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A Research Paper Submitted to

Subject Teacher


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

in English Grade 10 - Section SPS A


Claire Stefanie Y. Chavez

Jillian May A. So
Chelsey Gayle V. Del Monte
Princess Nicole D. Mendoza
Rian Jary P. Artajo
Faye Blanca A. Barneso
Clent Ulysses G. Sumayo
Geovanni T. Torralba Jr.

(May, 2023)

Title Page ............................................................................................................................................................... i

Dedication............................................................................................................................................................ iii
Table of Contents................................................................................................................................................ iv
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION.................................................... 1
Background of the Study..............................................
Statement of the Problem.............................................
Conceptual Framework.................................................
Theoretical Framework.................................................
Significance of the Study..............................................
Scope and Delimitation................................................
Definition of Terms........................................................
CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE….................................
CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY................................
Research Design.............................................................
Respondents of the Study.....................................................
Research Instrument…………………......................
Data Gathering Procedure.…………...............................
Statistical Treatment..............................................
Data Analysis Plan...............................................
Interpretation of Data………………………………………………….
CHAPTER V. SUMMARY……………………………………………….

We thank the parents who supported us all the way while conducting this study, the
students who participated and answered our queries. I would like to acknowledge
and give my warmest thanks to our subject teacher Mrs. Araceli A. Cane who made
this work possible. I would also thank my group members for letting this research
an enjoyable moment, and for your brilliant ideas and suggestions.

Finally, I would like to thank the Almighty God, for letting us go through all
the difficulties we experience day by day. Without you, we are nothing. I will keep
trusting you in the long run. Again, we thank you oh Lord.


We would like to dedicate this study to the students of Agusan National High
School to families, friends and teachers. Also this is dedicated to our group mates
who helped us finish this research.
Chapter I


This chapter presents the introductory paragraphs, theoretical and conceptual framework,
statement of the problem, the significance of the study, scope and delimitation, and definition of
terms to narrate the importance and purpose of the present study.

The benefits of mobile games are numerous. Online gaming is simply the playing of a
video game over the internet, usually with friends. Online games can be played on any number
of devices from dedicated video games consoles such as PlayStations, Xboxes, and Nintendo
Switches, to PCs, laptops, and mobile phones due to the popularity of smart terminals and the
advancement of 5G networks, mobile games are currently the most popular type of games, as
well as profitable tools for major internet platforms. Mobile games can be combined from
different levels and content categories, covering different, personalities and preferences (Martin
et al., 2020). As a result, mobile games are now refined to cover almost all age groups of the
population, not just young people. Yet in the perception of the public, mobile games have
always seemed to be associated with various derogatory terms such as interfering with learning,
addiction, and violence.

K12 students refer to the students in the age group from Kindergarten (usually 5–6 years old) to
Grade 12 (usually 17–18 years old) (Kurt et al., 2022). Students in this age group usually have
less self-control capability, and they are undoubtedly the biggest advocates of mobile games.
When they play certain games for long periods of time their behaviour and psychological state
will be changed in a subtle way. The main issue is that mobile games may contain unhealthy
contents such as pornography, violence, ignorance, superstition, etc. which implicitly affect the
formation of the correct value system and the healthy development of the body and mind for
these K12 students (Destyanto et al., 2017). In addition, some young people indulge in mobile
games due to a lack of self-control, which not only result in a harmful influence on their studies
but also induces a series of negative social activities and social relationship (Kurt et al., 2022).

The pioneers of communication science, Lazarsfeld and Merton, argued that modern mass
media have a clear negative function of “psycho-anesthesia.” Some violent mobile games reveal
the nature of the “psycho-anesthesia” function in another textual dimension: they create
illusions through inexpensive and negative entertainment, thus eating away at the social
mobility of those young people in an implicit cultural way (Kurt et al., 2022). Craig Anderson
found that the “psycho-anesthetic” mechanism of violent mobile games increases the
physiological arousal of aggressive behaviour, cognition, emotions, and violent impulses, and
reduces pro-social behavior in adolescents (Elsherbiny and Al Maamari, 2021; Kurt et al.,
2022). Accordingly, violent behavior has become the main “product component” of mobile
games “inflicted” on adolescents. Moreover, its basic social manifestations can be summarized
in four points: firstly, it creates and activates networks of thinking related to violent aggression;
secondly, it weakens the inhibition process of violence; thirdly, the game’s violent reward rules
allow aggressive behavior to be imitated and reinforced in the “mimetic environment;” and
fourthly, the binary values of right and wrong in games can reduce young people’s empathy
(Elsherbiny and Al Maamari, 2021).

Mobile games do not only imply a behavior but also contain a value, which might be sometimes
anti-social in nature. Violent mobile games on the Internet may portray the grandeur,
hooliganism, and banditry of triad bosses and gangsters, contributing to the psychology of
adolescent violence. In particular, the propaganda of “materialism” in violent online games can
easily lead young people to abandon their original morals and values, so that the “money first”
mentality gradually seeps into their minds and leads to a distorted way of thinking and

This position paper, therefore, infers the future development of educational games from existing
mobile games, shares some insights into the current limitations, critically analyses the above
issues from a neutral perspective, discusses the psychological impacts and social problems that
mobile games may cause for K12 students (Arteaga et al., 2012). It also offers the future
development of mobile games and the limitations of current educational games in order to
explore future trends in gamified education. This paper can also be considered as a reference on
how gamified education is evolving in light of mobile technology.

Statement of the Problem
The problem to be addressed through this project is the negative effects that students can get
from using mobile phones and playing mobile games. Numerous issues might arise for students
who use their phones excessively or play on them, including poor sleep habits, physical health
decline, exhaustion, dehydration, obesity and cardiac issues, aggression, lack of motivation, and
depression. Excessive virtual reality play in mobile apps might make kids lose touch with
reality due to its effects on their thinking and communication. If they are forced to leave the
virtual world, they could develop anxiety problems and even depressive symptoms. Students
want to use their phones more than books, which keeps them from studying or participating in
sports. As a result of their propensity for losing attention, they frequently perform poorly in
class which affects their overall academic performance in school. It can also have negative
impacts on your physical health, including poor sleep habits. Lack of sleep also affects memory
and relationships negatively, which lowers your quality of life overall. A healthy sleep schedule
is crucial for general well-being. These effects will inform students of the repercussions of
excessive mobile gaming play. We need to learn more about this since it will assist students
understand the negative impacts of using mobile devices excessively and might perhaps help
them cut back on their usage time. We should know more about the effects of mobile games on
kids, both positive and negative, as part of our study. We all want to come up with answers to
these questions that are lucid, convincing, and helpful for readers.

This research study aims to understand the different kinds of experiences that Grade 10 students
in Agusan National High School face every day.
Specifically, it seeks answers to the following question:
1. What are the experiences of students on continuously playing mobile games?
2. How does that experience affect their academic performance?
3. How they are going to balance their time between studying at the same time playing
mobile games?
The findings of this study will serve as an insight into the life experiences of playing mobile
legends of Junior High School students in Agusan National High School by identifying how
mobile gaming can distract their studies. The researchers aim to establish the idea of the effects
of continuously and excessively playing mobile games on those students who spend most of
their time instead of focusing on their studies.
Conceptual framework
The framework of this study consists of two variables; mobile games as an independent variable, and
mental/physical health problems as the dependent variable.
Mobile games as an independent variable have already developed into a tool that large online platforms can
use to generate revenue. These games have not only been redesigned to appeal to students but have also been
made more accessible to players of virtually every age range. According to the findings of a number of studies,
playing video games is analogous to other addictions, such as gambling, that have detrimental impacts on
society. Students may get preoccupied with these games to the point where they lose interest in school, their
social lives, and life in general. There are also potential benefits for society associated with playing video
games. Students get a true mental workout from playing video games, which is beneficial for their cognitive
development. Students who spend an excessive amount of time playing mobile games run the risk of developing
an addiction to the activity, which in turn increases their risk of not getting enough sleep, anxiety, and poor
academic performance.
On the other hand, mental/physical health problems as the dependent variable is a state of complete physical,
mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. It is possible to develop
concerns such as bad sleeping habits, a loss in physical health, tiredness, dehydration, obesity, and heart
disorders, anger, a lack of ambition, and depression. These are only some of the problems that might arise.

Theoretical Framework
The aim of this study is to explore the effects of mobile games on students. Based on John Sweller’s (1998)
Cognitive Load Theory, suggests that students' cognitive load—the amount of mental work needed to
understand information—can be impacted by mobile gaming. Complex gameplay and difficult challenges in
mobile games may raise the cognitive strain, possibly impacting learning outcomes. Educators may create
games that properly balance the cognitive load to maximize learning by understanding the cognitive demands of
mobile games. Also in line with psychologists Ryan and Deci’s (1985) Self-Determination Theory, which claims
that by gratifying students' fundamental psychological demands for autonomy, competence, and relatedness,
mobile games might have an impact on their motivation and engagement. Games that provide players with
options, challenges, and social interactions can boost intrinsic motivation, resulting in higher levels of
engagement and more effective learning. This theory can also aid in explaining how excessive gaming can mess
with everyday routines, hinder academic performance, and cause social and psychological issues.

Therefore, the effects of mobile games on students can be better understood by educators, academics, and
game designers by taking into account certain theoretical ideas. These guidelines can be used to create
educational games that maximize learning results, encourage motivation and engagement, and complement
educational objectives and pedagogical techniques and it is generally possible to know that the problem of
gadget addiction can interfere with the mental health of the users if the use of gadgets is not well controlled. The
implications of this study are useful to academics and heavy gadget users and those who are hooked on their
gadgets in their everyday life.


“Is playing mobile games only for students?”


No, playing mobile games is for everyone it is not only for students.

Significance of the Study

It is found that gaming can positively affect educational outcomes if time is managed, playing
video games and studying, and still achieving high grades. In our research we interviewed
students and most of them can manage their time and are consistent honor students. "Has your
behavior changed in socializing with other people?" This is one of our questions for our
interview, most of the responses that we received are positive. Because of playing of mobile
games socializing has gotten more unchallenging to most students. Many students adopted a
'work hard, play hard' approach and rewarded themselves with gaming time for studying.
Games often require children to follow instructions, consider their actions, and respond to
problems. This can help develop important thinking skills, such as awareness of the

Students will gain an understanding of how Mobile games affect their academic achievement
according to the study
To the Parents, it will act as a foundation for knowledge on certain games or parenting-related
ideas to be shared with other parents. It will also benefit them to comprehend their children's
conduct and study habits while they are involved in such a thing.

To the Teachers, it will give teachers more information about how to instruct pupils about the
well-known effects of online gaming performance in class and judgment.

To the Researchers, this research will give the baseline data required by other researchers and
research projects relevant to this one.
To the Future researchers, instead of evaluating the accuracy of prior relevant research
findings, the ideas offered can be used as reference data in performing new research.

Definition of terms

Addiction - is a treatable, chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain
circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual’s life experiences. People with addiction
use substances or engage in behaviors that become compulsive and often continue despite
harmful consequences.

Aggression - a forceful action or procedure (such as an unprovoked attack) especially when

intended to dominate or master.

Depression - is a common mental disorder. Globally, it is estimated that 5% of adults suffer

from the disorder. It is characterized by persistent sadness and a lack of interest or pleasure in
previously rewarding or enjoyable activities. It can also disturb sleep and appetite. Tiredness
and poor concentration are common.

Derogatory term - A pejorative, slur or derogatory term is a word or grammatical form

expressing a negative or disrespectful connotation, a low opinion, or a lack of respect toward
someone or something.[1] It is also used to express criticism, hostility, or disregard. Sometimes,
a term is regarded as pejorative in some social or ethnic groups but not in others, or maybe
originally pejorative but later adopt a non-pejorative sense (or vice versa) in some or all

Excessive - mean going beyond a normal limit and implies an amount or degree too great to be
reasonable or acceptable.

Internet – a globally connected network system facilitating worldwide communication and

access to data resources through a vast collection of private, public, business, academic, and
government networks. It is governed by agencies like the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
(or IANA) that establish universal protocols.

Mental health - includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we
think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make
healthy choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and
adolescence through adulthood.

Pioneers - a person or group that originates or helps open up a new line of thought or activity or
a new method or technical development.

Propensity - an often intense natural inclination or preference.

Superstition - a widely held but unjustified belief in supernatural causation leading to certain
consequences of an action or event, or a practice based on such a belief.
Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The scope of our study is for finding the effects of playing online games on the academic
performance of students. The main purpose of our study is to point out the effects of playing
online games and the aims are to determine whether playing online games hinders
the accomplishment of their homework. The study only focuses on online games and their
relation to the academic performance of the selected students. However, the study excludes the
effects of online games on their behavior. Definition of Terms Online game - is a game that can
be run from an Internet browser and requires the in most cases online games are freeware
programs that can be used for an unlimited time and are available for free impacts of playing
online games every time and they will realize that playing too much online games is not
worth their money. Teachers, they will be giving more attention to the students. There are also
teachers who tried and played online games too. They can help and let their students explore
deeper words, meanings, and thoughts that the students learned from different online games.
In a longer time, they will have fun and at the same time, they are also learning. School,
students usually get to know more of their classmates or schoolmates in other grade levels when
they play online games. Community, most online gamers gain friends within the games they
play, even though they haven't seen those friends in person. There is a bonding happening and it
can build a strong relationship. And parents, they will be benefited by they will have more time
and communication with their children. They surely know how to limit their child from playing
online games by guiding them wisely. Awareness - knowledge or perception of a situation or
fact. Significance In an increasingly technology-dependent based society, people will continue
to use computers not only for business but also for pleasure. Computers have become a social
and economic necessity that permeates every part of our lives; it is feasible that in the future,
every person in the world may own or use a computer.
Chapter II

Review Related Literature

According to Tweedie, (2015) The effect of Mobile Games among Grade 10 students.
Mobile gaming has already evolved into a profitable tool for major internet platforms thanks to
the acceptance and development of 4G/5G networks. Instead of focusing only on children, these
games have also been improved to cater to practically all age groups. Yet in the eyes of the
general public, mobile games have always appeared to be connected to a number of negative
concepts, such as interference with learning, addiction, and violence. K12 pupils tend to be less
capable of self-control, and they are unquestionably the largest fans of mobile gaming. This
essay provides a chronological summary of the technological advancements in mobile gaming
from the viewpoints of hardware and software. The psychological and social issues that mobile
games have caused among K–12 children are examined objectively.

According to Gao, (2016) The effect of Addiction to Mobile Games among Grade 10
students. Some studies have found that video games are similar to addictions such as gambling
which create negative social effects. Students can become obsessed with these games and
become disengaged from school, friends, and life in general. Video games can also have
positive social effects. When students play video games, it gives their brains a real workout. In
many video games, the skills required to win involve abstract and high-level thinking. Also
playing computer games may not be all that bad for students. Educational games can be
effective assisting tools in the educational areas of management, and science. If you choose the
right educational computer games, adolescents may learn better problem-solving skills and eye-
hand coordination and may also get the ability to think fast and think of multiple things all at
once plus. Playing computer games may help students to learn quickly when it comes to their
studies. But it also has a risk to young/teenagers if it’s used too much and much better if a
student uses the computer for educational purposes only.

According to Emre muezzin, (July 2015) The effect of Addiction of Mobile Games
among Grade 10 Students, internet use has become one of the most important habits in our daily
lives. Nowadays, it became one of the necessities of human beings regardless of sex or age,
thus making it an efficient tool to cope up with the fast-growing technology. It is a source of
information and a means of communication and relaxation. One of the influences of this
technology is computer gaming. Computer games are the most popular entertainment and they
target a variety of people of different ages. Online gaming is one of the widely used leisure
activities by many people. In a study conducted by Castillo and Dumrique (2017), they stated
that online games can be a stress reliever, challenge and competition, relaxation, enjoyment,
social interaction, and even mentally escaping from the real world. According to some
researchers, it is beneficial making players alert, active, and strategic since they come up with
solutions and decisions in tight situations.

According to Goodwin, (2017), The effect of Addiction to mobile games among grade 10
students has become a growing concern in recent years. This study aimed to investigate the
effect of mobile game addiction on academic performance, social behavior, and mental health
among grade 10 students. The study employed a quantitative research design and collected data
through a self-administered questionnaire that was distributed to a sample of grade 10 students.
The findings of the study revealed that mobile game addiction has a negative effect on academic
performance, social behavior, and mental health among grade 10 students. The study
recommends that parents, teachers, and school administrators take proactive measures to
address the issue of mobile game addiction among students, including providing education and
counseling services to raise awareness of the potential negative consequences of excessive
mobile game use.

According to Kandell, (1998) The effect of Addiction of Mobile Games among Grade 10
students. A rapid rise in the use of mobile phones and the availability of mobile games has had
a significant impact on the academic performance of grade 10 students. This research review
will explore the adverse effects of mobile games on student learning, and offer
recommendations on how to mitigate these negative effects, mobile games can lead to increased
distraction, disrupting students' focus and concentration on their academic work. This can result
in lower grades and a lack of engagement in class. Mobile games can also lead to addiction,
causing students to spend excessive amounts of time playing, which can lead to sleep
deprivation, anxiety, and lower academic performance. Furthermore, the constant flow of
notifications and interruptions from mobile games can interrupt students while they are working
on schoolwork, leading to increased stress and procrastination. This can negatively impact
students' academic performance as they may not have sufficient time to complete their
assignments and may struggle to retain information.

Beal, (2008) The effect of Addiction of Mobile Games among Grade 10 students. This
study examines the impact of mobile game addiction on grade 10 students' academic
performance, social behavior, and mental health. Through a quantitative research design, data
were collected through a self-administered questionnaire distributed to a sample of grade 10
students. The study found that mobile game addiction has a detrimental effect on student’s
academic performance, social behavior, and mental health. The study recommends that parents,
teachers, and school administrators take proactive measures to address mobile game addiction,
including providing education and counseling services to raise awareness of the potential
negative consequences of excessive mobile game use.
Chapter III
Research Methodology

This chapter covers the research design, respondents of the study, research instrument, data
gathering procedure, statistical treatment of the data, and the data analysis plan used by the

Research Design
In order to learn more about how mobile games affect students, the researcher used the
phenomenological study method and qualitative approach. By using a qualitative research
approach, researchers can learn more about what it's like to be another person and how the
world appears to others. Finding explanations for the what, why, and how of the phenomenon
under study is the goal of the researchers. In this study, we create focused research questions
that will explore the effects of mobile gaming on pupils. A small sample of grade 10 pupils with
prior mobile gaming experience was interviewed by the researchers.

Edmund Husserl founded the philosophical school of phenomenology in the 20th century.
This type of qualitative research known as phenomenology uses interviews and observational
notes along with a close examination of non-numerical data. According to Creswell (2013), in a
phenomenological research study, “the process of collecting information involves primary in-
depth interviews with as many as 10 individuals. The important point is to describe the meaning
of the phenomenon for a small number of individuals who have experienced it”.

The Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study are composed of Grade 10 students of Agusan National
High School. One of the vital processes to make this study successful. All of these students that
we interviewed were selected by our other groupmates because we know we will get an
established response. This interview that we conducted is a way to find out the different
opinions of each student.
The chosen respondents are containing twenty respondents from Agusan National High
School from section SPS 10 B, Vesta, Einstein, SPJ 10, Taurus, and Venus. The students of
these sections were selected because they connect with this study.

Research Instrument

The data-gathering instrument that we used was a questionnaire. The instrument is to be

focused on the statement of the problem. The Effects of Mobile Games on Students, we all
received different responses as each student has their own experiences. The questionnaire
consist of 20 questions. The questions to be asked to the respondent.

The data gathering instrument consist of these type of questions “Why do you play mobile
games?”, “How many hours a day do you play mobile games?” and “How do you balance your
time in studying and playing mobile games?” These questions help us researchers to study the
result of conducting data gathering.

Data Gathering Procedure

After doing our research on what type of questions could be linked to our study, putting
together questions that students won’t find difficult to answer. 20 copies were made and
distributed, and all of them were successfully returned. Thus their corresponding answer to the
question are kept in accordance with the agreement of the respondents and the researchers.

The data gathered was arranged according to the statistical treatment done. Each and one by
one was examined by our co-researchers. In this stage, the service of a teacher is needed.
Statistical Treatment of the Data

To analyze and Interpret the data, the researcher employed the following statistical procedure:

1. Percentage and ranking

This will help the researcher to easily tally the data that they gathered. This percentage and
ranking will be a big help in the researchers analysis of the data.

2. Interviews

Interviews are a great research tool. They allow the researchers to gather rich information and
draw more detailed conclusions than other research methods, taking into consideration
nonverbal cues, off-the-cuff reactions, and emotional responses.


Case studies.

Secondary research (record keeping)

Expert opinions.

Focus groups.

Online surveys (mobile, kiosk, desktop)

Paper surveys.

Observational studies.
Data Analysis Plan

Using the data gathered, data analysis plan would encompass a number of procedures leading to
the findings or the result of the study about The Effects of Mobile Games on Students the
procedures to be observed are as follow:

1. Identify issues and/or opportunities for collecting data

The first step is to identify the negative and positive effects of the study, to conduct and
assessment within your section or your group to understand what is happening.

2. Summarizing the numerical data.

This would be done through a tally that will be based on the certain answer of the
respondent in the survey questionnaires using frequency and percentage.

3. Analyze and interpret data

Step 3 involves analyzing and interpreting the data collected. Whether quantitative and/or
qualitative methods of gathering data are used, the analysis can be complex, or less so,
depending on the methods used and the amount of data collected.

This chapter presents the results, the analysis and interpretation of data gathered from the
answers to the questionnaires distributed to the field. The said data were presented in tabular
form in accordance with the specific questions posited on the statement of the problem

Profile of the Respondents

Table 1
Age of the Respondents


15-16 13 65% 1

17-18 7 35% 2

TOTAL 20 100%

According to Table 1, 65% of the respondent aged 15-16 answered the questionnaire and 35%
of the respondents were 17-18. Therefore most of our respondents came from the 15-16 age
group and answered our questionnaire.
Table 2
Gender of the respondents


FEMALE 6 30% 2

MALE 14 70% 1

TOTAL 20 100%

Based on the table. Our female respondents are 30% while our male respondents are 70%.
Therefore, the majority of our respondents are Male because it has 70%

Table 3
“How many hours in a day do you play mobile games”


1-2 13 65% 1

3 4 20% 2

5-6 3 15% 3

TOTAL 20 100%

As you can see in table 3, 1-2 hours has 13 respondents which is 65% , 3 hours has 20% and 5-6
has 3. Which means Majority of the students only play 1-2 hours of mobile games.
Table 4
“Why do you play mobile games?”


“Because it is fun” 14 70% 1
(kay lingaw man)

“To stress relieve” 6 30% 2

TOTAL 20 100%

14 students answered “Because it is fun” and that is 70% while 6 students responded, “To stress
relieve”. This means the majority of the students only play mobile games because it gives them
Interpretation of Data

The popularity of mobile gaming has become a common sight in High Scools and the problem of left-behind
teenage mobile gaming has become the biggest challenge faced by rural education, and has become a hot topic
in the education sector and society. The stage of left-behind children is the golden period of learning and
growth. However, this stage is also the period when they have the greatest fluctuations in their ideology due to
various factors such as guardians and youths. With the development of big data, it has been applied to various
aspects of people's life. This article is mainly based on qualitative research, with the interview and observation
as the main methods, supplemented by a questionnaire survey method. In the empirical analysis part, this article
has a certain degree of expansion in data selection and research methods. Compared with previous studies, we
increased the scale of the research data, making the research results more meaningful. In the research method,
the ordinary least squares method (OLS), the propensity score matching method (PSM) and the two-stage least
square method (2SLS) are used, and multiple control variables are selected. The factor analysis of the original
scores of the historical knowledge test and the original scores of the two-dimensional cultural value evaluation
are carried out to obtain the factor scores of cognitive ability. The emotion of the child is expressed by the
depression score, and factor analysis is also performed on the depression score. Cognitive abilities refer to
reasoning or thinking, processing speeds, and one's ability to solve problems in novel situations, independent of
acquired knowledge. OLS regression results show that left-behind children are inferior to non-left-behind ones
in cognitive ability. Moreover, left-behind children are more likely to be emotionally depressed. And whether
the children are accompanied by migrant or rural parents, there is no significant difference in their cognitive
ability and emotions. Because there are unobservable factors that affect whether children are left-behind and
children's cognitive abilities and emotions, the sample may have a self-selection bias. This research focuses on
the phenomenon of left-behind children's mobile gaming, revealing the compromised cognitive abilities of these
marginalized children groups. Our study might put a wake-up for authorities on the education in rural areas
Chapter V
Summary, Conclusions, Recommendations

This chapter presents the Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations drawn from the results of the study


The main purpose of this study is to find out what are the effects of mobile games on students. And why are
most addicted to it?

Results show that all 20 respondents play mobile games. 65% of the students play 1-2 hours a day, 20% of
the respondents play for 3 hours and 15% plays for 5-6 hours. Most of the respondents were Males at 70% the
rest are females at 30%. The instruments that we used are interviews and questionnaire, gathering data using
these instruments made it very uncomplicated for us and the students that we interviewed answered us with
established response. We found out that gaming can positively affect educational outcomes if time is managed
and how for some students socializing has become unchallenging for them. Results show that 70% play it
because it entertains them and the other 30% is because it relieves them.

Students get a true mental workout from playing video games, which is beneficial for their cognitive
development. Students who spend an excessive amount of time playing mobile games run the risk of developing
an addiction to the activity, which in turn increases their risk of not getting enough sleep, anxiety, and poor
academic performance. It can also have negative impacts on your physical health, including poor sleep habits.
Lack of sleep also affects memory and relationships negatively, which lowers your quality of life overall. A
healthy sleep schedule is crucial for general well-being. These effects will inform students of the repercussions
of excessive mobile gaming play. We need to learn more about this since it will assist students understand the
negative impacts of using mobile devices excessively and might perhaps help them cut back on their usage time.
We discovered new findings while conducting this study and it was very interesting to research about this
certain topic that we were given.

The negative effects of mobile games can be very concerning specially that our technology is still
progressing. This study is something that parents, teachers, relatives and students should be aware of. Since
students have adopted a work had play hard mentality base on our results, some may use this in a positive way
or the other way around. Conducting this research while only having 2 weeks was very challenging but we got
through it. To the students who can relate to this study we hope that you can learn something from our research
that may help you in the future. While conducting this study we all had a hard time finding references but
somehow we still finished this research.


Set time limits for play and stick to them. Keep phones and other gadgets out of the bedroom so you won't
play into the night. Do other activities every day, including exercise. This will lower the health risks of sitting
and playing for long stretches of time. The best way to resolve this in most cases is to encourage parents to be
present in the gaming world of their children. Play together, help set healthy limits and actively find a variety of
activities for children to consume online.

 Limiting the Time to just an Hour or Less Per Day. ...

 Keeping Track of Game Playing. ...
 Paying Attention to Issues that May Arise from Excessive Gaming. ...
 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. ...
 Building Trust. ...
 Encouraging Outdoor Activities.

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