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1. .”Garbage to them is gold”, why does the author say so about the ragpickers?

2. Is Saheb happy working at the tea stall? Why/Why not?

3. Describe the fate of 20,000 child workers who work in the bangle industry of
Firozabad in most hazardous conditions. Mention any two hazards of working
in the glass bangles industry.
4. Which forces conspire to keep the workers in the bangle industry at Firozabad
in poverty?
5. Which forces conspire to keep the workers in the bangle industry at Firozabad
in poverty?
6. 1 “Seemapuri is a part of Delhi, yet miles away from it.” Give your views on the
7. What was unusual about M Hamel’s dress on his last day in the school?
8. What a thunderclap these words were to me!” What were the words
that shocked and surprised the Narrator?
9. Why had the villagers come to school on the day of the last lesson?
10. What words did M Hamel write on the blackboard before dismissing the last class? What did
they mean?
11. Franz thinks, “Will they make them sing in German, even the
pigeons?” What does
this tell us about the attitude of the Frenchmen?

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