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7 Hermetic Principles: Laws Of The Universe

According To The Kybalion

Have you heard of Hermeticism or the Kybalion? You may not have given much thought to what the Hermetic
Principles involves. Surprisingly, these ancient principles can be applied to your life today! As it turns out,
Hermeticism's ancient principles for self-mastery can be used by anyone who is looking to further their personal
growth. This is especially e ective if you're already working with the Law of Attraction. As you'll see in this

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beginner's guide, there is some signi cant overlap. There are also some important ways in which an
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understanding of Hermeticism can help you to you
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some of the most commonly encountered blocks to
e ective manifestation.
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We’ll explore each of the laws of the universe and the associated Hermetic Principles. In this way, we will look at
how these laws of the universePowered
are connected with the Law of Attraction.
by ( With the 7 hermetic principles explained,
you’ll be able to apply them to your existing practices and use them
( Minds to inspire new changes in your thinking.

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What Is Hermeticism?
Hermeticism is a tradition that dates back as far as the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. It is one of the oldest non-
Christian belief systems that is still practiced today. The major teachings associated with Hermeticism were
preserved. They can be found in Byzantine collections of writings and letters called the Corpus Hermetica, in which
the key tenets of this world view are explained.

The documents were translated into Latin during the 15th century. They're widely thought to have inspired and
in uenced a great many philosophers and artists during the Italian Renaissance.

Their modern popularity derives from the Freemasons, who rediscovered the Hermetic Principles and spread their
wisdom. One of the main reasons why Hermeticism has endured is that it purports to explain the basic fabric of
reality in a timeless, elegant way. They speak to questions that our species has posed since its infancy. It outlines
the interconnectedness of every part of our Universe and underlining our unique power to create positive change.

In addition, the doctrines of Hermeticism are compatible with much of modern science. Plus, these laws of the
universe can be seamlessly integrated into a wide range of di erent religions (as well as being compatible with
atheistic perspectives).

About Hermes Trismegistus

Hermes Trismegistus is viewed as the father of Hermeticism. He is also credited as the writer of the Corpus
Hermeticum (as well as the Emerald Tablet).

However, he isn't thought to have been any one individual person. Rather, it is widely suspected that he is a blend
of a few distinct mythological gures; among them the Hellenistic god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth. That
said, it is worth noting that some scholars do hold that he was a real person. Some people even argue that there
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were two distinct gures known as Hermes

"” would like to
send you push noti cations. In this way, both of these gures played a
role in creating the hermetic philosophy.
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Many who live according to the Hermetic Principles view
Hermes Trismegistus's
Powered by ( Minds real identity to be
( Minds focusing instead on the Hermetic
teachings themselves and on their surprising
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applicability to modern times. Regardless of his precise
identity, he has come to symbolize magic, mysticism,
interconnectedness, and alchemy.

Meanwhile, the Corpus Hermeticum has been incredibly

in uential and deeply valuable for ancient cultures and
continues to be so.

The Kybalion And The Hermetic

Much of Hermeticism has been condensed into The
Kybalion. The Kybalion is a book that was published by
a mysterious individual (or individuals) named “the
Three Initiates”. The book's name refers to the three
planes of existence: the physical, the mental and the
spiritual. It also is linked to Hermes' mastery of these
three domains.
Religion of Ancient Egypt. Thoth – the ancient Egyptian
god. According to the Kybalion, 7 Hermetic Principles should
guide our understanding of the Universe. Each chapter
of the book is devoted to explaining and illustrating one
of the Principles. You can think of these Principles as universal laws or doctrines. On the rst read, it can seem as
though the Kybalion is based on fantasy and has little relevance for everyday scenarios or contemporary people.
However, once you take the time to interpret and consider the core meaning of each Principle, it becomes
apparent that they have broad and powerful applicability.

The Planes Of Existence And The Law Of Attraction

As noted above, in Hermetic traditions the three planes of existence are the mental, physical and spiritual.
Hermeticism posits deep connections between all three of these planes and emphasizes that each is constantly
in uencing the others. This aspect of Hermetic philosophy is in harmony with what the Law of Attraction teaches
us; namely, that our thoughts (which are on the mental plane) can directly impact on the world around us (the
physical plane). Similarly, the emotional and spiritual world has very real rami cations for how our lives develop.

Planes of existence are intimately related to vibrational frequency (

raise-your-law-of-attraction-frequency/). Crucially, your environment (the physical plane) will shift its vibration so
that it is in tune with the mental vibration of your thoughts.

Meanwhile, the mental plane's vibration is partially determined by your spiritual vibration
( So, as the Law of Attraction tells us, increasing
our spiritual vibration is the path to creating a better and more ful lling material life.

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The Laws Of The Universe: 7 Hermetic Principles

Now that you have basic knowledge of the nature and origins of Hermeticism, we can turn to a more in-depth
exploration of the Hermetic Principles themselves. Each of the 7 Hermetic laws can help you both understand the
universe. Plus, it may help you make practical decisions that lead you towards your true purpose. Throughout,
we’ll contemplate some of the main ways in which you may connect their lessons with manifestation work
( you can undertake using the Law of

As noted above, there are profound, signi cant links between the teachings of the Law of Attraction and the
wisdom contained in the Hermetic Principles.

(P.S. Also get your free PDF download of my ebook, The Secret Law Of Attraction
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1. The Principle of Mentalism

“The all is mind; the universe is mental.”

Firstly, the Principle of Mentalism stresses that on the most foundational level, everything in the universe is
mental. In a certain sense, the Universe is itself a living mind; one that is connected to all other minds. As such,
every action you take and every thought you take is an interaction between di erent aspects of the mental.

This important Hermetic Principle tells us that we are all one and that our surroundings are an inherent part of us.
Once you understand the truth of Mentalism, you begin to grasp how it is that we are capable of shaping our
reality using just our thoughts.

Another important lesson drawn from the Principle of Mentalism is that if we think the right thoughts, the right
actions will follow. This is a reminder that it is vital to plan carefully, to spend time re ecting on your true passions
and identifying your life's purpose. Once you have done so, your thoughts will be aligned with the Universe in such
a way as to create the reality you desire.

While there is an important place for intuition ( (as we

will see below), Hermetic teachings emphasize the power of reason and intelligence, cautioning us against
impulsive choices.

2. The Principle of Correspondence Privacy - Terms Kybalion And The Hermetic Principles&text=The book's name refers to,… 4/11
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“As above, so below, as below, so above. As within, so without,would

"” as without,
like to so within.”
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At the heart of the Principle of Correspondence the idea that there are constant links between the mental,
physical and spiritual planes. Consequently, if we want to understand the patterns we see in our lives then we
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must look at all of these aspects.
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Implicit in this Principle is the acceptance that we cannot access all planes of existence. However, Hermetic

practitioners tend to believe that a keenly honed sense ofDon't Allow can helpAllow
intuition us tap into aspects of the higher and
lower planes. Paying attention to gut feelings ( (such as a
seemingly unexplained “pull” towards a person or an event) can help you make more sense of links between your
everyday experiences and the higher, spiritual plane.

The Principle of Correspondence is also linked to the idea

of repeating patterns, small and large. It is a reminder to
consider the repeating themes in your own life and to
re ect on the interconnected nature of your mental,
physical and spiritual aspects.

For example, low energy in your spiritual life can

manifest itself in physical lethargy in your body. On the
positive side, practicing daily gratitude rituals can
rejuvenate your spiritual side and lead to noticeable
improvements in your physical well-being.

3. The Principle of Vibration

“Nothing rests; Everything moves; Everything

Those who are experienced in working with the Law of

Attraction will likely already be very familiar with
something like the Principle of Vibration. To put it simply, all things carry their own unique energy, on all planes of
existence. In fact, even the smallest particle in the universe has a vibrational frequency that impacts on things
around it. Crucially, this Principle tells us that high energy things are magnetically drawn towards one another, and
are attuned to them on a basic level.

Meanwhile, low energy particles gravitate towards other sources of low energy. So, in order to have a happy,
ful lling life, you will bene t from aiming to become a source of high energy.

It is this understanding of vibration that underlies the Law of Attraction idea that “like attracts like”. If you can
increase your own vibrational frequency, you can attract more positive, high energy events, people and
possessions into your life. On the other hand, if you get dragged into negativity, it will be hard to attract what you
desire. Both expert manifesters and Hermeticists believe that all of our thoughts can be ne-tuned. In this way, we
can make our vibrational frequency progressively higher in a way that changes our lives.

4. The Principle of Polarity

“Everything is dual, everything has poles and everything has its pair of opposites; Like and unlike are
the same; Opposites are identical in nature, but di erent in degree; Extremes meet; All truths, are but
half-truths; All paradoxes may be reconciled.”
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The Hermetic Principle of Polarity tells us that all things in our lives have an opposite and that the resulting
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contrast is part of what gives our narratives meaning.
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example, without knowing what lack feels like, it is
di cult to focus on and appreciate abundance; the polarity of life's experiences helps us to avoid taking things for
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granted. settings.

This Principle is also often taken to mean

Powered that everything has a dual nature.
by ( Minds So, we all contain love and hate,
positivity and negativity, sadness and joy. It is up to us to recognize
( Minds these contrasts and re ect on what they mean
to us. We should use our willpower to align ourselves with the pole that is more helpful in our given situation.
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One way to use the Principle of Polarity in your everyday life is to prompt yourself to re ect on contrasts that
boost your vibration. For example, for every bad or di cult thing you go through, challenge yourself to remember
at least one good thing. Then, notice how your appreciation of the latter is made more potent by having faced
previous challenges. In addition, realize that everything that doesn't work well for you helps to point the way
towards its opposite; the thing that will work for you.

5. The Principle of Rhythm

“Everything ows, out and in; Everything has its
tides; All things rise and fall.”

One of the major things we can learn from the Principle

of Rhythm is that everything is in constant motion. There
is a pattern to the changes we experience. Everything
goes through cycles that move from birth to death and
then rebirth. This Principle applies just as much to the
Earth's seasons as it does to our bodies. The core idea
here can be illustrative with an image of a pendulum.
Imagine it constantly swinging back and forth and
repeatedly reaching both great highs and great lows.
There is a sense of predictability and inevitability
attached to this idea. In addition, there is a message that
nothing in life is ever still.

The Principle of Rhythm can help you with mindfulness

practices that support your Law of Attraction work. In particular, it stresses that nothing is permanent, whether it
is good or bad. All that you have is the present moment; fully immersing yourself in each part of your cycle will
ensure that you learn and experience the most you possibly can. Focusing on this idea as part of a meditative
exercise then helps to distract your mind from ruminations on the past or anxieties about the future.

6. The Principle of Cause and E ect

“Every cause has its e ect; Every e ect has its cause.”

Sometimes just called the Principle of Causality, the Principle of Cause and E ect describes the way in which all of
our actions and experiences relate to other events. In other words, every action instigates a reaction, and nothing
should be viewed in isolation. In addition, there is no such thing as pure luck or chance; there is a reason for
everything that happens to you. Hermeticism often encourages people to become more active agents in their life.
Essentially, you become the “cause” more often than the “e ect”. Decide what you want to do and be. The, plan out
the precise steps you need to take to attain those goals.

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This Principle prompts you to think about the far-reaching impacts of your choices. Plus, it encourages you to
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address the things that are in uencing yousend (for you
good or for
push notiill).cations.
For example, when you apply the Principle of
Causality to your manifestation ( work,
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you can use it understand the ways in which the spiritual dimensions of your life can directly in uence your
surroundings (as well as other people). If you work on creating a richer, more positive inner world, it will instigate
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positive changes on the outside. Meanwhile, if you are stuck in a negative environment, your inner world will su er
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in response. Ltd&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=Powered-by-VWO)

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7. The Principle of Gender

“Gender is in everything; Everything has its masculine and feminine principles.”

The last of the 7 hermetic principles. The principle of gender tells us that the masculine and feminine can be found
in everything; not just in people, but in all aspects of the mental, physical and spiritual plane.

However, it's important to note that it isn't necessary to believe in gender stereotypes or to believe in perspective
views about gender roles in order to make use of these concepts.

This principle has less to do with biological sex than it has

to do with the notion of di erent masculine and feminine
energies. In general terms, the former is thought to be
assertive, exploratory and transformative. Meanwhile,
the latter is re ective, protective and nourishing. We are
at our best when we know how to draw on both energies
in an appropriate way.

Followers of Hermetic philosophy typically hold that we

are all made up of a blend of these types of energy. The
Principle of Gender can be taken as an inspiration for us
to nd ways to apply and balance our masculine and
feminine aspects. An excess of either can lower our
vibrational frequency. For example, with too much
masculine energy comes recklessness and loss of
perspective. On the other hand, too much feminine
energy may be correlated with inaction.

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Katherine Hurst
Katherine Hurst used to live a normal life until something happened that changed her
life forever. She discovered the Law of Attraction and began a new, life-changing
chapter. She now runs the world's largest Law of Attraction community with millions of
followers. Her mission is to share her own experiences to inspire change and happiness
in the lives of all.

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