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Journal Output No.


Name: ________________________________________________ Control no. ___


1. Please write legibly. If you can, please avoid suing cursive script.
2. You can write in any language that you feel most comfortable writing in.
3. You may write anything you like, there are no forbidden words or expressions.
However, please see to it that you try to follow the guide questions given.
4. There is no limit in the length of the write-up you may make. However you
should make your write up as long and as detailed as you can.
5. Please rest assured that all you write will be kept confidential and shall be made
accessible only to the researcher.
6. You have 4 days to finish this journal entry.

1) Please share 3 experience you had about your romantic relationship.
a) You can write any experience you had while in a romantic relationship.
b) Write your experience in one word, phrase or sentence only.
c) Then, please explain your reason for giving that experience. There is no limit as to
the length of what you write for this part.

Your experience 1:


The Details:


Your Experience 2:

The Details:


The Details 3:


Your Explanation:


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