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The optimal structure of law enforcement

S Shavell - The Journal of Law and Economics, 1993 -
… the five methods of law enforcement described in the tableau-tort
law, criminal law, safety

The optimal structure of law

regulation… optimal law enforcement, as discussed in the last
section. That is, for each method of …
Law enforcement, malfeasance
Cited by 590 Related articles and compensation of enforcers
Law enforcement,
Steven Shavell malfeasance, and Gary S Becker, George J Stigler
compensation of enforcers
GSThe Journal
Becker, of -Law
GJ Stigler and Economics
The Journal 361974
of Legal Studies, (1, Part
- The Journal of Legal Studies 3 (1), 1-18, 19
2), 255-287, 1993
THE new economic approach to political
… We did discuss optimal enforcement through the introduction of
WHEN society endeavors to control undesirable behavior seeks to develop a positive theory
enforcement … enforcement
behavior, it employs methods that differ in
problem. Part I discusses the general circumstances that influence the
legislation, in contrast to the normative
vigor of enforcement ways,
… and one wonders why it has approach of welfare economics. The new
made the choices that it evidently has. Why approach asks why certain industries and n
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should society sometimes engage in outright others become regulated or have tariffs imp
Research in of
law acts-as when a policeman
enforcement selection stops a on imports or why income transfers take the
person from shooting a gun-and other times
MG Aamodt - 2004 -
form and direction they do, in contrast to as
employ the threat of sanctions to deter which industries should be regulated or hav
This book is the most comprehensive reference ever written for
unwanted behavior-as when the state exacts tariffs imposed, or what transfers should be
individuals interested in law
fines for violation of safety regulations or
enforcement selection. The chapters contain meta-analyses
(statistical liability
reviews of the for
… causing harm? And when
sanctions are applied, why should they Both the normative and positive approache
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sometimes be monetary in nature and at other  legislation, however, generally have taken
Lawtimes take the formand
enforcement of imprisonment?
transition Further, enforcement of laws for granted, and have
why should society sometimes rely on private included systematic analyses of the cost of
G Roland, T Verdier - European Economic Review, 2003 - Elsevier
… We present a simple model to analyze law enforcement problems
in transition economies.
Law enforcement implies coordination problems and multiplicity of
equilibria due to a law …
Cited by 210 Related articles =gs_qabs&t=1705391678051&u=%23p%3DnajQiLlmbM4J 16/01/2024, 10 54

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