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Some students including myself hates to study History because it’s boring, but one day I realized

that History is helpful, it helps us in many ways. What is History and why we need to study it? In order to
know what will happen in the near future, you must first strengthen your knowledge about History. We
need to know more about History because it is the study of the past people, traditions, events and
problems. It can help you to look back on the past events and learn from it. History is not just knowing
and learning from the past mistakes, issues and problems but also to see the impact of the community,
culture and traditions that shapes our lives today. We can also use our past mistakes to be our guide and
lesson, so that we will avoid to do it again. We need history, so we can understand the basic concepts
and ideas. Like Mathematics, it’s hard to understand it when you don’t know the history and the basic
concepts of it. Also, History is important when you want to avoid yourself by committing the same
mistakes again that happened in the past. This will serve as a guide to everyone who don’t want history
repeats itself.

History is an important tool to understand the present society, it may have many questions but
there’s a lot of answers that we can find. But before you truly understand the present, you should know
what’s the history behind it. History helps us to know where we came from, who’s our ancestors and
what and how our ancestors live. The way of their living-the traditions, activities and cultures were really
helpful for us who lives in the present. Tattooing is one of the activities of the ancient people and as
time goes by it becomes more and more modern-using high technologies but there are some people-the
aetas that still using the manual tattooing. Another one is hunting, it’s proven that our ancestors did this
activity before and it still doing this in some places. According to archaeologists they even found some
artifacts to prove that our ancestors did those things. History can also help people to understand the
present society, it tells where we came from, what and how the past shaped us for what we are now
today and how we can shape and change the future for the better. History helps us to understand and
build relationships with the past events and behaviors, it is the evidence why other people behaves like
that and to tell us why those events happened. History is a tool to better understand the events, people
and the whole world. In order to understand the present, we must recognize and appreciate first the
importance of society.

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