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Khazar University

English Language and Literature Department

English Foundations 2, School of Education
Final Exam / Fall 2018
Variant A
Total 30 points
Total Score _________
You have 90 minutes to complete this exam. There are 5 sections in the exam.
Section A: Listening (5 points; each – 0,5)
A. Let’s Listen
B. Let’s Listen. Listen to Martha showing Jim some photos. Find the correct answer.
1. What kind of person is Gary? 4. Who are Martin and Bill for that woman?
a. He isn’t very hard-working. a. They are her friends
b. He isn’t lazy at all b. They are her cousins
c. He isn’t very patient c. They are her students
2. Who is Serena? 5. What does Martin dislike?
a. She is a journalist a. classical music
b. She is an economist b. sport
c. She is a doctor c. dancing
3. What does Alice do?
a. She is a student at high school
b. She studies economics, she is a student
c. She is a student, she studies history
B. Let’s Listen. Listen again. Are these statements TRUE or FALSE?
1. Gary is travelling all over Europe. T F
2. Serena and Alice are the woman’s cousins. T F
3. Bill wears glasses. T F
4. Martin isn’t a journalist, he is a basketball player. T F
5. The woman met her friends through her cousins. T F
Section B: Vocabulary (5 points; each – 0,5)

I. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

sensitive perfection skinny celebrity speed via
celebration marriage lock flexible

1. My schedule is_____________ - I could arrange to meet with you any day next week.
2. Both cars were travelling at______________ when the accident happened.
3. Thieves got in by breaking the______________ off the door.
4. They planned a special________________ for her homecoming.
5. They got divorced after only six months of______________. Because they were quarreling a lot.
6. Being recognized in the street is part of being a________________.
7. In his quest for physical___________________, he spends hours in the gym.
8. You should eat more – you are too_________________.
9. She is very______________ about her weight. That is why she doesn’t like to wear slim-fit dresses.
10. Reports from Mars Planet are coming in_____________ satellite.
II. Find the definitions of the following words. 5 points (each – 1 point)
1. Magazine a) A person that has grown to full size and strength.
2. Criminal b) To talk or behave in a way that gives someone confidence to do something.
3. Adult c) Easy to understand, hear, read, or see.
4. Encourage d) Someone who commits a crime, guilty of serious offence.
5. Clear e) A type of thin book with large pages and a paper cover that contains articles and is
published every week or month

Section C: Reading (5 points; each – 0,5)

Father’s Day.
My father was twenty-seven when he died. I was only a few months old. Over the years, the image I had of him
was formed from all the stories I had heard. A single photograph of me in his arms is the only evidence I have that
we ever met. After my father’s death, my mother moved back to Louisville, Kentucky, where she had grown up. We
lived in a small house with her older sister, Marion, and their mother. This was a time when being a single parent
was still considered unusual. When I was small, there was a children’s book called The Happy Family. Its image of the
family was typical of the time. Dad worked all day long at the office, Mom baked in the kitchen, and brother and
sister always had friends sleeping over. The family in the book looked nothing like my family, but luckily that wasn’t
the way I heard the story. The way my Aunt Marion read it to me, the story was very funny. Generous, yet open-
minded, my aunt was the one who played baseball with me in the early summer evenings, who took me horseback
riding, and who sat by me bed when I was ill. She helped me find my first job and arranged for her male friends at
work to take me to the father-son dinners that marked the end of every sports season. When the time came, she
convinced the elderly man next door to teach me how to shave. When I was 15, she gave me lessons on how to
drive. Believing that anything unusual was probably good for me, she offered to get a loan so that I could go to Africa
to work as a volunteer. She even paid for my first typewriter.

As a young girl, Aunt Marion always planned to have a large number of children of her own, but she never got
married. This meant that she was free to spend her spare time taking care of me. Many people say we’re very much
alike: stubborn, determined, softhearted, thoughtful. We argued often. She always expected me to do my best. She
never failed to assure me that I could do anything with my life that I wanted, if only tried hard enough.

So every June for the past 40 years, with growing appreciation of my Aunt Marion, I’ve sent her a Father’s Day card.

I. Read the article. Mark these statements (1-5) true (T) or false (F).
1. The writer’s mother died when he was very young. T F
2 The writer lived in Louisville before his father’s death. T F
3 The writer grew up with his mother, aunt and grandmother. T F
4 Aunt Marion did many of the things a father usually does. T F
5 Aunt Marion never wanted to get married and have children. T F
II. Read the article again and answer to the following questions.
1. Who is the woman named Marion?

2. What happened with the writer when one of his family member died?

3. Who helped the writer to choose his first work?

4. Why has the writer still sent a Father’s Day card to his aunt every June?

5. Which book did the writer use to read in his childhood ?


Section E: Writing (10 points; 4 - content and structure, 3 – grammar, 3 - vocabulary)

Choose ONE of the topics below and write a paragraph.

A) Write about your own professional profile. (no less than 70 words)

B) Write about advantages and disadvantages of using modern technology in our life. (no less than 70 words)

Write your draft here:

Write your paragraph here:


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