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Tuberculosis (TB) is amid the most intricate illnesses to manage and major causes of

death across the world. Though the developed nations have a low prevalence rate of TB, it

continues to be a noteworthy problem internationally. The developed countries have set up

schemes that seek to eradicate tuberculosis. Nevertheless, such programs are being hindered by

the rising cases of the disease. Augmented travels across the globe and the migration from

countries with high prevalence rates of TB to the ones with low prevalence rates threatens to

weaken the measures put to address TB in low-incidence nations. Presently, numerous illnesses

affect human beings and animals as well, and TB acts as one of such diseases, whose treatment

greatly relies on the approaches that have been developed to curb the transmission from animals

to people.

The One Health concept integrates the concerns of animals, people, and environment in

its endeavors to control illnesses that affect both people and animals. The comprehension of the

interrelations amid human beings and animals in the United States’ surroundings is vital to

considerably reducing the prevalence of tuberculosis. This is attributable to the fact that the

immigrants usually interrelate with the local residents of the US closely, and this may result in

high chances for transmission. A wide pool of studies has been established to analyze the TB

incidence rates in the United States with respect to both people and animals. Such studies

consider migration patterns and global travel inclinations and evaluate the significance of the one

health concept in the management of the disease. From the studies, it is evident that enhanced

movement of migrants into the United States and the close interrelations that human beings have

with animals do not significantly influence the rate of TB prevalence in the United States. The

rate of TB incidence in America has continually been decreasing.


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