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INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, Dec. 1991, p. 4687-4692 Vol. 59, No.

Copyright © 1991, American Society for Microbiology

Evidence for Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte Collagenase and

92-Kilodalton Gelatinase in Gingival Crevicular Fluid

Faculty of Dentistry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia,' and Medical Research Council
Group in Periodontal Physiology2 and Faculty of Dentistry,3 University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Received 17 April 1991/Accepted 25 September 1991
Analysis of inflammatory exudate collected from sites of experimental periodontitis in cynomolgus monkeys
has revealed the presence of coliagenase and a 92-kDa gelatinase that comigrated after electrophoresis with the
92-kDa gelatinase released from polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Since neutralizing antibodies to fibroblast
collagenase had no effect on the collagenase activity and bacterial collagenases could not be detected, poly-
morphonuclear leukocytes appear to be the major source of collagenolytic proteinases in inflammatory fluid
from gingiva.

Degradation of the extracellular matrix is an important tissue cells. Bacterial cell surface lectins may also directly
characteristic of acute and chronic inflammatory lesions, but induce MMP expression and MMP activation in fibroblasts
the mechanisms of tissue degradation have not been clearly (33).
established (41, 47). The characterization of the proteinases To understand the mechanisms of tissue destruction in
present in inflammatory exudates can identify the cellular periodontal inflammation, the cellular origin of proteolytic
source of the enzymes and hence indicate the relative enzymes and the relative importance of host cells and
importance of those cells in the degradative processes oc- bacterial cells as sources of these enzymes need to be
curring in the disease. Inflammatory diseases of connective established. Although some indirect evidence indicates that
tissues, such as periodontitis, appear to involve connective polymorphonuclear leukocytes are the source of collagenase
tissue-derived metalloproteinases, such as the interstitial in gingival inflammatory exudate (9, 28, 42), this has not
collagenase of the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) family been shown unequivocally. We have addressed this problem
(10, 22, 34, 45), and a distinct collagenase, released only by characterizing the gelatinolytic and collagenolytic en-
from polymorphonuclear leukocytes, termed leukocyte col- zymes in the inflammatory exudate, gingival crevicular fluid,
lagenase. In periodontitis, collagenases synthesized by collected from sites of ligature-induced periodontitis in cyn-
pathogenic microorganisms may also contribute to collagen omolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis)-an established,
loss (5). well-characterized model of periodontitis that closely repli-
Interstitial collagenase (MMP-1) is synthesized by several cates human periodontitis (38). In this model, inflammation
cell types present in the periodontium, including gingival (16, can be induced at will, and the ensuing tissue destruction
29, 39) and periodontal (29, 32, 40) ligament fibroblasts, occurs in a relatively predictable temporal manner.
osteoblasts (30, 32), keratinocytes (23), and macrophages Periodontitis was induced in clinically healthy gingiva
(6). Leukocyte collagenase (MMP-8) is released from storage around the maxillary incisors of two 4-kg cynomolgus mon-
granules in polymorphonuclear leukocytes (13, 27), and keys (Connaught Laboratories, Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
although the enzyme cleaves the same scissile bonds in by placement of subgingival silk ligatures and withdrawal of
collagens as interstitial collagenase does, it differs from daily prophylaxis for 10 weeks. This method encourages
interstitial collagenase in its Mr (27), substrate kinetics (14),
and antigenic properties (12). The collagenolytic cascade is large increases in numbers of tooth-bound colonies of micro-
also thought to involve the activity of gelatinases (41) that organisms. Unligated mandibular incisors served as con-
can degrade denatured collagens and native type IV colla- trols. Full descriptions of the clinical measurements and
gen. A 72-kDa gelatinase (MMP-2) is synthesized by various indices that were recorded weekly to monitor the loss of the
mesenchymal cells (7), including human gingival fibroblasts gingival connective tissue attachment around these teeth and
(35, 37) and osteoblasts (30, 32, 36), whereas a 92-kDa the development of periodontitis are given in detail else-
gelatinase (MMP-9) is synthesized by polymorphonuclear where (2). In summary, the microbial load and the amount of
leukocytes (27), alveolar macrophages (48), keratinocytes inflammation reached maximum values within 1 week, gin-
(48), and some transformed cells (48) but not by normal gival crevicular fluid flow was significantly increased at 1 and
fibroblasts (7, 48) or osteoblasts (36). Endothelial cells 3 weeks, and there was a progressive loss of connective
produce both forms of gelatinase (26). Bacterial compo- tissue attachment around the experimental teeth during the
nents, particularly lipopolysaccharides, are thought to in- 10-week experiment.
crease MMP expression by inducing the release of inflam- Gingival crevicular fluid was collected in microcapillary
matory mediators, such as interleukin-1 (25, 40) and tumor tubes (sample volume, 0.66 + 0.21 ,ul [mean + standard
necrosis factor (25), from macrophages (15) and lympho- deviation]) (17), diluted 1/10 with assay buffer (50 mM
cytes; these inflammatory mediators in turn induce MMP Tris-HCl, 200 mM NaCl, 5 mM CaCl2, 0.5 jig of Brij 35 per
expression in fibroblasts, macrophages, and other resident ml, 0.2 jig of NaN3 per ml [pH 7.2]), and divided into four
equal aliquots, three of which were used for active and total
collagenase and collagenase inhibitor assays as described
Corresponding author. previously (2). The remaining aliquot of the crevicular fluid

F 1 2 3 4 5 10 1 2 3 4 5 10 Conrtrol ED
#i,94 M F p F G GPGPG F pF G G0 p{; Dk *T"-... ED '
>, G F G i'.


3 -9

FIG. 1. Enzymogram analysis of gingival crevicular fluid. On the

enzymograms, gelatinolytic proteinases in gingival crevicular fluid
are revealed as clear bands against the blue-stained gelatin substrate :3

background. In the examples shown, samples of gingival crevicular PMSF NEM i, F,; C pG
fluid were obtained from two sites of experimental periodontitis (A GCpG pG
F pFG F pF .C pG lp F F ;)

and B) collected each week for 5 weeks (lanes 1 to 5) and at week 10 e ' ;ases * ":mo,Itspa,
(lane 10) as described in the text. Lane F, 72-kDa gelatinase present
in the conditioned culture medium of human gingival fibroblasts was
electrophoresed nonreduced as a standard. (The 72-kDa gelatinase
migrates with an apparent Mr of 72,000 when electrophoresed under
reducing conditions and with an apparent Mr of 66,000 under
nonreducing conditions.) Arrow A indicates serum albumin in the
crevicular fluid. The positions of migration of Mr marker proteins (in
thousands) and the electrophoresis front (fr) are indicated.
FIG. 2. Characterization of gingival crevicular fluid gelatinases.
Pooled gingival crevicular fluid samples (lanes G) were electro-
phoresed in duplicate on substrate-polyacrylamide gels containing
samples was further diluted (1/144) and assayed for gelati- 40 ,ug of gelatin or casein per ml as described in the text. Proteolytic
nolytic and caseinolytic proteinases by enzymography. Sam- activity was assayed by enzymography with assay buffer alone
ples (15 ,ul) were electrophoresed under nonreducing condi- (Control) or assay buffer containing either 10 mM EDTA, 10 mM
DTT, 10 mM DTT plus 10 mM EDTA, 1 mM PMSF, or 5 mM NEM
tions on sodium dodecyl sulfate-10% polyacrylamide as indicated. To activate any progelatinases present in the gingival
separating gels (18) containing either gelatin or casein (40 crevicular fluid, the samples were treated with 1 mM APMA for 30
p.g/ml), and enzymography was performed as described min before electrophoresis (lanes pG). As standards, reduced pre-
previously (31). The gelatinolytic and caseinolytic protein- stained Mr marker proteins (lane M), which electrophoresed with
ases that renatured and were functionally active in the the apparent Mrs indicated (in thousands), and human gingival
200-min assays were visualized as cleared bands against the fibroblast 72-kDa gelatinase, both before (lanes F) and after (lanes
aqua blue-stained substrate gel. For standards, the condi- pF) APMA activation, were included.
tioned medium of confluent quiescent cultures of human
gingival fibroblasts (Gin-i [CRL 1292]; American Type Cul-
ture Collection, Rockville, Md.) was collected as a source of alone or in assay buffer containing one of the following
fibroblast 72-kDa gelatinase (35). Prestained relative molec- reagents or combinations of reagents: 5 mM N-ethylmaleim-
ular mass marker proteins (Bio-Rad) and the relative molec- ide (NEM), 1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), 10
ular mass marker proteins used before (35) were electro- mM EDTA, 10 mM dithiothreitol (DTT), or 10 mM DTT plus
phoresed under reducing conditions as Mr standards. 10 mM EDTA. Human gingival fibroblast 72-kDa gelatinase,
At each time point, the gelatin enzymograms revealed the before and after APMA activation, was used as a standard.
presence of a gelatinolytic doublet that migrated at 92 and 84 APMA caused a decrease in the molecular mass of the
kDa (Fig. 1). In addition, a minor gelatinolytic doublet at 66 gingival crevicular fluid 92-kDa gelatinase to 84 kDa and a
and 59 kDa, which comigrated with the human gingival decrease in the molecular mass of the human gingival
fibroblast gelatinase, was frequently observed together with fibroblast 72-kDa gelatinase from 66 kDa under nonreducing
gelatinase activity in the 40-kDa region, at 116 kDa, and of a conditions (7, 35) to 62 kDa (Fig. 2). It is notable that the
very high molecular mass. To assay for stromelysin proenzyme form of gelatinase is activated during electropho-
(MMP-3) and bacterial proteinases, casein substrate gels resis by the sodium dodecyl sulfate (4) present in the
were used, but caseinolytic activity was never detected in polyacrylamide gels and therefore is also visualized as a
any of the samples, even after prolonged assay incubation clear band on the enzymograms with a molecular mass
times (24 and 48 h; Fig. 2). corresponding to the zymogen form of the enzyme. A
To provide sufficient material for characterization of the 134-kDa gelatinase present in the human gingival fibroblast
gingival crevicular fluid gelatinases, replicate aliquots of the conditioned medium was absent after APMA treatment and
diluted crevicular fluid samples, collected site specifically, most likely represents a dimer of the 72-kDa gelatinase. We
were pooled. Samples were incubated with either 1.0 mM have previously observed that APMA activation sometimes
p-aminophenylmercuric acetate (APMA) or solvent at 22°C slightly reduces the net activity of collagenase obtained from
for 30 min. The organomercurial APMA activates pro-MMPs gingival crevicular fluid (9, 17), possibly through APMA-
(43) and inhibits thiol proteinases, including the Porphory- induced autolysis, and that APMA also induces the rapid
monas gingivalis collagenase (5). Electrophoresis sample autodegradation of rat 72-kDa gelatinase (33a). In this study
buffer was then added, and the samples were electro- too, APMA appeared to reduce the total amount of 92-kDa
phoresed on gelatin substrate or casein substrate gels before gelatinase after activation. However, the thiol blocker NEM
incubation in assay buffer. Enzyme activity was compared slightly increased gelatinolytic activity, as reported previ-
by using gels on which identical samples had been electro- ously for leukocyte collagenase (44). In addition, the activ-
phoresed but each had been incubated either in assay buffer ities of the crevicular fluid 92-kDa gelatinase and the higher-
VOL. 59, 1991 NOTES 4689

leukocytes are present in high numbers in periodontitis, the

gingival tissues were found to be heavily infiltrated by
polymorphonuclear leukocytes after tooth ligation (27a).
11 Da. oe!;ai. -ase~
Polymorphonuclear leukocytes are known sources of pro-
teolytic enzymes (13, 27, 28, 42, 47), and polymorphonuclear

..; KDa CF-laP:naS(,

t: .. i

49* t~~~~~-
t,; S Kl ;z- ^ei
23 qr

'. -.-
a-e leukocyte-derived ,B-glucuronidase, lactate dehydrogenase,
c4 4 and arylsulfatase have been found in gingival crevicular fluid
(19, 20). Therefore, to determine whether polymorphonu-
clear leukocytes were a possible source of the 92-kDa
gelatinase, monkey polymorphonuclear leukocyte gelatinase
FIG. 3. Affinity purification of polymorphonuclear leukocyte ge- was affinity purified by gelatin-Sepharose chromatography.
latinases and comparison with gingival crevicular fluid gelatinases. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes were prepared from heparin-
The lysate from monkey polymorphonuclear leukocytes (MPMN) ized whole-blood samples from each monkey by dextran
was loaded onto a gelatin-Sepharose column, and the gelatinase sedimentation (1) followed by Ficoll-Hypaque density gradi-
was purified to high specific activity by elution of the bound material
with 4x concentrated electrophoresis sample buffer as described
ent centrifugation (8) and then suspended in phosphate-
in the text. Aliquots from the lysate and the gelatin-Sepharose buffered saline and adjusted to 106 cells per ml. The poly-
unbound material, the column wash, 1.0 M NaCl, and 4x electro- morphonuclear leukocyte preparations were lysed by
phoresis sample buffer containing 8% (wt/vol) sodium dodecyl ultrasonication in distilled water, and the lysates were clar-
sulfate (SDS) and 8.0 M urea as eluants were analyzed by enzymog- ified by centrifugation (13,000 x g, 10 min) before being
raphy. Lane MGCF, monkey gingival crevicular fluid sample; lane loaded as either 1- or 2-ml samples onto 500-,ul minicolumns
MPDLF, gelatin-Sepharose affinity-purified gelatinase from monkey of gelatin-Sepharose 4B (33, 35). The unbound material was
periodontal ligament fibroblasts. The apparent Mrs (in thousands) of collected, and each column was washed with 2 ml of assay
the indicated gelatinases are shown. p-gelatinase, progelatinase. buffer. Gelatin-Sepharose-bound material was then collected
Serum albumin (A) and the electrophoresis front (f) are indicated. by elution, first with 250 ,ul of 1.0 M NaCl in assay buffer and
then with 4 x concentrated electrophoresis sample buffer
(33, 35). As shown in Fig. 3, polymorphonuclear leukocyte
molecular-mass gelatinases were totally blocked by the gelatinase present in the electrophoresis sample buffer eluant
divalent cation chelator EDTA and by purified human fibro- electrophoresed with an apparent Mr of 92,000 and comi-
blast tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMP; kindly grated with the major gelatinase present in the gingival
provided by T. Cawston [Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cam- crevicular fluid samples. In addition, minor polymorphonu-
bridge, United Kingdom]) (data not shown) but not by the clear leukocyte gelatinases were present at 116 kDa and at a
serine proteinase inhibitor PMSF. Thus, the decrease in Mr high, undetermined molecular mass, similar to the minor
upon APMA treatment, the divalent cation requirement for gelatinolytic species that were variably observed in the
activity, the inhibition by TIMP, and the lack of inhibition by gingival crevicular fluid samples (Fig. 1). This indicated that
PMSF indicate that the 92-kDa gelatinase is a metalloprotei- both the 92-kDa and the high-molecular-mass gelatinases
nase and is therefore likely to be MMP-9, the 92-kDa present in the gingival crevicular fluid were not of fibroblast
gelatinase in the MMP family of enzymes. The identities of or osteoblast origin and may have been derived from poly-
the higher-M, gelatinases were not established, but they may morphonuclear leukocytes. In particular, the presence of the
have also been released from polymorphonuclear leukocytes 116-kDa gelatinase, a characteristic of polymorphonuclear
(see below). leukocyte gelatinase activities, in the crevicular fluid sam-
In an attempt to activate and reveal the presence of any ples was demonstrated more often than not (Fig. 1), provid-
bacterial thiol proteinases in the crevicular fluid, enzymo- ing further evidence for a polymorphonuclear leukocyte
gram incubations were performed either in the presence of origin for the 92-kDa gelatinase. Moreover, the occasional
DTT alone or with DTT plus EDTA. However, there was no presence of small amounts of the 72-kDa gelatinase (electro-
evidence for any gelatinolytic (Fig. 2) or caseinolytic (data phoresing at 66 kDa under nonreducing conditions) further
not shown) activities under these incubation conditions, indicates the minor contribution of fibroblastic MMPs in this
indicating that these bacterial proteinases either were not exudate.
present in the crevicular fluid or, unlike the 72- and 92-kDa Although comigration of proteins by electrophoresis does
gelatinases, had become irreversibly inactivated either in the not confer identity, additional evidence for a polymorpho-
crevicular fluid or during electrophoresis. nuclear leukocyte origin for the collagenolytic enzymes
Since human gingival fibroblast gelatinase has an Mr of present in gingival crevicular fluid was derived from exper-
72,000 (under reducing conditions), it was unlikely that iments using antibodies known to block the activity of
unstimulated gingival or periodontal ligament fibroblasts fibroblast collagenase but not that of leukocyte collagenase
were the source of the 92-kDa gelatinase. However, to (3). Procollagenase in the gingival crevicular fluid samples
ensure that the 92-kDa gelatinase was not normally derived was activated with 1.0 mM APMA for 30 min at 22°C (32)
from fibroblasts in the monkey, monkey periodontal liga- before the addition of either rabbit anti-human fibroblast
ment fibroblasts (24) were grown to confluence and made collagenase antibody at various concentrations from a 1/2 to
quiescent by serum deprivation for 24 h, and the conditioned a 1/200 dilution (antiserum was kindly provided by H.
medium was collected after another 24 h. Gelatinase was Birkedal-Hansen, Department of Oral Biology, University of
affinity purified by gelatin-Sepharose chromatography as Alabama, Birmingham) or nonimmune serum antibody, both
described before (33, 35). Like human gingival fibroblasts, purified on protein A-Sepharose. After incubation at 22°C for
monkey periodontal ligament fibroblasts produced 72-kDa 45 min, the collagenase assay was initiated by the addition of
gelatinase (Fig. 3, lane MPDLF), some of which was acti- 2,500 dpm (-7 ng) of metabolically labeled [14C]glycine type
vated during purification, as evidenced by the generation of I collagen (32). After an 18-h incubation at 22°C, the assay
a lower-molecular-mass 64-kDa gelatinase. reaction products were resolved by electrophoresis on 7.5%
Consistent with previous reports that polymorphonuclear polyacrylamide gels (32). For positive controls, human gin-

genase are then detectable (35). In addition, depending on

the method of activation, different degrees of autodegrada-
e sz4 ruC < Cw r~~~~~~~~60 cha in
tion of the activated MMPs may be observed, adding further
variability to the data. Thus, while enzyme activation and
(IA chains
substrate specificity analyses are useful, they only provide
indirect evidence for collagenase typing. Until blocking
antibodies to leukocyte collagenase become generally avail-
able, the use of antibodies to fibroblast collagenase also
provides only indirect, though compelling, evidence for a
polymorphonuclear leukocyte origin for crevicular fluid col-
FIG. 4. Effect of neutralizing anti-human fibroblast collagenase lagenase.
antibody on gingival crevicular fluid collagenase activity. Monkey
gingival crevicular fluid (MGCF) was assayed for collagenase activ- Other than the minor amounts of 72-kDa gelatinase that
ity after APMA activation and the addition of either-buffer, nonim- were occasionally present in the gingival crevicular fluid
mune control antibody (Co Ab), or anti-human fibroblast collage- samples, connective tissue cell-derived MMPs could not be
nase antibody (Cs Ab) (1/2 and 1/200 dilutions shown) as described found in the crevicular fluid. However, this does not pre-
in the text. After the assay, the reaction products were resolved by clude their involvement in the pathogenesis of periodontitis.
electrophoresis on 7.5% polyacrylamide gels, and the [14C]glycine- Indeed, interstitial collagenase has been identified in in-
labeled al- and a2-collagen chains and the collagenase-generated flamed gingiva by immunolocalization (49), and on the basis
3/4-collagen (tA) bands were visualized by fluorography after expo-
sure to Kodak SB5 film at -70°C. For controls, purified human
of activation characteristics, latent interstitial collagenase
gingival fibroblast (HGF), monkey periodontal ligament fibroblast was found to predominate over leukocyte collagenase at
(MPLF), and porcine gingival explant (PGE) collagenase were used. sites of treated periodontitis (9). It is conceivable that
The collagenase inhibitor TIMP was also used as a control for activated collagenase and other MMPs at the focus of
collagenase inhibition. Lane S, type I collagen substrate control inflammation are eliminated by autodegradation (3), by re-
incubated in the absence of collagenase-containing samples. maining bound to insoluble collagen (34, 45), by complexing
with inhibitors, or by being cleared through the lymphatics
rather than by being cleared into the crevicular fluid.
gival fibroblast and monkey periodontal ligament fibroblast Overall, the data presented here strongly implicate poly-
collagenases were partially purified from 24-h conditioned morphonuclear leukocytes as the major cellular source of
cell culture medium on heparin-Sepharose CL-6B (Pharma- collagenolytic proteinases in the gingival crevicular fluid
cia LKB Biotechnology Inc.) as described before (33, 35) during episodes of inflammation associated with connective
and reacted with the anti-human collagenase antibodies. tissue destruction. Moreover, until now, the presence, iden-
Highly purified porcine gingival explant collagenase (39) was tity, and source of gelatinases in gingival crevicular fluid was
also used as a control. Purified human fibroblast TIMP was unknown. The function of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in
used as a positive control for collagenase inhibition. The the periodontium is generally considered to be one of pro-
occasional slight decrease in total (active plus latent) colla- tection. Indeed, congenital or acquired defects in polymor-
genase activity in crevicular fluid following APMA activa- phonuclear function are often associated with rapidly de-
tion that we have observed previously (9, 17, 21) was not structive forms of periodontitis (46). Polymorphonuclear
specifically investigated further here because of the diffi- leukocytes leave the gingival vascular plexus and migrate
culties in interpreting quantitative data from functional as- through the tissue to the gingival sulcus, where they prevent
says of samples containing a mixture of enzymes and inhib- microbial invasion of the periodontium by phagocytosis and
itors. Whereas the anti-human fibroblast collagenase by the release of lysosomal enzymes. However, since poly-
antibody totally inhibited human gingival fibroblast collage- morphonuclear leukocyte degranulation occurs both in the
nase activity, it had no effect on the collagenase activity periodontal sulcus and in the tissues, the functional signifi-
present in the crevicular fluid samples at concentrations as cance of these proteinases in the crevicular fluid is unclear.
high as a 1/2 dilution of the original volume of antiserum Nonetheless, the proportions of active gelatinase (84 kDa)
(Fig. 4). That this was not due to species differences in and progelatinase (92 kDa) were found to vary with time
antibody reactivity was shown by the inhibition of monkey (Fig. 1), indicating that MMP activation may reflect the
periodontal ligament fibroblast collagenase activity. Thus, degradative process. Indeed, our previous work has re-
together with the absence of detectable bacterial collagena- vealed a positive association between the presence of active
ses, the lack of inhibition of monkey gingival crevicular fluid
collagenase and periodontal attachment loss (22) and an
collagenase activity by the anti-human fibroblast collagenase increased severity of disease (9, 17, 32, 34). Moreover, after
antibody provides further evidence that polymorphonuclear the resolution of periodontal inflammation, the levels of
leukocytes are the major source of the collagenolytic protei-
nases in the crevicular fluid.
active collagenase in the gingival crevicular fluid decrease (9,
Based on substrate specificity (14) and activation charac- 11, 21, 22). Thus, analysis of the proteinases that may be
teristics (9, 42), indirect evidence for a polymorphonuclear responsible for the destruction of the major structural pro-
leukocyte source for gingival crevicular fluid collagenase has teins in tissues provides a rational approach toward under-
accumulated. However, substrate specificity and enzyme standing the underlying mechanisms of connective tissue
activation analyses of samples containing a mixture of en- destruction during inflammation.
zymes can be difficult to interpret, and the relative propor-
tions of the constituent proteinases cannot be quantitated. C.M.O. is supported by a Medical Research Council of Canada
The presence of TIMP and oa2-macroglobulin in crevicular Centennial Fellowship. C.A.G.M. is supported by a Career Scientist
fluid samples further complicates the interpretation of these Award from the Ontario Ministry of Health. This work was sup-
data, since the collagenase inhibitors complex with the ported by grants from the Medical Research Council of Canada and
activated MMPs and only the net levels of activated colla- the Ontario Ministry of Health.
VOL. 59, 1991 NOTES 4691

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