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Statement of Financial Performance

For the Year Ended December 31, 20x1

Note 20x1 20x0

Net Sales 1 Pxxx,xxx Pxxx,xxx
Cost of Goods Sold 2 xx,xxx xx,xxx
Gross Profit Pxxx,xxx Pxxx,xxx
Other Income 3 xx,xxx xx,xxx
Total Revenue Pxxx,xxx Pxxx,xxx
Operating Expenses
General and Administration Expenses 4 Pxx,xxx Pxx,xxx
Distribution Expenses 5 xx,xxx xx,xxx
Other Operating Expenses 6 xx,xxx xx,xxx
Total Pxx,xxx Pxx,xxx
Income from Operation Pxxx,xxx Pxxx,xxx
Finance Cost xx,xxx xx,xxx
Share of Income/loss from Investment in Asso. xx,xxx xx,xxx
Income from continuing operations Pxxx,xxx Pxxx,xxx
Income/Loss from Discountinuing Operations 7 xx,xxx xx,xxx
Income before income taxes Pxxx,xxx Pxxx,xxx
Provision for Income Taxes xx,xxx xx,xxx
Net Income before Other Comprehensive Income Pxxx,xxx Pxxx,xxx
Other Comprehensive Income/Losses xx,xxx xx,xxx
Net Income Pxxx,xxx Pxxx,xxx

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