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Module 2 Chemical bonds/acid and base

1. What are the key characteristics of acids and bases, and how can they be distinguished from each
other based on their observable properties and chemical behavior?
2. How do acids and bases react with each other to form salt and water, and what is the significance
of the concept of neutralization in the context of acid-base chemistry?
3. What are the different methods of measuring the strength of acids and bases, and how do pH and
pOH serve as quantitative indicators of their acidity or basicity?

Module 3 Chemical Accounting/balancing chemical equation

1. What are the four fundamental gas laws (Boyle's law, Charles's law, Gay-Lussac's law, and
Avogadro's law), and how do they relate to the properties of gases?
2. How can the combined gas law be used to predict changes in temperature, pressure, and volume
of a gas when multiple variables are altered simultaneously?
3. How does the ideal gas law equation (PV = nRT) describe the behavior of gases under various
conditions, and what are the units and constants involved in the equation?
1. What are the fundamental steps involved in balancing a chemical equation, and why is it necessary
to balance equations in order to accurately represent chemical reactions?
2. How do the laws of conservation of mass and conservation of charge apply to the process of
balancing chemical equations, and what strategies can be employed to ensure these laws are
3. What are some common challenges or complications that may arise when balancing complex
chemical equations, and what techniques or approaches can be used to overcome them?

Module 8 Biomolecules
1. What are the main categories or classes of biomolecules, and what are their characteristic features
and functions in living organisms?
2. How can the chemical composition and structural characteristics of biomolecules be used to
classify them into different groups, such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids?
3. What are the similarities and differences in the properties and functions of biomolecules within a
particular class, and how does the classification of biomolecules contribute to our understanding of
the structure and function of living systems?

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