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Recinto Juan Vicente Moscoso

By: Gerardina Vandeshourt

Topic: Argumentative essay

Size Matters in Business: A Reflection on Its Relevance

The debate over whether size matters in business is an issue that has intrigued businesspeople,
economists, and academics for decades. Some argue that the size of a company is a critical
factor influencing its success and ability to compete in the market, while others suggest that
size is just one of many variables that determine a company's performance. In this essay, I
will argue that size does matter in business and that it has a significant impact on several key
aspects of business activity.

First, the size of a company affects its ability to access financial and technological resources.
Larger companies typically have easier access to loans and financing through the capital
markets, allowing them to finance expansion projects, research and development, and
strategic acquisitions. This, in turn, gives them a competitive advantage over smaller
companies that may lack the resources necessary to compete on a level playing field.
Additionally, larger companies are often able to invest in cutting-edge technology, allowing
them to be more efficient and offer higher quality products and services.

Second, the size of a company influences its ability to attract and retain talent. Large
companies often offer more attractive salaries and benefits, allowing them to attract highly
qualified professionals. Additionally, these companies often offer long-term growth and
development opportunities, attracting ambitious and talented individuals. The ability to
attract and retain talent is essential in a highly competitive business environment, and larger
companies often have an advantage in this regard.
Third, the size of a company has an impact on its ability to influence the industry and market
in which it operates. Larger companies have more market power and can influence prices,
regulations and standards.

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