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िवषय सूची

�ह�ी भाषा
1. �ह�ी वणर्माला...................................................................................................................................................................
(वणर् �वचार , उ�ारण �ान)
2. श� भेद.............................................................................................................................................................................
(�ढ़ श�, यौ�गक श�, योग�ढ़ श�, त�म श�, तद्भव श�, दे शज श�, �वदे शज श�)
3. श�ावली...........................................................................................................................................................................
(अनेकाथर्क श�, पय�यवाची श�, �वपर�ताथर्क श�, �ु�तसम�भ�ाथर्क श�)
4. �ाकरण............................................................................................................................................................................
(मुहावरे , लोको��, शुद्ध /अशुद्ध वतर्नी का चयन, उपसगर्, ��य, वा��श के �लए एक श�, �र� �ान� क� पू�तर्, सं�ध,
समास, कारक, �लंग, वचन, काल)
�वकार� श�.......................................................................................................................................................................

(संज्ञा, सवर्नाम, �वशेषण, ि�या)
6. अ�वकार� श�...................................................................................................................................................................

(ि�या �वशेषण, अ�य, �नपात)
वा� �वचार.......................................................................................................................................................................
(�वराम �च� के अनु�योग, सरल वा�, संयु� वा�, �म� वा�, कतृर्वा�, कमर् वा�, भाव वा�, अथर् के आधार पर वा�
रचना, वा�गत अशु�द्धय� का शोधन)
8. सा�ह��क �ि�...................................................................................................................................................................
(अलंकार, छं द, रस)
9. मौ�खक अ�भक्षमता............................................................................................................................................................
(अप�ठत गद्य�श, अप�ठत पद्य�श)
English Language

10. Grammar................................................................................................................................................................................
(Fill in the Blanks, Parts of Speech, Error Spotting, Correct & Incorrect Sentence, Punctuation,
Noun Number & Gender, Tense (Identification & Transformation), Types of Sentence, Sentence
Transformation, Clause Analysis, Sentence Improvement, Voice (Active & Passive), Narration
(Direct & Indirect Speech))
11. Vocabulary............................................................................................................................................................................
(Synonym (With & Without Context), Antonym (With & Without Context), Idiom & Phrase
Meaning (With & Without Context), Proverb Meaning, Spelling (Correct & Incorrect), One Word
Substitution, Fill in the blanks)
12. Verbal Ability.......................................................................................................................................................................
(Sentence Jumble, Para Jumble Sentences, Reading Comprehension)
13. Miscellaneous......................................................................................................................................................................
(Figures of Speech, Rhyme Scheme, Prefix/Suffix, Grammar Usage Based questions, Creative
Writing Skills, Cloze Test)

सूची I सूची II
उपसग A. अ ध I. काम
B. नस् II. साहस
1. 'अ धकारी' म उपसग कौन-सा ह ?
A) अ B) अ ध C. ुस् III. मान
C) री D) ई D. सम् IV. व ा
2. न ल खत म से कौन-सा श " नस्" उपसग का योग कर बनाया गया ह?
A) नयु B) न ाम नीचे दए गए वक म से सही उ र का चयन क जए꞉
C) चटनी D) नवारण A) A - I, B - IV, C - III, D - II B) A - I, B - II, C - III, D - IV
C) A - IV, B - I, C - III, D - II D) A - IV, B - I, C - II, D - III
3. न ल खत म से कौन-सा श " ुर्" उपसग का योग कर नह बनाया गया ह?
A) ुलभ B) ुगुण 15. न ल खत म से कस श म उपसग का योग आ ह?
C) प कार D) ुदशा A) बगीचा B) गंदगी
C) मालदार D) नराकार
4. ‘आजीवन’ श म से उपसग पृथक् करने पर मूल श ा होगा?
A) जीवन B) जीव 16. कस वक के एक भी श म ' न' उपसग यु नह आ ह?
C) अन् D) जीवक A) न पट, न हत B) नरंकुश, नषेध

C) नयात, न त D) नयम, न ाम
5. ‘ चरायु' श म कौन-सा उपसग ह?
A) चर् B) चर 17. पुरो हत म उपसग ह-
C) रायु D) चरा A) पुरा B) पुरस
C) पुर D) पुरः
6. 'चौमासा' म कौन-सा उपसग योग आ ह?
A) चौम
C) चौ
7. ‘ व ात’ श
A) वस्
C) व
म न
B) चै
D) चो
ल खत मे से कौन-सा उपसग ह?
D) वख्
PL 18. न, प र, ऊन, उपसग से संबं धत श
A) नबंध, प रजन, उनतीस
C) ात, संहार, अ
19. न ल खत म कौन-सा श
A) समवाय
पहचा नए।
B) संर ण, ुजन ुकाल
D) इनम से कोई नह
अरबी-फारसी उपसग यु
B) नाकाम
नह ह।

C) हमसफर D) बेधड़क
8. ‘त ीन’ श म कौन-सा उपसग ह?
A) त B) लीन 20. 'लाइलाज' श म कौन-सा उपसग ह? सही उपसग नीचे दए गए वक म
C) तत् D) तल् से चु नए ꞉
A) लाइ B) लइ
9. कस श म ' व' उपसग ह?
C) लाइल D) ला
A) व ास B) वष
C) तीत D) वनीत 21. न ल खत म से असंगत वक का चयन क जए-

A) ुर्+ अ भ + सं ध = ुर भसं ध B) नर + अन् + ना सक = नरनुना सक

10. ‘उपा ’ म कौन-सा उपसग ह?
C) अप + व + अय = अप य D) प र + अव + ई ण = पयवे ण
A) उन B) उप
C) उत् D) उपाध 22. न ल खत म से कौन-सा वक अस ह?
A) सम्- स ुख, समाचार, स ेश B) ुर् - ुय धन, ुराचार, ु पयोग
11. 'बेदखल' म कैसा उपसग ह?
C) अनु - अ ेषण, अ ाय, अनुपयु D) उत् - उ ू लत, उ ष, उ यनी
A) हदी B) अरबी
C) फारसी D) उ ू 23. इनम से कस वक के सभी श 'अ त' उपसग से न मत ह?
A) अ ुदय, अ यन, अतीव B) अ ाचार, अ ाय, अ ास
12. ‘अधोपतन’ म कौन-सा उपसग ह?
C) अ , अ ादश, अ तशय D) अ ाव क, अती य, अ ु म
A) अध꞉ B) अक
C) अध D) अन 24. न ल खत म से कस वक म सभी उपसग न मत श ह?
A) वैय क, पौरा णक, सा ा हक B) आण वक, ुरव ा, प वत
13. उपसग का मूल श के साथ मलान क जए-
C) पण, उपा ाय, भचार D) सौभा , पा थवता, अ णमा
सूची I सूची II
25. न म से कस वक के सभी श म दो उपसग का योग आ ह?
A. I. श A) अनास ,अ , समाचार B) नराकरण, नभय, पराभूत
C) उपकूल, उप नवेश, नवारण D) उपासना, ुकाल, भर दन
B. सु II. ान
26. न म से कस वक के सभी श म दो उपसग का योग आ ह?
C. न III. बोध
A) बदौलत, सरहद, हरघड़ी B) बदजात, बाकायदा, लाइलाज
D. व IV. ह ा C) बदजबान, लापता, सरकार D) ाकरण, समालोचना, अ
27. न ल खत म से असंगत वक का चयन क जए-
नीचे दए गए वक म से सही उ र का चयन क जए A) सुसं ृ त - दो उपसग से न मत B) ाकरण - ' व' एवं 'आ' उपसग से
A) A - I, B - III, C - IV, D - II B) A - III, B - I, C - II, D - IV श ह। मलकर बना श ह।
C) A - II, B - III, C - IV, D - I D) A - IV, B - I, C - II, D - III C) समका लक - 'सम' उपसग एवं D) ु पयोग - ' ुर्' एवं 'उप' उपसग से
'का लक' मूल श ह। मलकर बना श ह।
14. उपसग का मूलश के साथ मलान क जए-
28. कौन-सा वक गलत ह-
A) उपसग म उप उपसग ह। B) उपसग नये श का नमाण करते A) भाववाचक त त य B) भाववाचक कृत् य
ह। C) करणवाचक कृत् य D) क ृवाचक त त य
C) सं ृ त के मूल उपसग 22 ह। D) ह ी के मूल उपसग 22 ह।
43. 'आवा' य से न मत श ह-
29. कस वक म कु उपसग से बना श नह ह- A) आव क B) ावधान
A) कुशल B) कुपु C) आवा-गमन D) भुलावा
C) कु ात D) कुकम
44. कौन-सा य ह ी भाषा म ब वचन के प म जाना जाता ह ?
30. असंगत वक चु नए - A) ओ B) ए
A) ागै तहा सक - ' ाक्' उपसग एवं B) पयु ुक - 'प र' एवं 'उद्' उपसग से C) एँ D) आँ
'इक' य से बना श ह। बना श ह।
45. 'हार' य से बना श न म से कौन ह?
C) सौकुमाय - दो उपसग से न मत D) अ - 'अ' एवं ' त' उपसग से
श ह। बना श ह। A) हरक B) हरा-भरा
C) होनहार D) हार-जीत
46. 'पूजनीय' श म यह-
य A) नीय B) अनीय
C) य D) जनीय
31. 'रसोइया' म य ह꞉ 47. 'वट' य से न मत श ह-
A) या B) इया A) लखावट B) घबराहट
C) आ D) रस C) आहट D) मु ु राहट
32. न ल खत म से कस श म 'नी' य नह लगा ह ? 48. कस श म 'ईला' य नह ह-
A) शेरनी B) मोरनी A) वषैला B) जहरीला
C) नौकरानी D) कुटनी C) पथरीला D) चमक ला

33. 'साँप' शके बाद 'एरा' य के योग से न मत 'सँपेरा' श म यु 49. 'इमा' य र हत श चुन
य कस भेद के अंतगत आएगा ? A) फा तमा B) का लमा
A) भाववाचक त त य B) गुणवाचक त त य C) ला लमा D) हरी तमा
C) कतृवाचक त त य D) अप वाचक त त य
34. कस श
A) अ ास
C) नकास
35. ‘पन’
A) कृत ता
म 'आस'

य का योग आ ह?
य नह ह?
B) ास
D) आभास

B) उदारता
PL 50. 'पौरा णक' श
A) पौराण + इक
C) पुराण + इक
51. ‘छावनी’ म
A) नी
C) वनी
म मूल श और य का सही वक
B) पूराण + इक
D) पूरा + इक

B) आवनी
D) अवनी

C) अपनापन D) मलावट
52. 'कटया' म य ह-
36. ‘मु खया, ु खया, र सया’ म य ह? A) इया B) ईया
A) ईय B) आङ C) ऐया D) एया
C) य D) इया
53. 'लड़ाकू, म य-
37. सुमे लत क जए꞉ A) कू B) अकू
सूची-I सूची -II C) आकू D) ड़ाकू

ी लग श य 54. 'ऐ तहा सक' श म सही यह꞉

1. ा मनी (अ) नी A) इ तहास + ईक B) इ त + हा सक
C) ऐ तहा + सक D) इ तहास + इक
2. ले खका (ब) इनी
55. दए गए श म से कस श म 'आहट' य लगाकर नवीन श बनेगा?
3. धैयवती (स) वती A) कड़वा B) नदा
4. मोरनी (द) इका C) मीठा D) धड़क
A) a - 1, b - 2, c - 3, d - 4 B) a - 2, b - 4, c - 3, d - 1 56. कस वक म मूल श एवं य का वभाजन दोषपूण ह?
C) a - 4, b - 3, c - 2, d - 1 D) a - 1, b - 3, c - 4, d - 2 A) मा त - मा त + ई B) ामीण - ाम + ईन
C) बुढ़ापा - बूढ़ा + पा D) मानव - मनु + अ
38. दए गए श म से कस श म 'अक' य लगाकर नवीन श बनेगा?
A) पाठ B) चाँद 57. 'नी' य र हत श वाला वक ह-
C) धड़क D) पवन A) चटनी B) ओढ़नी
C) सूँघनी D) नानी
39. न ल खत म से 'ताल ' श म कौन-सा यह?
A) ता B) 58. न ल खत म, चार वक म से, उस वक का चयन कर जो य
C) ल D) य से बने श का सही वक हो।
A) पात B) वचार
40. च ाहट म कौन-सा य ह-
C) शौक न D) संसग
A) भाववाचक त त य B) भाववाचक कृत् य
C) करणवाचक कृत् य D) क ृवाचक त त य 59. न ल खत म, चार वक म से, उस वक का चयन कर जो य
से बने श का सही वक हो।
41. ' मठास' म कौन-सा य ह-
A) सं ान B) स ार
A) भाववाचक त त य B) भाववाचक कृत् य
C) करायेदार D) वनय
C) करणवाचक कृत् य D) क ृवाचक त त य
42. 'बेलन' म कौन-सा य ह-
60. न ल खत म, चार वक म से, उस वक का चयन कर जो य
से बने श का सही वक हो।
A) संपादक B) मलनसार
C) कार D) सप रवार

Q. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Ans B B C A B C C C C B D A C D
Q. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Ans D C D A A D B C D C A D C D
Q. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
Ans A C B C C D C D B A D B A C
Q. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
Ans D A C B A A A C B C C D A A
Q. 57 58 59 60
Ans D C C B

11. 'बे' उपसग उ ू भाषा का उपसग ह। 'बे' उपसग का अथ - बना। 'बेदखल' दो

SOLUTIONS श 'बे + दखल' से मलकर बना ह।
'बे' उपसग से बने अ श - बेअदब, बेईमान, बेखटके, बेचारा, बेरहम, बेगुनाह,

बेहोश, बेइ त, बेकसूर, बेदखल, बेलगाम, बेशम, बेनाम, बेकार।
12. ‘अधोपतन’ श ‘अध꞉’ उपसग से बना ह। ‘अध꞉’ का अथ - नीचे।
‘अध꞉’ उपसग से बनने वाले अ श - अधोमुखी, अधो ल खत, अधःपतन आ द।
1. अ धकारी श म उपसग 'अ ध' ह। उपसग 'अ ध' का अथ होता ह - 'ऊपर',
'अ धकतम' या 'अ धकार के साथ'। इस कार, अ धकारी श म उपसग के
मा म से अ धकार क पदा धका रता का बोध होता ह।
2. ' न ाम' श म ' नस्' उपसग और 'काम' मूल श ह। अ
ह। उपसग के उदाहरण ह - ' नयु ', ' नवारण' और
3. 'प कार' श म ुर् उपसग का योग नह आ ह। श
वक असंगत
य के उदाहरण ह -

म ' ुर्' उपसग का

13. सही उ र ह - A - II, B - III, C - IV, D - I
( + ान - ान, सु + बोध = सुबोध, न + ह ा - नह ा, व + श =
व श ) उपसग श का उपयोग मूल श के अथ म बदलाव लाता ह।
उदाहरण - अप + यश = अपयश, अध + पका = अधपका, ना + लायक =
नालायक, हाफ + टकट = हाफ टकट आ द।
14. सही उ र ह- A - IV, B - I, C - II, D - III ;
योग ुलभ होता ह, जैसे - ुगुण, ुदशा आ द। उपसग श के अथ म वशेषता
(अ ध+व ा - अ धव ा, नस्+काम - न ाम, ुस्+ साहस - ु ाहस, सम्+
लाते ह, जैसे - वीर, सफलता आ द।
मान - स ान) उपसग - ऐसे श ांश जो कसी श के पूव जुड़कर उसके अथ म
4. ‘जीवन’ श म ‘आ’ उपसग के जुड़ने से ‘आजीवन’ श बना ह। आजीवन प रवतन कर दते ह।
या- वशेषण श ह जसका अथ जीवन भर ह और यह अ यीभाव समास का उदाहरण - त + ण = त ण, सम् + गम = संगम।
उदाहरण ह।
‘आ’ उपसग से बने श ह- आहार, आकाश, आचरण, आमुख आ द। अतः सही 15. नराकार- नर् + आकार ( नर् उपसग से न मत ह।) उपसग श कसी श
उ र ‘जीवन’ ह। के पहले आकर उसका वशेष अथ कट करते ह।

5. ' चर' श के योग से चरायु श का नमाण आ ह। ‘ चर’ उपसग से ता य उपसग के कार ह - सं ृ त, हदी, उ ू और अं ेजी। उपसग से बने श , जैसे-
ह - ‘ल ा, अ धक समय तक'। ' चर' उपसग से बनने वाले अ श - चरकाल, बदसूरत, खुशनुमा, अनमोल आ द होते ह।
चरंजीवी, चरकुमार। 16. नयात, न त म ' न' उपसग यु नह आ ह। नयात म ' नर्' उपसग ह।
6. 'चौमासा' म 'चौ' उपसग योग आ ह। 'चौ' उपसग से बनने वाले अ श - न त म ' नस्' उपसग ह। उपसग का उपयोग श के अथ म बदलाव लाता ह।
चौपाई, चौराहा, चौपाल आ द ह। उपसग के चार कार होते ह - सं ृ त, हदी, उ ू और अं ेजी। उपसग के उपयोग
उपसग उस अ र या अ र समूह को कहते ह, जो कसी श के पहले जुड़कर से नए श बनते ह, जैसे- अपयश, अधपका, नालायक आ द।
उसके अथ म प रवतन लाता ह। जैसे - , सु, अ त, अ ध, अनु, न, + हार = 17. पुरो हत म उपसग ह- 'पुरः'। पुरः + हत = पुरो हत। 'पुरः' उपसग से पुरो हत
हार। श बना ह। पुरो हत का अथ 'धा मक कम संप करने वाला याजक' ह। अ
7. ‘ व ात’ श म ' व' उपसग ह। ‘ ात’ मूल श म ‘ व’ उपसग के लगाने से वक के अनुसार - पुरा उपसग से न मत श ꞉ पुरात , पुरावृ , पुराचीन आ द।
‘ व ात’ वशेषण श बना ह। व ात का अथ स या मश र होता ह। ‘ व’ पुरस तथा पुर अनु चत उपसग ह।
अथात् व श या भ । इससे बने अ श - वकार, ववाद, वदश, वनाश ह। 18. ' न', 'प र', 'ऊन' उपसग से संबं धत श - ' नबंध, प रजन, उनतीस'। उपसग
8. ‘त ीन’ श म ‘तत्’ उपसग लगा ह। 'त ीन’ = ‘तत् + लीन’ होता ह। ‘तत्’ श का अथ होता ह - कसी श के पूव म जुड़कर उसके अथ म प रवतन
करना। उपसग श से बने श के उदाहरण ह - पराजय, कोप, सं ृ त, ुराशा
उपसग सं ृ त का उपसग ह। इसके ारा न मत अ श - त य, त ाल,
आ द। कुछ मह पूण उपसग ह - परा, , सम्, ुर्, ुः, अ त, उप और न।
त म आ द ह।
19. 'समवाय' श अरबी-फारसी उपसग यु नह ह। 'समवाय' श
9. ' तीत' श म ' व' उपसग का योग आ ह। ' तीत' म ' व' उपसग ह और म 'सम्' उपसग ह जो क ' हदी' भाषा का उपसग ह। अ वक म दए गए श
मूल श 'अतीत' ह। म 'ना', 'हम', और 'बे' उपसग ह जो क अरबी-फारसी मूल से लए गए ह।
' तीत' का अथ꞉- बीता या बताया आ; वगत, काटा आ (समय)।
20. 'लाइलाज' श म ला उपसग ह। लाइलाज = ला + इलाज ( जसका इलाज
10. ‘उपा ’ म ‘उप’ उपसग ह। ‘उपा ’ का व े द करने पर ‘उप + अ ’ संभव न हो)
होगा। 'ला' उपसग के अ उदाहरण - लाचार, लाजबाब, लाघव, लावा रस आ द। अ
‘उप’ उपसग का अथ - ' नकटता, स श, गौण, सहायक, हीनता'। ‘उप’ उपसग से वक संगत नह ह।
बनने वाले अ श - ‘उपकार, उपकूल, उप नवेश, उपदश, उप त, उपवन,
21. असंगत वक ह - ' नर + अन् + ना सक = नरनुना सक'। यह वक गलत
उपनाम, उपासना, उपभेद’ आ द ह।
ह क ' नरनुना सक' श के नमाण म उपसग ' नर' का उपयोग गलत ह। यह

उपसग सही प म ' नर्' होना चा हए। 36. उपरो वक म ‘इया’ य ह। मुख + इया=मु खया, ुख +
22. अस वक ह - 'अनु - अ ेषण, अ ाय, अनुपयु '। 'अनु' उपसग के इया= ु खया, रस + इया=र सया।
साथ उपयोग होने वाले सही श का योग नह कया गया ह। 'अनु' उपसग का कतृवाचक कृदंत - या के अंत म आक, वाला, वैया, तृ, उक, अन, अंकू, आऊ,
अथ होता ह- 'बाद के साथ', 'पुनः', या 'सहायता के साथ'। इस कार, 'अनु' उपसग आना, आड़ी, आलू, इया, इयल, एरा, ऐत, ओड़ा, आकू, अ ड़, वन, वैया, सार,
के साथ उपयोग होने वाले श का अथ उपसग के अथ के साथ संगत होता ह। हार इ ा द य के योग से कतृवाचक कृदंत सं ाएँ बनती ह। 'कृतवाचक' कृदंत
23. इनम से 'अ ाव क', 'अती य', 'अ ु म' वक के सभी श 'अ त' कृत य का कार ह। जैसे꞉- मुख+इया=मु खया, ुख+इया = ु खया, रस+इया
उपसग से न मत ह। उपसग 'अ त' का अथ होता ह- 'ब त', 'अ धक' या 'अ धक = र सया। जहाँ मुख, ुःख एवं रस मूल श ह और इया य।
से अ धक'। इस उपसग का उपयोग करके श का अथ बढ़ाया जाता ह। उपसग 37. दए गए वक म से a - 2, b - 4, c - 3, d - 1 सही ह। ी लग श के
'अ त' का योग इन वक म दए गए श म कया गया ह। लग को जानने के लए अंत म आने वाले सं ाओं और य को जानना ज री
24. सभी उपसग न मत श ह - ' पण', 'उपा ाय', ' भचार'। उपसग श होता ह। लग उन श का प होता ह जनसे ी और पु ष म अंतर कया जा
का उपयोग करके श का अथ बदला जाता ह और इन वक म दए गए श सके।
को इन उपसग से न मत कया गया ह। 38. 'अक' य से बना श 'पाठक' ह। 'पाठ' मूल श ह जसम 'अक' य
25. दो उपसग का योग अनास ,अ , समाचार श म आ ह। जुड़ा आ ह। इसी तरह चाँद सं ा ह, धड़क म 'क' य ह और पवन श म 'प'
अनास - अन और आ उपसग, अ - अ और त उपसग, समाचार - सम उपसग ह।
और आ उपसग का योग आ ह। 39. ताल ' श म "य" य ह। यहाँ पर मूल श 'तालु' एक सं ा ह, जसम
अ वक म दए गए श म एक उपसग का योग कया गया ह, जैस-े नर्,
त त य (सं ृ त) "य" जुड़ने से बना श 'ताल ' त तांत ( वशेषण) श
न, परा, उप, ु, भर आ द।
कहा जाएगा।
26. दो उपसग का योग ाकरण, समालोचना, अ श म आ ह। 'य' य से न मत श - ाम + य = ा ; ओ + य = ओ ; दंत + य =
ाकरण - व और आ उपसग, समालोचना - सम् और आ उपसग, अ -अ दं ।
और त उपसग का योग कया गया ह। 'ता' य से न मत श - स ता, सकारा कता, सफलता, उ ृ ता,
अ वक म दए गए श म एक उपसग का योग कया गया ह, जैस-े ब, कुशलता।
सर, हर, बाद, बा, ला आ द। 40. ' च ाहट' म य ह - 'भाववाचक कृत् य'।

27. असंगत वक ह - 'समका लक' - 'सम' उपसग एवं 'का लक' मूल श ह। या के ापार या भाव का बोध कराने वाले य भाववाचक कृत् य
अ वक म दये गये श के नमाण म दो उपसग का योग आ ह। कहलाते ह। सं ा के अ म अन, त, अ, आवा, आई, आहट, औती, अंत, आवट, ना,
28. हदी म मानक प म 22 उपसग होते ह। जैसे - अन, अध, उ, उन, औ, कु, चौ, आन, आव, आवट का योग कया जाता ह। जैसे - घबराहट ; लेखन आ द।
पच, पर, भर, बन, त, ु, का, स, चर, न, ब , आप, नाना, क और सम। उपसग नए भाववाचक त त य - बुलाव + आ = बुलावा। करणवाचक कृत् य-आ

कर दते ह या उसके अथ म वशेषता ला दते ह।

श का नमाण करते ह जो कसी श के पूव जुड़ कर उसके अथ म प रवतन

29. 'कु' उपसग से बना श नह ह- 'कुशल'। कुशल - चतुर, हो शयार, वीण।

'कुशल' श का साथक खंड स व नही ह।
अ वक - कुपु = कु + पु ('कु' उपसग और 'पु ' मूल श )। कु ात = कु
+ ात = कु ात ('कु' उपसग और ' ात' (मश र) मूल श )। कुकम = कु +
= भटका। क ृवाचक त त
41. ' मठास' म
य - सोना + आर = सुनार।
य ह- भाववाचक त त य। वे य जो कसी सं ा,
सवनाम या वशेषण श के साथ जुड़कर भाववाचक सं ा श का नमाण करते
उदाहरण - लघु + = लघु , चौड़ा + आन = चौड़ान।
अ वक ꞉ करणवाचक कृत् य - या के करण का बोध होता ह।
कम ('कु' उपसग और 'कम' (काय) मूल श )। क ृवाचक त त य- काय को करने वाले का बोध हो। भाववाचक
कृत् य- या के ापार या भाव का बोध कराने वाले य।
कुछ मह पूण उपसग - कु (बुरा) - कु प, कुमं णा, कुचाल, कुयोग, कुमाग,
कुपा , कुढंग। 42. 'बेलन' म य ह - 'करणवाचक कृत् य'। जस य क वजह से बने
30. असंगत वक ह- 'सौकुमाय - दो उपसग से न मत श ह।' सही उ र ह श से या के करण का बोध होता ह, उसे करणवाचक कृत् य कहते ह।
क 'सौकुमाय' श म सफ एक उपसग और एक य ह, यह दो उपसग से उदाहरण - आ = भटका, भूला, ूला, ई = रती, फांसी, भारी, धुलाई, न = झाडन,
न मत नह ह। 'सौकुमाय' का अथ होता ह - 'जवान, युवाव ा से भरपूर'। बंधन, नी = ध कनी, करतनी।
भाववाचक कृत् य - अन = लेखन, अ = जय, आवा = भुलावा।

भाववाचक त त य - चकना + हट = चकनाह।

य क ृवाचक त त य - ईमान + दार = ईमानदार।
43. 'आवा' य से बना आ श 'भुलावा' ह। ‘आवा’ य से
31. रसोई + इया ( य) अथात् रसोई बनानेवाला। 'इया' य वाले श म न मत अ श ह - बुलावा, चढ़ावा, छलावा आ द। अ वक यक
दवा लया, सवा लया, बाव लया, नग रया आ द होते ह। 'आ' य वाले श म से असंगत ह।
ासा, भूखा आ द होते ह। 'या' य वाले श म मृगया, व ा आ द होते ह। 44. ओ य ह ी भाषा म ब वचन के प म जाना जाता ह। इसका वा गत
32. 'नौकरानी' श म 'आनी' य ह। शेरनी, मोरनी, कटनी श म 'नी' य योग परसग के साथ होता ह। आकारा श के ब वचन प बनने पर उसम (
ह। श के उपरांत जस श का योग कया जाता ह वह य ह। जैसे - ता, ए, ऐ, ) य जुड़ता ह। ह ी म वचन दो कार के होते ह- एकवचन और
औना, अन, अत। ब वचन।
33. 'सँपेरा' श कतृवाचक त त य का उदाहरण ह। कतृवाचक त त 45. श 'होनहार' होन और हार के जोड़ से बना ह, जसका अथ अ े ल ण
य श म कता का बोध कराते ह। भाववाचक त त य श म भाव का वाला, बु मान, का बल, लायक होता ह।
बोध कराते ह। अप वाचक त त य श म वंश, संतान या सं दाय का बोध इसके अलावा 'हरक', 'हरा-भरा', 'हार' और 'जीत' जैसे श का वलोम श भी
कराते ह। गुणवाचक त त य श म सं ा का गुण कट होता ह। बताया गया ह। य श के अंत म जुड़ता ह और कुछ मह पूण य श भी
बताए गए ह - हार, ता, इक, अक।
34. आभास = आ + भास, आभास श म य न होकर 'आ' उपसग ह। अतः
'आभास' श 'आस' य से न मत नह ह। अ सभी वक 'आस' य से 46. 'पूजनीय' श म 'अनीय' य होगा। य श वह श ांश होते ह जो
न मत ह - अ ास, ास, नकास। उपसग उस अ र या अ र समूह को कहते ह, कसी श के आ खरी म लगाकर उसका अथ बदल दते ह। य के दो कार
जो कसी श के पहले जुड़कर उसके अथ म प रवतन लाता ह। जैसे - होते ह - कृत् य और त त य।
(उपसग) मूल श + हार (मूल श ) = हार। 47. वट य से न मत श ह - लखावट। य -जो श के अंत म जुड़कर
उनका अथ प रव तत कर दता ह। अ य से बने श जैस-े आहट, आस, आई,
35. त त य - धातुओ ं को छोड़कर अ श म लगने वाले य को
वाला आ द होते ह। इन य का उपयोग करके व भ श बनाए जा सकते ह।
त त कहते ह। जैसे - मैलापन, लड़कपन आ द।
‘अपनापन’ श म ‘पन’ य का योग ह, अपनापन = अपना + पन। इसम त त 48. वषैला श म 'ईला' य नह ह। ' वष' मूल श और 'ऐला' य के
य ह। योग से वषैला श बनता ह। य श के अंत म जुड़ता ह और इससे नए श
अ वक - कृत + ता = कृत ता। बनते ह। कुछ मह पूण य श ह - जैसे ईला, ऐला, एला, अक, इक, आक
और पन। इनका उपयोग करके नए श बनाए जा सकते ह।
49. फा तमा श गलत ह क इसम कोई साथक अथ नह होता ह। अ 55. कड़वा श म 'आहट' य लगाकर नवीन श बनेगा। नए श बनाने के
वक म 'इमा' य ह, जैसे - का लमा, ला लमा, हरी तमा आ द। यश लए य श का उपयोग कया जाए। इसम मूलश और य श का
के अंत म वशेषता या प रवतन लाने वाले श ांश होते ह। उपयोग होता ह। इसके उदाहरण के प म कड़वाहट, नदनीय, मठाई और धड़कन
50. 'पौरा णक' श का अथ 'पुराण संबंधी' होता ह। इस श का नमाण 'पुराण' दए गए ह।
और 'इक' य से होता ह। य का अथ होता ह - साथ म या बाद म चलने 56. मा त श का वभाजन दोषपूण ह क इसम मूल श 'मा त' और
वाला। य 'इ' ह। य ू सर श के अंत म जुड़कर उनका अथ बदलता ह। उदाहरण
51. छावनी श म 'छा' मूल श ह और 'आवनी' कृत् य ह। कृत् य धातु के प म लेख + अक = लेखक, ाम + ईन= ामीण, बूढ़ा + पा = बुढ़ापा और मनु
या या के अंत म जोड़ जाते ह। त त य धातु को छोड़कर अ श म + अ = मानव होता ह।
जुड़ते ह। 57. 'नी' य श के अंत म जुड़ता ह और 'नानी' श का साथक खंड स व
52. 'कटया' म य ह - 'ऐया'। य श के अंत म लगते ह और उनका नह ह। कुछ मह पूण य श ह, जैस-े 'नी', 'ईन', 'अक', 'इक', 'पन', 'इया'
उपयोग श के अथ या भाव को प रव तत करने के लए कया जाता ह। इस और 'आई'।
कार, 'कटया' श म 'ऐया' य लगाया गया ह जो क इस श का अथ या 58. य से बना श ह- "शौक न"। इसम "शौक" मूल श ह और "ईन" य
भाव न द करता ह। छ लया म 'इया' य ह और ईया, एया य से बना श ह। य श के बाद लगकर उनके अथ को प रव तत करता ह। अतः "शौक न"
अशु होगा। म अथ प रवतन के लए य का उपयोग आ ह। अ वक म ' ', ' व' और
53. 'लड़ाकू' कृदंत श ह जो 'लड़' या म 'आकू' कृत् य जोड़ने से बनता ह। 'सम्' उपसग का योग कया गया ह।
य श के अंत म वशेषता या प रवतन लाते ह। कृत् य या या धातु के 59. सही वक ह - ' करायेदार'। करायेदार श म 'दार' य और ' कराया'
अंत म यु होनेवाले य होते ह। त त य अ श म लगने वाले मूल श ह। य श ांश होते ह जो श के अंत म वशेषता या प रवतन लाते
य होते ह। ह। यहाँ 'दार' य चलने वाले का अथ ह।
54. ऐ तहा सक' श 'इ तहास' मूल श और 'इक' य से बना ह। यश 60. सही वक ह - ' मलनसार'। यह श य से बना आ ह, जहाँ ' मलन'
के अंत म जुड़ता ह और कुछ मह पूण य श ह, जैसे - इक, अक, पन, अन, मूल श ह और 'सार' य ह। अ वक म उपसग का योग कया गया
इया और आई। ह- सम् + पादक, + कार, स + प रवार।


A) naughty B) funny
C) wild D) lame
11. Directions ꞉ For the following word (in capital letters), four
CONTEXT) possible substitutes are given. Choose the word which is
nearest in meaning to the word given in capital letters and
1. Direction꞉ Choose the option that is closest in meaning to indicate your response in the options.
the highlighted word in the given sentence꞉ NOTORIOUS
We delicately tried our best to spread our business in all the A) Notable B) Noble
states of our nation. C) Absolute D) Infamous
A) carefully B) diplomatically
12. Directions ꞉ For the following word (in capital letters), four
C) desperately D) cunningly
possible substitutes are given. Choose the word which is
2. Direction꞉ Choose the option that is closest in meaning to nearest in meaning to the word given in capital letters and
the highlighted word in the given sentence꞉ indicate your response in the options.
The Supreme Court has a reputation for being just. PROFICIENT
A) Stubborn B) Impartial A) Adept B) Adopt
C) Humorous D) Capricious C) Profess D) Propagate

3. Select the most appropriate SYNONYM of the given word. 13. Directions ꞉ For the following word (in capital letters), four
The committee's chairperson is facing a possible ouster. possible substitutes are given. Choose the word which is
A) Employment B) Retention nearest in meaning to the word given in capital letters and
C) Expulsion D) Hiring indicate your response in the options.

A) Road
C) Passage
B) Island
D) Isle
4. Choose the correct synonym of the underlined word.
The bride looked stunning as she walked down the aisle.

5. Identify the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence

A) Compassion
C) Cooperation
B) Dislike
D) Deceit
14. Directions ꞉ For the following word (in capital letters), four
possible substitutes are given. Choose the word which is
nearest in meaning to the word given in capital letters and
from the four options given below.
indicate your response in the options.
Once the pasta is cooked, garnish it with mozzarella cheese
and oregano.
A) Confuse B) Conspicuous
A) Paint B) Cover
C) Concise D) Friendly
C) Serve D) Decorate
15. Directions ꞉ For the following word (in capital letters), four
6. Select the most appropriate synonym of the underlined
possible substitutes are given. Choose the word which is
word in the given sentence.

nearest in meaning to the word given in capital letters and

Simon had always been an ardent follower.
A) averse B) objective indicate your response in the options.
C) casual D) passionate
A) Pensive B) Thoughtful
7. Choose the appropriate synonym for the highlighted word C) Patient D) Pitiful
in the given sentence.
16. Below each of the following words (in capital letters) four
Professional athletes demonstrate a high level of skills.
A) prove B) adapt possible substitutes are given. Choose the word which is
nearest in meaning to the word given in capital letters and
C) act D) display
indicate your response on the Answer-Sheet.
8. Choose the appropriate synonym for the highlighted word VIGOUR
in the given sentence. A) Pride B) Active
The rich should not despise the poor. C) Grace D) Vitality
A) Find fault B) Punish
17. Below each of the following words (in capital letters) four
C) Criticize D) Loathe
possible substitutes are given. Choose the word which is
9. Choose the appropriate synonym for the highlighted word nearest in meaning to the word given in capital letters and
in the given sentence. indicate your response accordingly.
Prof. Kumar has a distinct English accent. TRANSGRESS
A) Indiscreet B) Vague A) Translate B) Omit
C) Subtle D) Noticeable C) Trespass D) Sinner
10. Choose the appropriate synonym for the highlighted word 18. Below each of the following words (in capital letters) four
in the given sentence. possible substitutes are given. Choose the word which is
Does he really expect us to believe such a flimsy excuse? nearest in meaning to the word given in capital letters and
indicate your response accordingly.
SIMULTANEOUS He had the audacity to blame him.
A) Pretend B) Concurrent A) boldness B) vigour
C) Same D) Similar C) temerity D) politeness
19. Below each of the following words (in capital letters) four 28. Direction꞉ Find the word that means the opposite of the
possible substitutes are given. Choose the word which is underlined word.
nearest in meaning to the word given in capital letters. Extremely high-pitched sounds can repel birds.
PRESENTLY A) attract B) absorb
A) Immediately B) Later C) confuse D) concentrate
C) Gifted D) Slowly
29. Direction꞉ Item in this section consists of a sentence with
20. Below each of the following words (in capital letters) four an underlined word followed by four words or groups of words.
possible substitutes are given. Choose the word which is Select the option that is opposite in meaning to the
nearest in meaning to the word given in capital letters. underlined word and mark your response on the Answer Sheet
PANDEMONIUM accordingly.
A) Pandal B) Crowd The movie is about fusion of old and contemporary ideas.
C) Chaos D) Prayer A) joining B) bonding
C) separation D) blending
21. Below each of the following words (in capital letters) four
possible substitutes are given. Choose the word which is 30. Direction꞉ Item in this section consists of a sentence with
nearest in meaning to the word given in capital letters. an underlined word followed by four words or groups of words.
EMBLEM Select the option that is opposite in meaning to the
A) Balm B) Sign underlined word and mark your response accordingly.
C) Signature D) Logo His malicious intentions were aborted.

A) pernicious B) spiteful
22. Below each of the following words (in capital letters) four
C) benevolent D) vindictive
possible substitutes are given. Choose the word which is
nearest in meaning to the word given in capital letters. 31. Direction꞉ Item in this section consists of a sentence with
A) Speedy
C) Clean
B) Finicky
D) Hardworking
23. Select the most appropriate SYNONYM of the given word.
A) Genuine B) Automatic
an underlined word followed by four words or groups of words.
Select the option that is opposite in meaning to the
underlined word and mark your response accordingly.
He is forced to lead an itinerant life.
A) vagrant
C) settled
B) roving
D) nomadic

C) Reality D) Truly 32. Direction꞉ Item in this section consists of a sentence with
an underlined word followed by four words or groups of words.
24. Below each of the following words (in capital letters) four
Select the option that is opposite in meaning to the
possible substitutes are given. Choose the word which is
underlined word and mark your response accordingly.
nearest in meaning to the word given in capital letters.
He had a frugal lunch.
A) sparing B) extravagant
A) Propose B) Breed
C) meagre D) delicious
C) Introduce D) Reduce

33. Direction꞉ Item in this section consists of a sentence with

25. Below each of the following words (in capital letters) four
an underlined word followed by four words or groups of words.
possible substitutes are given. Choose the word which is
Select the option that is opposite in meaning to the
nearest in meaning to the word given in capital letters.
underlined word.
The project wasted a considerable amount of time and
A) Tiny B) Weep
C) Us D) Everyone
A) substantial B) trifling
C) plentiful D) abundant

ANTONYM (WITH & WITHOUT 34. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the underlined
CONTEXT) The manager decided to resign from his post as the bank was
declared to be insolvent.
26. Directions꞉ Each item in this section consists of a sentence A) Independent B) Commercial
with an underlined word followed by four options, (a), (b), (c) C) Affluent D) Bankrupt
and (d). Select the option that is opposite in meaning to the
35. Direction꞉ Each item in this section consists of a sentence
underlined word and mark your response accordingly.
with an underlined word followed by four words. Select the
There is exponential growth in the development of the
option that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word.
scientific researches in the recent few decades.
The questions were so elementary that anyone could pass the
A) aggressive B) rampant
C) meager D) augmented
A) unusual B) primary
27. Directions꞉ Each item in this section consists of a sentence C) naive D) advanced
with an underlined word followed by four options, (a), (b), (c)
36. Directions ꞉ For the following word (in capital letters), four
and (d). Select the option that is opposite in meaning to the
possible substitutes are given. Pick out the word that is most
underlined word and mark your response accordingly.
nearly opposite in meaning to the word given in capital letters A) Improper B) Driverless
and indicate your response in the options. C) Check D) Push
47. Below each of the following words (in capital letters) four
A) Divide B) Decay
possible substitutes are given. Pick out the word that is most
C) Despair D) Giant
nearly opposite in meaning to the word given in capital letters.
37. Directions ꞉ For the following word (in capital letters), four RATIONAL
possible substitutes are given. Pick out the word that is most A) Distressed B) Illogical
nearly opposite in meaning to the word given in capital letters C) Unsatisfactory D) Hopeless
and indicate your response in the options.
48. Choose the word which is nearly opposite in meaning to
the given word꞉-
A) Challenge B) Blunt
C) Bright D) Fertile
A) Foment B) Suppress
38. Directions ꞉ For the following word (in capital letters), four C) Repress D) Organise
possible substitutes are given. Pick out the word that is most
49. Below each of the following words (in capital letters) four
nearly opposite in meaning to the word given in capital letters
possible substitutes are given. Pick out the word that is most
and indicate your response in the options.
nearly opposite in meaning to the word given in capital letters.
A) Deep B) Narrow
A) Unkind B) Rude
C) Foolish D) Wise
C) Unrelated D) Coarse
39. Directions ꞉ For the following word (in capital letters), four
50. Below each of the following words (in capital letters) four
possible substitutes are given. Pick out the word that is most

possible substitutes are given. Pick out the word that is most
nearly opposite in meaning to the word given in capital letters
nearly opposite in meaning to the word given in capital letters.
and indicate your response in the options.
A) Sanity B) Sane
A) Maximum B) Pessimism
C) Reputation D) Opposition
40. Directions ꞉ For the following word (in capital letters), four
possible substitutes are given. Pick out the word that is most
nearly opposite in meaning to the word given in capital letters
and indicate your response in the options.
C) Sanitation


D) Rational

A) Gentle B) Generous 51. “In spite of all his brag he had to eat humble pie.
C) Gulity D) Fake Here ‘to eat humble pie’ means
A) to apologize humbly B) to anticipate
41. Find the antonym of the given word
C) to adapt D) None of the above
A) Sedately B) Ebulliently 52. Select the most appropriate meaning of the underlined
C) Prosaically D) Normally idiom in the given sentence.

Shyam had extensive surgery, but he is not yet out of the

42. Select the correct antonym for the given word
A) lost among the trees B) out of luck
A) Stationary B) Stationery
C) on the mend D) out of danger
C) Dormant D) Redundant
53. John disagrees with everything as he loves playing devil's
43. Select the antonym of the given word.
What does "devil's advocate" mean?
A) Fast food B) Trash
A) one who worships the devil B) an evil person
C) Unhealthy D) Bold
C) a person who loves to play D) one who presents a counter
44. Below each of the following words (in capital letters) four games argument
possible substitutes are given. Pick out the word that is most 54. After joining the union, Sankar got the axe (Choose the
nearly opposite in meaning to the word given in capital letters. appropriate meaning of the underlined Idiom).
FOREIGNER A) became powerful B) lost the job
A) Indian B) Inside C) got hike in salary D) got lot of admirers
C) Native D) Alien
55. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
45. Below each of the following words (in capital letters) four Give cold shoulder
possible substitutes are given. Pick out the word that is most A) Start doing something B) Be guiltless
nearly opposite in meaning to the word given in capital letters. before the appropriate time
OBSOLETE C) Think only of one thing D) Ignore, avoid or be
A) Future B) Reputed unfriendly towards someone
C) Old D) Modern 56. Give the meaning of the idiom
46. Find the antonym of the given word The new play has fallen flat ꞉
A) The play is a success B) The play met with a cold Select the one which is most nearly the same to the given
reception idiom/phrase.
C) The play received good D) None of the above Look down on
review A) Look, someone B) Show sympathy
57. Choose the most suitable option that describes the C) Treat with contempt D) Show frustration
meaning of the following underlined idiom and phrase. 66. Direction꞉ Below each of the following underlined idioms
The exam went down in flames, I should have studied well. or phrases four possible substitutes (words or group of words)
A) exam paper got burnt B) passed with good marks. are given. Select the one which is most nearly the same as the
C) failed spectacularly D) exam hall caught fire. given idiom or phrase.
58. "Ramesh often likes to blow his own trumpet." It implies To talk through one's hat
that ꞉ A) To talk nonsense B) To talk indirectly
A) Ramesh likes to praise his B) Ramesh blows his trumpet C) To talk to a powerful person D) To keep quiet
own abilities and on winning.
achievements. 67. Direction꞉ Below each of the following underlined idioms or
C) Ramesh blows his nose. D) Ramesh is ecstatic when phrases four possible substitutes (words or group of words) are
the wind blows. given. Select the one which is most nearly the same to the
given idiom or phrase.
59. DIRECTIONS꞉ A sentence with an underlined idiomatic
At one's wit's end
expression is given. What is the meaning of the idiomatic A) Very clever B) Very stupid
expression 'in the same boat 'in the sentence given below? C) Perplexed D) Enlightened
Jane and Mary are both in the same boat. They have been
called for jury duty. 68. Select the option that means the same as the given idiom.
A) None of the above B) to be opposed to each To smell a rat

other A) To foresee misfortune B) To suspect foul play
C) to be in the same situation, D) to be in altogether different C) To see signs of plague D) To be in a bad mood
or having the same problem directions
69. Direction꞉ Below each of the following underlined idioms or

of straw’ ? Here ‘a man of straw’ means ꞉

A) a man of no substance or
C) a man who is light in
60. What’s the good of entering into negotiations with ‘a man

B) a man who is made of

D) a man who strays here and

phrases four possible substitutes (words or group of words) are
given. Select the one which is most nearly the same to the
given idiom or phrase.
A black sheep
A) An unlucky person B) Disreputable member of a
61. Directions ꞉ For the following underlined idiom or phrase, C) A lucky person D) A person who is given no
four possible substitutes (words or group of words) are given. share
Select the one which is most nearly the same to the given 70. Direction꞉ Below each of the following underlined idioms or
idiom/phrase. phrases four possible substitutes (words or group of words) are
Pay through the nose given. Select the one which is most nearly the same as the
A) Pay very high price B) Miserable condition given idiom or phrase.
C) Be cautious D) Be firm in one' stand To have an axe to grind

62. Directions ꞉ For the following underlined idiom or phrase, A) A personal end to serve B) To have no result
four possible substitutes (words or group of words) are given. C) To work for both sides D) To have a lot of work to do
Select the one which is most nearly the same to the given 71. Direction꞉ Below each of the following underlined idioms or
idiom/phrase. phrases four possible substitutes (words or group of words) are
Bring to book given. Select the one which is most nearly the same as the
A) Admit guilt B) Make known given idiom or phrase.
C) Write in a book D) Punish Long in the tooth
63. Directions ꞉ For the following underlined idiom or phrase, A) Old B) Rotten
four possible substitutes (words or group of words) are given. C) Sweet D) Wise
Select the one which is most nearly the same to the given 72. Direction꞉ Below each of the following underlined idioms or
idiom/phrase. phrases four possible substitutes (words or group of words) are
By virtue of given. Select the one which is most nearly the same as the
A) On account of B) Good qualities given idiom or phrase.
C) By force of D) Honestly Hit the hay
64. Directions ꞉ For the following underlined idiom or phrase, A) Feed the cattle B) Go to sleep
four possible substitutes (words or group of words) are given. C) Burn the hay D) Lose the sheep
Select the one which is most nearly the same to the given 73. In the following question, out of the given four alternatives,
idiom/phrase. select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the
A queer fish Idiom/Phrase.
A) Strong person B) Strange person Spitting image
C) Foolish person D) Prosperous person A) An exact copy B) A lesser version
65. Directions ꞉ For the following underlined idiom or phrase, C) Unclear image D) Reflection
four possible substitutes (words or group of words) are given.
74. Direction꞉ Below each of the following underlined idioms or 79. Below each of the following underlined idioms or phrases
phrases four possible substitutes (words or group of words) are four possible substitutes (words or group of words) are given in
given. Select the one which is most nearly the same to the the options. Select the one which is most nearly the same to
given idiom or phrase. the given idiom or phrase.
Drive up the wall Put on hold
A) To annoy someone B) To be a bad driver A) Carried out B) Continued
C) To be a good driver D) To cause a quarrel C) Demanded D) Deferred
75. Directions꞉ In the following question, out of the four 80. Select the option that means the same as the given idiom.
alternatives, select the alternative which best expresses the Silver lining
meaning of the idiom/phrase. A) Ornamental B) Good looking
Eat humble pie C) Good news D) Bad news
A) To admit that you were B) Be disillusioned
81. Select the option that means the same as the given idiom.
Leave no stone unturned
C) Be humble D) To deal with a humble
person A) Work hard B) Do field work
C) Make all effort D) Make no progress
76. Below each of the following underlined idioms or phrases
four possible substitutes (words or group of words) are given in 82. Select the most appropriate idiom for the given meaning
the options. Select the one which is most nearly the same to Considering everything
the given idiom or phrase. A) All in all B) Blow hot and cold
Never say die C) All in the same boat D) Field day
A) Never give up B) Utter inauspicious words 83. Directions꞉ Select the most appropriate meaning of the

C) Avoid discussion of death D) Accept death given idiom/phrase.
77. Below each of the following underlined idioms or phrases To fall in line
four possible substitutes (words or group of words) are given in A) Fail to meet expectation B) To die
the options. Select the one which is most nearly the same to C) To act in an exaggerated D) To conform with others
the given idiom or phrase.
Steer clear of
A) Sail away
C) Pull away
B) Paddle in water
D) Stay away from
78. Below each of the following underlined idioms or phrases
four possible substitutes (words or group of words) are given in
way in order to impress
84. Directions꞉ Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom/phrase. Need of the hour
A) Compensation for delay
C) Sufficient to serve the
B) A desperate final effort
D) Most important or required
purpose thing in an urgent situation
the options. Select the one which is most nearly the same to
the given idiom or phrase. 85. In the following question, out of the given four alternatives,
All in a day's work select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the
A) Common routine B) One day's work Idiom/Phrase.
C) Daily labour D) Pay day To crook an elbow
A) A naive person B) A conman
C) To cheat somebody D) To drink excessively

Q. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Ans A B C C D D D D D D D A B D
Q. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Ans D D C B A C D B A B A C D A
Q. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
Ans C C C B B C D D D A B D C A
Q. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
Ans C C D C B A C B A D D B D B
Q. 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans C A C A A D A B C A C B B A
Q. 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84
Ans A B A A A A D A D C C A D D
Q. 85
Ans D

1. Delicately means 'cautiously, in order to avoid causing 14. Cordial means 'pleasant and politely warm'. Example ꞉ The
physical damage'. Example꞉ She took the jewel in her hands, gentleman behaved with everyone in a cordial way. Friendly
holding it delicately. Carefully means 'in a way that means 'behaving in a kind and open way'. Example꞉ The local
deliberately avoids harm or errors'. Example ꞉ She carefully people are very friendly to visitors.
preserved all his letters. 15. Pathetic means 'causing feelings of sadness and
2. Just means 'fair and right; reasonable'. Example꞉ I don’t sympathy'. Example - The blind, old dog was a pathetic sight.
think that was a very just decision. Impartial means 'not Pitiful means 'causing you to feel pity or sadness'. Example
supporting one person or group more than another'. Example ꞉ - John looked pitiful, his whole body weak with exhaustion.
The minister cannot be impartial in the way that a judge 16. Vigour means 'physical strength and good health; good
would be. effort, energy, and enthusiasm'. Example - They set about the
3. Ouster means 'dismissal or expulsion from a position'. new task with vigour. Vitality means 'the state of being strong
Example꞉ The committee's chairperson is facing a possible and active; energetic'. Example - Despite her eighty years,
ouster. Expulsion means 'the act of making somebody leave a Elsie was full of vitality.
place or an institution. Example꞉ The club faces expulsion from 17. Transgress means 'to break a law or moral rule; do wrong,
the football league. misbehave'. Example - Those who transgress the law will be
4. Aisle means 'a passage between rows of seats in a building brought to justice. Trespass means 'to violate the boundaries
such as a church or a theatre, an aircraft, or a train'. Example of someone else's property; infraction'. Example - Never
꞉ The aisle was floored with ancient bricks. trespass upon another's rights.
5. Garnish means 'to decorate or embellish (something, 18. Simultaneous means 'occurring, operating, or done at the
especially food)'. Example - The pie was served with a garnish same time'. Example - Two children answered the teacher's
of parsley. Decorate means 'to make (something) look more question simultaneously. Concurrent means 'existing,
attractive by adding extra items or images to it'. Example - happening, or done at the same time'. Example - There are

She decorated the cake with cherries and nuts. three concurrent art fairs around the city.
6. The word "ardent" means 'intense enthusiasm or devotion 19. The solution suggests that the correct answer is
towards something or someone'. Example - She is at heart an "Immediately" as it is the only option that closely matches the
ardent reformer. ''Passionate'' means 'showing or caused by meaning of "Presently" which means "at the present time;

believer in public art. PL

very strong feelings or emotions'. Example - I'm a passionate

7. The word 'display' means a performance, show, or event

staged for public entertainment. Example꞉ A display of
fireworks. Demonstrate means give a practical exhibition and
explanation of (how a machine, skill, or craft work or is
now". The other options, "Later", "Gifted", and "Slowly" do not
have similar meanings to "Presently".
20. Pandemonium means wild and noisy disorder or
confusion; uproar, chaos. The correct answer is option 3,
Chaos, which is a synonym of Pandemonium.
21. Emblem means an object or the figure of an object
performed). Example꞉ A stylist will demonstrate how to dress symbolizing and suggesting another object or an idea. "Logo"
to impress. specifically refers to a symbol or design adopted by an
8. 'Despise' means to hate something/someone, to look down organization to identify its products, similar to an emblem.
on with disrespect. Example꞉ I despise him as he always 22. Fastidious means very attentive to and concerned about
spreads fake news. 'Loathe' is a synonym of 'despise' that accuracy and detail; scrupulous, painstaking, finicky,
means to hate someone/somebody. Example꞉ My two friends meticulous. Finicky means showing or requiring great
loathe each other. Thus, loathe is a synonym of despise. attention to detail; fastidious, punctilious. Hence, we find that

9. Distinct means being recognizably different in nature from both Fastidious and Finicky express similar meaning.
something else of a similar type. Example- The patterns of the 23. The correct answer is Genuine, which means truly what
spoken language are distinct from that of writing. Noticeable something is said to be. It is closest in meaning to Authentic
means being easily seen or noticed or recognized. Example- which means of undisputed origin and not a copy.
There has been a noticeable increase in staff motivation.
Thus, both are synonyms. 24. The solution is to choose option 2, which is "Breed," as it is
the word that is closest in meaning to "Propagate," which
10. Flimsy means weak and not persuasive. The correct
means to breed specimens of a plant or animal by natural
answer for the given sentence is "lame" which means weak processes from the parent stock.
and unsatisfactory. The other options, such as naughty, funny,
and wild, do not fit the context. 25. Wee means little; tiny. e.g. a wee bit of bread and cheese
etc. The correct answer is option 1, Tiny, as it means very small
11. Notorious means 'famous or well known, typically for some
and is closest in meaning to Wee.
bad quality or deed'. Example ꞉ The notorious thug looted the
zamindar of the village. Infamous means 'having a very bad
reputation'. Example ꞉ The medical council disqualified him for ANTONYM (WITH & WITHOUT
infamous misconduct.
12. Proficient means a person 'who is able to do a particular
thing well'. Example꞉- Rajendra, who is a proficient designer,
will handle this project. Adept means a person 'who is very 26. The word "exponential" refers to rapid or significant
skilled in particular field'. Example꞉- She is adept at keeping growth or increase. The opposite of the word "exponential" is
herself cool in stressful situations. "meager" which means limited or insufficient growth.
13. Aversion means 'a strong feeling of not liking 27. ''Audacity" means bold or daring behavior with disregard
somebody/something; disinclination'. Example꞉- She has a for social conventions or consequences. Example꞉ Only Frank
strong aversion towards all fruits and vegetables. Dislike - had the audacity to call our boss a bully. "Temerity" conveys a
'distaste for or hostility towards someone/something'. Example similar sense of recklessness in one's actions. Example꞉ He had
꞉- He dislikes being interviewed. the temerity to call me a liar!
28. The word 'repel' means to send or push 41. Lyrically means 'in a manner which expresses emotions in
somebody/something back or away. Example꞉ The dirt always an imaginative and beautiful way'. Prosaically means
repel her. 'Attract' means 'to cause (someone) to like or be 'commonplace or dull; matter-of-fact or unimaginative'.
interested in something'. Example꞉ I was attracted by the 42. Movable means capable of being moved. Example - It's a
town's vibrant art community. vinyl doll with movable arms and legs. Stationary means 'not
29. "Fusion" generally refers to the act of combining two or moving or not intended to be moved'. Example - A car
more things together to form a single entity. The opposite of collided with a stationary vehicle.
"fusion" would be "separation", which means to keep things 43. The opposite of "nutritious" is "unhealthy". This is because
apart or to keep them from being combined. "nutritious" means nourishing and efficient as food, so the
30. The word "malicious" means 'having or showing a desire opposite must mean something that is not nourishing or
to harm or hurt others'. Example - The referee said there was healthy. Out of the given options, only "unhealthy" fits this
no malicious intent. The word "benevolent" means well- definition.
meaning and kindly. Example - He was a benevolent old man 44. Foreigner means a person not belonging to a particular
and wouldn't hurt a fly. place or group; a stranger or outsider. The opposite of
31. The word "itinerant" refers to someone who travels from "Foreigner" is "Native", which means a person born in a
place to place, often for work or because they have no specified place or associated with a place by birth.
permanent home. The word opposite in meaning to it is 45. Modern, which means characterized by or using the most
''settled'' which refers to someone who has a permanent up-to-date techniques, ideas, or equipment, is the only word
residence and does not move around frequently. that shows the opposite meaning to Obsolete, which means
32. Frugal means 'being careful about spending money and no longer produced or used; out of date.
resources', while extravagant means 'spending a lot of money 46. Propel means to drive or push something forwards. So, its
in an unnecessary or excessive way'. An example for frugal is opposite must mean something that is held or controlled.

"Despite earning a high salary, Sarah lived a frugal lifestyle," Thus, 'check' which means to stop or slow the progress of
and an example for extravagant is "The holiday was an (something, typically something undesirable) is opposite to
extravagant indulgence''. Propel.
33. Considerable means large or significant, so the opposite of 47. Rational means based on or in accordance with reason or

is the correct answer.

"considerable" would be something that is small or
insignificant. The opposite of "considerable" is "trifling", which
means of little importance or insignificant. Therefore, option 2

34. Insolvent means unable to pay debts owed, bankrupt or in

financial distress. The correct answer to the question is
logic. The opposite of rational is illogical, which means lacking
sense or clear, sound reasoning.
48. Quell means to put an end to (a rebellion or other
disorder), typically by the use of force. So, its opposite must
mean to start or stir up trouble. Foment means to instigate or
stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of
"affluent" which means wealthy or having a great deal of
money. Both are antonyms. action). Thus, Foment shows the opposite meaning to Quell.
35. Elementary means basic; not difficult. The opposite of the 49. Kindred means one's family and relations; similar in kind;
underlined word "elementary" is "advanced" which means 'of a related. The opposite of "kindred" is "unrelated", as it means
high level'. not connected by birth or family.

36. Dwarf means 'a person, animal, or plant that is much 50. Insane means characterized or caused by madness. Sane
smaller than the usual size'. Example꞉ Snow White and the 7 means of sound mind; not mad or mentally ill. Thus, both are

dwarfs is a great fable. Giant means 'an extremely large,

strong person'. Example꞉ Tales are told about an island
inhabited by a race of giants, as tall as houses.
37. 'Barren' means (of land) too poor to produce much or any
vegetation. Example꞉ The barren land could produce little WITHOUT CONTEXT)
food. 'Fertile' means bearing, producing, or capable of
producing vegetation, crops, etc. Example꞉ Organic farmers 51. The idiom 'To eat humble pie’ means 'to admit that one
don't put chemicals into the soil, but keep it fertile by growing was wrong or accept that one has been defeated.' For
clover and adding manure. example - John was forced to eat humble pie and publicly
38. Superficial' means 'only on the surface, not apologise to her.
deep'. Example꞉ Nowadays I think people are much more 52. The idiom 'out of the wood' means 'to no longer be in
superficial in the way they look at things. Deep means danger or difficulty, whether physically or figuratively'. For
'strongly felt or experienced, or having a strong and lasting example꞉ We're through the worst of the recession, but we're
effect'. Example꞉ In fact, his entire expression reflected deep out of the woods now.
53. "Devil's advocate" refers to 'someone who argues against
39. Optimism means 'the belief that something good will or attacks an idea, argument, or proposition'. Example꞉ Mary
happen'. Example - They ended the discussion on a note of was playing the devil's advocate in her moral science class by
optimism. Pessimism means 'the state of expecting or arguing with the teacher.
believing that bad things will happen and that something will
54. 'Get the axe' means 'to lose one's job or to be
not be successful'. Example - His pessimism has the effect of
depressing everyone. fired'. Example ꞉ I'm going to get the axe if the boss finds out
that printing error was my fault.
40. Genuine means 'real, rather than pretended or false'.
55. The idiom "give cold shoulder" means 'to intentionally
Example꞉ They're convinced the picture is genuine. Fake
means 'not real, but made to look or seem real'. Example꞉ He ignore, avoid, or be unfriendly towards someone'. Example -
was charged with possessing a fake passport. Sarah tried to talk to her colleague about an important
matter, but he gave her the cold shoulder and walked away.
56. The idiom 'to fall flat' means 'to fail completely in 72. The correct answer is "Go to sleep." The phrase "hit the
producing the intended or expected effect'. Example - Some hay" is a colloquial expression that means to go to bed. It
of the jokes were pretty funny, others fell flat. originates from the use of hay or dried grass in old bed
57. 'Go down in flames' is an idiom which means 'to fail mattresses.
suddenly and spectacularly, thereby ruining its prospects.' For 73. Spitting image means an exact copy or double of
example, 'Despite all the promotions, the major summer something or someone. The idiom comes from the earlier use
release by the famous actor went down in flames—hardly of the noun "spit" for "likeness". It is important to note that
anyone went to see it.' "splitting image" is an incorrect variation of the idiom.
58. Blow his own trumpet means to talk boastfully about one's 74. To drive (someone) up the wall means to annoy or frustrate
achievements. Thus, Ramesh likes to praise his own abilities someone to the point of exasperation. The phrase is derived
and achievements is the correct answer. from someone trying desperately to escape something
59. To be in the same boat means to be in exactly the same annoying by climbing up the wall. An example sentence is
difficulty or situation, or to be in the same unpleasant "Throughout the ride to the store, Sam continued to drive
situation as other people. Dean up the wall."

60. The phrase "man of straw" means a man of no substance 75. To eat humble pie means to admit that one is wrong,
or consequence, with weak character and lacking definite usually when doing so triggers great embarrassment or
beliefs. Option 1 is the correct answer to the given question. shame. Thus, option 1 is the correct answer. Option 3, viz., Be
humble can seem correct; but the phrase 'To eat humble pie'
61. 'Pay through the nose' means 'pay much more than a fair also means to apologize in addition to being humble.
price'. For example - Now we have to pay through the nose
76. Never say die is a used to encourage someone not to give
for oil, petrol, and diesel as there is uncertainty in the global
market. up hope in a difficult situation. E.g. John is well liked because
of his never say die attitude. Thus, the correct answer is option
62. 'Bring to book' means 'punishing someone for an offense

1, i.e., Never give up.
or making them explain their behaviour officially'. Example - I
77. To steer clear of something means to avoid someone or
will bring that man to book for the crime he has committed.
something that seems unpleasant, dangerous, or likely to
63. 'By Virtue of' means 'because or as a result of'. Example꞉- I cause problems. E.g. He warned me to steer clear of the

performance of the past.

am facing slow promotion growth by virtue of the inconsistent

64. ' A queer fish' means a person whose behavior seems

strange or unusual. Example꞉ Everyone could tell he was a
queer fish as soon as he walked into the party with his
mismatched clothing.
people there. Thus, the correct answer is option 4, i.e., Stay
away from.
78. The correct answer is option 1, which means "common
routine." The phrase "all in a day's work" refers to something
unpleasant or difficult that has become part of someone's
normal routine.
65. 'Look down on' means 'to show contempt for or to regard 79. The solution is option 4, Deferred, which means to
oneself as superior to someone or something'. Example꞉ The temporarily put on hold or suspend an activity. The phrase
well-dressed businessman looked down upon the kid wearing "put on hold" originated from early technological delays in
a T-shirt in the elevator. telephonic conversations.
66. ' To talk through one's hat' means 'to talk foolishly, wildly, 80. The solution explains that the phrase "silver lining" refers
or ignorantly; especially on a subject that one professes to be to a positive aspect in a negative situation. It is related to the
knowledgeable about but in fact is ignorant of'. Example - idiom "every cloud has a silver lining" which means that every
Mary keeps saying she can outrun anyone in our school, but

bad situation has some good in it. Thus, the correct answer is
she's talking through her hat if you ask me. option 3, i.e., good news.
67. 'To be at wit's end' means 'to be completely puzzled and 81. To leave no stone unturned means to make every possible
perplexed, not knowing what to do'. Example - I've tried every effort to achieve something. The phrase comes from an
possible source without success, and now I'm at my wit's end. ancient Greek legend about a buried treasure. Thus, 'make all
68. To smell a rat means to be suspicious of a situation, effort' conveys the exact meaning of the idiom.
possibly indicating foul play or treachery. The phrase comes 82. The correct answer is "All in all." This idiom means
from the old days when rats were associated with disease, everything considered or used to introduce a summary or
and dogs would sniff them out. It can also refer to a spy or general statement. The other given idioms have different
informer. Thus, option 2 is the correct answer. meanings.
69. The term "black sheep" refers to a disreputable member of 83. The idiom "To fall in line" means to conform with others
a group or family who is considered a disgrace. The term and follow expected standards of behavior. For example, The
comes from the presence of a black sheep among white ones, employees are expected to fall in line with the new
which were more common and had more valuable wool. The regulations. This is the correct answer, which is option 4.
correct answer to the given question is option 2.
84. The idiom "Need of the hour" means the most important
70. The phrase "to have an axe to grind" means to have a or required thing in an urgent situation. It refers to what
personal agenda. The correct answer is option 1, which states someone needs most at a particular time. The correct answer
that the personal end to serve is the meaning of the phrase. is option 4.
Example꞉ He knew she had an axe to grind when she joined
85. The idiom "To crook an elbow" means to drink excessively.
the band.
It is an expression that cannot be understood from the
71. The phrase "long in the tooth" means to be old, originating meanings of its separate words but must be learned as a
from the practice of examining horses' teeth to estimate their whole. Option 4 is the best description of the given idiom.
age. The correct answer is option 1, "Old."

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