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Kender in the Forgotten Realms

A Playable Race for 5th Edition

Written and Illustrated by Tom Iszatt

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Kender are childlike humanoids, originally native to Kender live amongst the common people, who are
Krynn, with presences elsewhere. They are known for generally accepting of them due to their friendly exterior.
their bravery and playful teasing, as well as their Whilst their tendency to ‘borrow’ is frowned upon, they
obsessive curiosity. are not treated with as much suspicion as a tiefling or
drow might be. In terms of breeding, kender will often
Born of the Greygem marry halflings, due to their physiological similarity.
Moots in the Realms tend to be less frequent and more
The exact origins of the kender race are disputed – there
prestigious, as they involve kender of the same ancestral
are three popular accounts, which all in some way trace
line travelling from far afield to gather together.
back to the Greygem of Gargath, Reorx’s vessel of Chaos.
Ensure that the DM is aware of a kender’s position in
The dwarven myth states that when the gem entered
Forgotten Realms society, so that they can factor this in
Krynn, it worked its magic on a donsy of gnomes, turning
when crafting the adventure.
them into the first dwarves and kender. However, the
Irda would add that those transformed into dwarves
encountered this fate because of their greed for the gem, Kender Names
whereas those who became kender wanted it out of A kender will tend to be named after their relatives,
curiosity. A third story states that in the final battle for common items which might be found in a kender’s pouch,
the gem, some of the elven combatants were turned into or important events from around the time of their birth.
kender. Examples of these might be Lockpick or Tinderbox.
Kender born in the Forgotten Realms will usually take the
Children of the World surname of their heroic ancestor.
The most obvious aspect of the kender is their childish Kender Traits
appearance and character. They are reasonably short,
small-boned, and slender. However, by around middle As a kender, you inherit certain traits from your ancestry.
age, they begin to develop wrinkle-like facial features, and Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
this, paired with their pointed ears, gives them a rather increases by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by
elven look. They have a pale complexion, and hair 1.
(usually tied in a topknot) and eye colours similar to Age. Kender have a similar, if slightly longer, lifespan
those of humans. to humans, reaching adulthood after their teens and
Kender are known for their youthfully adventurous living around a century.
nature. They are courageous and inquisitive, and much Alignment. Kender are very rarely evil, but their
more interested in the experience of a quest than the trickster nature tends to push them towards chaos.
monetary rewards at the end of it. They will often pick up Size. Kender are thin, usually no more than 4 feet
any items they come across which spark their curiosity, tall, and tend to weigh around 40 pounds. Your size is
and store them in their pouches. Whilst done innocently, Small.
this often earns them the title of “thief”, a label they Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
abhor. They are also playful, and often rude, always ready Brave. You have advantage on saving throws against
with a witty remark or scathing insult. being frightened.
Curious ‘Borrowers’. You have proficiency in the
Sleight of Hand skill.
Moot Culture Party Trick. You gain proficiency in one skill of your
Kender culture is focused on strong family relationships, choice, or with the artisan’s tools of your choice, or with
through which the young learn the stories and skills a disguise kit or musical instrument.
which will allow them to flourish in the community. By Potent Wit. You are quick to pick up on a character’s
their teenage years, kender are considered old enough to flaws, which you can exploit through well-crafted
take part in Moots – gatherings where the adolescents insults. You have proficiency in the Insight skill, and
play games and show off any new skills. After this, most know the vicious mockery cantrip.
kender will leave home, experiencing wanderlust, and Few and Far Between. Even if they are not already
will spent most of their adult life adventuring. well acquainted, kender who meet by chance in this
foreign land will treat each other as family. If you come
across another of your race, as long as they are not
The Forgotten Realms already hostile towards you for some other reason, they
Being non-native, kender are few and far between in the will provide you and your party with hospitality, as their
Forgotten Realms. However, some great adventurers, means allows.
such as Emilo Haversack, have been able to cross the Languages. You can speak, read, and write in
boundaries between the planes, and pass into the Realms. Common and Gnomish. The dialect of Gnomish spoken
Most kender who have settled in the Realms can trace by kender is tonal and expressive. Kender scatter
their lineage back to one of these heroes, and do so with Elvish phrases into their speech, but do not understand
immense pride. the rest of the language.

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