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The Six Foot Three Guy With A Monster Cock I Met At A Glory Hole Is My Fiancee's Father?!

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre
Relationship: Narciso Anasui/Kujo Jotaro
Characters: Narciso Anasui, Kujo Jotaro, Kujo Jolyne
Additional Tags: Cheating, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Anal Sex, Marathon Sex,
Size Kink, Glory Hole, Choking, Semi-Public Sex, brat!Anasui, Fishnets,
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-03-26 Words: 5,852 Chapters: 1/1
The Six Foot Three Guy With A Monster Cock I Met At A Glory
Hole Is My Fiancee's Father?!
by CameToWin


Anasui meets a particularly impressive dick at the local glory hole and has some fun with the
guy attached.
(This is totally fine because Jolyne doesn't want to have sex till they get married, so it's not
really cheating. Right?)

See the end of the work for notes
Jotaro has been told he’s good at sex, and that is because sex has nothing to do with thinking.
It’s simple mechanics, and any idiot can learn a few good moves that will work on most
people’s bodies. If he struggled, he could just say ‘Tell me what you want’ and they’d fall all
over themselves to explain. His wife liked having her neck bitten, hard enough to bruise and
leave marks. Simple. Easy. Jotaro learned that his size was a draw, so he figured out how to
manhandle people without hurting them. That too was easy, especially when he was growing
up in Japan and almost all his partners were smaller than him.

It was everything else that was hard. Jotaro didn’t excel at hookups because he was fluent in
the language of glances and nods. He excelled in hookups because he could figure out where
people went for them and make discreet inquires until someone said yes.

Now that he’s in his fifties, even that is a bit of a hassle. The easiest way to get off without a
bunch of bullshit beforehand is to drive down to the windowless ‘adult’ store that’s closer to
the airport than the city, pay the bored cashier ten bucks, and head for the back hall. Her
enters the door with ‘serviced’ on it, instead of ‘servicer’.

He doesn’t understand why anyone would just sit around waiting to suck random dick, but
Jotaro has given up wasting time trying to understand how other people think. It’s easier to
just let it happen and then deal with the consequences. At least in this circumstance it’s a
good thing that some people’s minds work differently than his.

Jotaro has heard there are free, unregulated places to do this, but they’re farther away, and he
prefers a place where the protection policy is enforced. Also, this little cubicle is cleaned
regularly and doesn’t smell too much like bodily fluids. It’s dark, with a single black light
mounted on the wall, and a little table with some lube and a box of tissues on it. There’s
something non-descript about it all that reminds him of an airport lounge.

It’s cheap, easy, and discreet. Everything he needs right now.

The only downside is that sometimes you get technically get scammed because there’s no one
on the other side of the wall. Jotaro knocks and is rewarded by a quick rap back. Good. He’s
already half-hard. None of this is arousing, but his body responds to the routine. Two pumps
and he’s got enough of an erection to roll on a condom.

“C’mon ,” The person on the other side mutters.

“Good grief,” Jotaro says. “A needy slut. Great.”

Anasui’s ears perk up at that. He likes that sort of thing, but it’s kind of funny how this guy
says it. Like he is legitimately exasperated. “Mm, yeah,” Anasui replies, intrigued.

“Shut up,” The guy says as he thrusts he dick in the hole.

Holy fuck. Anasui’s jaw drops. That’s generally how he greets a dick, but this is time it from
sheer shock and awe. This thing is ten, maybe eleven inches. Thick. A vein pronounced on
the underside that it is visible through the-ugh-condom. It’s the sort of thing every man
dreams about seeing on the other side of a glory hole, right? It’s what Anasui hopes for,
especially when he’s presented with some pencil dick sneering, “You think you can take

Anasuit wraps a fist around the cock and strokes it hard. There is a appreciative grunt from
the other side of the wall. Good. Anasui doesn’t believe in romancing a cock. Little tongue
tricks are cute when a girl is gazing up at him with googly eyes, but if you’re not choking at
least a little you’re not doing it right.

Jesus fucking christ this dude just go bigger.

Anasuit swallows hard, which reminds him that he should be swallowing around this dick
instead of staring at it. He puts his mouth at the head and slowly works his mouth down the
shaft. He needs to warm up before he takes it to the base. He sucks wet and sloppy along the
length, lowering himself a bit more each time before pulling up to suck hard at the tip.

Anasui is fully hard now. He was a little aroused for the last four guys, but the gentle ache in
his groin is now a persistent throbbing. In a minute, he thinks. He wants to savor this.

Anasui goes as deep as he can, throat spasming as it’s breached by the tip of this monster
cock. Anasui never really got over his gag reflex, he just fights it down at the start of every
session. He is trying to slowly ease past it when the guy slams his dick forward and it shoots
down Anasui’s throat. Spots of black and white swim in front of his eyes, but it feels so
fucking good to choke a little, to know his attempts to swallow are milking this dick.

The man pulls out enough that Anasui can breathe a little and he takes a great, sucking gasp
before he puts his mouth right back on that dick.

Fuck, Anasui thinks as the length pulses along his tongue. What if this guy was inside me?
This feels like the kind of guy who would mercilessly rearrange your guts and just leave you
on the bed, dripping cum while he goes off to shower, and maybe head for a job that requires
actual brain cells.

Not that Anasui’s job doesn’t require some thought-he’s forgotten more about cameras and
lighting than your grandparents ever knew-but when he’s having sex he likes to feel like his
only career option is professional whore.

Anasui pulls back a bit to catch a breath and go back down, but the guy says, “You’re
supposed to take all of it, dumbass” and then Anasui is gagging so hard he’s shaking drool off
his chin. There’s another grunt and the man is still for a moment before slowly pulling out,
leaving Anasui fellow damp and hollow.

He can also vaguely feel his dick leaking against his thigh, but that’s secondary. Before he
can overthink it Anasui takes his phone off the floor-damn, didn’t get a pic of that one-and
presses it halfway through the hole. “Hey,” He says, voice understandably froggy, “Give me
your number?”

Anasui can hear clothing rustling and the jingle of a belt buckle before the man replies,
“Because you’ve got a monster dick and I’d love to choke on it again sometime. Maybe with
out the wall. So I can get those last couple of inches.”

The phone disappears from Anasui’s hands, and is replaced a moment later.

“JoJo” the contact name reads, and Anasui almost shits himself so hard his soul leaves his
body. The man didn’t save the new contact, which is good, because it might not have worked.
Jolyne is in his phone under JoJo, although she has green and yellow hearts bracketing her

Anasui hears the door to the other room open and close. He chews his lip. He isn’t sure he
should text this guy. He isn’t sure he wants to wait for another person, because anything else
tonight will probably be a let down. He isn’t sure that actually meeting up with someone
won’t cross the invisible line between what is his own business and what is cheating on

Anasui is crazy about Jolyne. He’s never felt this way about a woman before. She’s so strong
and confident in herself. She doesn’t play games or try and flirt with other guys to make him
jealous. She makes his heart sing whenever he’s around her. He doesn’t even care that she
doesn’t want to have sex until they’re married. It hasn’t been a long wait, especially when
he’s planning on proposing soon if he can get another good photo shoot scheduled.

Anasui changes the contact name to JJ with a little dog emoji so he won’t mix it up with
Jolyne and stands, grateful for the wall to lean against when his knees pop and his vision goes

What are the odds that this guy with the amazing dick would go by the same nickname as
Jolyne, anyway?

Anasui shakes his head and it clears. He smiles. Maybe the matching nicknames are a good

Jotaro is sitting through a semi-silent breakfast with Jolyne when he gets a text from an
unknown number.

“Hey, this is Cisco. You gave me your number after we met at Larry’s last week.”

“Work?” Jolyne asks.

Her weary tone makes Jotaro start. It reminds him of her mother.

These breakfasts were Jolyne’s idea. Jotaro doesn’t have class on Fridays, and Jolyne usually
doesn’t shoot till later, so they meet at a sticky old dinner and…well, they don’t talk much.

It isn’t bad. It used to be. Sitting around, struggling for words. Now they mostly sit, often
reading or on their phones. But they do talk, if they feel like it. And they always show up.
That’s something, right? It feels a lot better than nothing.
“No,” Jotaro says, setting the phone down. He isn’t sure what he should call this. He
probably should have expected the man to text him, but he honestly hadn’t thought about it
since. “It’s just a friend.”

Jolyne arches one eyebrow. “That’s new.”

“It is,” Jotaro says, and is relieved when their food arrives. He tries to think of another topic.
“Do you have a shoot, today?”

“Yes. I mean, no.” Jolyne rips open a packet of butter and starts spreading it on her pancakes.
“Anasui is doing this whole beach thing and I’m gonna go down and hang out.”

“Anasui…” Jotaro prompts.

“My boyfriend,” Jolyne says flatly. “The one I’ve been dating for six months.”

“I know you have a boyfriend,” Jotaro says, “His name always takes me off guard. It sounds
like a girl’s name.”

Jolyne snorts. “You’re the same with Hermes. If you ever meet her, try not to mistake her for
a guy, okay? She hates that.”

Jotaro has seen pictures of Hermes, although they’ve never met. She’s a make-up artist and
while her style is masculine he’s pretty sure he wouldn’t think she was a guy in person.
Probably. He’s made worse mistakes with less misleading signals before.

“Am I ever going to meet this Anasui?”

Jolyne shrugs, suddenly very focused on how the syrup falls on her pancakes. “I think so?
Because..” She pokes the pancakes with her butter knife. “Dad, I think I’m going to marry

A wheel spins in Jotaro’s brain. What reaction should he have? “Are you pregnant?”

Jolyne shoots up in her seat. “What? No! We aren’t-we don’t-“

“Because you seem,” Jotaro says, backpedaling over Jolyne’s protests, “You seem a little
embarrassed? You’re excited, right?”

Jolyne hesitates. “I am. It’s just…a lot, I guess. I mean, I kind of never thought I’d meet a
guy I’d want to marry so, having it actually happen has been kind of overwhelming.” She
smiles. “In a good way. Anasui is A Lot, but that’s what’s so great about him.”

“What’s he like?” Jotaro says. His phone buzzes again, but he ignores it. It’s good to see
Jolyne talk with light in her eyes.

He checks it after getting into his car, though, before he even leaves the parking lot. “Just in
case you want to know what I’m working with before you respond” and then a picture of a
man from the nose down to his thighs. He’s lean and muscular, a pair of tight, black boxer
briefs pulled down to reveal most of his cock, red and leaking at the tip.
Jotaro takes a breath. It’s been a while since he’s had a regular hook-up. Maybe that’s not
what this will be, but it’s nice to look forward to it.

He gets right into logistics. “Where do you want to meet?”

Anasui was kind of surpirsed when JoJo offered to rent a room at the Hilton. It’s not the
nicest hotel in the city, but a lot better than he expected for a simple hookup. He wonders if
this guy is rich or something. Anasui does alright as a photographer, but he wonders if he
could snag some cash off this guy to put towards his engagement ring fund.

It took Anasui a while to decide if he should really do this or not. Jolyne doesn’t want to have
sex yet. Which is fine. But so long as she isn’t having sex with him, then she probably
doesn’t care if he’s having sex with other people. Obviously his love for her and commitment
to her is more important, and as soon as they’re married he’ll stop this so he can be ready for
her whenever she wants him.

So, in a word, it’s fine.

Anasui goes to the third floor and knocks on the door of 3006. Unsurprisingly it’s opened by
a man who is fucking huge.

Anasui tilts his head back and whistles for effect. “What are you, six five?”

“Six three,” JoJo says, stepping back so Anasui can enter the room. It’s your standard hotel
set up. double bed, desk, window, weird bottle of over priced water.

“You’re not wearing fishnets,” JoJo says, not mad, just disappointed.

It was the one thing he requested after asking if anal was on the table.

Anasui undoes his belt and pulls his pants off. “I didn’t know you wanted to see them right
away.” He pulls his pants down just enough that JoJo can see the band of fishnets around his
waist and watches JoJo swallow as he follows the diamond pattern down Anasui’s underwear
and the outline of his cock beneath.

“”Get on the bed,” Jojo says.

”At least let me at least take my shoes off,” Anasui says, because he likes to be a brat when
he has someone gagging for it like this. He kicks his shoes off before he is picked up by the
waist and thrown bodily onto the bed.

Anasui gasps as he lands. Holy hell, he actually caught air there. This guy is a fucking
monster. Anasui rolls onto his stomach and puts his ass in the air. If this is how JoJo wants to
play, Anasui is game.

JoJo yanks Anasui’s pants down, and then Anasui feels hands gripping his ass, squeezing
hard enough to hurt before spreading his cheeks. Anasui wonders if JoJo can see the lube
around his hole. He couldn’t decide how much to prep, but he at least spent some time
fingering himself, getting agonizingly close at the memory of that dick in his throat.
“Are you just gonna stare?” Anasui asks, wiggling his ass as best he can with JoJo holding it
so tightly.

Anasui jumps when JoJo’s hand cracks against his ass. “Fu-uck…” Anasui moans. His cheek
immediately heats and begins to tingle.

“Was that okay?” JoJo asks, honest concern in his voice.

“That’s perfect,” Anasui manages. “I just don’t want you to beat the shit out of me, okay?”

“Kay,” JoJo says, before landing another smack on Anasui’s ass.

Fuck, Anasui is biting pillows and this guy isn’t even inside him. “C’mon,” He gasps, “Fuck
me already.”

All that earns him is an ass that’s practically on fire. Anasui’s dick is hard and pulsing against
his thigh. He can even feel the texture of the fishnets digging into his ass. Dazedly he
wonders if he’ll have bruises that match the pattern.

JoJo grabs the waistband of Anasui’s jeans where it rests around his thighs and drags him
backwards so his knees are on the edge of the bed, calves hanging over the edge.

“Straighten your legs,” JoJo says.

Not the sexiest command, but even this makes Anasui moan when his prone position puts his
dick in contact with the sheets.

JoJo whips Anasui’s jeans off his legs and then presses his knees back to the edge of the bed.
He rubs his hands over Anasui’s ass, dragging the fishnets over the tender skin. “Can I rip
these?” He asks, tugging on the fabric.

“I’ll buy them in bulk if you just rearrange my guts al-“

JoJo flips Anasui over and grabs his ankles so he can press his knees up over his ribs. It’s
hard to breathe in this position, and impossible to ignore the intensity in JoJo’s eyes.

“Stop fucking around,” JoJo growls.

Gladly. Anasui is pretty sure he’s already teased his way into a great fuck.

JoJo gets on the bed, straddling Anasui’s spread thighs, using his weight to keep Anasui
nearly folded in half. He opens his fly and pulls his cock out so it nearly lands on Anasui’s

“You got a condom?” Anasui manages. He’s already short of breath.

JoJo hesitates. “I’m clean.”

“Well, I’m not,” Anasui spits. He is, actually, but this is the most surefire way to make sure
he stays that way. He will not be giving Jolyne VD on their wedding night, thank you very

JoJo obligingly pulls a condom out of his pocket and rolls it on. His dick looks a bit smaller
when he pumps it in this hand, but that just proves how big he is all over.

Anasui gasps, not because of Jotaro’s dick, but because he is struggling to breathe. JoJo grips
Anasui’s ankles again and eases off of his thighs. Anasui takes a long slow breath, and is
about to ask if maybe they can do this in a different position when JoJo finally rips through
the fishnets covering Anasui’s ass. Anasui groans with relief. He’s having fun and all, but he
really wants to get fucked already.

“You really are needy,” JoJo mumbles. He doesn’t say it in a particularly nice or nasty way,
more like an observation.

“I know what I want.”

“Hm,” JoJo says, like they’re having a civil, lingering conversation. He lines himself up with
Anasui’s hole and sheathes himself to the hilt.

Anasui groans. The stretch JoJo’s cock necessitates is too much for him, tipping over into a
burn, but thankfully not into painful territory. At least, not uncomfortably painful.

“Fucking-some lube-“ Anasui stammers.

There is a hazy look in JoJo’s eyes. His hands have drifted down to the back of Anasui’s
knees. His face is closer to Anasui’s than it’s been before and it’s got an expression Anasui
associates with trying not to cum.

“Been a while?” Anasui asks, all cocky.

JoJo smiles. It’s so small Anasui would have missed it if JoJo weren’t hovering over him like
this. “Yeah,” JoJo grunts.

“I thought a guy like you would be mowing ‘em down.”

“I’m too old to do this shit for numbers.”

Anasui is starting to adjust to JoJo’s cock, but he knows it’s going to hurt when JoJo starts
thrusting. “Seriously, the lube. I’ve got some in my jeans.”

JoJo grunts again and pulls something out of his pocket. On of those little disposable packets
of lube. He tears it open one handed with his teeth, his other hand still resting on Anasui’s
knee. The lube is warm from being in JoJo’s pocket. He carefully drizzles it on his dick as he
pulls out, then slicks it over his cock before pressing back in.

This position makes JoJo feel even bigger than he is, and every thrust punches the air out of
Anasui’s lungs. His dick starts throbbing in time with JoJo’s thrusts, and as he picks up the
pace Anasui tries to reach around his legs-almost pressed to his shoulders at this point-to jerk
himself off.
JoJo slaps Anasui’s hand away and Anasui growls. “Hey, I wanna get off too.”

“Why are you always complaining?”

“‘Cause guys like you think everyone just orgasms instantly when they see your monster

JoJo stops thrusting and Anasui resists the urge to whine. Okay, so he’s not gonna jizz all
over himself on the spot—doesn’t mean this doesn’t feel good.

“You’d regret getting off now. I’ve barely started.”

Anasui snorts. “Don’t talk too big a game or your actual performance is gonna be real

JoJo’s eyes narrow. One of these days Anasui is going to get his jaw broken saying shit like
this, but the shiver that it sends down his spine seems worth it right now.

“Fine,” JoJo says, and reaches down to start jerking Anasui off, fast and hard. His strokes
match the rhythm of his thrusts, and Anasui writhes, pleasure spiking through his body. He
cums with a jolt, orgasms sudden and hard, curling his toes and making him groan.

JoJo keeps stroking until Anasui stops spurting, keeping him from tipping too far into
oversensitivity, but he keeps thrusting, his thighs slapping against Anasui’s ass. Anasui can
feel his hole still milking JoJo’s cock, begging him to cum.

JoJo pulls out and Anasui relaxes, lowering his legs so they’re draped loosely around JoJo’s
hips. Mmm. A little ache rolls up Anasui’s legs after being in that position for so long, but the
ease of tension feels nice.

“That was pretty good,” Anasui says. A little praise never hurt anyone’s game.

“Good,” JoJo says, before he stands up, drags Anasui off the bed and forces him to his knees,
chest pressed to the side of the bed.

Hm, Anasui thinks, stomach clenching deliciously after being thrown around like that.
Anasui is not a small guy, and this is honestly impressive.

JoJo sinks back into Anasui’s ass, and Anasui groans, throwing his head around theatrically.
He figures JoJo is just going to finish in this position and he might as well put on a good
show, bouncing his ass to meet JoJo’s thrusts and gripping at the sheets as JoJo slams into
him. In this position his cock is rubbing against the duvet, and the material feels rough
against his sensitive tip. He tries to squirm back a little, but then JoJo tilts his hips so Anasui
is basically sitting on his thighs. He wraps his hand around Anasui’s dick again and starts
stroking him again while bouncing him on his dick.

Anasui moans again, this time unintentionally. His hole is starting to ache, and JoJo’s touch
on his recently finished dick is dragging sparks of sensation up his spine, so hot it feels like
embers are popping against his skin. He wants to say something, but his mouth is currently
occupied going “UhhhhUHHHuhhhh” as he bounces up and down on JoJo’s dick. It feels
good, but it also feels like too, too much.

Then JoJo stills. He fists a hand in Anasui’s hair, pulls it jerkily as he moans. He slumps,
forehead landing on Anasui’s shoulder.

Anasui takes a deep breath. It comes out slowly and shakily.

JoJo gently removes Anasui from his lap and leaves him on the floor while he stands up.
That’s fine. Anasui is a bit busy wondering how the guy can walk after that.

Anasui can hear JoJo open a water bottle and chug from it.

Anasui sits up, gingerly, on the carpet. By tomorrow the ache in his ass will be delicious, but
right now it just hurts.

JoJo holds the bottle out to Anasui, whose head is currently on the same level as his thigh. As
a joke Anasui wraps his hands around the bottle and sucks at the tip like it’s a cock, looking
up at JoJo through fluttering lashes.

Then JoJo starts pumping his cock in one hand and Anasui’s eyebrows jump. Is he
seriously…? Not even a nap, or a snack, or anything?

JoJo caps the bottle, drops it to the floor, and hauls Anasui to his feet with one hand on his

“Well,” Anasui begins, ready to say ‘thank you, ma’am’ and be on his way.

Instead he gets pushed into the wall, one hand on the back of his neck, holding him in place
while JoJo puts on another condom.

What the fuck? Anasui thinks, before JoJo’s dick is once again in his ass. It shouldn’t be
possible that it feels bigger, but in this position Anasui is practically balancing on it and it
fills him like nothing ever has before. JoJo presses his face to the back of Anasui’s neck and
Anasui feels the scrape of his teeth.

Anasui flails, the side of his fist bouncing off JoJo’s forehead. “No.”

JoJo freezes. “Should I stop?”

“No biting. Not my neck.”

“Okay.” JoJo closes his mouth, but keeps his face pressed against Anasui’s neck. His hips
piston, striking Anasui’s prostate with an unnerving level of accuracy. It’s the sort of direct
stimulation that would have Anasui ready to crawl out of his skin if this was their first round.
Now it’s unbearable, making him thrash against the wall, his thighs trembling so badly he can
barely stand.

He should stay stop, but then JoJo has one arm around him, a steel band across Anasui’s
chest, pinning him to the wall, forcing him to take every punishing thrust. Anasui finds
himself on his tiptoes trying to get away, but that only makes it worse. He’s fairly certain the
only keeping him upright is JoJo’s cock in his ass and every thrust is sending electricity
arcing over his body.

Anasui sobs through an orgasm, dimly aware of his cum smearing on the wall in front of him,
cock jerking weakly as jizz spurts out and drips onto his thighs.

“Did you just cum?” JoJo asks.

Anasui wants to say some smart aleck thing, but JoJo doesn’t wait for an answer before he
wraps his hand around Anasui’s dick. The pleasure is white-hot in Anasui’s veins. It hurts.

“Stop,” Anasui gasps.

JoJo takes a step back, allowing Anasui to lower back onto his feet. JoJo’s dick is still inside
of him, his hand still wrapped around Anasui’s dick. Anasui wonders if he can feel it
throbbing in time with his pulse.

“I thought you wanted this. You kept saying how much you wanted to get fucked.”

“Wh-Why don’t I ride you?” Anasui stammers. He doesn’t want this asshole to get the best of
him, but he needs a way to control the pace.

“Okay.” JoJo slips out of Anasui’s ass and helps-yeah, sure, “helps”, not drags- him to the
bed. JoJo lays down on his back, and Anasui realizes that he’s still fully clothed. He doesn’t
even take his hat off till laying down causes it to slid off his head. Then he removes it and
places it on the nightstand with a surprising amount of reverence.

Oh, Anasui is not going to lose to a guy who won’t even take his hat off. Fuck that.

Anasui jumps onto the bed and straddles JoJo’s thighs so his ass is in JoJo’s face. He lines
JoJo’s dick up with his crack and rolls his hips, lets JoJo consider that image before he rises
on to his knees and slowly lowers himself onto JoJo’s length.

Anasui starts slowly, partly for himself, but partly to make sure JoJo has the chance to admire
the bounce and curve of his ass. He grinds down every time he is fully seated on JoJo’s dick,
biting his lip so he won’t whimper as he rubs his prostate.

Then, as he picks up the pace, Anasui reaches down and fondles JoJo’s balls, a gentle
squeeze in contrast with his rising rhythm.

JoJo grunts, hips bucking and Anasui grins. JoJo only thinks he has stamina. Anasui will
show him-

Anasui gasps as JoJo’s sits up, dick re-angled to strike his prostate hard. Anasui doesn’t have
the time to taunt JoJo, because the next thing he knows JoJo has his arms hooked under
Anasui’s knees, his hands locked behind Anasui’s neck. He’s jerking Anasui up and down on
his dick like a flesh light. At the thought Anasui’s ass clenches ryhmically and he sobs as an
orgasm tears through him. Nothing comes out of his dick, as best as he can tell while still
getting fucked.
Anasui isn’t sure how long it goes on. They change positions a few more times, but he just
gets mercilessly pounded in every one. JoJo moves him with ease, sheathing his cock in
Anasui’s hole like it belongs there. At some point, after another brain melting orgasm, Anasui
looks down to see clear fluid leaking out of his cock in time with JoJo’s thrusts. His ass is on
fire, but still clenching like it can’t bear to let him go.

Eventually Anasui is on his knees while JoJo sits in the chair at the little desk. JoJo’s cock is
hot and heavy in Anasui’s mouth. He doesn’t remember his own name, but he remembers this
dick. He’s suckling on the tip, ass gaping and throbbing. It feels like he’s just been passed
around a back alley. His knees ache. His ass cheeks are almost raw from further slaps. He’s
not even being fucked but his dick keeps pulsing like it hasn’t gotten the memo.

JoJo fists his hand in Anasui’s hair, yanking him down and holding him there. Anasui
struggles to swallow around JoJo’s cock, spots swimming in front of his eyes. He reaches
back and finds that just wrapping his hand around his dick has his eyes rolling back in his
head, body twitching.

JoJo slides Anasui off of his cock, and then pulls the condom off, tying it and tossing it in the
waste bin.

Anasui is laying flat on the floor, skin so hot he thinks it should be steaming.

“That was good,” JoJo says, like it was a meal and not a fuck that a convict fresh off a ten
year sentence might think was a bit much. “Do you mind if I shower first?”

Anasui manages a garbled sound that’s supposed to be laughter. He may never be able to fuck
again, but if he can he wants to see if he could outpace this guy. Losing ought to be as fun as

Jotaro arrives at Destin beach a little earlier than Jolyne told him. He doesn’t want to be too
obnoxious, but he wants to watch her work. She told him it’s boring, but he wants to see it.
Support her the way he didn’t when she was a kid, even if she doesn’t need his support the
way she did then.

The photoshoot is pretty easy to find. It almost obnoxious. Jotaro wouldn’t disparage what
Jolyne does-he certainly couldn’t do it-but it can’t possibly require this much fanfare, this
many people, three long tables worth of food, slowly spoiling in the Florida sun.

Jotaro approaches the scene at a diagonal, trying not to walk too fast. He wants to blend in.
At worst they should mistake him for a random rubbernecker.

A flash of pink turns his head from the cluster of lights and cameras.


Jotaro panics. Jolyne said she wanted him to meet her boyfriend after the shoot today. She’s
finally opening up, and trusting him, and she will not want her father’s random hook up to be
around for such an important moment.
Jotaro catches Cisco by the bicep, startling the man.

“Whoa,” Cisco says, “What are you doing here?”

Jotaro hesitates. “Why are you here?”

Cisco shrugs Jotaro’s hand off. “Came out to see some friends, maybe get lunch.”

“Yes, I-I’m also meeting someone here.”

Cisco frowns and tilts his head. “Did you come looking for me?”

“The opposite. I can’t have you talking to me while I’m here.”

“Which is why you’re…talking to me?” Cisco arches an eyebrow.

“It’s-I didn’t want to have any misunderstandings.”

Cisco’s eyes glint. “What, you thought I was going to walk up to you and be all, ‘Oh, JoJo,
thanks for fucking my brains out last week. I’m still sore, BTW.’”

That shouldn’t make Jotaro’s dick twitch, and he definitely shouldn’t ask- “Are you really
still sore?”

Cisco smiles, moves half a step closer, trying to look casual. “Well, yeah. But that’s partly
because I keep thinking about what happened and jerking off.”

“It’s your own fault then.”

Cisco glances at the cluster of cameras and lights farther down the beach. “Hey, they won’t
be done for another half-hour, at least. You got a minute?” His shoulder bumps Jotaro’s, and
he knows without knowing how he knows what Cisco wants.

Cisco tells Jotaro where one of the nicer outdoor restrooms is. Jotaro ambles toward it,
hoping no one notices anything odd.

It’s a simple structure, barely enclosed. Mostly a roof, a bit of fence, and then a stall. It occurs
to Jotaro that their feet will be pretty visible, but it’s ten-thirty on a weekday morning.
Besides the photoshoot this part of the beach is fairly deserted. It should be fine.

Jotaro only has to wait another minute before Cisco turns up. He shuts the stall door behind
him, careful with the flimsy lock. He takes another step before he drops to his knees and
starts unbuckling Jotaro’s belt. Jotaro wasn’t quite expecting that, but he’s not complaining.

There’s a manic glint in Cisco’s eye as he pulls Jotaro’s cock from his underwear. A quick
pump has Jotaro sucking a gasp between his teeth. Cisco licks the tip and Jotaro suddenly
realizes he has no patience for that.

“Just open your mouth,” He says, and when Cisco does he doesn’t care if it’s just to ask
“What?”. With one hand on the back of Cisco’s head head he shoves his cock into Cisco’s
mouth and down his throat. Jotaro meets almost no resistance besides Cisco’s weak

Jotaro twists his fingers in Cisco’s hair so he has a good handle as he drags the man

Cisco gasps once, twice, and then Jotaro forces him back down onto his dick. The slickness
of Cisco’s throat, the spasms as he tries to swallow—It’s wonderful.

Jotaro fucks into Cisco’s mouth like he hasn’t had sex in years. He barely notices when Cisco
shoves the waistband of his own pants down and starts jerking off. Jotaro has no idea how
he’s hard right now.

“You’re pretty fucked up,” He says. How the fuck does someone get off from being used like

Cisco sputters something around Jotaro’s dick and he almost laughs. Instead he slams in
harder and holds Cisco’s face against his groin until Cisco claws at his thigh. Then he eases
back just enough that he’s no longer clogging Cisco’s throat. He likes being able to feel his
lips tremble and his involuntary sucking as he tries to draw in breath with his mouth as well
as his nose.

There’s a noise, something too distant to be coming from Cisco, but it’s hard to hear over his
attempts to breathe.

“Do you-“ Jotaro asks. The stall door rattles. Cisco groans and cums with a jerk, painting the
hem of Jotaro’s pants with jizz.

The stall door bursts open. Jolyne stands there for a moment, outlined by the sun. She stares
at them.

“Anasui?” She says, with a weak, almost trembling voice.

Jotaro has a feeling they won’t be getting pancakes together for a while. Possibly not ever
End Notes

This fic is half the reason I bought a new vibrator. The other half is that my last one broke.
(Try not to drop your vibrators!)


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