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Net promoter score refers to standards used to measure customers’ loyalty to a company. it is

done in a form of a single survey question that asks the respondents to assess the possibility of

recommending a specific company to other customers. It is calculated by subtracting the

detractors from the promoter’s percentages and the without including the percentage of

passive is not in the formula. Typically, the promoters are these customers who are devoted and

genuine about the company. Detractors, on the other hand, are these customers who are

unsatisfied customers who are not likely to buy from that company again. The distractors are

capable of demoralizing others from buying from that company again. passives refer to satisfied

buyers with the offered service but are unhappy enough to be referred to as promoters.

Toyota industry is among the leading markets for selling high-quality cars. Its customer ratings

are 46 with 63% Promoters, 20% Passives, and 17% Detractors. Toyota’s competitors include

Lexus and Honda industry. Lexus motor industry customer rating score is a-24 with 33%

promoters, 10%passives, and 57% distractors. On the other hand, Honda’s motor industry net

promoter score is a42 61% promoters, 20% passives, and 19% distractors (Hamilton et al.,2014).

Net Promoter Score traces the reviews of the customers by using the customer’s rating on a

scale of -100 to 100 (Krol et al.,2015). Scores above 0 are examined to be good and higher than

50 are regarded as excellent. Comparing the three industries, Toyota company provides the

best quality services compared to Honda and Lexus. Toyota has the highest number of

promoters meaning its products and services are recommendable to its customers. This is

evident because its distractors are fewer compared to its competitors. Therefore, Toyota’s

services and products are recommendable to their customers.


Hamilton, D. F., Lane, J. V., Gaston, P., Patton, J. T., Macdonald, D. J., Simpson, A. H. R. W., & Howie, C. R.

(2014). Assessing treatment outcomes using a single question: the net promoter score. The bone & joint

journal, 96(5), 622-628.

Krol, M. W., de Boer, D., Delnoij, D. M., & Rademakers, J. J. (2015). The Net Promoter Score–an asset to

patient experience surveys. Health Expectations, 18(6), 3099-3109.

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