The darkness spreads
around corners. A creature with dark vision
can’t see through this darkness, and non
Digital Underground
Illusion- Level 2 - 1 MP
magical light can’t illuminate it. Range: Self
Duration: 24 hours

Dark Vision
All- Level 2 - 1 MP By having a subject insert a part of their body
Range: Touch into an orifice of the caster, the caster's same
Duration: 8 hours body part morphs into an exact replica of the
Material: Either a pinch of dried carrot or an agate subjects. For example if the subjects right index
finger is inserted into the mouth of the caster,
You touch a willing creature to grant it the the casters right index finger will turn into an
ability to see in the dark. For eight hours, that exact replica of the subjects for 24 hours
creature has dark vision out to a range of 60 including fingerprints. Used in 2x07 with the
feet. banker's finger.

Daylight Delay Poison

Specialization: Phosphoromancny - Level 3 - Healing- Level 2 - 1 MP
2 MP Range: Touch
Range: 60 Feet Duration: Three Turns or 5 mins
Duration: 1 hour
The subject becomes temporarily immune to
A 60-foot-radius sphere of light spreads out poison, lasts for three turns in combat or 5
from a point you choose within range. The minutes out of combat.
sphere is bright light and sheds dim light for
an additional 60 feet.
Dempsey’s Silent Thermogenesis
Hedgewitch- Level 5 - 2MP
Death Ward Range: 3 feet
Healing- Level 9 - 8 MP
Duration: 30 minutes
Range: Touch
Duration: 8 hours
Brings any liquid to a boil.
You touch a creature and grant it a measure of
protection from death. The first time the target
would drop to 0 hit points as a result of taking
damage, the target instead drops to 1 hit 162
point, and the spell ends.
Disguise Self
Detect Curse Specialization: Camouflage- Level 1 - 1 MP
Specialization: Curse Breaker- Level 1 - 1 MP Range: Self
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 1 hour
Duration: 10 minutes

You make yourself—including your clothing,

You sense the presence of a curse on an object
armor, weapons, and other belongings on your
or a person within 30 feet of you. If you sense
person—look different for up to one hour or until
a curse in this way, you can use your action to
you use your action to dismiss
see a faint aura around any visible creature or
object in the area that bears a curse. You will
not be able to know the type or name of it. Dispel Illusion
Illusion- Level 6 - 2 MP
Range: 30 feet
Detect Magic Duration: Instantaneous
All - Level 1 - 1 MP
Range: 30 feet
You are able to dispel an illusion within a range
Duration: 10 minutes

For 10 minutes, you sense the presence of Dispel Magic

magic within 30 feet of you. If you sense magic All- Level 4 - 2 MP
Range: 120 feet
in this way, you can use your action to see a
Duration: Instantaneous
faint aura around any visible creature or object
in the area that bears magic, and you learn its
school of magic, if any. Choose one creature, object, or magical effect
within range. Any spell of 3rd level or lower on the
target ends. For each spell of 4th level or higher
Detect Poison and Disease on the target, make an ability check using your
Specialization: Crystal Magic- Level 1 - 1 MP strength. The Target score equals 10 + the spell’s
Range: 30 feet level. On a successful check, the spell ends.
Duration: 10 minutes
Material: A crystal (provides advantage on rolling if held
while casting) Displace Spell
Specialization: Spell Manipulation - Level 3 -
2 MP
You sense the presence and location of
Range: 20 feet
poisons or diseases on an object, person, or
Duration: Instantaneous
creature within 30 feet of you. If you sense
poison in this way, you can use your action to
You are able to change the position of a spell
see a faint aura around any visible creature or
within a range of 20 ft. The spell must have a new
object in the area that bears a curse. You will
target. A person or creature receiving the
not be able to know the type or name of it.
displaced spell, must do a dexterity saving throw.
Advantage on rolling if cast while holding a
On a failed roll they receive the full effect of the
spell, and on saved roll half damage.

Dixon’s Charm Dreaming Viewing
Illusion- Level 1 - 1MP Specialization: Dream Manipulation - Level 1 -
Range: 30 feet 2 MP
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: 1 hour
Material: A subject who is asleep
Freezes water. Does not work on any other
liquids. You are able to see the dream of someone
through a mirror. Caster is unable to interact with
the dream. -2 modifier if the caster does not
Dream Projection know the subject's native language. -2 modifier if
Specialization: Astral Projection- Level 3 -
the caster and subject don't know each other.
1 MP
Duration: Instantaneous
Material: Someone sleeping and dreaming
You are able to project into someone's dream. Specialization: Geomancy- Level 8 - 8 MP
The dreamer is able to interact with the person Range:500 feet
projecting. Duration: 1 minute
Material: A pinch of dirt, a piece of rock, and a lump of clay

Dream Sending You create a seismic disturbance at a point on the

Specialization: Dream Manipulation - Level 4
ground that you can see within range. For the
- 2 MP
Duration: 1 hour
duration, an intense tremor rips through the
Material: A subject who is asleep ground in a 100-foot-radius circle centered on that
point and shakes creatures and structures in
The caster sends a dream to the subject who contact with the ground in that area. The ground
must be asleep at the time of casting. The in the area becomes difficult terrain. Each creature
person receiving the dream must make a on the ground that is concentrating must make a
wisdom saving roll to see how well they Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the
interpret the dream. The caster tells the GM creature’s concentration is broken. When you cast
the exact meaning, and based on the success this spell and at the end of each turn you spend
of their roll, the GM tells the subject how much concentrating on it, each creature on the ground
of the dream they understood. A critical fail in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw.
results in a complete misunderstanding. . -2 On a failed save, the creature is knocked prone.
modifier if the caster and subject don't know This spell can have additional effects depending
each other.
on the terrain in the area, as determined by the

Elemental Weapon Feign Death
Specialization: Necromancy- Level 3 - 1 MP
Specialization: Metamagic Level 3 - 3MP
Range: Self
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour
Duration: 1 hour

Necromantic spell that allows one creature

A nonmagical weapon you touch becomes a
touched by the caster to temporarily fall into a
magical weapon. Choose one of the following
state indistinguishable from death up to one
damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or hour.
thunder. For the duration, the weapon has a
+1 bonus to attack rolls and deals an extra
1d4 damage of the chosen type when it hits.
Fergus’ Spectral Armoury
Illusion- Level 2 - 1 MP
Range: Self
Duration: 1 hour
Emotion Bottles
Hedgewitch- Level 6 - 5 MP
Range: Touch Summons a silvery, phantasmal armour to
Material:Bottles to encase your emotions protect the caster from harm.

Renders a person completely numb to their

Fergus’s A Whole Lot of Other
emotions and only allows for logical thinking.
This spell should not be active for more than Really Useful Combat Spells
three hours as it can take a toll on the body, Hedgewitch- Level 6 - 3 MP
Range: Self
and emotions can be overwhelming when they
Duration: 1 hour

Assortment of Fergus spells: increases the

Feather Fall
Physical- Level 1 - 1 MP
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 1 minute
Find Traps
All- Level 2 - 1 MP
Range: 120 feet
Choose up to five falling creatures within a Duration: Instantaneous
range of 60ft. A falling creature’s rate of
descent slows to 60 feet per round until the
You sense the presence of any trap within range
spell ends. If the creature lands before the
that is within line of sight. A trap, for the purpose
spell ends, it takes no falling damage and can
of this spell, includes anything that would inflict a
land on its feet, and the spell ends for that
sudden or unexpected effect you consider
harmful or undesirable, which was specifically
intended as such by its creator. Thus, the spell
would sense an area affected by the alarm spell,
a glyph of warding, or a mechanical pit trap, but
it would not reveal a natural weakness in the
floor, an unstable ceiling, or a hidden sinkhole.
Fly (lesser) Gust of Wind
Specialization: Flight Level 2 - 1 MP Natural- Level 2 - 1 MP
Range: 60 feet Duration: 1 minute
Duration: 10 minutes
Material: A wing feather from any bird A line of strong wind 60 feet long and 10 feet
wide blasts from you in a direction you choose
You touch a willing creature. The target gains for the spell’s duration. Each creature that starts
a flying speed of 60 feet for 10 minutes. When its turn in the line must succeed on a Strength
the spell ends, the target falls if it is still aloft, saving throw or be pushed 15 feet away from
unless it can stop the fall. you in a direction following the line.

Fly (greater) Harper’s Fire Shaping

Illusion- Level 1 - 1 MP
Specialization: Flight Level 5 - 3 MP
Duration: 1 minute
Range: 60 feet
Material: Aspen twig
Duration: 30 minutes
Material: A wing feather from any bird
Allows the caster to shape flames into patterns in
the air using an aspen twig.
Same as the lower level, except that you can
use the spell up to 3 creatures for 30 minutes.
Specialization: Care of Magical Creatures and
Golem (lesser) Crystal Magic - Level 6 - 3 MP
Physical and Knowledge- Level 3 - 2 MP Range: 60 feet
Material: Living Clay (rare) Duration: Instantaneous
Spoken language: Hebrew
Choose a creature that you can see within range.
Allows a magician to create a golem, an exact A surge of positive energy washes through the
flesh replica of a person, and link their mind to creature, causing it to regain 70 hit points. This
it. It is a crude version of who the sculptor spell also ends blindness, deafness, and any
thinks the person is. The process is diseases affecting the target. This spell has no
complicated, and if done inefficiently, can effect on the undead.
cause the person the golem is created for to
become weak and unstable, as the spell draws Healing Word
from the subject’s life force to shape the clay. Healing - Level 2 - 1 MP
Range: 60 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Golem (greater)
Physical and Knowledge- Level 8 - 4 MP
Material: Living Clay (rare) A creature of your choice that you can see within
Spoken language: Hebrew range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your MP.
This spell has no effect on undead.
The golem is an exact replica of who the
person is, but they must be asleep and link
their mind to the golem for them to
experience everything through the eyes of the
Hex Ice Storm
Hedgewitch Level 3 - 2 MP Specialization: Cryomancy and Weather
Range: 90 feet Control - Level 4 - 2 MP
Duration: 1 hour Duration: Instantaneous
Material: The petrified eye of a newt
Hail of rock-hard ice pounds to the ground in a
You place a curse on a creature that you can 20-foot-radius, 40-foot-high cylinder centred on
see within 90ft. Until the spell ends, you deal a point within range. Each creature in the
an extra 1d6 necrotic damage to the target cylinder must make a Dexterity saving throw. A
whenever you hit it with an attack. Also, creature takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage and
choose one ability when you cast the spell. 4d6 cold damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one. Hailstones
The target has disadvantage on ability checks
turn the storm’s area of effect into difficult terrain
made with the chosen ability. If the target
until the end of your next turn.
drops to 0 hit points before this spell ends,
you can use a bonus action on a subsequent
turn of yours to curse a new creature. Identify
Knowledge - Level 1 - 1 MP
Range: Touch
Hide Thoughts Duration: 1 minute
Psychic- Level 1 - 1 MP
Duration: 10 minutes
You choose one object that you must touch
throughout the casting of the spell. If it is a
You are able to hide your thoughts from any
magic item or some other magic-imbued object,
spell caster that tries to read your mind. A
you learn its properties and how to use them,
bigger memory might need more MP at the
and how many charges it has, if any. You learn
GMs discretion
whether any spells are affecting the item and
what they are. If the item was created by a spell,
Hivemind you learn which spell created it.
Psychic- Level 8 - 8 MP
Range: 80 feet
Duration: 1 minute Implant Emotion
Material: Bee’s Wax Specialization: Empath- Level 8 - 5 MP
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 1 hour
For one minute, or one turn, you are able to
be telepathically linked up to five willing
You are able to implant emotion in the mind of a
people. During that time, you know what the
subject within a 60ft range. The subject is
actions of the others will be and are able to
allowed to resist with an Intelligence saving throw
speak in each other's minds. If someone
against you. If they succeed the spell fails, if you
speaks while under the spell, only the spell
succeed the emotion is implanted up to an hour.
caster will be able to talk and anything the
The more complex an emotion is, the more MP it
other people linked says goes through their
will take from you, it is up to the GM to decide
mouth. Need eye contact when spell casting.
the amount.

Imprisonment Invisibility (lesser)
Physical Level 9 - 5 MP Specialization: Camouflage - Level 2 - 1MP
Range: 30 feet Range: Touch
Duration: Until Dispelled Duration: 1 hour

You create a magical restraint to hold a You or a creature you touch becomes invisible
creature that you can see within range. The until the spell ends. Anything the target is
target must succeed on a Wisdom saving wearing or carrying is invisible as long as it is on
throw or be bound by the spell; if it succeeds, the target’s person. The spell ends for a target
it is immune to this spell if you cast it again. that attacks or casts a spell.

Incorporate Bond Invisibility (greater)

Psychic- Level 15 - 8 MP Specialization: Camouflage - Level 5- 3 MP
Range: Touch
Duration: Until Dispelled
Duration: 1 hour
Material: The object being enchanted

Locks an object with a four-dimensional point, You can cast the spell up to 5 creatures
making it unmovable.
Julia’s Memory Box
Indian Night-Vision Charm Psychic- Level 9 - 5 MP
All- Level 4 - 3 MP Range: Touch
Duration: 1 minute Duration: Until Dispelled
Spoken language: Sanskrit
Removes part of your memories. Contrary to the
Allows the caster to see in the dark up to one wipe spell used at Brakebills, the memories are
hour. still within the person, simply boxed in an
enchanted ward. This can be removed and the
Insect Plague person will remember the forgotten memories.
Natural- Level 5 - 3 MP Takes one hour to cast.
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 10 minute
Material: a few grains of sugar, some kernels of grain, and a Koyosegi’s Ward
smear of fat All- Level 9 - 5 MP
Range: 90 feet
For 10 mins, swarming, biting locusts fill a 20- Duration: Until Dispelled
foot-radius sphere centred on a point you choose
within 30ft. The sphere spreads around corners. Shields a space and offers protection from
The sphere remains for the duration, and its area outside forces. Stronger than the basic protection
is lightly obscured. The sphere’s area is difficult ward, it covers up to 50,000 square feet and
terrain. When the area appears, each creature in nullifies any spell cast within the boundaries.
it must make a Constitution saving throw. A
creature takes 4d10 piercing damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful
Locate Plant
Lend Skill Specialization: Herbalism- Level 2- 1 MP
Specialization: Telepathy- Level 3 -2 MP Range: 5 Miles
Range: 90 feet Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: 1 Turn

Describe or name a specific kind of plant.

You are allowed to lend one of your skill stats Concentrating on the voice of nature in your
or spell knowledge to one person for the surroundings, you learn the direction and
duration of one turn. If the spell caster wants distance to the closest creature of that kind within
to lend their skill longer, the amount of MP is 5 miles, if any are present.
increased by 1 per additional turn.

Lesser Cavalieri Animation Locate Object

All- Level 2 - 1 MP All- Level 2- 1 MP
Range: 1000 feet
Range: Touch
Duration: 10 minutes
Duration: 15 minutes

Gifts small inanimate objects with a facsimile of Describe or name an object that is familiar to
life up to 15 minutes. you. You sense the direction to the object’s
location, as long as that object is within 1,000
feet of you. If the object is in motion, you know
Levitate the direction of its movement.
Physical Level 3 - 2 MP
Range: Sight
Duration: 10 minutes Locate Person
Hedgewitch- Level 4- 2 MP
One creature or object of your choice that you Range:1000 feet
can see within range rises vertically, up to 20 Duration: 1 hour +
feet, and remains suspended there for the Material: Map (of the place, city, world etc.)
duration. The spell can levitate a target that
weighs up to 500 pounds. An unwilling Describe or name a creature that is familiar to
creature that succeeds on a strength saving you. You sense the direction to the creature’s
throw is unaffected. location, as long as that creature is within 1,000
feet of you. If the creature is moving, you know
the direction of its movement. If it is further away,
Locate Animal it takes one hour per 1,000 feet to locate.
Specialization: Zoomancy- Level 2- 1 MP Someone who is located at 3,000 feet would take
Range: 5 Miles two hours to find before the spell points to the
Duration: Instantaneous position on a map.

Describe or name a specific kind of beast.

Concentrating on the voice of nature in your
surroundings, you learn the direction and
distance to the closest creature of that kind within
5 miles, if any are present.
Lucifer Cleaning Charm Magic Missile
All- Level 4 -2 MP All- Level 2- 1 MP
Range: 120 feet Range: 120 feet
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Material: Rose Water
You create three glowing darts of magical force.
Cleans a room or a place up to 25,000 ft. Each dart hits a creature of your choice that you
can see within range. A dart deals 1d4 + 1 force
damage to its target. The darts all strike
Luck simultaneously, and you can direct them to hit
Specialization: Luck- Level 3 - 2 MP one creature or several.
Range: Touch
Duration: 30 minutes to 1 hour
Mending (minor)
If the spell success, the person receiving the Specialization: Mending- Level 2- 1 MP
spell gains advantage on all rolls for 30 Range: Touch
minutes, if the spell fails the spell gives them Duration: Instantaneous
disadvantage for 1 hour.
This spell repairs a single break or tear in an
object you touch, such as a broken chain link, two
Mage Lock halves of a broken key, a torn cloak, or a leaking
Physical Level 2 - 1 MP
Range: Touch wineskin. As long as the break or tear is no larger
Duration: Instantaneous than 1 foot in any dimension, you mend it,
leaving no trace of the former damage. This spell
can physically repair a magic item or construct,
You touch a closed door, window, gate, chest,
but the spell can’t restore magic to such an
or other entryway, and it becomes locked until
dispelled or magically unlock. Cannot be
opened with a mundane key.
Mending (major)
Specialization: Mending- Level 4- 2 MP
Magic Armor Range: 10 feet
All- Level 1- 1 MP Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Touch
Duration: 8 hours
The break or tear can be as long as 3 feet and do
not need to be touched.
You create a magical armour temporarily
providing +10 HP and +2 MP. Up to 8 hours,
until dispelled or until 10 HP are taken in

Manipulate Memories Manipulate Time
Specialization: Memory Magic- Level 9 -6 MP Specialization: Horomancy- Level 3- 1 MP
Range: 30 feet Range: 120 feet
Duration: 1 minutes Duration: 1 minute

You attempt to reshape another creature’s You alter time around up to six creatures of your
memories. One creature that you can see must choice in a 40-foot cube within range. Each target
make a Wisdom saving throw. If you are fighting must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be
the creature, it has advantage on the saving affected by this spell for the duration. For slowing
throw. On a failed save, the target becomes down time: An affected target's speed is halved, it
has a -2 dexterity modifier, and can only act every
charmed by you for the duration. The charmed
other turn. For accelerating time: An affected
target is incapacitated and unaware of its
target's speed is doubled, it has a +2 dexterity
surroundings, though it can still hear you. If it
modifier, and has an additional action every turn.
takes any damage or is targeted by another spell,
Creatures make an additional Wisdom saving
this spell ends, and none of the target’s memories throw at the end of each turn.
are modified. While this charm lasts, you can
affect the target’s memory of an event that it
experienced within the last 24 hours and that Mann’s Reveal
lasted no more than 10 minutes. You can All- Level 7- 4 MP
Range: 60 feet
permanently eliminate all memory of the event,
Duration: Instantaneous
allow the target to recall the event with perfect
clarity and exacting detail, change its memory of
Reveals something invisible. The spell is
the details of the event, or create a memory of
performed by the caster making a small window
some other event. You must speak to the target to with the thumb and index finger of their hands.
describe how its memories are affected, and it
must be able to understand your language for the
modified memories to take root. Its mind fills in Matarese Summoning Spell
any gaps in the details of your description. If the Psychic- Level 12- 6 MP
spell ends before you have finished describing the Range: Touch
Duration: 24 hours
modified memories, the creature’s memory isn’t
Material: Totem of the Matarese
altered. Otherwise, the modified memories take
hold when the spell ends. A modified memory
doesn’t necessarily affect how a creature behaves, By placing a totem of the Matarese on the victim
and using the spell, it will cause the bug spirit to
particularly if the memory contradicts the
awaken and inhabit the subject's body, shortening
creature’s natural inclinations, alignment, or
out the cerebral cortex and breaking an illusion. It
beliefs. An illogical modified memory, such as
is then up to the victim to release themselves from
implanting a memory of how much the creature
the spell (ex: Quentin’s scorpion in s01x04).
enjoyed dousing itself in acid, is dismissed,
perhaps as a bad dream. The GM might deem a
modified memory too nonsensical to affect a
creature in a significant manner. A remove curse
or greater restoration spell cast on the target
restores the creatures true memory.
McNaughton’s Unstealable Charm Minor Illusion
Hedgewitch, Physical and Knowledge- Level 19 - All- Level 2- 1 MP
11 MP Range: 30 feet
Range: Touch Duration: 1 minute
Duration: Instantaneous Material: A bit of fleece
Material: The object being enchanted
You create a sound or a small image of an object
Makes an item impossible to steal. This spell is within range that lasts for the duration. The
applied to the Alumni Keys of Brakebills graduates. illusion also ends if you dismiss it as an action or
cast this spell again.

Merle’s Mass Cure Wounds Mirage

Specialization: Minor and Major Injuries Level 9 - Specialization: Projection- Level 7- 6 MP
5 MP Range: Sight
Range: 40 feet Duration: 10 days
Duration: Instantaneous

You make terrain in an area up to 1 mile square

This spell cures 2d4 damage to a maximum of three look, sound, smell, and even feel like some other
people that are with 40 ft of the spell caster. with a sort of terrain. The terrain’s general shape
mundane key. remains the same, however. Open fields or a road
could be made to resemble a swamp, hill,
crevasse, or some other difficult or impassable
Miller’s Flare terrain. A pond can be made to seem like a
Hedgewitches, Natural and Physical Level 5 -
grassy meadow, a precipice like a gentle slope,
3 MP
or a rock-strewn gully like a wide and smooth
Range: Self
Duration: 1 hour

Makes the caster glow with an intense light and Mirror Image
generates heat. Illusion- Level 3- 2 MP
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute
Mind Reading
Specialization: Mind Reading Level 2 - 1 MP
Range: 30 feet Three illusory duplicates of yourself appear in
Duration: 1 minute your space. Until the spell ends, the duplicates
Material: A copper piece move with you and mimic your actions, shifting
position so it’s impossible to track which image is
real. You can use your action to dismiss the
For the duration you can read the thoughts of
illusory duplicates. Each time a creature targets
certain creatures. When you cast the spell and as
you with an attack during the spell’s duration, roll
your action on each turn until the spell ends, you
a d20 to determine whether the attack instead
can focus your mind on any one creature that you
targets one of your duplicates.
can see within 30 feet of you. If the creature you
choose has an Intelligence of 3 or lower or doesn’t
speak any language, the creature is unaffected.
Mislead Necromantic Resurrection
Specialization: Camouflage- Level 6 - 3 MP Specialization: Necromancy Level 11- 6 MP
Range: Self Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour Duration: 2 minutes
Material: One relatively fresh corpse. The last requirement
You become invisible at the same time that an of the spell is to burn the book from which it came.

illusory double of you appears where you are

standing. The double lasts for the duration, but the Grants a magician the power to temporarily raise
invisibility ends if you attack or cast a spell.You can the dead. Though the effects are highly unstable
use your action to move your illusory double up to and only last a few minutes, a spirit of the
twice your speed and make it gesture, speak, and deceased may momentarily return to their corpse
(ex: Julia waking up Marina in s2x04).
behave in whatever way you choose. You can see
through its eyes and hear through its ears as if you
were located where it is. On each of your turns as a Nightmare
bonus action, you can switch from using its senses Specialization: Dream Manipulation Level 6-
to using your own, or back again. While you are 4 MP
Range: 80 feet
using its senses, you are blinded and deafened in
Duration: Until the person wakes up
regard to your own surroundings.

You send a hideous and unsettling phantasmal

Modus Hex vision to a specific creature of your choice that is
All- Level 4 - 3 MP on the same plane of existence as you. The
Range: Self
target must make a Wisdom saving throw,
Duration: 1 hour
modified by how well you know the target, to
resist the vision. On a failed save they suffer
Invented by Alice Quinn, it protects the caster’s through the vision; on a successful save they do
hands from the intense heat released by molten not dream that night and otherwise rest as
metal. normal.The vision prevents restful sleep. It causes
1d10 psychic damage.
Move Earth
Specialization: Geomancy Level 5 - 3 MP Nystul's Magic Aura
Range: 120 feet
Specialization: Mind Reading- Level 2 - 2MP
Duration: 3 hours
Range: Touch
Duration: 24 hours
Choose an area of terrain no larger than 40 feet on
a side within range. You can reshape dirt, sand, or You place an illusion on a creature or an object
clay in the area in any manner you choose for the you touch so that divination spells reveal false
duration. You can raise or lower the area’s elevation, information about it. The target can be a willing
create or fill in a trench, erect or flatten a wall, or creature or an object that isn’t being carried or
form a pillar. worn by another creature.

Osseus Confervium Persian Fainting Charm
Knowledge- Level 16 - 8 MP Healing and Psychic Level 7- 7 MP
Material: Bones Range: 30 feet
Duration: 1 minute
The first step in building a new body with magic,
called “bone-knitting”. It requires a lot of magic Causes the target to lose consciousness.
power and actual bones to bind together in order
to create a skeleton.
Phantasmal Force
Specialization: Mind Reading Level 3- 2 MP
Otto's Irresistible Dance Range: 60 feet
Physical- Level 6 - 4 MP Duration: 1 minute
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 1 minute You craft an illusion that takes root in the mind of
a creature that you can see within range. The
The target begins a comic dance in place: target must make an Intelligence saving throw.
shuffling, tapping its feet and capering for the On a failed save, you create a phantasmal object,
duration. Creatures that can't be charmed are creature, or other visible phenomenon of your
immune to this spell. Most likely used by Eliot choice that is no larger than a 10-foot cube and
Waugh's Wrecking Ball. that is perceivable only to the target for the
duration. This spell has no effect on undead or
Pass Without Trace constructs. The phantasm includes sound,
Specialization: Phosphoromancny Level 2 - 1 MP temperature, and other stimuli, also evident only
Range: Self to the creature.
Duration: 1 hours

Phantom Flame
Using the reflection of the sun's rays, you are able Illusion- Level 1 - 1 MP
to mask you and your companions from detection. Range: 30 feet
For the duration, each creature you choose within Duration: 1 hour
30 feet of you (including you) has a +10 bonus to
Dexterity (Stealth) checks and can’t be tracked Creates an area of imaginary flame. Those nearby
except by magical means. A creature that receives feel heat and pain, if they touch it; items inside
this bonus leaves behind no tracks or other traces of appear to burn. However, the flame does not
its passage. spread, and does no real damage. Even the pain it
creates subsides to a tingling after the first shock.
Paralysis Spell
Hedgewitch- Level 10 - 7 MP Planar Visit
Range: 60 feet
Specialization: Astral Projection- Level 2 - 1 MP
Duration: 1 hour Duration: 1 hour

Extremely potent and capable of incapacitating a You are allow to travel in spirit to a place you have
large crowd, and even a deity if the caster has not been before. You can't interact with anything
great powers. The spell is shown to immediately or anyone. If you want to bring someone with you,
freeze its target (who can only move their eyes) add +1 MP per person
and has an adjustable area of effect (on the body
or the environment). Can only be used on areas,
not target a specific person. Disadvantage roll on
the opponent if the spell succeed.
Plant Growth Prestidigitation
Specialization: Plant Manipulation- Level 3 - 2 MP Specialization: Sensory Manipulation Level 1-
Range: 150 feet 1 MP
Duration: Instantaneous Range: 10 feet
Duration: 1 hour
This spell channels vitality into plants within a
specific area. There are two possible uses for the You create one of the following magical effects
spell, granting either immediate or long-term within range:
benefits. If you cast the spell using 1 action, choose ✴ You create an instantaneous, harmless
a point within range. All normal plants in a 100-foot sensory effect, such as a shower of sparks, a
radius centred on that point become thick and puff of wind, faint musical notes, or an odd
overgrown. If you cast this spell over 8 hours, you odour.
enrich the land. All plants within a half-mile radius ✴ You instantaneously light or snuff out a
centred on a point within range are enriched for one candle, a torch, or a small campfire.
year. The plants yield twice the amount of food ✴ You instantaneously clean or soil an object
when harvested. no larger than 1 cubic foot.
✴ You chill, warm, or flavour up to 1 cubic foot
Poll Spell of nonliving material for 1 hour.
All- Level 4 - 2 MP ✴ You make a colour, a small mark, or a
Range: 200 feet symbol appear on an object or a surface for
Duration: Instantaneous 1 hour.
✴ You create a nonmagical trinket or an
Creates quick survey on a specific notion in a given
area (ex: number of animals in a forest). Probability Spell
Specialization: Probability- Level 35 (c) - 22 MP
Range: Self
Portal Spell Duration: Instantaneous
Specialization: Portal Creation- Level 9 - 5 MP Material: Double-sided coin, candles, and some
Duration: Instantaneous
hallucinogenic herbs

Creates a portal. The longer the distance, the

A powerful psychic ritual that can send one of any
harder it is to create; the GM can add a
number of individuals into an astral state of being.
disadvantage roll at their discretion.
This state allows the participants to simulate a
situation to test the different outcomes possible. It
Power Word Heal may seem as if they have been in the situation for
Healing Level 5 - 1 MP weeks, when the spell breaks, the magicians
Range: Touch
return to the exact moments the spell was
Duration: Instantaneous
originally cast.

A wave of healing energy washes over the creature

you touch. The target regains all its hit points. If the
creature is charmed, frightened, paralyzed, or
stunned, the condition ends. If the creature is
prone, it can use its reaction to stand up. This spell
has no effect on undead or constructs. 175
Programed Illusion Remove Curse
Illusion- Level 8 - 5 MP Specialization: Curse Breaker Level 3- 2 MP
Range: 120 feet Range: Touch
Duration: Until Dispelled Duration: Instantaneous
Material: A bit of fleece and jade dust
At your touch, all curses affecting one creature
You create an illusion of an object, a creature, or or object end. If the object is a cursed magic
some other visible phenomenon within range that item, its curse remains, but the spell breaks its
activates when a specific condition occurs. The owner’s attainment to the object so it can be
illusion is imperceptible until then. It must be no removed or discarded.
larger than a 30-foot cube, and you decide when
you cast the spell how the illusion behaves and what
Restoration (minor)
sounds it makes. This scripted performance can last
Specialization: Minor and Major Injuries- Level
up to 5 minutes. When the condition you specify 2 - 1 MP
occurs, the illusion springs into existence and Range: 120 feet
performs in the manner you described. Once the
illusion finishes performing, it disappears and You touch a creature and can end either one
remains dormant for 10 minutes. After this time, the disease or one condition afflicting it. The
illusion can be activated again. condition can be blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or

Purify Water
All- Level 1 - 1 MP Restoration (major)
Range: 30 feet Specialization: Minor and Major Injuries- Level
Duration: Instantaneous 5 - 3 MP
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour
Spell that purifies water up to 1L, the amount of
water can be bigger if done in cooperation. Up to
the GM's discretion. You can end one of the following effects on the
target: One effect that charmed or petrified the
target. One curse, including the target’s
Relieve Addiction attainment to a cursed magic item. Any reduction
Healing- Level 8 - 2 MP to one of the target’s ability scores. One effect
Range: Touch
reducing the target’s hit point maximum
Duration: Instantaneous

Relieves the target of a minor addiction and the

symptoms of withdrawal. For a more more
complicated addiction, this only relieves
withdrawal symptoms but will not cure the
addiction itself.

Retrogression Sanctuary
Specialization: Memory Magic- Level 7 - 4 MP Healing- Level 2- 1 MP
Range: 120 feet Range: 30 feet
Duration: 1 second Duration: 1 minute

The target experience memories from their past You ward a creature within range against attack.
vividly. Caster can choose a specific memory if Until the spell ends, any creature who targets the
they are already aware of that memory's existence warded creature with an attack or a harmful spell
or can choose a more general memory. Caster must first make a Wisdom saving throw. On a
cannot use this spell to view the subject's failed save, the creature must choose a new
memories. An unwilling subject must pass a target or lose the attack or spell. This spell
Wisdom saving throw. doesn’t protect the warded creature from area
effects, such as the explosion of a fireball. If the
Reverse Gravity warded creature makes an attack or casts a spell
Physical- Level 7 - 5 MP that affects an enemy creature, this spell ends.
Range: 100 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Scarlotti’s Web
Hedgewitch- Level 17 (c) - 9 MP
This spell reverses gravity in a 50-foot-radius, 100- Range: 10 miles
foot high cylinder centred on a point within range.
All creatures and objects that aren’t somehow Traps the caster’s target inside a dark prison within
anchored to the ground in the area fall upward their own mind. The prison shapes itself to
and reach the top of the area when you cast this p s y c h o l o g i c a l l y d e s t ro y t h e t a rg e t a n d
spell. A creature can make a Dexterity saving permanently incapacitate them.
throw to grab onto a fixed object it can reach, thus
avoiding the fall. If some solid object (such as a
ceiling) is encountered in this fall, falling objects Sense Spirit
and creatures strike it just as they would during a Divination- Level 5 - 4 MP
normal downward fall. If an object or creature Range: 120 feet
reaches the top of the area without striking Duration: Instantaneous
anything, it remains there, oscillating slightly, for Material: Bee’s Wax
the duration. At the end of the duration, affected
objects and creatures fall back down. Find any ghosts, spirits, or supernatural entities
within the area of effect. On a good roll, it gives the
caster a general impression of what kind of being is
Romanian Flying Enchantment present.
All- Level 3 - 2 MP
Range: 50 feet
Duration: Until Dispelled
Language: Romanian

Makes small-to-medium objects fly.

Sense Emotion Shatter
Specialization: Empath- Level 1 - 1MP Natural Level 2- 1 MP
Range: 30 feet Range: 90 feet
Duration: 1 minute Duration: 1 minute

You instantly learn the target’s prevailing emotion, A sudden loud ringing noise, painfully intense,
whether it’s love, anger, pain, fear, calm, or erupts from a point of your choice within 90ft.
something else. If the target isn’t actually Each creature in a 10-foot-radius sphere centred
humanoid or it is immune to being charmed, you on that point must make a Constitution saving
sense that it is calm. throw. A creature takes 3d8 thunder damage on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a
Sensory Manipulation (lesser) successful one.
Specialization: Sensory Manipulation, Level 2 -
1 MP Sleep
Range: 100 feet
All- Level 3 - 1MP
Duration: 1 hour Range: 90 feet
Duration: 1 minute
You manipulate the 5 senses of the subject to Material: A pinch of fine sand, rose petals, or a cricket
experience a minor sensation. Some possibilities
are, but are not limited to: pain, odour, loud noise, This spell sends creatures into a magical slumber.
itchiness, spasms, a small tap, tickling, hunger, Roll 5d8, the total is how many hit points of
thirst, etc. These can be positive or negative. creatures this spell can affect. Creatures within 20
feet of a point you choose within range are
Sensory Manipulation (greater) affected in ascending order of their current hit
Specialization: Sensory Manipulation, Level 8 - points (ignoring unconscious creatures).
Range: 100 feet
Spare the Dying
Duration: 12 hour
Healing- Level 2 - 1 MP
Range: 30 feet
You manipulate the 5 senses of the subject in a Duration: Instantaneous
major way. Some possibilities are, but are not
limited to: blindness, deafness, inability to feel Touch a living creature that has 0 hit points. The
pain, etc. creature becomes stable. This spell has no effect on

Sex Magic Beacon

All- Level 12 (c) - 7 MP
Duration: 30 minutes

You can send a beacon of light from one world to

another. The spell-casters must have sex while
sage is burning and a lunar clock is near them.
The beacon will happen when both of the spell-
casters climax.
Speak with Plants Suggestion (lesser)
Specialization: Plant Manipulation- Level 3 - 2MP Specialization: Mind Control Level 2- 1 MP
Range: 30 feet Range: 30 feet
Duration: 24 hours Duration: 8 hours or until attacked
Material: A snake’s tongue and either a bit of honeycomb or
Imbue plants within 30 feet of you with limited a drop of sweet oil

sentience and animation, giving them the ability

to communicate with you and follow your simple You suggest a course of activity (limited to a
commands. You can question plants about events sentence or two) and magically influence a
in the spell’s area within the past day, gaining creature you can see within range that can hear
information about creatures that have passed, and understand you. Creatures that can’t be
weather, and other circumstances. charmed are immune to this effect. The
suggestion must be worded in such a manner as
to make the course of action sound reasonable.
Stinking Cloud Asking the creature to stab itself, throw itself onto
Natural- Level 3 - 2 MP
Range: 100 feet a spear, immolate itself, or do some other
Duration: 1 minute obviously harmful act ends the spell. The target
Material: A rotten egg or several skunk cabbage leaves must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed
save, it purses the course of action you described
You create a 20-foot-radius sphere of yellow, to the best of its ability. The suggested course of
nauseating gas centred on a point within 90ft action can continue for the entire duration. If the
range. The cloud spreads around corners, and its suggested activity can be completed in a shorter
area is heavily obscured. The cloud lingers in the time, the spell ends when the subject finishes
air for the duration. what it was asked to do.

Natural- Level 4 - 2 MP
Suggestion (greater)
Range: Touch Specialization: Mind Control Level 6- 4 MP
Range: 90 feet
Duration: 1 hour
Duration: 24 hours or until attacked
Material:Diamond dust
Material: A snake’s tongue and either a bit of honeycomb or
a drop of sweet oil
This spell turns the flesh of a willing creature you
touch as hard as stone. Until the spell ends, the
Same effect as lesser suggestion, but with a
target has resistance to non magical bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing damage. higher range and duration time

Stop Bleeding
Healing- Level 1 - 1 MP
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous

The subject stops bleeding immediately. This

restores 1 HP and prevents further HP loss form
Summon Spirit Suspend Spell
Divination- Level 7- 5 MP Specialization: Spell manipulation Level 5- 3 MP
Range: 90 feet Range: 120 feet
Duration: 1 hour Duration: 1 minute
Material: Burning incense for air, soft clay for earth, sulphur
and phosphorus for fire, or water and sand for water Temporarily nullify an ongoing spell. At higher
levels temporarily nullifies all ongoing spells in an
A spirit appears in an unoccupied space within area of effect.
10 feet of it. Its HP is half of the spell-caster's HP.
It disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or
when the spell ends. The elemental is friendly to
Hedgewitch and Knowledge- Level 7 - 4 MP
you and your companions for the duration. Roll Range: 120 feet
initiative for the elemental, which has its own Duration: 30 minutes
turns. It obeys any verbal commands that you Material: Mercury, phosphorus, and powdered diamond and
issue to it (no action required by you). If you opal
don’t issue any commands to the elemental, it
defends itself from hostile creatures but When you cast this spell, you inscribe a harmful
otherwise takes no actions. glyph either on a surface or within an object that
can be closed to conceal the glyph. If you choose
Sun Flare a surface, the glyph can cover an area of the
Specialization: Phosphoromancny- Level 4 - 1 surface no larger than 10 feet in diameter. If you
MP choose an object, that object must remain in its
Range: 30 feet place, otherwise, the glyph is broken, and the
spell ends without being triggered. You decide
A bright flash of light erupts from your body. what triggers the glyph when you cast the spell.
Everyone in a 30 ft. burst must make a Dexterity
saving throw every round. On a failed save, the
creatures are blinded and dazed. Those outside
Specialization: Telepathy Level 8- 2 MP
the 30 ft. burst but within 60 ft. only need to save
Duration: 24 hours
or be dazed.
Material: A pair of linked silver rings

Sunburst You create a telepathic link between yourself and

Specialization: Weather Control- Level 8 - 4 MP a willing creature with which you are familiar. Until
Material: Fire and a piece of sunstone
the spell ends, you and the target can
instantaneously share words, images, sounds, and
Brilliant sunlight flashes in a 60-foot radius other sensory messages with one another
centred on a point you choose within 250ft range.
through the link, and the target recognizes you as
Each creature in that light must make a
the creature it is communicating with. The spell
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a
enables a creature with an Intelligence score of at
creature takes 12d6 radiant damage and is
least 1 to understand the meaning of your words
blinded for 1 minute. On a successful save, it
takes half as much damage and isn’t blinded by and take in the scope of any sensory messages
this spell. Undead and oozes have disadvantage you send to it.
on this saving throw.. 180
Telekinesis Tesla Flexion
Specialization: Telekinesis Level 5- 3 MP Illusion, Physical, Psychic and Knowledge -
Range: 60feet Level 29 (c)- 18 MP
Duration: 10minute Duration: 5 minute
Material: Array of Tesla coils, ultraviolet lamps, and a tented
You gain the ability to move or manipulate area for the realities to meets.

creatures or objects by thought. When you cast

the spell, and as your action each round for the The Tesla Flexion is a fold between realities
duration, you can exert your will on one creature where magicians can meet for a maximum of five
or object that you can see within range, causing minutes. It has to be done with a minimum of two
the appropriate effect below. You can affect the magicians and duration may vary depending on
same target round after round, or choose a new the magical power of the casters.
one at any time. If you switch targets, the prior
target is no longer affected by the spell. Teukolsky’s Locator Spell
Creature. You can try to move a Huge or smaller All Level 1- 1 MP
creature. Make an ability check with your spell- Range: 10 feet
casting ability contested by the creature’s Duration: Until the match dies
Strength check. If you win the contest, you move Material: Unlit match, which will flare up brightly when the
the creature up to 30 feet in any direction, correct location is approached.

including upward but not beyond the range of

this spell. Until the end of your next turn, the Locates an active spirit still tethered to the
creature is restrained in your telekinetic grip. A physical plane, directing a magician to the
creature lifted upward is suspended in mid-air. location where the spirit had originally died.

Teleport The Quarterback

Specialization: Interdimensional Travel Level 7- Hedgewitch- Level 6- 5 MP
4 MP Range: 60 feet
Range:10 feet Duration: 15 second
Duration: Instantaneous Material: A machine that would hold the spell

This spell instantly transports you and up to eight Rewinds time 15 seconds. As it is an extremly
willing creatures of your choice that you can see unstable and unpredictable spell and requires a
within range, or a single object that you can see machine in order to cast it. After 5 rewinds, it
within range, to a destination you select. If you breaks.
target an object, it must be able to fit entirely
inside a 10-foot cube, and it can’t be held or
carried by an unwilling creature.The destination
you choose must be known to you, and it must
be on the same plane of existence as you.

The Fish Hook The Rhinemann Ultra
Hedgewitch- Level 22 (c)- 13 MP Knowledge- Level 22 (c)- 13 MP
Duration: Instantaneous Range 20 feet
Material: Drawn Sigil Duration: Instantaneous

Harnesses energy from a large floor-drawn sigil in Presumably the most powerful battle magic spell
the shape of an anchor. Can be used to pull an known, it is recommended that no one, except
object from one location to another by looping it for the target, stands within a 20-feet (6 metres)
through dimensions, theoretically being radius of the large energy blast that the spell
untraceable. The spell requires at least two creates. Damage roll: 8d10
magicians to perform and the chanting of an
incantation as well.
Thorn Whip
Natural- Level 1- 1 MP
The Magician’s Land Range: 10 feet
All- Level 100 (c) - 100 MP
Duration: Takes 18 hours to cast
Duration: Takes 18 hours to cast

You create a long, vine-like whip covered in

Described as primordial, with a feel of old magic
thorns that lashes out at your command toward
to it, this spell is an ancient Fillorian work of
a creature in range(10ft). If the attack hits, the
magic designed to create a pocket world small
creature takes 1d6 piercing damage
enough to fit in the crack of a sidewalk, but “full
of life and stars and physics.” The spell is written
in archaic Fillorian script, and is incredibly long by Time Port
normal standards, consisting of at least twenty Specialization: Horomancy- Level 8- 5 MP
Material: An object belonging to the time you want to
pages. The spell itself is, in fact, fifteen or twenty
travel to
spells put together, and requires a number of
exotic materials, as well as the magical equivalent
Instantaneously moves the caster to another
of a clean room at a semiconductor factory. Parts
time in the same location.
of the spell could be cast beforehand, but most
had to be done on the fly, with some even
requiring to be cast simultaneously. The largest Time Stop
functionality of the spell consists of thousands of Specialization: Horomancy- Level 9- 5 MP
Range: Self, time stop in a 300 feet radius
practical details, most of which concerning space:
fabricating it, expanding it and reinforcing it.
There are spells that summon matters into being, You briefly stop the flow of time for everyone
remove entropy from the system, and force it into but yourself. No time passes for other
obscure transforms. Some spells appear to do creatures, while you take 1d4 + 1 damage
nothing, or cancel out previous ones. Other spells every time it is cast. Only lasts one turn.
deal with environmental details: weather, water,
wind, and the shaping of living rock. Higher level
spells reset basic physical parameters of the
universe: elementary charge, the speed of light,
gravitational constants, etc. 182
True Seeing Vampiric Touch
Illusion and Psychic- Level 9- 5 MP Hedgewitch- Level 5- 5 MP
Range: 120 feet Range: Touch
Duration: Until Dispelled Duration: 1 minutes
Material: An ointment for the eyes made from mushroom N.B: The Vampire Race have access to this spell despite their
powder, saffron, and fat; and is consumed by the spell specialization

This spell gives the willing creature you touch the The touch of your shadow-wreathed hand can
ability to see things as they actually are. For the siphon force from others to heal your wounds.
duration, the creature has true sight, notices Make a melee spell attack against a creature within
secret doors hidden by magic. your reach. On a hit, the target takes 3d6 necrotic
damage, and you regain hit points equal to half the
amount of necrotic damage dealt
Turkish Binding Spell
Physical- Level 1- 2 MP
Range: 30 feet Voltaic Transfer
Duration: Instantaneous Healing, Physical, Psychic and Knowledge -
Material: Coffin-shaped wooden box Level 10 (c)- 5 MP
Language: Turkish Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous

Puts a rogue Niffin into a Niffin Box, a small,

Transfers magical energy from one subject to
coffin-shaped wooden box etched with special
another. Caster may gift any amount of MP to
sigils, permanently sealing it within.
subject permanently.

Une Chaleur Temporaire

Hedgewitch- Level 1- 1 MP Wall of....
Range: Self Physical and Natural- Level 4- 3 MP
Duration: 20 minutes Range: 120 feet

Material: Crushed rocks and animal fat. When the concoction Duration: 1 minute

is done, apply to the skin.

Spoken languages: Latin and French You create a wall of a specific type on a solid
surface within range. You can make the wall up
Hedge witch version of Chkhartishvili’s to 60 feet long, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick,
Enveloping Warmth. Lasts twenty minutes. or a ringed wall up to 20 feet in diameter, 20
feet high, and 1 foot thick. The wall is opaque
and lasts for the duration. The types are Fire,
Force, Sand, Light, Wind, Ice, Thorn, Water.

Wards Wish
All- Level 4- 2 MP Knowledge- Level 100 (c)- 100 MP
Range: 120 feet
Duration: 1 hour Wish is the mightiest spell a mortal creature can cast.
Material: Burning incense, a small measure of brimstone and
By simply speaking aloud, you can alter the very
oil, a knotted string, a small amount of umber hulk blood,
foundations of reality in accord with your desires.
and a small silver rod worth at least 10G or $

✴ You allow up to twenty creatures that you can see

You create a ward that protects up to 2,500 to regain all hit points, and you end all effects on
square feet of floor space. When you cast this them described in the greater restoration spell.
spell, you can specify individuals that are ✴ You grant up to ten creatures that you can see
unaffected by any or all of the effects that you resistance to a damage type you choose.
choose. You can also specify a password that, ✴ You grant up to ten creatures you can see
when spoken aloud, makes the speaker immune immunity to a single spell or other magical effect
to these effects. for 8 hours.
✴ You undo a single recent event by forcing a reroll
Water Breathing of any roll made within the last round (including
Specialization: Aquamancy- Level 3- 2 MP your last turn). Reality reshapes itself to
Range: 30 feet
accommodate the new result. For example, a wish
Duration: 24 hours
spell could undo an opponent’s successful save, a
Material: A short reed or piece of straw
foe’s critical hit, or a friend’s failed save. You can
force the reroll to be made with advantage or
This spell grants up to ten willing creatures you disadvantage, and you can choose whether to use
can see within a 30-ft range the ability to breathe the reroll or the original roll.
underwater until the spell ends. Affected ✴ You might be able to achieve something beyond
creatures also retain their normal mode of the scope of the above examples. State your wish
respiration. Can work up to 24 hours. to the DM as precisely as possible. The stress of
casting this spell to produce any effect other than
Weird duplicating another spell weakens you. After
Specialization: Projection- Level 4- 2 MP enduring that stress, each time you cast a spell
Range: 30 feet until you finish a long rest, you take 3d10 necrotic
Duration: 1 hours damage per level of that spell.

Drawing on the deepest fears of a group of

creatures, you create illusory creatures in their
minds, visible only to them. Each creature in a 30-
foot-radius sphere centred on a point of your
choice within range must make a Wisdom saving

Word as Bond Woven Strength
All- Level 15 (c)- 8 MP All- Level 11- 6 MP
Range: Touch Range: 50 feet
Duration: 5 minutes

Magically seals the terms of a pact between two

people. Accompanied by a sigil drawn onto a Grants the caster amazing strength for five
piece of paper, the intended parties then place minutes. Strength + 10
the base of their thumbs onto the sigil, branding
the spell onto themselves. This bond is Zone of truth
unbreakable, but one can find loopholes if the Illusion and Knowledge- Level 2- 1 MP
terms aren’t worded properly. Range: 60 feet
Duration: Until Dispelled

Word as Bound With Blood

Specialization: Hemocology- Level 20 (c)- 8 MP You create a magical zone that guards against
Range: Touch deception in a 15-foot-radius sphere centred on a
point of your choice within 60ft range. Until the spell
Same than a word as bond but written in blood. ends, a creature that enters the spell’s area for the
Instead of being an unbreakable spell, if the first time on a turn or starts its turn there must make a
bond is broken, the person who breaks it get Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, a creature
necrotic damage of 2d8 every 5 minutes until can’t speak a deliberate lie while in the radius. You
death know whether each creature succeeds or fails on its
saving throw.

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