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Hello everyone, I'm Carlos. Today, I'm going to explore a topic that goes beyond
adolescence: peer pressure on minorities.
This dynamic isn't just a part of our lives, but also a storyline that shapes our choices and

Defining Peer Pressure in Minorities

Before we get into it, what is minority peer pressure?
It means the influence of peers on the decisions and behaviors of minority groups."
To understand it better, imagine how social rules often don't reflect our experiences as part
of a community.

Challenges faced by minorities

In minority challenges, we face norms, fight stigmas, search for belonging that impact every
choice in adolescence.

Social norms out of alignment

We face the challenge of dealing with norms that may not catch our realities. For example,
when expectations about your future don't take into consideration the challenges that
minorities face.

The challenge of invisibility:

We face the challenge of invisibility, when the voices and experiences of minorities can be
silenced, making it difficult for them to construct their own narrative, for example, a group
that hardly sees their experiences represented in the media or at school. This creates an
extra challenge, the challenge of invisibility.

Stigmas and stereotypes:

There is also the problem of fighting stigmas and stereotypes, with the fear of judgment and

Search for belonging:

the search for belonging, which often makes us balance between acceptance and
authenticity. For example, when being authentic can seem like an impediment to being fully
accepted by peers.

Impact on Individual Choices

Structural inequalities:
Systemic inequalities shape our choices, from education to job opportunities.

The struggle for representation:

And, of course, the struggle for representation, directly influencing our view of ourselves in
the world.
The importance of understanding and empathy
By understanding the challenges of minorities, we build bridges of empathy, but how?

Recognizing complexity:
Recognizing the complexity of these dynamics, which is crucial.

Helping to make inclusive school environments:

By understanding each other, we are building more inclusive school environments, where
everyone can evolve.

Now I invite each of you to reflect on how we can help create more supportive and
understanding environments.
Thank you all for your attention

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