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The main aim of this unit is to introduce the concept of change in the workplace and in
professional life.
Change is inevitable, both in the context of life and business. Most workers can expect to
experience a number of changes during their career. Often the stage in life reflects some of
the changes that may be experienced; for example, changing university to study for
professional qualifications may happen early in a career whereas retirement would be
later. In the middle, employees might encounter promotion, redundancy, retraining and
Businesses also evolve and change in order to keep growing. Generally, the aim of many
changes within an organisation will be to cut costs, move location or improve efficiency. It
may be necessary to weigh up both benefits and risks for the organisation, customers and
Any successful change requires good communication before implementation. Staff need to
be consulted about plans for change as they may be apprehensive. It can therefore help
morale to be given the opportunity to ask questions about why, how and when this change
will occur and how it will affect them – for example, where roles might be amalgamated or
disappear altogether.
During times of change, an organisation might offer careers advice or counselling in order
to help people work out how to navigate the process. During times of transition, career
coaching or mentoring can be helpful in identifying how to embrace change or where
change might be needed.
Major changes may encourage people to re-evaluate their work–life balance or direction.
This might involve moving away from having a regular salary and starting their own business
or becoming a freelancer. This might involve working for companies on short- term or long-
term contracts without being an employee. In these situations, the move away from job
security might be rewarded with greater flexibility.

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