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MOVIE Review

Group – 7
Akshit Raj
Khushi Badjate
Lovish Goyal
Shivani Gupta
A quite place
directed by and starring John Krasinski
Horror film that doesn't rely on elevating background score or jump
scares to frighten its audiences. The vast potential of silence does the
trick — the idea that you can only communicate through visuals, and not
sounds, in a universe where blind, alien-like monsters will hunt you down
if you make one peep, is probably one of the most terrifying concepts in
recent times.

The horror of their situation can be seen so much more clearly on the
faces of John Krasinski and Emily Blunt (with the absence of sound); they
play helpless parents to three children who are just about surviving
(through strategic planning and sign language).
In this case, it’s a post-apocalyptic world inhabited by blind, apparently extra-terrestrial creatures that are triggered into a
murderous rage by any sound.

But people are people, even when they’re being hunted by giant ear monsters — and A Quiet Place taps into that dread, terror,
and love. The result is frightening, and it feels wholly original.

A Quiet Place uses our sense of hearing to immerse us in a frightening, visceral story
The story requires them to stay quiet, because virtually any sound draws huge, vicious creatures out of the woods that snatch
the offender. The family is at an advantage, having had to learn sign language anyhow to communicate with their daughter, and
that might be why they’ve managed to elude the monsters thus far.

A baby! Imagine trying to silence an infant in this world where any sound leads to instant death. The solution involves a tiny
oxygen tank and mask, a soundproofed basement, and a coffin-like crib that muffles any noise.

We become part of that story too, thanks to sound design that’s conceived to play on the audience’s sense of hearing. It’s one of
the quietest horror films I’ve ever seen, The people onscreen are being silent, and we feel like we should be too.

All this silence makes the noises more startling, both to the characters and to
us. And so we are immersed in their world, with visceral results.
Movie scenes
How we use sound/mouth?
1.To speak communicate

2.To explain things which we want others to know

3.To reduce our pain/to explain or pain, we always create sound .
4.when we get scared suddenly, we create noise, its an involuntary action.

But what I observed in this movie is unimaginable for me- to suffer pain without creating sound( LABOR PAIN?), suffer fear ( the
creature is in front of me, and I’ll be mute).

Artificial sounds-
All the sounds created by human and their means (from our own sound to the sound of toy , eventually
created by us).
What if we can’t even use utensils for having food, because it also creates sounds. The movie make me
realize the diversity of noises that’s generated because of us. There are many people who can’t live a
day without playing PUBG, but in this movie they are playing Business game with game pieces made up
of threads by knitting (just to not create a sound).
Its shown that the creature don’t have any problems with natural sounds but was not able to hear
highly amplified sounds. The sound of a crying child was cloaked by the sound of water (even we like the
pitter patter of rain).
In today’s world the family culture is reducing, in some countries children are allowed to live separately after 18. And
here the mother teaches her boy to learn from her father, the surviving skills, so when they’ll grow old, he(boy) can take
care of his parents. The death of father because its his responsibility to safeguard his children

Self Dependency
No doctors, no sellers, no other human can be seen, it shows the self dependency just within a family

We humans are great creatures. We evolve with conditions & resources provide to us. But not everyone
is those understanding . It also shows survival of the fittest . In absence of creating sounds they were
communicating through hand gestures, eating raw food. There are many things that we have included in
our daily routine even when its not required but still its there. The movie has shown a life without those
Effects of noise pollution on humans:
Noise pollution effects many things and is everywhere nowadays. Loud music, vehicles on the road, airplanes flying above homes,
construction machines in the neighbourhood, and industries in urban areas. That’s without mentioning that many sources of noise within are
your home including the TV, blending machine, washing machine, etc.

In a nutshell, any sound that disturbs your peace is noise, regardless of whether or not you are used to it.

Fact: According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, noises that exceed 80 decibels are detrimental to your health. Children are
affected by noises above 60 decibels. The Decibel is the unit of measure for the intensity of sound waves and, in simple terms, any noise that
dwarfs normal conversation between two people is most probably above 60 decibels.

Four health problems that would potentially arise from noise pollution:
1. Damaged brain and hearing power

High-intensity sound waves cause unnecessary ripples in the ear canal, disturbing the fluid that aid communications
between the ear and the brain. This disturbance destroys the tiny, very delicate, hair follicles that send signals to the
brain whenever sounds enter the ear.

Hearing loss is very probable after 50% of these hairs are gone, necessitating hearing devices, particularly for children.
Research has also shown that uncontrolled exposure to high-intensity noises can seriously jeopardise a kid’s memory
and reading power.
2. Increased risk of cardiovascular diseases

Being exposed to noise pollution for ten consecutive years or more raises your chances of suffering from at least one
cardiovascular disease later in life by 300%. About a decade back, scientists found out that high noise levels increase
an individual’s pulse rates and cause constriction of blood vessels, thus making him/her vulnerable to heart attacks or
high blood pressure. Being exposed to such noises for more than 8 hours a day could even be worse.

3. Psychological disorders

Research shows that too much noise makes people easily irritable, nervousness, irrational in decision making, and
constant unease throughout the day.

In extreme cases, noises can make your life so stressful that you become socially aloof, unproductive at work due to
poor concentration, and emotional instability due to reduced self-confidence. Without the help of those around you,
you might end up developing an unlikeable, socially suppressive personality without knowing it.

4. Poor sleep

Irregular sleep can get on a noisy night. The danger of not sleeping well at night is that your day gets boring, you get
tired early, and you are forced to forego most energy-draining activities. You cannot, for example, be effective at the
gym which increases cholesterol levels in your body. Poor sleeping patterns can also cause serious cardiovascular
problems in the long run.
Listening music:

• use noise-cancelling earphones or headphones – don't just turn the volume up to cover up outside
• turn the volume up just enough so you can hear your music comfortably, but no higher
• don't listen to music at more than 60% of the maximum volume – some devices have settings you
can use to limit the volume automatically
• don't use earphones or headphones for more than an hour at a time – take a break for at least 5
minutes every hour

At events and activities:

• move away from sources of loud noises (such as loudspeakers)

• give your hearing about 18 hours to recover after exposure to lots of loud noise
• consider wearing earplugs – you can buy re-usable musicians' earplugs that reduce the volume of
music but don't muffle it.
Thankyou !
Group - 7
Akshit Raj
Khushi Badjate
Lovish Goyal
Shivani Gupta

CREDITS: This presentation template was created

by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and
infographics & images by Freepik.

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