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Marcos renews vow to prioritize healthcare despite

being 'politically unsalable'

● Marcos urged public and private stakeholders to support his government's goal to
establish a more accessible healthcare system.
● Marcos said the HCCH is a clear example of how the whole-of-nation principle can bring
● The HCCH is made possible through the efforts of Ayala Healthcare Holdings in
partnership with the DOH and the FDA.

President Marcos said he would continue to prioritize upholding the well-being of Filipinos
despite healthcare not being "politically salable."

Marcos said this as he led the inauguration of Healthway Cancer Care Hospital (HCCH) in
Taguig City on Friday, Nov. 24.
In his speech, the President urged public and private stakeholders to support his government's
goal to establish a more accessible healthcare system.

"As we establish a more accessible, efficient, and responsive healthcare system, I urge all public
and private stakeholders to support the Philippine health facility development plan and invest in
building more health facilities similar to the HCCH," he said.

"Rest assured that the government remains committed to nurturing an environment that upholds
the total well-being of our people, of course, with the continued support of our private partners
and investors in healthcare," he added.

According to Marcos, he would continue promoting the well-being of the people despite being
asked early on in his career why he allotted one-third of the provincial budget of Ilocos Norte to

"No matter how wealthy you are, no matter how successful you are, you cannot enjoy that wealth
or that success if you do not have your health. That is why it is a priority," he said.

"It may not be politically salable... That's why people tend to deprioritize it because of political
concerns. Nonetheless, I cannot remove that from my mind," he added.

President Marcos said the HCCH is a clear example of how the whole-of-nation principle can
bring success.
He expressed confidence that with people striving together, a healthier Philippines is achievable.

"We in government provide the atmosphere, the environment to allow, encourage [and] promote
these kinds of projects. I hope that this serves as an example to many others who will say that
this can be done and to encourage them to do more," he said.

"Let us work hand in hand as we take the challenges in public health and deliver quality medical
services to our people all over the country," he added.

The HCCH offers a wide and comprehensive range of cancer services, such as screening,
diagnosis, treatment, and post-cancer care. These include radiation oncology, surgery,
chemotherapy, and palliative care.

According to Malacañang, the facility's inauguration reflects a strong partnership between the
government and the private sector in strengthening the nation's healthcare system, highlighting
the country's potential as one of the growing healthcare destinations in Asia.

The HCCH is made possible through the efforts of Ayala Healthcare Holdings in partnership
with the Department of Health (DOH) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

During his trip to San Francisco this month, President Marcos witnessed the signing of a
cooperation agreement to establish and run the Philippines' first dedicated specialty oncology
hospital to ensure the efficient delivery of services to patients and make cancer care more
accessible to Filipinos.

This agreement was signed between Ayala Corporation President and CEO Jaime Augusto Zobel
de Ayala and Ayala Corporation Health CEO and President Paolo Borromeo, Varian Philippines
President and Managing Director Heinz-Michael Horst Schmermer, and Advanced Oncology
Solutions, Varian Vice President Chuck Lindley.

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