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What is an english major ?

 Mở đầu:

Good afternoon, everyone. Good to see you all today. I’m Hanh and I will continue the
next part of our presentation. As you know, the study of English has developed over the
years but has been never unimportant in many professional environments. The roles
that English students play in the workforce after graduation are exciting and varied. In
addition to developing traditional skills, such as exploring literary masterworks and
learning to critique literature, English majors have opportunities to become talented
writers with communication skills that can benefit nearly every industry

 Khúc giữa: I will talk more specificly so that all of you can understand about an
English major more clearly

Part 1: English major

 An English major is a degree program in higher education that focuses on the

English language and its literature.

Part 2: The benefits of English major

 Students who pursue this major study a wide range of literature from different
periods and cultures, including novels, plays, poetry, and other forms of
 They also learn to analyze these works, develop arguments about them, and
express these arguments effectively in writing.
 The skills gained in an English major, such as critical thinking, effective
communication, and deep analysis, are valuable in many careers.
 These include but are not limited to teaching, journalism, publishing, law,
business, and public relations.
 An English major can also lead to further study in graduate or professional
 It can be said that the English major is not really important to you, but you still
have to do it and study it well to have a good career.
 Not only are you good at your profession, you also have to really understand a lot
of other knowledge so that when you graduate, you will be able to apply for a job.
 Because of its importance, you should not miss or accidentally forget those
subjects. So that when you graduate, you don't have to say "if only that day".

 Khúc cuối: And now ……… will talk about the next part of our presentation

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