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Appreciation of English Literary texts

Answer five questions only.

Answer question 1 and four others, selecting one from each section – POETRY, DRAMA, PROSE and

Part 1

1. Section A – Answer all questions.

Read the given extracts and answer the questions given below them:
“If they were right, I’d agree, but it’s them they know, not me,
Now there’s a way and I know that I have to go away.”
(a) From where are these lines taken? Who wrote them?
(b) Who are referred to as ‘them’ in the extract? Whose voice is presented in these lines?
(c) What does the poet try to bring out through these lines?

(05 marks)

(ii) “So on we worked, and waited for the light,

And went without the meat, and cursed the bread;”

(a) Name the work from which these lines are taken? Who is the writer?
(b) Who are referred to as ‘we’ ? What does this extract reveal about the life ‘we’ lead?

(c) What is the poetic technique employed in the underlined word? What is the effect

created? (05 marks)


(iii) “it will be a glorious afternoon for racing about over those beautiful sands. How they
will enjoy themselves!”

(a)From where is this extract taken? Who is the author?


(b) Who speaks these words and to whom are they spoken?
(c)What qualities of the speaker are brought out here? (05 marks)

(iv) “I told him to stop, I kept yelling to him that she had fallen out. But he kept going.”
(a) From where is this extract taken? Who wrote it?
(b) Who are referred to as ‘he ‘and ‘she ‘here?
(c) How would you describe the feelings of the speaker here? (05 marks )

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(v) “Then, from now on, won’t you lead our life quietly as before? Won’t you please enjoy a life
of peace and happiness with me, together and forever?
(a) From which text is this extract taken? Who wrote it?
(b) Who speaks these words? To whom are they spoken?
(c) What made the speaker say these words? (05 marks )

(vi) “It’s about time we got rid of the prejudice that only men need pay for their insults. Devil
take it, if you want equality of rights you can have it “

(a) Name the work from which this extract is taken? Who wrote it?

(b) Who speaks these words? To whom are they spoken?
(c) What is the speaker’s attitude to the person he/she speaks to? (05 marks)

Section B – Answer questions in either (a), (b) or (c)


(a) Read the following extract and answer the questions given below it.
“He hardly had the patience to read the instruction, “To open cut here,” but thrust his
finger in desperately and gashed the air letter until it split longitudinally, forcing him to
piece it together like a jigsaw puzzle for deciphering. The message simply said,…………..”

1) What is the situation presented in this extract? Who is referred to as ‘he’? (2marks)

2) Why doesn’t he read the instruction? (2marks)


3) Write the meanings of the following words

thrust –

gashed – (2marks)

4) What aspect of the character ‘he ‘is revealed here? (4 marks)



(b) Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.

“Death – and a violent death – for these poor unfortunates! The thought wrung Tom’s heart strings. The
spirit of compassion took control of him, to the exclusion of all other considerations; he never thought of
the offended laws, or of the grief or loss which these three criminals had inflicted upon their victims, he
could think of nothing but the scaffold and grisly fate hanging over the heads of the condemned. His
concern made him even forget, for the moment, that he was but the false shadow of a king; and before he
had blurted out the command:
‘Bring them here!”

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1. Who are referred to as “these poor unfortunates”? (2marks)
2. Briefly explain the situation here. (2marks)
3. Write the contextual meaning of the following.
Wrung heart strings -
grisly fate - (2marks)
4. What does this extract reveal about Tom as a king? What difference do you see between Tom and the
late king according to the above extract? (4 marks)


c ) Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.
“I walked and I stopped – sometimes to adjust my burdens and sometimes to ease the

growing pains in my hands and legs –and after a long time of walking and stopping I

reached the spot which is known by a large two storeyed store with intricate trellis work

in blue and white –Rosalin Nonage Kade/ Rosalin Nona’s Boutique, where there was a large mara tree
and a gravel road branched off to the left and on the right the same gravel road moved to cross the railway
line to meet the old road.”

1) What is the situation presented in this extract? Who is the speaker here? (2marks)
2) What is the reason for the growing pains in the speaker’s hands? (2marks)

3) Write the meanings of the following in your own words?


adjust -
ease - (2marks)

4) What state of mind of the speaker is revealed here? (4 marks)


Part – II

Answer one question only.

2. “The River Nile is looked upon with respect due to its life-giving nature” Do you agree? Give
reasons for your answer.
3. Unpredictability of life in the context of violence is brought out by the poem ‘The Terrorist,
He’s watching. ‘Discuss with reference to the poem.
4. “The outer appearance does not reflect the inner self of a person.” Discuss in relation to the poem
‘Richard Cory’.

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5. “The Earthen Goblet voices its desire to live close to nature without being changed its original
form.” How do you relate this statement to the trends of the modern world? Support your answer
with reference to the poem ‘The Earthen Goblet’.
6. The poem Upside-Down creates humour while bringing out a serious aspect into the poem.
(15 marks)

Answer one question only

7. “Human weaknesses are vividly portrayed through the characters of Popova and Smirnov.
Discuss with reference to the play, The Bear

8. “ Human greed destroys happiness “Do you agree? Discuss in relation to the play “Twilight of a
Crane “

(15 marks)

Answer one question only

9. “The oration The Lahore Attack made the world realize the strong spirit
of Sri Lankans.” Discuss with reference to the extract set for your study.
10. What weaknesses do you notice in aunt in The Lumber Room as an adult handling children?
11. “Wave can be viewed as a gruesome and poignant experience of the writer in a sudden,

unexpected tragedy.” Examine this statement with reference to the extract set for your study.
12. “Theoretical education does not create a balanced personality.” How far is this statement

justifiable with regard to The Nightingale and the Rose.


(15 marks)


Answer one question only


13. “The opposite stand points create a mismatch between Jagan and Mali “Do you agree with this
statement? Support your answer by referring to the text.

14. “Bringing Tony Home” relates a story about a conflict of love between a human and an animal.”
Comment on this statement.
15. Discuss with examples different experience both Edward Tudor and Tom Canty get after
exchanging their clothes.
(15 marks)

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