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Concept of Modern Art

To begin with, modern art is a concept that highlights both the idea and the fact of art. Without
it, we might wonder if art even exists at all. Thus, its main aim remains to be: embodying reality
and depicting the artists' contribution in the world.
Literature in Great Britain
Since modern times, various changes took place in the field of literature. The notion of
psychoanalysis and irrational philosophy is the cornerstone of modern literature in Great
Britain. The key themes of modernism are distorted relationships between men and society,
and, most crucially, between men and nature.
David Herbert Lawrence is one of the pillars of modern literature in Great Britain. His most
remarkable masterpieces include: “The Rainbow” and “Woman in Love”. He considered that
materialism is the main reason of the corruption of the will and the dominance of barren
The report that I am going to present summarises facts and opinions about literature from a
representative sample of 1,998 members of the British public.
The first question sought to find out about levels of general leisure reading. Newspapers,
magazines and novels were the most common types of reading matter. The least common
types of reading matter were poetry and comic or graphic novels. Those respondents who had
read something were then asked which of their reading matter they considered to be literature.
75% of people read literature, and the rest are non-readers or readers, but not of literature.
After this, interviewers read out five statements about literature, and respondents were asked
to say how strongly they agreed or disagreed with them.
The strongest levels of agreement were found for the statements that literature should be part
of everyone’s education and that literature helps people understand other points of view. 67%
of respondents also agreed that literature comforts people in times of stress, while only 15%
felt that literature is too difficult to understand.
We concluded that all people have different opinions about literature, and how much is it
Painting in Great Britain
The 20th century saw unparalleled freedom of expression in painting, with new visual
languages challenging time-honored norms.
David Hockney is one of the pillars of modern painting. He is most known for his portraiture
paintings and representations of hot Los Angeles summers by the pool. A representative
masterpiece is “Portrait of an Artist (Pool with Two Figures)”.
Writing the research paper has proved to be very educational. It made us draw important
conclusions about the studied subject.
The concept of art is a complex one, with various specific characteristics.
Modern literature reflects society and helps people comprehend the contemporary world.
The modern painters indirectly presented the problems of modern society.
Sculpture has the primary goal to show the importance of significant figures in history.
And last but not least, female artists have a significant role in the development of art, because
they pioneered new forms and materials to communicate their thoughts.

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