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Name: _______________________________________________

Ecology and Environment 2019

Separate Sciences

Time: 40 minutes

Total marks available: 38

Total marks achieved: ______

The diagram shows the carbon cycle. The letters A to F represent different processes in the carbon cycle.

(a) Complete the table by naming the process represented by each letter. The first one has been done for
(b) (i) Some of the carbon in plants is found in the form of carbohydrates.
Name a carbohydrate found in plants.


1 ........................................................................................................................................

(c) Describe how increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the air may cause global warming and explain the
possible consequences of global warming.













(Total for question = 11 marks)
2 (a) Farmers use a variety of methods to improve the growth of their crops.
One method is the use of a glasshouse.
Describe how the use of a glasshouse improves the growth of crops.












(b) Sometimes a farmer needs to control an insect pest that might damage his crops.

He can do this by using either biological control or a chemical pesticide.

(i) Describe one example of the use of biological control.







(Total for question = 6 marks)


Car exhaust fumes contain air pollutants including carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide.

(a) Explain why carbon monoxide is a harmful air pollutant.





(b) Which of the following is a direct consequence of sulfur dioxide pollution?

A production of acid rain

B soil erosion

C production of ozone

D eutrophication

(Total for question = 3 marks)


The diagram shows the nitrogen cycle.

(a) Name the processes labelled A, B and C.

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3 ..........................................................................................................................................
(b) Nitrates are one cause of pollution in rivers.
The graphs show the changes in nitrate levels and the biological oxygen demand (BOD) of the same
rivers over a number of years. A high BOD means that there is a large population of microorganisms in
a water sample.

(i) Describe how the nitrate levels and BOD change over the time period shown.




(ii) Explain the relationship between nitrate levels and BOD in these rivers.








(Total for question = 9 marks)


Feeding relationships can be shown using food chains.

This food chain comes from a woodland ecosystem.

(a) Name the secondary consumer in this food chain.


(b) (i) Draw a pyramid of numbers for this food chain.

Label your pyramid.

(ii) Describe how a pyramid of biomass would look different to a pyramid of numbers.



(iii) Explain why the biomass changes moving up the pyramid.






(Total for question = 9 marks)

Mark Scheme
(Total for question = 10 marks)

(Total for question = 9 marks)


(Total for question = 9 marks)


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