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.l The scopeof design

,l.l Tasksandactivities
: engineer's main task is to apply his scientific knowledge to the solution of
nical problems and then to optimise that solution within the given material,
nological and economic constraints.To this task the designermakes a highly
rrtant contribution. His ideas, knowledge and abilities have a fundamental
t on the nature of manufactured products, their customer appeal and their
rall profitability.
Dcsigning is the intellectual attempt to meet certain demands in the best
activitythat impingeson nearlyeverysphereof
blc way. It is an engineering
irn life, relies on the discoveries and laws of science, and creates the
itions for applyingtheselaws to the manufactureof usefulproducts[1.2,
. t . 11
. . 2 67, . 5 2\,. 5 3 1 .
l ) i x o n [ 1 . 1 1 ] a n d l a t e r P e n n y [ 1 . 3 4 ]h a v e p l a c e dt h e w o r k o f t h e e n g i n e e r i n g
igrrcr at the centre of two intersectingcultural and technical streams(Figure
l), ()ther modelsare also possible:
Iu 1t.t.vt'hologlcal respects,designingis a creative activity that calls for a sound
rtling in mathematics, physics, chemistry, mechanics, thermodynamics,
rrtlynamics,electrical engineering, production engineering, materials tech-



Englneering E n g i n e e r i n g Production
science desrgn ili;l,:d:-

l , l . T h e c e n t r a activity
l of I
n I l..ial
de*i3n,from Arl
I Introduction I scope of design

nology and design theory, together with practical knowledge and experience in thc senior staff providing backup with technical advice and cost calculations
specialist fields. Initiative, resolution, economic insight, tenacity, optimism, llrigure 1.3). Such work must be scheduledvery carefully-innovations can only
sociability and teamwork are qualities that will stand all designersin good stead hc introduced step by step and within limits; otherwise the risks may become too
and are indispensable to those in responsible positions 1I.32]. Areat, especially in heavy engineeringprojects.
ln systematicrespects, designing is the optimisation of given objectives within
partly conflicting constraints.Requirements changewith time, so that a particu-
lar solution can only be optimised in a particular set of circumstances.
ln organisational respects,designing plays an essentialpart in the manufacture
and processingof raw materialsand products. It callsfor closecollaborationwith \t-
r.iI Conct
workers in many other spheres.Thus, to collect all the information he needs,the
designer must establish close links with salesmen, buyers, cost accountants,
estimators,planners, production engineers,materialsspecialists,researchwork-
Figure 1.3. Organisationof the
ers, test engineers and standards engineers. A good flow of information and design activity: the conceptual
regular exchangesof experienceare essentialand must be encouragedby proper design,the embodiment design,
organisation and personal example. the detail designand the
r-) Product
creation ----- Inl0rmatl0n
Because of the different demands made upon him and the many possible cxecution of the order are
procedures,the designer can play a variety of roles in the productive process.
With original designs not commissioned by an outside client, the conceptual
and embodiment design phasesare often organisedseparatelyfrom the execu- When it comes to mass production, it is often useful to involve the ex-
tion of the order (see 3.2) as shown in Figure 1.2. This organisationalmodel perirnental development department in the design activity (Figure 1.4) because
ht'rc the fusion of theory and experimental development greatly facilitates the
dcsigner's task. Many problems are solved more simply and cheaply by
l)r('lirninary and relatively cheap experimentsthan by calculation and work on
tlrt' rlrawing board alone. Some designs require further development work
design ht'lorc production; in other casesthe job can be started straight away.

Figure 1.2. Organisationof the

design activity: the conceptual
|l -|l Mana0ementl
Design design and the embodiment
activity design are separated from the
of order
d e t a i l d e s i g na n d t h e e x e c u t i o n
E- Product
creation ---- Inlormation of the order

offersthe designermuch greaterfreedomand scopethan conventionaldevelop- I rptrrr r' I ..1.Organisationof the

ment design.The drawbackis a possiblesplit betweenthe conceptualand detail r h ' r r i r ri r c t i v i t y :t h e c o n c e p t u a l
( h ' r r r , r rt .h c c a l c u l a t i o n t, h e
design departmentsand also the introduction of a distinction between 'high f r r r l r o t l i r nnet d e s i g na n d t h e
class'and 'run-of-the-mill' designers.This trend must be deliberatelycounter- tt||r' I rllcntal developmena t re activity
actedby regular staff exchanges.Thus, when a new designis sentto the detail | c f r , r r ; r l c tl lr o m t h e d e t a i ld e s i g n
t ,-J Hr00ucl
crealr0n ---- lntormation
designdepartment it is advisableto allow a proportion of the staff to move l n r l t l r c e x c c u t i o no f t h e o r d e r
acrosswith it. This will alsoensurean optimumflow of information.Conversely,
staff from the detail designdepartmentprovide a useful sourceof experience Irt lroth psychologicaland organisationalrespects,designwork on a particular
duringthe conceptualdesignphaseand canhelp to keep productioncostsin line :rrr rrnclin a particular place is performed by people with extremely varied
with market realities. l l i o t t a n c lc x n c r i c n c c .F o r t h c m o s t c f f c c t i v ed i v i s i o n o f l a b o u r , t h e w o r k
With large, one-off products, an order often calls for further developmentin b c s l t i r r c do u t l r c t w c c t ti t c i t d c t t t i c i t l ltyr a i n c c lc n g i n c c r s ,e n g i n e e r sw i t h a
the form of adaptivedesigns.Inthis case,the conceptualdesign,the embodi- p r a c t i c i r lb i r c k g r o u r r dt,c c h n i c i t n s t t t d t l r i r u g l t l s t r t c na, l l w o r k i n g i n c l t t s c
ment design,the detail designand the executionof the order go hanclin hand, )ntIt()n,
I Introduction I I fhe scope of design

foster inventiveness and understanding; that is, facilitate the search for
1.1.2 Typesof design optimum solutions;
,be compatible with the concepts, methods and findings of other disciplines;
Design terminology has changed considerably within the past few years. Thus'
Wogerbauer [1.60] speaks of original development, further development, and not rely on chance:
'facilitate the application of known solutionsto related tasks;
adaptive design; Opitz [1.31] of original, adaptive,variant and principle design.
- - be compatible with electronic data processing;
In this book, we distinguish between three types of design whose boundaries,
-- be easily taught and learned; and
however, are not precisely fixed:
- Original design --- reflect modern management-sciencethinking; that is, reduce workload, save
which involves elaborating an original solution principle for a system (plant' time, prevent human error, and help to maintain active interest'
machine or assembly)with the same, a similar, or a new task. Such an approach will lead the designerto possiblesolutionsmore quickly and
- Adaptive design drrectly than any other. As other disciplinesbecome more scientific,and as the
which involv es adapting a known system (the solution principle remaining the usc of computers calls increasingly for logical data preparation, so designing,
same) to a changed task. Here original designs of parts or assembliesare loo, must become more logical, more sequential,more transparent, and more
()pcn to correction U.14]. An enhanced appreciationof the designer'scontribu-
often called for.
- Variant design lion and status is only possible when his methods and style of work are in line
which involves varying the size and/or arrangement of certain aspectsof the with current developments in scientific and industrial practice.
chosen system, the function and solution principle remaining unchanged.No is not meant to detract from the importance of intuition or experience.
new problems arise aS a result of, say, changesin materials, constraints or qtritethe contrary-the additional use of systematicprocedurescan only serveto
technological factors. increasethe output and inventivenessof talented designers.Any logical and
rvstcmatic approach, however exacting, involves a measureof intuition; that is,
The last heading also covers commissioned work in which the solution tn inkling of the overall solution. No real successis likely without intuition.
principle and the finished design remain the same and only the dimensions of ln teaching design methods, it is therefore important to foster and guide the
individual parts are changed on previously prepared drawings. Some authors' rtrrdent's own abilities, to encourage creativity, and at the same time to drive
'fixed principle design'. Irorne the need for objective evaluation of the results. Only in this way is it
-[1.31] and U.501, call this
An enquiry [1.5] held among members of VDMA (German Association of prrssibleto raise the designer'sgeneral standingand the regard in which his work
Mechanical Engineering Companies) in 1973 showed that, in the mechanical rr hcld. Systematicprocedureshelp to render designingcomprehensibleand also
engineering industry, some 55 per cent of products were based on adaptive r.;rscthe teacher'sload. However, the student should be warned againsttreating
designs, 25 per cent on original designs and 20 per cent on variant designs. lris teacher'sopinions as so many dogmas.The best teacher merely tries to steer
Although the imprecision of the boundaries of each type makes classification tht.student'sefforts from unconsciousinto consciousand more fruitful paths. As
difficuli, the large proportion of original and adaptive designsshows that a good rr result, when he collaborateswith other engineers,the designerwill not merely
designerhas to be both highly creative and flexible. l',' lrcrldinghis own, but will be able to take the lead [1.32].
Systematic design alone can produce a truly rational approach and hence
gt'rrcrallyvalid solutions-that is, solutions that can be used time and again. It
1.1.3 The nature of, and needfor, systematicdesign rrlsohelps to establisha workable schedulebased on rational project planning,
The designer has to be a man of many parts. If we consider the vast range of rtrth as Critical Path Analysis, and hence enables the designer to predict how
products he helps to make and the specialisedknowledge or experience that goes rrrrrchtime he will have to spend on a feasibility study, how much on the search
into them, it is clear that his work does not fit into a rigid mould. Because design for a solution and how much on the evaluation of the result. Increasedreliance
has a crucial effect on the technical and economic value of the product- orr similarity laws, so useful in model testing, along with consistent use of
production methods can only be optimised within the framework he has ltlrnclard specifications, size ranges and modular methods, facilitates further
bstablished-the designer must aim at a dependable approach. To that end, he tirtionalisation, not only in the design activity, but throughout the entire
must be taught, or be expected to learn, all the special skills underlying p r ( ) d u c t i o np r o c e s s .
systematic thought and procedure. i s r n o n c y . L c s s d e m a n d i n g t a s k s c a n b e d e l e g a t e dt o s u b o r d i n a t e s .
A design method, therefore, must: N f t r r c o v c r ,i t i s r c l a t i v e l yc a s yt ( ) d c t c r n r i n ch o w m u c h o f t h e w o r k i s u n n e c e s s a r y
-"n.ouiuge a problem-directed approach; that is, it must be applicable to o r b c s t l e f t t o c o m p u t c r s a n d c o m p u t c r - a i d c dd r a u g h t i n g [ 1 . 8 , 1 . 2 6 1 .T h c s c
every type of design activity, no matter in what specialistfield; lcmarks also apply to such indircct dcrign activitic$as collccting intirrmation on
I Introduction 1 . 2 T h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f s y s t e m a t i cd e s i g n

standards,components,matcrialsclc. systcnrttictlcsigngreatlyfacilitatesthe rrnd with ready-made assemblies.As soon as possible, he should make scale
rationaldeploymentof computcrand dutu $yritcnls.
tlrawings to ensure the correct spatial layout. Calculation can be used to obtain
A rationalapproachmust als'cover thc designcr'scostcomputations. More cither rough estimatesfor the preliminary layout, or precisevaluesfor checking
accurateand speedypreliminarycalculutions with thc help of better data will the detail design.
becomea necessityin the is csscntialtcl devisemethods
with Laudien II.24], examining the load paths in machine parts, givesthe following
which it is possibleto estimatefinal lcast approximateiy,even ar an rrclvice:for a rigid connection, join the parts in the direction of the load; if
early stagein the designprocess.This. too. callslirr a systematic
and rational llexibility is required, join the parts along indirect load paths; do not make
unnecessaryprovisions;do not over-specify;do not fulfil more demandsthan are
rcquired; save by simplification and economical construction.
Modern systematicideas were pioneered by Erkens [1.12] in the 1920s.He
insistson a step-by-stepapproach basedon constant testing and evaluation, and
1.2 The development
of systematic
design rrlsoon the balancing of conflicting demands, a processthat must be continued
turrtila network of ideas-the design-emerges.
A more comprehensive account of the 'technique of design' has been
1.2.1 Historical backgroun-d
and important contributionsby prcsented by Wogerbauer [1.60] who divides the designer's overall task into
Kesselring,Leyer,Niemannandothers rubsidiary tasks, and these into operational and implementationaltasks.He also
cxrrmines (but fails to present in systematic form) the numerous interrela-
All developmentshave antecedents.They mature when there is a need for them,
lionships between the identifiable constraints the designer must take into
when the right technology is available, and when they are economicallyfeasible.
lc('ount. Wogerbauer himself does not proceed to a systematicelaboration of
This also applies to the development we have called 'systematicdesign'.
lrrlrrtions. His systematicsearch starts with a solution discoveredmore or less
It is difficult to determine its real origins. Can we trace it back to Leonardo da
Inlrritively and varied as comprehensively as possible in respect of the basic
vinci? Anyone looking at the sketchesof this early master must be surprised to for rrr, materials and method of manufacture. The resulting profusion of possible
see-and the modern systematistdelights in discovering-the great extent to trrlrrtionsis then reduced by tests and evaluations,cost being a crucial criterion.
which Leonardo used systematicvariation of possiblesolutions
[1.30]. Right up W,'qcrbauer's very comprehensivelist of characteristicshelps in the search for
to the industrial era, designingwas closely associatedwith arts and crafts.
In ()l)timum solution and also in testing and evaluating the results.
with the rise of mechanisation,as Redtenbacher[1 .35] pointed out early on in llrough some need for improving and rationalising the design process was
his Prinzipien der Mechanik und des Maschinenbaas (principles of Mechanics
fclt evcn before World War II, progress was impeded by the following
and of Machine construction), attention became increasingly focused on a tttls'
number of characteristicsand principles that continue to be of great importance, tlrc lrbsenceof a reliable means of representingabstract ideas; and
namely: sufficient strength, sufficient stiffness,low wear, low friction, minimum tlrc widespread view that designing is a form of art, not a technical activity
use of materials, easy handling, easy assemblyand maximum rationalisation. l r k c i r n yo t h e r .
Redtenbacher'spupil Reuleaux [1.36] developed these ideas but, in view of lht' risc of systematicdesign had therefore to wait until these obstacleshad
their often conflicting requirements, suggested that the assessmentof their rr t lcared and for the wider adoption of systematictechniques,not least in
relative importance must be left to the individual designer's intellieence and tct'hnical areas, and the emergenceof modern data-processingmethods. A
discretion. rotl ol staff shortages[1.54] provided a further impetus.
Important contributions to the development of engineering design were also lvftrtlt'r'lricleasof systematic design were given a greal boost by Kesselring,
m a d e b y B a c h [ 1 . 1 ] a n d R i e d l e r [ 1 . 3 9 ] , w h o r e a l i s e d t h a t t h e s e l e c t i o no f rt'hncr, Niemann, Matousek and Leyer. These men were not merelv
materials, the choice of production methods and the provision of adequate rttrrnl 1'rioneers; their work continues to provide most useful suggestionsfor
strength are of equal importance and that they influence one another. Rotscher ittg thc individual phasesand steps of systematicdesign.
[1.42] mentions the following essential characteristics of design: specified :lring Il.l9l first explainedthe basisof his method of successive
purpose, effective load paths, and efficient manufacture and assembly. Loads t r r l i o r r si n 1 9 4 2( f o r a s u m m a r y s e e[ 1 . 2 1 ] a n d [ 1 . 5 6 ] ) .I t s s a l i e n tf e a t u r e
should be conducted along the shortest paths, and if possible by axial forces cvirluirtion ol fornr variants accordingto technical and economic criteria.
rather than by bending moments. Longer load paths not only waste materials l h c o r y o t t c c h n i c i r cl o r n p o s i t i o nI I . 2 0 1 ,K c s s e l r i n gp r e s e n t s - i n a d d i t i o n t o
and increase costs but also require considerablechanges in form. Calculation r t l b r r s i ci d c a s o n t h c t c c h n i c a lc o n t r i b u t i o n o f t h c d c s i g n e ra n d o n h i s
and laying out must go hand in hand. The designerstarts with what he is sivcn . u t t i t u d c i u r d r c s p o n s i l l i l i t y - t n a c c ( ) u n lo l ' t h c u n d c r l y i n g s c i c n t i f i c
I Introcluction
I h c d e v e l o p m e n t o f s y s t e m a t i cd e s i g n

principles (the mathematical and physical relationships) and the economic

constraints (the manufacturing costs). In the theory of form design which he 1.2.2 Modern designmethods
derives from the above, he mentions five overlying principles: 'l
hese preliminary attempts made way for intensive developments,mainly by
-the principle of minimum manufacturing costs;
runivcrsityprofessorswho had learned the art of design in practicalcontact with
-the principle of minimum space requirement;
prorlucts of increasing complexity. They realised that greater reliance on
-the principle of minimum weight;
phvsics,mathematics and information theory, and the use of systematictechni-
-the principle of minimum losses;and
cs. were not only possible but, with the growing division of labour, quite
-the principle of optimum handling.
lispensable.Needless to say, these developmentswere strongly affected by
The design and optimisation of individual parts and simple technical artefacts .' requirements of the particular industries in which they originated. Most
is the object of the theory of form design.It is characterisedby the simultaneous rc from precision, power transmissionand electromechanicalengineering,in
application of physical and economic laws, and leads to a determination of the ich systematicrelationshipsare more obvious than in heavy engineering.
shape and dimensions of components and an appropriate choice of materials,
manufacturing methods etc. If selected optimisation characteristicsare taken
into account, the best solution can be found with the help of mathematical
methods. Svstematicdesign according to Hansen
Tschochner [1.53] mentions four fundamental design factors, namely working rrscnand other membersof the IlmenauSchool(Bischoff,Bock) first put
principle, material, form and size. They are interconnected and dependent on designproposalsin the early 1950sII.6, I.1,I.16].
rrrdtheir systematic
the requirements, the number of units, costs etc. The designer starts from the nscn presented a more comprehensivedesignsystem in the secondedition of
working principle, determines the other fundamental factors-material and standard work published in 1965 [1.17]. He himself has summed up his
form-and matches them with the help of the chosen dimensions. rt'eclure as follows:
Niemann [1.29] starts out with a scalelayout of the overall designshowing the l)etcrmine the crux of your task, becauseit is common to all solutions.
main dimensions and the general arrangement. Next he divides the overall ('ombine the possible elements purposefully, for all solutions develop from
design into parts that can be developed in parallel. He proceeds from a definition r r r c hc o m b i n a t i o n s .
of the task to a systematicvariation of possible solutions and finally to a formal l)e tcrmine the shortcomingsof every solution and try to reduce them or their
selection of the optimum solution. These steps are in general agreement with t ' l Ic c t s .
those used in more recent methods. Niemann also draws attention to the then St'lect the solution with the fewest shortcomings.
lack of methods for arriving at new solutions. He must be considereda pioneer l'rovide documentation to permit practical evaluation.
of systematicdesign inasmuch as he consistentlydemanded and encouragedits I lresc procedural rules are the basisof a systemcomprising four steps.Figure
development. 1 rlrows the steps for the conceptual phase. The same four-step system is also
Matousek [1.27] lists four essential factors: working principle, material, rcrl cluring the subsequentdesign phases.Hansen begins with the analysis,
manufacture and form design, and then, following Wogerbauer [1.60] , elabo- r(lu('. and specificationof the task, which leads him to the basic principle.
rates an overall working plan based on these four factors. He adds that, if the rnrrst be formulated abstractlv enough to comprise everv conceivable
cost aspect is unsatisfactory, all four factors have to be re-examined in an Iro11.111.',1 must embrace the overall function derived from the task.
iterative manner. 'l
ht' sccond step is the systematic search for solution elements and their
Leyer 11.25] is mainly concerned with form design. He distinguishes three l r r r u r l i o ni n t o w o r k i n g m e a n s .
main design phases. In the first, the working principle is laid down with the help l.rrrs.'n lrttachesgreat importance to the third step, in which any shortcomings
of an idea, an invention, or establishedfacts; the secondphase is that of actual rt'r'icwcclin order to develop improved working means.
design;the third phaseis that of implementation. His secondphaseis essentially
In thc lirurth and last step, these improved working means are evaluated to
that of embodiment, that is, layout and form design supported by calculations. r r r i r r cl h c o p t i m u m w o r k i n g m e a n sf o r t h e t a s k .
During this phase, principles or rules have to be taken into account-for l()7-l lf irrrscnpublished another work, entitled Konstruktionswissenschafl
instance the principle of constant wall thickness, the principle of lightweight s c i c n c co l c l c s i g n )[ l . l t t l . I n i t , h c u s e ss y s t e m sa n a l y s i sa n d i n f o r m a t i o n
construction, the principle of shortest load paths and the principle of t o t l c f i n c t h c r l c s i g n p r o c c s si r n c lt h c n i t t t t r c o f t e c h n i c a la r t e f a c t s .H e
homogeneity. Leyer's rules of form design are so valuable practice,
o r r l h c v l r i o u s t y p c so l ' s l r u c t u r ci r n r ll u t t c l i o t ri r n c lt h c i r i n t e r r e l a t i o n s h i p s ,
failure is still far lessfrequently the result of bad working principlcs than of poor 'l'hc
alur discusscsthc prtlblcln of dnlu ril()ritgc. lrook is tn<lrcconccrncclwith
detail desisn.
thun with ruler of pructicll tlcsign.
icrl l'undanrcnttls
1t) I Introductio t l t v c l o p m e n t o f s y s t e m a t i cd e s i g n 11

Task (Concept,
layout) Input
Prel Energy, signals

0f eiementary
means Function
of a Machine
principle, principle)
lormdesign fulflledbya
ol shortcomings Physical
workingmeans realised
principle, principle)
- Rationai
evaluation FormDesign
means of theoverall
principie, principle)

Figure1.5. Designstepsaccordingto Hansen[1.16,1.17]
1. From the taskvia workingmeansto the conceot 0utput
2. Fromthe conceptviawor-king principlesto the layout
3. From the layoutvia form designprinciplesto the productiondocuments 1.6. Design steps according to Rodenacker [1.401

Similarly, Miiller [1.28] in his Grundlagen der systematischenHeuristik (The 7 . l i i n a l i s et h e o v e r a l l d e s i g n .

fundamentalsof systematicheuristics)presentsa theoretical and abstractpicture fi. I{cview the chosen design.
of the design process. this rrrcthod, the function structures (Rule 2) are based solely on functions
'rl lrtrrn two-valued logic. These functions are separation,connection and

2 Systematic design according to Rodenacker tlrc llow of energy, material or signalsin technicalsystems)channelling.We
I'r' r'rrrnriningthe problem of logical functions at greater length in 5.3.3.
After Hansen, it is Rodenacker [1.40] above all whose original design method ' losiL',,1rcquirements having been satisfied,the next step is to choose the
has made the greatest impact. He starts out from the fact that every machine
Srlrrsit'irlprocess(Rule 3). Rodenacker usesphysical effectsand equations,
must fulfil certain purposesor functions. Rodenacker looks upon designingas a p;rrlicular attention to the time factor. Experimentation is said to be the
transformation of information, leading from the abstract to the concrete. \{ ru| ( (' of information.
Designing is a reversal of physical experiments.Figure 1.6 showsthe main steps tlrc rrcxt concrete step, Rodenacker determines the embodiment fixed by
of Rodenacker's design method. He starts out by defining and abstracting the lnr,'rrl lrrrclthe form desiqn features. The latter result from the variation of
requirements and by establishing a function structure. Next he looks foi the t's. rrrrlcrials and motions to achievethe required characteristics(Rule 4).
appropriate physical process and finally for the required form design features. ' \ \ ( ) l k c k r r . r cs o f a r m u s t b e c h e c k e d b y c a r r y i n g o u t t h e a p p r o p r i a t e
Rodenacker develops his systematic principles chiefly by means of examples t r o r r s .s r r c ha s c o m p o n e n t s t r e s s e s( R u l e 5 ) .
taken from process engineering, but his ideas apply quite generally to the nirr'kcr is particularly concerned with the identification and elimination
development of technical systems.He proposesthe folrowing rules rrrlrillti lirctors causing quantitative and qualitative fluctuations (Rule 6).
Rule 1. Clarify the task (the required relationships). tnirv surrr it irll up by saying that the main factor of systematicdesign,
Rule 2. Establish the function structure (the logical relationships). trg to l{otlcnackcr, is the determination of the underlying physical
Rule 3. Choose the physical process (the physical relationships). :r. ln his irl.rproachR . o c l c n a c k c rc o n s i c l c r sn o t o n l y t h e s y s t e m a t i c
Rule 4. Determine the embodiment (the constructionalrelationships). n l o l c o n c r c t c r l c s i s nt i r s k si r s o u t l i n c r ll b o v c . b r . r ta l s o t h e m e t h o d o l o g v
Rule 5. check the logical, physical and constructionalrelationshipsby i t t g ' n c w r l c v i c c si r r t r rl t t i r c l t i t t c s . ' lt' lrtl i r lc t r t .l h c l ) r o p o s c ist s c i t r c hf o r
appropriate calculation. s l k n o w n g t l t y s i c i rcll l c c t s i r s i r n l c i u r so l ' i t r r i v i n g l r t
n c w i t l ) l ) l i c i t l i o l ro
Rule 6. Eliminate disturbine factors and errors. xrlttlions.
I h c d e v c l o p m e n t o l s y s t e m a t i cd e s i g n
72 I Introduetion IJ

I lrc first phase is the analysisof the product environment leading to a precise
3 Algorithmic selectionprocedure for design basedon design catalogues
according to Roth dr'lirrition of the problem. This definition includes the specified function, the
'hrrical requirements and the specified costs, three selection criteria with
Roth divides the design process into several phases,each with specific steps that, t'sc help it is possible to choose from design cataloguesin due course. Next
depending on the results, must be repeated several times [1.44, 1.48] (Figure 'lunctional relationship has to be elaborated in two steps. To discover the
1.7). t'rirll function structure, every statement in the problem definition must be
rciated with a system of general functions so selectedthat different alterna-
's result from changesin their arrangement.Roth's 'general functions' refer
gcneral characteristicsdetermining various technical artefacts-that is, which
cct, change, store and channel material, energy or information [1 .45-I.47,
0. Task-formulation ll. Once the general functional relationship has been determined, the
ible combinations of sub-functions are split up into recurring elementary
l r l c m sw h i c h c a n b e c a t a l o g u e d .
echnical hc next step, the determination of the special function structure, is the
andspecitied rpt to solve these elementary problems with the help of basic physical
irtions-that is, of physical effects expressed,if possible, in mathematical
of overall
1.1Determination 'he
actual product is elaborated in the next phase. First comes the embodi-
rt oi the solutions of the elementarv Droblems. A seneral solution is then
rrirted by combining these embodiments in accordance with the overall
ol special
1.2Determinatton ti()n structure. Variation will now produce a host of general solutions from
structure 'lr tlrc best can be chosen and modified in the light of production require-
rrts.'fhe resulting variants are evaluated in turn so that the most promising
tlr('l)roblem in hand can be determined before oroduction drawinss and
i l ) r r ' l r t a t i o na r e c o m p l e t e d .
[,'t lr rcfers to the whole process as an'algorithmic selection procedure for
rr lxrsed on design catalogues'. He suggeststhat the information needed
tlr, inclividualstepsis best chosenfrom catalogueswith the help of selection
2.1Formdesign r, lt'r.istics.He accordingly attachesgreat importance to the compilation of
r : r r r r l < r g u[e1s. 4 3 , I . 4 9 1( s e e5 . 4 . 3 ) .

:rlgorithmic-physical design method according to Koller
(",\('nliirlfeaturesof Koller'smethod1I.22,I.231are the breakdownof the
r l)r'occssinto a larger number of steps and the emphasis placed on
'rrlrrrv lrhvsical connections. The aim is the algorithmicisationand hence
'""" actual-specified
,"^. ir\rng corrlputerisationof design. Figure 1.8 shows the various phases of
r'r schcrne and the elementarv desisn activities associatedwith them. He
trishcs bctwccn function svnthesis.oualitative svnthesisand cuantitative
s, l'or iur cxact dcscription of the individual steps the reader is referred
l i l c r r r t t r Ir lc. : . ] 1 .
r r s c o l c ( ) r r r p u t c r as l s o c a l l s l i r r t h c f i l r r n u l a t i o no f c l e a r r u l e s g o v e r n i n g
c l c t t t c n l i r r ys t c p . ' l i r t h i r t c r t d K o l l c r r c t l u c c sc o n t p l c xt c c h n i c a p
l r o c c s s e tso
nunll)cr ol physicll lunctiotts lnd lltclt slipulatcs rulcs lirr thcir
F i g u r c I . 7 . P h r r s c rsr n t ls t c P so l t l t c r l c s i g t lt l I ( ) c c s ist c c t r r t l i t ttgo l { o t l r I I ' l t i l nt. llis basicprcmisc is thrl thcrc l'unctiort$
cirn bc cxprcsscdby
| ' I h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f s y s t e r n a t i cd e s i g n 15

hrrownmachine elementsand also by elementsthat have still to be developed. ln

tlt'riving his functions, Koller?s starting point is the fact that, in technical
rvslems, only the properties and states of energy, material, signals and their
llows can be changed in magnitude and direction. Together with the physical
ittputs and outputs, this gives 12 functions and correspondinginversefunctions,
which Koller calls basic operations, amongst them channelling and isolating,
:reasingand decreasing,coupling and interrupting (see Figure 2.5).
Ilccause technical systems involve logical as well as physical relationships,
ion synthesis will yield a function structure consisting of logically and
C ysically interrelated basic operations.
Koller contends that, in the qualitative design phase, the basic operations of
= struclure
Irnical systems depend exclusively on physical, chemical and/or biological
:ts. The choice of the appropriate effect producessolution principlesfor the
rlormance of the basic operations which, with more complex requirementsor
nctlon structures, may be combined into assembliesand overall systems.A
rirlitativedesign', finally, demands the determination of shapes,to which end
rller has devised several rules of form desiqn. Variations involvins several
tcria are stipulated for every step, for example variations of the material or of
'6 shape,thus paving the way for severalsolution variants. Koller's quantitative
ltthesiscomprises the classicaldesign activitiesof calculation and layout.
lrr accordancewith his aim of algorithmicisingand computerisingthe design
E rcess,Koller lays particular emphasison small (elementary) developmentsor
ps and on clear mathematical rules and definitions.

.2.3 Other proposals

he systems approach
ternstheory as an inter-disciplinaryscienceusesspecialmethods, procedures
I rridsfor the analysis,planning, selection and optimum design of complex
.6 t r ' r n s[ 1 . 3 , 1 . 9 , 1 . 1 0 ,1 . 6 1 ] .
I r'ehnical artefacts, including the products of light and heavy engineering
hrstry,are artificial, concrete and mostly dynamic systemsconsistinsof setsof
.z 'rccl elements, interrelated by
virtue of their properties. A system is also
= rrcterisedby the fact that it has a boundary which cuts acrossits links with
t'rrvironment (Figure 1.9). These links determine the external behaviour of
Preparing \vstem, so that it is possible to define a function expressingthe relationship
s'ccn inputs and outputs, and hence changesin the magnitudesof the system
I l r l c s( s e e2 . 1. 3 ) .
l;ronr the idea that technical artefactscan be representedas systems,it was a
c= t s t c p t o t h c a p p l i c a t i o no f s y s t c m st h c r l r yt o t h e d e s i g np r o c e s s t, h e m o r e s o
iIo tltc objcctivcsof systcms
thcorycorrcspundvcry largclyto thc cxpectations
Itavcof a good dcsignmethodus specificdat thc bcginningof this chaptcr
Figure1.8. Stepsand elementarydesignactivitiesaccordingto Koller [1.22. l, sy$tcmsupproachrellcctf tho gonoralupprcciationrhar complcx
d e v c k r p m e n t o f s y s t e m a t i cd e s i g n 1'7

State problem
analysis, definition


ol solution

ors;s2,- s,a:subsvstems
Slti::"t*,tJll.,Jlff,}i131ft',T.r,,",'., System
1, - 13:inPuts; O1-O2: outputs Properties of variants

eaih involving analysisand syn

problems are best tackled in fixed steps'
,r";;';?"t].10 The first of theseis t
showsthe stepsof rhe systemsapproach. Evaluation
ol varlants goalpr0gramme
gathering or
gatnerlrlg nto,-uiio'i9"
(rr irr'ur'rou"l' * ;---^-:^ -^^,,i-amcnrq
:.""*- th"'v*1."T., 111"i-::Tlo:
The :?*"l".tJ'
he is-T;::i.
the clea
aim here
market analyses, trend studiesor known requirements'
to U" t91".:.1.,tl
formulationof ttreprobieir(o' 'ut'-ptot'lem) is drawn :T:::":i.:t:3
up the purpose: System
perhapseven during the first step' a 0ptimum
torrnui'"^f*ion'to thl goalsof th""tft:l
which is to give ::::i:i]:51'J
variants andhenc
of solution
ffi:}.';ij,',[r,;^i;;;",.Jrlqr"r, Soluti.onvzrriantsare tneXs;'r1tfe;s"1
for the discovery.f th;';;ti"tu"i'otutio'.t Beforether
:,T;: ilH.?ir;'t;;;#;*. u.quir",rduringthefirsttwosteps. System
variantscanbe the performunt" 6J:u:1,*"-t':: lilt^t*::: Planning phase
;rd ;#;;r.'rn tt" evaluationthar follows,the performance
each variant is comparedwith the original Coul:'ing,,:",:l:-:i:i:-tl.*1: , I . 10.Stepsof the systems
outintheformof-y';;;;l;meniation plans' As
ltsl: 1 l9::^"^Y,l:lniii'l
goil' so that iterativeproceduresmay , rscn [1.15] are currently developing this method, paying particular atten-
do not alwayst"uOstruigntto tn" final
this optimisationprocess,which con t,r thc optimisation of dynamic systems.
needed.Built_in o".irir", ,t"ps facilitatJ
tutes a transformation of information'
An importantrprt"rl^ti "ppiit"io,n of -th"-:tt:::::p^p::ffi1"f #
concept th.signas a learning process
basisof a known or a developedsolution
rrrplcmcntto the methods we have been describingis basedon the view that
to p.oou."
ispossible ;';";;;i;' ""d"1.,!fil::'-'T,-',::"'::'i'JJ1:li:L,'5t
;*:I'ffi# hil;*;; with their tinks,canbe subjected
iogether rrrrt'-sidccl cmohasison discursivemethods is inadequate and cannot, in any
variationinJ opti-it"d to satisfv ttt" d:.*-1111:tjf,lt:||:,T; , srrtisl'ythc clesigncr.For that reason various attempts have been made to
mathematical statements about1 lop tlcsign mcthoclswith the help of automatic control techniquesinvolving
ffi::H',i';il;;; ir, ,r," use of such mathematical
n* t:r"f: i r r r tl c c d b i r c k .S r " r cm h c t h o d s n o t o n l v h c l p t o e l u c i c l a t et h e i n t e r r e l a t i o n s h i p
a n l l t a l l v sb
quuantitative uehaviour ' : tutio
"r^ . so
( ; r r a v r v uoi
: ; ^ - ; ' :and11:l]:
j: h e:L?,':9t
, . 1 - . - ; .li"^ h e v i o r r of t h e :il*:il
or I the e l e m e n3:'
t s f. ' e r t t l c s i g r t c t ' l r t ccl r t v i r o n n r c n l . l ' r uitt l s t lt h r o w l i g h t o n t h c g e n e r a ls c o p eo f
dynamic behaviour
relations expresslng tne statistical
and the formulation of a goal functttl tt tltouglttl)roccsscs
instance in the form of transfer functions, 1 . . hhavc btr '
,'rr" h
of systems-toq:l* W l i c l r t l c r 1 1 , 5 7 . l . 5 f { l l r i r s t t r g t t c t l .h y i t t t i r k r g vw i t h s t t c l tc y b c r t l et i c
Such mathematicaltu*' fo' the description RichtcrIl '37' I 3t'tlt
equipment' n s c o n l r o l i t n d l c i t r n i n g .t h u t c f c l t i v c d c s i g n i s l l t c t t t o s lc o t t t p l c xl o r t n
aboveall, for signal-processing
I lntroduction | ' d e v e l o p m e n t o f s y s t e m a t i cd e s i g n 19
of the ,learningprocess'.Learning representsa higher form of control, one hc learning processthus keepsincreasingthe level of information and hence
involves not onty quantitative at constant quality (rules), but also flt'ilitatesthe searchfor a solution.
"nung"t technical quantitiesas
changesin the qualiiy itself. Similarly, designingchanges
well as working PrinciPles. General comparison and statementof the authors' own aims
In structuralterms,iearning and control can, despitequalitativedifferences,
be consideredas comparablecircularprocesses. Thus Figure1.11representsa closerexaminationthe methodswe havebeendescribingprove to havebeen
designcycle involvinga learning system,an environmentand the relevantflow rnglyinfluencedby their authors'specialist
fields.They nevertheless
one another far more closelythan the variousconceptsand terms would
lCommunicationDecision Storage Action n to suggest.
ln particular, several of these methods have been strongly influenced by the
rtluctsof precision engineering and power transmissiontechnologywhich, in
r, bear a strong structural resemblance to electronic systems. This has
sted a breakdown of functions and associatedsub-solutionsinto elements
mbling the functional building blocks of electronics.Moreover, the compila-
of classificationschemesand design catalogues,as well as the combination
solution elements, is easier in these fields than it is in general mechanical
Itr ull the methods examined, the requirementsare abstractedfor the purpose
trriving at generally valid functions. The degree to which the various authors
irk down their functions. however. differs from case to case. All stressthe
lr'Iirnceof physicalprocessesduring the first phase.They alsosharethe idea of
advancefrom a qualitativeto a quantitativephase.Furthermore,
ol t ltem stipulate a deliberate variation and combination of solution elements
tlillcrent complexity. All try to algorithmicise the design process and to
css it by simple rules or laws. This common approach has been embodied in
system ' l i n cV D I 2 2 2 2
Environment Learning |.551.
rtlr thc help of the methods examined above together with our own work we
F i g u r e1 . 1 1 D e s i g n c y c l e w i t h l e a r n i n g S y s t e m a n d e n v i r o n m e n t , a f t e r W i i c h t l e r [ 1 . 5 8 1 , irr what follows, endeavour to present a comprehensivetheory of general
'learning system:designer'takes a problem from' 'r'r'ingdesign. Most of the argumentsare elaborationsof a seriesof papers
of information. The
returnsa solution to, the enviionment. Discursiveand intuitive actions frtrlrlishedin 1912-1914[1.33] and which we have since discussedat some
learning system' lr rvith a number of practising designers and research engineers, tested
solutions (ideas) that are held in the short-term store of the
solution with the environmental demands ltt'tllv in practice, and changed and amplified accordingly.Our own theory
comparison of the proposed lt,"^Tt
;;';"J;;; ;h;";;; hiscrepunciescallingfor new decisionsand henceleadir rrrlrrckresnot claim to be the final word on the subject-it simply tries to
to new actions.once the discrepancies are reducedto a minimum, the optimu rre various methods in a coherent and oracticable wav. We hooe that it
solution is to hand. A cycle in this process of optimisationis called a learni \('r'\'c as an introduction and springboard for the learner; as a help and
from 1
element. The learning iystem musi not be consideredin isolation
lrtiorr lilr the teacher; and as a source of information, and perhaps of
the requir
environment.In otheiwords, the environmentnot merely imposes
r l c l r r r r i r r gl i.r r t h e p r a c t i t i o n e r .
part in findi
ments and receivesthe solutions,but frequentlyplays a crucial
which presel
the latter. we distinguish between a passiveenvironment,
to informati
information on demuni, and an activeenvironment,which reacts
involved in
returned by the learning system,or in other words is directly
of optimisati
discoveryof the solutioti.Wnut mattersis that, for the purpose
as a con
the designprocessshouldbe treated, not statically,but dynamically
process-inwhich the information feedbackmust be repeatedY"iit llt llllll
solution can bc ft
iion content has reached the level at which the optimum
I F u n d a m e n t a l so f e n g i n e c r i n g s y s t e m s 2T

A concrete example is the combined coupling shown in Figure 2.1. This can be
Fundamentals treated as two sub-systems-a flexible coupling and a clutch. The sub-system
ltrtch' can, in turn, be subdivided into system elements, in this case
( ()llrponents.

math"emaiics,physics and their branches-mechanics, thermodynamics
machine elements, industrial
also on proOuition technology, materials science,
-unug"..nt and cost u..orrrting, which are not discussedin this book'
i;?;;";p a theory of designthut .un serveas a strategyfor the development
-__^L^*^ ^^A
of solutions, we must first examine the fundamentalsof engineering
make detail
p.oc"du."s.' only when that has been done is it possible to
recommendationsfor design work.
2.1 Fundamentalsof engineeringsystems

2.1.1 System' plant' equipment, machine' assemblyand componen l:

Technical tasks are performed with the help of such technical artefacts
as plant . -SvslelHoulOarv ___J
listed here in the approxi 5
equipment, machines, assemblies and components,
l . S y s t e m :' C o u p l i n g '
These terms may not have idenli-cal uses
mate order of their complexity. / r s r s t e r ne l e m e n t s r; . . / c o n n e c t i n ge l e m e n t s S ; o v e r a l ls y s t e m S
; , subsystem
a piece of equipment (reactor, evaporator) is sometim r l ' l , r ' o u p l i n g ' ;. t 2 s u b s y s t e m' c l u t c h ' l 1 i n p u t s ; O o u t p u t s
different fields. Thus,
as 'plant' i
consideredto be more complex thin plant, and artefacts described 'llr,'s',51cm
'machines' in others' d e p i c t e di n F i g u r e 2 . 1 i s b a s e do n i t s m e c h a n i c a cl o n s t r u c t i o n .I t
certain fields may be described as
is u ftrrrrs'c r'. equally possibleto considerit in terms of its functions (see2.1.3). In
A machine consistsof assembliesand components.control equipment
compon( r;rrt'. the total system'coupling'can be split up into the sub-systems
in olant and machinesalike and may be made up of assembliesand
various uses of these terms re 'rrrg' lrnd 'clutching'; the second sub-systeminto the further sub-systems
ani perhaps even of small machines. The
1,rrrqclutch operating force into normal force' and torque'.
historical develoPments.
llrc svstcrnelement g could equally well be treated as a sub-systemwhose
Hubka [2.10] has drawn up a comprehensivelist of possibleclassifications
r{rn rt i\ to convert the actuating force into a larger normal force actins on
technicalirteficts basedon such criteria as function, solution principle,
on llrttion strrfaces.
plexity, manufacture,product etc' It is., however' impossibleto agree r('n(lir)gon their use, any number of such subdivisionsmay be made. The
tasks,applications and fort
i"n"ruity acceptable,yrt"- of classification-the 't lrirs to cstablish particular systemsfor particular purposes, and must
ir" *u.-h too varied and complex. Hence there is much to be said for Hubk
to t lltt'ir virrious inputs and outputs and fix their boundaries.In doing this he
suggestionthat technicalartefactsshouldbe treated assystemsconnected
be divided i w h r r t t er n r i n o l o g yh c l i k e s o r i s c u s t o m a r yi n h i s p a r t i c u l a rf i e l d .
by means of inputs and outputs' A systemcan
"niironr',.nt what belongsto a particular systemis determined-by the sys
boun'dary.The inputs anJ outputs crossthe systemboundary(l'2'3)' With (lottversion of energy,materialand signals
parts ilf la ) t t t t l c r st t t i r l t c ri t t r t t i r t t ys l t t t p c su n d l i t r r t t s .l t s r r i r l t r r i rtli l r r n . < l rt h c l i l r n t
tion, analysis or classification. As a rule such systems are
lmprcsscdu;roltit. ;rrovidcrhim with infitrmutiorrirlroutits possiblcuscs.
I r r r r d a m e n t a l so f e n g i n e e r i n gs y s t e m s Z3
2 Funclamentals
lrrirrirlswithout any flow of material. In many casesenergy has to be specially
is a primary source of information prol'ided for this purpose; in other caseslatent energy can be drawn upon
Matter without form is inconceivable-form concept of force
the development ;f physics'-the
about the state of matte'' Wlttt being the means by
rrcctly. Every conversion of signalsis associatedwith a conversionof energy,
Force was ton'eiued as rrrghnot necessarilywith a conversion of material
became increasingly important' this process was explained
which the motion ;;;",;; ;;, .t ung"a. Ultimately lrr what follows, we shall be dealing with:
equivalence of energy
"f of relaiivity postulated the. l rrcrgy: mechanical, thermal, electrical, chemical, optical, nuclear etc
in terms of energy. f'tt" in"o'y offi:
[2'30] lists."nergi.'*"ll:i, *,'::"^T1':"':t"
andmatter.Weizslcker asa run- lrlso force, current, heat . . .
l|l.S]ll"il [llrrl'"r'ni* rl ir""r""o,"ii*" t::i:1si31
lrlirterial:gas, liquid, solid, dust etc also raw material, test sample,
damental quantitv.o;iv ;v referencet-ini"'pruv
g r r o r k p i e c ee t c . . e n d p r o d u c t , c o m p o n e n te t c .
i:["J:ffi1'J;t#;i:,"jn;;;;' il l*:, 9::',of energv, ;:: Xt"T
informa- Si{niils: magnitude, disptay. control impulse, diSa, information etc .
be adequately described' mqnif'eqt form. w lnr cvery type of proposed conversion, quantity and quality must be taket taken into
tion -^:c:^A x.,
is ofrenspecified itsmanifest
by ito form. We
iln"r" , enersy sideration if rigorous criteria for the definition of the task, for the choice of
sp:a\ oI mechanical,"'i""i'"i"'"t:'.:1
of*"tl"l]iil: *Zigrtt, colour,conditionn:{t;
as etc' Thr rrtions and for an evaluation. are to be established. No statement is fullv
substitutematerialwith such propertles lirrcd unless its quantitative as well as its qualitative aspects have been taken
is'o"n"'ally givJn more concreteexpressionb r l c c o u n t . T h u s . t h e s t a t e m e n t : ' 1 0 0k g / so f s t e a ma t 8 0 b a r a n d 5 0 0 ' C ' i s n o t
generalconcept i'i;';;;;ti t::,:if";T:t-::J
of the,"r^,'inoi'hat is'itreptrvsic?t f::TtL *l:: rrrllicient definition of the input of a steam turbine unlessthere is the further
ff#":;[i#"tt";; betweenpeopleis often calleda
exchanged tilication that these figures refer to a nominal quantity of steam and not, for
trrnce,to the maximum flow capacityof the turbine, and unlessthe admissible
12.\rl. svstems-qrunt
of technicar
il! un",rrls I "qlllT::i :1r.1*l5;i.l''T$il (turrtions of the state of the steam are fixed at, say, 80 bar + 5 bar and
."ffi"Jff l';r;T:ilil::::::::::'l'.,'.T'.'"','[:l
u'"'r' o]::,:: t (' + 10oC,that is, extended by a qualitative aspect.
ll:lfi:H;# ,iliJ-.'i#.:;;ffi ".1
J;#llilft in"a,varietv ::'*:t :;:T^:il;i;:';
:: lrr very many applications,it is also essentialto stipulate the cost or value of
:?"Jf "'" ;;u:"'i1"rv;:'"iJ"*:'::TI":J3# irrputsand/or the maximum permissiblecosts of the outputs (see [2.23]).
"-r:iI':a combustion
::;::1ff engineconvet l o sgtn up: all technical systemsinvolve the conversion of energy, material
rl or signalswhich must be defined in quantitative, qualitative and economic
:Ii7i;"i;,J"*"".n"r,.a1 ,--- ^l^.-- ^^ir/ar c f q f i n n cconve
statlon onvel
thermal energy a nuclear power r r r r ' ( F i g u r e2 . 2 ) .
chemical into mechanical and
nuclearinto thermalenergy,and
; ; varietY
ff'ffi il.:k;i "l Y:I^lh;1;T.?:,'T I rr,rrr2 - e. 2 . T h e c o n v e r s i o no f
,"{':n::',';;:o''il{;;;;'t"J'"-'n"""4"::'nffli"}";"l,"Ti:"'; , r r ' rq v . m a t e r i a la n d s i g n a l s .
;; ;'**; o?J I nI't'"dp' l"::': T::?lll"',1i",
iil'lll'lI 1." surfacefinishesand some
"t*are destroved
for test
\ , , l u t i o n n o t y e t k n o w n ; t a s ko r
l r r r rtLi o n d e s c r i b e do n t h e b a s i so f
+ Energy'
----c- lVlaterial
--.- Signa
;:ffiilT':,i#r""r; r r r l ) l l 1 \ . n od u t p u t s s ----
Signa s'
o"fffi Signals a
informationin the form of signals.
ot"nt must process with others' transmitted, disPla
,"."iu"i, prepared, comparetl or combined
The functional interrelationship
'" eot,.conver1i1J-"*l3s;;,1"::1111
j"p"nding.on piobrem
th.e #'iIn I ,'rrlcr to solve a technical problem we need a svstem with a clear and easily
.i;;".:l':lit.l"l",Tl";;r,",r, ::.]:,:**ton' r.t1119".1 relationship between inputs and outputs. In the case of material
case, heco
case, tthe nversron
convelsrurril;;i; ; il 1;""tJa.1 tl", T,il: r*,"iji'.I;'
frequently alllil:":'J
three cc \ ( rsions, for instance,we require identical outputs for identical inputs. Also,
accompanied by a second type of converston, and quite lrr r'r'n thc bcginning and the end of a process,for instancefilling a tank, there
or signalswithout
into play. rhus there-cu'"''u3no ::^I:T,:::::i?1"""
lrc ir clcrrr anclrcprocluciblerelationship.Such relationshipsmust alwaysbe
;::#;iltttg ."t""^;tn' howe^ver I n r r c r -l t h u t i s . c l c s i g n c ct ol n l c c t z rs p c c i f i c a t i o nF. o r t h e p u r p o s eo f d e s c r i b i n g
rsionof'n"igvisoftJnT'o:i?.t:9 t:t:,
rheconve l]t,1
(asin a :::l:""':#i.trf
nuclear, compared ll
wit s t r l v i r r gc l c s i g np r o t r l c n r s i.t i s u s c l u l l < li r p p l yt h c t c r m . f i l r < ' t i o nI < 'tth e g e n e r a l
Hi:i-t.;;vl" "ir'rr" l l ( ) u t l ) u tr c l i r t i t l n s h i op l i r s v s t c r rw r l t o s cl ) u r l ) ( ) s ict i s t o p c r f o r m a t a s k .
power *"li;i^ il"
""H:r'r,l-n;'-ilil l"i''*" o-.ont,or
::1::"1:l:j il flli::':i thc:";
or1.;3cnt l o r s t l r t i c[ ) t ( ) c c s s ci sl i s c r r o t r g l lt o t l c l c t r t t i r t ct l t c i n l t t r t si r t t r lo u t l t u t s ;l o r
i," andregu'ation
flilt',Tf; 3,'iliJ,iii'i;"";i;";; l ( ' ( . s s clsl r i r t c l r i r r r g ew i t l r l i r t t c ( t l y l t l n t i c p f r l c c s s c s )t.h c t l r s k t t t t t s tb c t l c l i n c t l
t l r e l b v i r d e s c r i p t i o rorl ' t l r c i r r i t i n l u n df i n u l m u g n i t u t l c sA, t t h i ss t i r g ct l t c r ei s
otiltli"t"u"r' rcccivc' trltttsttlrltr
a1 2 Fundamentals , ' i I u n c l a m e n t a l so f e n g i n e e r i n gs y s t e m s 25

no need to stipulate what solution will satisfythis kind of function. The function L00secarpel
,' lTF-ffi
*ifffiTfl* 3i;ffi1'0"'
thus becomesan abstractformulation of the task, independent of any particular ili1ii.ii,'o,o l::':'-'r'-'-'^'-"' rJiJ n l0ls
solution. len0in

If the overall task has been adequately defined-that is, if the inputs and
outputs of all the quantities involved and their actual or required properties are
known-then it is possible to specify the overall function.
An overall function can often be divided directly into identifiable sub-
functions corresponding to sub-tasks. The relationship between sub-functions
and overall function is very often governed by certain constraints,inasmuch as
some sub-functionshave to be satisfied before others. + f 0w l---l lVainlunctron ---
l\,'laterial System
On the other hand it is usually possible to link sub-functionsin various ways
1.3. Function structurefor the packing ofcarpet squares
and hence to create variants. In all such cases,the links must be compatible.
The meaningful and compatible combination of sub-functionsinto an overall 'l
lrc result is the function structure shown in Fieure 2.4.It will be seenthat the
function produces a so-calledfunction structure,which may be varied to satisfy
lrrnction'count squares'can also give the signalto pack the squaresinto lots
the overall function.
ruspccified size.
To that end it is useful to make a block diagram in which the processesand
sub-systemsinside a given block (black box) are at first ignored (Figure 2.2).
Functions are usually defined by statementsconsistingof a verb and a noun,
f o r e x a m p l e ' i n c r e a s ep r e s s u r e ' , ' t r a n s f e rt o r q u e ' o r ' r e d u c e s p e e d ' .T h e y a r e
derived from the conversionsof energy, material and signalsdiscussedin2.1.2.

So far as is possible, all these data should be accompaniedwith specificationsof
the physical quantities. irernp
In most engineering applications, a combination of all three types of conver- lr0m
s i o n i s u s u a l l y i n v o l v e d , w i t h t h e c o n v e r s i o ne i t h e r o f m a t e r i a l o r o f e n e r g y
influencing the function structure decisively.
It is useful to distinguish between main and auxiliary functions. Whtle main I
functions are those sub-functions that serve the overall function directly,
auxiliary functions are those that contribute to it indirectly. They have a
supportive or complementary character and are often determined by the nature .==+ lvaterlal flow i---l Marn{unctlon
of the sofution. These definitions are derived from value analysis [2.4, 2.28, --- Signal flow function
- - - S y s t e mb o u n d a r y
2.29]1andare not identical for all levels of approach. While it may not always be
' l. l:unction structurefor the packing of carpet squaresas in Figure 2.3 with
possibleto make a clear distinction between main and auxiliary functions, the
tcrms are. nevertheless.useful. r l r r r r c t i o nas d d e d
It is also important to examine the relationship between the various sub-
functions, and to pay particular attention to their logical sequenceor necessary llr,,, l'hirus [2.19] has defined functions in general as activities,effects, goals
interconnection. r orrrtrrintq. In mathematics, a function is the associationof a magnitude y
As an example, consider the packing of carpet squares, stamped out of a ,r rrrrunituclcx so that a unique value (single-valuedfunction) or more than
length of carpet. The first task is to introduce a method of control so that the r . r l t r c( r n u l t i - v a l u e df u n c t i o n ) o f y i s a s s i g n e d f o r e v e r y v a l u eo f x . A c c o r d i n g
perfect squarescan be selected,counted and packed in specifiedlots. The main flrc rlclinilion givcn in DIN69910, all functions are determined by
flow here is that of material shown in the form of a block diagram in Figure 2.3. r v c s( t i r s k s ,u c t i v i t i e sc, h a r a c t e r i s t i c s ) .
On closer examination we discover that this chain of sub-functionsrequires the r t i u u s r v r i t c r s o n c l c s i g nr n c t h o c l s( s c c 1 . 2 . 2 ) h a v e put forward wider or
introduction of auxiliary functions because: t t l c l i r r i t i r l n os l g c r t c r l r l l yi r p p l i c i r b l lcu n c l i o n s( s c c -s3)
-the stamping-out processcreates offcuts that have to be removecl; l l t e o r y . i t i s l l o s s i t r l ct o c l i t s s i l ' yI t t t t e l i o t t ss o t l t l t l t h c l o w c s t l c v e l o f t h e
-rejects must be removed separately and reprocessecl;ancl s l r t t c l t t r c c o t t s i s t sc x c l t t s i v c l Yo l ' I t t l t c l i o t t sl l t t r t c i u n r o t b c s u b - d i v i c l c c l
-packing material must be brought in. gcncrlllyupplicrblc,
r wlrilc rcrrrairring
2 Fundamentals | , r r . l . r n r e n l a ol sl c n g i n c e r i n S
gy\tems 2l

Rodenacker [2.23] has defined functions in terms of two-valued logic, Roth

12.251interms of their general applicability, and Koller 12.12,2.131in terms of
the required physical effects. Krumhauer [2.14] has examined generalfunctions
in the light of possible computer applications during the conceptual design
phase, paying special attention to the relationship between inputs and outputs
after changes in type, magnitude, number, place and time. By and large, he
'change' he refers
arrives at the same functions as Roth, except that by
'increase or
exclusively to changes in the type of input and output, while by
decrease'he refers exclusivelyto changesin magnitude.
As Figure 2.5 shows, all these definitions are compatible if it is remembered
'connect' and'separate'to refer to the logical connections
that Rodenacker uses cl
only. .i
l- lol a cl
lF r;l # N

2.1.4 The physical interrelationship t"it +

Establishinga function structurefacilitatesthe discoveryof solutionsbecausei a.l
simplifies the general search for them and also because solutions to
functions can be elaborated separatelv.
originallyrepresentedby blackboxes,mustnow
replacedwith more concretestatements.Sub-functions are usuallyfulfilled 6
physical processes-nearly all engineering solutions are based on physi
phenomena. In addition, of course, chemical and biological phenomena m
also be involved, but they are relatively few and far between in our chosenfield.
If, in what follows, we refer to physical processes,we tacitly include the effects E
possiblechemical or biological processes.
Physical processes are based on physical effects. A physical effect can
described quantitatively by means of the physical laws governing the physica O

quantities involved. Thus the friction effect is described by Coulomb's law

F p : 1 z F N tl h e l e v e r e f f e c t b y t h e l e v e r l a w F a ' o : Fs 'b; and the expansi I-:TJ
effect by the expansionlaw ll: ct'l'A0. R o d e nacker [2.23] and Kolle
[2.I2], in particular, have collated such effects.
Several phvsical effects mav have to be combined in order to fulfil
sub-function. Thus the operation of a bimetal strip is the result of a combina
of two effects, namely thermal expansion and elasticity. If, in concrete cases
these effects are assigned to a sub-function, we obtain the physical principle
that sub-function.
Figure2.6 illustratesthe stages-sub-function,physicaleffect.physicalpri
ple and solutionprinciple(see2.1.5)-of three sub-functions(only the inp
and outputs of the main flow are shown):
-transfer torque by the friction effect in accordance with Coulomb's law c

-amplify force by the lever effect in accordance with the lcvcr law; a '(' O
- make electrical contact by bridging the gap by means of thc cxpansion cf i''
i.i al
,', i,i j!
i n a c c o r d a n c ew i t h t h e l a w o f l i n c a r c x p a n s i o no f s o l i c l so r l i c l u i c l s . iu ,rS s,b nr i\ 0
9i "gt ,,, i !;;
A s u b - f u n c t i o nc a n o f t c n b c l t r l l ' i l l c t lt r y v a r i o u sp h y s i c i r cl l ' l ' c c t s , ' l ' h uisr l i i';
'i ii ,"r' ,! h :' .!b ry)

can bc arrrplil'icd by thc levcr cl'l'cct, ihc wedgc cfl'cct. thc clcclro-ntlgnc
28 2 Fundamentals I I u l t d a m e n t a l s o f e n g i n e e r i n gs y s t e m s 29

unction Physical
eflect Physical principle
principle Solution S i r rilarlyr i l the requisite motions (kinematics) are determined by:
(independent (Subfunction principle
(Physical and )e
I r'1.1, translation-rotation
ol solution) and
etlect) leatures)
formdesign N l r ture t regular-irregular
l ) iircction
rc in x, y, z-directions and/or about x, y, z-axes
Friction N{rtgrrgnitude velocity etc
, N trrmnb e r o n e , s e v e r a le t c
l n ircldition, we need a general idea of the type of material with which the
fircc ccs are to be produced, for example, whether it is solid, liquid or gaseous;
ftl or flexible; elasticor plastic; stiff, hard or tough; or corrosion-resistant.A
LeVCI rirl idea of the final form is often insufficient; the properties of the materials
FA FA Amplily ,F^
tr specified before an adequate formulation of the requisite form design
lorceby lever fttt
rs: rei I trc
rc undertaken.
p r r lIythe combination of the physical principle with the main form design
Fa'a: Fs'b
!urc:s (surfaces,motions and materials) allows the principle of the solution to
nsol expanding
l.''r,. . This combination is called the solution orinciple. and it is the first
fcrctte step in the implementation of the solution.

ZI=a l-ZS
In l';igure 2.6 the examples discussedin 2.I.4 have been converted into
Zl=u I ZS futi.,r ,n principles by the addition of certain form design features.
p'rirr rrsferring the torque by friction against a cylindrical surface in accordance
by solutionprinciplesbuilt up of physicalprinciples l v i r l r Coulomb's law will, depending on the way in which the normal force is
andform designfeatures
I l t P licd,
l lead to the selection of a shrink fit or a clamp connection as the
&rl r' r t i o n p rinciple.
:ffect, the hydraulic effect etc. The physical principle found to satisfy a
Arrtl plifying muscular force with the help of a lever in accordancewith the
rarticular sub-function must, however, be compatible with the physical princi-
part 'r
It' r .' law after determining the pivot and force application points (working
rles of other, associatedsub-functions. A hydraulic amplifier, for instance,
t t r rl ;rces)
; and consideringthe necessarymotions will lead to a description of
:annot be directly powered by an electric battery. Moreover, a given physical
l l t t ' solution principle (lever solution, eccentricsolution etc).
rrinciple will fully satisfy a given sub-function under certain conditions only.
N ; r liing
li electric contact by bridging a gap using the expansioneffect, applied
fhus a pneumatic control system will be superior to a mechanical or electrical
l l l r (t'cordancewith the linear expansionlaw, only leads to an overall solution
:ontrol system only in particular circumstances.
l r i l lrt'iple
( after determination of the size and position of Ihe surfaces needed
Compatibility and optimum fulfilment cannot generally be assessedexcept in
fot Itltc motion of the expanding medium , a material (mercury) expanding by a
hc context of the overall function, and then only during its concrete embodi-
'l'o I t r . ' tl
t irmount and serving as a switch.
ttcrtt. that cnd, the required layout and final forms have to be specified.
li' ., .rrtisfy the overall function, the solution principles of the various sub-
h ' l t t trrrshave to be combined. There are obviously severalways in which this
I lrr' rltrrrc. Guideline VDI 222212.211calls each combination acombination of
. 1 The form interrelationship )n, r1,tlcs.
ln ",rilny cases, a combination of solution principles must be given more
fhe function is satisfied by the application of the solution principle, which
The [ ' r c t c cxpressionbefore it can be evaluated.This involves more definite ideas
ealised by the arrangement of surfaces (or spaces) and the choice of motic
real hc nratcrialsto be used, a preliminary dimensionedlayout and a technical
[ 2.23).
2.2 ity stucly.As a rule it is not until then that one obtains a solution concept
The surfacesare varied in respect of, and determined by: :irn lrc cvaluated in the light of the objectives and the actual constraints
- Type 'l'lrc
.6) solution concept is thc funclamentalproposal of a solution satisfying
- Shape
o v c r i r l l l u n c t i o n a n c lh o l c l i n g< l u t t h c p r o r n i s ct h a t t h e t a s k m a y b e r e a l i s e d .
* Position
I Irxl. scvcrll conccptvariantsarc possiblc.
- Size
30 2 Fundamen I : u n d a m e n t a l so f t h e s y s t e m a t i ca p p r o a c h 31

2.1.6 General objectivesand constraints rrrlr-functions), until, finally, in the detail phase the elaboration of detail
;nvingsand production documents brings the design processto a conclusion.
The solution of technical tasks is determined bv the seneral obiectives a
The fulfilment of the technical function, the attainment of economic feasibili
and the observance of safety requirements may be considered as genera 2 Fundamentals of the systematicapproach
objectives. The fulfilment of the technicalfunction alone does not complete t
designer's task; it would simply be an end in itself. Economic feasibility i
another essential requirement, and concern with human and environment 2.1 General working method
safety must impose itself for ethical reasons.Every one of these objectives h 'lirre we deal with the specific steps and rules of systematic
design, we must
direct repercussionson the rest. cliscussa number of general principles. These come from a host of different
In addition, the solution of technical problems imposes certain constra 'iplines, including non-technical
ones, and are usually built on inter-disciplin-
or requirements resulting from ergonomics, production methods, tra v lundamentals. Management science,psychotogyand philosophy have been
facilities, intended operation etc, no matter whether these constraintsare t ong the main inspirations, which is not suprising when we consider that
result of the particular task or the general state of technology. In the fi thods designed to improve working procedures impinge on the qualities,
case we speak of task-specific constraints, in the second of general rrrcitiesand limitations of human thought.
straints that, though not specified explicitly, must neverthelessbe taken i I lre following conditions must be satisfied by anyone using a systematic
account. rr.oach:
Hubka [2.10] separatesthe properties affectedby the constraintsinto catego l,tre the requisite motivation for the solution of the task, for instance by
ies based variously on industrial, ergonomic, aesthetic, distribution, deliver tliscussionof the objectivesand of the significanceof the entire project and by
planning, design, production and economic factors.
rlcneral intellectual stimulation.
Besides satisfying the functional, physical and form interrelationships, {'larfy the boundary conditions, that is, define the initial and marginal
solution must also satisfy certain general or task-specificconstraints.These t onstraints.
be classifiedunder the following headings: I )ispelprejudice to ensure the most wide-rangingpossiblesearchfor solutions
- Safety alsoin the wider senseof reliability rrrrclto avoid logical errors.
- E,rgonomics the man-machine context I ttok for variants,that is, find a number of possiblesolutionsfrom which the
- Production type of manufactureand facilitiesfor the production lrt'st can be selected.
parts \ltke decisions.This is facilitated by objective evaluations.without decisions
- Quality control at any point during the manufacturing process t l r c r ec a n b e n o p r o g r e s s .
- Assembly during and after manufacture
'f I lrc following proceduresare based not only on our own professional
ransport inside and outside the factory rl', ricnce,but alsoand aboveall, on the work of Holliger12.8,2.91, Nadler
Opcration intended use, handling ' 1t.2.113]and Mtiller
[2.16]. when used as intellectual
toolsin the systematic Lv r) rLLrrrorr!
Mirintcnuncc u p k e e p , i n s p e c t i o na n d r e p a i r ',rri n for iolutions ;; ;;;"i;;; ;;.ly and effectivethoughrthey are also
lrxpcncliturc c o s t sa n d s c h e d u l e s r,,\\
ril\\ n
l l as
( t i heuristic
principles. They underlymostsystematic
'l'hc lIgUrlSllu
PIII procedures and are
corrstraints thnt can be derived from these characteristicsaffect t , l , l i er r b l ei n a l l f i e l d s .
I u n c t i o r . rt,h c w o r k i n g p r i n c i p l e a n d t h e f o r m d e s i g n , a n d a l s o i n f l u e n c e
anothcr. I lcncc they should be treated as checkpoints throughout the desi
process.and adapted to each level of embodiment. I rrltritiveand discursivethought
It is advisable to consider them even during the conceptualphase, at least
Itrrrritivc thought involves sudden ideas (flashes of inspiration) and cannot
essence.During the embodiment phase, when the layout and form design of t ' r r n r r l l yb c p r o c l u c c ctlo o r c l e r . A s a r u l e . i n t u i t i v e t h o u g h t p r o c e s s e si n v o l v e
more or less qualitatively elaborated concept is first quantified, both t t rl v c o n t p l c x i t s s o c i i t t i o n so f i c l c i r s ,c l a b < l r i r t c ci ln t h e s u b c o n s c i o u sm i n d .
objectives of the task and also the general and task-specificconstraintsmust I t t r t r g litn l t r i t i o r rh l r sl c c ll o i r l i r r g cr t r r r n b cor l g o o r l l r r r ccl v c n c x c c l l c n ts o l u t i c l n s
considered in concrete detail. This involves several steos-the collcction p t r r c l vi r r t r r i l i v ci r p p r o l r c lhr t r st l r c l i r l k r u , i r rtgl i s l r t l v i r n t i r g c s :
further information, layout and form design, and the elimination of wcirk lin l l t c r i g l t l i t l c t rr i t r c l vc ( ) n l e sa t t h c r i g h l n l ( ) n r c nsl i r r c r ' i lc i u l t . t (b) tc c l i c i t c c il r l
t o g e t h e r w i t h a f r e s h , i f l i m i t e d , s e a r c ho f s o l u t i o n sf o r a v i r r i c t y o l ' s r r b - l i r will:
32 2 Fundamentals u n d a m e n t a l so f t h e s y s t e m a t i ca p p r o a c h JJ

- the resultdependsstronglyon individualtalent clul analysis and formulation of problems are among the most important
and experience;and
- thereis a dangerthat solutionswill be circumscribed rs of the systematicapproach.
by one's specialtraini
and experience. 'llrc
solution of a problem can also be brought nearer by structureanalysis,
It is therefore advisable to use more deliberate procedures that tackl is, the searchfor hierarchicalstructuresor logicalconnections.In general,
problems step by step, and such procedures are called discursive. Here the ster type of analysiscan be said to aim at the demonstrationof similaritiesor
are chosen intentionally; they can be influenced and communicated. It is :titive features in different systems(see 5.4).
lmportant aspect of this procedure that a problem is rarely tackled as a whole rnther helpful approach is weak link analysis. It is based on the fact that
but is first divided into manageableparts and then analysed. ry systemhas weaknesses causedby ignorance,mistakenideas,external
It must, however, be stressedthat the intuitive and discursivemethods are ances, physical limitations and manufacturingerrors. During the de-
opposites.Experiencehas shown that intuition is stimulatedby discursi, lment of a system it is therefore important to analyse the design concept or
thought.Thus while complexassignments
must alwaysbe tackledone srepar embodimentfor the expresspurposeof discoveringpossibleweak links
time, the subsidiary problems involved may, and often should, be solved prescribing the remedies. To that end special evaluation procedures (see
intuitive ways. and weak tink identification methods (see 6.6) have been developed.
In systematic work it is helpful to exploit certain general characteristics rience has shown that this type of analysis may not only lead to specific
human thought. Holliger [2.9] distinguishesbetween unconscious,preconsci< ovementsof the chosensolution principle, but also may trigger off new
and consciousthought and prescribesthe transformation of aimlessand uncon ion principles.
scious procedures and of disorderly and fantasy-charged preconscious proce
dures into a conscious or deliberate approach. This can-be dbne with the help o nthesis
methodical rules, clear task formulation and a structured procedure. A furtheiair
to conscious thought is the assoclation of ideas. one should, however, avoid se r'.llsis the putting together of parts or elements to produce new effects and
complexes of ideas becausethese may turn out to be too inflexible, and dcrnonstrate that these effects create an overall order. It involves search and
complexes shouldbe deliberatelydissolved. rvcry, and also composition and combination. An essentialfeature of all
It is obviousthat systematic
is neededmore for originaldesignthanfor routinetasks,whichcanqenerallv rt work is the combination of individual findinss or sub-solutionsinto an
performed successfullyeven if the underlying thought processesremain uncon rrllworkingsystem-that is, the association
of components
to form a whole.
scious. Another important property of human thought is the inevitability o irrs the processof synthesisthe information discoveredby analysesis
'csscdas well. In general,it is advisableto basesynthesison global
errors, for which allowancesshould, if possible,be made from the start. In thi a or
connection,Holliger speaksof 'catastrophe
analysis'.one should,however,
rtt.sapproach; in other words to bear in mind the general task or course of
carefulto minimiseerrorsor the weak links resultingfrom them. This can rtswhile workingon sub-tasks
or individualsteps.Unlessthisis done,there
doneby: lht' grave risk that, despite the optimisation of individual assembliesor steps,
-clearly definingthe requirementsand constraints rtritirbleoverall solution will be reached.Appreciation of this fact is the basis
of a particulartask;
-not forcingintuitivesolutionsbut usinga discursive f lrc inter-disciplinary development known as value analysis which proceeds
-avoiding fixed ideas;and thc analysis of the problem and function structure to a global approach
-adapting methods,proceduresand technicalaids ving the early collaboration of all departments concerned. A global
to the task in hand.
orrch is also needed in large-scaleprojects, and especially in preparing
tltrlcs by such techniques as Critical Path Analysis. The entire systems
2 Analysis otl is strongly basedon the global approach,which is particularly important
Analysisis the resolutionof anythingcomplexinto its elementsand the study lltt' cvaluation of solution proposalsbecausethe value of a particular solution
theseelementsand of their interrelationships.It calls for identification,deii ortly be gauged after overall assessmentof all the requirements and
tion. structuringand arrangement. r i r i n t s( s e e5 . t t ) .
If errorsare to be minimised,then problemsmust be formulatedclearlya
rn of labour and collaboration
unambiguously.To that end, they have to be analysed.problem analysismez
separating the essential from the inessential and, in the .ur" of .o. csscntial finding of management scicnccis that the implementation of large
problems,preparinga discursivesolutionby resolutioninto individual. cttnrplcx tasks calls for the division of labour, the more so as specialisation
transparent, 'I'his
subsidiaryproblems.If the searchfor the solutignprovcs6ifficult, is alsodcmandcdby tltc incrcaringlytight schcdulcs
of modern
reformulationof the problem may provc hclpful. Expericncehas shown thi . Now, divisionof labou |nrg!{iFdlrciplinary which,
34 2 Fundament I I r r r r c l a m e n t a losf t h e s y s t e m a t i ca p p r o a c h 35

in its turn, involves special organisational and staff arrangements and attitude
Task:Connectshattto hub
including individual receptiveness to the ideas of others. It must, however, t lnitral Shaft
situation. andhub
stressed that inter-disciplinary collaboration and teamwork also demand
rigorous allocation of responsibility. Thus the product manager should be in sol
charge of the development of a particular product, regardless of department

5 Generally applicable methods

The following general methods provide further support for systematicwork,
are widely used [2.9].

The method of persistentquestions (The 'Why?' technique)

When using systematicprocedures it is often a good idea to keep ask
questionsas a stimulus to fresh thought and intuition. A standard list
questionsalsofostersthe discursive
method.In short,askingquestions
is one o
the most important methodological tools. This explains why many authors ha rc 2.7. Develooment of shaft-hub connectionsin accordancewith the method of
drawn up special questionnaires(checklists). rvlrrdsteps

The method of negation bc made to turn this purely theoretical and ideal systeminto a technologi-
The method of deliberate negation starts from a known solution, splits it in lcasible one, and finally into one that meets all the concreterequirements.
individual parts or describes it by individual statements, and negates the rrtunately, it is rarely possible to specify in advance which particular ideal
statementsone by one or in groups.This deliberateinversionoftencreatesne rrr will satisfy all functions, especiallythose linked together in a complex
Thus,when considering a 'rotating'machineelement
might also examine the 'static' case. Moreover, the mere omissionof an elemen rtrttltod of systematicvariation
can be tantamount to a negation. This procedure is also known as 'systemati
of the solutionare known, it is possible,by
variation,to developa more or lesscompletesolutionfield. This
Themethodof forward steps rlvcs the construction of a generalisedclassification,that is, a schematic
'rcntation of the various characteristicsand possible solutions (see 5.4.3).
Starting from a first solution attempt, one follows as many paths as
yieldingfurther solutions.This method is also called the method of diverse rr lhc viewpoint of managementscience,too, it is obvious that the discovery
thought.It is not necessarilysvstematic. lrrlrrtions is assistedby the construction and use of classificationschemes.
but frequentlystartswith an unsystem
tic divergence of ideas. The method is illustratedin Figure2.7. Ir rrll authors consider systematic variation one of the most important
r t l i c a lp r o c e d u r e s .
Themethodof backwardsteps
Starting from the objectivesof the development,one retracesall the poss 2 I'roblem solving as information conversion
paths that may have led up to it. This method is also called the melhod
ation conversion
convergent thought, because only such ideas are developed as converge on
ultimate goal. we cliscussed the basic ideas of the systemsapproach (1 .2.3) we found that
The method is particularly useful for drawing up production plans an rrr solvinq demands a constant flow of information. Information is
developingsystemsfor the manufactureof designedcomponents. , proccssed and transmitted (see Figure 2.8).
It is similarto the methodof Nadler 12.17l,whohasproposedthe constructi nrirtion is rcceivetlfrctm markct analyses,trend studies,patents,technical
of an ideal systemthat will satisfyall demands.This systemis not developed
practicebut formulatedin the mind. It demandsoptimum conditionssuchas
ideal environment which causes no external disturbances.Having formul
I , t { . ' l ' l t c c o t t v er s i r l t tr l l '
sucha system,there follows a step-by-step
investigationof whal concc rn
2 Fundamen I ' rrtllutrcntals 31

journals, research,licenses,inquiriesfrom customers,concreteassignment lrrlilrmation systems

design catalogues, analyses of natural and artificial systems, calculations lrrrild up an information system, one may have to take into account, aparl
experiments, analogies,general and in-house standards and regulations, stoc rr the above criteria, the position of the user (for instance section leader,
sheets,deliveryinstructions,computerdata,test reports,accidentreports,a l n c r , o r d r a u g h t s m a n ) t; h e d e s i g np h a s e( c o n c e p t u a l ,e m b o d i m e n t ,d e t a i l ) ;
also through 'asking questions'.Data collectionis an essentialelement t r p c o f d e s i g n ( o r i g i n a l d e s i g n , a d a p t i v ed e s i g n , v a r i a n t d e s i g n ) ; a n d t h e
problemsolving[2.1]. plcxity of the system to be developed (for instance plant, machine,
Information is processedby analysisand synthesis,the development :rnbly, component). The following stepsin the constructionof an information
solutionconcepts,calculation,experiment,the elaborationof layout drawin 'nr can be distinguished:
and also the evaluation of solutions. :tcrmination of the requirements;
Information is transmittedby means of drawings, reports, production do cntification of the sources;
ments etc. Quite often provision must also be made for the information to rllcction:
stored. rrssificationand processing;
Information conversion is usually a very complicated process. Thus, )l llge;
solution of various problems requires information of different type, content a : t ri c v a l ; a n d
range. Beyond that, in order to raise the level of information and improve it, rrnputerisation,if necessary.
mav be necessarvto reiterate certain steps. rcral information systems have already proved their practical usefulness.
To meet the growing demand for an optimal and rational flow of informati : rvc shall merely list a few important bibliographicalsourceson information
inside an enterprise, and also about its dealingswith the market, severalspeci d a t as y s t e m[s2 . 5 ,2 . 1 5 , 2 . 2 0 ,
i c a t i o n[ 2 . 6 , 2 . 2 I , 2 . 3 4 ]a n do n c o m p l e t e
procedures have been developed in recent years. Zimmermann [2.32] h
, .1.33].The most important conceptsof information theory are covered in
published a comprehensiveanalysisof these procedures,basedon 74 thesesa .l.l 300 and DIN 44 301 12.2,2.3).
206 bibliographicalentries. What matters above all is, by organisation t'onglusien,it must be stressedthat the ready availability of a wide range of
measuresand the appropriate techniques,to establisha quick and adequate
llrellcnsive and problem-oriented information is of the utmost importance in
of information between the various departments working on a particular tflrisn process12.261.The optimum and rational processingof information is
To that end various models have been developedfor processingwritten or tlr lrrcilitatedb y t h e s y s t e m a t i ca p p r o a c h .
informationto satisfya variety of needs12.221.
It is understandable
that t
researchwork should have been done initially for management systems.
recently this type of researchhas spread to engineeringsystems[2.15], since it
now recognised that technical developments in a particular industry depen
largely on the efficiency and range of its information system.
Useful criteria for evaluating the quality of information will be found in
They include:
-Reliability, that is, the probabilityof the informationbeingtrustworthyan
-Sharpness, that is, the precision and clarity of the information content.
-Volume and density, that is, the indication of the number of words a
pictures needed for the description of a system or process.
-Value, that is, the importance of the information to the recipient.
- Actuality, that is, an indication of the point in time when the information
be used.
-Form, that is, the distinction between graphic and alpha-numericdata.
- Originality, that is, an indication of whether or not the original character
the infbrmation must be preserved.
-Complexity, that is, the structure of, or sirnilaritybctwccn, inlirrntirt
s y m b o l sa n d i n f o r m a t i o n c l c r n c r t l s .u r r i t sr l r c o r n l l l c x c s ,
- l ) c g r c c o f r c f ' i n c r n c r ttl l.t i r t i s . l l t c t l r r i r r r l i tovl d c l i r i l i r r t l r c i n l i r n r r i r t i o n .
I r i er r c r a l p r o b l e m - s o l v i n g 39

3 The designprocess

__-: -
In the previous two chapterswe examinedthe
fundamentalson which design r=
work should be to best advantage.They form the basisof a l=
approachwhich the.built systemaic ta
practisingdesignercan foilow, regardlessof specialty, - ---
t O
t d

involve a variety of methods,someof which and

havestilf to be described. I

3.1 General problem solving l . l . G e n e r a lp r o b l e m - s o l v i n gp r o c e d u r e

virriant is selected. Because each step of the design process must be

):,::::*Tt "l:::-?!"",:',:y.: meth,odinvorves stepbv step tcd, evaluation servesas a check on progresstowards the objective.
it, weli:?1'T-:.rving
proceed from tie quatitati;,;;;;,";;",',l,oi,'i!, :isionsinvolve the following considerations(see Figure 3.2):
each new step being more concrete than
the last. lhc results of the previous step meet the objective, the next step can be
as theconversion
of information(see2.2.2).
lj,r:q:"*-* ::I 1."-:r"ydered
lrt::: ::* .1^y,',
is,"1, 11 "I it.9".o : n"r".nroi"'utiJ,il;;;;;;Ji;";;;;,";,'i
Thigher" e.iai,r'ffi ;; J;.,
"p " are incompatible with the objective the next step may not be
!v rvrrur4re"lfti;
to repear at a
the necessary improvement
has beei made.
conversionof informationprovidesdata not only
next for the
step, however small, but also throws fresh iight
"^lt"i:"r*l:"".1y on tr," fr"uious one.
The splitting of the designprocessinto stepsensures
. that the essentiallinks
be^tween objectives,planniig, implementation andchecking Repeat thestep
are maintained [ 3 . 1 ,
3.e]. 0 na n r g n e r
information level
With theselinks we can,following Krick
or::j:T:: [3.2] andpenny
[3.5], construct a
Every task invotves-,first.of atl, a confro";";;;;;f
il;;;;;iem with what is
already known. The intensity of this confrontation
depends on the designer,s Afolheresuts
knowledge, ability and expeiience, and ls a repetition
ol the
on the particular field inr r which In
vt rrrvrr he
rtu tis
J steplinancially
however, more-detailediniormarion
ol andpromising?
lliii"i;^t"^1t]:T:r; .rrv
about possibtesolutionprinciplesand about known
140\ rtJgtl, lhcobiccl
:?,lJ:::'Tl-il 0." isextre
of the requirements. "r"rrf "i ll.r;tffi i'i ;#; #.l:;
Nextcomes the definition of the essential problems
(the crux of the task) on a
mo^re.abstract plane, to.ut fix the objectives and chief constraints. Such
definitions, far from prejudging the issue, open the way to the untrammclrcd
search for solutions, including unconventional
is creTtjon,when
by variousmc.ns.nd
thcre mustalsr hc evuruution,
foll'wcd riy a deci;;itt,,
.n thc trrisisof wtrich Ooncrrldesirionprrrcctr
40 3 T h e d e s i g np r o c e s s Flow of work during the designprocess

- If repetition of the previous step (or if necessaryof severalprecedingsteps)is

financially viable and promises good results, the step must be repeated on a
higher information level. II
- If the answer to the previous question is no, the development must be -t

stopped. E
Even if the results of a particular step do not meet the objective, they might Clarify
thetask =:
neverthelessprove useful if the objective or the task were wholly or partly -9o

changed. -
This whole process, leading from confrontation through creation to decision,
must be repeated in each successive,increasinglyconcrete, phase of the design T
process. I
ldentily problems
essential '-
structures € --
Search principles
3.2 Flow of work during the designprocess Evaluate
criteria O

The main phasesinvolved are: .2

- Clarification of the task E

- Conceptual design O

- Embodiment design
- Detail design. Developpreliminary
Figure 3.3 shows this processstep by step. At every step, a decisionhas to be bestpreliminary
Select layouts E
criteria ;
made as to whether the next step can be taken or whether previous steps have E C

first to be repeated. Continuing right to the end only to discover that a serious E
. oq
mistake has been made at an earlier stage is somethingthat must be avoided at o E

all costs. o
E €
- E E
The obvious decision to stop a development that may not prove cost-effective E
(3.1) has not been included in the flow diagram. E
Clarification of the task 0plmiseandcompleteformdesigns O
This phase involves the collection of information about the requirements to be thepreliminary
l'rr:pare partslistandproducti0n
embodied in the solution and also about the constraints.
It is followed by the drawing up and elaboration of the detailed specification
list) (see4.2).

The conceptual design phase involves the establishment of function structures I rrr;t
t:;t;dt;lails .6

the searchfor suitable solution principles and their combinationinto co (,ompktlu rJclai andproduction
drawngs documents
variants. The conceptual designphase consistsof severalsteps (see 5.1) none {ilrtr;k;rlldocLtmenls
which may be skipped if the most promising solution concept is to be reached. I -6
the subsequentembodimentand detail designphasesit is extremelydifficult t
impossible to correct fundamental shortcomings of the concept. A successf
solution is more likely to spring from the choice of the most appropria
principles than from exaggerated concentration on the finer points. This clai
does not conflict with the fact that even the best principles may be frustratccl by
l a c k o f a t t e n t i o nt o d e t a i l .
Steprof thedcrignprrrcs
3 The design process A'
I Flow of work during the designprocess +J

The concept variants that have been eraborated

_ must now be evaluated.
variants that do not satisfy the demands of phase, much as the range of possible materials and the spatial requirements
the specification have to be
eliminated; the rest must be judged by the methodical irrl'luence the choice of a particular solution during the embodiment design
application of specific plurse.In general, however, the optimisation of the form designsand hence of
criteria. During this phase, the chief ciiteria are
of a technical nature, though
rough economic criteria have also begun to play part lhc manufacturing processes will begin to assume growing importance as
a (see 5.g). on the basisof
the evaluation the best solution concept can now e r r r b o d i m e npt r o c e e d s .
be selected. 'fhe
It mav be that severalconceptvarianis look equally promising, main phases of the design process cannot always be clearly delimited.
and that a final 'l
decisioncan only be reached on a more concrete hus even a conceptual decision may require a scale drawing for the purpose of
level. Moreover, various form
designsmay satisfy one and the same solution conceot. :ciding on possiblelayouts. Conversely,the preliminary layout selectedduring
hc embodiment design phase may involve nothing more than rough sketches
Embodiment design 3.31.Moreover, certain optimisations may be postponed until the detail design
D u r i n g t h i s p h a s e .t h e d e signer, itse. Such variations of the design process in no way detract from the value of
i starting from the concept, determinesthe lavout
and forms, and develops a technicai product o. ,yrt.- : general scheme.
i. l;igure 3.3 does not include models and prototypes becausethe information
technical and economic considerations(iee """;;l;;;'#,h
[3.7] and[3.g]). :y supply may be needed at any point in the design process and cannot
It is often necessaryto produce several layouts
to ,.ui" simultaneouslyor
successivelyin order to obtain more information :refore be fitted into any particular slot. In many cases,models and prototypes
about the advantagesand vc to be developed even during the conceptualphase, particularly when they
disadvantagesof the different variants and thus pave
the way for a technicaland
economic evaluation. : intended to clarify fundamental questionsin, say, the precisionengineering,
Frequently, the evaluation of individual variants may ctronics and mass production industries. In heavy engineering,on the other
lead to the selectionof rrd, if prototypes are needed at all, they must often be precededby a complete
one that looks particularly promising but which may
neverthelessbenefit from, rr through the detail design phase.
and be further improved by, incorporating ideas
and solutions from the others.
By appropriate combination and tire elimlnation It rnust also be stressedthat the execution oforders (1.1) need not be part of
of weak links, the best layout ' clesign process, especially not in the case of size ranges and modular
can then be obtained.
definitive layout provides a check of function, strength, rrrlucts,where electronic data processingcan help to reduce the work to a
, ..Thut spatial compati- tnple consultation of data banks. Apart from general layout drawings and
bility etc, and it is also at this stage, at the very latest,
that t*hefinancialviability 'rrrbly plans, no further design or drawing work is needed.
of the project must be assessed.
lrr (iuideline VDI 2222 [3.6) the designprocessis representedby a flow
Detail tlesign rrrm (Figure 3.4) which we have included here becauseof its visual impact
This is the phase of the design process in I rrlsofor purposesof comparison. On it, the embodiment designphase is not
which the arrangement, fbrm,
dimensions and surface prop".ties of all the tlrvicledto the same extent as it is in Figure 3.3 or as we shall be dividing it up
individual parts are finally laid ( ' l r i r p t e6r .
ooyn:.r1" m-aterialsspecified,the technical and
economic ieasibility re-checked ( )rr looking at Figure 3.3, and after reading about the methods described in
and all the drawings and other production documents
p.oau."Jl:.7, 3.g1.
It is important that the designershould not relax his vigilance lolkrwing chapters,the practising designermay well object that he lacks the
at this stage,lest ' to go through every one of the many steps. He should bear in mind that:
his ideasand plans be changedout of recognition. It
is a mistake to think that the
detail design poses subordinate problemJacking in rrrostof the stepshave to be taken in any case,albeit unconsciously,in which
importance or interest. As
we said earlier, the difficulties frequently arise from t ' ; r s cr r n f o r s e e nc o n s e q u e n c e m
s ay arise:
lack of attention to 6etail.
Quite often correctionsmustbe mioe ouringthisphaseand the prece<ling lltc rlcliberate step-by-step procedure, on the other hand, ensures that
steps notltirtg cssentialhas been overlooked or ignored, and is therefore indispens-
repeated'not so much with regardto the overallsolution,
as for the im-prove- tltlc in thc case of original designs;
ment of assembliesand components.
In the flow diagram (Figuie 3.3), the crucial activities In tlrc casc of adaptive designs, it is possible to resort to time-tested
are: rachcsancl to reservethe step-by-stepprocedure for speciallypromising
- Optimisation of the principle;
- Optimisation of the layout $cs I
and forms.
Theyinfluence each other and, as the figure shows, overlap thc dcsigncr is cxpcctccl to pnrducc bctlcr rcsults. then he must be given the
to a consicrcratrll
extent. It is obvious that important production criteria (such rt| timc tlrc systcmirtic
as maximunr sizc
production mcthods etc) can play a crucial rore hcconrcsmorc occuratcif thc ttcp-by-stcpnrcthodis followccl
c v c n c r u r i n gt h c c ' n c c p t

3 Thc dcsignProcess

trl EE Tasks 4 Product planning and clarificationof the task

-E a task
s4 m lunction
Subjunctions t0
Assignments are set not only by clients but increasingly, and especiallyin the
@ Selected

E blocks
building cuse of original designs, they originate in the special planning dipartments of
- to
eompanies.In that case,the designersare bound by the planning ideasof others.
-o Qsrn[tnstions
fulliltheoverall lrven then, however, the designer'sspecial skills wiil prove most useful in the

c0mbinati0n ltredium and long-term planning of products. The senior staff of the design
V Selected
dcpartment should therefore maintain close contacts not only with the produc-
- (r0ugh
Concept dimensioned
tion department, but also with the product planning department.
l'lanning can also be done by outside bodies, for instance by the authorities,
Solution bv planning committees etc.
- lay0ut
!irns65i6ned llcfore he takes the first step, by proceedingto the clarification of the task in
@ lnprouedla1oul hlrlcl' the designer should familiarise himself *itn tne principles and procedures
- aSSemDlles
Selected ol grroductplanning.

E Formdesrgn ol assemDlles
.l Product planning
A assemottes
NI FinallaYout
l.l Taskandprocedures
- ol components
Detail e l.rg 11commercial product can be designedthere has tobe aprocluctidea;thar
, rnt' lhat promisesto lead to technicallyand economicallyviable applications.
z\t ctrrcfing to Brankamp [4.2] and
[4.77], product planning is the systematic
rrrm documents
Plgiu6lion ttt h lirr. and selectionand development of, promising product ideas.In many
* lists.
oarts instructl0ns)
ldrawings. rIrrrrics,accordingly, the product planning department is expectedto follow
rlt'r'ckrpment of the product idea in the design and manufacturing depart-
Figure3.4.Flow diagramofthe designprocess'from [3'6] tr irncl to watch over its market behaviour. In this book we shall only be
rrrr witlr product planning in the narrower sense.while it is often left to the
irrg clircctor or other responsible individuals to develop and market the
Experiencehasshownthat'byandlarge,theresultsof.thestep-by- grrotlrrctat the right time, it is now increasinglyacceptedthat innovations
procedure compare favourably with those involved in the
tl bc systcmatically planned. A very important aspect of the systematic
approach. It is that it provides a better prediction of the timing and costs of a
i r t 'l ) r ( ) . l c c t .
r l i r t t u l u s l i r r i r p r o c l u c tp l a n c a n c o m e from outside or from within the
y , W c i r c c o r c l i n g l cy l i s t i n g u i s hb c t w c c n c x t c r n a l a n d i n t e r n a ls t i m u l i .

t t l l n d c c o l l o r n i co b s o l c s c c n c co l ' t h c c ( ) n l P a n y ' sp r o d u c t s ,i d c n t i l ' i c c l

by n drop in lurnoveri
4 P r o d u c t p l a n n i n g a n d c l a r i f i c a t i o n o f t h e task I I Product planning 4j

high flexibility in case of market fluctuations; and

-the discovery of new researchdata, proceduresor technologies;
high rates of profit and good liquidity.
market requirements;
- economic and political changes; and Market conditions, company objectives and company potential define the
-technical and economic superiority of competing products' rrrca in which the search for a new product can be usefully pursued. That area is
Internal stimuli include:
capacitY; Areaol
- drop in profitabilitY; potentialDevelopmenl Procurement Production Distribution
- n"* discoveries by the company research department; and lypeot
- introduction of new production methods'
Therehavebeennu-",ou,proposalsforasystematicandorganisedapproach Experience Experience Fvnpripnro Experience
involve the following
o - Developmentof Negotiationol - Procedure
,o pioOu", planning [4.4, 4.6, 4.i-, 4.I4,4.15] all of which D
and deliveryterms Preparation
- Customer
Inform- service
steps: properties - 0rganisational Materials - 0rganisational
-situation analysis and definition of company objectives; ation - Workingprinciples methods Dimensions melhods
-discovery of Product ideas; 0rgan
isational Purchasing organi- Precision Salesorganisation
meth0ds sation - 0rganisational Customer relations
-product selection; and Trademarkrights Contactswithsuppliers methods Sale
- product definition. - Patents - Materials,
bought- 0rgan isationai - Final
(I'2'3)' - Ltcences outparts
These steps are compatible with the general systems approach Resources
Structure etc
etc etc etc
Means of developmenl Property,Buildings Branches
4.1.2 Situationanalysisand definitionof companyobjectives

t acilities - Experimental
lields Means of transporl Infrastructure Equipment
are am - Testequipment Means ol production Means ol transport
Market analysisand clarificationof companypotentialand.objectives etc
etc etc etc
the most important first stepsof successfulproduct planning' ^.
Market analysisis first of all appliedto the turnover and profit situation. Research
statf Staff
gre Professional
staff Stafl
timely detection of profit shortfills and their correction are clearly of l'rtrson
nel Designers - Insidestaff Auxillary
stalf - Inside
impoitance.Next the analysisis extendedto the following external aspects: Draughtsmen - Outsidestalf 0utsidestaff
- socio-political and environmental requirements (including laws etc etc etc
- limits of growth; I lltance
- overall market develoPments;
- economic conditions; and
- technological develoPments. g r r r t ' - 1 .T1y. p e sa n da r e a so f a c o m p a n y 'pso t e n t i a la, f t e r
The accuracy of the analysis is impeded by:
- market fluctuations;
vr crrllcda searchfield 14.2,4.6].In the final determination of a searchfield. il
- decreasing life cycles of products; and
lr bc nssssary to take severaladditional factors into account (seeFigure 4.2).
-uncertain forecasts.
of Ic lroundariesof a searchfield depend strongly on the planning horizon-that
An important aspect of product planning over and above the analysis
| .n Ihc time scale (short-term or long-term) set for product planning.
externaliactors isitre anitysis of internal data, representedby the companv 'l'lrc approach underlies the procedural plan shown in Figure 4.3.
potential and its actual situation. The company potential charactertses
tverall capacityof an enterpriseto meet a demand.Kehrmann[4.6] and
surveyof the types and areasof a compa l..l l)iscovery of product ideas
[a.9]have-ud" u"nsive
potential (Figure 4.1)
Apart from data obtained from outside and inside the company'
pr f cru* ol productplanningis the systematic
searchfor newproductideas.
planning also calls for a clear definition of the company's objectives. )thodsol' discovcring ideasarc cssentially
mcthodsfor findingsolutionsas
in ('hlptcr 5, anclshoukl be buscdon thc gcncral*-ting method
objectives may include: fsribcd
- i i g t t m a r k e t g r o w t h a n d a g o o d s h a r eo f t h c m a r k c t : lurrcd in 2,2,1.
, 1 P r o c l u c tp l a n n i n g a n d c l a r i l i c a t i o n o f t h e t a s k Clarification ol' the task 49

for whicir solution ideas must first be elaborated'

Market measures
- Environmental
- Market
potential Financial
Salety policY
- Market
structure Fiscal
Factory - Customsagreements
- Standards - Market
Competition regulations
Export field

of search

- Aimsof enterprise Patent situatton

- Methods - Lilecyclesof Products - lnternationalrsatlon
- Materials - Costs,Protits - Population
- Education I r l r r r e4 . 3 . P r o d u c t p l a n n i n g
, Enterprise
Limitsof Potentlal develoPments
.1.1.5 Product definition
lr, last step of product planning, namely 'product definition', involves the
Fisure 4.2. External and internal
iniormation for the determination
rg,,t il'ication of the most important features and requirements of the final
of searchfields, atler [4.6] frr,rtluct.Such definitions or proposals are usually submitted to the company
lrr',1111 $efs1e they are acted upon. They are best presented in the form of a
rrrrrlrlified specification or requirements list (see 4.2) which must later be
4.1.4 Product selection , r r r p l c t e da n d e l a b o r a t e db y t h e d e s i g nd e p a r t m e n t .

The selection of promising product ideas is of great importance becauseof t

expenseof subsequentdevelopments.Such selectioncannot, of course,be mo
than rough and ready at this stage, when still relatively little is known about
impleme-ntation of ihe product idea or the properties of the- product to .2 Clarification of the task
develooed from it. Here, too, it may be advisableto make a feasibility st 'I'he
before beginning the search for a concrete solution' l. | importance of task clarification
With a great many product ideas it is advisableto make a selectionfor
t l es i g t t c r ' sw o r k s t i t r l sw i l l t i t p i r r t i c r r l r r r ' p r o b l c[r' n . v. c r vt a s ki n v o l v c sc c r t l r i n
purpose oT identifying t6or" product ideas that seem to fit in bcst with
I'url t t l t i t t l s t l u t t t t t i r vc l t i r n g cw i l h t i r r r c l r r r l r r r r r s hl c l r r l l y u r r d c r s t r l o ri l t h c
.o-puny'r or othei generalobjectives. This step should be followcd by a I t t t t t t ts r t l t t t i r l tits t o l t c l o t u t t l , l j r o n t l h c v c r y ( ) u l $ c l .t l r c i c t i r r c .t l r e t l r s k r n t r s l
evaluatitn (see 5.8) based on the technicalancl ccononriccritcriit l i s tcd
r l c l i t t c d i r s l u l l v i u t t l c l c i r r l yi t s p o r u i b l cf f r t h $ t u m p l i l ' i c i r l i o r r r ; r r rcrol r r c c l i o r r s
, 4.e]
:1.2Clarification of the task
50 ,l Product planning and clarificationof the task 51

To that 3. Standards and guidelines

during its subsequentelaborationcan be confinedto the most essential'
(requirements -
end, ind also as a basisfor subsequentdecisions,a specification International recommendations.
in -
list) [4.10,4.11]shouldalwaysbe drawnup and consulted.It is indispensable National standards.
- Expert advice.
the caseof originaldesigns.
The task is generally to the designor developmentdepartmentin
4. Future developments
one of the following forms:
-aSadevelopmentorder(fromoutsideorfromtheproductplanning -Allowing for changesin requirements ancl fashion.
- observing new projects so
department); as to determine the trends of technical and
definiteorder; or economic developments.
-asarequestbasedon,forinstance,suggestionsandcriticismbysales' - Developing ideas that best meet
research,test or assembiystaff, or originatingin the designdepartment once all the necessarydata have been collected, it is advisableto combine
or proposer on the one hand and them into a system basedon the establishedstepsof the designprocess.
Without closecontactbetweenthe client For that
the other, no optimum solution can l)urpose a general specification should be drawn up, namely, a more detailed
thosein chargeof the designdepartmenton
presented to the design department, often rcquirements list than the one supplied by the customer.
be expected6".u,,*" the pioblem, as
further data
does not contain all the necessaryinformation. A phase of
This phase must answer the following
collection must then be initiated. 4.2.2 The specification(requirementslist)
- What is the ProblemreallYabout? t Contents
- What implicit wishesand expectationsare involved?
Whcn preparing a detailed specification it is essential to state whether the
- Do the specifiedconstraintsactuallyexist?and
irrrlividualitems are demands or wishes.
- What paths are open for development?
formulation I)amands are requirementsthat must be met under all circumstances,in other
Fixed iolution ideas or concreteindicationsimplicit in the task $o1{5, requirements without whose fulfilment the solution is not acceptable(for
on the final outcome. Only the required function
often have an adverseeffect irrrtrrncesuch qualitative demands as 'suitable for tropical conditions', ,splash-
outputs and the task-specificconstraints should
with the appropriateinputs and prrol'' etc). Minimum demands must be formulated as such (for examole
For that purpose the following questions must be
be specifiedrigtrt at the start. l' ' 20 kW; L < 400 mm).
asked: ll'i,rftesare requirements that should be taken into considerationwhenever
possible,perhaps with the stipulation that they only warrant limited increasesin
- What proPertiesmust it have?and
r"t It is advisable to classify wishes as being of major, medium or minor
- What propertiesmust it not have?
eny geneial requirementsnot specifiedby the product planning
l ) ( ) r t a n c [e4 . 1 3 ] .
department' T lhc distinction between demands and wishes is also important at the
must be assessedin terms of information collected by the design ,rlrrirtionstage, sinceselection(see 5.6) dependson the fulfilment of demands,
that end, the following factors should be examined: rlt' L'vuluation (see 5.8) bears on only such variants as already meet the
l. Possible com7anY shortcomings l'r'crr bcfore a certain solution is adopted, a list of demandsand wishesshould
-Evaluationofenquiriestothesalesdepartment.Thisevaluationclarifiest rlurwr.rup and the quantitativeand qualitativeaspectstabulated.only then
customer'srequirements.Itisimportanttoevaluateenquiriesratherth I tlrt' resultinginformationbe adequate:
firmorders,whichalreadyrepresenttheselectionofaspecificproduct' ttrty: All data involving numbers and magnitudes,such as number of items
- Customers' comPlaints. rccluired, maximum weight, power output, throughput, volume flow
-Assembly and test reports. rittc ctc.
ity: All data involving permissiblevariationsor specialrequirementssuch
2. Stateof technologY ils watcrproof, corrosi<tnproof, shock proof etc.
G g u i r c n t c n t ss h o u l c l .i f p o s s i b l c ,b c q u a n t i f i c c la n c l ,i n a n y c a s e ,c l e f i n e di n
- ComPetitors' Programmes'
tcchnical jtltrrnitls ancl ntttlttt c l c s r c s t p t l s s i b l ct c r m s . S p c c i a l i n d i c u t i o n so l ' i n r p o r t i u r t i n f l u c n c c s .i n t c n -
- Acc<luntstlf sinrilitr stllutions in tcxtbotlks,
or procedurcsmuy llso be includcdin thc rpccificltion,which is thus an
- S t u c l Yt t l P a t c n t s '
52 4 Product planning and clarification of the task 1.2 Clarification ol the task 53

internal digest of all the demands and wishes expressed in the language of the crnphasismust always be entered in the specification,which will then reflect the
various departments involved in the design process. As a result, the specification progressof the project at any one time.
not only reflects the initial position but, since it is continually reviewed, also Responsibility for this work is vested in the chief designer. The updated
serves as an up-to-date working document. In addition it is a record that can, if specification should be circulated among all departments concerned with the
necessary,be presented to the board and the sales department so that they may tlevelopment of the product (management, sales,accounts, researchetc). The
make their objections known before the actual work is started. specificationcan only be changed or extended by decision of those in charge of
lhe overall project.
2 Format
3 Listing the requirements
For a recommended layout of a specification,see Figure 4.4.
As a rule designers have some difficulty in drawing up their first specification.
The format of the specification should be agreed with the company's standards
l:xperience, however, will greatly facilitate the compilation of subsequentones.
office so that it can be used, elaborated and adopted in as many departments as
It is useful to head all specificationswith a description of the overall task and
possible. Figure 4.4 is thus no more than a suggestionthat can, of course, be
some characteristicdata, for example'Induction motor, rating 63 kW,4-pole'.
modified at will. 'l'his
helps to convey some idea of the nature and scope of the problem.
Further data are collected with the help of a checklist reflecting the general
anclspecific objectives and constraints.By applying this checklist to the task in
hrrnd and then asking what questions he needs to have answered,the designer
rrrayelicit a most beneficial associationof ideas.
Franke [4.3] has drawn up a very detailed checklist,basedon a searchmatrix.
veor orooeily
Oblecl ('hccklists and questionnairesare particularly usefulif they cover no more than a
kl veand
lirnited field, if they do not date too quickly, and if they can be taken in at a
glirnce. In this book we shall deliberately refrain from presenting detailed
I necessry spil nloslb{yslems
(l!nclonsor assembles)
tlrrcstionnaires-it is our considered opinion that easily memorised checklists
of baseon checkihtheadings rrith regular headings will help the designerto hit upon the essentialquestions
;rrrlonatically, and without laborious aids.
Figure4.4. Layout of a 'I'lrc
first step in the clarification of the task is the elucidation of the necessary
Irrrtctionsand task-specificconstraints. This is done by reference to the follow-
trru lrcadings: geometry-kinematics-forces-energy-material-signals. The
lorrrbination of the relevant concepts produces a welcome redundancy and
Ircrrccan important check that nothing essentialhas been forgotten.
It may prove useful to draw up the specificationin order of sub-systems
I'lrc remaining general or task-specificconstraintscome under the headings
(functions or assemblies)where such can be identified, or else by checklist
frstcrfin 2.1.6 and must be taken into account time and again.
headings(see4.2.2.3).With establishedsolutions,in whichthe assembliesto ( )ncc the data have been gathered, they must be combined in a sensibleway.
developed or improved are already determined, the specificationmust 'lo
thlrt end, numbering of individual items may prove useful.
arranged in accordance with these-special design groups are usually put i
lrr thc light of the arguments advanced in this chapter, the following general
charge of the development of each assembly. With motor cars, for instance, t
Itcllrocl of compiling specificationscan now be recommended:
sp'ecificationcan be subdividedinto engine, transmissionand bodywork
velopment. ('onrpilc the requirements
In the case of essentialand also of less obvious reouirements it is extre l'ly attcntion to the main headingsof the checklist(Figure 4.5) and determine
useful to record the source of specific demands or wishes. It is then possible to l l t c c p r a n t i t a t i v ea n d t h e q u a l i t a t i v ed a t a .
back to the proposer and to enquire into his actual motives. This is partic Ask:
important when the question arises of whether or not the demands can Whlt objcctivcsmust thc solutionsatisfy'?
phangedin the light of subsequentdevelopments. Whlt propcrtics must it havc'/
Such change.rin, and additions to" the original task as might rcsult from Whutpropertics
mustit not havc?
b c t t c r u n d c r s t a n d i n g o f s o l u t i < l n p o s s i b i l i t i c so r f r o m p o s s i b l c c h t n g c s furthcr
Compile information
54 .l Product planning and clarificationol the task 55

Mainheadings Examples
VEPAG Specification
Geometry Size,height,breadth, spacerequirement,
length,diameter, arrangement,
number, PACKING
CO. for Sub-task: assemble
cartons Page:1
)hanges D Requirements Resp.
Kinematics Type
ofmotion, velocity,
direction acceleratl0n. W
Forces Direction magnitude
of force, of force, weight,
lrequency, load, stiff
detormation,ness, andgluel5 carlons/mln
elasticity, res0nance.
f0rces, ai?o ^f hn"^hr ^, I ca^ri^nc Smith
Energy 0utput, ventilati0n,
elficiency, pressure,
state, heating,
temperature, gr0up
500 x 500mm
cooling, storage. c0nve'si0n.
capacitV. 400 x 400mm
Material Flowandtransport
of materials. 450x 450mm (onlyl0%)
andchemical oltheint a andf nalproduct,
propertres auxl arymaterials, Probablelolerance:
t I mm
prescr als(toodregu
bedmater atl0nsetc).
Cardb0ard y Bll allowl0raul0malic
fedif mafual
sediOns (Project
leed'inln duecOurs€ conference
Signals Inputs lorrn,
andoutputs, control
display, equipment. lgi70)
, nu165
Satety protecti0n
Direct Operational
systems, andenvrronmental
Assembled placed
cartons 0n cofveyorbelt1yln0
0nlher base
Ergonomics Man-machine relationship,
typeol operation, height,
operating 0t layout,
clearness Heighl
0f convey0r
shape compatibility.
on FactoryI mitations,
maximum possible
dimensrons, pr0ducti0n
prelerred rnethods,
Carl0ns if anyol lhree
0l benq rem0ved
capable dlrect
means ofproduction, qualtyandtolerances,
achievable wastage.
0uality Possibilities andmeasuring,
oftesting application regulations
ofspecial andstandards.
Assembly installation,
Special foundatlons.
151121 Available bar
Transport dueto liftinggear,
LimitatiOns clearance,
means (height
0ftransport nature
andweight), r970
ol despatch.
required lheassembled
f0rcOuftlng cartons
0peration wear,
0uietness, special
area, (lorexample,
destinati0n sulphurous
atmosphere, conditi0ns). quick
Machine y m0veable

Maintenance (il any),inspecti0n,

Servicing exchange painting,
andrepatr, cleaning
Gluenq 0n leavngthemachine setandthecarl0ns ngthe
0l bear
Costs permissible
lvlaximum manufacturing
costs, investment
costoftools, anddeprecrati0n. lull load.

Schedu project
Enddateol development, planning
andc0ntro1, date.
Workng prnclple in Outpul
musla lowincrease c leedmechan
n withaul0mal
t0 30 carlors/m sm

F i g u r e4 . 5 .C h e c k l i sf to r d r a w i n gu p a s p e c i f i c a t i o n Maxm!mprodrcl
0nc0slsDl/ I 5000 (Pr0jecl min!l€s
c0r{cfcfcc 20i70)

End ol developmenl
Schedule: 311311971
Planfeddeliverydate 1l7 11911

- Specify demands and wishes clearly.

21,'1i71 ncw Ihsetln0limcls (Prolecl
fl0lmeI gluenqmach m f!les2ill P0nt2)
-If possible, rank wishes as being of major, medium or minor importance.
2. Arrange the requirements in clear order, as follows: lll/ I,'7l putchased
Gl!cing cOstD[/ 6000
-First define the main objective and the main characteristics; I )t'11 (induslria
wllh2 handcOftrol
can0fly bestafted
Opefation safety)
-then split into identifiable sub-systems, functions, assemblies etc, or in
8 )ttl Provide slop
accordancewith the main headings of the checklist.
3. Enter the specification on standard forms and circulate among interested
departments"licensees,directors etc.
4. Examine objections and amendments and, if necessary,incorporate them in
the specification. li'ol,nr'ri ,jsr/' r/

Once the task has been adequatelyclarified and the relevant departments itre
s a t i s f i e ctlh a t t h c l i s t e d r e q u i r e m e n t sa r e t e c h n i c a l l ya n c l c c o n o m i c i t l l yi t t t i t i I r g t r r e ' l , t t , l ' ; 1 1 l o ts I e c i t i c l t t r o r r l i r r i r ( ' i r t l o n ; r r s e t t t l r l t t t l r c l t i n c ' ( l ) c t t u r t t t l s / ) l l t tvteo t
I t ' t ' t r r r r t l i t; r t t . t l) ,
i r b l c . t h c w i t v i s c l c i r r l i l r t h c c o r t c c p t u u lc l c s i g nl t h i t s c .
56 ' 1 P r o c l u c tp l a n n i n g a n d c l a r i f i c a t i o n o f t h e t a s k

4 Examples Conceptualdesign
our first example concerns the subsidiary task 'assemble cartons' in the new
design of a packing machine (Figure 4.6). Quatitative and quantitative consid-
erations were taken into account, for instance on the specification of the
cardboard sections.A first change in the specification(15 December 1970)was
made following the discovery that, though the nominal rating of the compressed
air system was 8 bar, no more than 6 bar could be counted on with certainty.
closer study also showed that glueing would prove more costly than was Conceptual design is that part of the design process in which, by the identifica-
originally anticipated, so that the maximum costswere corrected on 29 January tion of the essential problems through abstraction, by the establishment of
I97I, the extra expenditure having first been approved. function structures and by the search for appropriate solution principles and
rn 5.2, Figure 5.2, and in 5.9, Figures 5.65 and 5.81, complete specifications their combination, the basic solution path is laid down through the elaboration
based on the above recommendationsare provided as further examples. of a solution concept.
From Figure 3.3 we can see that the conceptual phase is preceded by a
5 Further applications decision based on the following considerations:
- Has the task been clarified sufficiently to allow development of a solution in
Even when the design is not original and the solution principle as well as the the form of a design?
layout are fixed so that nothing more than adaptations or dimensional changes - Must further information about the task be acquired?
have to be made in a familiar area, orders should neverthelessbe executed on - Is it possible to reach the chosen objective within the given financial
the basis of specificationswhich can then take the form of printed forms or restrictions?
questionnaires.They should be constructed in such a way that information for -Is a conceptual elaboration really needed, or do known solutions permit
electronic data processing and quality control can be read off directly. As a direct progress to the embodiment and detail design phases?
result, specificationsbecome sourcesof information for direct action. - If the conceptual stage is indispensable, how and to what extent should it be
Beyond that, specifications once compiled, are an invaluabl e store of informa- developed on systematiclines?
tion about the required or desired properties of the product, and hence
extremely helpful for further developments, negotiationswith suppliersetc.
The examination of a specification during project conferences or before 5.1 Stepsof conceptualdesign
assessingvarious designs is an extremely useful procedure. All those involved
are put in possessionof all the available information and all salient evaluation According to the procedural plan outlined in 3.2, the conceptual design phase
criteria are brought home to them. succeedsthe clarification of the task. Figure 5.1 shows the steps involved; they
rrre correlated in such a way as to satisfy the general principles set out in 3.1.
The reasons for the individual steps have been examined in Chapter 3 and
nced not be further discussedhere. It should, however, be mentioned that
rcfinements of any one of the steps by reiteration on a higher information level
slrould be made whenever necessary.The loops involved have been omitted
lrom Figure 5.1 for the sake of greater clarity.
individual steps and the appropriate working methods will now be
c x u m i n e di n d e t a i l .

5.2 Abstracting to identify the essentialproblems

5.2.1Aim of abstraction
Solutionprinciplcsor dcsignsbasedon traditionalmethodsare unlikelyto
providc optimum ilnswcrswhcn ncw tcchnologics,
58 5 C o n c e p t u a lc l e s i g n 5 . 2 A b s t r a c t i n g t o i d e n t i f y t h e e s s e n t i a lp r o b l e m s 59

-to improve the sealing quality or to improve operational safety;

I -to
I reduce weight or to reduce the spacerequirement;
I -to lower costs;
I -to shorten delivery time; or
to identifv
the essentlal
Droblems -to improve production methods.
Definitiion New developments involving a proven solution principle, coupled to modifica-
Estab structures
- sublunctions
Overall II tions in production methods, are often imposed by the need to lower costs and
shorten delivery times.
I All the requirements listed above might have to be satisfied by the overall
Search princlples
for solution Creation
solution, but their importance may differ from case to case. Nevertheless,due
to fulfilthesubjunctions
regard must be paid to each of them, since any one is likely to provide the
impetus for the discovery of a new and better solution principle.
Combine principles
Once the crux of the task has been clarified to some extent, it becomesmuch
I lunctron
to fulfiltheovera
easierto formulate the overall task in terms of the essentialsub-problemsas they
Thus if, in the example we have mentioned, an improvement in the sealing
properties were the crucial requirement, new sealing systemswould have to be
variants lirund. This would mean studying the flow of fluids in narrow passagesand, from
the knowledge acquired, providing for better sealing properties, while also
Evaluate variants
concept against
and economic
criteria Check sirtisfyingthe other sub-problemswe have mentioned.
lf, on the other hand, cost reduction were the crucial point, then, after an
Decision rrrralysis of the cost structure, one would have to see whether the same physical
cllccts could be produced by the use of cheaper materials, by reducing the
I rrrrmberof components or by using a different manufacturing technique.
Figure5.1. Stepsof conceptual
design It is the identification of the crux of the task with the functional connections
rrrtdthe task-specificconstraintsthat throws up the essentialproblems for which
also new scientific discoveries, possibly in new combinations, hold the key to r o l u t i o n sh a v e t o b e f o u n d 1 5 . 1 6 .5 . 3 5 . 5 . 5 7 1 .
better solutions.
Every industry and every design office is a store of experiences as well as of
prejudices and conventions which, coupled to the wish to minimise risks, stand .q.2.2 Abstraction and problem formulation
in the way of better and more economic but unconventional solutions. In his
search for an optimum solution, the designer, far from allowing himself to be I lrc clarrification of the task with the help of a specification will have helped to
influenced by fixed or conventional ideas, must therefore examine very carefully lot rrs the designer's attention on the problems involved and will have greatly
whether novel and more suitable paths may not be open to him. To that end, he Ilt rcased his particular level of information. Elaborating the specificationmay
should have recourse to abstraction, which means ignoring what is particular or lhrrs be said to have prepared him for the next step. When he setsout to tackle
incidental and emphasising what is general and essential. Irr rrssignment,the designer has no ready solution, or only an inadequate one.
Such generalisation leads straight to the crux of the task. If it is properly )('l)cndingon his knowledge, experienceand familiarity with previous designs,
formulated, then the overall function and the essentialconstraints become clear ' lrrsk will be more or less new to him.
without in any way prejudicing the choice of a particular solution. llis first step is to analyse the specification in respect of the required function
As an example, consider the improvement of a labyrinth seal in accordance csscntial constraints. Roth [5.50] advisesthat the functional relationships
with a specification. In the abstracting approach, the crux of the task would not ttaincd in thc specificationbe formulated explicitly and arrangedin order of
so much be the design of a labyrinth seal as that of a shaft seal without physical
contact, due regard being paid to certain operating and spatiai constraints,and analysis,couplcdto a stcp-by-stcp abstraction,
w i l l r e v e a lt h e s e n e r a l
also to cost limits and delivery times. Specifically,the designerwould have ttl ask ;ts and cssentialfcaturcsof the follows:
h i m s e l fw h c t h e r t h e c r u x w a s : l. Eliminatcpcrsunalprcfercncct.
- 5 C o n c c P t u a ld c s i g n 6t
5 . 2 A b s t r a c t i n g t o i d e n t i f y t h e e s s e n t i a lp r o b l e r n s

Step2. Omit requirements that have no direct bearing on the function and the
Step3. Transform quantitative into qualitative data and reduce them to essen- Specification
tial statements.
Step 4. Generalise the results of the previous step. Fuelgauge

Step 5. Formulate the problem in solution-neutral terms.

Depending on either the nature of the task or the size of the specification, or
both, certain steps may be omitted.
Tabl'e 5.1 illustrates abstraction based on these steps using the specification
shown in Figure 5.2.The generalformulation makes it clear that, with respectto
the functional relationships, the problem is the measurement of quantities of V o l r m e : 2 0l16 0 l

Shape lied(rigid)
llxedor unspec
motor vehiclefuel gaugebasedon specification
Table5.1. Procedureduringabstraction:
givenin Figure5.2. D : sleelor p astlc
lo conta

Resultof stepsI and 2: D Topconnecliol
- V o l u m e s2: 0 I t o 1 6 0I D Sideconn€ct
- Shapeof container:fixed or unspecified(rigid)
H : 1 5 0m m - 6 0 0m m
- Top or side connection
- Height of container:150mm to 600 mm
- Distancebetweencontainerand indicator:I Om, 3m to 4m D D slancc ner10indcalor
- Petroland diesel,temperaturerange:-25"C to 65'C + 0 m ,3 m - 4 m
- Output of transmitter: unspecifiedsignal lm-20m
- Externalenergy:(DC at 6V, 12V, 24V, Variation-I5Vo to +257o)
2 C0nlenls,
- Output signalaccuracyat maximum+3Vc (togetherwith indicatorerror *5".)
- Responsesensitivity:\o/oof maximumsignaloutput Llquid range
operatln0 Sl0raqe
- Possibilityof signalcalibration Pelrol
0r diesel -25"C t0 +65'C -40'C l0 +100'C
- Minimum measurable content:3aloof maximumvalue 3 Signal,

Result of Step3 0ulput0f transmilter: slgfal(v0ltage

electrlc w th quantity
change chanqe)
0f energy:
DCal 6V,12V,24V
- Various volumes
- Various containershapes varatlon-15% Ia +25'k
- Various connections Oulput
al maxa3%
- Various contents(liquid levels) !2"/"
- Distancebetweencontainerand indicator:I Om
- Quantity of liquid varieswith time
- Unspecifiedsignal undernormal
c0ndllions leve v = cOnsl

- (with outsideenergy) ablel0 wllhsland

0l n0rmal
Res00nse ly: I % 0f maximum
sensitiv s gnal
Result of Step 4 0 5% 01maxmumoulput
- Various volumes S gfal unallected
byanqleol iquidsurtace
- Various containershapes Possb I ly ol signal
- Transmissionover variousdistances
- Measurecontinuouschangesin quantity of liquid
ol 14i5i19f3

Resultof Step5 (Problem formulation)

- Measurecontinuouslychangingquantitiesof liquid in containersof unspccificd
and shapeand indicatethe measurementsat variousdistances from thc conlitittc . p c c i l i c a t i o n r: r r o t o rv c h i c l c f u c l g l u g e
l ' r g u r c . 5 . 2S
62 5 Conceptualdesign 5 . 2 A b s t r a c t i n g t o i d e n t i f y t h e e s s e n t i a lp r o b l e m s 63

liquid, and that this is subject to the essentialconditions that the quantity of
2rd issue21
6,1973 liquid is changing continuously and that the liquid is in containers of unspecified
size and shape.
This analysis thus leads to a definition of the objective on an abstract plane,
without laying down any particular solution.

5.2.3 Systematic broadening of problem formulation

D Requirenents Bespansible
Changes W Once the crux of the task has been identified by correct problem formulation, a
step-by-stepenquiry must be initiated to discover if an extension of, or even a
Possibil withIu I c0ntaifer
ty of siOnacalibralion
change in, the original task might lead to promising solutions.
D Llinimum
measurable 3% 0l maxmumvalue
An excellent illustration of this procedure has been given by Krick [5.29]. The
task he used as an example was an improved method of filling, storing and
4 0peralinq
loading bags of animal feed. An analysisgave the situation shown in Figure 5.3.
D Forward on 1 l0m/s2
It would have been a grave mistake to begin immediately by thinking of possible
D Sideways
on t10m/s2
improvementsto the existing situation. By proceedingin this way one is likely to
0 tlpward 0n (vibrali0n)
acceleral up lo 30m/s2
ignore other, more useful and more economic solutions.
in l0MarddirectiOn
up lo 30m/s2
In principle, the following problem formulations are possible,each represent-
D FoMard
t ll up to 130"
ing a higher level of abstraction (broader formulation) than the last:
D Sideways
lill max45'
l. Filling, weighing, stitching and stacking bags of feed.
D Tankn0lpressrrised
.1. Transferrins feed from the mixins bin to stacked bass in the warehouse.
5 Testrequiremsnls

D SaltspraytestsfOrinsdeandoulside
l0 clefl s requremenls
D Pressure
testfof c0nlaiflef
6. Lifeexpeclancy
ly 0l conla
of -A B0
D 5 years
Lileexpeclancy ln respecl
0l corrOslOt
dueI0 cOflenls
empty Key
D l\.4ust
reg!lalions sacks c0 P Prepare
/ Product
Wagon L) | ransporl
S Tply To0lied 0 L:ld"lpre'L0.ldrner
\iia\ Q Process
on maintenance
8 Operat I Check
by nonspec
a isl
#lT:rql Vstore
0 lvuslbe repaceab
e andmant€nance

9. 0uantily

0l theadiuslable 0l them0stp0puar
lype5000/day type D Stackedsacks await
D takesthebagandloadsit onwagon
o ManA Iiftsempty
it underspout forfilling.
wagonis pushed
ioaoeO to warehouse.
cOsts< Dl\13 ManA f llsthesackbygravrty $
00 each
o manually controlling
therateof frow.
by menE andF.
firslissutol 14i311973 w ManA hands thebagto manB @
ManB checks theweghtandadds.orrem0ves
E r'raleil,i
wh(-.n necessaryto adjrsl 'heweighl Vv
- arestOred

t, lVlan
B hands
lhcbaqto manC. Bags areloadedonwaitinglruck,
Figure -5.2(continued) Q' twoo' tnree
al a trmebyfanolruck
c M;ur(l ftrlrl:;
lhclop0l lit0harl (jclrvrrrrtrr
llrorr r0 c0nsumer
l ' t g u r e5 , . 1 . P l c s c r r ln t c t l t ( x lo l l i l l i r r g ,s l o r i l t g ,n n t l l o n r l i r r gl r i r g ro l l i , c t l .r r l t er l 5 . J t ) l
5 Conceptualclesign 5 . 2 A b s t r a c t i n g t o i d e n t i f y t h e e s s e n t i a lp r o b l e m s 65

3. Transferringfeed from the mixing bin to bagson the delivery truck. the case under consideration, Formulation 8 must be rejected on technical,
4. Transferringfeed from the mixing bin to the deliverytruck. seasonaland meteorological grounds: the consumption of feed is not confined to
5. Transferringfeed from the mixing bin to a deliverysystem. harvest time; for various reasons the consumer will not want to store feed for a
6. Transferringfeed from the mixing bin to the consumer'sstoragebins. whole year; moreover, he may be reluctant to mix the required ingredients
7. Transferringfeed from ingredientbins to consumer's storagebins. himself. However, the transfer of feed on demand, for instance, with delivery
8. Transferringfeed ingredientsfrom their sourceto the consumer. trucks taking it directly from the mixing bin to the consumer's storage bin
Krick hasincorporatedsomeof theseformulationsin a diagram(Figure5.4). (Formulation 6), is more economical than intermediate storage in a warehouse
and the transport of smaller quantities in bags. In this connection, the reader
might recall the development in a different field which culminated in the delivery
StateA StateB of ready-mixed concrete direct to the building site in special vehicles.

B We have tried to show how comprehensive problem formulation on an

= N
E Feed
Stackedbagsol abstract plane opens the way for better solutions. This approach, furthermore,
leedin warehouse helps to raise the influence and responsibility of the engineer by giving him an
m i x i nbgi n
overview of the problem and thus involving him in, for instance,environmental
StateA B
State p r o t e c t i o na n d r e c y c l i n g .
rj 'ffi At this stage, at the very latest, all but genuine constraints ought to have been
E Feed Bagsof leed climinated. Unfortunately, fictitious constraints often continue to impede the
L bin
mixing loadedon designeror proposer, albeit unconsciously.Thus a solution of the feed-transfer
problem in accordance with Formulation 6 would have been impossible had the
State StateB cngineer concerned set himself the fictitious constraint that the transfer might
- E
Feed Feedin
only be made in bags.
Another example: technical staff of a company that has been exclusively
mixing c0nsumer's rnaking or using hydraulic control systemswill all too easily accept the fictitious
constraint that, in the future as in the past, all technical control problems must
State State
B hc solved on the hydraulic principle. This restriction only becomes a genuine
WFeed D
L,t/ eonstraint if it is decided, after due consideration and a deliberate decision, that
ingredients Feed
in the hydraulic control system must be retained, for instance in order to increase
at their consumer's tlre firm's turnover or in order to simplify storekeeping and maintenance
s0urce bins
Figure5.4.Alternativeformulations illustrating
of the feeddistribution_problem, In principle, all paths must be left open until such time as it becomes clear
progressively broaderformulationsof a problem,after[5'29] *'hich solution principle is the best. Thus the designer must question all the
A : initial state;B : final state t onstraints he is given and work out with the client or proposer whether or not
they should be retained as genuine restrictions.In addition, the designer must
It is characteristicof this approachthat the problem formulation is made as It,rrrnto discard fictitious constraints that he himself has come to accept, and to
broad as possiblein successivesteps. In other words, the current or obvious thrrt end ask critical questionsand test all his presuppositions.Here he may find
formulation is not acceptedat face value but broadenedsystematically, which rt useful to ask the questionswe mentioned in connectionwith the compilation of
may conflict with decisionsalreadytaken, but opensup new perspectives. Th thc specification, namely:
formulation 8 above is the broadest. the most general and the least circu What properties must the solution have?
cribed. What properties must the solution not have?
The crux of the task, in fact, is the transport of the correct quantity and quali Abstraction helps to identify fictitious constraints and to eliminate all but
of feed from the producer to the consumer and not, for instance, the licnuincrcstrictions.
method of closing or stacking bags, or moving them into the warehouse.With Wc shall concludc this section with a few useful examplesof abstractionand
broader formulation, solutions may appear that render the filling of bags a p r o b l c m l i r r t n u l a t i o n:
storing them in the warehouse unnecessarv l)o ntlt clcsigna gilritgc cloor, trut ltxrk lirr lnclrls of sccuringa garagein such a
H o w f a r t h i s p r o c c s so f a b s t r a c t i o ni s c < l n t i n u e dd c p c n d so n t h c c o n s t r a i n t s . wny that the cur is protcctcd from thievcs und thc wcitthcr,
5 Conceptualdesign 5 . 3 E , s t a b l i s h i n gf u n c t i o n s t r u c t u r e s

not design a keyed shaft, but look for the best way of connecting gear
wheel and shaft.
5.3.2 Breaking down into sub-functions
Do not design a packing machine, but look for the best way of despatching Depending on the complexity of the problem, the resulting overall function will
product safely or, if the constraints are genuine, of packing a pioduct in turn be more or less complex. By complexity we mean the relative lack of
Do not design a clamping device, but look ior u -"uns of keeping
the transparency of the relationships between inputs and outputs, the relative
workpiece firmly fixed. intricacy of the necessaryphysical processes,and the relatively large number of
From the above formulations-and this is very helpful for the next assembliesand components involved.
final formulation can be derived in a way that ioes not prejudice Just as a technical system can be divided into sub-systems and elements
the solution
and at the same time turns it into a function: (2.I.1), so a complex or overall function can be broken down into sub-functions
shaft without contact'-and not 'Design a labyrinth seal,. of lower complexity. The combination of individual sub-functionsresults in a
quantity of fluid continuously'-and noi .Guug" height of liquid function structure representing the overall function (see Figure 5.6).
with a float'.
out feed'-and not .Weieh feed in sacks'. Energy

5.3 Establishingfunctionstructures
5.3.1 Overall function
Accordingto 2'r.3, the requirements
determinethe function,that is, the
relationshipbetweenthe inputsand outputsof a plant,machineor
assembly. In
5.2we explainedthat problemformulaiionobtainedby abstraction
the same'Hence,oncethe crux of the overallproblemhasbeenformulated,
it is a functionstructureby breakingdownan overallfunction
Figure5.6. Establishing
possibleto indicate an overall function thai, based on the intosub-functions
flow of energy,
materialor signalscan,with the useof a block diagram,expressthe relationship
betweeninputs and outputs independentlyof thi solution.That relationship The object of breaking down complex functions is:
must be specifiedas preciselyas possible. - the determination of sub-functions facilitating the subsequent search for
In our exampleof a fuel gauge(Figure 5.2), quantitiesof liquid areintroduced solutions; and
into and removedfrom a container,and the p.bbl.m is to measureand - the combination of these sub-functions into a simple and unambiguous
the quantityof liquid found in the containerat any one time. The result, function structure.
in the
liquid system,is a flow of materialwith the funciion .storeliquid' The optimum method of breaking down an overall function-that is, the
and, in the
measuringsystem, a flow of signalswith the function ,measureand optimum number of sub-function levels and also the number of sub-functions
quantityof liquid'. The secondis the overallfunctionof the specific pcr level-is determined by the relative novelty of the problem and also by the
consideration,that is, the developmentof a fuel gauge(Figur" That overall rncthod used to search for a solution.
function can be divided into sub-functionsin a iurther stlp. In the case of original designs, neither the individual sub-functions nor their
rclationships are generally known. In that case, the search for, and establish-
System: Function: rrrcnt of, an optimum function structure constitute some of the most important

*LrJl|=. stcps of the conceptual design phase. In the case of adaptive designs,on the
othcr hand, the general structure with its assembliesand components is much
I Measuring
----_-- system
I t bcttcr known, so that a function structure can be obtained by the analysisof the
+ I lveasure
procluct to bc developed. Depending on the special demands of the specifica-
I- Quantity tion, that l'unction structure can be modified by the variation, addition or
t o r n i s s i o n o f i n c l i v i c l u a ls u b - f u n c t i o n st l r b y c h e r n g e si n t h e i r c o m b i n a t i o n .
Figure5.5.overall functionsof the systems
involvedin measuring
the contentsof a l"unction structurcs arc of grcat importuncc irt thc clcvcl<lpmcntof moclular
$ystcms, For ihis typc ol' vuriunt dcslgn, thc physical structurc-that is. thc
6u 5 conccptual
design 5 . 3 E s t a b l i s h i n gf u n c t i o n s t r u c t u r e s 69

assemblies and individualcomponentsused as buildingblocksand also their

relationships-must be reflectedin the function structuie. 5.3.3 Logical considerations
A further advantageof settingup a function structureis that it allowsa clear The logical analysis of functional relationships starts with the search for the
defin-itionof existingsub-systems oi of thoseto be newly developed,so that they cssential ones that must necessarily appear in a system if the overall problem is
can be dealt with separately. to be solved. It may equally well be the relationshipsbetween sub-functionsas
If existingassemblies can be assigneddirectlyas complexsub-functions, those between inputs and outputs of particular sub-functions.
the pV "
subdivisionof the function structurecan be discontinuedat a fairly high level Let us first of all look at the relationships between sub-functions'
of "'1
complexity.In the caseof new assembliesor thoserequiring fuithei As we pointed out in 2.1.3, certain sub-functions must be satisfied before
develop- 'if-then' rela-
ment,however,the divisioninto sub-functions of decreaiingclmplexitymustbe another sub-function can be meaningfully introduced. So-called
continueduntil the searchfor a solutionseemspromising.As a iesult, tionship helps to clarify this point: if sub-functionA is present, then sub-function
structuresmay savea greatdeal of time and money. B can come into effect, and so on. Often several sub-functions must all be
Apart from helpingin the searchfor a solution,functionstructures satisfied simultaneously before another sub-function can be put into effect. The
or their
sub-functionscan also b,eusedfor purposesof classification.Exampres co-ordination of sub-functions thus determines the structure of the energyl
'classifying are the
criteria'of classification
schemes(see5.4.3)and the subdivisionof material or signal conversion under consideration.Thus, during a test of tensile
designcatalogues. strength, the first sub-function-'load specimen'-must be satisfied before the
I.t may prove expedientnot only to set up task-specific 'measure deformation'-snn be de-
. functions,but alsoto other sub-functions-'measure force' and
elaboratethe function structure from geniraily viia sub-functions. ployed. The last two sub-functions,moreover, must be satisfiedsimultaneously.
The latter
recur in. technical systemsand may be helpful in the slarch Attention must be paid to consistency and order within the flow under
for a solution
inasmuchas they may lead to the discoveryof task-specific sub-functions consideration, and this is done by the unambiguous combination of the
5.3.3)or as designcatalogues may list sorutionsfor them.Figure5.7, whichis sub-functions.
Logical relationships,moreover, must also be establishedbetween the inputs
lundoutputs of a particular sub-function. In most casesthere are several inputs
Characteristic Generally
valid Explanations and outputs whose relationshipscan be treated like propositionsin two-valued
functions Symbols (l)/0utput
Input (0) logic (for example, true/untrue, yes/no,in/out, fulfilled/not fulfilled, present/not
present) and expressedby Boolean algebra.
Type Change *z- Typeand
outwardformol We distinguish between AND-functions, OR-functions and NOT-functions,
I and0 differ rrnd also between their combination into more complex NOR-functions (OR
--K- rvith NoT), NAND-functions (AND with NoT) and storagefunctions with the
Magnitude Vary l<0
*E- t>0
help of flip-flops [5.10, 5.38, 5.44]. All these are called logical functions.
In the caseof AND-functions, all signalson the input side must have the same
validity if a valid signal is to appear on the output side.
Number tE*
Connect --<: Numberofl>0
Numberofl<0 In the caseof OR-functions, one signalonly on the input side must be valid if a
valid signal is to appear on the output side.
-=- In the case of NOT-functions, the signal on the input side is negated so that
Place Channel Placeofll0
--tr] Placeoll:0 thc negated signal appearson the output side.
All these logical functions can be expressedby standard symbols.The logical
virlidity of any signal can be read off from the truth table shown in Figure 5.8, in
Time Store *KIF Timeofll0 which all the inputs are combined systematicallyto yield the relevant outputs.
I'lre Boolean equations have been added for the sake of completeness.Using
Figure 5.7. Generally valid functionsderived from the characteristicstype, magnitucie, Iogical functions it is possible to construct complex switchings and thus to
number, place and time in respectof the conversionof energy,material and
sigials incrcasc thc safety and reliability of control and communication systems.
Figurc -5.c.) shows two mechanical clutches with their characteristiclogical
basedon a suggestionby Krumhauer[5.30],on our own teachingexperience 'l'ltc
and luncti<lns. w r t r k i n g so f t h c c l u t c h o n t h c l c f t c a n b e r e p r e s e n t e db y a s i m p l e
on a numberof familiarproposals
15.26,5.44,5.50], givesa list<ifgenerally
valid A N I ) - l u n c t i o n ( s i g n a ln r u s tb c s c n t i l n ( l c l u t c l tc n g l g c c lb c f o r c t h c t t t r q u c c a n b e
functions. t r l n s r n i t t c d ) . ' l ' h c c t u t c l ro n t l r c r i g h t h a o b c c n s o c o n s t r u c t c dt h i t t , w h c n t h c

lo .5 Cionceptual design 5 . 3 E s t a b l i s h i n gf u n c t i o n s t r u c t u r c s 77

Designation ANDJunction 0RJunction N0TJunction operating signal is given, the clutch is disengagedso that X1 must be negative if
(Conjunction) (Dislunction) (Negation) the torque is to be transmitted. In other words, only X2 may be present or
positive if the desired effect is to be produced'
As our next example, we shall consider the catch mechanism of a car door
t7 A2
(Figure 5.10). Here, too, the logical relationship is a simple-AND-function,
b"iuur. the catch operating lever C can only be activated by the input force lc
/ l0 1 a c t i n go n t h e l e v e r A i f t h e l o c k i n g l e v e r B i s a t ' 1 ' . S h o u l d t h e s p e c i f i c a t i o n
table / T-lo
arge0ra y={2Ax1 y = x 1 ux 7 v.x
Figure 5.8. Logical functions 0 Baseplate
X i n d e p e n d e n t s t a t e m e n t( s i g n a l ) ;Y d e p e n d e n ts t a t e m e n t 'l 0 ' , ' 1 ' v a l u e o f s t a t e m e n t e, g E spring
'off', 'on' ot leverA
0 , 0 , c , 0 Working
F Force

r 1 . lnputforce
x2 of locking
Positron B
t; Positron leverC
of catchoperating

of thesystem

X t - 1 l o rF > 0
x 1 =0 l o rF : 0
y=x1A),7 'v = y' . 'n\ 'y' -/ X 2 -0 LeverB prevents rotation
^? of leverA
X ? - 1 Posltion ol leverB
allowsrotation of leverA
ol1 Y = 0 Doorcatchclosed
y . x1 A xt
Y - 1 DoorcatchoPen
l r i g r r r c5 . l ( ) . ( ' i r l c l rr r r c c h l r r r i sor rl rl r c u r t k x r t i t l l e t 1 5 .l f r l r v i t l rt t t c c h t t t t i s t tkti.l t c t l t l t t i t
F i g u r c 5 . 9 . l , o g i c a ll i r n c t i o r ro f t w o c l u t c h c s r l i i r g r l r r irr r t r lh r g i c l r l t t t t c l i r r tttt l t l t c s v s l c l t t
72 5 Conceptualdcsign
5 . 3 E s t a b l i s h i n qf u n c t i o n s t r u c t u r e s | _')

contain further demands affecting the logical connection, then the function
5.3.4 Physicalconsiderations
structure will grow correspondinglymore complex [5.16].
Figure 5.11 shows a logical system for monitoring the bearing lubrication Apart from logical considerations,the demands and wishes of the specification
system of a multi-bearing machine shaft involving AND- and OR-functions. also reflect the physical relationships of the conversion of energy, material and
Every bearing position is monitored for oil pressure and oil flow by a comparison signals. These must be represented by an appropriate function structure (see
of a specifiedor target value with the actual value. However, only one positive Figure5.12).
value for each bearing position is needed to allow the system to operate. ol {low:
Flowof energy
1 Bearing
2 Bearlng
3 Bearing
4 s anddirection
Pt v, Pt i) Pt v3 Pt vL
Figure5.12.Symbolsfor Mainlunction
in a
functionstructure iL i- - - l Auxiliary

It is useful to begin by establishingthe main flow of a structure,if clearly

present.Once a simple function structurewith its most important relationships
hasbeenfound, then it is mucheasier,in a furtherstep,to considerthe auxiliary
Figure5.11.Logicalfunctionsfor monitoringa bearinglubricationsystem.A positive l'lowswith their correspondingsub-functions,and also to proceedto a further
signalfor everybearing(oil present)sufficesto permit operation.Monitor pressurep; rrnalysis of complexsub-functions. At this point, it often helpsto envisagea
monitor oil flow V
lrreliminary solution concept for the simplified function structure without,
however,prejudicingthe final solution.
Fisures5.13and 5.14showthe functionstructureof a tensiletestinsmachine
Our examples make it clear that:
- Logical relationships are derived directly from the corresponding requi
ments of the problem (specification). Such requirements may conce Lload E

operation,safety,reliability or preventionof faults.They are determined

Specimen Specimen611o,r16
the constraintsof the system.
- It is helpful to inquire into the logicalcontentof demandsin the specificati c_

by meansof if-then' propositions. Sdeformation

- It is possibleto createthe prerequisitesfor different solutions.

- Experiencehas shownthat clarificationof the logicalrelationshipsfacilital
the searchfor solutions. F

- To decide whether or not a losical function structure mav help in the sea .t
for a solution, it is useful to estaLrlishwhich demands and wishes in t ,l
I M e a s u rl e
specification have logical contents. It is very important to determine whet to,
l'--l I deformationl-l-.-
these logical contents can be satisfied by logical functions with the
AND, OR and NOT relationships alone,or whetherthey mustbe combi fdeformation

into more complicatedsystems.Only in the lastcaseis it usuallynecessary men

Speci Specimen6rlo,rr6
examinethe logical relationshipsfurther.
- Logical structuresare evaluatedand optimisedwith thc help of Bot D
l ; i g u , r c . 5 . 1( 3
) v. c r l l l f u n c t i o n( a ) a n ds u b - f u n c t i o (nnsr a i nf u n c t i o n s()b ) o f a t e s t i n g
alsebra. mrchinc
14 5 C o n c e p t u a ld e s i g n 5.3 Establishins function structures 15

-auxrl E F,
SF tarqet --li ---------Ll[il': l*r
Dough Shaped
- ;-- !':'lru$1 Additives

I i- r----.i--L-qs--I
LLoad Changeenergy L_

s m0vement Dispense Separate Feedoul
o o @
L0a0 Fdelormation
Specimen specimen Waste V Waste

Figure 5.14. Completed function structure for the overall function set out in Figure 5.13

with a relativelycomplexflow of energy,materialand signals.In this type of

overall function, the function structure is built up step by step from sub-
functions,attentionat first beingfocussedon essentialmain functions.Thus, on
a first functional level, only suchsub-functionsare specifiedas directly satisfy
the required overall function. In addition, such complex sub-functionsas
'changeenergyinto force and movement'and 'load
specimen'are alsoformu-
latedat the start, becausethey help to establisha simplefunctionstructure.
In the problem under consideration,the energy and signalflows are of roughly
equivalent importance in the search for a solution, while the flow of material-
that is the exchange of specimens-is only essential for the holding function
which was added to Figure 5.14. Hence it is impossibleto specify just one main
flow. In Figure 5.14 an adjusting function for the load magnitudes and, at the
output of the system,the energy lost during the energy flow were added because
both clearly affect the design. The energy required to deform the specimen is
lost. Moreover, the auxiliary functions 'amplify measurements'and 'compare
target with actual values' proved indispensable for the adjustment of the energy
As a further example let us consider the function structure of a dough-shaping
machine used, for instance,in the manufacture of biscuits. To satisfy the ove
all function of this conversion of material in accordance with Figure 5.15
appropriate or necessarysub-functions of the main flow have to be found
The most important can be deduced, often without great difficulty, from t
technology or manufacturing techniques of the processinvolved-in this ca
the manufacture of confectionery. For the rest, the function structure can
completed by asking appropriate questions. Thus a negative answer to
question 'May the waste be mixed directly with new dough?' introduces t lrrgure5.1-5.Overallfunctionandfunctionstructurevariantsof a dough-shaping
necessarysub-function 'prepare'. The operation under consideration was fclu Ior the manufactureof biscuits(in respectof the mainflow only)
to involve seven sub-functionswhich could be combined into a number
variants.Fieure5.15showsfurtherhow severalfunctions tlcsigrr. As an cxample. let us consider the function structure of a potato
be fused together to provide what are often simple and economic solutions. I t l t r v c s t i t t gt r r i t c h i n c .F i g u r c . 5 . 1 6 as h o w s t h e o v e r a l l f u n c t i o n a n d t h e f u n c t i o n
T h e r e a r e , h o w e v e r ,s o m ep r o b l e m si n w h i c h v a r i a t i o no f t h c m a i n f l o w t l r u c t u r c b i t s c do n t l t c l ' l o wo l ' n t i r t c r i a l( t h c m a i n f l o w ) a n c lt h e a u x i l i a r yf l o w s o f
c i r n n o t l c a c lt o i t s o l u t i < t nh c c a u s ca u x i l i a r y f l < l w sh a v c a c r u c i i t l b c i r r i n qo n t c l l c r g y a n d s i g n i t l s .I n F i g u r c . 5 , l 6 / ) .b y c o r n p a r i x r t t .l h c l u r r c t i o ns t r u c t r r r ei s
76 5 C o n c e P t u a ld e s i g n - 5 . 3E s t a b l i s h i n gf u n c t i o n s t r u c t u r e s 71

Potatoes Tasks
of valid
potatoes System
system SubJunctions N0. Generally
Reject elements luncti
Soil, Iakeup FandS Accept
input Channel

Turn -L* torque
1 energy
( Passliquid Vary Connectflowof
h\ llow ? signals

t Std.S."-t
_l seal
fl It II 3
Locatespindle , liquid ofmaterial(stop)
rn Beari
ng tl
heground bush Channel Channelflow
radially - I f* t,
J Reject - l-11J--tiouio of material
Coarse bush
andspindle lll*,"* 5
ol energy
Fineparticles Pass
n Housi
liquid I tl
Supporl -lrt t , r z # n z
Potatoes IT lff1'---!Ei.n
spindle I
Threaded axially
and + l i r|l
| f'ril i"-
beannq radially
Provide ptrrrr,rl
on sealing
bush i
L--.- -- -t
I :igure5.17. Analysisof a flow control valvein respectof its functionstructure
Figure5.16.(a) Functionstructureof a potatoharvesting
diagramwith generallyvalidfunctionsbasedon Figure5.7
(b) For comparison:
The function structure examined in Section5.9 shows clearly that the study of
Irrnction structures may prove extremely useful, even after the physical effect
represented by means of generally valid functions, to emphasise the clear lrrs been selected, in determining the behaviour of the system at a very early
',trrgeof its development, and hence in identifying the
interrelationship of the different flows. When generally valid functions are used, structurethat best suits the
the separation into sub-functions is as a rule more pronounced than it is in the problem under consideration.
case of task-specific sub-functions. Thus, in the present example, the sub'
'connect energ,y
function 'separate' is replaced with the generally valid functions .5.-1.5Practical usesof function structures
with material mix'and'separate material mix' (the reverse of
Our next example is meant to illustrate the derivation of function structures \\'hcn cstablishingfunction structures,we must distinguishbetween original and
the analysisof existing systems.This method is particularly suitable f .rtLrptivcclcsigns.In the caseof original designs,the basisof a function structure
developments in which at least one solution with the appropriate functit rs tlrc .r7.rcci/'it'ution and the abstract .formulation of the problem. Among the
structure is known, and the main problem is the discovery of better solutit r l ( ' l l l i t r l ( lisr t t c lw i s h c s ,w c a r e a b l e t o i d e n t i f y f u n c t i o n a lr e l a t i o n s h i p so, r a t l e a s t
Figure 5.17 shows the stepsused in the analysisof a flow control valve (a typi l l t c s t t b - l t t t t c l i r l t si r l t h c i n p u t sa n c lo u t p r . r t os f a f u n c t i o n s t r u c t u r e .I t i s h e l p f u l t o
on-off switch). showins the individual tasks of the various elements itn(l I \ r r l t c ( ) t l ll h c l t r r t c l i o r r r lc l i r l i r l n s h i pi rsr i s i r r lgr o n r t h c s p c c i f i c a t i oinn t h c f o r m o f
s u b - f u n c t i o n ss u t i s f i c c lb v t h e s v s t e m . F r o m t h e s u b - f u n c t i o n s ,t h c t t t t t c t i r t ' t t t c t l c c si t t t t l t o i r r n u l l . l ct l t c s c i n l l t c r l r t l e ro l t l r c i r l r n l i c i l t i r t c ci rl n p < l r t i r n c<cl r i n
s t r u c t u r cc i r n l r c t l c r i v c c l r n c lt h c n v a r i c c lf o r p u r p o s c so l i t t t P r o v i n gt h e p r r l t l r r l n c o l l l c r k r g i c i r lo t t l c r ' ,
78 5 Conccptual dcsign 5 . 3 E s t a b l i s h i n gf u n c t i o n s t r u c t u r e s

In the case of adaptive designs, the starting point is the function structure of -Varying energy components-for instance,amplifying torque.
the existingsolution obtained by the analysis of the elements. It helps to develop - Connecting energy with a signal-for instance,switchingon electricalenergy.
variants so as to open the path for other solutions, for subsequentoptimisation - Channelling energy-for instance, transferring power.
and to develop modular products. The identification of functional relationships - Storing energy-for instance, storing kinetic energy.
can be facilitated by asking the right questions. Conversion of material:
In modular systems, the function structure has a decisive influence on the -Changing matter-for instance, liquefying a gas.
modules and their arrangement. Here, the function structure and that of the -Varying material dimensions-for instance,rolling sheet metal.
assembly is affected not only by functional considerations, but also, and -Connecting matter with energy-for instance,moving parts.
increasinglyso, by manufacturing needs. - Connecting matter with signal-for instance,cutting off steam.
Anyone setting up a function structure ought to bear the following points in -connecting materials of different type-for instance, mixing or separating
mind: materials.
1. First derive a rough function structure with a few sub-functions from what - Channelling material-for instance, mining coal.
functional relationships you can identify in the specification, and then break this -Storing material-for instance, keeping grain in a silo.
rough structure down, step by step, by the resolution of complex sub-functions. C o n v e r s i o no l s i g n a l s :
This is much simpler than starting out with more complicated structures. In -Changing signals-for instance, changing a mechanical into an electrical
certain circumstances, it may be helpful to substitute a first solution concept fot signal, or a continuous into an intermittent signal.
the rough structure and then, by analysisof that first concept, to derive other -Varying signal magnitudes-for instance,increasinga signal'samplitude.
important sub-functions. It is also possible to begin with sub-functionswhose -Connecting signalswith energy-for instance,amplifying measurements.
inputs and outputs cross the assumedsystem boundary. From these we can then - Connecting signalswith matter-for instance,marking materials.
determine the inputs and outputs for the neighbouringfunctions, in other words, - Connecting signals with signals-for instance, comparing target values with
work from the system boundary inwards. actual values.
2. If no clear relationship between the sub-functions can be identified, the - Channelling signals-for instance, transferring data.
searchfor a first solution principle may, under certain circumstances,be based -Storing signals-for instance, in data banks.
on the mere enumeration of important sub-functions without logical or physical 6. From a rough structure, or from a function structure obtained by the analysis
relationships,but if possible, arranged in order of increasingcomplexity. trf known systems, it is possible to derive further variants and hence to optimise
3. Logical relationships may lead to function structures through which the the solution, by:
logical elementsof various working principles (mechanical,electricaletc) can be -Breaking down or combining individual sub-functions;
anticipated. - Changing the arrangement of individual sub-functions;
4. Function structures are not complete unless the existing or expected flow of - Changing the type of switching used (series switching, parallel switching or
energy, material and signalscan be specified. bridge switching); and by making
Nevertheless,it is useful to begin by focussingattention on the main flow Shifts in the system boundary.
because,as a rule, it determinesthe designand is more easilyderivedfrom the Because varying the function structure introduces distinct solutions, the
requirements.The auxiliaryflows then help in the further elaborationof the sctting up of function structures constitutes a first step in the search for
design, in coping with faults, and in dealing with problems of power transmi solutions.
sion, control etc. The completefunction structure,comprisingall flows and thei / Function structures should be kept as simple as possible, so as to lead to
relationships,can be obtained by iteration, that is, by looking first for t sirnple and economical solutions. To this end, it is also advisableto aim at the
structureof the main flow, completing that structureby taking the auxili ( ()rnbination of functions for the purpose of obtaining integrated function
flows into account, and then establishing the overall structure. ( lrrriers.There are, however, some problems in which discretefunctionsmust be
5. In settingup function structuresit is helpful to know that, in the conversion ;rssignedto discrete function carriers, for instance, when the requirements
energy,material and signals,severalsub-functionsrecur in most structures rlcrnandseparation, or when there is a need for extreme loading and quality. In
should therefore be introduced first. Essentiallv. these are the senerally tltis conncction, the reader is referred to our discussionof the division of tasks
functions of Figure 5.'7, and they can prove extremely helpful in the search ( s c c( r . 4 . 2 ) .
task-specificfunctions. ti. f n tlrc scitrch lilr it solution, nonc l'tvl ltronti:;ittgJunc'tion structuresshould be
C o n v e r s i o no f e n e r g y : t t t l r o t l t r c c r l ,l i r r w h i c h p u r p o s c i t s c l e < ' l i t t tl tt r u t c a d r r r a( s c c . 5 . ( r ) s h < l u l c lb c
- C h a n g i n g c n c r g y - f o r i n s t a n c e ,e l e c t r i c a li n t o m c c h i t n i c a cl n e r g y . c t t t p k r y c d .c v c l r a l t h i s c i r r l y s t a g c .
u0 5 Conceptualdesigrr 5.3 Establishingfunction structurcs 81

I + t
H H t

-;ril h1
{fl -11:j
lE= | I

H H H l--r


* 9{>

E >t?
E .9p o="=!* .. s:-- E::E
E Eo : 93 = e 3=.=; I F-.',8 -= - 3 H €
= = o . e . =

'''_ !
E 9o >* q a g-= E: x j4 -
.qo c -5 5
e A a = " ' - F
E gI I n . = E ts c;:: - fl 6 Er-cI?>
E > € a Ee
6 Y.YE=
.=;..= = E =5x5EFS E
- . rO
_ = -u E= ; R
c o -9-

2: o-E i 6RE ts - 'i

35 3 3.- E ggE€;:F \

5T oI !=
& >:..o:h
q = 6 * a

j^9 6

= hi 6:
=! = =

q @tLd

Figure 5. 1ll. Dcve krpment of a function structure for a fuel gaugc S l c p - b y - s t c pt t c v c l o p r r r c r sr tt i r r t i r r gl l . o r l t h c p r o b l c r nl i r l r r r u l i r t i o n

82 5 Conceptualdesign 5 . 4 S e a r c h i n gf o r s o l u t i o n p r i n c i p l e s

9. For the representation of function structures it is best to use the simple and It should be emphasisedthat the step we are now discussingis intended to lead
informative symbols shown in Figure 5.12, supplemented with task-specific to several solution variants (a solution field). A solution field can be constructed
verbal clarifications. by variation of the physical effects and of the form design features. Moreover, to
Function structures are intended to facilitate the discovery of solutions: they satisfy a particular sub-function, several physical effects may be involved in one
are not ends in themselves.It dependsvery much on the novelty of the task and o r s e v e r a lf u n c t i o n c a r r i e r s .
the experience of the designer to what degree he will develop them. The following aids and methods are useful in the search for solutions, not only
Moreover, it should be remembered that function structures are seldom during the conceptual design phase, but also during the embodiment design
completely free of physical or formal presuppositions, which means that the phase that follows. An attempted solution based on conventional aids may, if
number of possible solutions is inevitably restricted to some extent. Hence it is necessary,be developed further by methods with an intuitive or a discursive
perfectly legitimate to conceive a preliminary solution and then to develop and bias.
complete the function structure and its variants by working through the process If, in what follows, we distinguish between conventional aids and methods
as many times as necessary. with an intuitive or discursive bias, we do so for purely didactic and systematic
Let us return to the example of the fuel gauge(5.2.2). Figure 5.18 shows the reasons.The different approachesdo not exclude and, indeed, often comple-
development and variation of a function structure in accordance with the ment, one another. Which precise path should be followed in individual cases
suggestionspresented in this section. depends on the problem, the state of information and the nature of the
The flow of signals has been treated as the main flow. Associated sub- preliminary work.
functions are developed in two steps. Since the specification also provides for
measurementsin containers of different sizes,holding varying initial quantities
of liquid, an adjustment of the signal to the respectivesize of the container is 5.4.1 Conventionalaids
expedient, and is accordinglyintroduced as an auxiliary function. Measurements I Literature search
in containers of various unspecified shapes will, in certain circumstances,
demand the correction of the signalas another auxiliary function. The measuring I'or the designer, up-to-date technological data provide a wealth of important
operation may require a supply of external energy, which must then be information. Such data can be found in textbooks and technical journals, in
introduced as a further flow. Finally, consider the system boundary. If existing Patent files and in brochures published by competitors. They provide a most
indicating instruments are to be used, the device will have to emit an electric rrsefulsurvey of known solution possibilities.Increasingly,this type of informa-
output signal. If they are not, then the sub-functions 'channel signal' and tion is fed into computer data banks and stored for future use.
signal' must be included in the search for the solution. An important
sub-function that must be satisfiedfirst, and on the working principle of which 2 Analysis of natural systems
the others clearly depend, is 'receive signal'. The solution to this will largely
l lrc study of natural forms, structures,organismsand processescan lead to very
decide to what extent individual sub-functionscan be chansed round or omitted.
rrscful and novel technical solutions. The connections between biology and
tt'chnology are investigatedby bionics and biomechanics.Nature can stimulate
tlrc creative imagination of the designer in a host of different ways
I'cchnical applications of the design principles of natural forms include
5.4 Searching for solution principles to fulfil the lr{lrtweight structures employing honeycombs,tubes and rods, and the profiles
sub-functions ,rl ircroplanes, ships etc. Of great importance are lightweight structuresin the
Irrr'111 ,r1 thin stems (Figure 5.19). Another technical application is sandwich
Solution principles have to be found for the various sub-functionsand t t'ottstruction.Figure 5.20 shows a few derivations of the natural principles that
principles must eventually be combined. A solution principle must reflect t
lrrrvcprovcd useful in the building of aircraft.
physical effect needed for the fulfilment of a given function and also its 'l'ltc
ho<lksttf a burr provided the solution incorporated in the Velcro fastener
design features (2.1.5). In many cases,however, it is not necessaryto look ( l ; i g u r c s. 5 . 2 1a n c l- 5 . 2 2 ) .
special physical effects, the form design being the sole problem. Moreover,
the search for a solution it is often difficult to make a clear mental distincti
Anulysisof existingtechnicalsystems
between the physical effect and the form design features. Theoretical i ..1
a b o u t t h c n a t u r c a n c lf o r m o f t h e f u n c t i o n c a r r i e r sa r c u s u a l l yp r e s c n t c db y anitlysisof cxisting tcchnical systcm$is onc of thc rnost irnportant mcans of
o l d i a g r a n t so r I r c c h i r n d s k c t c h c s . ncwor improvcdsolutionvrrlrnb rtcp by titcp.
u4 -5 ('onceptual design 5 . J S c r r c h i n gI o r s o l u l i o np r i n c i p l e s 85


F i g u r e5 . 1 9 .W a l l o f a w h e a t s t e m [ 5 . 2 1 ]

+ Transverse
direction F i g u r e5 . 2 1 .H o o k so f a b u r r .a f t e r[ 5 . 2 1 1 Figure -5.22.Velcro fastener,after [5.21]

ill .YY)
tt ll
ttl /)Yil identification of the physical effects involved which, in turn, might have
suggestednew solutions principles for corresponding sub-functions.It is also
lil \,2\./\,/o,
)\ \\))
possibleto adopt solution principles discoveredduring the analysis.


Existing systemsused for analysismight include:
- Products or methods of competing companies.
- Older products and methods of one's own company.


lll'il w\ry
L A -T-J- a - Similar products or assembliesin which several sub-functionsor parts of the
function structure correspond with those for which a solution is being sought.

Layeflng Extruded Layeflng
Becausethe only systemsto be analysedare those having some bearing on the
ncw problem as a whole or on parts of it, we may call this method the systematic
cxploitation of proven ideas, or of experience.It will prove particularly helpful
n0neyc0m0 irr finding a first solution concept as a starting point for further variations. It
rrrust,however, be said that this approach carries the danger of causing the
tlcsigner to stick with known solutions instead of pursuing new paths.

{ Analcgies
l n the search for solutions and in the analysis of system properties it is often
rrscl'ul to substitute an analogous problem (or system) for the one under
considcration, and to treat it as a model. In technical systems,analogiesmay be
Figure 5.20. Sandwichconstructionfor lightweight structures[5.22]
o l r t r r i n e d ,f o r i n s t a n c e , b y c h a n g i n g t h e t y p e o f e n e r g y u s e d [ 5 . 4 , 5 . 5 2 ] .
(a) A few honeycomb structures(b) Completed honeycombstructure (c) Sandwichbox
girder Artirkrgieschosen from the non-technicalsphere may prove very useful as well
( s c c. 5 . 4 . 1 . 2 ) .
This analysis involves the mental or even physical dissection of fin llcsiclcshclping in the searchfor a solution, analogiesare also most helpful in
products. It may be considereda form of structure analysis(2.2.I) aimed at t tlrc stuclyttl' thc l'rclritviourof a systcm ch.rringan early stage of its development
discoveryof related logical, physicaland form designfeatures.Figure -5.17sht h y l t t c i t n s< t l ' s i t t t u l i t t i oann c lr n o c l c lt c c h n i t l u c s i,r n c li n t h c s u b s c q u e n itd e n t i f i c a -
a n c x a m p l c o f t h i s t y p e o f a n a l y s i s .H e r e , s u b - f u n c t i o n sw c r c d c r i v c c lf r o m l i o n t t l ' c s s c t t t i i t ln c w s u b - s o l u t i o n su n c l / t t rt h c i r r t r t x l u c t i o no l ' c a r l y o p t i m i s a -
c x i s t i n g c o n l ' i g u r l l i ( ) n , I i r o m t h c r n , f u r t h c r i t n i l l y s i sw o u l d h i t v c l c d t o Iton$,
fl(r 5 Conceptualclcsign 5 . 4 S e a r c h i n gf o r s o l u t i o n p r i n c i p l e s 87

If the model is to be uppii.O to systemsof markedly different dimensionsand - Because of inadequate information, new technologies or procedures may fail
conditions, a supportive similarity (dimensional) analysisshould be undertaken to reach the designer'sconsciousness.
( s e e7 . 1 . 1 ) . These dangersincreasewith specialisation,the division of tasks and with time
There are several methods of encouraging intuition and opening new paths by
5 Measurements and model tests the association of ideas. The simplest and most common of these involves critical
Measurements on existing systems, model tests supported by similarity analysis discussionswith colleagues.Provided that such discussionsare not allowed to
and other experimental studies are among the designer'smost important sources stray too far and are based on the general methods of persistent questions,
o f i n f o r m a t i o n [ 5 . 2 ] . R o d e n a c k e r [ 5 . a 3 ] i n p a r t i c u l a r l a y s g r e a t s t r e s so n t h e negation, forward steps etc (2.2.1), they can be very effective and helpful.
Methods with an intuitive bias such as brainstorming, synectics,the Delphi
importance of experimental studies, arguing that design can be interpreted as
the reversal of physical experiment. method, Method 635 and many others involve group-participationtechniquesto
In the precision engineering and mass production industries, experimental generate the widest possible range of ideas.
investigationsare an important and establishedmeans of arriving at solutions. Most of these techniques were originally devised for the solution of non-
This approach has organisational repercussionssince, in the creation of such technical problems. They are, however, applicable to any field that demands
products, experimental development is often incorporated within the design new. unconventional ideas.
a c t i v i t y( 1 . 1 . 1 ) .
I Brainstorming

5.4.2 Methodswith an intuitive bias Brainstorming can be describedas a method of generatinga flood of new ideas.
It was originally suggestedby Osborn [5.34] and provides conditions in which a
The designer often seeks and discovers the solution for a difficult problem by group of open-minded people from as many different spheres of life as possible
intuition-that is, the solution comes to him in a flash after a period of search bring up any thoughts that occur to them and thus trigger off new ideas in the
and reflection. As ProfessorJohn Galtung of the International PeaceResearch minds of the other participants [5.63]. Brainstorming relies strongly on stimula-
Institute in Oslo has put it: 'The good idea is not discoveredor undiscovered;it tion of the memory and on the association of ideas that have never been
comes,it happens'. It is then developed, modified and amended, until suchtime considered in the current context or have never been allowed to reach
as it leads to the solution of the problem. consciousness.
Good ideas are always scrutinisedby the subconsciousor preconsciousin the For maximum effect, brainstorming sessionsshould be run on the followins
light of expert knowledge, experienceand the task in hand, and often the simple lines:
impetus resulting from the association of ideas suffices to force them into
consciousness.That impetus can also come from apparently unconnected Composition of the group
external eventsor discussions.Frequently, the designer'ssudden idea will hit the - The group should have a leader and consist of a minimum of five and a
bull's eye, so that all he need do is to make changesor adaptations that lead maximum of 15 people. Fewer than five constitute too small a spectrum of
straight to the final solution. If that is, indeed, the caseand a successfulproduct opinion and experience, and hence produce too few stimuli. With more than
is created,then the designerhas followed an optimum procedure and can rightly 15, close collaboration may decline because of individual passivity and
be satisfied. Very many good solutions are born in that way and successfully withdrawal.
developed. A good design method, far from trying to eliminate this process The group must not be confined to experts.It is important that as many fields
should rather serve to back it uo. and activities as possibleare represented,the involvement of laymen adding a
An industrial concern should neverthelessbeware of exclusiverelianceon t rich new dimension.
intuition of its designers,nor should the designersthemselvesleave everythi The group should not be hierarchicallystructured but, if possible,made up of
to chance or rare inspirations. Purely intuitive methods have the followi cqr.ralsto prevent the censoring of such t'houghts as might give offence to
disadvantages: s u p c r i o r so r s u h o r t l i n a t e s .
-The right idea does not always come at the right time, since it cannot
forced. I tudershilt rt.l'thc grotrlt
- C u r r c n t c o n v c n t i o n sa n d p e r s o n a lp r e j u d i c e sm a y i n h i b i t o r i g i n a l 'l'hc
l c a d c r o l ' t h c g r o u l ' r s h o u l d o n l y t t k c t h c i r r i t i i r t i v ci n c l c i r l i n gw i t h
nlcnts, o r g u n i s u l i o n u lp r o b l c m s ( i n v i t a t i o n , a o m p o t i t i o n . d u r i t t i o n a n d c v l l u i r t i o n ) .
5 (irnceptual design 5 . 4 S e a r c h i n gl o r s o l u t i o np r i n ei p l e s

Brainstorming is useful even in the solution of sub-problemsarisingin known or

Before the actual brainstorming sessionhe must outline the problem and,
during the session, he must see to it that the rules are obsefved and, in existing systems. Moreover, it has a beneficial side effect: all the participants are
particular, that the atmosphereremains free and easy. To that end he might supplied with new data, or at least with fresh ideas on possible procedures,
itart the sessionby expressinga few absurd ideas, or mentioning an example applications,materials, combinations etc, becausethe group representsa broad
from another brainstorming session. He should never lead in the expression spectrum of opinion and expertise (for instance, designers, production en-
gineers, salesmen, materials experts and buyers). It is astonishing what a
of ideas. On the other hand, he can encourage the flow of new ideas
profusion and range of ideas such a group can generate. The designer,for one,
whenever the productivity of the group slackens. The group leader must
will remember the ideas brought up during brainstorming sessionson many
ensurethat no one criticisesthe ideas of other participants.He should appoint
one or two participants to take minutes. future occasions. Brainstorming triggers off new lines of thought, stimulates
interest and representsa break in one's normal routine.
Procedure It should, however, be stressed that no miracles must be expected from
-All participants must try to shed their intellectual inhibitions-that is, they brainstorming sessions.Most of the ideas expressedwill not be technically or
should avoid rejecting as absurb, false, embarrassing,stupid or redundant economically feasible, and those that are will often be familiar to the experts.
any ideas expressedspontaneouslyby themselvesor by other members of the Brainstorming is meant first of all to trigger off new ideas, but it cannot be
group. expected to produce ready-made solutions becauseproblems are generally too
--No participant may criticise ideas that are brought up, and everyone must complex and too difficult to be solved by spontaneousideas alone. However, if a
refrain from using such killer phrasesas'We've heard it all before','It can't sessionshould produce one or two useful new ideas, or even some hints in what
'It will never work' and 'It has nothing to do with the problem'. direction the solution might be sought, it will have achieved a great deal.
be done',
New ideas are taken up by the other participants, who may change and An example of a solution obtained by brainstorming will be found in 5.9.2,
develop them at will. It is also useful to combine several ideas into new which also shows how the resulting ideas were evaluated and how classifying
proposals. criteria for the subsequent search for solutions were derived from them.
-All ideas should be written down, sketched out, or spoken into a tape
recorder. 2 Method 635
- All suggestionsshould be concrete enough to allow the emergence of specific
solution ideas. Brainstorming has been developed into Method 635 by Rohrbach [5.45].
-The practicability of the suggestionsshould be ignored at first. After familiarising themselves with the task and after careful analysis, each of
six participants is asked to write down three rough solutions in the form of
-A session should not generally last for more than 30 to 45 minutes.
Experience has shown that longer sessionsproduce nothing new and lead to kcywords. After some time, the solutions are handed to the participant's
rrcighbour who, after reading the previous suggestion, enters three further
unnecessaryrepetitions. It is better to make a fresh start with new ideas or
solutions or developments. This processis continued until each original set of
with other participants later.
thrce solutions has been completed or developedthrough associationby the five
Evaluation rrther participants. Hence the name of the method.
- The results are reviewed by experts and if possible classified, graded in order Method 635 has the following advantagesover brainstorming:
of feasibility and developed further. A good idea can be developed more systematically.
- The final result should be reviewed with the entire group to avoid possible It is possible to follow the development of an idea and to determine more or
misunderstandingsor one-sided interpretations on the part of the experts. lcss reliably who originated the successfulsolution principle, which might
New and more advanced ideas may well be expressedor developed during prove advisable for legal reasons.
sucha reviewsession. problem of group leadership hardly arises.
l h c r c l a t i v c d i s a d v a n t a g eo f t h e m e t h o d i s :
Brainstorming is indicated whenever: llccluccclcrcativity by the individual participants owing to isolation and lack
-No practical solution principle has been discovered. ol stinrulirti<ln i n t h c a b s e n c eo f o v e r t g r o u p a c t i v i t y .
- The physical process underlying a possible solution has not yel
identified. J l)clphi method
- T h c r e i s a g c n c r a l f c c l i n g t h a t d e a c l l o c kh a s b c c n r c i l c h c ( l .
- A r a d i c a ld c p a r t u r c l r o t r r t h c c o n v c n t i o n a la p p r o u c hi s r c q u i r c t l . I n t h i s m c l h o d . c x p c r t s i n t ; r a r t i c u l a rf i e l d u r c u s k c d k r r w r i t t c n o p i n i o n s 1 5 . 9 1 ,
90 5 Conccptual design 5 . - l S e a r c h i n gl o r s o l u t i o np r i n c i p l c s 91

The requeststake the following form: throughthe stone,pushingthe umbrellathroughthe hole and openingit up? Not
First round: What starting points for solving the given problem do you very feasible.By (.) pushinga tuLrethroughthe hole andblowingit up (balloon)
suggest?Pleasemake spontaneoussuggestions. behindthe stone?Drilling of hole not feasible.BV (d) pushingthe tube pastthe
Second round: Here is a list of various starting points for solving the given stone?When the tube is withdrawn the resistancemay seriouslvdamagethe
problem. Pleasego through this list and make what further
suggestionsoccur to you.
Third round: Here is the final evaluationof the first two rounds. Pleasego
through the list and write down what suggestions you consider ,{
most practicable.
This elaborateproceduremust be plannedvery carefullyand is usuallyconfined
/ \ \\
',' \ --
J- v
to generalproblemsbearingon fundamentalquestions or on companypolicy.In
the field of engineeringdesign,the Delphi method should be reservedfor
\J U2
fundamentalstudiesof long-termdevelopments. obc
Figure5.23.Step-by-stepdevelopmentof a solutionprinciplefor the removalof urinary
calculibasedon an analogy
4 Synectics
urethra. By (e) adding a second balloon as a guide and by (f) embedding the
Synectics is a technicalneologismand refersto the combinationof variousand
stone in a gel between the two ballons and then pulling it out? This was found to
apparentlyindependentconcepts.Synecticsis comparableto brainstorming,
be the best solution (Figure 5.24).
with the differencethat its aim is to trigger off fruitful ideas with the help of
analogiesculled from non-technicalor semi-technical fields.The methodwas Characteristic of this approach is the unrestricted use of analogieswhich, in
the case of technical problems, are selected from the non-technical or semi-
first proposedby Gordon [5.18].It is more systematic than brainstorming with
technical spheres. Such analogieswill generally suggestthemselvesquite spon-
its arbitraryflow of ideas.For the rest, both methodscall for completefrankness
taneouslyat the first attempt but, during subsequentdevelopment and analysis,
and lack of inhibitionor criticism.
they will generally be derived more systematically.
A synecticsgroup shouldconsistof no more than sevenmembers,lest the
ideas expressedrun away with themselves.The leader of the group has an
additionaltask: he must help the group to developthe proposedanalogiesby
guiding them through the following steps:
- Presentation of the problem.
-Familiarisation with the problem(analysis).
- Graspof the problem.
- Rejection of familiar assumptionswith the help of analogiesdrawn from I i g u r e5 . 2 4 . developedin Figure5.23
other spheres.
-Analysis of one of the analogies.
- Comparisonof the analogywith the existingproblem. 5 (lombination of methods
-Development of a new idea from that comparison. ,,\ny one of these methods taken by itself may not lead to the required goal.
-Development of a possiblesolution. l ' . r p c r i e n c eh a s s h o w n t h a t :
If the result is unsatisfactory,the processmay have to be repeated with a group leader of, or another participant in, a brainstorming sessionmay,
different analogy. whcn the flow of ideas dries up, introduce synectic procedures-deriving
An examplemay help to illustrate this method. In a seminarset up for the irnirlogics,systemzrticnegation etc-to releasea new flood of ideas.
purposeof discoveringthe best method of removing urinary calculi from tho A ncw idca or an analogy may radically changethe approach and ideas of the
human body, severalmechanicaldevicesfor gripping, holding and extracting 8roup.
these stones were mentioned. The device would have to stretch and open - A surnmary of what has been agreed so far may lead to new ideas.
inside the urethra. The keywords'stretch' and 'open up' suggestedthe idea of I n t h c s c m i n a r w c n r e n t i o n e d ,t h e p r c s c n t a t i o no f t h e i d e a
umbrellato one of the participants(Figure5.23). producctl a host ttf ncw suggcstions such as tlrilling, smashing, hammering,
Qirestion:how can the umbrellaprinciple (a) be applied?lly (b) dril Ultraronic disintegrution and so on. Whcn ths flow of idcas cvcntually dricd up,
92 5 Conceptualdcsigrr 5 . 4 S c a r c h i n g 1 ' o rs o l u t i o n p r i n c i p l e s 93

'How doesnature destroy?'which immediately evoked a

the group leader asked,
number of new suggestionsincluding weathering, heating and cooling, decay,
putrefaction, bacterial action, ice expansion and chemical decomposition. A
'clasp stone' and 'destroy stone' provoked the
combination of the two principles
question, 'What else?'. This produced the answer'contact', which in turn threw
up such new ideas as sucking, glueing, and applying various contact forces.
The different methods should be combined so as best to meet particular cases.
A pragmatic approach ensuresthe best results.

5.4.3 Methods with a discursivebias

Methods with a discursive bias provide solutions in a deliberate step-by-step
approach. Discursive methods do not exclude intuition, which can make its
influence felt during individual stepsand in the solution of individual problems,
but not in the direct implementation of the overall task.

I Systematicstudy of physical processes

If the solution of a problem involves a known physicaleffect representedby an
equation, and especially when several physical variables are involved, various
solutions can be derived from the analysisof their interrelationships-that is, of
the relationship between a dependent and an independent variable, all other
quantities being kept constant. Thus, if we have an equation in the form y : /
(u,v,w) then, according to this method, we investigatesolution variants for the
I iulrre-5.25.Schematicrepresentationof four viscometers,after [5.421
r e l a t i o n s h i p s . I r: f @ , y , w ) , y 2 : f ( u , v , w ) a n d y 3 : f ( u , v , w ) , t h e u n d e r l i n e d
/ ('ontainer; 2 gear pump; ,l variable drive; 4 pressuregauge;5 fixed capillarytube; 6
quantities being kept constant. , rrpillarytube with variable diameter; 7 capillary tube with variable length
Rodenacker has given several examples of this procedure, one of which
concernsthe development of a capillary viscometer[5.42]. Four solution variants ,r,'cdcd to release a threaded fastener:
can be derived from the well known law of capillary action q * Ap'/l(V't)
( t h e y a r e s h o w n s c h e m a t i c a l l yi n F i g u r e 5 . 2 5 ) . r : pl(dt2) tan(Q"- 0) + @t2)pl (1)
1. A solution in which the differential pressure/p servesas a measure of thc llrc torque given by equation (1) is made up of the following components;
viscosity: rl 6 lp (V,r and / : const.).
I r i c t i o n a lt o r q u e i n t h e t h r e a d :
2. A solution based on the diameter of the capillary tube: q 6 / (V,/p and / =
c o n s t .) . Tt* P(dl2) ano,: P(dl2')p, (2)
3. A solution based on changesin the length of the capillary tube: ry cr lll (/p.V
rrlrerc tan@,: ptllcos(ol2): p,
and r : const.).
4. A solution based on changesin the volume flow rate'.n cr IIV (Ap.r and I = I r i t ' t i o n i r lt o r q u e o n t h e b o l t h e a d o r n u t f a c e :
c o n s t .) .
T,i: P(Dl2) tan@t: P(Dl2) p1 (3)
Another way of obtaining new or improved solutions by the analysis of
physicalequationsis the resolution of known physicaleffectsinto their lrrrli l ( t ' l c l r s ct o r ( l u c o l t h c t h r e a d d u e t o p r e - l o a da n d t h r e a d p i t c h :
vidual components. Rodenacker, in particular, has used this approach in tho
design of new devices or the development of new applications for cxisti 1 ' ,- I'(dl2)rln (-/l) - P . lL (4)
I l y w a y o l c x i t n r p l c ,l c t u s l o o k a t t h e c l c v c l o t . l r n c rot l i r l r i c t i o n i r l t h r c ll, t l r r c i r rpl i t c h ./ , . l r c l i xi r n g l c .r / * r n c i u rl h r e i r t l( t ) r l i i r r n c t c r/.' . . - p r c - k r i r r l .
l o c k i r r gt l c v i c c . b l r s c t lt l r r t h c i r r r l r l y s i so l l l t c c t l t t t t l i o t tg r t v c t t t i r t g l l t c l o r l, r r r el r r l r r e c( | ) t l i r r r t r t ' l c,rr.r , v a [ l u i l (l v ) c o c l l i c i en t o l l t i c t i ( ] ni n t l r c t l r r c l r t l .
t)4 -5 Conceptualdesign 5 . ' l S e a r c h i n gl b r s o l u t i o n p r i n c i p l c s 95

It : actual coefficient of friction in the thread,lr : coefficient of friction on the lor

head or nut face, a : flank angle, Q : angle of friction). thecolumns
To discover solution principles for the improvement of the locking properties Classifying tor
of a threadedfastener, we must analysethe physicalrelationshipsfurther so as to
identify the physical effects involved.
The individual effects involved in equations (2) and (3) are:
- The friction effect (Coulomb friction)

4: ! ' P a n df i : P 1 P
- The lever effect
Tt: Ft dl2 and Tt: \ Dl2
- The wedge effect
p,, : prlcos (ctl2)
The individual effects in equation (4) are: labelling
- The wedge effect
F, n P tan(-B)
- The lever effect

Tr: F, dl2
Figure 5.26. General structure of
An examination of the individual physical effects will yield the following classificationschemes,after [5. I 1l
solution principlesfor the improvement of the locking properties of the fastener:
- Use of the wedge effect to reduce the tendency to loosen by decreasingthe
r'lassificationschemes(a) when parameters are provided for both the rows and
helix angle B.
- Use of the lever effect to increasethe frictional moment on the head or nut thc columns and (b) when parameters are provided for the rows only, because
face by increasing the mean face diameter D. thc columns cannot be arranged in any apparent order. If necessary, the
- Use of the friction effect to increase the frictional forces by increasing the , llssifying criteria can be extended by a further breakdown of the parametersor
,lrrrracteristics(Figure 5.27), which process,however, often tends to confusethe
coefficient of friction trr.
- Use of the wedge effect to increase the frictional force on the face by means of r'('ncrAlpicture. By allocating the column parametersto the rows it is possibleto
r r;ursformevery classificationschemebasedon row and column into a schemein
conical surfaces(P.1r1lsin 7 with included angle : 27). This method is used
rrlrich only the row parameters are retained, and the columns are merely
with automobile wheel attachment nuts.
- Increase of the flank ansle a to increase the virtual coefficient of friction r r r u n b e r e d( F i g u r e 5 . 2 8 ) .
Srrchclassificationschemeshelp the design processin a great many ways. In
the thread.
l , , r r l i c u l a r ,t h e y c a n s e r v e a s d e s i g n c a t a l o g u e sd u r i n g a l l p h a s e so f t h e s e a r c h
j(,r 'r \olut'on, and they can also help in the combination of sub-solutionsinto
2 Systematicsearch with the help of classification schemes
r , \ t ' r i r l ls o l u t i o n s ( s e e 5 . 5 . 1 ) . Z w i c k y
[ 5 . 6 5 ]h a s r e f e r r e d t o t h e m a s ' m o r p h o l o -
In 2.2.1 we showed that the systematicpresentation of data is helpful in t r ' r , ; rrl r u r t r i c e s ' .
respects.On the one hand it stimulatesthe searchfor further solutionsin vuri< l lrc clroicc ol classifying criteria or of their parameters is of crucial import-
directions; on the other hand it facilitates the identification and combination . t t t t t ' I l l c s t i r b l i s h i n ga c l i t s s i f i c a t i o ns c h e m e i t i s b e s t t o u s e t h e f o l l o w i n g
essential solution characteristics.Because of these advantases a numbcr r t r ' p- l r y - 5 t c r o c c c l u r c :
classificationschemes have been drawn uo" all with a similar basic strr.rct 5 l r ' p l : S o l r r t i o np r o l - r o s a lasr c c n t c r c c li n t h c r o w s i n r a n d o m o r d e r .
D r c i b h o l z[ - 5 . 1 1h] a s p u b l i s h e da c o m p r e h e n s i vscu r v e yo f t h e p o s s i b l ci r p p l i c \ t r ' p . l : l l t r . ' s c p t o p r r s l t l s l r r c l n l r livr sr tcht cl l i g h l o tl h c r n l r i n h c a c l i n g s ( c h a r a c t e r -
l i < l n so f s u c h c l a s s i f i c a t i o ns c h c m e s i s t i c s )s t r c l ti r s t v l ) eo l c t t c r g v .t t ' p c o l r r r o t i o nc t c ( s c c F i g u r c s5 . 2 9 u r r c l
I ' h c r r s r r r rt lw o - r l i r r r c r r s i o l sn cl h c r n cc < l n s i s lrst l r o l s i r t t t l c o l t r r t t l tos l 1 .s..1()),
n l c t c r sr r s e trl r st ' l r r s s i l v i ncgl i { c r i t r .I j i g r r r c5 , 1 6i l l u r t r n l c rl h c g c r t r ' r ' lsr tl r r r c l t r r c 'l
lltt'p l; l t t ' \ ' i r r c el i r s s i l i tel i r r r r c c o r d u t t gw
c a l h l l r er c l r el r r l i r r t s .
96 5 Conccptual clesign 5 . 4 S e a r c h i n gf o r s o l u t i o n p r i n c i p l c s 9l

Types physical
of energy, etfects
Headings. Examples;
ical intertia,
Gravitation, centrilugal
Hydraulic Hydrostatic,
Pneumatic Aerostatic,
Electrical Electrostatic,
capacitative, transtormation,
Maqnetic Ferromagnetic,
0ptical Rellection,
Thermal Expansion,
transfer, heatinsulation
Chemical Combustion, reduction,
oxidation, dissolution,
exothermic reaction
Nuclear Radiation,
ical putrefaction,
Fermentation, decomp0siti0n

I'igure5.29. Classifyingcriteriaand headings(characteristics)

for variationin the physical

Figure -5.31provides a simple example of a search for a solution to satisfy a

Figure 5.27. Classificationschemewith further subdivisionof parameters.after [5. ] 1l sth-function Here the answer was obtained by varying the type of energy
rrsainsta number of working principles.
Figure 5.32 is an example of variation based on motions. Here, the complex
2 3 4 5 Irrnction'coat carpet with syntheticbacking material'involves the two sub-
R1 I r r n c t i o n s ' m o v ec a r p e t ( s t r i p ) ' a n d ' m o v e a p p l i c a t o r ' f o r w h i c h v a r i o u st y p e s o f
rrrotion and their combination serve as classifying criteria. Thanks to its
C1 R3
R4 \ ()lnprehensivenature the scheme covers every conceivablepossibility and can
,rlsobe used as a model for similar tasks.
R1 As an example of the variation of motions in three dimensions, let us now
R2 (()lrsider the function'form support wires for concrete reinforcing rods'. The
c2 R3 ''lrrrpeof such support wires is shown in Figure 5.33, and
the possiblemotions of
t l r e l i r r m i n g t o o l s i n F i g u r e 5 . 3 4 a - c .T h e w i r e s a r e f o r m e d b y t h e c o - o r d i n a t e d
R1 rrrovcmentsof two tools (punch and die). By variation of the basic motions
R2 rlr.wn in (a) it was possible to correlate 20 punch and die motions (b), and by
C3 R3 ,'rrrpkryingthe motions in and round all the co-ordinates to finish up with 239
Figure5.28.Modified R4 p r r c l i c i r b l cc o m b i n a t i o n s ,s o m e o f w h i c h a r e s h o w n i n ( c ) . F i g u r e5 . 3 5s h o w st h e
scheme,after [5.11] r r ' l c c l c r sl o l u l i o np r i n c i p l e s .
l i i g t r r c , 5 . 3 ( rs h o w s t h c v a r i a t i o n o f t h c s u r f a c e si n t h e d e s i g n o f s h a f t - h u b
This procedure not only helps one to identify comDatiblecombinations t ' o t t t t c c t i t t t l s . ' l ' l t i t t t kl s< l s u c h i l r r i l n g c n r c r ) t st .h c r n u l t i p l i c i t yo f s o l u t i o n s
m o r c i m p o r t a r r ts t i l l , c n c o u r a g e st h e o p e n i n g u p o f t h c w i c l c s tp o s s i b l cs o l u t o h l i r i r r c dl.i r r i n s l i r r r c bc y l h c n r c l h o do l ' l o r w l r t l s l c l l s( s c c 2 . 2 . F i g r r r c2 . 7 ) . c i r n
l'ic Itls. I t c l t t t t i l t l o r l r r l c r i u r t l c o r r r p l lec t l .
9t3 - 5 C t r n c c - p t u i rdl c r i g n 5 . 4 S e a r c h i n gf b r s o l u t i o n p r i n c i p l c s 99

criteria Typeof energy
Surfaces, andprincipal
motions properties
material '
mechanical hydraulic electrical thermal
Surtaces J Flywheel , Hydraulic
Batlery lVlass
Headings Exanples. h. A o.Bladder ns
1 \ L)) | | b Pislon ,Fl
Type Point,
body p c.Membrane .+ lV,+l f-?^.,.1
Shape (rot.) ' (Pressure
energy) 77777777.
ellipse, parabola
square, pentagon,
rectangle, hexagon,
Moving t,T, _ , Liquid vdpdLr tul
sphere 1
t tr+-|fesefvOtf
Symmetrical, MASS (electr.
asymmetrical 7 (pot.enerr Heated
f' ,IC
Position Axial,
horizontal t __,_,t_
Size Small,
tall,low Pol
-=-l Magnet Superheated
Number Undivided,
divided energy Flowing
3 h liquid (magn.
field) steam

Headings Exanples Metalspring
Type Stationary,
rotatr0nal t, '!:1 F

Nature Uniform,non-uniform, lating

oscil tr
Direction In x.y.z ard/oraoouly.y,z
direclion axis
itude Velocity
Number 0ne,several,
Principai properties
materiai Othersprings
Headings Examples (compr.against
State Solid, gaseous
liquid, 6 fluid+ gas)
r Rigid, plastic,
elastic, viscous l.f€l-ap,nz
Form Solid grains,
body, powder,
lrigure5.31.Differentworkingprinciplesto satisfythe function'storeenergy'byvarying
tl)etypeof energy
Figure5.30.Classifyingcriteriaand headings(characteristics)
for variationin the form
Preference should be given to such main sub-functions as determine the
principle of the overall solution and for which no solution principle has yet
If solutions to severql sub-functions are sought, then it is advisable to start by bcen discovered.
uEdLrllB these sub-functions as
rucss suD-il.lncuons as Ine 'l'he ('lussifying criteria and associated parameters (characteristics) should be
the classlrylng
classifying cnterla
criteria lor
for the
the rows.
rows. The appropri
ate columns are then filled with possible solution principles and their characteris rlcrived from identifiable relationships between the energy, material ancl/or
tics, in numericalorder. Figure5.37 showsthe basicstructureof this tvoe signal flows or from associatedsystems.
scheme.In the rows,solutionss1iare assigned
to the sub_functir ll thc physical working principle is unknown, it should be derived from the
d. Depending on how concrete a level the search for solutions is conduc physical cffccts and, for instance, from the type of energy. If the working
thesecan be physicaleffects,working or solution principles,function carric principlc has bccn determined. appropriate form design features (surfaces,
selectedcomponents, or merelycharacteristics of individualsolutions.Variati t t l o t i o t t si t n c l I n i t t c r i a l s )s h o u l d b e c h o s e na n d v a r i e d . C h e c k l i s t ss h o u l d b e
is usuallyfollowed by the combinationof solutionprinciples.combinati t r s c dt o s t i r n u l i r l cn c w i c l c a s( F i g u r c s- 5 . 2 9a n c l- 5 . 3 0 ) .
methodswill be discussed in sreaterdetail in 5.5. ( ' l i r s s i l i c i t t i t sl tct l t c n t c s h o u l r b l c b u i l t u l ) s t c l )b y s t c p l r n c a l sc < l m p r c h c n s i v c l y
To sum up: the searchfor solutionprincipresfor sub-functionsshoulcl i r s p o s s i l r l c .l r r c o r r r l l i r t i b i l i t i cssh o u k l b c t l i s c t r r t l c r li .r n r l < l n l vl h c r n o s l 1 t r < l n r i s -
b a s c do n t h e f o l l < l w i nlsi n c s : i t t g s o l u l i o t l ' p r o p o s i r l sp u r s u c t l . I n s o d o i n g , t l r c t l e s i g r r c rs l r o t r k l t r y t o
100 5 Conceptualdesign 5 . 4 S e a r c h i n gI o r s o l u t i o n p r i n c i p l e s 101



Figure5.33.Supportwire for
rz lower rods
b upperrod
c supportwire

determine which classifying criteria contribute to the discoveryof a solution,
and to examine further variations of these.
-The most promising solutions should be chosen by

,N .N
a special selectionproce-
d u r e ( s e e5 . 6 ) .
ffit -The same procedure should be followed
for other important sub-functions,
'Er attention being paid to their incompatibility with previously elaborated
-Solution principles should be combined in
accordancewith 5.5.
If possible, the most comprehensiveclassificationschemesshould be drawn
up, that is, schemesfor repeated use, but systemsshould never be built for
systematics'sake alone.
.l use of design catalogues(manuals)

| )csign catalogues are collections of known and proven solutions to design
l,roblems. They contain data of various types and of distinct levels of embodi-
rrrt'nt. Thus they may cover physical effects, solution principles, solution
tr |.nccpts, machine elements, standard parts, materials, bought-out components
t lt. In the past, such data were usually found in textbooks and handbooks,
F-l Oci
( r)nll)'rnycatalogues, trrochuresand standards.Some of these contained. aoart
lool lr,rrr purely objective data and suggestedsolutions, examples of calculation,
lool r.l1;1i1v11
Fo methods and other design procedures. Design catalogues should
6i lrtrviclc:
- c cio ' ()trickcr, more problem-orientated accessto the accumulated
= c
s -! solutions or
6= @+ o;+ r)d tlrrlir.
c '5 O^
l ' h c n r o s tc o n r p r c h c n s i v er a n g e o f s o l u t i o n sp o s s i b l e ,o r , a t t h e v e r y l e a s t ,t h e
o a t t t o s tc s s c r r t i i rol n c s , t o w h i c h t h c r c s t c a n l a t e r b e a d d e d .
g r c i r t c s lp o s s i b l er i r n g c o f i n t c r d i s c i p l i n a r ya p p l i c a t i o n s .
l ) i r l i r l t l r c ( ) t l v c t l t i ( ) r l i rcl l c s i g r tp r o c c d u r c s i t s w c l l i r s l i l r c o r r r p u t c r - a i c l c c l
102 -5 Conceptualdesign 5 . 4 S e a r c h i n gf o r s o l u t i o n p r i n c i p l e s 03
Rotation O andTranslation
. : diefixed
No. S o l u t i opnr i n c i p l e No principle
Variants 11 l

Numberol 2 3 L 5 6
,] Punch motion
1 basic -.

2 Punch2 basic
Diefixed . ._
't,] 17-2

3 Punch motion
I basic
Die1 basrc
motion ._

t, Punch2 basic
Die1 basic
motion ^ <)

5 Punch2 basicmotions
Die2 basicmotions .------ _ 7=
a> a)
No. 11.-1 11-? 1 . 1 .3 1.7.-1 17.-2 1 2.- 3

,L,.4, A ,A.,
l zz

rl' I
,-\, --\,
21 1
31-7 3 . 1 .3- .l J.- | 33 2

.4, ,-K,
l zz
rl' fl ' nl rt3 3 3 -2
3 Y


4L I
1 , . 5 ,1
4 . 6 . 1-
lt [r h
ll+ |-|+
,-sQ, ,4,
ll n'

5 . 2 .1- 5 . 4 .1-
Lii ui

,A ,ffi, t-{
ilt lt n' 5 . 71
5 ?lr
,-r\r, \ffi
Figure 5.34. Variation possibilitiesfor motions of tools for forming support wircs for
concretereinforcing rods, after [5.23];
( a ) P o s s i b l eb a s i cm o t i o n s
(b) Classificationschcme for of purrchanrl rlic r c 5 . . 1 5S . c l c c t c t ls o l t t l i o t tp r i n c i p l c sl i t r l i r r r r r i r rsgu l ) l x ) r tw i r c s t i r r c o l c r c t c
( c ) S o n r co l t l t c p r r r c l i c i t l l l c o r t r b i r l r t i o nos l 1 - r u r r cl nht l c l i cr n o l i o r r s o t c t l t St r t t l r o t t l l t e l r i r s i so l t o o l r r r o l i o r risr r l C C o r d n t r cwc i t h l r i g u r c5 . . 1 { c l,r t t c r
r04 -5 Conceptualdesign 5 . 4 S e a r c h i n gf o r s o l u t i o n p r i n c i p l e s 105

Variant design phase, for instance, it is advisable to select as classifying criteria the
7 3 l- 5 6 functions to be fulfilled by the solutions. This is because the conceptual design is
basedon the underlying sub-functions.For classifyingcharacteristicsit is beit to
@@@@@ &w choose generally valid functions (5.3), which help to elicit the most product-
independent solutions.

@@@ M
Further classifying criteria might include the type and characteristicsof energy
Position (mechanical, electrical, optical etc), of materials or signals, of surfaces, of

wffi motions and of physical effects. In the caseof design cataloguesintended for the
embodiment design phase, useful classifying criteria include the properties of
materials and the characteristics of particular machine elements, such as

@@& @ couplings and clutches.By contrast, characteristicsof solutions, such as dimen-
sions, noise etc, should not be used as classifyingcriteria becausethey are of
different importance to different users of the catalogue.
Fisure 5.36. Variation of surfacesfor shaft-hub connections,after [5.441 In the actual solutions column, it is possible to include physical equations,
sketchesof solution principles, layout drawings,names of materials,illustrations
etc, depending on the complexity of the catalogue.The type and completeness
g'q;;trdT 2 m
of the information given once again depends on the intended application.
1 F1 Srt Srz Sri Stt Great importance in the choice of solutions attachesto the columns covering
2 F2 Szr szz 52j s;; the selection characteristics.Such characteristics may involve a great variety of
Figure5.37.Basic properties-for instance, typical dimensions, reliability, response, number of
structureof a clementsetc. They help the designerin the preliminary selectionand evaluation
F, Sir srz sl sm classificationscheme of solutions and, in the caseof computer-basedcatalogues,they can also be used
with the sub-functions
rn the final selection and evaluation.
of an overallfunction
q and associated Another important requirement of design cataloguesis that they should have
n ,Fn Snt Snz Sni "nm
solutions rrniform and clear definitions and svmbols.
The more concrete and detailed the stored information, the more direct but
;rlsothe more limited is the application of a catalogue.With increasingdegree of
The construction of design catalogueshas been studied, above all, by Rot
t'nrbodiment, data for a given solution become more comprehensive,but the
and collaborators [5.46, 5.51]. Roth suggeststhat a design catalogueof the typ
t lurncesof arriving at a complete solution spectrum decreases.Thus it may be
shown in Figure 5.38 is most likely to satisfy all the demands listed above'
Roth also attaches utmost importance to classifying criteria. They influen lrossibleto provide a full list of physical effectsfulfilling the function 'channel',
lrtrt it would hardly be possibleto list all the potential embodiments of bearings
the easewith which cataloguescan be handled and reflect the level of complexit
{thanelling a force from a rotating to a stationary system). Ewald [5.12] has
of particular solutions, and also their degree of embodiment. In the conceptu
I'rrblisheda collection of design cataloguescompiled by himself and by other
turrlhors[5.46,5.51]. There are several cataloguescovering generators,transfor-
nr('r.s.gears, bearings, shafts, couplings and springs. Koller has published
erlrrlogues of physical effects to fulfil the functions'change type of energy',
type of signal'and 'vary physicalmagnitudes'15.271.
lrt what follows we include just a few examplesof, or extractsfrom, available
lay0ut signcataktgues.
drawrngs, descnption lrigurc -5.39shows a catalogueof physicaleffectsassociatedwith the functions
physical ol thesoluttons ngc cncrgy'ancl'varycncrgycomponent'. It is basedon Koller 15.27land
equati 0r elemenls 'l'he
sketches ttiltirucr[.5..1{)1. cirtaloguc
mlkcs it possibleto derivetheseeffectsfrom
Figure-5.38. Basic c l l s s i l ' y i n gc r i t c r i i r .t h a t i s , ' i n p u t s a n c lo u t p u t s ' .T h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i cosn w h i c h
structureof a clesign s c l c c l i o n i s b l s c d r n u s t b c c l c r i v c dl ' r o m t h c t c c h n i c a ll i t c r a t u r e .
l ronr[ 5.'161
catalog,uc, F'igurc.5.4(lshowsa catnkrgucol mcchlnicalsolutionprinciplcsto f'ulfilthc
5 Conceptualdesign 5 . . 1 S e a r c h i n gf o r s o l u t i o n p r i n c i p l e s

Equation for
E^",n y ,4 t^,,n F00ke locking direclion I
- (Tensioni
1,,' l- compTessionl
a n ds l i d i ndgi r e c t i o

\ / PI
na . s i n @ .c o s @ -
I 0 nq - l r

lrt..llt E

-L \, / e\
-d I .E '-
= 6,
-'\ \l--
- \'')f



= . = s= l 1 1 / 1 3 )
F ttFc 6


- P)tona l , !- 1
' l o n c z - l r|\ / +
loia-p1\ -
l l
-v2n*tt -'---tzl
41 iona.prl o

',1N, E
= 6
; p,< Ian a
,l ;>
6 e

;l .
lllton d
lJ I tan a p.\ -
/1? to^a,ir)',

u,lt/lt l,
', t. 1 1 ,! , t , ,, ,),
1 p,l,/1,| !,' I,F1'1' t1 '-
S, 1
,,.ffi1,.hn t1
fu,tlr ut hl 2
L o c k i ncqo r d i t i o n
(without friction): i

_ s l f& . .a
f< J-)sinBf
- :r/2
wedge.1) cq

J l r ', Fl o n a , l +
tcn(r(l 4j pt) pr , >o
h gE
lljr(ll)a-Y I
lnt tt ll 1t,1t,),p,,1t,'
F i g u r e- 5 . 3 9D . e s i g nc : r t a l o g u eo f p h y s i c a cl f f c c t sb a s c t lo n 1 5 . 2 7 5. .j t ) l f i r r t h c g c r r c r ; r l l y
a p p l i c a b l et u n c t i o r r s ' c h : r n gccn c r g y ' a n c l ' v a r vc n c r g v c ( ' n l l ) r r n c n t A ' .l s o l r p p l i c 5 J ( l l l x t r i r e tl t o t t l 1 1 1 s 1 gt '1r t1t r t l o g t tocl t l t c l r r t t c t r o n ' P r ( ) \ , r (ol rcr c - w l r v
fkrw ttf sigttlls r r r ' , l t o r r1r5 , { h l
108 5 Conceptualdesign 5.5 Combining solution principles 109

function'provide one-way axial motion'. In this, unlike the previous catalogue, The identification of compatiblesub-solutionsis facilitatedif:
the solutions are concrete enough, thanks to the specification of the form design - The sub-functionsare listed in the order in which they occur
in the function
features, for the embodiment design phase to start with a scale layout drawing' structure, if necessaryseparatedaccordingto flow of energy,material and
- The solution principles are suitably arrangedwith the
help of additional
column parameters,for examplethe type of energy.
- The solution principlesare not merely expressedin words
5.5 Combining solution principles to fulfil the overall but also in rough
function sketches.
- The most important characteristicsand propertiesof the solutionprinciples
are recordedas well.
The methodsdescribedso far were primarily intendedto help in the searchfor
This method of combinationis depictedin Figure 5.41. In Figure5.42 it is
solution principlesand in the constructionof a solutionfield for sub-functions.
appliedto the overallfunctionstructureshownin Figure5.16.The shadedareas
To fulfilihe overall function, it is now necessaryto elaborateoverall solutions
from the combination of principles (system synthesis).The basis of such
combinationsis the establishedfunction structurewhich reflectslogicallyand/or
- possibleor usefulassociations of the sub-functions'
The methodswe have beendescribing,and particularlythosewith an intuitive
bias.are intendedto lead to the discoveryof suitablecombinations, but there
are also special methods for arriving at such syntheses more directly. In
principle, they must permit a clear combinationof solution principles with the
iretp of the issociated physical quantities and the appropriate form design
The main problem with such combinations is ensuring the physical and
geometricalcompatibility of the solution principlesto be combined,which in
i.r.n the smooth flow of energy, material and/or signals.A further of principles
problem is the selectionof technicallyand economicallyfavourablecombina' I igure5.41.combiningsolutionprinciplesinto combinationsof principles
iions of principlesfrom the large field of theoreticallypossiblecombinations. ( o n t b i n a t i o1n: S , , + S 2 2+ . . . + , S n 2
( o r n b i n a t i o2n: S , , + , S 2 +
This aspectwill be discussed at greaterlengthin 5.6. r . . . + Snr

r('l)resent the selected combination of principles, the sub-function ,separate

\l()r)cs'involves the application of two solution principles in succession
5.5.1 Systematiccombination [5.3].
lrurther examples of this method of combination will be found in 5.9 (Figures
For the purpose of systematic combination, the classification scheme to wl I { r l ' i -. 5 . 6 9 5
, .90 and 5.91).
'morphological matrix' (seeFigure 5.37) is particu
Zwicky [5.05] reters as the l'hc verification of compatibilities,too, is facilitated by classificationschemes.
ty useful. Hire, the sub-functionsand the appropriate solutions (solut ll trv. sub-functions to be combined-for instance, 'change energy, and .vary
- are entered in the rows of the scheme. nrcchirnicalenergy component'-are entered respectivelyin the column and row
If this schemeis to be used for the elaborationof overall solutions'then herrtlingof a matrix with their characteristicsin ihe appiopriate boxes, then the
least one solution principle must be chosenfor every sub-function(that is' rnPirtibility of the sub-solutionscan be verified more easily than it could be
every row). To provide the overall solution, these principles must then rc such examinations confined to the designer'shead. Figure 5.43 illustrates
com6ined systematically into a function structure. If there are rn 1 solul \ t y p c o f c o m p a t i b i l i t ym a t r i x .
principles for the sub-function Fr, mz for the sub-function F2 and so on,
ifter iomplete combination we have ly' tp1 . t z. ft4 nn thettreti ()ttly contbinccompatiblcsub-functions.
possibleoverallsolutionvariants. only pursucsuchsolutionsils meetthe demancls of the specification
and look
The mainproblemwith thismethodof combinationis to decidewhichsol likc fallingwithin rhc prop.scdbu<lgct(sccsclcctionpiocedures in 5.6).
p r i q c i p l c s a r c c O m p a t i b l e ,t h a t i s , t o n a r r o w d o w n t h c t l t c o r c t i c a l l y Concentrtttctln prontisingcornbinationsund cstablishwhy thcscshoulclbe
scarch ficld to thc pritctically possiblc search ficld. pttfcrred above thc rcst,
110 5 Conceptual desig n 5.5 Combiningsolutionprinciples lI1

1 ? 3 L
Vary Xetn, Electric
motor 0scillatingBimetal
in Oscillating
iubJunctions\ solenoid hotwater piston
c{)mponent \ I 7 3 L
Lift additional
Chaindrive A il A capable
ol rolating slowmolion yes bulonlyfor ow

,lmu* '
onlythrough addlt
onal Gearsegments witlra rackand
Spurgeardrive B yes elemenls (frtrwheelin0 sutlice,
depending swivel, butonly
7 sitl elc.)dltlicull
ro on angleof rolalon for lowpiston
reversedireclion speeds

grid wheel - Lever

Sifting Sifting yes yes(when angieof withsliding
drive C lookoutlor see82 rolalon is small,lever blockbulonly
tor lowpiston
shockloads w lh sl d ngblock)
_/ speeds
3 Separate
leaves #;h (: Sb,4t/tt rctionwheel 0 yes
ol torque
Plucker rve movemenl imprecise
.,./ \
| | | |
Separate very
oifricutt (doml pursue
l0 appiy
t l:J fu(her)
f] mnontV

Irigure 5.43. Compatibility matrix for combination possibilities of the sub-functions

Sort byfriction tl checksize mass
cnecK 'change 'vary
5 p0tat0es by hand plane) { (holegauge)
(inclined (weighing) energy' and m e c h a n i c a l e n e r g y c o m p o n e n t ' , f r o m [ 5 . 1 1]

6 Collect Conveyor devrce tron along with an optimisation-is quite out of place and can be misleading.The
ol principles
( \ceptions are combinations of known elementsand assemblies.for instance in
r:rriant design. In the case of purely logical functions, combinations can be
Figure5.42.Combination of principles for designing a potato harvesting machine in
accordancewith the overall function structure shown in Figure 5.16 1 , , ' r . f o r m ewd i t h t h e h e l p o f B o o l e a n a l g e b r a[ 5 . I 5 , 5 . 4 4 ] i n , s a y , t h e l a y o u t o f
.',rlctysystemsor the optimisation of electronic or hydraulic
lrr principle, the combination of sub-solutionsinto overall solutions with the
In conclusion, it must be emphasised that what we have been discussingI S lrt'lp of mathematical methods calls for knowledge of the characteristicsor
generally valid method of combining sub-solutions into overall solutions. l'rrrllcrtiesof the sub-solutionsthat are expectedto correspondwith the relevant
method can be used for the combination of solution principles during l , r , r p c r t i e so f t h e n e i g h b o u r i n gs u b - s o l u t i o n sT. h e s ep r o p e r t i e sm u s t b e u n a m b i -
conceptual phase, and of sub-solutions or even of components and assembl grrousand quantifiable. In the formation of solution concepts, data about the
during the embodimentphase.Becauseit is essentiallya method of informat Itlrt'sicalrelationships may be insufficient, since the geometrical relationships
processing,it is not confinedto technicalproblemsbut can also be usedin Itr.rv lrave a limiting effect and hence may, in certain circumstances,lead to
developmentof managementsystemsand in other fields. Itrr'orrr;ratibilities. In that case,physical equation and geometricalstructure must
ftrsl bc rnatchcd mathematically, and this is not generally possible except for
llstcrrrs of klw complexity. For systemsof higher complexity, by contrast, such
5.5.2 Combining with the help of mathematical methods
f t n c l l r l i o n s o l ' t c n l r c c o r n ca m b i g u o u s , s o t h a t t h e d e s i g n e r m u s t o n c e a g a i n
Mathematical methods and computers should only be used for the combina
f h r x r s c b c t w c c n v i r r i a n t s .w c m a y , a c c o r c l i n g l ys, p c a k o f d i a l o g u es y s t e m si n
clf solution principles if real advantagescan be expectedfrom them. Thus, at t l r c l ) r ( ) c c s sr l l c o l n l r i n l r t i o nc t l n s i s t so l r r r i r l h c r r u r t i c lar ln c lc r c i r t i v cs t c p s .
r c l a t i v c l y i r b s t r i t c tc o n c c p t u a lp h a s e ,w h e n t h c n a t u r e t l l ' t h c s o l u t i o n i s n t l t
J ' l ' h i s n t i t k c s i l c l c i t r t l t i r t t h o u g h , w i t h i n c r c a s i n gp h y s i c i r lr c a l i s a t i o no r
f u l l y u n c l c r s l o o d .l t g u a n t i t a t i v c l a h r l r a t i o n - t h n t i s , u m t t l l r c n r i t t i c acl o m p h o d i m c n t o l ' u s o l u l i r t np r i n c i p l c . i t b c c o m c rr i m p l c r t o c s t l b l i s h q u a n t i t a t i v c
5 . 6 S e l e c t i n gs u i t a b l e c o m b i n a t i o n s
t12 . 5 C t t n c e p t u u ld e s i g n

combination rules, the number of properties increasesand with them the

number of constraints and optimisation criteria, so that the mathematicaleffort
required becomesvery great. Combining with the help of mathematicalmethods
c a l l sf o r t h e u s e o f c o m p u t e r s[ 5 . 6 ,5 . 8 , 5 . 2 6 ,5 . 3 0 ] .

5.6 Selectingsuitablecombinations
For the systematicapproach, the solution field should be as wide as possible.By
paying regard to all possibleclassifyingcriteria and characteristics,the designer
is often led to a larger number of possible solutions. This profusion constitutes
the strength and also the weaknessof the systematicapproach. The very great,
theoretically admissible but practically unattainable, number of solutions must
be reduced at the earliest possible moment. On the other hand, care must be
taken not to eliminate valuable solution principles, becauseoften it is only in
their combination with others that an advantageousoverall solution will emerge.
While there is no absolutely safe procedure, the use of a systematic and
verifiable selection procedure greatly facilitates the choice of promising solu-
tions from a wealth of proposals [5.37].
This procedure involves two steps, namely elimination and preference.
First, all totally unsuitable proposals are eliminated. If too many possible
solutions still remain, those that are patently better than the rest must be given
preference. Only these solutions are evaluated at the end of the conceptual
design phase.
If faced with numerous solution proposals, the designer should compile a
selectionchart (Figure 5.44).In principle, after every step-that is, even after
establishingfunction structures-only such solution proposalsshould be pursued
- are compatible with the overall task and/or with one another (Criterion
-fulfil the demands of the specification(Criterion B);
realisablein respect of performance, layout etc (Criterion C); and
-are expected to be within permissablecosts (Criterion D).
Unsuitable solutions are eliminated in accordancewith these four cri
applied in the correct sequence. Criteria A and B are suitable for
decisionsand their application posesrelatively few problems. Criteria C and
often need a more quantitative approach, which should only be used o
criteria A and B have been satisfied.
Since criteria C and D involve quantitative considerations,they may lead
only to the elimination of proposed solutionswith too small an effect or too
a cost, but also to'preferencesbased on large effects,small spacerequire
and low costs. r c 5 , 4 4 .S y s t c n r l t i cs c l c c t i o nc h a r t : a l , b l . c t c a r c s o l u t i o nv a r i a n t so f t h e p r o p o s a l s
if, arnongthc vcry largcnumhcrol'possiblc
solut c i n ' l ' a h l c . 5 . 1 , ' l ' h cc o l u n t r r c s c r v c r l{ i r r r c n l r r k s i l s l sl c i r s o n sf o r l u c k o f
A prcfcrcnccis iustificcl
i o no r c l i n r i n i r t i o n
thcrc urc $omcthlt:
114 5 Conceptualdesign
5 . 6 S e l c c t i n gs u i t a b l e c o m b i n a t i o n s 115

- incorporate direct safety measures or introduce favourable ergonomic condi-

tions (Criterion E); or
- are preferred by the designer's company, that is, can be readily developed Solution principle Signal
with the usual know-how, materials, proceduresand under favourable patent
conditions (Criterion F). l. Mechanical, static
I.I. Liquid
It must be stressed that selection based on preferential criteria is only
a1 Weight of liquid Force
advisablewhen there are so many variants that a full evaluation would involve a2 Mass attraction Force
too much time and effort. a3 Use of solvent in the liquid Concentration
In the caseof function structuresand solution principles,criteria A and B will Residue (of
usually suffice. dissolved substance)
a4 Matter suspendedin the liquid Concentration
Only after combination of the solution principles need criteria C and D be
applied, followed, if necessary,by the application of criteria E and F. 1.2. Gas
If, in the suggested sequence, one criterion leads to the elimination of a b1 Gas-filled bladder on top of the liquid Displacement
proposal, then the other criteria need not be applied to it there and then. At Pressure (of gas)
DZ Volume of gas in sealed container Pressure (of gas)
first, only such solution variants should be pursued as satisfy all the criteria.
Sometimes, however, it is impossible to settle the issue because of lack of 1.3. Reproduction (Analogue)
cl Similar quantities of liquid in a container with
information. In the case of promising variants that satisfy criteria A and B, the similar cross-sections Force
gap will have to be filled (see 5.7) by a re-evaluationof the proposal, which will c')
Similar volumes of gas (similar cross-section) Displacement
ensure that no good solutions are passedover. Pressure (of gas)
The criteria are listed in the order shown above as a labour-savingdevice, and c3 Container-shapedbody with p j. p1iuu1,1 Force
Indication by:
not in order of importance.
Suspend by spring + displacement
The selectionprocedure has been systematisedfor easierimplementation and Attach source of light to floating body -
verification (Figure 5.44). Here, the criteria are applied in sequeneeand the displacement of light beam
reasonsfor eliminating any solution proposal recorded. Experience has shown
that the selectionprocedure we have describedcan be very quickly applied, that" 2. Mechanical, dynamic
it gives a good picture of the reasonsfor selection,and that it provides suitable 2.1. Liquid
Exploit the inertia of liquid (acceleration) Force (moment)
documentation in the form of the selection chart.
Oscillation of mass of liquid Frequency, time
If the number of solution proposalsis small, elimination may be bapedon the
same criteria. but less formally recorded. Pump liquid from one container into another Time
The example we have chosen concerns solution proposals for a fuel gauge in Irleasure quantity pumped across Enefgy (electrical)
accordance with the specification in Figure 5.2. An extract from the list of Measure differences in the inflow and the outflow Quantityof
in the container rnatter(+)
proposalsis given in Table 5.2.
Tap the container and measure response Frequency
A further example is shown in Figure 5.45. The specification of a test r A t t a c h o s c i l l a t o rt o c o n t a i n e r- Time (oscillation)
for gear couplings demanded an axial displacementin the test coupling so t response dependent on mass of liquid
the forces which then appear could be measured. The possible position of t
2.2. Cas
Pump gas into a sealed container or pump out Pressure(of gas)
gas until a fixed pressure or a fixed quantitv of
gas is reached
Figure 5.45. Sketch showing the
principle of a test rig for gear
-1. F,lcctricul
ll as ohmic rcsistance
l-it1u1.! (volumedependent) Ohmic resistance
1 drive; 2 gearbox;3 high-speed
Liquiclas diclcctric(volumedependent) Capacitv
shaft; 4 test gear coupling; 5
adjustable bearing block for
s et t i n g t h c a l i g n n t c n t ;6 d c v i c c f o f r r l t l c5 , 1 . l l x t r i r c t I r o r r rt h c l i s l o l s o l u t i o r rp r o p o s i r l sf i r r t l c s i g r r i r rugl i r c l g u t r g c
lpplying l()rquc
ll6 5.7 Firming up into conceptvariants ITl
5 Conceptualdesign

displacement (classifying criterion of the rows) and the axial force input which, as experience has shown, almost invariably involves a considerable
(classifying criterion of the columns) were combined into the classification effort.
scheme shown in Figure 5.46. The various combinations were checked and The selection process may already have revealed gaps in information about
unsuitable variants were eliminated for a number of not immediatelv obvious very important properties, sometimes to such an extent that not even a rough
reasons. and ready decision is possible, let alone a reliable evaluation. The most
important properties of the proposed combination of principles must first be
given a much more concrete qualitative, and often also a rough quantitative,
Axialforce 3
\ input v
--lli:- ---T-- definition.
D<XI Important aspectsof the working principle (such as performance and suscepti-
Position \ hydrodyn. rolling Inerm. bility to faults) and also of the embodiment (such as spacerequirements,weight
of disolacemenlaxialbearing bearing expansion and service life) and finally of important task-specific constraints must be
1 Right-handI t1
-Fo known, at least approximately. More detailed information need only be
l]-___*Jrn-$ T$ry
, !E* gathered for promising combinations. If necessary,a second or third selection
must follow the collection of further information.
2 Right-hand 1 2 ,,tv.
., The necessary data are essentially obtained with the help of such proven

--tt l L
-w- +t-
methods as:
-rough calculationsbased on simplified assumptions;
- rough sketches or rough scale-drawings of possible layouts, forms, space
3 Adlustable l3 requirements, compatibility etc;
shaft -preliminary experimentsor model tests to determine the main properties, or
tHHFili$ approximate quantitative statements about the performance and scope for
4 Lett-hand IL ,/,(t o. ,.,W \ -construction of models to aid analysis and visualisation (for example,
_T t--
_FF +-
--l1.. r
#H_l-ht_l-$ ,8.-.. llt'
- analoguemodelling and systemssimulation, often with the help of computers;
- further searchesof patents and/or the literature with narrower objectives; and
5 lntermediateI5 25
shaft - market researchof proposed technologies,materials, bought-out parts etc.
With these fresh data it is possible to firm up the most promising combinations
t1fi F,H ffi
of principles to the point at which they can be evaluated (see 5.8). The
properties of the concept variants must reveal technical as well as economic
Figure 5.46. Systematiccombination and elimination of variantsthat are unsuitablein lcatures so as to permit the most accurate evaluation possible. It is therefore
Combination 21: Fo too great (life of rolling bearingstoo short)
rrclvisablewhen firming up into concept variants to bear possible later evaluation
Conrbination23: 2 . Fo, hence life of rolling bearingstoo short criteria (see 5.8.3) in mind, the better to elaborate the information in a
Combination 22,24: Peripheral speedtoo great (life of rolling bearingstoo short) purposeful way.
Combination 31-34: Thermal lencth too small An example will show how it is possible to firm up solution proposals into
( ()ncept variants. To that end, we return once more to our fuel gauge.
Figure 5.47 shows a possible solution principle. Estimates of the weights and
5.7 Firming up into conceptvariants rrrertia forces form the basis of the firming up procedure.
force of 20 to 160 litres of the liquid (static):
The principles elaborated in 5.4 and 5.5 are usually not concrete enough to le
F , , ,:,6 . r . g . V : 0 . 7 - 5 x 1 0 x ( 2 0 . . . 1 6 0 ) : ( 1 5 0 . . . 1 2 0 0 )N ( f u e l )
to the adoption of a definite concept variant. This is because,as the searchtirr
solution is based on the function structure, it is aimed, first and foremost, at i\rlclitional lirrccs cluc to acceleration + 30m/s2 (only the liquid is taken into
f u l f i l m e n t o f a t c c h n i c a l f u n c t i o n . A c o n c e p t m u s t , h < l w c v c r ,a l s o s a t i s f y c r l n s i d c r a t i o)n:
c < l n c l i t i o t tl si t i d d o w r t i n 2 . 1 . 6 , a t l c a s t i n c s s c n c c .l i r r o n l y t h c r r i s i t l l o s s i h l e
c v i t l u a t c i t . B c l i r r c c ( ) l l c c p tv i r r i a n t sc l n l ) c c v i t l u u t e d .t h e y n r u s t l l c l i r r n e d F r r k=r n t ' o = ( 1 5 . . . 1 2 0 )x 3 ( X t ) = t ( 4 5 ( ) .. . 3 6 ( X ) ) N
118 5 Conceptual design 5.8 Evaluating concept variants 119

If the force is convertedinto movementit can be detected,for instancewith the special evaluation procedures to fill this need, all of them so constructedas to
help of a potentiometer. (The suppressionof movements resulting from lend themselves not only to the evaluation of concept variants, but quite
accelerationforces calls for considerabledamping.) generally of solution variants in every phase of the design process.
It is possibleto obtain the total force, and hence the quantity of liquid,
statically, either directly by measuringthree bearing forces or indirectly by 5.8.1 Basicprinciples
measuringjust one bearingforce (seeFigure5.47).
Result:developsolutionfurther, provide damping,seekappropriatesolutions An evaluatior is meant to determine the 'value', 'usefulness' or 'strength' of a
and firm them up by means of rough scale drawings.Figure 5.48 showsthe solution with respect to a given objective. An objective is indispensablesince the
result. Once the necessaryparts and their arrangementare drawn, the proposal value of a solution is not absolute, but must be gauged in terms of certain
can be evaluated. requirements. An evaluation involves a comparison of concept variants or, in
the caseof a comparison with an imaginary ideal solution, a 'rating' or degree of
4gl {'-_l approximation to that ideal.
Jt t \ l | -t: I An important element of design practice is cost analysis. h involves value
(Table5.2)measureweightof liquid F-tr-E A-----E analysis (VA) [5.19, 5.58, 5.61, 5.62], that is, the determination of 'function
(Signal= force) 3 force-measuring 1 force-measuring costs', by the assignmentof function carriers to the various sub-functions,and
devrces devrce the determination of their manufacturing costs. The main problem here is to
disentangle functions from components since a single component may carry
several sub-functions or a single function may be fulfilled by several compo-
nents, which leads to an ambiguous distribution of costs. Moreover, costing
presupposes the availability of considerable design documentation. Finally, if
the evaluation and choice of solutions is basedpurely on production costs,there
is the danger that essential technical criteria and other economic considera-
tions-for instance the market reaction to the product-which often cannot be
t;uantified in absolute amounts of money, will be ignored.
0 i lf i l l i n g Hence there is a need for methods that allow a more comprehensive
fordamping evaluation, or in other words cover a broad spectrum of objectives(task-specific
rccluirementsand general constraints).These methods are intended to elaborate
Flowrestrlctor rrot only the quantitative, but also the qualitative, properties of the variants, thus
rrrrrkingit possible to apply them during the conceptualphase, with its low level
,rl cmbodiment and correspondingly low state of information. The result must be
r t'liuble, cost-effective,easily understood and reproducible. The most important
rrrethods to date are use-valueanalysis* (UVA) based on the systemsapproach
l:.(r4l and the combined technical and economic evaluation technique specified
rrr (iuideline VDI2225 [5.60], which essentiallygoes back to Kesselring 15.24].
changes) lrr what follows, we shall outline a basic evaluation procedure incorporating
f lre conccpts of use-valueanalysisand of Guideline VDI 2225.

Figure5.48.Embodimentof the solutionprincipleshownin Figure5.47

I ldentifying evaluation criteria
lrc lirst stcp in any evaluation is the drawing up of a set of objectives from
5.8 Evaluating concept variants against technical and wlrich cvalr.rationcriteria can be derived. In the technical field, such objectives
orc rnirinly l'rascclon thc rcquirements of the specification and on the general
C o n s l r i l i n l(s2 . I . 6 ) .
I n t h c n c x t s t c p . t h c s o l u t i o n p r o p o s a l s ,n o w f i r n r c r l u p i r r t o c o n c c l . l vt i r r i i r t ' l ' h cl c l t t ' u s c - v l l t r ci r n i r l v s i s ' ius d i r c c tt r l t t s l i l l i ( t lt l o r r tt h c o r i g i n a(l i c r n r a nt c x t . A
t n u s t b c c v a l u a l c d s o i t s t o p r o v i c l ca n o b j c c t i v c b u s i sf o r d c c i s i o n s . ' l ' l r c r c | | m i l n r ,l r u l n r o r cg e n c r ; r lt,c r r nl i r r t h i s t y l t co f t c c h n i q u ci s ' c o s t - b c r t c li r tr t l l v s i s ' .
t20 5 Conceptualdesign 5 . 8 E v a l u a t i n gc o n c e p tv a r i a n t s t21

A set of objectives usually comprises several elements that not only introduce evaluation criteria, (called objective criteria in use-valueanalysis),can then be
a variety of technical, economic and safety factors, but that also differ greatly in derived from the sub-objectives of the stage with the lowest complexity.
importance. Figure 5.76 gives a concrete example of such an objective system.
A range of objectives should satisfy the following conditions: Guideline VD|2225, on the contrary, introducesno hierarchicalorder for the
-The objectives must cover the decision-relevant requirements and general evaluation criteria, but derives a list of them from minimum demands and wishes
constraints as completely as possible, so that no essentialcriteria are ignored. and also from general technical properties.
- The individual objectives on which the evaluation must be based should be as
independent of one another as possible-that is, provisions to increase the
2 Weighting evaluation criteria
value of one variant with respect to one objective must not influence its values
with respect to the other objectives. To establish evaluation criteria, we must first assesstheir relative contribution
- The properties of the systemto be evaluatedmust, if possible,be expressedin (weighting) to the overall value of the solution, so that relatively unimportant
concrete quantitative or at least qualitative (verbal) terms. criteria can be eliminated before the evaluation proper begins. The evaluation
The tabulation of such objectives depends very much on the purpose of the criteria retained are given 'weighting factors' which must be taken into consid-
particular evaluation-that is, on the design phase and the relative novelty of the eration during the subsequent evaluation step. A weighting factor is a real,
product. positive number. It indicates the relative importance of a particular evaluation
Evaluation criteria can be derived directly from the objectives. Because of the criterion (objective).
subsequent assignment of values, all criteria must first be given a positive It has been suggestedthat such weightings should also be assignedto the
formulation, for example: wishes recorded in the specification [5.49], but that is only possible if such
'low noise' not 'loudnesslevel' wishes can be ranked in order of importance when the specification is first
efficiency' not 'magnitudeof losses' drawn up. That, however, rarely happens at this early stage-experience has
'low shown that a whole series of evaluation criteria emerges during the development
maintenance not'maintenancerequirements'
of the solution, and that their relative importance changes. It is nevertheless
Use-value analysissystematisesthis step by meansof an objectivbstree, in which most helpful to include rough estimates of the importance of wishes when
the individual objectives are arranged in hierarchic order. The sub-objectives drawing up the specification, because, as a rule, all the persons concerned are
are arranged vertically into levels of decreasing complexity, and horizontally. available at that time (4.2.2).
into objective areas-for instance,technical, economic-or even into major and In use-value analysis. weightings are based on factors ranging from 0 to 1 (or
minor objectives (Figure 5.49). Because of their required independence,sub- lrom 0 to 100). The sum of the factors of all evaluation criteria (sub-objectives at
objectives of a higher level may only be connected with an objective of the next the lowest stage) must be equal to 1 (or 100) so that a percentageweighting can
lower level. This hierarchical order helps the designer to dete\mine whether or be attached to all the sub-objectives. The drawing up of an objectives tree
not all decision-relevant sub-objectives have been covered. Moreover, it simpli- Llreatlyfacilitates this process. Figure 5.50 illustrates the procedure. Here the
fies the assessment of the relative importance of the sub-obiectives. The objectives have been set out on four levels of decreasing complexity and
provided with weighting factors. The evaluation proceeds step by step from a
lcvel of higher complexity to the next lower level. Thus the three sub-objectives
Oq1, O12 and O1j of the second level are first weighted with respect to the
e.g.economrc ob jective 01 (in this particular case the weightingsare 0.5, 0.25, and 0.25). The
engine srrrnof the weighting factors for any one level must alwaysbe equal to Zwl: 1.0.
' Ncxt comes the weighting of the objectivesof the third level with respectto the
_? low .,--1 lOw ,---\.' rrrb-objectivesof the second level. Thus the relative weights of O111and O112
ing ( 012)repair ( 02,)
t' costs costs Y rvith respect to the higher objectives O11 were fixed at 0.67 and 0.33. The
I f
I r c n t i r i n i n go b j c c t i v c sa r e t r e a t e d i n s i m i l a rf a s h i o n .T h e r e l a t i v ew e i g h t i n go f a n
I ..f'' ,,^.. ohjcctivc at a particular level with respect to the objective 01 is found by
3 6@G6 @ r r r r r l t i p l i c a t i o no 1 ' t h c w c i g h t i n g f a c t o r o f t h e g i v e n o b j e c t i v e l e v e l b y t h e
w e i g h t i r t gl ' l c t o r s o l t h c h i g h c r o b j c c t i v c l c v c l s . T h u s t h e s u b - o b j e c t i v eO t r r r ,
consumption consumption w h i c h h a s i r w c i g h t i n g o l 0 . 2 . 5w i t h r c s p c e tt o t h c s u b - o b j c c t i v eC ) 1 1 1 r )t h f e next
I"igurc5.49.Slructurcof an objcctivcstrcc h i g h c rl c v c l . h u s i r w c i g h t i r r g o l 0 , 2 .x5 ( r . 6 7 x0 . 5 x | = 0 . 0 9 w i t h r c s p c c t o O 1 .

122 5 Conceptualdesign 5.8 Evaluating conccpt variants tz3

LevelI 6

1 e9=

= C . E E E E E E

t E


s-- -
0.09 + 6 0 . 0 9 + 0 . 0+4 0 . 0 4 + 0 . 0+8 0 . 2 5 : X w:i1 . 0
0 . 2 5 + 0 . 1+
= 6F
Figure5.50.Objectivestree with weightingfactors S >=

Such step-by-step weighting generally produces a realistic ranking because it is

much easier to weight two or three sub-objectives with respect to an objective on :69=
d =

tn- I
a higher level than to confine the weighting to one particular level only,
especially the lowest. Figure 5.76 gives a concrete example of the recommended o€>

procedure. S-

Guideline VDI2225 tries to dispensewith weightings and relies instead on = 3F -i

evaluation criteria of approximately equal importance. Weighting factors (2x,
3x) are, however, used for pronounced differences. Kesselring [5.24), Lowka.
[5.31] and Stahl [5.56] have examined the influencesof such weighting factorson -= 69> C)
the overall value of the solution. Their conclusion was that they exert a
significant influence whenever the variants to be evaluated have very distinct
properties, and whenever the corresponding evaluation criteria have a great

importance. C ;

\ =
o o

3 Compiling parameters ol= -l= E


The settingup of evaluationcriteriaand the determinationof their importanceis

followed,as a next step, by the assignment to them of known (or analytically E oa
determined)parameters.Theseparametersshouldeitherbe quantifiableor, if L E EB
that is impossible,be expressedby statements framedasconcretelyas possible. ad += .-.
It hasprovedvery usefulto assignsuchparametersto the evaluationcriteriain >5 @6

an evaluation chart before proceeding to the actual evaluation. Figurc 5.5 =

= s 5
shows an example of such a chart for an internal combustion engine. '- " 2..1l
appropriate magnitudes entered in the relevant variant columns. The rcuclcr U
.9 .j
seethat the verbalformulationof the evaluationcriteriastronslvrcscnrblcs
t - c
E v?
of the parameters. 5 =5 =i
E >9 c-. qJ
I n G u i c l c l i n cV D l 2 2 2 5 , b y c o n t r a s t ,e v a l u a t i o nf o l k r w si m n r c d i i t t c l yu p o n :U ad

( oo
s c t t i n gu p o l c v a l u a t i o nc r i t c r i i r . 2 IJ.
124 -5 Conceptualdcsign 5.8 Evaluating conceptvariants 125

4 Assessing Before anyone can assignpoints to the parameters of the variants, he must at
least be clear about the assessmentrange and the shape of the so-called
The next step is the assessmentof values and hence the actual evaluation. These function' (see Figure 5.53). A value function connectsvalues (v) and parameter
'values' derive from a consideration of the relative scale of the previously
magnitudes(lz), and its characteristicshapeis determined either with the help of
determined parameters, and are thus more or less subjective in character. the known mathematical relationship between the value and the parameter or,
The Valuesare expressed by points. Use-value analysisemploys a range from 0 more frequently, by means of estimates [5.20].
to 10; Guideline VDI 2225 a range from 0 to 4 (Figure5.52). The advantageof
the wider range is that, as experiencehas shown, classificationand evaluation
1,0 1.0

ana I Guideline
Meanins lncreasing
lunction Decreasing function
I Meaning I nr.l
0 absolutely
solution 0 unsatislactory
2 weaksolution ,] justtolerable
3 tolerable
L adequate
solution lncreaslng
function Decreasing lunction
7 adequate
5 satisfactory
solution l ; i g u r e5 . 5 3 .C o m m o nv a l u ef u n c t i o n sf ,r o m [ 5 . 6 4 1 ; :x m ; i , y : v ; i
6 It is useful to draw up a chart in which the parameter magnitudes are
fewdrawbacks 3 good
7 goodsolution t'orrelated step by step with the value scale. Figure 5.54 shows such a scheme,
B v. goodsolution rrrcorporatingthe point system of use-valueanalysisand also of YDI 2225.
All in all, therefore, the assignment of a value and the setting up of an
exceeding t
9 therequirement (ideal) Figure 5.52. Points awarded in
10 idealsolution use-valueanalysisand guideline
scale Parameter
Use-valueVOl2225 Fuel I Mass per I Simplicity Service
I consumptionunilpower components
I I lol I
Pts I Ptt s/kWhlkg/kwll km
are greatly facilitated by the use of a decimal system and percentages. The
advantagesof the smaller range is that, in dealing with what are so often no morc 0 400 3.5 extremely 7A
0 complicated
than inadequately known characteristicsof the variants, rough evaluationsare 380 3.3 30
sufficient and, indeed, may be the only meaningful approach. They involve the 7 360 3,1 40
following assessments: 3 3/,0 2,9 60
-far below average
{. 320 2,7 BO
-below average 2 average
- average 5 300 25 100
- above average 6 280 7,3 r20
3 simple
- far above average 7 260 2,1 140
It is useful to begin with a search of variants with extremely good ancl B 7 t0 1,9 200
q u a l i t i e sa n d t o a s s i g nappropriate points to them. Points 0 and 4 (or 10) sht extremely
7?0 1,7 300
o n l y b e a w a r d e di f t h e characteristicsare really extremc-that is, unsatislitc r{1 100 I 'r s 0 0. 1 0 t
()r vcry gootl (itlcirl).Oncc thcse extremc ptlints ltitvc llccn rrssignccl,
r c n r i r i r t i t t gv i t r i i t t t l sl t r c r c l i r t i v c l vc a s v t o l ' i t i l t , 5,54.('hnrt corrclulirrg
parilmctcrmagniludcrwith vnlucscitlcs
I -() 5 Conceptualdesign 5.8 Evaluating concept variants r21

assessmentschememay involve strong subjective influences.Caseswith a clear,

or even experimentally verified, correlation between the values and the para- o=>

= =
* js
meters are few and far between. one such exception is the evaluation of \
machine noise, where the correlation between the value (that is, the protection E E E E
'- > oq
of the human ear) and the parameter (noise level in dB) is clearly defined by
ergonomics. E E
oE E E
,E E
The values v;j of every solution variant established in respect of every >a \ E E F E
evaluation criterion are added to the list shown in Figure 5.51 (Figure 5.55).
Whenever the evaluation criteria are of different importance to the overall
value of a solution, the weighting factors determined during the second step i i :s >*-
\ * =s
must also be taken into consideration.To that end, sub-valu€v,; iS multiplied bv
t h e w e i g h t i n gf a c t o r w i ( w v i i : w r . v i ) . F i g u r e 5 . 7 7 g i v e s a p r a c t i c a le * a m p t . - .
.g d> o<
5 Determining overall value
The sub-valuesfor every variant having been determined, the overall value must
now be calculated.
For the evaluation of technical products, the summation of sub-valueshas
become the usual method of calculation but can only be considered accurateif
s ;'s=
ci = i Ss
the evaluation criteria are independent. However, even when this condition is
only satisfied approximately, the assumption that the overall value has an -- Ef j- S-
additive structure seems to be iustified. E
The overall value of a variant i can then be determined. o

sE- o
E vl
Unweighted: O V i' : \- v,;
i: l N s_
N d o \ =S oo
nn l1

Weighted: O W V' 1 : I w r . r ; 1= I w v ; 1 O

i-f i:r
E ___
6 Comparing concept variants N

On the basis of the summation rule it is possible to assessvariants in several
-l =
= -t=
ways. 0

Determining the maximum overall value E

E o@

In this procedure that variant is judged best which has the maximum overull L 92]
value'. =x cd
F C --.
OVi---> max or OWV1-+ max
= O
f f }-
what we have here is a relative comparison of the variants. This fact is madc I
o f i n u s e - v a l u ea n a l y s i s . Irl
(r, -
Determining the rating
"l E \4.
G - : c
ir, c
I f i t r e l a t i v c c o m p i t r i s o no f t h e v a r i a n t si s c o n s i c l c r c ct ol l t c i n s u f f i c i c n ti r n d O

i t l r s t r l u l cn r t i r t l o
4 l i t v r t r i l u . tht a s t o [ r c c s t a b l i s h c d ,t l r c r rt l r c o v c r i r l l v i r l u c r n r r s l
128 -5 Cionccptual design
5.8 Evaluating conccpt variants t29
referred to an imaginary ideal value which results from the maximum possible
value. In somecasesit is usefulto derive the overallrating from thesepartial ratings
n and to expressit in numericalform, for instancefor computerprocessing.To
L'll that end, Baatz[5.1] hasproposedtwo procedures,namely:
R, :
Unweighted: r=l -the straightline method,basedon the arithmeticmean
n Rr+Re
Iw; .v1; R:
nWV, 2
W e i g h t e dW
: Rj: ""ir - i=1"

v-u".I,w1 and
f.o*. I l1r'i -the hyperbolic method which involves multiplying both ratings and then
reducing to values between 0 and 1:
If the available information about the properties of all the concept variants
allows cost estimates,then it is advisableto proceed to a separatedetermination R:VR,xR"
of the technical rating R1 and the economic rating R". The technical rating is
The two methods have been combined in Figure 5.57.
calculatedin accordancewith the rule we have given-that is, by division of the
Where there are great differences between the technical and economic
technicaloverall value of the given variant by the ideal value-and the economic
ratings, the straight-linemethod can be used to compute a higher overall rating
rating is calculated similarly, but by reference to comparative costs. The latter
than is the casewith low but balancedpartial ratings. Becausebalancedsolutions
procedure is suggested in VDI 2225, which relates the manufacturing costs
should be preferred, however, the hyperbolic method is the better of the two; it
determined for a variant to the comparative manufacturing costs C,,. In that
helps to balance great differences in rating by its progressive reduction effect.
case, the economic rating becomesR": (ColCvariant). It is possibleto put, say, The greater the imbalance, the greater the reduction effect on the lower overall
C, : 0 8 X Cadmissiblc or Co : 0.8 x C-ini-r. of the cheapest variant. If the values.
technical and economic ratings have been determined separately, then the
determination of the 'overall rating' of a particular variant may prove useful.For
that purpose, Guideline VDI 2225 suggests a so-called s-diagram (strength
diagram) with the technical rating R, as the abscissaand the economic rating R"
as the ordinate (see Figure 5.56). Such diagrams are particularly useful in the'
appraisal of variants during further developments, because they show up the
effects of design decisions very clearly.

c ilh

t ou ",faT
4 E

\ 'rl
c nA 04


. sreps_ =--\


Figure 5.56. Rating cliagranrlroln 04

02 06 0B 10
vDr2225 ralittqfr' -----*
02 04 06 0B 10
B, t l o v c r l t l l r l r t i r r gh v s l r l i g l t t - l i r r cl r r t t l l v p c r h . l i c t t t el h ' t l s '
I ) c l c r t t t i t t i r t i . to
5.8 Evaluating concept variants 131
130 -5 Conceptualdesign

Rough comparison of solution variants to the different variants in neutral terms, for instance as A, B, C, rather than
as 'Smith's Proposal' etc, since otherwise unnecessaryidentifications and
The method we have described relies on differentiated value scales. It is useful
emotional overtones may be introduced. Extensive systematisationof the
whenever the 'objective' parameters can be stated with some accuracy and
procedure also helps to reduce subjective influences.
whenever clear values can be assignedto them. If these conditions cannot be - Comparison of variants by the application of evaluation
criteria not equally
satisfied, relatively fine evaluations based on a differentiated value scale
suited to all the variants. Such mistakes arise even during the determination
constitute a questionable and expensive method. The alternative here is a rough
of the parameters and their associationwith the evaluation criteria. If it is
evaluation involving the application of a particular evaluation criterion to two
impossible to determine the parameter magnitudes of individual variants for
variants at a time and the selection of the better in every case. The results are
certain evaluation criteria, then these criteria must be reformulated or
entered in a so-called dominance matrix [5.13] (Figure 5.58). From the sum of
dropped lest they lead to mistaken evaluationsof the individual variants.
- The evaluation of variants in isolation insteadof successively
by application of
the establishedevaluation criteria. Each criterion must be applied to all the
Varianl variants in turn (row by row in the evaluation chart) to eliminate any bias in
112 r 4lsl6l7 favour of a particular variant.
-Pronounced interdependenceof the evaluation criteria.
l 0 I 0 1 0 -Choice of unsuitable value functions.
0 0 0 0 0 -Incompleteness of evaluation criteria. This defect
can be minimised if one of
1 I 0 l 0 the checklistsfor design evaluation appropriate to the relevant design phase is
0 0 0 0 0 f o l l o w e d ( s e e5 . 8 . 3 a n d 6 . 7 ) .
Procedure-inherentshortcomings of the recommended evaluation methods are
0 0 0 0 the result of the almost inevitable 'prognostic uncertainty' arising from the fact
I 0 that the predicted parameter magnitudesand also the values are not precise,but
Sum 3 1 5 2 t 6 t 0 t 4 t 1 subject to uncertainty and to random variation. These mistakescan be greatly
rcduced by estimatesof the mean error (scatter).
Rank 1 1 2 s r 1 l 7 l 3 l 6 With regard to prognostic uncertainty it is therefore advisable not to express
lhc parametersin figures unlessthis can be done with some accuracy.otherwise,
1. better 0 . notbetter Figure5.58.Binaryevaluationof rt is preferable to use verbal estimates(for instancehigh, average,low) which do
s o l u t i o nv a r i a n t sa, f t e r[ 5 . 1 3 ]
rrot claim to be precise. Numerical values, by contrast, are dangerousbecause
the columns it is possible to establish a ranking order. If such matrices of t hcy introduce a false senseof certainty.
individual criteria are combined into an overall matrix, an overall ranking order A more detailed analysisof evaluation proceduresfor the purpose of judging
can be established, either by addition of the preference frequencies or by tlrcir reliability and also for comparative purposes has been carried out by
addition of all the column sums. lelclmann [5.13] and Stabe [5.55]. The latter has also provided an extensive
While this method is comparatively easy and quick, it is not nearly as I'ibliography. If there is an adequate number of evaluation criteria, and if the
informative as the other procedures we have discussed. rtrlr-valuesof a particular variant are fairly balanced, then the overall value will
lrt' sLrbjectto a balancing statisticaleffect, and partly too optimistic and partly
kro pcssimisticindividual values will more or less balance out.
7 Estimating evaluation uncertainties
The possibleerrorsor uncertainties
of the proposedevaluationmethodsfall i t Scarching for weak spots
two m_aingroups, namely subjective errors and inherent shortcomings of t
proceoure. Wclrk spots can be identified from below-averagevalues for individual evalua-
Subjective errors can arise through: llott critcriu. Carcful attention must be paid to them, particularly in the case of
- Abandonment of the neutral position, that is, through bias and partiality. t i s i r r gv i r r i i r r r t sw i t h g o o d o v e r a l l v a l u e s , a n d t h e y o u g h t i f p o s s i b l et o b e
bias may be hidden from the designer,for instancewhen he comparcshis t i t l c d d u r i n g l i r r t h c r c l c v c k r p m e n tT. h c i d c n t i f i c a t i o no f w e a k s p o t sm a y b e
d e s i g nw i t h t h a t o f a r i v a l . H e n c e a n e v a l u a t i o n b ys u ' c r u l p c r s o n s ,i f p r a t c d b y g r l ; r l r s o l ' t h c s u b - v a l u c s - l i r r i n s t a n c c , b y t h c s o - c a l l c c vl a l u e
from variuusdcpartnrcnts,
is alwaysadvisablc,
lt is cquullyinrportant
to illustrntcdirt liigurc.5..59,
In it. thc lcngth*ol thc barscorrcspond
to thc
l -)L -5 Conceptualdcsign 5.8 Evaluating concept variants l -tJ

value and the thickness to the weightings. The areas of the bars then indicate the VDI Guideline2225
Step Use-value analysis
weighted sub-values,and the cross-hatchedarea the overall weighted value of a
solution variant. It is clear that, in order to improve a solution, it is essentialto Identification of Construction of a Compilation of im-
improve those sub-values that provide a greater contribution to the overall value objectives or hierarchicallyrelated portant technical
than the rest. In Figure 5.59, this is the casewith the evaluationcriteria that have evaluation criteria system of design object- characteristicsand
for the evaluation ives (objectivestree) also of the minimum
an above average bar thickness (great importance) but a below average bar demandsand wishes
of concept variants based on the specification
length. Apart from a high overall value, it is important to obtain a balanced with the aid of the and other general of the specification
value profile, with no serious weak spots. Thus, in Figure 5.59, variant 2 is specification and a requlrements
better than variant 1, although both have the same overall weighted value. checklist
Analysis ol the Step by step weighting of Determination of
r I A N1. ]WV'
II: U WVI: Varrant2.
2 evaluation criteria the objective criteria weighting factors
t for the purpose of (evaluation criteria) and only if evaluation

liqf 'n,,..
t-- determining their if necessaryelimination criteria differ
I- weighting to the of unimportant criteria markedly in importance
1l overall value of the
ll uy1.'..' wvz2 '
i solution. If necess-
lf ary, determination
l,t ,'ll:' t of weighting factors
" WVn. tyya: ...
Compilation ol Construction of an objec- Not generally
I t: parameters applicable to tive parameter matrix included
t' llVql
./ ' '".) = the concept variants
]I Assessment of the Construction of objective Assessmentof
' ||vot ' ,wv62, . =-
parameter magnitudes value matrix with the helo characteristicsbv
10 l0 and assignment of values of a points system or points (0-,1 points)
of two variants()w, : l)
Figure5.59.Valueprofilesfor the comparison ((l-10 or (I-4 points). value functions; 0 10
There are also casesin which a minimum permissiblevalue is stipulatedfor al} Determination of the Constructionof a use D e t e r m i n a t i o no f a t e c h -
sub-values-that is, any variant that does not fulfil this condition has to be overall value of the value matrix with due nical rating by summat-
rejected, and all variants that do are developed further. In the literature this individual concept regard to the weightings; ion, with or without
'determination of satisfactorysolutions' variants, generally determination of overall weightingsbased on an
procedure is described as the [5.64].
by reference to an values by summation ideal scllution.If necess-
ideal solution (rating) ary determination of
a n e c o n o m i cr a t i n g b a s e d
5.8.2 Comparison of evaluationprocedures on manufacturing costs
Table 5.3 lists the individual steps in the evaluation procedures we have Comparison ol' Comparison of overall Comparison of the tech-
described and also the similarities and differences between use-value analysis (oncept varmnts use-values nical and economic
and Guideline VDI 2225, which are based on similar principles. ratings. Construction
of an s-(strength)
The individual steps of use-value analysis are more highly differentiated and
more clear-cut. but involve more work than those of Guideline YDI 2225. Tha
Ii.slitrtuliott of evul- Estimation of objective Not explicitly
latter is more suitable when there are relativelv few and roughly equivalc ttuliort tutccrtuinlies parameter scatter and included
evaluation criteria, which is frequently the case during the conceptual phasc ( use value distribution
5.S.3), and also for the evaluation of certain form design areas during ,\curclt .l?tr wcuk spots Constructionof use- Identification of
embodiment phase (see 6.7). l i r r t h c p u r p o s eo f value proliles characteristicswith a
i r r r l l r o v i n gs e l e c t c c l few points only
v ; r ti i r t t t s
5.8.3 Evaluation during the conceptualphase
. 5 . 3s u l l l s u l ) t h c g c n c r a l c v u l u a t i o np r r l c c r l t t r cl.) r r r i t t gl h c c o t t c 1 l r l 1 .\ I l r r r l i l i t l r r l r ls t t ' p s i n t ' r ' : r l t r : r t i o r tn, t t r l t ' o t t t l r i t t i r r n rl r t ' t w t ' r ' r tt t s c - v ; r l r t ci t n i t l v s i sl r t t t l
p h i r s c .t l t c i t t d i v i t l t r r rsl t c p s s h o t t l t lb c i t s l i r l k t w s : Iurrlt'ltttt'Vl )l l.ll5
134 5 Conceptualdesign 5.8 Evaluating concept variants 135

I dentfy ing evaluation criteria Mainheadings Examples

This step is based, first of all, on the specification.During a previous selection
procedure (5.6) unfulfilled demandsmay have led to the elimination of variants Function Characleristics
ol essential
that were found to be unsuitable in principle. Further information was gathered chosen principle
s0lution orfromthec0nceptvariant
subsequently by the firming up of solution proposals (combinations of princi- principle
Working Characteristics principle
ol theselected orprinciples
ples) into concept variants. Hence it is advisable, with all the newly acquired lunctioning,
information, to establish first of all whether all the concept variants to be Embodiment Small
number ol components,
evaluated still satisfy the demands of the specification. This involves a new
Safety Preferential
0f directsalety (inherenily
techniques safe),
yes/no decision-that is, a new selection. measures
needed, industria
andenvironmental guaranteed
It is only to be expected that, even at the present, more concrete, stage,this Ergonomics Satislactory
0rimpairment good
ofhealth, form
decision cannot be made with certainty for all the variants unless much further 0esrgn
effort is applied, which the designermay not be able to provide at this stage.At Production production
Fewandestablished methods,
smaI number
the given state of information, it may only be possibleto decide how likely it is s mplecomp0nents
that certain requirements can be fulfilled. In that case, the requirements in Quality
control Fewtests
simple procedures
question may become evaluation criteria. Assembly Easy, andquick,
convenient nospecial
a dsneeded
A number of requirements are minimum requirements. It has to be estab- Transport Normal
ol transport,
lished whether or not these should be exceeded. If they should, further 0peration Simple
evaluation criteria may be needed. Maintenance Little
For evaluation during the conceptual phase, both the technicaland also the
Costs Nospecialrunning
economic characteristicsshould be consideredas early as possible [5.28]. At the
firming-up stage, however, it is not usually possibleto give the costs in figures.
Irigure5.60.Checklistwith mainheadings
for designevaluationduringthe conceptual
Nevertheless,the economic aspectsmust be taken into consideration, at least
qualitatively, and so must industrial and environmental safety requirements.
It has been suggested[5.37] that a seriesof headingsbe adopted in accordance
with the embodiment design checklist (see 6.2), and also in keeping with other
proposals, and that evaluation criteria be derived from them (Figure 5.60). l| t i ghting the evaluqtion criteria
Every heading in the checklist must be assigned at least one evaluation l hc evaluation criteria adopted may differ markedly in importance. During the
criterion. These criteria must, moreover, be independent of one another in (()nceptualphase, in which the level of information is fairly low becauseof the
terms of the overall objective, so as to avoid multiple evaluations. Consumer rt l:r{ive lack of embodiment, weighting is not generally advisable.
criteria are essentially contained in the first five and last three headings; It is much more advantageous,in the selectionof evaluation criteria, to strive
producer criteria in the headings'embodiment', 'quality control', 'assembly'and l.t ittt ilPProximate balance, ignoring low-weighted characteristicsfor the time
'costs'. l', irts. As a result, evaluation will be concentratedon the main characteristics
Evaluation criteria are accordingly derived from: .rrrrlhcnce be clear at a glance. Absolutely distinct features, however, which
l. Requirements of the specification t,rrrnot be ignored until later, must be introduced -with the help of weighting
- Probability of satisfying the demands (how probable, despite what difficul- l , t tt o r s .
- Desirabilityof exceedingminimumrequirements(how far exceeded) l',rt 11111i,,f puratneters
-Wishes (satisfied,not satisfied,how well satisfied). tl ltirs provccl uscful to list the identified evaluation criteria in the sequenceof
2. General technical and economic characteristics(to what extent prc lhc clrccklist hcadings (Figurc -5.60)and to assignthe parametersof the variants
how satisfied). t l l l ( ' r l l . W h i r t c v c r c l u a n t i t a t i v ei n f o r m a t i o n i s a v a i l a b l ea t t h i s s t a g es h o u l d a l s o
(see Checklist headings for design evaluation during the conccptual t t t c l r r t l t ' cS
l .t t c l tr l t r i r t t l i l r r t i vccl a t ag c n c r a l l yr c s u l tf m m t h e s t e pw e h a v e c a l l e d
Figurc -5.60). l l F t l l ) t r l t ( )c o l ) c c l ) lv i t r i l u t t s ' .I l o w c v c r . s i r r c ci t i s i r n p o s s i b l et o q u a n t i f y a l l
I ) u r i n g t l t c c o n c c p l u i r lp h a s c ,t l r c t < l t a ln u r r r b c ro l ' c v i r l r r i r l i o n
c r i t c r i i rr r r u s l t ' l t l r r i t c l c r i s i i rcl st t r i r t gt l t c c o r t c c p l u i rplh i r s c l.h c t l r r l r l i t i r t i vi rcs p c c tssh o u l cbl c
b c l o t t l r i g l t t t t r t l 5 c r i l c r i i r i r r c u s u l l l y c t t o u g l t( s c c l r i g u r c 5 . ( ) 6 ) , i n l o w o r d s i r r r t lc o r r c l i r l c r lw i t h t h c v r l u c * - u l c ,
r36 5 Conccptual clesign .5.8Evaluating concept variants r37

Assessing values t 2- 'u,nT,

rL 'fr(
Though the attribution of points raisesproblems, it is not advisableto evaluate
too timidly during the conceptual phase.
Those using the 0-4 system proposed in VDI Guideline 2225 may feel the
J lLl

? 3

t, L
need to assignintermediate values,particularly when there are many variants,or costs
2)lowreassembll (2)
when the evaluatinggroup cannot agree on a precisepoint. It may prove helpful 2 7 I 3 3 3
in such casesto attach a tendency sign ( J or t ) to the point in question (see
Figure 5.96). Identifiable tendencies can then be taken into account when
time 2 2 t, 3 3 7
estimating the evaluation uncertainties. The G-10 scale, again, may suggesta
degree of accuracythat does not really exist. Here, argumentsabout a point are 't Possibility
often superfluous. If there is absolute uncertainty in the attribution of points, manulacturi
3 3
tn own
3 3 l 7
which happens quite often during the evaluation of concept variants, the point
under considerationshould be provided with a question mark (seeFigure 5.96).
During the conceptual phaseit may prove difficult to put actual figures to the
Total s s l1 13 13 I

costs. It is not therefore generally possible to establishan economic rating R" ^ Total
"e 0.56 0.56 0.69 081 081 056
with respect to the manufacturing costs. Nevertheless, the technical and 16

economic aspectscan be identified and separatedqualitatively, to a greater or (1)Austenitic

lesserextent. The'strength diagram'(see Figure 5.56) can be used to much the Irigure-5.62.
Economicevaluationof the remainingconceptvariants,seeFigure5.46
same effect (see also Figures 5.61 to 5.63 which are for the test rig shown in
Figure 5.45).
In many casesa classificationbasedon consumers'and producers' criteria has ttv
a l s op r o v e d u s e f u l .S i n c et h e c o n s u m e r s ' c r i t e r i au s u a l l yi n v o l v et e c h n i c a lr a t i n g s 0.8
while the producers' criteria involve economic ratings, it is possible to proceed

,ffi ,iz_
Figure 5.63. of the
technical and economic ratings of
t ) S m a l l d i s t u ri l-) the concept variants in Figures
0ance0lc0up- 3 L L t 3 5.61and5.62
Iingkinematics 0.4 06 10
3 L \ t, t, 3
t , , r r s i r n i l e rcr l a s s i f i c a t i o nt o t h e o n e m e n t i o n e da b o v e . T h e r e a r e t h r e e p o s s i b l e
of coupling 3 t, t, L
l rr rn t s o f r c p r e s c n t a t i o n ,n a m e l y :
4)Functional lcchnical rating with implicit economic aspects(seeFigures 5.77 and 5.96); or
salety 2 l t, 3 3 sr'prrratctechnical and economic ratings (see Figures 5.61 to 5.63); and
r r t l t l iilo n i r l c o m p a r i s o r o . tf c c l n s u m e r sa' n d p r o d u c e r s 'c r i t e r i a .
s)Simple 1)
2 ? 2 2 7 3 \\'hich onc is choscn depends on the problem and the amount of information
'll lr;rilirtrlc.
Total l/. l7 17 17 16
^ Total )rtrrtrt i rri tt g rtyc rul I yuI rtc
", 07 0.55 085 085 0.85 0.80
20 t l c t c r r r r i n i r t i oonl t h e o v c r a l l v i r l r r ci s u n l i r t t c r< l f s i m p l e a d d i t i o n s ,o n c e
chanqes ol pinion
withaxialdlsplacement s h r r v cb c c l r i r s s i l l n e dt o t h c c v i r l u i r t i o rct r i t c r i i ri r n r ll h c v i r r i i r n t s I. l ' . b c c a u s c
l r i g r r r c5 , ( r l . ' l c t l t t r i c rtr' lr ' r r l r r i r t i t r lrtrh c r c n u r i r r i n g c o n c ctp' itr t i : r t t l s c. c I r i g t r r c5 , J ( r l h c c v a l u i t l i o n u n c c r l i r i n t y .i t i s o r r l y p o s s i b l cl ( ) i l s s i l l ni r r i r n l l co l p o i t t t s t o
138 5 Conceptualdesign - 5 . 9 E x a m p l e s o f c o n c e p t u a lr l c s i u n r39

individual variants, or if tendency signsare used, one can additionally determine the probabilityandmagnitudeof the possiblerisk, especially
assess in the caseof
the possible minimum or maximum overall point number and so obtain the importantdecisions.
probable overall value range (see Figure 5.96).

Comparing concept v ariants 5.9 Examplesof conceptualdesign

A relative value scale is generally more suitable for purposes of comparison. In
In this section we shall be examining examplesof conceptual design involving
particular, it makes it fairly simple to tell whether particular variants are
the flow of energy, material and signals,and providing clear illustrationsof the
relatively close to or far from the target. Concept variants that are some 60 per
procedure and applications.
cent below the target are not worth further development.
Variants with ratings above 80 per cent and a balanced value profile-that is,
5.9.1 Rig for testing impulse torque loading of keyed connections
without extremely bad individual characteristics-can generally be moved on to
the embodiment design phase without further improvement. Step 1: Clarifying the task and elaborating the specification
Intermediate variants, too, may, after elimination of weak spots or an
The problem was the development in a researchinstitute of a test rig capable of
improved combination, be releasedfor embodiment design.
loading keyed shaft-hub connections impulsively with definite torques. Before
If often happens that two or more variants are found to be practically
drawing up a specification,a number of questionshad to be answered:
equivalent. It is a very grave mistake, in that case,to base the final decisionon - What is meant by impulse loading?
such slight differences. Instead, evaluation uncertainties,weak spots and the -What impulse torque loadings actually occur in rotating machines?
value profile should be looked at more closely. It may also be necessaryto firm - What load measurements are possible and useful in the case of keyed
up on suchvariants during a further step. Schedules,trends, company policy and
so on must be assessedseparatelyand taken into account [5.28].
While the first question led through physical considerations to the impulse
concept and to the possibleeffects of the collision of two or severalmasses,and
Estimating evaluation uncertainties rvhile fundamental studies,subsequentlypublished [5.32], helped to answer the
This step is very important, especiallyduring the conceptualphase, and must not third question, the answerto the secondquestioninvolved considerableresearch
be omitted. Evaluation methods are mere aids, not automatic decisionmechan-. u,ork. Since the test rig was meant to apply and measureimpulse torque loadings
isms. Uncertainties must be determined by the proceduresexamined in ,rl defined magnitude and rate of increase (Figure 5.64), it was important to
At this point, however, only such informational gaps need be closed as bear on
the favourite concept variants (for example, variant D in Figure 5.96). torque
Searchingfor weak spots
During the conceptualphase, the value profile plays an important role. Variants Iru,adlustable
with a high rating but definite weak spots (unbalanced value profile) may provc
Figure 5.64. Adjustable settings
extremely troublesome during subsequent development. If, because of an sleeplall olf afterImax for impulse torque loading: rise
unidentified evaluation uncertainty, which is more likely to occur in the adjustable
rateol increase time, maximum value and
conceptualthan in the embodiment phase, the weak spot should make itself fclt duration
later, then the whole concept may be put in doubt and all the developmentwork
may prove to have been rn varn. ,rrrrlvscthc torque loadings that occurred in practice in terms of the maximum
In such casesit is very much less risky to selecta variant with a slightly lr t.rt('sof incrcusc cllldt. To that end, the torque/time characteristicsof lathes,
rating but a more balanced value profile. (tirnc transt.nissions,agricultural machines and rolling mills were considered
Weak spots in favourite variants can often be eliminated by the transfcr 'l'he
l\ \ f l. rnirxirnuntrilte of increasefor the caseof non-steadyoperationswas
better sub-solutionsfrom other variants. Moreover. with better information. it f t r r r r rttol b c r l 7 7 c l l - l 2 - 5 x l 0 r N m / s a n d t h i s w a s u s e d a s t h e b a s i s f o r t h e t e s t r i g
possibleto searchfor a replacementof the unsatisfactorysub-solution.
; h ' rl r r r r n i r r r c c
c r i t c r i aw e h a v e l i s t e c o l l a v e da n e s s e n t i arl o l e i n t h e s c l c c t i o no f t h e b c s t c r A f t c r l l t c s c l t l c l i r n i t t i r r ys t u d i c s . i t w i r s p o s s i b l c l o c l n r w u p t r . s p a < ' i f i c u t i o n
v a r i a n ti n t h c p r o b l e r nc l i s c u s s ebdc l o w i n . 5 . t ) . 2( l i i g u r c . 5 . ( ) 6W ). hcn csti ( l ; t g t r r c . 5 . ( r . 5 ) . ' l 'rlcr tcg r r i r c r r r c nl rtrsc i r r r i l n F c ti ln i r c c o r t l i r n cwci t h t h c g u i c l c l i n c s
c v a l u i t t i o t tu n c c r ' l r i l l l i c sa n d i r l s oi n t h c s c : a r c ht i r r w c t t k s p o t s i l i s a c l v i s i r b l c d i r c u s s c di r r 4 , l . l ,
5 C o n c e p t t r a ld e s i g n 5 . 9 E x a m p l e s o f c o r r c c p t u a lc l c s i g n r41

it lssue

TUBerlin lnpulse-loading lesl tig
lor lmpllseloadln0
Ieslrlg Page2
D Requirements
)hanges W Resp.

Geonetry Signals
mustbeheldin positi0n
Testconnection D Measurements:
overlengthol c0nnecti0n
Drameterofshaft < 100mm
basedonDIN6885) D Measurements
to berecorded
direction W points
Measurement easily
Hubsideloadtake-ofl in longitudinal
to bevariable
to beapplied
W 0peration aspossible
ol testrigassimple qurck
(e.9. andsimple
in onedtrection
W principle
Working ol rigenvironmentally
sound (littlen0se,dirt,vibration)
' inPut
Torque oPtional
lromthehubtotheshalt andqualitycontrol
ortromtheshaft D lndividual 0fallparts
Forces D Quality
shalthub to DIN6885 endsingear
andofshalt boxes,
etc:to DIN748,Sheets
2 and3
D Loadinq bypure
ofshatl-nub t0rsi0n
(i.e.nolinfluenced W Manufacture
ol testrigin ownworkshops
D Maximum torque t0 bemaintalned 3s
toratleast W Bought-out
andstandard parts possible
D Frequency of loading:small
(reason: measurement PrinciPle) Assembly
W Suppress vibrations in shaft-hub-key aslaraspossible
system W Testrig:smalldimensions
upto 15000Nmcorrespondingto theload- lowweight
D Maximum torque adlustable
carrying 0fa shattol 100mmdiameter W Nospecial
D Steeplallolfoftorque altermaximum mustbepossible
dl/dl mu$ beadjustable andmatntenance
D Rateof increase in torque,
Maximum dTldt:125x 103Nm/s w Fewandsimple pans
D mustbereproducible
Torque{ime W Minimum
andif necessary mustbe
W delormatron
Manufacturing DM(seeresearch
costs< 20,000 application)
< 5 k[380V
consumption Schedules
D Conclusion phase:
ofconceptual Juiylg/3
Materrals Herr
2 86 . 7 3 Conclusron phase:
ol conceptual 20July1973 Militzer

Rcplaccs ssuo

tc$lri8 l,(r5(colrlirructl)
Figure5,65.SJxcificnlionof irnpulsc-loldin8,
5 Conceptualdesign 5 . 9 E x a r n p l e so [ c o n c e p t u a l t l c s i g n 143

Step 2: Abstracting to identify the essentialproblems

Energy Mainenergy energy
In accordancewith 5.2.2, the specificationmust be abstractedstep by step to electr.)Auxiliary
identify the essential problems: Shaft shalthub
connection Shalt
lVlaterial Hub
Steps 1 and 2. Omit requirements (demands and wishes) that have no dirept torque
withdynamic Hub
Key andmeasureloading Key
bearing on the function and the essentialconstraints.
andstresses I(4 beloreshaflhub

Step 3. Transform quantitative data into qualitative data and reduce to essential Startof
Slgnals control .t connection
statements. sequence shatt-hub
I(0 after
Step 4. Generalisethe results of the previous step. Drive connecti0n
Step 5. Formulate the problem in solution-neutral terms. on-ofl o(x,y,z,t)on lhe
T a b l e 5 . 4 s h o w s t h e r e s u l t o f t h e s es t e p s -
Figure5.66.Overallfunctionof impulse-loading
in Figure5.6-5
Table 5.4. Abstractionand problemformulationbasedon specification - Store energy.
- Control load energy or load magnitudes.
- Vary load magnitude.
Resultsof first and second steps
- Channel load energy.
- Shaft diameter to be tested <100mm
- Apply load to specimen (shaft-hub connection).
Hubside load take-off to be variable in longitudinal direction
- - Measure load
Loading to be applied with shaft stationary
- Adjustable pure iorque loading of test connection up to 15000 Nm (max.) - Measure stress (strain).
- Torque to be maintained for not lessthan 3s In a step by step elaboration, the combination, change of sequence and
- Torque must be able to fall off steeply
addition or omission of these sub-functionsresult in several function structure
- Maximum possible rate of torque increase dTf dt : 125 x 103 Nm/s
- Torque-time curve reproducible
variants.Figure 5.67 recordsthese in the order in which they were developed. In
- Magnitudes of 16"1,,r",7r,,x",tlfld o to be measured and recorded this particular problem, the measurementtasksdo not determine the concept so
the function structure is developed for the flows of energy and material alone.
Resultsof third step liunction structure variant 4 is followed up in the search for solution principles
- Provide impulse torque loading for keyed shaft-hub connections adjustable in respect b c c a u s e i t i n c l u d e s t h e s u b - f u n c t i o n so f v a r i a n t 5 , w h i c h s e e m s e q u a l l y
\ 'change
of magnitude, rate of increase,duration and fall off promising. A finer breakdown of individual sub-functions-for instance
- Torque test to be conducted with stationary test shaft 'change 'channel 'change force back
ellcrgy' into torque into force', force' and
irrto torque'-will not prove helpful before the searchfor solution principles has
Resttlts of fourth step
- Provide adjustable dynamic torque loading for component testing
- Allow measurement of input loading and component stresses Step 4: Searching for solution principles to fulfil the sub-functions.
lrr thc search for solution principles, the following of the methods listed in
Results of Jifth step \r'ction 5.4 are the most commonly used:
dynamically variable torques with simultaneous measurement of loading itnd Arnclng conventional aids:
component stresses'. l . i t c r a t u r es e u r c h e s
Analysis clf an existing universal test rig
A r n o n g r n c t h o d sw i t h a n i n t u i t i v e b i a s :
Step 3: Establishing function structures llririnstorming
The drawing up of function structuresbegins with the formulation of thc ovcrall z \ r n o n g n r c t h o t l sw i t h a d i s c u r s i v eb i a s :
S v s t c r n l r t i cs c a r c hw i t h t h e h el p o f c l a s s i f i c a t i o n schemes
function, which results directly from the problem formulation (Figurc -5.66).
V r r l r i r l i o t to l l h c t v l . l c s o f c r r c r g y , t l r t l t i t l t l s l t n c l s l trfaces
E,ssentialsub-functions to fulfil this complex overall functitln chicfly invt
I l s c o l i r r l c s i g r rc l t l i t l o g t t c o l l i r r c c t r i t t t s l i l r t l t l t t i on llrilrcilllcs
t l t c f k r w o f c n e r g y i t n c l ,f < t rm e a s u r e m c n t st,h c f l t l w t l l s i g n i r l s : 'Ilre
- - ( ' h t t r t 1 1i tct p t t l o t c r , q ' ,itn' t t l l t l a c l( t t l r t l t r c ) . l
s o l t t l i o t lt l r i r t c i l l l c sh t t st l i s c o v te e t l i t r c c o t t t l l i t t c tbl v t t l c l t t trsl l ' i tc l i r s s i l i c a -
( ' l t u n g ai t t ; t t t lc l t c r g V i t r l o l r t r x i l i i r r y( t t ( r ( . v l o r C o n t r r t l t t t t t ' l i o r l . l t o t r s e l r c r r r c( l r i g r r r c . 5 . ( r t { ) .l r r r r c { t r i ( t n lril l r p t t c c . o t t l v t l t c t l t t t s t i t t t p o r t l t l t t
44 -5 ConcePtual design 5.9 Examples of conccptualdesign 145

llrl =E
o ee*
Comments structure
Function -"-==

\-|/ (soecimen)
\\:2_-19 T,rs g'fil,/l o r---f =
ll with
Energy S, | --i--- --r- | !4' g lrits | E
'Change' 'control' r i f - - l r
ffi =
E/ ll>l
6 +,xI
E Fa-]
nge'and l e o n t.r_ql ft [1*6-lit1t'oss) il

Tl L;nanse
o titiI c

can 0e il E!n#l,lX.t
.- ffi specimenl--
._ __[-----l
! g5- O>
Mi- -
c_- I

(i g-{d >-
gad= 3
q, \:,/ lM
nputenergy -T-- ---t -.-- !o

int more -l il | .9
control --l i l-----l r lconr.or I f^---___lr l-ioaJ_-|i t,
Chanoe Hrnaqn,tuoe n urange !]
lnergy l'landlime r - ' L _specimen
[iri-] _ F* @ .z ns* o9p
l l .----,-*-trir,r'*'qy Eo
U i tl- | O a I fA{bl EE
1l GO O.= Y

/';\ _rl
IY vl
IU': oc
t--- -,-- i
=./ .=
o o
.E .1,
t l Ir .s2
qdd.'increase' lProsrl / - c
'switch', r, l -r-- -_l_ | --)-y <o
E{ I d
\dd. i.e.
'eleaseenergy __L_ __rEl-.t r '=
9^a ./
r i--__l t R ' i ' i l ] l l n"l::":l-*|
t""*l l C o n t rlo' t li '- i:, 6 ,/
( __Jif
raqn " 0 1L0a0I ,* .-l lv\
- " F-|'"::_:: ll-.-|,
nChanqe H "Store c o m p ll a r d t r f*l

I lenersv l t n eLl - l
d9 / e<,ti E U
,, !1"'-'" 1 l i .9
il _l o ,^ l
a/ --.1\ t\
12 32
UU 5 /--4 >o
s .!:

,O r\'I -SE
{ mt
! , ' !
'./e T-'l r A
'lncrease'function tv
= lt lEN l I E
s.i lstorel
----r :
I ;y ,/l--.r-l
'{t\- + / €+\ E
o'_ €
=.1 '
: i-tr{f

j"i' i - - - - - p ; ' s ;
Sub-lunction'change' tr \-\ o =b E \11d -a:
I i /-
inserted - ,/> 5\9 OE

-.1 J

energyinto'torque ''f c
9 c
6 I
EO-I o i
E I q 4T\
= E

I G', ttl


f ( s) ==
_= 1; ffi:
ii I- [ ernto
r al--1
nse -],,[5
L0a0 f--------;.-
it E
J fr Iog
:>4 (hE >g
il t r"
llorquel+ o
,1, | : lntn c B -l

.- c o{ ul
I L I V I \ \:.r / .9
E- ttl _ \!-/
:,j lt
;- r----rl
oEor(:-): Et
e=- @ h\
E WE ll
tM', E o = Ll{.J at I E
>!: =€lN
__F-_ t . U; Ia=
a t-{ ii L
= 6

-al control unanse r corp ll
L0a0 I l_ | l l n c r e a s el ul n a n Q e l m a o l l i - tr^
:_, X

n ll f-] ,JlJi,,
l*l - [* 8-_-8 l *f >E-l
o E -rrl
thesystem S, i _l-
oulside oFi o co
]f- t "l E { l =--- l*

,-,.-' g o ii € l/\i

: H-f EJ
Mt I l+ lA- t (ftroua
aOueq3 'l Yn. | |
(/) ..,I
S s F , : , , i .s 3
5 . ( r 7 ,l i r n c t i o n s t r u c t u r ev i t r i i t t t t st t t r i l tt r t rs t c l ) - b y ' s l c p I. |J.
5 . 9 E x a r n p l e so f c o n c c p l u u l t l c s i n r r
146 5 Conccptual design I4l

sub-functions and solution principles have been included. Solution principles principle
that are useless from the start are omitted from, or crossed out in, the 2 3 L 5 6 7 B I
Subjunction \
classificationscheme.Especiallywith mechanicalcontrol principles, it is possible

l\\ ,..T\
to derive new ones by systematic variation of surfaces and motions. In the 1 electr.-mech n
present example, energy provides an important classifyingcriterion with respect
to the solution principles fulfilling the sub-function
'change energy' and all the Z
electr.-hydr. i"\ \

other sub-functionsas well.

For the sub-function
'release energy', the solution principles involve various
clutches and locking mechanisms; for the sub-function
'load' they involved
3 c . -e c n l o
m e c nm
it. Nli -\. t2

various shaft-hub connectionsand also rigid couplings;and for the sub-function

which is not a concept determinant, they involve extensometerstrips
and inductive and capacitativetransducerswith electronic amplifiers.

5 Storeenergy
m e c nh. -y d r . t!
. l

Nsl V

energy in resp.
b- <\ =::l:
Step 5: Combining solution principles to fulfil the overall function
The sub-solutionsobtained during the last step must now be combined into
of magn.andtime

overall solutions. In the present example, this was done with the help of the Figure5 '69. Combinationschemeshowingsevencombinationsof solutionprinciplesin
same classification scheme. From the field of solution principles, various accordance with Figure5.68
combinations of principles are derived by combining solutio\ to one sub-
function with solutions to the neighbouring sub-functions. Variantl:1.1-5.3-6.5-3.4-3.7 Variant5:6.7_1.2_7.3_3.7
Here, function structure variants 4 and 5 serve as the basis for the combina- V a r i a n t 2: 1 . 1 - 7 . 4 , 5 . 1 - 7 . 4 - 6 . 2 - 3 . 7 V a r i a n6t : 6 . 7 - I . 7 _ 7 . 3 _ 3 . j
V a r i a n t 3 :1 . 1 - 5 . 1 - 3 . I - 6 . 1 - 3 . 7 V a r i a n t T: 6 . 7 _ l . I _ 7 . 4
tion, the sequenceof sub-functions being slightly varied. In this process, the t : 2 . 1- 6 . 8 - 4 . 1- 3 . 2
V a r i a n4
compatibilities and technical possibilitiesare considered,not systematicallybut
by discussion.In this context it is often helpful to draw up compatibility matrices
(Figure 5.43). Figure 5.69 showsthe areasof feasiblecombinationsof principles. ('alculation steps:
Time needed to reach the maximum torque at the required rate:
Step 6: Selectingsuitable combinations \
15 x 10:
It was pointed out in 5.6 that, with a large number of variants, it is advisable, o': o ' 1 2S
tx * tor:
even before further firming up, to make a preliminary selectionso that detailed
design drawings and calculations are not made for other than promising Force at the end of the loading lever:
combinationsof principles. Figure 5.70 gives an example of this type of.selection
procedure: only four of the seven combinations are pursued after selection.
F n r u * : T : 15 10:: 1 7 . 6 x 1 0 : N
Step 7: Firming up into concept variants
lhe l.ading lever is treated as a weak cantilever spring with the end moving
Before the most promising concept variant can be discovered, the selcctccl l l t r t r t r g ha d i s t a n c eo f h : 3 0 m m w i t h a f o r c e o f F - o " l n s u c h a w a y
that th;
combinations of principles must first be prepared for evaluation. To that cnd. p t ' rr r r i s s i b l eb e n d i n g s t r e s si s n o t e x c e e d e d .
the designer will make a number of layout drawings (Figures 5.71to 5.74). l r r n g c n t i a lv e l o c i t y o f t h e c y l i n d r i c a l c a m :
Often a line diagram will not, however, be sufficientfor judging the functional
efficacy of a solution--calculations or model experiments may be needcclat f*: V'
lr ().l2
well. As an example, take the cylindrical cam and the flywheel in variant V2
u s c d t o p r o v i c l et h e i m p u l s e t o r q u e l o a d i n g . A n g u l i r i v c l o c i t y i r n c lr l t r n o l ' c y l i n c i r i c a cl i r r n :
( ' a n t h c c y l i t t t l r i c i r cl u r n s h o w n i n F i g u r c 5 . 7 5 p r o c l u c cl l t c r c t l u i s i t c l t
d ' l ' l t l t- - I 2 . 5x l 0 r N n r / s i r t r d t h c n l f l x a l l l u n l t ( ) r ( l u c (11"'
irrcrcirsc ol ,, :.1'.i,t, - 2.()r'tr/sr,, - -. r()rcv/rrirr
7 , u u . =l 5 x l ( l r N t r r ' l {}. ti) }r
-5 Conceptualdesign 5.9 Examplcs of conccptualdcsigrr r49


Solution by
lVarksolutjon (Sv)
S E T E C T ICORNI T E R I A : Testconnection
(+) Pursue solution
( - ) E l i m i n astoel u t i o n
Lackol inlormation
( ? ) C o l l e ci nt f o r m a t i o n
Check specifrcalion (re-evaluate solution)
! ) Check specification
I lask

0l lhespecilicati0n


Inc0rp0rates measures
direcl Figure5.71.Conceptvariant7, from [5.53]

by desiqneas
Preferred company

Lol1uJ. og caalroVto.ule- bral<es probleaaht Cylindrical


Hvolraul^cs rct- ye.f appLled

No cxF€rae^ce-- wLEL lvleoJ rcForS li'
Poder Cle.^o,acl og u-cgne.| too grecC l Testconnection
2 I No experie*cs u'utt- hqristor cnlrol

l:isure 5.72. Concept variant I/2 from [5.53]

Pcriod of revolution:
- - -
3 . 1 4s

Sincc the switching time of electromagneticallyoperated clutchesfor connect-

rttgitncldisconnectingthe cam drive is somewherein the region of a few tenths of
rr sccor]cl,thcrc should be no problems in applying this principle. The magnitude
o t , r r r r rrl i l t c o l i n c r c a s ci n , t h e i m p u l s et o r q u e l o a d i n gc a n b e a l t e r e db y m e a n so f
I n l c r c h i u r g c i r b l cea n r sa n c la l s o b y v a r y i n g t h e p e r i o d o f r e v o l u t i o n .
S t c t r sI r l r c s t i n r l r t i n ul ' l v w h c c ll n ( ) l n c n to l ' i n c r t i i r :
( i s i i n t r r t co l ' r l r c c l r c r g yn c c d c r l l i r r t h c i r r r p u l s c( i r r r dI r c n c co f t h c c n c r g y t o b c
s t o r c d ) o t l l l r c i l s s u n l l ' t l i ( ) nt h a l t l l l o u d c a r r y i l U l p i l r t s t r r c c l i r s t i c a l l y
l 5 . 7 ( 1S, c l c e t i o t ot l c o n r b i r u t i o n so l s o l u t i o np r i r t c i p l c (r v u r i t t r t t s ) dclirrrncd.
150 5 C o n c e p t u a ld e s i g n 5 . 9 E x a m p l e s o f c o n c e p t u a ld c s i g n 151

Testconnection Stored energy of flywheel:

\: | J y a t 2 : 1 5 9x 1 0 z J
-Rotational speed after the impulse:
Eafrer: Er - En'o" : 15 640 J

@artcr : 125rad/s; flartcr: 1 190rev/min

The drop in rpm is thus seen to be very low. Hence all that is needed is a
,motor with a small output.
Figure5.73.Conceptvariant/1 from [-5.531
Step 8: Evaluating the concept variants
Rack Having thus firmed up on the combinationsof principles, we can now evaluate
the concept variants with some confidence. In what follows we shall be
considering the four variants selectedduring Step 6.
Important wishes in the specificationprovide a seriesof evaluationcriteria of
varying complexity. These are assessedand elaborated with the help of the
checklist (Figure 5.60). Next, a hierarchical classification(objectives tree) is
drawn up to facilitate closer identification and better co-ordination of the
weighting factors and the parameters of the variants (Figure 5.76).
In Figure 5.77 parameter magnitudesand values assignedto the variants have
been set against the evaluation criteria.
It appears that variant V2 has the highest overall value and the best overall
rating. However, variant V3 follows close behind.
For the detection of weak spots, it is advisableto draw a value profile (Figure
-5.78).The figure shows that variant V2 is well balanced in respect of all the
important evaluation criteria. With a weighted rating of 68 per cent, variant V2
Figure5.74.Conceptvariantlz. from [5.531
thus representsa good starting concept for the embodiment design phase.
^ mcx
9 Result
lirrrther firming up by means of scalelayout drawings and also development and
t onstruction of the actual test rig were all based on concept variant V2. Figure
:.79 depicts the end result.
-,b-3cm mox

Figure 5.75. Development of 5.9.2 One-handedhouseholdwater mixing tap

c=d.x _250,r_ cylindricalcam
,\ onc-handed mixing tap is a device for regulating water temperature and
Stored energy at maximum impulse torque loading: tltroughflow with one hand. This task was sent to the design department by the
p l r r n n i n gd e p a r t m e n t i n t h e f o r m s h o w n i n F i g u r e 5 . 8 0 .
E.u* : iF.o*'h :260 J
This amount of energy is needed in the time interval At : 0.12 s Slcp l: ()larilying the task and elaboratingthe specification
- F l y w h e e ld i m e n s i o n s :
N t ' w t l i r t i tt t t t l i t t i n g s , s t a n c l u r c l s ,a f c t y r c g u l i r t i o n sa n c le r g o n o m i cf a c t o r sl e d t o
S c l c c t : M a x i l n t t m r p m , r l . r . r:r 1 2 ( Xr)e v / m i n ; r r r' l 2 ( rr i t t l / s
tltc rcplircctttctto t l ' t h c o r i g i n i r l s p c c i l ' i c l t i o nb y t h c r c v i s c d v c r s i < l ns h o w n i n
s l r ' : 0 . 2 n t i r n t l r r ' - ( ) ,I t t t . t l t e l l t ' r v h c c lr t t i t s s .
I . i r r I ' l y w h c c ld i r t t c r t s i o n o
l r i g u r c5 . l t l . ,
r r r l- l ( X l k g ,i r r r t lt l r c r r r o r r r c nolt i n c r l i i r .J 1 = l t n s r : - 2 k [ n r r .
52 5 Conceptualdesign 5 . 9 E x a m p l e s o f c o n c c p t u i r ld c s i g n 153

@ O @ o
@ @

>=< ?' 5
6- s
ei o
= O d d

E> od

= = c E c


o it@
O o N
N @ N @
d o
o - s
s-- _ '.^
it ?
E> srl

= 3 = O o

n? 0.084
!l .. @ O ti-^@
0.12 a
=: t\

021 = d
a - +
0.09 S
d \
s!, I

and = =
= = =
E o
e", ll c6
@ o O N O @
@ S-?
;'s i @ N N >@
= O o O o Go(t


ilo c)
I 6S
ts> sil

.E = = = o

rvl3-v. I

004 c o
c E
0.06 E

a? >a

E E >=
0ulckexchange L x:j e_> El! oEi 8.9
ol test = 6
E9 oo
ah o
c0nnectt0ns <-
.2 >a 3a E'
z o OY z cG- 66 <E
@ ':-o
= a
c; d d o O
d o
O i,j

Goodaccessibil E
!': 9 c ziz
ol measuring G
-- '64
systems -o € .!? >6
t' E E=
q o.E a;a
EF" 6 E :g hdg
r9 ,:
it €g >c^ !l

ilr }F *9r t3 E O*
)W= 1 AE -3 |.Ett 5 a :jE I}J (n 3a !

rigurc5.76.()bjcctivcstrcc for impulse-loading

tcstrig a q,

Conceptual design 5.9 Examples of conccptuulrlesitn

V2,0WV2: 6.82| Variant
Variant \. )WVs: 6.45
IhN.N --= for jne hdnded nixing lap
il/ Requi
I| v./ a \\\l ]I tb D 1 Throughput
flow)max10/minat 2 bar
Y/,/./ ./,/,/././,/
N\.\ \\\\\N i
,,','rl l\\.\\\\\\\\\) | :- D pressure
2 Max. 10bar(test
D 3 Temp. 60.C,j00.C(short_time)
ol waterstandard
I r//j .,/,/ ./ ,/,///f\.\\\ \ .\\\\\\.].) t_-.s D 4 Temperature
i-, --_1-------.5S
, W 5 Permissible
temp +5"Cata pressure
fluctuation diff.of +5 barbetw
viz 10 9 I 7 6 5 4 3 ? 1 o r 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 ro I vie supply
Figure5.78.Valueprofilefor detectionof weakspots D 6 Connection:
2 x Cupipes,l0 x I mm,I : 400mm
D 7 Single-hole p 351fmm,basin
attachment 0 jB mm
dimensionsDINEN3j, DINEN32,DINj368)
D B Outflow
edge ofbasin:50mm
D 9 Tofithousehold
W 10 Convertible
D 11 Light (children)
D 12 Noexternal
D l3 Hard
supply (drinking
D 14 Clear
D Trade
markprominenily displayed
D l6 Noconnection
of thetwosupplieswhenvalve
W 17 Noconnection
D 18 Handle
F i g u r e- 5 . 7 9F. i n i s h e di m p u l s e -
l o a d i n gt e s t r i g c o r r e s p o n d i n gt o W l9 Noburnsfromtouching
concept variant Iz2,from [-5.-531 W 20 Provide protection
scalding if extra
D 21 0bvious
D 22 Smooth,
tap D 23 Noiseless
r red:one-handed
water tapwlththel0 lowing
mtxing characterlstics 24Service
at about300000
Throughput 1 0l / m i n D 25 Easy
Usestandard parts
l\ilax.pressure 6 bar
D 26 Max.manuf.
Normal 2 bal D 2/ Scheduies
Hotwater c0nceptual
designdetail /pe
temperature 60"c desrgn
Connectorsrze 10mm alter2469 months
t0 bepaidl0 appearance.
ention Thefirm'strademarkl0 beprominently product
displayed. in twoyearslrm
t0 bemarketed
nufacturing DIV30 eachat a production
coslsnott0 exceed rateol 3000tapsperrnonth Repiaces
of 12.6.j923

C. X 1S - l l r r r t l ertrl r i x i r r ;gr p
. p c c i l i c i r t i loi r ro r r e
i gurc .5.13( ). ( )nc-ltirrttlcd rrtixi rrg 1it1.r[ : x a n r p l eo f a n i t s s i g t t t t t c tsl t l g g c s t c (bl y t h c I
l l r u r i n gr l c p i r r t r t t e r t t
156 5 Conceptualdcsign 5 . 9 E x a r n p l e so f c o n c e p t u a ld e s i g n r57

Step2: Abstractingto identifythe essentialproblems unchanged-that is, the relationship V,lV,n must remain constantand indepen-
The basisof abstractionis the specification,from which it is possibleto arrive at d e n t o f t h e s i g n a lp o s i t i o n s i .
Figure 5.82. Simple householdsolutionsfor mixing taps suggested that the On changing the temperature 8n. V. must remain unchanged-that is, the
chosensolution principle must be basedon meteringout the water throug\a sum of V, + Vh: Vn,must remain constant.To that end the componentflows /.
diaphragmor valve. Suchalternativesasheatingand coolingby the introduction and V6 must be changedlinearly and in the opposite senseto the signalsetting s,y.
Problem tormulation:
Flowof hotandcoldwater Step 3: Establishing function structures
stoppedorsometered The function structures were derived from the sub-functions;
thatthemixedtemperature - Stop-meter-mix
regardless - Adjust flow rate
ofthethroughput. -Adjust temperature
The physical principle being well known, the function structurescould be
Functions varied and developed to determine the best system and its behaviour (Figures
Flowof materials
@ -5.84to 5.86). From the results, the function structure shownin Figure 5.86 was
@ Flowof signals chosen as the most satisfactorv.
FdFrl boundary
Figure5.i32.Problemformulationandoverallfunctionasper specification,
V : volumeflow rate;p : pressure;dl: temperature
Figure-5.81 I ,,,i..
lndex:c : cold,h : hot, m : mixed,o : atmosphere lo
of external energy through heat exchangersetc could be dismissed:they were
more expensive and involved a time lag. Whenever known solution principles
can be applied such '4 priori determinations' are frequent and permissible.
Next, the physical relationshipsfor the diaphragm or valve flow rate and the rl I
temperature of mixed flows of similar fluids were determined (Figure 5.83). l c

Temperature and flow rate adjustments are based on the same physical
principle-valve or diaphragm.
On changing the flow rate V^, the flows must be changed linearly and in the 100 20o 300 1,0o 500
same senseas the signal setting s9. The temperature rl.. however, must remain


h - p z = E ( a / 2 )G ; V : v A
v = aC ,Vt Ti Y h - P z

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 L0
0sh: 0sc : 2.5 Oar :Y - : 2.5bar;p,, : 2 barjl-
dh I r.*trrc5.114.Furrctionstructure for a one-hanclccl water mixinq tap baseclon Figurc -5.132.
Ym 8m : l/h. Oh + \ t c l r ' r ' i r r gl ' l o w@ l r r r t rl r t l j u s t i n gl c r r r P c l l r t r r r c s c y r r l l ; 1 1 1l .'c1iy, r . i r n i x i n ! rI.n t l i e g r l r y r h s .
I t t t t ' so l c ( ) l l s l i t l tttc n t p c r a t u r cl r n d c o r r s t i r r lr)tc l c c l r t i l A cl ' l o wn r t c h u v cb c c n p l o t t c c lf i l r
f l t v c t lt c l l l l ) c r i l t u r cs c t t i n g s( , r u ) i r n rlll o r v r i r t cs c t t i r r ; l (s. r i . ) , ' l ' l r r o r r gnhr u t u a lc f f c c l so l l h c
I l ( ' s \ t l r c so t l t l t c i r t l e t sl t @ r r r r t@ l t h c l c r r t l t c t ' l l t r r ci r r r t l k r u c l l r r i r c t c r i s t i cusr c n o t l i r r c i r r
r\('cl)t li)r tlrc sctting,Ti,- ().fll5. ittrd hctrCC OtCUnrui|ttblc lirr rrrrirlll'Lrrvnrtcs. At rr
llrr\sr!t'ctlillcrcrrcc[rctwccrrt]ic coldtnd hot wt||t ( i n t h i rc i t \ r/ , . r , / ) . , ( ) , 5
b i t r )r h c l i r r c s h i l t . ' lh c s c t t i n ptrtic n o l o n a t of rrch olltcrcvert litt tlte
samc fluid rcltrrrlr,ri. * {l t{25(dilgrtm on riSht) il
158 5 Conceptualdesign 5 . 9 E x a m p l e s o f c o n c e p t u a ld e s i g n 1-59



stJ i I

f 10

o oB s0f
06 - +-
0 70 400
0.4 50f
40 401_
30 0.2 30F
70 20l-
0 10.1-
0 02 04 06
P s n: P s c = 2 . 5b a r
55 ps6: 2.5bar;p,, : 2 53t 0.2 04 06 0B 10 0 . 2 0 4 0 6 OB
Psn: Psc: 2.5bar itt- - 9v: 2.5bar;Pr,: 2 5ut
Figure 5.85. Function structure basedon Figure 5.82 in which the temperature rs set Figure 5.86. Function structure basedon Fig. 5.82, in which the temperatureand flow at
before, and the flow metered after, mixing. With equal pressuresin the supply pipes, the
each inlet is metered out independentlyand then mixed. Linear temperatureand flow
flow and temperature settings are independent of each other due to equal pressule characteristics.No seriouschangeseven at different supply pressurei.
differences aiross each temperature-flow-metering valve. The behaviour is linear. Witil
different supply pressures, however, the characteristic ceasesto be linear and is strongly
displaced, especially with small quantities, when the pressurein the mixing chamber
approximates the smaller supply pressure. If it is exceeded, then cold or (here) hot watcr
only will run out regardless of the temperature settrng. Solutions with separatemovementsfor v and 0 tangential to the valve seat
'[-he face
independenceof the 7 and r?setting is only guaranteedif each of the flow
rurcas of the valves is bounded by two edges running parallel to the
correspondingmovements. This implies that the movements must proceed at
Step 4: Searching for solution principles to fulfil the sub-functions irn angle to each other and in a straight line. Every valve setting thus has two
'vary two flt pairs of straight and parallel bounding edges(Figure 5.88). This ensuresthat
Brainstorming was used as a first attempt to solve the problem: when one setting is adjusted the other setting is not simultaneouslyadjusted.
areas,simultaneouslyor successively,in one senseby one movement and in l)istribution of bounding edges.Each of the componentsproducing the valve
opposite senseby a second, independent, movement'. This resulted frolrl tlow ureas must have at least two edges that face each other and lie in the
sub-function: 'meter flow rate and temperature' in accordancewith the fu t l i r c c t i o r ro f t h c m o v c m e n t .
structureshownin Figure5.86.The resultsare shownin Figure5.tt7. willr llrc 7 sctting. both valve areas must approachzero simultaneously.
W i t l r t h c r , ls c t t i r r g .o r r c l l r c a l r u s t i r p p r o a c hz c r o i r s t h e o t h e r a p p r o a c h e si t s
Analysisof brainstormingresults t t t i x i t t t t t l t t . ' l ' h i si r t r l t l i c sw
'fhc . i t h 7 s c ( t i n g s (. h l r t t h c l t o u n c l i n ge c l g c so n b c l t h
s o l u t i o n s s u g g e s t e d . d u r i n gt h e b r a i n s t < l r m i n gs c s s i o nw e r c c h c c k c d v i { l v c i t r c ; t st l l t t s t t l l ( ) v c t o w i r r c l sc i r c l t o l l t c r o r l r w i t v l r o n t c a c h o t h c r i n t h c
c s t i r b l i s h c rwl l r c t h e r t h c I / i r r r c il 9 s e t t i n g sw c r c i n ( l e l ) c t t t l c t t tA. r t i r t t a l y s i tst f \ i l l t l c s c l l s c . W i t h r ?s c t t i r t g s t. l t c l r r t t t t t t l i t tcgt l g c r r l r r t l r t , t $ ' ( )v i l l v c l t r c i t sl ) l g s t
c o n r h i l t c dn l ( ) v c l n c l l l ss t t g g c s l c ct hl c l i r l l o w i n g $ ( l l u t i ( ) tpl r i l l c i l l l c s : n r ( ) v ci n l h c i r p p o s i l cs c l l s c l ( ) c t c h o t h c r ,
160 dcsign
5 conccptual 5.9 Examples of conceptual design r67
cylindrical pipe #*
A x i aml o v e m:eDn t J A
R o t a r y m o v e: tm
/ ent
4 A t,, -The seat face may be plane, cylindricalor spherical.
-Beam principre x )a
#] r rn - Solutions of this type can be effectedwith a singlevalve element,and seem
'il---E- vl
Inverse principre
olbeam p simple to design.
- Inverse
.{YA' Flowarea
r----- v, t-----"--\ ,------
Twoptates (|\ lffi:3) GE// Movementsand
f -;- | -..- bounding edgesof valve positions
Beam F+l to
- Ooposing
valves {,,*( P &
bysc,ssor n fl *.nr=
orincip'e ^.r 2. Solutions with separatemovements for V and B normal to the valve seatface
andrackandpinon H frf ilH f-Tl' v
n 0 - This group includes all movements which involve lifting a valve from its seat
wedges+ slidingplates +
a W
Lr face. However, only a movement at right anglesto the seatface is possiblein
lnverse plates
ofsliding (asabove)
Ballsin pipesactivated -The independent setting of V and rl can only be achieved with additional
by conicalcam control elements (coupling mechanism).
-The design seemsto require greater effort.
- Rotatrng
withaxialmovement lll , -F 3. Solutions with one type of movement for V and I tangential to the seat face
-' --' a+P2P'&t
edges t0 ensure
correct mrxrns)a-m
wedqes _fl| -To guarantee the indepenclenceof the V and I settings, additional coupling
UU(ln elements are needed.
lnjection (notpursued)
flap VA - The solutions are similar to those listed under 2. They only differ in the shape

- Twothrottle
flaps of the seat face and the resulting movement.
- Three-way
# 1. Solutions with one movement fnr i normal to, and one movement for I
- Chamfered r'Tt wTv
ffi r#ry tungential to. the seatface and vice versa
These solutions do not, even with the help of coupling mechanisms,satisfy
- controllever thc demand for indepenclent 7 and r1 settinss. The overall function is not
- ball
central00re (tZ achieved.
bore ._
Twotlexiblelubes *-.N\s-'::."Yt l)iscursive searches for solutions could be conducted with the. help of
Camorwedoe) wto
f _TW
t llssification schemesfor an independent setting of the flow rate 7 and the
I t ' n r p c r e t t u r re) .
Movewedge lwoapertures
Jl t,., lrl
.4\ /,q
\aVqJ a\1,*'
l}irsed on the identified solution principles, the classificationcriteria were
- Membrane r" l i s t c c la s s h o w n i n F i g u r e 5 . 8 9 .
#.ut-ij=l.- tv 'I'hc
@ combination of the solutions thus discovered into a slngle scheme was
Twobasicpossibilities: torrnclto be inexpedient for the following reasons:
mechanisms S o l r r t i o r r sw i t h r n o v e m e n t sf o r I / a n d d t a n g e n t i a l t o t h e s e a t f a c e c a n b e
- lns irtlvirnlagcouslyvaried and classifiedby type of movement and form of valve.
SPhincter .\-" ( ( ' l r r s s i l i c a t i osnc h c r n eI s h o w n i n F i g u r e5 . 9 0 . )
Vortex \-\$, W i t l r s o l r r t i o n si n v o l v i n g a s i n g l c I n o v c r r c n t f o r 7 a n d r ) a t t h e s e a t f a c e
( i i r r r g c r r t i i rrll r r r o r r n l r l ) t, h c i r r r a n g c r r r c rot ll l l t c s c i r l l ' i r c c si t t r col f t h c c o u p l i n g
F i g u r e5 . t 3 7R . c s u l to f u b r a i n s t o r m i n gs c s s i o nt o d i s c o v c rs o l u t i o np r i n c i p l c sl i r r t h c
I r s s i g n n r c n t ' v i t rt vw o l ' l o wi r r c l s . s i n r r r l t l n c o u s lov r s t t c c c s s i v e l ivt ,t o t t c s c r t s cl r v o t t c r r r c c l r i t r r i s rl r irr si r r l c c i s i v cb c i r r i n go n l l t c s o l u l i o t t . ( ( ' l a s s i f ' i c i r t i osnc h c n r cI I
n l ( ) v c n rnel l r r t l i r r t l r c o p P o s i t cs c r t s cb v i r s c c r t t t r li.t t d c ; r c n d c t t lt l ( ) v e
tt'tcrtl' s h o w l t i n | i g u r c 5 . ( ) 1).
r62 5 Conceptualdesign
5 . 9 E x a m p l e so f c o n c e p t u a d
l csign r63

Classif criteria parameters
ilhN\ 7 L
of movement Tangential
of movemenl Twomovements
al ananglet0 eachotherlor t/andf -lI 1r
-.ii lvF .^-
0pp0srte K JL_ .,+-J
ln Oned rect0nfor l/ andr?
A[Jrk\]F _l T,
couped J
-tlv il ,-
Typeof movement Rotation
frc '^V,;l TU' .".'n\^
Formof valve
p ate,wedge
In oneplane L
nn v!l
(v/ j\%
Cone M a[7,^. .4- I
2\r{' .:r' sh s K3 "V\
shapes Figure 5.91. Classification
bodles Scheme II for solutions to the
of seatfaces 0pposite one-handed mixing tap problem
I n o n ep a n e Movement tangential or normal
to the seat face
Counled movement in one
Figure 5.89. Classificationcriteria for a one-handedmixing tap direition for I/ and r1

Step 6: Firming up into concept variants

Step5: Selectingsuitable solution principles
With the help of further research into possible setting or operating elements
Ihe solution principles fulfilling the demands of the specificationand promising which we have not discussedhere, the solution principles could then be firmed
,o be most economic were those found in the classificationscheme shownin up into concept variants (Figures 5.92 to 5.95).
Figure 5.90, and were therefore preferred.

Step 7: Evaluating the concept variants

Irr accordancewith VDI2225, this step was taken with the help of an evaluation
ns. trons./rot. rot.
ehart. In addition, evaluation uncertainties and weak spots were examined
7 3 ( F i g u r e5 . 9 6 ) .
planeplate A
i+rl"E ru to the balanced profile and the discernable improvement possibilities,
BJ' t+t Solution B (Figure 5.93) was found to be preferable to all others.
ball solution D (Figure 5.95) would only have been consideredif further
cylinder B
{ili' strrrlicsinto production and assemblyproblems had been undertaken and led to
p o s i t i v cr e s u l t s .
c0ne C

ll Rcsult
sphere 0 o
&r,, l ) r l r w i r r g so l ' S o l r . r t i o nI l w i t h i m p r o v e m e n t st o t h e o p e r a t i n gl e v e r i n r e s p e c to f
n c h e r n eI f o r s o l u t i o n so f t h c onc-hantlerlrnixing tirp proltlcm
F i g u r c 5 . 9 0 .C l a s s i f i c a t i o S r l l i r ( c r c r l t t i r c n l c n t s ,c i r s i c r c l c a n i n g a n c l r t u r n b e ro f p a r t s w e r e p r o d u c e d .T h e
M o v c n r er t t t a n g c n t i a tl o t l r c s c i t tf a c c l c v c l o l i n l o n n l l i o r t l i l r S o l u t i o r tI ) w l s i t t t p r o v c t lw i t l t i r v i c w t r l r c - c x l r n r i n i n gi t
irrtlcpctttlctttntovcnrcnlsitt iul irrrglclirr V nttd rl
f o r l ' i t t i r lc v i r l u i l l i o r t ,
5 Conceptualdcsign 5 . 9 E x a m p l e s o f c o n c e p t u a ld e s i g n

u I.


lor One-handed
tap Page7
ln lheorderof I P:presenl
varianl A B E F
l-eadings| (P):possib'e
lhechecklisl aflerrnproverenl
lNoI Evaluation
critenon P (P) P (P) P (P) P (P) ( P) P (P)

FunclI Reliabi
llow 1 1 3 3 1
drips I
Work Reliable,
setting 1 2 3 2 3 J
Princ (calcium-resistant
fewwearinq parts) I
mbo 2 Lowspace
requiremenl 1 3l 2 2 +

4 Fewparts 7 I 2 1 +
Prod I
5 I 7 3 2 /?
S i m p lm
e anufacture

ASSY 6 Easy y
assemb I 2 2 2l

7 Convenient
operation, I I J 2
.9 sensitive
Figure5.93. E
Figure5.92. Easyupkeep I 4t 2 3 )
O 8
to clean) I
S mpe maintenance t0os, 1 1 3 2 7?
neednotbedismanfled) J


? Evaluation
uncertain 4 16 24 (%, 2 1 2 3 20
Screw joint
or solder I Tendency:
better a+51 Rr 756
I Tendency:
worse Ranking 4 7 (1) 2 (3) 2)
Justificati0n (l) of variant/criter

8 1 Simplity
Indeterminate y
of ballduringassemb
9t lmprove

Figure 5.94. Figure 5.95. ) 9 1 A l t ,irrrn n not l e v e r

'plate t , , ,,. u , , l P t u r i o s0 0 r u l | 0Bnw i l ni m p r 0 v e r e0nl (l 0 n l r 0e e m e r l s

Figure 5.92. One-handed mixing tap, solution variant A: solution with eccentric
| 5 0 l u0l n u L x a m i nper o d u c t ipo0ns s i b i l i t p i erse s ernet s tus i n 2 m o n t h s
and pull-and-turn grip'
'cylinder solution with lcvcr'
I ' i g u r c 5 . 9 3 .O n e - h a n d e dm i x i n g t a p , s o l u t i o nv a r i a n tB : lj,lr: n ro tJ,
' c y l i n c i c sr o l u t i o r rw i t h c n t l I
I ; i g u r c5 . 9 4 .O n e- h a n d e dm i x i n g t a p . s o l u t i o nv a r i a n t( ' :
v i r l v c si r n t li r r l t l i t i o r t i sr lc i r l i n g '
'ltlll solrrtion' litltlrc 5,t)6. ( )ttc'-h;uttlcttnlixilUttl;l livrlultir)n (rl conccl)t vlliiults A. Ii. (', I)
l r i g u r c 5 . 9 5 ,( ) t t c - l t i t n t l c trl r r i x i r r g
t l t P ,s o l t t l i o t tv : l r i i l t l ll ) l
6 , I S t e p so f e m b o d i m e n td c s i g n r61

Embodiment design embodiment design phase. Instead, the designer may have to adopt a general
approach. Particular problems may demand deviations and subsidiarysteps,and
these can rarely be predicted in detail.
It is always advisableto proceed from the qualitative to the quantitative, from
the abstract to the concrete, and from rough to detailed designs,and to make
provision for checks and, if necessary,for corrections (see Figure 6'1).
1. Using the specification,the first step is to identify those requirements that
have a crucial bearing on the embodiment design:
Embodiment design is that part of the design process in which, starting from the -Size-determining requirements such as output. throughput, size of connec-
concept of a technical product, the design is developed, in accordance with tors etcl
technical and economic criteria and in the light of further information, to the - arrangement-determining requirements such as direction of flow, motion,
point where subsequentdetail design can lead directly to production (see 3.2). oosition etc: and
- material-determining requirements such as resistanceto corrosion, service
life, specified materials etc.
Requirements based on safety, ergonomics, production and assembly involve
6.1 Stepsof embodimentdesign special design considerationswhich may affect the size, arrangement (see 6.2)
and selection of materials.
Having elaborated the solution concept during the conceptual phase, the 2. Npxt, scale drawings of the spatial constraints determining or restricting
designer can now firm up on the underlying ideas. During the embodiment the e6bodiment design must be produced (for instance drawings showing
phase, at the latest, he must determine the overall layout design (general clearances,axle positions, installation requirements etc).
arrangement and spatial compatibility), the preliminary form designs(compo- 3. Once the embodiment-determining requirements and spatial constraints
nent shapesand materials) and the production procedure, and provide solutions have been established, a rough layout, derived from the concept, is used to
for any auxiliary functions. In all this, technological and economic considera- identify the embodiment-determiningmain function carriers-that is the assem-
tions are of paramount importance. The design is developed with the help of blies and components fulfilling the main functions.
scale drawings, critically reviewed, and subjected to a technical and economic The following subsidiary problems must be settled, due regard being paid to
evaluation. the principles of embodiment design (see 6.4):
In many cases several embodiment designs are needed before a definitivc Which main functions and function carriers determine the size, arrangement
design appropriate to the desired solution can emerge. and component shapesof the overall layout? (For instance,the blade profiles
In other words, the definitive layout must be developed to the point where a in turbo-machines or the flow area of valves.)
clear check of function, durability, production, assembly, operation and costs What main functions must be fulfilled by which function carriers jointly or
can be carried out. Only when this has been done is it possibleto prepare the separately?(For instance, transmitting torque and allowing for radial move-
final production documents. ment by means of a flexible shaft or by means of a stiff shaft plus a special
Unlike conceptual design, embodiment design involves a large number of coupling.)
corrective steps in which analysis and synthesisconstantly alternate and comple- 4. Preliminary layouts and form designs for the embodiment-determining
ment each other. This explains why the familiar methods underlying the seorch main function carriers must be developed; that is, the general arrangement,
Jor solutions and evaluatior?must be complemented with methods facilitating thc component shapesand materials must be determined provisionally. To that end,
identification of errors (design faults) and optimisation. The collection o.l it is advisable to work systematicallythrough the first three headings of the
inlrtrmution on materials, manufacturing processes,repeat parts and standards checklist (Figure 6.2). The result must meet the overall spatial constraints and
involvcs a considerableeffort.
'l'ltc thcn bc completed so that all the relevant main functions are fulfilled (for
c m b o d i m c n t p r o c e s si s c o m p l e x i n t h a t : instancc by spccifying the minimum diameters of drive shafts, provisional gear
- n l a n y i r c t i o n sh a v c t o b e p c r f o r m c c ls i n r u l t i r n c o u s l y ;
r a t i o s , m i r t i r r r u r nw a l l t h i c k n c s sc t c ) . K n o w n s o l u t i o n so r e x i s t i n gc o m p o n e n t s
- ' s o n l c s t c p sh a v c t < lb c r c p c i r t c ci lr t t r l r i g h c rl c v c l o l ' i n l i l r r n i r t i o ni;r n c l ( r c p c a t p a r t s . s t i r n c l a r dp a r t s c t c ) n r u s l l r c s h o w n i n s i m p l i f i e df o r m . I t m a y b e
- - i t t l t l i t i o t t si r t t di r l t c r i r t i o n si n o n c i r r c i rl r i r v cl c p c r c u s s i o n o
s n l h c c x i s t i n gr l c s i g r r usclul to stirrt working orr sclcctct[lrcits rlttly, conrhiningthese later into
itt rllhcrlrrcirs. p r c l i t r r i r t i t rlvl t y o t t l s .
l f c c i r t t s cr l l t l t i s . i t i s r r o t r r l u ' ; r v s; x r r r r b l g t r l d r n w u p i l s l r i c t p l i r r r l i l r t l r t . 5 . ( ) t t c ( t 1 t l l ( l r cs r t i l l r l r l cP t c l i t t t i l t ; r r r ' l ; t v r l tltl ll rt l $ ll ) c s c l c c t c t il t t l t c c r l r t l i t t t c c
168 6 Embodiment dcsign 6.1 Steps of embodiment design r69

II Headings
ls thestipulated
Working Dothechosen
I Whatdisturbing
of spatial
Produce constraints

ldentifv carriers
andformdesign Dothechosen

materials provide:


E; unimpeded expansion
Developpreliminary andt0rmdesigns
layouts acceptable
L - -
fortheembodiment-determininq stipulated
Safety Haveall thefactors
layouts safetyof thec0mponents,
ol thelunction,
ol theoperation
andol theenvironmentbeen
Developpreliminary andformdesigns
layouts Creatlon
Erfnomics Havethemanmachine relationships
fortheremaining carriers
mainfunction takenintoaccount?
Have unnecessary
human stressor injur;ous
to auxiliary
forsolutions lactors
Search c
beenpaidto goodphysical
Hasattention layout?

torthematnfunction E Production Hastherebeen

a technological
detailed andformdesigns
E economic ol theproduction
analysis procedure?
carriers compatibility
ensuring luncti0n
withtheauxiliary q
Quality Canthenecessary
E andafterproduction
during 0r at anyother
Devel0p andlormdesigns
detailed lunction
lortheauxillary required
theybeen specif
and complete
carriers layouts
Evaluation Assembly Canall theinternal
cnecK assembly processes
Check layouts
- II Transport
in thecorrect
criteria conditions
Evaluate andecon0mic
I intoaccount?

Onprrlinn Haveall thefactors

Check factors




II Willadditional
or subsidrary
les Canthedelivery
I +

l " i g u r c6 2 . ( ' h c c k l i s tf o r e m b t t d i m c n tc l c s i g r r

l r i g r r r c( r L S t c p so l c r r t b o r l i t t t r , t' rl ct tr t g n
6 2 Checklist for embodiment desisn NI
6 Embodiment desisn
15. Conclude the embodiment design phase by preparing a preliminary parts
and with the
with the proceduresdescribed in 5.6 (modified if necessary) list and preliminary production documents.
checklist(see6.2). 16. Fix the definitive layout design and pass on to the detail design phase.
6. PreliminarY laYouts and form designs must now be developed In the embodiment phase, unlike the conceptual phase, it is not necessaryto
the remaining main function carriers thit have not yet been lay down special methods for every individual step.
becauseknown solutionsexist or they are not embodiment-determining The representation of the layout and form designs may be based on standard
this stage. drawing conventions or, if necessary,on simplified scale drawings, as suggested
as support'
7. Next, determine what essential auxiliary functions (such by Liipertz 16.122).
exploit known
retention, sealingand cooling) are neededand, where possible' The searchfor solutions for auxiliary functions and other subsidiary problems
solutions)' If this
solutions (such as repeat piitr, stundardparts, catalogue is based either on the procedure described in Chapter 5, but simplified as far as
the procedures already
proves impossible,s"ar.h ior specialsolutions,using possible, or else directly on catalogues.Requirements, functions and solutions
described(ChaPter5). with appropriate classifying criteria have already been elaborated.
carriersmust now
8. Detailed liyouts and form designsfor the main function The embodiment (layout and form designs) of the function carriers is based on
design rules and guidelines
'andin accordancewith thi embodiment
be developed
regulations, detailed the checklist and involves reference to the principles of mechanics and to
6.5), with due attention to standards,
i*" o: problem of compatibility structures and materials technology. It calls for calculations ranging from the
calculationsand experimentalfindings,and alsoto the
If necessary,divide simplest to complex differential equations or the method of finite elements
with those auxiliary functions that have now been solved. applied with the help of computers. For these calculations, the reader is referred
into assemblies or areasthat can be elaborated individually'
to tfe literature listed in 6.5.1, and for even more complex calculationsto the
for the auxiliary
9. Proceedto developthe detailedlayoutsand form designs sp/cial literature. In addition, fixed rules and principles, to be elaborated later,
parts. If necessary' refine the
fungtion carriers,addin! standardand bought-out must be followed.
all function carriersinto overall
designof the main funcii,oncarriersandcombine Because of the fundamental importance of the identification of errors (design
layouts. faults) in several of the steps, the reader is especiallyreferred to 6.6.
10. check the overall layoutsfor mistakesin function' spatial In the elaboration of embodiment designs,many details have to be clarified,
p.rfor-un"e, durability eic by reference- to the-.checklist(see 6'2) and the
confirmed or optimised. The more closely they are examined, the more obvious
Then refine step by step.
iault_eliminationmethod outlined in 6.6. it becomes whether the right solution concept has been chosen. It may appear
11. Evaluatethe layoutsagainsttechnicaland economiccriteria that this or that requirement cannot be met, or that certain characteristicsof the
to be put in more concrete
If a particular project requires several.concepts chosen concept are unsuitable. If this is discovered during the embodiment
embodiment process must not, of course, be
form piior to evaiuaiion,then the phase, it is advisable to re-examine the procedure adopted in the conceptual
of the variants demands' so that the final
prr.rrr"d beyond what the evaluation phase, for no embodiment design, however perfect, can hope to correct a poor
iayout designcan be determinedand elaboratedas quickly and solution concept. This is equally true of the solution principles applicable to the
various sub-functions.
is thus possible,in somecases,to take a
However, even the most promising solution concept can cause difficulties in
on carriershavereachedthe preliminary
detail .design. This often happens because various features were originally
:cisionwill haveto be deferreduntil after
'::'#ii treated as subordinate or as not in need of further clarification. Attempts to

ffi:'*:*::il:-:l;"H,Tffi solve these sub-problems compel the designer to reiterate the appropriate steps
while retaining the chosen solution concept.
evaluationis Possible.
72. Fix the PreliminarYlaYout'
in the courseof the
elimination of the weak points that have been identified 6.2 Checklist for embodiment design
evaluation.If it shouldprove advantageous, repeatthe previousstepsand adopt
suitablesub-solutionsfrom lessfavouredvariants' Embodiment design is characterisedby repeateddeliberationand verification
1 4 . C h e c k t h i s l a y o u t d e s i g n f o r e r r o r s ( d e s i g n f a u l t s ) i n f u n c t i o n , s p a t i a(ls e e6 . l ) .
factors' Make what
compatibility etc (sel 6.\ anJ for the effectsof disturbing Evcry embodimentdesign is an attempt to fulfil a given function with
feasibilitymust bc
improvementsmay be needed.The technicaland economic appropriutelayout, componentshapcsand materials.Thc proccssstartswith
established at this point at the latest'
172 6 Embodiment design 6 3 Basic rules ol embodiment desisn n3

preliminary scale layout drawings based on spatial requirements and a rough Safety imposes a consistent approach to the problems of strength, reliability,
analysis, and proceeds to consider safety, ergonomics, production, assembly, accident prevention and the protection of the environment.
operation, maintenance and costs. In short, by observing the three basic rules, the designer can increase his
chancesof successbecausethey focus his attention on, and help him to combine,
In dealing with these factors, the designer will discover a large number of
interrelationships, so that his approach must be progressive as well as reiterative functional efficiency, economy and safety. Without this combination no satisfac-
(verification and correction). Notwithstanding this double character, however, tory solution is likely to emerge.
his approach must always be such as to allow the speedy identification of those
problems that must be solved first. 6.3.1 Clarity
Though individual factors may be closely interrelated, the designer can derive
important checklist headingsfrom the general objectives and constraints(2.1.6) In what follows we shall be applying the basic rule of clarity to the various
which, moreover, provide him with a useful procedural order and a systematic headings of the checklist (Figure 6.2):
check of each step in turn. The checklist thus not only provides a strong mental
impetus, but also ensures that nothing essential is forgotten in the embodiment Function
phase (see Figure 6.2). Within a given function structure, an unambiguous interrelationship between
All in all, reference to the headings will help the designer to develop and test the various sub-functions and the appropriate inputs and outputs must be
his progress in a systematic and time-saving way. Each heading should be guaranteed.
examined in turn, regardless of its interrelationship with the rest.
The actual sequence is no indication of the relative importance of the various
W/rking principle
headings,but ensuresa systematicapproach. For instance,it would be futile to
deal with assembly problems before ascertaining if the required performance or The chosen working principle must, in respect of the physical effects:
- reveal a clear relationship between cause and effect, thus ensuring an
minimum durability is ensured. The checklistthus provides a consistentscrutiny
of embodiment design and one that is easily memorised. appropriate and economical layout;
- guarantee an orderly flow of energy, material and signals.
If it does not, undesirable and unpredictable effects such as excessiveforces,
deformations and wear may ensue.For this reason alone, it is advisableto avoid
6.3 Basic rules of embodimentdesign the so-called'double restraints', the more so as they can causefurther difficulties
during production and assembly.
The following basic rules apply to all embodiment designs. If they are ignored, By paying attention to the deformations associatedwith a given loading, and
breakdowns or accidentsmay occur. They underlie nearly all the steps listed in also to thermal expansion, the designer can make the necessaryallowancesfor
6.1. When used in conjunction with the checklist (Figure 6.2) and with the possible expansion in a given direction.
design fault identification method (see 6.6) they also help with selection and The widely used bearing pairs, with a locating and a non-locating bearing
evaluation. Figure 6.3a), avoid'double restraints'and have a clearly defined behaviour.
The basic rules of clarity, simplicity and safety are derived from the general stepped bearing pair (Figure 6.3b), on the other hand, should be specified
objectives, that is: ly when the expected changes in length are negligible or when the resulting
- fulfilment of the technical function; is permissible. By contrast, a spring-loaded arrangement, in which which
- economic feasibility; and : operating axial force Fu must not exceed the pre-load Fo, will permit a clear
- individual and environmental safety. finition of the force transmissionpath (see Figure 6.3c).
The literature contains numerous rules of, and guidelines for, embodimenl Combined bearing arrangements often present problems. The combination
d e s i g n 1 6 . 1 2 7 , 6 . 1 2 8 , 6 . 1 4 5 , 6 . 1 5 2 , 6 . 1 1 0 1 .O n c l o s e r a n a l y s i si t a p p e a r s t h a t in Figure 6.4a consistsof a needle roller bearing which is intended to
clarity, simplicity and safety are fundamental to all of them. nsmit the radial forces and a ball bearins which is meant to transmit the axial
Clarity, that is clarity of function or the lack of ambiguity of a dcsign. forces. Hclwever,this particular arrangementdoes not clearly define the
facilitatesreliable prediction of the performanceof the end product and in mitny transmission pathfor the radialforces,becausethe innerandouterracesof both
casessavestime and costly analyses. bearingsarc rcstraincdradially.As a rcsultthc scrvicelife cannotbe predicted
Simplic:ity generalty guarantees economic l'casibility. A smallcr nutrrbcr tll' accuratcly. Thc arrangcmcnt shownin F'igurc6.4/r.rrnthc othcr hand,satisfies
c ( ) r n p o n c n t si t n c ls i n t p l c s h i t p c si t r c p r o c l t t c c dn t < l r cq u i c k l y a n d c a s i l y . thc <'/arity
rulc with thc sanrcclcnrcnts.providcdthc dcsigncrcnsurcs,during
t74 6 Embodiment design 6 3 Basic rules of embodiment design r75

If these data are not available, the implementation must be based on

reasonable assumptionsand the expected service life specified accordingly. In
any case, the embodiment must be such that the loads can be defined and
calculated under all operating conditions.
No impairment of the function or the durability of a component must be
allowed to arise.
Similarly, behaviour in respect of stability, resonance,wear and corrosion
must be clearly established.
Very often one comes across double restraints safetl"s sake'. Thus a
shaft-hub connection designed as a shrink fit will not have a better load-carrying
capacity if it is also provided with a key as in Figure 6.5. The extra element
merely ensurescorrect positioning in the circumferential sense,but becauseof
the reduction in the area at A,the resulting stressconcentration at B and the
presence of complicated and almost incalculable stressesaI C, it decreasesthe
strength in a drastic and fairly unpredictablemanner. Schmid [6.185] has shown
that an axially pre-loaded taper joint for the transmissionof torque requires a
spiralling motion when the hub is assembledon the shaft in order to ensure a
religble shrink fit, and the use of a key would prevent this.
Figure 6.6 shows a housing adapter for a centrifugal pump which can be used
to provide various annulus profiles to fit different blade shapes so that new
Figure6.3 housings need not be constructed for each case. Unless the intermediate
pressure in the gap between the adapter and the housing can be clearly

Figure6.4.Combinedrolling-element bearing:
(a) Transmission
pathof radialforcesnot clear;(b) combinedrollingbearingwith the
sameelementsasin (a), but clearidentification
of the transmission
pathsof theradialancl
pressure balancing
assembly,that the right-hand race has enough radial play in the housing, thus t0 ensure
making certain that the ball bearing transmits axial forces only. l.l7 rA
llal P;= Po
Figure 6.6
Layout and form design
F i g u r c 6 5 . ( ' o n r b i n c csl h i r l t - h u t r c o l r l t c c t i o r t b y n t c a n s o f s h r i n k f i t a n d kAenye x a m p l e
T h e l a y o u t ( g e n e r a l a r r a n g e m e n t ) a n d f o r m d e s i g n ( s h a p e sa n d r n a t c r i a l s ) o l n o t r r p p l y i n gt h c l l l i r r c i p l co l c l i r r i t y .
r c q u i r e a c l e a r d e f i n i t i o r ro l ' t h c m a g n i t u d c . t y p c , f r c q u e n c y a n d c l u r a t i o n o l \
klads. l r i g u r c( r , ( r ,I l o u s i t t gl t l u p l c r i t t i t c o l t l - w i t l c ll ) t l t t t l )
176 6 Embodiment design 6 3 B a s i c r u l e so f e m b o d i m e n t d e s i g n n7

regulated, or some other means of attachment is used, the adapter might travel then the enclosed condensate may evaporate and produce an unpredictable
upwards and damage the blades by rubbing against them' increase in pressure inside the valve housing. The result is either a ruptured
This is particularly true when similar fits (H7-j6) are chosen for the two housing or serious damage to the housing cover connection. If the latter is
locating diameters which are approximately the same size. This is because, self-sealing,serious accidentsmay ensuesince, in contrastto what happenswith
depending on manufacturing tolerances and working temperature, gaps may overloaded bolted flange connections,there is no preliminary leakageand hence
upp"u., tile relative size of which is unpredictable and which produce no warnlng.
intermediate pressuresin the space between the adapter and the housing. The The danger lies in the failure to specify clear operational and loading
solution shown in Figure 6.6 (detail) ensures, by means of the speciallydesigned conditions. Possibleremedies are as follows:
- Connect the inner chamber of the gate valve housing to an appropriate steam
connecting passageA (which must have a flow area roughly four to five times
greater thin the-maximum gap area that might appear at the upper locating pipe, operational conditions permitting (purru": ppip.).
-Protect the valve housing againstexcesspressure (puu1u.
Iiameter), a clearly definable intermediate pressure corresponding to the lower restricted).
- Drain the valve housing, thus avoiding collection of condensate (puulu"=
inlet preisure of the pump. As a result the housing adapter is always pressed
downwards when the pump is in operation, and attachments are only needed as Pe*t..nol).
locating aids for assemblyand to prevent any tendency of the adapter to rotate' Design valves in such a way as to minimise the housing volume (collection of
SeriJus damagehas been reported in gate valveswhose operational or loading condensatekept low).
conditions were not clearly defined [6.80,6.81]. When closed, gate valves Similar phenomena in welded membrane seals are discussedin [6.154].
separate, say, two steam pipes and at the same time close off the inside of the
vaive housing. The result is a small, self-containedpressurechamber as in Figure
6.7. If condensatehas collected in the lower part of the valve housing, and S e 6 b a s i cr u l e i n 6 . 3 . 3 .
steam appearson the inlet side with the valve closed so that the valve is heated,
In the man-machine relationship, the correct operation must be ensured by the
logical layout of the equipment and of the controls.

Production and Quality Control

These must be facilitated by:
- clear and comprehensive data in the form of drawings,parts lists and
- the designer's insistence on adherence to the prescribedproductionand

bly and Transport

uch the same is true of assemblyand transport. A planned assemblysequence
nting mistakes should be incorporated in the design (see 6.5.7).

O p eration and Mainte nsnce

ar installation intructions and the appropriate embodiment design must
ensure that:
the performance is easily checked; and
maintenance involves the smallestpossible variety of tools and equipment.

6.3.2 Simplicity
'sirnlllc' rncilns 'not
l j i g u l c ( r , 7 ,( i i r t c v l l v c w i t l t r c l i t t i v c l yl i r r g c For tccluticll applicationsthc wrlrcl complcx', 'casily
krwcr collc('linl nlcil u t t r l c r s t r x l tilu' t d ' c i r s i l yd t l r t c ' .
n8 (r Embodimcnt design
6 3 Basic rules ol cmboclitncnl dcsrgn t79

A solution seemssimpler if it can be effected with fewer components, because Ergonomics

the probability of lower production costs, less wear and lower maintenance is
The man-machine relationship should also be simple and can be significantly
then greater. However, this is only true if the layout and shapes of the
improved by means of:
components are kept simple. Hence the designer should always aim at the - sensibleoperating procedures;
minimum number of components with the simplest shapes[6.118, 6.144,6.154]. - c l e a r p h y s i c a ll a y o u t ; a n d
As a rule, however, a compromise has to be made: fulfilment of the function - easily comprehensiblesignals.
always demands a certain number of components. Cost-efficiency often imposes
a decision between numerous components with simple shapesbut with greater Production and Quality Control
overall costs, and a single and cheaper cast component with the greater
Production and quality control can be simplified, that is speeded up and
uncertainty it may entail in delivery.
improved, if:
Returning to the checklist: - geometrical shapespermit the use of well-established,time-savingmethods;
- the manufacturing methods involve short setting up and waiting times; and
-shapes are chosen to facilitate the inspection process.
In principle, only a minimum number and a clear and consistentcombination of
Leyer, discussingchangesin manufacturingmethods [6. 119],usesthe example
sub-functionswill be pursued during considerationof the function structure.
of a sliding control valve approximately 100mm long to demonstrate how the
Working Principle replacementof a complicated castingby a brazed product made of geometrically
simple turned parts helped to overcome difficulties and paved the way for more
In selectingworking principles, only those involving a small number of processes
and components; having obvious validity; and involving low costsare taken into
Pursuing his line of approach, we discover that further simplifications are
'simpler' in individual casesdependson the problem and the possible (Figure 6.8). Step 3 helps to simplify the geometrical shape of the
What constitutes
central, tubular part. Step 4 (fewer parts) can be taken when the surfaceareasat
r i g h t a n g l e st o t h e v a l v e a x i s n e e d n o t b e r e t a i n e d .
In the development of the one-handedmixing tap (see 5.9.2) several solution
principles were proposed. One group (Figure 5.90) involved two independent
adjustments in directions tangential to the valve seat face (types of motion:
translation and rotation). The other group (Figure 5.91), though involving only
movements in one direction (normal or tangential to the seat face) required an
additional coupling mechanism to convert the two single adjustments into one
direction of movement. Quite apart from the fact that, in the secondgroup, the
pre-set temperature is often lost when the tap is shut off, all solutions
represented in Figure 5.91 involve a greater design effort than does the first
group. Hence the designer should always begin with a group such as that
depicted in Figure 5.90.

Layout and form design

Here the simplicity rule requires:
- geometrical shapes which can be analysed simply for strength and stiffness; r e 6 . 8 . S i m p l i f i c a t i o no f a s l i d i n gc o n r r o lv a l v e ( a p p r o x 1 0 0m m l o n g )
[6.l l9].
- symmetrical shapes which provide clearer identification of deformations rleted by steps3 and 4
during production and under mechanicalor thermal loads. Castin^gdifficult and expensive;2 Improvement by splitting into simple, brazed, parts;
simplification of central tubular part; 4 Further simpiificati*on possibility
In many cases,the designer can reduce the work of calculation and experi-
mentation significantly if he tries, by means of a simple design, to facilitate thc A f u r t h c r c x i r r r r p l ei s p n l v i c l c cbl y t h e o n e - h a n d e dm i x i n g t a p d i s c u s s e de a r l i e r
a p p l i c a t i o no f b a s i cm a t h e m a t i c a lp r i n c i p l e s . c l c s i g no l ' t h c l c v c r i r r r a n g c n r c nst h o w n i n F i g u r c 6 . 9 i s e x p e n s i v et o m a k e
c l i l ' l i c u lt to c l c i r n( s l i t s ,o l l c n r c c c s s c s ) . o n c s l l r w n i n F i g u r e6 . l 0 i s m u c h
r l c r i t l t t l i t l s r tr l l t t r cs t t i t i r l l l cl i r r l r l r t g c rp r r l t l r r c t i r l lrtt r r t s . ' l ' h cl c v c r . w h o s cc n c l
S c c u r r r l c r( r . 3 . 3 . C t t t ts l i t l c i l t l ( l r ( t l i t l ci r t : t c i t t ' t t r t t l c r c r l l i Ei r rl ' ( ) o v cr,' c t p r i r eisr s r r r i r l l crrr r r r r r b cort '
6 Embodiment design 6 3 Basic rules ol ernbodiment design 181

F i g u r e6 . 1 1 .A d j u s t a b l e
r i n go f a n i n d u s t r i aslt e a mt u r b i n e a; d j u s t m e n o
t sn A i n
the samesenseproduceverticalmovement,adjustments at A in the oppositesense
producea rotationaboutB that approximates to a horizontalmouement
Figure6.9 Figure6.10
Figure 6.9. Proposedlever arrangementfor a one-handedmixing tap with translational
and rotational movements
Operation and maintenance
Figure 6.10. Simpler solution with improved embodiment (basedon Schulte) With respect to operation and maintenance, the simplicity rule means:
- the operation must be possible without special or complicated instructions;
-the sequenceof operations must be clear and simple, and any deviations
parts and avoids wear in areas that are difficult to readjust. All in all, therefore,
faults easily identified; and
this solution is by far the better. -maintenance must not be clumsy, laborious and time-consuming.

Assembly and transport

Assembly is simplified, that is facilitated, speeded up, and rendered more 6.3.3 Safety
reliable, if:
I Type and scope of safety techniques
- the components to be assembledcan be identified easily;
-the assemblyinstructions can be followed easily and quickly; fety considerationsaffect both the reliable fulfilment of technical functions
-no adjustment has to be repeated; and also the protection of man and the environment. The designerhas recourse
- reassemblyof previously assembledcomponents is avoided (see 6.5.7). safetytechniquesthat, following16.43],may be classified
During assembiy,the sealing ring of a small steam turbine has to be adjusted direct;
vertically and horizontally with the turbine shaft already assembled,to ensure indirect;or
uniform clearance around the labyrinth seal. Doing this without having to warning.
remove the shaft several times for adjustment poses a problem which may bc In general, the designer should try to guarantee safety by the direct method,
solved by the design shown in Figure 6.11: the adjustment can be made at thc t is by choosinga solutionthat precludesdangerfrom the outset.only when
joint, roiation of the adjustment screws(A) in the same senseproducing vertical proves impossible should he have recourse to indirect safety methods, in
movement only, and rotation in opposite sensesproducing a tilting movemen( er words,constructspecialprotectivesystems(see6.3.3.3)[6.44].Warning
about pivot (B) that approximates to horizontal movement. The pivot itsell y systems, which merely point out dangers and indicate danger areas,
must, however, allow for vertical movement during the adjustment and also for ld be avoided by the designer and should only be used as a last resort and
radial heat expansionwhen the turbine is operating. l'his is achicvcclwith a fcw vcr ils a shortcut,
easily produ."d of simplc shal'rc. A suititlllc ilrrilngclncnt tlf lltc I n t h c s o l u t i o n o f r r t c c h n i c a lp r < l b l c r r t ,t h c c n g i n c c r i s l ' a c c d w i t h s e v e r a l
"1"-"nts c o n s t r i l i n t sn. o t i r l l o l ' w h i c h c i r r rI t c l t o p c l ( ) ( ) v c r c o l l l cs i r n u l t i r n c < l u s l y .
s u r f a c e s ,m o r e o v e r , g l ' r v i a t c st h c n c c t l t ( ) s c c u r c l h c p i v o t p i n w i t h i t c l c l i t i o n i t l
l o c k i n g c l c r r r c n l s :i t i s l o c i r t c r li n s r r c l ti r w r t y l l t t t l i t c t l n t t o tI ' i t l lr l t l t . I l c r t r u s t r r c v c r t h c l c s ss t r i v c t o p r o v i d c I t o l u l i o n l l t i r l c o r n c s l l c i l r c s t l o
t82 6 Embodiment design 6 3 Basic rules of ernbodimelrtclesign 183

The safe-life principle demands that all components and their connections be
satisfying all the requirements. A single constraint may, under certain circum-
constructed in such a way as to allow them to operate without breakdown or
stances,put the realisation of the whole project in doubt.
malfunction throughout their anticipated life.
Thus a high demand for safety can greatly complicate a design and, by
This is ensured by:
reducing the clarity, may even lower the inherent safety of the product.
- the clear specification of the operating conditions and envilonmental factors,
Moreover, safety provisions may also render a product uneconomic and lead to
such as the anticipated loads, service life etc; \
its abandonment.
-adequately safe embodiment based on proven principles and calculations;
Such cases,however, are exceptional becausesafety and economy generally
- numerous and thorough inspectionsduring production and assembly;
go hand in hand. This is particularly true of expensive and complex plant and
- the analysisof components or systemsto determine their durability when they
machines. Only smooth, accident-freeand safe operation can ensure long-term
Protection againstaccidentsor damage,moreover' goeshand are overloaded (load levels and/or running time) or subjected to adverse
economic Success.
environmental influences; and
in hand with reliability [6.48, 6.226] which makes it possible to operate a
-the determination of the limits of safe operation, due regard being paid to
machine to full capacity, even though lack of reliability does not necessarilylead
possible breakdowns.
to accidentsor damage. A11in all it is therefore advisableto achieve safety by
It is characteristicof this principle that it basessafety exclusivelyon accurate
treating direct methods as an integral part of the system.
qualitative and quantitative knowledge of all the influences at work or on the
There are four special categoriesof safety technology, namely:
determination of the limits of failure-free operation.
l. Component safety, which concerns the protection of components against
The application of this principle calls for a great deal of experience, or for
fracture, inadmissible deformation, instability etc. The durability of a compo-
costly and time-consumingpreliminary investigations,and for continuousmoni-
nent under given loads over a fixed time must be consideredin connection with
toring of the state of components. If a failure should neverthelessoccur, and if a
the materials and manufacturing method used.
safe life is essential.then as a rule there will be a seriousaccident. for instance
2. Functional safety, which concerns the safe operation and reliability of plant
the fracture of an aeroplane wing or the collapse of a bridge.
or machines designed for specific tasks by the appropriate combination of
The fail-safe principle allows for the failure of a system function or for a
assemblies and components. It involves the avoidance of dangerous and
component fracture during the service life by ensuring that no grave conse-
economically undesirable operating conditions.
quences ensue. To that end:
3. Operator safety concerns the safety of human beings, that is the protection
-a function or capacity, however small, must be preserved to prevent
of their physical and mental health while operating the plant or machine.
4. Environmental safety concerns the safety of human beings not directly
- a restricted function must be fulfilled by the failing component or by some
involved in operating the plant or machine and the protection of the environ-
other component until such time as the plant or machine can be put out of
ment against harmful effects. Becauseof the growth of technology and popula-
operation without danger;
tions, this category has become one of acute importance.
-the failure or breakdown must be identifiable; and
For the designer, all four categoriesare intimately connected.Thus, compo-
- the effect of the failing component on the overall safety of the system must be
nent safety influences functional safety and operator safety. Functional safety
may, under certain circumstances,affect component safety, and, in the case of
In essence,the impairment of a main function must be signalled. The signal
damage, all can endangerman and his environment in many ways. Therefore the
can take various forms-increasing vibrations, loss of sealing, loss of power,
designer should pay equal heed to all four categories[6'158].
slowing down-each without causing immediate danger. In addition, special
monitoring systems may be provided to indicate the incipient failure to the
2 Direct safety PrinciPles operator. Their layout should be governed by the general principles of protec-
tive systems.
Direct safety methods aim at achieving safety through systems or components
The fail-safe principle presupposesknowledge of the consequencesof failure
directly involved in the perforrlance of a particular task'
and provides a means for taking over the impaired function.
To ensure the safe functioning and durability of components, designerscan
By way of example, let us consider a spherical rubber element in an elastic
a d o p t o n e o f s e v e r a ls a f e t y p r i n c i p l e s[ 6 . 1 - 5 8 1B. a s i c a l l y ,t h e r e a r e t h r e e s u c h
c o u p l i n g ( F i g u r c 6 . l 2 ) . T h e f i r s t v i s i b l cc r a c k a p p e a r so n t h e o u t e r l a y e r b u t t h e
principles, namely:
- t h e s a f e - l i f ep r i n c i p l c ; f u r t c t i r l ni s n o t y c t i r n p a i r e c l( S t i r t c l ) . O n l y w h c n t h c n u m b e r o f r e v o l u t i o n s
- t h c f i t i l - s a l cp r i n c i p l c :i r r l c l u t r d c r l o i r c li s i n c r c i r s c r cl k l c st h c s t i l l r t c s sl r c F , i rtto r l c c r c i r s cw i t h a c i l n s c c l u c n l
- - t h c r c t l r t r t r l i t r t lcl vr i t t c i p l c . c l u r n g ci n t h c b c h i r v i o r r o l l t l r c c o r r p l i r r gw. l r i e hn l r n i l ' c s l si t s c l l ' ,l o r i n s t i r n c cb. y i r
184 (r Ernbodinreut
design 6 3 Basic rulesof ernbodiment design 185

without loss of essential information. Redundancy is often used delitrerately to

to : 30l/s allow for transmissionlosses,and hence to safeguardthe system [6.69].
Redundant safety arrangements lead to an increase in safety, provided that
the breakdown of a particular element of the system is not dangerous in itself
_ 1st crack and that other elements, arranged in parallel or in series, can take over its
function fully or at least in part.
- -l
^' rqo


1stcrack layer
at edgeof rubber
r 50 0 0
^ lTlfi'l
- 1 00 0 0
of components:
coveringof the boltedconnectionmaintains
functionandpreventsbrokenpartsmigratingin the eventof bolt failure

The provision of several engines in aeroplanes, of multistrand cable for a

high-voltage transmission line, and of parallel supply lines or generators, all
Load ensure that, should a particular element break down, the function is not
Figure6.12.Fail-safe andstiffness
behaviourof an elasticcoupling:crack-state against completefy impaired. In that case, we speak of active redundancy, becauseall
n u m b e ro f r e v o l u t i o n s the components are actively involved. Partial breakdownslead to a correspond-
ing reduction in performance.
If reserve elements (for instance alternative boiler feed pumps)-usually of
lowering of the critical speed (State 2). With further operation, the crack grows the same type and size-are provided and put into operation during break-
larger and causesthe stiffnessto decreasestill further (State 3), but even if the downs, then we speak of passive redundancy.
crack went right through, there would not be complete failure of the coupling. If a multiple arrangement is to be equal in function but different in working
No sudden effect with serious consequencesneed therefore be feared. principle, then we have principle redundancy.
Another example is the behaviour of flange bolts made of tough material Depending on the situation, safety-enhancingelements can be arranged in
which, on overloading, relax. Their impaired function is indicated by the parallef (parallel redundancy), for instance emergency oil pumps, or in series
resulting loss in flange sealing but does not give rise to sudden failure. (seriesredundancy), for instance filter installations. In many cases,layouts in
Figure 6.13 illustratestwo safe methods of fastening components.The means parallel or serieswill not suffice and crossoverlinks will have to be introduced to
of attachment should be so designed that, even if the bolts begin to fail, the guaranteetransmissiondespitethe breakdown of severalelements(Figure 6.14).
mountings remain in place, no broken parts can migrate and the equipment In a number of monitoring systems, signals are collected in parallel and
continues to function to some extent [6.154]. c<rmparcd with one another. Selectiveredundancy (two out of three) and
T h e r e d u n d a n c yp r i n c i p l e p r o v i d e s a n o t h c r n l c i r n s o l ' i n c r c a s i r t gb o t h t h c utmpurative rcdundancy arrangementsare shown in Figure 6.14.
s a f e t y a n d t h e r e l i a b i l i t yo f s y s t c n r s . l i , c c l t t n c l i t n cl iyt y o u t sc a n n o t , h o w c v c r , r c p l a c c t h c s a f e - l i f eo r f a i l - s a f ep r i n c i -
I n c o m m o n u s a g c , r c c l u n c l a n c yn l c i l n s s t r p c r l l u i l y( ) r c x c c s s .l t t i t t l i r r n t i t t i o t t p l c s , ' l ' w oc i t b l cc i t r so l t c r i r l i n gi n l l i r r i r l l cwl i l l . l d r r r i t t c c l l yi n
, c r c a s ct h c r c l i a b i l i t y
t h c o r y , r c c l u n r l i r n cryc l er s t o t h i r l l ' r i r c l i o rot l u l n c r t u g c w h i c l t t t t i r yb c c l i l t t i n i t t c t l t t l p i r s s c l t g c t ' t r i t t t s p.r lbr ul t c o r t t r i l ) u l cn r l l h i r t gt o l h c l ) i l s s c n g c r s ' s i r l c t y . ' l ' h c
186 6 Embodiment dcsign 6 3 B a s i c r u l e s o f e m b o d i n . r e n td e s i s n r87



(2 outof 3)
t --ii.^
Fr Switchollil signals
0uartet-cross- or
dilterent gure 6 15. Rotor-btade attachment of a helicopter basedon the principte of the division
redundancy Yjusione signat tasks (Messerschmitt-Bolkowsystem)
i condltion
Principleredundancy Plant k. Complicatedjoints and shapes are avoided and a high safety level is
in parallel: Comparative redundancY tained.
working prtnciple
of A differslromB
Figure6.14.Redundantarrangements Indirect safety principles

irect safety methods involve the use of special protective systems and
redundant layout of aeroplane engines will not increase safety if any of the ive equipment. They are applied whenever direct safety methods prove
engines has a tendency to explode and hence to endanger the system. adequate. In what follows, we shall be consideringprotective systemsonly-
In short, an increasein safety can only be guaranteedif the redundant element a discussionof protective equipment, that is equipment to shield danger
satisfies the safe-life or the fail-safe principles. (for instance,machineguards),the readeris referredto $.aa].
Adherence to all the principles we have mentioned-that is the attainment of
ve Systems
safety in general-is greatly facilitated by the principle of the division of tasks
(see6.4.2) and by the two basic rules of clarity and simplicity, as we shall now try tective systems serve either to render endangered plant or machinery
to show with the help of an example. ically safe, which generally means putting it out of action or restricting
The principle of the division of tasks and the clarity rule have been applied flow of energy or material; or to prevent any plant or machinery in a
with great consistencyto the construction of a helicopter rotor head (Figure ngerous state from being put into operation.
6.15), and help the designer to come up with a particularly safe construction Very often, direct and indirect safety methods are inseparable.Thus, control
based on the safe-life principle. All four rotor blades exert a radial force on the regulation systemsare not protective systemsas such, but often make
rotor head due to the centrifugal inertia forces, and a bending moment due to :llent first monitors(primaryprotection)in a safetychain.In that case,the
the aerodynamic loading. The rotor blades must also be able to swivel so that trol and regulation systemsmust embody certain propertiesof protective
their angles of incidence can be changed.A high safety level is achieved by thc ms.
following measures: The properties of protective systems should, in principle, be used in all
- A completely symmetrical layout so that the external bending moments and ms, provided that they can be incorporated without unacceptableextra cost
the radial forces at the rotor head cancel out. t2'7\.
- The radial forces are transmitted exclusively by the tr:rsionally flexiblc In the layout of protective systcms,thc ftlllowing requirementsmust be taken
member Z to the main central component. to consiclcrrtti<ltt:
- T h e b e n d i n g m o m e n t i s o n l y t r a n s m i t t c ctl h r o u g h p a r t / l a n c li s t i t k c n b y t h c
r o l l e r b e a r i n g si n t h c r o t o r h c a c l ,
As a rcsult. cvcry corrrp()ncnlciln bc optimally dcsigncdin itccortlittrccwitlt ils rrc it pr()lcclivcsystcrnpttxlttccschllnfcf in the wtlrking conditionsol' a

188 6 Embodiment design 6 3 Basic rulcs of ernbodiment dcsign I fi()

plant, a warning must be given so that the operating or supervisingstaff can, if for example by pipe fracture, lack of oil or pump failure. The system is
not eliminate the source of the danger, at least take the necessarycounter- self-monitoring.
measures. Surprise effects should be avoided as far as possible. If a protective Figure 6.17 shows layouts of safety fence contacts,for example for a machine
system stops or prevents the operation of the plant, it ought to indicate the guard. closed contacts signal safety fence in position. In layout a, failure of the
reason. spring would close the contacts and give an incorrect signal. Layouts b and c
solve this problem in two different ways.
A protective system must be self-monitoring, that is, it must not only be Multiple, multi-principle and independentprotective systems
triggered when the system breaks down, but also by faults of its own. This If human life may be endangeredor if large-scaledamagehas to be averted, then
requirement is best satisfied by the closed circuit principle because, with it, the multiple (at least double) protective systemsbased on different principles and
energy needed for activating the safety device is stored and any disturbance of, independent of each other (primary and secondaryprotection) must be used.
or fault in, the protective system will releasethat energy and switch off the plant Because a single protective system may break down, its mere doubling or
or machinery. The closed circuit principle can be used not only in electronic replication ensures greater safety: it is unlikely that all the systemswill fail at
protective systemsbut also in systemsusing other types of,energy. once. This is, however, only true provided that the replicatedprotective systems
In a hydraulic protective system based on the closed circuit principle (Figure do not all fail due to a common fault. Safety is considerably increasedif the
6.16), a pump .1 with a pressure-regulatingvalve 2 ensures a constant pre- double or multiple systems work independently of one another and are,
pressure pp. The protective system with the pressure p, is connected to the moreover, based on different working principles. In that case?common faults,
pre-pressure system by means of an orifice 3. Under normal conditions, all for instance due to corrosion, will not have catastrophic consequences:the
outlets are closed, so that the quick-action stop valve 4 is held open by the simultaneousbreakdown of all such systemsis highly improbable.
pressurep, to admit the energy supply of the machine. In case of a faulty axial This requirement is met in the control of steam turbines for example (Figure
shaft position, the piston valve 5 at the end of the shaft opens, the pressurep, 6.18). In the case of overspeeding,the energy supply is cut off by two systems
drops, and further energy supplies are cut off by the quick-action stop valve 4. differing in principle. Increases in speed first bring in the regulating system
The same effect is produced by damageto the pre-pressureor protective system, whose speed measurement and regulating valve are independent of, and
different in principle from, the quick-action shut-off system. (The simultaneous
hydraulic supply on the closed circuit principle is permissiblebecauseit involves
a common self-monitoring effect in that pump failure closesboth valves.) The
triggering values are staggered so that the regulating system is brought into
operation first and only if it should fail is the quick-action system activated.
Figure 6.19 depicts two methods of guarding againstexcesspressurebuild-up
in a pressure vessel. Mere doubling of the protective system would not help
against common faults, for instance against corrosion, use of wrong materials
etc. The use of two different working principles makes simultaneous break-
downs more unlikely.
It ought to be remembered that, in protective systems, the simultaneous
occurrence of different types of redundancy is possible or even necessary(for
example in parallel and principle redundancy: Figures 6.18 and 6.19).
F i g u r e6 . 1 6 .H y d r a u l i c p r o t e c t i o n
systemto prevent incorrect axial
shaft positionsbasedon the closed 4 Designing for safety
circuit principle
Here, too, the checklist (Figure 6.2) can prove a great help. Safety criteria must
Figure 6.i7. Safetyfence contact be scrutinisedin respect of all the headings listed.
layout: (a) not self-rnonitoringif
s p r i n gf a i l s l ( b ) e v c n i n t l ' r cc a s co 1 '
Func:tiotrand wnrking principle
s p r i n gl ' : r i l r r rtch c c o r t t i r c its I t i s i r r t p o r t a n tt o c s t a b l i s hw h e t h e r o r n o t t h e f u n c t i o n i s f u l f i l l e d s a f e l y a n d
b r o k c nb y o w n w c i g l r t l( c ) c i r c t r i t l)it(l
rcliirlrly lry thc choscttsoltttion. Likcly fatlts irntldisntrbin14 I'actorsmust be taken
c l o s c t bl v l r r rr r rl i t 0 i n i r l r r c c o u t t itt s w c l l . l t i s t t o t i r l w i r y sc l c r r r . l t o w c v c r , t ( ) w h i r t c x t c n t i r l l < l w a n c c
190 ( r E r n b o c l i m e n td c s i g n 6 3 Basic rules of ernbodimcnt design 191

case of new techniques and their application. It has been argued that technical
risks must be no greater than the risks man must expect from natural causes
t6.921.However, this must be a matter for discretion. The final decision
in any case, reflect a responsible attitude towards mankind.

Layout and form design

External loads produce stressesin components. By analysiswe determine their
magnitude and frequency (steadyand/or alternating loads). The various types of
stressproduced can be determined by calculation or experiment.
F i g u r e6 . 1 8 D o u b l e - P r i n c i P l e Materials technology provides the designer with limiting values of stressfor
closed-circuitprotectivesystem particular conditions (tension, compression, bending, shear and torsion),
againstoverspending beyond which the material will fail. Since these valuesare usually obtained from
I e
tests on specimensand not from tests on the component itself, the stressesto
which the latter is subjected should be kept well within the limits if adequate
durability is to be guaranteed.
The ratio of the limiting stresso1 of the material to the acceptableworking
stress oyu'in the component is called the safety factor, SF : oyloy.
The value of the safety factor dependson uncertaintiesin the determinationof
Figure 6.19 Protectivesystetnagainst the limiting stress,on uncertaintiesin the load assumptions,on the calculation
excessivepressurebuild up in pressure method, on the manufacturing processesused, on the (uncertain) influence of
Doubling working vessels:(a) two safetyvalves(not safe
different shape, size and environment, and also on the probability and importance of
p n n c r p l e s againstcommon faults); possible failures.
(b) safetyvalve and shearplate, double
0 0 principle protective system The determination of safety factors still lacks generally valid criteria. An
investigation by the authors has shown that published recommended safety
factors cannot be classifiedby type of product, branch of engineering or such
must be made for exceptional, purely hypothetical, circumstancesthat could other criteria as toughnessof material, size of component, probability of failure
affect the function. etc. Tradition, figures based on one-off and often inadequately explained
The correct estimation of the scope and likelihood of a risk should be based on failures, hunches and experiencesare often the basis of numerical data from
the successivenegation of each of the functions to be fulfilled and on the analysis which no generally valid statementscan be derived.
of the likely consequences(see 6.6). Sabotageneed not necessarilybe consi- What figures are given in the literature must therefore be treated with
dered in this context, although general safety methods are likely to decreaseits circumspection.Their application usually calls for knowledge of the individual
effects. circumstances and of the special practices or regulations of the branch of
What we have to consider first and foremost are failures due to possible engineering in question.
disturbancesof the structure, operation and environment of a machine, and Toughness, that is the ability to undergo plastic deformation before failure
what preventive stepsshould be taken. Harmful effectsnot due to technological and thus relieve stress concentrationscaused by unevenly distributed loads, is
factors (such as operator ignorance) cannot be eliminated by technical systems one of the most important safety features any material can have. The usual
but must be considered and if possible limited. overspeedspinning tests of rotors with the correspondinglyhigh stressesthey set
A further question is whether the direct safety technique we have been up, and also the required overpressuretests of pressurevessels-provided that
discussingis adequate, or whether safety should be increased by additional they are built of tough materials-are good examples of the direct safety
protective systems.Finally, we might also ask whether, should it be impossiblc technique aimed at reducing stressconcentrationsin finished components.
t o m a k e a c l c q u a t es a f e t yp r o v i s i o n si n a p a r t i c u l a rc a s c ,t h e w h o l e p r o j e c t s h o u l t l Becausetoughnessis a crucial safety-enhancingproperty of materials, it is not
bc al'rancklnccl. c n o u g h s i r n p l yt o a i m a t g r e a t e ry i e l d s t r e n g t h .S i n c e ,i n g e n e r a l ,t h e t o u g h n e s s
'f'ltc:tnswcr g l ' r r r l l c r i i r l s c l c c r c a s e sw i t h i n c r e a s i n gy i e l d s t r e n g t h ,i t i s e s s e n t i a lt o e n s u r e
c l c p c n c l so n t h c d e g r c ct t l l u r sb < ' < ' rutt t u i n e r l ,t l n t h c
" ; u . l t ' t . tlln(l
' t l t u ()ll
t lhc rttrrgrrilrrdctt.l tlrt n r i n i r r r r r rtror u g h n c s s < , l t h c r w i s ct h c b c t t c l i t s< l t ' p l t r s t iccl c f o r m t t t i o nt l r c n o l t l n g c r
pntbultilitl,tll'tttrltrevarttultlatlttrtrttliattr u<"<'iilt'tt,
1 r o . r l ; i l t<l a' ( n t . \ ( ( l u ( , t t ' t(, )r l.l j c c t i v c s t i u l ( l n f ( l rt r c ( l l : l c nl n c k i n g .p r r r t i c t t l i r r l ivr t t l t c S u i r r i u l i c c (. l
t92 6 Ernbodiment desrgn 6 3 Basic rules ol embodiment design 193

Dangerous too are those casesin which the material turns brittle with time or corrosion products can impede the functioning of machines, for instance by
for other reasons (for instance, due to radiation, corrosion, heat, or surface jamming valve spindles, control mechanismsetc.
coatings). This is particularly true of synthetic materials.
If the safety of a component is calculated merely by the difference between the Ergonomics
computed stressand the maximum permissiblestress,a vital point is missed. The application of ergonomic principles to industrial safety involves the careful
Of the utmost importance is the loading condition and the effect on the scrutiny of safety at work and of the man-machine relationship. A great many
properties of the material due to aging, heat, radiation, weathering, operating b o o k s a n d p a p e r s h a v e b e e n d e v o t e dt o t h i s s u b j e c t[ 6 . 2 6 , 6 . 4 6 , 6 . 7 3 4 , 6 . 1 6 3 ,
conditions and manufacturing processes,for instance welding and heat treat- 6.195]. In addition [6.43] specifies the basic requirements of general safety
ment. Residual stresses must not be underestimated either: brittle (fast) design, and [6.44] deals with protective equipment. Regulations by various
fractures without plastic deformation can occur suddenly and without warning. professionalbodies, factory inspectoratesetc must be scrupulouslyobservedin
The avoidance of a build-up of additive stresses,of brittle materials, and of all branchesof engineering, and so must a great deal of speciallegislation [6.68].
manufacturing processesthat encourage brittle fractures, is therefore an essen- In a book of this kind it is impossible to examine every aspect of industrial
tial requirement of the direct safety technique. safety, but operator ignorance and fatigue are two factors that should alwaysbe
If plastic deformation is monitored at a critical point, or can be used to impede taken into consideration. For that reason alone, machinesmust be designedon
the function in such a way that the danger can be noticed before man or ergonomic principles (see 6.5.1). Tables 6.1 and 6.2 list the minimum require-
machines are endangered,it becomes a fail-safe device [6.154]. ments for safe industrial desisn.
Elastic deformationr must not be allowed to disturb the smooth functioning of
a machine, for instance through loss of clearance. If this happens the force
transmissionpaths or the expansionscan no longer be determined with certainty with varioustypesof energy.
Table6.1. Harmfuleffectsassociated
and overloading or fracture may ensue. This is true of stationaryno less than of Mechanical Relative movement of man and machine,
m o v i n g p a r t s ( s e e6 . 4 . 1 ) . mechanicalvibrations. dust
By stability we refer not only to the basic stability of a machine but also to its Acoustic Noise
stable operation. Disturbancesshould be counteractedby stabilisingeffects,that Hydraulic Jets of liquid
is by automatic return to the initial or normal position. The designermust ensure Pneumatic Jets of gas, pressure waves
Electrical Passageof current through body,
that neutral equilibrium or potentially unstable statesdo not lead to a build-up electrostatic discharges
of disturbancesthat might get out of control (see 6.4.4). Optical Dazzle, ultra-violet radiation, arcs
Resonancesproduce increasedstressesthat cannot be accuratelydetermined. Thermal Hot/cold parts, radiation, inflammation
They must be avoided unless the vibrations can be sufficiently damped. This Chemical Acids, alkalis, poisons, gases,vapours
applies not only to the stability problem, but also to such associatedphenomena Radioactive Nuclear radiation, X-rays

as noise and vibration which impair the operator's efficiency and health.
Thermal expansionmust be taken into account under all operating conditions
if overloading and impairment of the function are to be avoided (see 6.5.2).
Inefficient seals are a common causeof breakdown or trouble. Careful choice Table 6.2. Minimum industrial safety requirements in mechanicaldevices
of seals, provision for pressure relief at critical sealing points and careful Protectiveequipmentregardlessof the operational speedis required:
attention to fluid dynamics help to overcome these problems. - for gear, belt, chain and rope drives
Wear and the resulting particles can also impede operational safety, and must - for all rotating parts longer than 50 mm, even if they are completely smooth
- for all couplings
therefore be kept within tolerable limits. In particular, the designer should
- in case of danger from flying parts
ensure that such particles do not damage or interfere with other components. - for potential traps (slides coming up against stops; components pushing, or rotating
They should be removed as near as possibleto their point of origin. against, each other); descendingcomponents (weights, counter-weights)
Uniform coruosion reduces the designed thickness of components and local - for slots. for example, at material inputs. The gap between parts must not exceed
c o r r o s i o n ,p a r t i c u l a r l yo f c o m p o n e n t ss u b j e c tt o c l y n a m i cl o a d i n g ,m a y a p p r e c i - [i mm; in the case of rollers, the geometrical relationship must be examined and, if
a b l y i n c r c a s c t h c s t r c s s c o n c c n t r i r t i < l ri r n t l l c i r d t < l l ' i r s t l l ' a c t u r e sw i t h l i t t l c ncccssary,special guards must be installed.
clclilrttrirti<lrt. i s n o s u c h t l t i r t gi r sl ) c r t n i l l l c l l is l i r l ) i l i t yu n c l c rc < l r r o s i o n - t h c Iilectricul inttullution nrust always be planned in collaboration with electrical experts. In
l < l r r t lc i r l ' l i t c i t yo l c o r r r p o n c n t st l c c r c l s c s w i l l t l i n t c , l f o t l r r u r i l ' < l r r ri r r r r l k l c a l thc cirsc ttl uctttt,;ti< , cltctttiutl itntl nttliout li lc rlitttgct, cxllcrt itclviccntust bc sought for
t h c r c t l u i s i t cl ) l o t c c t i o n .
c r l r r o s i t l n( c i r r r s c se. l l e c t s t r r r t l l c r r r c t l i c r )t r r c d c n l t w i t h i l r 6 . 5 , 4 . l i i n i r l l y .
194 6 Embodiment design { r 4 P r i n c i p l e so I e m b o d i m e n td e s i g n 195

Production and quality control lightweight construction. It is obviously neither possible nor desirable that all
Components must be designed in such a way that their qualities are maintained these principles should be implemented in every technical solution-one of them
during production. To that end special quality controls must be instituted, if might be crucial, the rest merely desirable. Which principle must predominate in
necessaryby specialregulations. The designermust help to avoid the emergence a given case can only be deduced from the task and the company's general
of dangerous weak spots in the course of manufacturing processes(see 6.3.1, objectives. By proceeding systematically, elaborating a specification, abstracting
6.3.2 and6.5.6). to identify the crux of the problem, and also by following the checklist given in
4.2.2, the designer transforms the principles into a concrete proposal that
Assembly and transport enables him to determine the manufacturing costs, spacerequirements, weights,
The loads to which the product will be subjected during assemblyand transport etc, and to compare these with the requirements in the specification.
must be taken into consideration at the embodiment design stage. Welds curiied The systematic approach also highlights the question of how, with a given
out during assembly must be tested and, where necessary,heat treated. All problem and a fixed solution principle, a function can be best fulfilled and by
major assemblyprocessesshould, whenever possible,tre concludedby function- what type of function carrier. Embodiment design principles facilitate this part
al checks. of the design process.In particular, they help with Steps3 and 4, but also with
Firm basesand support points should alwaysbe provided and marked clearly. Steps 7 to 9 as listed in 6.1 above.
The weights of parts heavier than 100kg should be marked where they can be For the relatively common task of transmitting forces or moments, it seems
'principles of force transmission'.
seen easily. If frequent dismantling is called for, the appropriate lifting points advisable to establishspecial
must be incorporated. Suitable handling points must be provided for transport Tasks requiring changes in the type or variations in the magnitude of a force
and marked clearly. are primarily fulfilled by the appropriate physical effects, but the designer must
also apply the 'principle of minimum losses' [6.98] for energy-conservationor
Operation economic reasons,which he does by adopting a small number of highly efficient
operation and handling must be safe [6.43,6.44]. The failure of any automatic steps. This principle also applies to the efficient conversion of one type of energy
device must be indicated at once so that the requisite actions can be taken. into another, whenever this should be required. In that casethe designproblem,
in terms of generally valid functions, reduces essentially to one of channelling,
Maintenance connecting and storing.
Maintenance and repair work must only be undertaken when the machine is shut Energy storage problems involve the accumulation of potential and kinetic
down. Particular care is needed with assemblyor adjusting tools. Safety switches energy, be it directly or indirectly through the collection of material. The
must ensure that the machinery is not started unintentionally. Centrally placed, storage of energy, however, raisesthe question of the stability of the system,
easily accessibleand simple service and adjustment points should be provided. and the consequent application of the 'principles of stability and planned
During inspection or repair, safe accessshould be possiblethrough the provision instability'.
of handrails, steps, non-slip surfacesetc. Often, several functions have to be fulfilled by one or several function
carriers. Here the 'principle of the division of tasks' may be useful to the
Costs and schedules designer. Its application involves a careful analysis of the functions and their
Cost and schedulerequirements must not affect safety. Cost limits and delivery assignment to function carriers. This analysis of functions is also helpful for the
dates are ensured by careful planning, and by implementing the correcr concepts application of the'principle of self-help', when supplementaryeffects must be
and methods, not by cutting corners. The consequencesof accidentsand failuies identified and exploited.
are generally much greater and graver than the effort needed to prevent them. In applying embodiment design principles, the designer may find that they run
counter to certain requirements. Thus the principle of uniform strength may
conflict with the demand for minimum costs. Again, the principle of self-help
may conflict with fail-safebehaviour (6.3.3), the principle of equal wall thickness
6.4 Principles of embodimentdesign chosen for the purpose of simplifying the manufacturing process [6.118] may
conflict with the demand for lightweight construction, and so on.
The generalprinciplesof embodimentdesignhave been discussedat some These principles represent many strategies that are only applicable under
lengthin the literature.Kesselring[6.9tt]hasset out the principlesof minimum certain conditions. In using them, the designer must strike a balance between
manufacturing costs,minimumspacerequiremenltr minimumweight,minimum compcting demands.To that end, the present authors have developedwhat they
losses,and optimumhandling(t,2.1). Lcycr 16.l20ldiccusses thc principleof c o n s i d c r t o b e i m p o r t a n t e m b o d i m e n t d c s i g n p r i n c i p l e s ,w h i c h w i l l n o w b e
t96 6 Embodiment design 6 . l P r i n c i p l e so f e m b o d i r n e n t d e s i g n
presented. Most are based on energy-flow considerationsand, by analogy, they 2 Principle of direct and short force transmission path
apply equally well to the flow of material and of signals.
In agreement with Leyer
[6.11g] we consider the following principle of great
6.4.1 Principlesof force transmission If a force or moment is to be transmitted from
one place to another with the
I Flowlines of force and the principle of uniform strength minimum possible deformation, then the shortest
and most direct torcetransmis-
sion path is the best.
The problems solved in mechanical engineering generally involve forces and/or This principle ensures:
motions and their connection, change,variation or channelling,and involve the -minimum use of materials
(volume, weight); and
conversion of energy, material and signals. The generally applicable function - minimum deformation.
forces' includes the application of loads to, the transfer of forces This is.particularly.true if it is possible to solve
between, and the transmissionof forces through componentsand devices [6.18, a problem using tensire or
compressivestressesalone, becausethese stresses,
6.27, 6.118). unlike bending and torsional
stresses,produce smalrer deformations. when
In general, the designerwill try to avoid all sudden changesof direction in the a component is in compression,
however, speciarattention must be paid to the
flowlines of force, that is force transmission path, caused by sharp deflections danger of buckling.
'flowlines of force' aids the If, on the other hand, we require a flexibre
and abrupt changes of cross section. The idea of component capableof consid.erabre
elastic deformation, then a design using bending
visualisationof the force-transmissionpath (load path) through componentsand o, torrionir ,rr"rirris generally
the more economical.
devices, and is analogousto flowlines in fluid mechanics. The principte is illustrated in Figure 6.2o-the
Leyer [6.118,6.I20) has dealt with the transmissionof forces at some length, mounting of a machine frame
on a concrete foundation-where different
so that we can dispensewith a detailed discussionof the problem. The designer requirements Jemand supports with
different stiffnesses-This, in turn, has
is advised to consult these important texts. Leyer, moreover, emphasisesthe repercussionson the operationar be-
complex interaction between the functional, technological and production
'Force transmission' must be understood in a broad sense, that is, it must
include the application, transfer and transmission of bending and twisting
The external loads applied to a component produce axial and transverse forces
plus bending and twisting movements at every section. These set up stresses,
direct and shear, and produce longitudinal, lateral (Poisson) and shear strains
(elastic or plastic deformations).
The section dimensions transmitting the forces are obtained by
dissection' of the components at the point under consideration.
The sum of the stresses over these sections produces internal forces and
moments which must be in equilibrium with the external loads.
The stresses, determined from the section dimensions, are then compared
with the material properties of tensile strength, yield strength, fatigue strength,
creep strength etc, due regard being paid to streJJconcentrations,surface finish
and size effects. 6.20.,Supportinga machine frame on
,I\ry1:: a concrerefbundation:
The principle of uniform strength 16.7,6.2051aims, with the help of appropri- t]cid supporr due to short force transmissron
l1l^i:ly path and low stresson the
ate materials and shapes, to achieve uniform strength throughout the device Daseplates:
(b) longer force transmissionpath,
over its anticipated operational life. Like the principle of lightweight construc- but still a rigid support with tubes or
box sections
tion [6.120], it should be applied whenever economic circumstancesallow.
supportwirh pronounced
This important consideration often misleadsthe designer into neglecting thc lI:]..1:..s
n v o t v e:l,tU ron(a s tiffer
i constructionwould
r g r c a t e ru s eo f m a t e r i a l s ) ;
deformations (strains) associatedwith the strcsscs.It is, however, thcse very supnort
11] :1:l*lj,.l,iblc
deformations that often throw light tln thc bchaviour of comprlncntsand tcll us rhcroacr
uscrl l,:i:l;l,ilr,''r'',,,'*n'its
lilr irltcringthc ics.rrrancc intorsion.
what wc ncccl to know about thcir functionul cfflciency. char.ircic,risliris
198 6 Ernbodiment design 6 4 P r i n c i p l e s o f e r n b o d i m en t d e s i g n 199

haviour of the machine: different natural and resonant frequencies, modified 3 Principle of matched deformations
response to additional loads etc. The more rigid solutions are obtained with Designs matched to the flowlines of force avoid sharp deflections of the
minimum material and space requirements by means of a short support under transmission path and sudden changes in cross section, thus preventing the
compression; the most flexible solution by means of a spring, which transmits uneven distribution of stresseswith high stressconcentrations.A visualisationof
the force in torsion. If we look at other design solutions, we shall find many the flowlines of force, though very graphic, does not always reveal the decisive
examples of the same principle: for example, in the torsion bar springs of motor factors involved. Here, too, the key is the deformation of the affected
cars or in flexible pipes that rely on bending or torsional deformations. components.
The choice of means thus depends primarily on the nature of the task-that is The principle of matched deformations states that related components must
on whether the force transmission path must be designed for stability with be designed in such a way that, under load, they will deform in the same sense
maximum stiffness, or whether certain force-deformation relationships must be and, if possible, by the same amount.
satisfied first and stability can be treated as a subsidiary problem. As an example let us take solderedor glued connectionsin which the solder or
If the yietd point is exceeded, then the following facts have to be taken into adhesive layer has a different modulus of elasticity from that of the material to
consideration (see Figure 6.21): be joined. Figure 6.22a lllustrates the resulting deformation [6.129]. The
1. When a component is loaded by a force, it is invariably subjected to deformations and the thickness of the solder or adhesive lavers have been
deformation. If the yield point is exceeded,then the linear-elasticrelationship

Tmax: Tmean

Figure 6.21 Force deformation diagram of c


tough materials. Arrows indicate cause- c


effect relationship

between the force and the deformation no longer holds. Relatively small

Figure6.22 Figure6.23
re 6.22. Overlapping adhesiveor solder joint with strongly exaggerateddeformation
I ) Parts 1 and 2 deformed in the samesense
) Parts I and 2 deformed in the oppositesense

Figurc 6.23. Distribution of forces and shear stressesin overlappingjoints with laycr ot
a d h c s i v co r s o k l c r ,f r o r n [ 6 . 1 2 5 ] ;
( t t ) o v c r l a p p c t lo r t o r t c s i c l e( b e n d i n gs t r e s sI r c g l e c t c c l )
F u r t 6 c r r c ( l u i r c m c n t sa r c t h c u s c r l l t o u g l t t t t a t c r i i t l si t n c l t h c a v o i c l a n c co l ' i t ( h ) s l l l i c c t lw i t l t l i n c a rl y c l c c r c a s i n tgh i c k n c s s
5 g i l l - u p 9 l ' i l u l t i - a x i a l s t r c s s c si l t l l t c s n t t t c$ c n l i c .U x l l t l t p l c si t r c h i g h l y - c l i s t o r t c d (c) prortouncctl'tlcl'lcctionol thc flowlincs ol lirrcc' with tlclirrnrittionsirt thc oppositc
s l t r i t t k t ' i t s .p r c l o i r t l c t l r o l t s i t l t d c l l r t t t ; l r , tcnsc (bcntlinF strcssncglcctctl)
6 E , m b o d i m e n td e s i g n 6 4 P r i n c i p l c so l e n r b o d i r n e n tc l e s i g n

strongly exaggerated.The load F, which is transmitted acrossthe junction of [6.I23] has suggested,becausethe moment F'h producesadclitionirloutwatd
Parts 1 and 2, produces distinct deformations in the overlapping parts, the deformations of the nut and thus relieves the leading threads of their loirtl. 'l'h!
adhesive layer being subjected to particularly marked deformation near the load-relievingdeformation of the nut due to this moment and also to thc bcrr4ing
edges due to differences in the relative deformation of Parts I and2. While Part of the threads can be considerably increased by using material with l lrwcr
1 bears the full load F at the upper edge of the adhesivelayer and is therefore modulus of elasticity, for instance titanium [6.102]. If, on the other hancl, rlrc
stretched, Part 2 does not yet bear a load. The relative shift in the adhesivelayer load-relieving deformations are resistedby a very stiff nut or a very small lcvcl
sets up a local shear stressthat exceedsthe mean calculatedvalue. arm h, then the type of load distribution describedby Maduschka would ensuc.
A particularly unsatisfactory result is shown in Figure 6.22b where, as a result As a further example, let us take a shaft-hub connection formed by a shrink
of opposite and unmatched deformations of Parts 1 and 2, the deformation in fit. In essence,this, too, involves the deformation of two components (scc
the adhesive layer is considerably increased.This example makes it clear why [6 '82)) . In transmitting the torque, the shaft experiencesa torsional deformation
provision should be made for deformations to take place in the same senseand, that decreasesas the torque is transferred to the hub. The hub, for its part, is
if possible, to be equal in magnitude. Magyar 16.125)has made a mathematical deformed in accordancewith the transmitted toroue.
study of the relationships between load and shear stress:the result is shown Figure 6.25 shows that the maximum relative deformation occurs at A. In the
qualitatively in Figure 6.23. case of alternating torques, this may lead to fretting corrosion; moreover the
The same phenomenon also occurs between nuts and bolts in bolted joints right-hand end, to all intents and purposes,contributesnothing to the transferof
16.2441.The nut (Figure 6.24a) is in compressionand the bolt is in tension, that the torque.
is they are deformed in the opposite sense.In the modified nut (Figure 6.24b) a
deformation in the same senseis set up in the leading threads,which gives rise to
a smaller relative deformation and hence a more even distribution of the load
borne by individual threads. Wiegand 16.2441hasbeen able to demonstrate this
effect by showing that such nuts have a longer service life. Paland [6.160] has
shown more recently that standard nuts are not as unsatisfactoryas Maduschka


Figure6.25 Figure6.26
9o Figure 6 25 Shaft-hub connectionwith strong 'force flowline deflection'
Shareof load l'6rsional
deformationsof shaft and hub in oppositesen-se(yr : angle of twist)
threads Figure 6.26. Shaft-hub connectionwith graduat 'force flowline def'lection' Torsional
deformationsof shaft and hub in the same sense

The solution shown in Figure 6.26 is much better because the resulting
formations are in the same sense. The best solution appears when the
nal stitlness of the hub is matched to that of the shaft. The transfer of
rque then takes place along the whole length of the connection and hish stress
Figure6.24. Nut shapesand load ncentrations are avoided.
distribution irfter | 6.2441
( a ) S t a n c l a r cnlu t : l i n r i t i r i gc a s ca f t c r Even if the shrink fit were replaced with a keyed connection, the layout
M i r r l u s c l r k1i r6 . 1 2 . 3I 1) i;r l i r n 1d 6 .l 6 0 l a l l o w i n g pictccl in Figure 6.25 would, becausethe torsional deformations are in
lirr tlclirrrttirtirlrttlrrc to rrrorrrent/, . /r ) s l t cs c n s c ,s c t u p v e r y h i g h c o n t a c ts t r e s s e isn t h e n e i g h b o u r h o o do f A . T h e
( h ) M r x l i l ' i c dt t u l w i t l t r t t i r t c l t c t l . r tr l c p i c t c ciln F i g u r c 6 . 2 6 ,o n t h e o t h c r h i r n c.l w i l l , b c c a u s ct h e d c f o r m a t i o n s
t l c k r r r t t n l i o n irn l l t c t c r r s i o rltt r r r t a r c i l r t h c s i u n cs c n s c ,c n s u r c i u ' lc v c n s t r c s st l i s t r i l l u t i o n
6 Embodirnent dcsign 6 4 P r i n c i p l e so f e m b o d i m e n t d e s i g n

The principle of matched deformations can also be applied to bearings as in transmission path, and the right side a relatively low torsional stiffness because
Figlure6.27. of its greater path length. when the torque is first applied, the left wheel will be
Mention must also be made of welded joints. Here the residual stresseswhich set in motion while the right wheel remains stationary until the right hand part of
occur on cooling and the stress concentrations caused by deflections of the force the shaft has twisted sufficiently to transmit the torque. The drive assemblyhas a
transmissionpath can be reduced by careful design (see [6.8, 6.12]). t e n d e n c yt o r u n s k e w .
It is essential to provide the same torsional stiffness to both parts of the shaft
so as to ensure an appropriate division of the initial torque. This can be achieved
in two distinct ways if the input torque is taken in one position only: either by
symmetrical layout (Figure 6.28b); or by adaptation of the torsional stiffness of
the appropriate parts of the shaft (Figure 6.28c).

4 Principle of balanced forces

Those forces and moments that serve the function directly, such as the drivins
rque, the tangential tooth force and the load torque in a gearbox, can, in
rdance with the definition of a main function, be described as functionally
ermined main forces.
Figure6.27.Forcetransmission in bearings:
In addition, there are many forces or moments that do not serve the function
(a) edgecompressionbecause of insufficient
adaptationof the bearingto the deformed
irectly but cannot be ignored, for instance:
(b) moreevenbearingpressurebecause of matcheddeformations the axial force produced by a helical gear;
(c) lackingadjustment
to shaftdeformation the force resulting from a pressure difference, for instance across the blades
(d) moreevenbearingpressurebecause of adaptability
of bearingbush of a turbine or across a control valve;
tensile forces for producing a friction connection;
The principle of matched deformationsmust be taken into account not only in inertia forces due to linear accelerationor rotation of components; and
the transfer of forces from one component to another, but also in the division or fluid flow forces inasmuch as they are not the main forces.
combination of forces or moments. A well known problem is the simultaneous Such forces and moments accompanying the main ones are called associated
propulsion of wheels that have to be placed at a considerabledistancefrom onc
and may either produce an auxiliary effect (see auxiliary function) or else
another, for instance in crane drive assemblies.In the layout shown in Figurc r merely as invariable concomitants.
6.28a, the left side has a relatively high torsional stiffnessdue to the short force Associated forces place additronal loads on the components and require an
ropriate layout or must be taken up by further surfacesand elements such as
iffening members, collars, bearingsetc. As a result, weights are increasedand
rther frictional lossesmay be incurred. For that reason, the associatedforces
ust, whenever possible,be balancedout at their place of origin, thus obviating
e need for a heavier construction or for reinforced bearins and transfer
As has been shown in [6.151], this balance of forces is essentiallyensured by
Figure 6.28. Application of the principle typesof solution:
t=11+!7 balancing elements; or
o f m a t c h e d ,h e r e e q u a l ,d e f o r m a t i o n s
in crane drives: symmetrical layout.
(a) unequal torsional deformation of Figure 6.29 shows how the associatedforces can be balanced in a turbine,
l e n g t h s1 , a n d 1 , l i c a l g c a r sa n d a c o n e c l u t c h , w i t h t h e h e l p o f t h e p r i n c i p l eo f d i r e c t a n d s h o r t
( b ) s y m m c t r i c a l a y o u tc n s u r c sc c l u a l
t o r s i o n a lt l c l i r r r n a t i r l n
: c t r a n s r . r ' r r s s rpoant h . A s a r e s u l t . n o b e a r i n g p o s i t i o n i s a d d i t i o n a l l yl o a d e d
( c ) i r s v r t t n t c t r i c l li r y o u tw i t l r c r l u a l n c l t h c c l c s i g r risr r c h i g h l y c c o n o m i c a l .
t o r r i o t t t l d c f o r t t t i t t i t t lttl t l c t < t: t t l l t l l l i t t i o n W h c n i t c o l l l c st o l h c l ' l i r l a n c i n g of incrtia lilrccs,wc find that a rotationally
ol loniottul rlill ttcrrc;' n y n t r t t c t r i c il ti tl y o t t li s i r t h c r c n t l yb i r l a n c c c l . ' l ' hsci r n r cs o l u t i o np r i n c i p l ci s i r p p l i c d
204 6 Embodiment design 6.4 Principles
of embodiment
design XE

for reciprocating masses, as we know from automobile engineering. If the The concept of the flowlines of force should be consideredin conjunctiorrrvith
number of cylinders is too small to ensure a perfect balance, either special the following principles:
balancing elements, weights or shafts [6.168] are introduced, or cylinders are The principle of uniform strength which ensures, through the careful selccriol
arranged symmetrically, as for instancein opposed cylinder engines. of materials and shapes, that each component is of uniform strength irrrtl
contributes equally to the overall strength of a device throughout its servicelilcl
The principle of direct and short force transmission path which ensures nrini-
without element
lorces) (med
!m forces) (large
lorces) mum volume, weight and deformation, and which should be applied particularly
if a rigid component is needed;
The principle of matched deformatlons which ensures the matching of de-
formations of related components so that stressconcentrationsare avoided and
C the function can be reliably fulfilled.
€ The principle of balanced forces which ensures, with the help of balancing
elements or a symmetrical layout, that the associatedforces accompanying the
main ones are reacted as close as possible to their place of origin, so that
material quantities and lossescan be kept to a minimum.

6.4.2 Principle of the division of tasks

I Assignment of sub-functions
Even during the setting up and variation of the function structure, it is important
to determine to what extent severalfunctions can be replacedbv a sineleone. or
hether one function can be subdivided into several sub-functions(5.3).
These questions reappear in the embodiment phase, when the problem is to
lfil the requisite functions with the choice and assignment of suitable function
rriers. We ask:
what sub-functionscan be fulfilled with one function carrier only?
- what sub-functionsmust be fulfilled with the help of several.distinct function
c carriers?
So far as the number of components and the spaceand weight requirements
concerned, a single function carrier fulfilling several functions would, of
rse, be the best. In respect of the manufacturing and assembly processes,
wever, this may prove disadvantageous,if only becauseof the complicated
forcesillustratedby meansol
Figure6.29. Fundamentalsolutionsfor balancingassociated ape of the resulting component. Nevertheless, for economic reasons, the
a turbine,helicalgearsanda coneclutch tempt should always be made to fulfil several functions with a single function

As a general rule (which, however, can be ignored if there are overriding Numerous assemblies and components can fulfil several functions simul-
reasonsfor doing so) balancing elementsshould be chosenfor relatively small or eouslv or successivelv.
medium forces, and a symmetrical layout for relatively large forces. Thus a shaft on which a gearwheelhas been mounted transfersthe torque and
All in all, we can say of the transmissionof forces (in the discussionof whiclr rotating motion simultaneouslyand at the same time takes up the bending
the physically undefinable but descriptiveidea of the flowlines of force is mosl ents and shear forces resulting from the normal tooth force. It also locates
helpful) that: thc cars irxially ancl, in the case of helical gears, carries the axial force
- t h e f l o w l i n e s o f f o r c c m u s t a l w i r y sb c c k r s c d i i r n r l c o n l p o n c l l t sl r o n r t h c t c c t h . I n c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h t h c b o d y o f t h e g e a r w h e e l ,i t
- s l r i r r p c l c l ' l c c t i o nosl t h c t ' k l w l i n c so t ' l i r r c ci r t t r lc l t i r r t g cisr t t l t c ' r l c n s i t y ' < l l ' t l r t ' p n l v i r l c ss u l l i c i c n ts t i fl n c s st o c n s u r cc t l r r c c tr r r i r t i n o gl'thc tccth.
l i n c s r c s r r l t i n gl ' r o r r rs t r t l t l e rcr ' l r ; r n r l t i' tst c t o s s s c c l i r l t tr t t t t s tb c r r v o i t l c r l . A 1 t t 1 l cI ' l i t t t g c r l t t t t c c t i o trtt t i r k c sl l o s s i l r l cl l r c c o r r r r c c t i o inr n r ls c p i r r i r t i o no l t h c
6 Embodiment design 6 4 P r i n c i p l e so f e m b o d i m e u t d c s i g t l 207

pipes, ensuresthe sealingof the joint and transmitsall forcesand momentsin shaft whilst maintaining the shortestpossibleaxial length on the output side
ini pipe resulting from residual tension, from thermal expansionor from [6.150].However,becauseof the forcei betweenthe geaiteeth,the transmission
unbalancedpipe loads. shaftmust be asrigid aspossible.Here the principleof th" diuisionof tasksleads
A turbine casingprovidesthe appropriateinlet and outlet flow areasfor the to the following arrangement:the gearwheelis fitted to a stiff hollow outer shaft
fluid, provides a mounting for the stationary blades, transmitsthe reaction with the shortestpossibledistancebetweenthe bearings,while the radially and
forcesto the foundation, and ensuresa tight seal. torsionallyflexible componenttakes the form of an inner torsion shaft (Figure
The wall of a pressuretank in a chemicalplant must combinea retainingwith 6.30).
a sealingfunction and staveoff corrosion,while not interferingwith the chemical
A deep groove ball bearing, apart from its centeringtask, transmits both
radial and axial forcesand occupiesa relativelysmallvolume,for which reasons
it is a popularmachineelement.
The combinationof severalfunctionsin a singlefunction carrier may often
prove economicallyadvantageous,but may have certain drawbacks.These do
not usuallyappearunless:
- the capacityof the function carrier hasto be increasedto the limit in respect
of one or severalfunctions;or
- the behaviourof the function carriermust be kept absolutelyconstantin one
important resPect.
As a rule, it is impossible to optimise the carrier of several combined
functions. Instead,the designerhas recourseto the principle of the division of
tasks16.1551, by which a specialfunction carrier is assignedto every function'
Moreover, in borderline cases?it may even be useful to distribute a single
function over severalfunction carriers.
The principleof the divisionof tasks:
- allows very much better exploitationof the componentconcerned;
-provides for greaterload capacity;and
- unambiguousbehaviour, and hence fosters the basic clarity rlule
This is becausethe separationof tasksfacilitatesoptimum designin respectof
everysub-functionand leadsto more accuratecalculations.In general,however,
igure 6.30. Large gearbox with an output torsion shaft; the bearingforces are
the constructionaleffort becomescorrespondinglygreater. ansmitted over a stiff hollow shaft; the inner torsion shaft is radiaiv and torsionallv
To determinewhether the principle of the division of taskscan be usefully ible, from [6.150](Siemens-Maag)
applied, the functions must be analysedwith a view to determining if the
simultaneousfulfilment of several functions in one carrier introduces con-
straintsor mutual interference.If it does,then it is best to settlefor individual Modern pressure-fedboilers are built with a membranewall, as shown in
function carriers. igure6.31.The furnacemustbe gas-tight.Moreover,optimumheattransferto
water demands thin walls with large surface areas. Beyond that, thermal
pansion and pressure differences between the furnace and its environment
2 Divisionof tasksfor distinctfunctions ust also be taken into consideration, and so must the weight of the walls. This
Examplesfrom variousfieldsillustratethe advantage of the divisionof tasksfor mplexproblemis solvedwith the help of the principleof the divisionof tasks.
distinctfuncti<lns. tubularwallswith their weldedlipsconstitutethe sealedfurnace.The forces
asfound for instancebetweena turbineand a gcnerator,it
In largcgearhoxes. Iting from the pressuredifferencesare transferredto the specialsupports
is advisablc,hecauseof thermalexpunsion of the foundationsand bcarings,antl outsidcthe heatedareawhichalsocarrythe weightof the, usuallysuspended,
to usea radiallynnd torsiontrllyflcxiblc
ulsebccauscof thc tonional oscillations. walls. Articulatedarms betweenthc tubularwull and the supportsallow for
208 6 Embodirnent design P r i n c i p l e so f e m b o d i r n e n t d e s i g n 209

l-carrying function is performed by the clamp which, in its turn, is designed

the principle of the division of tasks. The clamp is made up of segments,
ich transmit forces and bending moments by means of a close tolerance fit,
nd shrink rings hold the clamp segments together by friction in a simple and
ffective manner. Every part can be optimally designed for its particular task
d is easily analysed.
The casingsof turbines must ensure a tight seal under all operational and
al conditions if they are to conduct the working fluid with minimum loss
turbulence. They must also provide an annular area and a support for the
ionary blades. During temperature changes,sectionedcasingswith an axial
nge have a particular tendency to distort and to lose sealing power due to
rrked changesin shape at the inlet and outlet [6.166].
This effect can be offset by a separate blade carrier, that is by a division of
The annular area and stationary blade attachment can be desisned
rdlessof the larger casingwith its inlet and outlet sections.The outer casins
n then be designedexclusivelyfor durability and sealingpower (Figure 6.33).

Figure 6.31. Sectionof boiler with membrane walls and

separatesupports (Babcock)

unimpeded thermal expansion. Thus every part can be designedin accordance

with its special task.
The clamp connection in a superheatedsteam pipe shown in Figure 6.32has
also been designedon the principle of the division of tasks.The sealingand load
carrying functions are assignedto different function carriers: the sealing function
is performed by the welded membrane seal, which is axially loaded by the
tension in the clamp. Tensile forces or bending moments should not be carried
by the seal, whose function and durability would thereby be destroyed, so the r e 6 . 3 3 A x i a l l y d i v i d e d t u r b i n e h o u s i n sf r o m [ 6 . 1 6 ( r l l;o w e r h a l f c o n v e n t i o n a lu; p p e r
w i t h s e p a r a t eb l a d e c l r r i e r

A further example is provided by the synthesisof ammonia, which involves

ing nitrogen and hydrogen into a container under high pressures and
atures. If the hydrogen were allowed to come into direct contact with a
ritic steel container, it_ would penetrate into and decarbonise the latter.
ucing decomposition at the grain boundarieswith the formation of methane
,72). The solution is again basedon the division of tasks.The sealingfunction
provided by an inner casing of austeniticsteel which is resistantto hydrogen,
3 support and strength are provided by a surrounding pressure chamber
tructecl of high-tensile ferritic steel, not resistantto hydrosen.
l n t h c c l c c t r i c a lc i r c u i t - b r e a k e ri l l u s t r a t e di n F i g u r e 6 . 3 4 , t w o o r e v e n t h r e e
t i r c t s y s t c n l sa r c p r < l v i d e d .T h e b r e a k c r c o n t a c t sl t a k e t h e a r c i n s c u r r e n t
r i l t g t l r c c k l s i n g o r o p c n i n g o f t h e s w i t c h , i r n c lt h c m a i n c o n t a c t s3 c a r r y t h e
l ; i g r r r c6 , 3 2 ,( ' l i t r t t Pc r t t t t l c c t i t t ti t l i t
iupctlrcnlc(l rlclrttt pipc ( Zikcsclt ) r r c l t l t t l t t l c t ' t t o r t t t ci ttll l t t l i t i o t t s . ' l ' hl rcr c i r k c rc ( ) l t l i r c t/s i r r cs u bj c c l t r l b u r n i n q ,
2r0 6 Embodiment dcsiln P r i n c i p l e so f e m b o d i m e n t d e s i g n 2II

that is to wear and tear, and must be designedaccordingly,while the marrr the deep-groove ball bearing is not supported radially and hence transmits
contactsmust be designedto carry the full working current. ial forces only, while the roller bearing transmits radial forces only.
The division of tasks is also illustratedin Figure 6.35: the Ringfedcr The principle of the division of tasks has been applied consistently to the
connectorscarry the torque while the correspondingcylindricalsurfacesensur(' struction of composite flat belts. They are made up, on the one hand, of a
thetic material capable of carrying high tensile loads and, on the other hand,
a chrome leather layer on the contact surface which provides a high coefficient
friction for the transfer of the load.
Yet another example is provided by the rotor blade attachment in a helicopter

Division of tasks for identical functions

increasesin load or size reach a limit, a single function can be assigned to

ral, identical function carriers. In other words, the load can be divided and
recombined later. There are numerous examples.
The load capacity of a V-belt cannot be increased at will by increases ln lts
section (number of load-carrying strands per belt) because, for a glven
ley diameter, an increasein the belt height ft (Figure 6.37) leads to an
Figure 6.34. Arrangement of contactsin circuit breaker (AEG)
1 breaker contacts;2 intermediate contacts;J main contacts

Figure 6.35 Ringfeder connector plus centralisingsurfaces

the central location and seating of the pulley, something the Ringfeder connec- fabriccoating
tor could not provide by itself. Figure6.37.Crosssectionof
V-belt rubber
A further example is provided by the design of rolling element bearings irr
which the servicelife of the locating bearing is increasedby the clear separatiorr
of the transmissionpaths of radial and axial forces (Figure 6.36). The outer racc ase in the bending stress. As a result of the ensuing deformation, the
r, which has hysteresisproperties and is also a poor conductor of heat,
overheated and this reducesits life. A disproportionally wide belt, on
other hand, loses the stiffness needed to take up the normal forces acting on
wedge-shapedsurfacesof the pulley. An increasein load-carrying capacity
, however, be obtained by dividing the overall load into part loads each
ropriate to the load limit and normal life of the individual belt (multiple
ment of parallelV-belts).
The coefficient of thermal expansion of superheated steam pipes made of
nitic steel is approximately 50 per cent higher than that of pipes made of the
I ferriticsteel.Suchpipes,moreover,areparticularlystiff.At constantinner
res and fixed materialpropertylimits, the ratio of outer to inner pipe
ter remainsconstantif the inner diameteris changed.However,whilethe
roughput at constant flow velocitiesvaries as the squareof the inner diameter,
F i g u r c6 . . l t rl,. o c i t t i t rbgc l r i n gw i l h bcndingand torsionalstiffnesses
vary asits fourth power.The substitution
rcpglolclrttnstrtissiott pittltslor pipc lincsfor a singlclargepipewouldadmittedlyleadto increased pressure
rldld und ttxinllirrccs h c i t l f r t s s c sl i r r t h c s a l n c f l o w a r c a , b u t w o u l d r c d u c c b v l l z t h c s t i f f n e s s
of embodiment design
212 6 Embodiment tltsr ztJ

resistingthermal expansion. With four or eight pipelines the individual reaclrrrtl the caseof the multiple pipeline discussedabove,the individual pipe loss
forces would then be no more than I or * of that present in a single pipe [6.3{1, ts, the relationships between inflow and outflow, and also the geo-
6.2061. In addition, the reduction in wall thickness leads to a reduction in of the pipe layouts must be kept similar, or else the individualloss
thermal stresses. ients must be small and not very greatly affected by the flow speeds.
Gearboxes, and epicyclic gearboxesin particular, make use of the principlc ,rf the case of multiple gears, either a strictly symmetrical arrangement must
the division of tasks, or rather of forces, in the form of multiple meshing, whit lt equal stiffnessesand temperaturedistributionsthroughout the gearbox
will increasethe transmissioncapacityof the gearbox, provided that the therrrrrrl
effects can be kept within reasonable limits. In the symmetrical layout ,tl
epicyclic gearboxesbased on the principle of balancedforces ( 6.4.I.4) even t lrc
bending moment in the shaft is eliminated because the forces produced by llrc
gearscancel out. However, the torsional deformation is increasedbecauseo1'Ilrc
greater load capacity (Figure 6.38). In large gearboxes,this principle is applietl

Double Triple 0uadruple

6.39 Figure6.40
of multiplegears,from [6.150]

re 6.40. Balanced forces in multiple gearsby meansof flexible torsion shafts,from

I flexibleelements[6.58]must ensurethe equalparticipationof all the

forces,from [6 2] nts.
Figure6.38.Epicyclicgearboxwith balanced
re 6.40 illustrates a flexible arrangement.Further balancingcomponents,
to advantage in the form of multiple drives equipped with spur gears, which havc as elasticand articulatedjoints, are describedin [6.58].
external teeth only and hence are more easily manufactured. As Ehrlensprcl ll in all, the principle of the division of tasks provides for increases in the
[6.57] has shown, it is possible to increasethe load capacitywith the number of imum load capacity or for wider applications. By spreading tasks over
force transmission paths, though not in direct proportion because each stcp al function carriers, we also gain a clearer picture of the relationship
introduces a different flank geometry with a slightly greater flank loading. Basic n forces and their effects, and, what is more, can increase the output,
arrangementsare depicted in Figure 6.39. only that a balanced division of forces is maintained by adjustable or
One problem of the principle of the division of tasks is the uniforrn -regulatingelements.
participation of all the elements in the fulfilment of the function, that is thc In general, the application of the principle of the division of tasks calls for
provision of a uniform distribution of forces or loads. In general, this can only bc ter effort on the part of the designer, which must be offset by greater overall
achieved if: or safety.
-the participating elements adjust themselvesautomaticallyto balance out thc
forces; or
- appropriateflexibility is speciallyprovidedin the forcetransmission paths. .3 Principle of self-help
In the caseof multipleV-belt drivcs,thc tangcntialforccsproducesliglrt Concepts and definitions
extensionsof the beltswhichhclp to ol'l'sct
nnydimensional crrorsin thc lcngtlts
of thc bcltsor in thc pullcysor uny lnck of parallelism in thc shaft.and thtt\ thc lastsectionwc discussed the principleof the divisionof tasksand showed
cnsurccqull loirdshirring. it couldhclp to incrcasckradcapacityand to provitJea clearerclefinitionof
214 6 E m b o d i m e n t t l er r l r r P r i n c i p l e so f e m b o d i m e n t d e s i g n 2t5

the behaviour of the components. To that end, we analysed the variorrr ral technical characteristics:efficiencv.servicelife. use of materials,tech-
sub-functions and assigned them to such function carriers as neither influerrt.' l i m i t , e t c . I t is defined as
nor interfere with one another. technical characteristic with self-help
The same analysis can also be used in conjunction with the principle t,l technical characteristic without self-help
self-helpto achieve, through the appropriate choice of systemelementsand the ir never the application of the self-help principle calls for a greater effort on
arrangement, a mutual supportive interaction that improves the fulfilment of tlrr' designer'spart, then it must bring clear technical or economic advantages.
'self help' provides 1or
function. Under normal conditions (normal loading), Identical design approaches may turn out to be self-helping or self-damaging,
greater effect or relief; in emergency situations (overloading), it provides 1t,r nding on the layout. Take the case of an inspection cover (Figure 6.42). So
greater safety.
In a self-helpingdesign,the overall effectis made up of an initial effect ancl rr
The initial effect setsoff the physicalprocessrequired by the solution but rs
insufficienton its own.
The supplementaryeffect is obtained from the functionally determined mairr
forces (gearbox torque, sealing force etc) andior from the associated forct':
(axial force produced by helical gears, centrifugal force, force due to thermirl
expansion etc), provided, of course, that the two sets of forces are clearl\ t-s
correlated. A supplementary effect may also be obtained from appropriat,
changes in force transmission paths. lD
The idea of formulating the self-help principle was first suggested by the
Bredtschneider-Uhde self-sealingcover, particularly suitable for pressure ves- I
s e l s [ 6 . 1 1 3 , 6 . 1 5 4 , 6 . 1 8 1 ] . F i g u r e 6 . 4 1 s h o w sh o w i t w o r k s . A r e l a t i v e l ys m a l l I
force provided by the central bolt 2, suffices to press the cover 1 against thc zlt 4-/ ll
metal seal 5. The initial effect of this force ensures that the parts make thc ng
sell-helpi selt-damaging ping
sell-hel sell-damag
proper contact. With increasing operational pressure a supplementary effect is
re 6.42 Figure6.43
produced, thanks to whrch the sealing force between cover and tank is increaserl
appropriately. The internal pressure thus provides the required sealing forcc 6.42. Layout of an inspectioncover
automatically. ; : overalleffect;p: internalpressure
i n i t i a le f f e c t ; S : s u p p l e m e n t aer yf f e c t O
re 6.43. Force diagram to Figure 6.42
forces; Fo : preload; ll: t : tensionscrew;subscript
changein tength; subscript
4 as the pressureinside the tank is greaterthan the pressureoutside,the
ut shownis self-helping, becausethe pressureon the cover (supplementary
Figure 6.41. Self-sealingcover ) increases the sealing effect (overall effect) of the initial tension-screw
1 cover; 2 central bolt;3 crossmember; (initial effect).
4 element with saw tooth thread; The layout shown on the right, by contrast, is self-damagingbecause the
5 metal sealing ring; p : internal pressure; ssure on the cover dereasesthe sealingeffect (O) of the initial tenslon-screw
d: temoerature (1). If, however, the tank were kept at below atmosphericpressure,the left
t would be self-damaging, the right layout self-helping (see also Figure
It may be usefulto specifythe quantitativc contributionof the supplementary 43).
O in prodttcittg
thc dcgrccof self-hclp This example shows that the degree of self-help depends on the resultant
cl'fcctS to thc ovcrall effect
:t: in thc presentcasethe effect on the sealingforce resultingfrom the elastic
x=SlO-(f..,1 , irncln<lton thc simple addition <lf thc forcc exerted by the screw and the
'l'hc :c ilcling 0n thc c()vcr.
gnin l'rom scll-lrclpsolutionrcan ll| OrPrcmcdin tcrms ol' thc onc or

276 6 Embodiment desigl P r i n c i p l e so f e m b o d i m e n t d e s i g n 217

Figure 6.43 can also be considered as a force-deformation diagram of a bolterl This group of self-helpingsolutionsis the most common. Under part-load
connection with a preload and a working load. The conventional bolted flangt' itions, it ensures grealer service life, l e s s w e a r . h i g h e r e f f i c i e n c y e t c ,
connection may be called self-damaging inasmuch as, under operational condi use the components are only loaded to an extent needed to fulfil the
tions, the overall effect-that is the flange sealing-becomes smaller than thr' tion at any particularmoment.
preload. Also the loading of the bolts is increased at same time. If possiblc. As a first example, let us consider a continuously adjustable friction drive
therefore, only such self-reinforcing arrangements should be chosen as increase 6.4s).
the overall effect, while reducing the loading of the bolts (Figures 6.44 a-l
illustrate such arrangements.) 12


x 7 0 8t

/ l,=oz 7 0,6x

/,'. s
Lz 7 F.l

0,2 0.4 0,6 0,8
boe r/r
c0 re 6.45 Figure6.46
(a) multiple disc clutch with adjustment ring; (b) force acting on the adjustment ring; frictiondrive
re 6.45.Continuously
(c) adjustable disc of two-disc friction clutch; (d) crown wheel attachment,symmetrical load spring; b: drive shaft; c: cup wheel; d: conewheel; e.'roller follower;f cam
take-up of forces on the cup wheel; r. radius on which F, and F,,act

6.46. Degree of self-help (x) and i n i t i a l ( / ) , s u p p l e m e n t a r y( S ) a n d o v e r a t l( O )

For practical purposes, it is useful to classify self-helping solutions
against the relative torque Z/T.u* for the friction drive (Figure 6.45)
accordancewith Table 6.3.
Table 6.3. Summary of self-helping solutions The preload spring d pressesthe freely movable cup wheel c on the drive shaft
Normal load Overload against the cone wheel d, thus providing the initial effect. Once a torque is
ied, the roller follower e attached to shaft b is pressed against the cam /
Type of self-help self-reinforcing self-balancing self-protecting
d on the cup wheel c where it produced a normal force F" that can be
Supplementary main and associated associatedforces altered force lved into a tangential force F, and an axial force F, which, for its part,
effect due to forces transmissionpath
s the contact force F. applied to the cone wheel in a fixed proportion to
Important main or associated associatedforces force transmission appliedtorgue T: Fn: Tl(r'tan a).
features forces act in the act in the opposite path altered by
same senseas other
The force Fu representslhe supplementaryeffect gained from the torque. The
senseto main elasticdeforniation;
main forces forces limitation of rall effect is obtained from the spring preload force Fo, plus the axial force F,,
function ich varies as the torque Z (c/Figure 6.46). The tangential driving force F6 on
permissible cone, which determines the transmittable torque, is therefore
2 Self-reinforcing solutions
t h c c l e g r e eo f s e l f - h e l px : S I O : F ^ l ( F p + F ^ ) .
I n s e l f - r e i n f o r c i n gs o l u t i o n s .the supplcmcntilry
effcctisubtaincddirectlyfrom ir It is obvious that the contact pressure between the wheels, which helps to
main or associatedforce and addsto thc initiuleffectto proclucc a grcatcrovcrlll r r n i n c t h e w c a r a n d t h e s e r v i c el i f e < l f t h e d r i v e . m u s t n o t e x c e e dw h a t i s
cffect. i c l l v r r c c c s s i r r vA. c < l n v c n t i o n asl o l u t i o l t ( n o s c l l - r c i n f < l r c c m c n tw) o u l d h a v e
278 6 Embodiment desigrr Principles of embodiment design 219

demanded an axial force produced exclusively by the spring preload correspond-

ing to the maximum torque, and therefore maximum pressure being applied to
the contact area under all loads. As a result the bearings, too, would have had to
carry a considerably greater load, which would have led to a reduced service lifc
or demanded a much heavier construction.
A rough calculation shows that if the actual loading is, say, 75 per cent of thc
nominal maximum load, then the bearing load would be reduced by about 20 per
cent which, because of the exponential relationship of service life to load, can
lead to a doubling of the life of the bearings. In that case, the self-help gain in
respect of the service life becomes:
Life with self-help /r-rn np\ n 0
TL: : l-"'' | :L253:2
Life without self-helo
\ctP I
Figure 6.44 shows various self-reinforcing layouts of contact surfaces loadecl
by bolts, in which the frictional forces are increased by the operational forces
while the bolts themselves are off-loaded.
The application of the principle of self-help in the design of self-reinforcing
brakes has been describedby Kiihnpast [6.113] and Roth [6.176].Depending on
the application, even self-damaging,and in this case self-weakening,solutions
Figure 6.47. Self-reinforcing
can prove interesting, inasmuch as they reduce the effect of variations of the seals;
coefficient of friction on the braking moment 16.62,6.1761. (a) setf-sealingwasher; (b) tubeless
Self-reinforcing seals (Figure 6.47) provide us with further examples. In them. tyre; (c) radial-shaftseal; (d) sleeve
the operating pressure against which the seal has to be applied is used to produce seal; (e) sliding-ringseal
the supplementary effect. 05
Finally we must mention one case in which the supplementary effect is N
produced by an associated force. In hydrostatic axial bearings, the centrifugal mm2 ^s-/

inertia effect leads to an increase in oil pressure which, at high revolutions, will 04 \l

help to improve the load-carrying capacity, provided the heat can be removed s/
(see Figure 6.48). The supplementary effect leads to an improvement in the I 03
load-carrying capacity due to the increased oil pressure resulting from the I
centrifugal effect alone, the overall effect is due to the load-carrying capacity of oo2
the combined static and dynamic pressures.According to Kiihnpast [6.113] it
should be possibleat, say, 166 revls and x :0.38, to obtain a gain in self-helpof
/' 99' \
The supplementary effect of another associatedforce, namely that caused by n-A
the effect of temperature on the shrink-fitted rings of a turbine, is disiussed in \
510 20 30mm38
\ 12 13

3 Self-balancing solutions Figure6.48.Self-helpeffectin hydrostatic from [6.113]

In self-balancing solutions, the supplementary effect is obtained from an iect to a bending stressdue to the tangential force acting upon it and also to
associatedforce, and offsets the initial cffcct to produce an improved overall axial tensile stressdue to the centrifugal inertia force. The two are additive
effect. , becausea certainstressmust not be exceeded,the transferabletaneential
A simple examplc is providcd by turbo-machincr. A bludc uttachcd to a rotor is rcduccd(Figurc6.49).lf, howevcr,the bladeis attachedat an ansle,a
220 6 Embodiment clcsrll ples of embodiment design 22r
supplementary effect is produced: an additional bending stress due to tlrr. rcular, we try to protect componentsthat are frequently subject to slight
centrifugal force acting on the offset centre of gravity of the blade opposes tlrt. . If special safety arrangements,for instanceto limit the load, are not
original bending stress and thus allows the application of a larger tangentirrl ial, then a self-protecting solution may prove advantageous. It will
force-that is a greater overall effect. How far this balancing process can l)(, timesbe simplicityitself.
carried depends on the aerodynamic and mechanical conditions. '-protecting
solutions derive their supplementary effect from an additional
transmissionpath that, in caseof excessloading, is generally created after
:n elastic deformation has taken place. As a result, the distribution of the
ines of force is altered and the load-carrying capacity increased. Admitted-
in that case,the functional properties associatedwith normal conditions may
me altered, limited or suspended.
: springsshown in Figure 6.51 have such self-protectingproperties. In case

'Es h o c k

M c : F Bl : F c e.

CG: Centreofgravity T1t o4
Fr: Tangential F,: Centrifugal
lorce; force;
o6r: Bending duetoF1;o. : Axial
stress duetoF6;ouc: Bend
stress rrl
duetoF6;Fa: Axlal ofF6;FsBending
component component
olF6 ],,
Figure6 49 Self-balancing solutionfor turbineblades; F
(a) conventionalsolution;(b) leaningof the bladeproducesa balancing supplementar,v I
effectdueto the additionalbendingstresses producedby the centrifugalforce(os,) whitlr I
opposethe bendingstresses causedby the tangentialforce(ou,); (c) diagramof forces

A self-balancing effect can also be produced by allowing thermally inducctl

forces (stresses)to oppose other forces (stresses);for instance those resultirru
from excessor other mechanical loads (Figure 6.50). tr5
All the examples we have given are intended to encourage the design ol
technical systemsensuring that: 0 a
- the forces and moments with their resultingloads cancelout as far as possible: re6.50 Figure6.51
or that :6.50. t{oop stressesin a thick-walledcylinder due to the internal pressureonnand
- additional forces or moments are produced in a clearly defined way so that rt :rllure differcncesat nearly steadyheat flow o6,n;
is possible to balance them out. n o t t - l t i t l i t t r c l tst go l t t t i o l t ,t h er r n a ls t r e s si s a d d e dt o t h e m a x i m u mm e c h a n i c asl t r e s so n
l l l n c l s u rl i t c c :
t r c l l - h ; 1 1 ; 1 1 1 t ' l l l g s o l t l l i o t t . lsl t rccr sr ns uo lp p o s c s m a x i m u m r n e c h a nsi tcraels s o n t h e
4 Self-protecting solutions s t t rl r r c c

I n g c n c r a l , i n t h c c v c n t o f i r n o v c r l o l t l . w c ( l ( t l t ( t t w i l r l t c o r n l ) ( ) r l c l l l st o l r r ' c { r ' 5 1 S c l l ' 1 l l ( ) t c ( ' t ist togl t t l i o titt rs l l t i t t g s(;l r )t r r ( t l ) l o r c ' ct r ' : r r r s r n i s s i o r r
d c s l r o y c r.l u n l c s s r, r l c o r r r s ct.h c v h l r v r ' l t ' c t t l c l i l r c r i t tl ev t l t ' s i g t t c;rrl sw e ; r kl i r t k t i c r l ,t l l t ' t l r r t t t t ;fttlt t t t ' t t r litrt r r t s l t t ' t t t l ro' rt ll i r r r i t c ti ln r ' l r s o
c l c r c c s sl o l r t l r r i g
222 6 Embodiment dcsilrr Principles of embodiment design 223

of excessloading, the spring elementswhich are normally subject to torsional trr .4 Principles of stability and planned instability
bending stresseswill transmit the additional force directly. The same effect mrrv
mechanics, we know the concepts of stable, neutral and unstable
also be produced if the springs are shock-loaded(Figure 6.51b).
ilibrium, as illustratedin Fieure6.53
Figure 6.52 shows the layout of elastic couplings in which restriction of thc In elaborating solutions, the designer must always consider the effect of
spring movements provides additional force transmission paths with consequcnt urbances and try to keep the system stable by devising means whereby
loss of flexibility but with increasedload-carrying capacity. In Figure 6.52a, the disturbancescan be made to cancel out, or at least to mitigate one another.
load-carrying capacity of the bar springs is altered inasmuch as, besides th,'
normal bending, a powerful shear force between the two halves of the couplirrl stable Afterdisturbance,the Upondeflection,
system returns potential
energyol the
appears with overloads. automatically
to itsold deflected
positionandequilibrium andimposesa returntothe
state position

the Upondeflection,
syslem adoptsa new potential
positionwithunchanged constant

the Upondeflection,
a new potential
energyol the
r e6 . 5 3 position
andequilibrium dellected
racteristics of
SIAIC andimposesa newposition
uilibrium states

isturbances are self-reinforcing, we have unstable behaviour. This effect 1 S

irablein certainsolutions, in which case we speak of planned instability.
I [ ilp
of stability
Figure6.52.Self-protecting solutionin couplings;changeof forcetransmissionpathswith
lossof elasticpropertiesin caseof overloading;(a) bar springcoupling;(b) elastic applyingthis principle, the designertries either to ensurethat disturbances
couplingwith coilspringsandspecialbuffersto takeup the forcesin caseof overloadinr I out or else to reducetheir particular effects.
uler 16.167lhas discussed this subjectat lengthand we shall now look at
of his examples.
Figure 6.52b shows a coupling that, strictly speaking, may be considereclit the designof pistonsfor pumpsor regulatingdevices,the main objectiveis
borderline case between a division of tasks and a self-protectingsolution. Tlrc achieve stable behaviour and minimum friction.
buffers will only take up forces in case of overloading. The characteristic of thc igure 6.54a shows the layout of a piston with unstable characteristics.
spring elements remains unchanged. However, the force transmissionpath is rbances due, say, to inaccuraciesin the cylinder bore can tilt the piston
altered after a given elastic deformation has taken place. tly and produce pressure distributions over the piston that encourage
Kiihnpast [6.113] alse mentions cases in which there is an uneven strcsri tilting (unstable behaviour). Stable behaviour is ensured by the layout
distribution over a cross-sectionand where plastic deformation can then be usctl in Figure 6.54b, which, however, has a disadvantage:the piston rod inlet
for purposes of self-protection. In such cases, however, sufficiently touglt to be sealed off on the pressureside.
materials and adequate dimensional stability are needed. According to [6.167], the layout shown in Figure 6.54a canbe stabilisedby the
I t i s h o p e d t h a t t h e p r i n c i p l c o f s c l l ' h c l p b a s c d o n s c l f - r c i n f o r c i n g ,s c l l ' res shown in Figure 6.55 a-d. They ensure that a disturbance will itself
b a l a n c i n ga n d s e l f - p r o t e c t i n gs o l u t i ( ) n sw i l l c n c o u r a g ct h c c l c s i g n c rt o c x i t n t i t t c iatc suchprcssurcdistributionsas tend to correctthe misalignment.
every conccivahlc arrangcnrcnt in un cffort lo urrive ttt an cffcctivc itntl Anothcr exilmplcis thc wcll known cirscof hydrostatic bcaringswith oil
c c o n o r n i c i t sl o l t t t i t l n . s distributcrlirrounclthc pcriphcry.whcn thc bqrring is loaclccl.
114 6 Embodimenttl.'r of embodiment design 22s

leakage path below the load is reduced with the result that pressurebuilds up in similar approach is used in the design of taper roller bearings.Thus, in the
the affected oil pocket and decreases in the opposite one. Thanks to tlro shown in Figure 6.57a, heating of the shaft, by excessiveloading for
combined effect, the bearing can take up the load with very small shrrfl :, will tend to rincrease
rrwrv4rv the
L r r w rload
vau even
L vLrl further
l u t L r t g l because
uE;LduSE of
u I the
t r r c texpansion
s)xpalrslult of
o l
displacement. shaft due to the increasedfrictional heat. The arrangementshown in Figure
The stuffing boxes and sealsof turbo-machinery must always be designecll,rl rb, by contrast, will lead to a load reduction.
In the caseunder consideration.
thermo-stable behaviour 16.1671.The seal of a turbo-charger shown in Figrrrr..
6.56 is a casein point. In the thermo-unstablelayout (Figure 6.56a) most of llrc
frictional heat generated by contact forces will flow into the rotor which will ht'rrt \
up further, expand, and hence increase the contact forces. In the stalrlc
arrangement (Figure 6.56b), by contrast, the frictional heat will cause tlrc
contact forces to be reduced. A disturbance thus produces a self-limiting eflcr t
6.57.Taper roller bearings in which the shaft heats up more than the housing;
Figurg6 54, Pistonin cylinder, thermal expansionleads to increasedloading and hence to unstablebehaviour
tilteddue to a disturbance.from thermal expansionleads to reduced loading and hence to stablebehaviour
(a) resultingpressuredistribution
producesan effectthat increases reduction must not, however, be allowed to reach the point where one of the
the disturbance(unstable ings becomes unloaded, because the shaft at that point would then not be
behaviour); radially and the bearings easily damaged.
(b) resultingpressuredistribution nother interesting example of thermo-stable behaviour is provided bv the
producesan effectthat opposesthe elical gearsused in marine gearboxes16.2391.

ple of planned

some cases, unstable or bistable behaviour is positively welcome. This

when,on reachinga limit, a clearlydistinctstateor positionis required
no intermediate state is acceptable. The requisite instability is initiated when
ected physical quantity reaches a limiting value and then introduces
inforcing effects.
Figure6.55.Measures for improvingthe resultingpressuredistribution,from [6.167]; well known application is in the design of safety and alarm valves [6.l6jl
(a) unstablebehaviourmitigatedby pressure-equalising grooves; , on reaching a limiting pressure, will spring from a completely closed to a
(b) stablebehaviourthroughconicalpiston; letely open position. This avoids undesirable settings with a low flow rate
(c) throughpressure pockets; tter and wear of the valve seat (see Figure 6.126).
(d) throughjoint fittedabovecentreof gravityof the piston
ure 6.58 illustrates the solution principle.
Up to the limitingpressure p: p.r,the valveremainsclosedunderthe preload
the spring. If this pressureis exceeded,then the valve head will lift off verv
ly. The result is an intermediate pressurepi,rhe valve head throttling the
t. This intermediate pressureacts on the additional surface,4uof the valve
and produces a supplementary opening force that offsets the elastic force of
springF, to suchan extentthat the valveheadlifts rapidly.In the openstate,
nt intermediate pressurep' is set up and keeps the valve open. To close
valve,the pressuremustbe reducedconsiderably belowthe limitingopening
becausc,in the openstate,the pressureis appliedto a greatersurface
Figurc6.56.Scitlin turtr<t-
chsrgcr.fronr16.l67l One applic:rtionis thc prcssureswitchfor monitoringbearingoil pressure
in l"'igurc(r,59,ll'thc bctringoil prcssurc
dropsl'rcklwl ccrtainvalue,the
226 6 Embodimcntdcsisrr 6.5 Guidelines for embodirnent design

piston jumps open and the pressure inside

the safety system is reduced with
consequent shut-off of the endangeredmachinery.
T h e - p r . i n c i p t eo f p l a n n e c li n s r i b i l t t y
s h u t - o f f d e v i c e si n w h i c h a s t r i k e r p i n
h =h, gravity slightly offset from the centie
h=0 angular speed is reached, the striker
p r e l o a d . T h e r e s u l t i n gi n c r e a s ei n t h e
to an increase in the centrifugal force
w i l h o r r t any
e n r r further
increase in i .'
the ang,
Figure6.58 Figure6.59 the rate of increase in the centrifusai
g r e a t e rt h a n t h a t o f t h e o p p o s i n g
Figure 6.58 Solution principle for a valve with an unstable opening mechanrsm spiin,
pin begins to move. The forces -uit
d: precompression of spring; s : stiffness of spring; { : spring force; /z : lift of valve Ui
head;p : pressureon valve;p, : limiting pressurejust sufficientto open the valve; can be achieved provided that dF"/dr>
pr : intermediate pressure on opening of valve ; p' : pressure after opening of valve; once it has been displaced to th" outside,
the pin strikes a catch which, in
pe: atmosphericpressure;Au: valve-openingsurfacearea;Au: additional surfacearc;r turn, activatesthe rapid shut_off mechanism.
Valve closed: F,: s' d> p' A,. h--0
V a l v ej u s t o p e n : F,: s -d { A. A,, h:0
Valve opening fully: F,= s(d + h) < p . A, + pi. At. h-,->h,
Valve fully open: F,: s(d + hr) : p'(A, + A^), h : fu (newequilibrium positiorrI
Figure 6 59. Diagrammatic sketch of a pressureswitch to monitor bearing oil pressure.
6.5 Guidelines for embodiment design
from [6.167]
1 main oil system pressure;2 orifice,3 safety system activating rapid shut-off valles ; 4 5.1 General considerations
drainage(no pressure);5 bearing oil pressure
addition to the three basic rures (clarity, simplicity
and safety) derived from
general objectives (g:1, the designer
. must also follow a number
rurtruvl ofl
s guidelinesbased
on ih" generarconstraints set
r v l out
v u r in
\ L t 2.r.6
n dP:j]T:tt,q:sign
+$/' the checklist in Figure 6.2.
$7 These guidelines cover the respective
constraints and requirements and are
ping with the basic rules. In what follows in
we shall cover what we considerto
t!9 most important of them
lrrLru without
rnaKlng any
any claims
Clalms to comDreteness.
n dirn y o.witrrvinenLv u- ^ u.t* or special
:i 1",:have
counts f :::: l':l' l_1I:,0.: to
been published, . which
"1 the reader will ".,
withm rrr,2>s, be referred.
Designing for durability (stressrequirements):
unstablebehaviour the designeris ,li.r."o
to tt.
fromcu: ar, eraturecoveringmachineelements
[6.6i, 6.7g,6.I0g,6..*5, O.iOl,6.2071.
He shouldHqJ
pay rpvLr.r
attentionto changes
ro cnanges in loadrng
ln loadingconditions
with rime :r
time and
the correct estimates of the level and
type of the resulting stresses.
amage-accumulationcriteria help to improve
service-life predictions
1 9 1 ,6 . 2 0 9 1 . [6.79,
In.determining stresses,the designer must
Figure6.60 Figure6.61 take stressconcentrationsandior
ultiaxial axiarsrress conditions inri account [6,.25,6.r.4r, s.ii)",-i.2ts,6.240].
I l i g u r c ( r ( r 0R a p i d s h u t - o f f p i n l i n s h a f t - ] w i t h c c n t r cgor li r v i t y C G o f f s e t b y c a n c l s p r i r r l sscssmcnts of durabilitymustbe basedon the materialprop".ir.,
2 I r o l t l i r r gt h c p i n i n t h c n o r n r a lp o s i t i o n ,f r o r t r1 6 ,l ( r 7 l and the
l p p r . ; r r i i r rfci r i r u rccr i t e r i [a6 . 2 2 . 6 . 7 6 , 6 . g 6 , . 6 . r 3 g , 6e..2i r0i ,2o, . z z o , 6 . z 2 r l .
: I)csignirrg t0 iril.w
l i i g t r r c( r . ( r l ( i r t r l l h o l s p r i n gl i r r c c i r r r t tl ' t ' r r t r i l r r g ilrol t r ' c ; r gr i r r r tt l t c t l i s l l l l r c c n t c rrr to l l l r t . f<tr dij orrnatictn.,stahility anrJresonance:'the
designer is
c c t l t r co l g r i r v i t yo l t h c r a p i d s l t u t - o l lp i n ( l J i g u r c{ r , { { l ) ,e - c c c c r r t r i c i t oy l c c n t r c o f ' ,:l]r]l,lll1i.rc c.tcur.1i.ns in nrcch.rrics
g r ; t v i t y :r / - s P r i n gJ r r c c o r n P r c s s i orl,rr;, l i n t r t t r t ln n l u l n t r r ; x c t lh c y o r r rw Ij:1,::1
l ' c c h l r . ::'
i c s.ill:
. i r ' st lr r c r r g t h . p r . b r c r r r s
l h i c l rt h c l l i r r l i l t , l o .r v . o l , t , 6 l l 7 . 6 .r 9 2' ,,6 , ,."2i 10 .r,l .lv, i, r1r r i r t i r l r r
oll p r o h l 1 , l 1l (sr\, l ( ) 6 {, r l J i l : s t i r b i l i t p
y r o l r l t , r rlr(rr l ( ) l l ; , , , , , 1 .l tirritc
228 6 Embodimeutrlcslr' G u i d e l i n e s f o r em b o d i m e n t d e s i g n

elements [6.250].In 6.4.1 we have dealt briefly with the problems of designirrrr nate axis only, while the coefficient of cubical expansion defines the
with due allowance for the deformation caused by the transmission of forces tive change of volume per degree of temperature rise. For homogeneous
Designing to allow for expansion and creep, that is temperature phenometr;r, its value is three times that of the coefficient of linear expansion.
will be discussedin 6.5.2 and 6.5.3, and designingagainst corrosion in 6.5.4 loefficients of expansion should be understood as mean values over the
Wear poses an extraordinarily complex problern that is currently beirl icular temperature range/0^; they depend not only on the material but also
examined from many sides. The reader is referred to the literature [6.5, t the temperature. At higher temperatures, the coefficient usually increases.
6 . 1 0 56, . 7 t t ,6 . 1 6 26, . 2 3 4 1 . Figure 6.62 gives the coefficients of linear expansion of distinct groups of
Safety problems are treated at some length in 6.3.3. ineering materials. It shows that with commonly used combinations of
General ergonomic problems are discussedin [6.96, 6.140, 6.764, 6.1]'' ls, for example of 35C carbon steel with austenitic (I\CI18% Cr-Ni-Nb)
6 . 1 8 7 ,6 . 1 8 8 ] .T h e e r g o n o m i cu s e o f e q u i p m e n ti s d e a l t w i t h i n 1 6 . 4 6 , 6 . 4 ,16 . e \
. o n i t o r i n g a n d c o n t r o l a r e c o v e r e di n [ 6 . 1 . 1i
6 . 1 I 2 , 6 . 1 1 7 , 6 . 7 7 3 , 6 . 7 7 4 , 6 . 1 8 4 ]M
.-lnvar (64%Fe,36%Ni)
6.I72, 6.I89]. The harmful effects of noise and their mitigation are examineclrrr
[ 6 . 6 5 , 6 . 8 3 , 6 . 8 4, 6 . 1 1 4, 6 . 1 8 6 , 6 . 2 7 r, 6 . 2 1 7, 6 . 2 2 5 ] .
The form design of technical products involves special rules which 31s ssf oLrl
i n [ 6 . 5 6 ,6 . 1 0 3 ,6 . 2 1 . 8 ] . .- Tungsten
Design for production and assembly (including quality control and transport) s .- Molybdenum
dealt with at some length in 6.5.6 and 6.5.7. Designing to standards(see 6.5 .t - Chromium
helps with this aspect and also in reducing costs and improving schedules.
The problems involved in design for operation and maintenance depend vcrr ..- Vanadium
m u c h o n t h e p r o d u c t a n d i t s u s e . T h e r e a d e ri s r e f e r r e d t o [ 6 . 4 5 , 6 . 9 3 , 6 . 1 ( ) s Greycastiron
.- 13%Chromium (10C/13%
Steel Cr)
6.I35,6.2461 and also to the literature listed under ergonomics above.,
.- Titanium,
35CCarbon steel

6.5.2 Designing to allow for expansion - Pureiron

- - Gold
Materials used in technical systemstend to expand when they are heated. Tlrt'
resulting problems must be taken into considerationnot only in the design ol _ Austenitic steel(10Cl1Bk
stainless Cr-Ni-Nb)
thermal devices in which higher temperaturesmust be expected as a matter ol Copper
course, but also in high-performance engines and devices in which frictionrrl + Bronze 60 ._ Polycarbonate
h e a t i n gc a n o c c u r a n d s p e c i a lc o o l i n g i s e m p l o y e d .A s a r e s u l t ,s e v e r a la r e a su i l l - Brass
be affected by local heating. Moreover, deviceswhose environmental tempcr;r. *- alloy(cast),
Aluminium Tin g0 .- (homopolymer)
ture fluctuates significantly will only work properly if the physical effects ol
thermal expansion have been allowed for in the design [6.154].
Apart from the thermal effects of linear expansion, the designer must also
consider the purely mechanical expansion of parts subjected to heavy loading ..- Aluminium - 66
.- Magnesium
=- Nylon
I Expansion .- (copolymer)

E x p a n s i o nh a s b e e n t h e s u b j e c to f a h o s t o f s p e c i a ls t u d i e s .F o r s o l i d b o d i e st l r , ' - Leao
- N y l o6n1 0
cocfficicnt of linear expansion is defined as
e: ,411U..40,,,)
w l r c r c , , l / : c I l r r r g ci r r l c r r g t [ ( c x l l i r r r s i o r r ) t l rlrot .l r l ( , n l l ) c r i l t r t rrci s c < t 1t | 0 , , , .
/ - t h c l c n g t l rr l l t l r c c t l r r r p o n c nl ln r ( l c tr ' o t t s i r l c n r t i o rnr.r r t l D
. 1 1 / , ,- ,- n l c i r nt e n ' l l ) c r l r t r r r r . ' t l i l l r ' t cl no cwc l t i c l rt l r c l r o t l vi s s t r b j c c t c t l . l V t ' i r ttt' o r ' l l i c i c rot ll l i n c l r c x p t r n s i olror r v l r ri o r r sr r r i r t ci ar l s l( a ) n r c t a l l i c
r ' o r ' l l i r ' i r ' r tot l l i t t c l r tc x l l t t t r i o s tt l c l t n c r l l t c c x p ; t t t s i o tot t l r s o l i r ll r l o r r Fr lr r r t '
230 6 Embodimentti, lines for embodiment design zJl

steel, or of grey cast iron with bronze or aluminium, great care must be takcrr re 6.63a shows a body clamped at one point with no degreesof freedom.
allow for relative expansions because of the sisnificant differences in r al expansion it can expand freely from this point along the various
coefficients of thermal expansion. with larse dimensions. even the relatrrr. Figure 6.63b shows a plate that can be rotated about the z axis and thus has
small differencesbetween, say, 35C carbon steel and 13 per cent chromium sr ee of freedom. As shown in Figure 6.63c, this singledegree of freedom
(10C11,3%Cr) can cause serious problems. simply removed by means of a slide. were this plate to expand under
Metals with a low melting point, such as aluminium and magnesium. temperature increases,it would have to rotate about the z axis. for the
greater coefficients of thermal expansion than metals with a high melting
such as tungsten, molybdenum and chromium.
Nickel alloys have different coefficients depending on their nickel conl(.nt,
Very low values occur in the range of 32-40 per cent by weight, with .l()';r
Ni-64% Fe (known as 'Invar') having the lowest coefficient. -)
Synthetic materials have significantly higher coefficients of expansion
metals. '/,/ Delees of treedom
r =0 . R

2 Expansion of components

To calculate changes in length, /1, the designer must know the temperatrrrc
S = .90.Z-9m
distribution (position and time) in the component and hence the mean tempt'rr.
ture change with respect to the initial value. Degrees of lreedom "A
I = 0 ,R = 0
If the temperature distribution does not change with time, we speak oi tg
steady or fixed expansion. If the temperature distribution changeswith time. rvc
speak of an unsteady or fluctuating expanslon.
L"= r",
In the case of steady expansion, the physical ouantities on which tl "u
expansion of the components depends are obtained from the basic equations:

/l: a. l' /0n /o-:t7l'nour*,
o* 6.63 Expansiondueto steadyuniformtemperature
state;brokenline: highertemperature
The change in length /l which concerns the designer is therefore dependent orr! body attachedto a fixed poinl
- t h e c o e f f i c i e n to f l i n e a r e x p a n s i o nc : plate can rotate about the z axis; that is. one degree offreedom
-the length / of the component; and plate tn (b)
Plate as in (D) but
Dut with
wlth single
slngledegreeof freedom removed by an additional sliding pivot
-the mean temperature change A0^over this length, plate as in (b) but allowing for expansionwithout rotation. it would also be possible
le simple slideswhich might equally well be arrangedalong the x axis as along a line
and can be determined accordinslv. the z axis inchned attan E = lyll,
The value thus determined has a direct bearing on the desisn: evt
component must be clearly located and must only have as many degrees t does not lie in the direction of the expansion that results from the change of
freedom as are necessaryfor its proper functioning. In general, a point is fixcd h in the x and y directions..If the slide allowed only translational movement
and the requisite translational and rotational movements are set by approprirrrc did not also act as a pivot, then jamming would occur. By fitting the slide in
guides, for example slides, bearings etc. A body in space (a satelritc or direction of one of the co-odinates(Figure 6.63d) it is possibleto avoid the
helicopter) has three translational degreesof freedom in the x, y and z directiorrr i < l no f t h e c o m p o n e n t .
and three rotational degrees of freedom about the x, y and z axes. A sliclirrg fter deformationdue to thermalexpansiongeometricsimilaritywill only be
p i v o t ( f o r e x a m p l e t h e n o n - l o c a t i n gb c a r i n go f a s h a f t ) p r o v i d e st w o d e g r c c s. [ ttaincd if the followingconditionsare met:
f r c c d o m - o n e t r a n s l a t i o n a la n c l o n c r o l a t i o n i t l , A b o d y c l a m p c c la t o n c p o i r r l Thc c<lcfficicnt of cxpansiono must be constantthroughoutthe component
( l i r r c x a n t p l c a b u i l t - i n h c a r n ) , o n t h c ( ) t h c r h u n d , h u s n o c l c g r c c so l ' l ' r c c c k l r r , (isotrophy),whichcanbe takenfor grantedin practiceprovidedthat ontyone
l.ityouts lritscd tln thcsc coltsidctltaont rlonc do nol. howcvcr. allow lor kirul of mrtcrial is uscd and that thc tcmpcraturcdiffcrcnccsare not too
cxpulrsiorrnutonrlticirlly. ils wc shttll now domonrtrute, 8rcilt,
232 6 Embodiment tlLrr lines for embodiment design
- T h e t h e r m a l s t r a i n s e a l o n g t h e xy,, z a x e s m u s t b e s u c h t h a t € * :€ y: e z : a . , l symmetry line of the deformed state should, in the first instance.
[6.131]. tt both along the symmetry line of the component and also along that of
If a is constant throughout a component, then the mean temperature incrcr the
mposedtemperaturefield. However,asFigure6.646shows,tf,issymmet-
must be the same for all three axes, so that we have: may not be easilyidentifiablefrom the componentshapeand temperature
/l*: 1*'a'/0^ bution, so that the ultimate state of deformation must also be taken
llr:lr.a./0^ nt. Ihat state, as we said earlier, may also be causedby external loads.
Zlt: lr'a' /0^ extent' our remarks also apply to guides of components subject to
nical deformations.An examplewill be found in
and for the x and y axes: 16.12l.
following examplesmay serveas further illustrations:
al. 1., gure 6-65 is the plan view of a device whose temperature decreases
from the
t a n c '0 : J : J re to the periphery. It is supported on four feet. In Figure 6.65a one
/l* l* of the
waschosenasthe fixed point. If the deviceis not to ,oLt. o,
iam, the suide
The component must not be subjected to additional thermal loads, which rirll re 6.65. Plan view of a devrce.
not happen if, for instance, it is completely surrounded by a source of hr.:rl temperature decreasesfrom
[6.131]. rcentre to the periphery, mounted
As a rule, however, different temperaturesare measured in a single comp.. four feet:
Designatedfixed point on one
nent. Even in the simplest case, with the temperature distribution changing
; simple slide along a line that is
linearly along the x axis (Figure 6.64a), a change in angle is produced whicli. the symmetry line of the
rature field
maginary fixed point in the centre point
device formed by the
ion of the lines of expansron b

only be placed along the symmetry line of the temperature field, that is
opposite foot. Figure 6.65b shows a method of providing guides along
netry lines, without a designated fixed point. The intersection of the linei
gh the guides constitutes an imaginary fixed point from which the device
expand evenly in all directions.In that case,two guides,for example I and2,
ld be omitted.
Figure 6.64. Expansion under non-uniform temperature distribution, here decreasing
gure 6.66 shows the location of inner casings in outer casings
linearly along the x axis: when a
(a) Plate correspondingto Figure 6.63d; non-uniform temperaturedistribution product mon centre must be maintained as, for instance,in turbines. If the deformed
deformation shown by broken line; sliding pivot required pe of these components is not completely rotationally symmetrical, then
(b) Guide placed on symmetry line of deformed state so that a simple slide can be userl les must be placed on the symmetry lines to prevent jamming of guides
-Such due
say' oval deformation of the casings,(see Figure 6.66:D. oval
again, can only be taken up by a guide with a sliding as well as a pivoti rmation is causedby temperaturedifferences,especialryduring the warm-
movement. A simple slide, which allows translational movement with r phase.The imaginaryfixed point lies on the longitudinalaxisof tie casingor
degree of freedom, can only be used if the guide lies along the line of symmct ft.
of the deformation (Figure 6.64b). Figure 6.67 shows an austenitic steel high-temperature steam inlet pipe
If this conditionis not fulfilled, a furtherdegreeof freedommust be allowc{. a
tich must be fitted into a ferritic steel outir casing b while protruding into
Hencewe obtainthe rule that guidesthat take up thermalexpansionand hirvc a
tic steclinnercasingc. Because
of markeddifferences
in thL two coeificients
one degreeof freedomonly must lie on a line throughthe fixed point, and tlrir expansion and also because of the considerable temperature differences
line must be the symmetryline of thc dcformcdstate, wccn thc componcnts; particular attention must be puia to relative expan-
The deformed state can be causcdby loud-depcndcntancl tempcraturc. An imaginaryfixcd point is provided by the rotationallysymmetrical
depcndcntstresses,in aclditionto thc exptndon itsclf, Sincc thc strcsslntl 1n.
c s . i l n i l r r i l n g c m c n t c n s u r i n g t h e u n i m p c c l c de x p a n s i o no f t h e a u s t e n i t i c
tcmpcraturcdistributirtnalso dcpcndr on thc rhape of thc conrponcnt.tlc p o n c n l t k l n g u n y l i n c t h r o u g h t h c i n r i r g i n u r yf i x c d p o i r r t . B c c a u s c
aa i
L JL+ 6 Embodimentclcsrlrr Guidelines for embodiment design 235

the fixed point of the inner casing are not identical and no definite
rature distributionscan be assignedto the components.The double
e of freedom is obtained with the help of the piston-ring seal e which
ts the independent axial and radial movements of the inlet prpe.

lative expansion of components

far, we have been considering expansionin a relatively stable environment.

ry often, however, the relative expansion of two (or more) components has to
taken into account, especiallyin the caseof mutual loadingsor when certain
ces must be maintained. If in addition the temperature varies with time,
)n the designeris faced with a very difficult problem. The relative expansion
00 the two componentsis:
F i g u r e6 . 6 6 . L o c a t i o no f i n n e r c a s i n g si n o u t e r c a s i n g s :
(a) Arrangement of guidesdoes not allow for expansion;oval deformation of the d r . t : G 1. 1 1 '/ 0 ^ 1 1 1 1 - a z . l z . / 7 n z ( t ) .
h o u s i n g sc a n c a u s eg u i d e st o j u m
(b) Arrangement allowing for expansion;guideslie along symmetry lines; no jamminr te relative expansion
with oval deformation
relative mean temperature difference does not vary with time, and if the
:ients of linear expansion are identical, then all that has to be done to
ise the relative expansion is to even out the temperature or else to select
rials with different coefficients of expansion. often both are necessary.
s can be seen in the case of a flanged connection consisting of a steel stud
an aluminium flange (Figure 6.68). Because the aluminium has a higher
icient of expansion, a temperature rise will increasethe load on the siud,
:h may lead to failure. This can be prevented, on the one hand, by increasing
length of the stud and using a sleeve and, on the other hand, by usine


Figure 6 67 Inlet pipe a of a steam turbine made of austeniticsteel that takes the stearn
through the ferritic steelouter casingb to the inner casingc. Expansionplanesthrough
g u i d e w a y sr / d e t e r m i n ea n i m a g i n a r yf i x e d p o i n t . P i s t o nr i n g s e a l sa t c p e r m i t t h e a x i a l
a n c lr a c l i i rcl x p a n s i o no f t h e e n d o f t h e i n l et p i p c ( B B C )

distribution at that pointis l'airlyunilitrm,thc rcspcctivc raclialirrrrl
l r c 6 . ( r l l . . ( ' o r r n c c t r obny n r e a n so f a s t e e ls t u d a n d a l u m i n i u mf l a n g e
axiillcxpilnsions producca rcsultingcxp[n$i()n ulongthc indicatcdlincs. [6.147]:
ttlud crtdirrt.gcrcrl bccauscalurrriniunrflaugc has gre:rterexpansion
lly crlntrasi,tlrc inscrtiolrol'tltc inlet pipe into thc inncr casilrgnlustilll()w i n c r l r p o r l t t i o ttlt l l n v i t t c x 1 ' r i t n s i osnl c c v cw i t h l r c ' o c l f i c i c r irltf c x l r u p s i e nc l o s ct o ( . 1
indcpcndcrtlcxplrtsionillon!llw() uxci. bccttnc thc fixcd point ol'tlrc irrlct;ri;x' ! i l o b i r l i r r r c tch c r c l l t i v c c x p t r n s i o no l t l t r r r g ct r r r tsl l r r t l
Guidelines lor embodiment design
6 Embodiment dcsrlrr

components with appropriate coefficientsof expansion.If relative expansion r\ everywhere display the same temperature-depenclentproperties. This can
be remedied if the expansions are kept under control by the carefully
to be avoided altogether, then we must have:
ned introduction of appropriate cooling or heating.
dr"r: 0 : ar' lt'/0^t-Gz'lz'/0-z- a3'\'/0^3
teady relativ e expansion
With /1 : lz* lz and,t: l2l\the relative lengthof sleeveto flange becomes:
the temperature changes with time, for instance during heating or cooling
a3'/06- c\'A0^1 )cesses,we often find a relative expansion much greater than that which is
c1'/0^1- a2'/0^2 in the steady,final state. This is becausethe temperatureof the individual
ponents can differ considerably. In the common case of components of
With steady-state expansion, /0^t: /0^2: /06 and with s t et ' l
rl length and equal coefficients of expansion, we have:
( a r : 1 1 x 1 0 - 6 ) ,I n v a r ( a 2 : 1 x 1 0 - 6 ) a n d a l u m i n i u ma l l o y ( a z : 2 0 x 1 0 6 ) r r s
t h e c h o s e nm a t e r i a l s( a s i n F i g u r e 6 . 6 8 b ) ,w e h a v e 7 : l z l l t = 0 . 9 .
CIl: (12: C and \: lr:1
The designer will be familiar with the complicated expansion problerrrr
associatedwith the pistons of internal combustionengines.Here, the tempcrrr d . e r: G ' I ( 2 0 ^ 1 ( t ) - / 0 ^ x r ) .
ture distribution over and along the piston differs even in the near-steadystrrtr'
The_heating of components has been examined by, among others, Endres and
and, what is more, differences in the coefficientsof expansion of piston urrtl
r l m [ 6 . 5 9 , 6 . 1 8 0 ] .N o m a t t e r w h e t h e r w e a s s u m ea s t e p o r l i n e a r t e m p e r a t u r e
cylinder must also be taken into account. One solution is the use of iul
nge in the heating medium, the heating curve will be characterisedby a time
aluminium-silicon alloy with a relatively smallcoefficient of expansion (smallt'r
stant. If, for instance, we consider the temperature change /0^ of a
than 20 x 10-6), of expansion-inhibitinginsertsthat are also good heat conclrrr'.
ponent dunng a sudden temperature increase/0* of the heatins medium.
tors, and of a flexible piston skirt. The bimetal effect provided by steel inscrts
, u n d e r t h e a d m i t t e d l y a p p r o x i m a t ea s s u m p t i o nr h a t t h e s u r f a c ea n d m e a n
also helps to match the shape of the piston skirt to that of the cylinder [6.12t'l:
peraturesof the components are equal-which, in practice, is approximately
Fisure 6.69.
only for relatively thin walls and high thermal conductivity-we obtain the
shownin Figure6.70, with:
Z0^: /0* (l - e-ttr)
/ is the time and Z is the time constant such that:

f :c'm
Figure 6.69. Piston of internal h.A
combustion engine made of an re:
aluminium-silicon alloy with steel specific heat of the component;
insertswhich inhibit circumferential mass of the component;
expansion ; moreover the bimetal effect
heat transfer coefficient of the heated surface of the component: and
ensures optimum adaptation of the
piston skirt to the cylinder (Mahle heated area of the component.
design)from [6.126]
te the simplification involved, this approach may be considered fun-
If, on the other hand,the choiceof materials is restrictedin practice,then thc ith two componentshaving different time constants,we obtain temperature
designermust rely on temperatureadjustments. In high-powergenerators.l()r 9s that, at a given critical time, will have a maximum difference. At this
instance,large lengthsof insulatedcopperrod must be embeddedin the steeI we have maximum relative expansion, and must provide clearancesto
rotors.For insulation purposes alonethe absolute and relativeexpansions lnu\l thc expansionor run the risk of excessivestressesbeyond the yield point.
trc kcpt as smallas possible. Here thc onlysolution is to keep the tempcralrrrc l idcntical tcmperature curves appear if the time constants of the two
lcvcl to a minirnumlry cooling[(r.ll6. 6.23.51, Morcovcr,if thcscfast-rurtrtirtg t n c n t sc a n b c c q u a l i s e d .I n t h a t c a s e ,t h e r e i s n o r e l a t i v ee x p a n s i o n .T h i s
rotorshilvc largcdimcnsions, thcrmll imbuluncclt may ()ccurtcvcn thoughthe i v c c i r n n o t a l w a y s b c a c h i e v e d ,b u t i n o r d e r t o r e n d e r t h e t i m e c o n s t a n r s
tcrrrpcrilturcdistributionis rclirtivclyunaform, lhc rtltttr.bcclusc<ll'itsctlrttpli l x i n r i r t c l yc q u i r l . t h a t i s , t r l r c c l u c ct h c r c l i r t i v cc x p a n s i o n ,t h c d e s i g n e rc a n ,
cirlcdstruclurciurdlhc virriotrs rnrrlcrisltthrt
havegoncirrtoil. nrirynrlt irlwlrrr thc rclirtiolrship:
6 Emhodiment desilrr Guidelinesfor embodiment desisn l.1e

v - n r zl - r
A 2n.rl 7

shal +fA --a
tromoutside)t2' -____l/

\f__, _/
Prare \-{-a], v tbt,
' A= t4 ='
on oneside) o
constantsof a step *:>_]
Fisure 6.70. The effects on two components with different time
te"mperaturechange, A8*, in the heating medium
V_ t b t - t
S \ A 2tb 2
T : c ' o '-- ' - .
V: volume of the component;
Brade !_ A,t_A"
e : density of the component,

- either adapt the ratio of the volume V to the heated surface area A; re 6 .7 | . Volume-surface area relationship of various geometrical bodies, arrows
- or else adjust the heat transfer coefficient h by means of , say, lagging. to heated surfaces
Figure 6.71 gives the relationship VIA for a number of simple but representrt-
tive bodies.

As a result, the clearance between the spindle and the sleeve will diminislt
fn a, tne sleevesare sealed axially but can expand freely radially. Moreovct,
their volume to area ratio is such that spindle and sleeveshave approximatclV
equal time constants.As a result, the clearanceremains more or less uniform lt
ali temperatures and can therefore be kept small. The surface of the valvc
spindleind the inner surfaceof the sleevesare heated by steam leaks, so that rvc
(VlA)rrin6": rl2 00
(VlA),t".u": (ruz- rl)12r,; rc 6 72. Spindlc sealsof steam valves;
l i x c t l s l c c v cr c r l r r i r c sr c l i r t i v c l yl a r g cs p i n d l cc l c i r l i r r . r cbce c a u s ei t h a s n o t b e e n
w i t h r ; : r a n c l ( 7 / , 4 ) , n ; , ' , 1: 1 "( V l A ) , t e c \ cw
. c hilvc
I t l t o i r l k r wl o r c x p r r n s i o n
rl2: (rri - r2)l2r r : r r l i r r l l lvr c c l r r r t lr r x i l r l l vs c l r l c rsl l c c v cP c l r t r i t ss l t t i r l sl l t i t t r l l c l c i r n r n c cb c c i r t r s sc p i n t l l c
r l c c r c l t ; r r cl r c c r tr l c r i r r t c t ll o l t i r v ct l r e s l r r r r r . ' t t i lcco l l s l i l l t l
/n- r' V2
6 Embodimentdesirrr Guidelines for embodiment design 247

Figure 6.73 showsvarious steam turbine housings.With appropriate design it ence a gradual plastic deformation that, after a given period, may lead to
is possible to adapt the volume to area ratio of the housing and also the hcrrt re. The ensuing time-dependentfracture stressis much lower than the 0.2
transfer coefficient and size of the heated surface to the time constants of thc cent proof stress at the same temperature determined by short-term
shaft, and thus keep the blade clearancesapproximately constantwhen startirrl riments (see Figure 6.74). Critical temperature and creep strength depend
(heating) the turbine. ly on the materials used and must both be taken into consideration.with
s, the criticaltemperaturelies between300' and 400"C.

Single Separate blade
statronary (partial)
carrier N

II \-
Figure6.73. Steamturbine housingswith differenttime constants
stationary (full)
h t\
There are several well known methods for reducing the heat translt'r
coefficient of a component (for example by insulation) and thus for slowing
Heat treatment
t h 930'C/0il
+ 2n730clan
\r \
down the heating and reducing the relative expansion. I og

The ideas we have just put forward are applicable wherever temperaturcs 200
I \\
change with time, and particularly wherever relative expansion goes hand rn
I \\
hand with clearance reductions that are likely to endanger the functioning ol' o62(105)
turbines, piston engines and machines operating in hot environments. I temperature

Ot (1osl
6.5.3 Designing to allow for creep and relaxation 400 0c 600
I Behaviour of materials subject to temperature changes '
re 6 74. Characteristic values determined by high-temperature tensile strength and
When designingcomponents subject to temperature changeswe must take into :p experimentswith 21Cll 5% Cr-Mo-V steel at various temperatureslcritical
account not only the expansion effect, but also the creep properties of tlrc perature is the intersectionofthe curvesof0.27a proofstress and the stressfor 0.27c
materials. The temperaturesinvolved need not necessarilybe very high, thoLrglt strainin 105hours
they usually are. However, there are some materials that will, even at temperir.
when working with synthetic materials, the designer must allow for their
tures well below 100"C, behave in much the same way as metals do at very high
asticbehavioureven at temperatures
below 100"C.
In general, the modulus of elasticity changesinversely with the temperature
Beelich [6.9] has examined this subject at some length and in what follows u'c
re 6.75a). The smallest changesoccur with nickel alloys
shall base ourselveslargely on his findings.
As the modulus of elasticity drops, so does the stiffnessof the components,
Materials in common use, pure metals no less than alloys, have a polv-
of synthetic components in particular (see Figure 6.75b).In their case,the
crystalline structure and a temperature-dependentbehaviour. Below a crilicul
igner must know the temperatureat which the modulusof elasticitydrops
t e m p e r a t u r et,h e s t a b i l i t yo f t h e i n t c r - c r y s t a l l i n cb o n d s i s l a r g e l yi n d e p e n d c n lo l
nly to rclativelylow values
t i m c , a n d t h c y i c l d p o i n t c a n b c u s c c lt o c l c t c r m i n ct h c s t r c n g t ho f c < l r n p o n c r r l s .
C o m p o n c n t s a t t c m p c r a t u r c sa t t o v c t h c c r i t i c t t lt c m p c r i l t u r c a r c s t r u n g l y i r t l ' l r t -
c n c c d b y t h c t i n r c - d c p c n d c r r t r c h i r v i o u ro f t h c m a t c r i n l , I n t h i s t c n r p c r a t r r r c
r i l n g , c , r r r a t c r i i r l sw i l l . u r r t l c r t l r c i r t l l u c n c c t t f k l u d . l c n l p c r i l t u r c i u r d t i r r r e , p o t l c n l st l r i t l i t r c P u t u n ( l c r l t l a d sl i r r k r t t gp c r i r x l sa t h i g h t c n r p c r l t u r c sw i l l ,
a Aa
6 Embodimentdesign 6.5 Guidclines lbr embodiment design

in addition to the strain given by Hooke's Law (e : ol E), also experienceplastic

deformation (eo1u,,) with time. This property of materials, which is known as
'creep', depends on stress,the effective temperature 6 and time.
We say a material creeps if the strain of the components increasesunder -l
constant stress[6.9]. The creep curvesof various materials are well known [6.64. "'l
6.eol. I

2.10s #:ffi81'ffi 10(

N N N i-Thermoplasticr
mm2 ' I c-rt*r2 mm2
\ l-.-rnermosets
. , lr'rirr*
Ir, -T- t l0l (ol*

N p
1t . .^q
q Ilu-

; i,lilf
,, i
l n ' 3 LD-polyethvlene
4 Epoxy resin(pur tl',.
5 4 + g l a s s r e i cnnf og \

I o\1/
0 100 200 300 0c 500 -100 0 100 2000c 300
t -... -
TemPerature Temperatu
re Primary Secondary Tertiarycreep
r e . 6 . 7 . 6S. t r a i n( a ) a n d c r e e pr a r e
creepregroncreepregion region
0 b w r t n d u r a t t o no f l o a d ( s c h e m a t i c (Transitional
Figure6.75 Relationship of modulusof elasticity to temperature,
of variousmaterials ntatron) ; characteristics of creep)
( a ) m e t a l s( b ) s y n t h e t im
c atcrials varlous creep phases

,:t:?^::'.1:-r_1*lt degreesof
Creep at room temperature on,length of operationandworking,"-;;;;i;.
st turai.n*;:
-.: ?1."i: ruc
Before we can design componentsloaded to near the yield stress,we must kno\\' #;,,i; try ere
:*:i:,,1".": T: :,"1,. " vated
how they react in the transition region between the elastic and the plastic statcs
:l*::-3:l..11a1sform1tions may leadtJ u .urr.J t",iil*";;;
[6.90]. With persistent static loads in this transition region, we can expect
rependence of I properties
:9-"n:"-of-the of themateriurr, *;i;hlr r.iTtr" .#"'r,l,il
primary creep in metals even at room temperature (see Figure 6.76). Thc s [ 6 . 1 0 7 ,6 . 1 3 2 ] .
resulting plastic deformations are small and merely affect the dimensional
above the critical temperature
stability of a particular component. In general. steels show little creep when
s u b j e c t t o s t r e s s< 0 . 7 5 ' q y 2 o r < 0 . 5 5 ' o F , w h e r e a s , i n t h e c a s e o f s y n t h e t i c this temperature region, mechanicalloads
wilr causedeformations in metals
materials, a reliable assessmentof the mechanicalbehaviour can only be madc j::"?"f: lT:f::t'll,"..y,..Jd,rt..neir,,inatis thematerials willcreep. rn
by consideration of the temperature and time-dependent characteristics. :ral,thisprocess
canbe dividedintoihreeff,ur". 6.g7l(FiCr*;i;6;l
changes,*reueginnin d ;f i?" tertiary
Creep below the critical temperature :. lln:.T:
phase must be consider"d dung".our.
"1n;:,:*J,,::1"1i,_"_,e l..rlJirr";;"i;t..; ffiru,:i
Previous studies 16.90,6.971of metals have shown that the customary calculir s at approximatelyl per centpermanentstrain.Fig"ure
o.zzlir"*, the 10s
t i o n s , b a s e d o n h i g h - t e m p e r a t u r ey i e l d s t r e n g t h a s t h e m a x i m u m p e r m i s s i b l t ' crcep strengthso1o7n1111s
at 500"C of various steels.
s t r c s sf o r s h c l r t - t e r ml o a d s .a c l d i t i o n atl h c r m a l l < l a c las n c ll o a d v a r i a t i o n s ,s u f f i c t
t u pt o t h c c r i t i c a lt c n r p c r a t u r c . Rcluxation
W i l h c o t r r p o n c n t tsh a t r l r u s th i r v c l r i g l rt l i r n c n s i o l t i sr lt i r b i l i l y ,h o w c v c r . t h t '
c h t r r l c t c r i s t i cosl l h c r r r i r t c r i ; t l c i c l r r r i r t c hr lv c r c c p c x p c r i n r c r t t rst t r r s ltr l s o l r t ' I t l i t t l c d s y s l c n l s ( s p r i r r g s ,b o l t s , t c n s i t l n w i r c s .
shrink l'its), thc ncccssary
t i r k er r i r r t ot ' o l r s i t l t ' l r t i o rcrv, c r rr t n t r x l ( ' t n l c l hVi p h l c t t t l ) c l t l t t t ( ' sI ,l t u r l l o v c rrlt t t r l l i r t l p r o t l u c c si r r t o v c r i r l l s l r i r i n r , ( c k r r r g l r t i o r r
, l / ) . l l c c i r u s co l . c r c c p i r n r l
244 f r E , m h o d i n t e ndt e s i g r t Guidelinesfor embodiment design 245


I 200
b tsn
ot Critical
17Cl1 (cast
M12steelbolts/nuts C/l 5o/"Cr-lvo-V
0 o-.-o 45C/10C
.---{ 34C11"/"
* -----+ 42C
I 1okCr-Mo/35C
10 2 t, 6 8102 ? L 6 8101 b x-x 21C 1 5"/" Cr-Mo-V/25Cl1oio
in N/mm2
correspondingto a lVo permanent strain of various steels after 105
Figure6.77.Stresses 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 5500c 600
hoursat 500'C[6.1461 Temperature
: 6.78. Remaining pre-load stressoo,"(103)after 1000h in bolted joints at the
settling of the material due to plastic flow at the bearing surfaces and split lines. iling temperature. Preload : 0.2o/oinitial strain [6.242]
the ratio of plastic to elastic deformation gradually increases.The phenomenort
of decreasingelastic strain at constant overall strain is called [6.60, in which the appropriate yield point is not reached even with superimposed
6.24t,6.2421. operational stresses.
Loaded components are usually preloaded at room temperature. Becausethc In the short term, high initial pre-loads (initial clamping forces) give rise ro
modulus of elasticity varies with the temperature (Figure 6.75), the preload higher residual clamping forces. ln the longer term, the residual clamping
decreasesat higher temperatures even without a change in length of the loadecl forces become relatively independent of the initial preload (Figure 6.79).
Joints that have already undergone relaxation can be tightened up if the
toughnessof the material permits. As a rule, creep of about 1 per cent, which
leads to the tertiary creep region, must not be exceeded.
If joints are subjected to an alternating load in addition to the static preload
(Figure 6.80), then, as experiments have shown, the amplitudes tolerated
during relaxation-dependentdecreasesin the mean stress are considerably
super-imposed stresses(normal or tangential to the surface). Studies of thc greater than those tolerated at constant mean stress.However, relaxation-
relaxation of bolted flanges [6.60, 6.241, 6.242) have shown that plastic dependent decreasesin the mean stresswill often lead to a loosening of the
deformation also occurs at the split lines and bearing surfaces(settlement) and irt
the threads (creep and settlement). hen using bolted joints made of synthetic materials, the designer tries to
To sum up, we can say that, with metallic components: advantase of their small electrical and thermal conductivities, their
- The drop in preload depends on the relative stiffness of the parts loadetl ance to corrosion, their hieh mechanical damping, their small specific
againsteach other. The more rigid the connection, the greater the drop in thc ts etc. In addition, such joints must, of course, have the appropriate
preload due to plastic deformation (creep and settlement)' h and toushness.
- Although settlement can be appreciably offset during the tightening of boltctl Specialattentionmust also be paid to preloaddecay, lest the functioning of
flanges or the assemblingof shrink fits, the designershould, where possiblc, jointsbe seriouslyimpaired.
provide for few but accurately machined surfaces (split lines, bearipg S p e c i asl t u d i e s[ 6 . 1 3 6 ,6 . 7 3 7 ,6 .2311have shown that in svnthetic.unlike
surfaces). l l i c .m a t c r i a l s :
- T h e r e i s a t e m p e r a t u r el i m i t b c y o n d w h i c h t h e m $ t e r i o lc a n n o t b e p r o p c r l r ' the prcltlad rcmainingaftcr a givcn timc ilnd at room tcmperaturcis
u s c d ( F i g u r c 6 . 7 f t ) , I n a d c l i t i o n ,t h c d c s i g n e rt h o u l d t l w t t y s c h o o s c m a t c r i i t l r dclcrmincdhy thc nratcrillitsclfand its tcndcncyto ubsorhmoisturc:and
246 6 E t n b o c l i r n e n td e s i g n 6 5 Guidelines for embodirnent design 1t?

M l 2B o l3t 4 C l 1 C
" kr mm7 lm!lo
M 1 2N u 3t 5 C 120 F^
Testtemperature "' tAe
static A s -Fu
dynamic +o. N/mm2
o35 =
.90 E
. 100

Fp.lt9 99^ltrengthand^durability
of boltedconnections
arexperimental remperature
of 450'C[6.2a|l;sizeMt2; boft34alt%Cr sreel;nut35Csteel;'staiil stress
N/mm2; fie'load 3.5-5
(a) creep experiment (b) alternatingfatigue (wohler) experiment (c) fatigue
expenment (seeFigure 6.79)

No of loadapplicatjons
10-2 101 _ 100 10, h-----?
l l f T l 0I -
Figure 6'79. Effect of different levelsof initial joint pre-load on the residualctamping
force with time, for both static and alternating(fatigue) loading

- continual changesin the absorption and releaseof moisture have a particular--

ly deleterious effect.

4 Design features
In order to increasethe potential life of componentssubject to long-term loacls.
the designer must familiarise himself with the behaviour with time of the
material involved. According to [6.90], it is dangerousto use short-term valuc\ Figure6.81.Austenitic-ferritic
to predict Ioad responsesfor periods of l0s hours or longer. joint for operatingremperaturesof 000"i
It is impossible to avoid thermal stressesin all componentsby specifying tht. [ 6 . le e l
use of highly alloyed materials. Appropriate clcsign features are often m()rc
u s e f u l t h a n c h a n g e si n t h e m a t e r i a l . - insulatit'r' or cooling of the component as in steam turbines
and in gas
T h c c l e s i g nm u s t b e s u c h a s t o k c c p c r c c l l w i t h i r rp c l n r i s s i b l cl i n r i t s .w S i c h c i r r r t u r l ' r i n c s( s c c F i g u r e 6 . 8 2 ) :
bc clonc ['ly rncansof: - t h c i r v . i d i r n c co f m a s sc o n c e n t r a t i o n s
w h i c h , i n u n s t e a d yp r o c e s s e sm , ay lead
- : t h i g h c l i t s l i cs t r i t i l tr c s c r v c ,w h i c l r l t c l p r l o t o i l r c r c i r s c rt!h c r n r a l l < l a c l i n ga; n c l
k e c p d o w n i r t l t l i t i o n l rflt 1 r t l st l u c t o
l c n l l ) c r i l t r r r lc' l r r c t r r i r t i <(tsncsc l r i g r r r c6 t { l } ; -' tltc
l ) r c v c l l t i ( ) no l c t ' c c P i t t t t t t w i r n t c dr l i r c c l i o l r sw l r i c h c a n c i r r r s cl u n c l i < l n a l
248 6 Embodiment desigrr
5 Guidelinesfor embodiment desisn

In-other words, the part which is moved during dismantlingshould not pr..iccl
ially beyond the fixed part [6.154].

Designing against corrosion damage

often happens that corrosion can only be reduced, not completely avoided;
)reover the use of corrosion-proof materials may not be economical.It follows

Causes and effects of corrosion

the formation of metal oxide layers in dry environments and at higher
mperaturestends to increasechemicalresistanceto corrosion, relativelv weak
trolytes are formed in conditions below the dew point and these generally
Figure 6.82. Double casing steam turbine with shrink rings that hold the inner casing to electrochemicalcorrosion [6.r9i). corrosion ii also fostered bv the fact
together. Relaxation of the shrink rings is reduced by cooling with exhaust steam. As the at different components have contacting surfaces with different properties, for
machine increasesits output, the shrink rings exert an increasing pressure thanks to stance due to the inclusion of various noble or base metals, to differencesin
growing temperature differences between the steam inlet and outlet. The shrink rings are talline structure, and to residual stressesset up, for instance, by heat
Jeated on heat-inhibiting segments which, with the help of shims, permit the original
tment and welding. In addition, wherever the design calls for slits or holes.
shrink fit to be restored after relaxation (BBC design)
ere appear local ditt.erencesin electrolyte concentrationeven in the absence
rences in electric potential resulting from the use of different materials.
failure (for instance the jamming of valve spindles) or dismantling problems
Accordingto [6.89,6.r93,6.r94,6.20g,6.212]we mustdistinguish between
( s e eF i g u r e 6 . 8 3 ) .
iform and locallyconcentrated
corrosion.The latter has a variety of causes
In Figure 6.83a the material of the cover creeps into the relief groove. Thc
d effects, so that we must further distinguish between corrosion in crevices,
cover, which heats up more quickly, pressesagainst the centering surface an(l
ntact (bimetallic) corrosion, transition zone corrosion corrosion
also creeps at point y. The cover shown in Figure 6.83b is a better design since, [6.ri7),'erosion
trgue, stress corroslon cracking and corrosion accompanying
despite the creep, it can be dismantled easily. In addition the cover has been and
made hollow so that it cannot exert a significant radial force on the centering
The preventive measures depend on the respective causesand effects. various
a m p l e sa r e g i v e n i n 6 . 5 . 4 . 4 .
Uniform corrosion

presenceof moisture (weak electrolytes) combined with oxygen from

e n t , particularly below the dew point.

F i g u r e6 . 8 3 .C e n t e r i n ga n d s e a l i n go f a c o v c r l 6 l 5 4 l l rtensivc, uniform corrosion of the surface;in steel, for instance,approximatelv

(af Dismantling is impeclcclbccauscthc nrltcriitl c'rccgts,into lhc rclicf g,rtxlvcatrd at.l' I m m . p c r a n n u m i n a n o r m a l a t m o s p h e r c . S < l m e t i m c sm o r e ' p . o n o u n . . o
Cunuc* r",,li'rg ccigc provirlcs il t)cttcr scitl with tmtllcr clttmping ftlrccs.('rccp docs
it.rj :rlly, cspccilllyin zorrcskcpt l'rcclucntly
below thc dcw point arrclhcncc
not inrpcdc tlisnrlntling tltlrtks ttl irrrprrlvctl tlclign
250 6 Embodiment desigl Guidelinesfor embodirnent design 251

subject to moisture concentration. Uniform corrosion is fostered by greater Local corrosion

activity of the medium, higher flow velocity, and intensive heat transmission.
I corrosion is particularly harmful because, unlike uniform corrosion. it
ces very hrgh stress concentrations and also because it cannot alwavs be
Remedies ticipated. For that reason, the zonesin question require specialattention right
- m the start.
Provision of uniform service life by means of appropriate wall thicknessesancl
materials. roston tn crevrces
- Design based on a concept that obviates corrosion or makes it economicallr
acceptable (see Example 1 below).
- The use of small and smooth surfaces involving geometrical shapes with rr ost often, the accumulation of acidic electrolytes(moisture,
maximum volume to surface area ratio (see Example 2 below). dium), followingthe hydrolysisof corrosionproductsin crevicesetc.
In rust_
-The avoidance of moisture traps (Figure 6.84). acid-proof steels, there is a breakdownof passivitydue to
- The avoidance of local temperature differences by good insulation antl ygen in the crevice.
prevention of hot or cold bridges (see Example 3 belbw).
-The avoidance of flow rates greater than 2mls. ffects
- The avoidance of areas of high and differing thermal loads on heaterl ased corrosion in hidden areas.Increasedstressconcentration
in areasthat
surfaces. , ln any case, under greater stress.Danger of fracture or separtion
- The application of a protective coating, possibly in conjunction with cathodit or warnlng.
The provision of smooth, crevice-freesurfacesand connections.
wr0ng righl wr0ng right
The provision of weld seams without permanent crevices;
the use of butt
seamsor through-welded fillet seams(Figure 6.g5).
The sealing of crevices, for instance by providing protruding
parts with
moisture-proof sleevesor coatings.

wr0ng right

IL--_-j L tr-tr
Figure 6.t14.Drainage of componentssusccptiltlct<lcttrrtlsion; r c 6 . 1 i 5E, x a m p l eosf w e l d e di o i n t s ;
(a) clcsignof l'klrlrscncouragingantl irrtllctlittgcorrttrittn , s u s c c p t i b l cl o c o r r < l s i o ni n c r c v i c e s
( l l ) w r o n g a r r dr i g h t i r r r i l t t g c n l c t totl s t e c ls c c l i o n r r) c o r r c c tt l c s i g na c c o r d i n gt o [ ( r .I 9 7 1
( c ) b r l c k c t s r u i r d co l c h i t t t n c sl c c t i o t tw i t h t l l n i n h o l e ) u c v i c e - l l c c w c l t l i r l gt l f ' p i p c s ;i t l s oi n t p r o v c sr c s r s t i u l c tco s t r c s sc o r r o s r g rcr r l c k i p g
252 ( r E , m b o d i r n e n td c s i r l
5 Guidelines for embodiment design t)_t

- The enlargement of crevices so that throughflow prevents the accumulation ol


Cont act (b imetallic) co r r o sio n

The contact of two metals with different potentials in the presence of lrrr Endangered
efectrolyte 16.196,6.208). atea

Effects valve
to venting

The baser of the two metals will corrode more rapidly than the nobler round the
contact area, and the faster the smaller its surface area. Once again, the stress
concentration is increased and corrosion products may be deposited. Suclr
deposits have secondaryeffects of various kinds, for instancethe production ol
slime, contamination of the medium etc.
,ure6.86. Increasedcorrosion at the transition from the gaseousto the Iiquid state
197]due to concentrationof the m e d i u m i n the region of the water line oi a vertically
anged condenser.This can oe re medied by raising the water level
- Use combinationsof metals with small potential differencesand hence a smlll
contact current.
- Prevent aetion of electrolyteson the contact area by providing local insulatiorr rosion fatigue
between the two metals.
- Avoid electrolytesaltogether. SE
- If necessary,resort to planned corrosion by introducing still baser materials irr ive attacks on a component subjected to mechanical fatigue loadins
the form of 'sacrificial anodes'. i a b l y r e d u c e i t s s t r e n g t h .T h e g r e a t e r t h e l o a d i n g .t h e m o r e i n t e n s et h !
rrosion and the shorter the life of the comDonenl
Transition zone corrosion
ure without distortion, as in fatigue failure. Because the corrosion pro-
Changesof state of the medium or its componentsfrom the liquid to the gaseous
phase and vice versa tend to increasethe danger of corrosion of metallic surfaccs , especially in slightly corrosive media, can only be seen under a micro-
in the transition zone. That danger may be increasedfurther by encrustations , this type of corrosion is often mistaken for normal fatisue failure.

Effects The minimisation of alternating mechanicalor thermal stressesand especially
avoidance of oscillatory stressesdue to resonancephenomena.
This type of corrosion is concentrated in the transition zone and is the more
The avoidance of stressconcentrations.
pronounced the more sudden the change of state and the more aggressivethe
The provision of compressivestresseson the surface by shotblasting,roller
medium [6.177].
burnishing, nitriding, etc to increasethe working life.
Remedies The avoidance of contact with corrosive media (electrolytes).
-The gradual input and removal of heat by a heating or cooling element. The provision of surface coating (for example rubber, baked enamel, hot dip
-The reduction of turbulence, and hence of heat transfer coefficients at tht' galvanisation,aluminium etc).
i n l e t o f t h e a f f e c t e dm e d i u m , f o r i n s t a n c eb y m c a n s o f g u i c l ep l a t e s . s,scorrctsio n crac kinp
- T h e p r o v i s i o no f c o r r o s i o n - r e s i s t i njga c k c t si r t c r i t i c l l l l o i n t s ( s c c E x a m p l c s i
and 4).
- T h c a v o i c l a n c oc l ' t r i r n s i t i o nz o n c p r o l l l c r t t sl t y l p p r < t p r i i r l cr l c s i g nI c i r l r r r c s
a i n s c n s i t i v cn t a t c r i a l st en d to develop trans- or inter-crystallinecracks if
Fiuurc ( i c t c l r s i l c s t r c s s c sc < l m b i n c w i t h a s p c c i l ' i ct r i g g c r , T h c s c r n a t c r i a l sa r c :
254 6 Embodiment
desirrr Guidelinesfor embodiment design 255

unalloyed carbon steels, austenitic steels, brass, magnesium, aluminium allors asurementsof the wall thicknesses, directly by mechanical or ultrasonic
and titanium alloys. ods andiorindirectlyby meansof corrosionprobes that can be scrutinised
d replacedat regularintervals.
Effects Corrosionshouldnever be allowedto proceedto the point where it threatens
Depending on the medium [6.197), various very fine and rapidly developinr ty (6.33.{.
trans- or inter-crystalline cracks appear in the component. Adjacent parts arc Finally, the reader is referred back to the principle of the division of tasks
not affected. 4.2), with the help of which even difficult corrosion problems can be solved.
, one component might provide protection against corrosion and provide a
, while another provides support or transmits forces. As a result, the
- The avoidance of sensitive materials, which may not, however, be possible bination of high mechanical stresseswith corrosion stressesis avoided. and
becauseof other requirements. choice of materials for any one component becomeseasier [6.155].
-The substantial reduction or complete avoidance of tensile stresses on the
attacked surfaces, for instance by preloading or shgt-blasting.
- The reduction of residual tensile stressesby annealing. Examples of designing against corrosion damage
- The application of cathodic coatings ample I
-The avoidance of corrosive influences bv lowerins the concentration antl ye is used to absorbCO2 from a gaseousmixture under pressure,and the
2-enriched lye is then forced to surrender much of its CO2 by expansion
neration). The position of the expansionchamber in a gas-washingplant is
Corrosion accompanying erosion, cavitation and abrasion
rmined by the following factors
Corrosion may accompany erosion and cavitation, in which casethe breakdown If the lye were expanded immediately behindthe washingtower (Figure6.8'7
of the material is accelerated.The basicremedy is the avoidanceor reduction ()l'
int A) the pipework to B would have to withstandlowerpressures and would
erosion and cavitation by hydrodynamic means or specialdesignfeatures. Only
when this is not possible should such hard surface treatments as metal spraying Preferred
or hard chrome coating be considered. forexpansion
in C02)
Abrasion spots can appear, for instance,as a result of thermal expansion, or
of pipes vibrating againsttheir supportsetc. In either case,the oxidic protection C02outlel
layer on the surfaces of the rubbing parts may become damaged. Exposecl pressure
metallic areas have a more negative electrochemical potential than thosc
covered with a protective layer. If the fluid medium is an electrolyte, thesc Figure 6.87. Influence ofthe
in C0r) point chosen for the
relatively small exposed areas will be broken down electrochemicallyunlessthc
expansion of COr-enriched
protective layer can be regenerated. lye on the choice of material
Pump for the pipework from A to B
- Reduce the vibration of the pipes by reducing the flow velocity inside thenr ingly allow a saving in wall thickness. However, because of the release of
and/or change the distancesbetween the supports. the agressiveness of the lye permeatedwith CO2 bubbleswould increaseto
- Increase the gaps so that no rubbing contact takes place. an extent that the cheap-unalloyed pipe steel commonly used would prove
- Increasethe wall thicknessof the pipes, thus increasingtheir stiffnessand thc and hence have to be replaced with a more expensive rust and
tolerable corrosion rate. material. For that reason,it is far better to keep the CO2-enrichedrye
-Use pipe materials that readily accept protective coatings. pressureuntil it enters the regeneration tower (point B).

I n g e n e r a l ,t h e d e s i g n e rs h o u l d a i m a t e n s u r i n gt h e m a x i m u m a n d u n i f o r m l i l c
o f a l l c o m p o n e n t s[ 6 . 1 7 7 ] . I f i t s h o u l d p r o v e c c o n o m i c a l l yi m p o s s i b l et o m c c t desiqner has to choose between two methods of storing compressed gases
t h e s er e q u i r e m e n t sw i t h t h e a p p r o p r i i l t cc h o i c co f m a t c r i a l sa n d l a y o u t , t h c n t h c re 6.t3tt):
designcr must providc for thc rcgullr monitoring of all urens and comprtncnts ) 3(I cylindricalcontainers,each with a capacity of 50 litres and a wall
particularly pronc to corrosion. ftlr insluncc hy virual inspcction und rcgulirr thickncss of 6 mm:
6 Embodiment dcsigrr 5 Guidelinesfor embodimetrt dcsign 251

Figure6.88.Influenceofcontainershapeon corrosion16.l77linthecaseof gasesstoredrrr

(a) in 30 cylinderswith a capacityof 50 litreseach;
(b) in a spherewith a capacityof 1.5mr' re 6.89. Outlet of a
ner for superheated
and CO2 under
(b) 1 sphericalcontainer with a capacityof 1 .5 m3 and a wall thicknessof 30 mm.
Solution b is less prone to corrosion for two reasons: original design
-The surfaceexposedto corrosive attack is approximately 6.4 m2, and is aborrt
insulatedoutlet avoiding 1 lnterchangeableand/or
) 2 greater
five times smaller than it is in a. In other words, less material is lost througlr rt nsatlon
on losses)
corrosion to the same depth. ) other corrosion-resistant 3 moredurable material
- For an anticipatedcorrosion depth of 2 mm in 10 years, the loss of strength irr nts with separate
ponents L
a is such that the wall of the container must be increasedto a thickness ol
8 mm, while corrosion to a depth of 2 mm in the 30 mm wall of container b is Gos
relatively insignificant. The sphericalcontainer is therefore the better design
of the two.

Example 3
Figure 6.894 shows the original design of a container holding a mixture ol Region
super-heatedsteam and co2 16.1711.The outlet is not insulated and cooling bycorrosron
leads to the formation of a condensate with strong electrolytic properties
Corrosion will attack at the transition zone between the condensate and thc
gaseswith the result that the outlet may break away.
Figure 6.89 shows two solutions: a using insulation and b using separate ngmeorum
components made of more durable materials' 00
re 6.90.Corrosionin a heatedpipe[6 1771
Example 4 severecorrosion at the inlet due to suddentransition
In a heated pipe carrying moist gases,the inlet to the heated area is particularlv suddentransition avoided
prone to corrosion (Figure 6.90a). A lesssudden transition (Figure 6.90b) or art protective sleevecoverscritical zone and mitigatessuddentransition

extra protective sleeve (Fig. 6.90c) offer remedies.

x into simple problems. Thus, in the conceptual phase, the overall
nction is broken down into simpler sub-functionsto facilitate the searchfor
6.5.5 Designingto standards -f'r.rnr;tioncarriers or the use of design catalogues. In the embodiment
I Ob.jcctivcsof standardisatitllr p h i t s c . t o o . i t i s h c l l l l ' u l t o w o r k s e p a r a t e l yo n i n d i v i d u a l a r e a s o r a s s e m b l i e s
b c t i l r c r c c o r r r l t i n i n gt h c r r r i n l < l r r n o v c r i t l l l i r y o u t c l c s i g n .l f w e e x a m i n c t h i s
A n c s s c t t t i i tll' c i t t t t r c< l l ' t l t en t c t h t l t l sw c l t i t v cl r c c n d i r c t t s s i n gi s t h c h r c i l k t l < t w trtl l
258 6 Embodiment design 6.5 Guidelines
for embodiment
desien 259

approach in the light of the minimisation of effort, we are bound to ask to what they do so, they will find that standards are the indispensable foundation and
extent generally applicable function carriers can be determined and documented prerequisite of all types of design work.
so that the designer can have ready accessto tested solutions-that is, to known The following discussion of types of standard is meant to:
elements and assemblies. - draw the attention of systematic designers to this important method of
This question has also been raised in connection with standardisation which, acquiring an organised body of information;
according to Kienzle [6.100], can be defined as follows: -encourage them to make wide use of standards;
lays down the definitive solution of a repetitive technical or - invite them to suggest new standards or, at the very least, to influence the
organisational problem with the best technical means available at the time. It development of standardisation;and
is therefore a form of technical and economic optimisation limited bv the time remind them of the crux of standardisation, namelythe systematicarrange-
factor.' ment of facts with a view to their unification and optimisationin the light of
Further definitions can be found in [6.33]: functional considerations.
determines the best solution of recurring problems,' y their origin we distinguishbetween:
or in [6.36]: nationalstandards of BSI (BritishStandards
Institution)or the DIN (German
is the systematic unification by those concerned of material StandardsInstitution);
and immaterial things for the benefit of the community.' European standardsof the CEN (Comit6 Europ6ende Normalisation)and
Standardisation considered as the unification and determination of solutions. CENELEC (Comitd Europ6ende NormalisationElectrotechnique);
for instance in the form of national and international standards (BSI, DIN. recommendations of the IEC (InternationalElectrotechnical Commission);
ISO), of company standards, or of generally applicable design catalogues,and and
also of data sheetsis becoming of increasingimportance in systematicdesign recommendations and more recentlyuniversalstandards by the ISO (Inter-
Here, the fact that the objectives of standardisationare to limit the range of nationalOrsanisationfor Standardisation).
possible solutions in no way conflicts with the systematic search for a multiplicity By their content we distinguish, for instance, between communication stan-
of solutions, because standardisation is largely confined to the determination of rds, classificationstandards,type standards,planning standards,dimensional
individual elements, sub-solutions, materials, computation and testing proce- dards, material standards, quality standards, procedural standards, oper-
dures etc, while the search for a multiplicity solutions and their optimisation is tional standards,test standards,delivery standardsand safety standards.
basedon the combination or synthesisof known elementsand data. Standardisa- By their scope we distinguish between basic standards,that is general and
tion is therefore not simply an important complement to, but the prerequisiteof, terdisciplinarystandards;and specialstandards,that is standardsused in
the systematic approach, in which various elements are combined as so many list fields.
building blocks. The level of a standard is determined by its breadth, depth and range of
It is, however, important to stressthe limitations of all types of standardisa- lication.
tion. As Kienzle stated: 'Standardisation. . . is a form of technicaland economic A full standard covers every possible aspect, a partial standard does not
optimisation limited by the time factor'. de all the details, and an outline standard provides a rough and ready
The data in standardsare time-dependentand must be continually updated to mework in areas where technical development might be impeded by full
reflect technological changes. ndardisation. It is usual to develop outline standards before partial standards
In what follows, we shall be examining the possibilitiesof, need for and limits these before full standards, which are, in any case, relatively rare. One
of, standards in the design process. In addition, the reader is referred to the rd can, and usual does, play several roles.
c o m p r e h e n s i v el i t e r a t u r e [ 6 . 1 3 , 6 . 3 3 , 6 . 3 4 , 6 . 3 6 , 6 . I 0 I ) . Besides the national and international standards we have mentioned. the
igner can also have recourse to the rules and regulations published by
2 Types of standard essionalengineeringorganisations[6.50, 6.2271.These are important as they
the way for further standardisationafter initial trials.
In technical devices, standards of various origin, content, range of application The designer can also have recourse to a variety of internal company standards
and complexity are used in the design of even the simplest components. Thus regulations
[6.3I, 6.5I,6.66,6.238].Thesecanbe classified
as follows:
B d n n i n g e r [ 6 . 4 ] h a s s h o w n t h a t n o l e s st h a n 3 0 s t a n d a r d sw e r e i n v o l v e d i n t h c compilations of representative standards, that is, a selection from general
d e s i g n o f a s i m p l e c o m p o n e n t f o r a p a r t i c u l u r p r e c i s i o n - e n g i n e e r i ndgc v i c c . standards that is applicable to the special requirements of a particular
D e s i g n e r sa v e r s e t o s t a n d a r d i s a t i o n( ' S t a n d a r d i r a t i o na s a s t r a i t j a c k e t ' 1 6 . 4 1 ) c<lmpany-for instance,stock lists and comparisonsof old with new standards
should considcr how many standarclsthcy uro unwlttingly in thcir daily work. lt' (synoptic stanclarcls)
5 Guidelines Ior embodiment design 261
260 6 Embodiment desigl

-catalogues, lists and data sheetson bought-outparts, including their storage ton

and also data on the acquisition (ordering/supply) of raw materials, semi- the anticipated overall function or sub-function be fulfilled by the use of a
finished materials, fuels etc; ndard solution?
- cataloguesor lists of in-house parts, for instance machine elements, reperlt If it cannot, the problem (specification) and the chosen function structure
parts, assembliesetc; uld be re-examined before the search for a solution is besun.
- information sheetsfor the purpose of technical and economic optimisation, f<tr 'orking
instance on production capacity, manufacturing methods, cost comparisons principle
( s e e6 . 5 . 6 . 7 ) ; n existingstandardshelp the development of suitable solution principles or
- rules and regulations for the calculation and embodiment design of machinc pts?
elements, assemblies,machines and plant, if necessarywith a selection ol If they impede this development, then the consequencesof ignoring or
sizes and/or types; anglngthem or of introducing new standardsmust be sublected to a detailed
- information sheets on storage and transporr capacity lysis.
-regulations poncerning quality control, for example inspection and testinr
procedures; and form design
-rules and guidelines for the preparation and processing of information, fttt basicand specialstandards-especially
constructional,dimensional, mate-
instance of drawings, parts lists, numbering systems and electronic datrr and safety-must be fully taken into account. Testing and inspection
processing;and res also influence the embodiment.
-rules laying down organisational and working procedures, for instance the Standardsshould only be ignored in borderline problems.
updating of parts lists and drawings.
blishedcomponent, work and environmental safety standards and regula_
3 Using standards
must be rigorously observed. Safety standards must always be given
Though there are no absolutely binding standards in the legal sense at the timc ce over rationalisation procedures and economics.
of writing, national and international standards are widely treated as regula-
tions, adherenceto which is of great advantagein the caseof legal disputes.This
is particularly true of safety standards 16.43,6.54, 6.68]. field of ergonomic standardshas not yet been adequatelyopened up, so that
In addition, all company standardsshould be consideredbinding within their designerwould do well to consult the general literature (6.5.1) and work in
sphere of application, not least for economic reasons. collaboration with production and safety engineers.
The sphere of application of a given standard is largely set by Kienzle's
definition (see above). A standard can only be valid and binding if it does not uction
conflict with technical, economic, safetyor even aestheticdemands.Even in thc , observance of production standards is particularly important and that of
case of such conflicts, however, the designer should guard against rejecting <lr ry regulationsis binding. The designershould only deviatefrom production
replacing the relevant standards out of hand, without assessingthe possiblc rds after a broad assessmentof all the industrial and relevant market
consequences. rchase and sales) aspects.
Moreover, he should never make such assessmentby himself, but shoultl 'ity
always consult the standardsorganisation and the head of his department. control
In what follows, the reader will find a number of recommendationsand hints standardsand inspectionrulesare essentialfeaturesof quality control.
for the correct use of standards.
First of all, we recommend adherence to national standards since tltc
preferred sizes laid down in them help to determine the dimensions of irll assembly must be ensured by the observation of standard tolerances.
c o m p o n e n t s .I f t h e s eb a s i cs t a n d a r d su r c i g n o r c d , t h e n u n p r e d i c t a b l el o n g - t c r t t t and fits, and also of test standardsand inspection rules.
c o n s c q u e n c c s( f o r i n s t a n c e ,i n t h c s p a r c p a r t s s c r v i c c ) ,a n d g r a v e t c c h n i c a li t r t t l
cconomicrisks may cnsuc.
J'hc usc ol' stlndarcls shoulcl bc exumlned uguinst thc chccklist in (r.l , insidcas well as outside the factory, is rendered safer, simpler and
itlrovc. cco!l()micali f t h c r c l c v a n t s t a n d a r d sa r c o b s e r v e d .
262 6 Embodiment design 5 Guidelinesfor embodiment design

The correct operation of engineering products involves the use of various
Lackof ambiguity
standards, for example, standard symbols and standard operating procedures. principle position
Market of theproduct
andformdesign Material
reduced Complexity
of the
Maintenance productreduced,
design worksystematically
improved and
simplified, partsfacilrtated
anduseof replacement
Standard symbols (for instance, circuit diagrams) should be used and servicc
standards should be provided. Salety
of instructions
Costsand deliverytimesmust be minimisedwith the help of companystandards quality
of theorders
simplified; production
improved; capacity
The above list must not be consideredexhaustiveor universallyapplicable- Inspecti0n
andtesting quality
simplified; improved
the designer'swork is much too variedand complexfor that, and the rangeol Assembly
generaland companystandardsmuch wider than we havebeen able to cover in
Transport simplified
our summary.By working his way down the checklist,fhe designercan tell fairlr
quickly to what extent a particular standardfits the variousheadings.
It may also be helpful to searchspecialindexesfor the appropriatestandarcls of partsimproved,
Replacement sparepartsservice
and rules. Fundamental principles for the application of standardsto thc
designer's work are alsoset out in a numberof specialcontributions[6.11,6.53. materialshandling,
6.eel. controlreduced,
Finally, we should like to refer the reader to the use of preferred numbers anrl Calculations
Electronic reduces
costsof slandardisation.
preferred series of numbers I6.L6,6.171in the graduation of sizesand in typc
rationalisation, especially in the development of size ranges and modular re 6.91 Evaluation criteria for the assessment
of standards
products (see Chapter 7).
:r it provides, by the degree to which it is generally acceptedand also by the
4 Developing standards s its development entails. Before he makes an evaluation, the standards
ineer or designer should therefore grade the importance of the various
Since the designer bears much of the responsiblity for the development, iluation criteria and discard those that may not apply. In much the same way
manufacture and utilisation of products, he should play a leading role in thc with the recommendationsin 5.8, there must be an adequatevalue rarlns to
revision of existing standards, and the development of new ones. To make a y the development of standards.
useful contribution to the development of standards, he must first determinc Finally and by way of summary, the following principles of developing
whether the revision of an existing standard or the development of a new neral, and particularlycompany,standards,can be enunciated:
standard is technically or economically justified. There is rarely a clear-cul Standardisationshould only be used if it is economicaland useful. There must
answer to this question. In particular, completely reliable assessmentsof thc be a need.
economic consequencesare seldom possible because of the complex effects of Standards must not contain any provisions that conflict with the law (for
in-house costs and market influences,and, in any case,would involve considcr- instance, with monopoly restrictionsor safety regulations).
able research. Standards must be unambiguous, framed in clear terms and under-
The evaluation criteria set out in Figure 6.91, once again arranged rrr stood.
accordance with the checklist, can prove of great help in the assessmentof Standarddimensionsmust, as far as possible,agreewith preferred number
existing or newly proposed standardsif they are used in conjunction with thc series.
u s u a l e v a l u a t i o np r o c e d u r e .N o t a l l t h e e v a l u a t i o nc r i t e r i a w e h a v e m e n t i o n c t l Standardsmust ensure the complete interchangeabilityof parts. If a standar-
a p p l y t o t h e a s s e s s m e not f i n d i v i d u a l s t a n d a r d s .T h u s , t h e e v a l u a t i o n o f : r discd product is modified in such a way that it can no longer be freely
d r a w i n g s t a n d a r di s i n f l u e n c e db y i t s c l a r i t y , b y t h c i m p r o v e m c n ti n c o m m u n i c l - intcrchangcdcvcn in respectof a singlefeature, its designation(identification
t i o n , b y t h c s i m p l i f i c a t i o no f t h c d c s i g no c t i v i l y a n d t h c o v c r a l l c x c c u t i o n( ) l ' t h c nurnbcr)must bc altcrcd.
6 Embodiment design
6 5 Guidelines for embodirncnt desiqn

-All standardsmust be based on SI units. fulfilment of a given function and to the best solution from a production point of
- Matters of fashion and taste should not be standardised. Colours, for
view. Another step in the same direction is the application of general and
instance, should only be standardisedfor use in identification symbols. company standards (6.5.5).
- Standardsshould only be altered for technical,not for purely formal, reasons
- The development of new standards must be generally agreed by all thc
departments concerned.
Thus when a new standard is proposed, it should first be examined by a working
party, and then presented for wider discussion.The proposed standard thus
servesas a draft for the final standard. if adopted.
6.5.6 Designingfor production
I Relationship between design and production

The crucial influence of design decisions on production costs,production times

and the quality of the producl has been describedin [6.23,6.110]. Designingfot
production means designing for the minimisation of production costs while
maintaining the required quality of the product.
By production, we usually refer to:
- the manufacture of components in the narrow senseby acceptedprocesses
- assembly, including transport of components;
- quality control;
- materials handling; and
- operations planning. manulacture
The designer will accordingly do well to consult the checklist (6.2) under thc Assembly
h e a d i n g s ' p r o d u c t i o n ' , ' q u a l i t yc o n t r o l ' , ' a s s e m b l y 'a n d ' t r a n s p o r t ' . control
In what follows we shall first concentrate on the design of components or Figure 6.92. Flow of
assembliesin the narrower sense,while paying due regard to quality control and Product information
improvement of the overall production procedure. In 6.5.1 we shall thcn
examine design features for improved assemblyand transport. For an overview of the designer'sinfluence on the production procedure, and
Designing for production is greatly facilitated if, from the earliest possiblc the interdependenceof designand production, the reader is referred to Table
stage, the designer's decisions are backed up with data compiled by the . That table highlights severalgroups of problems with a direct bearing on the
standardsdepartment, the planning and estimating department, the purchasing ionalisation of production procedure [6.14], namely:
department and the production manager. Figure 6.92 shows how the flow ol Appropriate overall layout design which determines the production procedure
information can be improved by systematicmeans and the appropriate organisir' the breakdown of the product into assembliesand individual components
tional measures. In original designs of mass-produced articles, systemalic use or bought-out, new, repeat or standard).
procedures and exchangesof views are essential.Their use, however, shoulrl Appropriate form design of componenrs, which determines the production
also be encouragedin one-off and small batch production, especiallyin the cast' :cdure, the manufacturing methods and the quality of components.
of adaptive designs,where the designeris often forced to make decisionswithorrl Appropriate selection of materials, which detrmines the production procedure,
c o n s u l t a t i o n ,i f o n l y t o m e e t d e l i v e r y c l i t t c s . nranufacturing methods, the materials handling and quality control.
I ) c s i g n i n gf < l rp r o c l u c t i o nh u s b c c o n r ci r r ti n c r c i r s i r t g liyn t p r l r t a n ta c t i v i t y i n l h t ' Altpntpriutc ust'o.f standard and bought-out components, which influence the
w a k c o l ' g r o w i n g a u l o r r r a t i o nI.l y o b s c r v i t t gt l t c b i r s i cr u l c s < l l ' s i n t l l l i c i t yi r r r t l r t l u c l i o r rc i r l - l i r c i t yt h
, c s t o r a g ea n d t h e c o s t s .
c l i r r i t y( 6 . 3 ) , t h c t l c s i g n c ri s i r l r c r r t l vp r o c c c d i n gr r k r t t gt l t c c r l r r c c tl i n c s . A l t l t n t l t r i u t ad o c t u r r t ' n ! u l i o rw r ,h i c h r n r r s tl r c i r r l i r p l c rtlo 1 h c p r o c l u c t i o np r o c e -
p r i r t c i p l c so l r ' r r r l l o t l i r r r ctrht .l ' s i g r( t( r , { ) , t r N r ,c t l t l l c r t ( l t i t t tt r r i t b c t t c t i t t t r ls l r l i ' r d i t r c . t ( ) l l t c r t l r r t r r f l t c l t r r i rnt rgc t h < l cllrsr r t lt o t l t c t l u l r l i t vc r l n t r r l l .
266 6 Embodiment desitrr .5 Guidelines for embodiment design
Table 6.4. Relationship betweendesign and production conversely' such production limitations as the
capacityof machines,assembly
Design Production etc,naturallyhaverepercussions
on rhedesigner,s
iJ:T:f"ll {i:.tlnt"t
the overall layout.
Overall layout - Assemblies - Production procedure
- - The appropriate sub-division of the overall layout
design Components Assembly and transport can give rise to diJJ.erentiar,
- :egral, composite androt buitding-broca
Bought-out parts possibilities methods of coristruction-
- Standard parts - Batch size of similar
- Joining and assembly components D iffe rential co nstr uctio n metho d
- Transport aids - Proportion of in-house and By differentialconstructionwe refer to the breakdown
of a component(a
of one or severalfunctions) into severaleasily manuru.t.,rlo'pu.ts. carrier
- Quality control bought-out items
- Quality control This idea
comesfrom lightweightengineering
Component form - Shape and dimensions - Production procedure [6.g7],where that appioac]r'ri,as
for the purpose of optimising
design: - Surface finishes - Manufacturing methods, _toia'-"u.yingcapacity. In both cases,we are
entitledto speakof the ,principle
- Tolerances machine tools of sub_di,iisionfo.'p.oJuil;,.
- Limits and fits - Measuring instruments As an example of the differential method let
us take the rotor of a
- In-house and bought-out Synch'onousgenerator (Figure 6.93).
- Quality control
Materials selection: - Type of material - Production procedure
- Treatment - Manufacturing methods,
- Quality control machine tools
- Semi-finished materials - Materials handling
- Availability (purchase,storage)
- In-house and bought-out parlr
- Quality control
Standardand - Repeat parts - Purchases
bought-out - Standard parts - Storage
components - Bought-out parts - Stock control
Production - Workshop drawings - Execution of orders
documentation - Parts lists - Production planning
- Data processing - Production control
programmes - Quality control
- Assembly instructions
- Testing instructions

rre6'93.Rotor of synchronous
generatorafter[6.r2] (AE,G-Telefunken);
2 Appropriate overall layout design as dtsc constructionwith forged flanges
and with welded flanses
The overall layout design, developed from the function structure. determines
the division of a product into assembliesand components.
With the overall layout design the desrgner: The large forging shown_atthe top is divided
into several rotor discs consisting
- determines the source of the components, that is simple forged parts and two considerably
whether they are in-housr,. smalrer flanged ,rruiir, b. Each of
bought-out, standard or repeat parts; : Iattercould alsobe subdividedinto shait,disc
-determines the production procedure for instance supporinurg",-*o coupling
, whether the parirllr.l nge in the form of a welded construction,c.
The reasonfor this differentiar
m a n u f a c t u r co f i n d i v i d u a l c o m p o n c n t sr l r l r s s c r l r b l i ciss p o s s i b l c ; ,nstrucrionmight be the market
situation (price, d"liu;;t Oaie; of turge
- t f c t c r n t i n c s t h c d i m a t t . s i r t n i. rsn c l
t h c r t g r l l r o x i r r r i r l ch u t c l t ; ; i z c , so l s i r r r i l l r r of.the
senerator to various
c o r r r l l o n c n l si,r r r r li r l s <tl h c r n c i r n s< t l 'f u i t t i t t 1i r4t t t la . r . r c i l r / r / t ' ; Iillll,,;il"u
r:nrs "jl:. :1::,'.:1il,l:i:"
(r.t.r sizcs) ancltypesof coupring. i fu.rtheradvantager, ir,t"in"T"ri,
s c l c c t ss u i l i r b l c/ i / . r ;i r n r l n .c *rrnul'rrcturccr .s ancrnot nJcessariry
to a specifiE
i t t l l r r c r r t ' c tsl t t t t l i t t(' ( , t t t r ( ) ly r r o t . t . r l r l t . r , lhc illtrstrirli()ll
..;;; However,
thc Iir'itrrti.rrs'f'rlrc'cliffcrcniiu';n,r)l.l,lit-.
268 6 Embodiment dcsitrr Guidelines for embodiment design

beyond a certain rotor length and diameter, the machining costs become tot'
great and the stiffnessof the joints too problematical.
Figure 6.94 shows the magnet support of a large-scaleDC motor which carr
either be cast in one piece or else be built up from sheet metal and welded. Tht.
production costs of the second design are some 25 per cent lower than those ol
the first, and this despite the fact that the differential construction involvcs
several processes.However, the cost reduction is not constant but depends rtn
the relative market situation of castings,sheet metal and semi-finishedmaterial

castin I laminated
I welded

1 Cast 2 Cast biock
magnet RoI block
support Stamp plates
Stack 1953 1951 1956 1962
Rivet Production
costsol laminated
Welhdousing asa percentage
support ol costsof castsupporl

Figure6.94.Productioncostsof a DC motormagnetsupportafter[6.104](Siemens) . g u r e6 . 9 5 .W i n d i n gm a c h i n e( E r n s tJ u l i u sK G ) :
) w i n d i n gh e a dw i t h i n r e g r a t eddr i v eu n i t
winding head with separatedrive unit
Another differential construction is shown in Figure 6.95. In the winding
machine a, the winding head is integrated with the drive unit on a common shalt.
reduction in component dimensionsallowing easier assembly
The differential solution b was developed to facilitate the parallel manufacturc and transport;
simpler inspection (smaller components urrd lu.g". batch
of drive units and winding heads to meet various requirements. In this way, it sizes);
small number of standard drive units can be combined with a large number of easier maintenance, for instanceby simple replicement of woin
winding heads. easier adaptation to special requiremenis; and
reduced risk of missing delivery dates.
The replacement of forged and cast constructions with welded constructions
sadvantageo s r limital.ions:
incorporating suitable semi-finished parts provides a further example of tlris
greater machining outlay;
greater assemblycosts;
All in all, differential designs have the following advantages,disadvantagcs
greater need for quality control (smaller tolerances,
and limitations: necessaryfits etc); and
limitations of function by joints (stiffness,vibration, sealing).
- u s e o f e a s i l y a v a i l a b l e a n d f a v o u r a b l y p r i c e d s e m i - f i n i s h e dm a t e r i a l s o r
ral const ruction metho d
s t a n d a r dp a r t s ;
-easier acquisiti<lnof forgecl and cnst purts; intcgralconstruction
we referto the combination of severalparts into a single
- c a s i c r a d a p t a t i o nt o c x i s t i n g f l c t o r y l a y o u t ( d i m c n s i o n s .w c i g h t ) l l n c n t , T y p i c a l c x a m p l c sa r e c a s tc o n s t r u c t i o n si n s t e a d
o f w e l d e d. o n r t r i . _
- incrctsc irr componcnt hatch sizcri c x t r u s i o l l si n s t c l d o l c < l n n c c t c cslc c t l o n s ,w c l c l c di n s t c a d
of bolted ioints
6 Ernbodiment desigrr 6.5 Guidelines for embodimcnt clesign

etc. In lightweight engineering this type of construction is often used to avoi(l end discs. Variant c is an integral construction in that
two cast holkrw botlir.s
stressconcentationsand to save weight [6.87]. In.Variantd thecastconstruction
is splitup agairr(a
Figure 6.96 showsan example chosenfrom electricalengineering.Here, a casl l:?::lP_:l::d.,rc":her.
show Ti I"":a,r,"ii,
",i;; ;ilffi il w:,dil':#;f;lll
and welded construction has been replaced with a single cast component
Though the castingis fairly complicated, it leads to a cost reduction of 36.5 per
ff;?l:;:T:illi 1)
was chosen because of difficulties in procuring large
cent. Naturally, this percentage will vary with the size of the batch and with The advantages and disadvantages of the integial
consf,uction method are
market conditions. easily determined by a reversar of the advantages
and disadvantagesof the
differential method.

Comp osite construc tion met ho d

By composite construction we refer to:
-_ the inseparable connection
of several, differently made parts into a single
component needing further work, for instance, the
combination of cast and
forged parts;
- the simultaneousapplication
of several joining methods for the combination
of components [6.ieS1; o.
-_ the combination of various
materials for optimal exproitation of their

Figure 6.98 gives an example of the first method: the

combination of caststeel
mponents and rolled steel sheet into a welded constnrction
Figure 6.96. End cover of Further examples are bogies with cast centres and
electric motor after [6.104] welded arms, and also the
Castandwelded Castcomponenl :lding of cast bar joints used in steel structures.
( a ) c o m p o s i t ec o n s t r u c t i o n
construction Examples of the secondmethod are combinations
of adhesivesand rivets or of
(b) integral construction 0 D hesivesand bolts.

Another example is the rotor of a hydroelectric generator (Figure 6.97). Four

different constructionswith the same generator output and identical radial loads
were investigated. Variant a has numerous individual support discs and mlr'
therefore be considered a differential construction. In Variant b the degree ol
division is reduced by the use of cast-steelhollow shafts, two support rings antl

:63 108N

t]f; M.gnct whcel of
l'1," I a hydro-electricgenerator of compositeconstructronfrom
1 . |5( n I r ( ; ' l ' c l c l u n k c n )

S P r t l i l r r r l l c t ls t c c l s l r c c t
l r i A t r r t(' r , t ) 7 ,l t o t o r c r r r t r t r t r r ' l i o ltot t ; t l l t t l ; t 'r c l l t ' l t t r l r r t ' [ c ( ' l I t ( ' l l ( ' n ( r' ; r l r r t ( S i r ' r r r t . r r)r S t t l t p , r lt t : r r l s l t . c l
272 6 E , m b o d i m e n td e s i g t t 5 Guidelinesfor embodimcnt desisn 1-1

The combination of several materials into a single part is exemplified by

synthetic components with cast-in thread inserts; by composite sound-absorption PS Guidelines Wrong Right
panels which have two plates separated by a plastic core; and also by rubber/
metal components.
Another economical design of the composite type is the combination of steel
Pa Choosesimple
w w
and pre-stressedconcrete 16.7al.
Pa patlerns,
Aimatundivided if C i ^q_l
B uildin g - b I o ck constructio n method possible
withoul (eg by
crosssections) I
If the differential method is used to split a component in such a way that thc
resulting parts and/or assembliescan also be used in other products, then thel
can be considered as building-blocks. These are particularly useful if they arc
Pa tapers
Provide lromthespllfline 0
**'a*'*tu*^ q**ffi*
V F--r_r

cheap to produce. In a sense,the utilisation of repeat parts from stock may also Pa ribssothatpattern
Arrange canbe 0
be considered a building-block construction method.

3 Appropriate form design of components Pa



olcores 0
% \ MLY)
With his form design of components the designer exerts a great influence oll
production costs, production times and the quality of the product. Thus his

Ca Avoid
vertical (bubbles,
sections 0
choice of shapes,dimensions, surfacefinishes, tolerancesand joints affects:
- the production procedure;
- the machine tools, inchtding bench tools and measuring instruments;
- the choice between in-house components and bought-otll components;


wallthicknesses 0
- the selection of materials and semi-finished materials; and changes
-the quality control procedures. material
Conversely, production facilities influence the design features. Thus, thc
available machine tools might limit the dimensions of componentsand necessi-
Ma Setsplitlines
toavoid c
tate a split-up into several connected parts or the acquisition of bought-out andto permrt
misalignment easy 0 *{W* @S-=@*
components. removaloftheflash 16-^!+r
There are special guidelines for designing for production, and these arc
Ma Arrange
toease C
d e s c r i b e da t l e n g t hi n t h e l i t e r a t u r e f 6 . 2 I , 6 . 2 4 , 6 . 1 2 8 , 6 . I 4 5 , 6 . I 7 0 , 6 . 2 1 3 , 6 . 2 3 1 , .-iq
ng 0 l*t ffi.
6.248,6.2491.In keeping with the aims of this book, we shall be presenting thc F--n
reader with none but essentialdesign suggestionsarrangedsystematicallyin thc ::,ll -,tl
form of charts. Our classifyingcriteria will be the processs/eps(PS) used in thc
Ma Provide
supporl 0
manufacture of the component. In addition, we shall be assigningobjectives--
'reduction of costs'(C) and 'improvement of quality' (Q)-to the various desigrt

Ma Avoidsloping
and C
guidelines. When designing components,the designer should always bear thcsc
processsteps and objectives in mind.

Combine processes
machining by

Form designfor primary shaping processes appropriate
of fl /6-) f,ltal
The form designof components to be shapedby primary processes,for examplc
casting and sintering, must satisfy the demands and characteristicsof tlrc
u'g uu%
processesused. Ma Avoid
by c
ln cast components (primary shapcs obtaincd from thc fluid statc) thc
designer must allow for the following pr()ccssstcps: /r(rtlenr(Pa), casting (Cal
and mac'hining(Ma). Figurc (r.99lists thc most important dcsign guidclincs.
i i g u r c 6 . 9 9 , l ) c s i g ng u i d c l i n c sw i l h c x l n r p l c sl i r r c a s tc o m p o n e n t si,n a c c o r d a n c e
l i t c r a t u r c c i t c d c o r t t i t i n sf u r t h c r i n l i t r m u t i t l n . 6 . 7 1 ,6 . 11 8 ,6 . 1 4 5 .6 , t 7 0 . 6 . 2 4 7 1
274 6 Embodiment desigu 5 Guidelines for embodiment design 275

In designing sintered components (primary shapes obtained from the powder Design guidelinesfor drop forging have been collatedin Figure 6.101.They
state), the designer must allow for tooling (To) and sintering (Si). In particular. low for the processstepsof: tooling (To), forginS (Fo) and machining(Ma).
he must be guided by the latest findings of powder technology. The essential Figure 6.102listsdesignguidelinesfor the cold extrusionof simplerotationally
'mmetricalsolid and hollow bodies.They allow for the processstepsof: tooling
euidelines are shown in Fieure 6.100.
lo) and extrusion(Ex). It must be stressedthat only certaintypes of steelcan
: usedeconomically.Like all other cold forming methods,cold extrusiongives
PS Guidelines (D
Wrong Right
TO andsharp
Avoidrounded C r - PS Guidelines Wrong Right
angles 0 t3>


To Avoidundercuts, C *w*
Si edges,
Avoidsharp sharpangles
rH@ t-ffi@
u+@ To tapers
Provide c
Si 0bserve limits
dimensional and 0

T\1zI F-T

..f -
l> 2 mm
Holesd> 2 mm
dil --v
To Aimforsplitlines

Si small-toothed
Avoid Proliles 0 To Avoidbentsplitlines c

0 To Aimatsimple,if possible

Si small
Avoidexcessively C
tolerances Fo rotationally
protusions, WW
Fo Aimatshapes
thatoccurdurrng C

with examples after[6.611
for sinteredcomponents,
unrestrained Forlarge 0
numbers tolinished
adapt shape

Form design for secondary shaping processes

The form design of components to be shaped by secondary processes, for
example, forging, extrusion, bending, must adhere to the guidelines listctl
Fo Avoidexcessively

-0 Avoid


below. Special consideration for the design of ferrous materials can be found irt excessively
excessively holes
[6.37] and of non-ferrous metals in 16.a2).
With hammer forging (free forging), the designer need only allow for thc
actual forging process, since no complicated devices (for instance, dies) arc ;0 Avoid
changesincross 0 -a_*av&_*ffi *G=l*
involved. The following design guidelines should be observed: sections
that rr w , v lL u l
- Aim at simple shapes,if possible with parallel surfaces (conical transitions arc
difficult) and with large curvatures(avoid sharp edges).Objectives:reductiort :o
project intothedie

Stagger inthecase
ol 0
utu l
of costs, improvement of quality.
-Aim at light forgings, perhaps by separation and subsequentcombinatiort.
cup-shaped of large
depth %i%"
Objective: reduction of costs. lia Select linesothat
thesplit C
--Avoid excessivedeformations or excessiveclifferencesin cross-sectionstltrc, misalignment
f o r i n s t a n c e ,t o t h e p r e s e n c eo f c x c c s s i v c l yh i g h a n d f i n e r i b s o r o f e x c e s s i v c l v andremoval
n a r r o w i n d c n t a t i o n s .O h j c c t i v c : i m p r o v e m c n to f q u a l i t y .
- Try to placc bossesand indcnlrtiunr on on€ tidc only, Objcctivc: rcduction ol | u r c 6 . l ( f l . l ) c s i g ng u i r l c l i n e sw i t h c x a n r p l e sf o r c l r o p - f o r g e d
p a r t si n a c c o r d a n c ew i t h
cotits, 9 5 . 6 . t 7 ( ) ,6 . 2t 4 . 6 . 2 5I I
276 6 Embodiment dcsilrr Guidelines for embodiment design 211


PS Guidelines wr0ng Right S Guidelines Wrong Right


ww ww
i ) ' -

TO Avoidundercuts 0 le Avoid bent

complex parts C
Ex c (material
Ex andexcessively
ww MM 3e Allow
I = | (l maleria
--- )

area and
Ex Providerotational
lysymmetrical u
inthetenslonarea) ,
-r-. fi='r' ar
material llange
le Provide icient
suff distance 0
between holes

ilwM tuwM
Ex Avoidsharp in cross
changes 0 bend
section, andfillets

wwwwww le Aimatholes
andnotches to cross 0
Ex Avoid
longorlateral 0
whenit isnotpossible
theminimum gap
Figure6.102.Designguidelines after[6.631
for coldextrusions,
with examples lo Avoidsloping
in 0

rise to work hardening, in which the yield strength is raisedwhile the toughness
of the material drops significantly. The designer must take this factor inltr to


atthecorners 0
consideration. The best materials for cold extrusion are case-hardeningarrrl
For drawing, the following design guidelines are recommended in [6.170]:
@fr [E
- Allow for tooling (To): Choose the dimensionsin such a way that the smallest 6.103.Designguidelineswith examplesfor bent parts,after [6.11
possible number of drawing steps is needed. Objective: reduction of costs.
-Allow for tooling and drawing (To/Dr): Aim at rotationally symmetrical 'machining
hollow bodies; producing the corners of rectangularhollow bodies leads to it with geometrically undefined cuts' (grinding). In addition we
high loading of the materials and tools. Objectives: improvement of qualitv, lbe considering separation by cutting as defined in [6.a0]. In all separating
reduction of costs. ;essesthe designer must allow for tooling (To), including clamping, and
- Allow for drawing (Dr): Choose tough materials. Objective: improvement of hining (Ma).
quality. ign for tooling involves:
-Allow for drawing (Dr): For the design of flanges see [6.148]. Objectivc: provision of adequate clamping facilities. Objectives: improvement of
improvement of quality. uality.
Bending (cold bending) as it is used for the manufacture of sheet metirl \ preferential sequence of operations that does not necessitatethe re-
components in precision and electrical engineering, and also for casings, lamping of components. Objectives: reduction of costs, improvement of
claddings and air ducts in general mechanical engineering [6.1] involves twtr uality.
separate steps, namely cutting (Cu) and bending (Be). The designer mtrsl provision of adequate tool clearances. Objective: improvement of
accordinglyallow for both. The designguidelinesshown in Figure 6.103 apply ttr quality.
the bending processalone; cutting is covered under the next heading. sign for machiningin all separatingprocessesinvolves:
The avoidanceof unnecessary machining,that is reductionof machined
Form designfor separution arcas, fine surfacefinishesand closetolerancesto the absoluteminimum
O f t h e s c p a r a t i n gp r o c c c l u r c sn r c n t i o n c d i n 1 6 . 3 9 1o n d [ 6 . 3 1 t 1w (protrudingbossesand cut-outsplacedat sameheightor depth are advan-
. c shall ortlv
' n r a c h i n i n gw i t h g c o n r c t r i c l l l y d c f i n c d c u t s ' ( t u r n i n l q ,b o r i n g , n r i l l i r r g ) tugcous),Objcctivc:reductionof costs.
6 Embodimcnt clcsilrr 5 Guidelinesfor embodimentdesign 279

-The location of machined surfacesparallel or perpendicular to the clamping

PS Guidelines q)
Wrong Right
surfaces. Objectives: reduction of costs, improvement of quality' -) .=
-The choice of turning and boring in preference to milling and shaping To Aimforstraight
surlaces; C
Objective: reduction of costs. formtools
dimensionsforgang milling
Figure 6.104 represents the design guidelines for components machined br
turnlng; Figure 6.tOS tor components machined by boring; Figure 6.106 for
t0 Provide
mills; c
thanend 0 t+l

PS Guidelines
-\ -=
Wrong Right
To Adaptrunout
tool c
To toolrunoul
Provide 0 diameterAvoid

TO toolshapes
Aimforsimple c
Ma Arrange ononeleveland
surlaces c
totheclamping, 0 f=-'f
To Avoidgrooves
andtight C @h
tolerances 0

TO clamping,
Provide 0
@ .mft_''*'
G j[ft."'-'
ancewith [6.128,6.1701
with examples
for componentsmachined by milling, in

Ma Avoidexcessive c
replace Aftrftirff,
iomponentsmachinedby milling; and Figure 6.107for componentsmachinedby
parts wL-N_s
, In the designof cut-out components,the characteristicsof.the tools (To) and
Ma Adaptworking andsurface
length c ni a--l io
,f.thecuttingmethod(Cu) [6.85]mustbe takeninto consideration (Fig. 6.108).
iorm design joining
Figure 6.104. Design guidelineswith examplesfor componentsmachinedby turning. in )f the joiningmethodsdiscussed in [6.a1]we shallonly considerweldingunder
aciordance with [6. 128, 6. 1701
he aboveheading.For separablejoints the readeris referredto 6.5.7.
, Welding involvesthree processsteps,namelypreparation(pr), wetding(We)
Wrong Right nd finishing (Fi). The following designguidelinesapply:
PS Guidelines = > -Pr, we, Fi: avoid the imitation of cast designs;preferablyselectstandard,
L J :

To Wherepossible, tools
useborlng c easily obtainable or prefabricatedplates, sectionsor other semi-finished
Ma onblind 0
% ffiffi materials; make use of compositeconstructions(cast/forgedcomponents).
Objective:reductionof costs.
To Provide flats 0
starting - we: adaptthe material,weldingquality and weldingsequenceto the required
Ma lorholes through
ffi@M ffi@M strength,sealingand shape.objectives:reductionof costs,improvementof
To holes,
Aimforcontinuous C - we: aim for small weldingseamsand small dimensionsto reducedamage
through heating and to simplify handling. objectives: improvementof
quality,rcductionof costs.
Figurc(r.l()5.Dcsignguidclincswith.cxirnr;rlcr fitr com;xrncnls by boring,in
ntilcltittcd -wc/Fi: minimiscthe amountof welding(heat input) to avoid or reduce
l c l ' o r d l n c cw i t h 1 6 I. 2 8 .6 . 1 1 5 6. . I 7 ( l l
280 6 Embocliment dcsrr:rr 5 Guidelines for embodiment desisn 281

distortion and corrective work. Objectives: improvement of quality, reduc-

PS Guidelines Wrong Right tion of costs.
Further guidelines are given in Figure 6.109.
Io Avoid
limitations 0
PS Guidelines o)
Wrong Righl
L_F---_I- --=
Pr Preter withfewparts
solutions and c
TO Provide
runouts 0
4 4
ru mm

To grinding
Aimlorunimpeded by C
Pr Aimtoreasily
weldable il
seams c
We loadspermit
appropriate ofsurfaces
selecti0n 0 Fi

4 4
Pr Avoid ofweldmaterial
build-up C
To Giveprelerence
blend c We andintersecting
weldseams 0
Ma radii(ifnorunout
andto 0

We Reduce
residual dueto
stresses 0
F i g u r e6 . 1 0 7 .D e s i g ng u i d e l i n e sw i t h e x a m p l e sf o r c o m p o n e n t sm a c h i n e db y g r i n d i n g .i n byappropriate
shrinkage choiceof
accordancewith [6. 1701 weldseams andwelding
0l lowstiffness

PS Guidelines Wrong We Aimlorgoodaccessibllity

TO Aimforsimple
.GS posrtive
We Ensure location
ofthe 0

TO Aimforsharp-edged transitions
to C
v/ vr'
Fi components

lor 0
Wt I
ofthe 0 machining welding
templateandtoensure easy
6 . 1 0 9 .D e s i g ng u i d e l i n e sf o r w e l d e dc o m p o n e n t s i.n a c c o r d a n c w
e i t h [ 6 1 4 5 .6 . 1 7 (
6 2t3l
Cu Avoidwaste layout
bycareful ol C
cut-out plate
I Appropriate selection of materials and of semi-finished materials
[n optimum choice of materials and semi-finished materials is difficult to make
tecause of interactions between characteristics of the function, working princi-
Cu Avoid
and 0
)le, layout and form design, safety, ergonomics, production, quality control,
tighttolerances F-rl
-1=- E lssembly,transport, operation, maintenance,costsand schedules.When expen-
Cu Preler permitling
shapes 0 live materials are involved, their careful selection is nevertheless of the utmost
of tconomic importance. In general, the designeris advisedto consult the checklist
,Figurc 6.2) and to evaluate the materials accordingly.
Thc selected material and the resulting processing and machining of the
l'orcut-outcomFrnonlr,In uccortllnccwith l().l?(ll : o n r p o n c n t s ,t h c i r t l u a l i t y a n d t h e m a r k e t c o n d i t i o n si n f l u e n c e :
282 6 Embodimentdesirrr Guidelines for embodiment desien 283

- the production procedure; 'es to show that minimisation

of weight, which often involves a great deal of
- the choice of machine tools, including bench tools and measuring instruments. gn and technical effort, does not necessarilylead to minimisatLn
of costs.
-materials handling, for example, purchasing and storage; over, even when the calculated cost reductions due to the incorporation
- quality control; and also of
finished materials and simplification in manufacturing methods are
-the choice between in-house and bought-out parts. nor
t, the actual savings may be much greater because of the consequent
The close relationship between design, production procedures and materials ction in idle time and time spent on operations scheduling.
technology calls for close cooperation between the designer, the productiorr
engineer, the materials expert and the buyer.
The most important recommendations for the selection of materials for
primary shaping processes(for example casting and sintering) and seconclarr
shaping processes (for example forging, extrusion etc) have been set out br
Illgner [6.91]. Few designers are completely familiar with the selection ol 1- 0 e20
Fo 520
materials needed for such new manufacturing methods as ultraS'onicwelding
electron-beam welding, laser technology, plasma cutting, spark erosion arrtl
electrochemicalprocesses.These topics are discussedin [6.28, 6.55, 6.88, 6.13().
Closely connected with the selection of materials is the choice of semi-finishcrl F i g u r e6 , 1 1 1E
. l e c t r i cm o t o r
materials (for example, tube, standard extrusionsetc). Becauseof the comm()rl housingof weldedconstruction
b (Siemens);
method of costing by weight, the designer tends to think that cost reductiorr
I platethickness 3 platethicknesses (a) currentdesign
invariably goes hand in hand with weight reduction. However, as Figure 6.111) (2 16mm) ( 5 ,1 0a n d1 6 m m ) (b) proposeddesign
makes clear, that belief is often mistaken.
re example also shows that, for the minimisation of production costs, the
ral production overheads must be considered in addition to the cost of
:rials and labour. Finally, it draws attention to another series of problems
the modern designerhas to solve: he must adapt his designsto the demands
= potential of numericallycontrolledmachinetools. Let us stay with the
l-cutting machine. with his decisionto reduce the numbei of plate
nesses,the designer opened the way for a computer-aided layout of the
Figure6.110.Costareasfor rial on the plates, and hence for the highly cost-effective introduction of
lightweightandeconomical lrically controlled flame cutting machines
from [6.2191
constructions, further example of the economic use of semi-finished materials is siven in
constructionconstruction re 6.r12 which showsthe plate-cuttingplan for a weldedmotor hous=ins.
The following examplethrows further light on this problem.Figure 6.111
showsa welded electricmotor housing.The old layout involvedeight different
platethicknesses to achievethe requiredstiffness
with a minimisationof weight
In the modifieddesign,however,the numberof plate thicknesses wasdeliber-
ately reducedalthoughthis increasedthe weight. This changein the design
involvedthe replacementof standardflame-cuttingby numericallycontrollcd L__

machines. The extraoutlaywasto be justifiedby keepingthe programmingantl

re-equipmentcostslow and by maximumutilisationof the plate matcriirl b
r e 6 . 1 1 2E . l e c t r i cm o t o r c
throughstackingbeforecutting.A costanalysis showedthat,despitean incrcasc housing,Weldedconstruction
in wcight due to oversizingof sonrcof the housingports,the new dcsignwirs i t h p l a t cp l a nf r o r n[ 6 . 1 1 5 1
chcaper than the old thanks to klwel labour costs and lowcr procluctiolr (Sicnrcns)
overhcuds.Adrnittcdly,lhc actuulsuvinj wm not very grcut, but this cxlmplc plan
6 Embodimentclcsrr,rr Guidelines for embodiment design 285

allow the use of circular blanks for the end wall bearing shieldsd, the end wrllr rential construction will be more cost-effectiveand quicker to execute than
are made from four parts b, which are then welded together. The resultirrg integral construction. He must accordinglycombine the functional approach
aperture, even after machining, is smaller than the bearing shield made from l hc h an analysisof production and supply conditions anclwith careful costing and
blank. In addition, this arrangement provides the support feet c. evaluation. Ultimately, designingfor production means minimising costs

5 Appropriate use of standard and bought-out components arrive at the most cost-effective solution, the designer has recourse to value
The designer should always try to use components that do not have to lrc
ysis 16.222,6.228,6.2301.In the discussionand evaluationof the cost-
:tivenessof a particular solution, collaboration between the various denart-
specially manufactured but are readily available as repeat,standard, or boup,ltr
out parts. In that way, he can help to create favourable supply and storrrlc ts concerned-that is, exchangesof view between the salesteam, the buying
r, the design team, the production team and the costing department
conditions. Easily available bought-out parts are often cheaperthan parts mrrrlc lvatue
ysis team)-proves invaluable. The resulting pooling of expert knowledge
The importance of standard parts has been stressedon several occasions- experienceprovidesa roundedassessment of the requirements,
layout aid
The decision whether components are to be made in-house or bought-orrt t designs,materials,productionprocedures,
depends on the following considerations:
- number (one-off , batch or mass production);
-whether production is for a specific order or for the general market; how?
| why? how?
| why? ; why?
how? how?
- the market situation (costs,delivery datesof materials and bought-out parts );
1stlevel | 2ndlevel | 3rdtevel | 4thtevel C' I C, I C, I C, I C5| c6 I C; I C8
-the possibility of using existing production facilities;
-the manpower situation; and
- the available or desired desree of automation.
These factors influence not only the decision whether in-house production
to be preferred to sub-contract production, but also the designer's ovct
approach. Unfortunately, most of the factors vary with time. This means thirt
particular decision may be justified at the time when it is made but may'
longer be right if the market or manning situation and the production capac
have changed. Particularly in the caseof one-off or batch products of the hcrr
engineeringindustry, the production and market situation has to be re-examir
at regular intervals.

6 Appropriate documentation
The effect of production documents (in the form of drawings, parts lists
assembly instructions) on costs, delivery dates, product quality etc is olt
underestimated. The layout, clarity and comprehensivenessof such documc
have a particularly marked influence on highly mechanised and automir
production methods. They determine the execution of the order, product
planning, production control and quality control.

7 Costing and cost evaluation

Thc guiclclirres lirr prriluctionwill not hclp thc dcsigncrto nrlslc

of clcsigning
i r l l t h c c o r n p l c x p r o b l c n r s i r r v o l v c d u n l c r ; h c u l s o t i t k c s i n t o i r c c o t n t li t l l I
rclcvirrrtdirlir witlrorrtwhiclr lrc cunnrtlprcdicl willt ccrtirinlvwhcth('t il 6, I l.-1.
nt ol asscnrtrlies
to subfunctions
[6.22tt,6 230]
286 6 Embodimenttlrrrr:n Guidelines for embodiment desisn 281

dardisation and market conditions, and hence leads to more reliable and quickcl 115 gives the cost distribution of a synchronousgenerator[6.104].It showsthat
decisions than the designer could have arrived at by himself. mpts to lower the labour and overhead costs of the rotor shaft R1 by design
It also helps to split up the overall function into sub-functionsof decreasirrg ures alone are not likely to be very successful, whereas a reduction in
complexity and to assign these sub-functions to function carriers, that is lrt ight or the choice of economical materials will lead to a significant drop in
assembliesand components. (Figure 6.113illustratesthis procedure schematit:rl. ;ts. with the stator housing s3, on the other hand, a changeof design leading
ly.) From the calculated costs of componentsit is then possibleto estimatc tlre an alternative manufacturing method looks promising in view of the high
cost of fulfilling the required overall function and the sub-functions. Strr'h
costs' provide a basis for the evaluation of design variants, covering rrt
they do market considerations(are all functions absolutely necessary?),dcsirlll
considerations(the choice of suitable function structures and solution concr'l)tr R1
and the sub-functions they entail), and production considerations (form desiln R2
of individual components). R3
For the minimisation of costs,it is advisableto proceed at the earliestpossilrlo R4
stage to the optimisation of the economic factors and hence of the productlrl
procedure. The choice of a suitable solution concept usually cuts produclrotl 92Jl
costs more significantlythan do direct production measures.Moreover c^^

changesin the designare deferreduntil the productionstage,they often ent;r 3ca

high alteration costs. Figure 6.114 illustratesthis point. In short, prorlrrc M1
optimisation should be begun just as soon as the available information pernrits, s4
Figure6 115.Coststructureof
a synchronous generator,from
[ 6 . 1 0 4(]S i e m e n s ) s8
ExamplesR1: rotor shaft;R2: s9
rotor body;R5: rotor winding; M2
bearing;56: spider;M2: 10
mountinssetc Production

addition to the cost structure, the designer must also take into account the
ute costs of the components, materials, semi-finished materials. and of
rd and bought-out parts. The relevant figures must be prepared as quickly
accurately as possible by the estimatingdepartment, at leasi in the form of
O6 ive costs. Figures 6.116 and 6.117 show such relative cost comparisons.
of alterationcostson. tltc often suffice for arriving at decisions and have the advantage over abolute
Figure6.114.Influenceon costreductionby, anddependence
designand productionphases,from [6.22t3] computations that they fluctuate less and hence are more generally
cable over a longer period of time.
iable preliminary calculations are still no more than a dream of modern
Cost structure
rs, who are far too often left to their own devices. In view of the sreat
Useful aids to cost reductionare providedby estimatesof the coststru( ence of these decisions on the production costs, this state of affairs has
Without a grasp of the cost distribution-that is of the relative shitrc intolerable and should be tackled by the engineering industry at the
m a t c r i a l s , l a b c l u r , a n d p r o d u c t i < l nt l v c r h c a d si n t h c c o s t s o f a c o m p o n c t l t I possibleopportunity.
asscmbly-the dcsigncrcann()ttcll whut meo$uroshc must takc to l<lwcrI For the cconomical design of components and simpler technical artefacts,
costs.Hcnceit is importanttrl providcthc rolcvantdocumenlatiun: cstimittcs It)l suggcstsan evaluation procedure and gives a comprehensivelist of the
rlf old ollmrter for nditpiivcdcsigns.liigr
rlriginuldcsignslncl rccllcul:rtiotts i t n t t c c h n i c a la n c lc c < l l r < t m idca t u .
288 6 Embodiment desilrr Guidelines for embodiment design 289

I windI soak


Figure 6.116. Comparative costsof 30 mm round bar steel,from [6.1901
(a) Costsby weight (no requirementsas to strength and weight)
(b) Ratio of costsper unit weight to yield strength
(c) Machining coststo produce constantsurfacefinish
( S t e e lI : 2 0 C ; S t e e l2 0 : 1 6 5 C l l 2 % C r - M o - V ) 3 2 2 8 7 t , 2 01 6 1 2 I 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 1 0 1 1 1 21 3
Dellvery timein weeks Manufacturing
timein weeks
''' re 6.118. Production procedure of an electric motor from the series shown in Figure
I /
(AEG Telefunken)

e 1,1

i acturing the components and assembliesare indicated by the lengths of

horizontal lines. The diagram not only makes clear where improvements can
made by the choice of more quickly procurable raw and semi-finished
ials or by keeping these materials in stock, but also where different
facturingstepscould be taken in parallel. Thus by allowingthe stator
1l inations to be built up in parallel with the construction of the housing (two
-consuming operations), a significant reduction in the overall production
1.0 ule is possible.
breakdowns of the production procedure are now common practice in
project planning and control of all large companies. They facilitate the
ination of critical times and of possible design improvements [6.94,
. o m p a r a t i vceo s t so f b o l t e dj o i n t s ,f r o m [ 6 . 1 9 0 1
F i g u r e6 . 1 1 7C

Production time 7 Designing for easeof assembly

Accuratc production timc cstinrntcs hclp the dcsigner tu improvc <ln clclivcr
Types of assembly
datcs, Figurc 6.1 lfl givcs an cxnmpler the production sequcncc l'or il m c d i u r
'l'hc a s s c t t t b l yw c r c f c r t o t h e c o m b i n a t i o no f c o m p o n e n t si n t o a p r o d u c t a n d t o
powcr clcctric molor, tinrcr sp€nt on rcquiring thc mntcrial itntl oil
290 6 Embodiment desilrr Guidelines for embodiment design 297

the auxiliary work needed during and after production. The cost and qualirr General guidelines for ease of assembly
of a product depend on the type and number of assembly operations and orr
tional production involves the simplification and automation of the assemblv
their execution. The type and number, in their turn, depend on the layorrt
rcess[6.32, 6.236].
design of the product and on the type of production (one-off or batclr
It is advantageous,first of all, to standardisethe necessaryassemblyopera-
rns. Such standardisation means using the minimum number of assembly
The following guidelines for designing for ease of assembly can therefore lr,,
niques and, above all, assemblytools. The designercan make a considerable
no more than general hints. In individual cases, they may be influenced,'r
tribution here, for example by choosingone bolt size to satisfyvarious load
overridden by reference to the following headingsof the checklist (Figure
ditions even if some may be larger than he might otherwise specify.
function, working principle, layout and form design, safety, ergonomics, pr,,
A lurther requirement is the provision of simple assembly operationLs(6.3.2).
duction, quality control, transport, operation and maintenance.
rr instance, in one-off production it is advantageous to use standard tools
According to [6.3, 6.200, 6.224] the following essential operations rrrt.
her than expensivespecial tools. The cost of individual operations, however,
- Storing of parts to be assembled, if possible in a systematic m a n n ( ' r pends greatly on the available assembly equipment and the staff, so that it is
ible to make general pronouncements on what is simple and cost-
Automatic assembly further necessitatesthe programmed supply of p a r t s u r t l
connecting elements.
-Handling of components, including: If the design permits parallel assemblyof different sub-assemblies.
then a
oidentifying the part by fitter or robot; nsiderablereductionin the overallproductiontime is possible.
o picking-up the part, if necessary in conjunction with individual s e l e c t i tr r t In general, the designer should always aim at a reduction in the number of
mbly operations. Since these operationsdepend on the number of individual
and dispensing;and
omoving the part to the assembly point, if necessaryin conjunction wirlr
ponents,he must try to:
decrease the number of identical components, for instance, by replacing a
separation, manipulation etc.
-Positionireg (placing the part correctly for assembly), and aligning (firrll large number of small bolts with a smaller number of larger ones;
combine several components into one larger component (integral
adjustment of the position of the part before and possibly after joining).
-Joining parts by the provision of appropriate connections. According rrt construction);
use pre-assembled (bought-out) assemblies; and
16.41],the following operationsmust also be includedhere: facilitate the combination of severaloperations by appropriate arrangement of
o bringing together,for exampleby inserting,superposing, suspending
locating surfacesand connectors, to ensure, for instance, the simultaneous
o filling, for exampleby soaking; tightening of several bolts (see Figure 6.tI9).
o pressingtogether,for exampleby bolting, clampingor shrink fitting; Even though the precisesequenceof assemblyoperationsis determined by the
o joining by primary processes,for example by fusing, casting irr oduction planning department and not by the designer, the latter should
rtheless try to provide for a logical sequence, thus obviating mistakes and
o joining by secondaryprocesses, ring simple repair and maintenance.
for exampleby bendingor by auxilirr
o joining by the combination of materials, for instanceby welding, solder
Guidelines for improving assembly operations
or glueing.
- Adjustingto equalisetolerances,to restorethe requiredplay etc ease of assembly, the designer should consider each assembly operation
- Securingthe assembled partsagainstunwantedmovements underoperatiorr rately.
- Inspecting. Depending on the degree of automation, various testing it
measuring operationsmust b e p e r f o r m e d ,p o s s i b l yb e t w e e ni n d i v i d u a la s s c r s operation, which is particularly important in automated assembly,is
bly operations. itated by the use of easily stackedcomponents.The appropriate design
Thcseopcrationsare involvcclin cvcry asscmbly
proccss,thcir imp<lrtirrrcc. asuresinclude:
scqucnccand frcqucncyclcpcndirrg on thc numberul' urrits(onc-ol'fasscrnl)l\., thc provision of compatible stacking surfaces;and
batchasscmbly)and thc dcgrccof uutrtmotlon(manunl.part:lut()nrilticor l'rrllv thc pr<lvisionclf shapesensuring the correct orientation of non-symmetrical
lsscnrbly). p l r t s ' ( h o l c s , p i n s , g r o < t v c sc t c ) .
292 6 E m b o d i m e ndt c : r r , r r 5 Guii d e l i n e s f o r e m b o d i m c n t d e s r s n 293

Guidelines Wrong Right ls olperation is particularly important in automated assembly.By appropriatc
lice of design features, the designer must:
operations avol d the entanglement of individual parts;
prevent the nesting of individual parts; and
provide, if necessary,specialfeaturesto ensurepositiveholding of the
andsimplecomponents ovtnS
t e m covement of parts from the store to the assemblysite is greatly influenced
the rsize, weight and type (one-off, mass production) of the part. In general,
weve er, the designer should aim for:
Provide assembly
short't distances,for instance by appropriate splitting of the product into easily
A S S Embled
T modules:
good 7 ergonomic and safety provisions, for instance by avoiding visual
obstr ructions or potential danger spots; and also
stmplehandlingmethods,for instanceby the provisionof easilymanipulable
trans joints.
transportequipmentor of easilyaccessible
e shr
shapeof componentsmust accordinglybe designedfor easytransport.

ol identical nonmg
components rdres
resen[6.3] divides positioning into orientating and aligning. In both, the
rer should:
a l mr .for symmetry if no preferential position is demanded;
Combine (integral
components distir
tinguish permissible or prescribed positions, for instance by surface marks
construction) or br
by the shape of the locating surfaces;
a l mr .for the automatic alignment of the joints; and if that is not possible
tvide adjustablejoints.

trkl-.: /'V/r/;V for easy joining entails the appropriate choice of joining method and
H/&/ lors so that:
jointts that have to be disassembledfrequently, for instanceto replacewearing
operations bolldlrection parts s, are equipped with easily separable connectors;
only' those joints that are rarely or never disassembleduse connectionsthat
are e expensiveto separate, for example shrink fits or welded joints;
postt tioning is combined with joining where possible, for instance by means of
Figure 6.119. Design guidelineswith examplesfor easeof assembly,in accordancewitlr locat ting connectors;
[6 3l any lack of fit between stiff components is allowed for by the insertion of
flexil or compensating elements; and
Identfying in gcgeneral, procedures should involve a minimum number of simple opera-
Avoid muddlingsimilarparts, for instanccby thc usc of: tionsns and minimum tool use, provided, of course, that the function can be
- distinctshapes; full'il
- distinctdimcnsions of similarshope$tor itt.s(rtion of a part into the locating surfacesis facilitated by:
tc t,l.t
- clistinctfinishcs. ((1.$y
l.$Y (l('('('J.f t o t h c l o c a t i n g s u r f a c e ;
294 6 Embodiment rlr idelinesfor embodimentdesisn 295

-visual checks,for instance inspection holes;

-simple movements (for example translational) at the locating surfaces;
-short movements at the locating surfaces;
Guidelines Wrong Right
-special insertion
facilities, for instance, by chamfering; toring:
- avoidance of simultaneous fitting operations, for instance in stepped shaft
holes, by choosing locating surfaces of different lengths; and by . Easy
- avoidance of double restraints.
. clear
-provision of sensitive,repeatable adjustments; and
- avoidance of adjustments that affect previous adjustments: ling:
- rendering the results of adjustments measurable and controllable.

To lock the joints against unwanted movements due to operating loads,
. Dysnape


tr u

-to chooseself-locking,for exampleappropriatelypreloaded,joints; or
- to provide suchadditionalform-fitting or frictional locksascanbe asseml Picking
. Nohidden
without greatcost.

Provision holes
By appropriate measures, the designer must also provide for:
- simple checks on critical requirements (for example air vents in rota
machines). Inspection rules without adequate inspection facilities Moving
. Possible
pointless; and
- inspection and further adjustments without dismantling already a s s e m b l
Figure 6.120 gives examples of components designedusing these guideli
Further examples will be found in 16.223).

4 Evaluating easeof assembly I
il noprelerred
| . Symmetry
The above design guidelines for ease of assembly are quite generally applica I Dosttton
Their importance, or in other words their practicability, is however stror | . Markingofpreterred
L# r#
influenced by the nature of the production process and hence by the naturr I Position ---1---

the assembly operation. Thus, storing, picking up and positioning are particu i, .
ly important in automated assembly plants for mass-produced articles, w Automatic
moving, positioning and inserting are of special importance in heavy enginc
ing. Another crucial consideration in all types of production is whether a gir . Ease
product is assembledonce and for all by skilled company engineers,or whct
its maintenance and repair call for rcpcatcd asscmblyoperations by lcss cx1)('
outsidestaff. 6. 120.Designguidelines with examples
for improvingassembly in
Even if the designguidclincswc huvc given arc scrupulously <lbscrvcd, a n c cw i t h6 . 3 . 6 . 2 2 3 1
spccialcharactcristics murl rtlllbc tukcnintu account.l.or
6 Embodiment Coping with design faults, disturbing factors and risks

Evaluation criteria for assessingease of assembly

Simple executionof assemblyoperations

Joining: o Storing
Joining o Handling
. lorrepeated
assembly Identifying
Picking up
o Positioning
. if function
simple, allows Orientating
o Joining
. combine positioning
and o Adjusting
l0rnrng o Securing
o Inspecting
. fortolerances.
Allowing for

. goodaccessibility
Freedomfrom possibleassemblyerrors
Avoidanceof damageto components
Maintenanceof safeworking conditions
Observanceof ergonomicstandards
Avoidanceof specialtraining of the assemblystaff
. avoidanceofsimultaneous

Securing: Coping with design faults, disturbing factors and

if possible
simple, without
.1 Identifying design faults and disturbing factors
design process involves a series of creative and corrective steps. so far we
Figure6.120(continued) been dealing with the former alone. The designer, however, is forced to
amine his ideas and solutionstime and again, and to that end he makes use
lection and evaluation procedures.These facilitate the systematicsearchfor
evaluation of easeof assemblyit is helpful to consult the evaluationcriteria gi links. Even so, the designer can make mistakes, for instance by ignoring
in Table 6.5. faulty features as appear with progressiveembodiment. Now, it is essential
To begin with, all the components must be examined to determinc t ify potential faulty behaviour at the earliest possible stage and, more-
cost-effectivenessand scheduling. Next, the overall assemblyshould bc scr even in the case of satisfactory behaviour, evaluate the possible effects of
n i s e di n t h e l i g h t o f t h e g e n e r a le v a l u a t i o nc r i t c r i ag i v e n i n T a b l e 6 . 5 . E x p c r i c ing factors.
h a s s h o w n t h a t d e s i g nf o r e a s eo f a s s c m b l yc a n n o t b c q u a n t i f i c d a c c u r i r t c l y , idcntification of design faults and disturbing factors is facilitated by the
t h a t i t s c v a l u a t i o nm u s t , a s a r u l c , b c o f u q u a l i t u t i v ct y p c . l n p l a n n i n ga s s c r r r riite abandonment of the optimistic and creative approach in favour of a
for lnass-productiolt ()n I
tltc dcsigncrwill do better to buschis cvaluatir)ns I a n d c r l r r c c t i v eo n e [ 6 . 1 5 3 , 6 . 1 5 9 ] . T h i s c h a n g ei n p e r s p e c t i v ei s o f t e n
prtxluctionol' grrotolypcs, : u l t b c c a u s cs u b j c c t i v c i d e a s k e e p i m p e d i n g o b j e c t i v ee v a l u a t i o n s .
298 6 Embodimenr
il g with design faults, disturbing factors and risks 299

I Fault-tree analysis
The influence of faults and disturbing factors can be determined systemati(
Pno* /,
by recourse to what is known as fault-tree analysis 16.73,6.1271.
From the conceptual phase, the designer knows what overall function rr
individual sub-functions have to be fulfilled. The established function structrr
can thus be used to identify all the functions to be checked. These functions rr
now negated one by one-that is assumedto be unfulfilled. By reference to I
checklist(Figure6.2),lhe designercan seekout the possiblefaults or disr - ^^,--l
0perating normal I lul I lldl -

bancescausingparticularfunctionalfailures.The OR or AND relationshilr

thesefaults and their effectscan then be examined. - cl0sed closed
The conclusions will help him to improve his design and, if necessar\.
re-examine the solution concept or to change the rnethod of productit Faults - reaKage
assembly,operation or maintenance. Let us take a concrete example [6.t-st;
The design of a safety blow-off valve for a gas container (Figure 6.121) rrr
be checked for possible design faults during the conceptual phase. From r
00esnol 00esnol
o0en close
f 6.I22.Operating conditions, valve main functions and faults of the safety valve


Figure 6.121.Safety blow-off valve

for a gas container
Figure6.123.Construction of
fault-treebasedon faults
identifiedfrom Fisure 6.122
specificationand the function structure,it is possibleto specifythe operar
conditions depicted in Figure 6.122. The blow-off valve is intended to open
the operating pressure,pop, eXCe€ds1.1 times the nominal working pressrl ingly. On the basis of the information gained from fault-tree analysis,the
pno-, and to close when the container is again at nominal pressure: The n is able to revisethe specification(Figure 6.I25) before he proceedsto
functions are therefore 'open valve' and 'close valve'. The overall function c embodiment phase. As a result, his design will be greatly improved and
also be described as 'limit pressure'. Let us now assumea possible failure ol' tial faults avoided.
overall function, namely'valve does notlimit pressure'(Figure 6.I23). The vi r second example concerns the embodiment phase. Possible faults of an
functions shown in Figure 6.122, and their timing, are negated. They havc valve (Figure 6.126), are shown in Figure 6.127 and the appropriate
OR relationship with the overall function. Each fault thus identified is rrc production,assemblyand operationremediesin Figure6.128.
investigatedin terms of its possiblecauscs(Figure6.124).The fault wc that its verv nature, stressed
chosento investigatein more detail is 'doesnot open'. confined to important design areasand critical processes.What is essentialis
An identifiedcausemav havcto bc ussociatcd with furthercauseswith whit thc dcsigncrshouldlearn to usethis approachby rote. In other words,he
it has an OR or AND rclationship. tnd whlch mny hovc to bc hlbitually ncgatcthe identifiablesub-functionsand look for potential
300 6 Embodiment dcsilrr Coping with design faults, disturbing factors and risks 301

Figure 6.126. Sectionaldrawing of an alarm valve

for the fault 'doesnot open' Valve
cone Blow-cff
blocked aperture
tot blow-cffnlve
Salety Correctpressure Setting Erosion
dueto Covered
unknown notmarked wrongmaterial components
Force/preload Settlng
too Corrosion B owoffpipe(if
miscalculaled easilymoved Seleclionol wrongmaterial present)
| ,9.73 headwithplanesealing
Valve (valve
surface without
taper) [,lovement of preloadscrew Inclusionol wrongmaterial
nolmeasured correctly Springsticks to block
W r o nsgp r i n g Seatdistorted bycreep
valveheadandspindie Temperature toohigh
Dimensional errors
in components Clearancetoosmall
surfaces fit
Deformation of componenls

Figtre 6.127. Fault-tree analysisfor alarm valve (Figure 6.126)

25 Valve

26 Damping
of valvemovement
by reference to the headingsof the checklist, namely working principle,
27 Insta
lationin a c osed,ice-proof
area t and form design, etc (Figure 6.2).

28 frlction
N os l i d i nsge a l sa,v o i d
Influence of disturbing factors
29 fo01-pr00f
Ensure (eg diflerent
mounttng above approach should be applied not only to the examination of faults but
sizesfor inletandoutlet) to the search for potential disturing factors. Failures are often due to the
r. According to Rodenacker [6.169], disturbancescan be causedby fluctua-
of the input values, that is by qualitative differencesin the flow of material,
x) Requirements
0l rgy or signals entering the system. If these have a deleterious effect on the
laulttree result, they may have to be offset by special design features.
Di:;turbanceJ may also result from the function structure if the interrela-
ip l-rctwcensub-functions is ambiguous, or from the working principle if
plrysicirl cl'l'cct is not correctly anticipated. The selected layout and form
liigrrrc (r.125 I{cvision of sgrccilicltirrn irltcr fnttll.trcc rturlytis ,f.r irn(l tlrc associatcclmaterial propcrtv Iluctuatiottsand tolerqnccsneeded
302 6 E m b o d i m e n t t l es r r r l Coping with designfaults, disturbing factorsand risks 303

.2 Designing for minimum risk

ite provisionsagainstfaults and disturbingfactors,the designerwill still be
with gaps in his store of information and with evaluation uncertainties-for
nical and economic reasons?it is not always possible to cover everything
Blow-off h theoretical or experimental analyses. Sometimes all the designer can hope
blocked do is to set limits. Thus despite the most careful approach, some doubt may
ain whether the chosen solution invariably fulfils the function laid down in
A,R Testin D Provide
lockfor D Check choice A, R Check environment specification or whether the economic assumptions are still justified by the
setposition adjustment
screw of material ol valve
P,R Check
ly changingmarket situation.In short, a certainrisk remains.
on D,0 Forbid useof
production(choice pipe
blow-otf One might be tempted always to design in such a way that the permitted limits
of materials D Avoidcovering not exceeded, and to obviate any impairment of the function or early
D Desrgn andfits) holewithballor mage by running the equipment below full capacity. The practical engineer
P Production D,RFixtemp conefilter
A Assembly range A Install pointing
valve that with this approach he very quickly comes up against another risk: the
0 Operation 0, RCheck operating solution becomes too large, too heavy or too expensive and can no longer
Iemperature pete in the market. The lower technical risk is offset by the greater economic
D Spring mustnot
R Record
required stickto block

Figure 6.128. Various corrective measures as a result of the fault-tree analysis (Figure
Coping with risks

d with this situation,the designermust ask himselfwhat countermeasures

can take-provided, of course, that the solution was carefully chosen in the
for production and assembly may not have the effects they were assume(l place and the appropriateguidelineswere scrupulouslyfollowed.
have. Finally, the influence of external disturbing factors such as temperatutc The essentialapproach, which we shall be examining in greater detail, is that
moisture, dust, vibration etc cannot be neglected,and measuresmust be take designer must, on the basis of the analysisof faults, disturbing factors and
to avoid potential faults. spots,provide a substitutesolutionagainstthe possibilitythat the original
tion misht not cover all uncertainties.
In the systematicsearch for solutions, several solution variants were elabo-
3 Procedure
and analysed.To that end, the advantagesand disadvantagesof individual
All in all, the analysis of faults and disturbing factors and their eliminat tions were discussedand compared. This comparisonmay have led to a new
should be conducted along the following lines: improved solution. As a result, the designer is familiar with the range of
-Identify, and then negate functions. ible solutions; he has been able to rank them and also to take stock of the
-Look for possible causesof faults in ambiguousfunction structures,such nomlc contralnts.
o imperfect working principles; principle, he will select the cheapestsolution, provided only that it has
o imperfect form designs: icient technical merit for, though it may be more risky, it will afford him
o imperfect material, energy and signal flows; ter economic leeway. The chancesof marketing the resulting product, and
o abnormal factors causing undesirable reactions of the system in respcct of judging the validity of the solution, are greater than those of marketing
s t r e s s e s .d e f o r m a t i o n s .s t a b i l i t y . r e s o n a n c e .w e a r . c o r r o s i o n . e x p a n s i r lier product, which might jeopardisethe entire developmentor, becauseof
s e a l i n gp o w e r , s a f e t y .e r g o n o m i c s .p r o d u c t i o n . q u a l i t y c o n t r o l . t r a n s p o r l 'riskless'
design, cannot provide information about performance limits.
operation and maintenance (Figure 6.2). While he is well advisedto adoptthis strategy,the designershouldassiduously
- Determine what conditionsmust bc mct for faults to ensue(for exilnll reckless developments that might lead to damage, breakdowns and a
AND or OR relationships). dcal of unnecessaryirritation. If risks cannot be eliminated by theoretical
- Introduccappropriatc dcsignrcmcdicsby improvingon theoriginalsolulion, or experiment in good time or with justifiable outlay, the designermay
<lr hy clcvisingchccksof production,arrcmbly, tr$nsport,opcratitln iutd f<rrccdto opt for the cheaper and riskier solution, but he should alwayskeep a
mnintcntncc.On thc wholc it in bcttor to lmprovcon thc origilralsohriion costly,lcssriskyaltcrnativein reserve.
304 C o p i n g w i t h d e s i g nf a u l t s . d i s t u r b i n g f a c t o r s a n d r i s k s 305

t could be obtained if forced convection was substituted for natural

To that end, he must develop the less cost-effective solution proposllr
vectioncooling(Figures6.I29b and 6.130).
elaborated in the conceptual and embodiment phases into a second or thirtl
This raised the difficult question of whether natural convection cooling would
solution reservedfor critical design areas,and ready for immediate use in casctrl
rtheless meet the required operational conditions and, if not, whether the
need. Provision for such development should be built into the chosensolution ll
elaborate and more costlv alternative with its additional cooling circuit
the latter should not meet all expectations,it can then be modified, if necessitrv
uld be accepted bv the customers.
step by step, without great outlay in money and time. 'minimum risk' decision-that is to construct the housing in such a way
ihir ryti"-atic approach not only helps to reduce economic risks for :r
t either cooling system could easily be used-helped the designer to gain
tolerable outlay, but also to introduce innovations one at a time, and to provitlt'
rience for only a small increase in cost.
a detailed analysis their performance, so that further developmentscan lrc
made with minimum risk and at minimum cost. This approach must, of cours(', /
be coupled with a systematic follow-up of the practical experiences gairr"l
through it. Hemp-packing
By designingfor minimum risk, the designerthus tries to balancethe technicrrl / c I
againstthe economic hazards and so presentsthe producer with useful experi' {fl-
encesand the user with a reliable product. - Theory
2 Examples of designing for minimum risk

Example 1 /
A study of possible improvements in the performance of a stuffing box shorr..'tl
that, tb inirease the sealing pressure and the iurface speed, the resulting
frictional heat on the shaft must be removed rapidly in order to keep tltC
Figure 6. 130. Theoretical
temperaturein the sealingareasbelow the limit. and experimental
.Ib that the packingringsbe mountedon the shaft temperature
ttrat end, it wassuggested lL- determinations at the seal
as to rotate with it and rub againstthe housingrather than the shaft. The hc
plotted against the
generatedby friction could then be extractedthrough the thin wall (Figtt _2-
peripheral speed on the
e.ngd. Theorticaland experimentalstudiesshowedthat a markedimprov :-
(a) Layout as in Figure
h 6.I29a
(b) Layout as in Figure
Figure 6.129.Cooled stuffing box (c) Conventional stuffing
in which the packing revolves box with packing
with the shaft. The appropriate ?3 m/s attachedto the housing
designof shaft and pressring
ensures the internal connection
ofthe packing rings; a very short, ple 2
heat path facilitates good heat the development of a series of high-pressure steam valves operating at
extraction; peratures of more than 500"C, the question arose whether the customary
(a) heat extraction by natural
convection currentsin the
hod of nitriding the valve spindles and bushes should be retained despite the
surrounding medium, dependent that the nitrided surface expands with temperature (thereby reducing the
on the prevailing air flow ial clearance), or whether very much more expensive stellite hard facing
( b ) h c a t c x t r i t c t i o t lt r y f o r c c t l ld have to be substituted. When the problem first arose,there was a lack of
c(Ilvcclion tluc t() scpilriltc uatc information about the long-term behaviour of such layers at high
cortlingrir flow crtsuring 'minimum risk' solution adopted was to selectthe wall
hllhcr flow vckrcilics nnd
lncremcd hcnl cxt rtct ion krrcsscs of the valve spindleand bushesso that, if
and thc clinrcnsions
306 6 E m b o d i m e n t ( l e\ r t n Coping with designfaults, disturbing factorsand risks 307

necessaryand without changingthe other components,stellite-treated pirrtt

could be substitutedfor the otherswhenevernecessary. As it turned out, tlrc
operatingtemperaturerangewas considerablylower than had beenanticipaterl.
so that nitriding provided a satisfactorysolution and also helpedto identify tha
operationallimits. Once theselimits were known, the more expensivesolution
could be reservedfor more demandinsconditions.

Reliable design calculationsfor large machine parts, particularly in onc olf
production,dependon the analyticalmethodsand the postulatedconstraint\,
It is not alwayspossibleto predict all characteristics
with the necessary
of accuracy.This applies,for instance,to the determinationof the criti,rrl
whirlingspeedsof shafts.Often, it is impossibleto predictthe preciseflexibrlrry
of the bearingsandfoundations.However,the differencebetweenhighercritirul
whirling speedsin high-speedinstallationsis small in the rangeof flexibilitrtr Figure6.132 Figure6.133
normallyencountered. In the situationdepictedin Figure6.131,'minimumr isk' e 6.1,32. Support which, by selecting different spacers, allows the distancesbetween
designcan once again be applied to advantagebecausethe spacingo1 tho bearings to be varied.
rre 6.133. Plain bearingswith laminated springs1, allowing adjustmentsof
ibility (BBC). (Laminated springs also have good clamping properties thus narrowing
critical range)

g the many suggestionsput forward for a device to wind a strip into a

layeredring, two seemedparticularlypromising(Figures6.734a and b).
solutionshownin Figure 6.134ais the simplerand cheaperbut alsothe
ier of the two, becauseit is not certain whether the inner rotating mandrel 1
is invariably able, despite the increased friction produced by the knurling
-B the pressure of the springs 2, to move the strip 3 forward.
the pressurerollers
e solutionshownin Figure6.I34bis lessrisky, because
to the ends of the springs and the feed roller 5, which moreover can be
riven, make the advance of the strip more certain. This solution,
r, is the more costly of the two, and also more susceptible to wear
use of the greater number of moving parts
Theoretically Flexibility
of 'minimumrisk' solutionis that shownin Figure6.I34a,but with a feed-in
range bearings
whichcannot foundations r as in Figure 6.134b, and arranged in such away that, if need be, it can be
befurther n without alterationof the other parts (Figure6.134c).
is additional element proved essentialwhen the machine was tested, and
Figure 6.l3l. Critical whirling speeds(qualitative)for a shaft plotted againstthc readily available.
flexibility of bearingsand foundations

bcarings,which has a major influcrrccon the critical speed,can be acl.j large electrical machines, fans attached to the shafts ensure the efficient
(Figurc6.132).Intcrposcdsprirrglaminations (Figurc6.133),morcovcr,llk ing of the windings and the laminations.
altcrationof thc cffcctivc l'lcxibiliticn.Both measurcs,takcn tugctlrcr quantity of air involved cannot, however, be predicted with accuracy
scpuratcly,will produccthc requircdcffcct to that thc sccondor third critir of thc uncertain inflow and outflow relationships.Hence, in the first
whirlingspccdctn bc clinrinnlcdfnrm thooporrtln3ipccd rtngc ol'thc nrlclr s. thc blaclcswcrc maclc adiustable to facilitate the correction of the air
308 6 Embodimentdcsrlrr 7 Evaluating embodiment designs 309

6.135.Blades of a coolins fan in an electricalmachine: the anele can be altered to

djust the air flow (AEG)
slot for balancing weights; b grub screw for fixing the blades; c rotor; d blade

7 Evaluating embodimentdesigns

63 5.8 we discussedthe subject of design evaluation. The basic procedures

tlined there apply equally well to the conceptual and to the subsequent
F i g u r e6 . i 3 4 . . As embodiment progresses,the evaluation will, of course, rest on more
(a) Proposedwinding device more concrete objectives and properties.
^1rotating mandrel; 2 pressuresprings;3 strip to be wound; 4 parts of the ejection In the embodiment phase, the technicalproperties must be evaluatedin terms
mechanism the technical rating, R,, and the economic properties separatelywith the help
( h ) P r o p o s e dw i n d i n gd e v i c e
1 rotating mandrel; 2 springswith pressurerollers; 3 strip to be wound ; 4 parts of ejectit
the calculated production costs in terms of the economic rating, R.. The two
mechanism;5 feed-in roller loaded by spring and possiblydriven ings can then be compared on a diagram (
(c) Chosen solution The prerequisitesof this approachare:
1 rotatingmandrel;2pressure by
springs;3stripto be wound;5feed-inroller tensioned That all the embodimentdesignshavethe samedegreeof concreteness, that
spring6 and drivenby belt 7 is the sameinformationcontent(for instance,rough designsmust only be
comparedwith rough designs).In many casesit suffices,while keepingthe
overall perspectivein mind, to evaluateonly thoseaspectsthat show marked
throughput(Figure 6.135).With enoughexperience,it was then poSsiblc
differences from one another.Oncethat hasbeendone,their relationshipto
Here, asin Examlllc
and cheapercastconstuction.
substitutea non-adjustable the whole, of course, must be examined,for examplethe relationship
the possibilityof makingcorrectionsensuresa 'minimumrisk' solution.
betweenpart costsand total costs.
The sameapproachcan alsobe usedfor morecomplexventilationsystcrlls.
That the production costs (materials,labour and overheads)can be deter-
which the air quantities and pressurelosscscannot be predicted with accurir(
mined. If a particular solution introducessubsidiaryproduction costs and
All theseexamples are intendccl shouldmcct ri
to showthat the designer
demandsspecialinvestments, then, dependingon the point of view (produc-
not simplyby considcring thc l'irststcpbut ulsothc sccondor third, whiclrc
er's or user's),
thesefactorsmust be allowedfor, if necessary
by amortisation.
oftcn bc donc at rclativclysrnilllco$l, Expcricncchus shownthat cmcrgc
In addition, optimisationcan help to achievea minimisationof production
nlcasurcst() corrcct unlilrcsccnftrultr are mgny timcs morc costly itnd
und opcratingcosts.
310 6 Embodimentdesirrr 7 Evaluating embodiment designs 311

If the determination of production costsis omitted, then the economic ratilrrl rs described in7.l. They are instancesof the common case in which what
can only be evaluated qualitatively, as it was in the conceptual phase. In tht' to be evaluatedis not the overall design but designvariants in chosendesisn
embodiment phase, however, costs should, in principle, be determined more Fisure 6.137 shows the three variants of the bearins bracket to be
concretely. aluated. In variant Vllhe bearing bracket is fitted directly to the front wall, as
As we mentioned in 5.8.1, the first step is to establish the evaluation criteritt welded construction. In that case, the rotor can only be assembledvertically
They are derived from: the top, which must be facilitated by the appropriate housing shape.
- the requirements of the specification:
o desirable improvement on minimum demands (how far exceeded); and
o wishes (fulfilled, not fulfilled, how well fulfilled);
-the technical properties (to what extent present and fulfilled).
The exhaustivenessof the evaluation criteria is tested against the headings t'l
the checklist (Figure 6.136), specially adapted to the level of embodimcrrt

Heading Examples
Function in accordance
Fulfilment withtheselected principle:
efficiency, to disturbances
design requirements,
Space weight, fits,scope
arrangement, lor modifications
Formdesign Durability,
sealing, life,wear,
Salety Direct methods,
safety industrial protection
safety, ol theenvironment
Ergonomics lVlan-machine
Produclion Risk-free
methods, time,heattreatment,
setting-up surface
0ualitycontrol possibilities
Testing v3
Assembly Unambiguous,
easy, adjustable,
c0mf0rtable, resettable 6.137.Design variants for bearingbracket. Simplified diagram (AEG-Telefunken)
Transport lnternal transportati0n,
andexternal means packing
of despatch,
0peration Handling, behaviour,
operational properties,
corrosion Variant I/2 consists of a separate bearing assembly of welded construction,
ol energy ich is bolted to the machine base. The rotor is assembledhorizontally, with
Maintenance Servicing, repair
checking, andexchange bearing bracket unbolted.
Costs Evaluated (economic
separately rating) In variant V3, the bearing bracket is incorporated in the end plate as a cast
Schedules Production
schedule date
andcompletion component which replaces the front wall, closes the lateral housing
rturesand is bolted to the housins.
The evaluation of the technical properties (technical rating) is made with the
Figure6.136.Checklistfor evaluatingembodimentdesigns
of an evaluation chart, Figure 6.138 (see also Figure 5.51). Since evaluation
At least one significant evaluation criterion must be considered for euch teria for such desisn areascannot be fullv derived from the specificationof the
heading, though sometimes more will be needed. A heading may only ltc ire machine, it is useful to consult the checklist (Figure 6.136). The following
ignored if the correspondingproperties are absent from, or indentical in, all tltc ings of the checklist apply to the case under consideration:
variants. This approach avoids subjective over-valuations of individual pro.
p e r t i e s .I t m u s t b e f o l l o w e d b y t h e p r o c c d u r a ls t e p so u t l i n e d i n 5 . 8 . 1 . tion- Lay o ut design- Form design
I n t h e c m b o d i m e n t p h a s e ,e v a l u a t i o nn l s r lc o n s t i t u t c sa n e s s c n t i a sl e a r c hl o r bearing spacing permits higher speeds,quieter running and shorter
wcak spots. ovcrallconstruction.
As an examplc of thc cvaluation of dc*i3nr ln thc embodimcnt phasc, wc shlll tligh stiffne.rsof the loaded areas of the bearing and housing reduces
c o n s i d c r t h c b c i r r i r r gb r i r c k c t l i r r u s c w i t h l h ! h o u * i n g o f t h c r i r n g c o l ' c l c c t n c dcformltionof thc air ventsand leadsto smootherrunnins.
JIL 6 Embodimenl rlcrrr,rr 7 Evaluating embodiment designs 313

Good damping characterlsllcsrender the machine less susceptible to damag-

ing vibrations.

ll *
@ @
o O

O O =: s'=
L- Incorporatior? of the bearing into the housing reduces the danger of injury
through projecting edges and gives a more satisfactory form design.
@ S> ILS
>_ ides minimising the production costs (which are assessed separately in
o = += o = rmining the economic rating) the designer should, because of limited
o O
E uction capacity:
il ll ^
try to make do with few productionfacilities; and
Sq ^i'F6 o-
S @ @ N

so aim for a high level of sub-contracting.

S ity contr ol-A ssembly-Tr ansp or t
=s .F= design of the bearing bracket influences the assembly of the rotors, the
E E tting and inspection of the air vent, and the assembly of the seals and the end
B = B E = trr

O o E
o E s of the housing. The rotor assembly, in particular, also influences the
o sport facilities because of its great weight.
o , il^ oil Hence the desisner should aim for easeof assembly and inspection
=- s=
O o o

s- n-Maintenance
l l i l N
E= @ N
r= servicingof the sealsbetween housing and shaft, and also the inspectionand
ning of the motor windings, is affected by their accessibilityand the ease
o = r=
, =E o
h which they can be dismantled.
oo = B
= Hence the designer should aim for an easy exchange of seals and simple
E Ea =E

c E of the interior of the motor.

f E bo
'a -:qJ In Figure 6.138, the three designvariants have been evaluatedwith the help of
c criteria, and the appropriate parameters values entered. Weighted values
a E O
o obtained by means of weighting factors. The evaluation shows that the
o E E
'= c
L c
o oo
>6 o nical ratings impose the order V3-V1-V2, Vl and V2being relatively close
E tqo
o each other. Variant Iz3 has not only the highest technical rating but also the
o6= <6 c
t balanced value profile.
= N N O a o o
The economic rating is obtained from an analysis of the production costs. To
O O O O O O o a i6o 'ideal
rr^ ll )= ate the ratings. the costs' were set at 80 per cent of the cheapest
o c 6
c c
ttt O
iant. Figure 6.139 gives the economicratings of the three variants obtained as
o c
c o o
E ooS
c -E
o?- For a full assessment,the technical and economic ratings of the three variants
E -
== >ll
('iJ EE
@6 .-PE I- ao

z N
Variants Vt V2 V3
Figurc(r.139.Economic production
costs 106% r 0 0% 11t

ratingof the threedesign

variantsshownin Figure Economic
0,75 0.8 0,16
6 .t 3 7
3r4 6 E m b c l d i m c n tr l r s r r , r

have been incorporated in a rating diagram (Figure 6.140). The reader will sr.,.
that though variant 73 has the highest technicalrating, it is also the most cosrlr Developingsizerangesand modular products
In the case under review, the costs of the evaluated design area amount to ollr
5 per cent of the overall cost of the motor, so that the economic ratings of tlr,.
cheapestand most expensive variants alter the overall costs by no more thrrrr
about 3.3 per cent. Moreover, with variant v3 the cosis of the housing ,,,,.


.1 Sizeranges
V1 1erangesprovide a rationalisationof designand production procedures[7.31].
For the manufacturer they have the following advantages:
| 0,6 The design work can be done once and for all and can be used for a host of
v3o The production of selected sizes can be repeated in batches and hence
0,4 becomes more cost-effective.
Higher quality is possible.
Figure6.140.Comparison is implies the following advantages for the user:
of the technicaland 0,2 competitive and high quality products;
economicratingsof the
designvariantsshownin short delivery times; and
Figure6.137 easy acquisition of replacement parts and fittings.
0 0,? 0,4 0.6 0,B 1.0 Disadvantagesfor both manufacturer and user are:
^ limited choice of sizes, not always with optimum operational properties.
By size range we refer to technical artefacts (machines, assemblies or
slightly reduced. In view of the pronounced effectsof deformation and dampirrr: ponents) for a wide sphere of applicationsthat:
on the smooth running of the machine, variant V3 was judged to be the best ol fulfil the same function;
the three despite its relatively low economic rating, the more so as cast enrl are based on the same solution principle;
plates were known to produce good results in practice.
are made in varyingsizes:
involve similar production techniques.
If, in addition to the range of sizes, other associatedfunctions have to be
ted, then modular products (see 7 .2.2) will have to be developed side
side with size ranges. The development of size ranges may be original or
on an existing product but must, in either case, be carefully graded. We
to the initial size as the basic design and to the derived sizes as sequential
In the development of a size range, similarity laws play an essential, and
l-geometric preferred numbers a useful, role.

Similarity laws
lnrctric similarity ensuressimplicityand clarity of design.The designer
lws, howcver, that technical artefacts stepped up in geometric proportions
srl-callcdpantograph constructions)are not satisfactoryexcept in very rare
: s . l l t p i r r t i c u l a r ,p u r c l y g e o m e t r i c a lm a g n i f i c a t i o ni s o n l y p e r m i s s i b l ew h e n
t16 7 D e v e l o p i n g s i z e r a n g e si i n d m o d u l a r p r o ( i r , I 7 [ Sizc ranges 317

;imilarity laws permit, which should always be checked. These laws are usr',| Table 7.2 lists important similarity relationships in the development of size
i,/erysuccessfullyin model testing 17.28, 1.30, 7 .32,'7.361.In general, howevt r anges for mechanical systems.They are by no means exhaustive and must be
lhe development of size rangeshas a different objective from model technologr, pplemented from case to case, for instance in bearing developments bv
namely to achieve: mmerfeld's number and in hydraulic machines by the cavitation number and
-the same level of material utilisationl pressureindex.
-with similar materials if possible; and
-with the same technology.
Table 7.2. Special similarity relationships
lt follows that, if the function is to be fulfilled equally well throughout the rani',
lhe relative stressesmust remain the same. Similarity Invariants Definition Description
We speak of similarity if the relationship of at least one physical quantitv rrr "O;Sry
Kinematic gr,9t
the basic and sequential designs is constant. It is possible to define bu'r,
similarities with the help of the fundamental quantities length, time, forr,'
quantity of electricity (charge), temperatureand luminous intensity (Table 7. I t atic 9r-.9t Hooke Ho: Relative elastic force
n'. r,
Iable 7.1. Basicsimilarities
Dynamic 9L' 9r' 9F Newton Nr: -!- Relative inertia
Similarity Basic quantity Invariants Q'vt'L'

Geometric Length Ho o. v2
E 1 , : L 1 lL 1 y C a u c h *y Ca:';;: Inertia force/elasticforce
Temporal Time 9t: tltt T
Force Force cpp: FJFl
E,lectrical Charge qo: QJQo
Thermal Temperature E,1: $ylt)11 Froude Fr: Inertia force/gravitational
Photometric Luminous intensity gr
et:Jrllo force
NN ** E,lasticforce/gravitational
Thus we have geometric similarity if the ratio of all the lengths of any sequentnl e'8'L force
design to all the lengths of the basic design is constant. Here, the norr. L'''Q
dimensionalparameter to be held constantis gl: L1lLs, where L1 is any lengtlr Reynolds Re- Inertia force/frictionalforce
in liquids and gases
of the first member of the size range (sequentialdesign);and Ls the corresporrtl.
ing length of the basic design. In the same way, we can describesimilarities irr 9L,90 Biot Supplied or removed/conducte
time, force, electricity, temperature and luminous intensity. quantity of heat
If two or more of the basic quantitesare in constantproportion, then we hirrc
special similarities. Now, model technology has defined dimensionlessp:ur. 9 r ' 9 r po Fourier Conducted/stored
quantity of heat
meters for important and recurring similarities. Thus, in the case of sinrrrl-
taneous invariance of length and time , we have kinematic similarity , and in t lrr,.
caseof simultaneous invariance of length and force we speak of static similaritt , In some texts, we find Ca : v . t/ pt E . This is appropriate if Ca is intended as a velocity
A very important similarity, namely dynamic similarity, appears whcrr ;r
constant force relationship is combined with geometric and temporal similrrr Not named.
ities. Depending on the forces involved, we arrive at different dimensiorrl,'sr
parameters. Thermal similarity deservesspecialmention because,in the case,'l
geometrically similar size ranges and the same utilisation of materials, it canrr,rl
Similarity at constant stress
be squared with dynamic similarity.
* F u n d a m e n t aplh y s i c aql u a n t i t i e a In heavy engineering systems,inertia forces (forces due to mass, acceleration
s r e a s l i s t c di n t h c o r r g i r r l (l l c l r l u n t c x t . ' l - h cl r ; r ' , r ,
p h y s i c aql u a n t i t i esse l e c t efdo r t h c S I s y s t c rtni i l l c rs l i g h l l vr r r t t l ,l o n gw i t ht h c i l b a s i ct r r r t . etc) and elastic forces resultinq from the stress-strain relationship play a
s h o w ni n b r a c k c t su,r c :l c r r g t h ( r r r c t r c t) il r r r t ' ( s r ' c o r trtul ); :r s(sk i l r r g t i t r tct l)c: c t l i ct ' r t t tr, l p r c t k l r r r i n a n tr o l e .
( q r n r l t c r c ) ;l h c r r l o t l V r r i r r r r itcc r r r l l c r ; r t r r r (ck c l v i r r l ; l t t t r l l t t t t t i t t o t t ist t t t ' t t s i t v( c l t t r l t ' l l r ) I l r ' l l ' t h c s t r c s s c sa r e t o r e m a i n c o n s t a n t throughout a size range, then
t l i l l c t c r t c c s t l o t t o l ; r l l r ' t ' tl l t u n t i t t c i D l r ' :r l t ' r t t t l r e t l 0-t'l:-cortstlrnl.
318 7 D e v e l o p i n g s i z e r a n g e s a n d m o d u l a r p r o t l r r ,L Size rangcs 3le

In that case the stressparameter becomes: le 7.3. Similarity relationshipsfor geometricalsimilarity and cquirl strcsses: tlt'pcrrrl,
: of important quantities on length
,r^:o':1!: r th Ca: Qv2lE:constant and the same material, that is a : E :const f, : c()r.tst
os fo Eo
n the caseof geometricalsimilarity the following relationshipsoccur
W i t h t h e s a m em a t e r i a l , t h a t i s a t E p : E t l E o : 1 . we need:
t; : Speeds, n, rr.r
l, orup, : +
cp,: €11€1y: t, or cpzr: er nding and torsional critical speedsftr,, a",
z L t )L r
trains e, stresseso, surface pressuresp due to inertia and elastic forces, speeds y
With this so-calledCauchy condition, all changesin length must increasc rl 9r."
stiffnessess, elastic deformations A L (Ptt
.he same ratio as the appropriate lengths. The elastic force parameter th( r)
rarnss, stresses
o, surfacepressures
p due to gravity
orces F
otAt rsP
(Ppp.: : ezt , with eo : gu.cPp,: I and cpt: g2y
ooAo eights W, torques I, torsion stiffnesses,s,
M o m e n t sM
, , M,
l'he inertia force oarameter is:
nd moments of area I, J (Pra
fttIat QtVtat
- assmoments of inertia I' , J'
vFt: gts
rt0a0 QoVoao
te: The utilisation of the materials and safety level are only constant if the influence
with the dimensions on the material propertils can be ignored.

Qp: QrlQo: l, Ev : Vt/Vo: tlltt, : rtt

rnd Size ranges developed in accordance with these laws are geometrically similar
L{A et nd provide for the identical utilisation of the materials.Such deveioDmentsare
ible whenever gravity and temperature have no decisive influence on the
"^_ rrh_A
r sign. If they have, the use of semi-similar seriesis advisable(see 7.1.5).
ve have

Eet: ELlg2, Decimal-geometric preferred number series

A. dynamic similarity, that is a constant ratio between inertia and elastic forr* we are familiar with the most important similarity relationships,we still
vith geometric similarity, can only be attained if cp,: Ey: to determine the best method of choosing the individual steps of a size
nge. Kienzle [].24,7.251and Berg [7.5 to 7.9] have arguedrhat a decimal-
?pp: Qzr: Qpr: ELlrPt-: E2L tric series is the most useful.
.Ience the velocity ratio becomes: A decimal-geometric series is based on multiplication by a constant factor cp
is developed within one decade. The constant factor E determines the step
cg,: grlclt: qrlEr: I
of the series and can be expressedas:
With the same material, the same result can also be derived from the Cauclrv
rumber (Table 7.2), for when p and E remain constant then the dynarrrrc E : \EJ-q,: \,M
;imilarity will only remain constant if the velocity v also remains constant. re n is the number of steps within a decade. For 10 steps, the serieswould
For all important quantities such as power, torque etc, ancl u'itlr have a factor:
pr:ch:const. andcpr:gr:gn:9,: l , i t i s n o w p o s s i b l ct o c s t a b l i s ht l r . '
; i m i l a r i t y r e l a t i o n s h i p ss h o w n i n T a b l c 7 . 3 . ,o:Vlo:1.25
I t s h o u l d b e r c m c m b c r c c lt h i t t t l t c u t i l i s i r t i o r o t l t l t c r t t i r l c r i a l sl n c l t h c s i r t c t r i s c i r l l c cRf 1 0 . T h c n u m b e r o f t e r m s i n t h e s e r i e si s z : n * 1 .
c l t l t c r l i r n c n s i t ) n (s) l l t h c r r r l r l c r i , r l
c v c l o n l y r c r t t a i r tc ( ) n s t i r n ti l t l t c i r t l ' l u c r t c o 'l'lrblc
7 , 4 s c t s o u l t h c m : r i n v a l u c so f f o u r p r e f e r r e dn u m b e r s e r i e s[ 7 . 1 2 ] .
r l o p c r t i c sc i r r rl r c i u r r o r c t tl h r o r r g l r o r tr ltr c r i r c t i l n F c . 'l'ltc
t t c c t l l o t g c o t n c l t ' i cs c i r l i n gi s o t l c r r l i r u n c li n c l a i l y l i f c a n c l i n t e c h n i c a l
7 Developing size rangesand modular 7 1 Size ranges JLl

t.4. Main values of preferred numbers [7.121 Diameter

d in mm (logscale)

50 12s 140 160 180 200 17+ zS0 zg0 315 355 400 450 s00
Basic series Basicseries
R10 R20 R40 R5 R10 R20 R 4t) 58

1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 52

1.06 4.25 50
t.t2 l.r2 4.50 4.50 48
1.18 4.75 46
1.25 1.25 r.25 s.00 5.00 5.00 L7
r.32 5.30 /.0
r.40 1.40 5.60 5.60 38
1.50 6.00 36
1.60 1.60 1.60 6.30 6.30 6.30 6.30 30
1.70 6.'70 o 2B
1.80 1.80 1.rc 7.r0 5 26
1.90 7.50 2L
2.00 2.00 2.00 8.00 8.00 800 70
2.12 8.50 18
1 1A
2.24 900 9.00 to
2.36 950
2.50 2.50 2.50 I
2.6s 6
2.80 2.80 L
3.00 7
3.15 3.15 3.15
3.35 ?LN
3.55 3.55 727
3.75 2io 340375
Figure 7. I . Frequencyof seal di ameters d of scraper rings for tu rbine shafts; continuous
:e. The resultingseriesconform with the Weber-Fechnerlaw which line: actual situation; broken line: suggestedsizerange
re physiologicalsensationproduced by a stimulusis proportional
hm of the stimulus. The use of preferred number series thus provides the following advantages
the [7.33] has shown how, in the development of friction drives, t .12):
er instinctively chooses the main dimensions by means of geomctrit Appropriate scalingleads to the selectionof nominal sizesin accordancewith
;. Our own work on turbine shaft oil scraper rings has confirmed tltt demand. The finer series have common numerical values with the coarser.
;s. In Figure 7.1, shaft diameters are plotted using a logarithmic str With proper gradation it is possible to approximate an arithmetical series.
t the number of newly designedoil scraperrings (or rings on order) ovt'r This facilitates jumping from row to row and hence provides the different
of 10 years. The results show that there were 47 diameterswith pcirkr steps needed for matching the distribution of the market requirement. The
r r l e s sr e g u l a r i n t e r v a l s ,w h i c h c l e a r l yd e m o n s t r a t e sa g e o m e t r i c asl c i r l i r r preferred number series contain both decimal powers and also doubles and
v e r , t h e n u m b e r o f n o m i n a l s i z e sw a s d i s t u r b i n g l yl a r g e - s o m e d i f f c r c t l halves.
f c w m i l l i m c t r c s a n c lg a v c r i s c t o v c r y s m a l l p r o c l u c t i o nb a t c h e s .[ - t r c k r -There is a reduction of the dimensionalvariants by the choice of dimensions
r r c 7 . 1 a l s os h o w s ,i l ' l l r c f ' c r r c cs li z c si t r c s c l c c t c cwl i t h t h c h c l p < l tt h c l { . bascd on prcferred numbers with a consequent saving in manufacturing
t l r c n u r r r h c l o l v i r r i i r n t sc i r n b c r c c l u c c t l o l c s s t l u t n I t i t l l , g i v i r r l r l i n l r r r c t i o n s ,c q u i p m e n t a n d m e a s u r i n gt o o l s .
c r i r l r l y n r o r c b i r l i r r r c c ti rl r r r lh i g h c r r c ( p l i r c n l c t l lp c r t t t t t t t i t t i tsl i z c . l l r r t l t h c - Sincc thc llrocluctsancl qr.roticntsof terms of the seriesare in turn terms of a
c r s c l r r l s c l sl r r c l rp r c l c r r c r l n u n r t r c r st l c l i b c r i r l c l y .u t l l u c ht t t r t r cs t t i t r t t r l rt 'r r c g c o r r r c l r i c i rsl c r i c s ,l r n l r l y s c si r n r lc i r l c u l l t i o n sr c c l u c cr n a i n l yt o m u l t i p l i c a t i o n
worrltlhlvc crttcrgctl ty itscll, l r r r r tl l i v i s i t r r rA s . r i s c t l n l i r i n c riln t h c l l r c t ' c r t c rnl t t n t b c rs c r i c sw i t l t a g o o c l
-)zL 7 D e v e l o p i n g s i z e r a n g e s a n d m o d u l a r p r o d L r tr ' Size ranges 323

approximation, geometric gradation of component diameters will generatt. I

circumferences, circular areas, cylinder contents and spherical surfaces thlrt
are, in their turn, terms of the preferred number series.
- If the dimensions of a component or of a machine are terms of a geometricrrl I 3.r5
series, then linear magnifications or diminutions will give rise to preferrctl R
a 2
numbers in the same series provided, of course, that the magnification or t.0
diminution factor is also selected from the series. 1
- Automatic growth of the size range will be compatible with existingor futurr' 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 01 2 3 1 5 6 7 8 9 r 0 1 2 3 l . 56 7 8 9 1 0 r 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 01 2 3 i - 56 7 8 9 1 0
ranges. Termnumber *

Er l:i,Tlllflltrffiffi ffi
7.1.3 Selectionof step sizes
In general, when trying to rationalise a product size range, the designer uill

TypeA TypeB TypeC
trffiffi ffiffi
D TypeE
select his increments once and for all. To that end he makes an approprilrrr. Figure 7.2. Step characteristicsofsize ranges[7.16]; (factors assignedto each step)
selection of step sizes, for instance in respect of power and torque. T-lt;rr
selection can be based on several considerations.First of these is the markcr In Type B, the lower part of the range is divided up coarsely (for instance
situation, which as a rule requires small incrementsso that the varied demarr,l. g:1.6 corresponding to R 5) and the upper part more finely (for instance
of customerscan be met most effectively. The second considerationis efficierrr :1.25 corresponding
to R 10). Suchdegressive
geometricalproduct ranges
design and production. For technical and economic reasons,the selected step should be used whenever a coarser grading for the smaller product sizes is
sizes must be fine enough to meet the technical demands (for instanct,. ically justifiable.If a degressive
gradingis ssed, it should alwaysbe
power), and yet coarse enough to allow large-batch production based on;r on the combination of several preferred number series with decreasing
simplified range. The selectionof optimum step sizesthus involves an integratt'tl ep factors and not on a constantly decreasingseries since, on the one hand,
approach to the'market-design-production-sales' system, and requircs at adaptations may be needed can be made accurate enough and, on the other
information about: d, adherence to the preferred number series is advantageousfor the reasons
-market expectations(sales)in respect of individual sizes;
have already set out.
-market behaviour in respect of simplified ranges and the resulting gaps,
Type C has a greater increment in the upper range and is used if demand is
-production costs and times of the various step sizes and the effect on thc
ncentrated on smaller sizes. It is also known as a progressive geometrical
overall production costs; and ge.
-properties of each product in the size range.
Type D has a smaller, and Type E alarger, step factor in the middle part of
Since the optimum selectionof step sizesmust be based on all the factors wo range.
have mentioned, it is not always possibleto opt for a constant step factor; mo16 For simplicity, we can generally take it that the size gradation must be the
often technical and economic considerations will demand the breakup ol r the greater the demand and the more precisely certain technical stipula-
particularrangeof sizesinto severalsets. s have to be met. A different gradation can be chosen whenever the market
If we define a characteristic
number N of a ranse suchthat: ands and without great design effort. Needless to say, the effects on
Greatest term of the ranse uction must be taken into account as well.
N: : rnn
In grading, a distinction must be made between independent and dependent
Smallest term of the ranse
uantities. As a rule, the task itself determines which sizesmust be treated as
wheren is the numberof the stepsin any particularrangeand z: n * I is tlro pendent and which as independent. For example, geometric grading of the
numberof terms,then the factor: output may be advantageous for market reasons and grading of sizes by
q:VN' ferred number series for production reasons. If the two are associated by a
Thc rangccan bc split up by mcansof a<'onstant r,>ravariublefac:tor,thirt ir, r law (Figure 7.3, curve a) then both can be graded by a preferred number
by stcps within and/or bctwccn coarscror fincr prcfcrrcd nunrbcrsclicr ics, cither with exponent p :1 (linear growth) or with p # 1 (non-linear
(R .5-R 4t)).1'hc rcsultingstcp charactcristics
arc shownin l-'igurc7.2, h) (see 1.1.4). In Figure 7.3, the dependent and independent quantities
A hus u constuntfuctor (for instunccqt= 1.25corrcsponding to l{ l0; vc bccn plottcd logarithmically. If the preferred numbers have the same
ovcr thc cntirc rungc. rr. lhcn thc spacingis constant(Figure7.4)
324 7 D e v e l o p i n g s i z e r a n g e sa n d m o d u l a r p r o d u r t Sizc ranges

stepped line for size relationships based on a power function (curve a ) and for
non-linear relationshipswhich are not governed by that function (curve b).
D5 Independent sizes In, Izs etc have been assigned to the geometrically graded
Dqs part of the rangesDtDz, D2D3 etc. This correlation is obtained by replacingthe


t; ri l DtDz, D2D3 etc with their geometric mean values Drz: \/il:D, and then
drawing the stepped line accordingly. This is preferable to fixing the line
intuitively, which is done far too often. It will be seen that the dependent
D relationships based on curve a once again result in a geometric grading of the

R ). steps,while the non-linear relationshipsbasedon curve b do not (in other words,
the 1'- values are not geometrically graded). Here the designer must again
D,, I decide for what sizesa gradation based on preferred numbers is still appropriate.
/ rf
Further deviations from strictly geometric gradings may, as we have already

2 t\z lb.""' l,o, l'ro

'" ,ro los
said, be imposed by manufacturing considerations.Practice has shown that it
may be more economical to provide arithmetic or even irregular incrementsfor
some component dimensions, so that, in a product size range, semi-finished
P Ne g q [ m m-]
materials, which are not usually geometrically graded, can be exploited more
Figure7 3. Gradingof independent (1)anddependent (D) quantities.
For a power fully, or the manufacturing processcan be simplified (see 7.1.5). Even though
functionthereis a linearrelationshipon the PN (preferrednumber)diagram(curverrI
grading based on preferred number series is generally advisable, the designer
for othersthereis a non-linearrelationship
should not use it rigidly, but decide each case individually after cost analysis.
Deviation from geometric grading will also occur if certain dimensions only
However, technical systems may not involve power relationships betu'crrt
have to be stepped, while others have to be adapted to specific customer
dependent and independent quantities. In that case, not all the sizes can l)c
mands. This is called a sliding arrangement [1 .15), and may prove most
geometrically graded. Here the designer must decide, depending on the trrsk,
ive when the special dimensioning involved does not lead to a significant
whether he grades the independent or the dependent quantities in accordantc
in production costs.Thus for the ball valve seriesdescribedin [7.15] the
with a preferred number series.
imensionsof the housing, drive shaftsand bearingsare firmly stepped,whereas
For economic reasons,it is often advisableto split the range into parts and lrr
e plugs and sealing rings have been given 'sliding' dimensionsfor hydrodyna-
replace several sizeswith just one for each part (semi-similar size range). hrrt
reasons. A similar approach is used in the design of turbines and thermal
care must be taken to ensure that the stepped line needed for such gradatiorrrl
uipment 17.261.
roughly equivalent to the continuous curve. Figure 7.3 shows the resultirrg

.1.4 Geometricallysimilar sizeranges

4..J'o the basic design, the choice of materials and the necessarycalculationsarc to

0 tr ^
nd, and if the nominal dimensions lie roughly in the middle of the intcndcd
range, then nearly all technicalrelationshipscan be expressedin the gcncral
| : cxP or logy : logc *plog,r.
l-T- F i g u r e7 . 4 . T e c h n i c a l Every preferred number (PN) can be expressedby PN: l)mtn oy'
t.0 +1 relationshipsin the PN
d i a g r a m ;n s t c p n u m b c r r n log (PN) : mln
rl t h c f i n c s t u n d c r l y i n g/ ' N
1,25 3J54 63 I 1 0l ? s s c n c s ,c v c r y i l l l c r s c c l r ( ) r 'sr hcrc nr is the step number in the PN range and n the number of steps within

I p r c l c r r c d n u r n b c ro l t h i s
r c r i c s ; c v c r y i r r t c g irr l
c r l c c a d c . I l c n c c t h e t e c h n i c a lr e l a t i o n s h i pc a n a l s o b e e x p r e s s e db y :
n- c x l ) o n c n tl c l t l s b : r c kt o tfly
- ftl,.
'*lt m,.
lrt I l t t o l l t c t p t c l t ' rt c t l t t r t t t t l t t ' t il ntl
326 7 D e v e l o p i n g s i z e r a n g e s a n d m o d u l a r p r o r l r r ,r Size ranges 321

The basic design is assignedthe index O, the first successivemember of tlr,' 560
size range (sequential design) the index 1, the k-th member the index k.
All relationships can now be represented by straight lines in a doublr'
logarithmic graph, the slope of each line correspondingto the exponentp of llr,'
technical relationship (dependence) (Figure 7.4). For simplicity, we entcr tlr,'
preferred numbers instead of the logarithms and so obtajn a very practicalrl,'
visual tool for the development of size ranges,as Berg [1 .7,7.9] has pointed orrr ,I
Every intersection represents a preferred number, and is always produced l,r = 160

lines with integral exponents. If the abscissagives the nominal sizex, then llr,' ? 1t0

factor g*:xtlxo. In geometrically similar size ranges it is equal to the lenltlr

E rnn
factor cpy. Once the basic design has been fixed, all other magnitudcs
=80 I
dimensions, torques, power, speeds etc-can be derived from the knou rr E B
exponentsof their physical or technical relationships(see Table 7.3) and can 1,,' mm
drawn as straight lines with the appropriate slope (thus weight, ew: Et3, rrrll
o v J
h a v e a s l o p eo f 3 : 1 ) .
l =
3U sll
As a result, the main dimensions of the product can be expressedin diagrrrrrr - r4n5 ,l
form without the need for further drawings (see Figures 7.5 and7.6). I *l= ll,5 l

Such data sheets enable the designer, starting from the basic design. trr -E _ 28 "€

provide the salesdepartment, the purchasingdepartment, the planning deprrrt - ti'

-- ?n E
I :]R
. 16
e 14
I t?s
'= 117

I s10


; 63 80 100 125 160200 250 315 400 500
= R10 -t- R2A 4
-H! -1- H5---H6-l--H7 -- -1.-HB
63 80 10012s160
-u5. -1 v5--.1*x5 J x7 L-xB_
C l a sosf s h r i ntki Id t o rl d t d : 1 1 + 0 . 3 % "
dt_ r
gure 7.6 Data sheetfor the gear coupling sizerange in the nominal dianteter ritngc (r,
rresponding to the basic designshown in Figure 7.5. Dimensionsgeometricallysimilar
ceptions: outer sleeve diameter D of the smallest member for reaions of stiffnessI
ndard module s m are not stepped in accordance with preferred numbers ; special
adaptatron of prtch circle diameter becauseof the demand for an integral, even number of
tccth. The classof shrink fit is shown under the abcissa

fit d:
Shrrnk w i t h4 n o :, a t . , = r i o , - 12 . r - 1 1 - 6 32-.115 = Z n n
nt and the production department with crucial information on every size in
ff=t r tosr" *S , , henceD:/5selecled-s=4mm J rangc.
\r I /
I t s h o u l d , h o w e v e r , b e r e m e m b e r e d that the measurements cannot be
altsl.crrcclclircctly from the data sheetsto the drawings (which need only be
,'']"' r r l c o n c c i r r r o r c l c r h a s b e e n r e c e i v e d )unless the following factors have also
l , i g r r r e7 , 5 l l r r s i ct l r ' r r g rtr, r r l . l t ' l r(r' o u l ) l i n l \l r / ( , r . t t l l l ( .r,/ , - l { X l r r r r r r b c c t t l i r k c r ri n t o c o n s i c l c r a t i < l r r :
7 D e v e l o p i n g s i z e r a n g e s a n d m o d u l a r p r o r l r r ,r r I Size ranges 329

1 . Fits and tolerancesare not in geometric step with the nominal sizes,the sizc t rl
a t o l e r a n c eu n i t i f o r a d i m e n s i o nD b e i n g g i v e n b y j : 0 . 4 5 . l / D + 0 . 0 0 1 / ) ,
that is, the factor for the tolerance unit being determined by the relationshrgr
Qi: Qtll3.
Particularly in the case of shrink and interference fits but also of functiorr.
determined bearing clearancesetc, the tolerancesmust, becausethe eluslrt,
deformations tend towards er, be adapted accordingly. In other wor'(l\,
smaller dimensionsmake more, and larger dimensionsless, severe deman,ls
(Figure 7.6).
2 . Technological limitations often demand deviations. Thus a cast wall cannot lrt.
reduced below a minimum thickness, and certain thicknessescannot lrc
completely hardened by quenching. In all such cases,the limiting dimensi,,rrr
must be ascertained,as was done, for instance, with the smallestsleevc l.r
the gear coupling shown in Figure 7.6, which had to be strengthenedbr';rrr
i n c r e a s ei n t h e w a l l t h i c k n e s s( D : 7 I m m t o D : 1 5 m m ) . T h e s a m ep r i n c i l , l c
applies to measurement and machining provisions.
J. Overriding standards are not always based on preferred numbers, so tlrc
relevant componentsmust be adaptedaccordingly(seeFigure 7.6-fixing rhc
Display of a gearbox sizerange [7. l4] (Flender)
4. Overriding similarity laws or other requirements may impose a more l)ro.
nounced deviation from geometric similarity, in which case semi-sintil;rt
s e r i e ss h o u l d b e u s e d ( s e e 7 . 1 . 5 ) .
Once the necessarydeviations from geometric similarity have been dctr
mined, if necessaryby checking drawings of the critical areas, they are entercd i
the data sheet. Production documents need not be prepared until actuir
needed. To illustrate the size ranqe. sav in catalosues or advertisemcnt
displays of the type previously reserved for technical drawings have come r
increasinguse [7.7, 7.25]. Figure 7.7 shows an example basedon a gearbox
Figure 7.8 shows the basic design of a geometrical range of torque-limitc
providing for equal utilisation of materials. If the lining wears, the dro1.r
torque must be kept as small as possible.This is done by meansof a I
number of peripheralcoil springswith relatively flat characteristiccurves.
sizesof the torque-limiterfulfil the similarityconditionsmentionedin Table 7
relationships between forces are kept constant over the entire range ancl
utilisation of the material is constant.
Figures 7.9 a and b are the relevant data sheets.The identifiable deviatiorr
dimension B is determined by the overriding standardwidth of the chain whc r e 7 . U .B a s i cd e s i g no f a t o r q u e - l i m i t e r( R i n g s p a n nK G )
(bought-out parts); the deviation of ,4 by the use of standardscrewsand taps rr
also by technological factors (wall thickness). Figures 7.10 a and b show r
be realised. Significant deviations from geometrical similarity may be
s m a l l e s ta n d l a r g e s tm e m b e r o f t h c s i z c r a n g c r c s p c c t i v e l y .
posedby the followingfactors:
7.1.5 Semi-similar
sizeranges ovcrridingtaskrequirements; and
(ictlntctricallysirnilirrsiz.criutgcsburedon e decimal.gcornctric rtvcrritlingproductionrequirements.
scricscirrrrrol In rrll suchclscs,.roni-sitnilarsizerangcsmust be developed.
7 Developing size ranges and modular protlut lr 7.1 Size ranges 33r
500 2s000
450 20000 neglected, then the relationships derived from the cauchy condition no longer
400 16 0 0 0 ly. This, as we have explained, is because,while the inertia and elasticforces
3s5 12500
315 r 0000 t constant speed depend on the length factor (gn: gpp:e2r), the weight
280 80 0 0 lncreasesas:
250 6 30 0
4000 9 p * : p t . s - V r l @ o ' 8 - V i : g p g 3 r , a n d f o r c p o: l , as er*: e3r.
180 . 11qn
Table 7 .2 showsthat, if all other material propertiesand the speedremain
160 I tioo tant, length is the only variable dimension. If it does vary, the relevant
140 I 2000
125 | 1600 imensionlessparameter cannot remain constant-that is, the relationship of the
117 | 12s0
r00 | 1000 WD rcesmust change.Hence with similarcross-sections
the stresses
90 800 nd geometric similarity cannot be maintained. This is the case, for instance,
E 80
71 5 500 ith the construction of electrical machines and convevor svstems.
: 63 b= 400
56 l1q
'o influenceof thermalprocesses
; 50 ?50
45 ; 200 similar seriesof problems ariseswith thermal processes.Constanttempera-
5 /.0 E 160
b- - 125 ure relationships96 only apply when there is thermal similarity, regardlessof
q ! 100
J I,
W her the heat-flow is steadyor fluctuating.The first caseis representedby
?8 E80
= 25 so-calledBiot number, Bi:hLll U.201, where ft is the heat transfer
77 440 ient and /. the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the heated wall. Here
18 _? 31,5 it is obvious that, with approximately equal heat transfer coefficients (the
t0 ity remaining the same) and with the same materials, only the length can
11 =20
12 o 16 ry, and indeed must vary in a size range. As a result the dimensionless
11, 17,5 rameter governing thermal similarity cannot itself remain unchanged.The
10 10
63 80 1001251602002s0 315 80 100125160200 me is true of fluctuating heating or cooling processes represented by the
Nominal D inmm+
dlmension D inmm+
Nominal r number:
0 b Fo = ltlksLz),
gure 7.9. Data sheetsfor torque-limiter shown in Figure 7'8
parts re ,t is the coefficient of thermal conductivity, c lhe specific heat and g the
I Dimensions adaptedto overriding standardsor the sizesof bought-out
torque T, weight W and moment of inertiaWD2 sity of the material. If the material remains the same, the time r and the
) Main parameteri:
h L are variable. For the Cauchy number to remain constant. the time must
ry as a function of the length. Once again we are left only with the length,
ich must be variable in a size range. Hence the Fourier number can only
in constant if:

o is, if the time varies as the square of the length.

e =e
All other thingsbeingequal, therefore,thermalstresses
due to temperature
b riationsincreaseas the souareof the wall thickness.
igure7.10. Layouts from the size range shown in Figure 7.9 (RingspannKG);
) smallest similarity relationships
) largest the function of a device is determined by physical processesthat do not involve
rtia or elasticforces, then the physicalrelationshipsmust be taken into
Overriding similarity laws siderationin all designsbasedon similaritylaws[7.18,7.30,7.32,7.36].
In a plain bearing,for instance,the operatingconditionsare set by the
{luenc'eof gruvity crfcld number:
incrtiil lirrccs.clilsticlirrccs:rndwcilhl rct lolclhcr. und il thc liltlcr cilnnothc So: pq4l(qco)
JZ 7 D e v e l o p i n g s i z e r a n g e sa n d m o d u l a r p r o t l t t tl r .1 Size ranges JJ.'

'here p is the mean pressure, r/ the non-dimensional clearance, 17the dynantrc tasmuch as inputs and outputs may vary widely in size, as happens with paper
iscosity and @ the rotational speed. nd print products.
In a machine that otherwise obeys the Cauchy number, we have Figure 7.11 is a schematicrepresentation
of a rathe.Here, the size of the
an-operated controls cannot be increased with the size of the range; indeed
,ft,- - .^ -.2 I - I
.. - PtV2r\ottto me cannot be altered at all. Thus the operating height must always be adapted
U"f6r*,: to man, and there are some operations that require an exceptionally long turning
length or an exceptionally large turning diameter. In all such casesthe machine
With elastic forces we have ep:1, with weight we have gp: et', for the rcst,
'e have: as a whole must be designed on semi-similar principles, while individual
assemblies such as spindle drives, tail-stocks etc can be developed as geometri-
9v: 7, 9.: 7 1 9 Y ,c P n =1 a t I : c o n s t ' y srmrlarseries.
y'ith elastic forces, therefore, we have gs,,: eri with weight gs,,: El. 'lltr'

ommerfeld number increases with the overall size, the bearing becottt,r
rcreasinglyeccentric and, at a given size, may take up the clearancenecessiu\
i s u r e7 . I l . L a t h ew i t h m a i n
rr lubrication. nsions and controls
In a pipe with laminar flow, the loss of pressure is expressedby: wn schematically;the
l p' : f ! . 9 r t : 3 2 n ! , y haveto be variedto suit
d2 d2
,here f : 641R" in the laminar region, R": dvpfry, / : length of I q,. * cp,,but if possible
: diameter of pipe, v : velocity in the pipe, e : densityof the fluid, = cpr,: I for ergonomic
: dynamicviscosityof the fluid. eo=* 9r=# 'p,=
"0 ng " Da
With r7: constant,the pressurelossfunctionbecomes:
clzp: Q,lQr Overriding production requirements
'hus, development of a size range is aimed at high cost-effectiveness.within the
if the pressure loss is to remain constant, the velocity in the pipe nr
lcrease in proportion to the size. As a result, the Reynolds number n nge, especiallyif it is finely stepped,individual componentsand assemblies
tcrease to such an extent that the transition region for turbulent flow is reachc be more coarsely stepped to provide larger batch sizesfor even greater cost
r which case the above equations no longer hold. tiveness.
Electric AC motors that have a discretespeeddepending on the pole numl Figure7 .12is the datasheetof a geometrically
annot be used to adjust the speed of a finely stepped range of machines (lr sevensizes.Stuffingboxesand locatingboltsare steppedmore coarselythan
rstance pumps) to maintain a constant Cauchy number. The consequenr rest, ensuringgreaterbatch sizesand greatereconomy.Figure7.13 shows
rould be varying stresses and different outputs and the remedy is a suititl increasein batch sizesfor an assumedsalesprojection.
d a p t e d s e m i - s i m i l a rs e r i e s . All these examples make it clear that it is not always possible to adhere to
:metricallysimilarsizeranges;instead,the designermuststrive,with the help
similaritylaws,to arrive at that sizerangewhich providesthe highestoverall
Overriding task requirements ilisation of the strength of every component. Depending on the physical
'he raints, each size will have to be individually selected.This is best done with
c h o i c e o f a s e m i - s i m i l a rs i z e r a n g e m a y b e i m p o s e d ,n o t o n l y b y s i m i l i r r i t help of exponential equations, as we shall now go on to show.
lws but also by overriding task requirements. This situation often arises irr
r g o n o m i cc o n t e x t . A l l c o m p o n e n t sw i t h w h i c h h u m a n b e i n g sc o m e i n t o c o n t
Adaptation with the help of exponential equations
n t h c c o u r s co f t h c i r w o r k - e s p e c i a l l y t h c c o n t r o l s ,h a n d l e s ,s t a n d i n ga n d s r t t i
, l a c c s ,a n d s a f c t y f c a t u r c s - m u s t f i t m i t n ' s p h y s i o l o g i c a ln c c d s a n d p h y s i c l l ponential equations are a simple means of dealing with the requirements
l i n t c n s i < l r t sI n
. g c n c r l l , n o n c o f t h c s c c o n r p r ) n c n t sc a n b c c h a n g c d w i t h t l r o n t i o n c d u n d e r 7 . 1 . 5 . 1 - 3 a n d o f d e v e l o p i n gs e m i - s i m i l a rs i z e r a n g e s .
siz.crlf thc rangc, As wc havc pointed out, nearly all technicalrelationshipscan be expressedby
An ovcrriding rcquircnrcntrnily rlso rppcur for purcly tcchnicll rcils(ln\. rwcr l'uncti<lns.
7 D e v e l o p i n g s i z e r a n g e s a n d m o d u l a r p r o t l r t 't '
7 I Sizcranges 335

r000 expressedby preferred numbers starting from the basic design (Index 0):

800 wheeldiameter
Turbine !x: !ogr)"k i-xr:xugL'"k; rr: Zoer'"k
mm pipediameter
630 part:outletdiameter
Reaction where 91 is the chosenstep factor of the dimension chosenas nominal in the size
s00 Meanpistondiameter range' 10,x0, z0 are the appropriate values of the basicdesign,k is the k-th step,
Bnd y., Je and ze are the associatedexponents.
Since cp is a constant, we have for all elements ct : ci
3 1 5 .4
250 Mainsealdiameter lu : locPtv.k: c(xocpy'"k)p"
Stuffing : C XqP"Z1.P' . EtG"ktt-+ z"k r,)
200 z Bearing frontPinion
diameter: llt
160 Bearingdiameter:
With ye - cxoP^zoP' we have:
'1 portdiameter
25 IoEJ"u : Y,EtG.kt'+z"kr,)
? boltdiameter
Locating By equating the exponents, we obtain:
E 80 Flangeboltdiameter
Valvediameter Jc: xepxl Z"pr,
hich is independent of k.
Here y", x" and zc are the exponents to be determined, and p* and p, the
/.0 ysical exponents of x and z.
31.1 The exponent ye must be determined independently of xc and zc.
25 Let us now consider a practical example: the provision of sprung elastic
peline supports for a range of geometrically similar valves (Figure 7.14). The
400 llowing requirements must be met:
26s 710 the stress in the spring due to the weight of the valve must be constant
are geometricallysinrrl throughout the range;
Figure7.72. Data sheetfor turbine sizerange: main dimensions
deviations are determined by standards; stuffing boxes and locating bolts are in largcl the stiffness of the spring must increase as the bending stiffness of the pipe;
steps than the other comPonents the mean spring diameter, 2R, must preserve geometricalsimilarity with the
increasingvalve size (nominal dimension d).
What law must the spring wire diameter 2r and the number of active coils,
Type 265 315 400 s00 630 710 800 n, obey?
\umDer 6 I s 6 3 2 I First of all the appropriate relationships must be set down, so that the
3 locating exponential equation can be determined (the subscripte shows that only the
exponent of the corresponding quantity is involved):
)lZe 0 4 00 5 0063 6 1 1 0 8 0
a75 ,3',r5
Number1 8 77 77 r8 I 6 3 F: Cd3 (1) F,:3d" (1')
Fieure7.13.Salesforecastin respectot to
Comblned F.R
(2) r.: F. * R. - 3r":6 (2')
tuibine sizerange(Figure7.12)and the Size 0 3 15 050 o80 13nf2
associated bolts.Becauseof the large tq 1B
Number /q

stepsizes,largerbatchsizesarepossible Gra
.)-- (3) s" : 4r. - n" - 3R" (3',)
T h u s a p h y s i c a lc ; u i t n t i t Yo f ' t h c k - t h m c r n b c r o f a s i z c r a n g c c a n t l l t c r l
[ . c t r / b c t h e i n d e p e n d e n tv a r i a b l e .
r e p r e s c n t c cbl y :
S i r r c c t h c s p r i n g s t r e s s m u s t r e m a i n c o n s t a n t , t h e f a c t o r ( p r : 1 , and the
I'l -- t'u1u/''-ul" xponcnt r" = 0. Thc stiffnesss of the spring must correspond to the bending
'l I l l i l l r r c s sr r f t l t c p i p c s .A c c o r c l i n gt o T a b l c 7 . 3 t h i s i s e n s u r e db y E , : E r S i n c et h e
1 c r l c p c r r t l u t l v i t l a i l h l c t , l n ( l t h c i t t t l c l t c t t t l c r t tv t r l i t t b l c s t l t t t t l ; c i t t t i t l w l t t r
36 7 Developing size ranges and modular ,)-)/

Substitutingequations(5') and (6') in equation(2') we obtain:

3 d " +d " - 3 r " : 6

r.: (413)d" (7')
q S u b s t i t u t i n ge q u a t i o n s( 4 ' ) , ( 6 ' ) a n d ( 7 ' ) i n e q u a t i o n ( 3 ' ) , w e o b t a i n :
: 4rr- n"- 3d": 4.

ffi- +| n" : 4r, - 4d" = 4(413)d, - 4d" : (413)d"

Result: Spring wire diameter 2 r and the number of active coils n must
increase as d4t3.
In that case. the factor is:

Qr: Qn: qdt4/3

The spread of the individual sizes is shown qualitatively in the data sheet
r e p r o d u c e di n F i g u r e 7 . 1 5 .


ample 1
range of high-pressuregear pumps is to consist of six sizes giving delivery
umes ranging from 1.6 to 250cm3 per revolution at a maximum operating
of 200bar and a constantinput speedof 1500rev/min.In Figure7.16
steps laid down for the six sizesare plotted againstthe delivery volumes. The
l o w i n g r e l a t i o n s h i p sa r e i n v o l v e d :
ABTO The pitch circle diameters (each pump size has only one) are graded in
Noninalsizeof valve a c c o r d a n c ew i t h R 1 0 w i t h a f a c t o r o f B u : 1 . 2 5 , t h e s i z e sd e v i a t i n g v e r y
tigure7 .1,4 Figure7.15 slightly from the preferred numbers by virtue of the constant.integral number
rigure7.14.Valvesupportedin pipe line by meansof coil springs
of teeth and also because the standard values of the modules rn differ very
rigure7.15.Data sheetfor semi-similar
coil springs slightly from the R 10 series.
The volume delivered per revolution resulting from the tooth geometry is

rasic dimension d of the valves i n c r e a s e sg e o m e t r i c a l l y ,e s : E 6 , s o t h a t V :2n dnmb, where b : gear tooth width.
)xponent of s becomes:
From one size to the next, and at geometrical similarity, the volume delivered
s": d" ( lore lncreasesas:
The loading is equal to the weight of the valve F; the weight dimcnsiorr : Qt3 : 1'253:2,
'elated to the basic size d by Qv : cPa,,cP^qt
E r : E u : . T h e e x p o n e n t o f F r e f e r r e c lt o , /
hcrcforc: the volume delivered doubles from step to step (Figure 7.16).
p u m p p ( ) w er P : A t t . I / i n c r e a s e sa s
/'' : 3d'
l l ' t h c n r c a ns l l r i n gc l i i r r n c t ci rs t r l i n c r c i r s ci n l l c ( ) n l c t r i c asli r n i l i r r i t yw, c Ep: E^p(EYlcP)
l i l v C V ' t { - - r 7 ' . 1{ ) f i

ll,. - r/" (t ' l V'rt, : I irnclt1, -_-I

]8 7 Developing size rangesand modular Size ranges 339

250 0 and the increasing bending mornents due to increasesin tooth width) with a
cm3/rev shaft of constant diameter, the three pumps with the greatest tooth width in
160,0 each size group must have their output pressure reduced. For overriding
100.0 economic reasons (identical shaft diameter, identical bearings), the first two
800 pumps of each size group do not have their strength fully exploited.
630 - The delivery volumes of the top three pumps in any size group correspond
50,0 the bottom three of the next group up. A delivery pressure of 200 bar can
10,0 therefore be obtained over the entire delivery-volume range.
3 15
80.0 25,0 This particular size range was conceived as a semi-similar series with a small
r * l 20.0 number of housing sizesand severaltooth width sets, so that, at the same drive
50,0 160 speed and pressure over the entire range ('overriding task requirements') and
4 0 0 12,5 also at constant gear tocth size, constant gearwheel and shaft diameters per
31,5 1 0 0 housing size ('overriding production requirements'), the maximum possible
2 5 0 B,O
range of delivery volumes could be provided.
t20,0 6,3
16,0 5 0
B O 17,5 4.0 Example 2
m m 1 00 In Figure 7.r1 theoutput P of asize range of electric motors with varying pole
l s 0 8.0 numbers (speeds) has been plotted against the various product sizes (shaft
I "19
boJ 1.f,
5,0 heights H). The shaft heights are in accordancewith R 20 andhave a step factor
25 40
20 315 3'r50
1600 B - p o t . mPo.x
igtreT .1.6.Data sheetfor a size range of high-pressuregear pumps: I/ volume delivt rt' r120
lr revolution; b gear-tooth width; do pitch circle diameter ot gears (Reichert, Hof) 1000
ecomes: 710
t P p : c P v: 2 630
iecauseof the constant rotational speed, the torque is steppedup accorclillfl 500
-Every pump size has been provided with six tooth widths b, exccpl 450
smallestsize which has eight, so that smaller stepsin the volume delivcrctl t 400
b e o b t a i n e d . T h i s m e a n s t h a t f o r e a c h p u m p s i z e t h e g e o m e t r i c a lv ( ) l u 35s
c l e l i v c r e dV, = 2 n d 1 1 m b ,w i l l h a v e a f a c t o ro f 9 v , , : Q u : 1 . 2 5 , r d 1i t n c rl r t l r t ' t 3r5
'l'hc 280
c o n s t i r n ta n c lt h c c h o s c nt o t t t h w i c l t hf a c t t l rb c i n g c 1 t 5 :| . 2 5 ( R l 0 ) . p,trr
ctlrvc fi)r illlv ollc Dullll sizc tltcn lrcctltttcs: 750 Figure7 17.Outputdatasheetfor
/t\ an electricmotor sizerange(AEG
I ' r , , *| \ ' , . - { l - l ' 2 5 7r ) 0 T e l e f u n k e n[)7 . 1 ]
l'r'r ((10 /,50 500 560 6 3 0m m7 1 0
Io copc rvitI the nlcchllnicill sllcrr('r (terttlliltF Itrlttt lltc ittt'rt'irsittl.l ['r0(lri(;l (:;lr;|ll
:;t/(] l{) -
lrcirllrl -
7 D e v e l o p i n g s i z e r a n g e s a n d m o d u l a r p r o t l t t Lt 7 I Size rarrges 341

a: o,tJBbhtD.Ihttt
A : 1.12. The output of the electric motor is governed by P
at constant angular velocity o or speedn, current density -I and magnetic I I t rr
nsity B, the output is proportional to the conductor dimensionsb, h, / and itl', '
the distance Dl2 of the conductor from the shaft axis.
The output factor is therefore given by:
c P p : Q r 4: l . \ 2 4 : 1 . 6 ( R 5 ) .

ln the 4-pole motor (1500rev/min) the output range is therefore 500-3150k\\

Becausepower output varies with speed, and also becausethe dimensions"l
e conductor, the diameter of the rotors and the heat removed by ventilati,'rr t_a
ve to be varied, the slower 6-pole version must be reduced by three steps ( I
2240kW) and the S-pole version by a further two steps (280 to 1800kW)
To provide marketable and finer output increments and also to satisfv tlr,
'erriding production requirements, four outputs are provided per shaft hcir'lrt
motor size, so that the output curve assumesthe form of a steppecl lirr'
n a l l e r o u t p u t s a r e o b t a i n e d b y v a r y i n g t h e s i z e o f t h e e l e c t r i c a l l ya c t i v e p ' ' r t .
rd fitting them into the same size of housing. In contrast to what happenc,l rrr
r(ample1, the outputs for the different size groups (fixed pole number) clo tr,'l
r e r l a p ,( a l t h o u g ht h i s h a s b e e n d o n e w i t h o t h e r m o t o r d e s i g n ss o a s t o m a l r r l , r r r l
Figure 7.18 showsthe welded housingsof the motor range in greatly simplili,'tl
rm. The stepped sizesof several important dimensions are entered in a tlrrlit
Leet(Figure 7.19).Itcan be seenthat the shaft height H,the housingheight i /tf
t DBlpns=9y)
rd the distance between the foundation bolts B and A are all stepped up by t 3 1 5 6a
c t o r E y : g H : 1 . 1 2 , R 2 0 . J u s t o n e h o u s i n gl e n g t h B C i s p r o v i d e df o r t h e l o \a
rtputs per shaft size (Figure 7.18). This is possiblebecausedifferent sizesol I

ectrically active parts can be fitted easily into one housing size. Without tlri
315 25.0a 900
rparationof the housingsfrom the electricalcomponents,the layout would ttr
I economic and several housing lengths would have to be provided for c;tt
2 8 0 | 22.t,

raft height l7 .271 I

Because of
'overriding similarity laws' on the electrical side (for instant't' 250 H.zo,o 710

:spect of the windings) the housing length step factor ps6 cannot be kc \n ?u. 18,0 630
)nstant over the entire range of the shaft heights. Figure 7.19 shows t
rcreasein step factor for BC with increasingshaft height, the step sizc tr 200 16,0 EAN I
rproaching R 20 for the last two housingsof the range. 'l I
14.0 500r--
Let us now look at a few detailed measurementsof this housing desiglr 3 5 5 400 450 500 560 630 710
aseplatedimensionsAA and BA have been graded by a singlestep factolur lr Figure7.19 Product
c s b c t w e e n R 2 0 a n d R 4 0 . T h i s w a s d o n e t o s a v e m a t e r i a lw h i l e m a i r r t i r i r t r
r c m i n i m u r n c l i r n c n s i o n sn c c d c c l f o r a s s c m b l yo f f i x i n g b o l t s . T h c b i r s c p
Figurc 7. lfi Housing for the electric motor sizerange (simplified) shown in Figure 7 17
r i c k r r c s sI I A l t a s b c c r r s t c p p c c l i n a c c o r c l a n c cw i t h t h c u s u a l s c m i - l i n i s h (AEG Telefunken);
r l t c r i i r lc l i r r r c n s i o nbsu, l l l y l r n c l u r g cl i r l k r w sI l 2 0 . [ ' o r t l t c s t r c n g t h c l t i nIgi l r r
r l r r i r tl h i c k n c s s/ l / : i s p r o v i t l c r lt i l r l o t r r l t o t t s i r t gs i z c s .O n l y l t l r l l t c l l r t l l , ' ( i r ) c r o s ss c c t i o n s (lt) elevation
o r r s i l t gi r r c t l t i c k c r r i b s r c t l r t i r c t l ,
l l c c l i t r s co l o v c l r i r l i r r gs i r r r i l l r r i t \l 'i r u ' s ,o v c t t i t l i r t g l ; r s k r e t l t r i r e l l l ( ' l l r r t l l r i g r r r c7 , l ( J ,1 ) r r t rsrh c c t t o r l t o r t s i n gr l i n t c r t s i o nosl t h c c l c c t r i cr t t o t o rs i z cr a n g ci n F i g u r e
7 , l 7 ( S v r r r l r o il rssi r rI ; i g u r c7 . l l l )
v c i r i r l i r r gl t r r r t l t r r ' l i ornt . t l r r i r t . r r r r ' r ti rl rt ,r l i r ' i r l t t it rl il t t t r ' t t s i o tittst t t lt t o t t t i t l l rrlt r , ' t
a Aa
J+L 7 D e v e l o p i n g s i z e r a n g e sa n d m o d u l a r p r o d u ( l \ 7.2 Modular products 343

may have to be stepped in accordance with laws that differ from those leading ttr whenever possible. Since in a modular system the overall function results from a
geometric similarity. In every case, however, the designer must, in the first combination of discrete units, the development of modular products demands
instance, aim at size ranges based on the appropriate similarity laws and th(' the elaboration of a corresponding function structure and this calls for greater
preferred number series and only deviate from them after careful consideratiorr design effort during the conceptual and embodiment phases than does a pure
of the costs involved. size range development.
The modular system can provide a favourable technical and economic solution
whenever all or some different products are required in small batch numbers
7 .1.6 The developmentof sizeranges only, and whenever they can be based on a single unit or on only a few basic and
Size-rangedevelopment can be summed up as follows: additional units.
1. Prepare the basicdesignfor the range. This can be completelynew or derivt,l Besides fulfilling a variety of functions, modular systems can also serve to
from an existing product. incease the production batch size of identical parts for use as building blocks in a
2. Determine the physical relationships (exponents) in accordancewith s i m i l l r r variety of products. This additional objective, which greatly helps to rationalise
ity laws, using Table 7.3 for geometricallysimilar product ranges,o r u s l l l r ' the production procedure, is attained by the breakdown of the product into
productranges.Put downthe
exponentialequationsfor semi-similar elementary components (6.5.6). Which of the two objectives is paramount
the form of data sheets. depends largely on the product and on the task it has to perform. With a
3. Determine the step sizes and add them to the data sheets' wide-ranging overall function, what matters most is a resolution of the product
4. Adapt the theoretically obtained ranges to satisfy overriding standarcls,'t into function-orientated modules; with a small number of overall function
technological requirements and record the deviations. variants, on the other hand, a production-orientated resolution is the paramount
5. Check the product range againstscalelayouts of assembliespaying partictrlrrr consideration.
attention to critical areas for extreme dimensions. Often, modular development is only initiated when what was originally
6. Improve and perfect what documentation may be needed to determinc tlrc conceived as an individual or size-rangedevelopment is expected to yield a large
range and prepare production documents (when required). number of variants. To that end, products that have already been marketed are
The need for developing a semi-similarsizerange may not alwaysappear frrtttl often redesigned as a modular system. The disadvantage here is that the
the specificationor from a first survey of the physicalrelationships,but may ortly products are more or less predetermined; the advantage that their essential
become clear during the actual development. properties have already been tested so that an expensivenew development can
be dispensedwith.

7.2.1 Modular product systematics

7.2 Modular products
Modular product systematics is discussedin [7.10,7.11]. Basingourselveson
In 7.1 we discussedthe features and designpotential of sizerange developmeIlt thesefindings,we shallfirst of all examinethe principlesandthe mostimportant
Their aim is the rationalisation of product development by the implementittir concepts,and merely add a few amplifications.
of the same function with the same solution principle and if possible with t Modular productsystemsare built up of separableor inseparable units.
same properties over a wide range of stzes. We must distinguish between function modules and production modules.
Modular products provide rationalisationin a different situation. If a prodt Functionmoduleshelp to implementtechnicalfunctionsindcpendentlyor in
is to fulfil different functions, then many variants will have to be proviclctl , combinationwith others. Productionmodulesare designedindepcndentlyof
great cost in design and production. Rationalisationis, however, possiblc il t their function and are basedon production considerations alone" Function
oarticular function variant at anY one time is based on a combination ol'lix modulesin the narrower sensehave been dividedinto equipment,accessory,
i n d i v i d u a l p a r t s a n d / o r a s s e m b l i e s( f u n c t i o n u n i t s ) , a n d t h i s i s p r e c i s e l yw l t r r t connectingand other modules17.70,7.IIl. This divisionis neitherclear-cutnor
modular systenr sets out to achreve. adequatefor the developmentof modularsystems.
B y m o d u l a r p r o t l u c t sw e r c f c r t o m i t c h i n c s ,a s s c m b l i c sa n d c O m p o n c n l sI For the classificationof function modulesit seemsadvantageous to definethe
l u l l ' i l v a r i o u s o v c r a l l l ' u n c t i o t r st h r < l t r g l t( h c c o n r b i n i t t i t l l to f ' d i s t i n c t b u i l t l i r t l varioustypesof functionthat recurin modularsystemsand can be combinedas
bklcksrlr rrroclulcs. sub-functions to fulfil differentoverallfunctions(overallfunctionvariants)(see
llcclusc srlchrrl(xlulcsnrily contc ilt vrlriotuisizcs.mttdttlitrprotlttclsoltctl Figurc7.20).
'l'hc I)u.ticluttctiorf.r
ilrc funclamcntal to a svstcm.Thcv are not variablein
ilrvolvcsirc rltUlu,, shortldhc produccdby sinrillr lccltttttlttcr
344 7 D e v e l o p i n g s i z e r a n g e sa n d m o d u l a r p r o c l r r t ' 7.2 Modular products 345

principle. A basic function can fulfil an overall function simply or in combinatiorr A production-orientated charcteristic islhe complexity of a module. Here we
with other functions. It is implemented in a basicmodule which may come in ()r)c distinguish between large modules which, as assemblies,can be subdivided into
or several sizes,stagesand finishes. Basic modules are 7.20) components, and small modules that are components themselves
A further aspect of module characterisation is their type of combination. The
designer should always aim for technically advantageouscombinations of similar
modules. In practice, however, the combination of similar with different
modules, and also with customer-specificnon-modules, is often unavoidable.
Non-modules, as mixed systems,can meet market requirementsvery economi-
For the characterisation of modular systems we can also consider their
divisibility-in other words, the extent to which a particular module can be
broken down into individual parts for functional or manufacturing reasons. For
the modular system as a whole, divisibility defines the number of individual units
and their possible combinations.
For the application of closed modular systems,their range and potential can be
expressed by combinatorial plans with a finite and predictable number of
variants. Such plans make it possible to choose desired combinations directly.
lmplementation By contrast, open modular systemscontain a great multiplicity of combinatorial
Variants possibilities, which cannot be fully planned or represented. A specimen plan
provides examples of typical applications of the modular system.
The above-mentioned concepts of module development are summarised in
Table 7.5.

_ Essential
----- Possible
- - 0nlyinspecial Ieads
cases; tomixed
Classifyingbriteria Distinguishingfeatures
Figure7.20.Functionand moduletypesin modularand mixedproductsystems
of module: - Function modules
o Basic modules
Auxiliary functions are implemented by locating or joining auxiliary modt o Auxiliary modules
in conjunction with the basic modules and usually of the o Special modules
Specialfunctions are complementary and task-specific sub-functions that ncc o Adaptive modules
. Non-modules
not appear in all overall function variants. They are implemented by speci
'possible' type. - Production modules
modules of the -
mportance of modules Essential modules
Adaptive functions are necessary for adaptation to other systems and - Possible modules
marginal conditions. They are implementedby adaptive modules whose dimc lexity of modules - Large modules
sions are not fully fixed in advance and hence allow for unpredictable circ - Small modules
Combinationof modules - S i m i l a r m o d u l e so n l y
s t a n c e s .A d a p t i v e m o d u l e s m a y b e o f t h e ' e s s e n t i a l ' o r t h e ' p o s s i b l e ' t y p e .
- Different modules only
Customer-specificfunctionr not provided for in the modular system will rccur - Similar and different modules
time and again even in the most careful development. Such systems ill - Modules and non-modules
implementedby non-modules which have to be designedindividually for spccilic Divisibilityof modules - Number of parts per module
tasks. If they are used, the result is a mixed system, that is a combinatitlrl ol - Number of units and their possible
modules and non-modules. combinations
Applicationof nrorlulcs - Closed system with combinatorial plan
By the importance of a module wc rcfcr trt its ranking within a morlttllt - C)pensystemwith specimenplan
s y s t e m . T h u s , f u n c t i < l nm o d u l c s c a n b c r $ n k c d t t s ' ( ' J . T c l I i ( t / ' o ri l s ' l t o s . r i h l e '
Tnblc 7.5, ( irnccpls ot' nrrltlullr syrtcnlitlioi
346 7 D e v e l o p i n gs i z e r a n g e sa n d m o d u l r r p r o ( l u \r \ 7.2 Modular products 347

7.2.2 Modular product development

In what follows the development of modular systems will be presented in
accordance with the steps listed in Figure 3.3. o
Clarifying the task -.
In his formulation of demands and wishes, for instance with the help of th.' @
checklist (Figure 4.5), the designermust pay careful attention to the clarificatiorr \ \
of the various tasks to be performed by the product. A characteristic demancl ol Lr- s'
the specification of a modular system is that it must fulfil several overrrll
Of particular importance for the economic analysis and application of modul..'
are data about the market expectationsof particular variants. Friedewald [7. | /l
speaksof the quantification of function variants for the technical and econorrrit 6E
optimisation of modules. Whenever the implementation of rarely demandr',1
E S€ >
variants increasesthe overall costs of the modular system, an attempt must lrc
made to remove such variants. The more searchingthese analysesare before tlrc
6- a- il,
actual development is begun, the greater are the chances of arriving at ;r l'r d l

cost-effective solution. However, the reduction of types by the removal trl

infrequently demanded and costly variants cannot be finalised until the elabo. I c.l

rated solution concept or even the embodiment design provides reliablc

information about the cost of the different variants and also about the influencc
of every individual variant on the cost of the modular system as a whole.
,l O

E stab lishing functio n structure s

I o


The establishmentof function structuresis of particular importance in llr€

development of modular systems. With the function structure-that is tl 0)

splitting up of the requiredoverall functioninto sub-functions-the structurc(

the system is already laid down, at least in principle. From the outset, tl
designer must try to subdivide the overall function variants into a mininru
number of similar and recurring sub-functions(basic,auxiliary,speciali
adaptive functions, see Figure 7.20). The function structures of the ovcr o
function variants must be logically and physically compatible, and the su \ B
functions determined by them must be interchangeable.To that end, it is usclr
if, depending on the particular task, the overall function can be achieved
functions and by additional task-specific'possible'functions. c

Figure 7.21 shows the function structure for the modular bearing systc c

discussed in [7.3, 7.23]. The most frequently demanded overall functio o

namely 'non-locating bearing', 'locating bearing' and 'hydrostatic locati


bearing', together with the appropriate basic, special, auxiliary and adapt
z 9=F
=:.=- .l (.)

functions, are represented.By means of the sub-function 'seal betwecn rotilti '6:iE
and stationary systems', we can show that it is often more cost-cffectivc lrl oa/5=
LU: Il 6

combine several functi<lnsinto onc complcx l'unction; thus in thc prcscnt cirsc,
the sealing function was comhincd with tn ilclaptivc function to sltisl'y vitrioitr
conditiorts.Thc productitlrt mrxlulc. which pcrforms this colrrplcx function. wlr
348 7 D e v e l o p i n gs i z e r a n g e sa n d m o d u l a r p r r r r l , , , , . 7.2 Modular products

accordingly specified as an unfinished one that could be completed dr.rrirrg

production as a simple line seal, as a line seal with an additional labyrinth or ir\ 0
seal with an additional coupling adapter (see Figure 1.22). Ir should also b6
stressed that there are special functions (special modules) that occur in at lerrrl
'transfer axial force Fa
one overall function variant (here: from rotltirrr'trt
stationary system'), others that represent possible modules for all overrrll
'set and measureoil pressure'),and yet others that orrly
function variants (here:
'feed high pressure oil').
become necessaryat a certain size (here:
In the setting up of function structures the following objectives shoultl 116
borne in mind:
- Aim for the implementation of the required overall functions by
combination of the minimum number of easily implementable basic
-Try to divide the overall functions into basic functions and if necessarr irr
auxiliary, special and adaptive functions in accordancewith Figure 7.2(l ,=
such a way that variants in high demand are predominantly built-up with lrrrr
functions, and more rarely demanded variants with additional special rr F
adaptive functions. For very rarely demanded function variants, tnr ---1-i
systemswith additional functions (non-modules) are often more cost-cllr
tive. ci
-Try to combine several sub-functions in a single module if this incrci

cost-effectiveness. Such combinations are particularly recommended for ao

implementation of adaptive functions.
Searchingfor solution principles and concept vanants € tl

The next step is to find solution principlesfor the implementation of the varir tl
sub-functions. To that end. the desisner should, above all. look for s -+\
T\ 'r'

principles as provide variants without changes in working principle and I I

-J I b{]
design. As a rule, it is advantageousto stipulate similar types of energy
similarphysicalworkingprinciplesfor the individualfunctionmodules.Thusi I o
more cost effective and technicallv advantageous, in the combinatiort I
sub-solutions into overall solutions (concept variants), to implement vari I =
drive functions with a single type of energy rather than provide a single mt -l
system with separate electrical, hydraulic and mechanical drives. I u
A satisfactoryproduction solution is also ensured by the implementation I
severalfunctions by a single unfinished module that can be completed in vitr
ways depending on the requirements. -l I
However, so complex are the technicaland economicfactors involved thirt I J
impossible to lay down hard and fast rules. Thus, in the case of the I
.l _.,
system (Figure 7 .22) ft seems technically and economically advantagcout F
l1 a-

provide the bearing shell with lateral locating surfacesfor taking up sntall rr !l
ll bo
forces. With larger axial forces, hclwcvcr, rolling lrcarings must l'lc llrov L_ J

i n s t e a d ;i t w o u l d b e a m i s t a k c t o t r y , f i l r p u r c l y t h c o r c t i c a lr c a s o n s ,t o l r i l l
t h e r a d i a l a n d a x i a l f i r r c c so v c r t h c c n t i r c s i z . cr n n g c b y n l c o n s< l l ' p l l i n b c i r r i t t
1'hc plain bctring systcnlnlusl l'rctlcsigncdduringthc conccptunlphlsc
350 7 D e v e l o p i n g s i z e r a n g e sa n d m o d u l a r p r o r l r r r l t 7 2 Modular products 351

two alternative lubrication systems (free ring or fixed ring) because tht tions than to impose such adaptations on the whole modular system. An
respective advantages and disadvantagescan only be determined by lrrt alternative is the use of mixed systems.
experimentsl7 .23].The designof the ultimatelychosenbearingsystemis sht
in Fisure 7 .22. Prep aring dimens io ned lay o uts
Once the solution concept has been selected, the individual modules must be
Selecting and evaluating designed, in accordance both with their functions and also with the production
If several concept variants have been found during the previous steps,each rrrrr requirements. In the design of modular systems, manufacturing and assembly
now be evaluated with the helo of technical and economic criteria so that t considerationsare of paramount economic importance. By paying heed to the
most favourable solution concept can be selected.Experience has shown llrrrl embodiment design guidelines laid down in 6.5.6 and 6.5.7, the designermust
since the properties of any one variant are not yet sufficiently clear at this strrle try to provide basic, auxiliary, special and adaptive modules with the maximum
such selections are very difficult to make. number of similar and recurring parts and the minimum number of unfinished
Thus, in the case of the bearing system, preliminary evaluationshave tt, parts and manufacturing processes.
made even in the conceptual phase, for instance as to whether the axial lorr When selectingstep sizes,the designershould aim at the optimum divisibility
should be taken up by plain or rolling bearings. However, the final choitt'r of modules, and to that end he may well adopt the differential construction
lubricating system can only be taken after the building of prototypes :r approach. The determination of the optimum number of modules is, however, a
experimentation with them. complex task, for it is influenced by the following factors:
Apart from the determination of the technical rating of individual con..r - Requirements and quality must be maintained and the propagation of errors
variants, economic factors are of crucial importance in the design of morlrr must be taken into account. Thus the greater the number of individual
systems.To come to grips with them, the designermust estimatethe productr components, the greater the number of fits, and this may have untoward
costs of the individual modules and their relative effect on the cost ol repercussions on the function, for instance on the vibration of the machine.
modular system as a whole. To that end, he will first of all determinc Overall function variants must be created by simple assemblyof modules.
expected costs' of the sub-functionsor of the modules fulfilling tlrc Modules may only be broken down to the extent that functions and costs
At the lower level of embodiment characteristicof the conceptual phasc. allow.
cannot usually hope to come up with more than very rough estimates. Si In modular products marketed as overall systems,variants of which the client
basic modules appear in all sorts of variants, he will select such soltrl can assemble himself by combinations of the modules 17.291,the most
principles as provide the most cost-effective basic modules. Special and adi common modules must be designed for equal wear and tear and for easy
modules take second place in the minimisation of costs. replacement.
For minimisins the costs of a modular svstem. not onlv the mod In determining the most cost-efficient modularity, the designer must pay
themselvesbut also their interaction must be taken into account; in partic special heed to the cost, not only of the design itself, but also of overall
the influence of special. auxiliary and adaptive modules on the cost of thc schedulingand of manufacturing processesincluding assembly,handling and
modules. The influence of the cost of every overall function variant on thc distribution.
of the modular system as a whole must be fully determined. This may pr( Figure L22 showsthe scalelayout of the bearingsystemwe have been
complex task. Thus, in the bearing system we have been considering. ussing. In Figure 7 .23 the structure of the overall function variants is shown
functionvariant 'cool oil internallv' would sreatlvinfluencethe costof thc the form of a family tree. In both thesefigures,only the most important
module 'bearing housing', becausethe dimensionsof the specialmodule 'w blies and individualparts of the bearingsystemhave been entered;the
cooler' determine the dimensions of the housins and hence the overall costs. ual modularityis greater.If the functionstructureis comparedwith the final
there is only a small demand for this variant then it is certainly rr ular structure, it becomes clear that in the given modular system several
cost-effectiveto fit the oil cooler to the outside of the housing and to put ul) nctionsare fulfilled bv a sinelemodule or its variants.Table 7.6 showsthe
the extra cost of an oil pump. ules used and their assisnedfunctions.
ln short, the layout of the basicmoclulesmust be adaptedto the cxpc
'p aring pro duction documents
demand.To that end, the influcnccof the rcmainingmodulcsis ol'
importance.If it is impossiblc to prrlviclc
a markctablcaclaptation ol thc uction documents must be prepared in such a way that the execution of
conccpt.thc lcastcost-cft'cctivcfunctirtnvnritntsshouldbc clirninatccllrorrr rs can be based on the simple, and if possiblecomputer-aided,combination will ol'tcn bc ntorc economicullo rcplaccurrr,rsuirlvirri nd l'urthcr cluboration of modules for the required overall function variants.
which rcndcr lhc ovcrlll syritcnrIn() mrkirrgirrdivirlull I ) r i r w i n g s r c q u i r c a r r a p p r o p r i a t e p a r t - n u m b e r i n gs y s t e m a n d c l a s s i f i c a t i o n ,
352 7 D e v e l o p i n g s i z e r a n g e s a n d m o d u l a r l ) r o ( i r Lr,r 2 Modular products


2l !

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354 D e v e l o p i n g s i z e r a n g e s a n d m o d u l a r p r o r l r r rr r 7.2 Modularproducts 355

two prerequisitesof the optimum combination of modules (individual parts an(l - Adaptations to special customer's wishes are not as easily made as they are
assemblies). with individual designs (loss of flexibility and market orientation).
The combination of individual modules into product variants must be rr.. - Once the system has been adopted, working drawings are made on receipt of
corded in the parts list. To build up a parts list, the designer can refer to rlr(, orders only, with the result that the stock of drawings may be inadequate.
so-calledvariant parts list [7.13] which is based on the structure of the proclrrr't - Product changes can only be considered at long intervals because once-and-
and in which a distinction is made between'essential'and'possible'modules. for-all development costs are high.
Particularly suited to the numeration of drawings and parts lists is the methorl - The technical features are more strongly influenced by the design of modules
of parallel encoding, which assignsidentification numbers for the unequivot rrl and the modularity than they would be by individual designs.
and unmistakeabledescription of componentsand assembliesand classificatrorr - Increased manufacturing costs, for instance of locating surfaces; manufactur-
numbers for the function-orientatedrecording and retrieval of thesecomponcnl\ ing quality must be higher because re-machining is impossible.
and assemblies.The classification number is of particular importance in rlrr. -Increased assemblyoutlay is likely.
modular product system, because it helps to detect functional and otlr,.l - Since the user's as well as the manufacturer's interests have to be taken into
similarities of comoonents. consideration, the determination of an optimal modular system may prove
very difficult.
- Rare combinations needed to implement unusual requirements may prove
much costlier than tailor-made designs.
For the user there are such disadvantages as:
7.2.3 Advantages and limitations of modular systems - special wishes cannot be met easily;
For the manufacturer, modularsystemsprovideadvantages in nearlyall arr.rrs: - certain qualitative characteristics may be less satisfactory than they would be
-ready documentation for tenders,project planningand design;designinrlrr with special-purposedesigns;and
done once and for all, thoughit may be more costlyfor that very reason: weightsand structuralvolumesof modularproductsare usuallygreaterthan
- additional design effort is needed for unforeseeableorders only; thoseof speciallydesignedproducts,and so spacerequirements
and founda-
-combinations with non-modules are possible; tion costsmay increase.
-overall schedulingis simplified and delivery dates may be improved; Experiencehas shown that, while modular production helps to reduce general
- the execution of orders by the design and production departmentscan bc c ads (includingadministrative
staff costsin particular),it may leadto an
short through the production of modules in parallel; in addition parts can s e i n s h o p f l o o r w a g e s a n d e s p e c i a l l yi n t h e c o s t o f m a t e r i a l sb c c a u s e ,a s
supplied quickly; ntioned earlier, it tends to involve greater weights and volumes. Only if a
- computer-aided execution of orders is greatly facilitated; lar systemis developedwith the expressintention of renderingevery
- calculationsare simplified; nction variant more cost-effectivethan a speciallydesignedproduct can there
-modules can be manufactured for stock with consequentsavings; a significant reduction in overall costs.
- more appropriate subdivision of assembliesensures favourable asscrrr
conditions; and
- modular product technology can be applied at successivestagesof protl .2.4 Examples
development, for example, in product planning, in the peparationof drawi
rrc motor systems
and parts lists, in the purchase of raw materials and semi-finishedmatcrilt
in the manufacture of parts, in assemblywork, and also in marketing. lar systems are particuarly cost-effective in the production of such
For the user Ihere are the following advantages: versal drive svstems as electric motors.
- s h o r t d e l i v e r yt i m e s ; Figure 7.24 showsa modular high-outputelectricmotor system17.34].Of the
- b e t t e r e x c h a n g ep o s s i b i l i t i e sa n d e a s i e rm a i n t e n a n c e ; ifiable modules, Numbers 1,2,5 and Il are fixed basic modules, Numbers
- b e t t e r s p a r ep a r t s s e r v i c e : 6, 7, 8, 9 and l0 are basic modules with possible adaptations for specific
- p o s s i b l e c h a n g e so f f u n c t i o n s a n d e x t e n s i o n so f t h c r a n g c ; a n d uirements (for example Numbers 4, 6, 7 and 8 for adaptation to various
- a l m o s t t o t a l e l i m i n a t i o no f c r r o r s t h a n k s t o w c l l - d c v c l o p c dp r o c l u c t s . ages or Number 9 for adaptation to the coupling dimensions) and Numbers 3
For the munul'actur(rthc limit of a moclularproduct systcm is rcachcclwhcrrc I2 are special modules for meeting certain safety provisions.
t h c s u b c l i v i s i o ni l t t o t r r o d u l c sl c a d s t < l t c c h n i c a l s h o r t c o n r i l r g sa n d c c o n r This particular modular systemis at one and the same time a size range, every
Iosscs: m o d u l c b c i n q a v a i l a b l ei n d i f f e r e n t d i m e n s i o n s .
356 7 D e v e l o p i n g s i z e r a n g e sa n d m o d u l a r p r o r l r r r 7.2 Modular products

u t0
lP 23 SllstJmIPR System lP 44 Svstem IPW 24
F i g t r e 7 . 2 4M
. o d u l a r s y s t e m f o r t h r e e - p h a s e m o t ohrisgohfo u t p u ta, f t e r [ 73 4 1, s h r
the mostimportantmodules Figure 7.25. Modular systemfor three-phasemotors of medium output, after [7 .34],
1 Base frame; 2 Support frame of outer housing;3 Cover platesand ventilation grid; J howing the most important modules
Terminal box; 5 Stator housing; 6 Stator laminations;7 Stator winding; 8 Winding ct Squirrel cagerotor;2 Winding head cover;3 Rolling bearingassembly;4 Radial plain
9 Shaft and rotor; 10 Rotor laminations and winding; 11 Bearing; 12 Cover plate ring;5 Bearing cover; 6 Stator housingwith laminationsand winding; 7 Cover grid; 8
eatherprotection;9Airfilter; l0Terminal box; ll Coverplate l2 Coolingsystem;
A smaller degree of modularity is found in the next example-an elc irlwater cooler
motor systemof medium output 17.341.Figure 7.25 showsits structurc
contrastto the motor in Figure 1.24, the statorhousingis combinedwith Another modularproductsystemfor electricmotorsis describedin [7.1].It is
stator laminations and with the windins into a sinsle and undivided on the size range shown in Figure 7.77 and also containsthe plain bearing
module. As a result, the following production sequencehas to be obsc em shown in Fipure 7 .22.
manufacture stator housins as a welded construction-assemble and welcl
laminations-add windings. In other words, the housing and the laminrt
cannot be manufactured in parallel as they were in our first example. ['lcrc. I are another familiar example of modular systems. They involve a
modular product technique bears mainly on the attachmcnt and constructi()rl multiplicity of market-determined function variants (for instance, the attach-
t h e c o o l e r a n d t e r m i n a l b o x e s . o n t h c i n s t a l l i r t i < lonf v a r i o u sp r o t c c t i < l nd c mcnt of different input and output devices,various shaft positions and different
and on the bearings(rollingbcarings,plain bcarings),Figurc7.2(rshowsI gcar ratios). For the user it is a great advantage if he can build up gearbox
possiblcarrangcrncnts l'rlr coolcrsancltcrntinul brlxcs. nrodullr prr conl'igurati<lnsto suit his particular requirements or if, in the caseof damage,he
systcm,lrlrl, is cornbincdwilh l sizcrungc$y$tcm. Cun nrakc sinrplc itncl spccdy replacements.For the maufacturer the modular
3s8 7 D e v e l o p i n g s i z e r a n g e s a n d m o d u l a r p r o r l r r ,t r 2 Modular products 3s9

Cooleronrtghtor water
left,water or
frontor back back

onlyIPR44 withcoonrt

TJll r# IVIililI

lll,+ll |re
il.t | ilt
ll-lT- iltF
wrthside- withcootttrt
Layout ut:l|l Y
on onboltt',tlr'1
elements ruil1 IV ilI II
demand 0noeman0

Figure 7.26 Possiblearrangementsof coolersand terminal boxesfor the motor sho* rr

r e 7. 2 7. ' H a n s e n - P a t e ngte' a r b o x[ 7 2 1 1

system provides a comprehensive gearbox system with only a few housings, r aperturesto various spur gearcombinations,by the inclusionof a special
w h e e l s ,s h a f t sa n d b e a r i n g s .
al cover for the flange-mounting of a drive motor, and by the provision for a
Figure 7.27 givesan example: the housing of a modular gearbox allowing vel gear input stage. The disadvantage of this highly modular design is that it
different input shaft positions and also for different gear arrangements (si
mands a very accurate location of the various covers for proper alignment of
and multiple stages,spur and bevel gears) 17.2ll. The reader will noticc shafts and seals. Moreover, the housing is not fully utilised unless all the gear
undivided housing 1, which is closed on the output shaft side with an oval
are built in. A further development,namely a split housing[7.221,
2, and on the other side, for easier gear assembly, with alarge, circular cr
iates these problems (Figure 7.28). In that case the small individual covers
underneath a smaller oval cover 4. While the circular cover 3 locatcs
t remain only carry the seals or only cover the bearing apertures.
bearings of the various input shafts, the oval cover 4 merely covers the
aperturewhen the input is throughbevelgears;but if the input is through
gears, it contains a shaft seal. The slow running output stage IV is alwitvs
through a bearing in the opposite side of the housing, with its shaft seal ltc
the oval cover 2. The complete housing is therefore broken down into sc
function/production modules, the central housing section and the circulitr
serving as basic modules, the two oval covers serving as modulcs aclitpltd
particular arrangements and dimcnsions of thc shal'ts,and thc bcitring ol
b e v e l p i n i o n a n d a r c c t a n g u l a rb l i n d c t l v c r s c r v i n g a s s p c c i a l m o d u l c s .
arr4ngcmcnthas thc advantitgcof providing.with u singlcccntrill I ; i g u r c7 . 2 1 ,I |l.o u s i n gf o, r ' l I a n s c n - P a t e n t ' g e a r b o. 2
x l2T1 ;
scction,a multiplicityol'possiblc lduptntiottol lltc r
vnrinnlsby uppropriutc thc housingis syntntctrical
360 7 D e v e l o p i n g s i z e r a n g e sa n d m o d u l a r p r o t l t r ,I 7 2 Modular products 361

Another modular gearbox design is shown in Figure 7.29 [7.31)- It $:rr Further examples
developed for the expresspurpose of providing a broad gear system (in resl'rt,t Further examples taken from hydraulics, pneumatics and machine tool construc-
of shaft positions and gear ratios) with the fewest possiblemodules. In contrrrrl tion can be found in the literature17.2,7.79,1.351.
to the example shown in Figure 7.27, severalhousing variants were providctl to
match more closely different gearbox variants and hence to reduce weight rrrrtl Mo dular conveyor system
volume. While all the systems discussedabove are examples of 'closed' modular systems,
Another modular gearbox, which and outputs in particular can Figure 7.30 shows the modules and a specimen plan of an 'open' modular
varied, is describedin l7 .7a1. system.

7 .29.WGW gearboxl7.371

Endcap lrolltly

F i g u r c7 3 0 . O p c l t t t 6 t l t t l l t\tV s t c t l l ( } l c r t l l r t ' V r t t(sl ) c r r r 1 p ,l ) r r i s [ r r r g ) ,

( i r) n t o t l t r l c s( h ) s p et ' i t r t er t P l i t t t
8 Summary 363

8 Summarv

and ; d

ards 6
s E

(, main C =
= a

= !
O suppo(ing E
OE E a O @

8.1 The systematicapproach

analysis o o
After examining the historical background and the fundamentals, t h i s b o o k l r ; r r
Specification t.2. o o
described a step-by-step approach to design, starting with product planning :rrrrl
the clarification of the task and proceeding to the conceptual and e m b o d i r r rrtt l
Abstraction 5.2. o o
design phases. As special aids to cost-effective design it has also discussetltho
on structure o o
development of size ranges and of modular products.
Conceptual design and embodiment design are the two crucial phases in t
search 5.4.',| o o o o
creation of technical products or systems. Their respective steps are showrr natural
systems t . 4 .I o o
Figures 8.1 and 8.2, where the various methods and aids are correlated rrr
their main or supporting applications. The figures also chart the progr
solutrons 4.1 o o oo o
of the designer's work and the timing of the various steps. The propr
correlations are not, of course, absolutely fixed, because tasks and problt
4.1 o o
differ from product to product, and because some of the steps may have to Tests,
measurements 5 . 4 .I o o o
In other words, the various methods should only be applied when they
SVnectics 5.4,2. o o
required. Work should never be done for the sake of systematicsor for peclir study0f physical
Syslematic processes
5.4.3. o
reasons.Depending on his inclinations,experienceand skill, the designersh<
choose the appropriate method for a particular step.
Class schemes 5.4.3. o o
The ability to abstract, to work systematically and to think logically Design
catalogues 5 . 4 .3 o o
creatively complement the designer's professional knowledge. In the va
design steps, these abilities are demanded to varying degrees.Abstractiotr
o o o
particularly needed for the identification of essentialproblems, for setting
function structures, for determining the characteristics of classification schc
Seleclion 5.6. o o o o o
and for the application of the principles and rules of embodiment dcsi
methods 5.8. o
Systematicand logical thinking help in the elaboration of function structurcs,
setting up classificationschemes,in the analysisof systemsand processesirrrtl
analysis 6.5.6 o o
the combination of elements. Creative ability helps in the variation of funct 8.1. Correlation of methods and aids with the various steps of the conceptual
structures, in the search for solutions with the help of intuitive methods, ilr ign phase (numbers refer to chapters and sections)
combination of elements with the help of classification schemes rtr tlesi
c a t a l o g u e sa n d i n t h e a p p l i c a t i o no f t h e b a s i c r u l e s , p r i n c i p l e sa n c l g u i c l c l i t the technical function is implemented economically and safely. The
P r o f e s s i o n akl n o w l e d g ei s n e e d e d p a r t i c u l a r l yf o r t h c d r a w i n g u p o f s p c c i l r r i n g s o f t h e c h e c k l i s t sa r e a d a p t e dt o t h e v a r i o u sd e s i g np h a s e s .
t i o n s , f o r t h e s e a r c hf o r w e a k l i r r k s .l i l r s c l c c t i o t ta n d c v a l u i t t i o na n d l i r r c l t t Before a specification can be drawn up, the requirements must be known in
b a s e do n t h e v a r i o u s c h c c k l i s t sa r r d o r r l i r u l t t r n c i n g , ail so that the function and important constraintscan be identified. For that
Figurc [3.3c<lmbincs thc chccklistsuppropriatelo thc variousdcsignplr r n , i n t h c c h c c k l i s t u s e d d u r i n g t h e c l a r i f i c a t i o no f t h e t a s k , t h e h e a d i n g
Thc listsarc in accorcllnccwitlr thc gcncruldlrcctivcsgivcnin 2. 1.(r,lrrrl c : t i t r t ' n r a k c s w l y f o r t h c a s s o c i a t c dh c a d i n g s ' g e o m e t r y ' , ' k i n e m a t i c s ' ,
364 8 1 The systematic appro;r,h I Summary

rof task Conceptual

design Embodiment
E 6
= o Selecti
ng Evaluating Embodying Evaluati
-f, ldentilying
thebest Discovering
optimumChecking ldentifying
6o combinationol concept embodiment optimumembodiment
s s!? 6 Z prnctples Determininglayout,
a= l0rms
=- >
= 6
4 5) (Figure
5 44) (Figure
5 60) (Figure
6 2) (Figure
6 136)
-E oe

on 4.2. o o o q o ry
w ththe
I task
Function Function Function

slructure o principle Working
Working principle design

Solutonconcept 5 o ooo o Fullils

Embodiment Layoutandform
S o l u t j omne t h o d u
conceptual phase
s rn 0 5 o Durability
C h e ci ks t o.z. o oo ooo oo Real isable
i np r i n c i p l e
B a s ircu l e s :i m p l i c i t y , | 6 . 3 .
clarity, safety c ooooooooo \J Expansion
on I
l..o o o ooo Wear

ol tasks
0ivision Incorporates
direcl Satety Safety Safety
Seif-help measures
andp anned
Stability Ergonomics Ergonomics Ergonomics
b u r 0Ien e s
l _o ,
I "
o o ooo c o Production Production Production

Durabiity(Stress) Quality
control Ouality
contro Ouality
Stabil Prelerred Assembly
bydesigner's Assembly Assemb,,
Resonance c0mpany
Expansion Transport Transport Transport
0peration Operation 0peration
Ergonomics Mantenance Maintenance Maintenance
Producton Costs Costs Costs
Maintenance Schedules Schedu

Selection c o 8.3. Summary of checklists with main headings
R i s rke d u o
c tn
6.6 o o )es', renergy', 'material' and 'signals',all of which facilitate the identification
methods o o description of th'e overall function. Similarly, in the embodiment phase, the
Figure 8.2. Correlation of mcthocls anrl airls with thc stcps ol' thc cmtr<lclimcntdcsiytt ing is replaced with the appropriate 'layout and form design'
phase (numbcrs ref'crto chaplcrs an(l scclion$) r i r c t c r i s t i c s .S i r n i l i r r h c a d i n g s a p p l y t o e v a l u a t i o n ; t h e y h a v e a w e l c o m e
t u r t c l r r r rw
c yh i c h c n s u r c s t h i r l t h c y c < l v c ra l l c o n t i n g c n c i e s .
S o t t t c o l l l t c t t t c l l t o d si l n ( l i r i ( l sw c h i l v c c x a n l i n c d i l r c a p p l i c a b l ea t d i f f e r e n t
8.2 Time commltment

:ls of embodiment and can therefore be used repeatedly. This is particularly References
casewith the documentation (for example, specification,function structure,
ction and evaluation charts). Moreover, it has been found that systematically
)orated documents for certain product groups have a wider application in
: they can be used for other products, thus reducing the overall cost of thc
ematic approach.

I Introduction
I Time commitment
1.1 Bach,,C., 1880(12th.ed 7920).Die Machinenelemente. Stuttgart:Arnold Bergstrds-
ser Verlagsbuchhandlung.
meet the objection that systematicproceduresare very time-consumlng,w(' 7.2 Bar, S., 1970.Aufgabe und Stellungdes Konstrukteursbei der Schwerindustrie,
e broken down the man-hours spent on each step of the conceptual phast' Konstruktion22. 1-5.
gure 8.4). These percentagesare basedon practical experienceto date at thc 1.3 Beitz, w., 1971.
.systemtechnikim Ingenieurbereich,vDl-Berichte 174 (with
_ further bibliog.refs.). Diisseldorf:VDI-Verlag.
1.4 Beitz,w., 1970.systemtechnik in der Konstruklion, DIN-Mitteitungen 49,295-302.
Steps En9
1.5 Beitz, W., W. Eversheimand G. Pahl, 1974.Rechnerunterstritztes Entwickeln
Clarfyinqthetask 10v, und Konstruieren. im Maschinenbau, Forschungshefte;Forschungkuratoriunt
lo 'derlrly
Absl.actrng oroblens
essential Maschinenbal,Vol. 28, Frankfurt:Maschinenbau-Verlig.
1.6 Bischoff,W. and F. Hansen,1953.Rationelles KonstruiZren. Berlin: VEB-Verlag
Establishing structures Technik.
lor e g bralnstormlng
Intuitive 1.7 Bock, A., 1955.Konstruktionssystematik-die Methodeder ordnendenGesichts-
solutions drscursrve 15% punkte, Feingercitetechnik
Combining solutionprinciples andselect ngquaitative y 3Y.
)E o/
F i r m i nr roni n l o P r e l i m i ncaar iyc u l a t t 0 n s
concept varlants Prelim narylayouts ?q o/

of breakdownof man-hoursspenton the conceptual
,ure8 4. Percentage 1 . 1 2E r k e n s ,A . , 1 9 2 8 B
. e i t r r i g ez u r K o n s t r u k t i o n s e r z i e h uZn.gv, D I 7 2 , l 7 - z r .
;edon experience) 1.13 Eversheim,W., 1969 E,ineanalytische Betrachtungv"onKonstruktionsaufgaben,
Industrieanzeiger 97, Vol. 87.
1.14 Federn,K., 1970 wandel in der konstruktivenGestalttng,,
iversity and in industry. The greatest percentageis devoted to conventitlrtltl 729 731.
.ivities, that is to firming up into concept variants which involves prelimirtrrty
culations and layouts. A systematic approach during the conceptual
rvides, with very little extra time expenditure, a broader over-vlew il
tmises a greater chance of arriving at an optimum solution. Things arc ttr
ry different in the embodiment phase. By consulting the checklists
lowing the basic rules, principles and guidelines,the designerwill usually I 1 . 1 9K e s s e l r i n gF,, 7 9 4 2 D i e s t a r k eK o n s t r u k t i o nz,. v D I 1 1 6 , 3 2 l - 3 3 0 j 4, 9 - 7 5 2 .
le to save time and effort. Checking with the help of fault-identificirtir 1.20 Kesselring, F., 1954.Technische Kompositionslehre. Berljn,Gottingen,Heidelberg:
: t h o d s , m o r e o v e r , h e l p s t o i m p r o v c q u a l i t y a n d o n l y b e c o m e su n a c c c p l i r l Springer.
. v a l u i t t i o n sd o n o t c o n s u t l l cl t l.2l Kesselring,F., 1951.. Bewertungvon Konstruktionen. Diisseldorf:VDl-verlag.
r < t r i o u si f i t i s n o t c o n f i n e d t o t h c c s s c n t i a l sE
1.22 Koller. R.' 1973.Eine algorithmisch-physikalisch orientierteKonstruktionsmetho-
r c h t i m c w h c n o n c c o n s i c l c r st l t c i t t l i l r n t i t t i o nt h c y y i c l d , c s p c c i a l l yi t t t l t d dik. Z. vt)t lt5. 147_152,309_317, 843_847,1078_1085.
l r c S l i l r w c a k l i n k s .A n y o n c l l r r r r i l i i rwr i t l r t h c n l c t l r ( x l sc i l n . i t t a n y c i t s c .i l l ' r l v o 1 23 Ktrllcr, I{.. 1976.Krtnslruktionsmethctde ftir den Maschinen-,Geriite-untl Apparate-
S r t t l d c r a n d b c t t c r r c s u l t s i r t i r r c l i t l i v c l y s h o r t t i t t t c . l r t p i t r t i c t r l i r r ,t l t d / r a r r .l l c r l i n , I l c i t l c l t r c r gN, c w Y o r k : S p r i n g e r .
i l c r r y t t i c u p p r o i t c h h o k l s o r r l i t B r c n l c t p r ( ) m i l i co l l t v r t i t l i r t gt i t t t c - c o t t s t t t l t t t t l l . l ' l L i r r r t l i c r rK, . . l 9 l l , M u : c l t i t t t ' t t t , ! u n r , nI -i <
. c' .i y . r z D
i gr: M a x J u n e c k ev e r l a g s b u c -
I rl rl r n rIrl rr r t ,
r o r s t l t r c t t t i t l i t c k o l ' i t t l o r t t t i r l i ( l l tl l l l t t l r a l l t ,
R e f e r e n c .' References

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Niemann, G., 1950.Maschinenelemente, Yol 1 Berlin: Gottingen,Heidelbcrl 1'56 VDl-Richtlinie 2225, 1969.Technisch-wirtschaftlichesKonstruieren.Dirsselclorf:
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I t t p c r t i e r r rV c c t l l r g 'l ) t t s s c k h r t I

abrasion 254 balancedvalue profile 132

abstractformulation 77 balancingcomponents 2I3
abstraction 58 balancing elements 204
and problem formulation 5943 basic functions 343
procedure during 60 basicmodules 344,350
to identify problems t42,156 bearing bracket designvariants 317
accelerationforces 118 bearing-lubricationsystem72
adaptations 56 bearingoil pressure 225
adaptivedesigns 2, 4, 67,78 Deanng
adaptive functions 3M force transmissionin 202
adhesivejoints I99 hydrostatic 223
adjustments 294 hydrostaticaxial 2I8,2I9,228
alarmvalve 225,229 bending stressesin 2I9
algorithmic-physical design modular system 346,350
method 13-15 plain 348
algorithmicselectionprocedure 72-13 rolling 210
aluminium-siliconalloypiston 236 taper roller 225
ammonia synthesis 209 bending moments 208
analysis 32-3,38 bendingstiffness 2lI
of existingtechnicalsystems 83-5 bendingstresses 197,211,279,220
of naturalsystems 83 bent parts 277
ofspecification 59 Berg, S. 3I9
AND-functions 69,72 black boxes 26
AND-relationship 298 boilers with membranewall 207
animal feed bag filling, storing and bolted connections 216,247
loading,63 boltedjoints 2ffi,245,288
assembly 20, 177,180,194,228,373 Booleanalgebra 69J2,711
assemblydesignaspects 289-296 bought-outcomponents 284
assemblyevaluation 29+7 brainstorming 87-9, 158,160
assemblyguidelines 291 Brankamp, K. 45
assemblyoperations 29I-5 Bredtschneider-Uhde self-sealins
assemblytypes 289-90 cover 2I4
associatedforces 203 brittle materials I92
associationofideas 32 BSI (British StandardsInstitution) 259
automatedassembly 293 building-blockconstructionmethod 272
auxiliaryflows 75,78
auxiliaryfunctions 24,74, 344
auxiliarymodules 3M carton assemblymachine 55-6
cast components 272
Baatz,U. 126 Cauchycondition 318,331
B a c h .C . 6 Cauchynumber 318,331,332
backwardstcpsmcthod 34 causc-cffcct relationship 198
balirncctrl'lilrccs 203-5.212 cirvitati()n 254
390 Index Index 39r

CENC (Comit6 Europ6ende firming-up into concePt cut-out components 279,280 economicevaluation\37
Normalisation) 259 variants 11G18 cyberneticconcepts l7 economicfactors 348
CENELEC (Comit6EuroP6ende logicalconsiderations 69Jz economicfeasibility 30
Normalisation man-hoursspenton 366 economic rating 128,136, 13'7, 309, 374
searchingfor solutionprinciplesfor data banks 83 elasticcouplings 222
Electotechnique) 259
sub-functions 824 data collection 36 elasticdeformation 792,197
characteristicnumber 322 data sheets 326,328,334,339
checklist,summaryof 362 selectingsuitablecombinations elasticforces 318,330,332,350
nz-rc decimal-geometic preferrednumber elasticpipelinesupports 335
circuit-breaker 209 series 3f922
clampconnectionof superheated steam stepsof 57 electricmotor end cover 270
useofterm 57 decisionprocess 39 electricmotor housing 283, 340
pipe 208
concretefoundations I97 definitive layout 166 electricmotor magnetsupport 268
clamping 277 deformation 19V203,211., 237,247,248
clarity l72J ,182,31.5 connectors 293 electricmotor sizerange 339
constraints 58,59,64,70 Delphi method 89-90 electricmotors
classificationschemes 68,94-101, 108, designcataloguesI2-I3,101-8
109 fictitious 65 1\C332
genuine 65 designconcept 1 modular systems 355J
classifyingcriteria 94, 95, 98, 104-5 designcyclewith learningsystemand
closedmodular systems 345 consumercharacteristics136 electricalinstallations 193
control equipment 20 environment 18 electricalmachines 307
clutchoverallvaluerating 403 designfactors 8
clutchselectionprintout 402 conventionalaids 83_6 electromagnetically operated
conveyors,modular systems 36I designfaults 297,306 clutches 149
COz-enrichedlye 255 designfunctions 13
cold extrusion 275 coolingfan 307 eliminationprocedure lI2
corrosion 92 designmethod 4,9-15 embodimentdesign 2,30. 42, 166-374
collaboration 334 designprocess 3&44
combinationof principles 29,lO9 accompanyingerosion,cavitationand basicrulesof 172-3
abrasion 254 flowdiagram 44 checklist 170_2
companyobjectives 46,47 phasesinvolved 40
companypotential 47 causesand effectsof 249 corrective steps 166
contact(bimetallic) 255 work flow during 4V evaluation of 309-14
companyshortcomings 50 designscope 14
compatibilitymatrix 109,111 crevice 257 guidelinesfor 227-96
local 251-5 designtask 45 principlesof 194-227
compatibilityverification 109 and activities 1-3
component 20 transitionzone 255 stepsof 1.66-iI
uniform 249-50 seealso task useofterm 166
componentfastening185 designtypes 4
componentformdesign 212-81 corrosiondamage 249-56 energyconversion 21-3,78
designingagainst 2554 designerresponsibility 53 energysources,harmfuleffectsassociated
componentsafety 185 deignerole 2,4,49
compositeconstructionmethod 2772 corrosionfatigue 253 with 193
costsof components,materials,semi- detaildesign 3I,424 energystorage 99,795
compressed gasesstorage 255 differentialconstructionmethod 267-9
computer-aideddraughting 5 finishedmaterials,and standard engineeringsystems,fundamentals
and bought-outparts 287 dimensionalchanges 56 of 2W37
computers dimensionallayouts351
designapplications 5 cost reduction 59 environmentaldemands18
costrequirements 194 DIN (GermanStandards Institution) 259 environmentalsafety 182
potentialbenefitsof 110,112,118
cost structure 286 DIN 44 300 37 epicyclicgearboxes212
conceptvariants 44, \16-8,348-50 DIN 44 301 37
comparing 126,138 costingand costevaluation 284-9 equipment 20
Coulomb'slaw 26 DIN 69910 25 ergonomics 177,179,193,228
determing the rating of 126-9 discursivebias 92-1.08
evaluating 118-19,151,163,350-1 couplings 21, 183,192,222,231 Erkens,A. 7
crane drives 202 discursiveprocedures32 erosion 254
firming up into 146,163 disturbingfactors 297-302
selecting 350-l creativeability 362 errors
creep 24{0_3 divisionof labour 334 identification 166,I7I
conceptual design 2, 30, 40,57-165,362 documentation 284,351
abstracting to identifytheessential abovecriticaltemPerature 243 inevitabilityof 32
at room temperature 242 dominancematrix 130 minimising 32
problems 5746
below criticaltemperature 242 dough-shapingmachine74 essentialmodules 354
comhiningsttlutionprinciples l0U-12 drawingrequirements 3514
cstablishing functionstructurcs designfeatures 246-9 evaluation 119
crccpcurvcs 242 drop fbrging 275 comparisonofprocedures 132
66-82 durability 191,221
c v i t l u i t t i r t gc ( ) n c c l )vt a r i i t n ti t g i t i t t s t c r c c ps t r c n g t h 2 4 1 , 2 4 3 conceptvariants 163
( ' r i t i c a l ) : r t hA n a l y s i s 3 3 c l y n a m isci m i l a r i t y 3 1 6 ,3 1 8 , 3 3 6 during conceptualphase 132-9
tccltnicnl itntl ccttntlntic
critcrit I ltt .19 criticrrltcnll)criltttrc l,l(I .l embodimentdesign309-14
e v i r l r u r l i o trtl t t t i t t t l I l 2 t , ( ' r i l i e i rwl l t i r l i r r g s p c c t l s3 ( X r c c o r l o r r r i c c h i r r a c t c r i s t1i c3s4 i n c l i v i c l usatlc p si n 1 3 3
c x i t t t t l t l c so l 1 , l t )( r 5 ('u\lolttclr1x'cilielttttetiotts 1't'l ct\lrorrriccritcrilr .ll{ c v i r l u i r t i ocrhr i r r t 1 2 3 1
, 27.312
Index 19.1
392 Index

evaluationchecklists 131,135 function structure 2M,66-82, 157 ideal system 34 logicalrelationships69J2,78,84

weightingfactors 135 derivationof 76 identificationof components 292 logicalsystems 72
evaluationcriteria 262,296,310,311 developmentof 80 IEC (InternationalElectrotechnical logicalthinking 362
compifingparameters122-3,135 establishing I42,34b Commission) 259 long-termloads 246
'if then' relationship 69
derivationof 120,134 practicalusesof 77-82
identifying 1192I,134 representationof 82 inertiaforces 203,317,318, 330,348
of approximatelyequal selectionprocedure 79 inevitabilityof errors 32 machines 20
importance I22 simplification 79 informationcollection 54,166 machiningprocesses276,277
weighting 121 studyof 77 information conversion 354,38, 42 Maduschka.L.2(n.201
evaluationuncertainties130-1,136, variantsof 75 informationfeedback 18 Magyar, J. 200
138,144 function variants,overall 351 informationprocessing 22 main functioncarriers f67
existingsolution 18 functionalinterrelationship 234 information quality evaluation 36 main functions 24
existingtechnicalsystems 83-5 functionalrelationships,logicalanalysis information storage 56, 83, 105, 111 maintenance 171,181,794,228,313
expansioneffects 22840 of 69J2 information systems 37 market analysis 46
'182 initial effect 214 market conditions 47
exponentialequations 333J functionalsafety
fundamentalsof engineeringsystems inputs 20,23 massproduction 3,296
2C_31 inspection 294 matcheddeformationsprinciple
fundamentalof systematicapproach inspectioncover 275 199-203,205
fail-safeprinciple 183 JI_/ integralconstructionmethod 269-71 materials 22
fatiguesafetyfactor 398 future development 5l inter-disciplinarycollaboration 334 materialsbehaviour 240
fault-identification 366 intuitive bias 86-92 materialsconversion 79
fault-treeanalysis 298-301 intuitive throught 31 materialsselection 236,28I,284
gatevalve 176 ISO (InternationalOrganisationfor mathematical methods 8, 110 2
finite elementmethod 227-8,362 gearcouplingsizerange 326-'7
first solutionconcept 78 Standards) 259 M a t o u s e kR
, . 7,8
gearcouplingtest rig 114 mesurementson existingsystems 84
fits 328 gearpumps 337
flangedconnection 235 method 635 89
gearboxes 206,207,212 joining methods 293 milling 219
flangedjoints 247 modular systems 35'740
flowlinesof forces 196,201,2045, model tests 84.316
generalconstraints 30 modulardevelopment 343
22t,230 generalobjectives 30
forceddeformationdiagram 198,216 K e s s e l r i n gF,. 1 , 7 1 9 ,f 2 2 , 1 9 4 modular productdevelopment 346-54
generallyvalid functions 68 keyed connections 20I modular productsystematics 343-5
force transmission 228 geometricscaling 319
in bearings 202 Kienzle,O. 3I9 modular products 34241
geometicseries 322 kinematicsimilarity 316 modular systems
principles of 195-205 geometricsimilarity 23I, 315, 316, 319
forcetransmission path 272,222 Koller, R. 13,26 advantages and limitationsof 354-5
globalapproach 33 Krumhauer,P. 26 developmentof 346
principleofdirect andshort 197-8, glued connections 199
205 Krihnpast,R. 2I8,222 examples 355-61
grinding 279,280 open 345,360,361
form design 8, 29, 167,174-8,791-3,
24V311,320 modulecharacterisation 345
for components 272-81 hammerforging 274 labyrinth seal 58 module development 345
for jointing 279 Hansen,F. 9 laminar flow 332 modulusof elasticity 247,244
for primary shapingprocesses 2724 heat transfer coeffient 240 lathe controls 333 monitoring 72,18V9
for secondaryshapingprocesses 274 helicalcompressionsprings 393 Laudien,K. 7 bearingoil pressure 225
for separation 276-9 helicopterrotor-bladeattachment 187, layouts 167,174-8,791-3,230,311 morphologicalmatrix 108
forminterrelationship 28_9 211 learningprocess 17-19 motion forms 29
forward stepsmethod 34 Holliger,H. 32 Leonardo da Vinci 6 motion variations 97
Fouriernumber 331 honeycombstructures 84 leverlaw 26 motor vehiclefuel garage 61
frettingcorrosion 201 Hooke'slaw 242 L e y e r ,A . 7 , 8 , 7 9 4 movementof parts 293
l'rictiondrive 2l'7 hoopstresses 221 lightweightstructures,sandwich Mtiller. J. 10
l r i c t i o n atlh r c a d - l o c k i n g d e v i c9e2 4 l l t r h k aV, . 2 0 constructionfor 84 multiple gears 213
I u c lg a u g cd c s i g ns o l u t i o np r o p o s a l s I l 5 hydraulicprolcclionsystcm l Uu linear expansioncoefficient 228
l t r r r c t i r rcna r r i c r s l 7 1 , 2 8 6 Itydro-clcct ric gcrrcrat()r
mag,nct finearrelationships392
l u n c t i o nc o s l s 3 . 5 0 whccl 271 l i t c r a t u r cs e a r c h 8 3 NAND-functions 69
Irrrtctiort ntotltrlcs 3.1.'1, .1.1.1 Ityrllo-clccltic rot()r'
gcrtcrirl()t I o c k i n gm c t h ( ) ( l s2 9 4 r r a t u r asl y s t c masn a l y s i s i i 3
I r r r t c t i o t t - r l r i c t r l isl tyet(t lt l l c s i sI ( t rlrnrltueli(ln 170 krgicirllrrrtcttorts(r() r r c g i r l i orrtrr c t h o d 3 4
394 Indcx Index 395

new developments 59 pressurelossfunction 332 Ringfederconnector2IO signalsflow 82

nickel alloys 230 primary shapingprocesses 2724 risk assessment 190 similarity at constantstress 317-9
N i e m a n nG
, . 7,8 principleofuniformstrength 194,205 risk designaspect 303-14 similarity concept 316
NOR-functions 69 problem analysis 32 R o d e n a c k e rW
, . G. I0,26,92 similaritylaws 315-9
NOT-functions 69,72 problemformulation 5946 Rohrback,B 89 designsbasedon 331
problem-solving 38-40 Roth, K. 12,26,104,738,227 overriding 328,33U2,340
asinformationconversion 354 Rotscher,F. 6 similarityrelationships 317,319,3312
objectivestree 120,122 procedure-inherentshortcomings 131 simplicity 172,177-81 ,315, 333
oil scraperrings 320 producercharacteristics 136 safe-lifeprinciple 183 sinteredcomponents274
one-handed mixingtap 151,180 product definition 49 safetyaspects 173,l8l-94,228 situationanalysis 46
one-offproducts 2 product ideas 45,47-B designingfor 189-94 sizeeffects 196
operation 177,181,194,228,313 product planning 45-9 safetyblow-off valve 298 sizeranges 315
operatorsafety 182 product selection 48 safetychecklist 189 developmentof 342
Opitz,H. 317 product structuredata 374 safetyfactor 191,398 geometricallysimilar325-8
optimisationcharacteristics production I77, I79, 794,228,373 safetyfencecontacts 188,189 semi-similar 32U2
OR-functions 69,72 productioncosts 264,283 safetyprinciples slidingarrangement325
OR relationship 298 productiondesignaspects 264 87 direct 182-7 slidingcontrol valve 779
organisationalaspects 2,3 productiondocuments 284,351 indirect 187-9 solderedconnections199
organisational model 2 productionmodules 343,346 safetyrequirements 30, 193 solution concept 29
originaldesigns 4, 67 production-orientatedstructure 364 safetytechniques 181 2 solution principles 28,29, 32
outputs 20,23 productionprocedure 265 safetyvalves 225 combinationof methods 912
overalleffects 214 productionrequirements,overriding 333 salesforecast 334 combiningto fulfil overall
overallfunction 24,29,58,66,73,75, productiontimes 264,288-9 sandwichbox girder 84 function 108-10,146
r09,11s professionalknowledge362 sandwichconstructionfbr lightweight for sub-functions 85, 98-101
overalllayout design 266-72 progresscheck 39 structures 84 intuitive biasmethods 86 92
overalltask 24 protectiveequipment I87,193 schedulerequirements194 searching for 824,143,158,348-50
overallvalue determination 126,B7-B protectivesystems 187,189 s e a l sa n ds e a l i n g B f , f 9 2 , 2 0 8 , 2 1 4 , 2 1 8 , selectingsuitable 162
overlappingjoints 199 219,239,268,313,322,348 selectionof combinations of 148
overloadprotection 22Vl function 108 searchfield 48 sub-functions 82
overridingsimilaritylaws 328,33V2, psychologicalaspects 1,3 secondaryshapingprocesses 274 to fulfil sub-functions 143,158
340 selectioncharacteristics 105 solutionvariants 83
overridingstandards 328 selectionchart ll2 binary evaluation 130
overridingtaskrequirements332-3 q u a l i t ya s p e c t s 2 3 , 5 1, 2 6 4 self-balancingsolutions 218-20 optimisationof 384
qualitycontrol 717,179,194,228,313 seff-damagingeffects2154 rough comparisonof 130
questions method 34 self-helpprinciple 95,2812 Sommerfeldnumber 331
Paland,E. G. 200 self-limitingeffect 224 specialfunctions 344
pantographconstructions 315 self-monitoringsystems188-9 specialmodules 344
partslists 354 R 10series 319 self-protectingsolutions 22V2 specification 514,77, 134,151,362-3
physicafeffects 26,73-:7,92,105 R 20 series 320 self-reinforcingarrangements276 analysisof 59
physicalinterrelationship 26-8 rating diagram I25 self-reinforcingbrakes 278 checklist 54
physicalprocesses 26,924 rationalapproach 5,6 self-reinforcingseals 218 contents 51
picking-upoperation 293 Redtenbacher, F 6 self-reinforcingsolutions 276-8 examples 56
pistonwith unstablecharacteristics223 redundancyprinciple l8+ 7 self-sealingcover 2f4 format of 52
plannedinstabilityprinciple 225-7 R e i d l e rA , . 6 semi-finishedmaterials 2814 furtherapplications 56
plant 20 relativeexpansionof components separatingprocedures276 Iistingthe requirements 534
plasticdeformation 192 23540 shaft-hubconnections 35,97, f04, 115, method of compiling 534
positioningrcquircmcnts 293 relaxation 2434 201 recommendedlayout 52
possiblcmoclulcs 354 r c l i a b i l i t y c s t i m a t i ol n3 l test rig 139 stability 192,227
p o t i r t oh i r r v c s t i r r ng a c h i r r c7 6 . I l 0 rcpcillparts 377 shapegenerationofcomponents 397 stabilityprinciple 223-5
p o w c rl u n c t i o r t s 3 3 3 rcsirlualstrcsscs 202 shearstresses 99,200 staff exchanges 2
PrclcrcnccJrrrtcctlttrcl0() rcs()nirnccs192,227 shrinkfits 201,218 standardcomponents284
prclcrrctlttunthcrscrics .l l9 1.5,.1.15 l { c u l c n u xl,; , ( r shut-offdevices 227 standardisation
prc-krirtlctl cllccts l.l.l tr R c u t l r cW , , .11(l signals 22 asa straitjackct 2-5tj
p r c r s u r er l i s t r i h t r t i o r tl : . 1 l l i r ' h t c r ,A , t t r s i g r t i r l s c o n v c r s i o2n3 , 7 9 o t rj c c t i v c o
s l 256S
Index Index 391

general comparison and statementof T s c h o c h n eH

r ,. 7, 8 Wrichtler,R. 77
standards 56,231,25ffi4
authors'own aims 19 turbineblades 220 warningsystems 181,187-8
developing 2624
historicalbackground G8 turbinecasings 209,233,248 weak links 33,220
typesof 258-60
importantcontributions 6-8 turbo-machinery 21V24 weak spots 131-2,138,I54
using 260_2
nature of I 6 turning 278 wear 192,228
staticsimilarity 316
steady-staterelativeexpansion 235-1 need for 4 6 Weber-Fechnerlaw 320
steaminlet pipe 233 systematicselectionchart 113 weight effects 330
steamturbine housing 240 systematicthinking 362 uniform strengthprinciple 796,205 weightingfactors 1272, 126,r35
steamvalveoperation 305 s y s t e m a t r cv a n a t l o n 3 5 unsteadyrelativeexpansion 237 welded components 28I
steamvalvespindleseals 239 systems 20 use-valueanalysis 116-18,130 weldedconstruction 283
stepcharacteristics322 systemsapproach l5-7, 33 welded joints 202
stepsizes,optimum selectionof 322-5 systemstheory 15 welding process 279
storagerequirements 291 Wiegand,H. 200
value analysis 24, 33, 119,2854 winding device 307
strengthdiagram 136
task clarification 40,49-55, 151 value assessment 1244,136 winding machine 269
strengthproblems 22'7
task division for distinct functions 206-11 value function 125 Wcigerbauer,H. 8
stressconcentrations 196,199,202,227
task division principle 205-13 value profiles 7312 working principles 178
stressconditions 227
taskrequirements, overriding 332-3 valuescale I25,130
stresscorrosioncracking 253
task-specificconstraints 30 variantdesigns 4,67,404
teaching methods 5 V-belt drives 2lI2 y i e l dp o i n t 1 9 8 . 2 3 7 , 2 4 62 ,5 4
stressparameter 318
technical artefacts 20 YDI Gddeline 2222 19, 43 yield strength 276
technicalcharacteristics 134 VDI Guideline2225 719,1212, 124,
structureanalysis 33, 84
technical composition theory 7 \28, r33, 136
stuffingbox performance 304
technical criteria 48 Velcro fastener 83 Zimmermann,D. 36
sub-functions 24-8,67-8,73,74,'76,78,
technicalevaluation 136 vibrations 92,227 Zwicky,F. 108
assignmentof 2054 technical factors 348
relationshipsbetween69 technical function 30
solutionprinciplesfor 82 6,98-101' technical rating 128, 136, 137,309, 3 I 1.
143,158 -) L+

subjectiveerrors 130-l technologicaldata 83

sub-objectives 120 technologicallimitations328
sub-systems20, 21,24, 52 technologystate 50
sub-values 126,131,132 temperaturecurves 237
superheatedsteamPiPes 2ll temperaturedistribution23(u-1
clampconnectionof 208 temperatureeffects233,24{l_-1
supplementaryeffect 214 tendencysign 136
surfacefinish 96 tensileforces 208
surfaceforms 28 tensilestresses 279
surfacevariation 97 tensiletestingmachine 73
synchronous generatorcoststructure 287 thermalexpansion 92,228y'.0
synchronousgeneratorrotor 26'7 thermal processes 331
synectics 90-1 thermalsimilarity 31.6
s y n t h e s i s3 3 , 3 8 thermal strains 232
syntheticmaterials230 thermalstresses 246
systemboundary 20 thermo-stablebehaviour224
system elements 21 time commitment 413
s y s t e m a tai cp p r o a c h 3 l - 7 , 3 6 2 4 tolerances 328
systcmaticc<tmbinati< l 0l n
ll-10 tooling 27'7
systcnratic dcsign 2 torcluc-limiters328
accordirtg ttl I lanscn 9- l() ttrrsionaloscillations 2Ml
accorcling ttl Kollcr l3- l5 ttrrsiottal stil'llrcss 202,203,21|
itccordittg to l\ldcttttckcr l(l | | torsiortllslrcsscs 97
lccortlirtgto l{otlt ll t{}ughncss 9 |
tlcvckrpntcttl ol (r l() l r l n s p r l r l 1 7 7 ,l t l 0 . 1 9 1 . l l l ' t , .11. 1
lrs*refortir in*reaseti-reci:ait*s:ssf 3L:*e#"s.c f*i' c*"* *ng1in*erilr.g prcd*cts,
especiailiv eempiexonesdesigiitieJ l"ryiarg+teernrs of sp*ciailetr:, ti:e ciesig;i
prorJsss mustbe carefu!iypiannedanr:i*y*iei"r:;tticnii'y' *xe,;i.rterl.F*r;'thist*
be posr::tlls, th* riesi,;l prc*eiq$
il# *r*[r+:*d*...4/1,filst ir-rj"*
th*l: lrrtr ;icps, *ach rs'ithil; ap$i"*i.rri*t*:
editi*ii cf ihe
br:ckK**'*stra.*k*imra$6c*$lr*: F.{ar*dfu***'f*rSiiueiEue=i: q*s'rd
Fraxisu,by- Frof*:;s*rsS*riiereiF;:i'ilnnrj\fui:lfgi*ng; Liei*:,iaysd#in*'n .*
siruttegy f*i this pificitssa;reihrir';gs
tcg*';i"i*r'th* +xte;:sive i:r:iiynf
kn*wir:iig*ahcui tiloiiertiaFl;r*achestc;sysl*m*ti':{t*si*n. i",lc; +tll*:-b**k
in fii-rillisl'r s,-l*han ineighiintotlei=niarr thinliinge::*l-tiengirieering
anei#esign nretl'icC*;cg',r.

wh* sdite#r'h*fi;-*if.:iiEiisnili:i-rslaii*i:,
prr:pnreiftirisn*;ueriii.i*i'r ior iis r-rsr*
witl:sL:gg;+:stii:rrs iil rksi6rrtaari:ing.He
is Univr;reitli
[..eq:lursr in i:l:glin**l'i;'rei
and ;r Fisiir;u,r'cf
Ll,;iia#e,eanri:rir.ige, F-ngiand.

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