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Q1: Expand UFS in context of file system??

The correct Answer is: None

b Linux File System.

c Plain File System.

d UNIX File system.

The correct Answer is: None

f Linux Failing System.

Q2: The WHERE clause is mandatory when using the SELECT command?

a None

b None

c None

d True

e None

f False

Q3: Storing same data in many places is called.?

a None

b Iteration

c Enumeration

d Redundancy

e None

f Concurrency

Q4: What is the correct way to open the file "time.txt" as readable??
a open("time.txt");

b None

c None

d open("time.txt","read");

e fopen("time.txt","r+");

f fopen("time.txt","r");

Q5: Applications inside the containers accept configuration parameters in the form of
environment variables. These variables can tell the app to listen on a specific port but you
can't use a specific password.?

a None

b None

c None

d None

e True

f False

Q6: Which of the following IS NOT true regarding ER modeling?

a ER models can be converted into a database

b ER models act as non technical communication tools

c None

d ER models increase the database developer's productivity

e None

f ER models waste the database developer's time

Q7: The SQL WHERE clause??

a Both A and B are correct

b Limits the row data are returned

c Limits the column data that are returned

d Neither A nor B are correct

e None

f None

Q8: Which of the following is not true??

a PHP makes a website dynamic

b PHP can not be embedded into html.

c None

d PHP can be used to develop web applications.

e None

f PHP applications can not be compiled

Q9: The partitions that are used as virtual memory when the system runs out of physical
memory are known as:?

a swap partitions

b extended partitions

c primary partitions

d boot partitions

e None

f None

Q10: Can a Docker container restart by itself??

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

e True

f False

Q11: Which is the log in which data changes received from a replication master server are

a Relay Log

b None

c General Query Log

d Binary Log

e None

f Error Log

Q12: How is a constant defined in a PHP script??

a define ("ACONSTANT" 123)

b define (CONSTANT, 123);

c None

d define ("ACONSTANT", 123);

e None

f None

Q13: Which of the following type of variables are whole numbers, without a decimal point,
like 4195??

a Doubles

b Booleans

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

e Strings

f Integers

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