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Snehal Satappa Mhasavekar

Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli

Gargoti ,Kolhapur +91-9307885370

Program Institution/Board %/CGPA Year

Walchand College of Engineering,

B.Tech (Information Technology) 9.12/10 2022-2025
Institute of Civil And Rural Engg.Gargoti
Diploma (Computer Engineering) 94.63% 2022

Shamarao Kasar Madhyamik Vidyalay

SSC 92.40% 2019
Key Projects
1. E-commerce Management System for a Sweets and Snacks Home Venture
Utilized React for front-end development, delivering a responsive and visually appealing user
Employed Node.js for back-end development, enabling robust product management and order
Employed MongoDB for data storage, ensuring scalability and data security.
Developed and integrated e-commerce features, including product listings, shopping cart
functionality, and secure payment processing.

2. ManageCasa - An Apartment Management System

(Android Studio+Java+XML+Firebase)
Streamlining apartment administration through efficient communication between administrators and
Crafted a user-friendly UI using XML in Android Studio
mplemented real-time Firebase database
Utilized Firebase Cloud Storage for storing Images.
Technical Skills

C/C++ Java JavaScript Problem Solving Android Spring Framework(Pursuing)

HTML CSS Bootstrap SQL React

Positions of Responsibility

Class Representative(2019-2022)
Demonstrated strong leadership skills by serving as the Class Representative for a period of 3 years.
Hackerrank C-5 stars Hackerrank C++-5 stars
Hackerrank Problem Solving-3 stars HackerRank Java Certified
Leetcode-360 problems solved(trying to Hackerrank Java-5 stars
solve more).
Hobbies-Microthread Design Enthusiast,Driving Scuti.
Internship by technohacks(Java Development)

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