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Role of carbon audit:

Measure and Assess Emissions: Carbon audits help organizations identify and quantify their greenhouse gas emissions. This
includes direct emissions from owned or controlled sources (Scope 1), indirect emissions from the generation of purchased
energy (Scope 2), and other indirect emissions from activities such as business travel and supply chain (Scope 3).
Compliance and Reporting: Many countries and regions have regulations and reporting requirements related to carbon
emissions. Carbon audits help organizations ensure compliance with these regulations and report their emissions accurately
and transparently.
Identify Reduction Opportunities:can identify opportunities to reduce their environmental impact. This may involve improving
energy efficiency, transitioning to renewable energy sources, or making changes in supply chain practices.
Set Targets and Goals: Carbon audits provide the data needed for organizations to set realistic and measurable carbon
reduction targets. Establishing clear goals helps guide efforts toward sustainability and allows for tracking progress over time.
Enhance Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Demonstrating a commitment to reducing carbon emissions is an integral
part of corporate social responsibility. Carbon audits contribute to an organization's ability to communicate its environmental
performance and sustainability initiatives to stakeholders, including customers, investors, and the broader community.
Risk Management: Understanding and managing carbon emissions can help organizations mitigate risks associated with
potential future regulatory changes, resource scarcity, and other climate-related challenges.
Cost Savings: improved energy efficiency and cost savings. By identifying areas for improvement through a carbon audit,
organizations can optimize their operations and reduce energy consumption, resulting in financial benefits.
Competitive Advantage: As consumers and investors become more environmentally conscious, companies with strong
sustainability practices
II, 3 scopes
GHG SCOPE 1 2 and 3
The GHG Protocol Corporate Standard classifies a company’s GHG emissions into three ‘scopes’.
• Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions from owned or controlled sources.
Energy efficient buildings• Factories• Warehouses• These might be energy intensive areas like Heating, cooling premises•
investing in low carbon transportation infrastructure electric cars, bicyles, , Process emissions from chemical reactions.
• Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy.
Bought energy• Move to producing own energy to reduce dependence on suppliers• Better returns on investment in energy•
Less impacted by energy price fluctuation,
Emissions from purchased electricity, heat, or steam.
Indirect emissions associated with the production of purchased energy.
• Scope 3 emissions are all indirect emissions (not included in scope 2) that occur in the value chain of the reporting company,
including both upstream and downstream emissions.
Reduce employee commute • Invest in Low carbon capital goods – machinery • Buy low carbon material and services-
Procurement job • Reduce emissions from inbound transport- Logistics • Reduce waste in organisation – Operations manager •
Reduce business travel - new ways of working – HR • Lease low carbon buildings and machinery • Reduce impact of product
after sale - by redesign of product • Reduce carbon footprint of sols products – design products will less use phase impact •
Invest in low carbon businesses – suppliers • Reduce End of lifecycle carbon footprint, Upstream emissions (e.g., raw material
extraction, manufacturing of purchased goods). Downstream emissions (e.g., use of the product by consumers, end-of-life
Net Zero Frame of reference model -

Lack of Awareness and Understanding:

Financial Constraints: Many organizations may face financial constraints or short-term budget that make it challenging to
invest in the necessary changes.
Technological Challenges: In certain industries, there might be technological limitations that hinder the adoption of
cleaner technologies or renewable energy sources. The availability of advanced technologies and infrastructure can
be a barrier, especially for industries with high energy demands. not mature.
Dependency on Fossil Fuels: Industries heavily dependent on fossil fuels may find it challenging to transition to
renewable energy sources. In some cases, alternatives to fossil fuels may not be readily available or economically
Regulatory Uncertainty: Uncertainty about future regulations and policies related to carbon emissions can create
hesitancy in committing to net-zero goals. Supply Chain Complexity: Organizations with complex and extensive
supply chains may find it difficult to influence or control emissions throughout the entire value chain. Cooperation and
coordination with suppliers and partners are necessary for comprehensive emissions reduction.
Legacy Infrastructure: Existing infrastructure, particularly in older facilities or industries, may not be easily adaptable to
more sustainable practices. Retrofitting or replacing infrastructure can be expensive and logistically challenging.
Cultural Resistance and Inertia: Organizational culture and resistance to change can be significant barriers. Employees
and leadership may resist adopting new practices or technologies, especially if they perceive them as disruptive or
Data and Measurement Challenges:. Lack of robust data and measurement systems can hinder organizations from
setting realistic targets and tracking progress.

Barriers to Hydrogen as fuel (Rawat et al ,2024)

• High installation and maintenance cost Limited fuel stations • Absence of localization of relevant material components and
source technology • Absence of Low-cost materials and components • Lack of trained human resources • Lack of competition in
hydrogen vehicle manufacturing • Lack of R&D in fuel cell systems • Lack of supply infrastructure • Absence of productive
production infrastructure and technologies • Supply of water for electrolysis • Lack of hydrogen storage capacity • High
ownership cost of hydrogen vehicles • Safety issues for hydrogen transport and delivery

II. Objective for Carbon Zero Strategy

Carbon Neutrality Target:
Energy Efficiency Improvements:
Supply Chain Emissions Reduction: Work with suppliers to set targets for reducing emissions throughout the supply
chain. Encourage sustainable practices and collaboration to minimize the carbon footprint of the entire value chain.
Transportation Emissions Reduction: This could involve transitioning to electric vehicles, improving fuel efficiency, or
optimizing transportation logistics.
Waste Reduction and Circular Economy:
● Set goals for minimizing waste generation and moving towards a circular economy. This may involve
reducing, reusing, and recycling materials to decrease the overall environmental impact.
Employee Engagement and Education:
Reporting and Transparency: Commit to regular reporting on carbon emissions, progress towards targets, and actions
Innovation and Technology Adoption:
Policy Advocacy and Collaboration:

III. Mode of transportation CSR standards

• EMAS-Eco management and audit scheme
• ISO 14000-Environmental management system
• BS8555-14000-Environmental management system
• GRI-Developed a widely accepted and comprehensive framework for accounting and
reporting of CSR
• SA8000-Voluntary certification for social compliance in workplace
• ISO 26000-Guidance on social responsibility to assist organisation in addressing their SR
IV. freight modal splits
The term "freight modal splits" refers to the distribution or division of freight transportation among different modes of transport,
such as road (trucking), rail, air, sea (maritime), and potentially others. It is a representation of the percentage or share of total
freight volume that each transportation mode contributes to the overall transportation of goods in a particular region, country, or
For example, in a given region, the freight modal split analysis might reveal that 60% of the total freight is transported by trucks
(road), 20% by trains (rail), 10% by ships (maritime), and 10% by air. This breakdown provides insights into the transportation
patterns and preferences within that area.
.The choice of transportation mode is influenced by factors such as the type of goods, distance, cost, speed, reliability, and
environmental considerations. Modal split analysis allows stakeholders to optimize freight transportation systems based on
these factors for efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable logistics solutions.

V. Ports can play a significant role in reducing carbon footprints

Shore Power (Cold Ironing): provide shore power facilities, allowing ships to turn off their engines while docked and connect to
the local power grid.reduces the emissions generated by ships
Energy-Efficient Infrastructure: invest in energy-efficient lighting, cranes, and other infrastructure. Upgrading to more energy-
efficient technologies reduces energy consumption and lowers emissions.
Alternative Fuels and Technologies: Ports can support the use of alternative fuels such as liquefied natural gas (LNG) or
biofuels for ships. Additionally, encouraging the adoption of cleaner propulsion technologies, such as electric or hybrid systems,
contributes to lower emissions.
Smart Grids and Energy Management: Implementing smart grids and advanced energy management systems can optimize
energy consumption within the port, making operations more efficient and reducing carbon emissions.
Environmental Standards and Regulations: Ports can adopt and enforce strict environmental standards and regulations for both
ships and port operations. This includes emissions control areas, which restrict the sulfur content in ship fuels, and other
regulations reducing air and water pollution.
Waste Management and Recycling: Proper waste management and recycling initiatives within ports can minimize
environmental impact.
Collaboration with Shipping Lines: Ports can work collaboratively with shipping companies to encourage the use of cleaner
technologies, fuel-efficient vessels, and adherence to environmental III. III. Infrastructure, including roads, ports, internet,
electricity, and other key components, plays a crucial role in advancing greener and more sustainable practices across
various sectors.
Roads:Public Transport and Electric Vehicles: Well-designed roads support efficient public transportation systems, reducing
the reliance on individual car usage. Additionally, the development of electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure, such as charging
stations, encourages the adoption of cleaner transportation alternatives.
Ports:Ports can implement shore power facilities to enable ships to connect to the electric grid while docked, reducing
emissions. Investing in green technologies for cargo handling equipment and optimizing logistics can further enhance
environmental performance.
Internet: A robust internet infrastructure supports remote work and telecommuting, reducing the need for daily commuting and
lowering associated carbon emissions from transportation..
Electricity: The development of a clean energy infrastructure, including wind, solar, and hydropower,
Water Infrastructure: roper water infrastructure, including wastewater treatment plants and water conservation measures,
supports the responsible use and reuse of water resources.
Buildings and Urban Planning: Infrastructure for buildings and urban planning can incorporate energy-efficient designs,
green building materials, and renewable energy installations, contributing to reduced energy consumption and emissions.
Telecommunications:: Advanced telecommunications infrastructure supports digitalization and data management, enabling
more efficient resource use and reducing the need for physical travel.
VI. Optimizing emissions using routing
Route Optimization Software: such as distance, traffic conditions, and elevation changes to identify the most fuel-efficient and
environmentally friendly routes
Real-time Traffic Monitoring: identify and avoid congested routes, vehicles can reduce idle time and optimize fuel efficiency.
Eco-Driving Techniques: Encourage and train drivers in eco-driving techniques
Alternative Fuels and Vehicles: Consider the use of alternative fuels, such as biodiesel, compressed natural gas (CNG), or
electric vehicles, which may have lower emissions compared to traditional fossil fuels.
Emission Standards and Regulations:. Some routes or areas may have restrictions or incentives based on vehicle
emissions. Adhering to these regulations can lead to more environmentally friendly routing.
Modal Shift:Evaluate the feasibility of shifting transportation modes. Infrastructure
Payload Optimization: Optimize vehicle loading to ensure that vehicles are carrying a full load without exceeding weight limits
Carbon Offsetting: Consider implementing carbon offsetting programs where emissions generated during transportation are
compensated for through investments in environmental projects, such as reforestation or renewable energy initiatives.
Collaboration and Data Sharing: Collaborate with other companies in the supply chain to share data and optimize routes
collectively. This can lead to more efficient overall logistics operations and reduced emissions.
VII. To increase utilization in transportation and reduce waste
thereby minimizing emissions, businesses can adopt various strategies and practices. Here are some effective ways to
achieve this:
Consolidation of Shipments: Collaborate with other businesses to share transportation resources and consolidate shipments.
Just-in-Time Inventory Management:
Fleet Management and Maintenance: Implement regular maintenance schedules for vehicles to ensure optimal performance
and fuel efficiency.
Telematics and IoT Solutions:Use telematics and Internet of Things (IoT) devices to monitor vehicle performance, track fuel
consumption, and gather data for continuous optimization.
Employee Training and Awareness:
Eco-Labels and Certification: Seek and promote eco-labels or certifications for transportation services that prioritize
sustainability and emission reduction.
Investment in Green Technologies:
II. Regulations and market dynamics
Emission Standards and Regulations: Regulations may require the use of cleaner fuels, the implementation of emission control
technologies, and adherence to environmental performance standards.
Incentives and Subsidies:
Market Demand and Consumer Preferences:Consumer Awareness: Increasing environmental awareness
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Companies aiming to demonstrate environmental responsibility and enhance their CSR
profiles may voluntarily adopt greener transportation practices to meet customer expectations.
Carbon Pricing and Trading:
Public Procurement Policies:
Infrastructure Development: facilitates the transition to greener modes of transport.
Regulatory Support for Innovation:
Stringent Fuel Efficiency Standards:Governments may establish fuel efficiency standards for vehicles, pushing manufacturers
to produce more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly options.
International Agreements:
Technology Advancements:
II. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a valuable tool for evaluating the environmental impact of products, processes, or
services throughout their entire life cycle.
Comprehensive Assessment: LCA considers all stages of a product or process, from raw material extraction to production, use,
and disposal. This holistic approach allows for a comprehensive assessment of environmental impacts, including resource use,
energy consumption, emissions, and potential environmental damage.
Comparative Analysis: LCA enables a comparison between different alternatives. By analyzing the life cycle stages of multiple
products or processes, it becomes possible to identify which option has a lower environmental impact. This facilitates decision-
making by highlighting the green alternatives.
Quantification of Environmental Impact: LCA provides quantitative data on environmental impacts, allowing for the
measurement and comparison of factors such as carbon footprint, water use, and other resource consumption. This information
is crucial for understanding the sustainability of alternatives.
Identification of Hotspots: LCA identifies environmental "hotspots" or stages in the life cycle where the majority of environmental
impacts occur. This information helps focus improvement efforts on the most impactful stages and informs the design of
greener alternatives.
Breakeven Analysis: LCA can be used to determine breakeven points, where the environmental impact of one option is equal to
or surpassed by another. This is particularly relevant when comparing the life cycle impacts of traditional and green
alternatives. Understanding breakeven points helps stakeholders make informed decisions about when the environmental
benefits of a green alternative outweigh its initial environmental burdens.
Continuous Improvement: LCA is not a one-time analysis. It can be used iteratively to assess the effectiveness of
improvements and optimizations over time. This continuous improvement approach allows for the refinement of green
alternatives and the identification of new opportunities for sustainbi.


• Technologies enable the firm to keep real-time records of the inventory data and bill of
material (BOM) more conveniently
• BOM reflects the impact of the product ingredients and the production process on the overall cost of the product
• it provides the contribution of each ingredient or product component to the overall emission
generated throughout the life cycle of the product (Pham and Yenradee, 2017)
• BOM-based LCA of the product helps to identify the bottlenecks by tracking the carbon
emission at each stage of the product life and help the managers to rectify it through
technological innovations and operational adjustments

Carbon capture and sequestration-CCS•

• Direct CCS, carbon can be captured from the stationary source then compressed and
transported to the store location such as deep aquifer, depleted oil field, deep ocean or
can be directly injected into the soil
• Indirect CCS methods include forestation, enhanced uptake of CO2 in oceans, etc• Guo et al. (2017) also emphasized the
importance of carbon balancing and asserted
that it is an ideal way to observe how carbon metabolism and sustainability are related

RDC-Regional Distribution centre

• Where would you put your warehouses • Near ports • Neal channel crossings• Near big cities• Consolidate few towns or
stores to be served • Consider miles travelled in deliveries
• Overall cost of serving stores
The World Green Building Council has found that buildings and construction account for a massive 39% of all carbon emissions
in the world, • with 28% being related to energy expended lighting, heating, and cooling buildings (operational carbon) and the
remaining 11% from energy use, related to producing construction materials (embodied carbon).

II, Harnessing green energy involves capturing and utilizing energy from renewable and environmentally friendly sources.
Green energy, also known as renewable energy, comes from natural processes that are replenished on a human timescale.
Solar Energy:
Wind Energy:
Hydropower:Water turbines
Biomass Energy. as organic materials like wood, agricultural residues, and waste, can be burned or converted into biofuels to
produce heat or electricity. Biomass power plants use the combustion process to generate energy.
Geothermal Energy:Geothermal energy is derived from the heat within the Earth.
Tidal and Wave Energy:
Hydrogen Energy:Hydrogen can be produced through electrolysis
Piezoelectric Energy:Piezoelectric materials generate electric power in response to mechanical stress or vibrations

II, Warehousing And other risks that can impact both the workforce and the surrounding community. Here are some
potential risks associated with warehousing:
Warehouse activities have a significant impact on the overall supply chain performance and the environment, due to their
heating, cooling, lighting, and material handling
• Risk from damage • E.g. Bunsfield oil fire in 2005 closed the warehouse • Impact on ASOS distribution centre • Ocado
warehouse on fire impacted their operations
Workplace Safety and Health:
Physical Hazards: heavy machinery, forklifts posing risks of accidents,injuries.
Chemical Exposure:
Labor Practices:
Working Conditions: Issues related to working conditions, including long hours, inadequate breaks, and insufficient rest
areas, can lead to worker dissatisfaction and health problems.
Wage and Employment Practices: Low wages, temporary employment, and lack of job security may contribute to social
and economic challenges for workers.
Supply Chain Ethics:
Ethical Sourcing: If warehouses store products from suppliers with unethical practices, it can reflect poorly on the warehouse
and its stakeholders.
Community Impact:
Traffic and Noise Pollution:
Land Use and Zoning Issues: Large warehouses may lead to disputes over land use and zoning regulations, especially in
residential or environmentally sensitive areas.
Technology and Automation: job displacement, raising concerns about unemployment and the need for retraining programs.
Security Concerns:Theft and VandalismRegulatory Compliance:
Health and Safety Regulations: Non-compliance with health and safety regulations can lead to legal and financial
consequences for warehouse operators.
Environmental Regulations: Failure to adhere to environmental regulations may result in fines and damage the reputation
of the warehouse.

Reducing the footprint of a warehouse involves optimizing space, improving efficiency, and adopting sustainable practices.
Here are some strategies to minimize the environmental and physical impact of a warehouse:
Space Optimization:
Vertical Storage: Utilize vertical space by implementing high-density storage systems, such as tall racks and shelving. This
can significantly increase storage capacity without expanding the physical footprint.
Compact Storage Solutions:
Inventory Management:
Just-In-Time Inventory: Adopt just-in-time inventory management to reduce the need for extensive storage space. This
approach helps minimize excess inventory and storage requirements.
ABC Analysis: Prioritize inventory based on its importance, with 'A' items being the most critical. This allows better
allocation of storage space for high-demand products.
Efficient Warehouse Layout:
Optimized Racking System: Design an efficient racking system that allows for easy access to products and minimizes
unnecessary movement within the warehouse.
Flow Racking: Implement flow racking systems to facilitate a first-in, first-out (FIFO) inventory flow, reducing the need for
excess aisles and improving efficiency.
Energy Efficiency:
Energy-Efficient Lighting: Upgrade to energy-efficient lighting systems, such as LED lights, to reduce energy consumption.
HVAC Systems: Optimize heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems for energy efficiency to minimize
environmental impact.
Automation and Technology:
Warehouse Management Systems (WMS): Implement WMS to optimize inventory control, order processing, and overall
warehouse operations.
Automated Material Handling Systems: Introduce automated systems, such as conveyor belts or robotics, to improve
efficiency and reduce the need for excessive floor space.
Sustainable Practices:
Green Building Design: energy-efficient insulation, renewable energy sources, and sustainable materials.
Renewable Energy:
Transportation Efficiency:
Optimized Transportation: Streamline transportation and logistics to reduce the frequency of shipments, minimizing the
need for excess storage.
Last-Mile Delivery Solutions: Explore efficient last-mile delivery solutions to reduce the time and space required for final
product delivery.
Collaborative Supply Chain Practices:
Recycling and Waste Reduction:

II, Sustainable warehousing

Energy Efficiency:
Energy-Efficient Lighting: Install LED lighting systems
HVAC Systems: Implement energy-efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to minimize energy
Renewable Energy Sources
Building Design and Construction:
Green Building Standards: Use energy-efficient insulation materials reducig the need heating,cooling.
Optimized Transportation and Logistics:
Route Optimization: Implement route optimization strategies to reduce transportation emissions and fuel consumption.
Electric Vehicles: Introduce electric vehicles or hybrid trucks for intra-warehouse transportation and last-mile deliveries.
Waste Reduction and Recycling:
Waste Management Programs: Establish comprehensive waste management programs, including recycling and proper
disposal of materials.
Reusable Packaging: Encourage the use of reusable packaging materials to reduce waste.
Water Conservation:
Water-Efficient Appliances: Install water-efficient appliances,
Landscaping Practices: reduce water usage on the warehouse premises.
Supply Chain Collaboration:
Collaborative Warehousing:
Sustainable Sourcing: Work with suppliers who prioritize sustainable and eco-friendly practices in their production and
transportation processes.
Green Technology and Automation:
Smart Warehouse Management Systems
Automated Systems:Employee Engagement:
Training Programs: Conduct training programs to educate employees on sustainable practices a
Wellness Programs:
Certifications and Compliance:
Sustainability Certifications: Obtain certifications such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) to
showcase the commitment to sustainable practices.
Compliance with Environmental Regulations: Stay compliant with local and national environmental regulations and
Solar Powered Batteries
Smarter supply chains :learning and making some decisions by itself, without human involvement.
Acquire rights to use physical assets like production capacity, distribution facilities and transportation fleets on demand through
virtual exchanges. • Intelligence will be used not only to make real-time decisions, but also to predict the future. • Equipped with
sophisticated modelling and simulation capabilities, the smarter supply chain will move past sense and-respond to predict-and-
II. some known: * Enterprise resource planning• Warehouse management systems• Transportation management systems•
Radio frequency identification• Demand forecasting management• Geo coded tracking system• Customer relationship
management• Business intelligence
I,How tech helps understand impact: * Helps identify movement of goods along their journey• Helps locate products in
warehouses• Reduces manual labour• Improves accuracy• Less costs• Improved visibility• Improved planning• Wider usage
has led to lower chip costs• Possibility to record losses
II. New ways of manufacturing and recycling, redesign of products
● Voice activated picking, Using IoT, Drones , Driverless Cars and Trucks , Smart Materials:
Reduce logistics costs • Removes human error • Higher automation • Increased predictability
Wearables – advancement on voice picking , Reduced Paper Usage:, , hand free -> promoting a more efficient and eco-
friendly workflow.
● MRP-Materials requirements planning
MRP requires items to be listed as per their Bill of materials (BOM) • The MRP system is used to plan for buying raw materials
based on the demand by working backwards such that material is ordered in time for assembly or production
● Manufacturing resource planning-MRP II
The extension of MRP to production planning and control, engineering purchasing, marketing, cost accounting, and human
resource management into a integrated decision support system Advantages of MRP II Co-ordinates planning in different
departments Managers can perform what if analysis Projected financial implications
● Enterprise resource planning - ERP
ERP allows a consolidated view of all the organisation by any department in the organisation
● DRP-Distribution requirements planning
DRP is helpful in linking the requirements of customers via the Logistics provider • Useful in planning the warehouse inventory •
Can be clubbed with GPS and RFiD to provide real time information • Uses MRP logic in the distribution side of the business
● GPS – Global positioning systems help locate realtime

Smarter supply chains will be inherently flexible. They will be composed of an interconnected network of suppliers, contract
manufacturers and service providers that can be tapped on demand as conditions change.
3D Printing: allows for on-demand and localized production, reducing the need for extensive transportation and minimizing
material waste.
Block chain Utilizing blockchain technology to provide transparent and traceable information about the origin, production
processes, and lifecycle of products. This fosters accountability and ensures adherence to sustainable and ethical practices.
Collaboration and Innovation Ecosystems:
Advanced Recycling Technologies: Chemical and robotic recycling
Responsive and Adaptive Materials: Developing materials that can adapt to environmental conditions or have responsive
properties, reducing the need for energy-intensive heating, cooling, or maintenance processes.
Closed-Loop Manufacturing:
Circular Economy Principles: Implementing a circular economy approach involves designing products with materials
that can be easily recycled or reused,
Remanufacturing: Designing products with components that can be easily disassembled and remanufactured
promotes resource efficiency and extends the lifecycle of products.
Smart data used
Community Engagement: , Education and Awareness: .Predictive Analytics, Real-Time Feedback, Smart Metering and
Smart Appliances and Devices:
● Energy-Efficient Appliances: Integrate smart appliances that provide data on energy consumption and suggest
optimal usage times to minimize electricity demand during peak hours.
Smart grid: A "smart grid" in the context of a green supply chain refers to the integration of advanced technologies and
intelligent systems into the energy management infrastructure of the supply chain. The goal is to optimize energy consumption,
improve efficiency, and reduce the overall environmental impact of the supply chain operations
Renewable Energy Integration: // Demand Response Management: /// Energy Efficiency and Optimization:///Grid Resilience
and Reliability:///Real-Time Monitoring and Control: ///Predictive Analytics for Energy Planning: leverage predictive analytics to
forecast energy demand and supply patterns /// Carbon Footprint Reduction: /// Collaboration and Data Sharing:
Circular economy
The circular economy is an economic system designed to minimize waste and make the most of resources. It is an alternative
to the traditional linear economy, which follows a "take, make, dispose" model. In a circular economy, the emphasis is on
designing products that can be reused, repaired, remanufactured, and recycled to create a closed-loop system.
Design for Longevity: Products are designed to have a longer lifespan, be easily repairable, and upgradeable to
extend their usability.
Reuse: Emphasis is placed on using products and materials for as long as possible through activities such as sharing,
leasing, and second-hand markets.
Remanufacturing: Products are refurbished or remanufactured to extend their life and performance, reducing the need for
new resource extraction and manufacturing.
Recycling: Materials are recovered and recycled at the end of a product's life to create new products or components.
Waste Reduction: Minimizing the generation of waste and using waste as a resource through recycling and other means.
Circular economy principles (Ellen McArthur foundation)
• Preserve and enhance natural capital by controlling finite stocks ,balancing renewable resource flow
• Optimise resource yields by circulating products, components and materials
• Foster system effectiveness by revealing designing out negative externalities
Waste management
The hierarchy of waste management is a framework that prioritizes waste management strategies based on their environmental
impact and sustainability. The goal is to encourage the most environmentally friendly and economically viable methods for
handling and disposing of waste
Source Reduction/Prevention: This involves practices such as reducing packaging, promoting reusable products, and
implementing efficient manufacturing processes.
Recovery : The extraction of useful materials or energy from waste that cannot be recycled, Repair to working order • Refurbish
to specified quality • Remanufacture up to quality standard • Cannibalise to recover some reusable parts • Reuse materials from
used products or components • Upcycling to produce something new and better
Treatment and Disposal:
Reverse Logistics • Retailers manage product returns • OEM’S offer product return, repair or returns • Govt agencies offer
waste collection • Traders aggregate waste metal and other items from various organisations • Customers form important part
of closed loop by using reuse markets • Private waste management companies are 3PL for waste

How different foods impact carbon footprint?

Energy Intensity of Production:
● Meat Production: Livestock farming, especially for red meat like beef and lamb, is often energy-intensive.
The animals require large amounts of feed, water, and land, contributing to high carbon emissions.
Additionally, enteric fermentation in the digestive process of ruminant animals releases methane, a potent
greenhouse gas.
● Plant-Based Foods: Plants generally have lower energy requirements compared to animals. Foods like
fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains can be produced with less energy input.
Land Use and Deforestation:
● Livestock Farming: Clearing land for pasture and feed crops, especially in regions like the Amazon
rainforest, contributes to deforestation. Deforestation releases stored carbon, reduces the number of trees
available to absorb carbon dioxide, and contributes to biodiversity loss.
● Plant-Based Foods: While agriculture also involves land use, certain plant-based foods can be more land-
efficient. For example, a plot of land can produce more calories from grains or legumes than from raising
Methane Emissions:
● Livestock Farming: Ruminant animals, such as cows and sheep, produce methane during digestion.
Methane is a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.
● Rice Cultivation: Flooded rice paddies produce methane. Changes in rice cultivation practices, such as
intermittent flooding, can reduce methane emissions.
● Food Miles: The distance food travels from farm to table affects its carbon footprint. Locally produced and
seasonal foods generally have lower carbon footprints because they require less energy for transportation.
● Imported and Out-of-Season Foods: Foods transported long distances or grown out of season often
involve higher energy consumption in transportation.
Processing and Packaging:
● Processed Foods: The production and processing of convenience and processed foods often involve
energy-intensive methods. Additionally, the packaging of these foods can contribute to their carbon
● Fresh and Unprocessed Foods: Whole, unprocessed foods generally require less energy for processing
and packaging.
Agricultural Practices:
● Conventional vs. Organic Farming: Conventional agriculture may involve the use of synthetic fertilizers and
pesticides, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. Organic farming practices, while often considered
more sustainable, may have lower yields, potentially offsetting some environmental benefits.
● Regenerative Agriculture: Practices that focus on soil health and carbon sequestration, such as
regenerative agriculture, can help offset carbon emissions.
Water Use:
● Water-Intensive Crops: Foods that require significant amounts of water for cultivation, such as almonds,
can contribute to higher carbon footprints in regions facing water scarcity.
● Low-Impact Crops: Certain crops, like legumes, can be grown with lower water requirements.
Waste: Wasted food represents a loss of resources and energy invested in production, transportation, and processing.
Minimizing food waste can help reduce the overall carbon footprint of the food supply chain.

Food waste inventory (Darlington,2009) Processing waste : Material losses Wastewater : Water at the end of food
processing or cleaning process from the production process due to poor handling Packaging waste : Materials disposed from
packaging and re-packaging processes Nonconformity waste : Edible food generated in the production process Overproduction
waste : Food that meets industry specifications but has to be scrapped because it no longer has a consumer

Common food loss causes in agricultural production and post- harvest • Preharvest – genetics, Environment and cultural
factors, poor market access, poor organisation • Harvest-early or late harvest, harvest method, lack of on farm packaging •
Handling and storage – inadequate drying of grain/cereal, improper packaging, poor transport infrastructure, poor storage
facilities • Processing and distribution – lack of inadequate processing facilities, delays in distribution
Impact to enviroment
Resource Depletion:
● The production of food involves the use of valuable natural resources such as water, land, and energy.
When food is wasted or lost, these resources are effectively squandered.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions:
● Decomposing food in landfills produces methane, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to climate
change. The entire lifecycle of food, from production to disposal, also generates greenhouse gas
emissions. Wasting food means more emissions are released without benefiting anyone.
● Expanding agricultural activities to meet the demand for food can lead to deforestation. When food is
wasted, it exacerbates the environmental impact of deforestation, as the resources used to produce that
food are wasted as well.
Biodiversity Loss:
● Agricultural practices, including those contributing to food production, can result in habitat destruction and
biodiversity loss. Wasting food intensifies the negative impact on ecosystems by increasing the demand for
agricultural land.
Water Pollution:
● The excessive use of water in food production contributes to water scarcity in many regions. Additionally,
when food waste ends up in landfills, it can contaminate soil and water with pollutants.
Energy Consumption:
● The entire food supply chain, from planting to transportation and processing, requires significant energy.
Wasting food means that all the energy invested in producing and transporting that food is also wasted.
Overfishing and Aquatic Ecosystem Degradation:
● Wasted seafood contributes to overfishing and the depletion of marine resources. This not only affects the
targeted species but also disrupts entire aquatic ecosystems.
Social and Economic Impacts:
● Food loss affects farmers and producers economically. When a significant portion of the harvest is lost, it
can lead to financial instability for those involved in food production.
Land Degradation:
● Agricultural practices, including those associated with food production, can contribute to soil erosion and
degradation. Wasting food intensifies these negative impacts on land quality.
Food Security Concerns:
● In a world where millions suffer from hunger and malnutrition, the wastage of edible food exacerbates
global food security concerns. Addressing food waste could help redirect resources to feed those in need.

Vulnerability of food systems: Climate Change, Pests and Diseases, Supply Chain Disruptions, Land use change

Apple and avocado

Conceptual Framework for Food System Vulnerability Assessment:
Identification of Components:
● Identify and characterize key components of the food system, including production, processing,
distribution, and consumption.
Stakeholder Analysis:
● Identify and engage with stakeholders at various levels of the food system, including farmers, processors,
distributors, retailers, policymakers, and consumers.
Environmental Factors:
● Assess environmental factors that influence the food system, such as climate, soil health, water availability,
and biodiversity. Understand how changes in these factors can impact food production and supply.
Social Factors:
● Examine social aspects, including demographics, cultural practices, and community dynamics, to
understand how vulnerabilities may affect different populations within the food system.
Economic Factors:
● Evaluate economic aspects such as market dynamics, pricing mechanisms, and financial stability to gauge
the economic resilience of the food system.
Political and Policy Context:
● Analyze the political and policy landscape to understand regulatory frameworks, trade policies, and
government interventions that may influence the food system's vulnerability.
Technological Considerations:
● Consider the role of technology in the food system, including innovations in agriculture, processing, and
distribution, and assess how technological changes may impact vulnerability.
Infrastructure Resilience:
● Assess the resilience of critical infrastructure within the food system, including transportation networks,
storage facilities, and communication systems.
Adaptive Capacity:
● Evaluate the ability of the food system and its stakeholders to adapt to changes, including the adoption of
new practices, technologies, and policies.
Cross-Sectoral Interactions:
● Understand the interactions between the food system and other sectors, such as energy, water, and
healthcare, to identify potential cascading effects of vulnerabilities.
Scenario Planning:
● Develop scenarios to simulate potential future conditions, including climate events, economic shocks, or
policy changes, and assess how these scenarios might impact the food system.
Data and Monitoring:
● Establish robust data collection and monitoring systems to track key indicators of vulnerability over time.
Resilience Building Strategies:
● Develop strategies to enhance the resilience of the food system, which may include diversification,
sustainable practices, policy adjustments, and community engagement.
Feedback Loops and Learning:
● Implement feedback loops to continuously learn from experiences, adapt strategies, and improve the
overall resilience of the food system.

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