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good evening

-Hi, BD Construction Company, how can I help you

This is Mr Jean Dupeyroux from the town hall of Senlis

-wait a minute, hold on, I'm looking in my files


-I found you, what's this about?

the work was supposed to be finished on 9 September and it looks like we'll be late

-I'm sorry, but my workers told me that it would take up to 2 days.

It's annoying, I had planned to go ahead with other work directly, so on the invoice you sent me by
email the amount is 3000 € more than we had agreed

-We had a lot of problems on your site which increased the costs.

Is it possible to have a reduction in the price for the delay not respected and the increase in costs?

-Listen, come by the site tomorrow and we'll discuss it.

All right, thank you. Have a nice evening.

-goodbye Mr. Dupeyroux

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