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1. An infectious disease is cause by …

a. Eating too much sugar c. pathogen growing inside your body
b. Flower pollen and pe dandruff d. a narrowing of the airways in your lungs
2. A noninectious esease happens when …
a. Parts of your body work abnormally c. fungi grow in the bottom of tour feet
b. Parasites line your body digestive d. bacteria release toxins that attack your cell
3. Viruses are … microorganisms
a. Fungal c. abnormal
b. Non-living d. noninfectious
4. What is the best way to destroy the virus that causes a cold if it gets on your hands ?
a. Staying indoor c. washing your hands
b. Drinking lots of liquids d. covering your nose and mouth
5. Which is not a way pathogen can spread ?
a. Infected people c. an allergy to peanuts
b. Infected animals d. contaminated objects

6. Noninfectious diseases are caused by an organism infecting your body. ( True / False )
7. Parasites are microorganisms that are much larger than bacteria. ( True / False )
8. Bacteria produce toxins that damage your cells. ( True / False )
9. Asthma is a disease that causes your lung’s airways to narrow. ( True / False )
10. Allergies are not serious disease. ( True/ False )

11. Allergies are cause by _______________________________________________________________

12. The flu is caused by
13. Diabetes can be caused by ___________________________________________________________
14. Food poisoning is caused by
15. Asthma is caused by ________________________________________________________________

16. Look ath the picture!

a. What made this person sick ?
b. How to avoid getting sick ?

17. Mention 3 infectious diseases.

18. Mention 3 noninfectious diseases.

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