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STUDENTS WORKSHEET 2 Name Day/Date Read the text 1 and text 2! Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, ¢, or d! 1. What is the purpose of the text 1? vy 2, To provide an alternative of washing your hands ®% Totell the readers about how to wash your hands properly c. Tollet the readers know the problems of washing your hands d. To show the readers the details of the material needed in washing hands ry-yeur hands....”. The underlined word has opposite meaning with ... Ss. . > with c.wash d. wonderful 3. Intext 1, what should we do before rubbing hands for 15 - 20 seconds ? a, Wet your hands Scrub backofhands + vu XX Apply soap d. Turn off water 4. In the 2nd text, before we turn the mask right side out, we should ... a. dry all the water ¢ not let the soap b. use hand sanitizer use the towel to turn offtap 5. “Rinse well”. What does the underlined words mean? a. mop b. blow W 2X wash 4d. join STUDENTS WORKSHEET 2 Name Day/Date :. SA¥. Read the text 1 and text 2! Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, ¢, or d! 1. What is the purpose of the text 1? a, To provide an alternative of washing your hands, \ _X Totell the readers about how to wash your hands properly c. Tolet the readers know the problems of washing your hands d. To show the readers the details of the material needed in washing hands 2. “Dry your hands....”. The underlined word has opposite meaning with .. v A wet b. with c. wash d. wonderful 3, In text 1, what should we do before rubbing hands for 15 - 20 seconds ? a, Wet your hands c. Scrub back of hands Y NX Apply soap d. Turn off water 4, Inthe 2nd text, before we turn the mask right side out, we should... a. dry all the water c, not let the soap b. use hand sanitizer Umuse the towel to turn off tap 5. “Rinse well”. What does the und. words mean? a mop _b. blow fash i STUDENTS WORKSHEET 2 Name Day/Date : B&by, 2023 Read the text 1 and text 2! Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b,c, ord! 1. Whats the purpose of the text 17 a, To provide an alternative of washing your hands X Totell the readers about how to wash your hands properly c. Tolet the readers know the problems of washing your hands 4. To show the readers the details of the material needed in washing hands 2. “Dry your hands....”. The underlined word has opposite meaning with .. vu & wet b. with c.wash d. wonderful 3. In text 1, what should we do before rubbing hands for 15 - 20 seconds ? a. Wet your hands c. Scrub back of hands vu & Apply soap ak Turn off water 4. Inthe 2nd text, before we turn the mask right side out, we should .. a, dry all the water c.not let the soap b. use hand sanitizer Wuse the towel to turn off tap 5. “Rinse well”. What does the ui a mop _b. blow STUDENTS WORKSHEET 2 Name Day/Date Read the text 1 and text 2! Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d! 1, Whatis the purpose of the text 1? a, To provide an alternative of washing your hands LU C& Totell the readers about how to wash your hands properly ‘c. To let the readers know the problems of washing your hands d. To show the readers the details of the material needed in washing hands 2. “Devyour hands....”. The underlined word has opposite meaning with .. wet O& with c. wash d. wonderful 3, Intext 1, what should we do before rubbing hands for 15 - 20 seconds ? a, Wetyour hands . Scrub back of hands VY & Apply soap d. Turn off water 4, In the 2nd text, before we turn the mask right side out, we should ... a. dry all the water c.not let the soap b. use hand sanitizer “at use the towel to turn off tap 5. “Rinse well”. What does the underlined words mean? a. mop b. blow (wash d. join STUDENTS WORKSHEET 2 Name Day/Date Read the text 1 and text 21 Choose the correct answer by crossing, b, c, or d! 1. Whatis the purpose of the text 1 ? a, To provide an alternative of washing your hands (6) To tell the readers about how to wash your hands properly ¢, Tolet the readers know the problems of washing your hands 4. To show the readers the details of the material needed in washing hands 2. “Dry your hands...”. The underlined word has opposite meaning with .. uv @ wet b. with c. wash d. wonderful 3. Intext 1, what should we do before rubbing hands for 15 - 20 seconds ? a. Wetyour hands c. Scrub back of hands U & Apply soap d. Turn off water 4. Inthe 2nd text, before we turn the mask right side out, we should ... a. dryall the water not let the soap b. use hand sanitizer @ase the towel to turn off tap 5. “Rinse well”, What does the underlined words mean? ‘a. mop b. blow UY @)wash d.join STUDENTS WORKSHEET 2 Name Day/Date ; Wednesd9y 23-9 > 2923 \ ___ Read the text 1 and text 2! - Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d! C callont Soe 1. What is the purpose of the text 17 oN a, To provide an alternative of washing your hands VV \& To tell the readers about how to wash your hands properly ©. To let the readers know the problems of washing your hands d, To show the readers the details of the material needed in washing hands 2. “Dry your hands...”. The underlined word has opposite meaning with ... SX wet b. with c. wash d. wonderful 3. Intext 1, what should we do before rubbing hands for 15 ~ 20 seconds ? a. Wet your hands ©. Scrub back of hands /®% Apply soap d. Turn off water 4, In the 2nd text, before we turn the mask right side out, we should .. a. dry all the water ¢.not let the soap b. use hand sanitizer / {use the towel to turn off tap 5. “Rinse well”. What does the underlined words mean? a mop _b. blow wash d.join STUDENTS WORKSHEET 2 Name “sh .2%..:.6-2023 Read the text 1 and text 2! Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d! Day/Date 1. Whatis the purpose of the text 17 a, To provide an alternative of washing your hands V ©) Totell the readers about how to wash your hands properly ©. Tolet the readers know the problems of washing your hands d. To show the readers the details of the material needed in washing hands 2. “Dry your hands,..". The underlined word has opposite meaning with .. Vy @ wet b. with c. wash 4. wonderful 3. Intext 1, what should we do before rubbing hands for 15 - 20 seconds ? a, Wet your hands ©. Scrub back of hands v ©.) Apply soap d. Turn off water 4. In the 2nd text, before we turn the mask right side out, we should ... a. dryall the water c.not let the soap b, usehand sanitizer V (@)use the towel to turn off tap 5. “Rinse well”. What does the underlined words mean? a, mop _—b. blow U/ @)wash d. join STUDENTS WORKSHEET 2 Name Day/Date : tiedos 2B .ei.. 2023 Read the text 1 and text 2! Choose the correct answer by crossing, b, ¢, or d! 1. Whatis the purpose of the text 1? a. To provide an alternative of washing your hands (6) To tell the readers about how to wash your hands properly ¢. Tolet the readers know the problems of washing your hands d, To show the readers the details of the material needed in washing hands 2. “Dry your hands....". The underlined word has opposite meaning with ... vu @ wet b. with c. wash d. wonderful 3. Intext 1, what should we do before rubbing hands for 15 - 20 seconds ? a, Wetyour hands ©. Scrub back of hands VY ©) Apply soap d. Turn off water 4. Inthe 2nd text, before we turn the mask right side out, we should .. a. dry all the water c-not let the soap b. use hand sanitizer @use the towel to turn off tap 5. “Rinse well”. What does the underlined words mean? a mop _b. blow \/ ©)wash i STUDENTS WORKSHEET 2 Name Day/Date : x.FUNEO.2S..28: 2023 Read the text 1 and text 2! Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, ¢, or d! 1. What is the purpose of the text 1? a, To provide an alternative of washing your hands U % Totell the readers about how to wash your hands properly c. Tolet the readers know the problems of washing your hands 4d, To show the readers the details of the material needed in washing hands 2. “Dry your hand: ”". The underlined word has opposite meaning with ... wa wet b. with c.wash d. wonderful 3. Intext 1, what should we do before rubbing hands for 15 - 20 seconds ? a. Wet your hands 2 Scrub back of hands U. & Apply soap d. Turn off water 4, Inthe 2nd text, before we turn the mask right side out, we should ... a. dry all the water c.not let the soap b. use hand sanitizer \/ _>¢.use the towel to turn offtap 5. “Rinse well”, What does the underlined words mean? ‘a. mop —_b. blow Ux. wash d, join STUDENTS WORKSHEET 2 Name: Day/Date Read the text 1 and text 2! Choose the correct answer by crossing, b, ¢, ord! 1. What is the purpose of the text 17 a, To provide an alternative of washing your hands, 3K Totell the readers about how to wash your hands properly c. Tolet the readers know the problems of washing your hands 4 To show the readers the details of the material needed in washing hands 2. “Dry your hands....”. The underlined word has opposite meaning with ... VX wet b. with c.wash d. wonderful 3. In text 1, what should we do before rubbing hands for 15 - 20 seconds ? Wet your hands 3K Scrub back of hands ¢ D> Apply soap d. Turn off water 4. In the 2nd text, before we turn the mask right side out, we should .. a. dryalll the water c.not let the soap b. use hand sanitizer — X{use the towel to turn off tap 5. “Rinse well”. What does the u ed words mean? ash Ajoin Ya mop _b. blow STUDENTS WORKSHEET 2 Name Day/Date 2023 Read the text 1 and text 2! Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, ¢, or d! Cxeal nt Lap 1. What is the purpose of the text 1? a L— a. To provide an alternative of washing your hands ‘To tell the readers about how to wash your hands properly c. Tolet the readers know the problems of washing your hands 4d. To show the readers the details of the material needed in washing hands 2. “Dry your hands....”. The underlined word has opposite meaning with .. UY & wet b. with c. wash d. wonderful 3 Intext 1, what should we do before rubbing hands for 15 - 20 seconds? a. Wet your hands ¢. Scrub back of hands U/ Apply soap d. Turn off water 4, Inthe 2nd text, before we turn the mask right side out, we should ... a. dry all the water not let the soap b. use hand sanitizer V/ > use the towel to turn off tap 5. “Rinse well”. What does the ungerined words mean? a. mop _b. blow wash d.join STUDENTS WORKSHEET 2 Name: Adi Day/Date Read the text 1 and text 2! Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, ¢, or d! 1. Whatis the purpose of the text 1? a, To provide an alternative of washing your hands, U ® Totell the readers about how to wash your hands properly . Tolet the readers know the problems of washing your hands d, To show the readers the details of the material needed in washing hands 2. “Dry your hands....”. The underlined word has opposite meaning with ... Ue wet b. with c.wash d. wonderful 3. In text 1, what should we do before rubbing hands for 15 - 20 seconds ? Wet your hands . Scrub back of hands U¥ Apply soap 4d. Turn off water 4. Inthe 2nd text, before we turn the mask right side out, we should ... a, dry all the water ¢ not let the soap b. use hand sanitizer =. fuse the towel to turn off tap 5, “Rinse well”, What does the undgrlined words mean? X a. mop b. blow wash join STUDENTS WORKSHEET 2 Name Day/Date Read the text 1 and text 2! Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b,c, or d! 1. Whatis the purpose of the text 1? a, To provide an alternative of washing your hands / % Totell the readers about how to wash your hands properly . Tolet the readers know the problems of washing your hands 4d, To show the readers the details of the material needed in washing hands 2. “Dry your hands....”. The underlined word has opposite meaning with ... Ue wet b. with c. wash d. wonderful 3. In text 1, what should we do before rubbing hands for 15 ~ 20 seconds ? a. Wetyour hands ¢. Scrub back of hands U3 Apply soap 4. Turn off water 4, Inthe 2nd text, before we turn the mask right side out, we should .. a. dry all the water c not let the soap b. use hand sanitizer © yLuse the towel to turn off tap 5. “Rinse well”, What does the underlined words mean? a. mop b. blow \/_x wash d. join STUDENTS WORKSHEET 2 Name Day/Date Read the text 1 and text 2! Choose the correct answer by crossing, b, ¢, ord! 1. What is the purpose of the text 1? a, To provide an alternative of washing your hands, “4 To tell the readers about how to wash your hands properly ¢. Tolet the readers know the problems of washing your hands 4. To show the readers the details of the material needed in washing hands The underlined word has opposite meaning with ... b. with c.wash d. wonderful 3. In text 1, what should we do before rubbing hands for 15 - 20 seconds ? a. Wet your hands Scrub back of hands x oy soap 4. Turn off water 4. In the 2nd text, before we turn the mask right side out, we should . a. dry all the water c.not let the soap b. use hand sanitizer (7 tKuse the towel to turn off tap 5. “Rinse well”, What does the underlined words mean? a mop _b. blow / wash d.join STUDENTS WORKSHEET 2 Name Day/Date Read the text 1 and text 2! Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, ord! 1. Whats the purpose of the text 1? a. To provide an alternative of washing your hands VV 4. Totell the readers about how to wash your hands properly ¢. Toletthe readers know the problems of washing your hands d. To show the readers the details of the material needed in washing hands 2. “Dry your hands...”. The underlined word has opposite meaning with ... vx wet b. with c. wash d. wonderful 3. In text 1, what should we do before rubbing hands for 15 - 20 seconds ? a. Wet your hands Scrub back of hands x Q Apply soap d. Turn off water 4, Inthe 2nd text, before we turn the mask right side out, we should ... a. dry all the water c.not let the soap b. use hand sanitizer (“ xLuse the towel to turn offtap 5. “Rinse well”. What does the underlined words mean? a. mop _b. blow «wash d. join STUDENTS WORKSHEET 2 Name Day/Date Read the text 1 and text 2! Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, ¢, or d! 1. Whatis the purpose of the text 17 a. To provide an alternative of washing your hands Vy & Totell the readers about how to wash your hands properly c. Tolet the readers know the problems of washing your hands d. To show the readers the details of the material needed in washing hands your hands,..”. The underlined word has opposite meaning with... x () wet b. with Kwash d. wonderful 3. In text 1, what should we do before rubbing hands for 15 - 20 seconds ? a. Wet your hands . Scrub back of hands Y YX Apply soap d. Turn off water 4. Inthe 2nd text, before we turn the mask right side out, we should ... a. dry all the water c.not let the soap b. usehand sanitizer \/ Kuse the towel to turn off tap well”, What does the undeplined words mean? mop b. blow ash Kjoin STUDENTS WORKSHEET 2 Name Day/Date Read the text 1 and text 2! Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b,c, or d! 1. Whatis the purpose of the text 1? a, To provide an alternative of washing your hands To tell the readers about how to wash your hands properly XX. Tolet the readers know the problems of washing your hands d. To show the readers the details of the material needed in washing hands 2. “Dry your hands....”. The underlined word has opposite meaning with .. Ux wet b. with c. wash d. wonderful 3. In text 1, what should we do before rubbing hands for 15 - 20 seconds ? Wet your hands OK Scrub back of hands v- /) Apply soap d. Turn off water 4. In the 2nd text, before we turn the mask right side out, we should ... a. dry all the water jot let the soap b. use hand sanitizer Ck ise the towel to turn off tap 5. “Rinse well”. What does the ey words mean? Ya mop blow wash 4d. join STUDENTS WORKSHEET 2 Name Day/Date Read the text 1 and text 2! Choose the correct answer by crossing a,b, ¢, or d! 1. Whatis the purpose of the text 1? a. To provide an alternative of washing your hands H, ar) th J (DD Totell the readers about how to wash your hands properly CB To let the readers know the problems of washing your hands _———D rands d. To show the readers the details of the material needed in washing. A wr hands...", The underlined word has opposite meaning with... x (a pret b. with ©wash 4, wonderful 3, In text 1, what should we do before rubbing hands for 15 - 20 seconds ? a, Wetyour hands €) Scrub back of hands vu © Apply soap . Turn off water 4, Inthe 2nd text, before we turn the mask right side out, we should .. a. dry all the water hot let the soap b. use hand sanitizer @use the towel to turn off tap 5. “Rinse wel Wht dons he ungrined worse meat a. mop _b. blow d. join STUDENTS WORKSHEET 2 Name Day/Date Read the text 1 and text 2! Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d! Kep Good. "9 1. Whatis the purpose of the text 1? A d a,_ To provide an alternative of washing your hands Vay Logue UX¢ To tell the readers about how to wash your hands properly . To let the readers know the problems of washing your hands ee d. To show the readers the details of the material needed in washing hands 2. *Dpyyoyr hands,..". The underlined word has opposite meaning with .. a (aye b. with Xygeb d. wonderful 3. In text 1, what should we do before rubbing hands for 15 - 20 seconds ? « Wet your hands ¢. Scrub back of hands Apply soap 4: Turn off water 4, In the 2nd text, before we turn the mask right side out, we should ... @ dry all the water fnot let the soap Fb. use hand sanitizer Huse the towel to turn off tap 5. “Rinse well”, What does the undeylingd words mean? a mop kK blow hash drioin STUDENTS WORKSHEET 2 OY & Name Day/Date SS 9 Read the text 1 and text 2! Choose the correct answer by crossing, b,c, or d! Keep Sadjng i. What is the purpose of the text 1? a. To provide an alternative of washing your hands tod Nea 6) To tell the readers about how to wash your hands properly ©. Tollet the readers know the problems of washing your hands a d. To show the readers the details of the material needed in washing hands “Dry your hands....”. The underlined word has opposite meaning with ... V@ wet b. with c. wash d. wonderful In text 1, what should we do before rubbing hands for 15 - 20 seconds ? Wet your hands © Scrub back of hands Apply soap d. Turn off water In the 2nd text, before we turn the mask right side out, we should .. a. dry all the water @not let the soap b. use hand sanitizer @use the towel to turn off tap “Rinse well”. What does the gyfertned words mean? . mop —_b. blow ~ @ wash d, join

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