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Global Art 11/16/22

Muybridge: photos caught things that couldn’t be seen by human eyes but can be caught on

Picasso and Braque exhibition 1915

Les Demoiselles d’Avignon

Mask, ngil magic ceremonies of the Fang people of Gabon, 19th C. Wood, Gabonese Republic

France had 5 of the 19th Century World fairs, included a fine arts and industrial invention
Also had a colonial section including people that they've seised
Late 19th C was called the “Scramble for Africa
The worlds fair sought to show the world in miniature

Expressionist and Modernist art next to African crafts

Seeking new formal language for art due to
Photography being hyperrealistic
The Loneliness of technological advancement

Picasso went to Paris at the beginning of 1900s, looking at Manet and artists that look at African
Depicting prostitutes as prostitutes, originally had male figures but removed them, possibly
making the viewer the client

Horta landscape:
Symbolizing the strategies of creating the illusion of depth without actually employing

Works like Girl with Mandolin has been read as the acknowledgment of the inability to actually
completely understand someone

Article claims Picasso is telling us that while Europe is claiming that it is civilizing the rest of the
world, Europe is the one that who is truly primitive

Gabon and the Congo were under French colonial control

The bundle was the religiously important part but other parts could be sold and replaced
Relic from the Fang Peoples from Reliquary bundle
The head is the outward part of the relicquary, while the contents of the buddle would have been
reserved for the family
The black color represented the sadness of the disconnect between the dead and the living

The Ngil masks would have been worn to stop sorcery

White in color to stop sorcery
Collection and appreciation of the works of art while destroying the traditions and
cultures that produce them
Europeans were looking for abstractions and for things made by men

Kota figures
- Made of shiny materials that used convex and concave sections to reflect light

291 introduce new media and displaying all of them as art a work with space beyond against the

“Statuary in Wood by African Savages: the Roots of Modern Art” hanging all the objects side by

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