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6.1 Laboratory testing for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID- 19) in suspected human cases The assessment of the patients with COVID-19 should be based on the clinical features and also epidemiological factors. The screening protocols must be prepared and followed per the native context.*' Collecting and testing of specimen samples from the suspected individual is considered to be one of the main principles for controlling and managing the outbreak of the disease in a country. The suspected cases must be screened thoroughly in order to detect the virus with the help of nucleic acid amplification tests such as reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT- PCR). If a country or a particular region does not have the facility to test the specimens, the specimens of the suspected individual should be sent to the nearest reference laboratories per the list provided by WHO.°2 It is also recommended that the suspected patients be tested for the other respiratory pathogens by performing the routine laboratory investigation per the local guidelines, mainly to differentiate from other viruses that include influenza virus, parainfluenza virus, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, human of SARS-CoV-2 were measured using N-gene- specific quantitative RT-PCR in throat swab and sputum samples collected from COVID-19-infected individuals. The results indicated that the viral load peaked at around 5 to 6 days following the onset of symptoms, and it ranged from 104 to 107 copies/ml during this time (151). In another study, the viral load was found to be higher in the nasal swabs than the throat swabs obtained from COVID-19 symptomatic patients (82). Although initially it was thought that viral load would be associated with poor outcomes, some case reports have shown asymptomatic individuals with high viral loads (247). Recently, the viral load in nasal and throat swabs of 17 symptomatic patients was determined, and higher viral loads were recorded soon after the onset of symptoms, particularly in the nose compared to the throat. The pattern of viral nucleic acid shedding of SARS-CoV-2-infected patients was similar to that of influenza patients but seemed to be different from that of SARS-CoV patients. The viral load detected in asymptomatic patients resembled that of symptomatic patients as studied in China, which reflects the transmission perspective of asymptomatic or symptomatic patients having minimum signs and symptoms (82). Another study, A suspected case of COVID-19 infection is said to be confirmed if the respiratory tract aspirate or blood samples test positive for SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid using RT-PCR or by the identification of SARS- CoV-2 genetic sequence in respiratory tract aspirate or blood samples (80). The patient will be confirmed as cured when two subsequent oral swab results are negative (153). Recently, the live virus was detected in the self-collected saliva of patients infected with COVID-19. These findings were confirmative of using saliva as a noninvasive specimen for the diagnosis of COVID-19 infection in suspected individuals (152). It has also been observed that the initial screening of COVID-19 patients infected with RT-PCR may give negative results even if they have chest CT findings that are suggestive of infection. Hence, for the accurate diagnosis of COVID-19, a combination of repeated swab tests using RT-PCR and CT scanning is required to prevent the possibility of false-negative results during disease screening (154). RT-PCR is the most widely used test for diagnosing COVID-19. However, it has some significant limitations from the clinical perspective, since it will not give any clarity regarding disease progression. Droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) can be used for the quantification of viral load in the samples obtained from lower respiratory tracts. COVID-19 was found to be 3.28, which is significantly higher than the initial WHO estimate of 1.4 to 2.5 (77). It is too early to obtain the exact Ro value, since there is a possibility of bias due to insufficient data. The higher Rg value is indicative of the more significant potential of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in a susceptible population. This is not the first time where the culinary practices of China have been blamed for the origin of novel coronavirus infection in humans. Previously, the animals present in the live-animal market were identified to be the intermediate hosts of the SARS outbreak in China (78). Several wildlife species were found to harbor potentially evolving coronavirus strains that can overcome the species barrier (79). One of the main principles of Chinese food culture is that live- slaughtered animals are considered more nutritious (5). After 4 months of struggle that lasted from December 2019 to March 2020, the COVID-19 situation now seems under control in China. The wet animal markets have reopened, and people have started buying bats, dogs, cats, birds, scorpions, badgers, rabbits, pangolins (scaly anteaters), minks, soup from palm civet, ostriches, hamsters, snapping turtles, ducks, fish, Siamese crocodiles, and other to-human transmission is lacking and requires further studies (332). Rather than waiting for firmer evidence on animal-to-human _ transmission, necessary preventive measures are advised, as well as following social distancing practices among companion animals of different households (331). One of the leading veterinary diagnostic companies, IDEXX, has conducted large-scale testing for COVID-19 in specimens collected from dogs and cats. However, none of the tests turned out to be positive (334). In a study conducted to investigate the potential of different animal species to act as the intermediate host of SARS-CoV-2, it was found that both ferrets and cats can be infected via experimental inoculation of the virus. In addition, infected cats efficiently transmitted the disease to naive cats (329). SARS- CoV-2 infection and subsequent transmission in ferrets were found to recapitulate the clinical aspects of COVID-19 in humans. The infected ferrets also shed virus via multiple routes, such as saliva, nasal washes, feces, and urine, postinfection, making them an ideal animal model for studying disease transmission (337). Experimental inoculation was also done in other animal species and found that the dogs have low susceptibility, while the chickens, Splits Tree phylogeny analysis. In the unrooted phylogenetic tree of different betacoronaviruses based on the S protein, virus sequences from different subgenera grouped into separate clusters. SARS-CoV-2 sequences from Wuhan and other countries exhibited a close relationship and appeared in a single cluster (Fig. 1). The CoVs from the subgenus Sarbecovirus appeared jointly in SplitsTree and divided into three subclusters, namely, SARS-CoV-2, bat-SARS-like- CoV (bat-SL-CoV), and SARS-CoV (Fig. 1). In the case of other subgenera, like Merbecovirus, all of the sequences grouped in a single cluster, whereas in Embecovirus, different species, comprised of canine respiratory CoVs, bovine CoVs, equine CoVs, and human CoV strain (OC43), grouped in a common cluster. Isolates in the subgenera Nobecovorus and Hibecovirus were found to be placed separately away from other reported SARS-CoVs but shared a bat origin. CURRENT WORLDWIDE SCENARIO OF SARS-CoV-2 This novel virus, SARS-CoV-2, comes under the subgenus Sarbecovirus of the Orthocoronavirinae subfamily and is entirely different from the viruses to that of SARS-CoV (17, 87, 254, 255). Several countries have provided recommendations to their people traveling to China (88, 89). Compared to the previous coronavirus outbreaks caused by SARS- CoV and MERS-CoV, the efficiency of SARS-CoV- 2 human-to-human transmission was thought to be less. This assumption was based on the finding that health workers were affected less than they were in previous outbreaks of fatal coronaviruses (2). Superspreading events are considered the main culprit for the extensive transmission of SARS and MERS (90, 91). Almost half of the MERS-CoV cases reported in Saudi Arabia are of secondary origin that occurred through contact with infected asymptomatic or symptomatic individuals through human-to-human transmission (92). The occurrence of superspreading events in the COVID-19 outbreak cannot be ruled out until its possibility is evaluated. Like SARS and MERS, COVID-19 can also infect the lower respiratory tract, with milder symptoms (27). The basic reproduction number of COVID-19 has been found to be in the range of 2.8 to 3.3 based on real-time reports and 3.2 to 3.9 based on predicted infected cases (84). observations indicated that the monkeys with reexposure had no recurrence of COVID-19, like the SARS-CoV-2-infected monkeys without rechallenge. These findings suggest that primary infection with SARS-CoV-2 could protect from later exposures to the virus, which could help in defining disease prognosis and crucial inferences for designing and developing potent vaccines against COVID-19 (274). PREVENTION, CONTROL, AND MANAGEMENT In contrast to their response to the 2002 SARS outbreak, China has shown immense political openness in reporting the COVID-19 outbreak promptly. They have also performed rapid sequencing of COVID-19 at multiple levels and shared the findings globally within days of identifying the novel virus (225). The move made by China opened a new chapter in global health security and diplomacy. Even though complete lockdown was declared following the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, the large-scale movement of people has resulted in a radiating spread of infections in the surrounding provinces as well as to several other countries. Large-scale screening programs might 07:25 BOs v4i ULUPIEL Lal SPLeaU 4-2 LLL alu UEpUdiL on surfaces. The virus can remain viable on surfaces for days in favourable atmospheric conditions but are destroyed in less than a minute by common disinfectants like sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide etc. [13]. Infection is acquired either by inhalation of these droplets or touching surfaces contaminated by them and then touching the nose, mouth and eyes. The virus is also present in the stool and contamination of the water supply and subsequent transmission via aerosolization/feco oral route is also hypothesized [6]. As per current information, transplacental transmission from pregnant women to their fetus has not been described [14]. However, neonatal disease due to post natal transmission is described [14]. The incubation period varies from 2 to 14 d [median 5 d]. Studies have identified angiotensin receptor 2 (ACP) 2c tha rarantnr thranch urhich < e a Based on molecular characterization, SARS- CoV-2 is considered a new Betacoronavirus belonging to the subgenus Sarbecovirus (3). A few other critical zoonotic viruses (MERS-related CoV and SARS-related CoV) belong to the same genus. However, SARS-CoV-2 was identified as a distinct virus based on the percent identity with other Betacoronavirus; conserved open reading frame 1a/b (ORF la/b) is below 90% identity (3). An overall 80% nucleotide identity was observed between SARS-CoV-2 and the original SARS-CoV, along with 89% identity with ZC45 and ZXC21 SARS- related CoVs of bats (2, 31, 36). In addition, 82% identity has been observed between SARS-CoV-2 and human SARS-CoV Tor2 and human SARS-CoV BJO1 2003 (31). A sequence identity of only 51.8% was observed between MERS-related CoV and the recently emerged SARS-CoV-2 (37). Phylogenetic analysis of the structural genes also revealed that SARS-CoV-2 is closer to bat SARS-related CoV. Therefore, SARS-CoV-2 might have originated from bats, while other amplifier hosts might have played a role in disease transmission to humans (31). Of note, the other two zoonotic CoVs (MERS-related CoV and SARS-related CoV) also originated from bats (38, 39). Nevertheless, for SARS and MERS, civet cat and Cameis, respectivery, act as ampiitier Hosts (40, 41). Coronavirus genomes and subgenomes encode six ORFs (31). The majority of the 5’ end is occupied by ORFla/b, which produces 16 nsps. The two polyproteins, ppla and pplab, are initially produced from ORF la/b by a —1 frameshift between ORFla and ORF 1b (32). The virus-encoded proteases cleave polyproteins into individual nsps (main protease [Mpro], chymotrypsin-like protease [3CLpro], and papain-like proteases [PLPs]) (42). SARS-CoV-2 also encodes these nsps, and their functions have been elucidated recently (31). Remarkably, a difference between SARS-CoV-2 and other CoVs is the identification of a novel short putative protein within the ORF3 band, a secreted protein with an alpha helix and beta-sheet with six strands encoded by ORF8 (31). Coronaviruses encode four major structural proteins, namely, spike (S), membrane (M), envelope (E), and nucleocapsid (N), which are described in detail below. S Glycoprotein Coronavirus S protein is a large, multifunctional class I viral transmembrane protein. The size of this this emerging virus will establish a niche in humans and coexist with us for a long time’. Before clinically approved vaccines are widely available, there is no bet- ter way to protect us from SARS-CoV-2 than personal preventive behaviours such as social distancing and wearing masks, and public health measures, including active testing, case tracing and restrictions on social gatherings. Despite a flood of SARS-CoV-2 research published every week, current knowledge of this novel coronavirus is just the tip of the iceberg. The animal origin and cross-species infection route of SARS-CoV-2 are yet to be uncovered. The molecular mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 infection pathogenesis and virus—host by the University of Oxford. In a randomized controlled phase I/II trial, it induced neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in all 1,077 participants after a second vaccine dose, while its safety profile was acceptable as well’. The NIAID and Moderna co-manufactured mRNA-1273, a lipid nanoparticle-formulated mRNA vaccine candidate that encodes the stabilized prefusion SARS-CoV-2 S protein. Its immunogenicity has been confirmed bya phase I trialin which robust neutralizing antibody responses were induced in a dose-dependent manner and increased after a second dose™. Regarding inactivated vaccines, a successful phase I/II trial involv- ing 320 participants has been reported in China. The whole-virus COVID- 19 vaccine had a low rate ofadverse reactions and effectively induced neutralizing antibody production’. The verified safety and immunogenicity support advancement of these vaccine candidates to phase III clinical trials, which will evaluate their efficacy in protecting healthy populations from SARS-CoV-2 infection. Future perspectives COVID-19 is the third highly pathogenic human coro- navirus disease to date, Although less deadly than SARS and MERS, the rapid spreading of this highly conta- gious disease has posed the severest threat to global health in this century. The SARS-CoV-2 outbreak has lasted for more than half a year now, and it is likely that progress from the initial focal unilateral to diffuse bilateral ground-glass opacities and will further progress to or coexist with lung consolidation changes within 1 to 3 weeks (159). The role played by radiologists in the current scenario is very important. Radiologists can help in the early diagnosis of lung abnormalities associated with COVID-19 pneumonia. They can also help in the evaluation of disease severity, identifying its progression to acute respiratory distress syndrome and the presence of secondary bacterial infections (160). Even though chest CT is considered an essential diagnostic tool for COVID-19, the extensive use of CT for screening purposes in the suspected individuals might be associated with a disproportionate risk-benefit ratio due to increased radiation exposure as well as increased risk of cross- infection. Hence, the use of CT for early diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection in high-risk groups should be done with great caution (292). More recently, other advanced diagnostics have been designed and developed for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 (345, 347, 350-352). A reverse transcriptional loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP), namely, iLACO, has been developed for rapid and colorimetric detection of this Some therapeutic options for treating COVID-19 showed efficacy in in vitro studies; however, to date, these treatments have not undergone any randomized animal or human clinical trials, which limit their practical applicability in the current pandemic (7, 9, 19-21). The present comprehensive review describes the various features of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 causing the current disease outbreaks and advances in diagnosis and developing vaccines and therapeutics. It also provides a brief comparison with the earlier SARS and MERS CoVs, the veterinary perspective of CoVs and this emerging novel pathogen, and an evaluation of the zoonotic potential of similar CoVs to provide feasible One Health strategies for the management of this fatal virus (22-367). THE VIRUS (SARS-CoV-2) Coronaviruses are positive-sense RNA viruses having an extensive and promiscuous range of natural hosts and affect multiple systems (23, 24). Coronaviruses can cause clinical diseases in humans that may extend from the common cold to more severe respiratory diseases like SARS and MERS (17, 279). The recently emerging SARS-CoV-2 has wrought havoc in China and caused a pandemic ‘ation in tt ldwid lation lead there has been concern regarding the impact of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 on pregnancy. Researchers have mentioned the probability of in utero transmission of novel SARS-CoV-2 from COVID- 19-infected mothers to their neonates in China based upon the rise in IgM and IgG antibody levels and cytokine values in the blood obtained from newborn infants immediately postbirth; however, RT-PCR failed to confirm the presence of SARS-CoV-2 genetic material in the infants (283). Recent studies show that at least in some cases, preterm delivery and its consequences are associated with the virus. Nonetheless, some cases have raised doubts for the likelihood of vertical transmission (240-243). COVID-19 infection was associated with pneumonia, and some developed acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The blood biochemistry indexes, such as albumin, lactate dehydrogenase, C- reactive protein, lymphocytes (percent), and neutrophils (percent) give an idea about the disease severity in COVID-19 infection (121). During COVID-19, patients may present leukocytosis, leukopenia with lymphopenia (244), hypoalbuminemia, and an increase of lactate dehydrogenase, aspartate transaminase, alanine aminotransferase, bilirubin, and, especially, D-dimer 07:25 BOs voi Epidemiology and Pathogenesis {10, 11) All ages are susceptible. Infection is transmitted through large droplets generated during coughing and sneezing by symptomatic patients but can also occur from asymptomatic people and before onset of symptoms [9]. Studies have shown higher viral loads in the nasal cavity as compared to the throat with no difference in viral burden between symptomatic and asymptomatic people [12]. Patients can be infectious for as long as the symptoms last and even on clinical recovery. Some people may act as super spreaders; a UK citizen who attended a conference in Singapore infected 11 other people while staying ina resort in the French Alps and upon return to the UK [6]. These infected droplets can spread 1-2 m and deposit < e a confer any noticeable protection, with the absence of detectable serum SARS-CoV-neutralizing antibodies (170). Antigenic determinant sites present over S and N structural proteins of SARS-CoV-2 can be explored as suitable vaccine candidates (294). In the Asian population, S, E, M, and N proteins of SARS- CoV-2 are being targeted for developing subunit vaccines against COVID-19 (295). The identification of the immunodominant region among the subunits and domains of S protein is critical for developing an effective vaccine against the coronavirus. The C-terminal domain of the S1 subunit is considered the immunodominant region of the porcine deltacoronavirus S protein (171). Similarly, further investigations are needed to determine the immunodominant regions of SARS- CoV-2 for facilitating vaccine development. However, our previous attempts to develop a universal vaccine that is effective for both SARS- CoV and MERS-CoV based on T-cell epitope similarity pointed out the possibility of cross- reactivity among coronaviruses (172). That can be made possible by selected potential vaccine targets that are common to both viruses. SARS-CoV-2 has been reported to be closely related to SARS-CoV (173, 174). Hence, knowledge and understanding of 13 CONVALESCENT PLASMA THERAPY Guo Yanhong, an official with the National Health Commission (NHC), stated that convalescent plasma therapy is a significant method for treating severe COVID-19 patients. Among the COVID-19 patients currently receiving convalescent plasma therapy in the virus-hit Wuhan, one has been discharged from hospital, as reported by Chinese science authorities on Monday, 17th February 2020 in Beijing. The first dose of convalescent plasma from a COVID-19 patient was collected on 1st and 9th February 2020 from a severely ill patient who was given treatment at a hospital in Jiangxia District in Wuhan. The presence of the virus in patients is minimised by the antibodies in the convalescent plasma. Guiqiang stated that donating plasma may cause minimal harm to the donor and that there is nothing to be worried about. Plasma donors must be cured patients and discharged from hospital. Only plasma is used, whereas red blood cells (RBC), white blood cells (WBC) and blood platelets are transfused back into the donor's body. Wang alleged that donor's plasma will totally improve to its initial state after one or 2 weeks from the day of plasma donation of around 200 to 300 millilitres.°| identify animals actively excreting MERS-CoV that has the potential to infect humans. However, they may shed MERS-CoV through milk, urine, feces, and nasal and eye discharge and can also be found in the raw organs (108). In a study conducted to evaluate the susceptibility of animal species to MERS-CoV infection, llamas and pigs were found to be susceptible, indicating the possibility of MERS- CoV circulation in animal species other than dromedary camels (109). Following the outbreak of SARS in China, SARS-CoV-like viruses were isolated from Himalayan palm civets (Paguma larvata) and raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides) found in a live-animal market in Guangdong, China. The animal isolates obtained from the live-animal market retained a 29-nucleotide sequence that was not present in most of the human isolates (78). These findings were critical in identifying the possibility of interspecies transmission in SARS-CoV. The higher diversity and prevalence of bat coronaviruses in this region compared to those in previous reports indicate a host/pathogen coevolution. SARS-like coronaviruses also have been found circulating in the Chinese horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus © sinicus) populations. The in vitro and in vivo studies carried

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