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26/01/22, 18:11 [Guide] Snap App - Install and use Snapd - JingOS / JingOS Guides - JingOS

[Guide] Snap App - Install and use Snapd

Maxximo88 ott '21

Hi All,
in order to properly use Snapd Packages on JingOS, please follow this guide.

So, first of all, install Snapd:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install snapd

Reboot the System:

sudo reboot

After reboot, install Snap Core:

sudo snap install core

Now, in order to easily have Icons on desktop, Duix help us to create a symlink from /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications in

sudo cp -n /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/*.desktop /usr/share/applications

sudo mv /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications /var/lib/snapd/desktop/__applications

sudo ln -s /usr/share/applications /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications

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RichardS nov '21

Thanks @Maxximo88 . Your instructions worked beautifully and I was able to install libreoffice:-

$ sudo snap install libreoffice

For newbies like me, I found these commands in Terminal to be useful:-

$ snap help

(gives a set of the commands you can use after snap)


$ snap list

(lists all the snaps you have installed).

Per la prima volta MilitaryNerd ha inviato un messaggio. Diamogli il benvenuto nella nostra comunità!

MilitaryNerd nov '21

@RichardS I’d be interested in understanding how you were able to install libreOffice this way since it tells me that stable is only available
for amd64. Thanks!
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26/01/22, 18:11 [Guide] Snap App - Install and use Snapd - JingOS / JingOS Guides - JingOS
xircon nov '21


sudo apt-get install libreoffice

Worked for me.

RichardS nov '21

Hi @MilitaryNerd . I followed all the instructions in @Maxximo88 's instructions earlier in the thread, starting with the install of Snapd ($
sudo apt update && sudo apt install snapd, then reboot, etc.). Only then did I $ sudo snap install libreoffice ( @xircon 's modified command,
$ sudo apt-get install libreoffice, is probably a little “safer”, so I would go with that). Alternatively, I think, once you have installed Snapd and
got the software catalog available, you can search for LibreOffice from the catalogue and just install it from there. Hope that helps.

RichardS nov '21

@MilitaryNerd One further update to my previous comment; @brookie made a very good suggestion that, for non-Chinese speakers,
Flatpak may be a better way to go than Snapd. I posted on this elsewhere on the forum (Angelfish Program - #5 by brookie ), but that
route is now my preferred way to find, install, uninstall and update apps. Hope that helps too.

MilitaryNerd nov '21

That’s interesting because when I do it, I get:

error: snap “libreoffice” is not available on stable for this architecture (arm64) but exists on
other architectures (amd64).

Maxximo88 nov '21

@MilitaryNerd you don’t neet to use Snap to install libreoffice, because the package is available using the official Repo.
Ah, I’m sorry, this is a GUIDE post, not a Q&A. If you have any issue please open a new topic!


RichardS nov '21

@MilitaryNerd Sorry I can’t help you on that. I am on X86 architecture on my HP tablet. I have never played with ARM architected devices. 2/2

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