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Lab 02: Artificial Intelligence with Python

Name = Fahad Ur Rehman

Reg NO = 18228

Submitted to = Asfandyar Khan

Date =9/28/2023

Department = Computer Science

Task 1:

As we know that Reshape is when you change the number of rows and columns which gives a new view
to an object. The task is to reshape the left-sided matrix into right-sided matrix using reshape command
within Numpy library.
Task NO 1 Solution:
Task 2:
max/min function: Next, we have some more operations in numpy such as to find the minimum,
maximum as well the sum of the numpy array. The task is to create a 4 * 5 matrix with random
values between 2 to 100 and find the minimum and maximum values in each row using min and
max function of numpy.

Task NO 2:

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