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Rooting out scientific misconduct

cientific misconduct is an issue rife with contro- or distort the actual findings.” Still, ORI has missed an Ivan Oransky
versy, from its forms and definitions to the poli- opportunity to hold institutions accountable. Although is a cofounder of
cies that guide how allegations are handled. A the agency suggests that it is an institution’s responsi- Retraction Watch,
survey published nearly 15 years ago reported bility to foster an environment that promotes integrity, New York, NY, USA;
that 2% of researchers said they had fabricated how should this be measured and judged? The revision distinguished
or falsified data in their published work. This is still exclusively addresses misconduct by individuals. It journalist in
not just an academic issue. Fake data promote would be best if an institution could be held responsible residence at New
ineffective or even dangerous treatments, for example, for a toxic, unsupportive research environment. York University,
and thwart the discovery of real solutions for society. Even if its recommendations are further adjusted, New York, NY, USA;
In the United States, the Office of Research Integrity ORI lacks the personnel and budget to address the
and editor-in-chief
(ORI) is tasked with rooting out misconduct in research potential scope of alleged misconduct. The office is
of The Transmitter,

funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Last largely limited to supervising university investigations
The Simons
October, ORI proposed changes to how it functions. instead of carrying them out itself, which would avoid
The agency’s recommendations—the first since 2005— the obvious institutional conflict of interest. ORI also Foundation, New
have evoked mixed reactions, but the real problem is lacks subpoena power to compel witness testimony. York, NY, USA. ivan@
that ORI is underfunded and lacks This point may help explain why the
the resources and authority needed to National Science Foundation’s Office
make a difference. Unless its charter of the Inspector General, which has Barbara Redman

is revised by Congress, the ORI can
sadly do little more than tinker at the
“…ORI…lacks subpoena power, tends to make far
more findings of misconduct than
is a courtesy adjunct
professor at New
edges of scientific fraud.
It is a wonder that the ORI accom-
the resources ORI each year.
There is good news, though. Some
York University’s
School of Nursing

plishes much at all. Its current budget
is $12 million per year to oversee work
and authority publishers have become more willing
to correct the scientific record. This
and an associate of
New York University
funded by NIH, a $48 billion agency.
Add to that the frequent internal
needed to make led to more than 10,000 retractions in
2023—reflecting about 0.2% of the lit-
Langone’s Division
of Medical Ethics,
strife over ORI’s proper role and a di-
rectorship that has often been vacant, a difference.” erature across all fields, as indicated
in a recent analysis. According to the
New York, NY, USA.
and one can see how its ability to be study, this is a 10-fold increase com-
effective does not meet the expecta- pared with two decades ago. Not all
tions for upholding the integrity of research activities. of these were because of misconduct, but studies have
The regulations proposed by ORI’s new director, consistently found that two-thirds of retractions are.

y g
Sheila Garrity, include fine-tuning of definitions and However, it is not clear whether the incidence of mis-
processes that is long overdue. For example, they clarify conduct has increased over time. There is no question
the term “reckless,” which was used more often recently that the work of today’s sleuths, who often use software
by the ORI to prosecute fraud cases. The term empha- not available 20 years ago, has pushed these numbers
sizes indifference to or disregard for the truth of the higher. And the fraudulent activity of research paper

matter being asserted, according to a recent article. mills that produce fake manuscripts is likely also a fac-
But what should happen if someone has supervised, tor. On a larger scale, universities are starting to take
but not performed, the research at issue, as in the case a harder look at the suitability of perverse “publish or
of former Stanford University president Marc Tessier- perish” incentives for faculty promotion and tenure.
Lavigne, who failed to correct problems in work by his Thirty years ago, ORI was created in response to a se-
trainees? As the article asks, what is reasonable supervi- ries of scandals at prominent institutions, some involv-
sion and when is it so lacking that it becomes reckless? ing faked data, that caught the attention of Congress.
The agency seems much more open to disclosing the Congress should strengthen what it set out to do—
results of university investigations, a transparency that address misconduct in science by giving ORI the teeth it
has predictably been met with criticism from academic needs to sink into the problem.
institutions that claim it might “violate privacy laws –Ivan Oransky and Barbara Redman


SCIENCE 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 131


Snake teeth predict strike tactics

he shape and position of a snake’s teeth say a lot about
how it hunts, a study has found. Using 3D x-ray scans
of their mouths, herpetologist William Ryerson of the
Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine identi-
fied two distinct groups, each correlated with different
methods of striking prey. “Strikers,” such as boa constrictors
(right), quickly attack from above, immediately grabbing the prey
with their tall lower teeth to enable the snake to coil around the prey
and strangle it. “Lungers,” such as king snakes, attack an animal
straight on and less quickly, piercing it with both their top and bottom
teeth at the same time. Their gape is smaller than that of strikers.
Ryerson, who presented the findings last week at the Society for
Integrative and Comparative Biology’s annual meeting, studied about
70 individuals from 13 snake species, representing four of the five main
groups. He filmed them as they attacked a dead rodent that he had heated
to attract them. He hopes a better understanding of snake teeth will
inspire practical engineering applications.

credits. Under the new method, which such research, but some federal and state opposed the TMT and long campaigned
took effect on 1 January, the National lawmakers have introduced new propos- against overdevelopment of the summit,
Evaluation and Accreditation Agency will als to prohibit it. which is home to 13 observatories. The

also consider a range of research outputs CSO is the first to be taken down after a
besides papers—for example, patents and 2015 pledge by Hawaii’s then-Governor
exhibitions—along with the work’s social Curie lab demolition postponed David Ige (D) to reduce the number. From
impact. The reforms are also crafted to | A planned demolition of part
H I S T O RY 1987 to 2015, the CSO pioneered studies

reduce plagiarism and deceitful multi- of Marie Curie’s historic laboratory in in the wavelength range between infrared
authorship, and to reward scholars for Paris has been suspended after an outcry and radio. Its components will be shipped
publishing in open-access journals. Spain from preservationists and an interven- to Chile and reassembled in the high
is one of the first countries to adopt such tion from France’s culture minister. Atacama Desert, where it will be reborn as
a policy; in several others, only individual The targeted building, the Pavillon des the Leighton Chajnantor Telescope.
institutions have. Sources, was one of three constructed
when the Radium Institute, now known
as the Curie Institute, was established in Radio circles linked to gas blasts
Fetal tissue yields brain organoids 1909. Curie used the building for some of ASTRONOMY | Scientists this week pro-
BIOMEDICINE | Researchers say they have her pioneering work on radioactivity and posed a cause of odd radio circles (ORCs),

y g
grown organoids from fetal brain tissue, later became the first woman to win a the mysterious, giant rings that pop up
providing a new means of studying brain Nobel Prize, for discovering polonium and in sky surveys at radio wavelengths: They
cancers and developmental disorders. radium. The institute, which still manages form when distant galaxies expel gas
In previous studies, researchers created the site, proposed to build a new build- after intense star formation. Fewer than
brainlike organoids using stem cells that ing there to expand its cancer research, a dozen ORCs have been spotted since

can turn into many cell types. In this saying Curie used the existing one mainly the first, in 2019, and astronomers did
week’s issue of Cell, a research team in to store radioactive materials. Last week, not even know whether they originated
Europe reports using fetal brain tissue to the institute said it would now consider in or near our own galaxy or in distant
grow 3D structures that resemble those alternatives to demolishing the building, ones. New clues emerged after the team
that naturally occur in the cortex, fore- which remains contaminated. discovered that a distant galaxy, which
brain, or spinal cord. The new organoids appeared to be enveloped in an ORC,

may offer a realistic new model of how produced a bright fluorescent glow from
individual brain regions grow and could Mauna Kea slim-down begins excited oxygen atoms. The astronomers
also enable better testing of drugs for ASTRONOMY | Workers last month developed a computer model suggesting
brain cancer. Pregnant people donated completed dismantling and removing the that during an intense period of star for-
the tissue from fetuses aborted between Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO) mation there 1 billion years earlier, many
12 and 15 weeks postconception. The team atop Hawaii’s Mauna Kea, a first step stars quickly went supernova, blasting
worked with bioethicists to ensure that toward fulfilling a deal that was hoped to gas out of the galaxy. That outflow hit
the rice grain–size organoids could not soften opposition to construction there cooler surrounding gas, generating the
feel pain or become conscious. But in the of a proposed observatory, the Thirty radio ring; the fluorescent glow resulted
United States, the study of fetal tissue is Meter Telescope (TMT)—the largest in the as some gas fell back into the galaxy. The
politically fraught. In 2021, President Joe Northern Hemisphere. Native Hawaiians, team describes its findings, linking the
Biden’s administration reversed a ban on who consider Mauna Kea sacred, have ORC to that galaxy, this week in Nature.

SCIENCE 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 133



A church in Sancourt,
France, is pictured at sunset
during a July 2023 heat wave.


The hottest year was even hotter than expected

Greenhouse gases, El Niño, and cleaner air fueled record heat in 2023

By Paul Voosen equatorial Pacific with warm waters and be- time Organization added to the effect when

gan to boost global temperatures. ships began to cut sulfur pollution—and

t comes as no surprise to anyone who But the flip is not enough to explain inadvertently curbed the light-reflecting
sweated through it: 2023 was the hot- 2023’s record, Gavin Schmidt, director of clouds that the sulfur particles help create
test year in human history. Average NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, (Science, 4 August 2023, p. 467). A preprint
surface temperatures rose nearly 0.2°C wrote in a blog post last week. Typically, El on Research Square suggests the loss of
above the previous record, set in 2016, Niño plays a larger role in global tempera- these clouds alone can explain half of the
to 1.48°C over preindustrial levels, the tures the year after it starts—in this case, increase in the warming rate seen so far this
European Union’s Copernicus Climate this year. And in 2023 heat surged far from decade, says Yuan, who led the work. “[It]
Change Service reported this week. Only El Niño’s influence, above the northern At- would not account for all the warming we
Australia was spared record-setting heat. lantic and Pacific oceans, Schmidt noted. see this year, but it would represent a sig-

y g
The extreme conditions are a “dramatic tes- The 2022 eruption of Hunga Tonga– nificant additional warming.”
timony of how far we now are from the cli- Hunga Ha‘apai, a volcano in the south In a November 2023 paper, famed climate
mate in which our civilization developed,” Pacific, had been a suspect in the global scientist James Hansen suggested curbing
said Carlo Buontempo, Copernicus’s climate temperature jump because of the vast pollution has accelerated warming to 0.27°C
director, in a statement. amounts of climate-warming water vapor per decade, up from the 0.18°C per decade

Yet 2023’s record temperatures— it injected into the stratosphere. But early rate experienced from 1970 to 2010. But the
confirmed days later by analyses from studies neglected the sulfate particles it also acceleration has yet to show up in records
NASA, the U.S. National Oceanic and At- sent into the upper atmosphere, which re- of heat in the ocean depths, which resist the
mospheric Administration, the United flected light and canceled out the water va- short-term fluctuations of the atmosphere
Kingdom’s Met Office, and Berkeley Earth— por’s warming effect, says Mark Schoeberl, and offer a truer sense of long-term trends.
come with a mystery. Humanity’s unabated an atmospheric scientist at the Science and The mystery of the past year leaves pro-
burning of fossil fuels is the dominant Technology Corporation. “For 2022, it was jections for this year less certain than usual.
driver of the long-term trend, but it is in- a nonevent. I have continued my computa- El Niño may inflate temperatures further,
sufficient to explain 2023’s sudden spike, tions into 2023—still a nonevent.” pushing the world briefly past the arbitrary
says Michael Diamond, an atmospheric sci- Perhaps the best explanation for the 1.5°C “limit” settled on by policymakers in
entist at Florida State University. extra warming is the continued drop in 2015’s Paris agreement to protect small is-
One exacerbating factor was the end of a light-blocking pollution as society shifts to land nations from extreme sea-level rise.
La Niña climate pattern, which from 2020 cleaner sources of energy, says Tianle Yuan, But extreme heat will again have to develop
to 2022 stirred up an increased amount of an atmospheric physicist at NASA’s God- over the northern oceans for the world to
deep cold water in the eastern Pacific Ocean dard Space Flight Center. In 2022, satellites breach the threshold—hardly a sure bet.
that absorbed heat and suppressed global began to detect this decrease from space Regardless, the long-term warming pat-
temperatures. In 2023, the pattern flipped (Science, 22 July 2022, p. 353). In 2020, new tern is certain to continue, as it has for
into an El Niño event, which blanketed the regulations from the International Mari- decades—until fossil fuel burning ends. j

134 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 SCIENCE



U.S. undersea mapping is a boon for science

New maps of continental shelf could vastly expand U.S. territory and resource claims

By David Malakoff floors off the U.S. “We have much better maps tive and aren’t likely to draw fierce objections,
of Mars than we do of most of our continen- says David Mosher, an emeritus geoscientist

he United States has unveiled the tal margin,” Mayer told Science at the time. at Natural Resources Canada. He helped with
results of a monumental undersea Federal agencies, including the National the U.S. mapping effort and is also a member
mapping effort that could add 1 mil- Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the U.N. commission that evaluates ECS
lion square kilometers of sea floor— and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), ul- claims. For now, however, the U.S. isn’t sub-
twice the area of California—to its timately spent tens of millions of dollars on mitting its maps to the commission, because
territory. In addition to enabling the nearly 50 mapping cruises, some held jointly the Senate still hasn’t ratified the Law of the
U.S. to claim valuable geological and bio- with Canada. The ships completed multi- Sea and some nations are likely to argue that
logical resources, particularly in the Arctic, beam surveys of 3 million square kilometers the U.S. is not entitled to have the commis-
the project has produced a wealth of sea- of sea floor and conducted acoustic surveys, sion vet its claims. Mosher adds that even
floor data that are fueling a wide range of which use sound to map sediments, along if the commission agreed to review the U.S.

scientific advances. nearly 30,000 linear kilometers. maps, it could take decades to evaluate them.
“It’s just a treasure trove of informa- Meanwhile researchers are feasting
tion,” says marine mapping specialist on the data. For his 2020 doctoral dis-
Derek Sowers of the Ocean Exploration Pushing the boundaries sertation, for example, Sowers used an
Trust, who has used the data to identify Newly charted extensions to the U.S. continental shelf hold algorithm to sort seafloor features along
deep-sea habitats that could be rich in resources and scientific riches. the U.S. Atlantic coast into habitat types,
biodiversity. The maps have also shed including mounds and seamounts that

light on the geologic evolution of ocean Current maritime boundaries Added shelf territory may host deep water sponges and cor-
basins, identified areas at risk of pro- als. Such analyses, he notes, could help
ducing submarine mudslides that could Arctic
tic Ocean U.S. officials identify rich seafloor eco-
trigger tsunamis, and pointed to poten- systems that need protection.

tial seafloor mineral deposits. “There Other Atlantic shelf research re-
certainly are a lot of other potential vealed a surprising number of subma-
applications,” says geoscientist Larry rine landslides. It even provided the
Mayer of the University of New Hamp- first complete picture of a massive
shire, one leader of the effort. 375-kilometer-long slide off North Car-
The impetus to make the maps, Bering Sea olina’s Cape Fear, which tumbled down
which were released last month by the the continental slope 10,000 to 27,000
U.S. Department of State, came from years ago.
the United Nations Convention on the Deborah Hutchinson, a marine geo-
Law of the Sea. One provision of that physicist at USGS who helped lead

y g
United States
1982 pact gives a coastal nation the Atlantic several cruises, says the mapping off
right to claim sea floor that sits out- Ocean
O Alaska is helping settle debates over
side its exclusive economic zone, which Pacific Ocean how shifting tectonic plates formed
stretches 200 nautical miles offshore, if parts of the Arctic Ocean. “It was a huge
it can demonstrate that the territory is breakthrough to get ships into the Arc-

a “natural prolongation” of its continen- 0 2000 tic,” she says, noting that U.S. funding
tal shelf. Defining this extended conti- Gulf of Mexico for such cruises has been scarce. And in
nental shelf (ECS) involves measuring the Bering Sea, seismic and other data
the thickness of marine sediments, confirmed that parts of the sea floor
which are typically thicker on the continental After analyzing terabytes of data, research- are composed of oceanic and not continental
slope, where the shelf descends to the abyss, ers identified ECS additions in seven areas crust. That “helped eliminate some hypothe-
and identifying the “foot” of the slope. (see map, above). By far the largest is in the ses about its formation,” marine geophysicist
Two decades ago, many nations launched Arctic, where the U.S. is claiming 520,400 Gail Christeson, who is a program director
seafloor mapping efforts in order to submit square kilometers, about the area of Spain. In for marine geology and geophysics at the Na-
an ECS claim to the U.N. (Science, 6 Decem- the Atlantic, the claim totals 239,100 square tional Science Foundation.
ber 2002, p. 1877). In 2003, the U.S. joined the kilometers. The third largest chunk—176,300 Scientists from many fields also “piggy-

rush even though the Senate had not rati- square kilometers—is in the Bering Sea. In backed” on the mapping voyages, obtaining ev-
fied the pact, which Republicans opposed on places, the U.S. claims overlap those made by erything from seafloor rock and mud samples
grounds of national security. Mayer and other Canada, Japan, and the Bahamas; diplomatic to one of the first bits of icelike gas hydrate—
scientists argued that emerging technologies, negotiations will resolve those boundaries a potential energy source—recovered from
especially multibeam sonars that produce de- (Science, 21 June 2019, p. 1120). the Arctic. “The U.S. investment in ECS map-
tailed 3D images, offered an unprecedented Though vast, the U.S. claims are fairly con- ping,” Hutchinson says, “produced much
opportunity to document little known sea servative from a technical and legal perspec- more than just maps.” j

SCIENCE 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 135


By sampling helium gases in hundreds of springs across southern Tibet, researchers identified places where mantle rocks were closer to the surface.


Tectonic plate under Tibet may be splitting in two

Peeled-apart Indian Plate could be affecting earthquake hazards

By Maya Wei-Haas Now, a new analysis of earthquake waves uncertainties remain about the process, and
traveling beneath Tibet and telltale gases the data are limited. “It’s just a snapshot,” he

y g
he towering peaks of the Himalayas rising to the surface points to yet another says. But the work is an important step to-
are a geologic battleground—a slow- possibility, one that in effect splits the dif- ward understanding how our modern land-
motion collision of the Indian and ference between the two scenarios. Part of scape came to be, he says. “It’s definitely the
Eurasian tectonic plates. The crunch the Indian Plate appears to be “delaminat- type of work that we need to move [forward].”
began some 60 million years ago as ing” as it slides under the Eurasian Plate, Scientists have long suggested tectonic

India, then an island, plowed into with the dense bottom part peeling away plates could unzip like this. The plates are
Eurasia, buckling the surface and form- from the top. The study also finds evidence a layered combination of buoyant crust
ing the highest mountains on Earth. But for a vertical fracture, or tear, at the bound- and more dense upper mantle rock. When
the peaks are just the noise and smoke of ary between the peeled-apart section of the squeezed and thickened, a plate might split
the battle; tectonic maneuvers tens of kilo- slab and its intact neighbor. along the weak interface between the lay-
meters below them drive the clash—and “We didn’t know continents could be- ers. But the process was mostly studied in
hold mysteries. have this way and that is, for solid earth sci- the interiors of thick continental plates and
Continental tectonic plates, unlike their ence, pretty fundamental,” says Douwe van simulated in computer models. “This is the
dense oceanic cousins, are thick and buoy- Hinsbergen, a geodynamicist at Utrecht first time that … it’s been caught in the act
ant, so they don’t easily sink, or subduct, University. The work, presented in De- in a downgoing plate,” van Hinsbergen says.
into the mantle during collisions. Some sci- cember 2023 at the American Geophysical The Himalayan collision is a promising
entists believe the Indian Plate resists plung- Union conference and in a preprint posted place to look for a plate being torn apart,
ing into the mantle and continues to slide online, could help scientists better under- says Peter DeCelles, a geologist at the Uni-
horizontally under Tibet. Others suggest the stand the formation of the mighty Himala- versity of Arizona. Before the smashup be-
most buoyant part of the Indian Plate rum- yas and perhaps even earthquake hazards gan, the Indian Plate varied in thickness
ples like a rug along the front edge of the in the region. and composition, which helps explain the
collision, making it easier for the lower half Fabio Capitanio, a geodynamicist at crescent shape of the 2500-kilometer-long
of the plate to sink into the depths. Monash University, cautions that plenty of Himalayan front. He compares the ancient

136 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 SCIENCE

plate to a manta ray: a pair of thin wings ing under Tibet before plunging into the ANIMAL RESEARCH
of oceanic crust flanking a thick middle of mantle. But in one area south of the line,
continental crust. The thin oceanic slabs
readily plunged below the Eurasian Plate
while the thick continental crust plowed
near the eastern border of Bhutan, a trio of
springs also contained mantle signatures—
a hint that one section of the Indian Plate
Massive study
headlong into Eurasia like a battering ram.
The difference in subduction speed
likely tugged and tore the Indian Plate in
might be peeling apart, with hot mantle
rock flowing into the space in between.
Support for this picture came from an
of dog aging
multiple directions. Scientists have pro-
posed so many tears in recent years, “it’s
become a cottage industry,” quips study
analysis of earthquake waves rippling
across the boundary between crustal and
mantle rock. Waves recorded at hundreds
likely to lose
author Simon Klemperer, a geophysicist at
Stanford University.
of seismic stations enabled the researchers
to construct images of structures under-
Klemperer was intrigued by a zone in ground. Two blobs seen in one image seem
northeastern India, near Bhutan, where the to hint at a lower slab of the Indian Plate
Organizers hope to save
subduction zone curves, making it a prime detaching from its top. long-running project on
locale for potential tears. “That’s where A more recent analysis based on a dif-
things get ugly,” he says. The suspicion ferent set of earthquake waves points to a canine aging and longevity
drove him on a multiyear quest for clues to tear on the western edge of the delaminated
the subsurface violence. slab. West of the proposed break, the bot- By Mitch Leslie

One line of evidence came from isotope tom of the Indian Plate appears to be some

measurements of helium that burbles up 200 kilometers deep, suggesting it is still cientists who study aging are howling
in Tibetan springs. Klemperer and his col- intact; to the east, where the slab splits in about the possible demise of one of
leagues, including collaborators in China, two, mantle rock is flowing in around a the field’s biggest studies, the Dog Ag-
traversed dirt roads and forded streams depth of 100 kilometers. ing Project. The effort has been prob-
to collect samples from some 200 natu- Almost every landmass on Earth was ing cognitive and physical aspects of
ral springs across nearly 1000 kilometers built from a series of collisions like the Hi- aging in about 50,000 dogs and is

of southern Tibet. Gas samples rich in malayas, says Anne Meltzer, a seismologist running a clinical trial to test a drug that
helium-3, a light isotope trapped within at Lehigh University. So understanding how may boost their longevity. But organizers
Earth at the time of its birth, signal mantle continents collide sheds light not only on say the project will probably lose funding
rocks underfoot, whereas those depleted in our modern landscape, but also the hazards this year from the National Institute on Ag-

helium-3 likely rise from buried crust. posed by earthquakes that can occur along ing (NIA), which has furnished at least 90%
A stark pattern emerged when they the ancient scars of continental crashes. of its annual budget, now about $7 million.
mapped the springs. To the south of a line Klemperer points out the newly proposed “It is a big loss if this project in dogs
lay springs with crustal signatures, and to tear may also be influencing earthquake does not continue,” says gerontologist João
the north lay springs with mantle finger- hazards in Tibet today. A deep fracture in Pedro de Magalhães of the University of Bir-
prints. The team interpreted the line as the the Tibetan Plateau known as the Cona- mingham, who notes that large, long-lived
farthest edge of the intact Indian Plate slid- Sangri rift overlies the tear—a tantalizing animal models promise valuable insights
hint that the tumult in the into human aging. “It was going to be the
Indian Plate’s underbelly most informative study of aging that was
A geological battleground might somehow ripple to not done in humans,” says biogerontologist

y g
The continental collision of the Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates the surface. Although the di- Steve Austad of the University of Alabama
has created the Himalayas. New evidence suggests part of the Indian rect link to quakes remains at Birmingham. (Neither scientist has a
Plate may be splitting away and plunging into the mantle. uncertain, van Hinsbergen role in the research, but Austad’s 2-year-old
notes that tears and peel- dachshund is a participant.)
Himalayas ing of tectonic plates could Organizers are pessimistic about contin-

affect how and where stress ued funding because the project received
builds, and thus the poten- marginal scores on its grant renewal ap-
tial for quakes. plication late last year. They are striving to
Continents are complex raise money from other sources and have
to study, Klemperer says, as launched a petition drive to convince the
the ancient collisions that director of the National Institutes of Health
Eurasian Plate
built the modern landscape to intervene to restore funding. “I’m doing
left behind a network of everything possible to keep [the project]
Indian Plate
overlapping scars. But that’s going in its current form,” says co-director
Underplating what makes the work excit- Daniel Promislow, an evolutionary geneti-
ing, he says. “They have this cist at the University of Washington (UW).

palimpsest of a billion years Although longevity labs teem with ro-

Mantle of history.” He and other sci- dents and other small animals, “Dogs are
entists are gradually learn- probably the most powerful model for
ing to read it. j studying the biology of aging,” says project
co-director Matt Kaeberlein, a former UW
Subduction Maya Wei-Haas is a science geroscientist who is now CEO of the Seattle-
journalist in Washington, D.C. based biotech Optispan. Thanks to decades

SCIENCE 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 137


of veterinary research, scientists know also helps dogs live longer. “The project is PALEOGENOMICS
more about how health changes over time really just beginning to hit its stride,” says
in dogs than they do in rodents. And unlike
lab-dwelling rodents, dogs are exposed to
the same environments as we are, and they
its chief veterinary officer, Kate Creevy of
Texas A&M University.
Kaeberlein says that, despite the dis-
Ancient DNA
develop many of the same age-related ail-
ments, including heart disease and demen-
tia. “It’s remarkable how much dog aging is
ruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic,
the project’s organizers thought they had
achieved enough for NIA to approve a re-
ties modern
teaching us about human aging,” says bio-
chemist and geneticist Laura Niedernhofer
of the University of Minnesota, who isn’t
newal of their grant. But, “The reviewer
score wasn’t as positive as we had hoped
for,” Promislow says, almost certainly put-
connected to the project.
Other researchers and companies have
joined the pack. The Vaika Project tracked
ting it outside the cutoff for funding. Al-
though the agency hasn’t announced the
grant recipients for this cycle, “It’s very un-
to ancestry
the health of a group of 103 retired sled likely that NIA will be able to fund us this Among Europeans, risk
dogs for 5 years until it shut down, and cycle,” he says. An NIA press representa- of multiple sclerosis rises
the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study is tive said the agency does not comment on
still following more than 3000 members grant deliberations. with genes from Bronze Age
of that breed. Several companies are also Dog geneticist Heather Huson of Cornell Yamnaya herders
developing therapies to slow aging in dogs, University, who isn’t connected to the study,

and one, San Francisco–based Loyal, has says such projects need long-term support.
received a preliminary Food and Drug Ad- “It takes you 5 years to start accumulating By Andrew Curry
ministration endorsement for its drug— data.” She knows the challenges firsthand

although the company has not revealed because she took part in the Vaika Project ike many diseases, multiple sclerosis
what’s in the treatment. before it shut down last year. The project hits some populations harder than
The Dog Aging Project began in 2014, but was a casualty of the war between Russia others. For example, Scandinavians
research didn’t start in earnest until 2018, and Ukraine, because philanthropies in Rus- are an estimated 17 times more likely

when the effort received a 5-year grant for sia provided much of the money, Huson says. than people from sub-Saharan Africa
nearly $29 million from NIA. Dog owners To avoid that fate, the leaders of the Dog to develop the devastating chronic
fill out annual questionnaires on their pets’ Aging Project are trying to raise money disease, in which the body’s immune system
health to chart the animals’ physical dete- from other sources to tide the project over attacks nerves. “It’s very puzzling,” says Uni-

rioration. Some dogs get a closer look, fur- for the next year, and they plan to reapply versity of Copenhagen paleogeneticist Eske
nishing DNA and other samples and going for NIA funding in 2025. Promislow and the Willerslev. Some have speculated that “Vi-
through tests of mobility and cognition. So other organizers are also creating a chari- king genes” or some aspect of Northern Eu-
far, scientists have sequenced the genomes table foundation and hope to raise $40 mil- rope’s diet or environment might boost risk.
of 1000 dogs and cached 14,000 tissue lion to $50 million for an endowment that New data from ancient skeletons show
samples. Published studies have tracked would ensure continued funding. part of the answer arose in the Bronze Age.
dogs’ cognitive decline, gauged their sus- The Vaika Project also tried to coax do- About 5000 years ago, people from the
ceptibility to tumors, and investigated nors to open their wallets for dog aging re- steppes near the Black Sea, whom archaeo-
how their eating schedules affected their search but failed, Huson cautions. Yet she logists call the Yamnaya, moved west across
health, among other topics. A clinical trial and others are hoping the larger project— central and Northern Europe. In Scandi-

y g
is also underway to test whether the drug which has suddenly become an underdog— navia and parts of Northern Europe, these
rapamycin, which extends life in rodents, can be rescued. j mobile cattle herders took just a few centu-
ries to largely replace the sedentary farmers
who had tilled the soil with stone tools for
millennia. The Yamnaya brought with them

not just a different way of life, but also genes
linked to a higher risk of multiple sclerosis
(MS), DNA from the bones shows.
“With MS, you can see it’s Yamnaya ances-
try, and the Yamnaya are basically Danes,”
says Willerslev, who led the research, pub-
lished this week in Nature. “Everything
fits beautifully.”
It’s not just MS. Willerslev, a pioneer in
the study of DNA from ancient remains, and
co-authors have completed a wide-ranging
genetic survey of early Europeans, from the
earliest modern humans on the continent
45,000 years ago to the later waves of farm-
ers and herders who swept in from the east.
In multiple papers, the team reports analyz-
ing the whole genomes of more than 1000
The Dog Aging Project’s chief veterinary officer, Kate Creevy (foreground), examines a dog. ancient individuals and comparing them

138 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 SCIENCE

with the UK Biobank, a massive data set of farmers arrived, in people with lots of Yam- least in part, the result of past selection fa-
health histories and DNA from more than naya ancestry. “That’s really surprising,” voring survival against infectious diseases,”
430,000 modern British people. The com- says University of Kiel bioarchaeologist Quintana-Murci says.
parisons revealed how the proportion of an- Ben Krause-Kyora. “This classical arms race Comparing ancient samples with the UK
cestry from ancient populations predicted between the human genome and bacteria Biobank’s database, the team was able to see
differences in disease risk and physical at- and viruses isn’t happening until the end of when other traits appeared in ancient popu-
tributes such as height and body mass in the Neolithic.” lations and begin to think about why. “You
present-day Europeans. “There’s a striking A recent preprint by members of the can see the impact of selection in real time,”
difference in a range of traits, whether skin same team suggests a reason: Many dis- says Pontus Skoglund, a paleogeneticist at
and eye color or dietary and mental health,” eases themselves were latecomers. Analysis the Francis Crick Institute. For example, a
says co-author Evan Irving-Pease, a compu- of pathogen DNA in the ancient bones sug- gene variant that today brings a higher risk
tational geneticist at Copenhagen. “Subtle gests the incidence of diseases passing from of diabetes and high cholesterol appears
differences in ancestry have a distinct im- animals to humans, such as the bubonic more frequently in samples from about
pact. … The legacy of these groups is still plague and leptospirosis, did not rise until 12,000 years ago and may have helped ice
very present in modern people.” the time of the first Yamnaya migrations, age hunter-gatherers weather famine. Later,
Because they analyzed ancient samples, even though animals had been domesti- ancient farmers contributed other variants,
mostly from previously excavated skeletal cated thousands of years earlier. The steppe linked to the ability to thrive on a more veg-
remains, the researchers could show when herders may have kept animals at higher etarian diet, to the genetic makeup of mod-
and where key genetic vari- ern Europeans.
ants first appeared and infer Such knowledge has “impli-

how shifts in ancestry and cations for modern precision
selective pressures such as medicine,” Krause-Kyora says.
disease could explain them. “The legacy of ancient popula-
“Disentangling the main tions could explain why peo-
ancestries helped us to de- ple react differently to chronic
tect whether selection pro- or infectious disease.”
cesses happened, and when,” The studies also bring an-

says co-author Alba Refoyo cient population shifts into
Martínez, a computational sharper focus. In two of the
geneticist at Copenhagen. Nature papers, researchers
The studies are “an ex- use ancient DNA to track

emplary tour de force,” says the movement of the first
population geneticist Lluís farmers from Anatolia north
Quintana-Murci of the Pas- into Europe, where hunter-
teur Institute. “These papers gatherers were already living.
illustrate how the intricate Researchers had wondered
interplay between ancient se- whether those encounters,
lection and admixture events which happened over millen-
has profoundly shaped … nia, were peaceful. But the
present-day Eurasians.” new data show that genes
Willerslev and his col- from the farmers increase

y g
leagues started with a nar- abruptly, in stuttering surges.
rower goal: to understand In many places, including
what happened when hunter- Denmark about 5900 years
gatherer groups that had The DNA of Denmark’s Porsmose Man, pierced by arrows around 2600 B.C.E., ago, they completely replace
survived the most recent ice came mostly from early farmers, not the herders arriving from the east. those of earlier hunter-

age gave way to farmers, in gatherer populations. The
a 6000-year period known as the Neolithic densities, or early Neolithic communities suddenness and thoroughness of the change
that began around 9000 B.C.E. in Europe. may have been scattered widely, slowing the “lets us seriously question whether the meet-
That was when humans first began to settle spread of disease. ing of populations was one of love and peace
in densely populated villages and live close The timing could help explain the link and admixture,” Willerslev says. “At least
to domestic animals. Researchers expected between Yamnaya ancestry and higher in Denmark, it’s a replacement, and a very
those conditions would spread diseases, in- rates of autoimmune diseases such as MS. abrupt replacement—reminiscent of Europe-
cluding those originating in animals, and The same genes that bolster the immune ans entering the Americas, with disease and
therefore would have favored genetic adap- response to pathogens are thought to raise violence and devastating effects for the pre-
tations against infection. “It’s a reasonable the risk that a person’s immune system will vious population.”

theory,” Irving-Pease says. turn against their own cells. Those genes The clutch of new papers is centered on
But, he says, “It’s not borne out by the were probably beneficial in the past, but Europe. But growing numbers of ancient
data.” The team did find what they suspect became problematic in the past century DNA samples from Africa and Asia could
are anti-infection adaptations, many in when the advent of vaccines and sanita- make it possible to apply similar approaches
a region of the genome called the human tion lowered exposure to dangerous patho- elsewhere. “It would be good to expand to
leukocyte antigen complex, which regulates gens. “It’s a compelling illustration of the other regions, and go further back in time,”
immune response. But those variants pro- hypothesis that the contemporary high Refoyo Martínez says. “There’s still a lot to
liferated thousands of years after the first prevalence of autoimmune diseases is, at look at and study.” j

SCIENCE 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 139



Mysterious seismic swarm led up to Japan quake

Researchers study connection of rising fluids and quake flurry to magnitude 7.5 monster

By Dennis Normile produce small earthquakes. Unlike the brief The overwhelming majority of the earth-
flurry of small quakes that often precedes a quakes in the swarm have been weaker than

ig earthquakes sometimes bring major temblor, swarms continue rumbling magnitude 4. But magnitudes have gradu-
big surprises. The magnitude for days or years without generating an ally increased, Kato says. A magnitude 5.4
7.5 earthquake that struck Japan on identifiable main shock. earthquake occurred in June 2022 and a
New Year’s Day, killing more than The ongoing collision of tectonic plates magnitude 6.5 event in May 2023 killed
160 people, is no exception. Over the off Japan’s east coast produces the coun- one person and caused widespread damage.
past 3 years, tens of thousands of try’s most damaging earthquakes, including Nishimura says the deep fault movements
small to moderate earthquakes, most barely the 2011 magnitude 9 Tohoku earthquake associated with the earthquake swarm
noticeable, had rattled the Noto Peninsula, that also triggered a mammoth tsunami probably added strain and stress to faults
a finger of land that juts 100 kilometers (Science, 18 March 2011, p. 1375). But Japan’s higher up in the crust until they finally rup-
into the Sea of Japan from the west coast west coast is also seismically active, with an tured in the larger earthquakes.

of Honshu, Japan’s main island. Such earth- intensely fractured and permeable fault Then came 1 January. It was the stron-
quake swarms occur throughout the world, zone. Over the past 20 years, several magni- gest temblor to hit the Sea of Japan coast
typically in areas of volcanic or geothermal tude 6 earthquakes occurred near the Noto since 1993. In addition to the deaths, scores
of people remain missing, and upward of
30,000 people are in emergency shelters.
Landslides blocked highways connecting
the peninsula to Japan’s main island, ham-

pering rescue and relief efforts. And ongoing
aftershocks threaten further destruction.
How the earthquake might be connected
to the swarm is unclear, Nishimura says.

Rising fluids might have greased the fault
that ruptured, for example, or slip from the
swarm could have loaded the fault with
stress. The earthquake epicenter is within
the swarm region, and researchers are now
plotting the distribution of the aftershocks
to determine whether the quake occurred
on faults involved in the swarm. Even if it
began there, the rupture extended far be-
yond the swarm region, both farther along

y g
the Noto Peninsula and undersea toward
Sado Island.
“It is important to learn how to distin-
A 1 January earthquake triggered the collapse of many traditional wooden buildings in Japan. guish an earthquake swarm that might lead
to a large earthquake from those that do not

activity. But the swarms almost always ta- Peninsula, which lies about 320 kilometers pose such a threat,” Nishimura says. Some
per off and end with a whimper. The Noto northwest of Tokyo. And Kato says a 2014 scientists think that’s ambitious. “I think we
Peninsula swarm produced a bang. modeling study concluded a magnitude should take a wait-and-see attitude,” says
“I can’t think of another earthquake 7.6 event was possible. Robert Geller, a seismologist and professor
swarm globally that preceded such a large But seismologists did not expect an emeritus at the University of Tokyo.
event,” says Zachary Ross, a geophysicist at earthquake swarm there because the region The earthquake highlighted the vulner-
the California Institute of Technology. Sci- has no volcanic or geothermal activity to ability of Japan’s traditional wooden build-
entists are now puzzling over the details of generate high-pressure fluids. Nonetheless, ings. Engineers have long warned that
that process and how the swarm may have thousands of quakes each year have rattled their heavy tile roofs, which stand up well
led to the 1 January shock. “There are many a small part of Noto’s northeastern tip since to Japan’s frequent typhoons, are prone to
questions to be resolved,” says Kyoto Uni- November 2020, in an unusually long-lived collapse during earthquakes. (Authorities
versity geodesist Takuya Nishimura. swarm. Studies suggest fluid is rising from say collapsing houses caused most of the
Earthquake swarms typically occur when the upper mantle through faults. A 2023 casualties.) And they are flammable. A fire
heat from deep underground produces high- study by Nishimura and colleagues found sparked by the quake in the city of Wajima
pressure fluid—water, gas, or magma—that the land above the swarm had risen by on Noto’s northern coast spread through a
permeates fault systems, says University of 70 millimeters, suggesting upwelling fluid historic market area in the center of town,
Tokyo seismologist Aitaro Kato. The fluid was swelling the crust at a depth of about burning some 200 wooden buildings to
lubricates faults, resulting in slow slips that 16 kilometers. the ground. j

140 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 SCIENCE



In the wake of COVID-19,
labs have ramped up
studies of four widespread

human coronaviruses
that cause common colds.



y g
Four largely ignored coronaviruses circulate in humans without causing
great harm and may portend the future for SARS-CoV-2 By Jon Cohen


ver a few weeks in November an influenza virus, but rather a coronavi-
1889, a respiratory disease at- rus. Three years before their theory was
tacked half the residents of St. published, a coronavirus had passed from
Petersburg, Russia, and it soon an animal to humans, touching off a highly
began to race through Europe lethal outbreak of what was called severe
and the rest of the world. Two acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). The dis-
years later, in a spectacularly ease spread from China and brought new
detailed book, a British medi- attention to these once-obscure viruses. The
cal officer, H. Franklin Parsons, The human coronavirus dubbed OC43.
Belgian team wondered whether something
described what was dubbed the “Russian similar happened in Russia more than a
influenza” epidemic, which raged until century ago. Based on molecular clues, they
1894. People seemed to spread the disease rose. Suspicions ran high that a pathogen suggested that the once-deadly virus is still
before developing symptoms, the young did had jumped from an animal into humans. circulating today, as a coronavirus known
not suffer as much as the old, a dry cough Sound like COVID-19? as OC43 that in most people causes nothing
was common among the ill, some had a In 2005, scientists in Belgium proposed worse than a cold. So far there’s no direct
“perversion of taste and smell,” and deaths that the earlier pandemic’s cause was not evidence to back the group’s theory, but two

SCIENCE 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 141


other teams soon hope to look at Family history observations. “Referees said the
tissue samples from the late 19th Coronaviruses have repeatedly spilled over from bats or rodents— images she produced were just
century to see whether they can the natural reservoir for many of them—to other animals such as camels, bad pictures of influenza virus
spot when the virus first became cows, or civets before jumping into humans. With SARS-CoV-2, raccoon particles,” wrote Tyrrell in a book
a human pathogen. dogs and other mammals sold at a Wuhan, China, market could have been he co-authored, Cold Wars: The
This upcoming search for intermediate hosts, although that remains contentious. Fight Against the Common Cold.
OC43’s roots is part of a flurry Her new images of B814
of research, since COVID-19 COLD CORONAS made a convincing case that
erupted globally 4 years ago the various viruses were a re-
Natural reservoir host Intermediate host Human virus
this month, on it and the three Discovered | genus lated, unrecognized group.
other coronaviruses that cause “So what should we call them?
common colds. Long ignored ‘Influenza-like’ seemed a bit
except by a tiny scientific com- 229E feeble, somewhat vague, and
1962 | alpha
munity, these pathogens with probably misleading,” Tyrrell
clunky, alphanumeric names— recalled. But he and Almeida
NL63, 229E, and HKU1 are the noticed “a kind of halo sur-
other three—are now getting rounding them … and so the
their due. Some groups are re- 1966 | beta name coronavirus was born.”
examining how the viruses leapt Around the same time, infec-
from animals to people, in part tious disease specialists Dorothy

to understand how SARS-CoV-2, Hamre and John Procknow at
COVID-19’s cause, may have NL63 the University of Chicago were
emerged. Studying the four may ? 2003 | alpha conducting their own hunt for
also illuminate whether other new cold viruses in medical
coronaviruses discovered in wild students there. In 1966, they
and domesticated animals pose reported having grown a virus,
a threat to humanity. And some HKU1 designated 229E, from a partici-

scientists are exploring how im- 2004 | beta pant who had a “minor upper
mune responses to these four respiratory illness.” They gave
overlap and interact with the samples to Tyrrell, whose team
response to SARS-CoV-2. intentionally infected people

The four viruses currently KILLER COUSINS with it and showed, again by
show up each fall and winter, handkerchief counts, that 229E
accounting for up to 30% of the SARS-CoV-1 caused a mild cold, à la B814.
colds we endure. But all may 2003 | beta The two viruses looked identical
once have caused more seri- under the microscope, but re-
ous disease, suggesting to some searchers could adapt only 229E
virologists that they offer a hope- to a cell line—and B814 was lost
ful glimpse of COVID-19’s future. to history before any genetic
“Those four are the model system 2012 | beta
comparison could take place.
of what’s ahead for us,” predicts The researchers behind a

y g
Lia van der Hoek, a virologist at long-running cold study at the
the Amsterdam University Medi- U.S. National Institutes of Health
cal Centers who in 2003 discov- ? SARS-CoV-2
(NIH) in 1967 reported what
ered NL63. “SARS-CoV-2 is going would prove to be a clearly dis-
2020 | beta
to become a common cold. At tinct second coronavirus, OC43.

least that’s what we want.” “We advertised to the employees
at the NIH to come by Building
THE FIRST HUMAN coronavirus was iso- from the trachea—the natural habitat for 7, third floor if you had a cold, and we would
lated 6 decades ago from the runny respiratory viruses—extracted from aborted be very delighted to wash out your nasal pas-
noses of English school boys. In the win- fetuses. One sample, dubbed B814, yielded a sages and collect the fluids,” remembers Ken
ter of 1960–61, virologist David Tyrrell, new virus. “After considerable initial doubts McIntosh, then a young medical doctor who
who ran the Common Cold Unit in the we now believe that the B814 strain is a vi- ran the project in the lab of Robert Chanock.
United Kingdom, and co-workers looked rus virtually unrelated to any other known Once again, electron microscopy showed
for viruses in the boys’ handkerchief goop. virus of the human respiratory tract,” a virus similar in shape to the one that
When they couldn’t identify any known cold Tyrrell and colleagues reported in 1965. causes avian infectious bronchitis. (Initially,
virus, they inoculated adult volunteers with The next year Tyrrell sent samples of B814 McIntosh could only grow it in the organ cul-
extracts from the nasal washings to confirm to June Almeida, a talented electron micro- ture medium Tyrrell had used—hence the OC
that something in the samples caused colds. scopist who did not have a university degree, in the isolate’s name—but it, too, was eventu-
Yet nothing from those disease-bearing at St. Thomas’ Hospital in London. She re- ally adapted to a cell line.)
samples would grow in standard culture ported back that she had seen similar viral Yet research on the new viruses languished.
media. So they turned to an odd culture particles in samples from chickens with in- “Working with them was so awkward and dif-
system recently developed for certain influ- fectious bronchitis and mice with hepatitis, ficult that nobody wanted to do it,” McIntosh
enza and adenoviruses: cilia-bearing cells although she had been unable to publish her says. By January 2003, only a few hundred

142 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 SCIENCE

studies had appeared about human corona- man coronavirus, HKU1, in a 71-year-old push to sample bats and other animals for
viruses, and most who did coronavirus re- man who had an unexplained pneumonia. coronaviruses that might pose threats to
search were interested in those that sickened Both van der Hoek and Woo, now at Na- humans, leading to thousands of viral se-
animals. “[Coronavirus] people who studied tional Chung Hsing University, doubt that quences being cataloged. Although most
human medicine were rare,” says Leiden there are more human coronaviruses cir- of these coronaviruses have been identi-
University virologist Eric Snijder, who recalls culating widely that researchers have yet fied only by sequencing fragments of their
struggling that January to draw scientists to to detect. “For years and years and years, genome—getting intact viruses that grow
a meeting he co-organized on nidoviruses, people have screened respiratory samples in culture is often difficult—the viral fam-
the order that includes coronaviruses. … and no other [common cold] coronavirus ily is clearly abundant in many species. And
Then, in April 2003, researchers reported has been identified,” van der Hoek says. “I’m other mammals appear to be the source of
that the deadly, atypical pneumonia spread- convinced that there are only those four.” all known cold-causing coronaviruses.
ing through China, soon to be called SARS, But some veteran coronavirologists are The Belgian researchers studying the
was caused by a coronavirus. As the dis- more circumspect. “How could there only 1890s pandemic, for example, sequenced
ease began to sicken people elsewhere and be four?” asks Susan Weiss at the University the genome of OC43 and found “remark-
triggered international alarm, last-minute of Pennsylvania, who has studied corona- able” genetic similarities to a coronavirus
registration for the May meeting jumped viruses for 40 years. “It doesn’t make sense found in cows. Using the estimated muta-
tion rates of the bovine virus and OC43,
they created a molecular clock and calcu-
David Tyrrell in lated that the two viruses shared a common
1966 searched ancestor somewhere around 1890. (The

for common cold range went from 1815 to 1918.) The timing
viruses by squirting led the scientists to wonder whether the bo-
nasal washings vine cousin hopped into humans as a much
into the noses of more lethal pathogen and over time became
volunteers. the relatively mild OC43 seen today.
“It seemed like an interesting coincidence
that when we estimated the divergence time

of the bovine virus and human OC43 it was
basically spot on the date you would expect
with the Russian flu epidemic,” says Philippe
Lemey of KU Leuven, a co-author of the

study, published in the Journal of Virology.
He and his colleagues pointed out that be-
tween 1870 and 1890 an epidemic of pneu-
monia in cows led to “massive culling” of
the animals in industrialized countries. This
provided “ample opportunity for the culling
personnel to come into contact with bovine
respiratory secretions” that could have con-
tained OC43’s precursor, they wrote.
In 2022, a French team published a study

y g
in Microbial Biotechnology reporting “very
preliminary” biological evidence that sup-
ports the OC43 hypothesis: They found
antibodies to the virus in the dental pulp of
World War I soldiers who were alive at the

time of the Russian flu and died in battle
in 1914.
from 130 to 170, and SARS was added to the to me.” The University of Iowa’s Stanley None of the analyses that link OC43 to
schedule. A human coronavirus had finally Perlman, another coronavirus old-timer, the Russian flu persuade Michael Worobey,
caught the wider scientific community’s at- says it’s important to keep looking for new a University of Arizona evolutionary
tention, and two more were soon uncovered. human ones. “In 2002, we felt we were biologist who has collaborated with Lemey
Van der Hoek found the one she called finished when we had 229E and OC43,” on high-profile studies about the origin of
NL63 in a nasal sample from a 7-month- Perlman says. “We always get deceived SARS-CoV-2. “I see it as extremely unlikely,”
old girl in the Netherlands who recently when we think we’re finished.” Worobey says. As he argued in a 2014 paper
had fever, pink eye, and a runny nose. Ron in the Proceedings of the National Academy
Fouchier’s lab at nearby Erasmus Medi- WITHIN A FEW YEARS of the discovery of the of Sciences, “compelling evidence” ties the
cal Center simultaneously uncovered what coronavirus that caused SARS, scientists global outbreak to a specific influenza viral

seemed to be the same virus, and both team’s had mapped out a convincing origin sce- variant—including a study of stored sam-
findings appeared online within a few weeks nario. A virus in civets and raccoon dogs ples from people born as far back as 1876
of each other in the early spring of 2004. Be- sold in marketplaces in southern China that found antibodies to a novel flu virus
fore the year was out, a team led by clinical matched the one that sickened humans, from the time of the pandemic.
microbiologist Patrick Woo at the Univer- and a virus later found in bats looked like Worobey is now hoping to resolve the
sity of Hong Kong discovered another hu- its ancestor. This triggered an international debate by obtaining archived tissue from

SCIENCE 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 143


people seen at a London hospital virus that infected a few Malaysians,

around 1890 and looking for linger- humanity is under constant, low-level
ing genetic sequences of influenza or siege from the viruses. “I think there
coronaviruses. A research group from are certainly other animal corona-
Spain has identified “suitable sam- viruses circulating that are challeng-
ples” from that time period as well, ing human immune systems.”
at the Basque Museum of the History
of Medicine and Science. It plans to WHEN SARS-COV-2 BEGAN to gallop
probe them soon. around the world, researchers won-
The other common cold corona- dered whether our immune memories
viruses are also thought to have leaped of its four milder relatives could blunt
from animals. Hipposideros bats in the impact of the ferocious new virus.
Ghana harbor a relative of 229E, a team All coronaviruses share the same ba-
led by virologist Christian Drosten, sic repertoire of proteins, suggesting
now at the Charité University Hospi- immune responses built up over re-
tal of Berlin, reported in 2009. The peated exposure to colds might ease
researchers estimated that the bat COVID-19. The evidence is mixed.
virus and 229E have a common ances- For one thing, the surface pro-
tor that dates back to between 1659 tein of SARS-CoV-2, called spike,
and 1803, suggesting that’s the period differs markedly from the ones

when it found a way to humans. that stud its cold-causing cousins.
Like the SARS virus, it may have As a result, antibodies to the cold
come via an intermediate species. coronaviruses don’t prevent infec-
Studies, some done by Drosten’s tions with SARS-CoV-2 or blunt the
team, found 229E relatives in healthy symptoms it causes. A report in the
dromedary camels in the Arabian 6 September 2023 issue of Science
Peninsula and Africa, firming up the Translational Medicine even sug-

theory. Drosten’s team also charted a gests that previous exposure to OC43
bat-to-camel-to-human pathway for might leave people with antibodies to
the highly lethal coronavirus that its spike that can interfere with the
causes Middle East respiratory syn- immune system’s attempt to make

drome, which was first recognized antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2
in 2012. A similar scenario also looks surface protein, increasing the risk
likely for SARS-CoV-2, which some of developing the lasting, debilitat-
evidence suggests may have passed ing symptoms known as Long Covid.
from bats to people via an animal Yet a bevy of studies early in the
host such as raccoon dogs or other pandemic showed that other immune
susceptible species known to have memories of the common cold corona-
been sold in a Wuhan, China, food viruses did help. “It has been well
market that had the earliest cluster established that prepandemic, some
of COVID-19 cases. people had preexisting immune re-

y g
The other two cold coronaviruses activity to SARS-CoV-2, and it was
have less certain origins. NL63 has an consequential,” says immunologist
ancestor found in tricolored bats in Alessandro Sette. His group at the
Maryland. A genetic comparison with Electron microscopist June Almeida (top, in 1963) discovered that La Jolla Institute for Immunology is
the bat virus suggests NL63 crossed the human virus dubbed B814 (bottom) resembled certain chicken among several to have reported that,

into humans 563 to 822 years ago, and mouse viruses in its shape and surrounding “halo.” in test tube experiments, T cells from
according to a 2012 estimate in the people who had never been infected
Journal of Virology. HKU1 has the murki- she’s leading an effort to find novel corona- by SARS-CoV-2 could sometimes recognize
est evolutionary history, but its genetic viruses in farmers who handle livestock. and destroy other cells infected by the vi-
sequence clusters close to the murine hepa- “There probably is fairly frequent trans- rus. “We and others have shown that, at
titis virus, suggesting it has a rodent origin. fer of zoonotic coronaviruses into the hu- least in some cases, this could be mapped to
In a chapter about human coronaviruses man population,” says J. Glenn Morris, an similarities between common cold [corona-
that Drosten and co-authors wrote for Ad- epidemiologist who heads the Emerging virus] sequences and SARS-CoV-2 se-
vances in Virus Research in 2018, they Pathogens Institute at the University of quences,” Sette says.
noted it was “peculiar” that no great apes Florida. But many then fail to spread fur- Another study found that health care
other than humans have their own corona- ther, he suspects. Indeed, over the years workers who had T cell responses to certain
viruses. “This absence provides further Morris, Vlasova, and others have identified coronavirus proteins, besides spike, that are
support to the suspicion that contact with coronaviruses from cows, dogs, cats, and similar in the cold viruses and SARS-CoV-2
domestic animals may have been essential pigs that appear to have infected people, appeared to abort infections with the latter.
in human acquisition of most or all endemic then petered out. Other research documented that household
CoV,” they concluded. Anastasia Vlasova, a To Gregory Gray, an epidemiologist at contacts of people with SARS-CoV-2 had a
virologist at Ohio State University, may soon the University of Texas Medical Branch who lower risk of becoming infected themselves
have further evidence for that theory as helped Vlasova uncover a canine corona- if they had T cells that reacted to proteins in

144 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 SCIENCE

Was the “Russian flu” pandemic from 1889 to 1894, depicted here in the United Kingdom’s Illustrated Police News, actually caused by a coronavirus now linked to mild colds?

the viral capsule of OC43 and HKU1. Immu- lockdowns, all four of the common cold and this is just number five,” she says.
nity to the common cold cousins also seems coronaviruses returned, according to her “Coughing in your own bed is bad for trans-
to lead to less severe COVID-19, and Sette’s unpublished analysis. “I don’t think that mission of an acute respiratory virus. As

group showed that it improved responses to SARS-CoV-2 has any effect on their circula- soon as they start to adapt to their hosts,
COVID-19 vaccines. tion,” she says. they let those infected people walk on the
Early in the pandemic, this preexisting streets and go shopping.”
coronavirus immunity might have signifi- TO VAN DER HOEK, the significance of the But evolutionary biologist Jemma
cantly reduced the toll of SARS-CoV-2. But “other” coronaviruses is different: She Geoghegan at the University of Otago is
it may have little importance today, Sette thinks they foreshadow the likely future of skeptical. Geoghegan co-authored a Decem-
says, because “the vast majority of the SARS-CoV-2. She is struck by how sharply ber 2018 article in Nature Reviews Genetics
planet has been exposed to SARS-CoV-2 and severe disease and death from SARS-CoV-2 that calls into question the entrenched idea
vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2.” has dropped over the past 4 years, shifting that emerging viruses become less viru-
Infectious disease specialist Manish its status from a widely feared killer to yet lent to persist. “I think the classic view is

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Sagar of Boston University and co-workers another human coronavirus that, at least in wrong,” says Geoghegan, whose article of-
have flipped this issue on its head, asking people under age 65 who have no comor- fers several examples of viruses—including
whether immunity to SARS-CoV-2 protects bidities, causes little acute harm. Indeed HIV—that did not weaken over time.
against the common cold. They looked for for many, Long Covid has become more of a She notes that SARS-CoV-2 begins to
the cold-causing coronaviruses in nasal worry than immediate hospitalization. spread before people develop symptoms

swabs of nearly 5000 people who came to The early ferocity of the virus has much and often doesn’t even sicken the immuno-
the Boston Medical Center between No- to do with the fact that aside from some logically naïve—which means there’s little
vember 2020 and October 2021. People possible modest protection from previous evolutionary pressure for it to become less
who had prior SARS-CoV-2 infections were colds, the world population in January 2020 virulent. “There’s no selection for this re-
50% less likely to have symptomatic dis- was immunologically blindsided by the new duced virulence/transmission trade-off.”
ease from one of the four, they reported in infection. But van der Hoek suspects that an The procession of SARS-CoV-2 variants
a bioRxiv preprint on 24 October 2023. T evolutionary “trade-off” has also defanged contributes to Geoghegan’s skepticism.

cells that targeted two of the internal pro- SARS-CoV-2: As the virus has spread to bil- Delta was more virulent than the original
teins of OC43, the most frequently found lions of people, it may have become less vir- virus that emerged in Wuhan. Omicron, the
cold coronavirus in their study, likely ex- ulent so it can spread more readily. “When next to emerge, took over because it spreads
plained the benefit. viruses jump species, they are not adapted more quickly, not because it’s milder. There’s
But van der Hoek has also examined to their hosts at all, and they don’t take into no sign of the supposed trade-off, she says.
the cross-immunity question and come to account that the host must survive for them So put an asterisk on the notion that
a different conclusion. In the fall of 2021 to survive,” she says. SARS-CoV-2 is heading down an evolution-
her team began to test respiratory samples Each of the four common cold corona- ary path to becoming as docile as OC43
to see whether SARS-CoV-2 affected the viruses, she contends, probably came in and the other cold coronaviruses. “Omicron
presence of common cold coronaviruses. lethally hot and then cooled down. “This still hospitalizes and kills lots of people,”
After the Netherlands ended its COVID-19 must have happened with all four of them, Geoghegan says. “It’s not there yet.” j

SCIENCE 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 145



Decoding the
language of immunity

Optimized transfer RNA (tRNA) codon
use can speed up antibody generation

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By Raymond A. Alvarez1,2 and stress response, to accommodate the excep- ent factors, codon usage bias is particularly
Louisa K. James3 tional rate of protein synthesis and secretion prominent in highly expressed genes and
required. On page 205 of this issue, Giguère appears to correlate with the copy number

ntibodies are critical for human et al. (1) reveal that mRNA encoding anti- or abundance of cognate tRNAs. The num-
health, providing long-lived and ex- body genes is enriched with codons recog- ber of tRNAs not only differs from species
quisitely specific immunity to patho- nized by modified transfer RNA (tRNA). to species but also can vary even across
gens. Plasma cells secrete tens of thou- This codon optimization is accompanied by tissues and developmental stages in mul-
sands of antibody molecules every an increase in tRNAs with complementary ticellular organisms. In humans, there are
second and sustain this output con- modifications, which serves to enhance an- several hundred tRNA genes with varying
tinuously for several decades. Plasmablasts tibody biosynthesis by ASCs. This has wider copy numbers spread across the genome.
and plasma cells [collectively, antibody- implications for therapeutic protein produc- Furthermore, posttranslational modifica-
secreting cells (ASCs)] are generated follow- tion, vaccine design, and beyond. tions of tRNAs, including so-called “wobble
ing the activation and differentiation of B Eighteen of the 20 amino acids are en- modifications,” increase the range of syn-
cells, which involves complete reprogram- coded by two or more synonymous codons.
1Department of Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine
ming of the transcriptional machinery and Organisms display preferential biases in the
remodeling of the endoplasmic reticulum selection of synonymous codons, which is at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA. 2Ichor Biologics, LLC, New
York, NY, USA. 3Centre for Immunobiology, Blizard Institute,
and Golgi apparatus. ASCs have co-opted thought to play a role in efficient transla- Queen Mary University of London, London, UK.
the unfolded protein response (UPR), a tion. Although dependent on several differ- Email:

146 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 SCIENCE

Specific codon usage in mRNAs (blue) and sociated with progression in several cancers, promise for optimizing protein expression in
modification of transfer RNAs (tRNAs; center) including leukemias and solid tumors (8, 9). the mammalian cell lines used for manufac-
enhance antibody production. Although increases in ADAR-mediated ino- turing recombinant proteins, such as mono-
sine modifications have been identified, al- clonal antibodies for clinical use. Strategies
onymous codons that can be translated, for terations in tRNA pool availability and their such as media formulation, selective pres-
example, inosine-34 (see the figure). Giguère impact on cellular translational dynam- sure, and cell and vector engineering have
et al. found that, relative to other genes, an- ics remain undefined. The parallels drawn all been used to increase expression and im-
tibody mRNA sequences from both human from antibody production may reveal the prove the stability of these cell factories (10,
and mouse ASCs display a conserved bias potential relevance of tRNA adaptations in 11). Although these strategies have enhanced
toward codons recognized by inosine-34– elevated metabolism and proliferation ob- stability and yields, a greater understanding
modified tRNA and that ASCs are enriched of the natural process that governs antibody
with tRNA with inosine modifications. In secretion from ASCs may yield considerable
a mouse model, reducing the frequency of Boosting antibody generation advances. For instance, designing constructs
inosine-34–dependent codons resulted in In transfer RNAs (tRNAs), deamination of that tailor codon usage to cell-specific tRNA
decreased antibody production, confirming adenosine-34 (A34) to generate inosine-34 (I34) expression may revolutionize recombinant
that coordination of inosine-34–dependent by the enzyme adenosine deaminase acting protein production, especially the synthe-
codon bias and inosine tRNA abundance on RNA 1 (ADAR1) extends the range of pairing sis of antibodies. Alternatively, modifica-
is a mechanism to enhance antibody bio- from U-ended codons to include A- and tions to the expression profiles of tRNA in
synthesis. Understanding the regulatory C-ended codons on eight different tRNAs. producer cell lines could also be engineered
mechanisms governing tRNA modification to complement the requirements of particu-

requires further research. lar monoclonal antibody sequences, enhanc-
This coordination may extend beyond tRNA tRNA ing the efficacy and yields of therapeutic
antibody production, potentially offering C G A A34 protein production.
insight into fundamental regulatory mecha- Similarly, understanding how specific
nisms governing cellular fitness and func- ADAR1 mRNA codons interact with the tRNA pool opens
tion. Adenosine deaminase acting on RNA Codon avenues for more efficient design of mRNA-
(ADAR) enzymes, which are responsible based therapeutics with enhanced protein

for catalyzing RNA adenosine-to-inosine tRNA expression and potentially vaccine efficacy
posttranscriptional modifications, have C G I I34 and duration of immunity. Indeed, tailoring
been associated with a wide range of hu- mRNA sequences to align with tRNA avail-
man diseases, including cancer and neu- ability may enable optimal vaccine designs

rological, metabolic, and autoimmune dis- G C U G C C G C A and fine-tune protein expression systems.
eases (2, 3). Humans express three ADAR Deciphering the intricate network of signal-
proteins that are highly conserved across Optimizing translation ing pathways and regulatory factors driving
vertebrates. ADAR1 is essential for mam- I34-dependent codons and inosine- tRNA remodeling in ASCs is crucial; under-
containing tRNAs are enriched in
malian development (4). Ablation of Adar1 antibody-secreting cells (ASCs),
standing how tRNA modifications affect
in mice leads to lethal defects during em- resulting in enhanced translational fidelity, efficiency, and protein
bryonic development, notably with severe antibody secretion. folding during antibody synthesis warrants
defects in hematopoiesis (5). In human further investigation.
embryonic stem cells (hESCs), inhibiting l34 dependence Antibodies Whether altered tRNA pools influence
ADAR1 expression reduces their ability to broader aspects of cellular fitness beyond

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differentiate into neurons (6). Analogous Naïve Memory antibody production remains unknown. The
to ASCs, during hematopoiesis, stem cells B cell B cell study by Giguère et al. provides a founda-
rapidly synthesize high levels of proteins tional understanding of tRNA remodeling
to undergo cellular differentiation and Differentiation and codon usage in humoral immunity,
(re)generate new or damaged tissues and representing a paradigm shift in our under-

maintain tissue homeostasis. Recent studies served in aggressive cancers and may also standing of translation dynamics. j
have suggested that RNA editing is critical provide insights into their initiation and
for regulating stem cell fate and function evolution, offering new avenues for under-
1. S. Giguère et al., Science 383, 205 (2024).
(7), but how dynamic regulation of tRNA standing and therapeutic development tar- 2. W. Slotkin, K. Nishikura, Genome Med. 5, 105 (2013).
profiles dictates cell fate decisions, influenc- geting aberrant translational processes. 3. B. Song, Y. Shiromoto, M. Minakuchi, K. Nishikura, Wiley
ing differentiation versus proliferation, is Giguère et al. revealed that codon usage Interdiscip. Rev. RNA 13, 1665 (2022).
4. J. C. Hartner et al., J. Biol. Chem. 279, 4894 (2004).
unknown. Indeed, the correlations drawn plays a role in the selection of B cells into 5. Q. Wang, J. Khillan, P. Gadue, K. Nishikura, Science 290,
from antibody production may be relevant the memory compartment. Following acti- 1765 (2000).
to understanding how tRNA modifications vation, B cells undergo affinity-based selec- 6. T. Chen et al., Cell Res. 25, 459 (2015).
7. D. Lu, J. Lu, Q. Liu, Q. Zhang, Biomark. Res. 11, 61 (2023).
may orchestrate the delicate balance be- tion to expand rare clones with the stron- 8. K. Fritzell, L. D. Xu, J. Lagergren, M. Öhman, Semin. Cell
tween cell differentiation and maintenance gest antigen-binding variable regions. By Dev. Biol. 79, 123 (2018).

of pluripotency, offering new perspectives examining the human postvaccination an- 9. X. Xu, Y. Wang, H. Liang, Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. 48, 51
on the regulatory networks governing cel- tibody repertoire, Giguère et al. identified 10. B. Bachhav, J. de Rossi, C. D. Llanos, L. Segatori,
lular fate determination. an enrichment in I34-dependent codons Biotechnol. Bioeng. 120, 2441 (2023).
In the case of cancer, the metabolic de- in the mRNA encoding the antigen binding 11. S. Xiao, J. Shiloach, M. J. Betenbaugh, Curr. Opin. Struct.
mands are somewhat analogous to those domains (variable regions) of plasma cells Biol. 26, 32 (2014).
observed in ASCs. Increased ADAR1 expres- and memory B cells relative to the naïve B
sion and A-to-I editing activity have been as- cell repertoire. Notably, these insights hold 10.1126/science.adn1067

SCIENCE 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 147



Electrons catch light pulses on the fly

Energy exchange between electrons and photons enables ultrafast probing of materials

By Albert Polman1 and spectra (1), a well-defined coherence relation ity, thereby increasing the light intensity to
F. Javier García de Abajo2,3 was established between the electron waves a high value and enabling PINEM to be per-
at different sideband energies for every elec- formed with a low-power continuous-wave

lthough free electrons are widely used tron (2, 3). This coherence has important im- laser light source (7). This capitalizes on the
as probes to analyze the morphology, plications for propagation of the electron be- ability of integrated optical circuits to com-
atomic structure, and optical prop- cause sidebands with different energies have bine waveguides, multiplexers, and other op-
erties of nanoscale materials using different electron velocities, and therefore, tical components to process information en-
transmission or scanning electron the electron wave packet that is formed by tirely using light, rather than using electrons
microscopy, they can also interact the superposition of all sidebands undergoes as in common electronic integrated circuits.
strongly with light and, thus, sample the a spatiotemporal reshaping as the electron Yang et al. exploited a fascinating property
distribution of optical fields in and around propagates (3). Specifically, the probability of some optical materials such as silicon ni-
those materials with high spatial resolution density distribution of each electron takes tride—a relatively strong nonlinear optical

(1–3). Specifically, in photon-induced near- the shape of a train of pulses of short dura- response. The speed of light in silicon nitride
field electron microscopy (PINEM), intense tion compared with the period of the light, depends on light intensity even for moderate
light fields bring an electron laser powers. Above a certain
into multiple energy states si- power threshold, such nonline-
multaneously—a quantum-me- Probing electron–light interaction arity causes light to propagate
chanical superposition state— A high-energy beam aligned with a microring cavity can probe the ultrafast evolution in complex ways. This includes
which are then measured with the formation of Kerr solitons

of optical soliton pulses. Strong electron–photon interaction tailors the production
an electron spectrometer. On of quantum-mechanical electron wave packets in space and time. (8), light pulses generated from
page 168 of this issue, Yang et al. a continuous laser that circulate
(4) report the use of PINEM to Laser light Soliton pulse in the microring cavity.
examine the creation of special Yang et al. brought together

light pulses known as solitons Photonic chip free electrons and nonlinear
in an optical integrated circuit. Continuous-wave optics by using PINEM with
pump direction
The electron–soliton interac- 200-keV electrons to probe Kerr
tion shapes the electron’s prob- solitons in a silicon nitride mi-
ability distribution in space e– croring of hundreds of microm-
and time, thereby enabling new Circulating light eters in diameter. This estab-
ways to probe ultrafast dynam- Electron wave lished a disruptive approach to
ics in matter with an electron e– packet explore electron–light interac-
microscope. tions and to shape the free-elec-
In quantum mechanics, a Electron beam Microring tron probability density. The

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free-space electron is described structure is pumped with a
as a wave packet characterized by a spati- which is a few femtoseconds in the visible continuous-wave laser at a wavelength com-
otemporal distribution of probability den- regime. PINEM thus pushes the combined monly used for on-chip telecommunication
sity—the likelihood of an electron being pres- spatiotemporal resolution of electron micro- applications (1.55 µm). The authors aligned
ent at a given position in space as a function scopes to the subfemtosecond and nanom- the electron beam (which travels in vacuum

of time. A distinct feature of PINEM is that, eter (sub-fs/nm) regime. Besides reshaping along a straight path) and the ring such that
by tailoring the light field, electron–light the electron probability density, the side- the electron interacts twice along the cavity
interaction enables control over this distri- band amplitudes provide a direct measure of circumference, thereby probing the optical
bution of the electron probability density. the intensity associated with the optical near field at two different moments in time (see
Starting with an incident electron of energy field traversed by the electron. Yang et al. the figure). The delay between the two inter-
E0 and a smooth spatial density distribution leveraged this effect to measure the intensity actions is controlled by the electron beam
curve, its interaction with light expands the associated with the generation of solitons. distance from the cavity center (i.e., zero de-
energy spectrum, creating energy states The creation of strong electron–light in- lay when the beam is tangent to the ring, and
(sidebands) that are separated from E0 by teractions in PINEM requires intense opti- a maximum delay determined by the ring
positive and negative multiples of the pho- cal fields, which are commonly achieved by diameter when the beam intersects the ring
ton energy "v. After the initial observation using ultrashort intense laser pulses under center). This provides a means to examine
of PINEM and associated electron sideband far-field illumination conditions (5). Intense the temporal propagation and phase of light
fields are also achieved by using optical mi- as it circulates the ring cavity. In particular,
1Center for Nanophotonics, NWO Institute AMOLF, croring waveguides made of highly transpar- the phase is proportional to the delay, thus
Amsterdam, Netherlands. 2ICFO-Institut de Ciencies ent silicon nitride and fabricated on a silicon allowing Yang et al. to observe characteristic
Fotoniques, The Barcelona Institute of Science and chip through lithographic techniques (6). Ramsey interference patterns of light as the
Technology, Castelldefels, Spain. 3ICREA-Institució Catalana
de Recerca i Estudis Avançats, Barcelona, Spain. When light is injected into a microring, it cir- distance between the two points of light–
Email: culates hundreds of times inside the ring cav- electron interaction is gradually changed.

148 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 SCIENCE

These patterns evolve between constructive MEDICINE
and destructive interference as the delay-in-
duced phase varies from 0 to p. The soliton
signature emerges as a broad background
signal superimposed on the Ramsey pattern
Practical challenges for
and involves higher light intensities (opti-
cal fields accumulated in the pulse-shaped
soliton) that, consequently, produce high-
precision medicine
er-order sidebands. The prediction of individual treatment responses
Nonlinear optical behavior can also be
observed through the formation of chaotic
with machine learning faces hurdles
light fields, trains of solitons, or individual
solitons, depending on how the input light By Frederike H. Petzschner have the capacity to analyze large datasets
wavelength and its power are tuned. These and identify the most effective combination

phenomena are driven by the silicon nitride recision medicine promises treat- of features that accurately predicts a vari-
nonlinear optical response (5, 8). As the laser ments tailored to individual patient able of interest. They thus offer a promising
wavelength and power were varied, Yang et profiles. Machine learning models avenue for discovering relevant features or
al. could probe the transitions between non- have been heralded as the tools to ac- biomarkers that predict individual treatment
linear optical regimes because of the strong celerate precision medicine by sifting responses. Typically, this involves training the
sensitivity of PINEM to the light field inten- through large amounts of complex model on a dataset for which the outcome,

sity and its distribution around the ring. The data to pinpoint the genetic, sociodemo- such as the response to a given treatment, is
data of Yang et al. could be explained through graphic, or biological markers that predict already known. This is known as supervised
a combination of well-established theoretical the right treatment for the right person at learning. One common pitfall of this method
models for both the nonlinear optical re- the right time. However, the initial enthu- is overfitting. Overfitting occurs when a
sponse of microcavities (9) and the electron– siasm for these advanced predictive tools is model is too flexible relative to the data it is
photon interaction (2, 3). Simulations based now facing a sobering reality check. On page trained on, which limits its generalizability.
on these models were in good quantitative 164 of this issue, Chekroud et al. (1) show that A sign of overfitting is when the model ac-

agreement with the authors’ experiments. machine learning models that predict treat- curately predicts outcomes on the data it was
The interaction of electrons with en- ment response to antipsychotic medication trained on but performs poorly on new, un-
hanced light fields enabled by the microring among individuals with schizophrenia in one seen data. To address the issue of overfitting,
geometry creates opportunities to obtain clinical trial failed to generalize to data from it is essential to validate models on unseen

previously inaccessible information on light new, unseen clinical trials. The findings not data. Cross-validation is a widely used tech-
propagation inside integrated optical cir- only highlight the necessity for more strin- nique for this purpose. It involves repeatedly
cuits. This includes the degree and spatial gent methodological standards for machine dividing the data into subsets, training the
distribution of coherence associated with learning approaches but also require reexam- model on one subset, and then evaluating its
nonlinearly generated light pulses such as ination of the practical challenges that preci- prediction accuracy on the remaining “held-
solitons. Furthermore, electron–soliton in- sion medicine is facing. out” data (see the figure).
teraction enables a disruptive approach to What predicts whether a patient will ben- However, cross-validation is not infallible.
shaping the electron probability density in efit from a particular treatment? The answer Chekroud et al. revealed that models trained
space and time. Also, solitons circulating may lie in their genetics, biology, sociode- to predict responses to antipsychotic medica-
the microring cavity can interact with a mographic background, social environment, tion in schizophrenia within a specific clinical

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continuous electron beam at a high repeti- past experiences, or a myriad of other po- trial using cross-validation failed to predict
tion rate approaching the terahertz, which tential factors. Machine learning techniques treatment responses in other independent
is inaccessible with current ultrafast optics
technology. The resulting electron modula-
tions could be synchronized with the optical Individual treatment prediction using machine learning

excitation, presenting new ways to perform Supervised machine learning for individual treatment prediction is based on the development of classifiers.
electron microscopy and probe ultrafast dy-
To prevent overfitting, model validation is crucial, typically achieved through cross-validation or out-of-sample
namics in material systems with sub-fs/nm validation. Out-of-sample validation requires a completely independent dataset and is more resource-intensive,
spatiotemporal resolution. j but this approach is less susceptible to overfitting and can provide more generalizable results.


1. B. Barwick et al., Nature 462, 902 (2009).
Dataset Training Test Training data from single patients Classification
2. F. J. García de Abajo et al., Nano Lett. 10, 1859 (2010).
3. A. Feist et al., Nature 521, 200 (2015). “Responder”
4. Y. Yang et al., Science 383, 168 (2024).
5. M. Liebtrau et al., Light Sci. Appl. 10, 82 (2021).
6. Y. Liu et al., Science 376, 1309 (2022).
7. J.-W. Henke et al., Nature 600, 653 (2021).
8. T. Herr et al., Nat. Photonics 8, 145 (2014).
9. L. A. Lugiato, R. Lefever, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 2209 (1987).
Independent Validation
dataset “Responder?”
The authors receive support from European Research Council
(ERC) 789104/eNANO; ERC 01019932/QEWS; and European Out-of-sample
Commission FET-Proactive 101017720/EBEAM.

SCIENCE 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 149


clinical trials. One reason that cross-valida- driven computational models that aim to MATERIALS SCIENCE
tion can inadvertently result in overfitting describe underlying disease mechanisms, a
the held-out data is that the modeler, through
iterative model adjustments, may eventually
use all the available data. The issue is likely
method gaining traction in the field of com-
putational psychiatry. These models are in-
creasingly being used alongside data-driven
The bumpy
more widespread than typically acknowl-
edged. For example, a comprehensive review
of 116 studies across various psychiatric diag-
machine learning techniques, forming pow-
erful tools to tackle the issue of heterogeneity
in patient populations (5, 6).
road to friction
noses found signs of overfitting specifically
in studies with small sample sizes (<50 par-
ticipants) (2). Small sample sizes also cause
Another form of heterogeneity may stem
from systematic differences across studies,
locations, or time points. As a result, predic-
large variance in cross-validation results, and tions of machine learning models trained on The frictional properties
although these issues are well known in sta- data from a specific context—a population, of material interfaces can
tistics and machine learning, many studies country, setting, or time period—might rely
still do not follow best practices to improve on features that are associated but not caus- be rationally designed
the outcomes of cross-validation (3). ally related with a clinical outcome in a given
A reliable way to assure the generalizability study but are not predictive in other contexts. By Viacheslav Slesarenko1,2 and
of machine learning models lies in validating One way to address this heterogeneity is to Lars Pastewka1,2
their predictive accuracy on a truly indepen- pool data across multiple studies and sites.

dent, untouched validation sample, known Unreliable predictions may also be the riction controls daily life, often with-

as out-of-sample validation. Often, this ap- result of outdated outcome measures. Many out being noticed. It allows walking
proach is not used in clinical studies owing existing symptom scores are based on ques- without slipping, holds sandcastles
to the challenges associated with acquiring tionnaires that may no longer align with together, and determines the per-
larger datasets and the need for stringent understanding of the disease and potentially ceived cleanliness of hair. Little resis-
rules governing data acquisition and usage. lead to inaccurate assessments of treatment tance is desired when pedaling bikes,
However, the study by Chekroud et al. adds to response. For example, the positive and nega- yet the expectation of pulling the brakes is
a growing body of evidence that underscores tive syndrome scale (PANSS) used in the to stop moving. Overall, machines use 20%

the necessity of these more robust validation clinical trials from Chekroud et al. is gradu- of the world’s energy production to over-
standards to avoid overly optimistic results ally being supplanted by more contemporary come frictional resistance (1). Present-day
from machine learning models that fail to assessment tools, specifically in the context strategies to tune friction, derived from
generalize to wider clinical contexts. of negative symptoms in schizophrenia (7). more than a century of engineering in-

Even with models that are properly vali- If a questionnaire fails to fully capture the sights, often involve the lubrication of in-
dated and supported by large sample sizes, true disease burden, it might not accurately terfaces with oils or greases. On page 200
attempts to predict the clinical outcome or detect genuine improvements resulting from of this issue, Aymard et al. (2) report an
treatment response for individual patients treatment. This discrepancy can lead to mis- alternative strategy of rationally design-
can be unreliable. In the study by Chekroud classification of who has or has not benefited ing the frictional properties of interfaces.
et al., even when data from multiple clini- from the treatment, which hinders the accu- Their approach to friction control may
cal trials were pooled to train the model, its rate training of the machine learning model. lead to the development of surfaces that
predictions still failed to generalize to a new Similar to the heterogeneity within diagnos- adapt to the environment in real time.
independent trial. The reasons for this are tic categories, outcome measures will become Aymard et al. show that small bumps of
complex and multifaceted. A primary factor more accurate with increasing insight into identical radii (3) constitute simple build-

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is the inherent heterogeneity in data from the underlying disease mechanism. ing blocks that can be combined into a
clinical populations. This issue is particularly The challenges of using machine learning frictional metainterface. By using many
prominent in psychiatric disorders, which to predict individual treatment response in such bumps on a surface and adjust-
are typically defined by sets of symptoms medicine, specifically in the context of psy- ing their height distribution, the authors
(syndromes). Patients with the same diagnos- chiatry, stem from a complex interplay of is- could prescribe a desired, even nonlinear,

tic label may exhibit vastly different symptom sues related to model validation standards, dependence of the frictional force that re-
profiles that warrant different treatments. diagnostic heterogeneity, and the relevance sists sliding motion on the external load
Moreover, identical symptoms in different of outcome measures used. Addressing these that pushes the sliding interfaces together.
individuals might have distinct biological challenges is essential for impactful clinical The effect of surface topography on
underpinnings and thus require different research and to enable progression toward friction has long been known. Charles-
therapeutic strategies (4). Basing machine effective precision medicine. j Augustin Coulomb, one of the founders of
learning models purely on diagnostic labels tribology (the science of friction), wrote in
without taking this type of heterogeneity into 1779 about the interlocking of asperities
1. A. M. Chekroud et al., Science 383, 164 (2024).
account can lead to inaccuracies when pre- 2. T. Wolfers et al., Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 57, 328 (2015). (4), the name given to “bumps” on rough
dicting effective treatment strategies. 3. G. Varoquaux et al., Neuroimage 145 (Pt B), 166 (2017). surfaces. Surface topography determines
4. K. E. Stephan et al., Lancet Psychiatry 3, 77 (2016).
A promising approach to address this chal- 5. M. P. Paulus, W. K. Thompson, Psychopharmacology 238, the amount of actual contact that two
lenge is to stratify patients into more pre- 1231 (2021). bodies make. Thus, two bodies typically
cisely defined categories, for example, based 6. Q. J. M. Huys et al., Nat. Neurosci. 19, 404 (2016).
7. B. Kirkpatrick et al., Schizophr. Bull. 32, 214 (2006).
on underlying symptom causes. This can be 1Department of Microsystems Engineering, University of

achieved, in part, through the use of theory- ACK NOWL EDG M E N TS Freiburg, 79110 Freiburg, Germany. 2Cluster of Excellence
F.H.P. was supported by the Brainstorm Program at the livMatS, Freiburg Center for Interactive Materials and
Robert J. and Nancy D. Carney Institute for Brain Robert J. and Nancy D. Carney Institute for Brain Science. Bioinspired Technologies, University of Freiburg, 79110
Science, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA. Freiburg, Germany. Email: viacheslav.slesarenko@livmats.
Email: 10.1126/science.adm9218;

150 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 SCIENCE

Metamaterials hint at the future of frictional metainterfaces exploited for designing their metainter-
Metamaterials progressed from simple repetition of identical unit cells to the assembly of various cells faces. Classical metamaterials can be con-
with individually reprogrammable geometries and properties (top). Frictional metainterfaces evolved from sidered frozen in time and space, unable
simple textures to surfaces with combinatorial topography (bottom). By making each individual bump to change behavior after fabrication. By
reprogrammable, adaptive frictional metainterfaces are within reach. contrast, building unit cells with geom-
etries that can be altered makes it possible
Mechanical metamaterials
to encode not one but multiple structure-
property relationships in the same materi-
als and switch between these relationships
on demand (9). Such metamaterials might
rely on buckling, stimuli-responsive mate-
rials or on electromechanical actuators for
Classical Combinatorial Reprogrammable triggering reprogramming to adjust me-
chanical behavior (10, 11).
Embedding such active elements into
Classical Combinatorial Reprogrammable metainterfaces would enable control of
friction and facilitate frictional adaptivity.
Indeed, simple forms of such reconfigu-
rable interfaces have already been real-
Frictional ized to control wettability (12). Frictional

adaptivity would have numerous applica-
tions, such as touch displays with haptic
touch only on the highest peaks of their area versus normal load, tuning the fric- feedback. Current attempts to control fric-
topographies. The contact area of random tional response. By this controlled sepa- tion center around electrochemistry (13)
interfaces increases proportional to the ap- ration of the small-scale and bump-scale or electroadhesion (14). A metainterface
plied load because the surfaces deform to response, Aymard et al. could “program” approach would supersede the chemical
conform (5). Friction force is typically pro- the frictional response of a metainterface. route because control of not just simply

portional to contact area, which is why the The idea of programming material be- friction but the whole nonlinear depen-
friction coefficient—the ratio of friction havior through geometry and properties of dency of friction force on normal load
force to normal force—is constant. discrete building blocks is ingrained in the appears within reach. Key engineering
Random roughness is present on all field of metamaterials. The first implemen- challenges will revolve around reliability

natural and man-made interfaces (6), but tation of this concept in mechanics dates because friction is typically accompanied
understanding the influence of roughness back to the 1987 work of the engineering by wear. Miniaturization of active ele-
on friction is complicated scientist Roderic Lakes, ments will also be challenging, but either
because roughness is scale who proposed a material microsystems or stimuli-responsive mate-
free; there is no single “…control of not just composed of repeating rials may offer solutions to this. The road
length scale that stands
out. To exert control, en-
simply friction but identical unit cells and ca-
pable of imitating unusual
toward friction control holds a bumpy, but
bright, future. j
gineers have long explic- the whole nonlinear auxetic behavior that is
itly introduced geometric observed in some foams
structures with well-de- dependency of (7). The geometry of the
1. K. Holmberg, A. Erdemir, Friction 5, 263 (2017).
2. A. Aymard, E. Delplanque, D. Dalmas, J. Scheibert,

y g
fined length scales into
interfaces. For example,
friction force on unit cell defines the macro-
scopic behavior of the en-
Science 383, 200 (2024).
3. R. Sahli et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 115, 471 (2018).
honing produces trenches,
and laser patterning pro-
normal load appears tire metamaterial, enabling
control over relations be-
4. C. A. Coulomb, Théorie des Machines Simples
(Imprimerie de Huzard-Courzier, 1821).
5. B. N. J. Persson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 116101 (2001).
duces dimples. Although within reach.” tween structure and prop- 6. T. D. B. Jacobs, L. Pastewka, MRS Bull. 47, 1205 (2022).

the effect of these struc- erties (see the figure). 7. R. Lakes, Science 235, 1038 (1987).
8. S. Bonfanti, R. Guerra, F. Font-Clos, D. Rayneau-
tures on lubricated interfaces can be mea- Over time, mechanical metamaterials
Kirkhope, S. Zapperi, Nat. Commun. 11, 4162 (2020).
sured, their functional role is debated, constructed from a single unit cell gradu- 9. X. Xia, C. M. Spadaccini, J. R. Greer, Nat. Rev. Mater. 7,
impeding the design of surfaces with de- ally morphed into structures that com- 683 (2022).
sired properties. bined unit cells with different geometries 10. H. Yasuda et al., Nature 598, 39 (2021).
11. R. H. Lee, E. A. B. Mulder, J. B. Hopkins, Sci. Robot. 7,
The bumpy metainterfaces of Aymard and properties within the single metama- eabq7278 (2022).
et al. also explicitly introduce a length terial. Just like Aymard et al.’s metasur- 12. M. Specht, M. Berwind, C. Eberl, Adv. Eng. Mater. 23,
scale, but in a very controlled manner and faces that have bumps instead of unit cells, 2001037 (2021).
13. F. Bresme, A. A. Kornyshev, S. Perkin, M. Urbakh, Nat.
for unlubricated contacts. The effects of this enabled the programming of specific Mater. 21, 848 (2022).
roughness, mechanics, and chemistry on complex mechanical responses through 14. M. Ayyildiz, M. Scaraggi, O. Sirin, C. Basdogan, B. N. J.
the frictional properties of the individual internal organization. The price for versa- Persson, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 115, 12668 (2018).

bump were experimentally characterized tility is a necessity for advanced modeling

(3) and fed into a machine-learned model methods to search for the structure that fa-
The authors receive funding from the Deutsche
that was used to design the aggregate re- cilitates the required behavior. Luckily, this Forschungsgemeinschaft under Germany’s Excellence
sponse of the metainterface, which consists transition nicely coincided with progress Strategy (grant EXC-2193/1–390951807).
of many bumps. The height distribution of in machine learning that has become vital
the bumps was then optimized to yield a for the efficient inverse design of metama-
desired functional relationship of contact terials (8)—a progress that Aymard et al. 10.1126/science.adn1075

SCIENCE 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 151


nationally accepted standards on climate

P OLICY FORUM risk, considers legal risk as a part of tran-
sition risk. The Network for Greening the
CLIMATE POLICY Financial System (NGFS), a network of
central banks working on climate risk sce-

Climate risk assessments must nario analysis, considers legal risks to be

subsets of physical and transition risk (5).
In contrast to their extensive treatment of

engage with the law physical and transition risks, these bodies
provide little or no detail on how to evalu-
ate climate-related legal risk, suggesting
Legal actions determine the allocation and magnitude that its operationalization is at best pe-
of climate-related financial risk exposures ripheral in practice.
Policy frameworks that recognize cli-
mate-related legal risk as a separate cat-
By Thom Wetzer1,2, Rupert Stuart-Smith1, struction or operation of high-emissions egory also offer limited methodological
Arjuna Dibley1,3,4 assets; and penalizing inadequate due dili- clarity. Mandatory climate risk disclosure
gence, management, or disclosure of finan- policies for firms in Australia, Canada, the

limate-related financial risk is the cial risks, which may alter transition risk. European Union (EU), and New Zealand
dominant frame through which many Other legal actions seek to hold firms finan- recognize “liability risks” as a distinct

companies, investors, and regulators cially responsible for adaptation costs or category, as do prudential supervision
engage with climate change. We ar- losses caused by their emissions. Litigation regimes applying to EU banks and insur-
gue that developments in legal ac- can also stymie climate action by challeng- ers, but they do not explicate how firms
tion mean that the basis for these ing governments’ climate policies or in- should evaluate such risks. Some jurisdic-
assessments, which focus on physical and creasing their costs through compensation tions’ guidance merely notes that firms
transition risks (1), is no longer accurate. claims. An illustrative sample of cases is subjected to ongoing climate litigation
Accounting for the legal system substan- summarized in table S1. should disclose the associated risks when

tially alters the distribution of climate-re- Legal developments other than litigation they are likely to affect a company’s finan-
lated risk between firms, governments, and may also alter firms’ climate risk exposure; cial performance. In the rare instances for
the public. Drawing on analysis of climate for example, an agreement similar to the which detailed guidance is provided, it
litigation, regulatory enforcement, and master settlement agreed with the tobacco takes a narrow view of legal impact. For

other legal action, we propose a framework industry [US$159 billion paid to US states example, the Bank of England’s Climate
that accounts for how legal action shifts through April 2023 (3)] could involve large Biennial Exploratory Scenario (CBES), the
or amplifies physical and transition risk ex- financial transfers from emitters to com- first climate stress test to systematically
posures and creates additional climate risk pensate for physical risks and impacts. incorporate legal risk, focused on litiga-
exposures. We then preview five qualitative Litigation against corporations and fi- tion impacts on selected insurance claim
and quantitative approaches that can be ap- nancial institutions is in its early stages. For payouts (6).
plied to assess the implications of legal ac- the cases that pose the largest financial risk, The state of the academic literature is
tion for firms’ climate-related risk exposure. successes have been limited to date, and for similarly embryonic. Studies consider cat-
The financial implications of climate damages claims, most are still pending. This egories of (possible) cases against finan-
change are widely recognized. Policy re- may change as greater risks from climate cial institutions and associated risks (7),

y g
sponses include mandating that firms change materialize, case numbers grow, and the role of legal action as a transmission
evaluate and disclose climate risk and cen- evidence of climate change evolves. How- channel for physical and transition risk
tral bank stress tests on asset values under ever, existing climate risk assessments do (6), or how litigation and liability concerns
climate change scenarios. Climate-risk as- not account for the effect of litigation and might incentivize adaptation investment
sessments underpinning such policies focus regulatory enforcement action in full. (8). However, existing literature does not

on physical risks—expected financial losses assess the implications of legal action for
from climate change impacts on assets— LEGAL RISK IN CLIMATE RISK climate-risk exposures comprehensively.
and transition risks—legislative, regulatory, ASSESSMENTS Consequently, existing assessments inaccu-
technological, market, and reputation- The relevance of legal action to climate rately represent the effect of legal action on
related drivers of emission reductions and risk is widely accepted. In 2015, Mark Car- the distribution and scale of firms’ climate
adaptation that introduce financial risk for ney, then governor of the Bank of England, risk exposure.
nonaligned firms. described “liability risks” as a distinct cli-
Rising physical and transition risks, mate-risk category, noting that such risks MAGNITUDE AND ALLOCATION
coupled with a perceived lack of urgency will “increase as the science and evidence A more systematic account of climate-
in addressing their drivers, has led climate- of climate change hardens” [(4), p. 10]. related legal risk challenges the domi-
related litigation and regulatory enforce- That abstract acknowledgement has only nant logic of climate risk assessment that
ment action to proliferate: More than 2485 barely begun to enter technical analyses, equates ownership of assets exposed to
climate lawsuits have been filed worldwide let alone policy. Regulators are starting to physical and transition risks with financial
(see the figure) (2). The objectives of the develop methods that account for climate- exposure to those risks (9). Instead, legal
claims, brought in more than 52 national related legal risk, but such approaches re- action may shift risk to other entities and
jurisdictions, encompass enforcement or main in their infancy (5). alter the magnitude of these risks.
strengthening of emission-reduction com- The International Sustainability Standards Successful litigation would redirect costs
mitments and policies; challenging con- Board, established in 2021 to develop inter- incurred because of climate change (in-

152 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 SCIENCE

Climate-related legal action is on the rise globally Legal action can also amplify transition
More than 100 climate lawsuits have been filed per year globally since 2015. These lawsuits have varied risk by rendering voluntary commitments
objectives, including accelerated state and corporate climate action and accountability for past emissions. legally binding. Signatories of the Glasgow
Data include cases filed to November 2023. Rest of world United States Financial Alliance for Net Zero cited this as
a reason to loosen their commitments (13).
Climate lawsuits filed by year (globally) Climate litigation by jurisdiction as of November 2023 Legal challenges to government policy or
300 807 1678 regulation may affect firms’ transition risk
exposure indirectly by triggering policy
250 Australia (134) changes (Neubauer et al. v. Germany) such
as reduced fossil fuel subsidies, enhanced
200 United Kingdom (100)
emission standards, or more stringent dis-
Brazil (77) closure requirements.
150 European Union (69) Climate-related legal actions also intro-
Germany (54) duce financial risks that are not directly
100 Canada (35)
related to firms’ underlying transition and
50 physical risk exposure. These additional
Other (338) risks derive primarily from obligations to
0 manage risks or emissions, or from regula-
2002 2009 2016 2023 tory requirements to disclose climate risk
“Other” includes all other regions, notably New Zealand, France, Mexico, and Indonesia. and not to make inadequate or misleading

statements about risk management, invest-
cluding of adaptation measures) to green- ated arbitration proceedings against the ment policies (such as “greenwashing”),
house gas emitters (Lliuya v. RWE and Dutch government under the ECT (RWE and Paris-alignment of business plans.
People of the State of California v. Big Oil). AG and RWE Eemshaven Holding II BV Firms could face such liability regardless
Such claims would (partially) internalize v. Kingdom of the Netherlands), seeking of the size of their emissions footprint or
firms’ externalities, transferring physical €1.4 billion in compensation for a ban on physical or transition risk exposures. US
risk exposure to large emitters, potentially operating coal-fired power stations from banks BNY Mellon and Goldman Sachs

supplemented by punitive damages. Re- 2030. In 2022, Rockhopper Exploration agreed with the Securities and Exchange
cent cases sought to pass costs of defend- was granted €190 million in compensation Commission (SEC) to pay US$1.5 million
ing such lawsuits onto insurers (Aloha from the Italian government under ECT ar- and US$4 million fines, respectively, after
Petroleum v. AIG). Other cases aim to hold bitration proceedings. It is estimated that the SEC concluded that the banks’ commu-

fossil-fuel companies liable for climate oil and gas investors may seek more than nications about their environmental, so-
change impacts resulting from misleading US$340 billion in legal claims because of cial, and governance (ESG) investment pol-

or deceptive actions that stymied climate governments’ climate policies (11). Existing icies were misleading. Similar enforcement
policy—for example, by creating uncer- contracts (such as power purchase agree- action hit German asset manager DWS, in
tainty about climate science (Connecticut ments) and creative use of corporate law which an ongoing investigation resulted in
v. Exxon Mobil Corp.). These cases would [such as strategic insolvency to avoid tort the resignation of its CEO. Although these
internalize costs of deception or political liability (12)] may also protect parties from risks are growing in importance, they have
lobbying. Lawsuits have not yet held cor- transition risk or liability. had modest financial consequences for the
porate emitters liable for impacts of their Legal action can raise transition risk by firms affected to date.
activities, but developments in attribution accelerating mitigation and asset strand-

y g
(10) and social science research improve ing through strengthened firm or state DEVELOPING ASSESSMENTS
their likelihood of success. climate policies, enforcing existing policy, Not accounting for the law in climate risk
Legal action may also insulate firms and translating domestic or international evaluations is increasingly untenable.
from transition risk exposure. Transition climate policy into duties for companies Nevertheless, a recent survey of central
risk assessments typically presume that (Milieudefensie v. Shell) (table S1). These banks indicated that most struggle with

climate change mitigation policies intro- effects will be most pronounced for the assessments of climate-related legal risk:
duce costs to asset owners—for example, firms least aligned with domestic or inter- 93% of respondents did not yet quantify its
by causing asset stranding. However, national climate policy. Legal action thus impact (5).
firms’ transition risks may shift to govern- amplifies transition risks and accelerates Firms’ climate-related legal exposures
ments if legal entitlements to compensa- their manifestation—for example, by as- are contingent on legal action and out-
tion exist for policy-induced asset strand- sets becoming stranded. This increases the comes that in turn depend on available
ing. For example, the Energy Charter present value of these risks, which are oth- legal causes of action, the likelihoods that
Treaty (ECT), an international agreement erwise contingent on uncertain and often a case is brought and is successful, the rem-
to facilitate energy investment and trade, protracted policy implementation, by re- edy sought, and the likelihood of effective
includes protections for incumbent en- ducing the effects of discounting. enforcement. Moreover, exposures vary be-
ergy investments (11). In 2021, RWE initi- Individual firms may be exposed to am- tween actors; high-emitting firms may be
plified risks directly, but the possibility of targeted by liability claims and indirectly
1Oxford Sustainable Law Programme, Smith School of legal action can also raise risk perception experience consequences of challenges to
Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford, and borrowing costs. Successful litigation government policy, whereas banks may be
Oxford, UK. 2Faculty of Law, University of Oxford, Oxford, against one firm can set precedents or scrutinized for investment and risk-man-
UK. 3Sustainable Finance Hub, Melbourne Climate Futures, demonstrate the success of a legal strat- agement decisions. Uncertainty in each
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia. 4Melbourne
Law School, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia. egy, raising (perceived) risks for similarly of these areas may appear to create an in-
Email: situated firms in the same jurisdiction. tractable constraint on assessments and

SCIENCE 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 153


quantification of contingent liabilities of ogy-specific marginal abatement cost esti- seen to date. Legal outcomes may also vary
climate-related legal risk. Indirect risk ex- mates. This approach estimates the costs between jurisdictions. Nonetheless, such
posures—for example, by holding securi- of firms’ transitions with and without spe- an approach would embed legal risk
ties in a firm targeted by climate litigation cific legal decisions. The likelihood of suc- analysis at the heart of climate transition
or affected by new legal precedents—fur- cess of these claims, on which this quan- scenario analysis. In its CBES exercise,
ther complicates assessments. titative analysis is contingent, depends on the Bank of England was the first to ask
No single approach can assess legal risk the existence of obligations to follow a spe- insurers to quantify financial impacts of
comprehensively, and the suitability of dif- cific sectoral or firm-level transition path- hypothetical legal cases, an early use of
ferent methods depends on the source and way. These have not been explicitly articu- scenario-based approaches.
nature of risk in question, the particular lated in many countries, but Article 15 of Policy-makers, investors, and firm man-
legal arrangements of each jurisdiction, the EU’s proposed Corporate Sustainability agers have accepted the need to under-
and the nature of the claim and the rem- Due Diligence Directive could require firm- stand climate risk exposures. Doing so dili-
edy provided. To illustrate how legal action level transition plans and would harden gently will require more engagement with
can be accounted for in climate risk assess- legal expectations around the speed of the law through interdisciplinary research
ment, we propose five complementary ap- firms’ transitions. Without explicit obliga- that couples legal reasoning with financial
proaches for evaluating firms’ exposures, tions, judicial evaluation of the alignment analysis and climate science. Else, we will
each with its strengths and shortcomings. of firms’ transition plans with legal duties continue to fly blind in our treatment of cli-
Market impacts of legal judgments can depends on judges’ interpretations of na- mate risk. j
be retrospectively analyzed—for exam- tional and international law (14). The judg-
ple, by assessing stock price movements ment in Milieudefensie v. Shell hinged on
1. Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures

around climate litigation events. Such new interpretations of firm-level transition (TCFD), Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-
market movements represent the market’s requirements implied by international law, related Financial Disclosures (TCFD, 2017).
best estimate of the financial consequences illustrating that judicial interpretation can 2. J. Setzer, C. Higham, “Global trends in climate change lit-
of legal action. Analyses that focus on mar- evolve quickly and unpredictably, compli- igation: 2023 snapshot” (Grantham Research Institute
on Climate Change and the Environment and Centre for
ket movements sidestep the need to under- cating ex ante risk assessments. Climate Change Economics and Policy, London School
stand how risk materializes and provide Qualitative assessments of climate-re- of Economics and Political Science, 2023).
a baseline indication of the impact of cli- lated legal risk could evaluate implications 3. National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG),

mate litigation on firm value. However, the of developing judicial doctrine and prec- Payments to States since Inception through April 20
2023 (NAAG, 2023).
approach should be adopted cautiously. edent, legislation, and scientific advances 4. M. Carney, “Breaking the tragedy of the horizon—
Event studies are context specific, so their as well as trends in litigation outcomes to Climate change and financial stability” (Bank of
findings may extrapolate poorly to other characterize risks faced by specific firms. England, 2015);

firms, jurisdictions, and causes of action, Such analyses elucidate the distribution media/boe/files/speech/2015/breaking-the-tragedy-
especially given rapidly evolving climate and magnitude of climate-related legal pdf.
litigation strategies, legal precedents, and risks across firms and scenarios, facilitat- 5. NGFS, “Report on micro-prudential supervision of
societal expectations. ing risk management (5)—for example, climate-related litigation risks” (NGFS, 2023); https://
Estimates of climate impacts, based on within an investment portfolio—and in-
the social cost of carbon or on the attri- form and contextualize quantitative as-
bution of specific impacts, can be used to sessment approaches. 6. Bank of England, “Results of the 2021 Climate
quantitatively estimate legal risk associ- Biennial Exploratory Scenario (CBES)” (Bank of
ated with efforts to hold defendants liable MOVING FORWARD England, 2022);
for climate change. A back-of-the-envelope The emergence of unexpected new interpre-

y g
analysis using the social cost of carbon in- tations of open legal norms and the rapid 7. J. Solana, Green Finance 2, 344 (2020).
dicates that Chevron’s emissions to 2010 evolution of legislative practice that alters 8. S. Barker, J. Dellios, E. Mulholland, “Liability risk sand
produce a potential liability of more than rights and obligations means that varia- adaptation finance” (MinterEllison, 2021); https://www.
US$8.6 trillion (see supplementary mate- tions in climate-related legal risk assess-
rials). Alternatively, attribution analyses ments are to be expected. These differences 9. G. Semieniuk et al., Nat. Clim. Chang. 12, 532 (2022).

indicate firms’ contributions to specific can form the backbone of legal transition 10. R. F. Stuart-Smith et al., Nat. Clim. Chang. 11, 651 (2021).
climate-related disasters. Under this ap- scenarios, much in the same way that cli- 11. K. Tienhaara, R. Thrasher, B. A. Simmons, K. P. Gallagher,

proach, Shell would have an annual liabil- mate-risk analysts already use physical and Science 376, 701 (2022).
12. J. Macey, J. Salovaara, Stanford Law Rev. 71, 879 (2019).
ity of US$0.55 billion if held liable for their transition risk scenarios. 13. S. Morris, K. Bryan, O. Walker, Financial Times 21
contribution to two events with attribut- Designing legal transition scenarios, September 2022.
able losses equal to those of Hurricane an approach that is new to the legal and 14. B. J. Preston, J. Environ. Law 33, 1 (2021).
Harvey (see supplementary materials). climate risk professions, raises complex
Both approaches are rooted in scientific questions regarding individual doctrinal The authors thank O. Bisel and S. Leonard for excellent
analysis and legal judgment that relate, re- and legislative developments, how rep- research assistance and J. Armour, S. Fankhauser, N. Ranger,
spectively, to estimates of the proportion of resentative scenarios can be developed J. Rogelj, and T. Schuermann for valuable feedback on the
a firm’s externality that legal action might at the jurisdictional level, and how to in- manuscript. T.W. and R.S.-S. acknowledge support from
the Oxford Martin School and the Oxford Sustainable Law
internalize and the number of disasters for tegrate legal and climate transition sce- Programme, and A.D. acknowledges support from the
which legal action will hold firms liable. narios. Such scenarios would also need to Australian Research Council and Melbourne Climate Futures.
Punitive damages are also possible; these capture, as with physical and transition
estimates may therefore be a lower bound. risks, nonlinear changes, including dra-
The financial impacts of legal action that matic shifts in legal paradigms that could
mandates accelerated mitigation can be as- substantially change risk exposures as
sessed by using sector-specific or technol- future legal outcomes diverge from those 10.1126/science.adj0598

154 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 SCIENCE

The author’s children’s fascination with tornadoes
prompted a family deep dive.

meteorites are revered in direct relation to

whether they were observed falling or not.
A found meteorite is likely to be treated ca-
sually, as an ordinary rock. The mysteries
and mundanities of physical life continually
shift in our minds.
Greenfieldboyce’s 3-year-old daughter re-
jects her mother’s assertion that she is a part
of the Universe. “No,” her daughter insists,
“I’m not, I am in the universe.” Whitman
himself asks, “What am I myself but one of
your meteors?” Yet of course, like meteors,
not only are we in the Universe but we help
B O OKS et al . compose it. In her essays, Greenfieldboyce
surfs the dichotomy astutely. We are both
integral and apart.
SCIENCE LIVES The question remains: What do our per-

sonal foibles, travails, and general experi-

A family history of the Universe ences have to do with any of this quantifi-
able realm? We are made of the same stuff
and yet so often feel very separate from it
Musings on natural phenomena merge with tales from indeed. The essay “A Very Charming Young
Black Hole” attempts to integrate a trou-
a science journalist’s personal life bling adolescent experience with, yes, notes

on gravitationally collapsed objects.
By Mary Ellen Hannibal surances with uncomfortable counterargu- In her recounting, Greenfieldboyce’s
ments. She suggests that they are relatively parents snore obliviously above in the Old

he voice of Nell Greenfieldboyce may safe in Washington, DC, but her kids find Faithful Inn at Yellowstone while their

well already be in your head. The long- out that tornadoes have been recorded in all 12-year-old daughter carries on a provoca-
time National Public Radio (NPR) sci- 50 states and the nation’s capital. The whole tive flirtation with a mildly drunk college-
ence reporter steadily brings listeners family plunges into the details of tornadoes— age man. She tells us that she lied about her
news from deep inside the cell, the what they are, what they do, and where they age to the man, ratcheting up the sexual
ocean, space, and more. In Transient strike. Fun facts emerge. banter as if she were three times older and
and Strange: Notes on the Science of Life, her They learn, for example, that Army Signal highly experienced. The reader worries how
essays elucidate tornadoes, meteors, black Service meteorologist John Finley pioneered the scenario will play out. Invoking black
holes, and fleas, among other phenomena of tornado studies, opining that “the tornadic holes in this narrative seems to suggest that
our shared world. She also probes disturbance is as old as the world Greenfieldboyce is still something of a mys-
deeply into her own past and itself, if we are to believe that the tery to herself; it is a relief to learn she is

y g
psyche, interweaving facts with appearance of the atmosphere unharmed as it concludes.
personal history. In print as in ra- was coincident with the creation “My Eugenics Project” tells the inter-
dio, her voice is wry, charming, in- of the earth.” Trying to stave twining stories of Greenfieldboyce’s at-
formative, and, indeed, sometimes off widespread panic, in 1905 tempts to get pregnant and her husband’s
strange. (The title references Walt the Weather Bureau Stations need for a kidney transplant. Here the sci-

Whitman’s poem “Year of Meteors.”) Regulations prohibited forecast- ence is focused on biological circumstances
The prompting to bring often ing tornadoes at all. Putting one’s that, for all our contemporary mastery of
lofty science findings down to the Transient and Strange: head in the sand, as we often do this Universe, remain mysterious and con-
Notes on the
private realm is instigated when with climate change, for exam- tingent. Her concern that she and her hus-
Science of Life
Greenfieldboyce becomes a parent. Nell Greenfieldboyce ple, is nothing new. band will pass his genetic condition on to

“I suddenly had a new audience. A Norton, 2024. 224 pp. In “What Else is There?,” the next generation is soon eclipsed when
much smaller audience—only two, Greenfieldboyce’s hospitalized multiple attempts at in vitro fertilization
instead of millions,” she writes, “but with father struggles with words. He wants to fail to produce a viable embryo. Her hus-
higher emotional stakes.” know what she is wearing around her neck: band’s seemingly sudden need for dialysis
In the book’s opening essay, “The Symbol a meteorite. She uses the occasion to delve adds to the pressure: “Our marriage now
of a Tornado,” Greenfieldboyce recounts her into the long history of human interactions had become two simultaneous medical
children’s ratcheting fears of being swept with rocks from space. The Black Stone, campaigns, one to produce a kid and one to
away by a twister, anxieties she does not venerated by billions of Muslims and em- procure a kidney.”
exactly quell. These little geniuses (as most bedded in a wall at Mecca, is considered by Our ordinary lives are often heartrending,
children are) counter her half-hearted reas- many to be a meteorite. Sacred rocks must complex, and mostly unknowable. This is the
provide some clear indication that they mystery that Greenfieldboyce celebrates. j
The reviewer is the author of Citizen Scientist: Searching for
Heroes and Hope in an Age of Extinction (The Experiment, are special, which is not always evident.
2016). Email: Folklorist Oliver Farrington asserts that 10.1126/science.adm9749

SCIENCE 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 155


ROBOTICS R.U.R. and the Vision

of Artificial Life

Envisioning artificial intelligence Karel Čapek,

translated by Štěpán Šimek,
edited by Jitka Čejková
MIT Press, 2024. 312 pp.
Scholars consider a new translation of the prescient play
that coined the term “robot”
By Ed Finn point out, Čapek envisioned the rise of arti- executives of R.U.R. sound exactly like tech
ficial life not out of silicon but synthetic bi- evangelists today, predicting the end of work

cience and science fiction offer a ology, and the robots in his play are visually and an age of abundance. The humans acquit
shared gift to humanity: the words indistinguishable from humans. themselves poorly, of course, blinded by greed
to name new things and ideas and, Rossum’s Universal Robots is a family and badly constructed moral frameworks.
by naming them, making them real. business built on a secret formula for cre- Čapek also disentangles intelligence from
The word “robot,” for example, is so ating synthetic workers. The orders keep personhood. One of the play’s best lines is
pervasive today that it might be easy flooding in: robots to replace human work- spoken when Rossum’s CEO points out that
to forget that it was invented by the Czech ers, robots to fight wars, robots to replace the robots have a phenomenal memory
playwright Karel Čapek, who coined the the humans killed in the wars. Meanwhile, but never come up with anything original:
term in his 1920 play R.U.R.: Rossum’s “They’d make great college professors,

Universal Robots. Within 2 years of its now that I think about it.” The anxieties
first performance in Prague, R.U.R. had of human identity, intelligence, and rel-
been translated into 30 languages, and evance feel fresh and familiar in the era
the word “robot,” which was preserved of ChatGPT.
across various translations, quickly be- Anticipating countless future plots,
came ubiquitous. Čapek’s characters repeatedly mistake
R.U.R. and the Vision of Artificial robots for humans and vice versa. As a

Life, a new volume edited by Czech comedy, R.U.R. mercilessly undercuts
chemical engineer Jitka Čejková, is wel- the moral distinctions its human char-
come because it reminds us that words acters painstakingly assemble to justify
have histories too, and we ignore them their greed and ambition. The audience

at our peril. Čapek’s neologism is an gets read in on that irony as the world
adaptation of a Czech word meaning outside the factory falls apart, pushing
“serf” or “servant” that is linked both us to address our profound uncertainty
to the service obligation that peasants about the stakes of scientific creativity.
would perform for feudal landowners What is life, and what do we owe to our
and etymologically to Czech words for creations?
“woman,” “child,” and “orphan.” When The rest of the volume digs into
the robot arrived in our shared imagina- these questions through an editorial
tion of the future, it was already a form introduction and more than 150 pages
of indentured labor, a figure whose per- of supplemental essays. These range in

y g
sonhood is marginal, if it exists at all. quality, but all strive to connect R.U.R.
The most important contribution of to contemporary science in society. In
the volume is a new translation of the an incisive contribution, Jana Horáková,
play by Štěpán S. Šimek, a theater direc- a professor of new media, reads the
tor and scholar who manages to capture frequent mixing up of humans with ro-

the surreal weirdness of Čapek’s dark bots as a prescient warning of the “ro-
comedy of errors while making the text botization of humanity.” In our decades
accessible to contemporary audiences. of thickening the layers of computation
Šimek presents a faithful rendition of and automation girdling the world, we
the entire play, leaving the question of Robot Asimo offers flowers to a bust of playwright Karel Čapek. bend ourselves to the wheel of mecha-
emendations and adaptations to fu- nization as often as we let the machines
ture dramaturges and giving his readers the human fertility plunges to zero. Predictably, liberate us from drudgery.
chance to understand R.U.R. more or less as the robots throw off their chains and erase We desperately want to know ourselves,
Čapek intended. humanity from the Earth. The play ends as and so we create new tools in order to find
R.U.R. is fascinating and bizarre, particu- strangely as it begins, with two robots depart- the boundaries of agency, selfhood, and mo-
larly for readers who might think of robots as ing like Adam and Eve, offering up the prom- rality. We even imagine personhood in our
mechanical beings plated in chrome, as they ise of new life from the ashes of humanity’s tools. Čapek’s masterpiece reminds us first
are in Fritz Lang’s Metropolis, or as cyber- destructive ambition. that just because we can does not mean we
tronic machines, as they are in Isaac Asimov’s Like Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, R.U.R. should. But he also tells us what we must do:
stories. As many of the essays in this volume is breathtakingly prescient in anticipating care for our creations and for one another
the central questions of artificial intelligence and take responsibility for the full conse-
The reviewer is at the Center for Science and the
Imagination, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287, USA. and synthetic biology decades before the dis- quences of our technological dreams. j
Email: covery of DNA or the transistor. The blithe 10.1126/science.adl5502

156 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 SCIENCE

Land use changes in Portugal threaten farmland
birds such as the little bustard (Tetrax tetrax).

João P. Silva1,2,3*, João Gameiro1,2,4, Francesco

Valerio1,2,5, Ana T. Marques1,2,4
1Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic
Resources (CIBIO)/Research Network in
Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology (InBIO),
Universidade do Porto, 4485-661 Vairão, Portugal.
2Program in Genomic, Biodiversity and Land

Planning (BIOPOLIS)/CIBIO, 4485-661 Vairão,

Portugal. 3Estação Biológica de Mértola/CIBIO,
7750-329 Mértola, Portugal. 4CIBIO/InBIO,
Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade
de Lisboa, 1349-017 Lisbon, Portugal. 5EaRSLab,
University of Évora, 7000-671 Évora, Portugal.
*Corresponding author. Email:

1. EU, “Directive 2009/147/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009
on the conservation of wild birds (Codified version)”
2. J. P. Silva et al., Sci. Rep. 13, 10005 (2023).

3. J. C. Alonso, C. Palacín, Bird Conserv. Int. 32, 523 (2022).
4. J. Gameiro et al., “1o Censo Nacional da Águia-caçadeira
LET TERS Circus pygargus: Resultados Finais” (2023); https://
cacadeira-resultados-finais.pdf [in Portuguese].
Edited by Jennifer Sills crops, destroying nests and harming both 5. H. Alonso, J. Andrade, J. Teodósio, A. Lopes, “O estado
das aves em Portugal 2022. 2a Edição” (Lisboa, 2022)
chicks and adult birds (2, 7).

[in Portuguese].
Portugal’s farmland bird Between 1999 and 2008, Portugal inte-
grated key bird conservation sites located
6. P. F. Ribeiro, Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 183, 138 (2014).
7. N. Faria, M. B. Morales, J. E. Rabaça, Eur. J. Wildl. Res. 62,
663 (2016).
crisis requires action in farmland areas into the Natura 2000
protected network. The country also intro-
8. T. Pinto-Correia, Landsc. Urban Plan. 50, 95 (2000).
9. M. Pinto, P. Rocha, F. Moreira, Biol. Conserv. 124, 415

The outlook for farmland bird conserva- duced specific voluntary agri-environmental (2005).
10. “Zero apresenta queixa à Comissão Europeia por
tion in Portugal is dire. The great bustard measures designed to maintain or enhance causa do declínio das aves estepárias,” Público (2022);
(Otis tarda), little bustard (Tetrax tetrax), key species’ conservation status, along with
and Montagu’s harrier (Circus pygargus)— financial incentives to encourage imple- zero-apresenta-queixa-comissao-europeia-causa-
declinio-especies-esteparias-1993501 [in Portuguese].
three priority species under the European mentation. However, measures intended to
Union’s Birds Directive (1)—have declined enhance habitats containing cereal crops 10.1126/science.adn1390
by 50 to 80% over the past 10 years (2–4). (8, 9) are less effective as grazing systems
One-third of common agricultural birds expand and intensify (6). Meanwhile, rec-
are also decreasing (5). Portugal must take
action to reverse these trends.
ommended measures to protect nests can-
not compete financially with current agri-
Good governance can save

y g
Reductions in farmland bird populations
are mostly attributable to a nationwide
cultural practices (6), resulting in minimal
adherence among farmers.
China’s mine ecosystems
shift from arable land to specialized live- By failing to reverse the decline of priority In China, there are an estimated 99,000
stock production (mainly beef ) and perma- species and manage Natura 2000, Portugal abandoned mines, about 11,700 of which
nent crops (e.g., olive groves). The transi- is in clear noncompliance with the European are metal mines (1). The abandoned mines

tion began in 2003 when Portugal stopped Union’s Birds Directive (10). The country threaten ecosystems and pose health haz-
subsidizing cereal production but main- must incentivize farmers to reinstate appro- ards to people and animals (2, 3). Unclear
tained subsidies for livestock within the priate habitats for farmland birds by widely goals and expensive pollution mitigation
context of the European Union’s Common implementing agri-environmental measures. challenges impede ecological restoration
Agricultural Policy reform (6). In addi- This action can only be achieved through efforts. Stakeholders must ensure that all

tion to the direct loss of open habitat, this close collaboration between the Ministries of environmental activities are coordinated to
change has resulted in the abandonment Environment and Agriculture and effective maximize restoration efficiency.
of extensive rotational crop farming—a engagement with stakeholders. To judge the China has taken steps to restore eco-
matrix of cereals, legumes, and fallow land. program’s success, monitoring frameworks systems around abandoned mines. In
The reduction of landscape diversity and should be put in place to oversee agri- 2018, the Chinese government created the
vegetation complexity depleted the birds’ environmental measures and conservation Department of Territorial Space Ecological
food supplies (mainly vegetation and inver- initiatives, determine the degree to which Restoration, which includes areas with
tebrates) and breeding cover (which was farmers are implementing them, gauge their abandoned mines in its purview. The
previously more plentiful given the taller efficacy, and facilitate prompt adjustments. Overall Plan for Major Projects for the
crops and lack of overgrazing). To fulfill Only a joint effort by those responsible for Protection and Restoration of National
cattle dietary needs, livestock production agriculture and those responsible for conser- Important Ecosystems (2021–2035) (4)
also involves growing fodder crops, which vation can reverse the precipitous decline of designates mine ecological restoration as a
are cut earlier in the season than cereal farmland birds in Portugal. key task (5). However, these measures are

SCIENCE 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 157


inadequate because they fail to account for 2. K. Bennett, in Mine Closure 2016: Proceedings of the 11th marine restoration programs. However,
the pollution that mining leaves in its wake International Conference on Mine Closure, A. B. Fourie, reduction of nutrient quantities remains
M. Tibbett, Eds. (Australian Centre for Geomechanics,
or the costs required to remediate it (6, 7). Perth, 2016), pp. 241–252. limited and does not meet EU directives
Mining activities leave behind complex 3. Z. Li et al., Sci. Total Environ. 468, 843 (2014). (7). As a result, the legislation will likely
soil and water environments. Organic and 4. National Development and Reform Commission and struggle to protect both natural and
Ministry of Natural Resources, “Major Projects for
inorganic pollutants are found in solid the Protection and Restoration of National Important
restored marine ecosystems.
waste, abandoned land, groundwater, Ecosystems Master Plan (2021–2035)”; https://www. Australia, where intensified land use fre-
surface water, and other interconnected quently conflicts with ecosystem protection
content_5518982.htm [in Chinese].
systems (7, 8). Although some encouraging 5. China Daily, “Xi stresses building beautiful China,
(8), suffers from similarly short-sighted
advances have been made in cultivating advancing modernization featuring harmony between decisions. The country has implemented
plants that sequester metals (9), much work humanity and nature”; innovative restoration methods, but in
remains to be done to improve the effective- cn/a/202307/19/WS64b7d62ca31035260b817596. 2020, the government agreed to not inter-
ness of contaminant removal in some areas. 6. Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s vene with the development of 69 coal
Removing the pollutants triggered by Republic of China, “Minister of Ecology and Environment mining projects or 45 gas mining projects
metal mines is expensive. In many cases, Huang Runqiu goes to Hunan, Guizhou, and Chongqing (9). Together with the ongoing expansion
to research manganese pollution control work”;
the companies that built the mines have of land clearing (10), these actions put
left, leaving the burden of environmental t20231010_1042783.shtml [in Chinese]. immense pressure on terrestrial, freshwa-
remediation to the local government. To 7. H. Liu et al., Sci. Tot. Environ. 825, 154004 (2022). ter, and marine habitats, undermining any
8. Z. Bian et al., Science 337, 702 (2012).
minimize the investment required, stake- 9. H. Ali et al., Chemosphere 91, 869 (2013). restoration plans.
holders tend to look for rapid and efficient 10. H. Li, W. Ma, G. Hu, Theory and Practice of Mine Ecosystem restoration is undeniably
Restoration Ecology (China Environment Publishing

strategies, such as repurposing abandoned beneficial—restoring 15% of lands glob-
Group, Beijing, 2022) [in Chinese].
land for production instead of restoring 11. H. Xu et al., Ecol. Indic. 154, 110630 (2023).
ally could prevent 60% of expected species
ecological spaces (10). These solutions allow extinctions (11). However, strict protection
investors to quickly recover the upfront 10.1126/science.adn2422 of natural and restored ecosystems should
financial deficit and generate profits, but be prioritized. Recovery after restoration
the land might remain contaminated (11). is lengthy and complex (3), and rates of
Effective ecological restoration would Nature protection must global habitat destruction, fragmentation,

simultaneously address environmental and exploitation largely surpass habitat
pollution, but such efforts are hindered
by fragmented governance. Government
precede restoration restoration and protection (12). The devel-
opment of an environmentally sustainable
departments and private enterprises are Globally, billions of dollars are spent to economy will likely take decades. Unless

working toward disparate goals, such as restore terrestrial, freshwater, and marine strict legal protection is enforced now,
geological environmental protection, pol- systems (1). In addition to governmental more ecosystems will likely be lost than
lution control, soil erosion prevention, financing and nongovernmental organi- restoration can revitalize.
and biodiversity conservation. Because zations, transnational companies invest Deevesh A. Hemraj1*, Melanie Bishop2, Jacob
there is no mechanism to coordinate substantial funds in nature restoration to Carstensen1, Dorte Krause-Jensen3,4, Peter A. U.
systematic restoration goals, these position themselves as leaders in offsetting Stæhr1,4, Bayden D. Russell5,6,7
1Department of Ecoscience, Aarhus University,
varied efforts can undermine efficient their environmental impact (2). However,
DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark. 2School of Natural
collaboration. the overall success of restoration often Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW,
At the 2023 National Conference on falls below expectations (3) because the Australia. 3Department of Ecoscience, Aarhus
Ecological and Environmental Protection in human pressures that led to ecosystem University, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. 4Center

y g
for Marine Nature Restoration, Roskilde, Denmark.
Beijing, attendees discussed the importance degradation have not been addressed. 5The Swire Institute of Marine Science and Area
of synergistic governance and high-level Legal protection of ecosystems can reduce of Ecology and Biodiversity, School of Biological
protection (5). China should take immedi- harmful human activities (4), but restora- Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
ate action to streamline ecological restora- tion plans often move forward without SAR, China. 6Institute for Climate and Carbon
Neutrality, The University of Hong Kong, Hong
tion and pollution mitigation efforts in corresponding protections in place. Strict Kong SAR, China. 7The Joint Laboratory for Marine

areas with abandoned mines. Stakeholders legal protection should always accompany Ecology and Environmental Sciences, The Swire
must ensure that all environmental activi- restoration efforts. Institute of Marine Science, The University of Hong

Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China.
ties are coordinated to maximize restora- The European Union provides one *Corresponding author.
tion efficiency. example of restoration plans that lack Email:
Wei-Bo Ma1, Hai-Dong Li1*, Shao-Gang Lei2, Xiang- associated protective measures. In
Hua Xu3, Sheng-Guo Xue4 November 2023, Europe provisionally
1. B. Bodin et al., Restor. Ecol. 30, e13515 (2022).
Institute of Environmental Sciences, agreed to a new nature restoration law, 2. T. A. C. Lamont et al., Science 381, 1053 (2023).
Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Nanjing pledging to restore habitats and species 3. D. A. Hemraj et al., Sci. Adv. 8, eabp8747 (2022).
210042, China. 2Engineering Research Center 4. H. O. Pörtner et al., Science 380, eabl4881 (2023).
of Ministry of Education for Mine Ecological comprising at least 20% of land and sea
5. Council of the European Union, “Press release 852/23”
Restoration, China University of Mining and by 2030 and all ecosystems requiring res- (2023);!PxTr6k.
Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China. 3Nanjing toration by 2050 (5). Although multiple 6. V. Hermoso et al., Environ. Sci. Pol. 127, 263 (2022).
University of Information Science & Technology, 7. C. C. Hoffmann et al., Ecol. Eng. 155, 105863 (2020).
Nanjing 210044, China. 4School of Metallurgy and strategies and directives highlight the
8. B. K. Sovacool et al., PLOS Clim. 2, e0000221 (2023).
Environment, Central South University, Changsha importance of strict protection of eco- 9. R. MacNeil, G. A. Edwards, Aust. J. Int. Aff. 77, 19 (2023).
410083, China. systems, implementation by EU member 10. E. Brunton et al., Science 382, 275 (2023).
*Corresponding author. Email: 11. B. B. N. Strassburg et al., Nature 586, 724 (2020).
states remains limited (6). In Denmark, for
12. P. Jaureguiberry et al., Sci. Adv. 8, eabm9982 (2022).
R E F E R E N C ES A N D N OT ES instance, nutrient runoff drives eutrophi-
1. J. D. Zhang, F. R. Hao, Acta Ecol. Sin. 40, 7921 (2020) cation and hypoxia in marine systems (7),
[in Chinese]. and the country is developing widespread 10.1126/science.adn0543

158 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 SCIENCE

IN S CIENCE JOU R NA L S Edited by Michael Funk


Assessing the forest for the trees

fforts to set conservation priorities and evaluate protection 5000 tree species from the Atlantic Forest, a relatively data-rich
activities often depend on assessments of species’ con- biodiversity hotspot in South America. They classified over 80% of
servation statuses, such as the International Union for endemic species as threatened and 13 species as possibly extinct.
Conservation’s Red List of Threatened Species. Assessments Data to estimate population reductions, which are not available in
require detailed data, considerable time, and expertise. many tropical areas, were key to assessing threatened status for
de Lima et al. used an automated, quantitative method to assess many species. —BEL
species based on the Red List criteria and applied it to nearly Science p. 219, 10.1126/science.abq5099

y g
Assessment reveals that a majority of tree species in the Atlantic Forest in eastern Brazil are threatened by extinction.

CANCER IMMUNOLOGY Tumor growth results in the in both biological and synthetic MEMBRANES

addition of complex sugar chains chemistry, it is comparatively
Saposins and antitumor to prosaposin molecules in DCs, rare for both O atoms from O2 to
Fast diffusion
immunity leading to prosaposin secretion end up in molecules of the target in a molecular sieve
Cancers develop mechanisms to and the depletion of lysosomal product. Instead, one of them is High-volume olefin separations
evade detection and subsequent saposins. Targeting tumor DCs typically diverted to a co-product are a core chemical process,
killing by the immune system. with an engineered form of pro- to facilitate the primary reaction. and efficient production in high
One such strategy involves saposin enhances the antitumor Hoque et al. now show that an purity is challenging. Cui et al.
suppressing the presentation immune response and improves electrochemical approach can developed a crystalline porous

of tumor-associated antigens. tumor control. —PNK improve atom economy in this coordination polymer, ZU-609,
Sharma et al. report that a protein Science p. 190, 10.1126/science.adg1955 context. Specifically, they paired as a molecular sieve for propane
called prosaposin is key for trig- oxygen reduction with water and propylene separation.
gering immunity against tumors. oxidation to produce manganese ZU-609 was prepared by the
Immune sentinels called dendritic ELECTROCHEMISTRY oxo species at each electrode, reaction of 1,2-ethanedisulfonate
cells (DCs) engulf dead cancer which in turn oxidized thioethers (EDS) and 4,4’-dipyridylsulfide
cells and use prosaposin to pro-
Charging ahead to sulfoxides. The net reaction (DPS) with copper(II) ions, and
cess tumor-derived antigens for with both oxygens transferred both O atoms without EDS anions acted as pillars to
subsequent display and activa- Although elemental oxygen is electron consumption. —JSY connect a two-dimensional
tion of protective T lymphocytes. an extremely common reactant Science p. 173, 10.1126/science.adk5097 network of DPS and copper

SCIENCE 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 159



CANCER IMMUNOLOGY NEUROSCIENCE the application of electron base-pairing. These findings

microscopes for spatiotempo- suggest that codon usage and
Neutrophil Limitations of AI-based ral imaging and spectroscopy. cell-specific tRNA pools may be
reprogramming in tumors predictive models —ISO an attractive future target for
Neutrophils are the most abun- A central promise of artificial Science p. 168, 10.1126/science.adk2489; both the exogenous production
dant white blood cell population in intelligence (AI) in health care see also p. 148, 10.1126/science.adn1876 of pharmaceutical antibodies
the body. Although different types is that large datasets can be and the rational design of vac-
of neutrophils frequently gather in mined to predict and identify the cines. —STS
the tumor microenvironment, it is best course of care for future Science p. 205, 10.1126/science.adi1763;
currently unclear how they might patients. Unfortunately, we do Picking the friction see also p. 146, 10.1126/science.adn1067
coordinate to support tumor not know how these models Friction is ubiquitous but
growth. Using an experimental would perform on new patients surprisingly difficult to deter-
model of pancreatic cancer, because they are rarely tested mine outside of trial-and-error
Ng et al. report populations of prospectively on truly indepen- methods for many applications. Still in danger
tumor-infiltrating neutrophils dent patient samples. Chekroud Aymard et al. developed a general Over the past decade, the
that converged to develop into a et al. showed that machine learn- strategy that should allow the plight of the world’s sharks

single long-lived “T3” cell subset. ing models routinely achieve frictional relationship to be has received much attention,
T3 neutrophils prompted the perfect performance in one designed in advance (see the resulting in increased regula-
growth of new blood vessels, dataset even when that dataset Perspective by Slesarenko and tion and finning bans. However,
which enhanced tumor survival is a large international multisite Pastewka). The strategy requires whether this increased attention
in areas with low oxygen and clinical trial (see the Perspective understanding the behavior of has translated into improved
limited nutrients. Depleting T3 by Petzschner). However, when individual bumps called asperi- outcomes for sharks is unclear.
neutrophils or inhibiting their that exact model was tested in ties and then modeling how Worm et al. estimated fishing-

angiogenic function reduced truly independent clinical trials, groups of those bumps affect induced mortality globally and
tumor growth. The researchers performance fell to chance friction. The authors provide found that, overall, it has con-
suggest that neutrophils could be levels. Even when building what several examples of tuning the tinued to increase over the past
reprogrammed within the tumor should be a more robust model frictional response in a model 10 years. Finning bans had little

microenvironment into a single by aggregating across a group of system. The strategy should be impact, but fishing regulations
functional state, and modula- similar multisite trials, subse- broadly applicable across differ- did reduce mortality. — SNV
tion of protumoral neutrophil quent predictive performance ent material combinations and Science p. 225, 10.1126/science.adf8984
responses may have therapeutic remained poor. —PRS scales. —BG
potential. —PNK Science p. 164, 10.1126/science.adg8538; Science p. 200, 10.1126/science.adk4234;
see also p. 149, 10.1126/science.adm9218 see also p. 150, 10.1126/science. adn1075 HEPATITIS
Science p. 163, 10.1126/science.adf6493
Activating antiviral T cells
Promoting CD8+ T cell responses
SOLAR CELLS OPTICS IMMUNOLOGY to hepatitis B virus (HBV) with
interleukin-2 (IL-2) may offer
Toward viable perovskite- Controlling electron Plasma cells hobbled

y g
an approach to clear the virus;
silicon tandems beams without their wobble however, traditional IL-2–based
Tandem perovskite-silicon solar Electron microscopes provide Plasma cells generate antibod- therapies are plagued by toxici-
cells, in which the perovskite imaging capability on the tiniest ies at considerable rates, often ties and unintended activation
layer is tuned to absorb the of scales. The electron beams over the course of many years. of other immune cell popula-

higher-frequency end of the that scatter off the samples are Although antibody production tions. Andreata et al. developed
solar spectrum to complement generally energetically stable is a well-regulated process, little and tested a CD8 cis-targeted
absorption of the silicon cell, can and spatially uniform. Being is known about how the plasma IL-2 (CD8-IL2) that selectively
surpass the power-conversion able to modulate the beam to cell’s translational machin- activates CD8+ T cells without
efficiency of the best single- access spatiotemporal informa- ery adapts to this formidable affecting regulatory T cells or
junction silicon cells. However, tion about the sample would be task. Giguère et al. report that natural killer cells. The authors
for widespread adoption, the extremely useful but is techni- transfer RNA (tRNA) and codon found that CD8-IL2 treatment
levelized cost of electricity from cally challenging. Yang et al. usage are congruently optimized exhibited antiviral activity in a
tandems must be lower than demonstrate that the nonlinear as B cells differentiate from preclinical model of chronic HBV,
that of mainstream silicon tech- optical states induced in a a naïve phenotype to plasma reducing viremia. Further data
nology. Aydin et al. reviewed the microresonator can interact with cells (see the Perspective by in human cells and cynomolgus
efforts needed to commercialize the electron beam and imprint Alvarez and James). The tRNA monkeys supported the specific-
these devices, including issues the nonlinear optical states onto pool in plasma cells is enriched ity and safety of this molecule.
with stability, process scale-up the beam (see the Perspective in inosine (I34)–modifiable These data support the further
and throughput, cell-to-module by Polman and García de Abajo). anticodons, which allows development of CD8-IL2 for
integration, and field perfor- This interaction provides access one tRNA to decode mul- chronic HBV. —CM
mance evaluation. —PDS to ultrafast modulation of the tiple synonymous codons by Sci. Transl. Med. (2024)
Science p. 162, 10.1126/science.adh384 electron beam and broadens “wobble” (non–Watson-Crick) 10.1126/scitranslmed.adi1572

159-B 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 SCIENCE


nodes. The angular geometry IMMUNOLOGY

of the dipyridyl ligands created
one-dimensional pores of about
Alcohol metabolizer and IN OTHER JOURNALS
0.5 nanometers in diameter that antiviral
enabled high sorption and diffu- RNA-based viruses activate the Edited by Caroline Ash
sion for propylene while propane receptor RIG-I, which stimulates and Jesse Smith
was excluded. —MSL antiviral signaling through the
Science p. 179, 10.1126/science.abn8418 aggregation of the mitochondrial
protein MAVS. Sun et al. found
that this antiviral response was
enhanced by ALDH1B1, a mito-
Two sides to epitaxy chondrially localized aldehyde
Epitaxial growth of a crystalline dehydrogenase involved in etha-
film normally proceeds from nol metabolism. ALDH1B1 levels
one substrate. Cui et al. report were increased by infection with
that two molybdenum disulfide various RNA-based viruses,
(MoS2) layers can both impose which limited viral replication.
orientation effects on gold. The ALDH1B1 promoted the binding
authors grew gold nanoparticle of MAVS to RIG-I and MAVS
layers on one MoS2 substrate aggregation. ALDH1B1-deficient

and then covered the nanopar- mice developed more severe
ticles with a second MoS2 film. lung damage and were less likely
Upon heating, the nanopar- to survive infection with influ-
ticles flattened to nanodisks. enza A. —WW
For small twist angles between Sci. Signal. (2024)
the two substrates (about 7 10.1126/scisignal.adf8016
degrees), the nanometer-thick

gold nanodisks adopted an
orientation intermediate to both IMMUNOLOGY
substrates. This alignment was
driven in part by the chemical
Tracking the fate of gut

interaction of gold with sulfur. immune cells
—PDS There is growing evidence that
Science p. 212, 10.1126/science.adk5947 the interplay among enteric
microbiota, dietary antigens,
and immune cells located in
the gut has systemic impacts
A lost “city” in both health and disease. To
When intact, the Amazonian better understand how the gut
forest is dense and difficult to mediates interorgan commu-
penetrate, both on foot and with nication, a clearer delineation CHAOS THEORY rapidly changing environments.

y g
scanning technologies. Over of gut immune cell migration These insights could be useful in
the past several years, however, to the periphery is needed.
Interactions investigating antibiotic resistance,
improved light detection and Galván-Peña et al. used Kaede causing chaos among other phenomena. —CA
ranging scans have begun to pen- photoconvertible mice and Chaos theory has been applied to Curr. Biol. (2023)
etrate the forest canopy, revealing single-cell RNA sequencing to good effect in mathematics and 10.1016/j.cub.2023.11.002

previously unknown evidence of map the migration of immune physics but less so in cell biology.
past Amazonian cultures. Rostain cells from the colon at homeo- Environmental change can trigger
et al. describe evidence of such an stasis, after gut injury, and in seemingly random responses in NEUROIMMUNOLOGY
agrarian Amazonian culture that the context of extraintestinal cells, but whether this effect could
began more than 2000 years ago. inflammation. This approach in fact be explained by chaos
Immunity, blood pressure,
They describe more than 6000 revealed much greater dynamic theory is unclear. Choudhary and cognition
earthen platforms distributed in immunocyte turnover than et al. developed a deterministic Hypertension is a leading cause
a geometic pattern connected was previously thought and model to predict gene expression of cognitive impairment. However,
by roads and intertwined with uncovered distinctive patterns dynamics and tested it using a the mechanisms underlying this
agricultural landscapes and river of migration that depended on microfluidic device containing link between the blood vessels
drainages in the Upano Valley. the nature and location of the growing Escherichia coli cells and the brain remain unclear.
Previous efforts have described inflammatory lesions. These experimentally exposed to oxida- Santisteban et al. found that
mounds and large monuments in findings may help to explain how tive stress. Molecular feedbacks cognitive dysfunction in a mouse
Amazonia, but the complexity and perturbations in the gut micro- from cell growth dynamics and model of hypertension depended
extent of this development far biota can engender such distant cell-cell interactions gener- on the production of the cytokine
surpasses these previous sites. and potent effects. —STS ate chaotic, not stochastic, interleukin-17 (IL-17) from T cells
—SNV Sci. Immunol. (2024) gene regulation that allowed in the dura mater (one of the
Science p. 183, 10.1126/science.adi6317 10.1126/sciimmunol.adi0672 cell populations to respond to membranes surrounding the

160 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 SCIENCE

proinflammatory cytokine tumor
CELESTIAL MECHANICS necrosis factor-a could induce
PIEZO1 expression in glial cells,
A possible gap in the indicating that mechanosensa-
tion in glial cells may play a role
outer Solar System in the detrimental effects of

he Kuiper Belt extends to brain inflammation on seizure
about 50 astronomical activity. —MMa
units (au) from the Sun. Neurobiol. Dis. (2023)
The few bodies known 10.1016/j.nbd.2023.106297
beyond 50 au have highly
uncertain orbits because
observations cover only a LIGAND DESIGN
small fraction of their orbital
periods (several centuries). Deep learning
de la Fuente Marcos and de la for full pockets
Fuente Marcos show that the A common way of targeting pro-
current distance and radial tein pockets for drug discovery is
velocity of those bodies have by fragment-based screening, in
smaller uncertainties than the which small molecules with low
absolute sizes of their orbits.

affinity can be identified and then
They used this approach to bet- joined to form higher-affinity
ter constrain the distribution binders. Powers et al. leveraged
of known objects, identifying a advances in machine learning to
gap at about 70 au. The statisti- perform in silico fragment expan-
cal significance of the gap was sion. A starting fragment served
low, but if it is real, it could be as a seed, and new fragments

caused by the gravitational were attached to optimally fill
influence of a planet. —KTS the binding pocket. The authors
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. (2024) used a neural network scoring
model based on protein-ligand

structures and generated pre-
liminary predictions based on
A gap in the distribution of minor
known ligand-protein complexes
objects orbiting the Sun beyond the
that are promising early starting
Kuiper Belt might indicate the presence
points for validation and optimi-
of a large body beyond the heliopause.
zation. —MAF
ACS Cent. Sci. (2023)

brain). This IL-17 was released into has proposed auxin binding signaling pathway are initiated at

y g
the cerebrospinal fluid and acti- protein 1 (ABP1) as a receptor the cell surface and integrate with
vated receptors on macrophages. for extracellular auxin perception the canonical intracellular auxin Zeroing in on nickel
The authors found that depleting in the apoplast, which mostly signaling pathway. —AWa Nickel has long been an important
these macrophages or delet- comprises the fluid-filled spaces Cell (2023) catalyst component for a wide
ing the relevant IL-17 receptor of cell walls. However, this role has 10.1016/j.cell.2023.10.017 variety of chemical reactions.

prevented cognitive impairment been debated because mutants In recent years, there has been
without altering blood pres- lack obvious phenotypes. Yu et even greater emphasis on its
sure. The findings highlight new al. have identified two auxin- prospective use as a replacement
potential therapeutic targets for binding proteins, ABL1 and ABL2, Stiffening seizures for rarer, more expensive metals
impaired cognition in individuals that localize to the apoplast and Mechanoreceptors, including such as palladium and platinum.
with hypertension, although it is interact with transmembrane PIEZO1, have been shown to However, often overlooked in
not yet clear whether the same kinases (TMKs), which are known play a crucial role in the cellular these ever-widening applica-
mechanism seen in mice exists in players in mediating extracellular response to mechanical forces. tions is the need for hazardous
humans. —SAL auxin perception and signaling. However, their roles in the brain reagents such as metal hydrides
Nat. Neurosci. (2023) ABL1/2-TMKs form an auxin- in physiological and pathologi- to reduce salts to Ni(0) before
10.1038/s41593-023-01497-z sensing module in the apoplast cal conditions remain elusive. catalysis. Rubel et al. introduce a
that has functions both overlap- Garcia et al. used brain samples systematically optimized, conve-
ping and distinct from the ABP1 from patients with temporal nient electrochemical protocol to
protein. Experiments showed that lobe epilepsy to investigate the produce common Ni(0) com-
Auxin at the cell surface ABL1/ABP1 and TMK1 are co- relationship among PIEZO1 plexes. A flow process confers
Auxin is a plant hormone that receptors for extracellular auxin in expression, brain inflammation, robust scalability. —JSY
regulates plant growth and the apoplast. These findings hint and epilepsy. In epileptic tissue, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (2023)
development. Decades of work at how auxin perception and the the increased expression of the 10.1002/anie.202311557

SCIENCE 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 161


◥ trial manufacturing without invoking device

REVIEW SUMMARY performance penalties. Sustainability and the
cost of feedstock materials are also crucial con-
SOLAR CELLS siderations for large-scale production.
However, the most critical effort needed
Pathways toward commercial perovskite/silicon to move toward commercialization lies in
improving device stability and performance
tandem photovoltaics evaluations in realistic deployment environ-
ments. Specifically, cell-to-module integra-
Erkan Aydin*, Thomas G. Allen, Michele De Bastiani, Arsalan Razzaq, Lujia Xu, Esma Ugur, tion requires attention, including ensuring
Jiang Liu, Stefaan De Wolf* the chemical compatibility of encapsulants
and the mechanical strength of perovskite-
contacting materials to achieve durable mod-
BACKGROUND: Photovoltaics is projected to ufacturing practice and offer independent ope- ules. Early outdoor tests of tandems have
play a key role in averting the anticipated cat- ration of the submodules. already provided valuable insights into degra-
astrophic effects of climate change thanks to For monolithic tandems, a range of vacuum- dation mechanisms caused by factors such
its cost competitiveness, continued technolog- and solution-based processing technologies as ion migration at grain boundaries and
ical advancements, and the abundance of solar have been developed for the perovskite photo- phase decomposition under the influence of
energy. Practical deployment has relied on absorber and its contacts. Often, the choice heat, light, temperature cycles, and voltage bias-
crystalline silicon solar cells for many years; for a given deposition technology is dictated ing. Reliability tests specific to perovskite/
yet, this technology is now approaching prac- by the surface morphology of the substrates, silicon tandem modules are required because

tical efficiency limits. To overcome these lim- which may depend on the chosen silicon existing standard tests for silicon modules may
itations and harness the full potential of bottom-cell technology. Although spin coat- not adequately address their distinctive char-
photovoltaics, perovskite/silicon dual-junction ing is a common choice to achieve record acteristics. Recently, new test protocols, such
tandem solar cells have emerged as a prom- cells, its throughput is problematic, which as maximum power point tracking at ele-
ising solution toward the pairing of a high highlights the need to develop deposition vated temperatures, have been developed to
power conversion efficiency with cost-effective technologies that are compatible with indus- assess the stability of the perovskite subcell.

manufacturing. Introduced in 2013, ini-
tial perovskite/silicon tandem cells ex- OUTLOOK: Perovskite/silicon tandems have
hibited a modest performance. However, Single Historical data progressed beyond the laboratory stage,
through relentless research and develop- junction Future projections and recently, several companies have

ment efforts, perovskite/silicon tandem 100 announced plans for pilot processing
Module cost (US $ per W)

cells have now achieved certified power lines. It is expected that the challenges
conversion efficiencies exceeding 33% related to scaling the process will be over-
for laboratory-scale devices, which is 10 come within a few years. However, for
now higher than the theoretical limit and short
perovskite/silicon tandems to become
of any single–junction cell technology. warranties a commercially viable option, it is cru-
With a demonstrated high efficiency 1 cial to bring down the levelized cost of
potential and prospects for further electricity (LCOE) to a competitive level
enhancements, perovskite/silicon tan- Tandem with market-established silicon photo-
dems have now entered the path toward 0.1 voltaics. Despite the advantages of higher-

y g
commercialization. performance modules toward a lower
cost per generated watt, uncertainties
ADVANCES: We review notable reported over module durability, energy yield, and
Module warranty (years)

advances toward translating laboratory- reliability of emerging photovoltaics tech-

scale tandem performance to industry- nologies (like perovskites) may cancel out
grade modules. In this context, various the translation toward a lower LCOE.

20 Low-cost
device configurations have been ana- and long These uncertainties will also compromise

lyzed, including two-terminal, three- warranties the bankability of perovskite/silicon tan-
terminal, and four-terminal tandems. 10 dem technologies. Hence, accelerated deg-
Beyond this, bifacial tandems and triple- radation tests—targeted specifically to
junction cells have also been explored. perovskite technology—and outdoor test-
So far, most efforts have focused on 0 ing with accurate energy-yield forecast-
monolithic two-terminal tandems, where 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 ing will be instrumental to advance the
the perovskite subcell is directly fab-
ricated onto a silicon solar cell, with Evolution and projection of photovoltaic module cost and
market entry of this technology.

both connected in series using an in- warranty duration over time. (Bottom) Transition from
ternal junction. Tandems can also be high-cost and short warranties in the 1980s to the current The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.
made by mechanically stacking a semi- scenario of low-cost, long warranties. The previous years’ data *Corresponding author. Email: erkan.aydin@kaust. (E.A.); (S.D.W.)
transparent perovskite cell onto a sili- were retrieved from Jordan et al., Prog. Energy 4, 022002
Cite this article as E. Aydin et al., Science 383,
con cell. Monolithic tandems require (2022), and future predictions are adapted from the International eadh3849 (2024). DOI: 10.1126/science.adh3849
fewer materials-processing steps, where- Technology Roadmap for Photovoltaic 2022. (Top) Perovskite/
as mechanically stacked tandems more silicon tandems should expand on these trends to become a READ THE FULL ARTICLE AT
easily integrate with existing silicon man- mainstream photovoltaic technology.

Aydin et al., Science 383, 162 (2024) 12 January 2024 1 of 1


◥ door testing coupled with accurate energy

REVIEW yield forecasting are critically needed to re-
duce such uncertainties to translate perform-
SOLAR CELLS ance gains at the module level to a lower LCOE
and to thereby advance the market entry of
Pathways toward commercial perovskite/silicon this technology.

tandem photovoltaics Tandem module configurations

Most experimental efforts have focused on
Erkan Aydin*, Thomas G. Allen, Michele De Bastiani†, Arsalan Razzaq, Lujia Xu, Esma Ugur, monolithic tandems in the two-terminal (2T)
Jiang Liu‡, Stefaan De Wolf* configuration with a perovskite cell fabricated
on top of a c-Si solar cell, series-connected by
Perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells offer a promising route to increase the power conversion an internal junction (Fig. 1A) (7). Although
efficiency of crystalline silicon (c-Si) solar cells beyond the theoretical single-junction limitations at monolithic modules require fewer transparent
an affordable cost. In the past decade, progress has been made toward the fabrication of highly electrodes and BOM and BOS components
efficient laboratory-scale tandems through a range of vacuum- and solution-based perovskite compared with other tandem configurations,
processing technologies onto various types of c-Si bottom cells. However, to become a commercial their optimal performance requires current
reality, the transition from laboratory to industrial fabrication will require appropriate, scalable input matching, which demands the tuning of the
materials and manufacturing processes. In addition, perovskite/silicon tandem research needs to top cell bandgap through compositional engi-
increasingly focus on stability, reliability, throughput of cell production and characterization, cell-to- neering of the perovskite. Eliminating the
module integration, and accurate field-performance prediction and evaluation. This Review discusses need for bandgap tuning is possible when in-

these aspects in view of contemporary solar cell manufacturing, offers insights into the possible corporating a third terminal, for instance by
pathways toward commercial perovskite/silicon tandem photovoltaics, and highlights research using c-Si bottom cells with interdigitated back
opportunities to realize this goal. contacts. However, this strategy introduces in-
creased complexity in both processing and in-
terconnections. (8, 9).

he large-scale deployment of photovol- A high PCE is paramount because it is a Tandems can also be constructed by the

taics (PV) witnessed in recent years has strong lever toward lowering all relative balance- mechanical stacking of the subcells. In this
been driven by a sharp decline in PV of-module (BOM) and balance-of-systems (BOS) case, the subcells are manufactured indepen-
module prices (dropping >85% since costs, such as the module glass, lamination dently, which offers greater freedom in process-
2010), increased power conversion effi- materials, frame, wiring, inverters, land, and ing but adds costs. More transparent electrodes

ciencies (PCEs) and system lifetimes, as well installation costs. A straightforward way to are required [usually in the form of transpar-
as inherently low variable running costs (1). further increase the PCE of c-Si PV is by stack- ent conductive oxides (TCOs)], which may also
All of these factors help to lower the levelized ing one or more cost-effective wider-bandgap increase parasitic absorption losses (10). More-
cost of electricity (LCOE) from PV, which is a solar cells on top of a c-Si device to use the over, the large perovskite submodule requires
cost metric that accounts for the overall sys- solar spectrum more effectively. For instance, several film patterning steps (Fig. 1B), usually
tem costs and energy generated over a PV dual-junction tandems that stack two solar by laser scribing. Finally, the perovskite and
system’s lifetime. Yet, PV technologies based cells can theoretically yield PCEs of >40% (3, 4). c-Si subcells need to be electrically isolated
on crystalline silicon (c-Si), which currently Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) are promising for through appropriately chosen module lami-
dominate the market, are approaching their such tandem integration owing to their tuna- nation materials (Fig. 1C).
theoretical and technical PCE limits. Today, ble bandgap (which is needed to maximize the Mechanically stacked tandems come in prin-

y g
the record PCE for c-Si PV has reached 26.8% spectral efficiency) (5) combined with their ciple in a four-terminal (4T) configuration. This
for cells (the theoretical maximum is ~29.4%) potential for high performance (small-area, allows the submodules to operate indepen-
and >24% for modules, and mass-produced single-junction devices have reached PCEs of dently but requires two dc-ac inverters, which,
commercial modules are now sold with PCEs >26%) and their potential for low-cost man- along with extra cabling, adds further to the
in the range of 22 to 24% (2). Advanced cell ufacturing (2). total system cost. Yet, a 2T module configu-
interconnection and module integration schemes Silicon-based tandems are predicted by the ration is also possible for mechanically stacked

can help to further reduce cell-to-module losses, International Technology Roadmap for Photo- tandems by connecting the two submodules

but ultimately c-Si PV technologies are nearing voltaic (ITRPV) to enter the market in the next either in series or in parallel. This requires
their practical PCE limits. One way to further de- few years (6). However, mainstream c-Si mod- current matching or voltage matching of the
crease the LCOE of PV is through improve- ule technology already delivers reliable prod- constituent submodules, respectively; in either
ments in PCEs beyond what can be achieved ucts at a cost of less than $0.25 per watt with a case, a single inverter is sufficient. One advan-
with c-Si technology alone. scaled and rapidly expanding manufacturing tage of voltage matching is the less stringent
capacity that exceeded 600 GW per year at the demand on bandgap engineering and better
end of 2022 (6). To be market competitive, performance stability against spectral and
KAUST Solar Center (KSC), Physical Sciences and
perovskite/silicon tandems must demonstrate operating temperature changes (11). Overall,
Engineering Division (PSE), King Abdullah University of clear benefits in terms of cost and LCOE. De- for mechanically stacked tandems, perovskite
Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal 23955-6900, spite the advantages of higher-performance submodules may be integrated with minimal
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
modules toward a lowered cost per nameplate adjustments to commercial c-Si module man-
*Corresponding author. Email: (E.A.); (S.D.W.) watt of PV systems, uncertainties over module ufacturing, which could enable faster entry into
†Present address: Centre Suisse d’Électronique et de Microtechnique durability and energy yield may compromise the mainstream PV market. Nevertheless, their
(CSEM), Neuchâtel, Switzerland. the bankability of perovskite/silicon tandems. monolithic counterparts may offer decisive
‡Present address: College of Energy, Soochow Institute for Energy
and Materials Innovations, Soochow University, Suzhou, 215006, Hence, accelerated degradation tests, targeted benefits in terms of device performance, re-
Jiangsu, China. specifically to perovskite technology, and out- liability, and cost.

Aydin et al., Science 383, eadh3849 (2024) 12 January 2024 1 of 13


Fig. 1. Perovskite/silicon tandem module connection schemes. (A to C) Schematic illustrations of monolithic (A) and mechanically stacked (B) tandem
solar modules, where the perovskite submodule is fabricated onto the front glass, and possible perovskite/silicon tandem module types (C). The modules

y g
are shown with their Sun-facing side upward. Wirings have been shown between the positive (+) and negative (−) terminals of the modules or submodules. All
of the module connections in the voltage-matched and current-matched mechanically stacked tandems are located in a separate junction box (not shown
here). 3T, three-terminal.

Monolithic 2T tandems are frequently re- and enable a fair comparison between the dif- cell can be used as a recombination junction

ported with independently certified PCEs, with ferent tandem concepts. (14, 15) layer with only minor modifications (e.g., by

33.9% being the current record (2). For 4T keeping its thickness <20 nm) (18). Figure 2A
tandem cells, no standard measurement pro- Device scaling plots the rapid PCE progress of monolithic
tocol exists yet; their PCEs are usually reported Silicon bottom-cell choices perovskite/silicon tandems based on SHJ bot-
as summed PCEs of separately measured sub- Silicon heterojunction (SHJ) solar cells in a tom cells.
cells, where the bottom cells are illuminated both-sides contacted layout (where electrons Despite the proven status of SHJ technology
by light filtered through a dummy perovskite and holes are collected at opposite sides of as the most efficient c-Si cell and its potential
top cell stack (12, 13). Moreover, 4T tandem the cell) have been the preferred choice to con- for high throughput production rates of ~10,000
PCEs are often reported for much larger bot- struct monolithic perovskite/silicon tandems, wafers per hour, the ITRPV predicts that its
tom cells (1 to 4 cm2) relative to the top cells including the recent record tandems to date. market share may only reach 15% by 2030.
(typically ~0.1 to 1 cm2) to maximize the sub- The attractiveness of SHJ technology lies in This falls well below the predicted production
cell PCEs (12). These anomalous procedures its high operating voltages that result from capacity of contemporary mainstream c-Si
lead to substantial variations in the reported passivating contacts, efficient light-trapping solar cells which are based on high-temperature
results. Hence, establishing a consensus around features (10, 16), inherently bifacial nature, diffused junctions, such as passivated emitter
measurement practices and standardized in- and fabrication process that can easily enable and rear contact (PERC) and tunneling oxide–
dependent certification is needed to boost con- p-i-n or n-i-p tandem configurations (17). More- based passivating-contact (TOPCon) technolo-
fidence in reported 4T tandem device results over, in a 2T tandem, the top TCO of the SHJ gies (6, 19). Hence, building tandems from such

Aydin et al., Science 383, eadh3849 (2024) 12 January 2024 2 of 13


36 2.1
Ideal perovskite Eg of 1.66 eV
Longi for 75 C operating temperature
34 and band edge absorption

Ugur et al.

Mariotti et al.

Al-Ashouri et al.

Liu et al. Aydin et al.

HZB 2.0
PCE (%)

Oxford PV
28 Oxford PV
Oxford PV

Xu et al.

Chin et al.
Oxford PV/Oxford/HZB 1.9

Chen et al.
24 Chen et al.
Mazzarella et al.

Kim et al.
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Sahli et al.
Year 1.8
Jost et al.

Aydin et al.
C 36
Albrecht et al.
De Bastiani et al.

Hou et al.
Perovskite-SHJ Tandem
Longi Perovskite-PERC Tandem Werner et al. Sahli et al.
Longi Perovskite-TOPCon Tandem 1.7 Ugur et al. Nogay et al.
SHJ Single-Junction Cell Werner et al.

30 Bush et al.
Werner et al.
PCE (%)


28 Oxford PV
26 Longi Single-Junction SHJ
Ideal perovskite Eg of 1.69 eV
Mailoa et al.
for 25 C operating temperature
and band edge absorption

CSEM CSEM Ideal perovskite
22 UNSW Eg of 1.73 eV at 25 C
HZB 1.5
UNSW (no band edge absorption)
0.1 1 10 100 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75

Device area (cm2) Eg (eV)

Fig. 2. Trends in perovskite/silicon tandem solar cell performance. without and with corrections for the temperature dependence of the band
(A) Historical evolution of monolithic 2T perovskite/silicon tandem solar cell edge absorption in the top and bottom cell, as detailed in (11). The references
record PCEs (all data are retrieved from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s labeled with red-colored text are for bifacial tandem cells. Eg, bandgap.
best cell efficiencies chart). (B) Perovskite bandgaps of previously reported monolithic (C) Published PCEs of monolithic perovskite/silicon tandem cells as a function
perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells. The dashed lines indicate ideal tandem bandgaps of their size.

diffused-junction technologies may be appealing PERC or TOPCon technologies often are found TOPCon cells, which highlights that perovskite/
for today’s c-Si manufacturers, where the re- to aid in deactivating bulk defects of boron- silicon tandems are technology-agnostic in terms

y g
quired recombination junction could be accom- doped wafers. However, in the foreseeable of appropriate bottom cells.
plished by replacing the antireflection/surface future, advancements in research and devel-
passivation stack on top of diffused junctions opment (R&D) are anticipated to lead to a cost Perovskite deposition technology
with either a sputtered TCO or a doped poly- reduction of n-type wafers, ultimately match- As already alluded to, the translation of research-
silicon stack (7). Nevertheless, Auger recombi- ing the price of p-type wafers. On the other scale perovskite/silicon tandems to industrial
nation and free carrier absorption losses—both hand, the bulk lifetime of p-type wafers is now prototypes differs for monolithic and mechan-

caused by the high carrier concentrations in also approaching that of n-type material by ically stacked configurations. In mechanically

the highly doped, diffused regions—pose a per- replacing boron with gallium as the dopant, stacked tandems, the perovskite submodules
formance penalty when comparing PERC and so it is expected that the electronic quality are fabricated onto the planar module glass,
TOPCon technologies with SHJ solar cells. and cost of both types of wafers will become with similar choices for scalable deposition
Currently, SHJ solar cells are almost exclu- comparable. techniques as for regular thin-film perovskite
sively fabricated using n-type c-Si wafers ow- Notable examples of monolithic perovskite/ modules (20, 21). Thin-film PV modules are
ing to the high bulk carrier lifetime needed to silicon tandem devices with larger cell areas are often in a superstrate configuration, which im-
achieve high open-circuit voltage (VOC) and fill summarized in Fig. 2C together with laboratory- plies use of the module glass on the light-facing
factor (FF) values. However, n-type wafers scale examples. In 2023, Oxford PV achieved a side. To pass the International Electrotechnical
are still more expensive compared with their cell PCE of 28.6% for a commercial-sized tan- Commission IEC 6170 reliability standards,
p-type counterparts because of the smaller dem (258.15 cm2), likely using a SHJ bottom the module glass should remain intact in case
segregation coefficient of phosphorus (the do- cell, surpassing the record for single-junction of mechanical failure, which calls for the use of
pant in n-type wafers) compared with boron c-Si cells (26.81% by Longi) (15). On the other tempered glass. However, such glass usually
(the dopant in p-type wafers), which limits the hand, Hanwha Q-Cells announced a non–SHJ- features surface imperfections, which may not
usable portion of the ingot and the reuse of based bottom-cell technology for their planned be an issue for vacuum-based film deposition
the Czochralski (Cz) crucibles. Furthermore, the perovskite/silicon tandem pilot lines, and Jinko methods but can affect film uniformity in the
high-temperature processing steps inherent to Solar announced 32.33% tandem cells on n-type case of solution processing—for instance when

Aydin et al., Science 383, eadh3849 (2024) 12 January 2024 3 of 13


using slot-die coating, a scalable linear printing sulting in a grooved, defective surface (Fig. 3A). cessing, industrial tandems will likely have to
technique with continuous ink supply, as cur- With alkaline wet-chemical etching, the saw use double side–textured wafers given their
rently pursued by several companies. damage is removed followed by texturing of optical benefits and the prohibitive cost of
For monolithic tandems, to be aligned with the surface to decrease reflection losses and wafer polishing. We note that the texturing
current industrial PV processing practices, re- promote the internal trapping of weakly ab- size for tandems with solution-processed pe-
cent efforts have focused on depositing perov- sorbed photons to improve the solar cell’s in- rovskites represents a compromise between
skite top cells onto textured c-Si bottom cells. frared response (26). Overall, this results in a light-trapping capabilities and perovskite top-
This approach poses additional challenges for wavy surface morphology onto which random cell performance. Too-thin perovskites may
perovskite processing, especially when using pyramid texture is superimposed (27), as shown leave shunt paths through exposed pyramids
solution-based techniques (22–25). Almost all in the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) im- (Fig. 3E); too-thick perovskites yield poor car-
industrial single-junction c-Si cells are fabri- ages in Fig. 3, B to D. Although laboratory-scale rier collection (12). By contrast, conformal coat-
cated from monocrystalline Cz silicon wafers, tandem cells often use front side–polished c-Si ing techniques are not subject to limitations
which are wire-cut from a silicon ingot, re- wafers, because this enables easier top-cell pro- imposed by the texturing size (Fig. 3G).


y g
Shunt paths G


Full coverage

Fig. 3. Surface topography of industrial silicon wafers. (A) Sketch of the solution-processed perovskite on top and pyramids coming out from the
commonly observed surface features on commercial Cz wafers and resulting perovskite layer, which causes a shunt on the devices (E), and well-optimized
perovskite film morphologies. (B to D) Cross-sectional SEM images of the c-Si pyramids with end-to-end coverage (F). The images were reproduced from (106)
wafers for various surface topographies, such as as-cut (B), saw damage removal and (107), respectively. The scale bars for both images [(E) and (F)] are 2 mm.
applied (C), and random pyramidal textured Cz wafers in alkaline solution (D). (G) Conformal coated perovskites on textured interfaces by hybrid technique.
(E and F) SEM cross-sectional images of the micrometer-scale pyramids with The images are used with permission from Chin et al. (108).

Aydin et al., Science 383, eadh3849 (2024) 12 January 2024 4 of 13


Spin coating of perovskite-precursor inks, control (39, 44). However, the integration of interface, as well as the use of recombination
combined with antisolvent treatments for film additive engineering strategies, often used in junctions with high lateral resistance, such as
crystallization and additive engineering for de- solution-processed perovskites to passivate de- those based on doped nanocrystalline silicon
fect passivation, has so far led to the highest- fects and fully unlock the optoelectronic prop- (nc-Si) films (Fig. 4A) (46) or thinner and there-
performing perovskite single-junction and erties of the bulk material, remains difficult in fore more resistive TCOs (53).
perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells (28, 29). this approach. In the case of mechanically stacked tandems,
However, materials waste and limited scal- Hybrid sequential deposition, such as through the perovskite top cell will cover dimensions as
ability and throughput undermine the com- vacuum deposition of a porous inorganic tem- large as the module glass onto which it is coated
mercial prospects of this fabrication route. plate, followed by solution- (e.g., slot-die or spray (>1 m2). To pattern the perovskite top cell and
These limitations may be overcome by slot- coating) or gas-based (chemical vapor transport) reduce resistive losses at the module level, sev-
die coating, for which the suitability for top- conversion into the desired perovskite phase eral laser scribing steps (usually three, called
cell fabrication, even on textured surfaces, has combines the advantages of vacuum- and P1, P2, and P3 in specific processing orders)
been reported for laboratory-scale tandem de- solution-based techniques in providing con- are necessary. These steps divide the cell into
vices. Yet, several challenges arise related to formal coverage on textured surfaces (Fig. 3G), smaller units and interconnect the adjacent
slot-die coating, which likely explains the lack thickness control, and facile compositional cells electrically in series, as shown in Fig. 4B.
of large-scale demonstrations to date (24, 30). tuning (45–47). Moreover, additive engineer- Such compartmentalizing also reduces the im-
First, deposition of the perovskite through ing approaches can be introduced during the pact of local shunts on the overall module per-
slot-die coating is incompatible with antisol- solution processing step, which facilitates formance. An additional fourth scribe (P4) to
vent treatments, so film crystallization has defect passivation and improved perovskite subdivide the cells can isolate underperform-
been accomplished by temperature control crystallization (47–50). Guaranteeing full in- ing areas. The benefit of this approach is seen
(31) or gas quenching (32). Second, dedicated filtration of the solution into the mesoscopic through an overall improved electrolumines-

ink compositions are needed to obtain uni- template to yield full conversion into the pe- cence (EL) response from a module, evidenced
form coatings and morphologies over larger rovskite phase remains the biggest challenge by a decrease in dark zones (implying low EL
areas, where surface terminations of the sub- for this approach. emission and thus low PV performance) and
strate must strike a balance between wettabil- Overall, linear evaporation, slot-die coating, an increase in pink zones (implying high EL
ity to form closed films and hydrophobicity or their combination in a hybrid approach may emission and high PV performance) (Fig. 4B).
to enhance crystal growth (33, 34). Third, the be the most promising candidates for scaled An alternative strategy to minimize the impact

leading and trailing edges of linear-printed perovskite deposition for monolithic tandems. of imperfections may lie in the fabrication of
coatings often have uncontrolled thicknesses, Yet, in the absence of a well-established scaling smaller-sized perovskite subcell coupons, in-
morphologies, and electrical properties, for platform, alternative techniques merit deeper tegrated into tandems at the module lamina-
which mitigation strategies still need to be exploration too, such as pulsed laser deposi- tion level. Despite these mitigation strategies,

formulated (35). This is of particular concern tion (PLD) or even magnetron sputtering— developing large-scale, current leakage–free
when coating on device-active silicon bottom both of which enable perovskite deposition perovskite films is essential for reproducible
cells and may compromise tandem performance. with stoichiometric material transfer from large-scale perovskite manufacturing.
Finally, given the modulated textured surface target to substrate (51).
of silicon wafers or surface imperfections of Finally, we also note the importance of pro- Energy yield and module reliability
tempered glass (e.g., flatness), ensuring that cess robustness when scaling technologies, Perovskite bandgap engineering
the perovskite consistently covers all of the sur- with consistent batch-to-batch reproducibility Initially, monolithic tandems used CH3NH3PbI3,
face features may require thicknesses of multi- for depositing the perovskite absorber layer, an early-generation halide perovskite with a
ple micrometers (Fig. 3F), which could limit passivation methods, and depositing contact- bandgap of ~1.55 eV (54, 55). Mixed iodide-
effective charge-carrier extraction (12, 36, 37). ing materials. Ultimately, the most adequate bromide perovskites can yield bandgaps of

y g
Overcoming this challenge requires effective processing technique should yield a combina- ~1.73 eV, which is the ideal value for monofa-
defect-passivation strategies combined with tion of high device performance, throughput, cial monolithic tandems based on theoretical
control of the substrate morphology. and reproducibility. PCE-limit calculations (11, 56). However, pe-
Physical vapor deposition techniques, such rovskites with bandgaps wider than 1.68 eV
as thermal evaporation, can yield directional Reducing electrical shunts in perovskite subcells usually suffer from light-induced phase segre-
material transfer, which is attractive for scalable, During the processing of perovskites, recombination- gation, which remains an unresolved challenge

conformal coatings on textured surfaces with ac- active defects may form that decrease the device (57). Moreover, deviations from standard test

curate film-thickness control (38, 39). Yet, fully voltage. Pinholes and cracks, as well as compo- conditions (STC) (25°C, 1-sun intensity, AM1.5G
evaporated perovskites have rarely been re- sitional inhomogeneities, can result in unde- spectrum) as occurring in the actual outdoor
ported even for single-junction PSCs (40–42), sired local shunts within the perovskite cells. environment, such as temperature and spec-
which is likely in part because of the high capi- Such defects can result from the substrate mor- tral variations, affect the current generation in
tal expenditure (CapEx) and low throughput phology, surface energy, and coating-related each of the subcells in tandems; spectrally de-
of laboratory-scale tools. For halide perov- inhomogeneities. The probability of forming pendent optical losses at the device level (such
skites, one-step vacuum deposition requires a defective region scales with the device area as through reflection and parasitic absorption)
coevaporation of multiple precursors (such as and will translate into PCE losses for indus- can have a similar effect.
PbI2, MAI, FAI, and MABr). Greater insight trially sized perovskite PV modules compared The ideal perovskite bandgap to maximize
into the compositional control of deposited films with laboratory-scale record cells (52) if not the power output will depend on these devia-
would be a first critical step toward closing the properly addressed. This effect is shown in tions (Fig. 2B). For example, the actual operat-
large performance gap between evaporated Fig. 2C for monolithic tandems, which need ing temperatures of modules can be as high
and solution-processed PSCs (43). Sequen- to scale to areas of industrial c-Si wafer sizes as 60°C in sunny climates (58). The effect of
tial deposition of the perovskite constituents (>100 cm2). The impact of localized shunts may temperature-induced broadening and narrow-
in a linear evaporator, followed by thermal be minimized by engineering the contact resist- ing of the bandgaps of perovskite and silicon,
annealing, could simplify the compositional ance at the recombination junction/perovskite respectively, causes the ideal perovskite bandgap

Aydin et al., Science 383, eadh3849 (2024) 12 January 2024 5 of 13


A B No P4 With P4

P4 scribing lines

Transparent electrode
Electron/hole selective contact

Perovskite absorber

Electron/hole selective contact

Transparent electrode
Glass or flexible transparent

Fig. 4. Electrical shunt in tandem solar cells. (A) Schematic illustrations of scribing (horizontal lines) process aims to isolate the underperforming
the shunting paths in TCO-based recombination junctions, and the tunneling areas into smaller cells (image is used with the permission of CubicPV). The
junctions show localizing the shunts as a result of the low lateral conductivity. magnified area (left) shows the sketch of the P1, P2, and P3 scribing steps

(B) Photographs (top) and photoluminescence images (bottom) of perovskite to build a series-connected string of thin-film cells [used with permission
minimodules aimed at mechanically stacked tandem utilization. The P4 from (109)].

to be smaller than 1.68 eV for monofacial mono- 5% relative, which means less PCE retention decomposition of the perovskite as the primary
lithic tandems under such conditions. This after 25 years) in combination with different issues that require attention. Substantial pro-
could offer increased resilience against light- variable module costs (0, 10, and 30%) to com- gress has been made in addressing critical sta-
induced phase segregation because less bromide pare the LCOE of tandems with c-Si modules bility issues [e.g., damp-heat and maximum
is needed to obtain such smaller bandgaps (11). (Fig. 5B) (60). If a similar annual degradation power point tracking (MPPT) at elevated tem-
Therefore, the intended geographical location rate can be guaranteed (0.4% relative), and as- perature] for low-bandgap (~1.55 eV) cells
of operation may become an additional param- suming only a 30% additional cost resulting based on FAPbI3 (63, 64). However, the use of

y g
eter to consider when designing commercial from the perovskite subcell processing, then the wide-bandgap perovskites (~1.67 to 1.70 eV) in
tandems. Whether such market-specific bandgap tandem module PCE should be >24% to become perovskite/silicon tandems with mixed halide
tailoring will truly be needed must be determined competitive with mainstream c-Si PV. Under (iodide, bromide, and chloride) compositions
through accurate energy yield and cost calcu- similar cost assumptions, if the annual degra- remains a more complex challenge.
lations, based on realistic climate and device dation rate is 2% relative, a >32% tandem mod-
data, and validated by extensive field testing. ule PCE will be needed to be competitive. Given Module reliability and lifetime predictions

unavoidable cell-to-module losses, the required To determine the durability of perovskite/silicon

LCOE versus stability tandem cell PCEs will need to be even higher tandem modules intended to last for more than
To be commercially competitive, the warranty (61). To date, the longest reported annual deg- 25 years, accelerated tests that can give predic-
of perovskite/silicon tandem modules should radation rate of small-area (1 cm2, 21.4% initial tions within a substantially shorter time frame
be on par with that of mainstream c-Si–based PCE for encapsulated cell) perovskite/silicon are required. c-Si PV manufacturers have estab-
modules, which at present is typically about tandems based on outdoor data is >17% rela- lished protocols that effectively anticipate po-
25 years, although some manufacturers already tive. This large value underlines the urgency of tential early failures that may arise during field
offer up to 40 years (Fig. 5A) (59). A simple LCOE improving the stability of perovskite/silicon operations. For instance, the IEC 61215 protocol
calculation considering 25 years of service gives tandem solar cells rather than merely enhanc- consists of a range of controlled-laboratory ac-
insight into acceptable annual degradation rates ing their PCEs (62). celerated degradation tests, such as damp-heat,
for perovskite/silicon tandems. As a reference, Outdoor testing of perovskite/silicon tandem thermal cycling, humidity-freeze, ultraviolet
we used a 22%-PCE c-Si module with a 0.4% cells provides valuable insights into actual sta- (UV) light exposure, and potential induced
relative annual degradation rate for our LCOE bility concerns that may arise during field op- degradation (PID) testing, among others. Confi-
calculations, which is representative of the com- erations, covering synchronously all aspects dence in this protocol is based on statistical
mercial state of the art (representing >90% of degradation such as heat, light, humidity, feedback from reported long-term outdoor
relative PCE retention over 25 years). We then con- temperature cycles, and voltage biasing. Initial test data, which remain scarce for perovskite/
sidered higher annual degradation rates (2 and tests have identified ion migration and phase silicon tandems (Fig. 5C).

Aydin et al., Science 383, eadh3849 (2024) 12 January 2024 6 of 13


Today's champion tandem cell PCE

Module outdoor test periods (Years)

1.5 0% Extra Cost Goal: 30 years stability with >80-92% PCE retention
10% Extra Cost 30
Assuming 30% module PCE
Module warranty (Years)

30% Extra Cost Aydin et al. 2020

Module cost (US$ per W)

(79% retention, first outdoor data)

LCOEtandem / LCOEc-Si
10 De Bastiani et al. 2021
(51% retention)
5 % / year 26
Liu et al. 2021
1 (95% retention)
10 1 2
2 % / year Babics et al. 2023
(83.4% retention)
Today's c-Si 0
0.4 % / year
0 0.1 0.8 PV panels

1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032
22 30 33.9
Years PCE (%) Years


Fig. 5. Reliability and LCOE of perovskite/silicon tandem modules. (A) Market perovskite/silicon tandem modules outdoor data. The PCE retention goal is based
status of the c-Si PV industry in terms of cost and module warranties. The previous on the longest product warranties in the market. (D) Sketch of state-of-the-art
years’ data are retrieved from Jordan et al. (110), and future predictions are encapsulation for perovskite/silicon tandem solar cell modules. (E) Photograph of

adapted from ITRPV 2022. The PV prices are retrieved from (111). From the 1970s, the failed encapsulation for 156 mm by 156 mm perovskite/silicon tandem cells because
market status changed from high-cost and short warranties to low-cost, long warranties. of contact delamination. (F) Detailed view of contact delamination at the C60/SnO2
(B) Relative LCOEs of perovskite/silicon tandems versus silicon cells, based on module interface, part of the perovskite top contact, resulting from module lamination at 120°C
degradation rates and additional perovskite submodule costs. (C) Reported [adapted with permission from (71), copyright 2022 American Chemical Society].

Additionally, some perovskite-specific degra- can stay operational under field conditions. pathway may be through additive engineer-
dation modes, although known, have yet to be Accurate degradation rates are crucial to de- ing during perovskite processing that targets
included in mainstream industrial testing pro- termine warranty costs for the modules. To the removal of initial degradation products,
tocols, and others doubtlessly remain to be dis- achieve this, longer outdoor tests are necessary, which, however, will require new materials-
covered. For example, simultaneous exposure covering realistic device areas (larger than science insights.

y g
to light and elevated temperature is a known 1 cm2 and with maximized active area/wafer Furthermore, typical mainstream PV encap-
critical cause of failure of PSCs, but this mech- size ratios) at both the module and system sulants, such as ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA),
anism is not thoroughly probed by the IEC levels (consisting of strings of modules). polyolefin elastomer (POE), coextruded EVA/
61215 protocol. To gauge its impact, the US ini- POE/EVA, and thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU),
tiative Perovskite PV Accelerator for Commer- Module packaging require lamination at 120° to 140°C for 15 min
cializing Technologies (PACT) recommends Mainstream c-Si module encapsulation con- under a mild vacuum (68). However, a temper-

four sequences of light exposure at elevated sists of vacuum lamination of strings of cells ature of >110°C is usually sufficient to induce

temperatures (1-sun, 75°C for 1000 hours) with between a glass sheet at the front and a poly- degradation of the perovskite, the organic in-
module loss analysis after every 250 hours (65). meric back sheet at the rear, with two layers of terlayers, and their interfaces (70), which has
This is similar to the so-called light and ele- encapsulant. The porous nature of typical poly- spurred the search for alternative encapsulants
vated temperature–induced degradation (LeTID) meric back sheets is not suitable for perovskite- or more thermally stable perovskite cells.
test applied to c-Si PV modules defined by IEC based PV because of moisture ingress—water Moreover, the forces that occur during lami-
TS63342. Determining the activation energy rapidly degrades perovskite devices. Instead, nation and temperature cycles (Fig. 5E), which
of degradation of the perovskite cells through the polymeric back sheet needs to be replaced can be driven by a mismatch in coefficients of
MPPT tests at elevated temperatures can also with a second glass sheet, and module edges thermal expansion, present another challenge.
help to predict the operational lifetimes of the are to be sealed with rubber (Fig. 5D) (68). How- Specifically, the ubiquitous fullerene (C60) used
tandem cells (66, 67). ever, in this case, initial degradation products as the electron transport layer (ETL) in the pe-
Table 1 provides an overview of the aging of perovskite absorbers, such as iodine gas, iodo- rovskite top contact is only weakly bonded to
protocols that have been proposed to date for methane, and hydroiodic acid, may remain the adjacent layers and can easily be fractured
perovskite modules. Correlation analysis be- trapped inside the module. These degradation and peeled off. Figure 5F shows an example of
tween these laboratory tests and field per- products can then further accelerate module delamination of perovskite top contact in tan-
formance can be used to assess how long these degradation, particularly in the interconnec- dems at their C60/SnO2 interface, where SnO2
devices—specifically the perovskite subcells— tions between different cells (69). One mitigation is widely used as a buffer layer against the

Aydin et al., Science 383, eadh3849 (2024) 12 January 2024 7 of 13


Table 1. Summary of critical aging tests considered for the long-term stability and reliability predictions of perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells.

Reports for mechanically

Reports for stacked perovskite/
Critical tests Conditions monolithic perovskite/ silicon tandems or Research pathway
silicon tandems single-junction
perovskite modules
Damp heat 95% PCE retention after Passed one cycle (93) Passed one cycle (112) Passing damp heat test
testing at 85°C and 85% and three cycles (113) for one time might not
relative humidity for 1000 hours perovskite single-junction be sufficient to ensure
module, and one cycle for >30 years of field stability. More
small perovskite pixel (64). correlation analysis is needed.
Thermal cycling 95% PCE retention after 98.8% of its initial Passed for perovskite Interfacial toughening
−40° to +85°C, 200 cycles PCE after 200 thermal single-junction methods or new materials
cycles (tabbing was module (112). should be developed that can
copper tape) (114) resist expansion and shrinking
during thermal cycles (115).
Humidity freeze 95% PCE retention after No test data reported No test data reported Moisture-resistant and
−40° to +85°C and 85% for tandem modules. Passed perovskite-compatible

relative humidity, 50 cycles for small single-junction encapsulation materials
perovskite pixels (116). should be developed for
freezing-heating cycles.
Outdoor stability 95% PCE retention 40 days, 90% No test data reported for Longer (>>1 year) outdoor
after 60 kWh/m2 total PCE retention (117) tandem modules. For tests at different climates,
solar irradiance single-junction realistic module sizes, and the

pixel, 1-year data (118). multiple number of module
tests are required to
correlate them with
laboratory tests.

MPPT at elevated 95% PCE retention after No test data reported No test data reported for This is not a well-defined standard
temperature 65° to 85°C, MPPT, tandem modules. protocol but is critical for
>1000 hours 97%-PCE retention at 65°C understanding the halide
after 1200 hours for segregation issue. The
small perovskite pixel (119). ideal testing temperature
should be chosen according
to the defect activation energies
of the perovskite layers.
PID 60°C, 85% humidity, ~50% loss after No test data reported for Perovskite film quality
1000-V load for a 24 hours (75) modules. For 1-cm2 cell, should be improved, and new

y g
period of 96 hours no degradation observed encapsulants and ionic
at ±500 V (120). barrier layers should
be developed (120–122).
Reverse bias degradation Hotspot test, partial Negligible degradation No loss for perovskite For monolithic tandems,
or full shading after biasing at minimodule with carbon- contact quality should be
−2.0 V for 12 hours (123)

of subcells based electrodes improved. For thin film modules,
(area of 56.8 cm2) (124). bypass diodes should be

integrated to the film stacks.

sputtering damage during the top TCO depo- to further enhance the long-term stability of deployment. Bifacial c-Si modules are rapidly
sition (71). This problem might be mitigated by perovskite/silicon tandem modules. Finally, becoming the dominant utility-scale technology
materials that create stronger interfaces, such adequate encapsulants may enhance the robust- (76). Calculations show that adopting the bifa-
as by functionalizing C60 and using low–elastic ness of perovskite modules against PID (75). cial concept also enhances the energy yield of
modulus encapsulants (72). perovskite/silicon tandems (77). Such calcula-
Care needs to be taken with regards to the Emerging concepts tions require accurate knowledge of the front
by-products released from encapsulants dur- Bifacial tandems and rear irradiance, as well as potential (non-
ing the curing process and device operation Bifacial solar cells have transparent rear con- uniform and temporal) shading from the sur-
that may also degrade the perovskite absorber tacts to exploit the diffuse and reflected light roundings (78). Bifacial tandems may also offer
(73, 74). Developing new encapsulants with from the environment and the ground (referred superior stability because they require the use
lower water vapor transmission rates and to as albedo) to enhance their current output of lower-bandgap (<1.60 eV) perovskites, usually
higher volume resistivity might be necessary by 10 to 30% relative, depending on the specific with bromide-lean compositions (79, 80).

Aydin et al., Science 383, eadh3849 (2024) 12 January 2024 8 of 13


For deployment, specific ground covering tures (OpEx) are also important for scaled module inspection and replacement before cat-
with increased albedo may be considered, manufacturing. For example, all module con- astrophic failure. Moreover, recent studies have
provided that the costs are offset by gains in figurations require at least one TCO, where argued that in the case of catastrophic module
LCOE (81). The LCOE of bifacial tandems may indium-based TCOs have ideal properties such failure, the environmental impact will only be
further benefit from solar-tracking technolo- as high transparency, conductivity, and dura- moderate (100, 101). For solution-processed
gies (82). Single-axis tracking can increase the bility (90). Although recent studies have claimed perovskites, toxicity concerns arising from the
annual energy yield of bifacial solar panels that indium production may meet terawatt PV solvents [such as dimethylformamide (DMF)
by an additional 30 to 40% relative with only goals in certain scenarios, it is crucial to remain and dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO)] should be
~10% extra cost for the tracker system (76, 83). vigilant regarding potential supply risk issues mitigated through waste management and pu-
Despite growing interest in bifacial tandems, from indium scarcity (91, 92). Minimizing the rification and recycling processes (102). Al-
no consensus regarding reporting cell or module thickness and number of required TCOs in the ternatively, green solvents can be considered,
performance is yet in place. device, where 2T tandems have an advantage, together with vacuum deposition approaches,
can lower such risks (53). provided that the performances of the perov-
Triple-junction and all-perovskite tandems Tandem solar cells contain several charge- skite layer are preserved.
With the existing materials library, PCEs ex- selective contacts, and the choice of the contact
ceeding 37% should be achievable for dual- materials is largely determined by the device po- Market status: Challenges and opportunities
junction perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells larity. In p-i-n tandems, molecular self-assembled Tandem PV technologies have been projected
(the theoretical limit is ~44%) (84). Higher monolayers (e.g., 2PACz, Me-4PACz, or deriv- to take a more than $10 billion market share by
practical values are doubtlessly possible with atives thereof), show promise as low-loss hole 2032 (6). However, predicting a realistic date for
triple-junction perovskite/perovskite/silicon transport layers (HTLs). However, their large- successful market entrance of perovskite/silicon
tandems (85), which have a theoretical limit of area performance and long-term stability have tandems remains challenging (103). Currently,

49.4% (86). In monolithic triple-junction ar- not yet been investigated thoroughly. In the both start-ups and established PV companies
chitectures, current matching is again needed, front contacts of monolithic tandems, C60 is are exploring this technology, pursuing a var-
which requires an ~1.45-eV bandgap for the frequently used as an ETL. Despite this, C60 is iety of different fabrication routes and module
middle cell, which is attainable through mixed- performance limiting owing to high parasitic configurations (104). Table 2 summarizes the
metal lead-tin perovskite compositions with absorption losses in the UV, recombination highest perovskite/silicon tandem PCEs at dif-
a relatively high tin content. However, tin-based when interfaced directly with perovskite, and— ferent scales, either as a published study or a

perovskites are susceptible to oxidation-induced as already stated—mechanical reliability issues company announcement.
degradation. For the top cells, an ~1.95-eV band- (71, 93–95). Combined, this argues for its replace- In any scenario, the technology must success-
gap is needed, for which mixed-halide perov- ment, but alternatives remain largely unidentified. fully pass the various technology readiness lev-
skite compositions with a relatively high Br Vacuum deposition of metal oxides as the ETL els (TRLs) before commercialization is possible,

content can be used. Yet, these perovskites (such as SnO2 or other n-type metal oxides) di- including laboratory research (TRLs 1 to 5),
undergo light-induced phase segregation and rectly onto the perovskite layers (without C60) pilot line (TRLs 5 to 8), and mass production
lead to higher VOC deficits at the device level may be the most attractive industrial approach; (TRLs 8 and 9), which are shown in Fig. 6A.
(87). Inorganic perovskites may avoid phase however, this poses challenges related to the The PV industry has accumulated substantial
segregation but will need to be made proces- chemical stability in their interface with perov- knowledge and expertise in both thin-film and
sable at relatively low temperatures (~100°C) skite (96). It can thus be anticipated that initial silicon technologies over the years, which ne-
for monolithic integration (88). commercial perovskite/silicon tandems will rely cessitated extensive and costly R&D efforts
An additional hurdle for triple-junction tan- on C60 as an ETL, but alternatives are needed. spanning several years, as shown in Fig. 6B.
dems arises from the need to fabricate perovskite Perovskite/silicon tandems can be fabricated Much of this can be leveraged in terms of time
subcells on top of other perovskite subcells, which in the n-i-p configuration as well, where the and budget requirements for perovskite/silicon

y g
can lead to processing compatibility challenges perovskite ETL is deposited on the silicon bot- tandem technology. Nevertheless, substantial
similar to those encountered when scaling dual- tom cell, and the HTL side faces the Sun. In this and sustained funding is essential for its suc-
junction perovskite/perovskite tandem cells. For- case, initial tandems relied on organic mate- cessful commercialization. Currently, an R&D
tunately, the advances achieved in perovskite/ rials, in particular spiro-OMeTAD; however, laboratory focused on perovskite subcell (or
perovskite tandem cells can be leveraged toward their production is complex and costly. More- submodule) development can be established
triple-junction tandems. If the present limi- over, these organic molecules often need to be with a budget of less than ~€5 million. Mean-

tations of the mid- and wide-bandgap perovskite doped to activate their charge-selective prop- while, several companies have already announced

can be solved, it may even become appealing to erties, but this results in device stability issues. investments exceeding $100 million for estab-
develop efficient and stable perovskite formula- Inorganic HTLs, such as CuSCN or NiOx, may be lishing pilot lines with limited information
tions with bandgaps near that of c-Si (1.12 eV) promising alternatives if they can avoid dam- disclosure (Table 3). For reference, the ap-
to construct all-perovskite tandems. Such ma- aging the perovskite layers underneath (97). proximate CapEx budget for 1 GW of SHJ pro-
terials would open a route to the elimination The scarcity of silver as the primary material duction in China is ~€50 million, based on the
of c-Si from the device (86). Yet, for this, the for grid-electrode metallization is an increasing most up-to-date information available. The given
realization of efficient and stable Sn-based pe- concern for c-Si PV (98), and silver consumption expenses could vary considerably depending
rovskites becomes essential (89), which is likely a in wafer-based tandem solar cells could be re- on the location. It is anticipated that the ex-
long-term challenge. laxed compared with SHJ cells because the penses linked to gigawatt-scale manufactur-
currents are halved. However, cost-efficient, ing of perovskite subcells will soon decrease to
Manufacturing sustainability low-temperature silver pastes, or alternatives below €100 million, with further reductions
Major challenges toward the industrializa- using copper, are required. anticipated in the future.
tion of perovskite/silicon tandems relate to Lead leakage from the module and the use of One of the key enablers in cost reduction in
performance at scale, reliability, and CapEx. hazardous solvents in manufacturing are the c-Si PV production has been the notable in-
However, the cost and sustainability of the raw two major concerns for perovskite-based tan- creases in production throughput, with c-Si
materials involved and operational expendi- dem PVs (99), but they might be mitigated by processing steps reaching production rates of

Aydin et al., Science 383, eadh3849 (2024) 12 January 2024 9 of 13


Table 2. Summary of the state-of-the-art perovskite/silicon tandem cells for various device architectures. Here, PGDBIFI,20 denotes 0.2 sun rear
illumination. A dash indicates data unavailable.

Conditions 2T 3T 4T
PCEs for ~1 cm2 33.9% (Longi) (2) 23.5% (SNU) (125) 29.2% (Solliance) (126)
PCEs at larger scale 28.6% (OxfordPV, 258 cm2) (15) 29.56% (CSEM-Meyer Burger, 24.5 cm2) (127) 28.4% (Kaneka, 64 cm2) (15)
PGDBIFI,20 for bifacial tandems 27.1 mW cm−2 (80) – 30.5 mW cm−2 (14)

A Advanced
Early proof- Early Early Advanced Industrializa-
Creation proof-of- Feasibility Pilot Maturity
of-concept scaling feasibility scaling tion

Laboratory stage Pilot line stage Mass production

B 1012 D
Cumulative cost per TRL (Euro)

Billion €


Million €


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

TRL of c-Si PV technologies
Required Capex for 1 GW capacity (%)

6 x 3600 wph

80 4 x 5500 wph

3 x 8000 wph

2 x 10000 wph


Number of equipment x Equipment througput

Fig. 6. Industrialization aspects of perovskite/silicon tandems. (A) TRLs of CapEx for ~1-GW physical vapor deposition line for various numbers of equipment and

y g
various stages of PV development. (B) Cost of the development of silicon PV capacity, demonstrating that increasing the equipment throughput reduces the CapEx
technologies at different TRL levels, each usually spanning several years (with (the data are used with permission from Von Ardenne GmbH,
permission from Fraunhofer, Perovskite/silicon (D) Illustration of representative monolithic and mechanically stacked tandem
tandem technologies are expected to benefit from these developments, lowering solar cell processing lines. The inset shows the most promising scalable techniques
the required cost to become technologically mature. (C) The required for perovskite layer deposition in high-throughput processing lines.

more than 10,000 wafers per hour. Similar have packaging procedures similar to those of far typically require several seconds and power
processing throughputs will be required for c-Si single-junction modules and only neces- stabilization.
perovskite/silicon tandems to reach com- sitate wafer-scale processing steps for the pe-
petitive LCOE values. Figure 6C illustrates an rovskite subcells. A recent techno-economic REFERENCES AND NOTES
example that increasing the throughput of a analysis corroborates that the production cost 1. N. M. Haegel et al., Terawatt-scale photovoltaics: Transform
physical vapor deposition line by approx- of mechanically stacked tandems might be global energy. Science 364, 836–838 (2019). doi: 10.1126/
imately threefold can reduce the CapEx by higher compared with that of their mono- science.aaw1845; pmid: 31147512
2. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, “Best Research-Cell
>50% and thus decrease the LCOE. In Fig. lithic counterparts (105). Efficiency Chart”;
6D, conceptual processing lines for mechan- Additional challenges arise in characteriz- 3. B. A. Veith-Wolf, S. Schäfer, R. Brendel, J. Schmidt,
ically stacked and monolithic tandem cells ing industrially produced perovskite/silicon tan- Reassessment of intrinsic lifetime limit in n-type crystalline
silicon and implication on maximum solar cell efficiency.
are depicted. Mechanically stacked tandems dem technology. Current-voltage (I–V) analysis Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 186, 194–199 (2018).
require extra processing steps for the perov- within light exposure at the millisecond time- doi: 10.1016/j.solmat.2018.06.029
skite submodules, including multiple laser scale is commonly used for industrial char- 4. S. Schäfer, R. Brendel, Accurate Calculation of the
Absorptance Enhances Efficiency Limit of Crystalline
scribing, and they demand intricate module acterization of c-Si cells. New methods for
Silicon Solar Cells With Lambertian Light Trapping.
assembly lines, which leads to increased over- fast and reliable measurements of perovskite/ IEEE J. Photovolt. 8, 1156–1158 (2018). doi: 10.1109/
all CapEx. On the other hand, monolithic cells silicon tandems must be developed, which so JPHOTOV.2018.2824024

Aydin et al., Science 383, eadh3849 (2024) 12 January 2024 10 of 13


Table 3. Overview of consortia and companies developing monolithic perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells. Note, although the information provided in
the tables is provided in good faith, the authors, editors, and publishers cannot accept direct responsibility for any errors or omissions.

Country Company or consortia Budget Duration Remarks

Europe PEPPERONI Project €18.8 million 2022–2026 17 partners from 12 countries aim to bring the TRL level of 2T tandems
from 4 to 5 up to TRL 7, with a long-term goal of reaching gigawatt-scale
manufacturing in Europe.
Europe NEXUS Project €3.6 million 2022–2025 12 partners from nine countries aim to reach >30% tandem module PCE in
2T configuration by using dry perovskite processing.
Europe PrEsto Project €4.25 million 2021–2024 Nine partners from three countries aim to identify suitable
production processes for scaled 2T tandems and perform
techno-economic evaluations.
UK Oxford PV $142 million Since 2010 Oxford PV is the first perovskite-based tandem PV company and
received investment from multiple sources. The company currently holds
the highest certified PCE (28.6%) for industry-size 2T tandems (274 cm2).
The budget data are acquired from
USA TEAMUP Project $12.2 million Since 2023 12 partners from academic, industrial, and federal laboratories in
the US aim to enhance the stability of both 2T and 4T tandems
in real-world conditions.

USA ADDEPT Project $11.25 million Since 2023 Eight partners from academic institutes and companies from the US aim
to enhance the performance and durability of both 2T and 4T tandem
cells through machine learning and robot screening.
USA PV PACT Project $9 million Since 2021 12 partners including national laboratories, universities, and companies
from the US aim to develop performance and reliability test
protocols for industrial applications.

China Auner >$14 million Since 2017 Auner is a start-up company and claims a 32.44% PCE for 1 cm2 and
30.83% certified PCE on 25 cm2 aperture area. The company reports
that an industrial-size pilot line is under construction.
China Jinko Solar >$6.6 million Since 2021 Jinko ranks first in cumulative PV module shipment

in the world. The company reported 32.33% PCE for
perovskite/TOPCon 2T tandems, with limited information about
other tandem research activities.
China Trina Solar >$17 million Since 2021 Trina claims >31% laboratory-scale PCE, and the company is one of the
leading enterprises (top three) in silicon solar cell and PV modules.
The given budget is for the initial investment.
China Longi No information No information Longi is the highest–market value PV company in China, holding the
record for the PCE achieved in SHJ cells (usually used as bottom
cells). The company reported 33.9% PCE for ~1-cm2 2T tandems,
and there is no other public release.

y g
China Tongwei No information Since 2022 Tongwei stands as the foremost company in the shipment of polysilicon
and c-Si cells, asserting an impressive 31.1% PCE for 2T tandems,
albeit with only limited public disclosure.
Japan Kaneka No information No information Kaneka is an expert in amorphous silicon and has
held the world record for interdigitated back contact (IBC) cells for

several years. Also, the company has background with a-Si thin-film
tandem cells. Kaneka released 29.2% PCE (~1 cm2) for 2T

tandems with no other public release about R&D activities.
Korea Hanwha Q Cells $100 million 2023–2024 This Korea-based company, with its research hub in Germany,
has disclosed 29.9% PCE achievement for 2T tandem solar
cells, covering an area of 1 cm2. They have also earmarked
$100 million for a pilot production line in Jincheon, Korea,
and they are one of the partners of the PEPPERONI project.
Singapore SERIS and REC Solar $57 million 2023–2025 SERIS and Singapore-based panel manufacturer REC aim to develop a
>30%-PCE 2T tandem module in the REC@NUS corporate R&D laboratory.

5. Z. Yu, M. Leilaeioun, Z. Holman, Selecting tandem partners for 7. M. De Bastiani et al., Recombination junctions for efficient 9. P. Wagner, P. Tockhorn, S. Hall, S. Albrecht, L. Korte, Performance of
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◥ reprogramming to converge into the T3 neu-

RESEARCH ARTICLE SUMMARY trophil state, which was terminally differentiated
and expressed the surface marker dcTRAIL-R1.
CANCER IMMUNOLOGY dcTRAIL-R1 up-regulation in tumor-naïve neu-
trophils could be induced by exposure to tumor-
Deterministic reprogramming of neutrophils conditioned medium in vitro or entry into the
tumor in vivo, and was accompanied by the
within tumors expression of T3-specific genes. More impor-
tantly, this phenomenon was independent of
Melissa S. F. Ng†*, Immanuel Kwok†, Leonard Tan†, Changming Shi†, Daniela Cerezo-Wallis, their initial maturation phenotype. These find-
Yingrou Tan, Keith Leong, Gabriel F. Calvo, Katharine Yang, Yuning Zhang, Jingsi Jin, Ka Hang Liong, ings thus underscore the capability of neutro-
Dandan Wu, Rui He, Dehua Liu, Ye Chean Teh, Camille Bleriot, Nicoletta Caronni, Zhaoyuan Liu, phils to adopt a new functional phenotype,
Kaibo Duan, Vipin Narang, Iván Ballesteros, Federica Moalli, Mengwei Li, Jinmiao Chen, Yao Liu, overlaying it onto their existing differentiation
Lianxin Liu, Jingjing Qi, Yingbin Liu, Lingxi Jiang, Baiyong Shen, Hui Cheng, Tao Cheng, Veronique Angeli, stage. The T3 phenotype was strongly correlated
Ankur Sharma, Yuin-han Loh, Hong Liang Tey, Shu Zhen Chong, Matteo Iannacone, Renato Ostuni, with a prolonged lifespan, with dcTRAIL-R1+
Andrés Hidalgo, Florent Ginhoux, Lai Guan Ng* neutrophils persisting for more than 5 days
within the tumor. Furthermore, T3 neutrophils
were mainly localized to a unique hypoxic-
INTRODUCTION: Neutrophils are the first re- mors in a murine orthotopic model of pancre- glycolytic niche within the tumor, where they
sponders to infection and injury and are rapidly atic cancer. Tumor neutrophil states identified optimally exerted their pro-angiogenic function.
recruited to affected tissues in large numbers to from these analyses were validated by multi- This indicated that neutrophil reprogramming

enact their protective function. As such, neu- parametric flow cytometry, and spatial mapping plays a critical role in enabling their survival
trophils were historically perceived as a homo- at the RNA and protein levels were performed under hypoxia, oxidative stress, and metabolic
geneous and transient population. Recently, to reveal their localization within the pancre- perturbations within the tumor microenviron-
however, a diverse array of neutrophil states atic tumors. In vitro and in vivo approaches ment. Specifically, T3 neutrophils expressed
has been reported in cancer, varying in their were then used to examine how the tumor en- high levels of vascular endothelial growth fac-
maturation, surface marker expression, and vironment shapes neutrophil phenotype, life- tor alpha (VEGFa) and substantially enhanced

transcript profiles. The relationship between span, and protumoral functions. blood vessel formation within the tumor core, and
these neutrophil states and their organiza- only coinjection of T3 neutrophils with tumor
tion into a unified protumoral response have RESULTS: We identified three distinct neutro- cells accelerated tumor growth. Therefore, the ab-
yet to be elucidated, limiting the therapeutic phil states within the tumor microenvironment, lation of either T3 neutrophils or VEGFa inhibits

targeting of neutrophils in cancer. T1, T2, and T3, which were epigenetically and this growth enhancement. Finally, all three tu-
transcriptionally distinct from neutrophils in mor neutrophil states were observed across mouse
RATIONALE: To identify the mechanisms by the bone marrow, spleen, and blood. By assess- models and in multiple human cancers, with the
which disparate neutrophil states are coordi- ing nuclear morphology and maturation status, T3 signature predicting poorer patient outcomes
nated into a concerted protumoral response, we we determined that immature and mature neu- in two independent human pancreatic cancer
used single-cell RNA sequencing and ATACseq trophils infiltrating the tumor differentiated into cohorts and other solid tumor types.
(assay for transposable chromatin sequencing) transitional T1 and T2 populations, respective-
on neutrophils from various organs and tu- ly. T1 and T2 neutrophils underwent further CONCLUSION: By examining neutrophils in the
context of their ontogeny, we uncovered their
Developmental trajectory Tumor reprogramming intrinsic flexibility in adapting to environmen-

y g
tal signals regardless of their initial maturation
Mature stage. This implies that neutrophils infiltrating
a tissue niche follow a common path, merging
Immature Growth
Angiogenesis their different functional states into a single
terminal phenotype as guided by the tissue.
Transitional VEGFα Within the tumor, this deterministic program

likely ensures a continual supply of pro-angiogenic

Reprogrammed T3 neutrophils that fuel tumor growth. Our find-
neutrophils ings thus demonstrate how short-lived effector
cells such as neutrophils effectively tailor their
functions to accommodate tissue require-
ments, highlighting the untapped possibilities
of targeting the local neutrophil response as
Stromal Hypoxic-glycolytic niche Tumor immunotherapy.

Tumor-infiltrating neutrophils undergo convergent reprogramming into pro-angiogenic neutrophils
The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.
that support tumor growth. In cancer, both immature and mature neutrophils infiltrate the tumor. After *Corresponding author. Email: (L.G.N.);
entering the tumor microenvironment, these neutrophils undergo differentiation, leading to the formation of (M.S.F.N.)
†These authors contributed equally to this work.
transitional populations. Through reprogramming, these populations ultimately converge into a terminal neutrophil
Cite this article as M. S. F. Ng et al., Science 383, eadf6493
state. Reprogrammed neutrophils strongly express VEGFa and localize to a unique hypoxic-glycolytic niche near (2024). DOI: 10.1126/science.adf6493
the tumor core. This places them in an optimal position to exert their pro-angiogenic function within hypoxic and nutrient-
poor tumor regions, thereby promoting tumor growth. The emergence of tumor reprogramming reflects the adaptability READ THE FULL ARTICLE AT
of neutrophils to environmental cues, allowing them to consolidate their protumoral responses.

Ng et al., Science 383, 163 (2024) 12 January 2024 1 of 1


◥ (12, 21, 22). Collectively, this spectrum of neu-

RESEARCH ARTICLE trophil states, encompassing phenotypic and
maturation differences, is proposed to make
CANCER IMMUNOLOGY up the functional diversity of neutrophils in
cancer (4–15).
Deterministic reprogramming of neutrophils Here, we used multi-omics approaches in
pancreatic tumors at single-cell transcriptional
within tumors and spatial resolution to examine neutrophil
functional diversity in the context of their on-
Melissa S. F. Ng1*†, Immanuel Kwok1†, Leonard Tan1†, Changming Shi2†, Daniela Cerezo-Wallis3,4, togenetic order, origin, and influence from
Yingrou Tan1,5, Keith Leong1, Gabriel F. Calvo6, Katharine Yang1, Yuning Zhang7,8, Jingsi Jin2, tissue signals. We unexpectedly found that
Ka Hang Liong1, Dandan Wu9, Rui He2, Dehua Liu1, Ye Chean Teh1, Camille Bleriot10,11, although various populations of neutrophils
Nicoletta Caronni12, Zhaoyuan Liu9, Kaibo Duan1, Vipin Narang1, Iván Ballesteros3, Federica Moalli13,14, entered the tumor, it was only inside the tu-
Mengwei Li1, Jinmiao Chen1, Yao Liu15, Lianxin Liu15, Jingjing Qi16,17, Yingbin Liu16,17, Lingxi Jiang18,19,20, mor that neutrophils entered a convergent tra-
Baiyong Shen18,19,20, Hui Cheng21, Tao Cheng21, Veronique Angeli7,8, Ankur Sharma22,23,24, Yuin-han Loh25, jectory that directed them toward a specific
Hong Liang Tey5,26,27, Shu Zhen Chong1,28, Matteo Iannacone13,14,29, Renato Ostuni12,29, Andrés Hidalgo3,4, protumoral state. Our findings challenge cur-
Florent Ginhoux1,9,10,30, Lai Guan Ng2,1,28* rent models and suggest the potential of tar-
geting neutrophils for cancer immunotherapy.
Neutrophils are increasingly recognized as key players in the tumor immune response and are associated
with poor clinical outcomes. Despite recent advances characterizing the diversity of neutrophil states Intratumoral neutrophils converge into
in cancer, common trajectories and mechanisms governing the ontogeny and relationship between a distinct transcriptional state

these neutrophil states remain undefined. Here, we demonstrate that immature and mature neutrophils To investigate neutrophil heterogeneity in can-
that enter tumors undergo irreversible epigenetic, transcriptional, and proteomic modifications cer, we used an orthotopic mouse model of pan-
to converge into a distinct, terminally differentiated dcTRAIL-R1+ state. Reprogrammed dcTRAIL-R1+ creatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Using
neutrophils predominantly localize to a glycolytic and hypoxic niche at the tumor core and exert a pancreatic cancer cell line previously estab-
pro-angiogenic function that favors tumor growth. We found similar trajectories in neutrophils across lished from a tumor in the Pdx1Cre; KrasG12D/+;
multiple tumor types and in humans, suggesting that targeting this program may provide a means Trp53R172H/+ (KPC) genetically modified mouse

of enhancing certain cancer immunotherapies. model (23), cultured cells were orthotopically
transplanted into the pancreas, which grew in

situ to form a tumor characterized by copious
eutrophils play a substantial role in the trum of neutrophil states in cancer, with differ- neutrophil infiltration (14). Single-cell RNA

immune response to infection and in- ences in density (4, 5), surface markers (6–10), sequencing (scRNAseq) was performed on
jury. As one of the first cells to enter a and transcript expression (11–13). total CD11b+CD115–Ly6G+ cells from the BM,
damaged site from the circulation, the Neutrophil heterogeneity also exists in the spleen, blood, and pancreatic tumors to char-
rapid recruitment of large numbers of bone marrow (BM) in the form of various mat- acterize neutrophil heterogeneity in the con-
neutrophils into the tissue is key for their pro- uration stages. Numerous studies have shown text of their ontogenetic order and origin (n = 2;
tective function (1). This process is co-opted in that granulocytic progenitor cells differenti- Fig. 1A and fig. S1, A and B). Uniform manifold
pathological settings such as cancer, in which ate sequentially into precursor, immature, and approximation and projection (UMAP) analysis
persistent neutrophil infiltration into the tu- finally mature neutrophils, and each subset of revealed that neutrophils from the BM, spleen,
mor has been consistently associated with cells has distinct functional capabilities (14–19). and blood clustered according to their develop-
poorer patient outcomes (2). Many studies have Tumor-induced chronic inflammation triggers mental states, from pre-neutrophils (preNeus)

y g
associated protumoral functions to neutro- the premature egress of these precursors into to immature neutrophils (IMM 1 and 2) and
phils, which in this context have been referred the circulation and subsequently into the tu- mature neutrophils (MAT 1 to 5) (Fig. 1B and
to as granulocytic myeloid-derived suppressor mor (4, 14, 17, 19, 20), and extramedullary sites fig. S1C). Integration with a previous dataset
cells (3). This uniform view has since been such as the spleen (13, 14), have been proposed containing healthy mouse neutrophils from
disrupted by the identification of a wide spec- to be priming sites of protumoral neutrophils matching tissues (19) showed that despite

Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore. 2Shanghai Immune Therapy Institute, Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
School of Medicine, Shanghai, China. 3Area of Cell & Developmental Biology, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III, Madrid, Spain. 4Vascular Biology and Therapeutics
Program and Department of Immunobiology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA. 5National Skin Centre, National Healthcare Group, Singapore. 6Department of Mathematics
& MOLAB-Mathematical Oncology Laboratory, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain. 7Immunology Translational Research Program, Department of Microbiology and Immunology,
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore. 8Immunology Program, Life Science Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore. 9Shanghai Institute of
Immunology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China. 10INSERM U1015, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France. 11CNRS UMR8253, Institut Necker des Enfants
Malades, Paris, France. 12Genomics of the Innate Immune System Unit, San Raffaele-Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (SR-Tiget), IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy. 13Division
of Immunology, Transplantation, and Infectious Diseases, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy. 14Experimental Imaging Centre, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.
Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital of USTC, Division of Life Sciences and Medicine, University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui, China. 16Department of
Biliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China. 17Shanghai Institute of Cancer Biology, Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong
University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China. 18Department of General Surgery, Pancreatic Disease Center, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China.
Research Institute of Pancreatic Diseases, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Translational Research for Pancreatic Neoplasms, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China.
State Key Laboratory of Oncogenes and Related Genes, Institute of Translational Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China. 21State Key Laboratory of Experimental Hematology,
National Clinical Research Center for Blood Diseases, Haihe Laboratory of Cell Ecosystem, Institute of Hematology & Blood Diseases Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking
Union Medical College, Tianjin, China. 22Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, QEII Medical Centre, Nedlands, Western Australia, Australia. 23Curtin Medical School, Curtin University,
Bentley, Western Australia, Australia. 24Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute, Curtin University, Bentley, Western Australia, Australia. 25Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB),
A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research), Singapore. 26Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. 27Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine,
National University of Singapore, Singapore. 28Department of Microbiology and Immunology, National University of Singapore, Singapore. 29Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy.
Translational Immunology Institute, SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medical Centre, Singapore.
*Corresponding author. Email: (L.G.N.); (M.S.F.N.)
†These authors contributed equally to this work.

Ng et al., Science 383, eadf6493 (2024) 12 January 2024 1 of 16


Fig. 1. Neutrophils infiltrate A scRNAseq workflow

pancreatic tumors and undergo Generate tumor Harvest selected tissues Sort CD11b+Ly6G+ neutrophils 10X V3 3' scRNAseq
further differentiation and Orthotopic PDAC Bone marrow Hashtag Demultiplex,
tumor cell injection label downstream
converge upon a transcriptionally Blood
individual analysis
Spleen tissues
distinct T3 neutrophil state. Tumor
(A) Schematic showing scRNAseq
workflow. CD11b+Ly6G+ neutrophils B Bone marrow (BM) Spleen Blood Tumor
were sorted from the BM, spleen, preNeu T1
blood, and pancreatic tumor of
MAT 5 T2
tumor-bearing mice 6 weeks after MAT 1 IMM 1
orthotopic injection (n = 2 biological IMM 2

replicates). Each sample was

individually tagged with cell-hashing
antibodies before being pooled for
analysis with 10X V3 3′ scRNAseq
(see also fig. S1A and the materials C Maturation signature D Diffusion map E RNA velocity

and methods). (B) UMAP projection preNeu preNeu

of total neutrophils in the BM,
spleen, blood, and tumor show strong or

enrichment of three clusters (T1, P preNeu
T2, and T3) in the tumor. Louvain re IMM 1
m atu IMM 2

Diffusion component 2
Diffusion component 2
clustering was performed, and colors MAT 1(BM)
e MAT 2 T1 T1
correspond to the clusters identified. a tur
M MAT 3 Mature
(C) The neutrophil maturation MAT 4
score can be used to identify Louvain T1 T2

clusters along their differentiation or T2
m T3 T2
trajectory. Histograms show the
T3 T3
0 1
Maturation score Diffusion component 1 Diffusion component 1
module score of the maturation gene
signature for each cluster identified

in (B), with scores closest to 1 being F ATACseq Immature
G Open chromatin regions (OCRs) at T3 genes
the most mature. Dotted line in Tumor WT Tumor
gray defines the cutoff for mature BM,BM, BM BM Spleen Blood Tumor
100 Spleen,
neutrophils and is set at the lower

: 7.9

20 Tumor
bound of the Mature 2 cluster. -10
10 0 mouse:
0 Mature 0 0

(D) Low dimensional embedding of Tumor -1 Spleen

0 00
20 0

-2 Blood

00 7
all neutrophils using a diffusion map 1 0 - 30 Tumor



-4 Hypoxia:

00 WT
approach reveals a branch point -1 00

00 Alkbh5, Bnip3,

-2 BM

between mature and tumor neutrophils. Bnip3l,Cited2, 6

Ddit4, Egln3,
Scatterplot shows diffusion components
H T3 enriched TF regulons Hilpda, Hmox1,

y g
1 and 2. Light gray arrows are from scRNAseq Itpr2, Npepps,
T3 T2 T1 MAT IMM pre P4ha1, Rbpj, 5
used to indicate the trajectory from Scaled Rgcc, Vegfa
Sap30 (514)
precursor, immature, and mature Ddit3 (31)
Atf4 (867) score
Mafk (86) 3 Glycolysis:
neutrophil states. Black arrows denote Bhlhe41 (195) 2
Usf2 (1632) 1
the branching into T3 neutrophils Atf5 (436) 0 Eno1, Hk2,
Hif1a (248) Ier3, Pfkp
from T1 and T2 states. (E) RNA -1

Zmiz1 (861)
Atf3 (1326) -2 3
velocity suggests the convergent Jun (1664) Angiogenesis:

Tgif1 (476)
differentiation of T1 and T2 into T3 Maff (463) Hk2, Hmox1,
Bhlhe40 (1971) Itgb1, Lgals3,
neutrophils. RNA velocity vectors Rest (138) 2
Egr1 (2600) Rhob, Thbs1,
Nfil3 (1096) Vegfa
were projected on the diffusion map Atf1 (1412)
Creb5 (143)
embedding with velocity vectors Fos (800) 1
Junb (1510)
terminating in the tumor and mature Cebpb (1454)
Nfe2l2 (49)
neutrophils. (F) Principal component Fosb (238)
Runx1 (66) 0
analysis of ATACseq indicated that -2kb 0 +2kb genomic dist.(bp)

changes in chromatin accessibility

established in tumor neutrophils clustered them away from other neutrophil indicated neutrophil subsets; histograms indicate average mapping intensity. T3
subsets. ATACseq was performed for immature (circles) and mature (squares) genes linked to hypoxia, glycolysis, and angiogenesis are annotated (see also
neutrophils sorted from the BM (gray and dark blue, n = 3 each), spleen table S2). (H) Heatmap showing scaled AUC scores of the top 25 transcription
(light blue, n = 3 each), blood (red, n = 3 mature, n = 2 immature), and tumor factor regulons enriched in T3 neutrophils computed by PySCENIC (see also
(orange, n = 3 each) in wild-type (WT) or tumor-bearing (tumor) mice. Numbers table S2). Numbers in brackets denote the number of genes assigned to the
denote the number of biological replicates used. (G) OCRs matched to differentially transcription factor regulon. Transcription factors that also had increased motif
expressed T3 genes have increased accessibility only in immature and mature enrichment in tumor-associated immature and mature bulk neutrophil
tumor neutrophils. Heatmap shows intensity of fragment mapping across populations are shown in bold.

Ng et al., Science 383, eadf6493 (2024) 12 January 2024 2 of 16


potential perturbations from the tumor, no new ATACseq (assay for transposase-accessible chro- trophil development, such as those for granule
developmental clusters or trajectories emerged matin followed by sequencing) on sorted CD101– proteins (14). T1, T2, and T3 neutrophils had
in neutrophils from tissues of the tumor-bearing (immature) and CD101+ (mature) neutrophils differential expression of surface marker genes,
mice (fig. S1, D and E). This suggests a robust (14) from various tissue compartments of con- suggesting that a combination of surface marker
adhesion of neutrophils to a single develop- trol and tumor-bearing mice. Principal com- protein staining could be used to identify them
mental trajectory within the tissues where they ponent analysis revealed that both immature (fig. S3A). Using a multiparametric flow cy-
develop and circulate. By contrast, neutrophils and mature tumor neutrophils clustered sep- tometry approach, live CD45+ cells from the PDAC
acquired specific transcriptional profiles in the arately from corresponding subsets of neutro- tumor were screened for 249 cell surface mark-
tumor (Fig. 1B and fig. S1C) and formed three phils from other tissues (Fig. 1F), indicating ers. Then, all captured cells were clustered with
distinct clusters (T1, T2, and T3) separate from that signals from the tumor microenviroment InfinityFlow (28, 29), and the coexpression pat-
the other compartments. imprint specific chromatin accessibility changes terns of all tested markers were evaluated (fig.
Because immature and mature neutrophils within infiltrating neutrophils. We then iden- S3B), which revealed two distinct neutrophil clus-
can infiltrate tumoral tissue (14, 15), we inves- tified all open chromatin regions (OCRs) that ters (Fig. 2A). High levels of immuno-modulatory
tigated the relationship between the maturation were differentially accessible in immature and or suppressive markers such as dcTRAIL-R1,
and functional states of the T1 to T3 neutrophil mature tumor neutrophils relative to the non- PD-L1 (CD274) (6), CD14 (13), CD371 (30), VISTA
populations using a neutrophil maturation tumor neutrophil subsets (table S2). Increased (31), and CD39 (32), distinguished Cluster 2 neu-
gene signature (table S1) curated by Xie et al. chromatin accessibility for genes up-regulated trophils from those of Cluster 1 (Fig. 2B). These
(19); each cluster in our dataset was graded in T3 neutrophils (T3 genes) in both immature markers correlated with surface marker genes
by a maturation score. T1 neutrophils had a and mature tumor neutrophils (Fig. 1G) in- enriched in T3 neutrophils (fig. S3C), suggesting
maturation score comparable to immature cluded genes involved with hypoxia, glycolysis, that they may serve to identify the T3 state. In-
neutrophils (i.e., the IMM 2 cluster), whereas and angiogenesis, such as Vegfa and Hk2 (fig. deed, we found that dcTRAIL-R1 was expressed

T2 neutrophils had a maturation score sim- S2A). These changes in chromatin were un- mainly by a population of tumor neutrophils
ilar to mature neutrophils (i.e., the MAT 1 to detectable in neutrophils from other tissues, (Fig. 2C) while having minimal expression in
5 clusters) (Fig. 1C). Next, we sought to un- which still shared similar accessibility for ca- tumor-infiltrating monocytes and macrophages
cover more potential links between neutrophil nonical neutrophil genes such as Cebpa and and in neutrophils in the BM, spleen, and blood
clusters in the tumor and the other tissue com- Gfi1 (fig. S2B). (Fig. 2C and fig. S3D). By contrast, staining
partments by using a diffusion map approach To elucidate putative upstream regulators of for other markers such as VISTA and CD14

that orders cells on the basis of transitional the T3 program, we used pySCENIC (27) to iden- showed expression across multiple neutrophil
probabilities and better preserves differentia- tify transcription factor regulons predicted in subsets and was less restricted to tumor neu-
tion trajectories (24, 25). We found that tumor T3 neutrophils that had minimal presence in trophils (Fig. 2D and fig. S3D). dcTRAIL-R1
neutrophils deviated from the steady-state the other neutrophil subsets (Fig. 1H). This expression in tumor-infiltrating neutrophils

neutrophil developmental trajectory (Fig. 1D). was then correlated to motifs found in the bulk was also conserved across several other tu-
Specifically, T1 and T2 neutrophils progressed ATACseq analysis (fig. S2C), which revealed T3- mor types, including orthotopic breast can-
along the tumor-specific branch and converged specific transcription factors with enriched mo- cer [median: 20.4%; interquartile range (IQR):
at the T3 state, suggesting that T1 and T2 may tifs in immature and mature tumor neutrophil 18.0 to 23.1%] and orthotopic lung cancer
both give rise to the T3 population, which is differentially accessible OCRs (fig. S2, D and (median: 12.1%; IQR: 4.54 to 19.5%) mouse
predicted to be the most terminally differen- E). Among the T3-specific transcription fac- models (fig. S3E). Across all experimental tu-
tiated subset. RNA velocity (26) indicated a tors, Mafk, Nfe2l2, and Atf3 were implicated in mor models examined, dcTRAIL-R1 expres-
pseudotime progression from immature neu- regulating metabolic and oxidative stress typ- sion was similarly limited to a subset of tumor
trophils to T1 and mature neutrophils to T2, ical of the tumor microenvironment (fig. S2, D neutrophils, suggesting a possible candidate
suggesting that T1 and T2 neutrophils are and E). Correlation of the underlying chroma- marker for T3 neutrophils.

y g
transitory states from immature and mature tin accessibility with transcription factors pre- Consistent with its protein expression pat-
neutrophils that have migrated into the tumor dicted to govern the T3 state suggested that tern, gene expression and RNA velocity (indic-
(Fig. 1E). By contrast, T3 neutrophils exhibited these epigenetic changes initiated within T1 ative of active gene transcription) for the gene
a maturation score that was in between that of and T2 neutrophils are reinforced by transcrip- encoding dcTRAIL-R1 (Tnfrsf23) were highest
the T1 and T2 neutrophils (Fig. 1C), represent- tion factor activity as they transition toward a in the T3 neutrophil cluster (fig. S4A). Therefore,
ing a potential admixture of T1 and T2 cells. T3 state. These findings suggest that tumor- we attributed the T3 population to the dcTRAIL-

Accordingly, we observed that velocity vectors infiltrating neutrophils can be reprogrammed R1+ cluster (cluster 2), whereas the T1 and T2

originating from both T1 and T2 populations by the tumor microenvironment regardless of populations were likely contained within the
terminated in the T3 cluster (Fig. 1E). These their stage of maturity by converging transcrip- dcTRAIL-R1– cluster (cluster 1) identified in our
findings thus corroborate earlier studies dem- tional and chromatin trajectories toward a dis- InfinityFlow analysis (Fig. 2A). Because T1 and
onstrating that both mature and immature tinct T3 state. T2 neutrophils were transcriptionally identified
neutrophils infiltrate tumor tissue (4) and be- as immature and mature, respectively, in our
come T1 and T2 neutrophils, respectively. Fur- CD101 and dcTRAIL-R1 discriminate tumor scRNAseq data (Fig. 1D), we next evaluated
ther, our data predict that these stages are neutrophil states CD101 expression, which separates immature
transitional, because both T1 and T2 neutro- Having shown that immature T1 and mature T2 neutrophils from mature neutrophils (14). Clus-
phils remained amendable for further differ- neutrophils in the tumor undergo transcrip- ter 1 exhibited a continuum of CD101 expression
entiation into T3 neutrophils. tional and epigenetic reprogramming toward (fig. S4B), suggesting that CD101 can be used
the T3 neutrophils, we next assessed whether to distinguish T1 and T2 neutrophils within
Epigenetic reprogramming we could distinguish these subsets by protein the dcTRAIL-R1– population. Using CD101 and
of tumor-infiltrating neutrophils expression. This was particularly important be- dcTRAIL-R1 to identify the different neutro-
To confirm that T3 neutrophils can be repro- cause increases in RNA expression in neu- phil types by flow cytometry (Fig. 2E), we iso-
grammed from both immature (T1) and ma- trophils typically precedes protein expression, lated putative T1, T2, and T3 neutrophils and
ture (T2) tumor neutrophils, we performed especially for genes tightly regulated in neu- discovered that putative T1 neutrophils had

Ng et al., Science 383, eadf6493 (2024) 12 January 2024 3 of 16


Fig. 2. Combinatorial A Gated on live CD45+ cells in the tumor,

249 predicted markers by InfinityFlow:
CD101 and dcTRAIL-R1 Z score
0 24
Z score
0 4
Z score
0 8
-2.1 1.4
expression identifies Eosinophils
1000 Ly6G intensity (log2MFI) Cluster 2
T1, T2, and T3 neutro-
phils. (A) UMAP Macrophages/ NK
projection of live CD45+ 800 DCs
immune cells within the Monocytes Cluster 2 Cluster 1
PDAC tumor reveals 600


two clusters of neutro- Z score Z score Z score
1000 0 5 0 8 0 4
phils. High-parameter 400
flow cytometry was 750

performed on single-cell 200 B 500
CD4 T cells
suspensions of pooled Neutrophil 250
tumors (n = 10 biological 0 Cluster 1
replicates) using the 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 250 500 750 1000
LEGENDScreen panel UMAP 1 UMAP 1

(BioLegend). Live CD45+

well-compensated FCS C Peripheral tissue neutrophils F Gene signature expression

Blood Spleen BM
were first analyzed and 10 5
0.44% 10 0.96% 5
10 0.98% 5

then exported out for

T3 T2 T1
4 4 4
10 10 10
analysis using the 3 3 3Immature/mature Mature Immature
10 10 10
InfinityFlow package in 0 0 0

R. UMAP shows Ly6G -10 3

-10 0 10 3
10 10
3 4
-10 0 10 5

3 3
-10 0 10 10 4
10 5

Atf3 3 3 4 5

expression intensity Ccl3

Tumor Ccl4
imputed by InfinityFlow Neutrophils Monocytes Macrophages Cd274
from high (red) to low 10 5
37.7% 10 8.94% 5 10 9.85% Cstb

(blue). Clusters are
T3 genes

10 4 10 4 10 Hcar24

annotated by canonical Hilpda

3 10
10 3 10

surface marker expres- 0 0 0
-10 3 -10 3 -10 Ier3

sion (see also fig. S3B). -10 0 10 3

10 3
-10 0 4
10 10 3
-10 0 3
10 10 4
Jun 3 3 4

dcTRAIL-R1 Plin2
(B) Neutrophil cluster 2
has increased expression Tgif1
of immunosuppressive
D Validated markers Tnfrsf23
and/or immunomodula- dcTRAIL−R1 Zeb2
MFI CD371 Ldha
tory surface markers 1.00 Mif
compared with cluster 1. 0.75
0.50 CD39 Cd300ld
Surface marker expres- Cxcr2
0.25 VISTA Dusp1
sion intensities are Gbp2
0.00 PD-L1

y g
shown for curated Ifitm1
T2 genes

BM Spleen Blood Il1b


surface markers (clock-





wise): dcTRAIL-R1, Jaml
Peripheral tissues Tumor Junb
PD-L1, CD14, CD371, Msrb1
VISTA, and CD39. Data Osm
are represented as a E Sorting for transcriptomic validation

Z score based on Total live,CD45+

predicted log2 mean neutrophils in tumor Ltc4s
T1 genes

fluorescence intensity dcTRAIL-R1+ dcTRAIL-R1- Mmp9
(MFI) from high (red) to Prr13
low (blue) (see also Mature Immature Ptma
fig. S3C). (C) dcTRAIL-R1
Scaled log counts
expression marks and Putative T3 Putative T2 Putative T1
+/- + -
is restricted to a sep- CD101 CD101 CD101
dcTRAIL-R1+ dcTRAIL-R1- dcTRAIL-R1- -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
arate population of
tumor-infiltrating neu-
trophils. Representative contour flow cytometry plots (top) show dcTRAIL-R1 (E) Proposed gating strategy to isolate T1, T2, and T3 neutrophils by dcTRAIL-R1 and
expression against Ly6G expression in the tumor for indicated cell populations. CD101 expression from the tumor. (F) Sorted dcTRAIL-R1+ tumor neutrophils have the
(D) Heatmap shows scaled MFI for markers in (B), scaled between 0 and highest expression of the T3 transcriptional signature. Heatmap shows scaled Nanostring
1 across all populations, with 0 being the lowest MFI. Populations were analyzed gene counts (normalized against internal positive controls and housekeeping genes)
by flow cytometry, in which total neutrophils were gated as CD11b+CD115–Ly6G+ for T1 (n = 4), T2 (n = 4). and T3 (n = 4) neutrophils sorted according to (D). Numbers
in the BM, spleen, blood, and tumor. Tumor macrophages (CD11b+Gr-1–F4/80hiMHCIIhi) represent the biological replicates across two independent experiments. Genes belonging
and monocytes (CD11b+Ly6G–Ly6Chi) were gated accordingly (see also fig. S3D). to either the T1, T2, or T3 transcriptional signature are indicated (see also fig. S4D).

Ng et al., Science 383, eadf6493 (2024) 12 January 2024 4 of 16


a toroidal nuclear morphology resembling with the neighboring tumor microenvironment. suggest that neutrophils are spatially organized
immature neutrophils from the BM (fig. S4C). Using 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and within the tumor, and T3 neutrophils occupy a
Putative T2 neutrophils had hypersegmented pan-cytokeratin (panCK) costaining, we noted tumor niche that is distinct from that of T1 and
nuclei similar to those of mature BM neutro- that our orthotopic tumors were mainly composed T2 neutrophils.
phils (fig. S4C), whereas putative T3 neutro- of tumor cell regions (PanCKhighDAPIhigh), fibrotic
phils contained cells with hypersegmented or and/or necrotic regions (panCKhighDAPI–/low), Reprogrammed neutrophils occupy a hypoxic
toroidal nuclear morphology (fig. S4C), con- and sparse stromal regions along the edges and glycolytic tumor niche
gruent with our findings that T3 neutrophils are (panCK–/lowDAPIhigh) (fig. S5, A and B). We per- Because T3, but not T1 or T2, neutrophils had
reprogrammed from both immature and mature formed spatial transcriptomics on four cryosec- transcriptional and epigenetic profiles that
neutrophils. Next, we found that dcTRAIL-R1+ tions of three different PDAC tumor samples were enriched for the hypoxia, glycolysis, and
neutrophils showed the highest expression of T3 (Fig. 3D). As expected, necrotic regions with low angiogenesis pathways, we evaluated whether
genes (table S3), whereas the dcTRAIL-R1–CD101– numbers of DAPI+ cells contained low-quality this was reflected in their localization to hy-
and dcTRAIL-R1–CD101+ populations were strong- counts, which were manually annotated and poxic, glycolytic, or angiogenic regions within
ly enriched for genes associated with T1 and filtered to mitigate RNA contamination from the tumor, respectively. All spots within the
T2 neutrophils, respectively (Fig. 2F and fig. nearby spots and to improve downstream analy- tumor region were first scored for GO path-
S4D). Finally, all three neutrophil populations ses (fig. S5, C and D). We next assessed the tu- ways corresponding to glycolysis (fig. S6C), hy-
were identified in all experimental tumor mod- mor architecture by using BayesSpace (36) to poxia (fig. S6D), and angiogenesis (fig. S6E), with
els examined (fig. S4E), and the frequencies of identify transcriptionally similar neighborhoods a 50th percentile cutoff used to determine
the T1 to T3 populations in PDAC as determined within the tumor (fig. S5E). Clustering and low and high regions. We then determined
by scRNAseq were comparable to the median UMAP embedding revealed that 10 clusters the frequency of neutrophil-containing spots
frequencies of putative T1 to T3 populations were shared across all four sections (fig. S5E). falling into low and high regions for each

isolated by flow cytometry (fig. S4, E and F). Indicative of the complexity of the tumor en- tumor neutrophil subset. T3 neutrophils were
Thus, dcTRAIL-R1 and CD101 expression pheno- vironment, the distributions of spatial clusters found at greater frequencies in high scoring
typically divides tumor neutrophils into three identified were different in the two cryosections regions for glycolysis (68.8 ± 19.7%), hypoxia
distinct populations and successfully recapit- [regions of interest 1 and 2 (ROI1 and ROI2)] (53.3 ± 4.65%), and angiogenesis (62.2 ± 14.2%)
ulates the T1 to T3 populations defined in our taken from different regions of the same tumor (Fig. 3H). By contrast, most T2 (fig. S6F) and T1
transcriptomic and epigenetic approaches. (fig. S5E). Each spatial cluster had specific func- (fig. S6G) neutrophil-containing spots fell into

tional pathways associated with their distribution regions with low glycolysis, hypoxia, and angio-
Spatial compartmentalization (fig. S5F). For example, regions enriched for genesis scores, indicating that partitioning of
of neutrophils in tumors pathways related to epithelial-to-mesenchymal the neutrophil subsets potentially results from
Spatial mapping of immune microenviron- transition (EMT, clusters 1 and 10), typically T3 neutrophils occupying a specific regional

ments in tumors has been highly informa- associated with the invasive tumor front (37), were hypoxic and glycolytic tumor niche.
tive by providing insights into their diversity present closer to the tumor periphery, where- We next set out to validate these observa-
and functionality on the basis of their local- as regions associated with hypoxia (cluster 6) tions at single-cell resolution because the cur-
ization within the tumor (33). To gain a better and cell cycle progression (G2-M checkpoint, rent Visium spatial transcriptomic resolution
understanding of how tumor neutrophils are cluster 2) were located close to the core of the is limited to 55-mm spots. We used MACSima
affected by their localization in the tumor, we tumor (fig. S5, E and F). imaging cyclic staining (MICS) (Fig. 4A), in
first investigated possible functional differ- Using Cell2location (38) with a pre-annotated which iterative immunofluorescence staining
ences between the three tumor neutrophil sub- scRNAseq dataset (fig. S6A) allowed us to map and photobleaching allows for the evaluation
sets by performing gene ontology (GO) analysis the full transcriptional signature of each cell of large numbers of antibody targets within
on differentially expressed T1, T2, and T3 genes cluster within the tumor and estimate cell type the same tissue slice (39). Optimization was

y g
(table S4). T1 neutrophils were enriched for abundances within each spot. To ensure the first performed to determine working markers
pathways relating to transcription and trans- accuracy of neutrophil assigned spots, we as- within orthotopic pancreatic tumor tissues (fig.
lation (including genes governing ribosomal certained the presence of Ly6G immunoflu- S7, A and B), given that MICS staining times
biogenesis such as Npm1) and oxidative phospho- orescence staining falling within the spot as a were relatively short at 10 min. Testing revealed
rylation (proton membrane transport) (Fig. 3A), selection cutoff (fig. S6B). Cell2location re- that CD29, Galectin-3, and CD44, which typ-
which is consistent with the immature pheno- vealed that T1, T2, and T3 neutrophils mapped ically mark fibroblasts (40–42), displayed the

type of T1 neutrophils (14). T2 neutrophils were to different regions within the tumor (Fig. 3E), greatest staining at peripheral stromal and

enriched in pathways related to transcriptional with visualization of T3 enriched spots on the desmoplastic (panCK–/lowDAPIhi) regions (fig.
regulation, amide and reactive oxygen species UMAP embedding indicating that T3 neutrophils S7C), whereas CD31 and CD105 marked vessels
metabolism, and immune responses, as well had the highest enrichment in spatial cluster 6, within the stromal and tumor region (panCK+).
as type I interferon genes, including Ifit1, Ifit2, which was associated with hypoxia (Fig. 3F). T3 CD105 was able to better resolve intratumoral
Ifit3, and Isg15 (Fig. 3B), which likely reflects neutrophils were also observed to be mostly vessels (fig. S7C), consistent with their role in
neutrophil activation upon tumor infiltration. distributed adjacent to PanCKhighDAPI–/low marking tumor-associated endothelium (43).
Finally, T3 neutrophils featured pathways of necrotic zones (Fig. 3G), consistent with their To identify hypoxic regions within the tumor,
cell stress and survival, including response to localization to cluster 6 (fig. S5E). By con- Hif1a, CD39, and CD73 staining was evaluated.
hypoxia, oxidative stress, and glycolysis, (Fig. 3C), trast, T1 neutrophils were highly enriched in CD73, an adenosine monophosphate ectoen-
suggesting adaptation to the tumor environ- the cluster 1 (EMT) and clusters 7 and 8 (IL-2 zyme, has been found to be directly induced by
ment. T3 neutrophils were also enriched for and STAT5 signaling, respectively) regions, hypoxia and Hif1a in cancer (44–47). Immuno-
angiogenic genes, including Vegfa, Thbs1 (34), whereas T2 neutrophils were mostly found in fluorescence analysis revealed diverse staining
and Lgals3 (35), which, when combined, is sug- cluster 3 associated with p53 signaling (Fig. 3F). patterns of CD73 in both stromal and desmo-
gestive of a strong protumoral role. Both T1 and T2 annotated spots were generally plastic regions and tumor (panCK+) regions
We next characterized how neutrophils with localized closer to the tumor periphery com- (fig. S7C), resembling the spatial distribution
distinct transcriptional states would interact pared with T3 neutrophils (Fig. 3G). Our data of hypoxia gene signature scores observed in

Ng et al., Science 383, eadf6493 (2024) 12 January 2024 5 of 16


A T1 enriched GO pathways B T2 enriched GO pathways C T3 enriched GO pathways

Immune Regulation of cell Response to

Regulation of response Response to hypoxia
rRNA Proton transmembrane ROS metabolic proliferation oxidative stress
processing transport process Protein folding
Neg. regulation
Regulation of of translation by Translation Positive regulation
Nucleoside cellular amide RNA pol. II of angiogenesis
disphophate metabolic
phosphory- process Glycolytic
3b, process
lation Rtp4, Ifits, Crsnp1,
Atf3,Bhlhe40, Ier2, Fo Hk2,Pfk
Tgm2 Pfkp,Aldo l, Rps8,Rps5,Rps3a1,
Nr4a1 Rps3,Rps20,Rps19
Hk2 Trmt112 Id1 Marcksl1
Il1b Rplp1, Rpl35
Ier3 Rps7 Jun
Junb, Cox17, Gapdh,Ier3, Rpl32, Rpl14
Mif Rps24 Pim1, Cish, Socs3, Mif,Pgam1,
Nfil3,Plk3, Il1r2,Igtp, Ifi47 Rpl12, Rpl10, Fau
Nme1 Rps17
Ppp1r15a,il Pgk1,Tpi1
Rpl35 Rbpj,Sk Eif1
Nme2 Rpl26 a
1 Zfp 3 l1a, Eef1a
Pgam i1 Rpl1 Tnf Rh 36l1 Hmox1,Ials3, 1
Tp p 1 oh Itgb1,Lg,Rhob
No 4 Xbp 6 U
Sn p10 3 N sp1 Ptgs2 Rps28, Rps26, Rplp1,
5e Rp u13 Zfp gcc t1 Tribfkbia8, P Rpl8,Rpl38, Rpl36,
Atp g1 R ta 1 Ptg 1, , Ly lac8 egfa,
5 2 R l35 S bs Rpl35a,Rpl30,Rpl26,
Avg. Atp p5g 5j N pl1 Avg s2 Tes 6a, , Avg. Thbs1,V aja1,
t p R pm 0a Th rn, d , Canx,Dn bp1a Rpl22,Rpl19,Rpl18
log2FC A At tp5j2 ps 1
log2FC Il1 1
1, l2a log2FC Fk

Fthdkn ,Zbp oc
Rp l10 l

R p s1
Rp tp5

C tg1 1,S
Clelec4 14, ,
am c

C d l6
A Etf1, Eif4a1,Eif3a,
Rp psa

B rem
Ic 1, B

1, 1a,C 1, s1
s2 6

2.10 3.40 2.90

4, ,C Cc
Rp 1

R s5

c4 e,

Rps2,Eif5, Denr,

Rp s28

Du d

Samb20,Pm, id

27 crl2 l4,

Rp 27l

Ra p,Os fkb


Pn biz,N

Cd1,C , Cc
1.88 2.92


sp 9,









sn1 tafr,

Cc Ccl3

1.66 2.44 2.14 Hspa5,P4hb, Acod1,Rpl21,


Ppia,St13 Mdm2,Ppp1r15a,

1.44 1.96

1.76 Bnip3l,Cited2,
Egln3, Egr1

1.22 1.48
1.38 Fam162a, Higd1a
1.00 1.00

D Harvest orthotopic
PDAC tumors
E Cell type deconvolution G Mapped neutrophils T1 T2 T3 H T3 localization
6 weeks post injection neutrophils ROI 1 (Tumor 1) ROI 2 (Tumor 1) * Glycolysishigh
80 Glycolysislow

T3 re 60

re Co
Necrotic Co

core 40


Freeze and 20

F Spatial clustering


1: EMT
he * Hypoxiahigh

10x Visium

2: G2-M checkpoint ry

Frequency (%)
Spatial Gene Expression 3: p53 signaling ph
e Pe Hypoxialow
4: Angiogenesis
P eri 55

5: Myc targets
6: Hypoxia

7: IL-2/STAT5 50
Data 8: signaling
analysis 9: IFN response
10: EMT 2 ROI 3 Periphery ROI 4 Periphery
UMAP1 45
Cell type

T1 mapped
* Angiogenesishigh
80 Angiogenesislow
Spatial clustering

and enhancement
(BayesSpace) T2 mapped 60

Gene 40


mapping T3 mapped
(UCell) Core
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Core High Low
Cluster UCell score

Fig. 3. Spatial compartmentalization of T1, T2, and T3 neutrophils in the neutrophils localize to different spatial clusters. Projection of T1, T2, and T3
pancreatic tumor. (A) Chord diagram showing differentially expressed genes enriched spots identified by Cell2location on merged UMAP derived from
(DEGs) in T1 neutrophils that are enriched for GO pathways linked to transcription BayeSpace enhanced clustering analysis of tumor sections (n = 4 biological
and oxidative phosphorylation. (B) Chord diagram showing DEGs in T2 neutrophils replicates). (F) Merged UMAP representation of spots of tumor sections were
that are enriched for GO pathways linked to metabolism and immune response. analyzed and color-coded according to BayesSpace-identified clusters (top).
(C) Chord diagram showing DEGs in T3 neutrophils that are enriched for GO Violin plots show frequency of T1, T2, and T3 neutrophils enriched spots that

y g
pathways linked to survival and angiogenesis. In (A) to (C), bars associated with map to each cluster (bottom). (G) Spatial mapping of T1, T2, and T3 neutrophils
each gene are colored by strength of fold change of differential expression and are across tumor sections (n = 4) by Cell2location. Black lines denote the outline
sized based on the number of pathways with which it interacts (see also table S4 of the section; gray colored areas indicated the excluded DAPI–panCKhi regions
for DEG lists). (D) Spatial transcriptomic analysis workflow. PDAC tumors were annotated to be fibrotic and or necrotic. Spots are filtered based on Ly6G+
isolated and cut into quarters, where the sharp edges denote the core facing regions, staining (see also fig. S6B). (H) Quantification of percentages of deconvoluted T3

before flash-freezing. Fresh frozen PDAC tumors were sectioned and placed neutrophil-enriched spots falling into high- or low-scoring spots for GO ontology

on 10X Visium slides containing spatially barcoded capture spots. After processing pathways: glycolysis (GO: 0061621), hypoxia (GO: 001666), and angiogenesis
and sequencing, the data were clustered spatially (BayesSpace) and cell type (GO: 0045766). Center line of boxplots show median, box hinges represent 25th
deconvolution was performed (Cell2location). Gene signatures of various biological and 75th percentiles, and whiskers extend to minimum and maximum values.
processes were then probed and mapped with the UCell package. (E) Tumor *P < 0.05 by one-tailed t test.

our 10X Visium analysis (fig. S6B). By contrast, flow cytometric strategy (Fig. 2D), and were ically evaluated staining for the tumor vascula-
Hif1a did not stain within the MICS time frame, successfully annotated in both confocal (fig. ture (CD105), hypoxia (CD73), and glycolysis
whereas CD39 mostly identified vessels (fig. S7D) and MICS (fig. S7E). (GLUT1) across all five ROIs (Fig. 4C and fig.
S7C). Similarly, GLUT1 (glucose transporter 1) We performed MICS for five different ROIs S8, A and B). CD105+ blood vessels were present
staining showed regional restriction (fig. S7C) across two different orthotopic pancreatic tu- as a diffuse network scattered throughout the
similar to glycolysis signature scores (fig. S6B). mors at 4 to 6 weeks after injection. ROIs were tumor (Fig. 4C and fig. S8, A and B). A gradient
Thus, CD73 and GLUT1 representative stain- selected to unequivocally cover an entire region of CD73 staining was apparent throughout
ing was used to define the hypoxic and gly- from the left to right margin encompassing the tumor, whereas GLUT1 staining was more
colytic tumor niche. T1, T2, and T3 neutrophils the core of the tumor (fig. S8, A and B), and tightly localized; however, GLUT1hi areas strong-
were identified by staining for Ly6G, CD101, we observed staining across the full panel for ly colocalized with CD73hi regions marking
and dcTRAIL-R1, respectively, based on our all markers surveyed (fig. S9). We next specif- a distinct hypoxic and glycolytic niche (Fig.

Ng et al., Science 383, eadf6493 (2024) 12 January 2024 6 of 16


Fig. 4. T3 neutrophils occupy a hypoxic- A B ROI 1

Tumor E
glycolytic niche in pancreatic tumors. dg

(A) Workflow diagram of multiplexed

imaging using MICS technology. Cryo-
sections of halved PDAC tumors were or


placed on slides, fixed, and permeabilized dge


before ROI selection with DAPI staining.

Sections were stained for 10 min per C D CD73 & GLUT1 F
cycle containing antibodies in FITC, PE,
and APC. After scanning, sections were
photobleached and scanned to subtract
background signals. After imaging the
desired cycles, images were registered,
segmented, and exported for conventional
flow cytometric annotation of cell types,
which were further used for spatial statistical
analysis with SPIAT. (B) Tumor pictograph
showing ROI1 selection area. (C) Immuno-
fluorescent image of ROI1 with indicated
stain markers of respective tumor regions.
Scale bar, 100 mm. (D) Left, Expression

marker intensity map of CD73 and 2.08e−17

GLUT1. Right, Coexpression plot of CD73 1.56e−17



and GLUT1 marker intensities. (E) Spatial 5.93e−24

mapping of each annotated tumor E

neutrophil subsets in ROI1. (F) Comapping
of neutrophil subsets in ROI1. (G) Left,

Gating strategy of CD45– CD105– tumor
regions demarcated by CD73 and GLUT1.
Right, Mapped gated regions on
segmented data of ROI1. (H) Spatial

statistical analysis of segmented tumor
neutrophils (n = 5 biological replicates).
Left, Average minimum distance of
each segmented neutrophil subset to
hypoxichighglycolytichigh regions. Center
line of boxplots show median, box hinges
represent 25th and 75th percentiles,
and whiskers extend to minimum and 100um

maximum values. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01

by Mann-Whitney U test. Right, Colocal-
G H Nearest Distance to Co-localisation with

y g
Hypoxichigh Glycolytichigh Hypoxichigh Glycolytichigh
Hypoxichigh Glycolytichigh

ization of tumor neutrophils with Gated on CD45negCD105neg

segmented cells Region Region
hypoxichighglycolytichigh regions measured
1.5 T1 T2 T3
using a normalized mixing score for each Hypoxichigh
Normalised Mixing Score

radius of interaction. Dots represent 3000

Mean Min Distance (Pixels)

mean across five replicates. Error bars 1.0

indicate SEM. ***P < 0.001 by Mann-

Whitney test, corrected for multiple

comparisons with a false discovery rate 0.5
(FDR) of 1% using the two-stage step up

(Benjamini, Krieger, and Yekutieli)

0 0.0
method. T1 T2 T3 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Radius of interaction

4D and fig. S8, A and B). Annotation of T1 network of CD105+ vessels (Fig. 4E and fig. S8, Next, we agnostically quantified the three
(Ly6G+CD101–dcTRAIL-R1–) and T2 (Ly6G+ A and B). By contrast, T3 (Ly6G+CD101–/+dcTRAIL- neutrophil subgroups’ relative locations with-
CD101+dcTRAIL-R1–) neutrophils (fig. S8C) R1+) neutrophils across all ROIs were more in the tumor. Using marker intensities on seg-
revealed that they were distributed throughout likely to cluster together at the CD73hiGLUT1hi mented cells, we excluded CD45+ immune
the tumor parenchyma in two different patterns hypoxic and glycolytic niche (Fig. 4E), thus cells and CD105+ endothelial cells and sub-
reflective of their likely routes into the tumor: giving rise to a clear spatial segregation of divided the remaining cells into three distinct
bordering the tumor edges in CD73– stromal the three neutrophil populations, as suggested regions: the stromal niche (CD73–GLUT1–), the
regions or diffused throughout GLUT1–CD73+ by our 10X Visium analysis (Fig. 4F and fig. tumor parenchyma niche (CD73+GLUT1–),
regions, both of which contained a substantial S8, A and B). and the hypoxichighglycolytichigh tumor niche

Ng et al., Science 383, eadf6493 (2024) 12 January 2024 7 of 16


(CD73hiGLUT1hi) (Fig. 4G and fig. S8C). In all five (fig. S10, A and B). We obtained similar results within neutrophils that enables them to
ROIs, T3 neutrophils had the shortest average regardless of tissue origin or maturation state, acquire the T3 phenotype independent of
minimum distance to the hypoxichighglycolytichigh such that neutrophils isolated from the BM, their maturation stage.
niche compared with T1 and T2 neutrophils spleen, and circulation cultured in TCM all
(Fig. 4H). We then assessed normalized mix- exhibited dcTRAIL-R1 up-regulation and con- T3 neutrophils are long-lived, terminal
ing scores, which quantify the proportion of current increased survival (Fig. 5B and fig. S10, A effectors within the tumor microenvironment
direct touches between the target regions and and B). Furthermore, exposure to TCM induced To better understand the temporal regulation
reference neutrophil cells (target-reference) the up-regulation of the T3 gene signature in of neutrophil differentiation into the T3 state
against reference-reference interactions (48). immature and mature neutrophils (Fig. 5C). within the tumor microenvironment in vivo,
T3 neutrophils had the greatest mixing scores We then assessed whether culture in hypoxic we administered 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdU)
within hypoxichighglycolytichigh tumor regions, conditions would enhance neutrophil sur- intravenously at selected time points before
which was conserved with each radius of area vival or dcTRAIL-R1 up-regulation of WT neu- harvest, pulse-labeling all proliferating neu-
investigated (Fig. 4H). Scores for the stromal trophils. Culture in hypoxic conditions slightly trophil precursors (Fig. 5G). This approach de-
region showed a trend for highest scores in T1, augmented neutrophil survival in vitro, espe- fines a time stamp at the point of labeling,
followed by T2, with T3 being minimally de- cially for mature neutrophils (fig. S10C), but allowing us to evaluate all time points simulta-
tected within the stroma (fig. S8D). Finally, T2 did not induce dcTRAIL-R1 expression (fig. neously at the time of harvest, thereby mini-
neutrophils trended toward higher propor- S10D), indicating that hypoxic conditions are mizing batch effects. Modeling the disappearance
tions of interspersion within the tumor paren- not the main driver of T3 reprogramming. rate from the peak of BrdU+ signal (fig. S12, A
chyma compared with T1 and T3 neutrophils Adoptive transfer of CD45.1+ immature and and B) and incorporating the entire temporal
(fig. S8D). These observations suggest that mature neutrophils into tumor-bearing mice interval measured allowed the prediction of
T1 and T2 neutrophils are mostly located (Fig. 5D) further confirmed that exposure to neutrophil half-life and lifespans (fig. S12C),

away from the hypoxichighglycolytichigh regions, the tumor microenvironment was necessary reflecting their dwell time within each tissue
in contrast to T3 neutrophils. Therefore, our for the up-regulation of dcTRAIL-R1 (Fig. 5E), compartment (Fig. 5G).
spatial data imply that T3 neutrophils likely and dcTRAIL-R1 up-regulation in vivo followed The earliest peak of BrdU+ neutrophils was
migrate into and occupy the specialized hypoxic- the same kinetics as in vitro (Fig. 5F and fig. observed in the BM and spleen, because of
glycolytic tumor niche. This is consistent with S11A). Therefore, exposure to tumor-derived active granulopoiesis within these organs in
our finding that transcription factor regulons stimuli supports extended survival and the tumor-bearing state, whereas recruitment

enriched in T3 neutrophils (Fig. 1H) include the acquisition of the T3 phenotype in WT of BrdU-labeled neutrophils into the blood
those up-regulated in response to hypoxia (e.g., neutrophils. and subsequently the tumor placed their peak
Hif1a and Bhlhe40) and to metabolic and ER Both TCM-cultured immature and mature of recruitment at ~4 to 5 days after labeling
stress (e.g., Atf4, Ddit3, Atf3, and Nfe2l2). Thus, neutrophils up-regulated dcTRAIL-R1 expres- (Fig. 5G). Because the dwell times of neutro-

epigenetic and transcriptional up-regulation sion and the T3 gene signature to an equal phils in the BM and spleen are complicated by
of these pathways in T3 neutrophils could degree, indicating that immature neutrophils continual neutrophil production, we focused
confer an added survival advantage within could be reprogrammed directly into T3 neu- our comparison between the blood and tumor
these tumor microenvironments. Collective- trophils (Fig. 5, A and C). RNA velocity analysis neutrophils. Blood neutrophils had a half-life
ly, our data provide a spatial representation suggested that this occurs in a stepwise fashion of 31.4 hours, reflecting an increased transit
by which tumor neutrophils converge upon as immature neutrophils transit into T1 neu- time in circulation compared with previously
the occupancy of a specialized tumor niche trophils and subsequently differentiate into T3 predicted times for WT blood neutrophils
upon reprogramming. neutrophils (Fig. 1E). As expected, transfer of (49). Even so, tumor neutrophils had an even
CD45.1+ immature neutrophils resulted in the longer half-life [41.8 hours; 95% confidence
Deterministic reprogramming of neutrophils appearance of dcTRAIL-R1–CD101– T1 neutro- interval (CI) = 39.6 to 46.6] and a predicted
in the tumor

y g
phils within the tumor 1 day after transfer (fig. life span of 135 hours (up to 5.625 days; 95%
Because both mature and immature neutro- S11B). By contrast, only dcTRAIL-R1–CD101+ T2 CI = 126.5 to 142.4) (Fig. 5G and fig. S12, C
phils were predicted to give rise to T3 neutro- neutrophils, not T1 neutrophils, were observed and D), representing a marked extension of
phils inside the tumor, we examined the impact in the tumor with CD45.1+ mature neutrophil neutrophil life span within the tumor micro-
of the maturation state on the acquisition adoptive transfer (fig. S11B). Both T1 and T2 environment. Compared with the unmarked
of the T3 signature. We first isolated immature populations derived from transferred cells BrdU– fraction, the proportion of BrdU+ dcTRAIL-

and mature neutrophils from WT mice and were undetected after 3 days within the tumor R1+ neutrophils increased over time, surpassing

cultured them with tumor conditioned me- because most of these transferred cells had baseline levels at day 6 after labeling (fig. S12, E
dium (TCM), which allowed us to mimic the completed their reprogramming into dcTRAIL- and F). Newly recruited BrdU+ tumor neutro-
infiltration of immature and mature neutro- R1+ T3 neutrophils (fig. S11C). We further cor- phils already expressed dcTRAIL-R1 at 1 day
phils into the tumor microenvironment (Fig. 5A). roborated the transitory nature of T1 and T2 after labeling (fig. S12E), suggesting that T3
We then measured up-regulation of dcTRAIL-R1 subsets by in vitro culture (fig. S11, D and E). reprogramming is initiated upon tumor entry.
on cultured neutrophils across multiple time Isolated T1 and T2 neutrophils up-regulated dcTRAIL-R1 expression steadily increased and
points as a proxy to estimate the acquisition of dcTRAIL-R1 expression after 24 hours in cul- was the highest in neutrophils at 15 days after
the T3 profile (Fig. 5A). After 3 days, a substan- ture. Unlike tumor-naïve neutrophils, dcTRAIL- labeling (Fig. 5, H and I), confirming that
tial proportion of BM immature and mature R1 up-regulation was independent of the culture acquisition of the T3 phenotype was associ-
neutrophils cultured in TCM were dcTRAIL-R1+, medium used for both T1 (fig. S11F) and T2 (fig. ated with their extended lifespans in vivo. Our
but not those cultured in control media [i.e., S11G) neutrophils. Therefore, T1 and T2 neutro- results show that a notable increase in the du-
complete Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium phils reflect immature and mature neutrophil ration of neutrophil half-life and residence in
(cDMEM)] (Fig. 5A). Specifically, exposure to populations captured in the process of T3 the tumor compared with those in nontumor
TCM could trigger dcTRAIL-R1 expression 24 differentiation and thus do not require any tissues (fig. S12D), indicating that neutrophils can
hours into culture and prolonged survival up further input from tumor soluble factors. Our survive long enough within the tumor to undergo
to 3 days compared with culture in cDMEM findings suggest a deterministic program reprogramming and sustained persistence

Ng et al., Science 383, eadf6493 (2024) 12 January 2024 8 of 16


Fig. 5. Reprogramming within the A immature/

Culture in cDMEM Flow B dcTRAIL-R1 expression C T3 gene signature
tumor environment results in mature vs TCM (tumor cytometry BM Immature BM Mature
neutrophils conditioned media) at D1, D3 cDMEM *** ***
long-lived, terminally differentiated 80 TCM *** ***

% dcTRAIL-R1+ of live cells

T3 neutrophils. (A) Experimental 60

Log normalized Counts

105 D3 105 7.5
setup of in vitro culture of sorted 40 *** ***
Immature 104
(CD101-) 20
neutrophils from WT mice in cDMEM 103 103
versus TCM. Representative flow 6.45%
3 Blood Mature -10
3 Spleen Mature
cytometry plots show dcTRAIL-R1 0 104 105 0 104 105

D3 80
expression increases on sorted
104 Mature 60 104
immature and mature WT neutrophils (CD101 ) +

103 40 103

from the BM after 3 days of culture in 0

20 0 *
-10 -10

TCM but not in cDMEM. (B) Neutro- 3

0 0104 105
0 104 105
D0 D3 D0 D3
phils cultured in TCM up-regulate
dcTRAIL-R1 over time. Line plots show
the percentage of dcTRAIL-R1+ cells
D Sort CD45.1+ Immature CD45.1+ CD45.1+
Mature E Blood Tumor
D3 Immature transferred F Immature
gated as in (B), dots indicate the BM neutrophils transferred transferred 105 105
Gated on Tumor
median, and error bars indicate Q1 and live, Ly6G Spleen + 104 104

% dcTRAIL−R1+
CD45.1 6.06% 79.6% 100 Blood 100 +
Q3 intervals for neutrophil subsets neutrophils
80 80
cultured in cDMEM (dotted line) and Inject i.v. into
60 60
-10 0 103 104 105
-103 0 103 104 105
PDAC tumor D3 Mature transferred
TCM (solid line) over 1 and 3 days.


bearing mice 40 40 10 5
10 5

Each group contains the following

104 104

80.4% 20 20
number of samples: day 1 cDMEM: BM Flow cytometry
0 0
Blood Spleen Tumor D1 D3 D1 D3 -103 -103
immature (n = 8), BM mature (n = 8), at D1, D3
dcTRAIL-R1 Days post transfer
-10 3 0 10 3
10 5
-103 0 103 104 105

spleen mature (n = 8), blood mature

(n = 3); day 1 TCM: BM immature
(n = 8), BM mature (n = 8), spleen G Orthotopic
PDAC injection
BrdU label
for timepoints
Harvest all
timepoints H Gated on live, Ly6G+
tumor neutrophils I dcTRAIL-R1 gMFI
Fold vs = BrdU gMFI
mature (n = 8), blood mature (n = 5); 0 6 weeks BrdU +
( BrdU- gMFI (

D15 baseline
day 3 cDMEM: BM immature (n = 10), D15 D12 D8 D6 D4 D3 D2 D1
BM mature (n = 10), spleen mature BM Spleen D12 2.5 *
(n = 10), and blood mature (n = 4); 100 100
%BrdU+ (normalized to max)

day 3 TCM: BM immature (n = 10), BM D8

Fold vs baseline

50 50 2.0
mature (n = 10), spleen mature (n = 10), **
blood mature (n = 5) performed 0 0
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
across seven independent experiments. Blood Tumor D4 1.5
*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 by
100 t½= 31.4h 100 t½= 41.8h
Mann-Whitney U test. (C) Neutrophils t5%= 91.5h t5%= 135.0h
cultured in TCM up-regulate the 50 50
T3 gene signature. Scatter dot plots 0 0
for T3 gene signature expression in 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 -10 0 10 10 10 2 3 4 6 8 12 15 3 3 4 5

Days post BrdU labelling dcTRAIL-R1 Days post BrdU labelling

BM immature (WT BM IMM) and
mature (WT BM MAT) neutrophils that

y g
were freshly sorted (D0) or cultured J Sorted T3 neutrophils K dcTRAIL-R1 expression L T3 gene signature
for 3 days (D3) (n = 3 for all samples). D0 D1, D3 n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. 10 n.s.
culture 100
Each dot denotes a single gene, lines
Log normalized Counts
% of total neutrophils

denote the mean, and error bars Sorted cDMEM TCM
indicate the SEM. ***P < 0.001 by 6
Loss of T3
Wilcoxon signed-rank test with

phenotype? 50
Bonferonni’s correction, with compar-

106 106
isons indicated on the graph. 105
(D) Experimental setup for transfer of 104 104

CD45.1+ neutrophils into pancreatic 0


103 0 103
91.7% 94.3% 0 d EM TCM MEM TCM
0 d M M
rte rte ME TC
tumor-bearing mice. Sorted WT 10-3
10 -3
S o
cD 10 5
10-3 0
103 104

BM immature and mature neutrophils dcTRAIL-R1 D0 D1 D3 D0 D1

were intravenously injected into WT
PDAC tumor-bearing mice. At 1 and 3 days after transfer, CD45.1+ neutrophils (G) Experimental setup for BrdU pulse labeling in tumor-bearing mice. WT mice
were evaluated within the blood, spleen, and tumor for dcTRAIL-R1 expression by received orthotopic injection of the PDAC cells, and the tumor was allowed
flow cytometry. (E) Up-regulation of dcTRAIL-R1 expression was restricted to grow. At days 15 (n = 4), 12 (n = 4), 8 (n = 5), 6 (n = 3), 4 (n = 4), 3 (n = 4),
to the tumor. Representative flow plots show dcTRAIL-R1 expression present on 2 (n = 3), and 1 (n = 4) before the harvest, mice were injected with BrdU, thus
transferred CD45.1+ immature and mature neutrophils present in the blood or labeling proliferating neutrophil precursors within the BM and spleen. Data were
tumor at 3 days after transfer. (F) Line plots show proportion of WT BM CD45.1+ collected across three independent experiments. At day 42 (6 weeks) after
immature (n = 4 at day 1 and n = 3 at day 3) or mature neutrophils (n = 3 injection, mice were sacrificed and BrdU+ neutrophils within the BM, spleen, blood,
at both time points) expressing dcTRAIL-R1 performed across two independent and tumor were quantified. BrdU percentages at all time points were then normalized
experiments. Each dot denotes a single gene, lines denote the mean, and error to the maximal BrdU+ percentage value for each tissue, which was set to
bars indicate SEM. *P < 0.05 by Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn’s post test. 100%. Dots represent mean expression, with error bars denoting 95% CIs.

Ng et al., Science 383, eadf6493 (2024) 12 January 2024 9 of 16


A mathematical model capturing the full temporal window was fitted to estimate that dcTRAIL-R1 expression is retained on T3 neutrophils after 1 day of culture in
half-life (t1/2) and life span (t5%) for each organ, denoted on each plot in both cDMEM and TCM. (K) Boxplots show quantification of frequency of
hours (see also fig. S12C and the materials and methods). (H) BrdU labeled dcTRAIL-R1+ neutrophils (n = 5 each performed across three independent
neutrophils up-regulate dcTRAIL-R1 over time. Histograms show geometric MFI experiments) in (I). Each dot represents one biological replicate, center line of
(gMFI) of dcTRAIL-R1 within BrdU+ (orange) and BrdU– (gray) neutrophils at boxplots show median, box hinges represent 25th and 75th percentiles, and
days 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 15 after BrdU labeling. (I) Quantification of gMFI in (H). whiskers extend to minimum and maximum values. P = n.s. (not significant) by
Line plots show fold change of dcTRAIL-R1 gMFI of BrdU+ against BrdU– Kruskal-Wallis followed by many-to-one U test comparing against the D0
neutrophils. BrdU– neutrophils served as a measure of baseline dcTRAIL-R1 gMFI time point. (L) T3 neutrophils cultured overnight do not down-regulate the T3
within the tumor. Each dot denotes the mean, with error bars indicating SEM. gene signature. Scatter dot plots for T3 gene signatures in sorted, cDMEM-,
*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 by Mann-Whitney U test, one-tailed, alternative = “greater.” or TCM-cultured neutrophils (n = 3 each). Each dot denotes a single gene, lines
(J) Experimental setup of in vitro culture of sorted T3 neutrophils from PDAC denote the mean, and error bars indicate SEM. P = n.s. by Kruskal-Wallis
mice in cDMEM or TCM at 1 or 3 days. Representative flow cytometry plots show followed by Dunn’s post test.

within the tumor as long-lived dcTRAIL-R1+ T3 neutrophil plugs within the same mouse (fig. trols showed greater distribution along the
neutrophils. S13B), and this increase in vascularization, al- tumor edges (Fig. 6H and movie S2). Normal-
To determine whether the T3 state is tran- though modest, was consistent across all mice ization for tumor size revealed that both T3
sitory or is stably maintained once it has been observed in the assay (fig. S13C). By contrast, and WTBM MAT–co-injected tumors had sim-
acquired, we isolated and cultured T3 neutro- co-injection of T1 and T2 neutrophils did not ilar densities of CD31+ blood vessels (fig. S13F)
phils overnight and up to 3 days in the pres- enhance vascular flow (fig. S13, B and C), in- but substantially differed in their distribution
ence or absence of TCM (Fig. 5J). Survival of dicating that the T3 population contains the (Fig. 6I). Although T3 neutrophils were the
T3 neutrophils in culture was not affected by most potent angiogenic ability (Fig. 3C). highest expressors of Vegfa in the pancreatic

the medium type (fig. S12G), and dcTRAIL-R1 The tumor triggers angiogenesis to main- tumor, Vegfa expression was also detected in
expression was maintained despite the ab- tain the supply of oxygen and other nutrients macrophage populations (fig. S13G), indicat-
sence of tumor-derived factors (Fig. 5K), with to the core of the tumor to sustain continual ing that neutrophils may not be the sole pro-
expression levels comparable to freshly iso- growth (54). To test whether T3 neutrophils angiogenic contributor for tumor growth support.
lated T3 neutrophils at both time points (fig. residing in their hypoxic-glycolytic niche at Nonetheless, blockade of T3 neutrophils with
S12H). Additionally, T3 neutrophils did not the tumor core support this angiogenic switch, an anti–dcTRAIL-R1 antibody decreased tumor

down-regulate their gene signature in culture we modified our PDAC model by implanting growth in T3-co-injected tumors compared with
(Fig. 5L). This in vitro evidence indicates that PDAC tumors subcutaneously to enable longi- isotype controls (Fig. 6J), indicating that T3 neu-
once neutrophils have been reprogrammed into tudinal tumor size measurements. We then trophils are the predominant cells responsible
T3 neutrophils, they do not revert their pheno- assessed whether injection of neutrophils within for increasing the tumor growth rate, most likely

type in the absence of supportive tumor factors the tumor affected their subsequent growth (Fig. through vascular remodeling.
and they represent the terminally differentiated 6D). PDAC cells co-injected with T3 neutrophils
neutrophil population within the tumor. formed tumors that grew rapidly (Fig. 6D), Evidence for conserved neutrophil
whereas co-injection with other neutrophil reprogramming across tumor types
T3 neutrophils are pro-angiogenic and promote types had little influence on tumor growth. T3- and human PDAC
tumor growth co-injected tumors had a 100% tumor growth Phenotypic differences in tumor-infiltrating
Prior studies have identified key roles for neu- rate (Fig. 6E, as evaluated in fig. S13D) and had neutrophils have been observed across mouse
trophils in tumor progression, especially through the greatest mass at the end point (Fig. 6F). T2- and human cancers, and multiple subsets have
the promotion of tumor angiogenesis (50–52). co-injected tumors showed the lowest tumor been characterized by differential surface marker
We therefore sought to determine the func- incidence rates (5 of 12) (Fig. 6F), suggestive of or transcriptome expression (6–13). Whether

y g
tional specialization of T1 to T3 neutrophils in increased tumor rejection and consistent with such neutrophil profiles are conserved across
promoting tumor growth. Given their pheno- the expression of proinflammatory genes in T2 tumor types and species remains unclear. We
typic stability, distribution near angiogenic re- neutrophils detected in our scRNAseq dataset therefore assessed whether T1 to T3 neutrophil
gions, and the expression of a pro-angiogenic (Fig. 3B). T3-co-injected tumors continued to states can be detected in previously published
transcriptional signature (Fig. 3C), we specu- grow rapidly for up to 3 weeks after the last mouse cancer scRNAseq datasets containing
lated that T3 neutrophils promoted angio- injection of neutrophils, suggesting that even annotated neutrophils (11, 13). We projected

genesis from their hypoxic-glycolytic niche to after their disappearance, transferred T3 neu- these datasets onto a reference UMAP embed-

support continual tumor growth. By contrast, trophils generated long-lasting effects that ding, mapping each cell on the same UMAP
we anticipated that the transient T1 and T2 sustained this accelerated growth rate. Neu- space as our dataset (fig. S14A). As in the PDAC
neutrophil states would not yet feature pro- tralization of VEGFa in our model resulted in model, neutrophils within Lewis lung carcinoma
angiogenic ability. T3 neutrophils had the high- the reduction of growth in T3-co-injected tumors, tumors (13) could be assigned to the T1 to T3
est transcript (Fig. 6A) and protein expression but had no impact on the growth of WT BM states, whereas spleens from WT or tumor-
(Fig. 6, B and C) of Vegfa (vascular endothelial mature (WTBM MAT)–co-injected tumors bearing mice mostly contained nontumor neu-
growth factor a) compared with the other neu- (Fig. 6G). To determine whether this growth trophil clusters (fig. S14B). An intermediate
trophil subsets in the tumor and periphery. We enhancement was due to increased angiogenesis neutrophil subset identified in cancer-bearing
then evaluated whether T3 neutrophils had a driven by T3 neutrophils, we optically cleared individuals [PMN2 in (13)] was enriched in the
greater capacity to induce blood vessel forma- T3- and WTBM MAT–co-injected tumors (fig. preNeu and IMM 1 and 2 clusters (fig. S14C),
tion in vivo using a modified Matrigel plug S13E) and visualized the intratumoral three- whereas T1 to T3 clusters scored highly for the
assay and measured angiogenesis by the rate dimensional (3D) vessel network through CD31 tumor-specific neutrophils (PMN3; fig. S14D).
of vascular flow measured by Doppler imag- staining (Fig. 6H). T3-co-injected tumors had Similarly, reanalysis of a different scRNAseq
ing (53) (fig. S13A). Matrigel plugs co-injected greater CD31 staining density toward the tu- dataset showed that neutrophils from their
with T3 neutrophils showed the greatest mor core (Fig. 6H and movie S1), whereas the KP1.9 tumor-bearing lung model (11) mapped
flux intensity compared with control WT BM vessel network in WTBM MAT–co-injected con- as T1 to T3 clusters, whereas the normal lung

Ng et al., Science 383, eadf6493 (2024) 12 January 2024 10 of 16


Fig. 6. Protumoral T3 neutrophils A Vegfa Exp. density C 100 * ** D

promote tumor growth and associate *
Co-inject tumor

0. 25
0. 50
0. 00


Tumor volume

± neus.(s.c.)

with poorer patient outcomes. (A) T3

60 D0 Co-injected:
neutrophils have the highest expression 40
PBS control
of Vegfa transcripts. UMAP projection 20 neus. 1000 WTBM MAT T3


Volume (mm3)
of total neutrophils in BM, spleen, blood,
Spleen T1 T2 T3
Tumor Measure
D7 750 **
and tumor show expression density of tumor
Gated on live, Ly6G neutrophils 500
Vegfa. (B) T3 neutrophils have the volume D14
Spleen T1 T2 T3
highest expression of VEGFa. Repre- 106


105 D21

250 106
sentative flow plots show intracellular 104 104
104 104

103 103 weight 103 14 21 28

VEGFa protein staining in neutrophils 10.2% 8.12% 66.4% 88.5% Days post tumor injection

0 0 0 0
-103 -103 -103 -103

from the spleen (n = 3) and T1, T2, and VEGF

-103 0 103 104 105 -103 0 103 104 105 -103 0 103 104 105 -103 0 103 104 105

T3 neutrophils (n = 5 biological repli-

cates) in the pancreatic tumor across
E Tumor incidence G VEGF inhibition H 3D vessel quantification
two independent experiments. (C) Box- Tumor No tumor Co-inject Boost Measure
PBS WTBM WTBM tumor + neus. tumor vol. T3 co-injected tumor
plots quantify VEGFa expression as 87.5% IMM
T3/WTBM + ab. to endpoint 0.63X 2X
MAT neus.
shown in (B). Each dot represents one T1
± ab. CD31 Left margin Core

biological replicate, center line of boxplots D0 D3 D7 D14 D21

Left margin
show median, box hinges represent F Endpoint weight Co-injected antibody:
T3: WTBM Isotype
25th and 75th percentiles, and whiskers 2.5 * α -VEGFα MAT: α -VEGFα
1500 µM
extend to minimum and maximum * ** 1500 µM

values. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 by Kruskal-
Weight (g)

WTBM MAT co-injected tumor

Volume (mm3)
1.5 Left margin Core
Wallis followed by many-to-one U test n.s. CD31

1.0 n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. 500 n.s.

Right margin
comparing against T3 neutrophils. (D) T3

Left margin
neutrophils promote rapid tumor growth. 0.5 250

Schematic of experimental setup to 0 0

PBS IMM MAT T1 T2 T3 7 14 7 14
determine the ability of neutrophils to Days post last ab. injection
1500 µM 1500 µM

WT BM Tumor
promote tumor growth in vivo. Equal
numbers of neutrophils and PDAC cells
were mixed in Matrigel before sub-
I Left margin Core Right margin
J dcTRAIL-R1 inhibition
Co-inject Co-injected antibody:
tumor + T3 neus. Isotype α -dcTRAIL-R1
cutaneous injection into the right flank. Centre Co-injected with + isotype/
(normalized to quantile vol.)

Neutrophils in the tumor was boosted * T3 α-dcTRAIL-R1
0.20 WTBM MAT D0
CD31+ volume

on day 3 (D3) and D7 by direct

Volume (mm3)
D3 600
subcutaneous injection into the visible
* Boost
T3 neus.
matrigel plug–tumor. Tumor growth 0.10 + antibody 400
was measured by calipers weekly until 0.05 200
Measure D14
the day 28 end point. Line plots show 0.00 tumor 0
volume of measured subcutaneous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 00 volume to 7 14
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 endpoint D21
Quantiles from centre Days post last ab. injection
tumors co-injected with PBS (n = 8), WT
BM immature (WTBM IMM, n = 10), K Overall survival
TCGA (PAAD) dataset Australia (PACA) dataset
L TCGA Pan-cancer dataset
(Liu et al., 2018)
WT BM mature (WTBM MAT, n = 12), and 1.0 T3 sig. T3 sig. high high

y g
(652 days) (427 days)
T1 (n = 7), T2 (n = 12), and T3 (n = 7) 0.8 T3 sig. T3 sig.
for Scored for Scored for low

(1332 days) (709 days) T3 signature T2 signature T1 signature

neutrophils. Data were collected across 0.6
Cumulative survival

five independent experiments. Dots show 0.4 BRCA

0.2 SKCM
means, with error bars indicating SEM p.val = 0.045* p.val = 0.026* COAD
over all three measurement time points. KIRC
Disease-free survival ACC
*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 by Kruskal-Wallis

T3 sig. T3 sig. SARC high high

test followed by many-to-one U test 0.8 T3 sig. (293 days)

LUAD low

T3 sig.
(476 days) HNSC
comparing all other conditions to PBS 0.6
co-injection. (E) Quantification of PDAC LGG
0.2 ESCA
subcutaneous tumor incidence after p.val = 0.055 p.val = 0.022* CESC
neutrophil co-injection (see fig. S13D for 0 00 00 00 00 500 00
5 10 15 20 2 30
00 500 000
1 2
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
quantification method). Piecharts show Days Days Hazard ratio

frequency of mice with tumors (light

gray) or no tumor growth (dark gray) at day 28 end point in (D). (F) Tumors n = 5). Data were collected across three independent experiments. Neutrophils
co-injected with T3 neutrophils had the biggest weights compared other were further injected on D3 and D7 with the corresponding antibody added,
conditions. Each dot represents one biological replicate, with boxplots showing and tumor growth was measured at D14 and D21, 7 and 14 days after tumor
median with IQR and whiskers indicating lowest and highest measurement. injection. Boxplots show median tumor volume, where each dot represents one
P < 0.05* by Kruskal-Wallis test followed by many-to-one U test comparing all biological replicate, box hinges represent the interquartile range, and whiskers
other conditions with PBS co-injection. (G) Antibody neutralization of VEGFa extend to the minimum and maximum values. P < 0.05* by by Mann-Whitney
reduces T3-mediated acceleration of tumor growth. Schematic of experimental U test. (H) Visualization of CD31 vessels within T3 and WT BM MAT co-injected
setup with sorted T3 neutrophils are co-injected with PDAC tumor with anti- subcutaneous tumors. Subcutaneous tumors from (A) for T3 (n = 3) and
VEGFa targeting antibody (n = 10) or isotype control (n = 7). WT BM mature WTBM MAT (n = 3 biological replicates) were dissected, optically cleared, and
neutrophils were used as controls (anti-VEGFa targeting antibody, n = 4, isotype, permeabilized, stained with anti-CD31 antibody, and imaged in 3D at 0.65×

Ng et al., Science 383, eadf6493 (2024) 12 January 2024 11 of 16


(100% of total volume) and 2× (35% of total volume starting from midpoint) and D21, 7 and 14 days after tumor injection. Data were collected across four
resolution. Data were collected across three independent experiments. independent experiments. Boxplots show median tumor volume, with each point
Representative 3D immunofluorescence images show T3 (top, quarter) and representing one biological replicate, box hinges represent the interquartile
WTBM MAT (bottom, whole) co-injected tumors, with tumor margins marked out range with whiskers extending to minimum and maximum values. *P < 0.05 by
in white dotted lines and indicated. (I) Subcutaneous PDAC tumors co-injected Mann-Whitney U test. (K) The T3 neutrophil gene signature is associated
with T3 neutrophils have greater CD31 vessel density within the tumor core. with poorer patient OS and DFS in pancreatic cancer. Kaplan-Meier plots show
Quantification of CD31 staining intensity at 2× resolution as in (E). CD31 staining OS (top) and DFS (bottom) for patients in the TCGA-PAAD and PACA-AU
was surfaced with a seedpoint of 16.2, and binned in 10% quantiles according datasets. Patients were split into high and low expression of the T3 curated
to the distance from left or right margins toward the tumor core. To account signature. Median OS and DFS survival are represented on the graph when
for differences in tumor sizes, CD31 staining intensity was further normalized available. Events are represented by vertical lines and were defined from days to
over total slice volume for each quantile. Line plots represent volume-normalized death (from initial pathological diagnosis) or days to first event (from initial
staining intensity, with dots representing the mean and errors bars indicating treatment, for TCGA, and from clinical disease-free diagnosis for PACA-AU).
SEM for T3 (orange)– or WTBM MAT (gray)–co-injected tumors. *P < 0.05 *P < 0.05 as calculated by log-rank test. (L) The T3 neutrophil gene signature
by Mann-Whitney U test, one-tailed, alternative = “greater.” (J) Antibody- is associated with poorer patient OS in a subset of solid human cancers.
mediated blockade of T3 neutrophils reduces their ability to promote rapid Each data set within the curated TCGA Pan Cancer dataset was scored for T1,
tumor growth. Schematic of experimental setup. Sorted T3 neutrophils were T2, and T3 signatures (see also table S4). Forest plots show hazard ratio (HR)
co-injected with PDAC tumor with anti–dcTRAIL-R1 targeting antibody (n = 8) or scores associated with patient OS that were significant (P < 0.05) by Cox
isotype control (n = 8). T3 neutrophils were further injected on D3 and D7 proportional hazards test across all signatures. Dots indicate the calculated HR
with the corresponding antibody added, and tumor growth was measured at D14 and whiskers indicate 95% CIs.

tissue was mostly enriched for mature neu- tissue (fig. S15B). Our findings suggest that cancers, including pancreatic cancer [from the

trophils (fig. S14E). Likewise, neutrophil types tumor-induced reprogramming of neutrophils The Cancer Genomics Atlas Pancreatic Adeno-
identified as tumor-specific neutrophil clusters is conserved in humans. carcinoma (TCGA-PAAD); see Fig. 6L and table
in this model [mN3-6 in (11)] corresponded to Because T3 neutrophils promote the growth S7 for P values and confidence intervals]. By con-
T1 to T3 clusters (fig. S14F), confirming that the of pancreatic tumors, we hypothesized that trast, T1 and T2 signatures were both protective
tumor microenvironment induces a prototypi- the genetic signature associated with the T3 against (lower hazard ratios, HRs) or associated
cal transcriptional trajectory that is determin- state might be predictive of pancreatic can- with (higher HRs) patient death depending on

istic in nature. By contrast, the signature of cer outcomes in human patients. To test this, the type of solid tumor (Fig. 6L and table S7),
neutrophils from healthy lungs (49) was large- we performed survival analysis on two inde- which is consistent with their nature as transi-
ly independent of tumor-induced transcrip- pendent pancreatic cancer cohorts from The tional subsets in the process of reprogramming.
tional changes (fig. S14G). These data suggest Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and Interna- These data support a model in which tumor-

that reprogramming of tumor neutrophils is tional Cancer Genome Consortium Pancreatic educated T3 neutrophils drive tumor progres-
conserved across different tumor types, and Cancer-Australia (PACA-AU) by scoring pa- sion in both mouse and human cancers.
that T3 neutrophils represent terminal differ- tients on the basis of high and low expression
entiated tumor neutrophils. of each signature (see the materials and meth- Discussion
To examine cross-species conservation of the ods for scoring criteria). Patients with high Environmental cues can fine-tune immune re-
neutrophil tumoral trajectory found in mice, expression of the T3 neutrophil signature had sponses by inducing cell recruitment and ex-
we investigated whether our neutrophil clas- poorer overall survival (OS) across both data- pansion of immune cells, generating productive
sification could account for the heterogeneity sets, with a median of 652 (TCGA) and 427 responses with adequate numbers and spe-
present in human tumors. We examined in- (PACA-AU) days, respectively (Fig. 6K), and cialized phenotypes. Unable to further prolifer-
dependent scRNAseq datasets (55, 56) from this was independent of potential confound- ate, neutrophils rely on their ability to swiftly

y g
two human PDAC cohorts (fig. S14, H and I) ers such as patient gender, age, and tumor mobilize into tissues to perform their func-
and mapped them to a simplified reference stage (table S5). Similarly, when disease-free tions effectively, and in diseases such as can-
UMAP embedding through label transfer (fig. survival (DFS, assessed as time to an adverse cer, neutrophils at various maturation stages,
S14J). T2 and T3 neutrophils were amply labeled event from the initial treatment) was evaluated, tissue origins, and phenotypes are recruited into
in both datasets, and a smaller cluster of T1 patients with high T3 neutrophil signature ex- the tumor in large numbers (12–14, 17, 19). Given
neutrophils was also identified (fig. S14, K and pression had reduced DFS (Fig. 6M), with equal the likely coexistence of multiple tumor neutro-

L). These tumor neutrophil subsets were pre- distribution of potential confounders across phil states with different functional pheno-

dominantly enriched in the pancreatic tumor the two groups (table S6). When T1 and T2 types, it is thus unclear how neutrophils exert
and not in adjacent normal pancreatic tissue signatures were considered, high T2 signature a focused local effect in the tumor. Here, we
(fig. S14K) or in the peripheral blood (fig. S14L). expression correlated with worse OS only in examined how neutrophils decouple their ini-
A pro-angiogenic neutrophil type expressing the TCGA dataset (fig. S15, C and D), but this tial maturation phenotype from their eventual
genes linked to hypoxia and glycolysis in one was confounded by gender (table S5), whereas protumoral function by undergoing conver-
of these studies [referred to as TAN-1 (56)] high T1 signature expression was associated gent reprograming within the tumor.
strongly matched the T3 state in the murine with lower DFS only in the PACA-AU dataset Our study demonstrates that tumor-infiltrating
tumor, indicative that our T3 classification can (fig. S15, E and F). Therefore, only the T3 immature and mature neutrophils acquire dis-
capture subsets independently identified to be signature was consistently associated with tinct epigenetic, transcriptomic, and proteomic
protumoral (fig. S15A). Similarly, tumor neu- poorer OS and DFS across both datasets. We phenotypes while retaining features of their ini-
trophil gene signatures derived from our mouse next considered whether the T3 neutrophil tial maturation status. We found that both im-
dataset (fig. S15B) were conserved in their signature was also associated with poorer OS mature (T1) and mature (T2) tumor neutrophils
ability to distinguish between human tumor in other solid tumors. Within the TCGA pan- within the tumor converged toward a third pop-
neutrophils and showed strong specificity in cancer database (57), higher expression of the ulation (T3) expressing dcTRAIl-R1. T3 neutro-
identifying T1, T2, and T3 neutrophils within T3 signature was associated with a significant- phils thus show intermediate maturation scores
the tumor and not in the adjacent normal ly higher risk of death across a subset of solid when quantified at the population level, and have

Ng et al., Science 383, eadf6493 (2024) 12 January 2024 12 of 16


both toroidal (immature) and hypersegmented tive stress are switched on in T3 neutrophils states coexist within the tumor-bearing mouse,
(mature) neutrophil nuclei, representative of compared with T1 or T2 populations. Deletion or the neutrophil maturation trajectory remains
their being an admixture of reprogrammed inhibiting these transcription factors to trace the unchanged, consistent with findings in other
neutrophils of T1 and T2 origin. Our data re- timeline of T3 reprogramming thus represent im- proinflammatory settings (19, 20, 64, 65). There-
veal the capacity of neutrophils to simultane- portant goals for future studies within the field. fore, whereas our findings do not fully exclude
ously integrate different types of signals from T3 neutrophils accelerated early tumor growth the possibility of neutrophil reprogramming
the environment, allowing them to layer a new experimentally, and although we still observed outside of the tumor, they do suggest that it
functional phenotype onto their pre-existing tumor growth with other co-injected neutro- is unlikely that upstream changes in neutro-
differentiation stage. We demonstrated this phil subsets, this occurred at a slower rate, phil progenitors specifically drive the forma-
plasticity with immature and mature neutro- likely due to recruitment and reprogramming tion of a protumoral neutrophil population.
phils from tumor-naïve mice, which are both of endogenous T3 neutrophils at the later time Instead, it is the intrinsic capacity of recruited
capable of acquiring phenotypic (dcTRAIL-R1 points. T1 and T2 neutrophils did not show sta- neutrophils to adapt in response to the tumor
expression) and transcriptional traits of the T3 tistically significant enhancement or inhibition environment regardless of their initial pheno-
state when cultured in tumor-conditioned me- of tumor growth compared with other control type that allows them to adopt convergent tra-
dium or upon entering the tumor in vivo. By neutrophil populations or phosphate-buffered jectories to settle upon a final, protumoral state.
circumventing neutrophil maturation as a rate- saline (PBS), reflecting their transitional nature This feed-forward loop thus ensures the con-
limiting step, this adaptability allows imma- as opposed to a fully anti- or protumoral popula- tinued supply and differentiation of long-lived,
ture neutrophils to be equally mobilized and tion. By contrast, the sustained growth advantage pro-angiogenic neutrophils that support tumor
reprogrammed within the tumor in a shorter conferred by T3 neutrophils stemmed, at least growth. Expanding from the results of our study,
time frame. Subsequently, this intrinsic ability in part, from T3-dependent remodeling of the we propose that it is advantageous for tissues to
embedded in neutrophils consolidates the var- vasculature toward the core of the tumor. Given induce functional homogeneity in neutrophils

ious functional neutrophil states into one ter- their localization within the glycolytic-hypoxic at the local scale to support tissue growth and
minal neutrophil phenotype as directed by the niche, an intriguing scenario is that T3 neutro- function. This process is then hijacked by the
tissue, in this case, a tumor. phils serve as possible guide rails to direct angio- tumor to favor a functional neutrophil state that
Circulating neutrophils have a predicted half- genesis to relieve hypoxic and nutrient stress promotes aberrant tumor growth. Our findings
life of ~10 hours (58), whereas tissue-resident in areas that would most require it. Consistent thus suggest a general mechanism by which
neutrophils persist for up to 1 day (49). Although with this, resistance toward anti-angiogenic short-lived effector cells such as neutrophils

studies have hinted that neutrophils persist far therapies in human cancer has been associated efficiently adjust their functions to meet the de-
longer within the tumor (10, 59, 60), whether with neutrophil infiltration (61), and neutrophil mands of a tissue, and that local neutrophil re-
this coincides with terminal differentiation in depletion reduces tumor vascularization and sponses can be therapeutically targeted.
the tumor remains an open question. Using a growth (51, 52, 62, 63). Studies facilitating further

BrdU pulse-labeling approach, we found that understanding of T3-mediated vascular remodel- Methods summary
up to 5% of the originally labeled neutrophils ing would reveal new therapeutic targets against scRNAseq
could remain within the tumors for as long as pathological angiogenesis within the tumor. Sorted total neutrophils (Lin–CD45+CD115–
5.625 days upon entry. In addition, whereas A particularly interesting finding is the con- Ly6ClowSiglec-F–Gr1+CD11b+Ly6G+) from the
our curve fit was accurate for the first labeling servation of this differentiation program in BM, spleen, blood, and tumor of mice bearing
time points, there was a noticeable underfit- tumor-infiltrating neutrophils across tumor orthotopic pancreatic tumors [generated as
ting at 12 and 15 days after labeling, represent- type and species. When scRNAseq datasets described in (66)] were incubated with 0.5 mg
ing a possible underestimation of the full from other tumor models were examined, T3 of Totalseq-A anti-mouse Hashtag antibodies
tumor neutrophil life span and indicating that annotation could identify protumoral clus- (BioLegend) per 100,000 cells for 30 min at 4°C.
a small population of neutrophils could persist ters found both in mouse [i.e., mN5 (11)] and in Cells were washed with fluorescence-activated

y g
even longer within the tumor. Long-lived neu- human [i.e., TAN-1 (56)]. T3 neutrophils pro- cell sorting (FACS) buffer, spun down, and re-
trophils were predominantly of the dcTRAIL-R1hi moted PDAC tumor growth in mice, whereas suspended in PBS with 1% bovine serum albumin.
T3 phenotype, which indicates a correlation ablation of T3 neutrophils or their pro- Cells were pooled accordingly for 10X Genomics
between their ability to survive within chal- angiogenic function removed this growth advan- 3’ (v3) sequencing on NovaSeq (Illumina) follow-
lenging hypoxic and glycolytic environments tage. In parallel, the T3 signature consistently ing the manufacturer’s protocol. Sequencing
and their continued persistence within the predicted poorer patient outcomes in two indepen- reads were evaluated by FastQC and MultiQC.

tumor. Spatial mapping at the transcriptome dent human PDAC cohorts, as well as in a subset High-quality reads were aligned to the GRCm38

and protein level placed T3 neutrophils pre- of other solid tumors. Thus, different studies mm10-2020-A genome assembly and quantified
dominantly within a hypoxic-glycolytic niche converge upon our identification of a terminally using CellRanger (version 2.2.0, 10X Genomics).
nearer to the tumor core. By contrast, T1 and differentiated neutrophil state, the signature The gene expression matrix was analyzed in R
T2 neutrophils were positioned at the stromal of which might be used to better understand using the Seurat package (4.0.5) (68). Hashtags
and tumor parenchyma, where a large vessel neutrophil function in cancer and possibly to were demultiplexed using CITE-seq-Count. Dou-
network exists, supporting the notion that predict tumor progression. We propose that the blets and multiplets were filtered out, as well as
these cell states are in the process of reprogram- reported heterogeneity of neutrophils across unique molecular identifiers (UMIs) with two or
ming after tumor entry. Given that hypoxia tumors more likely reflects transitional states more hashtags associated with them. UMIs
is not required to trigger T3 reprogramming, derived from populations at different stages of with excess mitochondrial reads (>5%), number
which can occur in normoxic conditions, we maturation and/or reprogramming. of features <200 (low read counts) and >4200
propose that migration toward the hypoxic- Collectively, by ordering neutrophils through (outliers) were also removed. Normalization,
glycolytic niche occurs after acquisition of the lens of their ontogeny, we have assessed scaling, and clustering were performed with
T3 epigenetic and transcriptional programs global neutrophil phenotypic heterogeneity the default Seurat pipeline. The destiny pack-
is fully complete to ensure neutrophil survival. through maturation stages, extramedullary age (3.4.0.) was used for diffusion mapping (24).
Consistent with this possibility, upstream tran- sources, and the specialization of each neutro- Velocity analysis was performed with scVelo
scription factors regulating metabolic and oxida- phil to each tissue (49). Although all of these (2.1.0) (26) using the default stochastic model

Ng et al., Science 383, eadf6493 (2024) 12 January 2024 13 of 16


and velocity vectors were projected onto the permeabilized for 20 min in blocking buffer of antibody was added to 1 × 105 neutrophils
diffusion map embedding. Regulatory net- (5% donkey serum, 0.3% Triton X-100, and DAPI). and incubated for 10 to 20 min on ice before
work analysis was carried out with PySCENIC Sections were iteratively stained with fluorescein the addition of 1 × 105 tumor cells. From day 14
(0.10.4) (27) in Python and exported for visu- isothiocyanate (FITC)-, PE- and allophycocyanin after the injection of the tumor, tumors were
alization in R. (APC)-conjugated anti-mouse antibodies, after measured weekly with Vernier calipers and
which image acquisition and processing was tumor volumes were calculated using the fol-
High-parameter flow cytometry staining performed on the MACSima instrument as lowing formula: 0.5 × length × width2. Mice
and analysis described previously (39). Images were prepro- were euthanized at day 28 after injection and
Pancreatic tumor single-cell suspensions pooled cessed with MACS iQView software. Stitched tumor presence and weights were recorded.
from five tumor-bearing mice were stained with and registered TIFF files of individual chan- Tumors were marked as rejected if there was
a backbone panel of fluorophore-conjugated nels were then imported into Imaris (Bitplane). complete absence of tumor formation or only
antibodies. The stained cell suspension was Staining artifacts were masked using the surface/ a clear Matrigel plug left.
then distributed equally across all antibody wells spot tool, and the masked channel was exported To evaluate vessel network formation in co-
in the LEGENDScreenTM kit (BioLegend). back to MACS iQView. Image segmentation injected tumors, tumors were excised, fixed with
Staining and washing were performed accord- based on DAPI-stained nuclei was performed 4% paraformaldehyde overnight at 4°C, and
ing to the manufacturer’s instructions. Cells were using the Advanced Tissue Morphology meth- then washed with PBS. Samples were permea-
finally stained with 1 mM DAPI, and 1 million od with the donut algorithm and confirmed by bilized with the SHANEL method, blocked,
events per well were acquired. Flow cytometry visual inspection. Identified cells and related and finally stained for CD31 and propidium
standard (.fcs) files corresponding to each unique features containing marker intensities for all iodide (PI). Samples were then subjected to
PE marker were compensated and analyzed channels were imported into FlowJo to gate solvent-based optical clearing and transferred
using FlowJo software (BD Biosciences). relevant populations. Seurat V4 was used for into ethyl cinnamate for imaging. All tumors

Compensated live, CD45+ singlets were analyzed further visualization and cell-type annotations, were fully imaged from one lateral edge to the
using the InfinityFlow (1.4.0) in R (28, 29). The and SPIAT (48) was used for distance-based other at 2.0× magnification. Images were ac-
analysis was transferred back to FlowJo, where and colocalization metrics determining neutro- quired using a lightsheet LaVision Ultramicro-
clusters were manually annotated and the im- phil subset localization with the tumor. scope II and captured using the PCO edge 4.2
puted PE intensity values for each cluster were sCMOS camera and then analyzed using Imaris
exported. The geometric mean was calculated In vitro cell culture 9.5.0 (Bitplane). Total tumor volume imaged

for each cluster for heatmap plotting and TCM was collected from the culture of FC1242L was first determined by surfacing positive PI
comparison. PDAC cell lines, spun down at 1000g for 10 min at signal using the surface function. To standardize
4°C to pellet down dead cells and debris, after the tumor volume evaluated, all tumor images
Spatial transcriptomics for orthotopic which the supernatant was aliquoted and stored were processed to obtain the same percentage

pancreatic tumors at –20°C. A total of 2.5 × 105 sorted neutrophils volume (~35%) from the tumor midpoint, which
Frozen tumor samples were quartered, em- per well were cultured in cDMEM (Gibco) or was then used for the downstream analysis. The
bedded in optimal cutting temperature filled TCM in normoxia or in a hypoxia incubator same image thresholds were applied consistent-
molds, and sectioned to a thickness of 10 mm at at 5% O2. After 1 and 3 days, dcTRAIL-R1 up- ly across tumors within the same experiment.
−20 °C. To ensure capture of tumor-infiltrating regulation was analyzed by flow cytometry Surfaces based on CD31+ vessel staining were
neutrophils, cryosections were screened for or wells were pooled, counted, and lysed for then created with a standardized seed point val-
Ly6G immunofluorescence before mounting analysis of RNA expression. ue of 16.2, and their distribution from tumor
on Visium Spatial Gene Expression Slides (10X edge to the tumor midpoint was calculated
Genomics). Tissue sections were fixed with BrdU pulse-chase assay using the shortest distance function. Finally,
methanol; stained for cytokeratin, Ly6G, and Mice were injected intraperitoneally with 2 mg to quantify the vessels present, the total tumor

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circulating inflammatory dendritic cells. Immunity 51, 573–589.e8 Gr+CD11b+ cells in tumor-bearing host directly promotes tumor Infrastructure Support (SIS) (NRF2017_SISFP09). For the use of
(2019). doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2019.08.008; pmid: 31474513 angiogenesis. Cancer Cell 6, 13 (2004). pmid: 15488763 the Ultramicroscope II, we would like to thank A*STAR core funds,

Ng et al., Science 383, eadf6493 (2024) 12 January 2024 15 of 16


the HMBS IAF-PP grant (H1701a0004), and the National Center of Excellence (CEX2020-001041-S). F.G. is supported by needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are present in
Research Foundation’s Shared Infrastructure Support grant for Singapore Immunology UIBR award from the Agency for Science, the paper and/or in the supplementary materials. scRNAseq
SingaScope, a Singapore-wide microscopy infrastructure network Technology and Research (A*STAR), a Singapore NRF Senior (GSE243466), ATACseq (GSE244531), and spatial transcriptomics
(NRF2017_SISFP10), for continued support of the A*STAR Investigatorship (NRFI2017-02), the Fondation Gustave Roussy, and data (GSE244534) have been deposited in the NCBI Gene
Microscopy Platform. D.C.-W. is supported by a CRI Irvington the ARC Foundation. Author contributions: Conceptualization: L.G.N., Expression Omnibus. All three datasets have been linked under
postdoctoral fellowship (CRI3511). G.F.C. is supported by grant M.S.F., L.T., I.W.K., A.H., F.G.; Formal analysis: K.B.D., V.N., J.M.C., into one SuperSeries GSE244536 for ease of access. License
PID2022-142341OB-I00 funded by the Spanish MCIN/AEI/ M.W.L., L.X.J., B.Y.S., G.F.C.; Funding acquisition: L.G.N., M.S.F., I.W.K., information: Copyright © 2024 the authors, some rights reserved;
10.13039/501100011033. I.B. is supported by a Ramon y Cajal Y.H.L.; Investigation: M.S.F., L.T., I.W.K., Y.R., C.M.S., K.L., Y.N.Z., J.J., exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of
fellowship (RYC2021-033511-I) from MICINN and by a Leonardo K.H.L., D.H.L., Y.C.T., D.C.-W., K.Y., C.B., C.N.; Methodology: M.S.F., Science. No claim to original US government works. https://www.
fellowship (LEO22-2-2596) from the BBVA Foundation. A.V. L.T., I.W.K., Y.R., C.M.S., D.C.-W., K.Y.; Project administration: L.G.N.;
and Y.Z. are supported by NMRC OF-IRG grant to VA (OFIRG19nov-0112). Supervision: L.G.N.; Visualization: M.S.F., L.T., I.W.K., Y.T., C.M.S., K.L.,
M.I. is supported by the European Research Council (ERC) D.C.-W., K.Y.; Writing – original draft: L.G.N., M.S.F., L.T., I.W.K., A.H., SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
Consolidator Grant 725038, ERC Proof of Concept Grants 957502 F.G., D.C.-W.; Writing – review & editing: All authors Competing
and 101138728, Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC) interests: M.S.F., L.T., F.G., and L.G.N. are inventors on patent
Materials and Methods
Grants 19891 and 22737, Italian Ministry for University and WO2022132041 submitted by A*STAR that covers a method of
Figs. S1 to S16
Research Grants PE00000007 (INF-ACT) and PRIN (2022FMESXL), characterizing an immunosuppressive neutrophils in cancer. M.I.
Tables S1 to S7
and by a Funded Research Agreement from Asher Biotherapeutics participates in advisory boards and consults for Gilead Sciences,
References (66–81)
and VIR Biotechnology. A.H. is supported by grant R01AI165661 from Third Rock Ventures, Antios Therapeutics, Asher Biotherapeutics,
MDAR Reproducibility Checklist
NIH/NIAD, RTI2018-095497- B-I00 from MCIN, HR17_00527 from GentiBio, Clexio Biosciences, Sibylla Biotech, BlueJay Therapeutics,
Movies S1 and S2
Fundación La Caixa, the Transatlantic Network of Excellence and Aligos Therapeutics. H.L.T. is a cofounder and medical
(TNE-18CVD04) from the Leducq Foundation, and FET-OPEN adviser for RNAscence Pte. Ltd. F.G. participates in advisory Submitted 9 November 2022; resubmitted 23 August 2023
(grant 861878) from the European Commission. The CNIC is supported boards for iTheos and Genoskin. The remaining authors declare no Accepted 27 November 2023
by the MCIN and the Pro CNIC Foundation and is a Severo Ochoa competing interests. Data and materials availability: All data 10.1126/science.adf6493

y g

Ng et al., Science 383, eadf6493 (2024) 12 January 2024 16 of 16


◥ environmental factors such as individual and

RESEARCH ARTICLE family-related stress, drug abuse, homeless-
ness, and social isolation. Depending on the
NEUROSCIENCE clinical outcome definition, up to 20 to 30% of
first-episode individuals (10) and more than
Illusory generalizability of clinical prediction models 50% with a relapse do not respond sufficiently
to antipsychotic medications (11).
Adam M. Chekroud1,2*, Matt Hawrilenko1, Hieronimus Loho2, Julia Bondar1, Ralitza Gueorguieva3, We examined the generalizability of clinical
Alkomiet Hasan4, Joseph Kambeitz5, Philip R. Corlett2, Nikolaos Koutsouleris6, Harlan M. Krumholz7, prediction models across multiple clinical trials
John H. Krystal2, Martin Paulus8 using the case study of antipsychotic treat-
ments for schizophrenia. Critically, this study
It is widely hoped that statistical models can improve decision-making related to medical treatments. directly evaluated the performance of a model
Because of the cost and scarcity of medical outcomes data, this hope is typically based on investigators on its initial training sample as well as how
observing a model’s success in one or two datasets or clinical contexts. We scrutinized this optimism the same model performed on truly inde-
by examining how well a machine learning model performed across several independent clinical trials of pendent clinical trial samples. This allowed us
antipsychotic medication for schizophrenia. Models predicted patient outcomes with high accuracy to assess two key risks: First, models may “overfit”
within the trial in which the model was developed but performed no better than chance when applied the data by fitting the random noise of one
out-of-sample. Pooling data across trials to predict outcomes in the trial left out did not improve particular dataset rather than a true signal
predictions. These results suggest that models predicting treatment outcomes in schizophrenia are likely to generalize across samples, leading to
highly context-dependent and may have limited generalizability. good predictions in the training data that do
not generalize to the testing data. The second

key risk is poor model transportability. Models
ne fundamental problem in medicine is the potential for statistical models to improve may lack external validity due to patients,
that despite similar treatments some pa- clinical practice (7–9). providers, or implementation characteristics
tients get better whereas others show varying across trials (12).
no improvement. One goal of precision Open data opens possibilities
medicine is to use machine learning to As efforts toward mandatory randomized con- Data sources

find models that will help predict who will trolled trial (RCT) data deposition, archival We used treatment data from five international,
respond to what type of treatment (1). For data sharing, and open science continue to multisite RCTs (NCT00518323, NCT00334126,
precision medicine to affect clinical practice advance, opportunities arise to more rigor- NCT00085748, NCT00078039, and NCT00083668)
and improve outcomes, the models that we ously examine how well treatment predic- obtained through the YODA Project (https://

develop must robustly predict outcomes for tion models will fare in different contexts. The These trials were selected be-
unseen, future patients (2–5). Yale Open Data Access (YODA) Project is one cause of their comparability and consistency.
However, models are not usually tested on such effort, which now includes a data archive All patients had a current DSM-IV diagnosis of
new patients in a different context because of over 246 clinical trials from all medical schizophrenia at the start of the trial; all trials
data—especially data from controlled designs— fields. randomized patients to an antipsychotic med-
are scarce and expensive (6). Instead, research- The YODA project included several RCTs ication or placebo; all trials used the same
ers typically split a study’s participants into evaluating the comparative efficacy of anti- scale to measure treatment outcomes (the Posi-
two or more random groups, build a model psychotic medications for treating schizophrenia. tive and Negative Syndrome Scale, PANSS); all
using the data from one of the groups, and test Predicting treatment outcomes in schizophrenia trials included a 4-week timepoint to measure
its predictions on the other group (e.g., k-fold could be especially advantageous because the outcomes; and all trials collected similar data

y g
cross-validation) (3, 4). When we use this kind clinical response to pharmacological interven- about the patients at baseline. Combined, the
of approximation based on one data set or tions is heterogeneous and depends on many trials also provide a heterogeneous patient
clinical sample, we have a fundamentally lim-
ited insight into the true potential for a model
to improve outcomes in the future. Validating
clinical prediction models in different clinical Table 1. Treatment outcomes across trials.

samples is an essential step in the model de-

velopment process. It generally results in pre- Adults first Adults - Adults - Older
dictive performance measures that are lower episode Chronic #1 Chronic #2 adults Teens Total
but allows for a more realistic assessment of Outcome definition (n = 321) (n = 430) (n = 481) (n = 99) (n = 182) (n = 1513)
264 208 266 32 47 816
25% Reduction PANSS
1 2 (82.2%) (48.4%) (55.3%) (32.3%) (25.8%) (54.0%)
Spring Health, New York City, NY 10010, USA. Department of .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, 50% Reduction 119 85 82 7 12 306
CT 06520, USA. 3Department of Biostatistics, Yale University, PANSS (37.1%) (19.8%) (17.0%) (7.1%) (6.6%) (20.3%)
New Haven, CT 06520, USA. 4Department of Psychiatry, RSWG remission 152 129 153 24 58
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, University Augsburg, 517 (34.2%)
86159 Augsburg, Germany. 5Department of Psychiatry and criteria (47.4%) (30.0%) (31.8%) (24.2%) (31.9%)
Psychotherapy, University of Cologne, Faculty of Medicine Percentage change
and University Hospital of Cologne, Cologne, Germany. 6Department -44.1 -26.9 -28.4 -18.0 -13.7 -28.8
in PANSS total
of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Ludwig-Maximilians- (23.1) (28.2) (25.3) (21.8) (21.5) (26.7)
University, Munich, Germany. 7Center for Outcomes Research score (SD)
and Evaluation, Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT Baseline total 103.0 92.4 92.9 91.1 90.0 94.4
06520, USA. 8Laureate Institute for Brain Research, Tulsa, PANSS (SD) (14.3) (13.0) (10.9) (8.8) (13.1) (13.2)
OK 74136, USA. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................
*Corresponding author. Email:

Chekroud et al., Science 383, 164–167 (2024) 12 January 2024 1 of 4


population, with patients recruited from 194 duction. Table 1 reports treatment outcomes correlated with one another and predictors
sites across 4 continents, a pediatric trial, an for all definitions across the five trials. may only be sparsely endorsed. It has been
older adult trial, and a trial of individuals with We extracted all information available at successful in research predicting psychiatric
a first episode (see SM for more details). The baseline across all trials and retained it as a treatment outcomes (5, 23–25).
study design, outcome measure, and cross- predictor variable if it was available for more The elastic net model uses two penalty pa-
validation approach were preregistered on than 80% of patients. We also computed con- rameters, lambda and alpha, which balance
2 August 2016 (YODA 2016-1005). Minor up- dition (control versus treatment) X predictor stability with parsimony. We examined 400
dates to the preregistration were submitted on interaction terms. Drug dose was standar- combinations of alpha and lambda penalties
2 May 2023 (included in the SM). dized to paliperidone dose equivalents using (see supplement) and selected the optimal pe-
the defined daily dose method (18). Together, nalties using repeated 10-fold cross-validation.
Patients and outcomes this yielded 217 predictor variables that in- The cross-validation part of this procedure se-
From 29 March 2004 to 30 March 2009, 1962 cluded basic demographic features, psychiat- parates the data set into 10 random folds and
total patients aged 12 to 81 years were enrolled ric history (DSM-IV diagnosis category, age of uses 9 of the subsets for training, repeating the
across five randomized controlled trials at diagnosis, psychiatric hospitalizations), clin- process such that each subset is left out once
194 sites in North America, Asia, Europe, and ical data (PANSS, Clinical Global Impression) for testing. The repeated part of this procedure
Africa. We assessed symptomatic outcomes (17), extrapyramidal symptom scales (Abnor- re-splits the data ten times to reduce the im-
based on the PANSS (13) at week 4 for the mal Involuntary Movement Scale) (19) and pact of the random data split; in aggregate,
1513 participants with baseline and 4-week Simpson Angus Scale (20), biometric data 100 total models were fit to the 10 folds by 10
follow-up data. Different definitions of re- (blood chemistry panel, hematology, urinaly- repeats. Model performance was calculated
sponse, remission, and recovery are used in sis), and treatment randomization. The de- by averaging the performance metric across
schizophrenia research, which makes com- tailed list of predictors, selection criteria, and all 100 models. This entire procedure was run

paring and applying results in clinical practice missing data approach is provided in the SM. for each of the 400 combinations of alpha and
difficult (14–16). The primary outcome re- lambda values, and the final values were
ported here is the Remission in Schizophrenia Machine learning approach chosen as the combination of alpha and
Working Group criteria (RSWG) (17). To ensure We applied machine learning methods using lambda values that optimized the model
that our findings were not driven by idiosyn- baseline data to predict whether a patient performance metric. We used the metrics
crasies in how we defined treatment response, would achieve clinically significant improve- of area under the receiver operating curve

we included three other definitions commonly ments in symptoms over four weeks of anti- for binary outcomes and root mean square
used in the field, including percentage change psychotic treatment. We used the elastic net error for continuous outcomes. The final
with baseline correction (15, 16), and two bi- algorithm (21, 22), a penalized regression meth- alpha and lambda values were applied to the
nary definitions of 25 and 50% symptom re- od that is appropriate when covariates are aggregate sample to estimate the prediction

Within-trial Within-trial Leave-one-
no validation cross-validation Paired-trial trial-out

Balanced accuracy


y g



























ic #

ic #

ic #

ic #







2 → ronic


s → ronic


E → ronic




















2 → hron



E → hron






































ic #


















ic #


ic #






ic #

ic #

ic #









ic #

ic #

















































Study pair
Balanced accuracy is higher than chance no yes
FE = first episode

Fig. 1. Balanced accuracy for models predicting treatment outcome (Remission in Schizophrenia Working Group criteria) across all modeling scenarios.
Gray intervals represent 95% confidence intervals, not adjusted for multiple comparisons. Red markers denote statistical significance after applying the Benjamini-
Hochberg adjustment with the false discovery rate set to 5%. Repeated 10-fold cross-validation; FE, first episode.

Chekroud et al., Science 383, 164–167 (2024) 12 January 2024 2 of 4


model coefficients. To interpret differential then tested on the remaining subset. In this tempered these performance estimates but
performance across samples, we report a scenario, balanced accuracy was lower in each even the models that performed well in cross-
metric known as balanced accuracy [(sensi- dataset, averaging 0.60 (range: 0.56 to 0.67) validation were little better than chance when
tivity + specificity) / 2] whose null distribution across all five prediction models. Only three predicting outside of the sample in which they
is centered on 50% (26, 27). To determine out of five models performed above chance. were developed—even when the unseen sam-
whether balanced accuracy was statistically ples were well-phenotyped. In a world where
significantly above chance, we bootstrapped Paired-trial validation we hope that predictive models might eventu-
confidence intervals and adjusted for multiple Next, we directly assessed out-of-sample per- ally improve clinical practice, the ability to
comparisons across all 35 comparisons using formance in the paired-trial validation (16). generalize to other carefully controlled clin-
the Benjamini-Hochberg adjustment with the We applied the prediction models developed ical contexts is only the first step to generalize
false discovery rate set to 5% (28). All analysis using within-trial models across each of the to settings with more heterogeneity in patient
was conducted using R version 4.1 (29), with other trials, for a total of 20 trial pairs. Model presentations and methods of care delivery.
machine learning models fit using the caret performance was low (mean across all trial
package (30). pairs was 0.54, range 0.48 to 0.61) with only Why model generalizability is challenging
three trial pairs performing above chance. There are three key reasons why predictive
Exploring the generalizability of machine models might not generalize across trials.
learning models Leave-one-trial-out validation First, patient groups may be too different
We evaluated the applicability of machine Given the availability of multiple archival trials across trials. The umbrella category of schiz-
learning models across four distinct scenarios for developing a prediction model, a natural ophrenia is useful for clinical practice but also
to gain insights into their generalizability: extension of the paired-trial validation would means that patients with different disease
First, we assessed the predictive accuracy of be a leave-one-trial-out approach. This approach stages are coerced into the same diagnostic

the model within the trial, without any ex- might enhance generalizability by allowing the category in clinical trials. If key information
ternal validation beyond the training data. algorithm to be exposed to more information that differentiates patients is not captured in
Second, we also focused on within-trial pre- through between-trial variability in baseline the data or if the range of that information is
diction accuracy but this time estimated using phenotypes. We aggregated data across four more restricted in the dataset used to develop
the data excluded from the training set in a trials, leaving the fifth out for testing, and the model compared with the target trial, pre-
repeated tenfold cross-validation process. Third, repeated the process 5 times so that each trial dictions may be inaccurate. Thus, patient pop-

we conducted a paired-across-trial prediction was left out once. Performance was once again ulations may differ considerably between trials
accuracy assessment. In this case, models poor with low balanced accuracy in all con- within the same diagnostic category. However,
trained on one trial were applied to all other ditions (mean across all left out trials was 0.54 the current study found little evidence that
trials to evaluate their performance. Finally, in with range 0.50 to 0.58) and performance was results would generalize across even the most

the fourth scenario, we implemented a leave- significantly above chance in only two of the similar trials. The three cross-trial pairs with
one-trial-out prediction accuracy assessment. five testing sets. predictions slightly greater than chance were
Models were trained using data aggregated amongst the three studies of adults aged 18
from four trials and their predictive accuracy Sensitivity analyses and over but this pattern of results did not
was tested on the fifth trial (Fig. 1). Balanced The pattern of results observed was not due consistently replicate across other outcome
accuracy for the RSWG criteria are shown in to idiosyncrasies of how we measured treat- definitions.
Fig. 1, and data for alternative outcome de- ment response. We found the same pattern of Second, these trials may not have collected
finitions and additional outcome metrics are results when we reproduced all four modeling the type or volume of data needed to make
shown in the supplement. scenarios using other binary and continuous good predictions. This study used clinical,
definitions of treatment response (see SM). sociodemographic, and simple biomarker data-
No validation

y g
This lack of model generalizability to un- based on almost 2000 patients. However,
In the scenario where we assessed within-trial seen patients was also observed for another additional data types may have been more
performance without any external validation, machine learning algorithm. When we applied relevant to treatment outcomes. Psychosocial
the final prediction model created for a spe- random forest models, which can detect com- information and social determinants of health
cific trial was applied to the entire sample plex patterns of interactions amongst predic- were not included in this study but have pre-
from that same trial. The balanced accuracy tor variables, we observed the same pattern of viously been found to predict treatment out-

was high and significantly above random results except that excessive overfitting occur- comes in first episode psychosis (27). Preliminary

chance for all models, with an average of 0.72 red for no-validation conditions (see SM). research suggests that longitudinal patterns
(range: 0.66 to 0.77) across all five prediction of symptom co-occurrence—either before or
models. However, because the model was eval- Discussion during treatment—can be specifically relevant
uated on the same sample used to develop it, Machine learning prediction of treatment out- to how a patient will respond to treatment
there is a risk of overfitting, making these re- comes in medicine is exciting but challenging. although it may delay care to collect this data
sults less likely to generalize. Our modeling scenarios using antipsychotic (31–34). Some have suggested the use of
treatment outcome prediction in schizophrenia neuroimaging and genetic data but there
Cross-validation suggest that predictive models are fragile and is currently little evidence to suggest that
To estimate more generalizable prediction ac- that excellent performance in one clinical con- such data would improve predictions; further,
curacy, we employed within-trial cross-validation. text is not a strong indicator of performance collecting these data would pose additional
Performance characteristics of the optimal on future patients. This is highly concerning as barriers for routine implementation (35–37).
alpha and lambda values were averaged across most predictive studies today rely on internal Finally, having data from more participants
the 100 left out folds (10 folds * 10 repeats) samples for testing and validation. When may allow for more nuanced modeling of in-
from the repeated cross-validation procedure. models were tested on the same sample on dividual differences.
Each trial’s data were divided into 10 subsets, which they were developed, models routinely A third reason why predictive models may
with coefficients developed on 9 subsets and produced strong predictions. Cross-validation not generalize is that patient outcomes may be

Chekroud et al., Science 383, 164–167 (2024) 12 January 2024 3 of 4


too context-dependent. Trials may have subtly Conclusions 35. A. M. Chekroud, N. Koutsouleris, Mol. Psychiatry 23, 24–25
important differences in recruiting procedures, The present study offers an underwhelming (2018).
36. A. M. Chekroud, JAMA Psychiatry 74, 1183–1184
inclusion criteria, or treatment protocols. Be- but realistic picture of our current ability to (2017).
cause these characteristics do not vary across develop truly useful predictive models for schiz- 37. M. P. Paulus, JAMA Psychiatry 74, 1185–1186 (2017).
patients within a trial, they cannot be modeled ophrenia treatment outcomes. Models that 38. R. A. McCutcheon et al., Biol. Psychiatry 94, 561–568 (2023).
39. P. Patil, G. Parmigiani, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 115,
as predictors within a single trial. However, performed with excellent accuracy in one sam- 2578–2583 (2018).
this study used multinational RCTs conducted ple routinely failed to generalize to unseen 40. R. J. DeRubeis et al., PLOS ONE 9, e83875 (2014).
by large pharmaceutical companies and con- patients. These findings suggest that approx- 41. J. Bondar et al., JAMA Netw. Open 5, e2216349 (2022).
tract research organizations, minimizing non- imations based on a single data set are a AC KNOWLED GME NTS
specific concerns especially in comparison to fundamentally limited insight into future per- Funding: No funding source had any role in the study design, data
the variability we would expect in real clinical formance and represent a potential concern collection, data analysis, data interpretation, writing, or submission
practice going from one site or provider to the for prediction models throughout medicine. of this report. All trials were originally funded by Janssen Research and
Development. The study design, outcome measure, and cross-
next. Of course, different antipsychotic drugs The field as a whole—present authors included— validation approach were preregistered on 1 Aug 2016 (YODA #2016-
may differ from one another in ways that af- hope that machine learning approaches can 1005). The study was approved on 15 December 2016 (IRB/HSC#
fect outcome prediction, and the D2 dopamine eventually improve the allocation of treatments 1610018521) by the Yale University Institutional Review Board. Access
was granted on 5 January 2017, and data were analyzed until October,
receptor blockade intended to correct overstim- in medicine; however, we should a priori re-
2023. Author contributions: Conceptualization: A.C. Methodology:
ulation of D2 receptors by endogenous dopa- main skeptical of any predictive model find- A.C., M.H., R.G., H.L., J.B., A.H., N.K., J.H.K., H.K. Data Acquisition: H.K.,
mine may be too far downstream from the ings that lack an independent sample for on behalf of the Yale Open Data Access Initiative. Data Analysis: A.C.,
primary pathology of schizophrenia or the symp- validation. M.H., H.L., J.B. Visualization: M.H., H.L., R.G. Supervision: A.C., M.P.,
P.C., and J.H.K. Writing – original draft: A.C. Writing – substantial
tom severity criteria used to measure it (38). review and editing: A.C., M.H., A.H., N.K., P.C., H.K., J.H.K., and M.P.
Competing interests: A.C. holds equity in Spring Care and is the lead

Improving model generalizability 1. F. S. Collins, H. Varmus, N. Engl. J. Med. 372, 793–795 (2015).
inventor on 3 patent submissions relating to treatment for major
depressive disorder (US Patent and Trademark Office number
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modeling perspective, capturing important in Spring Care. RG received royalties from the book Statistical
4. E. W. Steyerberg, in Clinical Prediction Models (Springer,
Methods in Psychiatry and Related Fields published by CRC Press and
heterogeneity through phenotyping or strat- 2009), pp. 11–31.
is an inventor on US patent application 20200143922. A.H. was a
5. A. M. Chekroud et al., Lancet Psychiatry 3, 243–250 (2016).
ification procedures might help improve the member of advisory boards and received paid speakership by

6. G. C. M. Siontis, I. Tzoulaki, P. J. Castaldi, J. P. A. Ioannidis,
generalizability of models. Identifying trial- Boehringer-Ingelheim, Lundbeck, Otsuka, Rovi, and Recordati. He
J. Clin. Epidemiol. 68, 25–34 (2015).
received paid speakership by AbbVie and Advanz. He is editor
level characteristics that relate to patient out- 7. E. W. Steyerberg, Y. Vergouwe, Eur. Heart J. 35, 1925–1931
of the AWMF German guidelines for schizophrenia. J.H.K. has been a
comes may provide information to better (2014).
consultant and/or advisor to or has received honoraria from Janssen/
8. R. D. Riley et al., Stat. Med. 40, 4230–4251 (2021).
equip prediction models to generalize across 9. M. Pavlou et al., Stat. Methods Med. Res. 30, 2187–2206
J&J, Lundbeck and Boehringer Ingelheim. P.C. is co-founder and

Board Member of Tetricus Labs and reported holding stock and stock
settings. Such trial-level variation can be studied (2021).
options in Tetricus Labs Inc. H.K. received funding from Johnson
using Bayesian approaches or recent techni- 10. Y. Zhu et al., Eur. Neuropsychopharmacol. 27, 835–844 (2017).
and Johnson through Yale University. J.Kr. reported holding patents
11. S. Leucht et al., Am. J. Psychiatry 174, 927–942 (2017).
ques that incorporate replicability across con- 12. B. Li, C. Gatsonis, I. J. Dahabreh, J. A. Steingrimsson,
licensed to Johnson and Johnson and Freedom Biosciences; co-
texts or populations into the algorithm training founder of Freedom Biosciences, stock in Spring Health, Biohaven
Biometrics 79, 2382–2393 (2023).
Pharmaceuticals, Neumora Pharmaceuticals; Consultant to Biogen,
process (39). From a population perspective, 13. S. R. Kay, A. Fiszbein, L. A. Opler, Schizophr. Bull. 13, 261–276
Bionomics Limited, Boehringer Ingelheim International, Cerevel
there may be some patients for whom the 14. M. Lambert, A. Karow, S. Leucht, B. G. Schimmelmann,
Therapeutics, Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Otsuka American Pharmaceutical
choice of treatment has no impact on their Inc., Perception Neuroscience, Sumitomo America, Taishisho, Takeda,
D. Naber, Dialogues Clin. Neurosci. 12, 393–407 (2010).
BioXcel, Psychogenics Inc. Data and materials availability: The
clinical course, which represents an inherent 15. S. Leucht, J. Clin. Psychiatry 75, 8–14 (2014).
study design, outcome measure, and cross-validation approach was
16. M. Obermeier et al., BMC Psychiatry 11, 113 (2011).
limitation of predicting treatment outcomes. 17. J. Busner, S. D. Targum, Psychiatry 4, 28–37 (2007).
preregistered on 1 August 2016 (YODA #2016-1005). All data are
However, this could also be an opportunity for available via the Yale University Open Data Access (YODA) platform
18. S. Leucht, M. Samara, S. Heres, J. M. Davis, Schizophr. Bull. 42,
( Data accession numbers for the

y g
further improvement in identifying which S90–S94 (2016).
five trials analyzed here are: R076477-PSZ-3001 (Teens trial),
19. W. Guy, Ecdeu Assessment Manual for Psychopharmacology
patients have a wider range of potential out- R076477-SCH-3015 (Adults First Episode), R076477-SCH-302
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20. G. M. Simpson, J. W. Angus, Acta Psychiatr Scand Suppl. 45,
SCH-303 (Adults Chronic #2). The code to reproduce all results in
treatment would provide clinical benefit (40). 11–19 (1970).
this manuscript and the supplement is available at Zenodo (42). This
Longitudinal validation methods, in which 21. H. Zou, T. Hastie, J. R. Stat. Soc. Series B Stat. Methodol. 67,
study, carried out under YODA Project #2016-1005, used data
301–320 (2005).
a validation sample is drawn from the same

obtained from the Yale University Open Data Access Project, which
22. J. Friedman, T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, J. Stat. Softw. 33, 1–22 (2010).
has an agreement with JANSSEN RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT,
population at a later point in time, may pro- 23. A. M. Chekroud et al., Psychiatr. Serv. 69, 927–934 (2018).

L.L.C. The interpretation and reporting of research using this data are
vide a limited but pragmatic path to avoid 24. A. M. Chekroud et al., JAMA Psychiatry 74, 370–378 (2017).
solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily
25. Z. D. Cohen, R. J. DeRubeis, Annu Rev Clin Psychol. 14,
generalizing from one clinical setting to an- 209–236 (2018).
represent the official views of the Yale University Open Data Access
other. The growth of large mental health care Project or JANSSEN RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C. License
26. K. H. Brodersen, C. S. Ong, K. E. Stephan, J. M. Buhmann,
information: Copyright © 2024 the authors, some rights reserved;
delivery systems provides the opportunity to in 2010 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition
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(2010), pp. 3121–3124.
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Chekroud et al., Science 383, 164–167 (2024) 12 January 2024 4 of 4


OPTICS correspond to the spontaneous formation of

diverse spatiotemporal patterns (Fig. 1D).
Free-electron interaction with nonlinear optical Electrons traversing the optical evanescent
near field of the air-cladded microresonator
states in microresonators undergo inelastic electron-light scattering (IELS)
by absorbing and emitting photons, leading to
Yujia Yang1,2*†, Jan-Wilke Henke3,4†, Arslan S. Raja1,2†, F. Jasmin Kappert3,4†, Guanhao Huang1,2, “photon sidebands” in the electron spectrum
Germaine Arend3,4, Zheru Qiu1,2, Armin Feist3,4, Rui Ning Wang1,2, Aleksandr Tusnin1,2, spaced by the photon energy (10). The side-
Alexey Tikan1,2, Claus Ropers3,4*, Tobias J. Kippenberg1,2* band amplitude and the overall spectral width
are determined by a coupling parameter g (33),
The short de Broglie wavelength and strong interaction empower free electrons to probe structures which is sensitive to the electric field along the
and excitations in materials and biomolecules. Recently, electron-photon interactions have e-beam direction
enabled new optical manipulation schemes for electron beams. In this work, we demonstrate the e þ∞ w0

interaction of electrons with nonlinear optical states inside a photonic chip–based microresonator. g ðx; yÞ ¼  ∫ Ez ðx; y; z′Þei v z′ dz′ ð1Þ
2ℏw0 ∞
Optical parametric processes give rise to spatiotemporal pattern formation corresponding to
coherent or incoherent optical frequency combs. We couple such “microcombs” to electron where z is the coordinate in the e-beam direc-
beams, demonstrate their fingerprints in the electron spectra, and achieve ultrafast temporal gating tion, (x, y) is the transverse coordinate, e is the
of the electron beam. Our work demonstrates the ability to access solitons inside an electron electron charge, ℏ is Planck’s constant h di-
microscope and extends the use of microcombs to spatiotemporal control of electrons for imaging vided by 2p, w0 is the angular frequency of
and spectroscopy. the optical carrier wave, and v is the electron
velocity. In a simplified picture, a continuous

e-beam samples the electric field of the in-
onlinear optical phenomena are preva- taneous parametric generation of electron- tracavity waveforms at random arrival times
lent in science and technology, allowing photon pairs (25). However, only the linear of the electrons within the beam. This results
broadband supercontinuum for optical cavity response was exploited to enhance the in a characteristic electron spectral shape
frequency metrology (1), squeezed light intracavity field and the electron-light coupling, for each nonlinear optical intracavity state
for gravitational-wave astronomy (2), whereas nonlinear optical responses have been (Fig. 1D).

and entangled photons for quantum informa- predicted to endow electron-light interaction The experimental setup is illustrated in Fig. 2A.
tion science (3). Over the past decade, triggered with new capabilities (26, 27). Kerr microreso- We transiently generated nonlinear optical
by advances in ultralow-loss (ultrahigh quality nators support diverse intracavity nonlinear states in the transverse-electric mode family
factor Q) photonic microresonators, continuous- dissipative structures, including DKSs (5), Turing by continuously scanning the pump laser fre-

wave driven microresonators with Kerr non- patterns (28), chaotic modulation instability quency across a cavity resonance near 1551.5 nm
linearity (c(3)) have given rise to a host of (MI) (29), breathing solitons (30), and soliton and recorded electron energy spectra (200 keV
“dissipative structures”—namely, self-organizing crystals (31). We studied the in situ coupling center energy) in parallel. Several oscilloscope
spatiotemporal light patterns in nonlinear op- of electron beams with such spatiotemporal traces of the nonlinearly generated light and
tical systems (4). In particular, dissipative Kerr patterns. the detuning-dependent electron spectra are
solitons (DKSs) (5) lead to coherent optical fre- shown in Fig. 2B. The oscilloscope traces bear
quency combs with widespread applications, Transient observation of electron spectral the characteristics of a detuning scan for a
from atomic clocks (6) and telecommunications modulation by nonlinear optical states Kerr nonlinear cavity with anomalous disper-
(7) to photonic computing (8) and astrophysical We studied and harnessed nonlinear optical sion, exhibiting a typical “soliton step” (5). We
spectroscopy (9). effects in a transmission electron microscope identified five regions corresponding to dis-

y g
Photonic structures mediating electron-photon (TEM) using ultralow-loss Si3N4 photonic chip– tinct intracavity states, agreeing with the sim-
interactions have brought new optical manip- based microresonators (24, 25). The fiber- ulated stability chart (Fig. 2C) in terms of the
ulations to electron beams, enabling high space/ packaged photonic chip was placed in the TEM pump power and detuning: (i) At low power,
time/energy–resolution electron microscopy with the quasi-monochromatic electron beam nonlinear optical responses are negligible, lead-
(10–12), quantum-coherent optical modulation (e-beam) passing over the microresonator sur- ing to a monochromatic CW intracavity field;
and probing (13–17), longitudinal and trans- face in an aloof geometry (Fig. 1A). The micro- (ii) with an increased detuning, and thus a higher

verse electron beam shaping (18–20), dielectric resonator (Fig. 1B) features a high Q of ~3.0 × intracavity power, cascaded FWM generates

laser acceleration (21), and electron-driven light 106 and anomalous group velocity dispersion new frequency components and an amplitude
sources (22, 23). Recently, high-Q silicon nitride to resonantly enhance the intracavity field and modulation of the intracavity field, known as a
(Si3N4) photonic chip–based microresonators facilitate nonlinear frequency mixing. When Turing pattern; (iii) when further red-detuning
have been used to demonstrate continuous- pumped by a continuous-wave (CW) laser above the pump, the intracavity state enters the
beam electron phase modulation (24) and spon- the parametric oscillation threshold (32), cas- chaotic MI regime, corresponding to a disor-
caded four-wave mixing (FWM) leads to the dered, rapidly varying waveform and an inco-
generation of incoherent or coherent optical herent Kerr frequency comb; (iv) when tuning
frequency combs corresponding to various dis- the pump to the soliton step, localized struc-
Institute of Physics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology sipative structures (4) attainable by scanning the tures are spontaneously formed, which at small
Lausanne (EPFL), CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland. 2Center pump laser frequency from the blue to the red detunings consist of breathing solitons with
for Quantum Science and Engineering, EPFL, CH-1015
side of the resonance—changing the frequency periodically oscillating temporal and spec-
Lausanne, Switzerland. 3Department of Ultrafast Dynamics,
Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, D-37077 difference or detuning between the pump laser tral shapes; and (v) with an increased detun-
Göttingen, Germany. 4Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, and the cavity resonance (Fig. 1C). In particular, ing on the soliton step, shape-invariant stable
D-37077 Göttingen, Germany. DKSs exist in the bistability regime of the reso- DKSs are generated, featuring one or multiple
*Corresponding author. Email: (Y.Y.); (C.R.); (T.J.K.) nance tilt caused by Kerr nonlinearity. In the femtosecond temporal pulses and a coherent
†These authors contributed equally to this work. time domain, nonlinear dissipative structures frequency comb.

Yang et al., Science 383, 168–173 (2024) 12 January 2024 1 of 6



Normalized intracavity power (arb. u.)

Pump laser tuning direction


n in
Electron gun

e 0.8


e- energy




Microresonator 0.4

Photonic Light output
chip-based 0.5 mm Effective red
micro- 0
-5 0 5 10
resonator Normalized detuning (arb. u.)

D Continuous Chaotic modulation Dissipative

Time wave instability Kerr soliton

e- energy Light input

Spectrum (log.)

Spectrum (log.)

Spectrum (log.)


Electron energy Electron energy Electron energy

Fig. 1. Free-electron interaction with nonlinear optical states. (A) detuning showing a resonance tilt and bistability from the Kerr effect.

Schematic of the experiment. Electrons in a TEM pass by a photonic chip–based (D) Illustration of intracavity waveforms and post-interaction electron spectra
nonlinear microresonator. Stimulated inelastic scattering between electrons for CW, chaotic MI, and DKS states. The electron spectral broadening originates
and nonlinear optical states induces electron spectral broadening. (B) Photograph of from incoherent summation of electrons that interact with the intracavity field at
the fiber-packaged Si3N4 photonic chip. (C) Intracavity power versus laser different times.

For electrons interacting with these states, The simulated intracavity waveforms and ing in constructive or destructive interfer-
the coupling parameter (Eq. 1) becomes optical spectra are shown in Fig. 2D, as well ence owing to a phase delay between the two
  as the measured optical and electron spectra interactions (24, 35). We changed this phase
e þ∞ z′ for four intracavity states. Electron spectra in delay by scanning the e-beam position along
2ℏw0 ∫∞
g ðx; yÞ ¼  A f þ f þ D 1 ; t

y g
Fig. 2, B and D, demonstrate disparate charac- the chip surface and acquired electron spec-
  teristic shapes for different states. For the CW tra while maintaining a given intracavity state
 ef ðx; yÞcos f  er ðx; yÞsin f
w0 w0
state, the electron spectrum has the typical (Fig. 3). For dissipative structures, the evolu-
 ein c Rf ei v z′ dz′ ð2Þ double-peak shape from coherent phase mod- tion of both the optical carrier and envelope
ulation. For the Turing pattern and chaotic between the two interaction regions provides
where A(f, t) is the intracavity waveform in MI, the electron spectrum broadens because more complex free-electron modulations than

the frame rotating at the optical group velocity of increasing intracavity power. A Gaussian- the coherent phase modulation at a uniform

with the microresonator angular coordinate f shaped background appears, and the double field strength.
and the slow time t (4); D1/2p is the microreso- peaks reduce in intensity. We attribute these For the monochromatic CW field (Fig. 3B),
nator free spectral range (FSR); ef and er are observations to the intracavity field strength the electron spectral width oscillation along
the tangential and radial optical modal fields, no longer being uniform. In the stable DKS the radial position has the typical pattern of
respectively; n is the linear refractive index; c state stochastically generated by the detuning previously reported Ramsey-type interferences
is the speed of light; R is the microresonator scan, the electron spectrum features a strong, (Fig. 3D) (24). The oscillation nodes or destruc-
ring radius; and f0 is the angular offset of the narrow central peak on a weak, broad plateau. tive interference arises from a p-phase shift of
rotating frame from the laboratory frame. The the optical field at the two interactions.
coupling parameter further determines the elec- Fingerprints of dissipative structures For a Turing pattern, the generated frequency
tron spectrum through the Nth photon side- in Ramsey-type interference components and the accompanying amplitude
h iN We gained further insights into the interaction modulation (Fig. 3C) alter the electron spec-
band amplitude JN ½2jg ðx; yÞj jgg ððx;y Þ
x;yÞj , where of electrons with nonlinear dissipative struc- trum. The electron spectrum (Fig. 3E) has a cen-
JN is the Bessel function of the first kind. We tures by investigating the Ramsey-type inter- tral, low-energy-change part of the spectrum
obtained continuous e-beam spectra by means ferences from two sequential interactions with that resembles the double-peak shape from a
of an incoherent averaging over the angular the microresonator. The e-beam intersects the CW interaction but with a narrower spectral
offset f0 and the slow time t (34). waveguide near field twice (Fig. 3A), result- width caused by a reduced intracavity pump

Yang et al., Science 383, 168–173 (2024) 12 January 2024 2 of 6


A B C 0.3

Electron energy shift (eV) Generated light (arb. u.)

2 3

OSA TEM 1.5 5

Light 1 step
ESA output

Pump power (W)

PD 1
1 2 3 4 5
-30 105

e- counts (arb. u.)

VNA 104
-10 0.1
input 103 CW
Turing pattern
EDFA 10 102 Chaotic MI
CW pump
20 Breather
Stable DKS
Trigger 30
AFG 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.4 0.8 1.2
Time (µs) Detuning (GHz)
D Simulation Simulation Experiment Experiment
Simulated intracavity waveform (arb. units)

Measured electron spectrum (50 dB/div)

Simulated optical spectrum (80 dB/div)

Measured optical spectrum (80 dB/div)



- -100 100 1490 1620 -32 32
Resonator angular coordinate Mode number Wavelength (nm) Electron energy change (eV)

Fig. 2. Electron spectra imprinted by nonlinear dissipative structures. indicate regions corresponding to different intracavity states. (C) Simulated
(A) Experimental setup. OSA, optical spectrum analyzer; ESA, electronic stability chart of the microresonator showing the two-dimensional parameter

spectrum analyzer; OSC, oscilloscope; VNA, vector network analyzer; space of pump power and detuning. Colored regions indicate the existence
AFG, arbitrary waveform generator; PD, photodetector; EOM, electro-optic ranges for the labeled states. The dashed arrow depicts the detuning scan in (B).
modulator; EDFA, erbium-doped fiber amplifier; FBG, fiber Bragg grating; (D) Simulated optical waveforms and spectra, as well as measured optical
CIRC, optical circulator; FPC, fiber polarization controller; and BS, beam splitter. and electron spectra for (top to bottom, respectively) CW, Turing pattern, chaotic
(B) (Top) Oscilloscope traces of the generated light and (bottom) the electron MI, and DKS states. The numbering and color-coding are equivalent to that
spectrum when scanning the pump laser frequency across a resonance. in (B) and (C). Measured electron spectra are vertical slices of the electron
Electron spectra are summed over multiple scans. Dashed lines and numbers spectrum in (B), indicated with the colored arrows.

power due to FWM. Additionally, the electron and absence of nodes in the position-dependent D2 is the second-order dispersion (5). The ob-

y g
spectrum has a broad shoulder that is absent scan (Fig. 3H), resulting from random intracav- served corresponding electron spectra have a
in the CW case. This shoulder arises from the ity field strengths that prohibit well-defined distinct shape featuring a strong, narrow, low-
interaction of electrons with the intensity peaks interference conditions. The e-beam modulated energy-change region and a weak, broad pla-
of the intracavity waveform (Fig. 3E, inset). For by the chaotic MI state possesses a Gaussian teau (Fig. 3I). The former exhibits the hallmark
the chosen e-beam position, the temporal pe- spectrum similar to that previously reported of a coherent phase modulation produced by
riodicity of the Turing pattern amplitude mod- for thermal states (17). Rather than invoking the CW background. The latter has a low total

ulation is approximately commensurate with photon statistics, our analysis attributes the spectral weight and a broad width originating

the travel time difference of the electron and spectral shape to the statistical fluctuations of from the interaction between electrons and the
the optical envelope between the two interac- the intracavity optical intensity, stochastically high-peak-power femtosecond soliton pulse.
tion regions (DTtravel ≈ NTTuring, N ∈ ℤ) (34). sampled by the electrons and averaged on the Because the DKS pulse duration (~100 fs) is
Hence, the electron experiences nearly equal detector (34). much shorter than the round-trip time (~10 ps),
optical intensities in the two interactions be- In the stable DKS state, a single temporal only a small fraction of the electrons in the con-
cause of the time-translation invariance of the soliton pulse circulates in the cavity on a weak tinuous e-beam interact with the pulse. Hence,
periodic Turing pattern; this leads to similar CW background (Figs. 2D and 3A), forming a the plateau is much lower than the central region.
modulation strengths just like the CW case. coherent, low-noise optical frequency comb In addition, the plateau has a moderate, position-
Therefore, the spectral widths of the low-energy- with a sech2 spectral shape (Fig. 3G). The an- dependent spectral width oscillation, arising from
change part and the broad shoulder jointly in- alytical waveform is the Ramsey interference of electrons interacting
crease and decrease. rffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffiffi  with the soliton pulse and the CW background
For the chaotic MI (incoherent Kerr comb) 4D iq0 2D one time each. This oscillation has the same pe-
Y ≃ Y0 þ e sech f ð3Þ
(Fig. 3F), the characteristic double peaks from k D2 riod as that of the CW Ramsey pattern but with
uniform phase modulation disappear, and the an offset that encodes the soliton phase (34).
electron spectrum has a smooth Gaussian shape. where D denotes the pump detuning, k is the For all four intracavity states, experimental
We further found a reduced spatial dependence cavity decay rate, q0 is the soliton phase, and results were well reproduced with simulations

Yang et al., Science 383, 168–173 (2024) 12 January 2024 3 of 6


A e- B 0
C 0
CW Turing pattern

Optical spectrum (dBm)

Optical spectrum (dBm)

CW -40 -40

e -e
ne -80 -80
rgy 1500 1550 1600 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650
sh sition Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm)
ift Radial po
D 1.38 Exp. Intensity (dB) Sim.
E 1.38 Exp. Sim.
-50 0 interaction
Radial position (µm)

Radial position (µm)


0 0 e-
e- spectrum (dB)

e- spectrum (dB)
0 0

-50 -50
-30 -15 0 15 30 -30 -15 0 15 30 -30 -15 0 15 30 -30 -15 0 15 30
Electron energy change (eV) Electron energy change (eV) Electron energy change (eV) Electron energy change (eV)
0 Chaotic MI 0 Single DKS
Optical spectrum (dBm)

Optical spectrum (dBm)

-40 -40

-80 -80
1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650
Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm)
H 1.38 I 1.38
Exp. Sim. Exp. Sim.
Radial position (µm)

Radial position (µm)

0 0

y g
e- spectrum (dB)

e- spectrum (dB)

0 0

-50 -50
-30 -15 0 15 30 -30 -15 0 15 30 -30 -15 0 15 30 -30 -15 0 15 30
Electron energy change (eV) Electron energy change (eV) Electron energy change (eV) Electron energy change (eV)

Fig. 3. Ramsey-type interference of nonlinear intracavity states. (A) Illustration (Sim.) Ramsey interference patterns for these states. For each interference pattern,

of the double interactions between the e-beam and the microresonator supporting two line cuts (green and blue dashed lines) are plotted at bottom. The schematic
an exemplary DKS state. Position-dependent electron spectra are shown at bottom. in (E) depicts snapshots of the Turing pattern at the two interactions for one
(B, C, F, and G) Measured optical spectra for (B) CW, (C) Turing pattern, (F) chaotic exemplary electron arrival time. The sech2 fitting of the optical spectrum in
MI, (G) and single-DKS states. (D, E, H, and I) Measured (Exp.) and simulated (G) corresponds to a DKS pulse duration of ~98.5 fs.

by using the reduced time-dependent Schrödinger of the Kerr microresonator (Fig. 4A). Adjusting the detuning-dependent DKS frequency comb
equation for electrons and the Lugiato-Lefever the detuning D alters the DKS pulse duration, width, with increasing detuning leading to a
equation for nonlinear optics (Fig. 3). We also peak field, and background CW amplitude. broader spectrum—that is, a shorter DKS pulse
pffiffi qffiffiffiffi
observed additional electron spectral features Shown in Fig. 4B is a DKS state characterized
duration tFWHM ≃ 2 arcosh
 D2D2 .
caused by multisoliton states, incommensurate by scanning the electro-optic-modulation side-
Turing patterns, soliton pulse edges, and breath- bands of the pump by means of a vector net- When measuring the electron spectrum, an
ing solitons (supplementary materials) (34). work analyzer (VNA) (Fig. 2A) for three different increasing detuning D leads to a wider pla-
detunings (D1, D2, and D3). The VNA traces il- teau, induced
ffi by an increasing DKS peak field
Probing soliton dynamics with free electrons lustrate the soliton (S) and cavity (C) resonances, (∼ 4D=k ) (Fig. 4D). Meanwhile, the plateau
We used free electrons to probe basic proper- with the latter revealing the detuning (36). The height slightly decreases because the DKS pulse
ties of DKSs existing in the bistability regime measured optical spectra (Fig. 4C) demonstrate duration tFWHM decreases, and fewer electrons

Yang et al., Science 383, 168–173 (2024) 12 January 2024 4 of 6


A B C -30



pe W
up C

Power (dBm)
power (a. u.)


Power (dB)

Δ Soliton
CW-lower -60
branch Δ1 Δ2 Δ3 -70

λ 0 400 800 1200 1500 1550 1600 1650

Detuning Frequency (MHz) Wavelength (nm)
D 0 E
Δ1 400

e- counts
e- spectrum (dB)

Pulse width (fs)

200 300 110

|g max |
-2 0 2
Electron energy change (eV) 100
-25 200
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 400 500 600 700 800
Electron energy change (eV) Detuning (MHz)

Fig. 4. Electron probing of DKSs. (A) Resonance bistability caused by the Kerr effect. DKS is formed when the high-power CW branch (black) decays to the soliton
branch (green). In the soliton state, the pump is effectively red-detuned, and both soliton branch and low-power CW branch (blue) exist. (B) Double-resonance
response of soliton (S) and cavity (C) observed with a vector network analyzer. (C and D) The (C) optical and (D) electron spectra acquired at three different detunings
(D1, D2, and D3) indicated in (B). (E) Detuning dependence of the dimensionless coupling parameter jgmax j2 and soliton pulse duration. The error bars indicate maximal
and minimal values obtained at 100 e-beam positions.

interact with the pulse. A larger detuning more- by use of DKSs instead of mode-locked lasers. 21. R. J. England et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 86, 1337–1389 (2014).
over leads to a weaker CW background Y0, Proper spectral filtering will lead to a train of 22. G. Adamo et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 113901 (2009).
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of the central region of the electron spectra gigahertz-to-terahertz repetition rate, which is 24. J.-W. Henke et al., Nature 600, 653–658 (2021).
(Fig. 4D, inset). We illustrate in Fig. 4E the de- orders of magnitude greater than that of state-of- 25. A. Feist et al., Science 377, 777–780 (2022).
26. A. Konečná, V. Di Giulio, V. Mkhitaryan, C. Ropers,
tuning dependence of the plateau width [ap- the-art ultrafast TEMs, allowing a much greater F. J. García de Abajo, ACS Photonics 7, 1290–1296 (2020).
proximated by 4jgmax jℏw0 , where gmax is the beam current. Moreover, by accurately phase- 27. F. J. García de Abajo, E. J. C. Dias, V. Di Giulio, Phys. Rev. Lett.
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jgp j isffi proportional to the DKS peak field
max be foreseen. Our work thus presents avenues 30. M. Yu et al., Nat. Commun. 8, 14569 (2017).
∼ 4D=k, its square scales linearly with the de- for ultrafast electron-light-matter interactions 31. D. C. Cole, E. S. Lamb, P. Del’Haye, S. A. Diddams, S. B. Papp,
Nat. Photonics 11, 671–676 (2017).
tuning D. A continuous detuning scan shows a driven by chip-based temporal solitons. 32. T. J. Kippenberg, S. M. Spillane, K. J. Vahala, Phys. Rev. Lett.

y g
similar scaling (34). 93, 083904 (2004).
33. S. T. Park, M. Lin, A. H. Zewail, New J. Phys. 12, 123028 (2010).
RE FERENCES AND NOTES 34. Materials and methods are available as supplementary
Discussion and outlook
1. J. M. Dudley, G. Genty, S. Coen, Rev. Mod. Phys. 78, 1135–1184 materials.
Optical manipulation of free electrons is extended (2006). 35. K. E. Echternkamp, A. Feist, S. Schäfer, C. Ropers, Nat. Phys.
2. H. Grote et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 181101 (2013). 12, 1000–1004 (2016).
beyond the regimes of pulsed or continuous-
3. P. G. Kwiat et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 4337–4341 (1995). 36. H. Guo et al., Nat. Phys. 13, 94–102 (2017).
wave lasers. Bringing free electron–light inter-

4. T. J. Kippenberg, A. L. Gaeta, M. Lipson, M. L. Gorodetsky, 37. M. T. Hassan, H. Liu, J. S. Baskin, A. H. Zewail, Proc. Natl. Acad.
action to the nonlinear optics regime opens up Science 361, eaan8083 (2018). Sci. U.S.A. 112, 12944–12949 (2015).

5. T. Herr et al., Nat. Photonics 8, 145–152 (2014). 38. X. Fu et al., Nat. Commun. 11, 5770 (2020).
the potential to noninvasively probe nonlinear 39. Y. Yang et al., Figure data for: Free-electron interaction with
6. S. B. Papp et al., Optica 1, 10 (2014).
optical dynamics and devices with nanometer- 7. P. Marin-Palomo et al., Nature 546, 274–279 (2017). nonlinear optical states in microresonators. Zenodo (2023);
femtosecond spatiotemporal resolution and 8. J. Feldmann et al., Nature 589, 52–58 (2021).
direct access to the intracavity field. The in- 9. E. Obrzud et al., Nat. Photonics 13, 31–35 (2019).
10. B. Barwick, D. J. Flannigan, A. H. Zewail, Nature 462, 902–906 AC KNOWLED GME NTS
tegrated photonics toolbox provides diversity (2009). Photonic chips were fabricated in the Center of
and flexibility for on-chip arbitrary optical wave- 11. D. Nabben, J. Kuttruff, L. Stolz, A. Ryabov, P. Baum, Nature MicroNanoTechnology (CMi) and the Institute of Physics
form generation and frequency conversion, prom- 619, 63–67 (2023). cleanroom at EPFL. We thank J. Liu for helping with the fabrication.
12. A. Polman, M. Kociak, F. J. García de Abajo, Nat. Mater. 18, Funding: This material is based on work supported by the Air
ising advanced electron control schemes with 1158–1171 (2019). Force Office of Scientific Research under award FA9550-19-1-0250
flexible and programmable sideband amplitudes. 13. A. Feist et al., Nature 521, 200–203 (2015). and by the Swiss National Science Foundation under grant
Furthermore, we achieved ultrafast electron- 14. K. Wang et al., Nature 582, 50–54 (2020). agreement 185870 (Ambizione). Y.Y. acknowledges support from
15. O. Kfir et al., Nature 582, 46–49 (2020). the EU H2020 research and innovation program under the
light interaction with chip-based femtosecond
16. V. Di Giulio, M. Kociak, F. J. G. de Abajo, Optica 6, 1524 Marie Skłodowska-Curie IF grant agreement 101033593 (SEPhIM).
temporal solitons in the absence of pulsed lasers (2019). The experiments were conducted at the Göttingen UTEM Lab,
or electron sources. This approach facilitates 17. R. Dahan et al., Science 373, eabj7128 (2021). funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG;
18. K. E. Priebe et al., Nat. Photonics 11, 793–797 (2017). German Research Foundation) through grant 432680300/SFB
ultrafast electron microscopy in a conventional
19. G. M. Vanacore et al., Nat. Mater. 18, 573–579 (2019). 1456 (project C01) and the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz program,
TEM equipped with a photonic chip and a CW 20. A. Konečná, F. J. G. de Abajo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 030801 and the EU H2020 research and innovation program under
laser, using temporal photon-gating (37, 38) (2020). grant agreement 101017720 (FET-Proactive EBEAM).

Yang et al., Science 383, 168–173 (2024) 12 January 2024 5 of 6


Author contributions: Conceptualization, supervision, project A.S.R., F.J.K., C.R., and T.J.K. Writing (review and editing): all SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
administration, and funding acquisition: T.J.K. and C.R. Methodology: authors. Competing interests: The authors declare no competing
A.S.R., Y.Y., J.-W.H., F.J.K., G.H., Z.Q., A.F., R.N.W., A.Tu., and A.Ti. financial interests. Data and materials availability: The code and Materials and Methods
Software: F.J.K., A.Ti., J.-W.H., and A.Tu. Validation: A.S.R., J.-W.H., data used to produce the plots within this work are available in Supplementary Text
Y.Y., and F.J.K. Formal analysis: Y.Y., J.-W.H., A.S.R., F.J.K., and Zenodo (39). License information: Copyright © 2024 the authors, Figs. S1 to S17
G.H. Investigation: J.-W.H., Y.Y., F.J.K., A.S.R., G.H., G.A., and some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association References (40–84)
A.F. Resources: F.J.K., Z.Q., R.N.W., A.F., and G.A. Data curation: for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original US
J.-W.H., F.J.K., Y.Y., and A.S.R. Visualization: Y.Y., F.J.K., A.S.R., government works. Submitted 10 August 2023; accepted 17 November 2023
and J.-W.H. Writing (original draft preparation): Y.Y., J.-W.H., licenses-journal-article-reuse 10.1126/science.adk2489

y g

Yang et al., Science 383, 168–173 (2024) 12 January 2024 6 of 6


ELECTROCHEMISTRY ylporphyrin) has been studied recently as a

molecular ORR electrocatalyst and was selected
Synthetic dioxygenase reactivity by pairing as the catalyst for the present investigation
(Fig. 2A) (23). Cyclic voltammetry (CV) of 1-Cl
electrochemical oxygen reduction and water oxidation in acetonitrile showed a reversible redox wave
at –0.75 V versus Fc+/Fc (where Fc is ferrocene),
Md. Asmaul Hoque, James B. Gerken, Shannon S. Stahl* corresponding to the MnIII/II redox couple.
Substantial enhancement of the cathodic cur-
The reactivity of molecular oxygen is crucial to clean energy technologies and green chemical synthesis, rent was observed at this potential under 1 atm
but kinetic barriers complicate both applications. In synthesis, dioxygen should be able to undergo O2 in the presence of acetic acid (AcOH) (Fig.
oxygen atom transfer to two organic molecules with perfect atom economy, but such reactivity is rare. 2B, blue trace a), resembling studies of ORR
Monooxygenase enzymes commonly reductively activate dioxygen by sacrificing one of the oxygen atoms electrocatalysis with molecular Mn complexes
to generate a more reactive oxidant. Here, we used a manganese-tetraphenylporphyrin catalyst to pair (23–26). The addition of Ph2S to this reaction
electrochemical oxygen reduction and water oxidation, generating a reactive manganese-oxo at mixture suppressed the catalytic current (Fig.
both electrodes. This process supports dioxygen atom transfer to two thioether substrate molecules, 2B, red trace b). This current suppression was
generating two equivalents of sulfoxide with a single equivalent of dioxygen. This net dioxygenase also evident in constant-potential electrolysis
reactivity consumes no electrons but uses electrochemical energy to overcome kinetic barriers. experiments performed under the optimized
reaction conditions (see below), with an ap-
plied potential of –0.8 V versus Fc+/Fc (Fig. 2C).

ontrolling the chemistry of molecular the kinetic limitations of OAT by generating a In the presence of the Ph2S substrate, a stable
oxygen (O2) is notoriously challenging. stronger oxidant, which is reflected by the current of ~–5 mA was recorded. A slow decay

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) derived higher reduction potential of H2O2 relative to in the current was evident in the absence of
from O2 play a major role in human O2: E°H2O2/H2O = 1.76 V versus E°O2/H2O = 1.23 V the substrate, but the initial current of –8.9 mA
disease and aging. The energy ineffici- (Fig. 1A). The challenge of using O2 as a four- was nearly twice that observed in the presence
ency of the oxygen reduction and evolution reac- electron oxidant in two OAT reactions may be of Ph2S.
tions (ORR and OER, respectively) in fuel compared with the four-electron electrochemical The reduction in current evident in the pres-
cells and electrolyzers impedes the broader ORR and OER processes. Studies of molecular ence of substrate suggests that Ph2S can inter-

adoption of these clean energy technologies. catalysts for the latter reactions commonly cept the proposed MnV=O ORR intermediate
O2 finds limited use as an environmentally invoke metal-oxo intermediates that undergo (Fig. 2D, path b), enabling OAT rather than full
benign chemical oxidant because of its poor further reduction to H2O (ORR) (14) or that reduction of O2 to H2O (Fig. 2D, path a). Bulk
selectivity in reactions with most organic mol- react with H2O or another metal-oxo species electrolysis data suggest that this alternate

ecules. These examples highlight the multitude to form the O–O bond (OER) (15). These mech- pathway can be quite efficient. The Mn-catalyzed
of redox steps available to O2: single-electron anisms inspired consideration of an electro- OAT reaction with Ph2S proceeded with an
steps associated with ROS, 4 e–/4 H+ processes chemical strategy to achieve net dioxygenase excellent FE (87%) during constant current
in the ORR and OER, and two-electron oxida- reactivity by pairing monooxygenase and de- electrolysis experiments, with a >30:1 ratio
tion reactions of organic molecules. Oxygen- hydrogenase reactivity at the cathode and of sulfoxide to sulfone (Ph2SO2) (5 mA; Fig. 2E,
atom transfer (OAT) reactions are prominent anode, respectively (Fig. 1B). Parallel pathways entry 1). The nonunity FE likely arises from
two-electron oxidation reactions that play a for reductive activation of O2 and oxidation of electrochemical reduction of the MnV=O inter-
central role in the synthesis of organic chem- H2O will generate the same metal-oxo species mediate, reflecting 4 e– ORR (23). The relative
icals, ranging from pharmaceuticals to polymer (Fig. 1C), enabling OAT from O2 to two sub- rate of these pathways changed under different
building blocks. Energetic considerations indi- strate molecules. Here, we demonstrate this conditions. When AcOH was replaced with tri-

y g
cate that O2 should be able to add oxygen to concept by using a manganese porphyrin cat- fluoroacetic acid (TFAH), then negligible Ph2S
two organic molecules with perfect atom econ- alyst to support double OAT with a single oxidation was observed (Fig. 2E, entry 2). This
omy. Such reactions are favorable (1), but equivalent of O2, with thioether oxidation to observation and results obtained with other
thermodynamically challenging oxidations, such sulfoxide as a representative high-potential oxi- carboxylic acids suggest that stronger acids
as C–H hydroxylation, thioether oxygenation, dation reaction. This specific example of linear favor proton-coupled reduction of the MnV=O
and alkene epoxidation (Fig. 1A), have rela- paired electrolysis (16–19) shows how electro- intermediate over OAT (see section 6 of the

tively small potential difference between O2 chemical energy may be used to overcome supplementary materials for additional data).

reduction and substrate oxidation. Such reac- kinetic barriers in the generation of reactive Even better OAT results were observed upon
tions have little kinetic margin for error, and OAT species from O2 without the net con- adding N-methyl imidazole (NMI) as an axial
successful examples are exceedingly rare (2–8). sumption of electrons (Fig. 1C). ligand to the conditions with AcOH, resulting
Monooxygenase enzymes such as cytochrome in 99% FE (Fig. 2E, entry 3). High FE (94%) was
P450 and methane monooxygenase generate a Cathodic monooxygenase activity retained even when the catalyst loading was
reactive metal-oxo species by using a sacrificial This study was initiated by independently ex- reduced to 0.1 mol% (Fig. 2E, entry 4). Col-
reductant to activate O2 (9–11). Dioxygenase ploring the cathodic monooxygenase and anodic lectively, these results show that catalytic ORR
enzymes transfer both oxygen atoms from O2 dehydrogenase reactions using the oxidation of reactivity can be diverted to support efficient
to substrate(s), but these enzymes typically use diphenyl sulfide (Ph2S) to the corresponding monooxygenase OAT reactivity through electro-
a-ketoglutarate or another sacrificial substrate sulfoxide (Ph2SO) as a benchmark OAT reaction. chemical reductive activation of O2.
to promote two-electron oxidation reactions Prior studies have explored the use of Fe- and Mn-
(8, 12, 13). Reductive activation of O2 overcomes porphyrins in electrochemical monooxygenase Anodic dehydrogenase activity
reactions (20–22). These studies did not report The same Mn(TPP) complex was then eval-
synthetic yields, and only moderate Faradaic uated as an anodic OAT electrocatalyst (27–32),
Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin–Madison,
Madison, WI 53706, USA. efficiency (FE) was observed (typically <50% with the goal of generating a MnV=O species
*Corresponding author. Email: FE). Mn(TPP)Cl (1-Cl, where TPP is tetraphen- by proton-coupled oxidation of a MnIII–OH2

Hoque et al., Science 383, 173–178 (2024) 12 January 2024 1 of 6


Fig. 1. Adaptation of O2 reduction and H2O oxidation for organic oxidation reaction. (A) Energetic analysis for O2 reduction, substrate oxidation, and net
dioxygenase reactivity (gray box). (B) Electrochemical O2 reduction and evolution reactions may be adapted to support oxygen atom–transfer reactions through
reductive activation of O2 and H2O oxidation. (C) Linear paired electrolysis strategy to support synthetic dioxygenase reactivity using a common catalyst.

y g
species (Fig. 3A) (33). This reactivity resembles appeared just beyond the MnIV/III wave. Con- (1:1 acid:base) with pKa values ranging from
key steps in the electrocatalytic OER. Cofacial stant current electrolysis experiments revealed 8.8 to 14.7. The resulting data provide the basis
bridged Mn-porphyrins and mononuclear nearly quantitative FE in the presence of 0.1 or for a nonaqueous Pourbaix diagram (Fig. 3D)
Mn-macrocycles have been studied previous- 1 M H2O, forming only Ph2SO (Fig. 3C, entries (37). Several features of the Pourbaix diagram

ly as electrochemical OER electrocatalysts 1 and 2). No sulfone by-product was observed merit attention. First, the MnIII/II redox process

(34–36). The proposed role of MnV=O inter- under these conditions, and inclusion of NMI is independent of the buffer pKa, implicating
mediates in these reactions suggested that it as an axial ligand had minimal impact on the a [MnIII-OH2]+/[MnII-OH2] redox couple that
might be possible to intercept this species reactivity (95% FE; Fig. 3C, entry 3). Once involves no proton transfer to or from the
with an organic substrate, enabling OAT again, excellent performance was observed upon bound H2O molecule. Second, the MnIV/III
rather than O2 evolution. CV analysis of 1-Cl lowering the catalyst loading to 0.1 mol% potential varies with the buffer and exhibits
in MeCN in the presence of 1 M H2O showed (97% FE). a change in slope near the middle of the buf-
two quasireversible redox features at 0.59 and Reactions with other substrates revealed that fer pKa range. These results suggest that
0.82 V versus Fc+/Fc, corresponding to MnIV/III the catalytic onset potential can vary. For exam- the Mn IV/III potential corresponds to [MnIII
and MnV/IV redox events, respectively (Fig. 3B, ple, the electron-rich substrate thioanisole fea- -OH2]+/[MnIV-OH]+ at lower electrolyte pKa and
black trace). The lack of a catalytic wave at tured an onset potential aligned with the MnIV/III [MnIII-OH2]+/[MnIV=O] at higher pKa. Fitting
either potential indicates that reaction of potential, whereas the electron-deficient sub- of the data to reflect theoretical slopes of –59
these species with H2O is slow on the CV strate 4-cyano-thioanisole aligned with the MnV/IV and –118 mV/pKa units across the full range
time scale. By contrast, substantial catalytic potential (fig. S12). To gain more insights into yields a pKa value of 12.4 for the [MnIV-OH]+
current was observed when 100 mM Ph2S was Mn-based redox processes, redox potentials species (see section 8.3 in the supplementary
added to this solution (Fig. 3B, red trace). The were recorded for [Mn(TPP)(OH2)]SbF6, 1-OH2, materials for fitting procedure). Third, the MnV/IV
catalytic onset potential of 0.64 V versus Fc+/Fc with a series of different buffering electrolytes potential exhibits a –59 mV/pKa slope at pKa <

Hoque et al., Science 383, 173–178 (2024) 12 January 2024 2 of 6


y g
Fig. 2. Analysis of electrochemical monooxygenase reactivity. (A) Electrochemical monooxygenase reactions. The intermediate MnV=O species can undergo oxygen

reductive activation of O2 for monooxygenase-type oxygenation of Ph2S. (B) Cyclic atom transfer or proton-coupled reduction to H2O. (E) Influence of acid source and NMI
voltammograms of 1 mM 1-Cl in acetonitrile under N2 (black), 1 atm O2/200 mM on Ph2S oxidation during constant current electrolysis (5 mA) in an H-type divided cell.
AcOH (blue), and 1 atm O2/200 mM AcOH/100 mM Ph2S (red), all with 0.1 M A 38.6 C charge was passed to attain 20% theoretical conversion. Faradaic yield is the
n-Bu4NPF6. Scan rate = 50 mV/s. (C) Constant potential electrolysis of 1 mM 1-Cl charge used to form product (2 e−/mol Ph2SO, 4 e−/mol Ph2SO2)/total charge passed;
(1 mol%) in a divided cell, 1 atm O2/200 mM AcOH/100 mM Ph2S in MeCN (red), TON is the turnover number (mmol product/mmol 1-Cl). FEc, FE in the cathode (sum
and 1 atm O2/200 mM AcOH in MeCN (blue). (D) Proposed mechanism for electrochemical of the Faradaic yields); RVC, reticulated vitreous carbon. *0.1 mM 1-Cl (0.1 mol%).

12.4, consistent with a [MnIV-OH]+/[MnV=O]+ with the observed onset potentials for catalytic ganic substrate with no competition from H2O
redox couple. For buffers with pKa > 12.4, the substrate oxidation, provide the basis for the oxidation to O2.
MnV/IV potential was less well defined because catalytic mechanism shown in Fig. 3E. The
of the redox instability of the electrolytes; substrate-dependent variations in catalytic Net dioxygenase activity
however, the data fit reasonably well with a onset potentials suggest that OAT can be ini- The results presented in Figs. 2 and 3 show
pKa-independent redox couple, corresponding tiated by either MnIV-(hydr)oxo or MnV-oxo that the same Mn(TPP) catalyst supports both
to [MnV=O]+/[MnIV=O]. These data, together species. Both pathways enable OAT to the or- monooxygenase reactivity through reductive

Hoque et al., Science 383, 173–178 (2024) 12 January 2024 3 of 6


y g
Fig. 3. Analysis of electrochemical dehydrogenase reactivity. (A) Electrochemical current electrolysis (5 mA) in an H-type divided cell. A 38.6 C charge was passed
oxidative activation of H2O for dehydrogenase-type oxygenation of Ph2S. (B) Cyclic to attain 20% theoretical conversion. FEa, FE in the anode (sum of the Faradaic yields).
voltammograms of 1 mM 1-Cl in acetonitrile with 1 M H2O in the absence of 100 mM *0.1 mM 1-Cl (0.1 mol%). (D) Nonaqueous Pourbaix diagram with various organic
Ph2S (black) and in the presence of 100 mM Ph2S (red), all with 0.1 M n-Bu4NPF6. buffer solutions (see fitting details in section 8.3 of the supplementary materials).
Scan rate = 50 mV/s. (C) Influence of H2O and NMI on Ph2S oxidation during constant (E) Proposed mechanism for electrochemical dehydrogenase reactions.

activation of O2 at the cathode and dehydro- mance was evaluated by using a “combined FE” sulfoxide. Although this metric is used in the lit-
genase reactivity through H2O oxidation at metric that accounts for the charge associated erature (16, 18) and is helpful for “bookkeeping,”
the anode. Because H2O is a stoichiometric by- with the formation of sulfoxide (2 e–) and sul- there is no consumption or generation of elec-
product in the cathodic reaction and a sub- fone (4 e–) at either electrode, divided by the trons in the net dioxygenase reaction (compare
strate in the anodic reaction, pairing of these total charge passed in the electrochemical cir- Fig. 1B and see further discussion below).
two reactions within a single electrochemical cuit. FEs (i.e., Faradaic yields) of 200% are To test this possibility, the Mn(TPP) catalyst
cell would support net dioxygenase reactivity theoretically possible according to this metric 1-Cl and NMI were combined with the Ph2S
using one molecule of O2 to support two OAT because passing two electrons through the substrate, H2O (1 M), and AcOH (200 mM) in
reactions (Fig. 4A). Paired electrolysis perfor- circuit can generate up to two equivalents of an undivided cell and placed under 1 atm of O2.

Hoque et al., Science 383, 173–178 (2024) 12 January 2024 4 of 6


Fig. 4. Analysis of electrochemical dioxygenase reactivity. (A) Electrochemical was charged with 1 atm O2. FEtotal, FE of the cell (sum of the Faradaic yields p
y g
reductive activation of O2 and oxidative activation of H2O for oxygenation of Ph2S. in both the cathode and anode). *Reaction performed in an undivided
(B) Linear paired electrolysis test for Ph2S oxidation during constant current cell under identical reaction conditions to entry 2. (C) Preparative scale
electrolysis (5 mA) in an H-type divided cell. A 38.6 C charge was passed to attain demonstration of linear paired electrolysis. (D) Energetic analysis of dioxygenase
20% theoretical conversion in each compartment. The cathode compartment reactivity.

The AcOH was included to support O2 reduc- Ph2SO2; 140% FE was observed (138:2% when conducting the same experiment in an
tion at the cathode (compare Fig. 2); control Faradaic yield of Ph2SO:Ph2SO2) (Fig. 4B, H cell equipped with a glass frit divider (Fig. 4B,
experiments showed that AcOH does not in- entry 1). The lack of side product formation entry 2, and see photograph of the reaction
terfere with the anodic OAT reaction (see suggests that the FE is lowered by redox cycl- cell). Further improvement was achieved when
section 7.2 of the supplementary materials). ing of the Mn catalyst at the cathode and NMI was not added to the anode compartment
Conducting the reaction with a constant cur- anode, passing charge without oxidizing the (compare Fig. 3): 200% FE was observed
rent of 5 mA led to the formation of Ph2SO as substrate. This problem was avoided by using (197:3% for Ph2SO:Ph2SO2), reflecting perfect
the major product with small amounts of a divided cell, because 195% FE was observed utilization of electrons in the double-OAT

Hoque et al., Science 383, 173–178 (2024) 12 January 2024 5 of 6


process. Excellent FE was also achieved on a The analysis outlined above provides a cru- 23. G. Passard, D. K. Dogutan, M. Qiu, C. Costentin, D. G. Nocera,
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acetic acid/acetate (2:1) electrolyte, the cathod- genase reactivity with diverse substrates.
ic and anodic onset potentials shifted to –0.69 AC KNOWLED GME NTS
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retaining quantitative current efficiency (Fig. crystallographic characterization and D. T. Hofsommer for helpful
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Hoque et al., Science 383, 173–178 (2024) 12 January 2024 6 of 6


MEMBRANES fusion of adsorbed molecules (Fig. 1A). Relative

to the whole narrow sieving channel, the local
A molecular sieve with ultrafast adsorption kinetics sieving channel shortens the restricted diffusion
path of adsorbed molecules. Porous crystalline
for propylene separation materials that are self-assembled by secondary
building blocks (SBUs) offer the possibility of
Jiyu Cui1, Zhaoqiang Zhang3, Lifeng Yang1*, Jianbo Hu2, Anye Jin1, Zhenglu Yang1, Yue Zhao4, tailor-made porous materials with designed
Biao Meng5, Yu Zhou5, Jun Wang5, Yun Su6, Jun Wang6, Xili Cui1,2, Huabin Xing1,2* pore size (39, 40), shape (41, 42), and pore
chemistry (43–45). Rational modification using
The design of molecular sieves is vital for gas separation, but it suffers from a long-standing issue of anions based on the original two-dimensional
slow adsorption kinetics due to the intrinsic contradiction between molecular sieving and diffusion within (2D) structure provides the possibility of pore
restricted nanopores. We report a molecular sieve ZU-609 with local sieving channels that feature shape and pore size control, from which mo-
molecular sieving gates and rapid diffusion channels. The precise cross-sectional cutoff of molecular lecular sieve ZU-609 was designed.
sieving gates enables the exclusion of propane from propylene. The coexisting large channels constituted
Propylene molecular sieve design
by sulfonic anions and helically arranged metal-organic architectures allow the fast adsorption kinetics
of propylene, and the measured propylene diffusion coefficient in ZU-609 is one to two orders of ZU-609 is self-assembled with inorganic
magnitude higher than previous molecular sieves. Propylene with 99.9% purity is obtained through metal node and organic linkers (EDS2−, 1,2-
breakthrough experiments with a productivity of 32.2 L kg−1. ethanedisulfonate; dps, 4,4’-dipyridyl sulfide)
(Fig. 1B). It consists of a 2D network that is

coordinated by copper metal nodes and dps
s a key feedstock, the production of pro- in molecular diffusion rates (18–21). However, ligands, and it extends in a helical-like con-

pylene (C3H6) exceeded 100 metric tonnes as a result of low to moderate selectivity, these formation along the direction that is vertical
(Mt) per year in 2020 and its demand is methods inevitably suffer from co-adsorption to the network (Fig. 1B and fig. S1). The EDS2−
expected to exceed 150 Mt per year in of similar alkanes, and consecutive adsorption- sulfonic anions coordinate to the bare Cu2+ on
2050 (1). Propane (C3H8) is a common desorption cycles are needed to further im- the adjacent 2D networks to form 3D coordi-
byproduct of propylene manufacturing and prove the purity of the produced olefins (22–24). nation networks (Fig. 1C, figs. S1 and S2, and
separation of propylene and propane is essen- Molecular sieving avoids co-adsorption as table S1) (46, 47). It possesses large one-

tial for production of polymer-grade propylene it only adsorbs molecules within the molec- dimensional channels with a size of 7.5 × 8.1 ×
(2–4). Conventional cryogenic distillation is ular size or shape cutoff (25–27) and is ad- 11.1 Å3, connected by the local contraction
energy intensive as a result of the close rela- vantageous in the production of high-purity resulting from the tilted pyridine rings (Fig.
tive volatility and the production of olefin and olefins (28–30). However, the design of ideal 1D). The cross-section size of the contraction

paraffin accounts for nearly 1% of global car- molecular sieves with optimal adsorption ther- is 4.2 Å × 5.1 Å, which falls just between the
bon emissions (5–7). It is estimated that the modynamics and kinetics for gas separation size of C3H6 (4.1 Å × 5.1 Å) and C3H8 (5.1 Å ×
development of nonthermally driven alterna- remains a daunting task because of two im- 5.3 Å) molecules, suggesting the size/shape
tives could make the separation ten times more portant challenges: (i) Pore size control for sieving potential of ZU-609 (Fig. 1E). The sur-
energy efficient (8, 9). molecular size sieving (31) and (ii) pore shape face area of ZU-609 is explored using both N2
Physisorption based on porous materials is control for fast adsorption kinetics (32). Con- and CO2 as probes. Because of the obvious
recognized as an alternative to cryogenic dis- sidering the difficulties in fine-tuning the pore diffusion barrier of N2 in ZU-609 at 77 K, the
tillation owing to its moderate energy con- size in 0.2 to 0.4 Å increments within the 3 CO2 probe is selected and the measured ap-
sumption (10–12). The development of advanced to 5 Å range, the full exclusion of propylene parent surface area and pore volume of ZU-609
porous materials such as metal-organic frame- from propane remains a challenge as a result are 380 m2 g−1 and 0.15 cm3 g−1, respectively

y g
works, zeolites, and others has attracted con- of their small size difference (< 0.4 Å) (33–35). (fig. S3). Additionally, the thermal stability of
siderable interest (13–15). Adsorbents with open Adsorption kinetics is scarified in molecular ZU-609 is around 200°C and the activated
metal sites and cations can selectively interact sieves as ultrahigh selectivity is achieved based structure remains stable after different treat-
with propylene through p complexation but on restricted channels (2, 36). Thus, a high ad- ments, such as air, water, and solutions of dif-
show low selectivity (16, 17). Additionally, kinetic- sorption temperature is required to reach the ferent pH (pH 3 to pH 11) (figs. S4 and S5).
driven adsorbents with restricted pore struc- diffusion rate threshold; however, this approach

tures realize separation based on the difference sacrifices capacity and energy efficiency. Equilibrium propylene/propane

The dilemma is ascribed to the continuous separation performance
diffusion limitation path along the whole nar- Pure-component equilibrium adsorption iso-
Key Laboratory of Biomass Chemical Engineering of Ministry of row sieving channel (Fig. 1A), a typical pore therms for C3H6 and C3H8 were measured,
Education, College of Chemical and Biological Engineering, structure in molecular sieves, which allows and ZU-609 showed sieving performance for
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310012, P.R. China. 2Engineering
Research Center of Functional Materials Intelligent Manufacturing
only “single-file diffusion” of adsorbates. The C3H6 and C3H8 with an uptake ratio of 22.3 at
of Zhejiang Province, ZJU-Hangzhou Global Scientific and development of common cage-type structures 298 K, 1 bar (Fig. 2A, fig. S6, and table S2). The
Technological Innovation Center, Hangzhou 311215, P.R. China. with narrow windows and large voids breaks time-dependent adsorption profile of C3H8 was
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National
University of Singapore, Singapore 117585, Singapore.
the tradeoff between separation selectivity and measured and its uptake was almost invariable
Coordination Chemistry Institute, State Key Laboratory of capacity, but still suffers from diffusion limita- in 24 hours, indicating that the low C3H8 up-
Coordination Chemistry, School of Chemistry and Chemical tions (37, 38). To rationally utilize the limited take of ZU-609 is attributed to the size-sieving
Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, P.R. China.
5 pore space within molecular sieves, a sieving effect (fig. S7). The C3H6 adsorption isotherm
State Key Laboratory of Materials-Oriented Chemical
Engineering, College of Chemical Engineering, Nanjing Tech channel that features a local limited diffusion approaches linear type with a moderate iso-
University, Nanjing 211816, P.R. China. 6School of Chemistry and path is proposed to solve the challenge. The steric heat of adsorption (Qst) of 43 kJ mol−1
Chemical Engineering, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, local contraction along the diffusion path func- (figs. S8 and S9), providing a considerable
P.R. China.
*Corresponding author. Email: (H.X.); tions as a sieve to exclude large molecules and C3H6 equilibrium working capacity of 2.0 mmol (L.Y.) the coexisting large channel allows the rapid dif- g−1 between 0.1 and 1 bar (Fig. 2A). The value is

Cui et al., Science 383, 179–183 (2024) 12 January 2024 1 of 5


y g
Fig. 1. Channel types and crystal structure of ZU-609. (A) The schematic diagrams of different kinds of sieving channels. (B) The secondary building blocks of ZU-609.
(C) The assembled crystal structure of ZU-609 and its channel structure (color code: C, gray; H, white; N, blue; Cu, pink; O, red; S, yellow). (D) Measurements of the
large channel. (E) Measurements of the sieving gate and the molecular sizes of propylene and propane (the carbon atoms of both are highlighted in black).

higher than reported C3H6/C3H8 sieving mate- bution of the tested materials was measured by (2.35 × 10−10 cm2 s−1) (fig. S14 and table S4).

rials such as Co-gallate (1.3 mmol g−1) (36), laser diffraction (fig. S16). The calculated C3H6 Such a high diffusion coefficient of ZU-609

KAUST-7 (1.2 mmol g−1) (2), Y-abtc (0.58 mmol g−1) diffusivity coefficients of ZU-609 with different enables the possible implementation of the
(48) and common zeolites 5A (0.41 mmol g−1), particle size are close, around 1.00 × 10−9 cm2 s−1 adsorption process under near ambient con-
4A (0.15 mmol g−1), ZSM-5 (0.25 mmol g−1) (4.8 mm), 1.36 × 10−9 cm2 s−1 (26.8 mm), based ditions (fig. S12) without the necessity of in-
(figs. S10 and S11). The adsorption behavior is on time-dependent adsorption profiles mea- creasing temperature to enhance diffusion, as
attributed to the embedded large pore space sured volumetrically (Fig. 2B, fig. S13, and in the case of Zeolite-4A (49).
within the sieving channel and is ideal for the table S3). This value is nearly an order of mag-
pressure swing adsorption process (fig. S12). nitude larger than the C3H6/C3H8 sieving mate- Molecular-level understanding about
rials Co-gallate (6.47 × 10−11 cm2 s−1), KAUST-7 adsorption and diffusion behavior
Propylene diffusion performance (9.49 × 10 −11 cm2 s −1 ) and is several orders An in-situ powder x-ray diffraction experiment
In addition to the thermodynamic equilib- of magnitude higher than robust Zeolite-4A was conducted on ZU-609·C3H6 to study its
rium capacity, we also evaluated the C3H6 (1.01 × 10−12 cm2 s−1) (Fig. 2B). The consistent C3H6 adsorption behavior (figs. S17 and S18).
adsorption kinetics of ZU-609 and the other trend is observed based on the concentration- Each unit cell could accommodate 5.6 C3H6
reported materials. Time-dependent C3H6 up- swing frequency response method for micro- molecules, which is close to its adsorption
take profiles were assessed (figs. S13 to S15). pore diffusion measurement. The value of capacity at 298 K (table S5). The adsorbed
Considering the influence of particle size on ZU-609 (2.38 × 10−9 cm2 s−1) is around 10 times C3H6 molecules are mainly distributed around
gas diffusion behavior, the particle size distri- that of Co-gallate (2.54 × 10−10 cm2 s−1), KAUST-7 the anions and bounded by EDS2− anions

Cui et al., Science 383, 179–183 (2024) 12 January 2024 2 of 5


Fig. 2. Gas sorption

properties of ZU-609 and
molecular-level understand-
ing of C3H6 adsorption
and diffusion behavior.
(A) Gas sorption isotherms of
propylene (red) and propane
(blue) at 298 K for ZU-609.
(B) Comparison of propylene
diffusivity coefficient of ZU-609
with reported porous materials
using time-dependent adsorp-
tion profiles measured
volumetrically. Crystal sizes
of Zeolite 4A (1.5 mm), Co-
gallate (1.7 mm), KAUST-7
(1.9 mm), ZU-609 (4.8 mm),
and ZU-609 crystal (26.8 mm).
(C) The adsorption configura-
tions of C3H6 in ZU-609
obtained by in situ PXRD

experiments. (D) The represent-
ative minimum energy path
(MEP) profile and snapshots
for C3H6 in ZU-609. The energy
relative to the lowest energy
configuration is shown as a

function of the position of the
central carbon on the C3H6
guest molecule. (Color code:
C, gray; H, white; N, blue; Cu,

pink; O, red; S, yellow; the carbon
of propylene is highlighted in

y g
through multiple hydrogen-bond interactions trapped for 18.5 min (24.6 min g−1), affording a alkane impurities (figs. S26 and S27). The rapid
C-H···O (2.37 to 2.70 Å) (Fig. 2C). The C3H6 dynamic C3H6 capacity of approximately C3H6 diffusion behavior of ZU-609 enables the
binding energy (DE) revealed by the dispersion- 1.64 mmol g−1 (Fig. 3, A and B). The corre- adsorption process to be implemented under
corrected density functional theory (DFT-D) sponding C3H6 productivity of ZU-609 is about high gas velocity without obvious dynamic

calculation is around 47 kJ mol−1 (fig. S19). The 32.2 L kg−1 (99.9%), higher than that of 21.9 L capacity loss (figs. S28 to S30). Even under a

minimum energy path profile using DFT-D cal- kg−1 (97.7%) for Co-gallate (36) and 16.6 L kg−1 C3H6/C3H8 gas flow rate of 9 NmL min−1, the
culations indicates the local diffusion energy (93.2%) for KAUST-7 (table S6). The purity of C3H6 dynamic capacity of ZU-609 preserves
barriers as the propylene molecules diffuse the eluted C3H6 is calculated to be 99.9% with 94.1% of the equilibrium capacity; by contrast,
along the channel (Fig. 2D and fig. S20). These a yield of 87.9% on average (Fig. 3C and figs. the corresponding value on KAUST-7 is only
studies provide a molecular-level understand- S22 and S23), which is higher than those of 57.4% (Fig. 3D and fig. S31). In addition, the
ing about confined C3H6 adsorption and dif- other materials (for JNU-3, purity was 99.5% breakthrough performance of ZU-609 is invar-
fusion behavior. and recovery was 51%; for KAUST-7, purity was iable over the consecutive adsorption-desorption
93.2% and recovery was 83%) (figs. S24 and cycles (Fig. 3E and fig. S32). Even when ZU-609
Propylene mixture separation performance S25) (50). Even for complex mixtures mimick- is presaturated with high water content (500 to
and pressure swing adsorption simulation ing the composition of propane dehydrogena- 3000 ppm) the C3H6 purity is not influenced
The C3H6/C3H8 (50/50) mixture separation tion CH4(2%)/C2H6(5%)/C2H4(5%)/C3H6(44%)/ (>99.9%) (figs. S27 and S33).
performance of ZU-609 was evaluated by break- C3H8(44%)/H2O (2000 ppm), ZU-609 also shows The pressure swing adsorption (PSA) proc-
through experiments. C3H8 breaks out imme- good separation performance with high olefin ess is used to evaluate the actual capability of
diately along with the inert gas He, indicating (C3H6+C2H4) purity (99.72%) and recovery ZU-609 toward C3H6/C3H8 separation, as well
the C3H8 sieving effect exhibited by ZU-609 (91.90%) at 283 K, and its separation ability is as Co-gallate and KAUST-7 (Fig. 3F and figs.
(Fig. 3A and fig. S21). C3H6 is continuously least influenced by the coexistence of C1-C3 S34 to S36). ZU-609 is able to recover 89.7%

Cui et al., Science 383, 179–183 (2024) 12 January 2024 3 of 5


Fig. 3. Experimental breakthrough results of ZU-609 and simulated pres- process with 3 NmL min−1 of N2 at 298 K. (D) Ratios of C3H6 dynamic uptake
sure swing adsorption process results. (A) Breakthrough curves of ZU-609 (Udynamic)/equilibrium uptake (Uequilibrium) of ZU-609 (n = 3 per group and
for an equimolar C3H6/C3H8 mixture at 298 K and 1 bar. The breakthrough are presented as means ± SD) and KAUST-7 under different superficial gas
experiments were carried out in a packed column with 0.75 g sample at a flow velocity for C3H6/C3H8 (50/50) mixture. (E) Dynamic uptake of C3H6 in cycling

rate of 3 NmL min−1 [N represents the standard temperature (273 K) and tests on ZU-609 for C3H6/C3H8 (50/50) mixture. (F) Schematic model for 2-bed PSA
pressure (1 bar)]. (B) Comparison of C3H6 dynamic uptake of ZU-609 with other process. (G) Simulation results of C3H6 recovery for 2-bed PSA process. (H) Simulation
reported C3H6/C3H8 sieving materials. (C) Flow rate curve of the desorbed C3H6 results of C3H6 production efficiency for 2-bed PSA process. (I) Simulation results of
and C3H8 from ZU-609 and the purity of eluted C3H6 during the regeneration energy consumption for 2-bed PSA process.

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Cui et al., Science 383, 179–183 (2024) 12 January 2024 4 of 5


49. C. A. Grande, F. Poplow, A. E. Rodrigues, Sep. Sci. Technol. 45, analyzed the data and wrote the paper. Competing interests: SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
1252–1259 (2010). The authors declare no competing financial interests. The authors
50. H. Zeng et al., Nature 595, 542–548 (2021). and their affiliated institutions have a patent pending related to Materials and Methods
the results presented here. Data and materials availability: All Supplementary Text
ACKN OW LEDG MEN TS data are available in the manuscript or the supplementary Figs. S1 to S41
Funding: This work was supported by the National Natural Science materials. The related CIF of ZU-609, ZU-609 after refinement and Tables S1 to S14
Foundation of China (22122811, 22227812, and 22108240) ZU-609 loaded with C3H6 have been uploaded to the Cambridge References (51–55)
and Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China crystallographic data center (CCDC 2266913, 2277294, and Data S1 and S2
(LR20B060001). Author contributions: H.X. and L.Y. initiated 2277295). License information: Copyright © 2024 the authors,
and supervised the research. J.C., Z.Z., and A.J. performed the some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association Submitted 23 December 2021; resubmitted 5 July 2023
adsorbents preparation. J.C., Z.Z., Y.S., J.W., Y.Z., B.M., Y.Z., for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original US Accepted 1 December 2023
and J.W. performed the characterization. Z.Y., J.C., L.Y., and government works. Published online 14 December 2023
J.H. performed the simulated calculations. J.C., L.Y., H.X., and X.C. licenses-journal-article-reuse 10.1126/science.abn8418

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Cui et al., Science 383, 179–183 (2024) 12 January 2024 5 of 5


ANTHROPOLOGY and archaeobotanists to investigate the entire

valley. The scope of the fieldwork results,
Two thousand years of garden urbanism in the which have led to a better understanding of the
valley’s earthworks, has recently been broad-
Upper Amazon ened by LIDAR survey.
Our fieldwork led to results concerning the
Stéphen Rostain1*, Antoine Dorison2, Geoffroy de Saulieu3, Heiko Prümers4, Jean-Luc Le Pennec5, pre-Hispanic cultural sequence, habitat and
Fernando Mejía Mejía6, Ana Maritza Freire7, Jaime R. Pagán-Jiménez8, Philippe Descola9 diet, and the ancient volcanic activity and mor-
phogenesis of the valley. Archaeological work
A dense system of pre-Hispanic urban centers has been found in the Upano Valley of Amazonian focused on mounds, central plazas, and roads,
Ecuador, in the eastern foothills of the Andes. Fieldwork and light detection and ranging (LIDAR) analysis as well as sites without built features (supple-
have revealed an anthropized landscape with clusters of monumental platforms, plazas, and streets mentary text S1, figs. S1 to S6, and tables S1
following a specific pattern intertwined with extensive agricultural drainages and terraces as well as wide and S2). Large-scale excavations in platforms and
straight roads running over great distances. Archaeological excavations date the occupation from plazas at two major settlements (Sangay and
around 500 BCE to between 300 and 600 CE. The most notable landscape feature is the complex road Kilamope) revealed domestic floors, with post-
system extending over tens of kilometers, connecting the different urban centers, thus creating a holes, caches, pits, hearths, large jars, grinding
regional-scale network. Such extensive early development in the Upper Amazon is comparable to similar stones, and burnt seeds. The construction
Maya urban systems recently highlighted in Mexico and Guatemala. methods consisted of cutting the natural slope
to form a base on which the mound was built

(27). Intentional artifact deposits suggest that
rbanism and Amazonia are rarely asso- Located in the Upper Amazon on the eastern the building process was accompanied by

ciated when we evoke pre-Hispanic times. slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes, its dense pop- ritual activities. The newly established dating
However, Francisco de Orellana, leading ulation extended across the high alluvial ter- sequence indicates the succession of at least
an expedition down the great river in races that border the Upano River (17). The five cultural ensembles. The original building
1541–42, witnessed large cities along its data of this study stem from more than two of earthen platforms and roads took place be-
banks (1) yet was called a fabulist upon his decades of interdisciplinary investigations in tween approximately 500 BCE and 300 to
return. More than four centuries later, in the the region, the scope of which was recently 600 CE and was carried out by groups from

1980s, great archaeological sites with thick broadened by light detection and ranging the Kilamope and later Upano cultures. Some
layers of Amazonian dark earth were discov- (LIDAR) mapping in a 300-km2 area. This re- mounds were then reoccupied, after a hiatus,
ered in the middle Amazon, confirming the ex- search revealed the largest urban network by groups of the Huapula culture between 800
istence of extensive pre-Hispanic settlements of erected and excavated features known in and 1200 CE (supplementary text S2 and fig.

along the river (2). Orellana did not lie. Amazonia, whose beginnings date back to S7). All the evidence indicates a local cultural
Recently, various monumental archaeologi- 2500 years ago (18). This discovery raises many evolution process. There is no a priori reason
cal sites were brought to light in Amazonia questions, among them the following: What to think that the pre-Hispanic inhabitants origi-
(3, 4). Some of them display earthen platforms types of features were built by the pre-Hispanic nated from the Andes and not from the Amazon.
of various sizes with a variety of features, in- inhabitants? Were the settlements contempo- The Kilamope and Upano people were sed-
cluding causeways, mounds, canals, and/or forti- rary and connected to each other? Where did entary agrarian societies that densely occu-
fications [as in the Barinas llanos in Venezuela the inhabitants cultivate the large quantity of pied the valley, where even today, according to
(5), the Llanos de Mojos in Bolivia (6), and the plants needed for their subsistence? local farmers, fertile volcanic soils still allow
Upper Xingu and central Amazon in Brazil up to three harvests per year. Analyses of starch
(7–9)] or roads [as in southwestern Amazonia Context grains from potteries revealed the consump-

y g
(10, 11)]. Pre-Hispanic inhabitants of the Amazon Stretching along the foothills of the Andes in tion of maize (Zea mays), beans (Phaseolus sp.),
were indeed remarkable land builders who southern Ecuador, enclosed between the Andes manioc (Manihot esculenta), and sweet potato
intensively reworked their environment, thus to the west and the Cutucú range to the east, (Ipomoea batatas). The microtraces on a maize
changing the morphology of their territories the Upano Valley is a region where Amazonian starch grain are identical to those left today by
(12–14) and its vegetation cover (15, 16). and Andean ecosystems meet, with an impor- the manufacture of the traditional “chewed”
Here we present an extensive case of a pre- tant seismic risk—the earthquake of 1995 reached chicha (sweet beer), suggesting that this bev-

Hispanic urban system in the Amazon region. a moment magnitude of 7.0 (19). Towering erage may have been served in the Upano

above it, the active Sangay stratovolcano, a vessel (28). Upano pottery is well made and
steep-sided, cone-shaped, snow-capped moun- comes in many decorated types, the most com-
Archaeology of the Americas (UMR8096), French National tain, peaks at 5230 m above sea level. After mon being the red-banded incised type with
Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), Paris, France. descending the Andean slopes, the Upano River straight or curved painted and incised lines (29).
Archaeology of the Americas (UMR8096), Paris-1 University,
Paris, France. 3Local Heritage, Environment and Globalization
goes straight south along the sub-Andean Upano bowls and jars were exported up to the
(UMR 208), French National Research Institute for Range (20). Andes, near the modern town of Cuenca (30).
Sustainable Development, Paris, France. 4Kommission für Groups of earthen platforms have been ar- Sangay volcano’s intense activity had a def-
Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen, Bonn, Germany.
Geo-Ocean, Brest University, CNRS, Ifremer, Institut
chaeologically explored: They form large settle- inite impact on pre-Hispanic communities
Universitaire Européen de la Mer (UMR6538), French ments extending over the 70- to 100-m-high (31). Previous studies demonstrated contin-
National Research Institute for Sustainable Development, alluvial terraces along the river (Fig. 1). Few uous cone growth and two major flank failures
Plouzané, France. 6Anthropology and Archaeology
sites have been excavated (21–24). One of the during the Pleistocene (32). The resulting de-
Department, Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Quito,
Ecuador. 7Museum of the Banco Central of Ecuador, largest settlements, Sangay, was discovered bris avalanches (33) spread as far as 60 km from
Guayaquil, Ecuador. 8Center for Social Research, University in the late 1970s and excavated by three suc- the volcano (34) and left thick hummocky de-
of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico. 9Social Anthropology cessive teams (17, 25, 26). Started in the mid- posits, on which human settlements devel-
Laboratory, Collège de France, Paris Sciences et Lettres,
Paris, France. 1990s, the Upano interdisciplinary project oped in late Holocene times. Analyses also
*Corresponding author. Email: brought together archaeologists, geoscientists, indicate that large explosive eruptions occurred

Rostain et al., Science 383, 183–189 (2024) 12 January 2024 1 of 7


Fig. 1. Map of archaeological Upano Valley. (Left) Map of the Middle Upano with five major settlements and 10 secondary sites. m a.s.l., meters above sea level.
(Right) Map of pre-Hispanic dug roads.

in the nearer past (32). The hypothesis that the intrasite features. This objective was also mo- Rarely isolated, the platforms typically occur
Upano culture came to an abrupt end after a tivated by the identification in the field of in groups—or complexes—of three to six units

y g
massive eruption ~400 to 600 CE has been various road starts (38). We set up a remote around a plaza, often with a central platform.
raised (18) but has been called into question by sensing methodology based on multiple LIDAR The most common complexes measure 40 m
the disparity of radiocarbon dates obtained visualizations (39, 40) (Fig. 2). Pre-Hispanic by 40 m (~1600 m2) and are interpreted as
recently for these levels. features were distinguished from modern ele- 1residential (37). However, LIDAR imagery
ments according to their orientation and spa- also highlighted monumental complexes prob-
LIDAR results tial coherence. ably bearing a civic-ceremonial function, with

In 2015, the Ecuadorian National Institute for The analysis revealed an elaborate anthro- much larger platforms, but of similar height to

Cultural Heritage commissioned the LIDAR pogenic landscape. Settlements with standard- the smaller ones. The largest complex, at Kila-
survey of a 600-km2 area stretching from the ized archaeological features evidencing a mope, covers 10 ha and includes a 140 m by
Upper Upano to the Pastaza River to highlight shared cultural background are intercon- 40 m monumental platform (4.5 m high).
anthropogenic features hidden under the can- nected by short-distance (intrasite) and long- This pattern is repeated almost evenly
opy (35, 36) (Fig. 1). After a 1-m-resolution distance (intersite) roads, which strongly throughout the area. Average density is
digital elevation model had been derived from suggests contemporaneity. 16.6 platforms/km2, but some agglomerated
the point cloud, the Upano project team studied areas have densities of >100 features/km2.
the 300-km2 area constituting the southern part Platforms and plazas Because of their ubiquity and close relation-
of this landscape (supplementary text S3, figs. The most common features are earthen plat- ship with the road network, we consider the
S8 to S11, and table S3). The number and size forms. Going far beyond the field identification complexes to be the elementary built features
of anthropogenic features led us to target only of just some individual platforms, the LIDAR of the pre-Hispanic landscape.
specific scientific goals. Given that previous data enabled the detection of >6000 platforms
fieldwork had already provided information on within the 300-km2 area. The standard shape Settlements
the internal organization of residential sites is rectangular (although a few were circular) The distribution of elements in the study
(37), we focused on the “gaps” between settle- and about 20 m by 10 m with a preserved ele- area reflects a settlement pattern in which the
ments and the road network rather than on vation of 2 to 3 m (Fig. 3). buffer zones between residential architectures

Rostain et al., Science 383, 183–189 (2024) 12 January 2024 2 of 7


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Fig. 2. Kilamope site. Anthropogenic features in the center of the Kilamope site, including residential platforms, dug footpaths, and agricultural structures. The
four images on the right side of the figure illustrate different LIDAR visualizations used to interpret the digital elevation model in the same area (dotted rectangle) in
order to highlight the drained-fields pattern. From top to bottom: hillshade from multiple directions, simple local relief models with 10- and 50-pixel radii overlaid,
slopes reclassified according to geomorphological models (40), and color classification of the elevation.

played an important role. Moreover, cluster- ceremonial platforms, and connections with centers) and 10 secondary sites (Fig. 1). Among
ing trends occur. Clusters of complexes have other complexes. the first group, Sangay stands out for its higher
been identified as settlements on the basis of Fifteen settlements were classified into two density (>125 platforms/km2) and its ostenta-
three criteria: feature density, size of the civic- categories: five major sites (large and/or dense tious core. Accessed by a 2.5-km-long straight

Rostain et al., Science 383, 183–189 (2024) 12 January 2024 3 of 7


described below). Some of these complexes,

unusually isolated in the landscape, adjoin major
roads as if they were layover points along the way.
Four types of roads or pathways have been
identified. Although we cannot totally dis-
count the possibility that a few paths could
be the result of usage (sunken lanes) (42, 43),
the morphology of the features detected (e.g.,
rectilinearity, depth, curbs) strongly suggests
that these are excavated roads. Therefore, the
generic term “dug roads” is used here.
The most widespread are the straight-dug
footpaths and roads (thus classified on the
basis of their size and length) whose morphol-
ogy is documented by fieldwork (27). Essen-
tially straight and about 2 to 3 meters deep on
average, they probably result from digging
and accumulating earth on either side of the
path, creating a U-shaped profile bordered
by curbs. The width is 4 to 6 m for the smallest
paths and up to >15 m for the largest ones,

creating a walkable surface that is 2 to 5 m
wide in the middle. Despite discontinuities in
their layout owing to the heterogeneity of the
LIDAR coverage, we can reasonably estimate
that the longest roads—Uyunts-Jurumbuno and
Kilamope-Kunguints—run for more than 14 and

25 km, respectively. Both are likely to continue
beyond the boundaries of the study area. We
believe that dug roads were designed to be as
straight as possible despite the natural irregu-

larities of the terrain.
The second type includes roads running
along the interfluve in hilly terrain. Occasion-
ally also dug, they follow topographic relief
and connect open spaces (e.g., plateaus, river-
beds) through steep areas, such as the Andean
footslopes or the valley cliffs. The third cate-
gory includes possible elevated causeways with
parallel ditches on either side of the road rem-
iniscent of “causeways-canals” in the Llanos de

y g
Mojos of Bolivia (44). Finally, dug footpaths
regularly end with a descent into one of the
Fig. 3. Earth platforms complex. Earth platforms complex of Nijiamanch on the right bank of the Middle gullies (or quebradas) that spread on the Upano
Upano. Drained fields are visible around the artificial mounds on the LIDAR image (bottom). alluvial terrace and come out of the same gully
a few hundred meters further on. This seems to
constitute a fourth type of path, which takes ad-

road, it lies at the highest point of the cliff Modified hills vantage of the natural layout of the quebradas.

that borders the Upano’s northern bank, thus Numerous “truncated” hills—natural reliefs In line with this, we argue that, beyond con-
dominating the valley. Junguna and Kunguints with flat summits—were detected. While their necting spaces, most pathways were intimately
seem to be chiefly residential sites with many general morphology is probably of volcanic related to surface water management and agri-
small complexes adjoining intrasite circulation origin (hummocks), a plausible hypothesis, cultural practices.
axes, whereas Kilamope and Copueno are char- supported by the accesses built on their slopes,
acterized by large civic-ceremonial complexes. is that their flattening is artificial, so that they Drained fields and terraces
Despite the apparent architectural and spa- constitute an integral component of the pre- The LIDAR survey highlighted numerous agrar-
tial homogeneity among these sites, several Hispanic landscape (41). ian features of two main types: drained fields
elements suggest that the settlements were and terraces. Their strong spatial coherence
exposed to threats. These include peripheral Roads and pathways with the rest of the detected remains and, con-
ditches blocking access to some settlements Perhaps the most notable elements of the versely, their location under forested areas
(e.g., east of Sangay) and obstructed roads near landscape are the intrasite pathways and a support the inference that they were an in-
some large complexes (e.g., Copueno). We in- regional-scale intersite road network (Fig. 4). tegral part of the pre-Hispanic anthropogenic
terpreted these elements as the result of ten- Roads are considered as such because they landscape.
sions between groups or reinforcement of the systematically link complexes (thus distinguish- Drained fields extend over hundreds of hect-
sites against external threats. ing them from other features, such as canals, ares into orthogonal and continuous plot systems

Rostain et al., Science 383, 183–189 (2024) 12 January 2024 4 of 7


ly populated around the beginning of the com-

mon era. The intimate link between residential
and agricultural areas brings to mind the “gar-
den cities” and “green urbanism” described or
theorized by other researchers (13, 46–52). Far
from the utopia that these terms imply, how-
ever, the garden urbanism of the Upano valley
constitutes a concrete, dynamic, and probably
contested landscape and provides further proof
that Amazonia is not the pristine forest once
The settlement pattern is composed of dense
sites with standardized domestic groups of
platforms around plazas and monumental civic
architecture connected by streets. Establish-
ments are linked to each other over great dis-
tances by a vast network of roads intertwined
with intensive agricultural layouts. The or-
ganizational and architectural homogeneity,
as well as the consistent interweaving of
monumental-ceremonial features, domestic

spaces, and economic areas, strongly suggests
that the whole network was at least partly
Despite variations in the settlement density,
it must be emphasized that few areas of the
valley are devoid of remains. Apparent empty

buffer zones between complexes of platforms
were in fact dedicated to agriculture. Two main
patterning strategies have been recognized
and were seemingly induced by the valley’s

geomorphology. In the southern part of the
study area, extensive parcels of drained fields
are spread within a low-density distribution of
complexes in the wetlands of the Upano al-
luvial terraces. Meanwhile, the hilly terrain of
the northern zone is more prone to the cluster-
ing of complexes, with agricultural terraces
intertwined with this denser grid in a more
opportunistic manner. However, these two
contrasting “environment-forced” sectors are

y g
all connected by the road network and its
Fig. 4. Dug roads. Wide and deep dug roads connecting Upano monumental settlements.
orthogonal layout, independent of all geo-
morphic constraints and constituting per-
haps the most distinctive characteristic of
(Fig. 2). The elementary unit is a rectangular Llanos de Mojos in Bolivia and is still used this built landscape. Straight roads cross at
field 10 to 40 m wide and several dozens of today, for example, by the Karinya of the Orinoco right or nearly right angles without deviating

meters long. The field limits are ditches of 4-m llanos (45). Less widespread, terraces are in front of hills or ravines. If these roads fa-

width and 40-cm depth on average. They are found occasionally along the edges of quebra- cilitated exchanges, it is very likely that they
connected to drainage canals, slightly wider das, along the alluvial terrace of the Upano, also had a marked symbolic and powerful rit-
and deeper, and mitigate waterlogging in this perpendicular to concave hillslopes or on the ual function and participated in the construc-
climate with daily rainfall. These canals then lower Andean slopes, where they are associ- tion of a cultural landscape. The complexity
flow into the hydrographic network of the ated with drains parallel to the slope. and dynamic nature of the latter are further
quebradas, whose course has sometimes been Agrarian features fill the “gaps” between com- demonstrated by the presence of defensive
modified. plexes and settlements noted during the first features that raise the question of alliances
Drained fields are linked to the network of reading of the LIDAR data. Their ubiquity, their and tensions or possibly even episodic wars.
dug footpaths often surrounding them, mak- close connection with residential and ceremo- However, it would be imprudent to infer
ing it sometimes difficult to distinguish be- nial areas, and the variety of geomorphological that these cities were organized around a cen-
tween a road and a canal. In such cases, a clear contexts exploited demonstrate the importance tralized authority capable of mobilizing labor
connection to a complex was the discriminat- of agricultural activity in the settlement pattern. in a more or less coercive manner. The inter-
ing criterion. However, it is very likely that locking of groups of filiation and segmental
pathways had a dual function of circulation Discussion and conclusions solidarities, regularly reinforced by ceremo-
and water management. This agricultural tech- The results of fieldwork and LIDAR analysis nial exchanges, are sufficient to ensure the co-
nique resembles those documented for the demonstrate that the Upano Valley was dense- hesion and coordination necessary for the

Rostain et al., Science 383, 183–189 (2024) 12 January 2024 5 of 7


Fig. 5. Comparison of site sizes. Comparison at the same scale of the core areas of major sites of the Upano, ancient Egypt, and ancient Mesoamerica (for

comparison with low-density urbanism sites in Amazonia, see supplementary text S4 and fig. S12).

organization of a highly structured settlement. scale of landscape anthropization, where and human-built hydraulic features. Indeed, it
Contemporary ethnology shows that exchanges urbanism covers hundreds of square kilo- is tempting to see the Upano valley’s geomet-

are not so much based on economic logic as on meters. It echoes more clearly the Upper rical layout, which cuts across the topography,
the circulation of specialized production within Xingu, where road networks suggest a low- as a cosmological design rather than a com-
ethnic confederations, each defining a local density pre-Hispanic urbanism (52). This sug- mon and practical system of communication.
identity (53–55). Indeed, the overall organiza- gests that, being denser and less accessible, This strong emphasis on abstract lineal con-
tion and standardization of architectural fea- northern Amazonia may have been under- nections between sites is more reminiscent of
tures, the road patterns, or the defense systems, estimated in terms of archaeological potential the sacred topography of Andean polities as
suggests, for instance, the existence of ad- and promises numerous discoveries with fu- “analogist” systems than of contemporary
vanced engineering (mature architectural ture exploratory work and LIDAR coverage. “animist” cultures of the Upper Amazon [in
tradition relying on sighting and surveying Broadening perspectives, considering the region- the sense of Descola (67)]. For lack of ethno-
instruments and/or expertise). scale density of features, the population den- graphic analogies in settlement patterns in the

y g
The Upano sites are quite different from sity they must have supported, or the highly contemporary lowlands, one should probably
other monumental sites of Amazonia, which anthropized landscape—and although the size look for current highlands autochthonous pol-
are all more recent, considerably less dense in of the valley does not rival that of the Yucatán ities whose sociocosmic structure is embed-
terms of features, and, until proven otherwise, biosphere reserves—the human investment in ded in a topographical grid [for instance, the
not embedded in such a vast and dense com- the Upano Valley is comparable to that of con- Chipaya of Bolivia (68)]. Such a discovery is
munication network (fig. S12) (13, 14). This temporary Central Maya Lowlands (61–65). Going another vivid example of the underestimation

original 2000-year-old society of the Upano further, the major ceremonial cores, with mo- of Amazonia’s twofold heritage: environmental

valley constitutes the earliest and largest low- numental platforms, plazas, and causeways, are but also cultural, and therefore Indigenous.
density agrarian urbanism ever documented comparable in size to those of other great cul- Like many others (69–71), we believe that it
in the Amazon so far. At a supraregional level, tures of the past, such as Mexican Teotihuacan is crucial to thoroughly revise our preconcep-
beyond exchanges with the Cuenca area, the or the Egyptian Giza Plateau (Fig. 5). tions of the Amazonian world and, in doing so,
relations and potential bilateral influence What is very noteworthy is that this example to reinterpret contexts and concepts in the
with the contemporary Andean world, such of garden urbanism appears to be associated necessary light of an inclusive and participa-
as Chavín de Huántar’s sphere of influence with a mound-building tradition. One wonders tory science.
(56, 57), remain difficult to grasp (58, 59). Yet, whether such architecture might echo other
at present, there is no reason to believe that regions of the Americas and a pre-Hispanic
this is not an endogenous development. ideology wherein fertility, origin of humanity,
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Rostain et al., Science 383, 183–189 (2024) 12 January 2024 7 of 7


CANCER IMMUNOLOGY mately, we tested the proof-of-principle of

pSAP targeting to DCs as a possible mode of
Hyperglycosylation of prosaposin in tumor dendritic cancer immunotherapy.

cells drives immune escape Results

Saposins promote cross-presentation of
membrane-associated tumor antigen
Pankaj Sharma1†, Xiaolong Zhang1†, Kevin Ly1†, Ji Hyung Kim1, Qi Wan1, Jessica Kim1, Mumeng Lou1,
Lisa Kain2, Luc Teyton2, Florian Winau1* First, we investigated the effect of saposins on
the integrity of apoptotic bodies derived from
Tumors develop strategies to evade immunity by suppressing antigen presentation. In this work, we tumor cells. For this purpose, we exposed mu-
show that prosaposin (pSAP) drives CD8 T cell–mediated tumor immunity and that its rine MCA fibrosarcoma cells to g irradiation
hyperglycosylation in tumor dendritic cells (DCs) leads to cancer immune escape. We found that [100 Gy (unit of absorbed dose of ionizing
lysosomal pSAP and its single-saposin cognates mediated disintegration of tumor cell–derived apoptotic radiation); 1 Gy = 100 rads] to trigger apoptotic
bodies to facilitate presentation of membrane-associated antigen and T cell activation. In the tumor cell death (Fig. 1A). Successful induction of
microenvironment, transforming growth factor–b (TGF-b) induced hyperglycosylation of pSAP and its apoptosis was controlled by measuring PS
subsequent secretion, which ultimately caused depletion of lysosomal saposins. pSAP hyperglycosylation exposure with AnnexinV staining. Subsequent-
was also observed in tumor-associated DCs from melanoma patients, and reconstitution with pSAP ly, we purified apoptotic vesicles from cell
rescued activation of tumor-infiltrating T cells. Targeting DCs with recombinant pSAP triggered tumor culture supernatants using differential ultra-
protection and enhanced immune checkpoint therapy. Our studies demonstrate a critical function of centrifugation (100,000g pellets) and visual-
pSAP in tumor immunity and may support its role in immunotherapy. ized them by transmission electron microscopy
(Fig. 1B). We then loaded the fluorescent dye

calcein into those apoptotic vesicles using a
ntigen-specific T cell responses are cen- tumors often develop mechanisms to evade liposome extruder with a 100-nm pore size.
tral to protection against cancer. Cyto- immune responses; for example, by producing After incubation with different recombinant
toxic CD8 T lymphocytes recognize tumor immunosuppressive cytokines such as trans- saposins, we measured calcein release and
antigens presented by major histo- forming growth factor–b (TGF-b) (14, 15). Thus, found that saposins disintegrate tumor cell–
compatibility complex I (MHC-I) molecules the goal of cancer therapy is to target and derived apoptotic vesicles when compared with

and subsequently deploy their effector func- overcome immune evasion to restore protec- control bovine serum albumin (BSA) (Fig. 1B).
tions, such as target-cell killing and produc- tive immunity. In addition to leakage of the small molecule
tion of inflammatory cytokines (1). However, Prosaposin (pSAP) is a precursor protein calcein, we also tested whether saposins facil-
tumor cells often fail to directly activate T cells that is transported from the Golgi apparatus itate vesicular release of larger proteins and

because of down-regulation of their MHC-I to the lysosome, assisted by its chaperone, incubated liposomes enclosing fluorescein iso-
pathway (2, 3). Therefore, other antigen- sortilin (16, 17). In the lysosome, cathepsins thiocyanate (FITC)–labeled ovalbumin (OVA-
presenting cells, such as dendritic cells (DCs), cleave pSAP into the single saposins A to D. FITC) with single saposins. In contrast to
are critical to engulf tumor antigens for sub- Saposins are also called sphingolipid activa- incubation with BSA, saposins triggered the
sequent processing and display to MHC-I– tor proteins because they function as small, release of soluble OVA protein, with various sapo-
restricted CD8 T cells in a process called nonenzymatic cofactors for lysosomal hydro- sins exhibiting different membrane-perturbing
cross-presentation (4). On a cellular level, this lases that are required for sphingolipid degra- potency (fig. S1A).
mechanism can be broadly divided into a cyto- dation (18). Moreover, at the low acidic pH of We next explored the impact of saposins on
solic and vacuolar pathway (5, 6). According to the endolysosomal compartment, saposins are the processing of apoptotic bodies in DCs. To
cytosolic processing, endosomal antigens are able to interact with anionic phospholipids, this end, we first assessed the subcellular lo-

y g
retrotranslocated into the cytosol for degrada- such as phosphatidylserine (PS), exposed on calization of pSAP in the endosomal or lyso-
tion by proteasomes and subsequent reimport intralysosomal vesicles (19). These membrane- somal compartments using DC2.4 cells (murine
into the endosome for MHC-I loading. By con- perturbing properties facilitate vesicle dis- DC line) transfected with a pSAP expression
trast, in the vacuolar pathway, the endosome integration and pertain to apoptotic vesicles vector containing a C-terminal FLAG tag. We
is more autonomous and relies on its pro- that characteristically contain PS in their lipid found maximum colocalization of pSAP with
teases for antigen processing (7–9). Among bilayers (20, 21). In this context, tumors, owing LAMP-1 protein, indicating its predominant

the different DC subsets, classical DC1s are to their uncontrolled growth kinetics, pro- distribution in lysosomes (fig. S1B). Next, we

especially efficient in cross-presentation and duce a substantial amount of dying cells and pulsed bone marrow–derived DCs with car-
fulfill this function in tumor-draining lymph apoptotic bodies that contain tumor antigens boxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester
nodes for T cell priming as well as in the tumor to potentially trigger the immune system. Not- (CFSE)–labeled apoptotic cells derived from
microenvironment to activate tumor-infiltrating ably, membrane-associated particulate anti- g-irradiated MCA101 tumor cells and followed
T lymphocytes (10, 11). Abundance and proper gen is more immunogenic than soluble protein, their fate along the endolysosomal compart-
function of immune cells, including antigen- and thus, antigen presentation pathways based ment. Confocal microscopy revealed colocali-
presenting cells and lymphocytes, at the tumor on vesicular processing might be central to the zation of apoptotic bodies with LAMP-1, which
site are vital for effective immunity and con- induction of protective T cell immunity. In this indicated trafficking to saposin-containing
trol of cancer growth (12, 13). Unfortunately, study, we explored the impact of saposins on lysosomes (Fig. 1C). When comparing the kinetic
presentation of membrane-associated tumor digestion of apoptotic cells in pSAP-deficient
1 antigen and activation of CD8 T cell responses or wild-type (WT) DCs, we found that early
Program in Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Boston
Children's Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Harvard that protect against cancer growth. This work uptake of apoptotic material was similar, sug-
Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA. 2Department of also describes a mechanism by which the gesting that phagocytosis is not affected by
Immunology and Microbiology, Scripps Research Institute, tumor counteracts saposin-mediated process- saposin deficiency. However, at later time points
La Jolla, CA 92037, USA.
*Corresponding author. Email: ing by triggering pSAP hyperglycosylation and after endocytosis, pSAP-deficient DCs accu-
†These authors contributed equally to this work. secretion from tumor-associated DCs. Ulti- mulated CFSE-labeled cells, demonstrating

Sharma et al., Science 383, 190–200 (2024) 12 January 2024 1 of 11


A Apoptotic B
tumor cells

% Calcein Leakage
Irradiate DCs DC:CD8 T cell 60
tumor cells coculture
Confocal microscopy 72 hours
EM and calcein FACS 20
Antigen presentation
leakage assay assay 0


on vesicles


Number of ApoBDs/cell

MFI (x1000)

8 10
4 5


m A
2h 4h 8h



% CFSElow cells
*** ***
% CFSElow cells

80 80

60 60
40 40
20 20

Fig. 1. Saposins promote cross-presentation of membrane-associated tumor microscopy images showing the kinetics of apoptotic cell disintegration in WT and
antigens. (A) Diagram depicting the experimental read-outs used in Fig. 1. MCA101 pSAP-KO DCs. DCs were pulsed with CFSE-labeled, g-irradiated apoptotic MCA101

y g
fibrosarcoma cells were g-irradiated (100 Gy) prior to the collection of apoptotic tumor cells for 2 hours, and the numbers of apoptotic bodies (ApoBD) were
vesicles from supernatant and analysis with electron microscopy (EM) and calcein quantified at the indicated time points with ImageJ software (DAPI, blue; LAMP-1,
leakage assay. Apoptotic MCA101 or MCA101-OVA cells were used to pulse bone red; ApoBD, green). (E) Representative histogram overlays and bar graph showing
marrow–derived DCs from WT or pSAP-KO mice prior to the analysis of digestion of flow cytometry staining and mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of MHC-I-SIINFEKL
apoptotic cells with confocal microscopy and antigen processing and T cell peptide on the surface of WT or pSAP-KO DCs after incubation with either soluble

activation with FACS. (B) Calcein leakage assay to quantify the effect of saposins on OVA (sOVA) or irradiated MCA101-OVA tumor cells (mOVA, membrane-associated

disintegration of apoptotic bodies. Apoptotic vesicles were prepared with differential OVA) for 4 hours. (F) Histograms and bar graph showing frequencies of proliferating
ultracentrifugation (100,000g) from the supernatant of irradiated MCA101 cells CFSElow CD8 T cells after a three-day coculture with WT or pSAP-KO DCs pulsed
and visualized with transmission electron microscopy (left). Scale bar, 200 nm. with soluble OVA. (G) Histograms and bar graph depicting the frequencies of
Apoptotic bodies were further loaded with calcein dye prior to incubation with CFSElow CD8 T cells after a three-day coculture with WT or pSAP-KO DCs pulsed
indicated saposins or BSA (negative control), and calcein release was quantified in with irradiated MCA101-OVA cells. Additionally, pSAP-KO DCs were reconstituted
the supernatant with fluorimetry. (Right) Depicted is percent leakage compared with with 10 mg/ml of recombinant pSAP prior to the T cell assay. Data shown in all
100% lysis induced by Triton X-100. SAP, saposin. (C) Representative confocal graphs represent mean ± SD from three to five independent replicates. P values
microscopy image showing colocalization of apoptotic bodies (green) with LAMP- were determined with one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) [(B) and (G)] or
1 (red). WT DCs were pulsed with CFSE-labeled, g-irradiated apoptotic MCA101 unpaired Student’s t test [(D), (E) and (F)]. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001;
tumor cells for 2 hours. ApoBD, apoptotic body. (D) Representative confocal ns, not significant.

the importance of saposins for processing of ptotic MCA101 cells expressing a membrane- which allows for targeting of OVA to PS-
apoptotic bodies in DCs (Fig. 1D). associated form of the antigen OVA prior expressing vesicles (22). We analyzed produc-
To test for saposin-dependent cross-presentation to coculture with OVA-specific CD8 T cells. tive antigen processing by staining for the
and CD8 T cell activation, we pulsed DCs from MCA101-OVA cells express the model antigen processed OVA epitope in complex with MHC-I
pSAP-knockout (KO) or WT mice with apo- coupled to the C1C2 domain of lactadherin, (H-2Kb-SIINFEKL) on the DC surface. Flow

Sharma et al., Science 383, 190–200 (2024) 12 January 2024 2 of 11


y g
Fig. 2. pSAP is required for tumor immunity and boosts T cells derived and CD11c/b+ myeloid cells. CD146+ cells were g-irradiated and incubated with DCs,
from melanoma patient samples. (A) Experimental scheme of tumor challenge which were further cocultured with CD8 T cells in the presence or absence of
studies. WT and pSAP-KO BM chimeric mice were primed with 4 × 105 g-irradiated recombinant pSAP. (F) FACS plots and bar graph showing the frequencies of IFN-g–
MCA101-OVA cells subcutaneously (s.c.) and subsequently inoculated with 1 × 106 positive CD8 T cells following the indicated culture conditions. (G) Representative
live MCA101-OVA cells (s.c.) 7 days post priming (D0). (B) Comparison of tumor histogram overlay and bar graph demonstrating surface staining and MFI of LAMP-1 on
sizes between WT and pSAP-KO mice on day 17 (left) and the kinetics of the tumors’ CD8 T cells according to the indicated culture conditions. Graph colors represent the
growth (right). (C) Representative histogram overlay and bar graph depicting the same as in (F). (H) Flow cytometry analysis and summarizing bar graph depicting the
staining and MFI of MHC-I-SIINFEKL peptide on the surface of tumor DCs from frequencies of antigen-specific CD8 T cells reactive with HLA-A*0201 tetramers loaded
pSAP-KO or WT animals. (D) FACS plots and bar graphs showing frequencies of with epitopes from gp100, MART-1, tyrosinase, and NY-ESO-1 following the indicated
MHC-I (Kb-SIINFEKL) tetramer- and IFN-g–positive tumor-infiltrating CD8 T cells in culture setups. Amino acid residues are depicted on top, and percentages of gated cells
pSAP-KO or WT mice. MHC-I tetramer specifically detects CD8 T cells that are are shown as mean ± SD in the dot plots. Data shown in (B) to (D) are representative of
reactive with SIINFEKL peptide. (E) Experimental setup for the coculture of myeloid three independent experiments, whereas (F) to (H) depict mean ± SD from seven
and CD8 T cells isolated from human melanoma. Single-cell suspensions from independent subjects. P values were determined by unpaired Student’s t test [(B) to (D)]
human melanoma samples were FACS-sorted for CD146+ melanoma cells, CD8+ T cells, or one-way ANOVA [(F) to (H)]. **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; ****P < 0.0001.

Sharma et al., Science 383, 190–200 (2024) 12 January 2024 3 of 11


cytometry demonstrated that processing of cancer in pSAP deficiency (Fig. 2B). Flow specific CD8 T cells by staining with MHC-I
soluble OVA was equally efficient in pSAP-KO cytometry analysis of isolated DCs from the tetramers loaded with dominant melanoma
and WT DCs (Fig. 1E). However, processing tumor site showed a pSAP-dependent decrease antigens, including MART, gp100, tyrosinase,
and MHC-I loading of membrane-associated in antigen processing and presentation (Fig. and NY-ESO-1. The abundance of melanoma-
antigen derived from tumor cells was signifi- 2C). Furthermore, MHC-I tetramer–mediated specific CD8 T cells was greatly increased when
cantly hampered in the absence of pSAP (Fig. 1E). detection of antigen-specific CD8 T cells showed tumor DCs were treated with pSAP (Fig. 2H).
These findings were in accordance with our T cell reduced frequency of tumor-infiltrating T cells Notably, the patient samples were human leu-
data, as pSAP-deficient DCs efficiently activated as well as cytokine production in pSAP-deficient kocyte antigen (HLA)–typed by flow cytometry
CD8 T cells in response to soluble antigen as mice (Fig. 2D). Additionally, we also challenged beforehand to select the proper haplotype
well as OVA-coated latex beads (Fig. 1F and bone marrow–chimeric mice with live tumor cells for MHC-I tetramer analysis (HLA-A02). Over-
fig. S1C). In sharp contrast, when DCs were without prior vaccination (fig. S3A). As a result, all, the impact of pSAP on tumor DCs is able
pulsed with tumor cells containing membrane- cancer protection, antigen processing in tumor to rescue T cell activation from melanoma
associated antigen, CD8 T cell activation by DCs, frequency of tumor-infiltrating, antigen- patients.
pSAP-KO DCs was greatly reduced, as high- specific T cells, and cytokine production and
lighted by their truncated CFSE dilution profile cytotoxicity were all greatly reduced when pSAP Hyperglycosylation of pSAP in tumor DCs leads
in flow cytometry (Fig. 1G). Notably, incubation was lacking (fig. S3, B to E). To exclude that to its secretion
of pSAP-deficient DCs with recombinant pSAP pSAP-dependent tumor immunity was influ- Beyond the use of pSAP deficiency in a mouse
fully reconstituted CD8 T cell activation (Fig. enced by differential DC migration, we exam- model, we aimed at understanding the regu-
1G). Similarly, we pulsed pSAP-KO or WT DCs ined migratory DCs in tumor-draining lymph lation of pSAP in tumor-associated DCs in a
with irradiated B16F10 melanoma cells prior nodes and found no alteration in DC frequen- pathophysiological context. To this end, we
to coculture with antigen-specific CD8 T cells cies and expression of the homing marker inoculated WT mice with live MCA101-OVA

that recognize the integral membrane protein CCR7 in pSAP deficiency (fig. S3, F and G). cells subcutaneously, and after tumor out-
Pmel-1 (gp100). Impaired T cell activation by Moreover, we analyzed DC-attracting chemo- growth, we isolated DCs from the TME, tumor-
pSAP-deficient DCs revealed that saposins are kines at the tumor site and observed compara- draining lymph nodes, and spleen (fig. S5A).
equally important for processing of membrane- ble expression of CCL19 and CCL21 in pSAP-KO We FACS-purified the two main classical DC
associated melanoma antigens (fig. S1D). In ad- and WT mice (fig. S3H). Because pSAP has subsets on the basis of their established
dition, pSAP deficiency also compromised been associated with macrophage function markers as cDC1 (XCR1+ or CD103+) and cDC2

MHC-II–restricted presentation of tumor anti- and inflammation (23), we controlled our mouse (SIRP1a+ or CD11b+) prior to performing an
gens derived from apoptotic bodies, as indicated model for a possible impact on tumor-associated array of antigen processing and presentation
by diminished stimulation of antigen-specific macrophages. However, pSAP deficiency neither assays. Accordingly, pulsing with FITC-dextran
CD4 T cells (fig. S1E). Taken together, saposins affected the number of macrophages nor their showed that the phagocytosis rate of tumor

disintegrate apoptotic vesicles and process expression of inflammatory genes in the tumor DCs was not altered when compared with
membrane-associated antigens for presenta- microenvironment (TME) (fig. S3, I and J). lymph node and spleen (fig. S5B). Incubation
tion to CD4 and CD8 T cells. Altogether, these findings demonstrate that with a self-quenched antigen conjugate (DQ-
tumor immunity critically depends on pSAP OVA), which exhibits fluorescence upon pro-
pSAP is required for tumor immunity function. teolytic degradation, demonstrated that mainly
Next, we investigated how pSAP function af- cDC2s in the tumor are compromised to pro-
fects T cell activation in vivo and protection T lymphocytes from melanoma patients are cess soluble antigen (fig. S5C). These findings
against cancer. To assess T cell priming, we boosted by pSAP were in line with the ultimate epitope expres-
transferred naïve CFSE-labeled, OVA-specific To study pSAP in the context of human cancer, sion on surface MHC-I following pulsing with
CD8 T cells into pSAP-deficient or WT re- we used dissociated tumor cell samples from soluble OVA, which revealed hampered anti-

y g
cipients prior to subcutaneous administra- melanoma patients. A detailed description of gen presentation by tumor cDC2 (fig. S5D). In
tion of apoptotic MCA101-OVA cells (fig. S2A). the patient samples can be found in table S1. sharp contrast, the presentation capacity of
Four days after tumor cell injection, we iso- Briefly, the majority of specimens were isolated cDC1 in the TME was only affected after in-
lated DCs from skin-draining lymph nodes from primary melanoma lesions of the skin, cubation with irradiated MCA101-OVA cells,
and analyzed antigen processing. Expression assigned as clinical stage III, including those which contain antigen in membrane-associated
of H-2Kb-SIINFEKL proved to be reduced in from white female and male patients older form (fig. S5D). This phenomenon was reflected

DCs from pSAP-KO when compared with that than 50 years before treatment (table S1). To in functional T cell experiments because DCs

of WT mice (fig. S2B). Moreover, antigen- purify antigen-presenting cells, responder T isolated from tumors were severely perturbed
specific proliferation and interferon (IFN)–g cells, and tumor cells as source of antigen, we to induce T cell responses reactive to membrane-
production by CD8 T cells from lymph nodes used fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) associated antigen (fig. S5E).
were severely hampered in the absence of on CD146+ melanoma cells, CD11b/c+ myeloid Because we found that saposins are critical
pSAP (fig. S2C). Thus, pSAP facilitates CD8 cells, and CD8+ T cells (fig. S4). We then irra- for presentation of particulate antigen, we then
T cell priming in response to particulate anti- diated CD146+ melanoma cells and pulsed them hypothesized that pSAP function might be
gen. Because straight pSAP-KO mice have a onto sorted myeloid cells prior to coculture with modulated in tumor DCs as a basis for poor
reduced life span, we generated chimeric mice autologous CD8 T cells (Fig. 2E). In parallel, we T cell induction in the TME. Indeed, analysis
by transferring pSAP-KO or WT bone marrow also treated DCs and T cells with human re- by immunoblot revealed the expression of a
to WT recipients to allow for tumor challenge combinant pSAP. Five days after culture, we 75-kDa high molecular weight form of pSAP
experiments. In this context, we immunized analyzed effector functions of CD8 T cells and in tumor DCs when compared with pSAP-65,
mice with irradiated tumor cells and chal- found that recombinant pSAP was able to boost which was predominant in DCs from spleen
lenged them with a higher number of live IFN-g production (Fig. 2F) and cytolytic activity, (Fig. 3A). Moreover, the small, single saposins
MCA101-OVA cells one week later (Fig. 2A). indicated by surface LAMP-1 staining as a sign of were severely depleted in DCs from the TME
Subsequently, we monitored tumor growth in cytotoxic degranulation (Fig. 2G). Furthermore, (Fig. 3A). When we cultured the respective DC
the skin and found a drastic expansion of we measured the frequencies of tumor antigen– subsets ex vivo, we observed secretion of pSAP

Sharma et al., Science 383, 190–200 (2024) 12 January 2024 4 of 11


y g

Fig. 3. Hyperglycosylation of pSAP in tumor DCs leads to its secretion. WT inoculation, cDC1 and cDC2 populations were FACS-sorted from tumor and
mice were inoculated with 1 × 106 live MCA101 cells, and 18 days post tumor spleen. (A) Immunoblot showing the abundance of pSAP and saposins in

Sharma et al., Science 383, 190–200 (2024) 12 January 2024 5 of 11


DCs as well as pSAP secretion. The left blot shows the expression of pSAP and splenic DC1. (G) PLA of pSAP and sortilin. Confocal microscopy images of tumor
saposins in FACS-sorted DC subsets from tumor and spleen, whereas the right and splenic DC subsets reveal PLA signal between pSAP and sortilin. Blue
blot shows secreted pSAP in the culture supernatant. pSAP-75, hyperglycosy- indicates cell nucleus (DAPI) and magenta represents ligation signal. The violin
lated pSAP; pSAP-65, glycosylated pSAP; SAPs, saposins. (B) Quantification of plot shows quantification of PLA signal, where 200 cells from each sample
pSAP secreted by DCs. FACS-sorted splenic and tumor DC subsets were were analyzed for statistics. (H) Coimmunoprecipitation of sortilin and pSAP in
cultured in cRPMI for 48 hours, and pSAP in culture supernatant was quantified tumor and splenic DCs. (Top) Blot of sortilin pulled down by anti-pSAP antibody.
with ELISA. (C) Immunoblot of Endo H–treated pSAP. (Left) Mechanism of Endo (Bottom) Immunoblot of total sortilin in corresponding DC populations. Bar
H that leads to cleavage of high-mannose, but not complex, glycans. (Right) graphs depict the densitometric and statistical analysis of sortilin abundance
FACS-sorted DCs from tumor and spleen were lysed in radioimmunoprecipitation in the immunoblots. Red, tumor; blue, spleen. IP-pSAP, immunoprecipitation of
assay (RIPA) buffer and cell lysates were treated with Endo H for 12 hours at pSAP. (I) PLA of pSAP and sortilin in human melanoma and monocyte-derived
37°C prior to analysis with immunoblot. (D) Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ DCs (MoDCs). Melanoma DCs were sorted as CD11c+ cells from viable CD45+
ionization–time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry analysis of permethy- cells isolated from human melanoma samples, whereas MoDCs were generated
lated N-linked glycans of pSAP immunoprecipitated from FACS-sorted CD11c+ by culturing monocytes with interleukin 4 (IL-4) and granulocyte-macrophage
DCs. Enzymatically released N-glycans from pSAP of splenic (top) and tumor colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) for 4 days. Blue indicates cell nucleus (DAPI),
(bottom) DCs were analyzed. Glycan compositions were assigned based on m/z and magenta represents ligation signal. The violin plot shows quantification of
values. x axis, mass to charge ratio (m/z). y axis, signal intensity of the ions. PLA signal, where 200 cells from each sample were analyzed for statistics.
green circle, mannose; yellow circle, galactose; red triangle, fucose; blue square, (J) Immunoblot of pSAP in human melanoma DCs and MoDCs. (K) Illustration
N-acetylglucosamine; magenta diamond, sialic acid. (E) Heat map of differen- visualizing glycosylation mechanisms that control pSAP trafficking in tumor DCs.
tially expressed genes in tumor DCs involved in glycosylation, as analyzed by Hyperglycosylation of pSAP compromises its interaction with sortilin and reroutes it
real-time RT2 profiler PCR array. Splenic DCs were used as the control to to the secretory pathway. Data shown in all graphs are representative of three

calculate fold change in gene expression. (F) Bar graph depicting glycosyl- independent experiments, and P values were determined with unpaired Student’s
transferase and glycosidase gene expression in tumor compared with that of t test. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; ****P < 0.0001; ns, not significant.

into the cell culture supernatant mainly by cient lysosomal delivery of pSAP. For this pur- the compromised antigen presentation capac-
tumor DCs (Fig. 3, A and B). To demonstrate pose, we subjected tumor and splenic DCs to a ity in the tumor microenvironment.

that the occurrence of pSAP-75 was due to proximity ligation assay (PLA), in which anti-
glycosylation, we tested endoglycosidase H bodies against pSAP and sortilin are coupled TGF-b induces pSAP hyperglycosylation in tumor
(Endo H) sensitivity of pSAP. Endo H cleaves to oligonucleotide probes that allow for sub- DCs and drives immune evasion
N-linked glycans between the two proximal sequent ligation and amplification in case the We mechanistically addressed the question

N-acetylglucosamine residues only in high- two target proteins are in close vicinity (10 to how hyperglycosylation of pSAP is regulated.
mannose carbohydrate chains, but not in com- 80 nm). Confocal microscopy revealed these To this end, we screened a panel of recombi-
plex glycans. After treatment of protein lysates PLA events as discrete spots and showed nant cytokines upon incubation of a murine
with Endo H, pSAP-65 from splenic DCs was that the spatial relationship between pSAP DC line (DC2.4) and found that TGF-b can
cleaved to lower molecular weight forms, and sortilin was perturbed in DCs from the induce pSAP secretion (fig. S6A). Treatment
whereas pSAP-75 from tumor DCs proved TME (Fig. 3G). To assess the direct physical of DCs with TGF-b triggered dose-dependent
to be Endo H–resistant, suggesting that it interaction between pSAP and sortilin through induction of pSAP-75 and subsequent secre-
contains complex glycans (Fig. 3C). To corrob- biochemistry, we performed immunoprecipi- tion into the culture supernatant, as detected
orate this finding, we performed deeper mo- tation of pSAP and subsequently resolved by immunoblot and enzyme-linked immuno-
lecular analysis using mass spectrometry of sortilin using immunoblot. As a result, the sorbent assay (ELISA), without affecting the

y g
sugar structures based on purified pSAP bands abundance of sortilin recovered from the pSAP expression of the pSAP chaperone, sortilin
derived from splenic (pSAP-65) or tumor DCs precipitate was clearly reduced in tumor DCs, (Fig. 4, A to D). Moreover, we measured the
(pSAP-75). Tandem mass spectrometry showed indicating that the interaction of pSAP with its gene expression of a panel of enzymes involved
that the glycan of pSAP-65 mainly consisted chaperone sortilin is hampered in the TME (Fig. in the glycosylation pathway in DC2.4 cells
of mannose residues, whereas pSAP-75 ex- 3H). To translate these findings to the human treated with TGF-b (fig. S6B). We observed
hibited complex glycans involving additions system, we explored pSAP-sortilin interaction in that the up-regulated genes in TGF-b–treated

of N-acetylglucosamine, galactose, and sialic DCs isolated from the tumor site of melanoma DCs correlated well with the enzyme signature

acid (Fig. 3D). Because glycan structures are patients compared with that of monocyte- detected in tumor DCs (Fig. 4E), suggesting
synthesized by a diverse set of glycosyltrans- derived DCs. The resulting PLA signals dem- that TGF-b is responsible for triggering the
ferases, we compared the expression of glyco- onstrated that the spatial interaction of pSAP respective glycosylation program. To test
syltransferases between tumor and splenic with sortilin was reduced in melanoma DCs whether TGF-b signaling is indeed required
DCs using a quantitative reverse transcription (Fig. 3I). Furthermore, we examined the abun- for pSAP hyperglycosylation in vivo, we used
polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) array dance of the different molecular weight forms mice that lacked TGF-b receptor II specifically
(Fig. 3E). In tumor DCs, we found up-regulation of pSAP and found that tumor DCs from mela- in DCs (CD11c-Cre x Tgfbr2flox/flox) for chal-
of several enzymes that facilitate the attach- noma patients exclusively expressed hypergly- lenge with live MCA101-OVA tumor cells (Fig. 4F).
ment of complex glycan residues, such as cosylated pSAP-75 (Fig. 3J). As anticipated, the lack of TGF-b downstream
N-acetylglucosaminyltransferases, galactosyl- Taken together, our results demonstrate that signaling in DCs caused better tumor protec-
transferases, and sialyltransferases (Fig. 3F). pSAP is hyperglycosylated in tumor DCs, fails tion, increased antigen presentation in tumor
Because hyperglycosylation of pSAP leads to to interact with its chaperone sortilin, and fol- DCs, and stronger IFN-g production by tumor-
its secretion and therefore, the reduced gen- lows instead a secretory route (Fig. 3K). This infiltrating CD8 T cells (Fig. 4, G to I). More
eration of single saposins, we next investigated mechanism of pSAP hyperglycosylation leads notably, when we isolated DCs, macrophages,
the interaction of pSAP with its chaperone to a depletion of intracellular saposins availa- and other CD45+ leukocytes from the tumor
sortilin, which is normally required for effi- ble for antigen processing, which might explain site for analysis by immunoblot, we found that

Sharma et al., Science 383, 190–200 (2024) 12 January 2024 6 of 11



mRNA fold change in TGF- β

β R2=0.56 B3gnt8

pSAP (ng/ml)

stimulated DC2.4 cells

102 St8sia6 St8sia2
1.5 Mgat4a&5
Neu1 B3gnt3 Galnt3&9
101 Galnt6
B4galt1 B4galt5
0.0 100

2.5 ng/ml
10 ng/ml
β 10-1
0.25 1 4 16
mRNA fold change in tumor DCs
TGF- β compared to splenic DCs
F G Tumor volume (mm 3)
2000 3

MFI (x1000)
1500 ***
*** 2
*** 1
500 **

0 0
20 Days


% IFN-γ+ CD8+ T cells



mRNA fold change in tumor DC1


y g
compared to splenic DC1

Fig. 4. TGF-b induces pSAP hyperglycosylation in DCs and com- 5

promises tumor immunity. (A) Experimental setup of murine DC
(DC2.4) cells treated with TGF-b and read-outs shown in (B) to 0

(E). (B) Immunoblot showing dose-dependent induction of pSAP -5

hyperglycosylation and secretion by DC2.4 cell line incubated with

recombinant TGF-b for 48 hours. (C) Quantification of pSAP in -10

the culture supernatant of DC2.4 cells after incubation with
recombinant TGF-b for 2 days as measured with ELISA. Unst., xxx.

B4galt 1


Fuca 1
B3gnt 8
B3gnt 3
B3gnt 4
B3gnt 2
B4galt 5





Fuca 2

(D) Immunoblot of sortilin in DC2.4 cells after incubation with

recombinant TGF-b for 2 days. (E) Scatter plot showing the
correlation of gene expression of glycosyltransferases and glyco-
sidases between tumor DCs and TGF-b–stimulated DC2.4 cells. mRNA fold (J) Immunoblot of pSAP and saposins (SAPs) in tumor DCs, macrophages,
changes were quantified by real-time RT2 profiler PCR array. CD11c+ tumor DCs and other CD45+ leukocytes from Tgfbr2DDC or Tgfbr2f/f mice on day 20
were analyzed with splenic DCs as the control, whereas TGF-bstimulated after tumor cell inoculation. (K) Immunoblot of sortilin in tumor DCs
DC2.4 cells were compared with sham-treated DC2.4 cells. (F) Experimental from Tgfbr2DDC or Tgfbr2f/f mice on day 20 after tumor cell inoculation.
scheme of tumor cell challenge. Tgfbr2f/f and CD11c–Cre x Tgfbr2f/f (Tgfbr2DDC) (L) Differentially expressed glycosyltransferase and glycosidase genes in
BM chimeric mice were inoculated with 1 × 106 live MCA101-OVA cells (s.c.). tumor DCs isolated from Tgfbr2DDC or Tgfbr2f/f mice on day 20 after tumor
(G) Kinetics of tumor growth in Tgfbr2f/f and Tgfbr2DDC mice. (H) Histogram challenge. Splenic DCs from Tgfbr2f/f animals were used as control to
overlay and bar graph depicting H-2Kb-SIINFEKL staining and MFI on tumor DCs calculate mRNA fold change. Data shown in all graphs are representative
from Tgfbr2DDC mice or Tgfbr2f/f controls on day 20 after tumor cell injection. of three independent experiments, and P values were determined with
(I) FACS plots and bar graph showing frequencies of IFN-g+ tumor-infiltrating one-way ANOVA (C) or unpaired Student’s t test [(G) to (I)]. *P < 0.05;
CD8 T cells in Tgfbr2DDC or Tgfbr2f/f animals on day 20 post tumor challenge. **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; ****P < 0.0001.

Sharma et al., Science 383, 190–200 (2024) 12 January 2024 7 of 11


pSAP-75 was specifically absent in DCs that lation failed to affect pSAP secretion and T cell carboxylate. Following overnight incubation,
lacked TGF-b signaling, whereas the expres- induction (fig. S7, E and F). Notably, gene the pSAP-antibody conjugates were concen-
sion of sortilin in tumor DCs was not depen- silencing of St6Gal enzymes was sufficient to trated, and successful coupling was analyzed
dent on TGF-b (Fig. 4, J and K). Additionally, reconstitute the pSAP-sortilin PLA signal, im- by immunoblot (fig. S8A). In addition, we con-
tumor DCs lacking TGF-b receptor exhibited plicating terminal sialic acid residues as crit- trolled that the amount of pSAP coupled to
an abundance of single saposins, which was in ical blockers of this interaction. To confirm anti-DEC205 or isotype control was compara-
great contrast to the saposin depletion and ex- these findings, we used an established inhib- ble (fig. S8B). Moreover, we verified that pSAP
clusive expression of hyperglycosylated pSAP itor of sialyltransferase (3F-NeuAc) upon incu- conjugation still preserved the fine specificity
(pSAP-75) in WT DCs as well as tumor-associated bation of TGF-b–treated DC2.4 cells (fig. S7G), of the DEC205 antibody by showing that the
macrophages and other CD45+ leukocytes which completely abrogated the addition of pSAP–anti-DEC205 conjugate stained a simi-
(Fig. 4J). Furthermore, the enzyme signature sialic acid to the pSAP glycan, as indicated lar percentage of DCs when compared to sepa-
involved in glycosylation proved to be reduced by ELISA-based binding of a lectin specific rate anti-DEC205 detection by flow cytometry
when TGF-b signaling was deficient in tumor for sialic acid (fig. S7H). Consistent with the (fig. S8C). Furthermore, we incubated pSAP-
DCs (Fig. 4L). siRNA results, inhibition of pSAP sialylation KO DCs with the pSAP-antibody conjugates
Next, we investigated how TGF-b mechanis- reinstated its interaction with sortilin and and tested OVA epitope expression and CD8
tically mediates the glycan complexity of pSAP prevented eventual secretion, thereby promot- T cell activation after the pulsing of DCs with
and its effects on sortilin interaction and pSAP ing activation of CD8 T cells (fig. S7, I to K). apoptotic MCA101-OVA cells (fig. S8D). Ac-
secretion. Our mass spectrometry data revealed These data indicate that TGF-b–regulated Mgat cordingly, we observed reconstitution of anti-
that the complex glycan of pSAP-75 is generated and B4galt1 enzymes are crucial for the se- gen presentation (H-2Kb-SIINFEKL) and CD8
through the addition of N-acetylglucosamine, quential synthesis of the complex pSAP glycan T cell priming (CD69) specifically by pSAP
galactose, and sialic acid to the ternary man- and that terminal sialylation by St6Gal im- coupled to anti-DEC205 in a dose-dependent

nose core (Fig. 3D and fig. S7A). On the basis of pedes the pSAP and sortilin interaction. manner (fig. S8, E and F). To assess the impact
this observation, we hypothesized that TGF-b Furthermore, we examined the molecular of glycosylation on pSAP’s biological activity,
controls pSAP hyperglycosylation by modu- mechanism of TGF-b downstream signaling we purified pSAP-65 and pSAP-75 from DC2.4
lating the expression of specific enzymes in- and its regulation of signature enzymes in- cells. Treatment of pSAP-65 with peptide
volved in glycan synthesis. Analyzing our gene volved in pSAP hyperglycosylation. For this N-glycosidase (PNGase) F generated nongly-
expression array, we selected TGF-b–induced purpose, we performed chromatin immuno- cosylated pSAP-55 (fig. S8G). Subsequently,

N-acetylglucosaminyltransferases (Mgat4a precipitation of the signal transducers Smad2/3 we coupled the differentially glycosylated pSAP
and Mgat5) and galactosyltransferase (B4galt1) using genomic DNA derived from TGF-b– forms with anti-DEC205 and incubated pSAP-KO
based on their relevance in the corresponding treated DC2.4 cells (fig. S7L). When compared DCs with the conjugates prior to performing
pSAP glycan pathway identified by mass spec- with isotype control immunoglobulin G (IgG) functional T cell assays. In contrast to pSAP-

trometry (fig. S7A). In addition to the TGF-b– and the housekeeping gene b-actin, subsequent 65, hyperglycosylated and nonglycosylated pSAP
regulated enzymes, the pSAP glycan pathway amplification by PCR revealed significant en- mediated significantly lower CD8 T cell activ-
is complemented by constitutive glycosyltrans- richment of promoter regions containing Smad- ation (fig. S8H), which highlights that optimal
ferases, such as Mgat1/2, which synthesize responsive elements in the genes coding for glycosylation of pSAP is required for deploying
precursor molecules for Mgat4a and Mgat5, Mgat4a, Mgat5, and B4galt1 (fig. S7L). its functions in the context of endosomal de-
as well as the sialyltransferases St6Gal1 and Taken together, these findings demon- livery by pSAP-based therapeutics.
St6Gal2 that add terminal sialic acid to the strate (i) the constitutive and TGF-b–regulated After validation of the targeting tool in vitro
carbohydrate chain generated by B4galt1 (fig. enzyme pathway required for the generation and ex vivo, we inoculated pSAP-KO bone
S7A). Subsequently, we performed small inter- of hyperglycosylated pSAP, (ii) the critical func- marrow–chimeric mice with MCA101-OVA
fering RNA (siRNA)–mediated knockdown of tion of terminal sialic acid to hamper inter- tumor cells and injected 100 mg of pSAP

y g
those enzyme candidates in TGF-b–treated action with sortilin, and (iii) the presence of coupled with anti-DEC205 or isotype IgG on
DC2.4 cells (fig. S7, B and C) prior to testing TGF-b–responsive gene promoter sequences days 9 and 13 after tumor challenge (Fig. 5A).
the impact on pSAP interaction with sortilin in signature enzymes involved in pSAP glycan On day 14, we isolated and sorted intratu-
using PLA, pSAP secretion based on ELISA, synthesis. Overall, TGF-b is essential for hyper- moral DCs, focusing on the two major clas-
and T cell activation using antigen presentation glycosylation of pSAP in tumor DCs, a mech- sical DC subsets, cDC1 and cDC2. Staining
assays. As a negative control, we chose the TGF- anism associated with immune escape. for intracellular pSAP in the respective DC

b–regulated enzyme Mgat3 that produces a bi- subsets revealed effective delivery of pSAP tar-

secting N-acetylglucosamine on the trimannosyl Immunotherapeutic targeting of tumor DCs with geted through DEC205 when compared with
core, which represents a carbohydrate structure recombinant pSAP the isotype control (Fig. 5B). Additionally,
absent from our mass spectrometry data on Based on the importance of pSAP for antigen immunoblot analysis revealed that pSAP-
pSAP-75 and therefore is not expected to play a presentation in the tumor microenvironment, deficient tumor DCs took up recombinant
role in the pSAP glycan pathway (fig. S7B). we then aimed at targeting recombinant pSAP pSAP-65 and generated massive amounts of
Notably, the silencing of all pSAP-75– to tumor DCs. For this purpose, we coupled single saposins upon lysosomal cleavage (Fig. 5C).
associated glycosyltransferases restored the in- pSAP to anti-DEC205, an antibody well estab- This demonstrated successful reconstitution
teraction of pSAP with sortilin, as indicated by lished to target the endocytic receptor DEC205 of pSAP-deficient DCs in the TME, especially in
drastically amplified PLA signal (fig. S7D). By on DCs, using chemical conjugation as previ- the cDC1 subtype that is central to cross-
contrast, knockdown of negative control Mgat3 ously described (24, 25). Briefly, we incubated priming of CD8 T cells. We then followed a
had no effect on pSAP-sortilin engagement recombinant pSAP with tris (2-carboxyethyl) similar experimental schedule using pSAP tar-
(fig. S7D). In a complementary manner, down- phosphine hydrochloride to expose its sulfhy- geting of tumor-inoculated WT animals (Fig.
regulation of the respective enzyme candi- dryl groups, and in parallel, the anti-DEC205 5D). Treatment with pSAP coupled to anti-
dates prevented the release of pSAP into the antibody or isotype control IgG were activated DEC205 greatly reduced tumor burden in WT
supernatant of DCs and facilitated proper for chemical conjugation by sulfosuccini- mice (Fig. 5E). Correspondingly, antigen pre-
CD8 T cell activation, whereas Mgat3 modu- midyl 4-[N-maleimidomethyl] cyclohexane-1- sentation of OVA peptide by tumor DCs as

Sharma et al., Science 383, 190–200 (2024) 12 January 2024 8 of 11




% pSAPpos DCs




Tumor volume (mm3)

2000 15

MFI (x1000)
1500 ***
*** 10
500 5

0 0



% MHC-I-Tet+ cells % MHC-I-Tet+ cells

% IFN-γ+ T cells

10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0

% IFN-γ+ T cells

80 10

0 0

I 2500 Anti-DEC205/pSAP + anti-PD-L1

y g
Tumor volume (mm 3)

Tumor volume (mm 3)

2000 Anti-PD-L1
IgG/pSAP 2000


500 500

0 0
Day 32





Fig. 5. Reconstitution of tumor DCs with recombinant pSAP drives mice. (E) Comparison of tumor sizes on day 20 (left) and kinetics of tumor
protection from cancer. (A) Regime of pSAP targeting to tumor DCs. pSAP- growth (right). (F) Histogram overlay and bar graph showing H-2Kb-SIINFEKL
KO BM-chimeric mice were inoculated with 1 × 106 live MCA101-OVA cells. peptide surface staining and MFI on tumor DCs on day 20 post tumor
On days 9 and 13 after tumor cell injection, mice were intravenously treated challenge. (G) FACS plots and bar graphs showing percentages of IFN-g–
with pSAP coupled with either anti-DEC205 or isotype control antibodies. positive CD8 T cells in tumors and dLNs in mice treated with pSAP coupled
(B) FACS plots and bar graph showing the amount of pSAP uptake by to anti-DEC205 or isotype control. (H) Flow cytometry and bar graphs
DCs at the tumor site as analyzed on day 14 after tumor challenge. showing MHC-I (Kb-SIINFEKL) tetramer (MHC-I-Tet)–positive CD8 T cells in
(C) Immunoblot of delivered pSAP and single saposins in pSAP-deficient tumors and dLNs. (I) Experimental setup depicting B16F10 melanoma cell
tumor DCs on day 20 after tumor cell inoculation. (D) Experimental setup inoculation, pSAP targeting through DEC205, and tumor growth kinetics.
depicting tumor cell inoculation and pSAP targeting through DEC205 in WT WT mice were inoculated with 3 × 106 live melanoma cells and were treated

Sharma et al., Science 383, 190–200 (2024) 12 January 2024 9 of 11


with pSAP coupled with anti-DEC205 or isotype control antibodies, either and (H). Data shown in all graphs are representative of three independent
alone or in combination with anti–PD-L1 antibodies. Statistical analysis of tumor experiments, and P values were determined with unpaired Student’s t test
volume across all treatment groups is shown on day 32 after tumor challenge. [(B) and (E) to (H)] or one-way ANOVA (I). **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001;
Percentages of gated cells are shown as mean ± SD in the dot plots in (B), (G), ****P < 0.0001.

well as frequency of IFN-g-producing, antigen- responsiveness to immune checkpoint blockade action between sortilin and hyperglycosylated
specific T cells at the tumor site and in drain- (fig. S9E). pSAP. An additional lysosomal player called
ing lymph nodes (dLNs) were significantly Taken together, these results highlight the progranulin might be involved in this mechan-
amplified upon pSAP treatment (Fig. 5, F crucial impact of pSAP on antigen presenta- ism, as it has been shown to bridge the inter-
to H). tion by tumor DCs to trigger powerful intra- action between pSAP and sortilin (35). Overall,
Moreover, we investigated whether pSAP tumoral T cell responses and point to a viable tumors are prone to immune escape, and our
therapy is able to amplify antitumor memory. To future strategy for immunotherapy of cancer. work describes a further cancerous strategy
this end, we first subcutaneously administered to manipulate an antigen processing molecule
1 × 106 MCA101-OVA tumor cells into the left Discussion through glycosylation.
flank of WT mice prior to treatment with 100 mg In this work, we demonstrated the critical func- Because hyperglycosylation of pSAP occurs
of pSAP coupled to anti-DEC205 or isotype tion of saposins in the processing of corpus- along the secretory pathway, an approach to
IgG (fig. S8I). When tumors reached a volume cular, membrane-associated antigens required overcome tumor-induced saposin deficiency
of ~600 mm3, mice were anesthetized and for efficient CD8 T cell activation. Notably, sap- entails the feeding of recombinant pSAP into
tumors were surgically removed, followed by osins were not essential for cross-presentation the endocytic route of DCs (fig. S10). In this
tumor cell rechallenge into the contralateral of soluble antigen, which mechanistically in- context, our targeting experiments using pSAP

side (fig. S8I). Monitoring tumor volume after volves a rather early endosomal or phagosomal coupled to anti-DEC205 demonstrated that
rechallenge revealed that DC-targeted pSAP compartment (6). In cancer immunity, the reconstitution with fully functional pSAP can
treatment significantly reduced tumor growth provision of particulate antigen derived from restore antigen presentation in tumor DCs,
(fig. S8J). This increased protection was re- dying tumor cells represents a physiologic and leading to amplified T cell responses and
flected in a drastic expansion of antigen-specific potent route of antigen delivery. In this con- eventual tumor protection. DCs are not only
CD8 T cells at the tumor site (fig. S8K). These text, it has been shown that only DCs that crucial for T cell priming in draining lymph

data suggest that pSAP-based immunotherapy contain tumor-derived vesicles are able to in- nodes; a growing body of evidence indicates
drives immunological memory toward tumor duce T cell responses (28). Thus, our findings that tumor-associated DCs have vital func-
protection. highlight the importance of the lysosome in tions regarding recruitment of effector T cells
Because pSAP delivery to tumor DCs pro- the cross-priming of T cells and underscore and stimulation of tumor-infiltrating T lym-

moted an immunologically active TME, we the impact of saposins on the immunogenic phocytes, which are overall required for ef-
next asked whether pSAP could also rescue pathway of vesicular processing. fective immunity to cancer (36–39). Current
immune suppression in immunologically cold In tumor biology, previous reports suggested therapeutic options, such as immune check-
tumors. For this purpose, we used the B16F10 a trophic function of pSAP stimulating the point blockade, aim at reinvigorating ex-
melanoma model that displays limited T cell proliferation of cancer cells (29, 30). However, hausted T cells to augment antitumor responses
infiltration and low susceptibility to treatment pSAP and a pSAP-derived synthetic cyclic (40). However, these boosted T lymphocytes
with immune checkpoint inhibitors such as peptide were able to prevent tumor metastasis need to encounter their respective antigens
anti–PD-1 despite strong expression of PD-L1 in a mouse model (31, 32). Our work estab- to deploy their functions in a tumor-specific
(26, 27). When compared with mice treated lished a genuine immunological function of manner. Consistent with that notion, we showed
with anti–PD-L1 alone, the tumor growth kinet- pSAP in tumor DCs. Thus, pSAP-driven anti- that pSAP combination treatment can over-

y g
ics revealed that pSAP combination therapy gen processing and presentation at the tumor ride the resistance of immunologically cold
was able to overcome the resistance of B16F10 site amplified abundance and functionality of tumors to immune checkpoint inhibitors. Ta-
melanoma to immune checkpoint blockade in tumor-infiltrating T lymphocytes, ultimately ken together, a pSAP-based therapy might
order to enable protection (Fig. 5I). Further- leading to cancer control. help to restore powerful antigen presenta-
more, pSAP combination therapy led to sig- TGF-b is a pleiotropic cytokine with a diverse tion by tumor DCs with the goal of driving
nificantly increased frequencies of total CD4 set of immunosuppressive functions and is protective immune responses at the site of

and CD8 T cells among various subsets of also produced by most cell types. Therefore, the cancer.

tumor-infiltrating immune cells (fig. S9, A and tumors themselves, as well as the infiltrating
B). Notably, treatment with recombinant pSAP cells of the TME, can serve as the source and REFERENCES AND NOTES
and immune checkpoint blockade activated target of TGF-b. For example, tumor-derived 1. M. D. Vesely, M. H. Kershaw, R. D. Schreiber, M. J. Smyth,
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ablation of TGF-b signaling in DCs fully abro- its subsequent secretion, depleting the lyso- 6. J. M. Blander, Annu. Rev. Immunol. 36, 717–753
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challenge data show that the intrinsic loss microenvironment, we did not observe large 12. T. F. Gajewski, H. Schreiber, Y. X. Fu, Nat. Immunol. 14,
of TGF-b signaling in DCs indeed enhances the oligomers and instead found perturbed inter- 1014–1022 (2013).

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13. S. K. Wculek et al., Nat. Rev. Immunol. 20, 7–24 (2020). 32. S. Wang et al., Sci. Transl. Med. 8, 329ra34 (2016). which covers the use of pSAP in cancer therapy. The authors
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23. M. M. T. van Leent et al., Sci. Transl. Med. 13, eabe1433 (2021). members of the National Center for Functional Glycomics (NCFG) at SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
24. W. Jiang et al., Nature 375, 151–155 (1995). Harvard Medical School for performing glycan mass spectrometry.
25. J. Volckmar et al., J. Vis. Exp. (168): (2021). Illustrations used in the manuscript were created using Materials and Methods
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27. S. A. Quezada et al., J. Exp. Med. 205, 2125–2138 (2008). grant R01 AI136939 to F.W. Author contributions: P.S. and Tables S1 and S2
28. M. K. Ruhland et al., Cancer Cell 37, 786–799.e5 (2020). F.W. designed the study and performed data analysis. P.S., X.Z., References (41–46)
29. Y. Jiang et al., J. Pathol. 249, 26–38 (2019). K.L., J.H.K., Q.W., J.K., M.L., and L.K. performed experiments. MDAR Reproducibility Checklist
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Cancer Res. 77, 6179–6189 (2017). wrote the manuscript. Competing interests: F.W. and P.S. are Submitted 7 December 2022; resubmitted 29 August 2023
31. S. Y. Kang et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 106, 12115–12120 listed as inventors on a patent application filed by Boston Accepted 27 November 2023
(2009). Children's Hospital (provisional application no. 63/350,734), 10.1126/science.adg1955

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Sharma et al., Science 383, 190–200 (2024) 12 January 2024 11 of 11


TRIBOLOGY or surface contamination. Second, a suitable

asperity-based friction model, able to predict
Designing metainterfaces with specified friction laws the global frictional behavior as the collective
response of the population of asperities, is iden-
tified. Depending on the expected relevant phys-
Antoine Aymard, Emilie Delplanque, Davy Dalmas, Julien Scheibert* ics, the model can range from analytical (20–22)
to numerical (23) through artificial intelligence
Many devices, including touchscreens and robotic hands, involve frictional contacts. Optimizing these [e.g., by extending the approaches of previous
devices requires fine control of the interface’s friction law. We lack systematic methods to create work (24, 25) to asperity-based descriptions of
dry contact interfaces whose frictional behavior satisfies preset specifications. We propose a generic surface topography]. Based on the inverted
surface design strategy to prepare dry rough interfaces that have predefined relationships between asperities’ geometries, a corresponding sam-
normal and friction forces. Such metainterfaces circumvent the usual multiscale challenge of tribology ple can be manufactured. The material and
by considering simplified surface topographies as assemblies of spherical asperities. Optimizing the characteristic size of the prescribed asperities
individual asperities’ heights enables specific friction laws to be targeted. Through various centimeter- contribute to the selection of the relevant man-
scaled elastomer-glass metainterfaces, we illustrate three types of achievable friction laws, including ufacturing method. Finally, shearing tests against
linear laws with a specified friction coefficient and unusual nonlinear laws. This design strategy the smooth counter surface enable determina-
represents a scale- and material-independent, chemical-free pathway toward energy-saving and tion of the resulting friction law, F(P), and,
adaptable smart interfaces. through direct comparison with Ftarget(P), as-
sessment of the overall reliability of the work-

flow. Discrepancies with respect to the target
espite centuries of investigation, a com- Results friction law may arise from an incomplete cal-

prehensive understanding of friction is General interface design strategy ibration of the single asperity behavior, incor-
still lacking. For instance, predicting from To bypass the multiscale and multiphysics chal- rect assumptions in the friction model, or
first principles the value of the friction lenges of friction along rough interfaces, we manufacturing imperfections.
force, F, of a given dry contact interface propose a compromise between simplicity and
remains out of reach, mainly because of the richness in the surface description, by con- Applying the strategy to centimetric
multiscale character of surfaces and the multi- sidering flat-flat contact interfaces between a elastomer-glass interfaces

physics nature of contact interactions (1). Thus, smooth and a rough surface. Once the mate- Although the generic flowchart shown in Fig. 1 is
time- and resource-consuming experimental rial pair is fixed, the designable feature of the expected to be applicable to a large variety of
tests remain necessary to calibrate the fric- interface is the topography of the rough sur- frictional interfaces, the following scientific
tional behavior of a contact interface as soon face, which is built as an ensemble of indi- and technological choices represent only one

as any change is brought to the material pair, vidual microasperities, with both well-controlled example of how our design strategy can be im-
shape of the solids, loading conditions, sur- geometrical properties and calibrated contact plemented. First, we chose to work with con-
face finish, or environmental conditions. This and friction behaviors against the smooth tacts between polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)
inability to master friction is a major obstacle counter surface. The richness of the emerging and glass (26), a widely used pair of materials in
to the optimization of devices whose function macroscale behavior stems from the countless contact mechanics and friction studies (1, 11). The
relies on dry contact interfaces. For soft inter- possible combinations of geometrical proper- behavior of sheared PDMS-glass, single sphere-
faces, these devices include sport accessories ties of all individual asperities. plane contacts has been extensively characterized
[e.g., racket coatings (2), shoe soles (3, 4)], Just as the microstructures of the materials recently (27–30), which provides useful insights
robotic grasping devices (5–7), haptic feedback can be engineered to provide metamaterials into the single-asperity laws that should be used
tools for virtual reality (8), and conveyor belts (9). with macroscale properties that are rarely in the friction model. In particular, the friction

y g
At the present time, surface functionaliza- found in nature [see (16–19) for mechanical force, F, is found to be proportional to the contact
tion is the main approach that is followed metamaterials], we propose a design strategy area, A, through F = sA, where s is the frictional
worldwide to provide contact interfaces with (Fig. 1) to prepare contact interfaces with com- strength of the PDMS-glass interface. Predicting
improved frictional capabilities (1, 10). It often plex predefined frictional behavior. We de- the macroscale friction force F is thus substan-
consists of creating a certain surface topog- note these as metainterfaces. The strategy starts tially simplified because, for a given s, predicting
raphy at various length scales or adding a with a target friction law expressed as the F reduces to predicting the total contact area

homogeneous or heterogeneous thin coating macroscopic relationship Ftarget(P) between the A of all microcontacts.

at the solid surface. Unfortunately, despite normal load P applied to the interface and Second, as illustrated in Fig. 1, we chose to
many successes in a variety of specific cases the target macroscopic friction force Ftarget. use a square lattice of 64 asperities as sphe-
(11–15), this approach is still based on trial This law is the input of an inversion step, the rical caps, with a common radius of curvature
and error. It does not offer a general, system- output of which is a geometrical description R = 526 ± 5 mm and distributed summit
atic design strategy to convert a set of fric- of the surface’s topography, including the num- heights hi. We obtained them by molding a
tional specifications into an actual interface ber of necessary asperities and the list of their PDMS slab onto an aluminum mold prepared
that offers the expected behavior. By circum- individual properties (shape, size, height, po- with deterministic spherical holes using a sphere-
venting the main pitfalls that make it difficult sition). The inversion is based on two main ended cutting tool in a micromilling machine
to understand friction in natural interfaces, ingredients. First, the indentation and fric- (26) (for a typical image of a PDMS textured sam-
we propose and validate a general design strat- tional behaviors of a single microcontact are ple, see Fig. 1). This method of preparing popu-
egy to prepare multicontact interfaces with obtained through a preliminary calibration (top- lations of spherical PDMS asperities has been
on-demand frictional features. right illustration in Fig. 1), which may, but need successfully applied in the literature (31–33) but
not, be captured by an existing tribological not used to design interfaces with predefined
model. Crucially, those calibrated behaviors friction laws, as is done in this work. We have
Université de Lyon, École Centrale de Lyon, CNRS, ENTPE,
LTDS, UMR5513, 69130 Ecully, France. contain any specific effect due to the man- calibrated the indentation and shear behavior of
*Corresponding author. Email: ufacturing process, interface physicochemistry, single such microcontacts (26). Their normal

Aymard et al., Science 383, 200–204 (2024) 12 January 2024 1 of 5


indentation is well captured by the classical the fraction of the initial contact area that re- asperities with common curvature radius, R,
Hertz model of a linear-elastic sphere–rigid plane mains when the contact is sheared and just and composite elastic modulus, E*, but dis-
contact (34) (Fig. 2B), with a composite elastic about to slide. We found B to be independent of tributed summit heights, hi. This population
modulus E* (E  ¼ 1n E
2 , where E and n are the a0 (Fig. 2C). We also confirmed the propor- of asperities is brought into contact with a
Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the tionality between the contact area and static rigid smooth plane, forming a number of mi-
PDMS, respectively). Consistent with previous friction force, f = saf (Fig. 2D). crocontacts, which are each assumed to obey
work (27–30), the contact region is initially The third choice we made was the type of both Hertz’s model (34) under pure compres-
circular with an area a0 but decreases aniso- friction model to be inverted. For the present sion and the calibrated friction behavior under
tropically under shear, by ~10 to 15%, down to proof of concept, we found that a very simple shear. Microcontacts are assumed to be inde-
an area af (Fig. 2A) at the onset of sliding (sta- linear-elastic asperity-based model was suffi- pendent [see (26) for justification] such that
tic friction). The ratio B = af /a0 thus represents cient. We considered N spherical linear-elastic their individual in-plane locations become ir-
relevant. The area of the ith microcontact is
expressed as a0,i = pR(hi – d) if hi ≥ d and a0,i =
0 if hi < d, where d is the separation between
Target macroscale friction law: Ftarget(P) the rigid indenting plane and the base plane
that supports the asperities. The macroscopic
DESIGN STRATEGY f p quantities are simple sums: A0 ¼ a ,
i¼1 0;i
XN XN  3=2
Definition of relevant Calibration of Af ¼ a ,P ¼
i¼1 f;i 3=2 a0;i (Hertz’s

asperity-based indentation & friction of XN i¼1 3p R

single microcontacts P model), and F ¼ f ¼ sAf , where Af =
i¼1 i
friction model

BA0. The model parameter values were exper-
F imentally calibrated (26). Inverting the above
Inversion of the friction model consists in determining a suit-
friction model able list of heights hi such that the predicted
R friction law satisfies specifications set a priori.
Number of asperities
hi Interestingly, in the model, the friction law

+ list of individual F(P) can be rescaled as sB versus EP, where the
geometrical function relating sB and E  depends only on the
properties geometrical parameters of the asperities, R
and hi, and not on the material parameters, s,

B, and E*. Thus, in the following three exam-
Surface manufacturing
& friction test ples, we illustrate the success of our design
strategy using
 the material-independent rela-
tionship sB E  . This rescaled friction law char-
acterizes solely the effect of surface topography,
Actual macroscale friction law: F(P) which is the actual interfacial quantity on
which the design is performed.
Fig. 1. Flowchart of the design strategy. Shown at the top right is an illustration of a single microcontact
submitted to a normal force p and a friction force f. An illustration of a metainterface submitted to Building a friction law from operating points
normal and friction forces, P and F, is shown at the middle right. Dark gray ellipses represent real contact For our first example, we consider specifica-

y g
regions. The topography is made of N asperities, each with specifically designed geometrical properties
Pi Fi
 terms of a list of operating points
E  ; sB through which the friction law sB E 
(here, spherical caps of height hi and curvature radius R). At the bottom right is an image of a typical
centimetric elastomer-based realization of such a textured sample. Photographs of metainterfaces can be must pass. An infinity of suitable lists of as-
found in Figs. 3 to 5. perity heights hi exist as the solution to this

A B 0.2 C D
a0 af 1 0.4
a0 (mm2 )

af (mm2 )

f (N)

0.1 B
0.5 0.2

0 0 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1
0.5 mm p 2/3
(N 2/3
) a0 (mm2) af (mm2)

Fig. 2. Tribological calibration of single microcontacts. Illustrations for PDMS [see (26) for information about how those values were determined]. (C) Typical
batch 1. (A) Images of a microcontact under normal load p = 0.061 N with no evolution of af as a function of a0 (data points). The solid line is the linear fit
shear, initial area a0 (dark central region) (left) and at the onset of sliding, area af showing the existence of a constant area reduction ratio B = af /a0. (D) Typical
(tangential force applied upward in the image plane) (right). (B) a0 versus p2/3, friction force f versus af (data points). The solid line is the linear fit showing the
for three indentation experiments using three different samples (data points). The existence of a constant friction strength s = f/af. Error bars are ±5 mN for p,
 2=3 pffiffiffiffiffi
solid line is Hertz’s prediction a0 ¼ p 3Rp
4E for R = 526 mm and E* = 1.36 MPa ±(1 mN + 0.01f) for f, and ±2:8 pa  106 m2 for a0 and af.

Aymard et al., Science 383, 200–204 (2024) 12 January 2024 2 of 5


5 problem, each giving a different shape of the

h1 > h 2 > h3 friction law between operating points. For
pedagogical purposes, we adopted an inversion
strategy (26) in which each operating point
4 is reached using a single level of asperity height
(fig. S1). To pass from the first (trivial) operating
point (0, 0) to the next, one evaluates the max-
h2 imum number of asperities with identical heights
h1 &
F/ B (mm2)

3 (first height level) required to approach the op-

h 1 on erating point from below and adds a single
adjustment asperity whose height is selected to
reach exactly the desired operating point. The
2 procedure is repeated as many times as the
number of additional operating points. As a re-
sult, upon normal loading, a prescribed number
of new asperities enter the contact as soon as
1 the previous operating point is reached. We
applied this procedure to design a metainter-
Real contact
face with a predicted three-branched friction
behavior passing through three nonaligned op-
0 erating points (Fig. 3). Our measurement points

0 0. 2 0.4 0. 6 0.8
P/E* (mm2 ) delineate a friction law that closely approaches
the three target friction forces to better than 5%
Fig. 3. Designing an interface that reaches three preset frictional operating points. The green, blue, and (2.5% for the first two points). This agreement
red disks represent targeted operating points. The black points represent measured friction law sB F
versus EP. Error shows that the design strategy can be used suc-
bars are calculated as described in (26). The solid line is the model prediction. Dashed lines are continuations cessfully to prepare real-life metainterfaces that
of the two first branches of the solid line if the subsequent height levels of the asperities had not been populated. target a nontrivial list of friction forces.

The top-left inset shows a full image of the unsheared contact under P = 0.92 N. Asperities at each of the The latter design strategy can be extended
three height levels (h1 > h2 > h3) are circled with the same color as their associated operating point (main panel). to an arbitrary number of operating points
Scale bar is 1.5 mm. The bottom-right inset shows a magnified view of the real contact of nine microcontacts (although sufficiently smaller than the number
(the region outlined by the dashed line in the top-left inset). N of available asperities), opening the way to the

design of interfaces with friction laws defined by
many operating points. We expect that inver-
sion procedures that are more versatile than
B the pedagogical one we present will be devel-
~ m = 2.41
E* f oped, for instance, those that invert not only
3 mf
hi but also other geometrical quantities such
as the curvature radius of each asperity.
Specifying the friction coefficient at a constant
material pair

y g
2 For our second example, we acknowledged
that the most classical descriptor of the fric-
F/ B (mm2)

mf tional properties of an interface is the value

1.5 of its friction coefficient, m. Commonly con-
sidered to be a characteristic of a pair of
mt materials in contact, the friction coefficient

1 does not relate to a particular operating point

but rather to the global shape of the friction
law. Indeed, unlike the curve shown in Fig. 3, in
0.5 B most natural or human-made interfaces, the
~ m = 1.51
E* f friction law F(P) is found to be linear [Amontons-
Coulomb friction (1, 35)], with m being the slope
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 of the law. Hence, we targeted linear friction
laws with tunable slopes.
P/E* (mm2 )
For surface topographies made of spherical
Fig. 4. Specifying the friction coefficient at a constant material pair. Experimental friction laws (data points) asperities that obey Hertz’s indentation law,
of two metainterfaces with exponential-like distributions of asperity heights (table S1). Error bars are as described as in our metainterfaces, a statistical frame-
in Fig. 3. Lines are linear fits of the data [over the last 12 (7) points for the blue (red) data]. The red and work relating the contact area A0 to the normal
blue shaded regions around the lines represent the 68% confidence interval on the linear regression. The fitted load P exists [see Greenwood and Williamson’s
slopes mf of the rescaled laws, 6.73 ± 0.22 (red) and 9.53 ± 0.25 (blue) [which correspond to friction coefficients model (20)]. This framework predicts a linear
m ≈ sB
E mf ¼ 1:51 and 2.41 that are typical of PDMS-glass rough contacts (27, 29)] match the targeted slopes A0(P) relationship when the asperities’ heights,
(dashed lines), mt = 6.87 (red) and 9.43 (blue), to better than 2.1%. The insets show typical photographs of the hi, follow a probability distribution that is ex-
two metainterfaces under pure normal force P = 0.39 N (blue) or 0.93 N (red). Scale bars are 1.5 mm. ponential (e−h/l/l, where l is the scale parameter

Aymard et al., Science 383, 200–204 (2024) 12 January 2024 3 of 5


of the exponential). We adapted this model to for centuries. Thus, controlling friction based on approaches proposed here as pedagogical
account for the existence of a maximum asperity generic principles is often considered unreach- illustrations.
height hm due to the finite number of asperities able. Our work demonstrates that the friction Static friction is not the only possible tar-
and extended it to predict linear-like friction laws of dry elastomer-based metainterfaces can ac- get functionality, because the design strategy
[details in (26)]. In particular,
  we derived the tually be finely tuned when the surface topog- can presumably be adapted to control other
value of the slope of sB
qffiffiffiffi E  for large P: m ¼ raphy is designed according to our proposed topography-related quantities, including inter-
pR pffiffi
strategy (Fig. 1). We emphasize that our three facial stiffnesses and adhesion forces. Such
l erf ð xÞp2ffip xex , where x = hm/l and erf is
examples far from exhaust the myriad possible extensions require different types of calibra-
the error function. m is a rescaled estimator for variations around our design strategy, which tions of individual microcontacts that are ded-
the friction coefficient of the interface (m ≈ sB m). provides a simple framework that enables icated to those target properties. In this respect,
For illustrative purposes, we fixed R and hm friction-control opportunities, starting from, note that in our experiments, the friction de-
and targeted two different slopes m. Using the but not limited to, the universally used friction sign strategy can be applied indifferently to
above expression of m, we identified the two l coefficient. Such topography-based control con- the static friction force (as in Figs. 3 to 5) or
that were suitable to generate two metainter- firms, in particular, that the static friction co- sliding friction force [see (26)].
faces, each with one of the target slopes (26). The efficient is not a constant for a given pair of Our design strategy should be applicable to
two friction laws that we obtained are linear, materials, as predicted by models (22, 23, 36) other material pairs than PDMS and glass. For
and their slopes match the predictions to better and observed in stick-slip experiments (37). materials whose contact remains elastic [see
than 2.1% (Fig. 4). This agreement validates that The potentially accessible friction laws F(P) (26) for a criterion], the approach developed
our design strategy quantitatively enables the are countless, in terms of both their nonlinear in our examples should hold, with material
prescription of the slope of a linear friction law shape and the way specifications are expressed changes being accounted for by the rescaled,
[after a nonlinear part at small P that is due to (forces, slopes, etc.). Those alternative, richer material-independent
  version of the friction

the finite value of hm/l and is responsible for a prescriptions likely require the inversion of law, sB E  . For nonelastic materials, qualita-
nonvanishing intercept; see (26)]. The slopes m more topographic features than the individ- tive changes might need to be brought to the
 we  achieved for the rescaled friction law ual asperities’ heights, including their individ- calibrated microcontact behavior laws, friction
sB E  differ by a ratio of 1.42 (1.60 for the fric- ual radii of curvature and in-plane locations. model, and related inversions. For instance, for
tion coefficients m≈ sB E  m). For a discussion about Such additional degrees of freedom should elastoplastic contacts, enriched asperity-based
the range of achievable friction coefficients, see prompt the development and use of advanced friction models are required (40, 41). In addi-

(26). We emphasize that the results provide a friction models (22, 38) and inversion tools tion, the plasticity-induced irreversible mod-
practical way to tune the friction coefficient of a (25, 39) that are not limited to the analytical ifications of the topography will likely affect all
contact interface by manipulating the surface
topography only, that is, without bringing any 2

change to the bulk materials or physicochem-
istry of their surfaces.

Building friction laws with multiple specified m 2,f

m 2,t
linear branches 1.5
For our third example, we show that unnatu-
ral, nonlinear-shaped friction laws can also be m 1,f
designed, enabling one to go beyond Amontons-
Coulomb–like friction. As an illustration, we
F/ B (mm2)

targeted a succession of two linear branches 1

y g
with specified slopes, m1 and m2, and a cross-
over at a specified critical normal load, Pc/E*.
We first describe how such a friction law can
be obtained [see (26)] using a weighted expo-
nential distribution of heights, which gener- 0.5
ates two subpopulations of asperities. We then Pc,f /E*

explain how to invert the law and find a suit- m 1,t

able list of asperity heights, hi [see (26)]. Pc,t /E*
We demonstrate that such bilinear-shaped
friction laws can indeed be achieved (Fig. 5) 0
through two different realizations. As targeted, 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
both realizations share the same two slopes, P/E* (mm )
which are different by a ratio of 1.75, but have
two different crossover normal loads, Pc/E* Fig. 5. Friction law made of two specified linear branches. Two experimental realizations of bilinear friction
(ratio 1.94). The slopes values are fulfilled by laws (data points) based on height distributions given by eq. S6 (table S2). Error bars are as described in Figs. 3
better than 5.2% (10% for the ratio of Pc/E*), and 4. Solid lines are linear fits of each branch [six (four) first data points for the first branch of the blue (red)
further demonstrating experimentally the suc- curve; eight (seven) last data points for the second branch of the blue (red) curve]. The red and blue shaded
cess of our design strategy in satisfying quan- regions around the lines are as in Fig. 4. The fitted slopes mf of both linear-like branches in each curve match the target
titatively nontrivial friction prescriptions. slopes mt (dashed black lines), 7.15 and 12.52, to better than 5.2%. Vertical lines show target (Pc,t/E*, dashed
lines) and observed (Pc,f/E*, solid lines) crossover normal loads (in the same colors as the corresponding curves).
Discussion Insets show typical photographs of the metainterfaces that underlie both friction laws under pure normal
Understanding friction in its generality re- force P = 0.23 N (red) or 0.34 N (blue). The frame color refers to that of the corresponding friction law. Scale bars
mains a formidable challenge and has been are 1.5 mm. See movie S1 for a qualitative illustration experiment on analogous metainterfaces.

Aymard et al., Science 383, 200–204 (2024) 12 January 2024 4 of 5


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ling. Larger asperities can be obtained in the Z. Lin and X. Qi for their help in developing the inversion scheme
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de Lyon within the program “Investissements d’Avenir” (grant
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materials availability: All data are available in the main text or the

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Aymard et al., Science 383, 200–204 (2024) 12 January 2024 5 of 5


IMMUNOLOGY We next interrogated the usage of each codon

within IGHM relative to the human protein-
Antibody production relies on the tRNA inosine coding genome by calculating the probability
of finding a CDS with a lower usage frequency.
wobble modification to meet biased codon demand Overall, IGHM used few codons at a frequency
comparable with that of the average human
Sophie Giguère1*, Xuesong Wang1, Sabrina Huber2†, Liling Xu1, John Warner1, Stephanie R. Weldon1, gene: P(Usage) of 0.5 indicates standard usage;
Jennifer Hu2, Quynh Anh Phan1, Katie Tumang1, Thavaleak Prum1, Duanduan Ma3, Kathrin H. Kirsch1, 1.0 indicates a higher usage in IGHM than in all
Usha Nair1, Peter Dedon2,4, Facundo D. Batista1,5,6,7* other CDS (Fig. 1C). Thus, the pattern of codon
usage in IGHM is distinct from the general
Antibodies are produced at high rates to provide immunoprotection, which puts pressure on the B cell biases of human protein-coding genes.
translational machinery. Here, we identified a pattern of codon usage conserved across antibody genes. One All members of the IgH family have high SCUO
feature thereof is the hyperutilization of codons that lack genome-encoded Watson-Crick transfer RNAs scores (fig. S1D). We found the pattern identified
(tRNAs), instead relying on the posttranscriptional tRNA modification inosine (I34), which expands the in immunoglobulin M (IgM) throughout: IgH
decoding capacity of specific tRNAs through wobbling. Antibody-secreting cells had increased I34 levels isotype P(Usage) scores were highly correla-
and were more reliant on I34 for protein production than naïve B cells. Furthermore, antibody ted, indicating a conserved pattern of codon
I34-dependent codon usage may influence B cell passage through regulatory checkpoints. Our work bias within the family (Fig. 1, C and D).
elucidates the interface between the tRNA pool and protein production in the immune system and has To interrogate whether this pattern was asso-
implications for the design and selection of antibodies for vaccines and therapeutics. ciated with protein structure, we examined the
T cell receptor (TCR) constant-region family.

Like IgHs, TCRs are antigen receptors with a

rotein production is among the most ener- proteotoxic stress and energetic costs (7–10). cell-specific variable region and universal con-
getically costly and stressful processes that Although a correlation between codon usage stant region and structurally resemble the Fab
cells undertake (1). Efficient translation of abundant proteins and tRNA gene copy portion of immunoglobulins (18). The codon
is critical in cell fitness and function, par- numbers—often used as a proxy for abundance usage patterns of human TCR constant re-
ticularly for highly expressed proteins (2). but weakly correlated—is well documented gions did not correlate with those of IgH iso-
Antibodies must be synthesized in substan- in single-celled organisms, the interactions be- types, except for TCRb, which was still less

tial quantities to provide systemic protection tween tRNA supply and codon demand may be similar to any IgH isotype than the IgH iso-
against infection (3). Initially expressed in the less straightforward in multicellular eukaryotes types were to each other (Fig. 1, D and E).
hundreds of thousands per cell as membrane- (11–14). The tRNA pool of metazoan cells is To determine whether this specific pattern
bound immunoglobulin B cell receptors (BCRs), dynamic, and changes in tRNA expression and of codon bias was conserved, we compared

antibodies are secreted by plasma cells (PCs) modifications affect cell differentiation ver- human and murine IgH constant regions by
at rates of up to 100 million molecules per sus proliferation, as well as tumor metastasis using hierarchical clustering analysis of codon
hour, per cell, for years (4, 5). Antibody pro- (12, 15–17). Given the importance of antibody P(Usage) for all IgH isotypes (Fig. 1F). Across all
duction in PCs is tightly regulated, requiring production to immunity, we investigated whe- isotypes, human and murine IgH sequences
dramatic alterations in cellular biology. Key ther antibody-secreting cells have tRNA pools shared a set of 12 hyperutilized codons, as well
processes include the coordinated activity of tailored to immunoglobulin production. as 11 hypoutilized relative to the correspond-
multiple transcription factors, metabolic changes, ing genome. Most notably, ACC (Thr) had high
and expansion of the endoplasmic reticulum Antibody constant-region genes demonstrate P(Usage) in both mice and humans. ACC (Thr)
(ER) and Golgi complex because cell survival a biased codon pattern that does not predict appeared, on average, more frequently in IgH
requires the up-regulation of unfolded pro- the corresponding tRNA sequences than in nearly any human [P(usage) =

y g
tein response factors and ER chaperones to The human immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) 0.995] or murine (0.96) CDS. Murine and hu-
prevent toxic antibody aggregation (6). How- constant region comprises the bulk of the anti- man IgH genes shared a characteristic codon
ever, little is known about how the transla- body protein and, consequently, its production bias pattern.
tional machinery adapts to antibody production. demand. Unlike the antigen-recognizing vari- To assess the ability of the tRNA pool to match
tRNAs, the primary interpreters of the gen- able region, IgH has not evolved for hyper- immunoglobulin codon patterns, we examined
etic code, are central and dynamic compo- mutability and remains relatively consistent gene copy numbers for tRNAs corresponding

nents of translation. The adaptation of codon across cells and individuals. to codons hyperutilized in IgH genes in both

usage to the abundance of corresponding In human IGHM—the first isotype expressed species. Eight had multiple directly correspond-
tRNAs can affect translational efficiency and and, at 49 kDa, the largest—the frequencies of ing tRNA genes for the anticodon (Fig. 1, G
accuracy. Perturbations of this balance induce the 61 sense codons varied substantially, in- and H, and fig. S1F). However, four hyperutil-
cluding within synonymous codon sets (Fig. ized codons lacked corresponding tRNA genes
1A and fig. S1A). Seven codons were not used, according to classic Watson-Crick base pairing
The Ragon Institute of Mass General, Massachusetts despite the presence of all standard amino rules: GTC (Val), TCC (Ser), CCC (Pro), and ACC
Institute of Technology (MIT), and Harvard, Cambridge, MA acids (Fig. 1A and fig. S1, A and B). Each of the (Thr) (Fig. 1, G and H, and fig. S1F). Genome-
02139, USA. 2Department of Biological Engineering, MIT,
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 3BioMicro Center, MIT,
10 most common codons in IGHM encoded a encoded tRNAs were incongruous with the IgH
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 4Singapore-MIT Alliance for different amino acid and was far more fre- pattern of codon bias. Thus, to translate anti-
Research and Technology, Singapore 138602. 5Department quent than its synonyms, suggesting strong body genes, cells must reprogram available tRNAs
of Immunology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115,
bias (Fig. 1A and fig. S1C). IGHM synonymous to meet codon demand.
USA. 6Department of Microbiology, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA 02115, USA. 7Department of Biology, MIT, codon usage order (SCUO), which quantifies
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. gene-wide codon bias, was within the top 10% tRNA modifications in antibody-secreting cell
*Corresponding author. Email: (S.G.); of human coding sequences (CDS) (Fig. 1B), lines expand decoding capacity (F.D.B.)
†Present Address: ETH Zürich, Laboratory of Toxicology, 8092 Zürich, suggesting potential selective pressure on IGHM tRNA decoding capacity is determined by the
Switzerland. codon use. genome-encoded primary sequences of the

Giguère et al., Science 383, 205–211 (2024) 12 January 2024 1 of 7


A B C IGHM R2 = 0.90
P < 2e-16

P(Usage) Score



































D IGHA R2 = 0.82
P < 2e-16 IGHD R2 = 0.59
P < 3e-13 IGHE R2 = 0.71
P < 2e-16 IGHG R2 = 0.90
P < 2e-16
P(Usage) Score





Codon Codon Codon Codon
E TCR alpha R2 = 0.0091
TCR beta R2 = 0.41
TCR delta R2 = 0.020 TCR gamma R2 = 0.00070
P = 0.21 P < 7e-9 P = 0.14 P = 0.31
P(Usage) Score




Codon Codon Codon Codon





































Codon Order:
F 20 N

tRNA Gene Count

IgG4 15 Average
IgG1 P(Usage)
IgG3 Score
IgA2 V 1.00
10 F
IgA1 VSPT 0.75
S 0.50
IgD T 0.25
P(Usage) 5 V T 0.00
0.8 0 F S N S P V T
IgH Isotype

y g





IgG2 0.4

IgG3 Species Asn (N) Val (V)

Human 20
tRNA Gene Count

Mouse Average
IgG1 15 P(Usage)

10 0.75

5 0.25
IgD 0.00










































Hyperutilized Hypoutilized
Codons Codons Codon

Fig. 1. Biased codon usage patterns across IgH constant regions. (A) Frequency ordered as in (C), analyzed with a linear correlation model. (F) Hierarchical
of codon usage in the human IGHM gene. Mean ± SD. (B) Quartile distribution clustering analysis of codon P(Usage) scores for human and mouse IgH
of SCUO scores, representing total codon usage bias across the human IGHM gene genes. Each row represents one gene isoform [as delimited by the International
compared with all genes from the human-genome Consensus Coding Sequence Immunogenetics Information System (IMGT)]; each column represents a
(CCDS) dataset. (C) Mean of codon P(Usage) scores for human IGHM. The codon. (G and H) tRNA gene copy number in the human genome for the
codons on the x axis are ranked by the combined mean scores for all five human amino acids corresponding to hyperutilized codons bracketed in (F). Codons
IgH isotypes, using a linear correlation model. (D) Mean of codon P(Usage) and tRNAs are matched by Watson-Crick base pairing. Codons lacking genome-
scores for all other human IgH isotypes. The x axis is ordered as in (C), and encoded Watson-Crick complementary tRNAs are highlighted in red. Bars are
codons were analyzed with a linear correlation model. (E) Same as (C) and (D) color-coded by the average codon probability score for all IgH isotypes across
but showing scores for each human TCR constant-region chain with the x axis humans. Source data for this figure can be found in data S1 and S2.

Giguère et al., Science 383, 205–211 (2024) 12 January 2024 2 of 7


anticodon, overlaid by posttranscriptional mod- IgH genes relative to their genomic distributions of I34-dependent immunoglobulin genes. This
ifications, some of which may expand the de- (Fig. 2H). Thus, I34 modification is required to was recapitulated in an independent sequenc-
coding capacity of that tRNA (19, 20). We decode IgH and is also found at elevated fre- ing run for J558, MPC11, and WEHI231 (fig. S2F).
compared the tRNA modification profiles of quencies in antibody-secreting cells. Furthermore, when we grouped tRNA genes for
cells that secrete antibodies with those that To distinguish between structural constraints each anticodon and analyzed differential expres-
do not to determine if there were any differ- and the demands of antibody production on I34 sion, anticodons up-regulated in PC lines were
ences suggesting adaptation to IgH production. dependency, we compared the I34-dependency enriched for I34-modifiable species (Fig. 3C).
We isolated small RNA (sRNA) [<200 nucleo- score across antibody light-chain constant region To confirm that I34-modifiable tRNA species
tides (nt)] from murine splenic naïve B cells genes (IgL) and TCR constant regions, as well in B cells were in fact modified, we examined
(NBCs), a murine NBC-like line (WEHI231), two as the broader set of immunoglobulin super- the anticodon read sequences. Inosine preferen-
murine antibody-secreting PC lines (J558, MPC11), family genes (IGSF), all of which contain struc- tially matches with cytidine bases, whereas the
and a human reference, human embryonic turally similar immunoglobulin-like domains unmodified adenosine original preferentially
kidney 293T (HEK293T), which is frequently (Fig. 2J). Of these, IgH had the highest I34- matches with uracil (20, 31). Thus, the presence
used to produce antibodies. The bulk of the dependency score, followed by IgL, another of I34 can be detected through an A-to-G mis-
extracted RNA was 70 to 90 nt, the standard antibody component. By contrast, TCRs, which match at the wobble position. Nearly all reads
size of full-length tRNA (fig. S2A). We quan- are produced at lower levels and in smaller overlapping the anticodon region for I34-
tified a panel of 25 tRNA modifications with sizes than antibodies, have I34-dependency modifiable species were modified at the wobble
liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry scores near the species average. Histones, which position (Fig. 3D). The fractions of modified
(LC-MS) multiple reaction monitoring (Fig. 2A). are structurally unrelated to antibodies but also species were comparable across naïve and PC
The most frequently found modifications were highly expressed, were extremely enriched for lines. One caveat, however, is that multiple mu-
methylations (Fig. 2B), which are often asso- I34-dependent codons. Similarly, I34-dependent rine tRNA Val-AAC and Val-CAC gene sequen-

ciated with tRNA structure (21). There is no codons are enriched in highly expressed yeast ces are highly similar. The A-to-C mismatches
evidence, however, that methylations can ex- proteins (22). Across eukaryotes, I34-dependent that we observed may have been an artifact of
pand tRNA decoding capacity. codons are enriched for in low-complexity pro- alignment parameters. However, a wobble posi-
Modifications on position 34, or the so-called tein domains: regions characterized by low tion G definitively indicated inosine introduc-
wobble position, are the only ones known to amino acid diversity and often difficult to tion due to the absence of a tRNA Val-GAC
modulate decoding capacity (19–21). In our translate (26–28). Thus, antibody expression, gene in the mouse genome. This was also true

samples, five modifications were found that rather than structure, may underlie I34 for Leu, Ser, and Pro (Fig. 3D). Thus, the in-
occur only at site 34, some of which alter dependency. crease in inosine observed in PC tRNA pools
decoding (Fig. 2C) (21). The antibody-secreting can likely be attributed to differential expression
J558 and MPC11 clustered together in a prin- The tRNA pools of antibody-secreting cell rather than variation in the rate of modification.

cipal components analysis (PCA) of overall tRNA lines are enriched for inosine-containing To determine whether the enrichment of
modification profiles, as well as a comparison anticodons I34-modified tRNAs in PC lines represents an
focused to site 34 (Fig. 2, D and E, and fig. Changes in tRNA modification abundance de- adaptation to IgH translational demands, we
S2B). To compare frequencies of site 34 tRNA tected with MS may have been caused by compared the expression of anticodons in PC
modifications across antibody-secreting PC differential expression of modifiable tRNAs, versus NBC lines, relative to the mean codon
lines and NBC lines, we normalized modifi- the extent to which available tRNAs were P(Usage) of murine antibody IgH regions (Fig. 3,
cations in all other lines relative to the NBC-like modified, or both. For a more comprehensive E and F). If genome-encoded Watson-Crick base
WEHI231 and found that the two murine comparison of tRNA expression in B cells, we pairing was used, there was no significant
antibody-secreting PC lines most resembled performed tRNA sequencing (tRNA-seq) (29) correlation between codons and anticodons
one another (Fig. 2F). Moreover, the profile of on the sRNA extractions (<200 nt) of two (Fig. 3E). However, if tRNA wobbling was per-

y g
HEK293T—which does not naturally produce murine NBC lines (WEHI231 and Bcl 5b1b) and mitted, there was a strong increase in correla-
antibodies but can be induced to express anti- two antibody-secreting PC lines (J558 and tion between codons enriched within IgH and
bodies efficiently—more closely resembled the MPC11). Multiple tRNAs, decoding a variety of up-regulated anticodons in PC lines (Fig. 3F).
PC lines (Fig. 2F). amino acids, were significantly differentially Thus, tRNA wobbling generally, but I34-based
The most consistently up-regulated wobble expressed between these cell types (Fig. 3A). translation particularly, has an important place
modification in PC lines is inosine (I34) (Fig. Generally, tRNAs encoding serine, arginine, and in PC lines. Moreover, I34-modifiable tRNA

2F). Introduced through the deamination of tryptophan were significantly up-regulated in expression rates may constitute an adaptation

adenosine in eight anticodons, I34 is a “super- PC lines, whereas those encoding histidine and to high-level antibody production.
wobbler” able to decode cytidine, uridine, and lysine were down-regulated (fig. S2C), although
(within limits) adenine (Fig. 2G). I34 is neces- this did not map consistently to amino acid I34-decoding efficiency is critical to effective
sary for the decoding of eight C-ending codons frequency in the gene (fig. S2, D and E). tRNAs protein production, particularly in antibody-
in most eukaryotes, given the absence of tRNA for the same anticodon may have different secreting cells
genes with the corresponding Watson-Crick efficiencies or regulatory aspects (30). Indeed, To assess the functional relevance of I34-
base pairing (22–25). Because multiple codons there was divergence within tRNA genes of modified tRNA decoding to protein production,
hyperutilized in IgH genes lack a directly decod- the same anticodon (Fig. 3A). For example, tRNA we designed a fluorescent reporter expression
ing tRNA and because I34 is up-regulated in cell Arg-ACG-3 was up-regulated in PC lines, whereas assay (fig. S3A). We generated plasmids with
lines that express high levels of antibody, I34 Arg-ACG-2 was down-regulated. Thus, the tRNA enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFPWT)—
could partially bridge the gap between IgH pool differs between antibody-secreting cells which hyperutilized I34-dependent codons
codon demands and the tRNA supply. Both and NBCs, potentially to meet different trans- compared with all murine CDSs—or I34 codon-
human and mouse IgH sequences were highly lational needs. modified eGFP (GFPI34mod), which dramatically
enriched for I34-dependent codons (Fig. 2I). I34-modifiable tRNAs were up-regulated in underutilized these codons (fig. S3B), and we
Indeed, four I34-dependent codons were consist- the PC lines (Fig. 3, A and B), reflecting the in- used mCerulean as an internal control (fig. S3C).
ently hyperutilized across mouse and human creased demand from the high-level production In GFPI34mod, all I34-dependent codons (NNC)

Giguère et al., Science 383, 205–211 (2024) 12 January 2024 3 of 7


A m1A
B 1e8


Signal Intensity

mG 1e7



m A

m5 A

ac m





t A6







C 1.2e6 D

Signal Intensity

PC2 (16.45%)
2.5e6 Cell:

Inosine Gm
8e5 0.2 WEHI231
m5U 4 6 6 Splenic
ac C mtA
D acp3U ncm5Um t6A x B Cells
m 6A ms2t6A 0.0 x
ncm5U 1 x J558
Y Um m I m5Um Am
4e5 MPC11
0 tRNA -0.2 x HEK293T
0 5 10 position 34
Acquisition Time (min) 0 -0.4
-0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50

nc m U

cm U
In U
nc m


m m5
s5 2

PC1 (48.45%)


E 0.4 F 0.4

0.2 x
PC2 (34.21%)

Cell: 0.2 x
0.0 WEHI231 Cell:
x x WEHI231

x Splenic x
B Cells x Splenic
-0.2 J558 0.0 B Cells
MPC11 x J558
x HEK293T x x MPC11
-0.2 x x HEK293T
x x


-0.50 -0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 -0.4

PC1 (46.22%)


s5 2






G H IgG3
I 1.00 J 1.00


IgG1 Probability 0.75 0.75
Probability Score

Probability Score


IgG2 1
IgG1 0.6 Human
H₂O 0.50 0.50 Human
0.4 Mouse
IgA 0.2 Mouse
IgE Species

y g
Human 0.25 0.25
IgM Mouse
IgG3 0.00 0.00









Fig. 2. The tRNA modification profiles of antibody-secreting plasma cells splenic B cells (dark blue), and HEK293T cells (gray), relative to the murine NBC-like
and NBCs differ. (A) Total ion chromatogram of LC-MS-MS analysis of line WEHI231 (blue line). Each dot represents the average of three replicates run
modified sRNA nucleosides performed using multiple reaction monitoring from concurrently. Mean ± SEM. (G) Schematic of tRNA deamination to introduce
WEHI231 cells. (B and C) Normalized signal intensities for modifications from inosine at the wobble position (I34). (H) Hierarchical clustering analysis of codon
WEHI231 sRNA. Each dot represents the average of three replicates run probability scores for I34-dependent codons in human and mouse IgH genes.
concurrently. n = 3 independent experiments. (B) shows modifications found Each row represents one gene isoform (as delimited by IMGT); each column
throughout tRNAs, and (C) shows modifications that occur exclusively on tRNA represents a codon. (I and J) Quartile distribution of combined I34-dependent
position 34 (wobble position). (D) PCA of MS-based quantification of 25 tRNA codon probability scores for various gene families in humans (gray) and mice
modifications in various cell types from one set of samples run concurrently. (brown). (I) shows IgH constant regions, and (J) shows IgL constant regions,
Each dot represents the average of three replicates run concurrently. (E) As IGSF, TCRs, and histones. In panels B through F, unfilled red circles and triangles
shown in (D), PCA of MS-based quantification of the five tRNA modifications denote antibody-secreting B cell lines, and filled blue diamonds and squares
detected that occur exclusively on position 34 of tRNAs. Each dot represents denote non–antibody secreting B cell lines. The non-B cell line is a gray X. Source
the average of three replicates run concurrently. (F) Log of fold-change (FC) values data for MS can be found in data S3, and source data for I34-dependent codon
for position 34 tRNA modifications in murine PC lines (J558, MPC11; red), murine probability scores can be found in data S4.

Giguère et al., Science 383, 205–211 (2024) 12 January 2024 4 of 7


Trp−CCA−2 B C
0.50 8

Fraction of Significantly Differentially


Expressed I34-Modifiable tRNAs


−Log10 adjusted p−value

Ile−AAT−3 6
Met−CAT−4 4 I34-
Arg−TCT−4 0.25
Ile−TAT−2 4
Gln−CTG−5 2 AAT Non I34-
Ile−AAT−2 Modifiable
Val−CAC−5 0
Glu−TTC−1 -2
-4 AGA
Lys−CTT−3 0.00
Thr−AGT−3 0

in NBC Lines

in PC Lines

Arg−ACG−2 -0.50 -0.25 0.00 0.25
Arg−CCT−4 Log2 fold change

WEHI231 BCL J558 MPC11


AGC (Ala) ACG (Arg) AAT (Ile) AGT (Thr) Watson-Crick Base Pairing Wobble Pairing
0.50 0.50
r 2 = 0.00617, p = 0.6 r 2 = 0.0871, p = 0.05
0.75 ATC
Anticodon Log2(FC)

Anticodon Log2(FC)
Mismatch Fraction

0.25 0.25
0.00 A C GTC

AAG (Leu) AGG (Pro) AGA (Ser) AAC (Val) A G 0.00 0.00 CCC
1.00 CTC

0.50 -0.25 -0.25

A/U I34/C
0.25 None None

-0.50 -0.50







Bcl 5b1b


Bcl 5b1b

Bcl 5b1b

Bcl 5b1b










IgH Codon P(Usage) Score IgH Codon P(Usage) Score

Fig. 3. The tRNA pool of PC lines is enriched for inosine at the wobble expressed anticodons between PC lines and NBC-like lines. I34-modified
position as compared with NBC lines. (A) Heatmap of significantly anticodons are labeled and highlighted in orange. (D) Fraction of nucleotide
differentially expressed tRNA genes between murine PC lines (red) and mismatch at the wobble position of I34-modifiable tRNA species from tRNA-seq.
murine NBC-like lines (blue), showing normalized expression values (E and F) Correlation between mean P(Usage) codon probabilities for murine IgH
(rlog normalization, using DESeq2) that are centered and scaled by row. sequences and the differentially expressed anticodons between murine PC lines and

y g
I34-modifiable tRNAs are highlighted in orange. Each column represents NBC-like lines. (E) Anticodon-codon pairs are restricted to Watson-Crick
an individual sample. n = 1 independent experiment. (B) Fraction of (nonwobble) base-pairing interactions, where applicable. (F) Anticodon-codon
significantly up-regulated tRNAs in NBC lines versus up-regulated tRNAs pairs are restricted to wobble, where applicable. I34-preferred codons are
in PC lines that are I34-modifiable. (C) Volcano plot of differentially labeled. Raw tRNA sequencing data are available from Dryad (51).

were switched to the corresponding NNT codon 4C). Direct attribution to I34 modification is unable to generate viable Adat2-KO B cell
(in NNC and NNT, N is any nucleotide), which complicated by the concomitant change in GC- lines using CRISPR/Cas9, in line with lethality
can be decoded by the unmodified tRNA, and, content, which may affect RNA processing and observed broadly in eukaryotic cells and likely
at low efficiency, by I34-modified tRNAs (20, 31). expression (32, 33). Nonetheless, decreasing owing to the dependency of many genes on I34
We transfected the two murine PC lines, J558 I34-dependent codons was more detrimental modification (23, 25, 35–37). Furthermore, when
and MPC11, and the murine NBC line WEHI231, to protein production in PC lines. we generated a mouse in which ADAT2 was spe-
with one of the two plasmids. GFP production— cifically ablated in the B cell compartment—
both baseline and normalized to mCerulean— Translation of I34-dependent codons affects Adat2-flox crossed with Mb1-Cre (fig. S4, B to
was reduced in all cell lines when I34-dependent B cell development and differentiation D)—homozygous Adat2-flox Mb1-Cre mice
codon usage was reduced (Fig. 4, A and B, and I34 is introduced into tRNAs through deami- exhibited nearly complete loss of peripheral
fig. S3D). A greater difference between normal- nation, by a complex of adenosine deaminase blood B cells (Fig. 4, D and E). To study the
ized GFPWT and GFPI34mod indicates a greater tRNA-specific 2 (ADAT2) and ADAT3. Although effects of I34 dependency, we instead sought
contribution of I34-decoding efficiency to pro- both enzymes are required, ADAT2 contains to regulate the decoding efficiency of I34-
tein production. WEHI231 was least affected, the active deaminase domain (25, 34). Adat2 modified tRNAs by altering codon compo-
whereas normalized GFPI34mod showed signifi- is expressed in mouse B cells and at especially sition. In contrast to the constant region, the
cantly greater decreases in both PC lines (Fig. high levels in PC lines (fig. S4A). We were antibody variable region is specific to B cell

Giguère et al., Science 383, 205–211 (2024) 12 January 2024 5 of 7


A WEHI231 J558 MPC11 C D WT

* Single Cells
1.5 0.6 105

Log Normalized GFP Difference

1.0 104

0.5 103

-2 -1 0 1 -2 -1 0 1 -2 -1 0 1
-10-3 0 103 104 105
Log(Normalized GFP) Log(Normalized GFP) Log(Normalized GFP)

B WEHI231 J558 MPC11

Adat2 KOB cell Hz
4 4
Single Cells
Normalized GFP

3 3 105
0.0 104
2 2 GFPI34mod


1 1 1


0 0 0
-10-3 0 103 104 105

E **** F 100 G 100 **

% Peripheral B Cells
Expressing CLK19

% Peripheral B Cells

Expressing CLK19
% B220+ CD19+


20 25



B H t2

H I3




** * * **



y g
Donor Donor


01a 0.70 01a



02a 02a
04 04
07 07
0.68 10 10
13 13
0.65 20 20
22 22


C d
C e

C e


C ry
B ate
B aiv

a od

C ve

C ve
B mo


C ry






m N

B mo
B Nai


B Nai


as h


Pl mp


Fig. 4. I34 and I34-dependent codons play key roles at multiple stages of Adat2-flox Mb1-Cre mice. (E) Quantification of percentage of B220+ cells in the blood.
B cell development. (A) Representational density plots of log scores for normalized Each dot represents a single mouse. n = 1 independent experiment; mean ± SEM; Welch’s
GFP (GFP/mCerulean), by cell. The red label denotes an antibody-secreting B cell line, two-sample t test. Source data for (D) and (E) can be found in table S1. (F) Percentage
whereas the blue label denotes a non–antibody secreting B cell line. (B) Mean of of peripheral B cells expressing full-length CLK19 variant from IghCLK19/WT or IghI34/WT
normalized GFP by cell type. n = 5 independent experiments. (C) Difference in log- knockin mice, by single-cell RNA-seq. (G) Quantification of (F), with mean ± SEM. Welch’s
normalized GFP between GFPWT and GFPI34mod by cell type. Each dot represents the two-sample t test. Source data for (F) and (G) can be found in table S2. (H) Boxplot of
average of technical duplicates. n = 5 independent experiments; mean ± SD; linear mixed I34-dependency P(Usage) scores in variable-region antibody repertoires from eight human
model with Tukey post hoc correction. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001. Filled blue donors, in various B cell compartments. (I and J) Same as (H) but showing individual
symbols indicate non–antibody secreting B cell line; open red circles and triangles median donor scores in (I) NBCs versus long-lived BMPCs and (J) NBCs versus MBC
denote antibody-secreting B cells lines. Source data for (A) to (C) can be found in data repertoires. Linear mixed model with Tukey post hoc correction. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01;
S5. (D) Representative flow cytometry plots of blood cells from (top) WT and (bottom) ***P < 0.001. Source data for (H) to (J) can be found in data S6.

Giguère et al., Science 383, 205–211 (2024) 12 January 2024 6 of 7


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also enhance tonic signaling and B cell survival strate that tRNA remodeling and gene codon AC KNOWLED GME NTS
in the periphery (40, 41). Increased I34-dependent usage are important regulatory mechanisms of We would like to thank all members of the Batista Lab for
codon usage appears to benefit selection, either humoral immunity. assistance with experiments. We also thank A. K. Chakraborty,
during intracellular competition between im- P. M. Murugan, and K. G. Sprenger for help with the design of

the IghI34/WT mouse model; L. Wu and the Harvard Gene
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y g
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NANOMATERIALS ventional film deposition techniques is limited

by its poor wetting characteristics on many
Twisted epitaxy of gold nanodisks grown between surfaces, including MoS2. For thin layers (nom-
inal thickness of <1 nm), Au epitaxial nano-
twisted substrate layers of molybdenum disulfide particles (NPs) are formed; in effect, the higher
surface area favored NPs over a continuous
Yi Cui1, Jingyang Wang1,2, Yanbin Li1, Yecun Wu1, Emily Been1, Zewen Zhang1, Jiawei Zhou1, film. In the epitaxial MoS2-Au system, Au has
Wenbo Zhang1, Harold Y. Hwang1,3*, Robert Sinclair1*, Yi Cui1,4,5* an fcc crystal structure with a 3  symmetry
along the ½111 axis, whereas MoS2 has a hex-
We expand the concept of epitaxy to a regime of “twisted epitaxy” with the epilayer crystal agonal structure (P63/mmc) and is sixfold-
orientation between two substrates influenced by their relative orientation. We annealed symmetric along its [001] axis. A schematic
nanometer-thick gold (Au) nanoparticles between two substrates of exfoliated hexagonal molybdenum SAED pattern of epitaxial Au on MoS2 is
disulfide (MoS2) with varying orientation of their basal planes with a mutual twist angle ranging from shown in Fig. 1B, where the Au {220} electron-
0° to 60°. Transmission electron microscopy studies show that Au aligns midway between the top diffraction spots and the MoS2 {110} spots are
and bottom MoS2 when the twist angle of the bilayer is small (<~7°). For larger twist angles, Au has only a epitaxially aligned and are connected by a re-
small misorientation with the bottom MoS2 that varies approximately sinusoidally with twist angle of the ciprocal lattice vector Dga. The lattice mismatch
bilayer MoS2. Four-dimensional scanning transmission electron microscopy analysis further reveals a of the parallel Au {220} planes (0.144 nm) and
periodic strain variation (<|±0.5%|) in the Au nanodisks associated with the twisted epitaxy, consistent MoS2 {110} planes (0.158 nm) yields a Moiré
with the Moiré registry of the two MoS2 twisted layers. pattern with spacing |Dga|−1 equal to 1.63 nm
(Fig. 1C), which can be observed in bright-field

TEM images.

pitaxy is an important phenomenon in gaps between graphene vdW materials has
materials science that describes the sit- been reported, these studies did not examine Design and synthesis
uation when one crystalline material the influence of both substrates in the twisted In this study, we attempted to synthesize ultra-
grows on a substrate with exact crystal- epitaxy regime (38–40). For example, a single thin 2D Au nanodisks and examine their
lographic registry in an ordered manner layer of b-CuI, which only exists in the 645 orientation within physically prepared bilayer
(1, 2). Epitaxy has been used in synthesizing to 675 K temperature range, was stabilized MoS2. A schematic of the synthetic process

and fabrication of many materials, including at room temperature by graphene encapsu- of the MoS2-Au-MoS2 sandwich structure is
planar semiconductor heterostructures (3, 4) lation (38), but the orientation of the as- shown in Fig. 1D. First, a thin flake of MoS2
and linear and core-shell nanocrystals (5–8) synthesized b-CuI relative to twisted bilayers ~50 mm in size and ~3 nm in thickness was
and nanowires (9–11), with applications in- of graphene was not fully investigated. To fab- exfoliated onto a 25-nm-thick amorphous SiNx

cluding transistors (12–15), light-emitting ricate 2D low-melting-point metals, Briggs et al. TEM grid using the “scotch tape” method.
diodes (16–18), lasers (19–22), and quantum de- used silicon carbide (SiC) (0001) as a tem- Next, we deposited Au onto the exfoliated
vices (23–26). The recent development of two- plate, with epitaxial graphene (EG) on top MoS2 using electron-beam evaporation with a
dimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdW) materials instead of bilayer graphene (35). Metal atoms nominal thickness set to 0.3 nm. Imaging with
has expanded the scope of epitaxy to vdW (Ga, In, and Sn) were intercalated into the in- TEM showed that, as expected, Au formed
epitaxy (27–30), remote epitaxy (31, 32), and terface of EG and SiC to produce 2D meta- epitaxial NPs ~3.5 nm in diameter. Afterward,
confined epitaxy (33–35). Thus far, research materials of three-atomic-layer thickness. These the Au was physically encapsulated by a sec-
has been mainly based on the framework of 2D metals were thought not to be bonded ond exfoliated MoS2 layer with orientation
growing one crystal epitaxially onto or into to the top graphene layer but rather cova- (qm) varied from 0° to 60° rotation. Optical
one substrate. Here, we explore a regime of lently bonded to the Si atoms below and thus microscope images of the sample are shown in

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epitaxy between two twisted substrates, or had epitaxial orientation only with the SiC fig. S1. Finally, we annealed the as-synthesized
“twisted epitaxy,” in which both substrates in- crystal (35). MoS2-Au-MoS2 samples between 300° and
teract with the grown crystal epilayer and in- We propose using 2D molybdenum disul- 700°C in a tube furnace in an argon (Ar) atmo-
fluence its crystallographic registry. This fide (MoS2) as the two substrates and gold (Au) sphere to promote atomic rearrangement of
approach allows the relative orientation of as the twisted epilayer. The chemical interac- the Au NPs between the two MoS2 substrate
two substrates to be used as a structural con- tion between Au and sulfur (S) atoms is much layers. By plan-view TEM examination, we

trol parameter. stronger than conventional vdW interaction found that the original epitaxial Au NPs be-

We explored 2D vdW materials as substrate but weaker than covalent bonding (41, 42, 43). come nanodisks upon annealing and that
candidates because they can easily be stacked This configuration would not only stabilize 2D their original epitaxial orientation (qa) was
mechanically to form nanoscale separations Au but also tune its orientation. Previous studies modified by the orientation of the upper MoS2
for confining atoms and molecules (36, 37). of Au through vacuum deposition onto single- layer (Fig. 1E), as determined by electron dif-
Although the growth of crystals in nanoscale crystal MoS2 have shown that there is an fraction (Fig. 1F) and Moiré image analysis
epitaxial relationship between the face-centered (Fig. 1G and fig. S2).
cubic (fcc) close-packed Au planes ðf111gÞ and
1 the hexagonal MoS2 planes ({001}) (30, 44). Synthesis of twisted epitaxial Au nanodisks
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford
University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. 2Materials Sciences The morphology of Au and the interfacial Figure 2A shows a TEM image of the MoS2-
Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, orientation were determined by transmission Au-MoS2 sample at room temperature (RT)
CA 94305, USA. 3Department of Applied Physics, Stanford
electron microscopy (TEM) and selected-area before annealing with a bilayer twist angle qm
University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. 4Stanford Institute for
Materials and Energy Sciences, SLAC National Accelerator electron diffraction (SAED) patterns. The as- equal to 19.1°. The edge of the bottom MoS2
Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA. 5Department of deposited Au exhibits a morphology of 3D flake is marked in blue, and the edge of the top
Energy Science and Engineering, Stanford University, nanoislands with a typical size of 20 nm and MoS2 flake is marked in green, dividing the
Stanford, CA 94305, USA.
*Corresponding author. Email: (H.Y.H.); thickness of 8 nm (Fig. 1A) (30, 43). The ability sample area into four regions: Au on the amor- (R.S.); (Y.C.) to synthesize and utilize ultrathin Au by con- phous SiNx substrate; Au on the bottom MoS2

Cui et al., Science 383, 212–219 (2024) 12 January 2024 1 of 8


Fig. 1. Twisted epitaxial Au

nanodisks. (A) Schematic
of epitaxially aligned Au on
MoS2. (B) Reciprocal space
model of the SAED pattern of
the MoS2-Au sample in (A).
(C) Plan-view atomic model of
3D Au on 2D MoS2 for Moiré
patterns generated by Dga in
(B), where |Dga|−1 notes the
3D Moiré fringe spacing. Note
that we use |Dga|−1 for theoret-
ical Moiré fringe spacing
calculated from SAED patterns
and S for Moiré fringe spacing
measured from TEM images.
(D) Schematic synthesis
procedure of Au nanodisks on an
amorphous silicon nitride sub-
strate showing the physical
twisting and annealing steps.

(E) Schematic of the twisted Au
nanodisks encapsulated in the
vdW spacing of the bilayer
MoS2. qm notes the arbitrary
rotation angle of the top MoS2
relative to the bottom one. qa

notes the twist angle of Au
relative to the bottom MoS2.
(F) Reciprocal space model of
the SAED pattern of the

MoS2-Au-MoS2 sample in (E).
(G) Plan-view atomic model for
the Moiré patterns generated
by Dga in (F).

(MoS2-Au, region I); Au below the top MoS2 nealed the sample at elevated temperatures the top MoS2 was weaker than that with the

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(Au-MoS2, region II); and Au encapsulated and used the results from 400° and 500°C to bottom one (Fig. 2H).
between the top and bottom MoS2 (MoS2- illustrate the changes. The schematic mor- After annealing the sample in Ar at 500°C
Au-MoS2, region III). The diameter of Au phology and orientation changes of Au under for 2 hours (Fig. 2I), Au nanodisks with an
NPs in regions I and III was 3.5 nm with a different annealing conditions are given in fig. average diameter of ~50 nm were observed as
standard deviation of 1.2 nm, which is smaller S5. The TEM image of the MoS2-Au-MoS2 sam- larger, less dark contrast regions around the
than the NPs in region II and on the SiNx ple after annealing in Ar at 400°C for 5 hours edge of the sandwiched region III. In regions I

(5.1 ± 2.6 nm). The crystal orientation of Au (Fig. 2E) shows that the Au NPs on SiNx and in and II, the Au NPs grew slightly larger, but no

relative to MoS2 was revealed by SAED. For region I underwent Ostwald ripening and grew Au nanodisks were observed in these two re-
Au on amorphous SiNx without MoS2 top and larger (10.4 ± 4.5 nm), whereas Au NPs in re- gions (fig. S6). The presence of Au was con-
bottom layers, the NPs displayed random gions II and III remained small (3.7 ± 1.2 nm). firmed by energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy
orientations (fig. S3). The SAED of Au NPs in The SAED of the four regions showed that the (EDS; fig. S7), and the disk morphology was
region I (Fig. 2B) revealed epitaxial alignment Au on SiNx remained randomly orientated, and verified by sample tilting (fig. S8). The SAED
with the bottom MoS2, where {220} Au diffrac- that Au in region I was still aligned with the patterns of regions I and II are shown in Fig.
tion spots aligned with {110} MoS2, which was bottom MoS2 (Fig. 2F). The Au in region II epi- 2, J and K, respectively. The intensity of {220}
consistent with previous studies (42, 43). In taxially aligned with the top MoS2, where {220} Au spots became stronger compared with those
region II, Au NPs on SiNx also displayed ran- Au spots were aligned with {110} MoS2 spots after annealing at 400°C in both regions and
dom orientations and did not align with the (Fig. 2G, inset). In region III, {220} planes of retained epitaxial alignment with the {110} MoS2
top MoS2 (Fig. 2C and fig. S4). The SAED pat- Au epitaxially aligned with the {110} planes spots. The SAED pattern of Au nanodisks in
terns of the MoS2-Au-MoS2 sandwich structure of bottom MoS2 (Fig. 2H, bottom-right inset), region III is shown in Fig. 2L, where the bi-
(region III) (Fig. 2D) showed that Au aligned whereas no epitaxial diffraction spots of {220} layer twist angle qm was determined to be un-
with the bottom MoS2 layer. Au were observed aligned with the top {110} changed after annealing. The orientation of
To determine how the temperature affected MoS2 spot (Fig. 2H, top-right inset). These re- Au {220} planes still matches closely with that
the morphology and orientation of Au, we an- sults indicate that the interaction of Au with of the bottom MoS2 {110} planes. However,

Cui et al., Science 383, 212–219 (2024) 12 January 2024 2 of 8


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Fig. 2. Synthesis, alignment, and thickness of Au nanodisks. (A) Bright-field diffraction spots with MoS2 {110} spots. Scale bars: 2 nm−1. (I) Bright-field TEM
TEM image of a freshly prepared MoS2-Au-MoS2 sample on a 25-nm-thick SiNx image of MoS2-Au-MoS2 sample after annealing in Ar at 500°C for 2 hours.
membrane showing the Au nanoparticles as dark on a bright background. The edges (J to L) The SAED patterns of regions I, II, and III in (I), respectively. The yellow lines
of the top and bottom MoS2 are marked in green and blue, respectively. (B to D) in (H), (J), and (L), drawn radially, note the ideal alignment. Scale bars: 2 nm−1.
The SAED patterns of regions I, II, and III in (A), respectively. The diameter of the (M to P) Thickness measurement of Au nanodisks. (M) Bright-field TEM image of Au
selected area was about 200 nm. The insets have the same orientation as the nanodisks (gray particles) and Au nanoballs (dark particles). The edges of the top
smaller boxed regions, and they show the epitaxial alignment of Au {220} diffraction and bottom MoS2 are marked in green and blue, respectively. (N) AFM image of the
spots with MoS2 {110} spots. Scale bars: 2 nm−1. (E) Bright-field TEM image of MoS2-Au- same region as in (M). (O) Superposition of (M) and (N), indicating the position of
MoS2 sample after annealing in Ar at 400°C for 5 hours. (F to H) The SAED patterns Au nanodisks relative to Au nanoballs. (P) Thickness profile of four NPs in (O), where
of regions I, II, and III in (E), respectively, showing the epitaxial alignment of Au {220} the thickness of nanodisk 2 is 3 nm, and the thickness of nanodisks 3 and 4 is 2 nm.

Cui et al., Science 383, 212–219 (2024) 12 January 2024 3 of 8


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Fig. 3. MoS2 rotation angle–dependent twist of Au nanodisks. (A) Schematic in (B). Green lines indicate the Moiré fringes with spacing equal to 20.1 nm
reciprocal lattice orientation of Au and the top and bottom MoS2 in (B) with a small originating from the top and bottom MoS2. Orange lines indicate the Moiré fringes
bilayer twist angle qm = 0.8°. The red arrow notes the reciprocal lattice vector of originate from Au and the bottom MoS2. (D) Higher magnification zoom-in image
the Au {220} planes, and the green and blue arrows are reciprocal lattice vectors of of region “a” marked in the white dashed box in (C), showing the smaller-spacing
the {110} planes of the top and bottom MoS2, respectively. (B) Bright-field TEM Moiré fringes. (E) SAED pattern of MoS2-Au-MoS2 in (B). Dga and Dg100 note
image of MoS2-Au-MoS2. A white dashed line denotes the edge of the top MoS2. the vectors that generate Moiré fringes from the Au-bottom MoS2 and from the
(C) Bright-field TEM image of a typical Au nanodisk marked with a white dashed box {100} planes of the bilayer MoS2, respectively. Yellow lines show the ideal alignment

Cui et al., Science 383, 212–219 (2024) 12 January 2024 4 of 8


of Au with the bottom MoS2. Scale bars: 2 nm−1. (F to T) MoS2-Au-MoS2 samples angle of the top and bottom MoS2 (qm). (V) The relationship between the twist
with qm = 6.2°, 19.1°, and 31.8°, respectively. When qm = 6.2°, Au reorients to angle of Au relative to the bottom MoS2 (qa) and the rotation angle of the top
halfway between the bilayer MoS2. When qm = 19.1°, Au aligns closely with the and bottom MoS2 (qm) as determined from the diffraction patterns, showing two
bottom MoS2 layer, with misalignment qa determined to be 2.1°. When qm = 31.8°, Au separate regions. Note that the Moiré spacings are ambiguous with respect to the
epitaxially aligns with the bottom MoS2 layer. Scale bar in SAED patterns: 2 nm−1. direction of the twist, although their orientations (perpendicular to Dg−1)
Dg'a and Dg110 note the vectors that generate Moiré fringes from the Au-top are not. The error bars in our analysis represent the standard deviation of the
MoS2 and the {110} planes of the bilayer MoS2, respectively. (U) The relationship small difference of diffraction spot positions in the selected area diffraction
between the Moiré spacing from Au and the lower MoS2 (S) and the rotation patterns (fig. S30).

small deviations from the ideal epitaxy were reciprocal lattice orientation of the top MoS2, diffusion (fig. S15). Increasing the annealing
observed, with qa determined to be 2.0° in the Au, and the bottom MoS2, where the MoS2 temperature and annealing time extended the
same direction as qm in this case (Fig. 2L, in- twist angle qm is 0.8° and the Au orientation width of the edge region by about three to four
set). The Au in region I was not twisted (Fig. qa is 0°. The bright-field TEM image is shown times (fig. S16). A larger-scale synthesis of Au
2J), which indicated that the top layer was in Fig. 3B. A typical Au nanodisk (marked with nanodisks could be achieved by patterning
necessary for change in Au orientation. We a white dashed square in Fig. 3B and shown in (fig. S17).
note that Au in region III was not twisted after higher magnification in Fig. 3C) had an aver- The experimentally observed S, qa, and qm
annealing at 400°C (Fig. 2H), indicating that age Moiré fringe spacing of Au and the bottom were highly correlated, as expected. In Fig. 3U,
Au only reoriented during the nanodisk evo- MoS2 (S) of 1.66 nm (Fig. 3D). This value is we plot the S measured from TEM images
lution at 500°C. The {220} lattice spacing of near the theoretical spacing from the parallel versus qm over a 60° range. Figure 3V shows
Au nanodisks was determined to be 0.144 nm lattice planes, indicating that the Au was not the relationship between qa, measured from the

from the SAED pattern (fig. S19), consistent twisted in this case (fig. S18). This finding was diffraction pattern, and qm. The results show
with the natural lattice parameter of Au. further confirmed by the diffraction pattern two separate parts. At first, up to about qm =
The thickness of Au nanodisks was mea- (Fig. 3E, insets), as Au {220} spots were epi- 7°, qa increased linearly with qm with qa = 1/2
sured separately using atomic force micros- taxially aligned with MoS2 {110} spots. qm. Above qm = 7°, qa varied approximately
copy (AFM). The TEM and AFM images of Figure 3, F to T, shows the samples with sinusoidally with qm and roughly followed a
the same Au nanodisks encapsulated in the bilayer MoS2 twist angles qm = 6.2°, 19.1°, and variation qa = 2.2 sin(6qm). The plot of S versus

bilayer MoS2 are shown in Fig. 2, M and N, 31.8°. Au nanodisks with a diameter of ~50 nm qa is shown in fig. S18. The data follow the
respectively (the AFM lateral resolution was were found in each case. In the case where qm = theoretical relationship S = dmda / [(dm − da)2 +
not as high as that of the TEM images in this 6.2°, qa was determined to be 3.1°, indicating that dmdaqa2]1/2 = |Dga|−1 (45), indicating that the
case). Figure 2O shows the superposition of the the Au reoriented midway between the top and Au twist solely contributed to the Moiré spac-

TEM and AFM images, in which the brighter bottom MoS2 orientations. As shown in Fig. 3H, ings and orientation changes. To further con-
regions (higher protrusions) in the AFM im- three sets of Moiré fringes coexist in this sys- firm that there was no associated lattice spacing
age matched well with the large dark Au NPs tem, which are perpendicular to their corre- change, we measured the diffraction spot po-
in the TEM image. The height of the large Au sponding reciprocal lattice vectors noted in the sitions of MoS2 {110} and Au {220} in the SAED
NP in region I (labeled “1”) was determined to diffraction pattern. In Fig. 3J, the Au {220} spots patterns (fig. S19). Both displayed lattice strains
be 15.5 nm, which was similar to its diame- overlap with double diffraction spots from the smaller than 1%.
ter (15.2 nm) measured from the TEM image bilayer MoS2. The double diffraction effect were The intermediate strength of S–Au atomic
(fig. S9). These results show that the NP re- reduced to make the Au diffraction spots clearer interaction is thought to be possibly impor-
mained approximately spherical, consistent by slightly tilting the sample (fig. S14A). When tant for the Au anisotropic coupling and nano-
with tilting results (fig. S8). The thickness of qm = 19.1°, Au {220} planes matched closely with disk evolution. For a brief examination of this

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the Au nanodisks in the sandwich region III the lower MoS2 {110} planes with a smaller mis- point, we changed our template from MoS2 to
(labeled “2,” “3,” and “4”) was measured and alignment qa determined to be 2.1° (Fig. 3O). graphene, for which there is a much weaker
found to be between 2 and 3 nm (Fig. 2P). When qm = 31.8° (near 30°), the Au nanodisks C–Au interaction. After annealing at 500°C for
Note that the nominal thickness of Au here epitaxially aligned with the bottom MoS2 again 2 hours in Ar, Au nanodisks were found in
was set to 0.3 nm in the electron-beam evap- (Fig. 3T). The Au diffraction spots were round MoS2-Au-graphene and graphene-Au-MoS2,
oration. Figure S10 shows the samples where circles when qm was 0° and 19.1° but were where graphene replaced the top and bottom

the nominal thickness of Au was 1.0 and 0.1 nm. elongated in the tangential direction when qm layer MoS2 in MoS2-Au-MoS2, respectively (fig.

Au nanodisks were not formed in the former was 6.2° and 31.8°. S20). In both cases, Au only epitaxially aligned
sample, whereas smaller (~6.6 nm in diameter) Figure 3, I, N, and S, shows the magnified with MoS2, regardless of the bilayer twist angle.
and thinner (~1.0 nm in thickness) Au nanodisks images of the Moiré fringes from the Au In addition, no Au nanodisks were observed
are observed in the latter sample compared nanodisks and bottom MoS2 layer, from which in bilayer graphene (figs. S21 to S23). There-
with the case when the Au nominal thickness S was measured to be 1.41, 1.47, and 1.63 nm, fore, a strong interaction from one interface
was 0.3 nm. respectively, offering direct evidence that the with Au is necessary for nanodisk evolution,
Moiré spacings changed in response to the and the interactions from both interfaces
Orientation of twisted epitaxial Au nanodisks Au twist. The bright-field TEM images and are important for the reorientation of the Au
To understand further how the top MoS2 af- SAED patterns of all the other samples with nanodisks.
fected the orientation of Au nanodisks annealed different qm are shown in figs. S11 to S13. Note
at 500°C and the Moiré fringes originating that in most instances, Au nanodisks only Density functional theory calculations
from the overlapping crystals in the TEM im- evolved at the edge within about 600 nm of The orientation preference of twisted epitaxial
ages, we correlated the Moiré pattens and the the sandwich region. This spatial effect might Au in the twisted bilayer MoS2 is most likely
SAED patterns from a series of samples with be the result of the confinement of Au at the associated with a lowering of the sum of the
different MoS2 bilayer twist angles (0° < qm < peripheral area of the bilayer being lower than two interfacial energies of MoS2-Au-MoS2. We
60°) (Fig. 3). Figure 3A shows the schematic that at the central area, which would favor Au define the interfacial energy of Au with the top

Cui et al., Science 383, 212–219 (2024) 12 January 2024 5 of 8


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Fig. 4. DFT calculations. (A) Schematic configuration of four 111 planes of Au (degrees) at different bilayer MoS2 twist angles (qm, degrees) as obtained from
on a monolayer MoS2 with 0° rotation. Orange, purple, and yellow balls represent fitting the DFT data in (B). (C) When qm = 5°, Etot displays a minimum at qa = 2.5°.
Au, Mo, and S atoms, respectively. (B) Calculated energy of the MoS2-Au model (D) Symmetry breaking of Etot when qm ~ 10°. (E) Etot displays two minima at qa ~ 2°
as a function of the relative twist angle of Au and MoS2 (qa) showing a global and qa ~ 10° when qm = 12°. (F) Etot displays two minima at qa = 0° and qa = 20°

minimum at qa = 0° and a local minimum at qa ~ 20°. The inset shows the MoS2-Au when qm = 20°. (G) Etot displays two minima at qa ~ 1° and qa ~ 24° when qm =

structure with relative twist angle at 20°. Approximate coincidence sites are 25°. The inset is the magnified image of the plot clearly showing the minimum at
marked with blue circles. Mo atoms and three Au layers are omitted. (C to H) Total qa ~ 1°. (H) Etot displays two minima at qa = 0° and qa = 30° when qm = 30°,
interfacial energy (Etot, electron volts) of MoS2-Au-MoS2 as a function of qa consistent with the MoS2-Au crystallography.

MoS2 as Etop and the interfacial energy of Au Einterfacial(qa), as they are both Au-MoS2 con- rotating the Au layers in steps of 1.5° from 0°
with the bottom MoS2 as Ebottom, and we ap- tacts, Etot becomes a function of qa to 30° relative to the epitaxial configuration
proximate the total interfacial energy Etot as with the MoS2 layer. The calculated energy of
the sum of Etop and Ebottom Etot (qa) = Einterfacial (qa) + Einterfacial (qm − qa) Au and MoS2 with different twist angles is
plotted in Fig. 4B. Note that the output energy
Etot = Etop + Ebottom We performed density functional theory in DFT is the total energy for the whole struc-
(DFT) calculations on a MoS2-Au model sys- ture, which is not the interfacial energy of the
For a certain qm, the orientation mismatch tem to find Einterfacial as a function of qa (see Au-MoS2 interface. However, as the relative
of Au with the bottom MoS2 is defined as qa, methods in the supplementary materials). twist angle is the only variable in this Au-MoS2
and the orientation mismatch of Au with the Figure 4A shows the plan view and side view structure, we choose the total energy of zero
top MoS2 is qm − qa. Assuming that Etop and of this structure with Au epitaxially aligned with twist angle as the reference for Einterfacial (qa).
Ebottom can be described by the same function MoS2. Other configurations were obtained by The interfacial energy is lowest at the epitaxial

Cui et al., Science 383, 212–219 (2024) 12 January 2024 6 of 8





-1.54 eV
-1.56 eV
-1.72 eV

10 nm

Fig. 5. 4D-STEM strain analysis. (A) Schematic of 4D-STEM showing scanning are determined by comparing the TEM image with the atomic model in (E), which
convergent beam (purple) and corresponding diffraction patterns at each is also confirmed by multislice simulation (fig. S31). (D) Uniaxial strain exx map
point. Green, red, and blue lines represent top MoS2, Au, and bottom MoS2, of Au, showing small periodic strain (<|±0.5%|) in Au with a 5.5-nm period

respectively. (B) Diffraction pattern of MoS2-Au-MoS2 sample showing qm = 3.5° and a compressive strain of Au at AA stacking. The lattice parameter of Au
and qa = 1.7°. Scale bar: 2 nm−1. (C) Virtual bright-field image reconstructed using measured from SAED pattern was chosen as a reference for zero strain, as it
MoS2 {100} diffraction spots and the transmitted beam spot showing Au (dark indicates the average lattice parameter of Au. (E) Atomic structure of the Moiré
area) encapsulated in bilayer MoS2 (whole area) and bilayer Moiré pattern supercell of twisted bilayer MoS2 with a twist angle of 6°, showing AA, AB, BA,

with a 5.5-nm period. Pixel size: 1 nm. Scare bar: 10 nm. The magnified image and SP stacking configurations. (F) Calculated interaction energy of Au with the
shows the bilayer Moiré pattern (yellow dashed hexagon) and Moiré supercell twisted bilayer at different stacking configurations using DFT, showing that the
(orange diamond). As there is one AA stacking, two AB/BA stackings, and three interaction energy between a single Au atom and the twisted bilayer MoS2 at
SP stackings in one Moiré supercell, the AA, AB/BA, and SP stacking regions AA stacking is ~170 meV lower than that at AB/BA and SP stacking.

position and increases for all the other values. energy minimum position of Etot (qa) to be semi-angle of 0.4 mrad was rastered across
At small relative twist angles, the interfacial around qa = 0°, 1°, and 0°, respectively (Fig. 4, an Au nanodisk encapsulated in twisted bi-
energy appears as a convex function. There is a F to H). The simulation results are consistent layer MoS2 with a step size of 1 nm, and the
local minimum of Einterfacial (qa) at ~20° that with the experimental observations overall, diffracted electron signal was collected at each
we attribute to the formation of a relatively except when qm is around 20°. In this case, probe position. The resulting diffraction pat-

y g
high areal density of approximate coincidence the calculations predict no Au reorientation tern is shown in Fig. 5B, from which qm and
sites of Au and S atoms (Fig. 4B, inset). while a 2° rotation exists in the experiment, qa are determined to be 3.5° and 1.7°, respec-
Figure 4, C to H, shows the plots of Etot (qa) which might be due to the difference between tively, illustrating the twisted epitaxial align-
with different qm. When qm is small (qm = 5°), the simulation model and the real sample (fig. ment of Au.
given the convex nature of interfacial energy S24). For example, a set of screwlike interface Virtual bright-field and virtual annular dark-
at small relative twist angle, Etot (qa) displays dislocations (analogous to those in low-angle field images of the sample reconstructed from

only one minimum at qa = 1/2 qm, which is twist grain boundaries) may need to be taken the diffraction pattern revealed the Moiré pat-

consistent with the reorientation results (Fig. into account for the interface energies in the tern of bilayer MoS2 with a period of 5.5 nm,
4C). Figure 4D shows that when qm increases low-twist regime, as they may be present in corresponding to the bilayer twist angle (Fig.
from 9.5° to 10.5°, Etot (qa) first displays a the real system. We envision that such twisted 5C and fig. S25). Lattice spacing maps of Au
single energy minimum at qa ~ 5° and then epitaxial relationship could happen in other {440} planes and f224  g planes revealed a pe-
quickly bifurcates to two local minima at qa ~ 2D systems when their interfacial energy is a riodic lattice spacing change with the same
2.5° and qa ~ 7.5°, which explains the rapid convex function at a small twist angle regime period as the bilayer Moiré pattern (fig. S26).
change of qa between the linear and sinu- but may not happen if the interfacial energy is Further strain analysis (uniaxial strain exx and
soidal region in Fig. 3V. Au always couples a concave function. eyy, shear strain exy, and rotation q) confirmed
closely with the bottom MoS2 but not the top the existence of a small periodic strain varia-
one because, in the initial state (before an- 4D-STEM strain analysis tion (<|±0.5%|) in Au with the same period as
nealing), Au always epitaxially aligns with the The strain variations in the Au nanodisks as- the bilayer Moiré pattern (Fig. 5D and fig. S27).
bottom layer. The increase of the energy barrier sociated with the twisted epitaxy were studied This periodic strain of Au was most likely asso-
at 1/2 qm impedes the Au coupling with the using 4D scanning transmission electron mi- ciated with the different chemical environment
top MoS2 (Fig. 4E). croscopy (4D-STEM) (46). The schematic 4D- of Au at different stacking configurations [AA,
When qm increases to 20°, 25°, and 30°, the STEM experiment is shown in Fig. 5A, where AB, BA, and saddle point (SP)] of twisted bi-
energy barrier becomes higher and pushes the a focused electron beam with a convergence layer MoS2 (Fig. 5E).

Cui et al., Science 383, 212–219 (2024) 12 January 2024 7 of 8


The uniaxial strain (exx) map of Au (Fig. 5D) an additional parameter to control the structure 38. K. Mustonen et al., Adv. Mater. 34, e2106922 (2022).
revealed compressive strain of Au at the AA and properties of the encapsulated atoms. 39. Z. Y. Al Balushi et al., Nat. Mater. 15, 1166–1171 (2016).
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a compressed strain. Further 4D-STEM analysis 11. T. Mårtensson et al., Nano Lett. 4, 1987–1990 (2004).
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showed that, when the twist angle of the bilayer 12. W. W. Hooper, W. I. Lehrer, Proc. IEEE 55, 1237–1238 (1967).
partially supported by the National Science Foundation under
13. C. Thelander et al., Mater. Today 9, 28–35 (2006).
MoS2 reached a relatively large value, such as 14. J. Xiang et al., Nature 441, 489–493 (2006).
award ECCS-1542152. We also acknowledge helpful discussions
12°, which corresponded to a bilayer Moiré pat- of 4D-STEM data analysis with C. Ophus at the National Center
15. J. Goldberger, A. I. Hochbaum, R. Fan, P. Yang, Nano Lett. 6,
for Electron Microscopy at the Molecular Foundry, Lawrence
tern of 1.33 nm, the strain of Au nanodisks encap- 973–977 (2006).
Berkeley National Laboratory. Funding: This work was supported
16. S. Nakamura, T. Mukai, M. Senoh, Appl. Phys. Lett. 64,
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1687–1689 (1994).
Division of Materials Science and Engineering, DE-AC02-
17. A. Tsukazaki et al., Nat. Mater. 4, 42–46 (2005).
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19. S. Nakamura et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 35, L74–L76 (1996).
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original draft: Y.C. (first author). Writing – review & editing: H.Y.H.,

22. S. Gandrothula, T. Kamikawa, J. S. Speck, S. Nakamura,
pattern images are representations of the R.S., and Y.C. (corresponding author). Competing interests:
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supplementary materials. Codes that support the plots within

this paper are available at Dryad (49). License information:
materials, changes of which (as demonstrated Nat. Mater. 18, 799–810 (2019).
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Cui et al., Science 383, 212–219 (2024) 12 January 2024 8 of 8


CONSERVATION ments to the number of IUCN criteria applied

and uncertainties in species information (tables
Comprehensive conservation assessments reveal high S2 to S4). Finally, we predicted the conserva-
tion status of tropical forests worldwide using
extinction risks across Atlantic Forest trees the relationship between species threat and
habitat loss observed in the Atlantic Forest.
Renato A. F. de Lima1,2*, Gilles Dauby3, André L. de Gasper4, Eduardo P. Fernandez5, Alexander C. Vibrans6,
Conservation status of the Atlantic Forest
Alexandre A. de Oliveira7, Paulo I. Prado7, Vinícius C. Souza2, Marinez F. de Siqueira5,8, Hans ter Steege1,9
tree flora
Biodiversity is declining globally, yet many biodiversity hotspots still lack comprehensive species We classified two-thirds of the 4950 tree spe-
conservation assessments. Using multiple International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List cies populations that occur in the Atlantic
criteria to evaluate extinction risks and millions of herbarium and forest inventory records, we present Forest as threatened following the IUCN Red
automated conservation assessments for all tree species of the Atlantic Forest biodiversity hotspot, List Categories and Criteria (Fig. 1A). The per-
including ~1100 heretofore unassessed species. About 65% of all species and 82% of endemic species centage of threatened species increases to 82%
are classified as threatened. We rediscovered five species classified as Extinct on the IUCN Red List when only endemic species are considered
and identified 13 endemics as possibly extinct. Uncertainties in species information had little influence (Fig. 1B), with 2025 endemic Atlantic Forest
on the assessments, but using fewer Red List criteria severely underestimated threat levels. We suggest trees globally threatened with extinction (data
that the conservation status of tropical forests worldwide is worse than previously reported. S2). The Atlantic Forest’s Red List Index (RLI),
which measures the overall conservation status

for a list of species and ranges from zero (all
uman pressure on nature has increased They require detailed species information and species are extinct) to one (no threatened spe-

in recent decades, particularly in the the time, training, and resources to apply the cies) (23), was 0.542 [95% confidence interval
tropics, where most of the planet’s bio- IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria on a (CI): 0.534 to 0.550]. These numbers are worse
diversity resides (1, 2). Consequently, we species-by-species basis (9), all of which are than the global averages of threatened species
face a global biodiversity crisis (3). Re- limited, especially in the tropics (4, 5). There- (25%) and RLI values (95% CI: 0.55 to 1) reported
versing this crisis is a pressing challenge and fore, automated assessments are increasingly for other groups of organisms (2), indicating
begins by classifying species based on extinction being proposed as complements or alterna- that threat levels in highly modified regions,

risks, which are used to monitor biodiver- tives to manual assessments (4, 10–13) to such as the Atlantic Forest, can be much higher
sity and prioritize conservation actions (4, 5). provide fast-track conservation assessments than global averages.
Also known as red listing, these conservation for megadiverse regions (14–16). Many emblematic endemic trees of the
assessments are a cornerstone of global con- Assessments for tropical biodiversity hot- Atlantic Forest were classified as threatened in

servation programs, such as the International spots, where most threatened species occur this work. The iconic Paubrasilia echinata
Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red (17), remain rare. One of these hotspots is the (brazilwood), the tree that gave its name to
List, which categorizes species extinction risks Atlantic Forest in eastern South America, Brazil, was listed as Critically Endangered (CR)
based on one or multiple criteria, including which has more than 15,000 plant species, of owing to an estimated 84% drop in its pop-
population size decline (criterion A), geographic which half are endemic (18). With 35% of the ulation size over the past three generations.
range (criterion B), and very small populations South American human population living with- The once common Araucaria angustifolia
(criterion D). in its borders, about 80% of its original cover (Paraná pine), Euterpe edulis (palm heart),
Efforts to include species on the IUCN Red has been lost, and deforestation and degrada- and Ilex paraguariensis (yerba mate) also ex-
List have grown in recent years, but much tion remain high (19, 20). Species conservation perienced declines in their wild populations
remains to be done (4–7). Even for the well- assessments are limited to about 25% of the of at least 50% and are thus classified as En-

y g
studied trees of Europe, red listing efforts have Atlantic Forest flora and are mostly being con- dangered (EN). Endemic timber species, such as
been published only recently (8). One reason ducted using few IUCN Red List criteria (21). A Cariniana legalis, Dalbergia nigra, Melanoxylon
why only a small part of global biodiversity comprehensive assessment at the Atlantic Forest brauna, Myrocarpus frondosus, Ocotea odorifera,
has up-to-date conservation assessments is the scale could provide insights into the conserva- Ocotea porosa, Parapiptadenia rigida, and
difficulty in carrying out these assessments. tion status of other tropical biodiversity hot- Paratecoma peroba, also experienced declines
spots, which do not all have the same amount ranging from 53 to 89% and are thus classified

Tropical Botany, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Darwinweg 2, of information available as the Atlantic Forest. as EN or CR.

2333 CR Leiden, Netherlands. 2Departamento de Ciências We present the conservation status of the Most species (75%) were classified as threat-
Biológicas, ESALQ, Universidade de São Paulo, Avenida
Pádua Dias, 11, 13418-900 Piracicaba, Brazil. 3Botanique et Atlantic Forest tree flora, which represents a ened under IUCN criterion A, which evaluates
Modélisation de l’Architecture des Plantes et des Végétations third of the entire hotspot’s plant diversity and population decline in the past three gener-
(AMAP), Université de Montpellier, IRD, CNRS, INRAE, CIRAD, is crucial to providing people with ecosystem ations. The high deforestation of the Atlantic
Montpellier, France. 4Departamento de Ciências Naturais,
Universidade Regional de Blumenau, Rua Antônio da Veiga, 140,
services (5, 7, 12). We automated the conser- Forest led to 57% of endemic tree species having
89030-903 Blumenau, Brazil. 5Centro Nacional de Conservação vation assessments for nearly 5000 species estimated population declines above the IUCN
da Flora (IUCN SSC Brazil Plant Red List Authority), Instituto using more than 800,000 herbarium records, threshold of 30% (9). By contrast, only 7% of
de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Rua Pacheco
Leão, 915, 22460-030 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 6Departamento de
1.3 million tree counts from forest inventories, the endemics showed declines below 30%. An-
Engenharia Florestal, Universidade Regional de Blumenau, Rua and information on species life histories, com- other important IUCN criterion to detect threat
São Paulo, 3250, 89030-000 Blumenau, Brazil. 7Departamento mercial uses, and long time-series of habitat in the Atlantic Forest was B2 (28% of the
de Ecologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São loss (fig. S1 and data S1) (22). We developed a cases), which is related to small areas of oc-
Paulo, Rua do Matão, trav. 14, 321, 05508-090 São Paulo,
Brazil. 8Departamento de Biologia, Pontifícia Universidade replicable workflow that strictly adheres to the cupancy (AOO). AOO was below the thresh-
Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Rua Marquês de São Vicente 225, IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (9) and old of 2000 km2 for most species (median of
22451-900 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 9Quantitative Biodiversity delivers conservation assessments based on 208 km2), but more than two-thirds of these
Dynamics, Department of Biology, Utrecht University, 3584 CS
Utrecht, Netherlands. the IUCN criteria A to D (table S1). This work- species occurred in more than 10 locations
*Corresponding author. Email: flow also evaluates the sensitivity of the assess- or were not severely fragmented (figs. S2 and

de Lima et al., Science 383, 219–225 (2024) 12 January 2024 1 of 6


S3) and hence did not meet the conditions to keep the IUCN Red List up to date (25–27) and in our reassessments (Fig. 2). This deterioration
necessary to be classified as threatened under how approaches like the one we used can facil- may be due to differences in the amount of in-
criterion B (9). Only 5% of all species were itate a higher frequency of reassessments (13). formation available, the number of IUCN criteria
classified as threatened under the IUCN crite- Overall, our reassessments rarely resulted in used, or a genuine decline in the species’ con-
ria C and/or D (small and declining popula- up-listing species by more than two threat cat- servation statuses (28). To separate these causes,
tions or very small populations; fig. S4), with egories (4%) or down-listing species previously we compared changes for 1170 endemic species
most species (94%) exceeding the critical size assessed as threatened (also 4%), mainly when that we reassessed using only IUCN criterion B.
of 10,000 mature individuals. comparisons considered assessments using only About 31% of these species had changes in their
criterion B (table S5). This confirms that auto- assessments, resulting in a significantly better
Comparison with previous IUCN assessments mated assessments can provide accurate pictures RLI value (95% CI: 0.82 to 0.85) than the pre-
We found previous assessments for 59 and of species conservation statuses for tropical re- vious one (95% CI: 0.74 to 0.78). This unexpected
49% of the Atlantic Forest tree flora at global gions (14, 15). About 3% of the species moved finding is likely due to the inclusion of new
(24) and national levels (21), respectively. We from the Least Concern (LC) or Near Threatened occurrences, which tends to classify species
thus present the first assessments for 1120 (NT) IUCN Red List categories to CR. These spe- under lower levels of threat (29). Thus, the
species, 456 of which are Atlantic Forest en- cies were previously classified as LC owing to their observed RLI deterioration is more related
demics. We rediscovered five species previously large extent of occurrence (EOO) (>20,000 km2), to the inclusion of more IUCN criteria in our
classified as Extinct (EX) on the IUCN Red but we estimated population reductions greater reassessments than to a genuine decline in
List: Campomanesia lundiana, Chrysophyllum than 80%, which is the IUCN threshold to clas- the Atlantic Forest conservation status (see
januariense, Myrcia neocambessedeana, Pouteria sify species as CR. Another 3% that were pre- next section).
stenophylla, and Pradosia glaziovii. These spe- viously classified as threatened were assessed
cies were classified as EX because they were in this work as LC or NT. For these species, we The influence of the number of IUCN criteria

known only from their type specimens at the found no indications of population declines on species assessments
time of the previous assessments (1998). We ≥30%, severe fragmentation, or occurrence in Around 69% of the plants on the IUCN Red
found taxonomically and geographically vali- fewer than 10 locations (figs. S2 and S3), which List are assessed using only criterion B (spe-
dated herbarium records for 2008 or later for are the necessary conditions to detect threat un- cies geographic range) (24) owing to limited
all five species. Only C. lundiana had no recent der the IUCN criterion A or B (9). data on population size and trends for most
taxonomically vetted record, suggesting that it The RLI value for the endemic Atlantic Forest organisms (6, 28, 29). To evaluate the impact

could indeed be assessed as EX or that its tax- tree flora deteriorated from 0.74 (95% CI: 0.73 of using multiple IUCN criteria on conserva-
onomic delimitation remains uncertain. All five to 0.76) in the assessments that are available on tion assessments, we compared the results for
species remained classified as threatened in the IUCN Red List to 0.50 (95% CI: 0.49 to 0.51) a subset of 2698 species that were assessed in
this work but under different categories, which in our reassessments (Fig. 2). Only 18% of the this work using four IUCN criteria (A, B, C,

emphasizes the importance of new information species previously assessed as LC remained so and D; table S1). We found that assessments

A All populations B Endemics

B2 (2.7%)

A2 A2 B2
(5.8%) (4.2%) (5.1%)

(17.1%) (9.2%) (10.8%)

y g
(30.4%) All
(17.1%) (6.1%) (16.9%)
EN NT (0.9%)
(40.9%) B2
LC (3.4%) EN

(17.0%) VU (52.8%)
B1+2 B1+2 (1.8%)

NT A2, B1+2
VU B1+2 A2, B1+2 A2
All (14.4%) (4.2%) (1.5%) (12.1%)
(4.5%) B2
B2 B1+2
A2 (6.9%) (8.2%) A2, B1+2
(9.7%) (2.8%)
B2 (2.8%)
B1+2 (1.2%)

Fig. 1. The proportion of populations classified under each threat category correspond to the Not Applicable category of IUCN regional assessments,
and the corresponding IUCN criteria assigned to the categories. (A and including vagrant species. For clarity, panels do not include the Data
B) Results are presented for the populations of (A) all tree species occurring Deficient category (too few species). Here, we define “population” as a group
in the Atlantic Forest (n = 4953) and (B) only endemic species (n = 2464). of individuals of the same species that inhabit the same geographical
The proportion of populations classified under each threat category and the area (the Atlantic Forest, in our case). CR, Critically Endangered (red); EN,
corresponding IUCN criteria (indicated by letters) are shown in the central pie Endangered (orange); LC, Least Concern (dark green); NA, Not Applicable (gray);
chart and external donut chart, respectively. Populations classified as NA mainly NT, Near Threatened (green); VU, Vulnerable (yellow).

de Lima et al., Science 383, 219–225 (2024) 12 January 2024 2 of 6


Global EX Regional
Previous assess. CR CR New assess. Previous assess. CR CR New assess.








Fig. 2. A comparison between previous conservation assessments and the of the two assessments. Previous conservation assessments were obtained
new ones presented in this work. (A and B) A comparison between previous at the global level from version 2022-2 of the IUCN Red List (www.iucnredlist.

assessments (left arcs) and the assessments in this work (right arcs) is org) and from the national red lists from Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay.
presented at (A) global and (B) regional levels. The widths of the linking lines The color legend is the same as in Fig. 1. DD, Data Deficient (gray);
correspond to the proportion of species shared between categories of threat EX, Extinct (black).

in the population (p) (tables S2 and S3), based
Table 1. A comparison of the assessments based on individual and multiple IUCN criteria for on a combination of species’ growth forms
the populations of all species and only endemic species. A comparison was conducted for a subset of (e.g., large trees) and ecological groups (e.g.,
Atlantic Forest populations that had enough information available to assess criteria A, B, C, and D. For the pioneers; data S3). To assess the sensitivity
RLI, values in brackets represent the 95% CI around mean estimates obtained from 50,000 bootstraps; of our assessments to these generalizations,
different superscript lowercase letters indicate differences of RLI means among categories based on we compared them with assessments that
the 50,000 bootstraps that were run for the same set of populations. We define “population” as a group of were generated using varying values of GL and
individuals of the same species that inhabit the same geographical area (the Atlantic Forest, in our case). p. We found that only the use of GLs smaller
than 25 years could considerably change the

y g
overall proportion of threatened species (fig.
Populations of all species (n = 2698) Only endemic species (n = 1586) S5). This occurred because, for most species,
Threatened (%) RLI Threatened (%) RLI the peak of Atlantic Forest loss (1950–1980) is
more recent than the three GLs defined by the
A 91.4 0.471 (0.464‒0.479)a 90.3 0.498 (0.488–0.507)a
b IUCN to evaluate population size decline. So, 57
B 10.7 0.951 (0.945‒0.956) 16.5 0.924 (0.915‒0.932)b
and 92% of species threatened under criterion

C 2.5 0.993 (0.991‒0.995) 3.2 0.992 (0.990‒0.995)c
c A would have remained so if we had considered
0.993 (0.991‒0.995)c
D 2.3 0.994 (0.993‒0.996) 3.2
a only one or two GLs, respectively. We also found
A, B, C, and D 91.7 0.470 (0.463‒0.478) 90.6 0.489 (0.479‒0.499)a
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... that using smaller values of p changed few as-
sessments under criteria C and D (figs. S6 and
S7) because populations mostly remained well
would be substantially different if only crite- use only criterion B can severely underestimate above the IUCN critical population size of 10,000.
rion B, C, or D was used (Table 1), with six the conservation status of regional biotas, espe- Our group-specific approach is biologically mean-
times fewer species found to be threatened if cially in highly modified regions such as the ingful because it is based on species life histories
we had used only criterion B. This discrep- Atlantic Forest and other biodiversity hotspots. and evidence from long-term monitoring of
ancy is likely due to the fact that criterion B tropical trees (22).
does not consider population declines with- Uncertainty in species information Only records with species identifications that
in species ranges. Common endemic species and identifications were vetted by taxonomists should be included
with large ranges (>300,000 km2) and pop- Much of the species’ information that is needed in conservation assessments (25). In our data-
ulation sizes (>2,000,000 mature individu- to apply IUCN criteria A, C, and D is missing set, only 38% of the records were taxonomically
als), such as Metrodorea nigra or Picramnia for tropical regions. Therefore, we had to make vetted, which would lead to fewer records avail-
ramiflora, had estimated population declines generalizations of species’ generation lengths able per species and thus less-reliable assessments
greater than 90%. Therefore, assessments that (GLs) and proportions of mature individuals (10, 30). Therefore, we implemented an approach

de Lima et al., Science 383, 219–225 (2024) 12 January 2024 3 of 6


Fig. 3. The spatial distribution

of tree species threat in the
All species Endemics
Atlantic Forest biodiversity hot-
spot. (A and B) Maps present the
spatial interpolation of the RLI
across the Atlantic Forest bio-
diversity hotspot, considering the
populations of (A) all tree species
and (B) only endemic species. The
RLI interpolation was obtained
based on the list of species
recorded (and their threat
categories) across the cells of a
grid covering the entire region.
The RLI ranges from zero (all
species are classified as extinct)
to one (all species are not threat-
ened). The color scale ranges 0.7 0.7
from lower, or worse, RLI values
(dark red) to higher, or better, 0.6 0.6

values (yellow).
0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

Red List Index Red List Index

0.3 0.3

to add records while losing as little taxonomic The spatial distribution of threatened spe- CR had fewer occurrences in protected areas
confidence as possible (fig. S8 and table S4). cies in the Atlantic Forest was similar when than those in other threat categories, which is

We compared this approach to assessments considering all species or only endemic ones. partially explained by the smaller proportion
using only taxonomically vetted records (fig. We found that the western, central, and north- of protected areas within their EOO (fig. S14).
S8A) and found that our approach resulted in ern regions had the worst RLI values (Fig. 3) Also, the terrestrial area of habitat (AOH) that
fewer threatened species (17%) than the latter and the highest proportions of threatened spe- remained in 2018 was significantly lower for
approach (27%). Consequently, the RLI was cies (figs. S10 to S13). Previous studies have species classified as CR (median of 19%) than
significantly higher here (0.906; 95% CI: 0.900 shown that the western and northern regions for those in other threat categories (fig. S15).
to 0.912) than when using only taxonomically have fewer species and endemism than the These results indicate that many threatened
vetted records (0.843; 95% CI: 0.841 to 0.855). central region (18, 32), but they all share the Atlantic Forest tree species occur mostly in
Differences between approaches were larger highest fragmentation levels of the Atlantic unprotected areas and have limited habitat
for assessments that used less than 60% of Forest (19), except for the Misiones region in left. A comprehensive study on the type, design,

y g
taxonomically vetted records (fig. S8B). These Argentina. In addition, we found that the Serra and extent of conservation actions that are able
differences emerge from the different number do Mar and Araucaria regions, which are home to increase habitat availability, quality, and
of records available: Assessments that use more to the largest Atlantic Forest remnants and protection of threatened Atlantic Forest trees
records often yield higher EOO and AOO esti- systems of strictly protected areas (19, 20), had is needed. Maps of regions with higher con-
mates (30, 31). Alternatively, adding misiden- smaller proportions of threatened species. This centrations of threatened species (figs. S11 and
tified records outside species’ natural ranges highlights that threatened species are concen- S13), especially CR endemics (fig. S16), are cru-

overestimates their EOO and AOO (25). Together, trated where habitat loss and fragmentation cial for prioritizing those conservation actions.

these explanations suggest that we likely under- are greater. Therefore, in situ conservation ac-
estimated the threat status of species that have tions in the Atlantic Forest (e.g., reverting forest Implications for tree species conservation
fewer taxonomically vetted records. degradation, fostering landscape restoration, The conservation status of the Atlantic Forest
and the creation and strengthening of pro- tree flora is alarming but probably worse in
Threatened species in time and space tected areas) should target not only areas with reality. Our assessments focused more on the
Of the 815,000 valid herbarium records, the high species richness and endemism (18, 33) decline of habitat quantity (i.e., deforestation)
first dates from the 17th century, but 79% were but also highly modified areas where threat- rather than quality (i.e., forest fragmentation
made after the 1980s. We found no valid records ened species are less likely to sustain their pop- and degradation). Estimated population de-
over the past 50 years for 41 endemic species. ulations owing to low habitat quantity, quality, clines would have been greater if only the
Thirteen species are only known from their and connectivity (34, 35). intact Atlantic Forest was considered (3.5 to
type specimen (fig. S9), which is one of the We found that most threatened endemic 7% instead of the 12 to 28% of all forest cover)
criteria for tagging threatened species as pos- trees (82%) had at least one confirmed occur- (19, 36). Additionally, we used conservative
sibly extinct (9). These are priority species for rence inside strictly protected areas. However, values of GL, p, and exploitation levels for
new studies (data S2) to assess whether they 75% of them had less than a quarter of their valuable species and incorporated as much
have limited sampling and/or taxonomic treat- records and one-tenth of their EOO inside data as possible for the assessments of species
ment or are probably extinct in nature (9). protected areas (fig. S14). Species classified as with fewer occurrences. These choices likely

de Lima et al., Science 383, 219–225 (2024) 12 January 2024 4 of 6


2 6
8 15 10

5 4
13 17 18
16 3

Red List Index

0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Fig. 4. Predicted RLI values for the 18 main tropical forest areas of the criterion A2) of endemic species. The RLI ranges from zero (all species are
world. Predictions are based on the relationship between population size classified as extinct) to one (no species are classified as threatened). The color
reductions and habitat loss, which could be obtained for all forests from forest scale ranges from lower, or worse, RLI values (dark red) to higher, or better,
cover maps and reports of their number of endemic species. Thus, these values (green). See supplementary materials and tables S6 and S7 for details
predictions are based solely on the population size reductions (i.e., IUCN and the full tropical forest names that correspond to the numbers in the map.

led to more conservative estimates of species ened because of habitat loss alone (Fig. 4 and 10. E. Nic Lughadha et al., Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London Ser. B 374,
threat (i.e., smaller species ranges, population tables S6 and S7). This represents 35 to 43% of 20170402 (2018).
11. S. E. Darrah, L. M. Bland, S. P. Bachman, C. P. Clubbe,
sizes, and/or declines), particularly for late- tree species worldwide (7, 14) and confirms A. Trias-Blasi, Divers. Distrib. 23, 435–447 (2017).
successional species (37). This is less the case for that tropical forests shelter most of the global- 12. S. V. Silva, T. Andermann, A. Zizka, G. Kozlowski, D. Silvestro,

early-successional species, whose population de- ly threatened species (17). Despite its assump- Front. Plant Sci. 13, 839792 (2022).
13. V. Cazalis et al., Trends Ecol. Evol. 37, 359–370 (2022).
clines due to habitat loss are often mitigated by tions and limits, this prediction includes only 14. H. Ter Steege et al., Sci. Adv. 1, e1500936 (2015).
changes in habitat quality (e.g., increase of forest tree species that are endemic to these 18 trop- 15. T. Stévart et al., Sci. Adv. 5, eaax9444 (2019).
edges). These changes were accounted for in ical forests (22). Therefore, it is higher than the 16. V. H. F. Gomes, I. C. G. Vieira, R. P. Salomão, H. ter Steege,
Nat. Clim. Chang. 9, 547–553 (2019).
our assessments (22), but there are still un- present estimate of 30% of threatened tree 17. T. M. Brooks et al., Conserv. Biol. 16, 909–923 (2002).
certainties related to their population declines. species (7) and closer to the 43% that is 18. R. A. F. de Lima, V. C. Souza, M. F. de Siqueira, H. ter Steege,
Furthermore, most Atlantic Forest loss occurred estimated using artificial intelligence (12). Biol. Conserv. 252, 108825 (2020).
19. M. R. Rosa et al., Sci. Adv. 7, eabc4547 (2021).
in the past 50 to 70 years, which, for many tree If we account for temperate species and trop- 20. R. A. F. de Lima et al., Nat. Commun. 11, 6347 (2020).
species, falls within two to three GLs into the ical species that are shared among tropical 21. E. Martins, R. Loyola, G. Martinelli, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 102,
past. So, despite the smaller Atlantic Forest forests or woodlands (i.e., nonendemics), 347–356 (2017).
22. Materials and methods are available as supplementary materials.

y g
deforestation today, the effects of past hab- threats of habitat loss to global tree diversity 23. S. H. M. Butchart et al., PLOS ONE 2, e140 (2007).
itat loss, fragmentation, and selective logging will be even greater than previously recog- 24. IUCN, The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2022-2
on these long-lived species may not have had nized, making trees one of the most threat- (2023); [accessed 26 January 2023].
25. E. M. Nic Lughadha et al., Conserv. Biol. 33, 511–522 (2019).
enough time to fully express themselves (38), ened groups of organisms on the planet (2). 26. A. Newton, S. Oldfield, Endanger. Species Res. 6, 137–147 (2008).
which suggests an extinction debt yet to be Considering the ecological and sociocultural 27. A. M. Humphreys, R. Govaerts, S. Z. Ficinski, E. Nic Lughadha,
paid in the coming decades (39, 40). importance of tree species (5, 7) and the con-

M. S. Vorontsova, Nat. Ecol. Evol. 3, 1043–1047 (2019).
28. L. Santini et al., Conserv. Biol. 33, 1084–1093 (2019).
The status of the Atlantic Forest tree flora tinued pressure on tropical forests (1–3),

29. Ł. Tracewski et al., Conserv. Biol. 30, 1070–1079 (2016).
has direct implications for the Global Tree fighting tropical deforestation and effectively 30. M. C. Rivers et al., Biol. Conserv. 144, 2541–2547 (2011).
Assessment initiative (5, 7) and the IUCN post- implementing both in situ and ex situ conser- 31. S. Bachman, B. E. Walker, S. Barrios, A. Copeland, J. Moat,
2020 global biodiversity framework. We pro- vation must be prioritized if we are to prevent Biodivers. Data J. 8, e47018 (2020).
32. V. P. Zwiener, R. A. F. de Lima, A. Sánchez-Tapia, D. S. B. Rocha,
vide all the IUCN-required information to ease the extinction of thousands of tree species in M. C. M. Marques, The Atlantic Forest, M. C. M. Marques,
the incorporation of our assessments into their the next decades. C. E. V. Grelle, Eds. (Springer, 2021), pp. 115–131.
Red List (data S4), seeking to bridge the gap 33. A. Bonn, A. S. L. Rodrigues, K. J. Gaston, Ecol. Lett. 5,
RE FERENCES AND NOTES 733–741 (2002).
between research and its integration into con- 34. K. V. Root, Ecol. Appl. 8, 854–865 (1998).
1. S. L. Lewis, D. P. Edwards, D. Galbraith, Science 349, 827–832 (2015).
servation practice (13). We also highlight hab- 2. S. Díaz et al., Science 366, eaax3100 (2019).
35. J. A. Hodgson, A. Moilanen, B. A. Wintle, C. D. Thomas,
itat loss as the main threat to tropical tree J. Appl. Ecol. 48, 148–152 (2011).
3. G. Ceballos et al., Sci. Adv. 1, e1400253 (2015).
36. S. Sloan, C. N. Jenkins, L. N. Joppa, D. L. A. Gaveau,
diversity, which raises the question about its 4. S. P. Bachman et al., Biol. Conserv. 234, 45–55 (2019).
W. F. Laurance, Biol. Conserv. 177, 12–24 (2014).
impact on other tropical forests (14, 16, 17, 41–43). 5. A. Newton et al., Oryx 49, 410–415 (2015).
37. D. J. Bender, T. A. Contreras, L. Fahrig, Ecology 79, 517–533 (1998).
6. N. A. Brummitt et al., PLOS ONE 10, e0135152 (2015).
Thus, based on the present forest cover of 18 7. Botanic Gardens Conservation Initiative (BGCI), “State of the 38. M. B. Lauterjung et al., For. Ecol. Manage. 435, 144–150 (2019).
main tropical forests and the relationship be- world’s trees” (BGCI, 2021). 39. M. Vellend et al., Ecology 87, 542–548 (2006).

tween species threat and Atlantic Forest loss 8. M. Rivers et al., “European Red List of Trees” (International 40. Q. Cronk, Science 353, 446–447 (2016).
Union for Conservation of Nature, 2019). 41. N. S. Sodhi et al., Biodivers. Conserv. 19, 317–328 (2010).
(fig. S17) (22), we roughly estimate that 20,504 9. IUCN Standards and Petitions Committee, “Guidelines for using the 42. E. W. Seabloom, A. P. Dobson, D. M. Stoms, Proc. Natl. Acad.
to 24,910 tropical tree species are likely threat- IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria, Version 14” (IUCN, 2019). Sci. U.S.A. 99, 11229–11234 (2002).

de Lima et al., Science 383, 219–225 (2024) 12 January 2024 5 of 6


43. M. Barstow, T. Jimbo, K. Davies, . Plants People Planet 5, of first reproduction and C. Canteiro (Global Center for supplementary materials (data S1). All scripts, functions, and data
508–519 (2023). Species Survival, Indianapolis Zoo) for the clarifications of the that support the findings of this study are openly available at https://
44. D. A. L. Canhos et al., Biota Neotrop. 22, e20221394 (2022). GL used in previous IUCN Red List assessments. We also thank and deposited at Zenodo (48). The
45. L. A. E. da Silva et al., Rodriguésia 68, 391–410 (2017). M. Barstow and E. Beech (BGCI) for providing their list of maps used to assess habitat cover change, assess species occurrences
46., GBIF Occurrence Download (2019); commercial timber species. Funding: This research was funded by in protected areas, and delimit the main tropical forests are available
10.15468/dl.mzmat2. the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation online (49–52). A summary of species information, population metrics,
47. R. A. F. de Lima et al., Biodivers. Conserv. 24, 2135–2148 (2015). program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement and conservation assessment results are provided as supplementary
48. R. A. F. de Lima, G. Dauby, Scripts, functions and data to no. 795114 (R.A.F.d.L. and H.t.S.). Forest inventory data was funded materials (data S2). Reference values of population parameters
reproduce the results of “Comprehensive conservation by grants 2013/08722-5 [São Paulo Research Foundation from the literature and an exploration of parameters used for the
assessments reveal high extinction risks across Atlantic Forest (FAPESP)], 312075/2013-8 [Brazilian National Council for group-specific generalizations performed in this study are also provided
trees,” Version 0.0.1, Zenodo (2023); Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)], and as supplementary materials (data S3). All files necessary to enter
zenodo.8253431. 2017TR1922 [Santa Catarina Research Foundation (FAPESC)] to the assessments in the IUCN Species Information Service (SIS)
49. ESA, “Land Cover CCI Product User Guide Version 2” (2017); R.A.F.d.L., P.I.P., A.C.V., and A.L.d.G. A.L.d.G., A.C.V., M.F.d.S., and system (SIS Connect) are provided as supplementary materials P.I.P. were supported by CNPq grants 311303/2020-0, 305199/ (data S4). Data S1 to S4 are also deposited at Zenodo (48).
Ph2-PUGv2_2.0.pdf. 2022-6, 310206/2019-7, and 313055/2020-3, respectively. License information: Copyright © 2024 the authors, some
50. M. Hoffman, K. Koenig, G. Bunting, J. Costanza, K. J. Williams, Author contributions: Conceptualization: R.A.F.d.L., H.t.S.; Data rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association
Biodiversity Hotspots, Version 2016.1, Zenodo (2016); curation: R.A.F.d.L., A.L.d.G., A.C.V., V.C.S.; Formal analysis: for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original US government R.A.F.d.L., G.D.; Funding acquisition: R.A.F.d.L., A.L.d.G., A.C.V., works.
51. E. Dinerstein et al., Bioscience 67, 534–545 (2017). P.I.P., H.t.S.; Methodology: R.A.F.d.L., G.D., E.P.F., M.F.d.S., A.L.d.G., article-reuse
52. UNEP-WCMC, IUCN, Protected planet: The World Database on H.t.S.; Software: R.A.F.d.L., G.D.; Visualization: R.A.F.d.L.; Writing –
Protected Areas (WDPA) (2020); original draft: R.A.F.d.L.; Writing – review and editing: G.D., SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
A.L.d.G., E.P.F., A.C.V., A.A.d.O., P.I.P., V.C.S., M.F.d.S., H.t.S.
ACKN OW LEDG MEN TS Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no Materials and Methods
We thank H. R. Akçakaya and CNCFlora staff (P. da Rosa, competing interests. Data and materials availability: Herbarium Figs. S1 to S17
G. Martinelli, E. Martins, R. Loyola, P. H. A. de Melo, and occurrence data were compiled from speciesLink, Jabot, and GBIF Tables S1 to S7
T. L. B. da Cunha) for advice on the IUCN Red List Categories (44–46). The forest inventory and species trait data were extracted References (53–163)
and Criteria. Special thanks go to M. Rivers and E. Beech [Botanic from the Neotropical Tree Communities database (version 4.1; Data S1 to S4

Gardens Conservation International (BGCI)] for reviewing the = projetos:treeco:start) (20, 47)
methods used to generate the conservation assessments. We and are available to researchers by request from the database Submitted 12 April 2022; resubmitted 6 May 2023
acknowledge J. S. Wright and H. Muller-Landau (Smithsonian managers. The full sources of the publicly available herbarium, Accepted 5 December 2023
Tropical Research Institute) for their input on the estimation of age inventory, and species trait data used in this study are provided as 10.1126/science.abq5099

y g

de Lima et al., Science 383, 219–225 (2024) 12 January 2024 6 of 6


CONSERVATION finning rather than to curtail fishing or reten-

tion of sharks outright. Currently, 94 juris-
Global shark fishing mortality still rising despite dictions and one RFMO have finning regulations
that require fishers to land whole sharks with
widespread regulatory change their fins naturally attached. A further four
jurisdictions and two RFMOs have regulations
Boris Worm1*, Sara Orofino2,3,4, Echelle S. Burns2,3,4, Nidhi G. D’Costa1, Leonardo Manir Feitosa4, requiring that sharks and their fins are landed
Maria L. D. Palomares5, Laurenne Schiller6, Darcy Bradley2,3,4,7 in a prescribed fin-to-carcass ratio, and 27 juris-
dictions and one RFMO have mixed finning
Over the past two decades, sharks have been increasingly recognized among the world’s most threatened regulations that differ by shark species. There
wildlife and hence have received heightened scientific and regulatory scrutiny. Yet, the effect of are 16 jurisdictions with unspecified finning
protective regulations on shark fishing mortality has not been evaluated at a global scale. Here we regulations and 75 jurisdictions with no relevant
estimate that total fishing mortality increased from at least 76 to 80 million sharks between 2012 and measures on record (Fig. 1D and tables S4 to
2019, ~25 million of which were threatened species. Mortality increased by 4% in coastal waters but S5). Regulatory attempts to eliminate shark
decreased by 7% in pelagic fisheries, especially across the Atlantic and Western Pacific. By linking finning and associated fishing mortality cur-
fishing mortality data to the global regulatory landscape, we show that widespread legislation designed rently occur in nearly 70% of maritime juris-
to prevent shark finning did not reduce mortality but that regional shark fishing or retention bans dictions globally; few such regulations existed
had some success. These analyses, combined with expert interviews, highlight evidence-based solutions to 20 years ago (Fig. 1). Concomitantly, we observed
reverse the continued overexploitation of sharks. a rapid increase in trade-restricted shark spe-
cies listed under the Convention on International

Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) (Fig. 1,

harks and their relatives (class Chon- from 2012 to 2019 and contrasted these pat- A and B, red lines; and table S1). Likewise,
drichthyes) have persisted as powerful terns with relevant regulations adopted during there has been a rapid increase in the number
ocean predators for over 400 million years, this time. We took a synthetic approach, col- of pelagic tuna fishing companies seeking
yet many shark species are recently threat- lating and analyzing all available shark-catch Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) ecocertifi-
ened by overfishing, raising serious con- data and regulatory data reported by individual cation and engaging in related fishery improve-
cerns about species extinction (1) and associated fisheries, countries, and RFMOs (fig. S1 and ment projects, two prominent market-based

consequences for ocean ecosystems (2, 3). Large tables S1 to S6). Fishery- and country-level data measures that prohibit shark finning on board
numbers of sharks have historically been caught were derived from detailed, spatially explicit certified vessels (Fig. 1C and table S6).
incidentally by the world’s pelagic tuna fisheries, catch reconstructions based on United Nations Mapping spatial patterns of shark fishing
and elevated mortality has been linked to in- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)– mortality, we found that current hotspots of

creasing demand for their fins, a valuable com- reported catches combined with regional data mortality are concentrated in coastal environ-
modity in Asian markets (4, 5). In response, and expert sources informing estimates of ments such as the Atlantic coast of North and
protective regulations were introduced by na- unreported catches and discards that are not South America; West Africa; the northern Indian
tional governments and regional fisheries included in the FAO statistics (11). Publicly Ocean; and the Coral Triangle, a particularly
management organizations (RFMOs). Most available RFMO shark-catch data recorded by biodiverse region spanning the national waters
regulations aimed to eliminate the wasteful scientific observers or self-reported by fishers of Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, and
practice of shark finning, in which valuable were collated, evaluated, and spatially allocated the Philippines (Fig. 2A). This distribution also
fins are retained and shark carcasses are dis- by using a recently developed Random Forest holds broadly for species designated as threat-
carded at sea (6). These efforts were further machine learning approach (12) (tables S7 ened with extinction by the International Union
supported by changing market forces (7), inter- to S10). All catch data were converted to fishing for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) (Fig. 2B).

y g
national agreements to limit the trade of threat- mortality estimates by using species-, gear-, Individual taxa have fishing mortality hotspots
ened species (8), sustained nongovernmental and, where available, location-specific shark- primarily in pelagic (e.g., silky shark, Fig. 2C)
organization (NGO) advocacy to address pelagic catch fate and postrelease mortality information or coastal environments (e.g., hammerhead
fisheries bycatch (9), and public awareness (figs. S1 to S7). We further conducted in-depth sharks, Fig. 2D), respectively, depending on
campaigns intended to curb demand for shark interviews with 22 experts, whose deep knowl- their preferred habitat and intersection with
fins (10). No studies to date have investigated edge helped contextualize current trends in fisheries (see fig. S8 for other taxa).

whether such shark finning and fishing regu- shark finning and mortality and the mecha- From 2017 to 2019, national waters accounted

lations have successfully reduced shark fishing nistic drivers of these trends and served to vali- for 95% of shark fishing mortality by number of
mortality globally. date our quantitative assessment (full details individuals and 71% of catch by tonnage (tables
In this study, we calculated global patterns on data sources and processing are found in S14 and S15). Global fishing mortality increased
of shark fishing mortality at 1° by 1° resolution materials and methods). from 76 million sharks in 2012 to more than
Tracking changes in the regulatory landscape 80 million in 2017, averaging 79 million from
(Fig. 1, A to C, and tables S3 to S5), we docu- 2017 to 2019 (table S15). The number of threat-
Biology Department, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS mented a >10-fold increase in international (Fig. ened shark species caught during this timeframe
B3H 4R2, Canada. 2Environmental Markets Lab, University
of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA. 3Marine
1A) and national (Fig. 1B) management mea- fluctuated between 22 million and 28 million
Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, sures addressing shark fishing and finning since each year (Fig. 2B). From 2012 to 2019, fishing
CA 93106, USA. 4Bren School of Environmental Science and 2000. As of 2022, 29 countries and overseas mortality increases were observed in 35% of
Management, University of California, Santa Barbara,
territories (hereafter “jurisdictions”) have declared nonzero shark catch cells and decreases in 65%,
CA, 93106, USA. 5Sea Around Us, Institute for the Oceans
and Fisheries, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, shark sanctuaries, no-take protected areas, or with an overall increase in mortality of 3.6% in
BC, Canada V6T 1Z4. 6School of Public Policy and other protective measures that prohibit shark national waters and a 7.4% decrease in pelagic
Administration, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6, fishing within their national waters. Most fisheries managed by RFMOs (Fig. 2E). This
Canada. 7The Nature Conservancy, California Oceans
Program, Santa Barbara, CA 93117, USA. jurisdictions, however, have focused shark con- decrease coincides with the introduction of new
*Corresponding author. Email: servation efforts on measures to eliminate shark RFMO regulations prohibiting the retention of

Worm et al., Science 383, 225–230 (2024) 12 January 2024 1 of 6


A Fins naturally attached B Shark fishing prohibition C Longline

Fin−to−carcass 100 Fins naturally attached 100 Purse seine
40 14 100
Species specific Fin−to−carcass Other
Other Fins artificially attached

CITES−listed pelagic species n

CITES−listed coastal species n

Finning regulation unspecified

MSC and FIP tuna fisheries (n)

Active domestic measures (n)
Active RFMO measures (n)

30 75

20 50 50
6 40

10 25 25

0 0 0 0 0
1992 1998 2004 2010 2016 2022 1992 1998 2004 2010 2016 2022 1992 1998 2004 2010 2016 2022
Year Year Year

Shark fishing
Fins naturally
ICCAT attached

Mixed finning
Finning regulation

IOTC unspecified
No finning

Fig. 1. Global regulatory landscape. (A and B) Increasing trends in number of (C) Trends in tuna fisheries involved with MSC ecocertification and related
shark fishing and finning regulations adopted (A) internationally through tuna fishery improvement projects (FIPs). (D) Spatial pattern of active shark
regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) and (B) nationally through regulations in 2022. WCPFC, Western & Central Pacific Fisheries Commission;

y g
domestic laws and policies. Number of CITES-listed threatened shark species IATTC, Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission; ICCAT, International
additionally regulated through international trade restrictions are superimposed Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas; IOTC, Indian Ocean
as red lines. New listings introduced in 2022 are not yet fully implemented. Tuna Commission.

specific threatened species (Fig. 1A), particu- Bank’s Voice and Accountability index (15), regulations and fishing intensity—and negative

larly those listed under CITES. Indeed, avail- were associated with reduced mortality of outliers, where outcomes for sharks are worse

able species-specific data indicate a decrease in sharks. The main drivers predicted to increase than expected (e.g., the shark sanctuaries of
retention and an increase in observed live re- mortality were total catch (combined tonnage Sint-Maarten and the Dominican Republic, re-
lease for hammerhead, thresher, and oceanic of all species landed) and overall fishing effort spectively; Fig. 3B).
whitetip sharks across various RFMOs (fig. S9). [total kilowatt vessel hours, a measure of fish- Interviews with a globally diverse group of
In addition, although longline vessels fishing ing intensity (13)]. Established finning regu- shark science, conservation, fishery, and indus-
for tuna, billfish, and sharks have the widest lations had little effect on mortality (Fig. 3A) try professionals independently corroborate and
spatial footprint of all shark-related fishing gears and may have even increased it, possibly by contextualize the above trends (Fig. 4A and
(13), most mortality hotspots coincide with incentivizing full use of sharks and creating tables S11 to S13). Almost all interviewees per-
coastal gears such as gillnets and trawls (Fig. additional markets for shark meat and carti- ceived that shark finning had declined over
2F), both of which are known to incur sub- lage, among other products (16–18). Compar- the past two decades, whereas trends in fishing
stantial shark mortality (14). ing shark mortality standardized by fishing mortality were perceived differently among
When we analyzed the relationship between effort across all countries reveals the complex- regions (Fig. 4B), and 45% noted a concurrent
shark fishing mortality rates and prevalent ity of assessing regulatory effectiveness, with increase in the demand for shark meat. One
regulations by country (Fig. 3A), we found that the same regulation in some cases resulting in NGO representative suggested, “Shark finning
only shark fishing prohibitions and accounta- both positive outliers—that is, locations with legislation particularly didn’t have an impact
ble governance, as measured by the World lower-than-expected shark mortality given their on reducing overall shark mortality [because]

Worm et al., Science 383, 225–230 (2024) 12 January 2024 2 of 6



Annual global Annual global mortality

mortality (n) 7 403 22026 threatened species (n) 7 403 22026


Annual global mortality Annual global mortality
silky shark (n) 2 54 1096 hammerhead sharks (n) 2 54 1096


Longline Purse seine
Relative change −100−0 No change Dominant
Trawlers Small−scale gears
in annual mortality 0−100 100−500 500+ fishing gear

y g
Other coastal gears

Fig. 2. Global patterns of shark fishing mortality. Shown are average (Sphyrna spp.). (E) Relative trend in annual mortality (percent increase or
annual mortalities per 1° by 1° grid cell from 2016 to 2018 for (A) all sharks, decrease) for all sharks from 2012 to 2019. (F) Fishing gear type that dominates
(B) threatened species (IUCN critically endangered, endangered, or vulnerable), shark mortality for each cell (further details about fishing gear categories are

(C) silky sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis), and (D) hammerhead sharks shown in table S19).

after the prohibitions [countries that were 23% of experts. In terms of fishing gears, 91% tion, it would be diabolical for business and a ,
finning sharks] just landed the sharks whole, highlighted gillnets as key contributors of shark huge company risk” (Interviewee IND-2; table
[which] resulted in new markets for shark meat, mortality because of their unselective nature and S11). All three industry representatives and 18%
oil, and other products in countries that didn’t their unregulated use in many coastal fisheries. of all interviewees perceived that RFMO reten-
consume shark meat previously” (Interviewee Regarding the reduction of shark finning, tion prohibitions had effectively reduced the
NGO-3; table S11). Many interviewees further domestic and RFMO finning regulations were catch of CITES-listed species (e.g., silky, hammer-
perceived that fisheries are now catching smaller perceived as being most effective (54 and 45%, head, oceanic whitetip; fig. S9). Conversely, do-
sharks, including juveniles (19), because of de- respectively), followed by public awareness mestic fisheries management, catch monitoring,
clines in the fin trade, regional declines in the campaigns and pressure from large seafood and enforcement were deemed to be most in
abundance of large sharks, and increasing de- retailers for sustainable seafood products (Fig. need of improvement (Fig. 4C and tables S12
mand for shark meat (table S11). Almost two- 4C and tables S12 and S13). One industry repre- and S13). Multiple interviewees also suggested
thirds of experts (64%) highlighted regions of sentative noted, “We are seeing a big push from that improved engagement by government agen-
the Indian Ocean or Indo-Pacific as primary [the] market side, which is having a bigger cies with coastal fishers was essential, espe-
areas of shark bycatch concern, with West impact at this stage relative to the regulatory cially where shark meat is contributing to local
Africa identified as an additional hotspot by side [because] if you lose your [eco-]certifica- food security.

Worm et al., Science 383, 225–230 (2024) 12 January 2024 3 of 6


A B Fig. 3. Linking shark fishing mortality to reg-

Shark fishing Dominican Republic
ulation. Shown are (A) slope coefficients [± 95%
Shark fishing Sint−Maarten
prohibition (n = 19)
prohibition confidence interval (CI)] from a generalized
linear model predicting shark fishing mortality
Fins naturally for all countries’ national waters as a function of
attached (n = 79)
active shark conservation regulations. The verti-
cal hatched line denotes a neutral effect, with
Fin−to−carcass Fins naturally
ratio (n = 16) attached
points (unfilled circles) to the right signifying

Regulation category
increased and points to the left decreased shark
fishing mortality given the regulation; points are
Unspecified finning
regulations (n = 15) the exponentiated coefficient estimates, and
horizontal lines are the 95% CIs. Total catch refers
Total effort
Fin−to− Indonesia
to the combined tonnage of all species landed and
carcass ratio
(kwh) total effort to the number of kilowatt vessel hours
observed fishing. World Bank Index refers to the
Total catch Voice and Accountability composite index, with higher
scores indicating improved democratic governance.
Unspecified finning (B) The distribution of (natural log-transformed)
World Bank regulations
Index shark fishing mortality per kilowatt fishing hour and
regulatory regime for each country. Outliers of lower-
or-higher-than-expected mortality were 2 SDs below

2 4 6 8 −15 −10 −5 0
Coefficient estimate ln (Shark mortality per unit effort) or above the mean and are labeled (black circles).

Our analyses represent a first global synthe- with strong incentives to provide ecocertified inputs and assigning a data-source specific,
sis of spatial and temporal trends in shark tuna to global markets. It is yet unclear whether qualitative uncertainty score to all catch esti-

fishing mortality in the context of widespread this is enough to reduce pelagic shark threat mates (tables S14 and S15). Mapping the catch-
regulatory change. Although finning regula- status similarly to that of tuna and billfish, the weighted uncertainty across coastal and high-seas
tions have been successful in reducing waste traditional target of improved management areas highlights hotspots of high shark catch
and animal cruelty, there is little evidence that (20). In this regard, it is notable that only since and high uncertainty where more comprehen-

they have reduced shark mortality overall (Figs. 2019—50 years after its establishment—have sive and reliable data are critical for improving
2E, 3A, and 4B). Indeed, domestic measures member states of the International Commis- global estimates of shark mortality (figs. S10 to
adopted to eliminate the fin trade were insuffi- sion for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas S12). Likewise, although our RFMO catch models
cient to halt overexploitation, and interviewees (ICCAT) been legally mandated to manage are specifically designed to overcome spatio-
suggested that they even contribute to incentiv- sharks in the Atlantic in the same way that they temporal observation biases arising from in-
izing retention of whole sharks and, by exten- manage target tuna species. Across national complete reporting, catches are still largely
sion, markets for their meat. This is consistent waters, some small island nations lead the self-reported by fishing countries and almost
with results from our regulatory analyses (Fig. 3) charge with respect to reducing shark fishing certainly underestimate total fishing mortality,
and mapping exercise (Fig. 2 and tables S14 and mortality. Shark sanctuaries in the Bahamas especially for rare and endangered species (26).
S15), which suggest that shark mortality is and Maldives, for example, have managed to We provide upper and lower 95% confidence

y g
increasingly concentrated in coastal hotspots. maintain relatively healthy shark populations limits around RFMO shark catch estimates to
We found that territorial waters of just six (21), which fuel successful dive tourism indus- explicitly account for this uncertainty and to
coastal nations incurred 50% of global shark tries (22, 23). Other measures, such as large no- highlight areas with particularly poor data
mortality from 2017 to 2019 (table S15), four take protected areas in the Pacific Remote Islands reporting (tables S16 to S19 and figs. S11 and
of which (Indonesia, Brazil, Mauritania, and Marine National Monument south of Hawaii, S12). We further present expert interviews as an
Mexico) were also highlighted by interviewees also appear successful in maintaining relatively independent source of data to further mitigate

as places where high shark fishing mortality low shark fishing mortality, although outcomes these uncertainties (Fig. 4 and tables S11 to S13).

coincides with insufficient regulatory capacity. are variable (Fig. 3A). Nations that are more We offer a detailed discussion of data uncer-
It is noteworthy that these countries are also democratic are also consistently associated tainty in the materials and methods and make
major international suppliers or domestic con- with better outcomes for sharks (Fig. 3A), all data and models publicly available for fu-
sumers of shark meat, reflecting growing mar- echoing similar results from a global analysis ture work that could make use of new and im-
kets for nonfin shark products (17). of reef shark abundance (21). Yet, our analysis proved reporting (data S1 to S5).
These findings suggest a shifting global land- suggests that when viewed through a global We further caution that country-level shark
scape of shark fishing mortality that is moving lens, current risks for coastal sharks still appear catch is also likely underestimated because
away from finning of larger pelagic species (4) to be escalating on average, a conclusion that 24% of the annual catch from national waters
toward full use of smaller coastal species, pre- is supported by recent IUCN assessments (1, 24). is being reported at the subclass (Elasmobranchii)
senting new regulatory and conservation chal- We caution that data quality and transparency level (fig. S3), preventing meaningful analysis of
lenges. On the positive side, shark mortality were key limitations for our analyses. Catch data these data at the species level. Including these
under the oversight of the tuna RFMOs appears are rarely reported with uncertainty estimates, taxonomically unresolved elasmobranch catches
in decline overall, most notably in the Atlantic although there are many known uncertainties (which include rays and skates in addition to
and Western Pacific, where species-specific and data gaps (25). The detailed catch recon- sharks) and assuming a similar proportion of
retention bans and comprehensive observer structions used here (11) acknowledge this un- true sharks as in the taxonomically resolved data
coverage on purse seine fishing vessels combine certainty by cross-referencing multiple data (71%) would increase our global shark mortality

Worm et al., Science 383, 225–230 (2024) 12 January 2024 4 of 6


Fig. 4. Expert perceptions on shark fishing and regulation. (A) Geographical location of 22 regional experts interviewed for this study. (B) Interviewee perceptions
on current trends in shark finning (left) and shark mortality (right). (C) Interviewee perceptions on effective (in boldface) and insufficient regulatory and market
measures affecting trends in shark finning and mortality (see tables S11 to S13 for detailed interview data summaries).

y g
estimate to 101 million sharks (in 2019). This estimate of total shark fishing mortality is given the recent expansion of CITES listings to
figure represents a 4% increase over previous conservative. include 54 species of requiem and hammerhead
global fishing mortality estimates for the year Our analysis shows that shark fishing con- sharks (Fig. 1, A and B, and table S1). Our find-

2010 (5). tinues to present a substantial threat to shark ings signal that such measures can be effective

These results highlight the importance of populations over much of the world, despite the when paired with other regulations in interna-
improved data reporting. Market and regulatory widespread adoption of antifinning legislation tional fisheries (fig. S9) and also highlight the
pressures to enhance reporting requirements and related measures. This regulatory shortfall importance of similarly expanding improved
and data dissemination are expected over time, needs to be addressed through a combination regulation and oversight in national fisheries.
and trends of decreasing shark fishing mortal- of area-based conservation (28) and improved Increased transparency and accountability of
ity in industrial tuna fisheries should be scruti- shark-specific fisheries management measures fishing companies, fleets, and management
nized further when more data are available. (29) that address overcapacity and disincentivize bodies are needed to support successful imple-
Additional datasets that more comprehensively retention of overfished and threatened species. mentation of these measures. We observe that
document discarding practices are also required Science-based harvest control rules have been some of the most effective regional solutions have
to improve mortality estimates, especially for recently adopted for most tuna stocks under been spearheaded by low-income countries with
poorly observed longline fisheries (fig. S9). Last- RFMO oversight (7, 30) and should be used to a high dependence on a healthy marine environ-
ly, illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) address overexploitation of pelagic sharks, most ment for food and livelihood security. Such
shark fishing is only in part captured by our of which lack catch limits. Effective bycatch localized efforts are part of an emerging trend
analyses but is very evident both from expert mitigation is a pressing issue in this regard, in ocean sustainability (31) and demonstrate
interviews (table S11) and from the literature both for management bodies and for fishing that positive change can be achieved where
(19, 27). Combined, these data indicate that our companies seeking ecocertification, especially the long-term needs of both nature and people

Worm et al., Science 383, 225–230 (2024) 12 January 2024 5 of 6


are adequately valued. As these solutions are 15. D. Kaufmann, A. Kraay, M. Mastruzzi, “The worldwide governance AC KNOWLED GME NTS
more widely adopted, our analyses can pro- indicators: Methodology and analytical issues” (World Bank The authors express deep gratitude to all data providers and
Policy Research Working Paper No. 5430, SSRN, 2010); https:// interviewees sharing their expertise and insight. Special thanks
vide a spatially explicit baseline against which to C. Field and E. Lawler for statistical advice and support.
future progress in recovering threatened shark 16. L. N. Davidson, M. A. Krawchuk, N. K. Dulvy, Fish Fish. 17, Funding: We acknowledge funding from the Natural Sciences
populations can be assessed, supporting time- 438–458 (2016). and Engineering Council of Canada, the Sustainable Fisheries
17. F. Dent, S. Clarke, “State of the global market for shark products” and Communities Trust, and the Blue Marine Foundation. E.S.B.
ly efforts to rebuild resilient ocean ecosystems
(FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper 590, 2015), p. 187. acknowledges funding from the Waitt Foundation; L.M.F. received
and sustainable fisheries. 18. World Wildlife Fund, “The shark and ray meat network: A deep funding from CAPES and Fulbright Brazil; and L.S. is grateful
dive into a global affair” (WWF, 2021); https://sharks.panda. for support from the Liber Ero Fellowship Program. Author
org/images/downloads/392/WWF_MMI_Global_shark__ray_ contributions: This study was originally conceptualized by
RE FE RENCES AND N OT ES meat_trade_report_2021_lowres.pdf. B.W., L.S., and N.G.D. and supervised by B.W. and D.B. Fisheries
1. N. K. Dulvy et al., Curr. Biol. 31, 4773–4787.e8 (2021). 19. E. Bonaccorso et al., Sci. Rep. 11, 14959 (2021). data were sourced and curated by M.L.D.P., D.B., S.O., E.S.B.,
2. F. Ferretti, B. Worm, G. L. Britten, M. R. Heithaus, H. K. Lotze, 20. M. J. Juan-Jordá et al., Science 378, eabj0211 (2022). L.S. and L.M.F. Interview data were collected and analyzed
Ecol. Lett. 13, 1055–1071 (2010). 21. M. A. MacNeil et al., Nature 583, 801–806 (2020). by N.G.D., L.S., and B.W. Model development was led by D.B.
3. J. A. Estes, M. Heithaus, D. J. McCauley, D. B. Rasher, B. Worm, 22. A. J. Gallagher, N. Hammerschlag, Curr. Issues Tour. 14, 797–812 and E.S.B. Further data analyses, interpretation, and writing were
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 41, 83–116 (2016). (2011). shared among all authors. Competing interests: The authors
4. S. C. Clarke et al., Ecol. Lett. 9, 1115–1126 (2006). 23. J. S. Zimmerhackel, M. E. Kragt, A. A. Rogers, K. Ali, declare that they have no competing interests. Data and materials
5. B. Worm et al., Mar. Policy 40, 194–204 (2013). M. G. Meekan, Mar. Policy 100, 21–26 (2019). availability: All data are available in the supplementary materials
6. Convention on Migratory Species, Memorandum of 24. C. S. Sherman et al., Nat. Commun. 14, 15 (2023). (tables S1 to S19 and data S1 to S5) or available for download
Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Sharks, 25. G. D. Blasco, D. M. Ferraro, R. S. Cottrell, B. S. Halpern, on Dryad (32). The complete code repository is available at Zenodo
3rd Meeting on International Cooperation on Migratory Sharks H. E. Froehlich, Front. Mar. Sci. 7, 612831 (2020). (33). License information: Copyright © 2024 the authors, some
under the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS, 2010); rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the
26. G. Mucientes, M. Vedor, D. W. Sims, N. Queiroz, Biol. Conserv. Advancement of Science. No claim to original US government works.
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27. D. J. Madigan, N. S. Arnoldi, N. E. Hussey, A. B. Carlisle,
Conserv. Lett. 14, e12796 (2021).
7. L. Schiller, M. Bailey, Fish Fish. 22, 592–604 (2021). SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS

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y g

Worm et al., Science 383, 225–230 (2024) 12 January 2024 6 of 6

By Joe Higham

Missing the signs

’m worried about you,” a friend said. During the 2 weeks prior, my mind had been racing with more
ideas than I could keep up with and I had rarely slept more than 4 hours per night. But I wasn’t tired;
I felt incredible, invincible. It wasn’t the first time that this friend—another researcher I worked with
during my postdoc—had voiced their concern. But this time, the words resounded in my mind. As we
continued to talk, they began recounting my other unusual behavior, and I began to notice just how
quickly, loudly, and forcefully I had been talking. That’s when the reality began to sink in: I was man-
ic. It was a realization that not only changed my approach to mental health, but also my career path.

It still came as a shock when I was with chasing productivity regard-
later diagnosed with bipolar disor- less of the cost to my well-being
der, a condition that leads to extreme returned, triggering bouts of ma-
mood swings—from manic highs to nia and depression, including one
depressive lows. As I learned more of the worst depressive episodes of
about the condition, though, and my life.

looked back on my past experiences, My family, seeing that I could
it all made sense. I had been fighting barely get out a few words on the
the symptoms for most of my adult phone before bursting into tears,
life. But within the pressure cooker convinced me to speak with a thera-

that is academia, I had ignored them. pist. After a few weeks of sessions,
My first experience with mania things began to improve. But a few
was as an undergraduate student, in months later, triggered by the anxi-
the run-up to exams. The pressure ety that had gripped me from day
and stress—which I now understand one of my postdoc, I plunged into
are triggers for bipolar episodes— the 2-week manic episode that had
would sometimes give way to a wave
of boundless energy. That energy
“I know I’m not alone in alarmed my friend.
I had already realized my post-
was useful for powering through
my studying. But once exam season
my struggle with doc wasn’t a healthy environment
for me and had decided to leave.
mental health in academia.”

y g
ended, I crashed and could barely My later diagnosis confirmed I
function beyond eating and sleeping. had made a good decision. I would
My symptoms worsened after I started my Ph.D., when have loved to make a career in research. But I’ve learned
the stress wasn’t restricted to certain times of year but was that for me, it’s risky to take on the stress and unending
nearly constant. I put a tremendous amount of pressure on sacrifice such a life demands. Since then, I’ve begun to

myself to excel, equating my professional success with my explore my passions beyond chemistry and work as a free-
personal self-worth. Each time an experiment failed, the lance writer, a career path that I find far less stressful and
pressure intensified. that fulfills my passion for writing, which I discovered
I mostly brushed off my worsening anxiety and depres- while writing my Ph.D. thesis.
sion as a normal part of the graduate school experience, as I know I’m not alone in my struggle with mental health
everyone around me seemed to be stressed and anxious, in academia. I might have been able to cope more effectively
too. I didn’t seek professional help. Instead, I employed had I sought out professional help sooner. But better men-
stress management techniques such as meditation, mind- tal health support, a normalization of work-life balance,
fulness, and exercise. Those helped, but they didn’t solve and improved mentorship to help deal with the stressful
the problem entirely. realities of research would also have helped me persevere.
Then, soon after starting my first postdoctoral position, Because if the culture around you sees stress and anxiety
I became unable to cope. I was working in an unfamiliar as the norm, it’s hard to see your own mental struggles as a
field and was struggling to adapt to the dynamic of my new cause for concern. j
research group. My self-confidence dwindled and my stress
management strategies no longer worked. My obsession Joe Higham is a freelance writer working primarily in nonfiction.

234 12 JANUARY 2024 • VOL 383 ISSUE 6679 SCIENCE

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