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Class Notes

Class: IX Topic: ICT-Internet and Its Applications

Subject: IT (SESSION-6), Internet Services (SESSION-7)

Q1- What is WWW? How does it function?

Ans- The World Wide Web is a set of programs, standards and protocols that allows
the multimedia files to be created, displayed and linked on the Internet.

Q2- What is a server? What is a web server?

Ans-A server is any computer that receives requests from client computers, processes
And sends the output. Web servers respond to web related request.

Q3- Differentiate between a web page and a home page.

Ans- Web page- A document using http and that resides on a web-site is known as a
web page.
Home page- It is the top-level web page of a web site.

Q4-What are the components of a webpage?

Ans-The components of a webpage are-
Hypertext-It refers to the combination of text, graphic images, audio & video tracks,
and hyperlinks.
Hyperlink- It refers a dynamic link upon clicking at which a new web page or program

Q5- The first page on a website that allows you to navigate to other page via menu
system or links, is known as
Ans- Home page

Q6- What is a website? How is it related to a web page and a home page?
Ans- A website is a group of related web pages hosted on a webserver and are linked
together and share a common interface and design. Home page and web page both
reside in a website.
Q7- What is blogging? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
Ans- The action of writing blog is called blogging.
1. Increases new business
2. Great for feedback.
1. Poor content.
2. Takes time.
3. Inconsistent post.

Q8- What do you understand by a (i) Web browser (ii) Web server?
Ans- Web browser- A web browser is a program that lets us visit different sites on the
Net and display their offerings on our own computer.
Web server-A web server is a server that respond to web related request.

Q9- Search for some sites that let you create blogs.

Q11- Give two features of Internet.

Ans-Collaboration and Easier Communication.

Q12(a)- Explain how a customer who did not know the company’s website address
could gain access to the site.
Ans-Customer will search by the name of company.

(b)Describe how Chirpy Toys would benefit from the introduction of a website.
Ans-Sales will be increased.

(c) Describe how the customers would benefit from the introduction of the website.
Ans-Sales will be increased and online shopping will be started.
(d) Give three disadvantages of using the Internet to purchase goods.
Ans- Risk of fraud.
Poor material.
Shipment delay.

Q1- Out of the following which one is the most used feature of Internet?
Ans- e-mail

Q2- What are the two parts of an e-mail address? Which character is used to
separate these two parts?
Ans-The two parts of an e-mail address are-
1. Username
2. Domain name
@ is used to separate these two parts.

Q3- In an e-mail account, which folder stores the received e-mails?

Ans- Inbox

Q4-Name some social networking sites.

Ans-Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter.

Q6-What are the uses and misuses of social networking sites?

Ans- Uses- (i) People sharing common interests can connect and form a group.
(ii) Individuals from all around the world can connect and thereby know about
new cultures and languages etc.
(i) Data theft and viruses attacks can take place.
(ii) Online predators claim to be someone else, which can create problems.
(iii) Cyber blackmailing may take place.

Q7- What are blogs? How are they useful?

Ans- A blog refers to an online journal where entries are posted.
1. Increases new business.
2. Great for feedback.

Q8- What is digital India initiative of Govt. of India?

Ans- Digital India is a program by Govt. of India to transform India into a digitally
empowered society and knowledge economy.

Q9-When an e-mail is received it can be sent on to other e-mail addresses. This is:
Ans- Forwarding

Q10-(a) -(i) Describe the process of sending an e-mail with a photograph.

1. Login to your account and click at Compose mail.
2. Enter e-mail id of the receiver in To box.
3. Attach the photograph and click on Send button.

(ii) Explain what all types of files can she send with e-mail?
Ans- Images, documents, ppt, audio and videos.

(b)-(i) The computer sometimes takes a long time to respond when Juhi enters a
question into the search engine. Give two reasons why this might happen.

Ans-1. Slow connection.

2. Too long query.

(ii)- The search engine returned a large number of links when she entered ‘Gandhi’.
Give two things Juhi can do to reduce the number of links.
Ans-1. Enter appropriate keywords.
2. Use I’m Feeling Lucky feature.

Note: The students are advised to write this content in their notebook.
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“Prepared absolutely at home”

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