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Drug Mechanism of Actions/Side Effects Indication/Contraindications Nursing Responsibilities and Rationale

Brand name: Captopril works by inhibiting the Indications: Before administration:

Capoten angiotensin-converting enzyme, which 1. Hypertension: Captopril is indicated for the 1. Assess the patient's blood pressure and heart rate to
is responsible for converting angiotensin treatment of hypertension, either as establish baseline values.
Generic I to angiotensin II. By blocking this monotherapy or in combination with other 2. Obtain a thorough medical history, including any history
name: enzyme, captopril reduces the antihypertensive agents. of allergies or previous adverse reactions to ACE
Captopril production of angiotensin II, a potent 2. Heart failure: It is used in the management inhibitors.
vasoconstrictor. This leads to of heart failure, particularly in patients who 3. Check the patient's potassium levels before initiating
Classification: vasodilation and decreased peripheral cannot tolerate angiotensin receptor blockers therapy, as captopril can cause hyperkalemia.
Angiotensin- resistance, resulting in lower blood (ARBs) or angiotensin receptor-neprilysin During administration:
Converting pressure. inhibitors (ARNIs). 1. Observe the 14 Rights of Drug Administration such as
Enzyme 3. Diabetic nephropathy: Captopril is also right medication, right patient, right route, right dose, right
(ACE) Side effects: indicated for the treatment of diabetic time, right assessment, right approach, right client
Inhibitor 1. Hypotension (low blood pressure) nephropathy, a kidney disease associated education, right evaluation, right documentation, right to
2. Hyperkalemia (high potassium levels) with diabetes mellitus refuse medication, right principle of care, right
Route: 3. Dry cough Contraindications: prescription, and right nurse clinician.
PO 4. Taste disturbances 1. Allergy or hypersensitivity to captopril or Rationale: To prevent any medication errors.
5. Angioedema (swelling of the face, other ACE inhibitors 2. Monitor the patient's blood pressure regularly during
Dosage: lips, tongue, or throat) 2. History of angioedema related to previous therapy to assess the effectiveness of captopril.
25mg 6. Renal impairment ACE inhibitor use 3. Observe for signs and symptoms of hypotension, such as
7. Rash or other skin reactions 3. Pregnancy (especially during the second and dizziness or lightheadedness.
third trimesters) M
Frequency: 4. Educate the patient about the potential side effect of dry
TID cough and advise them to report it if it occurs.

After Administration:
1. Continue monitoring blood pressure and heart rate
regularly to evaluate the response to captopril therapy.
2. Assess renal function by monitoring urine output and
serum creatinine levels.
3. Educate the patient about the importance of compliance
with medication and the need for regular follow-up
Drug Mechanism of Actions/Side Effects Indication/Contraindications Nursing Responsibilities and Rationale
Brand name: Metformin works by decreasing the Indications: BEFORE:
Diagemet production of glucose in the liver and - Diagemet (metformin) is indicated for the 1. Assess the patient's medical history, especially for any
increasing the sensitivity of muscle management of type 2 diabetes mellitus. contraindications or hypersensitivity reactions to metformin.
Generic cells to insulin. - It is used as an adjunct to diet and exercise 2. Check the patient's renal function by reviewing recent
name: It also improves insulin utilization by to improve glycemic control in adults. laboratory results, particularly estimated glomerular filtration
Metformin peripheral tissues and reduces Contraindications: rate (eGFR).
intestinal absorption of glucose. - Hypersensitivity to metformin or any 3. Evaluate the patient's current medications for potential drug
Classification: component of the formulation. interactions with metformin.
Biguanide Side effects: - Severe renal impairment (eGFR less than
- Common side effects may include 30 mL/min/1.73 m²). DURING:
Route: gastrointestinal symptoms such as - Acute or chronic metabolic acidosis, 1. Observe the 14 Rights of Drug Administration such as right
PO nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and including diabetic ketoacidosis. medication, right patient, right route, right dose, right time, right
abdominal discomfort. assessment, right approach, right client education, right
Dosage: - Less common side effects may include evaluation, right documentation, right to refuse medication, right
850 mg metallic taste, lactic acidosis (rare but principle of care, right prescription, and right nurse clinician.
serious), vitamin B12 deficiency, and 2. Administer metformin orally with meals to minimize
Frequency: skin reactions such as rash or itching. gastrointestinal side effects.
QD 3. Monitor the patient for any signs of lactic acidosis, such as
persistent nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, or unusual
4. Educate the patient about the importance of adhering to a healthy
diet and regular exercise while taking metformin.
1. Monitor the patient's blood glucose levels regularly to assess the
effectiveness of metformin therapy.
2. Assess the patient for any adverse reactions or side effects and
report them to the healthcare provider.
3. Provide ongoing education and support to the patient regarding
diabetes self-management, including medication adherence and
lifestyle modifications.

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