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5 Age of Earth

1. The age of Earth is 4.5 ____ years

2. The era are paleozoic, ___ and cenozoic
3. Many ___ form an era
4. ___ are earth materials buried for a very long period
5. Examples of fossils are ___, animals and insects
6. ___ water found on the surface of the Earth
7. Examples of surface water are ___, seas and rivers
8. ___ water will be polluted by waste materials
9. Waste materials for surface water are ___ and ___ from the agricultural areas
10. The sources of pollutants on the surface water are agriculture, ___ and ___ areas
11. ___ water not found on the surface 11. Underground water also known as ___
12. Underground water is found between the empty ___ between soils and ___ between permeable rocks
13. The sources of pollutants for underground water are ___ and ___
14. The pollutants for underground water are ___ and ___

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