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English Language And Development B

D. Who are your personal idols and why are they so important to you?

It is believed that having a personal idol inspires us and we work so that we can be like them .We tell
ourselves that if we do not follow in their steps we may not succeed or even might also not work
and grind past them.

Unexpectedly having an idol is not wrong . And having a person or people we look up to in our lives
helps us create a guide in assisting maturing our lives. Strategically having your own personal role
model aspires towards personal development. It does not matter how rich or well-known a person
may be, but if we feel like they are good and inspire many people there is nothing wrong with
that .That is why Maya Angelou and Winnie Mandela are my role models. They teach me that in life
in order to learn, grow and being prepared to be a better person for tomorrow than you were today
you must be strong.

Firstly the reason why Maya Angelou is my role model is how she handled and behaved herself, she
did not listen to the naysayers in the past. She inspires me with her confidence and her beauty. She
was the black successful women who was on the same career path as I like , she always made me
believe to look things at a good perspective . in general the poem she wrote ‘Still I Rise” made me
believe in myself and helped me understand the person she was . Maya was brave, intelligent and
also not scared of anything. That is when I started to learn about her, read stories and follow her.

She inspired generations , she was a women of great strength and dignity and motivated many
people especially women through her heart warming and motivating poems and quotes. Naturally
she was and still is a good network, she never gave up when she encountered defeat she stood
undefeated. Lastly she was a true black goddess with brains , her inteligence remained unshaken as
the oppressors tried to bring her down but still she rose. Their words could not shoot her but made
her better . Teaching me as a girl to follow in her footsteps and instead of crying over our issues we
deal with them and fight bravely.

Secondly Winnie Mandela is also my role model because she always taught me that doing things
beyond our comfort level is what makes one grow as a person and learn to develop strengths which
we never knew we had. And also taught me to be open-minded and forgive if one person does me
wrong. She was also a smart black women who knew what she wanted in life. We all have potential
to be great that is why we need someone to look up to. That is why she was called MOTHER OF THE
NATION . She fought for our rights as a strong black women a nation needed. There is this one author
that said “if you want a rainbow you got to put up with the rain” and she did just that in order for us
women to be recognized .

She was helping young people to be educated. She was also interested in helping people better their
mental health and spread positive change. She always gave me direction whenever I felt like giving
up and not finish what I started . Consequently she made my future certain. She became my tool belt
influence. When she helped people in need and became a philanthropist that is when my love for her
grew and then right there I told myself that one good day I will be like her , and as I am working on
towards my doctorate psychology t degree I will be there for people and hear their silent cries and
try to make them face and deal with the challenges they face.

Naturally what I can say, an idol is anything that has to do with god so they say .My role models are
people I can count onto and they have been my inspiration right from when I heard about them .To
me, role models are the lights in the darkness and what makes them truly worthy of looking up to is
that they teach young people these qualities through their actions . And even though they have
passed on, they left a powerful impact in our lives. And taught society to love each other and be able
to live in a nurturing and loving environment .

In conclusion, the influence of role models have on young people is a good thing. They encourage me
to be strong and follow my dreams and also help me reach my full capacity while reminding me to be
happy in every situation and never take life seriously .Their teachings in form of moral values are
valued and also at the moment I am learning to be strong and hardworking from their life challenges
they faced in the apartheid era and lastly they provided us with all the information we needed in
order to survive this harsh world.

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