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In the year 2050, the world had drastically changed.

The once prosperous and peaceful Earth had become a

desolate wasteland, torn apart by wars, natural disasters, and diseases. The human population had been
reduced significantly, and those who were left lived in fear and despair.

Among the remaining humans, there was a small community that held on to a glimmer of hope. They were
the followers of the sacred book of the end times, the Alquran. They believed that this holy book held the
key to their survival and the restoration of their world.

The leader of this community was a wise and compassionate man named Ahmad. He was the one who had
discovered the Alquran in the ruins of an old mosque. It was a miracle that the book had survived all the
chaos and destruction. Ahmad believed that it was a sign from Allah, and he dedicated his life to
understanding and spreading its teachings.

The Alquran was not like any other book. It was said to be the final and most important scripture, revealed
to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a guidance for mankind in the end times. Its words were powerful
and its messages were clear. Ahmad and his followers believed that by following its teachings, they could
overcome any challenge and create a better world.

One day, a stranger appeared at the community's doorstep. He was a traveler from a distant land, seeking
refuge and shelter. Ahmad welcomed him with open arms, for he believed in the importance of kindness
and compassion, as taught by the Alquran.

The stranger, whose name was Yusuf, was amazed by the community's way of life. He had never
encountered such faith and resilience in his travels. As he spent more time with them, he became curious
about the Alquran and its teachings. Ahmad gladly shared the book with him, and Yusuf was mesmerized
by its words.

He saw how the community lived in harmony and took care of one another, despite the harsh conditions.
He witnessed their unwavering faith and determination, even in the face of adversity. Yusuf was convinced
that the Alquran was truly a book of guidance for the end times.

However, not everyone shared Yusuf's curiosity and open-mindedness. There were those who saw the
Alquran as a threat to their power and control. They were the leaders of a nearby city, who had built their
empire on fear and oppression. They saw the community as a threat to their rule and were determined to
destroy them.

One day, they launched an attack on the community, hoping to crush their beliefs and take control of their
resources. The small community was no match for the powerful army, and they were quickly overpowered.
Ahmad and his followers were forced to flee, leaving behind everything they had built.

With Yusuf's help, they found a new home in a hidden valley, far from the city's reach. They rebuilt their
community and continued to live by the teachings of the Alquran. Yusuf became one of them, and
together, they spread the message of hope and resilience to those in need.

Years went by, and the community grew stronger and more prosperous. They were a shining example of
how the Alquran's teachings could bring light to even the darkest of times. The city's leaders eventually
fell, and a new era of peace and prosperity began.

The Alquran had truly proven to be the sacred book of the end times, guiding its believers towards a better
future. And for Ahmad and his followers, it was not just a book, but a way of life that had saved them from
the brink of destruction.

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