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Premium edition for NURSING STUDENTS

Medical Terminology
NOTES Ready to Study
Basic Terminology

The majority of medical phrases are built using the prefix, root, and suffix common structure.

Prefixes: A prefix is a word component that modifies or alters the meaning of a term. Pre refers to
something that is "before" and typically denotes place, direction, time, quality, or amount.

Suffixes are the final components of words that change their meaning. It typically denotes an action,
process, test, circumstance, or pathology. The term's noun, adjective, or verb status may also be indicated
by the suffix.

Prefixes and suffixes are both prefixes and suffixes, but a word as a whole is not a prefix or suffix. The
word's root is located between the prefix and suffix, and its "combining form" is used. Most

Root word + combining vowel = combining form.

NEUR LOGY Almost any set of word parts can be

+ 0 + (study of ) combined to form a medical term.

Root Vowel Suffix Prefix, root word, suffix

Root word, suffix

Root word, root word, suffix

Combining Form
Root word, root word, root word

Prefix, suffix

Prefix Suffix
Prefix Root Suffix
my algia
gastr o enter itis
(muscle) + (pain)
(stomach) + intestines + (inflammation)

arth o plasty
hyp o glyc emia
(joint) + (surgical repair)
(low) + sugar + (blood condition)

nephr o lith
intra crani al
(kidney) + (stone)
(within) + cranium + (pertaining to)
Body Prefixes
Acous/o- Hearing Hepat/o-, Hepatico- Liver
Aden/o- Gland Hist/o-, Histio- Tissue

Adip/o- Fat Hydr/o Water

Adren/o- Gland Hyster/o- Uterus
Angio/o- Blood Vessel Ileo- Ileum
Arteri/o- Artery Ischi/o- Ischium
Arthr/o- Joint Kerat/o- Corena (eye or skin)
Brachi(o) Arm Lacrim/o- Tear (from your eyes)
Brach/i- Bronchus Lact/o-, Lacti- Milk
Bucc/o- Cheek Laryng/o- Larynx
Burs/o- Bursa Lingu/o- Tongue
Carcin/o- Cancer Lip/o- Fat
Cardi/o- Heart Lymph/o- Lymph
Carp(o) Wrist Mamm-, Mast/o- Breast
Cephal/o- head Mening/o- Meninges
Chol- Bile Muscul/o- Muscle
Chondri- Cartilage My/o- Muscle
Colp(o) vagina Myel/o- Spinal cord or bone marrow
Coron- Heart Nephr/o- Kidney
Cost- Rib Neur/i-, Neur/o- Nerve
Crani/o- Brain Oculo- Eye
Cutane- Skin Onco- Tumor; Bulk; Volume
Cyst/o-, Cysti- Bladder or sac Onych/o- Fingernail; Toenail
Dactyl(o) Finger, toe Oo- Egg; Ovary
Derm-, Dermat/o- Skin Oophor/o- Ovary
Duoden/o- Duodenum Op-, Opt- Vision
Encephal(o) Brain Ophthalm/o- Eye
Enter/o Intestine Orchid/o-, Orchio- Testis
Gastr- Stomach Orth/o- Straight; Normal; Correct
Gloss- Tongue Osseo- Bony
Gluc(o) Sweet, suger Ossi- Bone

Hem-, Hema-, Hemat-,

Blood Ost-, Oste/o- Bone
Hemo-, Hemat/o-
Body Prefixes
Ot/o-, auri, aud Ear Stom/a-, Stomat/o- Mouth

Ovar/i-, Ovario-,
Ovary Thorac/o-, Thoracico- Chest
Ovi-, Ovo- Thromb/o- Blood clot
Phalang- Phalanx Thyr/o- Thyroid gland
Pharyng/o- Pharynx; Throat Trache/o- Trachea
Phleb/o- Vein Tympan/o- Eardrum
Phren/i-, Phre-no-,
Diaphragm Ur/o- Urine
Phrenico- Vagin- Vagina
Pleur-, Pleur/a-, Rib, pleura Varic/o- Duct; Blood ves-sel
Vasculo- Blood vessel
Pneum/a- Pneu- Air; Lung Ven/o- Vein
Vertbr- Vertebra; Spine
Proct/o- Anus; Rectum
Prostat- Prostate
Pseudo- False Common Prefixes
Psych/o-, Psyche- Mind
Radio- Radiation; Radius A-, An- Without; Lacking

Ren/o- Kidney Andr/o- Male

Retin- Retina (of the eye) Anti- Against

Rhin/o- Nose Auto- Self

Salping/o- Tube Bio- Life

Sarco- Muscular, Flesh like Chem/o- Chemistry

Schiz/o- Split; Cleft Fibr/o- Fiber

Sclera-, Sclero- Hardness Gluco-, Glyco- Glucose; Sugar

Sigmoid/o- Sigmoid colon Gyn/o-, Gynec- Female

Hydr/o- Water
Sperma-, Spermo-, Sperm
Spermato- Idio- Self; One’s own

Splen/o- Spleen Myc/o- Fungus

Sten/o- Narrowed; Blocked Necr/o- Death

Stern- Sternum Pharmaco- Drug; Medicine

Somat/o-, Somatico- Body; Bodily
Number & Quantity Prefixes Quality or Function Prefixes

A, an Absence of, without A, de Without

Bi, di Two Anti, contra Against
De Down from, lack of Auto Self
Dipl, diplo Double Eti Cause
Equi Equal Homo Same
Hemi Half Iso Equal or same
Mono, uni One Mal Bad
Multi Many Ne New
Pan All, total Olig, oligo Little, deficient
Poly, hyper, multi Many
Time & Speed Prefixes
Quad, quadri Four
Semi Half Ante Before
Tri Three Brady Slow
Chron Time, long time
Size & Position Prefixes
Post After
Anti, contra Against Pro, pre, ante Before
Dors/o Back Re Again
Epi Upon, above Retro Back/backward
Endo, in, intra In, within, inside Tachy Fast
Gran Grain or particle
Level Prefixes
Heter/o Different
Hom/o Same Eu Normal/good
Later/o Middle Hyper, super Above normal
Macro, mega, megal Large Hypo Below normal
Micro, mini Small Infra Beneath
Inter Between
Color Prefixes
Later/o Side
Chlor/o Green Medi Middle
Chrom, Chromato Color Poly Much
Cirrh/o Yellow Supra Above
Cyano Blue Ultra Beyond
Erythr/o, rube, eosin Red
Leuk/o, leuc/o White
Melan/o Black
Prefixes & Suffixes
Description Prefixes Other Suffixes

Ankyl(o) Stiff, crooked -acusis Hearing

Dis Separation, taking apart -agra Excess pain
Dys Difficult, painful, abnormal -analysis Study of parts
Eu Good, well -apheresis Removal
Gravida Pregnant -arche Beginning
Kypho Bent, crooked -ase Enzyme
Neo New -astheno Weakness
Lyso, Lys Break down, destruction, dissolving -ation Process
Mal Bad, Abnormal -blast Embryonic
Ortho Straight -cide Killing
Oxy Sharp, acute, oxygen -cidal To kill
Pan, pant/o All or everywhere -crine Secrete
Pseudo False -crit Separation of
Sten/o, stric Narrow -cyte, -cytic Cell
-derma Skin
-genic Causing
Plural Suffixes -globin, -globulin Protein

Singular Plural Example -gust Taste

-a -ae Bursa, bursae -ia Condition

-anx, -inx, -ynx -nges Phalanx, phalanges -lith Stone

-en -ina Foramen, foramina -lytic Reduce, destroy

-ex, -ix, -yx -ices Cervix, cervices -mnesia Memory

-is -es Diagnosis, diagnoses -ology Study of

-it is -itides Meningitis, meningities -opia Vision

-ma -mata Sarcoma, sarcomata -osmia Smell

-on -a Ganglion, ganglia -pepsia Digestion

-um -a Diverticulum, diverticula -physis Growth

-us -es, -i Plexus, plexuses and embolus, -ptosis Drooping

emboli -py Pus
-x -ces Thorax, thoraces -taxis Order
-trophy Nourish, develop
-somnia Sleep
-uiria, -uresis Urine
Procedure & Surgical Suffixes Disease Suffixes

-centesis Puncture -algia, dynia Pain, suffering

Suffixes meaning

-clasis Break, fracture “Abnormal Condition” -cele Hernia, swelling

-desis Binding, fixation -ectasis Stetch, dilate, expand
-ago -ion
-ectomy Excision,removal -edema Swelling
-esis -ism
-gram Picture or record -emesis Vomiting
-ia -osis
-graph product of a -emia Blood
drawing, writing or -iasis
-gen Producing
-genic Causing
-graphy Process of recording
Suffixes meaning
-gnosis Knowing
-lysis Separation “Pertaining To”
-itis Inflammation
-meter Device for measuring
-ac -eal -ior -ly, -lysis Dissolve, destroy
-opsy To view
-al -ical -ory -megaly Enlargement
-ostomy Opening
-an -ial -ous -malacia Softening
-pexy Fixation, move
-ar -ic -tic -mortem Death
-plasty Repair, shape
-ary -ine -necrosis Tissue death
-scope instrument for
viewing -oid Resemble

-scopy Visual exam oma Tumor

-stomy Form opening -pathy Disease

-tomy Incision -penia Deficiency

-tripsy Crush phagia Eating

-phasia Speech
“Double R” Suffixes -plegia Paralysis
-pnea Air, breathing
-rrhage Bleed, excess fluid
discharge -sclerosis Hardening

-rrhagia Bleed -sis Process, action

-rrhapy Surgical suturing -spasm Contraction

-rrhea Flow, discharge -stasis Stand, place, stop,

-rrhexis Rupture
-stenosis Narrowing
-tension Pressure
Medication Administration
Route ABBREVIATIONS Dosage Forms

BUCC Buccal d/c DC Discontinue amp Ampule

ETT Endotracheal tube dil Dilute aq Water

ID Intradermal OTC Over the counter cap(s) Capsule

IM Intramuscular pt Patient gtt Drop

IN Intranasal Rx Prescription liq Liquid

inf Infusion MDI Metered dose inhaler

inh INH Inhalation

Dose Frequency neb Nebulizer

IO Intraosseous a.c Before meals NS Normal saline

IV Intravenous p.c. After meals SOL Solution

NGT Nasogastric tube ad lib As desired SUPP Suppository

NPO Nothing by mouth ATC Around the clock SUSP Suspension

PEG Percutaneous endo scopic b.i.d. Twice daily tab Tablet

t.i.d. Three times daily U Unit
RECT/PR Rectally or per rectum
q.i.d. Four times daily UD Unit dose
SC subQ Subcutaneous
q Every ung Ointment
SL Sublingual
AM Morning
supp Suppository Units of Measure
PM Evening
TD Transdermal
d Day EU Equivalent units
top Topical
h hr Hour g Gram
TPN Total parenteral nutrition
prn As needed gtt Drop
VAG/PV Vaginal or per vagina
q.o.d Every other day h hr hrs Hour(s)

Abbreviations are no longer qAM Every morning kg Kilogram

recommended for the eye and ear.
qPM Every evening L Liter
Write it out and designate right or left,
q.d Everyday lb Pound
or both.
stat Now mcg Microgram

X # Of times mEq Milliequivalent

q2h Every 2 hours mg Milligram

min Minute
Bedtime: write it out Avoid using HS
(hs) be cause it can be confused with mL Milliliter
half-strength. oz Ounce

Tbsp Tablespoon
tsp Teaspoon
Body Planes
Sagittal Plane :
Sagittal Plane :
Frontal (Coronal) Plane
Divides body into right and left parts
Mid-sagittal (through midline) Transverse (Horizontal; Axial) Plane
Parasagittal (off the midline)

Frontal (Coronal) Plane

Divides body into anterior and posterior parts

Transverse (Horizontal; Axial) Plane

Divides body into superior and inferior parts

Body Regions Position

Abdomin Abdomen Anter Anterior, front

Cervic Neck, cervix Caud Tail

Crani Cranium Dist Farthest

Gastr Stomach Dors Back

Ili Ilium Infer Lower body

Inguin Groin Later Side

Lumb Loins, lower back Medi Middle

Umbilic Navel Poster Behind

Pelv/i, pelv/o Pelvis Proxim Near

Spin Spine Ventr Belly side

Thorac Chest
Body Positions
Abduction Move away.

Adduction Move toward.

Anterior (Ventral) Toward front.

Bilateral Paired structures, one on each side.

Caudal Toward lower body.

Cephalic Toward the head.

Contralateral Structures on the opposite side.

Deep More internal.

Distal Further from trunk or other point.

Dorsal recumbent Laying on back with knees bent up in an outward position.

Eversion Turned outward.

Fowlers Sitting.

Inferior Away from head, or below another part.

Inversion Turned inward.

Ipsilateral Structures on same side. Rt lung, Rt kidney

Lateral Toward side.

Lithotomy Laying on back with legs/feet in stirrups.

Medial Imaginary midline dividing the body in half.

Palmar Palm of hand

Parietal Outer wall body cavity.

Posterior (Dorsal) Toward back.

Prone Laying flat with the chest down and the back up

Proximal A part closer to the trunk, or closer to another specified point than another part.

Sims Patient will roll to their left or right side and pillows are used.

Superficial (Peripheral) N ear the surface.

Superior A part is above another part or closer to the head.

Supine Lying on the back with legs flat.

Trendelenburg Lying flat on the back with the feet raised higher than the head.

Ant Anterior PA Posteroanterior

AP Anteroposterior post Posterior

Bx, bx biopsy Sx Symptom

Dx Diagnosis Tx Treatment

LAT, lat Lateral U /L U pper & Lower
Abdominal Quadrants

Right Hypochondriac Left Hypochondriac

Epigastric Region
Region Region

Liver & Pancreas
Liver & Spleen

Right Kidney
Stomach & Spleen
Stomach & Pancreas

Left Kidney

Large/small Intestine Adrenal Glands Large/small Intestine

Right Lumbar Region Umbilical Region Left Lumbar Region

Ascending Colon
Descending Colon

Small Intestine
Small Intestine
Small Intestine

Right Kidney Transverse Colon Left Kidney

Right Iliac Region Hypogastric Region Left Iliac Region

Sigmoid Colon

Sigmoid Colon
Descending Colon

Ascending Colon
Small Intestine
Small Intestine

Small Intestine Reproductive Organs

Right Upper Quadrant Left Upper Quadrant


Right Kidney
Stomac h


Bile Duct


Transverse Colon

Ascending Colon
Left kidney

Adrenal glands

Intestines Descending Colon

Right Lo er Quadrant w
Left Lo er Quadrant
LLQ wer quadrant
Left lo

LUQ Left upper quadrant

Sigmoid colon


Left ovary

Left fallopian tube

RLQ wer quadrant

Right lo
Right ovary
Small intestine

Right fallopian tube Umbilicus & Bladder

RUQ Right upper quadrant
Rectum & Anus
Body crevices

Body crevices

The dorsal cavity is along the head and

back. contains brain and nervous system

organs. contains nervous system organs.

1. The skull's cranial cavity

2. Spinal Cord-Spinal Cavity

Ventral Cavity: A region along the body's

front. Contains organs that keep

everything in balance.

1) Thoracic cavity: the heart, thorax, and chest

2.) Digestive organs in the abdominal cavity.

3.)Reproductive and excretory organs are located in

the pelvic cavity.

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