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Communication in Student Organizations

Anggi Pelangi Adi Ardita1 , Gangga Maura Mitavia2, Othniel Nadhif3, Adisatya
Dewandana4 Ananda Fortunisa.

Universitas Bakrie, Jakarta, Indonesia’1,2

H.R.Rasuna Said St.Kuningan, South Jakarta Indonesia 12920

ABSTRCT (Adisatya Dewandana)

Previous research has explained what impact or role is obtained from

communication in the student organizational structure. However, there is no
comprehensive understanding of the impact of organizational communication on
leadership, culture, human resoucers, organisation climate. The purpose of this
research is to examine the impact of leadership, organizational culture, human
resoucers, organisation climate. This research method is done by looking for several
articles that support this research. In addition, this study describes responsible
organizational leaders and the influence of organizational culture on satisfaction
with the performance of organizational members


Communication organisation, leadership, organizational culture, climate.

INTRODUCTION (Adisatya Dewandana)

Most people want to work for an ethical organization. Not surprisingly, a
previous survey showed that 94% of his employees said it was "very important" or
"important" for the company they work for to be ethical. (LRN, 2006). According to a
recent survey by LRN (2019), 87% of employees believe moral leadership is needed
more than ever, and 72% believe managers have moral authority. It says that with
action, organizations can better meet their biggest challenges. Her survey also found
that her 82% of employees believe that failing to consider the ethical or moral
implications of their actions puts their company at risk. An organization that
considers the ethical implications of its actions may have an ethical culture. As
Treviño and Weaver (2003) have pointed out, ethical culture refers to the perceived
elements of an organizational context that discourage unethical behavior and
encourage ethical behaviour. An organization's ethical culture supports ethical
decision-making through the internalization of guiding social values, both formal
(e.g., ethical codes, training efforts) and informal (e.g., ethical codes, peer behavior).
Contextual factors arising from system interactions. and norms (Treviño, Butterfield,
& McCabe, 1998).

Scholars argue that organizational culture can have a significant impact on

strategic internal communication (Berger, 2014). Despite the importance of culture,
especially ethical culture, its relationship to internal communication has not been
adequately explored in the PR literature. However, previous research has begun to
shed light on this area of research, finding that organizational cultural aspects of
support, stability, and an emphasis on reward are positively related to internal
symmetrical communication. (Jiang & Men, 2016). Based on this scholarship, my
current research seeks to broaden my knowledge of culture and internal
communication by examining the impact of ethical culture on transparent
communication. Moreover, in the current research, these two variables are the
perceived relational investment (PRI) (i.e., employees' perception of their
organization's relational investment) and employee representation (i.e., the
organizational citizenship behavior that employees act on). [OCB]) is also
investigated. Volunteerism) has the impact of promoting or advocating an

organization to people inside and outside) (Men, 2014; Thelen, 2019). Employees
were described as true communicators about the organization (Smudde, 2013).
Therefore, the level of trust and satisfaction employees feel with their organization
determines whether they support the organization or defend it against criticism
(Wilcox, Cameron, Reber, & Shin, 2013). If an organization's culture is not ethical, its
employees are less likely to volunteer for advocacy.


organizational communication for student performance is very important to get

good results. therefore this research is important to analyze in depth about the
factors and impacts experienced by student organizational communication based on
a literature review. there are several factors that affect organizational
communication in the student structure including leadership, culture, human
resources (Knowledge and Skills), Organizational climate,


There are many theories of leadership: While earlier theories focused on leader
characteristics, strengths, and behaviors, more recent theories emphasize
collaboration, reciprocity, and inclusion rather than individualism and traditional
hierarchical structures. Shared/relational models of leadership, and social exchange,
for example, all emphasize group work to effect change and achieve aim.
Contemporary theory also aims to give voice to those whose voices have been
historically silenced, and those who are influenced by social constructivism,
postmodernism, critical theory, and feminist theory. (Sudibjo & Prameswari, 2021;
Wahyudi, 2019)


Organizational culture has been identified as an important factor in previous

research (Mathew 2019). Understanding the cultural dimensions, and the behaviors
and thought processes that build as well as sustain organizational culture is critical
to increasing organizational effectiveness. In addition, communication in the campus
or work environment is influenced by organizational culture. The environmental
culture also encourages strong intensity ( Al Halbusi et al, 2020; Mosconi and
Hassani, 2022). As a result, employees or students are more likely to form positive
relationships in organizations with good culture ( Berger and Meng, 2019).
Consequently, organizational culture enhances team effectiveness both individually
and collectively by bringing out the best (or worst) in each member.
HUMAN RESOURCES (Knowledge and Skill)

Human resources have been identified as the main driver of organizational

performance, described as student competency, knowledge, and productive skills
(Guo & Chen, 2021;&Hitka et al., 2019).

Human knowledge is another key factor in organizational performance and

sustainability (Kirchner et al., 2021). Knowledge enhances individual cognitive
abilities, making developmental activities more productive and efficient. Therefore,
organizations must support knowledge by cultivating a knowledge culture that helps
improve organizational performance. (Swanson et al., 2020). Interpersonal skills
have a significant impact on organizational performance. After applying their
knowledge in an organization, these skilled students become qualified students for
continuous progress (Syed et al., 2020). Therefore, qualified students are considered
as the main asset of a growing organization.

Organizational climate

Organizational climate is a key factor in the success of most organizations.

Organizational climate also functions as a set of unwritten rules that define
acceptable and unacceptable behavior (Kılıç and Altuntaş, 2019). In addition, it is
recognized that students often value self-limiting rules, and this view eventually
blends in with the climate (Dinibutun et al, 2020). This suggests that organizational
climate can be a useful variable for research because it can give students a sense of
control over their behavior.

RESEARCH METHOD (Othniel Nadhif)

In writing scientific articles, the writer directs it to library research. This research was
conducted by collecting data sources that have been read by the author and sorting
out the previous literature. The literature here is referred to as a source of
definitions and interrelated problem factors related to the topic that the author
made. This study used a data collection method, namely literature collection. Then
analyze descriptive literature data. The data sources used for this research are
secondary data sources, namely documents and other data related to the topics
raised by the author (Sugiono, 2014). The main problem associated with this
research is to inform the factors and impacts that occur on communication in
student organizations

RESULTS (Anggi Pelangi)

The main aim of this study is to identify the factors and influences of communication in
student organizations. The authors found it positively impacts the success of organizational
leaders. Cultural relationships associated with the organization. human resources. Influence
of organizational culture.

References Key findings

X. Lu, H. Zhou, S Chen (2019) This study has also investigated that
responsible leaders motivate students to
share their knowledge. By sharing
knowledge with other members of the
organization, it can help equip themselves
with the important skills and knowledge
needed to achieve goals (Lu et al., 2019)
T. Stöber, P. Kotzian, B.E. Weißenberger A number of the authors' findings provide
(2019) one of the factors why an organization must
have certain virtues in order to act ethically
and morally well. This theory derives from
Aristotle's ethical cultural virtues and
suggests that organizations as communities
can promote individual virtues through an
organizational environment focused on
moral excellence (Stöber, Kotzian, &
Weißenberger, 2019).
S. Widianto, Y.D. Lestari, B.E. Adna, B.M. The findings of Widianto et al., (2021) show
Sukoco, M. Nasi (2021) that student knowledge and skills form a
significant positive relationship with
successful organizational performance.
P. Escamilla-Fajardo, F. García-Pascual, I. Further study, identified the following
Staškevičiūtė-Butienė (2021) climate dimensions as critical to
organizational climate: training, motivation,
supervision, safety, and resources
(Escamilla-Fajardo et al., 2021)

DISCUSSION (Gangga Maura)

based on the results of a literature review, this study shows that responsible leadership,
organizational culture, human resources and organizational climate are very influential in
organizational communication, especially in student organizations. For this reason, it is
necessary to know what factors influence communication in student organizations. The
results of this study suggest four factors that need to be analyzed that influence
communication in student organizations, namely leadership, culture, human resources, and
organizational climate. And that the results of the four studies greatly influence the
existence of student organizations that run well and have the performance of students or
members increase
CONCLUSION (Gangga Maura)

The conclusion from this study is that communication in student organizations is very
important so that the organization can run well. This study examines four main factors,
namely leadership, culture, human resources, climate. Leadership is considered as a very
important influence in the organizational structure so that it can run well. So is the case with
culture, if the organizational environment brings a positive influence, the culture in the
organization will increase employee performance. human resources (knowledge and skills)
can help students or new members who work well and the climate also has an impact on
the organization

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