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\mainmatter % start of an individual contribution

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\title{ A Deep Learning Framework on Embedded ADAS Platform for lane and road

% a short form should be given in case it is too long for the running head

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\author{Aarya K.H%
\and Lalita J.S\and Abhishek V.S \and Sahana B.S \and Vaidehi S.H \and Gireesha
H.M\and P.C.Nissimagoudar}
% (feature abused for this document to repeat the title also on left hand pages)

% the affiliations are given next; don't give your e-mail address
% unless you accept that it will be published

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\toctitle{Lecture Notes in Computer Science}

\tocauthor{Authors' Instructions}


\emph{Modern vehicles are now equipped with the Lane Departure Warning System
(LDWS), a critical safety feature that alerts drivers when their vehicle veers off
the road. Implemented with sensors and cameras, LDWS relies on complex interactions
among the vehicle, sensors, and control algorithms, making its testing challenging.
The Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) simulation emerges as a potent testing method,
allowing developers to simulate vehicle sensor activities in a controlled
environment. Through HIL testing, the LDWS system, integrated with a lane detection
deep learning framework and Nvidia Jetson Xavier AGX, can be evaluated across
diverse conditions, including varied road geometries, climatic scenarios, and
traffic patterns. This approach provides a realistic and reliable platform for
comprehensive testing in a virtual environment, facilitated by HIL validation using
dSPACE Scalexio.Our algorithm achieved an accuracy of 94\% at daylight and an
accuracy of 81\% at night.
\keywords{Lane Keep Assist [LKA],Hardware-in-the-Loop [HIL],ADAS,
Nvidia Jetson AGX Xavier}


Advanced Driver Assistance Systems[ADAS] refers to a collection of features
intended to aid drivers and improve vehicle safety and comfort. Sensors like
cameras,RADAR,LiDAR etc and other advanced technology are used in ADAS to deliver
features including lane departure warning, adaptive cruise control, autonomous
emergency braking, blind spot recognition, and parking assistance. These features
aid in increasing driver awareness, decreasing the likelihood of accidents, and
improving overall driving experience as well as the comfort and safety of
passengers and driver.
ADAS levels refer to a framework for categorising the capabilities and automation
levels of automotive systems. The levels are defined by the Society of Automotive
Engineers (SAE) and give a standardised means of describing a vehicle's level of
The SAE has classified automation into six levels as shown in Figure \ref{fig:SAE}
\caption{The SAE levels of automation \cite{SAE}}
These levels provide a common framework for understanding the increasing degrees of
automation found in cars, from basic driver assistance features to completely
autonomous driving capabilities. It facilitates open dialogue about the potential
and constraints of automated car systems, and it supports the advancement and
implementation of ADAS technology.
The automotive industry uses the ASIL (automobile Safety Integrity Level)
categorization system to inspect and maintain the electrical and electronic systems
of vehicles safe. ASIL levels are defined by the international standard ISO 26262,
which is for functional safety in motor vehicles. ASIL classifications categorise
the possible risk related to safety-related system flaws or malfunctions. There are
four ASIL levels:


Lane departure warning systems, which are increasingly common in modern

automobiles, improve driver safety by detecting lane departures and giving visual
and auditory alarms. This paper makes use of a deep learning framework to create a
lane detection for lane departure warning system. The framework functioning was
verified using Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) simulation via dSPACE Scalexio after the
integration of a lane detection deep learning framework and Nvidia Jetson Xavier
AGX. This method provides a realistic and dependable platform for evaluating system
performance in a simulated environment.

Depending on the implementation, the LDW system is often classified as ASIL B or
ASIL C in terms of safety. It is typically seen as a driver assistance feature in
Level 1 and Level 2 autonomous driving systems to increase lane-keeping
capabilities and overall road safety.
dSPACE HIL Scalexio is a real-time modular system for Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL)
testing and validation. It serves as a platform for simulating and testing complex
control systems used in a variety of applications such as automotive, aerospace,
and industrial systems.It supports a variety of communication protocols, including
CAN, LIN, and FlexRay, making it easy to integrate with various control systems.

The term "ASM" in the automotive industry refers to computer-based models and
simulations used for vehicle development, testing, and validation. ASM encompasses
a diverse set of simulation models representing different vehicle components, such
as the powertrain, chassis, vehicle dynamics, control systems, and driver behavior.

The NVIDIA Jetson Xavier AGX is a powerful embedded computer module designed
specifically for AI and machine learning applications at the edge. It provides
significant computational capability for deep learning workloads thanks to a Volta
GPU with Tensor Cores and an eight-core ARM64 CPU. The module, which focuses on
edge computing, enables real-time decision-making in applications such as
autonomous vehicles and robots.The Jetson Xavier AGX is used in a variety of
industries, from healthcare to smart cities, demonstrating its ability to address
challenging AI challenges at the edge.
\caption{Lane detection}

\section{Related work}
The low precision and real-time performance of conventional lane detecting systems
for autonomous vehicles is a problem that this study attempts to solve. A real-time
deep lane detection system that integrates CNN Encoder–Decoder and Long Short-Term
Memory (LSTM) networks is the proposed approach. While the LSTM network analyses
previous data to improve detection accuracy by reducing the impact of false alarms,
the CNN Encoder extracts deep features and decreases dimensionality. We
investigated and assessed three network designs using a dataset of 12,764 road
photos in different scenarios. With an average accuracy of 96.36\%, recall of
97.54\%, and F1-score of 97.42\%, the hybrid CNN Encoder–LSTM–Decoder network,
which was developed on an NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX supercomputer and incorporated
into a Lane-Departure–Warning System (LDWS), displayed strong prediction

The end-to-end deep learning system SwiftLane, which is intended for effective and
instantaneous lane detection in intricate situations, is presented in this paper.
With the use of curve fitting, false positive suppression, and row-wise
classification, SwiftLane outperforms previous techniques in terms of speed and
accuracy, achieving an astounding 411 frames per second of inference on the CULane
benchmark dataset. With a high inference speed of 56 frames per second, the
framework, optimised with TensorRT, allows real-time lane detection on an Nvidia
Jetson AGX Xavier embedded device\cite{swift}.

This study presents a robust approach based on precise geometric estimate in
highway settings to handle lane recognition difficulties for car safety
applications. Different from conventional visual feature-based techniques, this
algorithm is less sensitive to changes in weather, light, and distance. It uses an
innovative method that generates and verifies neighbouring lanes hypotheses to
ensure successful identification even in the face of changing environmental
conditions. 'Cross ratio' and 'dynamic homography matrix estimate' are employed by
the algorithm to generate neighbouring lane hypotheses with accuracy; no additional
vehicle sensors or calibration is required. Exhibiting robustness against changes
in illumination via simulations and 752 × 480 video sequences, the algorithm
operates over six lanes, comprising the driving lane and two neighbouring lanes\

In this paper, lane detection programmes for autonomous vehicles in airport areas
are the focus of a performance comparison of embedded systems for real-time video
sequence processing. The NVIDIA Jetson Nano, Raspberry Pi 4B, and NVIDIA Jetson
Xavier AGX are among the tested modules. The study specifically looks at NVIDIA
Jetson modules' maximum video stream processing performance in a range of
resolutions and power modes. The findings show that NVIDIA Jetson modules have a
large amount of processing power and can track lanes well even when using less
power. This study emphasises how well-suited NVIDIA Jetson platforms are for tasks
involving real-time video processing in autonomous vehicle applications\

This research presents a novel lane detection method that breaks from pixel-wise
segmentation techniques that are ill-suited to difficult conditions and speed
limitations. The suggested formulation, which greatly reduces computer costs,
approaches lane detection as a row-based selection issue utilising global features,
drawing inspiration from human perception. To address difficult situations, the
approach makes use of a broad receptive field for global information and adds a
structural loss to explicitly characterise lane structures. The method achieves
state-of-the-art performance in terms of speed and accuracy, as shown by extensive
trials on benchmark datasets. A lightweight version of the methodology produces
around 300 frames per second, which is four times faster than prior state-of-the-
art methods. There will be public access to the code\cite{ultra}.

In order to facilitate lane-keeping and provide lane departure warnings, this
research presents a unique spline-based lane recognition and tracking system. The
method improves system stability and robustness by modelling lane markers
accurately and flexibly using an extended Kalman filter and Catmull-Rom splines.
Unlike conventional techniques, it tracks and models each lane marking separately,
without assuming lane parallelism or certain forms. In lengthy road tests, the
system successfully navigates difficult conditions including worn-out lane markers,
construction sites, and tight curves, demonstrating real-time performance on a
basic PC with WVGA resolution\cite{novel}.
%{The functional block diagram shows the working of the Lane keep assist system is
in Fig \ref{fig:q}.Here Camera calibration capture image of the road. Thresholding
is image processing techniques converts grayscale or colour image into binary
image(0 or 1). Then Perspective Transform is used to map the points in the
camera's image to a new coordinate system, which results in a transformed image
that represents the scene as if viewed from above overall, the perspective
transform converts 3d world into 2d image.Thenlane detection component identify
left or right lane. Then it fits a polynomial to estimate the lane boundaries and
the vehicle position.}

The functional block diagram is a graphical language for describing the function
between input and output variables in the programmable logic controller
architecture. The lane detection system is shown in Figure \ref{fig:q}. Camera is
used to capture the image/video of the lane, and each Resnet-18 layers produces a
set of feature maps as its output. Every feature map is associated with a certain
learnt feature or pattern seen in the input picture.
It consists of majorly three layers Pooling layer, SoftMax layer, Output layer for
the features mapping.
Here defining anchor boxes involves specifying their sizes and aspect ratios based
on the characteristics of the objects you expect to detect in your dataset.


\caption{Functional block diagram of Lane detection}


A camera is a sensor which is used for gathering visual data from the environment
or the road. The input device is the camera, and it processes the photos or video
frames it takes in order to identify and evaluate the lanes on the road.
\subsection{Architecture of Resnet-18}

Residual learning addresses vanishing gradient by using skip connections that
bypass one or more layers. The idea behind this is to learn a residual function-the
difference between the input and output of a set of layers-rather than learning the
entire mapping directly.
Mathematically, x is the input to a set of layers, and f(x) represents the output
produced by these layers,
the residual function is defined as f(x)-x. The original mapping to be learned is
then H(x)=f(x)+x.

\caption{Residual Netwok}

ResNet-18 architecture consists of series of layers and the main layers are :
\subsubsection{Input layer:} Resnet-18 input layer expects image in the form of 3D
tensor. The input size is set to 224×224×3.
224 and 224 are the spatial dimensions of the input image (width and height,
3 represents the number of color channels (red, green, and blue) in the image, as
ResNet-18 is designed for RGB images.
\subsubsection{Initial Convolution Layer:}
ResNet (the one on the right) consists on one convolution and pooling step (on
orange) followed by 4 layers of similar behavior. It consists of series of layers
and it uses the skip connection
\subsubsection{Global Average Pooling:}
Global Average Pooling is a pooling operation designed to replace fully connected
layers in classical CNN.
\subsubsection{Softmax Activation:}
In ResNet-18, the softmax activation is typically used in the final layer for
classification tasks. This activation function converts the raw output scores of
the network into probabilities. It converts each scores and normalizes them to
obtain a probability distribution over the classes, making it suitable for multi-
class classification problems.


\caption{Architecture of ResNet-18}

The idea of residual learning—which entails utilising skip or shortcut connections
to get around one or more neural network layers—was first presented by ResNet. By
addressing the vanishing gradient issue, this novel method facilitates the training
of incredibly deep networks.

Learning residual functions enables the network to concentrate on the difference

between the input and the intended output, which is the main notion underlying
ResNet. With the use of this residual learning technique, substantially deeper
networks may be trained, improving performance and accuracy across a range of
computer vision tasks, including object detection and image categorization.

ResNet topologies are usually made up of residual blocks, which have several
convolutional layers in each. The learning process is aided by the skip
connections, which allow information to travel directly from the input to the
output. Due to its success, ResNet is now widely used in cutting-edge deep learning
models and serves as a key component in many computer vision and other

\subsection{Embedded ADAS Platform}
The Jetson AGX Xavier is an advanced development kit that serves as an exceptional
platform for deploying computer vision and deep learning algorithms. It offers
specifications, enabling developers to harness the power of AI and accelerate their
Here are the key specifications of the Jetson AGX Xavier:
The kit features an octal-core NVIDIA Carmel ARMv8.2 CPU clocked at 2.26GHz. This
high-performance CPU provides ample processing power to handle complex computations
and AI tasks efficiently.GPU with Tensor Cores: With its 512-core Volta GPU, the
AGX Xavier delivers exceptional graphics processing capabilities. The GPU is
with 64 Tensor Cores, which accelerate deep learning computations and enable
execution of neural network inference.To further enhance deep learning performance,
development kit incorporates dual deep learning accelerators.

\section{Implementation Details}

The dataset is a collection of images used for experimentation of lane
detection.These images were taken from TuSimple dataset which are used for the lane
detection algorithm for experimentation.

\textbf{Tu-Simple Dataset:}
The TuSimple Lane Detection dataset that was released by TuSimple, a firm that
specialises in autonomous driving technologies. The sample images of road with
dashed, continuous lane markings is shown in the Figure \ref{fig:Tusimple}.
The purpose of this dataset is to assist with lane detection in actual driving
Annotations of lane boundaries: 14,336\\

\includegraphics[width=4cm, height=2cm]{Images/3.jpg}
\vspace{-0.5\baselineskip} % Adjust vertical spacing as needed
\includegraphics[width=4cm, height=2cm]{Images/6.jpg}
\vspace{-0.5\baselineskip} % Adjust vertical spacing as needed

\includegraphics[width=4cm, height=2cm]{Images/11.jpg}
\vspace{-0.5\baselineskip} % Adjust vertical spacing as needed
\includegraphics[width=4cm, height=2cm]{Images/15.jpg}
\vspace{-0.5\baselineskip} % Adjust vertical spacing as needed
\caption{Urban roads with different lane markings }

\subsection{Implementation on HIL }

This methodology will be tested on HIL platform and deployed on the buggy
available at our university [KLETU] for autonomous or self-driving vehicles under
automotive research.\cite{IYER2020875}
\subsection{Road and Scenerio generation}
dSPACE Model Desk is created for the development and testing of models and has a
variety of applications, including automotive and aerospace systems, it offers a
platform for developing and testing control models.
We used Modeldesk to create a Road network of a real time road present in Hubli.
In the Figure \ref{fig:D} the road network is created is a 1:10 replica of the real
road from KLE Technological University to Hosur circle . Traffic signals and signs
to make it as realistic as possible , different vehicles,pedestrians and building
to the scenario by giving them different routes.
In the Figure \ref{fig:B} the blocks represent the vehicles [fellows] and
pedestrians present in our virtual environment.Each property of these fellows and
their attributes can be modified to fit our needs .
\caption{Fellows in Scenerio.}
\caption{Top view of scenario.}
dSPACE Motion Desk is intended for testing and validating motion control.
In the Figure \ref{fig:D} we see the environment we created from modeldesk in
motiondesk,it is mainly used to visualize the environment created in modeldesk.



\subsection{Implementation on ADAS Platform}

The Deep Learning framework is implemented and tested on Nvidia Jetson AGX Xavier
board, which is utilised in many applications such as autonomous vehicles.The
algorithm is tested on this platform using python file and distributions for
executing the algorithm.\\
The ADAS platform uses the dedicated Operating system ,i.e. Nvidia OS is built on
the Linux Kernel v5.15, has a root file system based on Ubuntu v22.04, a UEFI
bootloader, and OP-TEE as Trusted Execution Environment.\\


\subsection{Algorithm for Lane detection}
The algorithm for lane detection using ResNet-18 architecture is implemented on
Nvidia Jetson AGX Xavier and validated on dSPACE HIL platform is shown below,

\caption{Lane Detection Algorithm using ResNet-18 and Nvidia Jetson AGX Xavier}
\State \textbf{1:} Start with input image.

\State \textbf{2:} Apply ResNet-18 layers to produce a set of feature maps

associated with learned features.
\State \textbf{3:} Perform convolution and define anchor boxes.
\State \textbf{4:} Apply pooling layer, softmax layer, and output layer for
feature mapping.
\State \textbf{5:} Utilize Nvidia Jetson AGX Xavier for implementation.
\State \textbf{6:} Detect multiple lanes using the implemented algorithm.
This chapter contains the results from our methodology, a discussion of the
results, our road design and scenario, and a simulated scenario.
The lane mark detection framework looks to be performing as intended.This algorithm
necessitates the gradual adjustment of multiple parameters.

\subsection{Detection of Lane}
The Deep Learning framework methodology used for lane detection in Urban scenario
where we considered day and night for experimentation of the dataset on local
\textbf{Day Instance:}
In daylight, the algorithm accurately detects and marks the lanes in the image as
shown in Figure \ref{fig:4.1} .\\
\textbf{Night Instance 1:}
At night, the algorithm accurately detects and marks the lanes in the image as
shown in Figure \ref{fig:4.2}.\\
\textbf{Night Instance 2:}
At night, the algorithm is unable to detect all the lanes as the lane is
invisible as shown in Figure \ref{fig:4.3}.\\
\textbf{Night Instance 3:}
In low-light conditions, the algorithm detects single lane due to insufficent
lighting as shown in Figure \ref{fig:4.4}.


\includegraphics[width=6cm, height=3cm]{Images/day1.png}
\caption{Day Instance}
\includegraphics[width=6cm, height=3cm]{Images/night2.png}
\caption{Night Instance 1}

\includegraphics[width=6cm, height=3cm]{Images/night1.png}
\caption{Night Instance 2}
\includegraphics[width=6cm, height=3cm]{Images/night3.png}
\caption{Night Instance 3}

\section{Conclusion and Future Scope}

In conclusion, the lane line identification algorithm created in this study has
shown good results in tracking and detecting lane lines during real-world driving
scenarios.The algorithm has an accuracy of 94\% in daylight and 86\% at night. Key
phases in the pipeline include using ResNet-18 layers to generate feature maps,
establishing anchor boxes through convolution, using pooling layers, softmax
layers, and an output layer for feature mapping, and incorporating deep learning.
Further optimization and modifications in these steps can improve the resilience
and accuracy of the strategy.

However, it is critical to recognize the disadvantages of depending entirely on a

single algorithm for lane line recognition. In practice, achieving robustness
necessitates the use of many backup methods, particularly in the case of self-
driving automobiles.In the event of a failure in the primary algorithm, these
fallback algorithms should be well-prepared to maintain system robustness.


\subsection{Future Scope}

In the future, the integration of a lane detection deep learning framework,

specifically exploiting the capabilities of the Nvidia Jetson Xavier AGX, has the
potential to greatly improve the algorithm's performance. The versatility and
computational power of the Nvidia Jetson Xavier AGX platform can help with real-
time processing, enhancing overall responsiveness and reliability in lane line
detection. Future study may potentially investigate the incorporation of additional
sensor data and advanced machine learning techniques to improve the algorithm's
adaptability and resilience in a variety of driving scenarios.




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