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THE MASTER Design J. Andrew Keith Design Assistance Wiliam H. Keith, Jr Tom Kokkelenbe'g Michael P. Bledsoe Writing J.Andrew Keith Ezditoriat Statt Editor-Ir—Chiet \L Ross Babcock il ‘Senior Editor Donna ippotte Editor Todd Huatal Production Staff Layout And Pasteup Tara Gallagher Todd F. Marsh Front Cover Art Lucy A. Synic Back Cover At Todd F: Marsh Mustration Toad F. Jane Bigos Lucy A. Synk Typesetting Tera Gallagher Dedicated 0 the memory of Roger Delgado, who made the renegade Time Lord come to ite, and to Anthony Ainley, Peter Pratt, Geottrey Beevers, ‘and Peter Butterworth, who added luster to the legend. INGE Se apeaton 1 BetBatea ts coon Big Berens (heaget o80 Beis Hees sao anerce The Master 1SBNO-931787-27-0 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION The Doctor's Arch-Rival Contents of This Book Gamemaster' Information Section CIA File Extracts DESIGNING ADVENTURES. Guidelines Preliminary Decisions Developing the Scenario Greating Adventures Wi Using Published Adventu Creating Campaigns Possbiltos Underiying Plot Twists erating Wi aving The Master The Moral Question The Dilemma Solution Hypnosis Faked Death Re The Utimate Way Out Aternatives Hints For Play Do's And Don'ts For Further Reference MASTER VILLAIN Distinguishing Physical Bret Personal History Timeline of The Master's Activities Personality Motivations Manner Special Knowledge! Powers THE MASTER'S GOALS ‘Quest for Power Main Objectives Reshaping Universal History Replacing The Real Universe Losser Objectives Destruction of TNP Earth Travel Through The Temporal Barrier Rogeneration Search For New Powers THE MASTER'S TARGETS Lost Nexus Points Merast, The Master's Base Crack Between Universes The Planet Base Description FRIENDS AND FOES. Temporal Marauders Allies of The Master ‘THE MASTER'S EQUIPMENT. The Master'sTARDISes SIDRATS Weapons General Equipment Special Equipment 's Supplement ructure The Master ” A, 3 a 3 THE DOCTOR'S ARCH-RIVAL eo Mysterious, devious, and eadly, The Mastoris the exact ‘oppose The Decor. Tha wo have, in fac, been compared to Sherlock Holmes and his archival Protessox Moriarty. Where Tho Doctoris dedicated to peace, The Masters dedicated'o evil. The renegade wil ally himsel with any evi inhis questta dominate the entre universe, and willbetray even those allies bis purposes demand it This booklet contains information for gamemasters who wish to design and run roleplaying {games involving The Master, one of the most formidable vilains inthe DOCTOR WHO universe reatest of The Doctor's humanoid foes. though The Master can never appear asa player character (hat ‘would be completely cortrary to the ‘spit of the game), he canbe the focus of many encounter situations, ‘advontures, or aven entre ongoing campaigns in which one of his evi plots mustbe uncovered and thwarted by a Time Lord and his Companions. CONTENTS OF THIS GAMEMASTER'S INFORMATION SECTION ‘Gamemasters who are running their own games and campaigns will 'be able o use the dotall and back- ‘ground provided inthis book to flash ‘out The Master as an adversary to be ‘overcome. Theres a chapteron Designing Adventures using Tho Master, which offers guidelines, hints, and suggestions for effectively Incorporating the sinister vilan into DOCTOR WhHOrole playing games. Master Villain includes statistics and a detailed history of The Mastor’s life (as well as a time lino that orgar izes The Master's known activites in their proper sequence against the flow of ime). The chapter aiso pro- vides an in-depth look a the arch- villains personality, motivations, and manner through several incamations. INTRODUCTION The Master's Targets