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| Symbolic Exchange and Det { spo OT EY sone Theory, Culture & lure & Society SYMBOLIC EXCHANGE AND DEATH Jean Baudrillard Translated by lain Hamilton Grant swith an Introduction by Mike Gane Fone es Spt tte comme SAGE Pabliations Lamlon» Teowaod Oss + New Deli semeassoy ee stro terete te ps er a bee emce een mpectan tas coyrc ES ese orc eee ca ay oC Cat Namie 38583 ‘rl diy er ay ‘ee gee N= CONTENTS Introduction by Mike Gane ‘The Had of Proaction the Stactural Revolution of Value The Bad of Production abou Woses Money Srates Poti! Economy as Model of Simolation {our and Death he Orde of Stolacra the Thee Order of Simulacr ‘The Stucco Angel “The India Simulacrom The Metaphyses ofthe Code ‘The Tact ang the Digital “The Hypereainof Siulation bol Killer, or Te Iseecion of Signs Fashon, or The Enchanting Spctace ofthe Code Te Fively ofthe Dé Va ‘Struts of Fashion The Flotation of Sine The Pula” of Fashion Sex Refeoned ‘The Inabvertble owes 3 s a % seseses 4 The Hay, oF he Mas rane a Signe ‘The Marka Hy Secondary Nutty Striptease Planed Necisim Incestuous Manipulation Moats o the Body Phas Exchange Standard Demagogy of the Body Apoiogue ang 2' Bother oes 5 Potideal anomy and Dest ‘The Extradition of the Dead ‘Survival or the Ege uo Death The Geto Beyond the Grave eat Pomer ‘The Exchange of Death inthe Prine Onder SymbotcReatiminaty The heable Erhange The Unconscious and be Primitive Order The Double and he Spe Foti Boopomy and Ben The Death ene Death in Pate My Deaths Everywhere, my Death Dreams Pom Det eb Dea "Pm Acciden id the Carre ‘Nat Death a (Old Age and Reterent the ‘Tid Age Naurl Death ond Serf Desh The Det Peay Secunia Bickmait Funeral Homes and Catacombs he Deretcnon of Dean The Exchange of Dave Sealed Death and Deadly Sex My Death is Everywhere my Death Dreams Notes © The Rxtermination of the Name of Gol The Anggram The Poet as the Extermination of Val The End of the Anathone a ut 3 a bs 149 1 ist 158 1 163 16s 166, o 180 12 ie i 1s 95 contents The Ne Bion Names of Cont ‘The Linguistic Imaginary ‘The Wi, or The Phantasm ofthe Economie in Freud ‘An Anis Materia Tao) of Language “eyond the Unconscious ote [ilography of Works by Jean Benrilard Index INTRODUCTION MIKE GANE Smt Fn nD bed a Kane 10 ite fen Benton's most tmportant ook. Te appeared snp eats ty Clade ew Sus and Mel Foul a allmarsprest sss te Sat man ron ‘pect ta ita ake some yeas forthe fal impacto Baas ‘SoH pshing ees and ememier someting ots SMiandestning. For vows comps cmon Daur me ‘Boned mh pstporion ined he Btn een ale the high Fiiot of pono yet kar ta Basia so eitionshin ith pommoderism hay poste The teres posters has ‘Sry seved eval tere enorme eoaty in estaang Snub Brutlad's pono ti ot posta. The wansaton ‘iu putea of Symbolic Exchange ond Deal il be deci ths ‘Spe “Ph peat inrest in Bara’ work i cent years tas led 0 2 sn fd ona i a on oi Tor wotks writen at may pers distance have appeared In eet taeporain pula, Te wort ape in tarson as The Mor of Producto in 178 Fenech nial 1979) tite m BI by Fors Cri of he Poll Peony of he Sgn (Ghapeaty 9) Past Symbote Ethane and Death becane alae SSB inoue arse or, andi 95 mth clon Solty Simmer) a New York pushing owe whch sueequtty pa Mate ne Shadow a te Majors (183, oral 107), Fret ‘nal 1957 ogy 97) and The Esa 0f Communication (98, City 987) Two bosks ofslstee wins, Jan Baud Seed Wings GORD) and Revenge of the Cry (1590), rea salable io gi Se ae Stucon (99, ecgaly 197), Fal Seategies (9, itis be, Cot Memora G09, oily 887 and Treinen “ye 190, evigely 1950, The year 198 el also see the publication Lumar Liver sexton of nteriews. The question aries heetore ‘tow make sere ofthis corpus and how does Sybue Fchunge anal IrRODUCTION, & sn Reims in 1929. His formation and ea teaching experience was a2 in Rei nee an carly tess om Nice and Later, and Was Germaine nc wv of Hein. Hist pseatons were pat cmaye im bes smps moderne (196-3) Hews aio Nera nptoography amet book of photographs was pbised in re sa anti (a December 1992 tere was an Fo i graph va ary on The Champs-Elysées): I he cation of penspal trator ofthe works of Peter Weis. nt Fo a lp taut Brecht and sociological work on Th Fran cman movements by Wilhelm Mthmans. In he 1980s be Tra ese ogy under the nence of Hei Lefebvre and Rolind Sat awn iverstytacing cect was at Nanterre fn ary, 18 Barthes Most i uncated wth pea ater with Traverse, both thane oom bade the ortvodox orgasation of the Ket. He wat ‘ai cece by stuntonisn ul was neve tached in ay formal ee ashe began to travel, tothe USA, about which he wrote aE tae, oily 186), but abo wore widely 8 1a oh ctedin hx Coo! Memos. nial his main axial wel partly dopa Mia Daelona, which touay bas Become Paris I ote id He ha eecnly spent time in Dern as wells Argsniing Berke Maid Me unde aa vat fo Beta: he reckons to spend att aaa reg ne ut or rane, I'comes as no surprise that Baar hay & aa word fepetatnn nce he was the subject of «recent cnie sorte route in 1990, pled as Jean Bautierd, Scans mt Foe ety, and that recent survey e an in he ang all ne Efrch ntlletuls in ers of cans and ranation, et of tansation of Bauder’ works has been accompanied te som wrt nc at Fred ameson, Dow Kent by samme aloe Kroker, By and age these wie have 0 aan ac iden with postmodernist, Jameson used Basar 1° Tk ear eption of postmderasm asthe etre ormaton of is fin nce wan ake etal arte by Arran a ster Doulas Kelner fst presented Baila’ the Marui dor heen but later altered the thes, admiting tat met ells wings were generally extremely fone pest rely a ee ook om Baar (1989) i an tempt Ae modem. fetes wnter rons position neds to be ently ete tha tds sense in which tbe relation (9 Bailar oe of Ne Ne thd auracion, Even Kener pints 1 the Soha ond SP an Symbolic Exchange and Death (Kelner, 189: 12) iia oni The Spt of Objet (1968) but er 0" x Peace ey (197), seme ifaenced by a Marks pit of io amen inn alent reaction to Marsa in The Minor of weit iors) ar lends tothe new sybess tha expe in Pra eye ad Death (76) A tora i Fora rig of he re sign (191, onginaly 1972), the 'semiobgkal reduction of the symbolic property constitutes the ieoloieal proce Up 98), cam he taken bey statement of Hata’ objet Hwa at That tne very early considered an alas of eral proce within apts sckey- an “idetogcalfeducon tothe (capitals system of rand soil value (p10), Certily in the yar leading up e0 1972 "sora scemed to be working within Marit framework ereferred loth eaptat mode of production athe bis of he socal formation. Ts 170, with his book The Contamer Society, it was leat that unlike wore sha Marni besa tat afuence abd cosumpuon ha profound Sonmesjenoes for soil strstr and cultural integration, Marte ike ithe aed of the key role of socal dans proton in the fami tn the school (ideologieal pparatass ofthe Sate), Baud talked the power of consumption and epesie ambience in ane of tought Inented by Barthes, Marcuse and MeLahan. ‘com which Baudlld undertook his analyses wax smeubat ambivalent. ‘Gn one hand there fein this pernd a gesture othe portance of the [wctasan poston There i ain increasing reference to the ignficance Mun oer igher than that ofthe seme clr He called ths the “nelle order a more radel if more primordial bas AL Get the syibie ordce is dcussed wit reference {othe famous analsiso ie ‘change by Maree! Mauss (se Baudeilard, 198, originally 1972: 68.) "hk sa nial tad, the Ht lng seis of oppositions Between the ‘yb andthe seme ode, Titi cnet olay the ate of thene two concept. Of couse this ean be done defintely ince many St ihe concepts ave been madd through the course of Bauder aseqent evolution Tes Bars own acount ofthe sated eure Stine by Durem The Elementary Forme of the Reiious Life {i915 sis that detaed by Max Weber the enchanted world of Tenn sce, he fata cure of peasants, Fr Buda ‘urs was ot sfiemty radial nhs analysis, was ot usa which sho have Bee contrasted with exchangevaive, but symbolic exchange Inch should have been contrasted wid commodity eachange. Baudet Toes reaing of Mabe suggest that hs conception of communion was teappest within the mat ofthe cultural order of rationalisation and thereto could oe Be other tha its (bad) miorimage Like Mais, ‘Neorg the superior ofthe symbolic onde over the etic ‘der (he obligation of pit over the cash aexws) whe witnessing the iyparent destrcton ofthe former bythe Isr. Arai the Marx Uandriland appess more rath, nd more primitive. But thre are surprises abuled does not simply document the coune of the ‘Ksrcton ofthe symbolic order but silycs the oni evotion of the emia order el the tire process Chapter on capitals isl preston | ‘Perhaps crac anal K cio in oany epee wren itRopucTION “ highly shetoia soe playful, wily malicious. Although the analyses of ‘mulation, fashion sckuliy, death, are likely o be more celebrated, this fist capterin senses mor fandamental~ yet the texts oth asertve, dogmatic and st te same tine iludve. The wig tin the mao “supported by aay burden of evidence or any atm at sptematic Srgument, asta highly perverse diletcal mania had grasped the writes, Fist of al Bauder presents te thesis that order rap the aatre lofmodem apts itmast be hough of ot ta mode of production but {sede domieued bythe structural aw of value’ This et obvious ‘developed rom Marxe own lw of wae, but ere detache elt rom ‘ssonomics and becomes amechanism which ines cular spheres. 5 ‘ther words all spheres cane analysed as the procst of the pole economy ofthe ign Baudrillad isst ia fat thatthe development of ‘modem wy frunven, and like Weber argues thatthe proce re ‘tisha on, plicsand culture und then the economy eel The enor, {iter having pased trough a specie phase of simulation Known a he ‘Spit mode of production (he phase ofthe factor. ete.) undergoes 2b ironic loge since the mode of production Invert ill and bepns to ‘estoy the very separations it was blk upon. Capita elf proceeds Sestroy the erry of base and supertractre, of production and reproduction, of labour and capital "There ate wo stpsin the argument which mus be examine, Te fists the argument concerming the nature ofthe change ofthe tras with the ‘totals mode of producto, The second i the argument concerning the ‘elton betwen te ymioic order and apts The character of the former argument is perhaps best grasped as process ocuing st an aleady ‘vanced stge of the destruction ofthe natural esnomy of primitive Symbol exchange (the argument flows on trom that presente in Tie ‘Mirvor of Production, For Ballard te rive sce as 0 "aod ‘of production indeed perhaps india factory exptlae the only ‘node of producion’ that has exsed as such. However, once the structural law of value attacks the clements ofthe system the ede beams ‘kteminant, ending any order of cation between the spheres of ‘rnuction tad consumption Henee the histori dlc betwee them omer to an end. Baueilrd produces the ony ofthe Althwseran Xerson nf Marx which suggested tht reprodton (ats sg) st ‘cterminnt in hisory, or Baudrillard seggess that wen eepradacton Iecomes dinar labour ad production change ther Sense, they ise thei Roi, that they Hse theron as purposfl work as they Iecome reproduced for the sake ofthe reproduction of work ise Tht idea recs the great change that has occurred in Westem societies in relation to the mesning of the term abeation. When ths happers ‘ements inthe ster ae alfected ge te proletariat Is inorported ota the mca order rade unions, shes, revolts such as May "68 ose thet "thot ace an adcay, Indeed the rgunations and thereicans fvto mart time wit iisicoce on Iho ceeralay ot “production” and ai INTRODUCTION abou’ ~ and those who believe inthe wale oftheir ur power ~ theprletarat are virally the most mystiied and the leas suscep to ths revolt (p. 30 below). Baudelardreorganises the theory o resistance tin revolt frm one base on intermal stem contain (Mars) ott ‘texan and excommniation (Durtheim and Maus). The second element in the apument dhe ope and role Baud wives tothe symbole order within the epialst system. almost appears “ci replsement for the noon of asia iafastrctre, and on acasons Bond bs formations which approach hs image isa mistake, them to think that Syorotle Exchange and Dead i sinply boat the ‘clogs pose’ of the redtion ofthe symbaicby the smote. His sik about he ruption of he symbole witha the serine. Te allenge, ihe stake se says, dimension manent inthe cade’ (p39 elow). inanayss which fst ight appears sight face, the tts Baud (hes analy epi rere al previous eoncepions. The pai ‘rownt the it of wok othe proletarian. Baca the proitarian anna "ohm th it and cannot cancel he cannot cance the power of the {tit But he positon and order ofthe capitalist s vulnerable one the vance Baud lime nothing ean evade symbelic obligation, nk not even the sem ibe teonsm, the taking of os ietial martyrdom, ae challenges to the sem which pas in the Symbolic onder It ther a tateay in Bauer's work perhaps this is sihereitis dscused the fundamental challenge tthe emia system wl [Rent orm of git whic it wl no be abet Yetura (pp. 36-1 below). Thc chapers which follow say themes dr rlted to the sppsent istiaction of the symboie by the semi onder. The chapler on ion dace the renealogy ofthe onder of simulation fom the nterfetsthough production proper 10 te hypemeal order sl. ‘Chaper examings the ease of fsbion and the fashion eye which i ‘salt the analysis of consumer society and the commutation of al itt ekemeat even the most apparently eal othe coe of fsion “his emporalis, Chapter examines the body and sexuality. Here the alo exchange anda” operates curl parallel wth tbe Iw of ‘he determining speci destrtion ofthe ras ference between Tienes an the symbol excnges based on I the nex per, on ‘Koh Hawulnd presente geneslgy ofthe dead, the destaton of he inl unis of ie aad death and the Atul which integrated the "cltions between genertons i tadioal sos. nthe fal chapter Tran oss Suse seas Saussure. The great analyst ofthe sgn, ‘he vip of srt hnglstis and semilgy, Stsse also wrote Solum motebooke on the iden anagrams In casa erate Bind args that this provides le fo reading sch powtay not as iecumulation Dt a acyl, pretation and cancelation (ex Termination) Thischaptr also nlade a ceague othe ewan analysis ‘jokes seca compl wit he oer of aemalaton aa pression, ‘ice Spribute Fachange and Deh was ped in 17% Bauer INTRODUCTION. i pcs ete sei nena spe ret ttn ean ca See Tie a ee hc ns nce ct Boma facile essa stance aaa a ie aapanhs mnt icp set Sant te os wathaga ria le Sater BO Seiden eta Suen saree ape sy ste a iereticiiegemenmcca reat ict tr omanonr sae Neosat STi on i, Pcs ce ened ee ae oa eee is Go ears pie ea gel age Sy tery ele Elia tt eta Sa eT eee hae an oe ce ss ganic i mnie ace Seow de ie ha etn ase re Seer smut ae ist ce ‘Seta Sci aa Testo pn ye ee tea eee mae ated Sete nee ee ere SSSR eis es Certainly with ths Englsh translation i i evident that many of the Inunderstanings that have sirounded the wigs of Bawa, perhaps far beyond the fn are milieu wl fad they have no textual bass re than tht ofcourse the plaion of ht tensttion brags othe nalbhspesking pub a dosument which has aleady had enormous indirect gence. For those who have wisbed that Baudelard would ‘xpress i argument in more orthodox tems, this undoubtedly the tet SMhore he atemptod to do preely that {878 orgy 1973) The Mror af Prosucon t Lous, SO: Teo, sr ho et of ears edo i INTRODUCTION it (19) Si Pala New Ys Seni: ‘Sa 1190) Foe cy Hheh one Me Pawn ew Yo etd 8, gin 180 Ae CT Late: Ye ‘Bean 1 ie psy 96) Pe Bea of Comicon, Se Las, it mC ee Noor oma) ste on ed i rg Mee 1 en fina (90 iy 1) Seton, Sgt: Lo: Main. ont {tspeny Oo Sra ond a nt 0 ray?) Cn MonrcCTurer Leno: Veo ‘ts we ca Sd Wir ton i ety 1) Peo Sao Bere Pn ‘eo Red Ue Sed Irs, M. One Lode: Ro in (915 ily 92) Phe emery arms of Rs ‘cme, Ma) foe Baud Cot and Fal Theory, Lon: Roe ‘Sie Mt) Aaa Bsa: rtrd nC, ms Rote ‘cy. to fs Bor Pron Ma Po Moon eed nn ewe emo: Aa, aid nd yt ‘sar an Cp, Wee (9) Jo Bind. on: cian PREFACE ‘Symbolic exchange no loge the organising principe of moder acs (Ofcourse, the symbolic hats meer social isitiny in the form their owe death Indeed, since the symbole no longer Fes these soca forms, they experience I only a this haunting, and as 2 demand forever blocked by theaw a alse. Even though a eran hea of revolton bas, since Mark, sttmpted 16 fod way pst the ew of val, H ng singe tecame a revolution in accordance with the Law. Even pejchoanalse _rvitates around this haunting, which feds off whe ate same me ‘Sreumscribing i within an iniualved unconscious, thas redsing , oder the Law ofthe Fuster, tothe ateesioal fear of station andthe Signier. Always the Law. However, beyond the topoloues and eco mics, both Iidinal and politcal, gravitating around a matelist or siing-poction on the wage of val, an tine of socal reltons fers base onthe extermigation of yalue. Far, the mde! a is ‘elton harks back to priniive formations, bu this radical wopaisiowly Deni to intrude a ever letel of ontemporary society: ths intxia- ing revolt no longer has anything to do with the avs of story nor evea— bt we will have to wait for a ater stage for histo appear, snc tsa ‘cent pansy — ath the “iberaion’ ofa “ese" nis light, other theoretical evens, such ax Saussure’ anagrams and Maus gitexchange, seme arin importance nthe long rn, these hypotiees ae more rade thin Mar’ or Frew, whose interpretations re conored by precisely thet sperm. The anagrams. or it changes ate not merely tansiory phases within the dscpins of linguistics and antropoloy, nor ar they inferior forms compared othe tas tachaation of the encoatoas and the tevolton Here. one rodemiaaar form emeres, trom which Martsm and psychoanals, ‘hough they may not Be aware ot derive. This form equally dsmissve ‘ot pots and inl economy, outining instead beyond o ae, 3 "eyond af the la, beyond of repreion and a beyond of the uncon ‘Sous This taking place ere and nom: ‘When Freud propeses the theory of the death drs, this isthe one ‘corsa event of the same order athe anagram andthe gi, provided ‘ve radnive aginst Freud himel, Indeed we mst sie the targets of Sait Saussure and Pea against rea The pape of revert {the counter) must he ped against all he economic, peak 2 PwerAce si and strctrais interpretations for which Maus pave the was The Srussre of the snagrans must be ret aginst Snaweian agus, Senin! even his own festted hypotheses concering the anagram. The ‘reud ofthe death deve must be pitched gait every prcious psycho alti ice, and even agaist Freud's version of the death drive "A te price of paradox and theoretical violence, we witness thatthe tives tnpatheses describe, in ther own respective fel (6a this proprily {ie pecely wba he general form othe symbolic annates), functional Principle sovereigly oubide and antagonistic 10 ur economic "ealty Principle veryere in every domain, a singe form predominates: reversibility, “yc vera and nonsment put an end tothe lines of time, [angst economic exchange, scumulason and power Hence the ever ‘Sty of theif inthe counter, the reversibly of exchange in the ‘sere, the reverity of mein heel, the reves of produ son ndestacion, te revert ie in death, and the reversaity of ‘Story term ane! vate of the langue so the anagram. Tn every domain it "sume the frm of extermination and death, for its the form ofthe “Sinbiitsth Neier mptieal no stroctual, the symbole netabe The reality principle corresponded to a certain stage ofthe of vale ‘tay the whole syste swamped by indetermincy, an ever realty svobed by the hyperrealiy of the code sod simulation The principe of Simlaion governs we now, rather han the outdated realty pipe. We Jon tote forms whose finales have disappeared. No more eo}, ‘nl simlseea We mam therefor reconstruct the eae genealogy of the Uw of aloe and it simular i order to gasp the hegemony and the ‘Siohananat ofthe surent ysem. A tractor! revolution of vl. TAs fenealogy mit cover politcal economy, where il wil appear a a second- ‘She smulerum, just Hike all hoe that stake evrything onthe rel the ‘eal of production, the eal of sgeaton, whether conscious or ucons- ‘Capital a loge Belong othe oder af poli ecouomy: i operates isl eomomy a fr simiatd model. The ent apparats ofthe “Snot aw of vale absorbed ad recede the ager apparatus of the stctaral la of ale, tho becoming par ofthe Ih oder of Simla (ae Below), Potealexonoay is hus sured a second fe a ‘ery, thin the confines of am apparatus ia which has os al isi ‘ltcentinay, Bt maintain a efecuve presence a stem of reference “simulation, Ras exaetly the tame forthe previous appaats ~ the ‘tra lw of yale ~ which the sistem of pots! economy and the imal lw of vale ako appropeted as thie imaginary stom of felereace (Nature ‘ature Tea host exstence a se vale at the ‘Sine ot eachange-vaue. But om the next ist ofthe tal, weal seize as an ai within the dominant adc ofthe eo Fach co Faton ovale seized by the next higher OY of sir A PREFACE 3 ach phase of value interates the prior sprarats into town 3b 2 Phantom rlernee, «puppet felerenc,» simulate reference ‘Arevolutio separates each nde rom is successor: these ae the oly scone revolutions. We fein the thd ovder, which s the order ao ongcr ‘St the real, bt othe byperenl, ei only bere tha theories and practi, Thensces Metin snd indeterminate, can reach the fal and Bet ito ‘eth “Contemporary revolutions are indexed on the immediatly pirate of the system, They areal utressed by a nostalgia for the resurection of he real falls forms, tht iw second-ordcesimulcr: lect, we Value the transparency and fait of production, th eration” of the Unconscious, of represed meaning (the signif, orth spied named “dese and oon All hese letations provide the eal content or he ‘stem to devour in its sucessve revolutions, and which i brings subly bck to leas mere phantasnas of revolutloa’ These revolutions ae oals ‘eestons towards generalised manipulation. At the stage of the sleatory process of contol even evalution becomes meanings “The rational, reforenal, hstrea and factional machines of con sciousness corespond 10" Indusval machines. The alestoy, non ‘efeentel, tansterenta indeteominate-and foating maclaes ‘of the tunconscions respon tothe aleatory machines ofthe code. But even the ‘consis eabrbed by this operation, and it has long sine lst is ‘own reality pile to become an operational simulaerum, At the presse it that is prpchicalveaty rinse meres soto is pryckoanalyc Fealty principle, the unconacow, ke plea economy, abo kecomes + ‘model St snalation "The sem tatgy is merely to invoke x amber of foting valves in ‘ais hyperrenity. Tht fa ru of he ncomecons a i of memey and tories Value rules according tothe inscribe order of generation By ‘means of mods, according tothe infinite chins of simulation ‘Cyheretc operant, the genetic code, the aletoy onder of mation, ssc inet i cs med ci eect ee, long wth the revolution, tne int a second-order simolacim, a al ‘eterminat processes, The deployment of thitd-order simalacaswespsall ‘ic amy, and to tempo reinstate lets, “objective” contractions, nd 100m, agin them would be a fle peal epenson. You cant {ght the slestory by imposing alte, you can fight asin pro rammed and molecular dispersion with pride concen aod sete] ‘bation, you can't fight the code with poll economy, nor with “revolution” AM these ontated weapons (ining those we nd inst ‘der sola, in the ethics and metaphysics of man and nature, se “alu, an othe eratory systems of erence) ae gredually neue Iya igherordr generat system. Everything that tes into the non faalty oth space-time ofthe ce, or hat atempts io intrvene 4 Rerace liconneeted trom its own ends, dsinteprated and absorbed. This the ‘yell known effect of recuperation, manipulation, of circulating” and ‘eyeing at every level. "All dsent mst he of» higher lpal type th {st 10 which i i opponed’ (Anthony Wilden, System and Soucture [Landon Tavistock, 1977, pax). Ista least possible to find an even Imatch to oppote third-order simulacr? Is thera theory or 9 practice Stich ie wobverive esau i x more alstory than the system el, 8 indeterminate sbverdon which woul bet the order of the cde wha he revoltion was to the order of political exon? Can we figt DNA? {Cetsialy nor by meas ofthe cas sro. PesapsSulacra of higher Toga (or logical) order could be Invend: beyond the current third ‘onde, beyond determinacy and indeterminacy. But woul they il be Simulicr? Peskopr death and death alone, the rverubity of des, Telongs to a higher order than the cae. Only yb duorer can bing lout aa interruption in he code ‘Every sytem that approsches perfect opeatviysimltncowsly approaches its dowafal. When the ss sys"A i Ao two ies > ‘hua four, ic approaches able power and toal absurd that I, ‘eimediae and probable subversion. A gene pushin the pk place ‘gh fo bring crating down. We kow the potential of tautology saben it reinforces the stem’ citi to perfect spenity (Ubu Ros bat, deny unzenbie: 1 death, nce aso scribes own death Every eloed or metastable function or cybernetic stem is shadowed by rnctery and instantaneous version (wich no lanze aks the detour Trowgh fongdnlectcal boar, becase all The system’ era ale ignint i Ambiance awaits the most advanced stems, that, He {snes binary God, bave deed ther factional prince, The facia tin they exer, been derives rom x profoend denial sch x we din fetishism, can be instantaneously reversed, Hence thee fay increases ‘n proporton e thi Wea eaberence. Tes systems. even when te) are tase rade iceteminacy (the sso meaning, al prey, once more, ‘meaning They collape andr the weight of tht own monstrosity ke fowl dinosaurs, and immediatly decompose. This i the fatality of ‘rey stem commited by iowa loge wo toa perfection and therfore {oa total defevenes, to absolute inflibty and therefore itevoable ‘cakdown: the aim of al Bound energies i their wn dith. Thin wy ‘he ony srtey i catetrophi, snd not let a all. Things wast be she othe ei, where quite naturally they collapse and ae inverted [Ate peal of value we ate closest to ambivalence, atthe piace of ‘rherenge we ae clones t0 the abs of corupion which haunts the feduplicatel signof the code, Sinton mt go ure than he sytem, Death must be played aie duh: a rae tatoogy tht makes th ‘Sstem's own loge the imate weapon. The ony straeny aie the peri sytem me rm ft en nny PReace 5 the extreme tnt of smutin, eves simulation ina a ‘death and destruction," acai The syle demands mec reveriiiy, Ecterminte very rm ah ve he rs hon pm the ny ‘Smale vioece equivalent and ‘unphant over he stacy Wolence of the code, mnt " ' ‘A revoltoaty deci correspnded tothe commodty tw of value andi cians; oly the spe rereson af den cones ‘he cove ndterminacy andthe nc aw ae Sti spain, noting Fema fore ose ming on, Al hat ‘ein for wither ence -speuaion fic death, wine only inetd the adeataton ot hypoticts. Enen sodeand rein mason mat poset cat hem a SS ia tan eens SSS er aes Spee occas Seto eemin temeemreregntmte nee Feeder preemerrererent etme ‘ees heer em cet en, acs ne feats eer ‘eon 1H. Gran, Landon Ati, 953) ofthe om fay a Soe See ee ie Sianeli tae cate Sa Eerie nl ED eri 1 THE END OF PRODUCTION “The Stractrat Revolution of Ve Saussure located to dimensions tothe exchange of tems of the langue, Sich asin to money. A piven com ust be exchangeable agaist {TN goad of ome valve, while om he other hand it ms be pole to fete to all tbe ater terms inthe monetary stem” More sad More, ‘Sse reserves the tr vl fo tis sooo apt ofthe system very tenmean be eat to every oer, her rely neal othe system tn! constated by binary opposions. This defini opposed t the ier posible dtniton ot value: the reltion of every term to what it ‘KSignte, ofeach ir to te sige, ike te elation of every coin ‘Marve i an be exchanged agent. Theft apoct eomesponds othe ‘irvturaldinenion of language, the Second tis fiona dimension. Fach dimension fe veparate but Hake, which co ay that they mesh and ‘sibere. This caherens i characteristic ofthe ‘classe configuration of the linguist sgn, unde the rule the commodity lw of value, where tlsignatin always appears the fini of te statu operation othe Tague Tne paral beveeen ths ‘ls’ stage of sgnetion and the ibe seal pla the role of the horizon abd nay of the system tw exchange-values The fist ualifes the coneete operation of the “Smt consuapion (a moment palo designation inthe in). isos relates tothe exchange o ny commodity for any othe find the law of equivalence (4 moweot parallel 10 the structural ‘reaisaton ofthe pn). Bot are alec Hiked throughout Marr's “hale and define ation configration of production, governed by polit econony 'A evolution has pat an end wo this ‘lassi’ econoes of wale, | sevoltion of vale elf, which cass value Beyond it eommdi frm In it rae for This evolution coasts in the diction f the rwo aspects ofthe lw of ‘value, mich were thought to be coerent and eternally ound at iby Tatura ew. Referenda value ant, ging the sacral play of Value te uper hand. Toe stra mension hecho ‘hcl the erential mension, aad intel un the ath OF feieenee The seme of rterence for peor, nptston, the fect subst ry. il tin vate to Ye ce THE END OF PRODUCTION 7 loading the sgn with the burden of utility, with grsity— form of reprerentatine equivalence alti is ver with Now the other stage Of Tahoe hate upper hand, total realy, gone oomamlation, embinaton sndsimultion ~ simulation ia the seas tha, fom now on Signs are exchanged aginst each other rather than agaist he eal (ts 9 that they just happen to be exchanged against each othe, they do 50 on fonalion tat they are no longer exchanged against. the real). The fmanspution of the sig: remove this arcaié oliation to designate Something andi ally becomes tee, indterent and totaly indeterm- ate, in the structural or combinaory play which steeds the previous fle of determinaie equialnce. The sine pers thes plow a the Iovl of labour power ad the production proces the anaiaion of any oa as egards te contents of production allows theater to function asa ode, andthe monear si, fr example, 0 escape int inne specla- tion, Beyond ll relerence to a eal Sf production, or even to pol ‘Sandard. The flotation of meowey and sgn, tbe Dolton of ace and ‘nds of production, the flotation of abou il ~the comma af {ery tem accompanied by speculation and a miles ination (and we fealy fave otal Aber) ~ no. dies, dsafection and. general de ckantmeat ut this remains a mpi, sort of mage cbiaton which espe the sgn chained up tothe rel, capital as freed signe ror the “haley inorder to deliver them ito pore rulton). Neither Saussure soe Marx had any presentment of al th they wee el in the golden age ‘ofthe lest of the ign and the real, which atthe some te the "dasa period of eapital and vale. Tir let nse, and the ‘eal bas ded ofthe shock of value acqurng ths feats auoacry. Determinacy is dead, indeterminacy holds sway. Tete bas been an ex fermination Gn he eral ear heed) hal peti the real of sification © ince ths sects! reolution of the law of valu i the term oil esonomy of he in Thi erm, however, eat aly De opued Simakcs or the flowing esos: 1 Doss tis remain a poltealsconomic question? Yes, in tht ix hays a question of valve andthe Iw of vale. However, the mation {hat afece Ht 9 profound and s0 decir the content of politcal comomy so thoroughly changed, indced snmilated, that che term ‘othing move than an aluion. Moreover, if preisly political to the ‘xen! that tis lays the desucton of soil eiabons governed bythe relevant vale, Fora ong ine, homer, ths hen mater of something ey tere frm economics "PThe term ig has set ony an allusve value. Sine the srctral law value affects signification as ouch a5 does everyting es, ts form ‘sc hat ofthe sign In general, Dt that of certain organisation which That othe cod. The code only governs certain ngns however. Jat the ‘commodity Tow of valve dos a0, at piven moment iy jst an) {tern stn of mater prod, neither comversly es Me . SYMLIC EXCIIANGE AND OATH structural lw of value sity any pre-eminence ofthe sgn whatever. This Sadon derives om the fact that Mara developed the ne ia the shadow of| ‘he commodity, wie Saussure developed th ether nthe shadow af the lingaiti sign. Bat thts mt be shattered. The commodity lw of ‘ale isa law of eqitlences, and thi law operates thoughoet every Sphere: equally designate the equivalence fn the contguration of the ‘gn, where one nif and one sige failtat the egunted exchange ‘ofa referential content (the other parle modality being the linearity of {he signer, contemporaneous with the linear and cumulative time Of odoin) “The clas la of value thes oporates simultaneously ever instance \angnage, preston, et), despite these ate remain iinet ccd Into their sphere of reference. ‘Convery, the seta aw of valu signe the indeterminacy of ‘every sper ination to every other, and to thei proper conten (aso Therefore the pastge fom the determinant sphere of signs 10 the indeterminacy ofthe cose) To say that the spe of material production ‘nd that of sips exchange thet respective cones sil 0 Wie ofthe tak: they lterly Gaappedr as woh and lve thei specily lore with their determina, to the benefit of a Tor of value of 2 much more ‘ener asemblage, where designation and production are annihtes The ‘politcal economy of the sgn) was also consequent upon an “extension ofthe comamraity aw of valve and its confirmation at te eve of Sips, wheteas the suuctufal coulguation of vale sinply ad sia neously pus an end tothe fepimes of production, pol econeey, ‘representation and ins, With the code, al this collapses nf simulation sly apeaking, either the ‘cans economy nor the politcal exny tthe a cose ext thoy luda secondary existence becoming 327% St phantom prince of dsuasion. Theend of abour. The end of production. The end of polite economy 1h end ofthe sgnierignied etic whic facies the scene lation of knowledge and mening, the linear syntagma of cumulative “iscouse. Aad atthe same time, the end of the exchange valelne-aloe Sialestie which i the only thing that makes secumulation and socal ‘osuctio possible. The end ofthe inear dimension of ctcouse ‘The etd ‘tthe liner dimeasin of the commodity. The end ofthe ls er) of ‘he ig. The end ofthe ers of production. Tes not she evolution which pts an od to all hs, capil ine which abolishes the determination of the soil acoring to the means of ‘oduction, subsites the structural form forthe commodity form of “ae, ane curently contol every aspect ofthe stems stag Ths historia and soil mutation fle at every leven this way the es of simulation is announced everywhere By the commataity of former cntatory or dalecaly opposed terms. Fvcrywhere we ce theme gene of sacra the cramty ibe Bvt ed he ‘nin an, Ue ed the igh patio the al Fe {THE END OF PRODUCTION ° Jn every mea message the wseful and the wiles a the level of obo, ‘atrimdeuire ey ee of leon Al the ge! noma sien of vale, the whole cvsation ofa aesthetic and eae Jigcmeat te tsed in or stem of ages aod sie. Everthng becomes ndeciabl, the characte ete of the domination of the ode, which everywhere te on the piaciple. of netralation, of lnaierence Ti isthe geeralined broths of capt, otal foe Prosi, but fr substation spd conmitation “This procs, which has for & ong time Seen st workin tue, art polite, and even in sexuality (nthe salle “supertractara doris), today allets he economy stl, the whole socalled farrell Tee the sae indetrmimney holds say Andy ofcourse, with he oe of Aketrminatio ofthe economic, Ne aie las ay possi of concen it ‘the determine agency. ‘Since for two entries htorial determination has been bul psrouad the economic (ince Marx ay case), i tere that if pertntt0 asp the interruption ofthe code, “The Rd of Production We area the end of production. Inthe West, thi form oincies with the proclamation ofthe commodity lof valu, that fo 4, wth he relgn ‘t politcal economy” Fit, nothing i rode sty speaking. every. thing i deduced, from the grace (God) or benebeence (aatre) of at ‘agency which eases or withholds ir rches. Value emanate from the ‘ign of vin o natural ales (hich for ws have become rettopec ‘ely confed) The Physteat stl nthe cycles of and and Inbour in theresa genuine law of ale, ine this wi dsp without sta Fatonl expression. Is form caagot be separated fom the inexosie ‘eleretial substance to which ie bowed eter 8 lw hese isin Contrast to the ommodiy Law, 2 naaral aw ovale. 'A mutation shaker this eifice of natral ribo or dspeasing of wealth as soon a valu produced st ference Domes abo nd "law of equivalence is enetalsed to every typeof abou. Value nom ‘suigned to the dine and atonal opeetion of human (soca abou T ‘8 measurable, adn consequence, sos supa raloe The erigue of pleat economy begins With socal production oF te ‘mode of prodution ats refeeace. The coveept of production sone ms ws. bj means of ah ara ofthat uigue ommodty calle labour rower 10 extract spl (asap) which controle the atonal “iynamis of eats well ays beyond the revolution, Thay eveything has changed agin. Prodection, he commit form, lahour power, eqevlense ad surphi-value, which together formed the inc quite, material and measurable confguraton, ae 2 Chg the pt. Price frees outined another tlernse mh 2 SYMBOLIC EXCHANGE AND OFATH Beyond the autonomisation of proton a8 mode (beyond th con ‘ions, cootadtoas and revoludonsiherent nthe mode), the cod of Production most ecmerge. This the dimension things are taking oo today. at the end of a materialist history which has soczeded in Suthendcang i the eel movement of sey. (At, elgion and duly fave no weal history for Marc ~oaly production has history. of, rather, i {S history. ic grounds history. Aa Inctecble fabrcation of labour and Production a historical reason andthe generic del of alfment) “The end ofthis elpious autonome of production allows ws to ee ‘hat alo this could equally have been produce (Ohne i the sense of stopeproduction and a sceario) al ecealy, With tly ferent goals {han the itera foalies (Cat, the evo) secreted away within production ‘of machines, factories, abou time, the product, sales abd money, and the more formal, but equally “objective, evidence of supra, the mast, capital o dicover the rule ofthe game which i o Sexo the Ipc network of he agencies of eaptal an even the rial network of the Maran categories which analyse (which ategores ar gai only an anpearanee atthe second degree of capital, etc! appesranc), in tnler to sicote the elementary spas Of production, the 0a ‘elation testaabes, busied away forever beneath he iso sion ff the produces (and the theoreti) abou Latour peri 912 ‘powe’ it defon, a aiom, and it ea ‘wort nthe iabour roses seal onl the education ot ihe dentin nthe operation he coe. Tha he eel he sever athe lve of ney, haves i fandamesta The mecha ‘tap (ad srk aw play on supe the non-eqalence ot the slay and labour power. Even ifthe (wo wete equvalent, even It ‘sais were sbi forthe sale fabio rower). men would til be take y this aio, by this destiny of proaction, by ths tcramcnt of Itbour wich set hin aps ike a sex. The worker no longer man, oe ‘vena woman it ass onset aged ths abou ower as end. ‘nd mare yi asa woman marked yet ex (er sexta dfnition), te Blac by the elour of hr ber sin al ip and nosing Dt Sats "We most istingsh wht belongs othe ode and what belongs othe ia, labour power inayat, stu of obedience to code Tore Pecomingexchange-aie or use-aluo,ateay, tie anyother cmmodny, the ip ofthe operon oftware evan wba Joes von‘ the basic sey et tn a ar te Ta fesse. mich ore puny than spnve trace, “THE END OF PRODUCTION beneath commatitis fom the oust: to remove indeterminacy om ‘ature (ad mus inorder to submit tothe determiacy of value Tiss Confirmed inthe costactonist mana for bulldoze, motorways, ina ‘ructure’, and inthe ing mania of he ea of prouction, a mnia for esting. no fragment unprodced, for coumersgning everything. wil production, without even the hope ofan exces of well. Producg a ‘Side to mark producing inorder to reproduce tho marked wan. Whats Produton ay apart rm heroism ofthe code? Tiss as ea for {sant was for he as industial generations, who Seal wih machines 3+ ‘mth an sbolute enemy, harbinger of total detructrstion, before the ‘Somfrtng seam of historic Gaze of production developed. The odie practices which roe everywhere to some extent, the savapery of tithing the instrument of production (primary atacKing el a the Productive fore), endemic sabotage and defection bear lng texiny {othe tality ofthe productive order, Smashing machines san aberrant ‘eit ehey are the mean of production, any embigut remains over thet ‘ture se sae If, however, the end of ths production cola then the Tespect du tothe means of production also collages, and the machines Sppeat a thee rs en, 5 direct and immediate operational signs ofthe {dal elation to death on mich capitals nous. Nothing then stands i the way oftheir destruction In tis sese, the Ladies were much ‘lear thin Marxon the impact of the ruption of the indusal ode, {nd today, athe catastrophic end ofthis proces, to which Marx hinsell smiled us a the dle euphora of prodot forees, they have In tome Sone exacted thir revenge "We do mot meant ivoke the prestige that may atach to » particular ‘ope of labour mhen ve sy tat bout i a sign, po even the sense of promement same by wage labour fr the Alcan immiaant Ia ‘Stow to hs tnbal commun, or forthe Morodar ki fom the Hight ‘ile Mountain hone only dream to wor for Simca, oF for women ‘Surv society nth case labour rele oa rt vale: Retterment or Seren sta, On the cootemprsry stage, Ihour no longer emerges ftom ih rere definition of he sgn. There no lage aby proper “Spittn of «parla type of labour oro about in genera bata $Suem of labour nhere jobs te exchanged. No more "ght ma ia the ‘em pice’ an old adage ofthe sentie eas of production. There [eng mre interchangeable but dipemsable individuals in termite labour pres, since the labour process self has become interchangeable ‘mabe poivalent nd interment suuctutes of sbsoepin, ndifren 0 ‘very eect and even to labour Hel, when understood scoring ‘hse! Gperatis snapped solely to lean each nial within Sbsil ests where nothing converge exept pethaps within the imma ‘ence of ths operon atria iniferea paradigm which entes ‘het india asording to 3 shared race, o 2 sytagma which Hinks ‘ham inte an indefinite ombintory mode Tou (co ith oes), Hee primary epson perce “ ‘SYMBOLIC EXCHANGE AND DEATH cc pe ote mos pm gt staan iacare ge Eee water nerroe coe isan ernie raced eee Sebati tan utee going Hat me a so caaa ccnet io rine kine ier tay meee mae ae Peace ne eer Seeman salto etic ees theese atte ee pe Se enna toe tye Sesto rea SS eee een soa Setar sienna Oar Sea redtresces orn Sasa ear sa meee oa atdancataatbamtracler ere ah a ar cae oar neers ier Sag Se eae tdi an ast Cane Seach mite eae caone ete eeareens oes cinta cite hear acess ae ‘THE END OF PRODUCTION 6 to equations and balance shets of forces, and the other tends omar Imo and alestory set, which neuallse whatever escapes rest them 1 conneton and nat by soneration, "us goes much futher than Tayo, othe Scene Organisation of Latour GOL), butts specte mars an seal milestone of avextment ‘by the cade. Two phases canbe distinguished The “presciente”phive ofthe instal sytem, charstersed by maximum explosion of labour power, is succeeded by the phase of tmachinery andthe preponderance of fixed capa, where “objected ‘soar appears not only inthe for of product, er ofthe product employed ss the mans of labour, but he form of he fore of proccton lt (Mare, Gundrie [Martin Nicolas, Harmondeworthe Peng, 197), 688), This accumulation of objeified abou which supplant ving [sour a force of production is stbsequent mld to iit by the accumulation of knowledge: "The aecmultion o knowledge and of sil ‘tthe general productive forces of the social brain, than aborted ito “ayia apposed abou, and hence apps asa attbute of epi, nd more specfeally of ied copia” (dp. 6). In the phase of machinery, the scicnife apparatus, the collective labourer andthe SOL, the production process ht ceased to be albus roses in the Sense ofs process dominated by labour 3 ts governing ‘ty’ i. 67). There i no longer any ‘xginal forse of production, only 2 generat machinery transforming the forces of production ito ‘apa; or, rather, machinery which manufactures both the force of ‘production and labour power. Te whole social appara of lsbour forestaled by ths opcrauon, The ellctive machinery iw begun to wodcevcial goals dec, and this is what produces production The hegemony of dead lbour over living labour, Primitive accumulation sneely accumu den labour fo the ot tha can reason ving Iibout "Or, in otber words if becomes capable of controling the oduction of ving labour for is own ends- This s why the end of Primitive sewomultion marks fe decane turing pout of pole conomy; the ranstion to the preponderance of dead labour, to esta ied social lah incarnated in dead labour, weighing down on soit) ‘mits enizey athe code of mination Kel Marx's peat eso mas 0 hive retained belt inthe innocence of machines, the cecal proces and since ~ al of which were supposedly capable of becoming ving Social labour once the astm o capita was hited, despite the fst hat ‘hss preely what te stem basal on. This pious hope springs rom huving ndetestinated death in dead labour, and rom thinking that death ‘overcome in the ving, beyond eetan crcl pat, by sort of toil someret of prodacon, ‘Mary had, omer, sensed thie while noting tht ‘objected Ibour “mir lig abou within the proces alfa the power which rst ® omer which, the appropriation a ving labour, the form of cata {Cramrise 8315 empha). Ti ao Beomes apparent he 6 [SYMBOLIC EXCHANGE AND DEATH formula according fo whch, ata certain tage of capital, man ‘ates to these ofthe production proces, stead of tong is eit set (i, 705) This formula goes well beyond political economy and is enti, incest Weraly spies thats rs matter no longer of 8 production process, but of «proces of exclusion snd relegation ‘We mus gain draw out all th consequence of this. When prodetion| attains this ereulanty 2nd tums in on isl, it loses every objective ‘eteminaton. Tt incase s myth while its own ters have become Signs Simultaneously, when this sphere of signs (including the media, Information, ete) eases tobe 4 specie sphere for representing he uni ‘tthe plbel pros of epi, then we mst not ony say with Mara tt the production proses har ceased to be a about proves (Id, 63) ut thatthe proces of apt eet hs eased to bes proton proces i ml ne ing i kei Sipser eee tt ios i a Seta eae Set ne tian Toca a phon sna, Spey arate, hs & fe ll Ut peels Sey rm ea See oe SoM SALE ia Stn pd ae DP Shai onan pais Sooo igh Se rs a sae only nee ree secre nartsh Sara SC as ey bd ea sy a Sa el seen ae a peace a0 dea dais eae wera Sa Te Sn AS a a Se vin cette nals te cena tpt See i eaenonn com inoue te eran tee een tle Sa vera chant me THE END OF PRODUCTION v ths was happening fom the ott. tothe Gand, Marc sys Labour Sscomes productive oly by producing ts own oppste tt, cpl {0 ts tom wich we may opel som fs bur coe "produce ila Un cae Loy within te compas of te Caactve ishower,eemesto be productive Th th wnlraeen onsqucns of 5 elton wich id mot even comer that capt ght tle 0a something ober thn the practi” presich perhap in lous vided “ts producti in "unroducve: abr seachow mutase, where “atin ie igre temic of rie aus ‘Sh begin oetbish total domination. By isnt a ‘lene labou Marx concedes he reat undefined character a bur ot ‘ic the satgy of capita based. Production or enprodctine consign git as prodactv shat for produve consumption; swsye suming hut proesso eps aces capa’ (Crundrse, pM) According to Matt own dtaton, there prado here when seus rom a tes sor of haa Iibour becoming snprodctne without spperemy preventing cpl rn ‘consolidating ts dominance, lnc, howe, th ral ied nea there arena wo o thee ipso bor capital uel whispered these fedancdncsos to Ma weaver bing stoped cnough to bees ththem ise aways merely manly vetokg tes. Pred St of abou (funds con ft, and ack woud ave this the ane hat Sar tsp tro hi ere. Tota abou as under sage dftion, ta tard acne nd ananlsed apoyo serveetaboar, and noe the supped waves casa tito of woitarn age abou "thst serieabou in the ful ses, sins boar hist the sense of bliation and reprosty that hain the eal context, but in Marinate nse, potato eprom fhe an aca pectin he produc a cpt, bat one {has fndamestal scp! = prose ae spt of dowiaio, ss Stem of infewation to abun acetate peo Peltcal sone for which boar ite the pe Tene we nef xe were aready therein ares in) the redaction of ee Iebour Wo a serve, abour a pure snd spc presente pation, “Simumpion ame; premion one. We shes Ac abr inake a actofprseee orn st of alepanc nth crt, prevaton inact inseparable the pretatn The seve rendered conjn the body times apce an eey mate” Whetcr this paces or no a tater of inference st rps the personal inden. Supls Ansppean, of soume, andthe meaning of bape changes (we wil come hock oth ter) ot however septs” Sf capa werd teal, ht ater he dau el domination slain and tal comipion of the “Peron” Tht ithe tendency of ever) flor 0 ‘ete Ir, makings atlas mre he pest ms be ‘ress lnc, hha pomonaly nel 8 SYMBOLIC EXCHANGE AND DEATH In thi seme labour can a0 loger be distinguished from oter activites, aticlal frome opposing term of fee time, which, because imps {he same mobilisation and the same ives (or the sae producive ‘rinvertmend), today jst as much a sence rendered wich, in “neordace wth any tard of juste, shold ment a wage (i no solute impose)” Tn short, ts not ony the imaginary dsincion between productive and unproductive labour which shaken up, ut also {he disintion betweon work sod vest Gel. Tete suite simp no moze lou the specie eme ofthe term, so Marx uimately id well no 0 ‘rte his chaps of Cpa twas condemned fom the outset Tt is at precy the moment that workers become apens of produc- tia” Thisippage of terminoigy sch hing have ther owa imperrance Nfonialy spies the sates fone who produces nothing. The tm Shilled worker was no longer labourer, bot merely a worker flag the total malerentation of labour, no lngee struggling over the content of labour nor over specie wages, ut staging over he seperated frm of lebour andthe pba wage, Ihe formation of the agent of proseton’ ‘ecomaned by he beration from the most sburact for™ much more ‘strat than the old sem-sled worker exploded to death: the manne ‘qn of labour appeared, the lowest common denominator, the dumb “fits o tour's ue pencpe A pleat euphemism: me nolonget ‘work, but merely perform "acs of producton” This Is the ead of Prodicon-utur, hence the conbaro appearance of the ter ro Tei” This productve spent no longer characterized by explo {ation nor bye beg raw tate in abou proces sts characterised Tye and nerchangeslty, by Dengan oiaiant aeton of ‘el ep The agent of production dewgnates the ulimate satus of Mares worker who ase! ay ep tothe side ofthe production The soca, where “he proces of capt salt ceases 1 be & inane the phase ofthe daappearance of Thc tty tly ait whole takes on the sppearace ofa fatory. The Tavny min seat a sth dium ove te spe order ‘hot ctl eam ensure the extensive metamorphosis of form throughout ‘Sclty set hole. We most therefore formalyrecogabe the dsapeat nce of the determinate se of labour, Jteinat subject o labour, & ‘eteinat tine of soll labour, we mt formally recognise the ip ‘Pearance of the factory, nbowr andthe proletarat swe want fo cease ‘Sapita' caren and ea dominance he chaistore stage of Soe oF Ihe factor supestiucue the vito reserve army of capital, a aed “The prince ofthe factory and labour expleder and waters over every Aspect of tocety im ssh way thatthe dininetion between the CO tesome ideological t becomes one of capital's traps for antining the facton speci and pivoged presence i he revolutionary iagiary. {about lv ereryutere, beente there mo more lbour, Labour nt ‘eaves iets complet fot, prince, which Maps THE END OF PRODUCTION ry cones the principles clborate inthe coune of history in thoxe other Sock paces tha preceded manufacturing industry and served tsa model forit: the asylum, the ght, the general ost, the prison al he ates of enelosre and concentration tht our ctne has hin nt march 0 {seaton. Today, all thee Jetermipate es are themselves long even ‘heir own is, they are spread throughout pobal oe sine the yum form, careral form and dacimination have begun to iavest the whole sevial space, every moment of real We.” All these things ~ fates, “Styli, prisons schools ex, and wil no dosbe comin fo exe for an indefinite period, as waring sigs, 10 diver the reality of the domination of cxpal nie an tmagaary matey. Thre ve slays ‘ben cures te hie the death of God oto hide the fac that God was crerywhere, which amounts to the same thing. "There wi taj be animal reserves and Inian reservations to hide the foc that they ae dead, and that we areal Idan. There wl nay Be ‘aetres wo bide the death of abou, the death of poducn, or the atk, ‘hat they are everywhere and nowhere once. For tere ahi ih ‘which fight capital today in detmaate forms. On the conta, soul it [ecome cea that capital mo longer determined by something or ber, abd thats secret weapon she reproduction of our as inainay, hes ‘pita self Would be clos to exhaustion Wages ‘Latour, which ia its completed form has no selaton to any determinate ‘production, bao without ay equivalent in ages, Wages are equivalent to labour power ony from the perspective ofthe quantitate reproduction [power the ign of obedience tthe rule ofthe gue of capital, wager 00 Jooger possess any such teanng. "They are uo longer in any proportions ‘requvalenc relation at al they area siramen, ke a bap oF the Extreme neon), which rn yu int a genuine sven of the pole sty of capital, Beyond the exami invesinent which ens the ‘worker’ wage-evenue for capital (end of the salt as explitation, begining of the slats the “ctionaa of capitalist soetety ~ he srorker' stati fueton lide towards consragtion a: olipsony och eves), il the oterscnae ofthe erm avesttent which rings ito the current phase of wage-tatus: capt invesed the worker wih a wage Jstas one used tobe mvesed wih achrge oF a responsibilty. But capital iso invented the worker stone might ive 3 tow, ttlly Occpying it ‘and conolig al aces.” "tis not solely by reaps of wage-reveou that cpital charges producers to keep money in cclation and tus to become real reproicers apt bat more fundamentally by means the wagestt by which they ‘tuned inca purchases gods the sume way that capa sls he Porcher Iabour ery sr cn consumer nbjortsFedved 10 the 8 SYMBOLIC EXCHANGE AND DEATH In thi seme labour can a0 loger be distinguished from oter activites, aticlal frome opposing term of fee time, which, because imps {he same mobilisation and the same ives (or the sae producive ‘rinvertmend), today jst as much a sence rendered wich, in “neordace wth any tard of juste, shold ment a wage (i no solute impose)” Tn short, ts not ony the imaginary dsincion between productive and unproductive labour which shaken up, ut also {he disintion betweon work sod vest Gel. Tete suite simp no moze lou the specie eme ofthe term, so Marx uimately id well no 0 ‘rte his chaps of Cpa twas condemned fom the outset Tt is at precy the moment that workers become apens of produc- tia” Thisippage of terminoigy sch hing have ther owa imperrance Nfonialy spies the sates fone who produces nothing. The tm Shilled worker was no longer labourer, bot merely a worker flag the total malerentation of labour, no lngee struggling over the content of labour nor over specie wages, ut staging over he seperated frm of lebour andthe pba wage, Ihe formation of the agent of proseton’ ‘ecomaned by he beration from the most sburact for™ much more ‘strat than the old sem-sled worker exploded to death: the manne ‘qn of labour appeared, the lowest common denominator, the dumb “fits o tour's ue pencpe A pleat euphemism: me nolonget ‘work, but merely perform "acs of producton” This Is the ead of Prodicon-utur, hence the conbaro appearance of the ter ro Tei” This productve spent no longer characterized by explo {ation nor bye beg raw tate in abou proces sts characterised Tye and nerchangeslty, by Dengan oiaiant aeton of ‘el ep The agent of production dewgnates the ulimate satus of Mares worker who ase! ay ep tothe side ofthe production The soca, where “he proces of capt salt ceases 1 be & inane the phase ofthe daappearance of Thc tty tly ait whole takes on the sppearace ofa fatory. The Tavny min seat a sth dium ove te spe order ‘hot ctl eam ensure the extensive metamorphosis of form throughout ‘Sclty set hole. We most therefore formalyrecogabe the dsapeat nce of the determinate se of labour, Jteinat subject o labour, & ‘eteinat tine of soll labour, we mt formally recognise the ip ‘Pearance of the factory, nbowr andthe proletarat swe want fo cease ‘Sapita' caren and ea dominance he chaistore stage of Soe oF Ihe factor supestiucue the vito reserve army of capital, a aed “The prince ofthe factory and labour expleder and waters over every Aspect of tocety im ssh way thatthe dininetion between the CO tesome ideological t becomes one of capital's traps for antining the facton speci and pivoged presence i he revolutionary iagiary. {about lv ereryutere, beente there mo more lbour, Labour nt ‘eaves iets complet fot, prince, which Maps THE END OF PRODUCTION ry cones the principles clborate inthe coune of history in thoxe other Sock paces tha preceded manufacturing industry and served tsa model forit: the asylum, the ght, the general ost, the prison al he ates of enelosre and concentration tht our ctne has hin nt march 0 {seaton. Today, all thee Jetermipate es are themselves long even ‘heir own is, they are spread throughout pobal oe sine the yum form, careral form and dacimination have begun to iavest the whole sevial space, every moment of real We.” All these things ~ fates, “Styli, prisons schools ex, and wil no dosbe comin fo exe for an indefinite period, as waring sigs, 10 diver the reality of the domination of cxpal nie an tmagaary matey. Thre ve slays ‘ben cures te hie the death of God oto hide the fac that God was crerywhere, which amounts to the same thing. "There wi taj be animal reserves and Inian reservations to hide the foc that they ae dead, and that we areal Idan. There wl nay Be ‘aetres wo bide the death of abou, the death of poducn, or the atk, ‘hat they are everywhere and nowhere once. For tere ahi ih ‘which fight capital today in detmaate forms. On the conta, soul it [ecome cea that capital mo longer determined by something or ber, abd thats secret weapon she reproduction of our as inainay, hes ‘pita self Would be clos to exhaustion Wages ‘Latour, which ia its completed form has no selaton to any determinate ‘production, bao without ay equivalent in ages, Wages are equivalent to labour power ony from the perspective ofthe quantitate reproduction [power the ign of obedience tthe rule ofthe gue of capital, wager 00 Jooger possess any such teanng. "They are uo longer in any proportions ‘requvalenc relation at al they area siramen, ke a bap oF the Extreme neon), which rn yu int a genuine sven of the pole sty of capital, Beyond the exami invesinent which ens the ‘worker’ wage-evenue for capital (end of the salt as explitation, begining of the slats the “ctionaa of capitalist soetety ~ he srorker' stati fueton lide towards consragtion a: olipsony och eves), il the oterscnae ofthe erm avesttent which rings ito the current phase of wage-tatus: capt invesed the worker wih a wage Jstas one used tobe mvesed wih achrge oF a responsibilty. But capital iso invented the worker stone might ive 3 tow, ttlly Occpying it ‘and conolig al aces.” "tis not solely by reaps of wage-reveou that cpital charges producers to keep money in cclation and tus to become real reproicers apt bat more fundamentally by means the wagestt by which they ‘tuned inca purchases gods the sume way that capa sls he Porcher Iabour ery sr cn consumer nbjortsFedved 10 the 2» SYMBOLIC EXCHANGE AND DEATH funciona sats of te prodston of series, jus 8 capi ws hour ower ‘Everyones thus ovecd wih the ncamenta mentiy o€ "Oth other and, son swage te detached om about pow rethog oot even the snins) wo in the nay of ued od Itnnd ge demand. ter ih pce for ata quanti of ‘hour force, a pte com no longer be Hed on consents a gloel Parton Te ado age demand on negotiation ov the parses condos, The maxims dormant a flea oof coca eneri of hs sass reprosu ns 0 hi hes Sicily measol he wage Its acnfenge. The woge-arer was ‘Serhing Hs method wma nyt pratt he economic ri of he seek otamenery pola conse that they poses ext ‘me maximal slogan ons: sium wage or imum abou”. The pl eit ofthe seg rover mip indeed be 10 sen the Pare oi in soordance othr own ogi of abot as eto Pree wngeare's operate wo nge ar produces, ut ate in imc of om rodecton re mogne hem by etal Neither Go they ue lca, tn neve re crop “Taher ro 0, te more mae inten mate demande, ‘ioe ie nina ob in nore obs sgn fam aut han ato ‘weed presence, Ths tela ht eal Wansors ike own ‘Mtge even robbed of eaplotsbon these of labour powcr, ‘Duke pay capt too mut for thi dol of prdacion, hs oe of tent ng debeey The expe ean demand only the min, iwc hw stat heya eo emand veing Te Tn cnt mach foes nso mae tov aero ‘to emt amarcof the mageabureqaence mich apa Wis we to tach fr the sont to chanel thi i mige-blckmal othe wholesome sta of negation Wnt th union: the workers wold edly demand 0 et ct, Yh por ent 20 per comin erage atthe! Thee ‘amples ths the United tts and pan ™ Money “The homology Saussure established between shout and the sited on {hone amd and wages andthe gar onthe oe, a kindof matrix (Which can be wed bac from which wo suvey politcal economy ins ‘hurey, Today, however the emia proves to be the case: ign are ‘Shere rom saiede and wapes ae severed fom labour. The escalting Dy ofthe signer parallels the escalation of wages, Sawsure was right Fac smn nr ener th sane tat ‘tet gusts he thelr sta asthe THE END OF PRODUCTION a Gee of i emo The ame poss ais ter "Production severed from every reference or scl Salty hen caters» gro pase. We mn ot errs ths growth a asl ‘ation, Di nether ene, something mich mths ag sot the end of production Thi characters by 4 sncant Serpense tween prsicon onthe dehy ad flay contigs ad ttonomds connie, on te ocr, When fe tect 12, and Espey afer he Secon World War, constption began to be rly ‘hand ta took om the oc atone of myth nd of ond arbi, ine ear pe where ther production nor consumption ‘Sune ay proper eterinitons nor ropeine endo Bath become ‘Suht nacre rep, they ae onreome by ase propa ‘Bowth whch leaner the tadonl socal objectives of roduc and ‘Sommpion wel beind. Tie proces bas ely Heel a an en eno longer tgts eed or oft Ie snot an accra of poset but 2amsctra infin of the spe of producto, Scan ad Proferton of every sig indie monty sane Ie th st oka [Rchingprogranmen Concorde Sod eral arate, of prefer sion of snd ettes, lor india instr fees, traingprogammes nd ecying, te. prodction for puto’ ke imaccodanc wth comet encrtmen a nyc ees t no longer operating asthe rte of sopra). The crowing sche tent ofthis repro paming poms toe an porton meses ster the ent: prdasive ten wil yc Sater hae ‘oem wast product. Thi ge equation adept fren nothing, soever, peu the alee of flonan pation proces 9th monary gah soverd fon overy Socal production and ben era paseo spain snd kts ifaton, laton o money ‘tht the eclton of wages tote sale of abou power, sad what oh aon i hc ne i ss Bee huts of tate acti an he sme vil erie the =ping of wages ‘Su the "ight pce’ of labour power, td the siting of money and el ‘ron: oth et nthe lowes spte often. Abate Inoue onthe ome hand an the ost oo the tat ue hie ‘imeton as ndes and extern of eqivaenss. Wage ition od ‘metry tation (os well promi) re therefore of he same pe ad sre separeble™ Purged of faies and the oft of prodsion, money tecomes soci. Frm fhe gldstandat, bic leny coed be he ‘eprsealatve quien ofa el podetion ut stil tae aces 3 ins certain salbvum (iio, the convert 9 one ito see) toot money and geese otaton, money i nsorned ‘rn setreta sn mt stature =the dong ster ow ip mot bn eves somes wre bs ot yt ered 2 ‘SYMBOLIC EXCHANGE AND DEATH signed, but inthe sense that tis ell i of every signified (every eal “valent sa brake preraton ands ulimit play. Money can ths be ropndceaconding to simple play of transfers and wring cording to an lngeaant sping and Increase of ix own aia ‘sbatanoe. Hot money: a name given to Earo-dola, doubtless in order to sharcterite the ensles ccalations of the monetary sigh. Now, how ter, we should more accurately say that money bas become ‘co, this ‘erm Jsiating, following McLuhan and Riesman, an intense but non Sitetve tlaty of terms, a play sinned purely bythe rues of the {ime the commtation of terms and the cxbausuom of these commute fons By contrast, no chasers the relerenial paseo the sign th itesnglasty snd the opty iid he fal very perl ‘Metso ie animal commutaiity "We are right isthe mile ofthe ‘Son's col phase. The corent sytem of labour col, every stutaral ‘stconblige generally speaking, coc, wie both “dasa production {nd labour, hot pocene par encelence, have been replace by unlimited {rovth bound to 2 dismvestnent of the contents and proces of labour, Shieh are col processes. (Coles she pe play of the vas of scours and the commute sion of writing Is the ete and lofeessof what now onl relly ays bith codes, spn and wes, the ommpoteee of operational simulation. "To winter extent affects ox seme of reference remain, they remais ot"Any mesg’ Keeps inthe hot. We ene the cool era when the teaium becomes the message” And ti i recely what hes taken place trith money. Once a sertin pte of dsconaction has been reached, tmoney tno Tonger 1 medium ora means to deulate commodities, 1 “Srna Stn foe, i ete nf pty te ‘siting abstraction "Money ithe Fst ‘commodity to assume the sats of @ sgn and to ‘ape esa, Henceforth, intense the system of exchargevale, tweming nos vse sig, andi tis way mabe the traspateney ofthe Imarket (and therefore of any too) vile. Today, however, money ‘wtions a arther stp also exapey exchange ae. Frecd frm the imarket icf, Becomes am utonomoss simolerum, rived of every Icsage en every sigiation of exchange, becoming 4 essoge sel amt changing amongst isl, Move then ho longer a sommody since longer contain ny seca or exchanger nor iit ny Tonge 2 feneral equivalent, tht ino longer 4 edatngsbstracton ofthe market. Money circulates wa pester ate than everything ele, an as 0 ommon measire wth anything ee "We cou ofcourse sy that this ius always been the ct tha since the ‘ist ight shone onthe market seonomy, money dectlted at the highest fate andrew every ther ctor ths aecleraion. A tng he ory of capt there a dota ofa the leven level (ina fmt asl bt ke cman yo, Pai The THE END OF PRODUCTION 2 seed at which it ceases, These distortion still persist toa, the ‘stance of national curenes (Dound up with a athe, a production Sa local equiirom) to inerstonl speculative currencies tse. It is however the later tha is Teaing the offensive, because # what ‘Salter atthe highest rate, is wha ils and oats simple ply of ‘otation en run any national economy. Lp scorcance with ifr Fat of rotation, ever sector thos ected by this gh mtenit Hotation which, far fon being a taroque,epiphenomenal process (What the ‘Stock Matte for) the pore expression ofthe syste We discover Ths sonarioeverthere: nthe incon of eurences into gol, of ‘nthe inconverikty of signs into their sfstems of reference in the Moaing and generalised convertibility of carrenies amon therslve, ‘rin the mobility andthe endless Mructarl pia of sign. But we so tiscverthisin the Rotation ofa the eategvies of political economy once they lve tee goeference, abou pomer and socal prosction: about tnd nonabou, labour and capt, become conmulabl, al logic has doled: and we desover tht inthe tation of all he categories of omsiousess where the mental equlent of the goli-tandard the Sebjet, hasbeen fost There ae no more sulhosics to which to fle, Under hove Jrudsion producer ould exchange ther ales i accord ‘Shoe with controled equvslens the en ofthe fold standard Thee ae ‘no moe autores to which Wo refer, ander whose sep sabe sould xchange objects datectcally or exchange thls determinations sound 3 "ale sentty in aesordance wth definite ues the end ofthe consous tube, (We ae tempted to say tha hs the reign ofthe unconscious) "The logical consequence ofthis the coscou subj fhe mental equivalent of the goldstandard, then the wieonscious i the mena Spinalns of sperane caren and at money. Tos. nadia “hmested ts subjects and robbed of ther Faced elation, ate cng in reltion to one another, iio an Incssant mode of warsferetal ction: Nows, conseclons, disconnection, transference counter Itamlereace.Soity sta whole cool easy be described in tenn he Deleusan unconscious,” or of moncary mechanic (or fndced in the Ricsmanian terms of other drectedaes, whch already, unfortunatly in Anglo Saxon and therefore barely schizophrenic ems, the foation of nae), Why pile the unconscios hee (even fits orphan nd Schizophrenic)? The unconsioe i that mental srutze conleme fncous wth the os raga, curren phase of dominant exchabe! Is ontemporancous mth the structural rola of value Strikes ‘Witla a system of prodvction, strikes were historically jutifed x ‘organised vlene for purpose of matching action of spas oF ‘he omer. from the oping olnes of capital. Today ths form of he Skee Py SYMBOLIC EXCHANGE AND DEATH 1. 1s dead because capital is na portion to leave every sike to ontinve uni ois precy Boas me ar bo longer io aster of Production (matimallaation of surplus-vale). Profs be Game 50 fog a the teprodton ofthe form of soca relason is ved 2, Wis dead Beene sch sites change nothing fundamental conte. povay capt merely redtbus ill, a matter of he o death fr At best, sis merely saich only what, the end capital would have conceded anyway So if elatons of production, and with them the cas strug, fall ino orehestated socal an poli slations, then etal all at cn inter ‘env thiscyle what eacapes the organisation and defnitin of clas = representative historic! agen © prdueive historical agen. Cnty those who escape te ving and roundabouts of production an sepeteaion cn Gert tess mean and osoke from he Jes ‘thc blinded ste aretro th este wich mgt indeed Star the edo thas rus within hp cs er that {Beterenion of anigane in er shes kes on mean cca lon of wrk intensive, by meas he mechanics of dsiminaon, dept of a repeselatie aon, ha pp fe om the Western tape the case sige cartes the as of {eprestaon to crc eve. Rept cae by sol) a4 wl ‘Sing te unions (ad o0 apo, with ie economia comp {yf hr and’ forthe panied prletaran anced on Se relons with polttal-ecmomic fee th the tosrgrscaptas hte mgr etl ancy of the hae oi brought nia th cia Sct ros ana Eakin berwcen workers andthe wun any ore general, ofthe fantom between te las and evry repreacnane sutboy of the (Sse Thay ac deat a op te em of pot! epesenain and every aut wn sm to penn the name rset i mo suns and Doar ave seed he nga ave topo oreo he mga temporary fl cies a Aine ee onthe singe tha sug ‘The Auopsy of the Unions ‘The Renault ste of Mareh-Ape 1973 ousted fens option of this cin Appaeny conte ‘evortnated, manipulated and int alan fre (exept fr thecraordnary eminnloped vio tat consid inthe epee Se once taboo tem senshi worker wih the feng o ducin' hs ike oar tel the Desuel tan tong ofthe {hon couht tricone ran se ad Dost, om he ute Wnmcvme syne ysis arg rk Te “THE END OF PRODUCTION 2s ‘ame spreading the strike to other fetovies oto other sectors of he ‘workforce, thas faking advantage of the now situa spring mss demon "ations. Yet even tht mechani of cone, which Rad een repeatedly {ested evr since 1968, which tbe unions coud they could rly on for {se1eraons 0 come, let them dowa this ime Even the noo-savage fa ft fle (xt Seguin, Fins and Sanduvilc) were sometimes on se and Sometimes tack at work (which lo important), without paying hed 0 {he advice’ fom ter anion. The unions were constantly being cought fteguatd. The workers wanted thing todo with whales the unions ‘wom from management and put before them Thoxe concession they de ‘rom the workers inorder to relaunch notations with minagement Were fojected by the management, who thea closed down tho faces Management appealed to the workers wile ignoring the unions, andi {act deliteratly forced the enn oder to force the unions to retreat ulin’ they contol al the worker? The union’ social legis, end tren thet existence, ms at fue. Hence the bose” (and al levels of {sverament) adoption of chard ne’. Twas no longer question of «te St stengih between the organised (oninised) proletariat and the bose, ‘to ate of presenta othe unions, eer presse fom bath Me ‘ak spd le and management. Such tests ful tom eve savage sete (ver the last few years sparked off by nonunion personnel, rebellions youth, migrants: the eases, "The sakes at ths evel are extraordinary The cate eee of society Uiretens to collapee with the unre” lyitimacy and representa ‘Adjudieators and other mediating bodes no lnge! coun for much. Even the police ar useless without the unone i the later eanact poise the factories and elsewhere. In May 68, it was the unions who Saved the Profound expesed inte ter cation of een sucha he Rent Strike and May 65 nd thls holds god for student demoasvations jst as itdoes forthe Renault tikes). To ske or not to strike. Where do we Stand on tha? Nowme can decide any move, What se the objectives? ‘Where are the encay? What ae we talking about? The Geiger counters ‘hat the unioos, partes and micro-groups used to measure the muses readiness for combat are thrown ino rms. Te stent movement too ed forthe Bands af that who would ket ature aecndng 10 theicoum objcives don't they have any bjecves? In any ease, dd 01 Want vo become objecifedbelund is back. The Workers Went back 0 work witout gaining 4 thing, while eight days beforehand they had refused Stes they were offered pupae Benet. In at, this confsion i sma to what happenin dream betray aressance or acemomi eting ot the dreamconten sell Here teeny something of vial importance something dic howeve, forthe proletaians themselves to age: tbe social sugale bas been asplced fom the trading external ene of {ho caw, manaqcment nd etl goto the intern eles enemy, he [rope reprscative toy for he clan, the party or he uno These % SYMBOLIC EXCHANGE AND DEATH ae the autores 1 which the worker delegate thet power, which s {urmed agaist them under the form of management! © government ‘skgstions of power. Capital ul only lenses bout power ad is roduc, only monopol production, Pate ndunios alienate social [ower fom the exploited and have a monopoly on rpreeniaion. Calling {hom iato question 1S a revolutionary havoncl development. But this ‘development paid for by lose ela, ow fresco, an apparent reqrestom, the absence af continu, loge and objectives, et This because everything becomes mccain when ti & matter of confronting ‘one's cn repressive agency of driving the rion, shop stewara fil Srspotespetson from one's wm head. But the confsing character of Spring "7S indestes precely that we have findamentlly Tocated the problem: he unions and partes are dad al hat remains forthe o dois oe The Comapted Prorat The isi of spresentaon isthe rca ical ecto te tes soil vers Tn te eis my rove taal the tm and sendy we cane he emerging tin Cn thee ana) fe formal ogy rain) at feowalcd som of sal-manogenen No mote dlesion of powet = ‘rego sabe fly expose for podun? The new iealopea feoerton coming! Bart wit hae ast eo do, base ss Strat Sound up wih anther in, deeper Sly hh fous Froton foal every sytem of roduc). And tee aa, Traci of soe, the migrant are te penton of nals. Js as they sala the prorat relaion ts epresetate specs, hey he the workre retin 1 her omn lator power te elton © tryocnave Shor). Tae Gece they have reo bce ‘sisi rom stnon productive ions Desa they habe soil

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