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Authors’ Biography

Prof. Sunita Singh Sengupta is a former Dean and Professor of

Organizational Behavior at Faculty of Management Studies,
University of Delhi, India. She initiated researches and academic
summits on Integrating Spirituality and Organizational Leadership
and Vedic Foundations of Management Science in India, USA and Canada. She is
an author of 28 books and more than 5 dozen articles in national and international
journal of repute and is a widely travelled scholar and has lectured in USA, UK
and France. She has been awarded with the distinguished Homi Bhabha Fellowship
and currently been awarded UKIERI (UK India Education Research Initiative)
Project to work on Developing Empowering Methodologies in Management

Akshay Kumar is currently a Ph.D. student of Faculty of

Management Studies, Department of Management, University of
Delhi, India. He holds a Master’s degree in Commerce from
University of Delhi itself and his research interests are based on his fascination for
how managerial philosophy and practices in the contemporary corporate world
complement and shape each other. He has been exploring this phenomenon from
different perspectives in both his research and other practices. He is further
interested in integrating Intertemporal Stewardship Theory in Decision Making of
Commercial Banking Units, especially, in Indian context.

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