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From:Andrés Acosta Barbosa. Subject: our plans for Christmas

25th November

Hi Jorge, i hope you are well

I am writing to you to answer your question about the plans we are organizing for this
Christmas. As you already know, our families want to celebrate together so there are a couple
of things they have organized.

For the day that December begins, we are going to put up Christmas decorations in both houses.
Could you bring some lights and put them up? I will buy some food if a have time so you can
eat while Christmas Eve arrive.

When the times comes to start the Christmas songs, we are going to alternate houses to sing
these. I am not going to sing hahaha, as you already know, i am very bad at signing.

Finally Christmas Eve, with the tree and its lights, the songs finished, we are going to buy gifts
and the dinner in the town near ours, they say the turkey is delicious. You don’t have to worry
about your parents gift, i will buy it, remember hearing you say that your mom liked the
neighbor’s dresses and your dad the new soccer album with its box of cards.

That would be all, if you have any questions write me back, don’t worry about your trip, I’m
sure everything will turn out very well.

Best regards, Andrés


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